Topic: Business graphics in Excel. Features of business graphics in Excel

Information is easier to understand when presented visually. One way to present reports, plans, indicators, and other types of business material is through graphs and charts. In analytics, these are indispensable tools.

There are several ways to build a graph in Excel according to the table data. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages for a particular situation. Let's consider everything in order.

The simplest schedule of changes

A graph is needed when it is necessary to show changes in data. Let's start with a simple diagram to show events at different time intervals.

Let's say we have data on the net profit of the enterprise for 5 years:

* Figures are conditional, for educational purposes.

Go to the "Insert" tab. Several types of charts are offered:

Select "Graph". In the pop-up window - its appearance. When you hover over a particular type of chart, a hint is shown: where it is better to use this chart, for what data.

Selected - copied a table with data - pasted into the chart area. It turns out this option:

Straight horizontal (blue) is not needed. Just select it and delete it. Since we have one curve, we also remove the legend (to the right of the graph). To clarify the information, sign the markers. On the "Data Signatures" tab, we determine the location of the numbers. In the example, on the right.

Let's improve the image - we will sign the axes. "Layout" - "Name of axes" - "Name of the main horizontal (vertical) axis":

The title can be removed, moved to the chart area, above it. Change the style, make a fill, etc. All manipulations are on the "Chart Name" tab.

Instead of the serial number of the reporting year, we need the year. We select the values ​​of the horizontal axis. Right-click - "Select Data" - "Change Horizontal Axis Labels". In the tab that opens, select a range. In a data table, the first column. As below picture:

We can leave the chart like this. And we can make a fill, change the font, move the diagram to another sheet (“Designer” - “Move diagram”).

Graph with two or more curves

Let's say we need to show not only net income, but also the value of assets. More data:

But the principle of construction remained the same. Only now it makes sense to leave the legend. Since we have 2 curves.

Adding a second axis

How to add a second (additional) axis? When the units of measurement are the same, use the instructions above. If you need to show data of different types, you need an auxiliary axis.

First, we build a graph as if we have the same units of measurement.

Select the axis for which we want to add an auxiliary one. Right mouse button - "Format of the data series" - "Series parameters" - "Along the auxiliary axis".

Click "Close" - a second axis appeared on the chart, which "adjusted" to the data of the curve.

This is one way. There is another one - changing the type of chart.

Right-click on the line for which you need an additional axis. Select Change Chart Type for Series.

Decide on the view for the second data series. The example is a bar chart.

Just a few clicks - an additional axis for another type of measurement is ready.

We build a graph of functions in Excel

All work consists of two stages:

  1. Creating a table with data.
  2. Building a graph.

Example: y=x(√x - 2). Step - 0.3.

We make a table. The first column is the X values. We use formulas. The value of the first cell is 1. Second: = (name of the first cell) + 0.3. Select the lower right corner of the cell with the formula - drag down as much as you need.

In column Y, we write the formula for calculating the function. In our example: =A2*(ROOT(A2)-2). Press "Enter". Excel calculated the value. We “multiply” the formula over the entire column (by pulling the lower right corner of the cell). The data table is ready.

We pass to a new sheet (you can stay on this one - put the cursor in a free cell). "Insert" - "Diagram" - "Scatter". Choose the type you like. We click on the chart area with the right mouse button - "Select Data".

Highlight the X values ​​(first column). And click "Add". The Edit Row window opens. Set the name of the series - function. Values ​​X is the first column of the data table. The Y values ​​are the second.

Click OK and admire the result.

The y-axis is fine. There are no values ​​on the x-axis. Only point numbers are given. This needs to be fixed. You need to label the chart axes in excel. Right mouse button - "Select data" - "Change horizontal axis labels". And select the range with the desired values ​​(in the data table). The schedule becomes what it should be.

Overlapping and Combining Graphs

Building two graphs in Excel is not difficult. Let's combine two graphs of functions in Excel in one field. Let's add Z=X(√x – 3) to the previous one. Table with data:

Select the data and paste it into the chart field. If something is wrong (the names of the rows are wrong, the numbers on the axis are incorrectly reflected), we edit through the “Select Data” tab.

And here are our 2 function graphs in one field.

Dependency Plots

The data in one column (row) depends on the data in another column (row).

You can plot the dependence of one column on another in Excel like this:

Conditions: A = f (E); B = f(E); C = f(E); D = f(E).

Select the chart type. Spot. With smooth curves and markers.

Data selection - "Add". Series name is A. X values ​​are A values. Y values ​​are E values. Add again. The row name is B. The X values ​​are the data in column B. The Y values ​​are the data in column E. And the whole table follows this principle.

In the same way, you can build donut and bar charts, histograms, bubble, stock, etc. The possibilities of Excel are diverse. It is quite enough to visually depict different types of data.

Construction of diagrams and graphs A remarkable property of ET is the possibility of graphical representation of numerical information. Charts and graphs are used to visually display table data. Diagrams allow you to quickly comprehend and interpret large amounts of information contained in ET. Excel allows you to create charts on separate worksheets and embedded charts located on the same worksheet as a table. In both cases, the charts change when the spreadsheet data is updated.

Building charts and graphs Excel supports various types of charts, each of which has several types. The choice of the type and type of charts depends on its purpose and should provide the best presentation of data. Main chart types: histogram, bar chart, graph, pie chart, scatter chart, area chart, donut chart, spade chart, surface chart, bubble chart, stock chart, cone chart. A histogram is a set of vertical bars whose height is determined by the data values. A histogram is used to display one or more series of data, it is used to compare data or change over time.

Building Charts and Graphs A bar chart is a bar chart whose bars are arranged horizontally rather than vertically. A graph is a smooth curve or broken line connecting points corresponding to data values. A pie chart is used to represent a single series of data. It demonstrates the relationship between the whole and its parts. Each value is represented as a sector of a circle, the angle of which is proportional to the proportion of the represented value in the total sum of all values. To make it easier to work with small shares, they can be combined on the main chart into one element, and then presented side by side as a separate pie chart.

Charting and Graphing A scatter plot displays the relationship between numerical values ​​in multiple series in XY coordinates. When preparing data, the argument values ​​are placed in the first row, and the function values ​​are placed in the subsequent rows. This chart displays odd intervals - or clusters - of data and is often used in scientific research. An area chart shows the amount of change in a certain factor over a certain period of time. It also displays the contribution of individual values ​​to the total.

Radar chart In a radar chart, each category has its own axis of coordinates, starting from the origin. Lines connect all values ​​from a certain series. It allows you to compare common values ​​from multiple datasets.

Surface chart In a surface chart, like on a topographic map, areas with the same value interval are highlighted with the same color.

A bubble chart is a variant of a scatter chart where the marker size indicates the value of a third variable.

Other types of charts A donut chart shows the contribution of each element to the total, but unlike a pie chart, it can contain several data series. Conical (cylindrical, pyramidal) are a kind of volumetric histograms that use data markers in the form of a cone, cylinder, pyramid. Built-in custom chart types are combinations of standard chart types. Excel allows you to create and use your own chart types. Excel allows you to use geographic maps to display ET data. Maps are OLE objects. They must first be activated.

Formulas in EXCEL A formula is a combination of constant values, addresses, names, functions and operators that defines the rules for calculating the result in a cell. EXCEL uses the following operation symbols: +, -, *, /, %, ^, &, =, =, and address operation symbols are colon, semicolon and space. The colon specifies the range, the semicolon specifies the union of the ranges, and the space their intersection. In descending order of priority, the operations are arranged in the following order: range - ":", intersection - "" , union - "; " , negation - "-" , percentage - "%" , exponentiation - "^" , multiplication and division - "*" , "/" , addition and subtraction - "+" , "-" , text concatenation - " &» , comparison operations - =, =, .

Formulas in EXCEL When EXCEL cannot calculate a value using a formula, an error message is displayed: ##### - cell width is not sufficient; #DIV/0! – division by 0; #N/A - undefined data; #NAME? - the name is not recognized; #EMPTY! – the presence of two non-intersecting regions; #Number! – number problems; #REFERENCE! – invalid cell reference; #VALUE! – a value of the wrong type.

term in excel diagram used to refer to all kinds of graphical representation of numerical data. The construction of a graphic image is carried out on based on a series of data. This is the name of a group of cells with data within a single row or column. You can display multiple data series on a single chart.

A chart is an insertable object embedded on one of the sheets in a workbook. It can be located on the same sheet on which the data is located, or on any other sheet (often a separate sheet is assigned to display the chart). The chart remains connected to the data on which it is built, and when the data is updated, it immediately changes its appearance.

The diagram is usually used to build Chart Wizard, triggered by a button click Chart Wizard on the standard toolbar

Chart type. At the first stage of the wizard, the shape of the diagram is selected. Available shapes listed in the Type list on the tab Standard. For the selected chart type, several options for presenting data are indicated on the right (palette View), from which you should choose the most suitable one. On the tab non-standard displays a set of fully formed chart types with predefined formatting. After setting the chart shape, click on the button Further.

Data selection. The second stage of the wizard is used to select the data on which the chart will be built. If the data range was selected in advance, then an approximate display of the future chart will appear in the preview area at the top of the wizard window. If the data form a single rectangular range, then it is convenient to select them using the tab Range data. If the data does not form a single group, then the information for delineating individual data series is set on the tab Row. The chart preview is automatically updated when the set of displayed data changes.

Chart layout. The third stage of the wizard (after clicking on the button Further) consists in choosing the design of the diagram. On the tabs of the wizard window are set:

* chart title, axis labels (tab Titles);

* display and labeling of coordinate axes (tab axes);

* displaying a grid of lines parallel to the coordinate axes (tab grid lines);

* description of the constructed graphs (tab Legend);

* displaying labels corresponding to individual data elements on the chart (tab Data Signatures);

* presentation of the data used in the construction of the graph in the form of a table (tab data table).

Depending on the chart type, some of the listed tabs may not be present.

Chart placement. At the last stage of the wizard (after clicking on the button Further) specifies whether to use a new worksheet or one of the existing ones to place the chart. Usually this choice is important only for the subsequent printing of the document containing the diagram. After clicking the button Ready the diagram is built automatically and inserted into the specified worksheet.

Editing a chart. The finished chart can be modified. It consists of a set of individual elements, such as the graphs themselves (data series), coordinate axes, chart title, plot area, etc. when you click on a chart element, it is highlighted with markers, and when you hover over it with the mouse pointer, it is described by a tooltip Open dialog box for formatting the chart element is available through the menu Format(for the selected element) or through the context menu (command Format) Various tabs of the dialog box that opens allow you to change the display options for the selected data element. If you need to make significant changes to the chart, you should use the Chart Wizard again. To do this, open a chart worksheet or select a chart embedded in a data worksheet. Running diagram wizard, you can change the current settings that are treated as default in the wizard windows.

To delete a chart, you can delete the worksheet it is on ( Edit Delete Sheet), or select a chart embedded in the data worksheet and press the key DELETE

TP Excel contains an advanced business graphics tool - diagram wizard. Let's get acquainted with its capabilities in more detail than it was described above.

Diagram - this is a means of graphical representation of quantitative information, designed to compare several values ​​or several values ​​of one value, monitor changes in their values, etc.

Most diagrams are built in a rectangular coordinate system. On the horizontal axis X the values ​​of the independent variable (argument) are plotted, and along the vertical axis Y are the values ​​of the dependent variable (function). Several diagrams can be displayed on one figure at the same time.

When graphical processing of numerical information using Excel TP, you should:

1) specify the data area (block of cells) on which the diagram will be built;

2) determine the sequence of data selection (by rows or by columns) from the selected block of cells.

When selecting by columns X-coordinates are taken from the leftmost column of the selected block of cells. The rest of the columns contain Y-chart coordinates. The number of columns determines the number of plotted diagrams. When selecting by rows, the topmost row of the selected block of cells is the row X-coordinates, the remaining lines contain Y-chart coordinates.

We will consider the types of charts available in the Excel TP and how to construct them using a specific example.

Example. Three stores selling sophisticated household appliances during the week sold the number of pieces of equipment shown in table 2.8.

Table 2.8

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Shop 1
Shop 2
Shop 3

bar graph(bar chart) is used to reflect a discrete change in one or more values ​​(Y) at different points (for different X). On fig. 2.24 shows a histogram that reflects the trading results of store No. 1 for each day of the week.

Rice. 2.24. Histogram reflecting the sales of store #1 for the week

The diagram in Figure 2.25 is a multiple histogram. It makes it possible to visually compare three values: the trading results of three stores.

Rice. 2.25. Bar chart showing the comparative performance of the three stores

Figure 2.26 shows a tiered chart. Another name is stacked bar chart. Here, each column is the sum of three values. The chart gives an idea of ​​the contribution of each value to the total.

Rice. 2.26. Stacked bar chart showing the comparative performance of the three stores

Figure 2.27 shows the same information in the form of a graph as shown in Figure 2.24 in the form of a histogram. Similarly, Fig.2.28 displays the same information as Fig.2.25-2.26.

Pie chart is used to compare several values ​​at one point. The use of a pie chart is especially evident if the values ​​​​add up to a single whole (100%).

Rice. 2.29. Pie chart showing the contribution of various stores to total sales

Let us briefly describe the technique of working with chart master. Its call is made by executing the command Insert /Diagram .

Consider the algorithms for obtaining the diagrams presented in the previous paragraph, built on the basis of data from Table 2.8.

Histograms(bar charts). The procedure for obtaining the diagram shown in Fig. 2.24 is as follows:

1. Select a block of cells B1:H2 in the table

2. Insert/Diagram

3. On the bookmark Standard choose the type bar graph, view - Regular Histogram/Next

4. Specify the data selection range - B1:H2 and the selection order - in rows; (automatically installed)/ Further

5. Let's make a diagram. Bookmark Titles indicates the title of the chart, labels for the axes; on the bookmark Legend specify the location of the legend (in this example, you can not use it) / Further

6. Place the diagram; there are two options for this: place it on the same sheet as the table, or on a separate sheet (we will select the same sheet)

7. Ready

The construction of a multiple diagram shown in Figure 2.25 differs from the first one in the following: block A1:H4 is specified as the data area.

The legend (frame with names) is filled according to the contents of the first column. It marks the ways of shading the columns related to each of the stores (marking with color or in other ways is possible).

When constructing the tiered chart shown in Figure 6.6, block A1:H4 was specified as the data area. At the 1st step, the “Histogram” type was indicated, the type was “Stacked histogram”.

Schedule. In the algorithm for constructing a graph (Fig.2.27, 2.28), at the 1st step, the type "Graph" is indicated, the type is "Graph with markers marking data points".

Pie chart. When constructing a diagram in Fig. 2.29, at the 1st step, the type "Pie chart" is indicated. As a data block, it was indicated: A2:B4.

TP Excel contains a number of other types and types of charts that you should get acquainted with experimentally.

Note that any of the diagram objects has its own properties, such as color, font, etc. If you need to change these properties, you need to:

1) click on the object with the right mouse button;

2) select the item from the context menu Format;

3) change object properties and click ok.

In addition to illustrating texts for business purposes, shown in the previous example, the graphical capabilities of Excel are also used in solving mathematical problems. In the following example, we will show how to plot sin( x) and sin( x+a).

The task can be divided into two tasks: 1) build a table of function values; 2) build graphs of functions.

Algorithm for creating tables and graphs

1. Enter headings in cells B1, C1, A3, B3, C3. Make them bold and centered.

2. In cell B2, enter the step value - p / 6. To do this: make the cell current, click on the button Function Wizard. Choose from a list of categories Mathematical and further from the list of functions - PI click on ok. After inserting the function, you need to edit the contents of cell B2. To do this: make the cell current, click in the formula bar and add the sign «-» before the function and "/6" after function PI().

3. The value of parameter a is PI()/2. It can be entered without resorting to the function wizard. Similarly, in cell A4, enter the initial value of the argument - PI().

4. In cell A5, enter the formula for calculating the next value of the argument - =A4+$B$2. Cell A4 has been referenced relative since when copying the formula down the column, it is necessary that the row number changes - each time you need to add a step to the previous value of the argument. Cell B2 referenced absolute, since the argument changes to a constant number stored in cell B2, and when copying, the reference to B2 should not change.

5. Copy the formula from cell A5 to the range A6:A16. To do this, making cell A5 current, click on the button Copy to clipboard. Then select the range A6:A16 and click on the button Paste from buffer.

6. Let's calculate the value of the function from the first value of the argument. To do this, place the cursor in cell B4 and click on the button Function Wizard. Select sin from the list of functions and click on ok. Next, you need to enter a number that is an argument to the function. The dialog box can be moved and clicked on cell A4 (Excel will automatically substitute the address in the formula bar) and click on ok.

7. The finished formula from B4 must be copied to cells B5:B16. The result is a table of arguments and function values y=sin( x).

8. Introduce the formula in C4 =SIN(A4+$C$2). It differs from the formula contained in B4 by adding a constant number in cell C2 to the argument. With further copying of the formula, the argument should change, but the number a should not, so an absolute reference is made to C2.

9. Multiply the formula in C4 by the range C5:C16 (use autocomplete). The first task has been completed.

Step a
0,523598776 1,570796327
Argument f-i sin(x) f-i sin(x+a)
-3,14159 -1.22515E-16 -1
-2,61799 -0,5 -0,866025404
-2,0944 -0,866025404 -0,5
-1,5708 -1 -4.44089E-16
-1,0472 -0,866025404 0,5
-0,5236 -0,5 0,866025404
-6.7E-16 -6.66134E-16
0,523599 0,5 0,866025404
1,047198 0,866025404 0,5
1,570796 1.01069E-15
2,094395 0,866025404 -0,5
2,617994 0,5 -0,866025404
3,141593 1.45478E-15 -1

10. Let's build graphs of functions. Select the range A3:C16, click on the button Chart Wizard and then select the chart type - schedule.

Rice. 2.30. The graph obtained as a result of the actions described in the text

In conclusion of this section, we note the following. In addition to the fact that there is a large built-in library for constructing graphic images: graphs, charts, histograms, Excel contains a powerful built-in graphics editor. Also, great attention in Excel is paid to the design of the book, its sheets. For these purposes, they use the format of texts and numbers, colors and fills, style, fonts, etc. In fact, the graphic editor is associated with a word processor, similar in capabilities to publishing systems such as Word. excel is not only "friendly" with text and graphic systems, but also supports the basic actions specific to database management systems (DBMS). In this sense, modern spreadsheets (Excel, QuattroPro, Lotus) are integrated software systems. Moreover, they have a developed apparatus for importing and exporting data from other software systems.

These and many other pleasant service opportunities, sometimes unexpected, can be discovered while working with Excel.

Control questions and tasks

1. What types of data do spreadsheets work with?

2. Create ET "Scholarship sheet".

3. Make a cost estimate for organizing a camping trip if you know the total cost. Build various types of charts and prepare a report.

4. Make a computer model of the solar system in spreadsheets. Assuming that the planets move around the Sun in circles at a constant speed, determine the orbital speed for each planet. For example, for Mars V = 2 3.14 0.387/0.24 = 10.1(km/h). Estimate to what extent the distance from Earth to Mars can vary. At what positions of the planets are the smallest and largest values ​​​​achieved.

5. Let the bus interval be 10 minutes. The average waiting time for a bus can be estimated by N experiments, playing a random number in the interval . Find the average value for a series of 10, 50, 100 experiments. In the case of two routes, find the average waiting time when the interval of the first bus is 10 minutes and the second is 60 minutes. Build a calculation table for three routes.

6. Plot the Functions

7. Complete table 2.9 and do the following:

Table 2.9

Name Firm Wholesale price Retail price Date of sale
TV set Sony 2 000 rubles 2 500 rubles 12 Aug
TV set Samsung 1 700 rubles 2 100 rubles 17 Aug
TV set Panasonic 2 200 rubles 2 650 rubles 12 Sep
TV set Panasonic 2 600 rubles 2 800 rubles Oct 10
Video Samsung 1 200 rubles 1 400 rubles Oct 12
Video Sony 1 650 rubles 1 800 rubles 09 Nov
Video Panasonic 1 370 rubles 1 600 rubles 08 Dec
electr. plate Ariston 2 500 rubles 2 700 rubles Oct 12
electr. plate Ariston 2 600 rubles 2 700 rubles 09 Nov
electr. plate Indesit 2 100 rubles 2 300 rubles 08 Dec
Stir. the car Ariston 2 600 rubles 2 800 rubles Oct 12
Stir. the car Indesit 2 800 rubles 3 000 rubles Dec 11
Stir. the car Bosch 3 700 rubles 4 000 rubles Dec 17

Sort the data in descending order by the date of sale;

Sort the data so that the products are in alphabetical order, and the same products are also sorted by wholesale price in descending order;

Retrieve only data about Panasonic TVs using autofilter;

Give out on the sheet only those goods whose retail price is less than or equal to 2500 rubles.

Subject:business graphics inexcel.

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint with the possibility of practical application of information technologies for the visual display of statistical data.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational:

ü expand and clarify knowledge of Excel spreadsheets;

ü get an idea of ​​the business schedule; introduce the concept of a diagram, get an idea of ​​the main types of diagrams;

ü teach how to use the Chart Wizard when building graphs, histograms, charts; to get acquainted with the main stages of diagramming;

ü teach how to use the acquired knowledge in a familiar situation (building a diagram according to a ready-made algorithm); to form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in an unfamiliar situation (solving problems without describing the sequence of actions).

2. Educational:

listen to the opinion of your classmates (do not interrupt);

ü identify your own level of knowledge (by choosing the appropriate task, the presence of differentiated homework);

ü the ability to independently group the material according to the indicated characteristics (building the correct tables in the proposed tasks);

ü contribute to the formation of a materialistic worldview, emphasizing the connection of computer science with economics, geography, biology and other sciences.

3. Developing:

ü to develop the monologue speech of students when expressing their own judgments about the possibilities of using business graphics in various fields of human activity;

ü development of creative abilities of students (building interesting types of diagrams for their own task);

ü develop the ability to compare and build analogies between different types of diagrams;

ü the ability to highlight the main thing from the information received (oral task when summing up); development of students' abilities to apply the acquired knowledge in further practical activities.

4. Health-saving aspect:

ü compliance of the cabinet equipment with hygiene requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers;

ü airing the office before and after classes;

ü the continuous duration of the work of students of grade XI on a PC does not exceed 30 minutes; at the end of work at the computer, a physical education session, a set of exercises for the eyes, is carried out.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: computers, software - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor, didactic material: posters depicting the main types of diagrams, a table with a task condition, posters with step-by-step diagramming in the Diagram Wizard, handouts - algorithms for solving some problems, a list of tasks for self-solving, a crossword puzzle , a set of exercises for the eyes.

During the classes:

I.Org. moment - 2 min.

Checking those present at the lesson, checking the readiness of students for the lesson. Announcement of the objectives of the lesson to students.

II.Repetition - 3 min.

Students are asked to find the error in the statements:

1. MS Word- a program for creating and editing spreadsheets.

2. Text data is aligned by default right edge.

5. Formula always starts with a sign "plus".

III.Explanation of new material - 10 min.

They are mind creation
Everywhere will find application:
draw, translate,
Reading out, outputting
Graphs draw, create charts
Universal applied.....…… (Programs)

Today we will try a new form of explaining the material - a lecture. You don’t have to write down the summary, because the basic concepts and algorithms are on your desks.

When solving problems of planning and management, the form of displaying the results is very important. The clearer this display, the easier it is for a person to perceive the results. The most visual form of presentation of information are pictures, graphs and diagrams. This gave rise to a whole branch of computer science called computer graphics.

Computer graphics are divided into several types: illustrative, business, engineering and scientific.

1. Expensive, sophisticated equipment is installed in the computer science classroom. Therefore, handle this technique with care, calmly, slowly, without pushing, take the place allotted to you.

2. It is strictly forbidden to touch the connectors of the connecting cables; turn on and off the equipment without the permission of the teacher; put books, CDs, notebooks on the keyboard and monitor.

3. Before starting work, make sure that there is no visible damage to the workplace.

4. Monitor the health of the equipment and immediately stop work if you hear an unusual sound or spontaneous shutdown of the equipment. Report this to your teacher immediately.

Students receive two practical tasks.

1. Build a multiple diagram according to the existing algorithm.

2. Multi-level practical task.

Students who want to get a grade of "3" build diagrams according to the descriptions they have. We need to build the three remaining graphs.

Those who want to get a mark of "4" solve problems from those proposed for independent solution (three problems must be solved).

To get a mark of "5" you need to come up with and solve your own problem, or solve all 5 problems for an independent solution.

v.Physical education - 1 min.

At the end of work at the computer, students do a set of exercises for the eyes and a set of exercises to relieve fatigue.

VI.Summing up - 8 min .

Correct answers are posted on the board. Students independently compare their graphs with the correct answers and evaluate their work.

Oral assignment. As a summary of the lesson, you need to name the most important thing that you learned and did today. The teacher summarizes and draws conclusions.

Briefly about the main

Business graphics is a means of visualization, that is, presentation in a visual form, arrays of numerical data.

The data for the chart is selected from the selected table block. You can select data by columns and rows.

Bar charts are called histograms and reflect a discrete distribution of values. You can build both single and multiple histograms.

A graph is considered as a kind of diagram. The graph reflects the continuous process of changing the value.

A pie chart is used to represent the contribution of several quantities to a single whole.

VII.Homework - 1 min.

All students complete the first item of homework. Task 2 is completed with a good grade. The last task for those who want to get an additional assessment.

1. Write in a notebook the main definitions, the method of constructing diagrams, the main steps of the Diagram Wizard. According to the textbook by I. Semakin paragraph No. 2.4, 2.5

2. Solve the spreadsheet crossword suggested by the teacher.

3. Come up with your own crossword puzzle and design it.

Additional task:

Find the error:

6. MS Word - a program for creating and editing spreadsheets.

7. Text data is right-aligned by default.

10. The formula always starts with a plus sign.