Brick insulation - the secrets and nuances of the right finish. Why does heat leave the house and how to properly insulate brick walls? Insulation between two brickwork

According to formal features, only walls without finishing are considered single-layer, affecting the heat saving and performance of the base material of a self-supporting or bearing wall. That is, a finish that increases the thermal properties of a wall is formally considered a wall layer.

All walls made of a homogeneous base material that determines the strength of the wall and one or more additional layers, each of which contributes to the thermophysical characteristics of the wall, are multilayer.

The well-known company in the Russian Federation - "Ksella-Aeroblock-Center" in its catalog only from aerated concrete gives more than a dozen options for multilayer walls.

Taking into account other materials that provide the main load on the wall, there will be several dozen structural options for multilayer walls.

One of the attempts to classify multilayer wall structures gave the following result - in the Russian Federation, four main types of multilayer walls are most often used:

  • well masonry;
  • internal thermal insulation (from inside the room);
  • ventilated facade;
  • external thermal insulation of "wet type".

The first well masonry was started by Russian masons under the guidance of Russian engineer A.I. Gerard in 1829. On this basis, about a dozen variants of three-layer wall structures were developed.

When are sandwich walls needed?

Traditional single-layer walls came under great attention of heating specialists around the world with the onset of the energy crisis in the 70s of the twentieth century. In the USSR, and then in the CIS, this process has shifted by 10-15 years. But the most serious shifts in this direction took place in the 2000s. In Russia, the norms for the thermal efficiency of buildings have been tightened several times.

According to the new standards, in order to achieve the required thermal insulation characteristics single layer wall must be of the following thickness:

  • from ceramic bricks (thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.8 W / (m ° C)) - from 1.1 to 4.5 m;
  • from silicate (0.87) - from 1.2 to 4.8 m;
  • from ceramic hollow (0.5) - from 0.7 to 2.9 m;
  • foam blocks, at a density of 800 kg / cu. m. (0.37) - from 0.5 to 2 m, at a density of 400 (0.15) - from 0.2 to 0.8 m;
  • clayditeboton 1 800 (0.9) - from 1.25 to 5 m;
  • it is at a density of 500 (0.23) - from 0.3 to 1.2 m;
  • reinforced concrete (1.8 - 2.1) - from 2.2 to 11.5 m.

It turns out that only from foam concrete with a density of less than 500 kg / cu. m. you can get a "digestible" wall thickness.

If the thermotechnical calculation of the wall shows that the wall of aerated concrete should be more than 0.4 m, and for hollow ceramics with micropores - more than 0.45 m, then it is cheaper to build houses with two-layer walls.

In addition, single-layer walls have the following disadvantages:

  • high humidity of the material, i.e., the heat resistance of the wall is lower than the design one, and it is colder in the house;
  • irrational consumption of materials, since the thickness of the wall is much greater than that required for its strength.

Therefore, to meet the thermal requirements of the walls, you need to use two, three or more layers, one of which will give the wall strength, the second will protect the house from the cold, the third will ensure the wall dries quickly after construction, the fourth will protect from bad weather, UV radiation or just make the wall beautiful.

Layered walls are not needed:

  • in areas with a mild climate and not frosty winters;
  • when materials make it possible to build a heat-saving wall of the required strength and acceptable thickness.

In this case, you can use:

  • porous materials: porous bricks, aerated concrete, gas silicate, expanded clay blocks, foam blocks, etc.;
  • hollow: hollow brick, ceramic, sand concrete, cinder concrete and expanded clay hollow blocks etc.;
  • large blocks:

    a) concrete blocks;
    b) composite blocks: wood concrete, sawdust concrete, polystyrene foam concrete, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of multilayer walls

In double wall thermal insulation layer is usually installed on the cold side, outside.

In three-layer structures, a layer of thermal insulation is installed between two layers of load-bearing material of the same thickness. That is, the wall is divided in half and a layer of thermal insulation is arranged between the halves. The halves of the walls are “tied up” among themselves repeating through 5 - 8 rows:

  • one or two rows of solid brickwork;
  • steel galvanized reinforcing ties or meshes;
  • solid reinforced concrete belts - vertical and horizontal.

But more often the outer layer is made in 0.5 bricks from special facing bricks.

There are other ways, but they are used less often.

Advantages of multilayer walls:

  • the wall is lighter, because strength is provided by a relatively small amount of material, and thermal insulation, by definition, weighs little;
  • highly efficient insulation provides thermal parameters with a margin, and facing (outer layer) - appearance;
  • fire resistance;
  • simple materials;
  • You can build all year and in winter too, etc.

Disadvantages of multilayer walls:

  • inhomogeneity of the average density of the wall material (cold bridges from bonds, concrete diaphragms, etc.), which gives different thermal efficiency of the wall in different places;
  • high qualification of performers is needed;
  • ceilings facing the outer surface of the wall give up to 20% of heat loss; *
  • load from temperature changes - the concrete of the floors is always warm, and the front masonry is in the freezing / thawing zone; **
  • minor repairs are almost impossible;
  • possible accidental unintentional damage to thin layers;
  • large volumes hidden works and defects are possible: incorrect or incomplete installation of insulation, incorrect installation of vapor barrier, and more. others;
  • high labor intensity;
  • the cost of the house is more than with two-layer walls, and even more so with single-layer ones.


* When interfloor floor slabs on any type of walls come out on the outer wall, their steel reinforcement conducts heat much better than dense concrete, although concrete also has a high thermal conductivity. Internal voids, with a diameter of 130 to 250 mm, filled with air, also participate in this process.

To reduce heat loss:

  • the ends of the slabs are covered with standard (design) thermal insulation and external cladding;
  • the cavities of the slabs are filled with thermal insulation or foam-aerocrete inserts (at least 0.5 - 1 m). Concrete concrete plants can do this on request during the production of slabs.

** In case of temperature changes, the concrete of the floors, protected from them by thermal insulation, has slight changes dimensions, while the facing masonry is all under the influence of these differences. In the zone of their contact, crumbling of materials and gradual destruction are possible.

Materials used in the construction of sandwich walls

For the construction of a carrier and self-supporting wall, providing the load from its own weight, ceilings and all overlying floors use:

  • full-bodied ceramic brick, hollow, porous;
  • silicate full-bodied 3, 11 and 14-hollow, etc.

With a small number of storeys up to 3, sometimes 5 floors:

  • ceramic blocks - warm hollow-porous;
  • arbolite and brisolite blocks, twin blocks;
  • foam, gas, slag, polystyrene, sawdust, expanded clay concrete and other types of large-format blocks,

Highly efficient heaters are used as heat-insulating materials:

A. Foams:

  • EPPS - extruded polystyrene foam;
  • other foamed plastics - polyethylene foam, foam propylene, polyurethane foam, etc.;
  • foam glass, expanded clay and other foamed materials;

B. Mineral wool - basalt, fiberglass, gabbro-basalt, marl, etc.

B. Natural organic materials:

  • ecowool - crushed cellulose impregnated with flame retardants etc.;
  • shredded waste wood, bark, branches, etc.;
  • crushed fibers and stems of plants, etc.

Features of the construction technology of multilayer walls

There are several ways to build multilayer walls:

  • at the same time they lay the outer and inner walls and install soft or hard insulation boards;
  • layered construction: they completely lay the inner wall, strengthen the insulation on it and lay the outer wall:

    a) at a distance - a fixed distance from the wall, leaving a ventilation gap with molded rails or profiles between the thermal insulation and outer wall;
    b) on the main wall through the insulation layer with special anchors or dowels.

A crate is installed on the inner wall, between the elements of which a slab mineral wool or expanded polystyrene plates are fixed with recessing relative to the crate. With the help of horizontal ties, after 4-6 rows of masonry and after 0.5-0.6 m in a row, using the crate as a means of maintaining the width of the gap, a facing layer is laid. The ventilation gap is formed between the outer wall and the thermal insulation. It is not between the inner wall and the thermal insulation.

Simultaneous construction of a three-layer wall

Consider the process of simultaneous construction of a brick three-layer wall with internal insulation:

  1. The thickness of the inner masonry is determined by the calculation of the strength of the wall, but cannot be less than 250 mm - “in 1 brick”.
    The thickness of the thermal insulation layer is determined by thermal engineering calculation and is at least 0.5 bricks.
    The thickness of the outer masonry - "facing" is not more than 0.5 bricks, but in 1 - 2 storey building maybe less.
  2. The laying is carried out simultaneously with the inner and outer layers, leaving a gap of 120 mm, which is filled with mineral wool boards. After 5 - 8 rows, ligation is made with stainless steel steel ties (a mesh of 2 longitudinal and 2 transverse wires), horizontally - about 600 mm. You can use glass or carbon fiber reinforcement, placing it at an angle of 45 degrees. The segments are laid alternately at an angle of 45 and 135 degrees (approximately). This reinforcement does not bend, and its segments are laid at an angle with respect to the axis of the wall. It is either very difficult to bend them (for small diameters) or impossible at all.

An analysis of the collapse of facing walls in Moscow over the past 10 years has shown that the "black" metal corrodes to complete destruction in 3-5 years.

The transition in the overlap zone is made in accordance with the project with mandatory thermal insulation of the end of the floor slab.

With a separate method of erecting a wall, the insulation is installed in two ways:

  • wet lightweight - the insulation is glued to the wall with glue and a steel or high-strength plastic mesh is fixed on its outer surface, along which plastering is carried out;
  • in dry way finished wall with a crate of profiles or wooden bars, a heat-insulating layer is installed on the wall, on top of which a lining of brick, artificial stone, etc. is fixed.

In the construction of multilayer walls using fixed formwork, ready blocks in the form of box-shaped reinforced structures made of expanded polystyrene, wood concrete (chip concrete), porous ceramics, glass foam, etc.

These blocks, like the Lego constructor, are installed with dressing and form a wall. In the cavity of the blocks in a vertical position (if necessary, in a horizontal position), steel or composite plastic reinforcement is installed and poured with concrete. You can use ordinary concrete, or concrete with heat-insulating fillers, or foaming concrete.

Can be used slabs from the most different kinds insulation. They are attached to the reinforcing cage of the future wall and the concrete is poured layer by layer.

Mounted on top of the wall is a horizontal reinforcing cage and poured with dense concrete monolithic belt along the entire perimeter of the building and internal load-bearing walls. After the concrete has gained strength, floor slabs are installed.

Questions and answers on the topic

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With insufficient insulation of the walls, about 60% of the heat used to heat the home is lost through them. However, the heat saving standards in force since 2000 required builders to use modern highly efficient insulating materials that significantly increase the heat-shielding properties of walls.

To the question of what to build a house from - wood, brick, concrete, or their numerous and varied combinations, everyone answers in their own way. The choice depends on many factors, among which personal preferences often play a much more significant role than practical considerations. We will try to focus on practical aspects and will proceed from the fact that it was decided to build a brick house. Main advantage brick building- its undoubted strength and unlimited service life, of course, provided proper construction and proper operation.

Thicker doesn't mean warmer

The thickness of the main brick walls is always (well, or almost always) a multiple of the size of half a brick, but at the same time it cannot be less than 25 cm, that is, one of its lengths. It is well known from the richest construction practice that even a one-brick wall is capable of carrying any evenly distributed load that occurs in one-, two-story houses from higher structures. Thermal engineering calculations show that at a temperature "overboard" -30 ° C, namely, such a temperature is not uncommon in winter in most regions of the central part of Russia, to keep warm in the house, the thickness of its outer walls (with continuous masonry without voids and on a cement-sand mortar) should be at least 160 cm. Sand-lime brick walls will be even thicker.

Ordinary red brick is corpulent and hollow. For external walls, it is better to use a hollow one, the air sinuses of which significantly improve the heat-shielding characteristics of the structure. In addition, the masonry itself must be carried out with the formation of voids, wells, widened joints filled with heat-insulating material, the use of effective modern heaters and the so-called warm masonry mortars. An equal, or even more serious effect can be achieved using various kinds of heaters, masonry with the formation of voids, porous bricks.

The trick of laying brick walls is the use of warm masonry mortars containing slag, expanded clay, tuff, perlite, etc. as a filler. An ordinary cement-sand masonry mortar has a thermal conductivity close to the thermal conductivity of a solid brick, and for a mixture with such fillers it turns out about 10-15% lower. It also quite significantly increases the heat-shielding properties of the walls, because the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints in the masonry is almost 10%.

Where does the heat go?

An important question that interests many potential customers is something like this: "Where should the insulation be located on the walls - inside the room, outside or in the body of the masonry?"

The greatest heat losses in houses, including individual ones, accounted for windows 20 years ago. With double glazing, which was so common until recently, the specific heat flux through windows is 4-6 times higher than the heat flux through walls. And this despite the fact that the area of ​​windows is rarely more than a fifth of the total area of ​​enclosing structures. We will make a reservation right away that the use of multi-chamber PVC profiles with three- or four-chamber double-glazed windows significantly reduces heat losses. 9-10% of the heat leaves the house through the roof and the same goes into the ground through basements. And 60% of losses are accounted for by non-insulated walls.

The location of the dew point depending on the type of wall insulation

Consider three options for wall construction: solid without insulation; with a heater from the side of the room; with external insulation. The temperature in the house, according to the current standards that determine the level of comfortable living, should be + 20 ° С. Measurements carried out by experts show that outdoor temperature-15°C the temperature of the inner surface of an uninsulated wall is approximately 12-14°C, the outer surface is about -12°C. The dew point (the point at which the temperature corresponds to the beginning of moisture condensation) is located inside the wall. Considering that part of the building envelope has a negative temperature, the wall freezes through.

In the presence of thermal insulation located on the walls inside the room, the picture changes significantly. The temperature of the inner surface of the wall (more precisely, the inner side of the insulation) in this design is approximately + 17 ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the masonry from the inside of the building is about zero, and from the outside - slightly below the temperature. outdoor air- about -14 ° С. A house with such internal thermal insulation can be warmed up quite quickly, however brick walls do not accumulate heat, and when turned off heating appliances the room is rapidly cooling down. But something else is worse: the dew point is between the wall and the thermal insulation layer, as a result, moisture accumulates here, mold and fungus may appear, the wall still freezes through. However, heat losses are somewhat reduced compared to an uninsulated structure.

Finally, the third option is external thermal insulation. The temperature of the wall surface inside the house becomes slightly higher: 17-17.5 ° C, and outside it rises sharply - up to a level of 2-3 ° C. As a result, the dew point moves inside the insulation layer, while the wall itself acquires the ability to accumulate heat, and heat losses from the room through the building envelope are significantly reduced.

External thermal insulation of walls helps to solve several problems at once. First of all, when correct execution such insulation allows you to achieve a high level of energy saving - the cost of heating the building is reduced by 50-60%

Layered masonry

The easiest way to increase thermal insulation properties brick walls - leave cavities in them, because air is an ideal natural heat insulator. Therefore, for a long time, closed air gaps 5-7 cm wide have been made in the body of a wall of solid brick. On the one hand, this reduces the consumption of bricks by almost 20%, and on the other hand, it reduces the thermal conductivity of the wall by 10-15%. This type of masonry is called well. Air, of course, is an excellent heater, but when strong wind through the vertical seams of the masonry, such walls can be blown through. To prevent this from happening, the facades are plastered on the outside, and various heaters. Now a variety of well masonry is widely used, called layered: a bearing brick wall, then a heater and an outer layer of face brick.

Options for wall insulation with a bond of two layers of brick masonry (a) and metal embedded elements (b)

Thermal insulation in laminated masonry, as a rule, is mineral wool slabs (based on stone fiber or staple fiberglass) or expanded polystyrene, less often extruded polystyrene foam (due to its high price). All materials have similar thermal conductivity coefficients, so the thickness of the insulating layer in the wall will be the same, regardless of the type of insulation chosen (the thickness of the layer is determined not only by the characteristics of the thermal insulation, but also by the climatic zone where the construction is being carried out). However, fibrous materials are non-combustible, which is fundamentally different from polystyrene foam, which is combustible. In addition, unlike polystyrene foam boards, fiber boards are elastic, so that during installation it is easier to press them tightly against the wall. Certain difficulties in the use of expanded polystyrene in layered masonry are also caused by the low vapor permeability of this material. At the same time, expanded polystyrene is about four times cheaper than mineral wool, and for many customers this advantage compensates for its disadvantages. We add that, according to SP 23-101-2004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings", when using combustible heaters in the building envelope, it is necessary to frame window and other openings around the perimeter with strips of non-combustible mineral wool.

A snug fit of the insulation is a guarantee of its efficiency, since if air pockets are allowed in the structure, heat leakage from the building can occur through them.

The device of any type of insulation system requires a thoughtful calculation of its vapor permeability: each subsequent layer (from inside to outside) must pass water vapor better than the previous one. After all, if steam has an obstacle on its way, then its condensation in the thickness of the building envelope is inevitable. Meanwhile, in the case of a popular solution - a wall of foam blocks, fibrous insulation, facing bricks - the vapor permeability of foam blocks is quite high, for a heater it is even higher, and the vapor permeability of facing bricks is less than that of a heater and foam blocks. As a result, steam condenses - most often on the inner surface of the face brick wall (since in winter it is in the zone negative temperatures), which has negative consequences. Moisture accumulates in the lower part of the masonry, eventually causing the destruction of the brick of the lower rows. The insulation will get wet throughout its entire thickness, and, as a result, the service life of the material will be reduced and its heat-shielding properties will significantly decrease. The enclosing structure will begin to freeze, which will lead, in particular, to a decrease in the effect of using the insulation system, to deformation of the room finish, to a gradual displacement of the condensate zone into the thickness of the load-bearing wall, which can cause its premature destruction.

To some extent, the problem of steam transfer is relevant for layered masonry with any type of insulation. In order to avoid wetting of thermal insulation, it is recommended to provide two points. Firstly, it is necessary to create an air gap of at least 2 cm between the insulation and the outer wall, and also leave a series of holes about 1 cm in size (a seam not filled with mortar) in the lower and upper parts of the masonry in order to achieve air inflow and exhaust to remove steam from the insulation . However, this is not a full-fledged ventilation of the structure (in comparison, for example, with a ventilated facade system), therefore, secondly, it makes sense to make special holes for condensate drainage from the layered masonry in its lower part.

An important feature of layered masonry is the use of heat-insulating materials with sufficient rigidity and their reliable fixation so that they do not settle over time. For additional fastening Insulation and conjugation of the outer and inner brick layers are used with flexible connections. Usually they are made of steel reinforcement.

Replacing steel flexible ties with fiberglass allows (due to the thermal uniformity of the wall structure) to reduce the estimated thickness of mineral wool by 5-10%

In recent years, in individual construction for the construction of walls, porous large-format ceramic stones. During their manufacture, organic and mineral materials are added to the composition of ceramics, which contribute to the formation of closed pores during the brick firing process. As a result, such stones become 35-47% lighter than solid bricks of the same size, and due to the porous structure, their thermal conductivity coefficient reaches 0.16-0.22 W / (m ° C), which is 3-4 times more than solid clay bricks. Accordingly, the walls of porous stone can be much less thick - only 51 cm.

Due to the high heat capacity of the material, brickwork has significant thermal inertia - the walls warm up for a long time and cool down just as slowly. For permanent residences, this quality is certainly positive, since the temperature in the rooms usually does not have large fluctuations. But for cottages, in which the owners visit periodically, with long breaks, the thermal inertia of brick walls already plays a negative role, because their heating requires considerable fuel and time. The construction of walls of a multilayer structure consisting of layers will help relieve the severity of the problem. different thermal conductivity and thermal inertia.

External insulation

Today, the most widespread systems of external insulation. These include ventilated facades with an air gap and "wet" facades with a thin plaster layer (a slightly less popular option with a thick plaster layer). In facades with "thin" plaster, the number of heat-conducting inclusions is minimized. In this they differ from ventilated facades, where there are more heat-conducting inclusions and, accordingly, the insulation should be thicker, which affects the cost of the structure - for ventilated facades, it turns out to be twice as high on average.

Scheme of external insulation

The name "wet" facade is associated with the use of plaster solutions in insulation systems. This explains the main and, perhaps, the only limitation on their arrangement - the seasonality of work. Since the technology provides for the presence of "wet" processes, the installation of the system can only be carried out at positive temperatures.

The composition of such "wet" systems includes many different components (insulation, mesh, mineral glue, plaster mixes, dowels, profiles and a number of accessories), but there are only three main layers: insulation, reinforcing and protective and decorative layers. As a heater, plates made of rigid heat-insulating material with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity are used. These can be mineral or glass wool boards with an average density (not lower than 145 kg/m³) or sheets of extruded non-shrinking self-extinguishing polystyrene foam with a density of at least 25 kg/m³. At the same time, the thermal insulation properties of a 6 cm thick expanded polystyrene layer correspond to approximately 120 cm of brickwork. The insulation is fixed on the wall using special glue and fasteners. A reinforcing layer of alkali-resistant mesh and a special adhesive solution is applied to the thermal insulation, which fastens it to the insulation plate. And only then form the outer layer, consisting of a primer and a decorative finish.

The main advantage of a “wet” facade is the possibility of obtaining a wall with any required degree of insulation, moreover, such an insulation system is less expensive than layered masonry, while the appearance of the facade, where high-quality plasters are used, will be attractive for a long time. The costs for the construction of the foundation will also be reduced, since the load on it from the insulation layer will be insignificant. The use of such systems makes it possible to reduce heat losses through building envelopes by a factor of three and save up to 40% of funds spent on heating.

Today, classic brick is one of the most expensive wall materials. Nevertheless, he and his enlarged variety - ceramic blocks - are in demand not only in the upper, but also in the middle segment of private construction. Brick houses are considered the most durable and comfortable in terms of ecology. In addition, there are ways to reduce the cost of building a house from this material. However, many private developers working in the "middle segment" prefer to build not brick houses in the economy version, but use a cheaper gas block. Moreover, the thesis about its lesser durability and environmental friendliness is not accepted by everyone.

In addition to the classic brick (solid or hollow), ceramic stones are increasingly being used in the construction of private houses today. big size. To reduce weight and improve thermal insulation properties, they are permeated with a large number of air channels. Such building material is called large-format porous blocks.

You can build a cottage from ordinary or large-format bricks in one of six ways:

1. One and a half bricks plus insulation

Classic brick as a wall material is used more often than its large variety - porous ceramic blocks. The reason for the popularity of the "old" material is its relatively low price (see), as well as the fact that walls of any thickness with any insulation option can be installed from ordinary bricks. Private developers actively use it.

Oksana Kosinova

In the conditions of the Urals, in order to pass through the thermal characteristics, a solid brick wall must have a thickness of 1.9 meters. Of course, no one builds like that. One of the most common options is a wall of one and a half bricks (38 cm), outside insulation with polystyrene foam 10-15 cm, or better with a mineral plate of increased rigidity (PPZH), so that the house "breathes". Plaster over insulation. You can use both solid and hollow bricks.

On top of the insulation, you can apply plaster or mount a cladding - a layer of front brick or a hinged facade (porcelain stoneware, natural stone, etc.).

2. One brick wall with reinforcement

Tab. 1 Cost per square meter of wall made of different materials (rubles)

The price per square meter of the wall is calculated taking into account the cost of the foundation and the reinforcing belt. But not including the roof.

Efficient brick 38 cm + insulation 15 cm + plaster Efficient brick 38 cm + insulation 10 cm + facing brick Large format porous block 51 cm + plaster Large format porous block 44 cm + warm plaster Autoclaved gas block 30 cm + insulation 10 cm + plaster
Cost of bricks/blocks 1810 1810 3890 3360 1050
Masonry (work and consumables) 990 990 880 900–950 390
insulation 240–360 160–240 - - 160–240
Insulation installation 180-350 180-350 180–350
Plaster (with materials) 600–800 - 600–800 750–1050 600–800
Brick cladding (work and materials) - 1800–2800
The cost of the armored belt (in terms of square meters of the wall) - - - - 500
The cost of the foundation (in terms of square meters of the wall) 800 1210 1000 860 630
Total 4600–5100* 6200–7400 6400–6600 5900–6200 3500–4000
For reference, the total cost of the foundation under the outer walls 160 000 243 000 200 000 173 000 127 000

Explanations for the table

The calculation is given for an "average" cottage 10 × 10 m. with a second attic floor. The total area of ​​the outer walls is about 200 sq. m. When building such a house from gas blocks, a reinforcing belt between floors will be required. Its cost is approximately 100 thousand rubles. brick houses can be done without armopoyas. For all variants of the house, a single foundation model was adopted - a strip foundation with a depth of 50 cm and a basement height of 50 cm. The width of the foundation tape corresponds to the width of the brickwork. In the case of brick facing, the width of the tape increases by the thickness of the insulation, the ventilation gap (3–5 cm) and the width of the facing brick (12 cm). The foundation under the internal load-bearing walls is not taken into account in the table.

The cost of a brick is 16 rubles. per piece or 6.1 thousand rubles. per cubic meter. The cost of porous blocks (Braer or Porotherm) is 8.2 thousand rubles. per cubic meter, gas blocks - 3.5 thousand. All prices are given taking into account delivery (Ekaterinburg and the nearest environs). A cubic meter of finished brickwork is 23% mortar. In masonry of large-format blocks, the solution is three times less (7%). The cost of masonry mortar is 3.5 thousand rubles. per cube

The thickness of the masonry of one and a half bricks is 38 cm. This option is considered in the first two columns. When calculating the cost of bricklaying, the average prices for masonry in Yekaterinburg in March-April 2015 were taken, namely, 1800 rubles. per cubic meter of brick. In general, the range of prices for such work in the specified period is 700-3000 rubles. per cube The cost of laying large-format blocks is accepted - 1500 rubles, gas blocks - 1200 rubles. per cubic meter.

To calculate the cost of a square brick cladding the cost of the front brick is taken 16–20 rubles. per piece (plus a small fork on the cost of work).

* If you make laying in one brick (with reinforcement in the corners, as Oksana Kosinova advises), then the cost of a square wall of a house in a plastered version can be reduced to 4100–4600 rubles.

In some new built buildings, insulation is placed centrally (in the middle) in the building envelope. With this option, the insulation is very well protected from mechanical damage and there are more possibilities for the design of facades. However, the risk of damage due to humidity is much higher than with external insulation, so the layer structure must be carefully planned and executed without defects.

This design consists of three layers: load-bearing wall, wall of facing material and insulation, which is located between them. The load-bearing and facing walls rest on the same foundation. outer layer most often they are made either from facing bricks, or from building bricks, followed by plastering, covering with artificial stone, clinker tiles, etc.


  • beautiful and respectable appearance when using expensive facing materials;
  • high durability, subject to proper design and qualified installation of the structure.


  • high labor intensity of construction;
  • low breathability;
  • the possibility of moisture condensation between the heterogeneous layers of such a wall.

It is very important that all layers of the structure are combined with each other in terms of vapor permeability. Compatibility is determined only by the calculation of the system as a whole.

Underestimating this circumstance can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the interior of the walls. This will create favorable environment for the development of mold and fungus. The insulation from the possible formation of condensate will get wet, which will shorten the life of the material and significantly reduce its heat-shielding properties. The enclosing structure will begin to freeze, which will lead to inefficiency of insulation and may cause its premature destruction.

Types of structures

Typical solutions for layered masonry can be divided into two types: with device air gap and without it.

The air gap device allows you to more effectively remove moisture from the structure, since excess moisture from the load-bearing wall and insulation will immediately go into the atmosphere. At the same time, the air gap increases the total thickness of the walls, and, consequently, the foundation.

Insulation inside masonry walls

To some extent, the problem of steam transfer is relevant for layered masonry with any type of insulation.

Thermal insulation of the structure with mineral wool is the most preferable. In this case, it becomes possible to arrange an air gap between the insulation and the outer wall for better moisture removal from the load-bearing wall and insulation.

For layered masonry, use semi-rigid mineral wool insulation. This will allow, on the one hand, to fill in well all the defects in the masonry, to create a continuous layer of thermal insulation (the plates can be “squeezed” a little, avoiding cracks). On the other hand, such plates will maintain geometric integrity (do not shrink) throughout the entire service life.


Mineral wool ISOVER Karkas-P34

Certain difficulties in the use of expanded polystyrene in layered masonry are caused by the low vapor permeability of this material.

Three-layer brickwork with insulation

  1. Interior of a brick wall
  2. Mineral wool
  3. Exterior brick wall
  4. Connections

The traditional material for the interior of the walls is solid red ceramic brick. Masonry is usually carried out on a cement-sand mortar of 1.5-2 bricks (380-510 mm). The outer wall is usually made of face brick 120 mm thick (half a brick).


In the case of a system with an air gap 2-5 cm wide, for its ventilation, vents (holes) are arranged in the lower and upper parts of the wall, through which vaporous moisture is removed to the outside. The size of such holes is taken at the rate of 75 cm 2 per 20 m 2 of the wall surface.

The upper ventilation ducts are located at the cornices, the lower ones - at the plinths. At the same time, the lower holes are intended not only for ventilation, but also for water drainage.

  1. Air gap 2cm
  2. Lower part of the building
  3. Upper part of the building

To carry out ventilation of the layer, a slotted brick laid on the edge is installed in the lower part of the walls, or bricks are laid in the lower part of the walls not close to each other, and not at some distance from each other, and the resulting gap is not filled with masonry mortar.

Establishing links

The inner and outer parts of a three-layer brick wall are interconnected by special embedded parts - ties. They are made of fiberglass, basalt-reinforced plastic or steel reinforcement with a diameter of 4.5–6 mm. It is preferable to use fiberglass or basalt-reinforced plastic links due to the greater thermal conductivity of steel links.

These connections also perform the function of fixing the insulation boards (the insulation is simply
poke at them). They are installed in the process of laying in a load-bearing wall to a depth
6-9 cm in increments of 60 cm horizontally and 50 cm vertically, based on an average of 4 pins per
1 m 2.

To ensure a uniform ventilated gap over the entire area of ​​​​the insulation, fixing washers are attached to the rods.

Often, instead of special connections, bent reinforcing bars are used. In addition to connections, the outer and inner walls of the masonry can be connected with steel reinforcing mesh laid every 60 cm vertically. In this case, additional mechanical fastening of the plates is used for the air gap device.

Insulation plates are installed with dressing of seams close to each other so that there are no cracks and gaps between individual plates. At the corners of the building, the plates are geared to avoid the formation of cold bridges.

Masonry technology with insulation

  • Laying the facing layer to the level of connections
  • Installation of a heat-insulating layer so that its top is 5-10 cm higher than the facing layer
  • Laying the carrier layer to the next level of connections
  • Installing ties by piercing them through the insulation
  • if the horizontal seams of the bearing and facing layers of the wall in which the ties are placed do not coincide by more than 2 cm in the bearing layer of brickwork, the ties are placed in a vertical seam

  • Laying one row of bricks in the bearing part of the wall and the facing layer

Types of masonry walls with insulation inside

There are two types of brick walls with insulation inside. The first method is the so-called lightweight well masonry, consisting of two independent brick walls.

To increase the strength of the structure, they are interconnected by horizontal brick bridges. And the formed hollow wells inside them are filled heat-insulating material.

The second method involves the device of a three-layer wall structure. In this case, the brick wall is lined with tiled heat-insulating material, on top of which the third layer is laid out - facing brick. However, due to the fact that cases of destruction of buildings erected using this technology have become more frequent, since 2008 its use in Russia has been prohibited.

A technological technique using a lightweight well type makes it possible not only to increase the thermal inertia of a brick wall, but also to significantly reduce the construction estimate.

When conducting low-rise construction, it will be enough to make a wall partition of 1.5 bricks in order to achieve the necessary bearing strength. And the heat resistance of the building is ensured by the insulation of the walls.

Using a combination of brickwork with insulation allows you to achieve:

  • significant savings in building materials;
  • reducing the load on the foundation;
  • cost reduction compared to traditional brickwork;
  • reducing heat loss by almost half.

Wall construction technology with insulation inside

Well lightweight brickwork is not a new invention. It rather belongs to the undeservedly forgotten building technologies. Due to its cost-effectiveness and high energy saving, it has recently gained quite a lot of popularity.

In order to increase the stability of load-bearing walls with this type of construction, hollow wells are constructed in them by the method of filling bonded bricks from the outer and inner layers of masonry. Such wells are made in the form of a transverse wall, the thickness of which is ½ brick and with a distance between them of 2-4 bricks. The resulting voids are filled with lightweight concrete, slag, expanded clay or other heat-insulating material.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • brick;
  • masonry mortar;
  • mesh for reinforcement;
  • heat-insulating material (expanded clay, concrete, crushed stone, sand);
  • polystyrene (optional);
  • plaster mixture for exterior decoration;
  • trowel;
  • plumb;
  • putty knife.

To perform well masonry, you must:

  1. Work should begin at the corner of the inner and outer walls.
  2. During the process, the corners and locations of the vertical internal partitions are laid out with pokes.
  3. Longitudinal walls should be laid out in a row of spoons.
  4. The laying of the transverse walls of the wells is carried out by poking.
  5. Ligation of the transverse wall with the longitudinal one is carried out through a row in height.
  6. After 4-5 rows of walls are laid out, insulation is poured into the well. In this case, you can use such insulating material as sand, crushed stone, expanded clay. It is laid between the walls in layers of 10-15 cm, while ramming is good. Every 30-50 cm inside the well, the insulation is poured with a solution. To prevent it from settling, horizontal jumpers are made every 30-60 cm. In some cases, it makes sense to lay the outer and inner walls of the wells with foam panels. This will prevent wetting of the insulation. For this, foam with a thickness of 30 to 50 mm is suitable.
  7. The installation of wall brick partitions is completed with a solid masonry in three or four rows with the obligatory laying of a reinforcing mesh in the last row.

Some types of masonry outer side houses must be plastered. This also applies to the well method. The use of heat-resistant plaster will further strengthen the structure, insulate the building and prevent moisture from entering the heat-insulating material.

For better preservation of heat in the house and to save money on heating, lightweight (insulated or well) masonry is often used during construction.

This type of masonry can significantly reduce the load on the foundation, although it is more laborious in the production of this type of construction work.

It should be noted right away that the masonry should be made along horizontal waterproofing and the first two or three lower rows of bricks are laid out solid, this also applies to the upper rows of masonry. The lower masonry will take on the entire load from the wall being built, and the brick of the upper rows transfers the load from the beams or floor slabs. The corners of the building are also made in the form of solid brickwork with mesh reinforcement in 4-6 rows. You should not save on these masonry elements, the strength and durability of the house will depend on this.

The insulated (lightweight) masonry wall consists of three parts. The main part is the internal load-bearing wall, it is usually laid out in a brick or one and a half bricks thick. Beams or floor slabs rest on this part of the wall. The thickness of this part of the wall depends on the loads that will be transferred to it and on the region of construction.

The inner part of the wall is an insulating layer of the selected type of insulation. For insulated masonry, various types of insulating material are used: expanded clay, slag, mineral wool, foam plastic, expanded clay concrete. Any of these materials can be used for insulated masonry. by the most in a simple way there will be the use of loose types of insulation - expanded clay and slag. These materials should only be carefully compacted during its construction. Mineral wool and polystyrene insulation is already more difficult to work with. In case of formation of voids between the plates of such material, it is necessary to apply mounting foam. The most difficult thing to work with is the expanded clay concrete insulation. In warm weather, a brick wall should be kept for about a day before pouring expanded clay concrete, and special care should be taken so as not to stain the facing part of the wall with concrete mortar.

The outer part of such a wall is half-brick masonry. facing brick. This part of the wall is carried out with jointing and reinforcement with mesh in 3-4 rows.

The very work of building such walls is more difficult than when building solid brick walls, but due to the production of "warmer" walls, such masonry is very popular.

To give strength to the walls during work, vertical and horizontal fastening diaphragms are arranged. Vertical diaphragms are best made of brick, they are great for any kind of insulating material. It is possible to arrange vertical diaphragms from masonry mesh, but this type of fastening of the bearing and facing parts of the wall better fit for loose types of insulation or expanded clay concrete. Horizontal diaphragms are made of reinforcing mesh for masonry, they are usually mounted on the sixth row of masonry.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the insulating layer of the wall, there should not be any voids between the insulating material, this is especially true when installing foam insulation, in this case mounting foam should be used.

In this way, the bearing and facing parts of the wall are laid, followed by the installation of insulation. After the installation of the horizontal diaphragm, parts of the wall are raised, insulation is mounted between the vertical diaphragms and then on desired height walls.

Masonry around window and doorways perform continuous. Under the bottom of the window openings, a reinforced horizontal diaphragm is arranged from two rows of bricks with mesh reinforcement.

This method of building walls is, although very time-consuming, but with the right approach to this work, the structure turns out to be quite reliable and durable.


Construction of a three-layer wall with brick cladding

In low-rise construction, the construction of an external three-layer wall is very popular: the load-bearing wall is a brick insulation-cladding (120 mm), Fig.1. This wall allows effective for each layer materials.

Bearing wall made of brick or concrete blocks, is the power frame of the building.

insulation layer. fixed on the wall, provides the necessary level of thermal insulation of the outer wall.

wall cladding of facing brick protects the insulation from external influences and serves decorative coating walls.

Fig.1. Three layer wall.
1 - interior decoration; 2 - load-bearing wall; 3 - thermal insulation; 4 - ventilated gap; 5 - brick lining; 6 - flexible connections

Multilayer walls also have disadvantages:

  • limited durability of the insulation material compared to the material of the load-bearing wall and cladding;
  • the release of hazardous and harmful substances from the insulation, albeit within acceptable limits;
  • the need to use special measures to protect the wall from blowing and moistening - vapor-proof, windproof coatings and ventilated gaps;
  • combustibility of polymeric heaters;

Bearing wall in three-layer masonry

The load-bearing wall is usually made of bricks, vibrocompressed concrete blocks, as well as cellular concrete or lightweight concrete small-format blocks with a density of more than 700 kg / m 3. Wall thickness 180 - 640 mm.

For one-story buildings, the minimum thickness of the masonry of the bearing wall made of piece materials can be 180-250 mm. For 2-3 storey buildings - 290 mm.

Wall insulation in three-layer masonry

As a heater, rigid mineral wool boards or sheets of foamed polymers are usually used: expanded polystyrene - extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) or expanded polystyrene plate (PPS), PSB foam.

Less commonly used heat-insulating slabs of cellular concrete and foam glass, although these materials have a number of advantages compared to the above heaters.

The thickness of the insulation is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of the construction area.

How to determine the required heat transfer resistance of the wall and calculate the thickness of the insulation, read the article "Heating costs and heat transfer resistance."

Insulation of the walls of the house with mineral wool boards

Mineral wool slabs are fixed on a load-bearing wall with an air ventilated gap between the surface of the slabs and brick lining, or without a gap, Fig.1.

Why a ventilated gap is needed and moisture accumulation in the wall is described in detail in the article “Dew point, vapor barrier and ventilated air gap”.

The calculations of the moisture regime of the walls show that in three-layer walls condensate in the insulation falls during the cold season in almost all climatic zones of Russia.

The amount of condensate falling out is different, but for most regions it fits into the norms established by SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". There is no accumulation of condensate in the wall structure during the year-round cycle due to drying warm time year, which is also a requirement of the specified SNiP.

As an example, the figures show graphs of the amount of condensate in the insulation based on the results of calculations for various options cladding of three-layer walls of a residential building in St. Petersburg.

Rice. 4. The result of calculating the moisture regime of a wall insulated with mineral wool boards with a ventilated gap and a "siding" type coating (brick - 380 mm, insulation -120 mm, siding). Facing - ventilated facade.

From the above graphs it is clearly seen how the lining barrier, which prevents ventilation of the outer surface of the mineral wool insulation, leads to an increase in the amount of condensate in the insulation. Although in the annual cycle there is no accumulation of moisture in the insulation, but when facing with bricks without a ventilation gap, a significant amount of water condenses and freezes in the insulation every year in winter. amount of water, Fig.2. Moisture also accumulates in the layer of brick cladding adjacent to the insulation.

Humidification of the insulation reduces its heat-shielding properties, which increases heating costs building.

In addition, water annually, when freezing, destroys the insulation and brickwork of the cladding. Moreover, the cycles of freezing and thawing during the season can occur repeatedly. The insulation gradually crumbles, and the brickwork of the cladding is destroyed. I note that the frost resistance of ceramic bricks is only 50 - 75 cycles, and the frost resistance of the insulation is not standardized.

Replacing a heater covered with brick cladding is an expensive pleasure. Hydrophobized high-density mineral wool boards are more durable under these conditions. But these plates have a higher cost.

The amount of condensate is reduced or no condensation at all if you provide better ventilation of the surface of the insulation - fig.3 and 4.

Another way to eliminate condensation is to increase the vapor permeability resistance of the load-bearing wall. To do this, the surface of the bearing wall is closed vapor barrier film or use heat-insulating boards with a vapor barrier applied to their surface. When mounting on a wall, the surface of the boards covered with a vapor barrier must face the wall.

The arrangement of a ventilated gap, sealing the walls with vapor-tight coatings complicates and increases the cost of the wall construction. What does moistening the insulation in the walls in winter lead to is written above. Here also choose. For construction areas with harsh winter conditions the device of a ventilated gap can be economically justified.

In walls with a ventilated gap, mineral wool boards with a density of at least 30-45 kg / m 3, pasted over on one side with a windproof coating. When using plates without wind protection on the outer surface of the thermal insulation, wind protection coatings should be provided, for example, vapor-permeable membranes, fiberglass, etc.

In walls without a ventilated gap, it is recommended to use mineral wool boards with a density of 35-75 kg / m 3. In a wall structure without a ventilated gap, heat-insulating boards are installed freely in a vertical position in the space between the main wall and the facing layer of bricks. As supporting elements for insulation, fasteners are used, provided for fastening brick cladding to a load-bearing wall - reinforcing mesh, flexible connections.

In a wall with a ventilation gap, insulation and a windproof coating are attached to the wall using special dowels at the rate of 8-12 dowels per 1 m 2 surfaces. Dowels must be recessed into the thickness concrete walls at 35-50 mm, brick - by 50 mm, in masonry of hollow bricks and lightweight concrete blocks - by 90 mm.

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

Rigid slabs of foamed polymers are placed in the middle of a three-layer brick wall structure without a ventilated gap.

Polymer boards have a very high vapor permeability. For example, an expanded polystyrene (EPS) wall insulation layer has a resistance 15-20 times greater than that of a brick wall of the same thickness.

Insulation with hermetic laying is a vapor-tight barrier in a brick wall. Steam from the room simply does not get to the outer surface of the insulation.

With the right thickness of the insulation, the temperature of the inner surface of the insulation must be above the dew point. When this condition is met, steam condensation on the inner surface of the insulation does not occur.

Mineral insulation - low density cellular concrete

Recently, another type of insulation is gaining popularity - products from low-density cellular concrete. These are heat-insulating slabs based on materials already known and used in construction - autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate.

Thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete have a density of 100 - 200 kg / m 3 and dry thermal conductivity coefficient 0.045 - 0.06 W/m o K. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam heaters have approximately the same thermal conductivity. Plates are produced with a thickness of 60 - 200 mm. Compressive strength class B1.0 (compressive strength not less than 10 kg / m 3.) Vapor penetration coefficient 0.28 mg/(m*year*Pa).

Heat-insulating slabs made of cellular concrete are a good alternative to mineral wool and polystyrene foam insulation.

Known for construction market trade marks thermal insulation boards from cellular concrete: "Multipor", "AEROC Energy", "Betol".

Advantages of cellular concrete thermal insulation slabs:

The most important one is higher durability. The material does not contain any organic matter - it is an artificial stone. It has a fairly high vapor permeability, but less than mineral wool insulation.

The structure of the material contains a large number of open pores. Moisture that condenses in the insulation in winter dries quickly in the warm season. There is no accumulation of moisture.

Thermal insulation does not burn, under the influence of fire does not emit harmful gases. The heater does not stick. Insulation boards are harder and mechanically stronger.

The cost of facade insulation with cellular concrete slabs, in any case, does not exceed the cost of thermal insulation with mineral wool insulation or expanded polystyrene.

When installing heat-insulating plates made of aerated concrete, the following rules are followed:

Heat-insulating slabs of aerated concrete up to 100 thick mm fastened to the facade with glue and dowels, 1-2 dowels per plate.

From plates with a thickness of more than 100 mm close to the insulated wall lay out the wall. Laying is carried out on glue with a seam thickness of 2-3 mm. With the bearing wall, the masonry of the insulation boards is connected with anchors - flexible connections based on the calculation, five connections per 1 m 2 walls. Between the bearing wall and the insulation, you can leave a technological gap of 2-15 mm.

It is better to tie all layers of the wall and brick cladding with masonry mesh. This will increase mechanical strength walls.

Wall insulation with foam glass

Three-layer wall of the house with foam glass insulation and brick cladding.

Another type of mineral insulation that has appeared on the construction market relatively recently is foam glass slabs.

Unlike heat-insulating aerated concrete, foam glass has closed pores. Due to this, foam glass plates poorly absorb water and have low vapor permeability. A ventilated gap between the insulation and the cladding is not needed.

Foam glass insulation is durable, does not burn, is not afraid of moisture, and is not damaged by rodents. It has a higher cost than all of the above types of heaters.

Installation of foam glass plates on the wall is carried out using glue and dowels.

The thickness of the insulation is chosen in two stages:

  1. They are chosen based on the need to provide the required resistance to heat transfer of the outer wall.
  2. Then check for the absence of steam condensation in the thickness of the wall. If the test shows otherwise, then it is necessary to increase the thickness of the insulation. The thicker the insulation, the lower the risk of steam condensation and moisture accumulation in the wall material. But, this leads to an increase in construction costs.

A particularly large difference in the thickness of the insulation, selected according to the above two conditions, occurs when insulating walls with high vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation to ensure energy saving is relatively small for such walls, and to avoid condensation - the thickness of the plates should be unreasonably large.

When warming aerated concrete walls(as well as from other materials with low resistance to vapor permeability and high resistance to heat transfer - for example, wood, from large-porous expanded clay concrete), the thickness of polymer thermal insulation, according to the calculation of moisture accumulation, turns out to be much larger than it is necessary according to the standards for energy saving.

To reduce the flow of steam, it is recommended to arrange vapor barrier layer on the inner surface of the wall(from the side of the warm room), Rice. 6. For the device of vapor barrier from the inside for finishing, materials with high resistance to vapor permeability are chosen - a deep penetration primer is applied to the wall in several layers, cement plaster, vinyl wallpaper.

A vapor barrier from the inside is mandatory for walls made of aerated concrete, gas silicate for any type of insulation and facade cladding.

It should be borne in mind that the masonry of the walls of a new house always contains a large amount of building moisture. Therefore, it is better to let the walls of the house dry well outside. It is recommended to carry out facade insulation works after the interior decoration is completed, and not earlier than one year after the completion of these works.

Facing the exterior walls of the house with bricks

Facing the exterior walls of the house with bricks is durable and, when using a special colored facing facing brick, it is even better clinker brick. quite decorative. The disadvantages of the cladding include the relatively large weight of the cladding, the high cost of special bricks, and the need to broaden the foundation.

It should be especially noted the complexity and high cost of dismantling the cladding to replace the insulation. The service life of mineral wool and polymer insulation does not exceed 30 - 50 years. At the end of the service life, the heat-saving properties of the wall are reduced by more than a third.

With brick cladding use the most durable insulation, providing them with conditions in the wall structure for maximum long work without replacement (minimum amount of condensate in the wall). It is recommended to choose high-density mineral wool insulation and polymer from extruded polystyrene foam, XPS.

In brick-lined walls, it is most advantageous to use mineral heaters made of autoclaved aerated concrete or foam glass, with the service life of which is much longer than mineral wool and polymer.

Brick cladding is done in half a brick, 120 mm. on conventional masonry mortar.

A wall without a ventilated gap, insulated with high-density slabs (mineral wool - more than 50 kg / m 3, EPS), you can veneer with brickwork on the edge - 60 mm. This will reduce the overall thickness of the outer wall and plinth.

Masonry brick cladding is connected with the masonry of the load-bearing wall steel wire or reinforcing mesh, protected from corrosion, or special flexible connections (fiberglass, etc.). Vertically, the grid or connections are arranged in increments of 500-600 mm.(height of the insulation plate), horizontally - 500 mm., while the number of bonds per 1 m 2 blank wall - at least 4 PCS. At the corners of the building along the perimeter of window and door openings 6-8 PCS. for 1 m 2.

The laying of brick cladding is longitudinally reinforced with masonry mesh with a vertical step of not more than 1000-1200 mm. The masonry mesh should go into the seams of the masonry of the bearing wall.

To ventilate the air gap in the bottom row of facing masonry, special vents are arranged at the rate of 75 cm 2 for every 20 m 2 wall surface. For lower ventilation, you can use a slotted brick, placed on the edge so that the outside air through the holes in the brick has the opportunity to penetrate into the air gap in the wall. Upper vents are provided in the eaves of the wall.

Ventilation holes can also be made by partial filling cement mortar vertical joints between the bricks of the lower row of masonry.

Placement of windows and doors in the thickness of a three-layer wall should ensure minimal heat loss through the wall at the installation site.

In a three-layer wall insulated from the outside, a window or door box installed in the same plane with the insulation layer at the border of the heat-insulating layer- as it shown on the picture.

Such an arrangement of the window, door along the thickness of the wall will ensure minimal heat loss at the junction.

Watch the video tutorial on the topic: how to properly lay a three-layer wall of a house with a brick lining.

When facing walls with bricks, it is important to ensure the durability of the insulation layer. The longest service life will be provided by thermal insulation with low-density cellular concrete or foam glass slabs.

It is also important to reduce the amount of moisture in the outer walls in winter. The less moisture condenses in the insulation and lining, the longer their service life and the higher the heat-shielding properties. To do this, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the vapor permeability of the bearing wall, and for a vapor-permeable insulation, it is recommended to arrange a ventilated gap at the border with the cladding.

To insulate a three-layer wall with mineral wool, it is better to use plates with a density of at least 75 kg / m 3 with ventilated gap.

A wall insulated with mineral wool with a ventilated gap dries out faster from building moisture and does not accumulate moisture during operation. The heater does not burn.

The option with a gap will cost more due to an increase in the total thickness of the outer walls and the plinth. The cost of mineral wool boards also increases with an increase in their density.

By insulating walls with extruded polystyrene foam (EPS, XPS), you can somewhat reduce construction costs by reducing the total thickness of the outer wall and plinth.

It is not necessary to insulate a three-layer wall with polystyrene foam and low-density mineral wool products. The service life of such cheap heaters will be short.

When to change the heater?- you will find the answer to this question in one of the articles on this topic (links below).

Brickwork with insulation and cladding

The norms of thermal protection of enclosing structures are fixed by GOSTs. And these rules are quite strict. So it is simply impossible to provide the required level of heat loss with single-layer walls and a reasonable wall thickness. Today, only multilayer walls with insulation comply with GOSTs. For low-rise construction, the so-called layered masonry is especially popular.

What is layered masonry

The wall here consists of three layers - the actual wall material (brick, foam concrete blocks, reinforced concrete), insulation (or), and cladding (ceramic or concrete bricks, siding).

The thickness of the insulation is calculated based on the properties of the insulation itself, the thermal conductivity of the wall material and the climatic zone of construction. An illustrative example is that a layer of mineral wool 10 cm thick corresponds in terms of thermal conductivity to a brick wall one and a half meters thick!

Between the insulation and the cladding, a ventilated gap is organized.

The advantages of layered masonry are savings in wall material, aesthetic appearance, lower weight of the house (saving on the foundation), saving internal space (thin walls), the possibility of construction at any time of the year.

In addition, there are many colors and types of facing bricks on the market, so that the house can be truly unique in appearance.

Insulation requirements.

Insulation is the most important element in the construction of layered masonry. Its replacement after the construction of the house is almost impossible, so special attention should be paid to the installation of insulation.

According to the properties of thermal conductivity, mineral wool and polystyrene foam are ideal.

Cheaper, but they usually use (when they do it wisely) mineral wool. The high vapor permeability of mineral wool and the low vapor permeability of expanded polystyrene play a role here.

Now more. People will live in the house. And the air exhaled by people always contains particles of water vapor. In turn, brick (like foam concrete) has good vapor permeability, and thus steam is naturally removed from the room. Only in the case of using expanded polystyrene, steam will settle in the form of moisture at the junction of the wall-insulation, destroying them and reducing the thermal insulation properties of the insulation.

Thus, the use of expanded polystyrene is permissible only in the case of vapor barrier of the walls of the house, i.e. steam must not be allowed to penetrate the wall material. But in this way the effect of a “steam room” is achieved, and only competent and efficient ventilation can cope with high humidity in the house. That is, saving on insulation, you will have to spend money on advanced ventilation.

On the contrary, if the thermal insulation has a vapor permeability coefficient higher than the wall material, then the steam will be freely removed from it and evaporate in the air gap.

The only case when the use of expanded polystyrene is acceptable is a wall made of, which practically does not "breathe".

But it must be impregnated in bulk with water-repellent additives, which provide low water absorption of the material. Moisture, no matter how well thought out the cladding, will still fall on the insulation.

In addition, the insulation should not “shrink” over time, otherwise “cold bridges” form in the air space. For example, glass wool known from Soviet times has a high compressibility.

The insulation must be non-combustible, because in case of fire, fire can enter it through door and window openings and spread to all rooms of the house. Almost all mineral wools on the market today have the property of incombustibility.

The Importance of Ventilation Gap

Air, or otherwise ventilation gap - required element layered masonry. As mentioned above, moisture can get into the insulation in various ways, and without this gap, it simply has nowhere to evaporate. In the ventilation gap, it is necessary to organize the movement of air, i.e. make holes for air inflow at the bottom and top of the gap.

Thus, the key to the success of layered masonry walls is the correct calculation of the thickness of the insulation, the choice of its brand and the competent installation of all layers of the wall. This decision is today optimal for the construction of a permanent residence.

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More on the topic:

Insulation of walls and facades, selection of insulation, calculation of the required thickness Ecowool insulation, wall insulation outside the house Warming wooden house, dachas. Types of heaters, installation method.