Recipe for salting bream for drying. How to dry bream at home

Surely, every fisherman knows how to salt bream. Any of them will say that this process is simple, it does not take much time and effort, it does not involve hard-to-find products or special equipment. But the result is simply amazing and to the liking of everyone, without exception. Well, if you do not know how to salt bream at home, then we will offer you some simple recipes.

Salting for drying

Before cooking, fish should be carefully prepared. To do this, rinse the bream under running water and gut it by cutting the abdomen and carefully removing the internal organs and gills.

You can also salt the fish intact. However, gutted bream is salted much faster, and the likelihood that it will deteriorate is very small. Salting bream at home without gutting is relevant only if caviar is available. It is with her that the taste of fish becomes rich and unforgettable.

So, get a deep saucepan, bowl, plate, or wooden box. Pour salt at the bottom. The layer should be about 1 cm thick. Place the previously gutted and dried bream on top, belly up. Arrange the fish in a row and sprinkle with plenty of salt on top. Then the next row and salt again. And so on until the fish runs out. The top layer should be generously covered with salt.

Place the lid on top and put the oppression on it. Place the container with fish in a cool time for 7-10 days.

If the back is stiff, then this indicates that the fish is well salted.

At the end of the specified time, the carcasses should be thoroughly rinsed from salt and left in a bowl of water for 2 hours to remove excess salt. Now the bream can be hung to dry in a dry, ventilated area. Cooking time is 7-10 days.

If you are interested in the question of how to salt large bream at home, then the cooking process is practically no different from the previous one. The fish should be gutted, washed, dried and rubbed abundantly with salt. Now take a bowl, add salt to the bottom and lay out the fish.

For salting bream, it is necessary to take only live fish.

Be sure to completely cover it with salt. Press down and leave in a cool place for 6 days. Then soak the bream in running water for 2-3 hours. Then repeat the procedure. It takes 7-10 days to dry large bream.

How to salt bream using the wet method?

This method is characterized by the fact that at the final stage of cooking the fish does not need to be dried (therefore, this method of salting is also relevant in winter). This means that it can be consumed after the end of the salting process.

Select small fish before cooking. Gut, rinse well. Take a deep container where you will lay out the fish in layers. Each of them is generously sprinkled with salt. To improve the taste, you can add a little red pepper, bay leaf and coriander.

Cover the fish container with a lid, put oppression on top. Store the bream in a cool place for a week. After that, rinse the carcasses thoroughly under running water (until the water in the bowl becomes clear).

The salting process is not over yet. The fish must be dried and hung in a dry place for several hours. That's it, the bream is ready to eat.

Salting for curing

If you do not know how to pickle bream for drying, here is a simple recipe for you. For cooking, you will need to prepare:

  • salt;

  • fresh unfrozen bream.

If the fish has just been caught, then it must be soaked in a bowl of water for several hours to remove mucus from the surface.

Now gut the fish and rinse thoroughly under running water. Dry the carcasses and rub them with salt (preferably coarse).

If the bream weighs more than 1 kg, then before salting it, you must first cut off the head from it and pierce the abdomen with a knife.

Now take a deep container, cover the bottom with salt (layer - 1 cm). Then place the belly on top of the carcass. Sprinkle with salt again.

Next, cover the container with the bream with gauze and place in a cool place for salting for 12 hours. After that, turn it over, cover it with a lid on top and put the oppression. Keep the fish in a cool place for at least 3 days. Be sure to turn it over every 12 hours (otherwise, it will go rotten).

After the specified time has elapsed, rinse the fish thoroughly, dry and hang. Be sure to leave some distance between the carcasses. If the fish is salted in the summertime, cover it with gauze. Bream should be dried for at least 3 weeks. If the fish is large - 4 weeks. When the bream is ready it will take on a pleasant amber color.

Salting bream for smoking

Many people ask how to salt bream for smoking? There are several ways to cook fish. We will consider the most popular and simple one.

Gut the fish, rinse it.

If the bream is large, remove the head and make cuts on the sides. Now rub each carcass with coarse salt, including the inside.

The processed fish is folded into a deep container (tails and heads should alternate).

Cover the top with a lid and put oppression. Salting time 12-16 hours - depending on the size of the fish.

Here's another way to salt smoked bream. It will require:

  • water;

  • salt;

  • Bay leaf;

  • Red pepper.

Gutted fish should be filled with brine. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and dilute salt in it (80 grams per 1 liter of water). Add some pepper, 2 bay leaves. Fill the bream with brine, cover and leave to brine for 7-12 hours, depending on the size of the carcasses.

After that, soak the fish in running water (30 minutes), dry it and smoke it for health.

How to pickle bream caviar at home?

So, prepare the following foods.

  1. Caviar of one large bream.

  2. Sunflower oil - 4 tbsp l.

  3. Salt.

  4. Pepper.

Butcher the fish by cutting the belly and very carefully, without damaging the gallbladder, remove the eggs. Free it from the film by placing it in water and mixing well with a spoon or fork. Repeat the procedure several times. After that, put the caviar in a bowl, add salt.

Take a mixer and start whisking at a low speed. Continue this process until a white foam forms. Now add the butter and beat again.

Sterilize the jars, lay out the caviar, pour over the oil so that it covers the caviar (5 mm). Store in a cool place for 7 days.

We hope that you will no longer have the question of how to salt bream.
Bon Appetit!

One of the most ancient ways of storing fish is drying or withering. Deprived of moisture, the fish could be stored for a long time without spoilage and loss of taste. Today we do not have to dry it for preservation, but in this form it is also very tasty!

How to wither a bream while fishing

When fishing, sometimes you just need to immediately process the catch so that it does not spoil. This happens, for example, in the summer heat. And then there is only one way out: we take a recipe for salting bream in field conditions and prepare our catch according to it. This method of drying fish is called Volga-Akhtuba and is the oldest recipe for harvesting.

The caught bream must be gutted, rinsed thoroughly, then cut along the entire ridge and unfold with a "book". We dip each spread fish in salt and hang it on a horizontally stretched rope in a ventilated place. Do not forget to drive away flies and midges from the dried fish! Bream is dried in this way very quickly, but in the end its taste is not the best.

Gutted dried bream at home

If you want to cook a tender dried bream, which you can safely boast of to your friends, you should bring your catch home, and in the kitchen you can begin to celebrate the fish. Before wilting the bream, it must be salted. We select a suitable spacious and deep container. We gut the bream, remove the gills and especially carefully remove the so-called "kidney" - black mucus that runs along the ridge. Each carcass must be weighed in order to find the right amount of salt. For fish weighing 1 kilogram, you will need 250 grams of salt. Pour some of the salt into the container, and rub the rest of the fish inside and out. We put it in a container, cover it with a flat platform (a plate, a wooden board or a plastic lid will do) and place the oppression over it. Now the bream should be left on salting for two days. This time can be spent usefully: for example, read on the website about methods of catching bream with a ring, bottom tackle or a float and go fishing for a fresh catch!

Two days later, we drain the accumulated brine-brine, rinse and dry the fish. The next step is drying. You need to dry the bream in a cool room. The ideal place is a basement. An attic or balcony is also fine if the weather is cool. No wonder that autumn is considered the best time for drying bream: the fish have already grown fat, the temperature is cool outside, and you can safely dry the bream on the open balcony. The optimum temperature for dried bream is from 0 to +15. The drying time is determined only by eye and depends on the access of air, the weight of the bream and the temperature. On average, the process takes from a week to two. Such fish in finished form has an amber meat color and a pleasant aroma. After that, dried bream is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in newspaper or linen.

We dry bream without gutting

Gutted bream is, without a doubt, easier to wither. But if the fish contains caviar, and you like, for example, a dried fish bubble, try to dry the whole bream, with giblets.

For this, the fish must be very fresh, and no more than a day has passed since the moment of its capture. It is also necessary to remove the gills from the bream immediately after catching. The fish must be washed and again salted before drying, and also immediately, as soon as it is pulled out of the water. The recipe for salting bream with giblets is the same as for peeled fish. Only the oppression should be heavier - it is better if it weighs exactly half as much as a fish. After two days, we wash the bream and hang it to dry. In order not to add bitterness to the giblets, you need to adhere to the temperature regime - for non-gutted bream, it should not be higher than +10. And be sure to drive off flies (you can make a mesh frame and wrap the fish with it.

And in the company of dried bream, do not forget to cook a couple more delicious fish dishes.

For instance:

Learn everything to become a real angler and learn the right choice.

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It is necessary to dry the bream correctly!

Salt and wilted whole bream. To make the fish tasty, with a pleasant aroma and the correct meat consistency, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Salting and drying bream

We will salt the bream whole without removing the entrails - this way the fish will turn out to be fatty and as tasty as possible.

The whole process will consist of several stages:

Cooling fish;
The main difficulty in salting large fish without gutting is to preserve its freshness throughout the whole process of salting and drying.


In order for the fish to turn out without the slightest odor, it must be properly cooled before salting. For this, the fish is placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours, depending on the size and quantity of fish. It is important to prevent it from freezing.

You can also cool the bream in the refrigerator, but it will take more time.

Salted bream

For salting, you need a container of a suitable size. The bulkier plastic food container found in any hardware store is best suited for this.

10 kg of fish will require approximately 3 kg of salt.
The bottom of the container in which the bream will be salted is sprinkled with a thin layer of salt. Each fish is salted in the area of ​​the gills, placed in a container and sprinkled with salt on top.

Bream is stacked in layers, each layer of fish is sprinkled with abundant salt. After all the fish has been laid out, a lid and weight will be placed on the fish, which will keep the fish in the brine.

The container with the fish is put into the refrigerator and salted in it for 7 days. Every day, the container with the fish must be taken out of the refrigerator and the fish must be pushed with their own weight to get rid of the air from the inside.

Salted fish can be sealed and stored in the freezer. As needed, the fish is thawed, soaked and dried. This is one of the ways to store salted fish for a long time.


Soaking the fish after salting is a must. During soaking, the fish will get rid of excess salt.

The fish is placed in a container with plenty of cold water. In hot weather, ice is added to the water, and it changes to fresh water every few hours. For a large enough bream, you need to take at least 20 hours for this.

Drying bream

After soaking, the fish is strung on hooks and hung to dry in a cool, ventilated place. It is best to hang large bream by the tail to drain excess fat.

To wind the fish faster, it is better to use a household fan. The fan allows you to significantly speed up the process of drying bream!

Dried bream, the recipe for which is simple and affordable, will be a great snack to hang out with friends over a glass of cold foamy beer on a hot summer day. The process of drying bream consists of several stages: preparation, salting, soaking and drying. In order for the product to turn out delicious, it is imperative to withstand the technology.

The question of how to dry bream is of interest to many. And it is quite natural, because such a product can be prepared for future use. Dried bream, the recipe for which is simple and affordable, will be a great snack to hang out with friends over a glass of cold foamy beer on a hot summer day. The process of drying bream consists of several stages: preparation, salting, soaking and drying. In order for the product to turn out delicious, it is imperative to withstand the technology. In addition, it is important to choose premium bream for drying and it is desirable that they be freshly caught.

Dried bream at home can be prepared in a variety of ways. But the preparation of fish for drying is the same in all cases. To eliminate the risk of decay of the carcass, immediately caught fish should not be dried. It should be placed in a cool, ventilated place and allowed to lie down for a while. Moreover, it is very important that there are no flies and other insects around. After this, the bream or bream must be thoroughly washed, removing all the mucus from the specimens. Then the entrails are pulled out of the fish, and the carcass is washed again under running water. Small specimens up to 30 cm, as well as bream with caviar, are allowed to be dried without gutting. The head of the fish is not cut off, but the gills must be removed without fail.

Features of the drying process

As you know, not all types of fish can be dried. It is recommended to use only those that acquire a unique taste during processing by this method. It is this property that is characteristic of bream. It is important to know how to properly dry the bream in order to exclude possible poisoning due to non-compliance with the technology. The essence of the process is that the fish should be well salted, after which it must be thoroughly soaked and dried. As a result, bream can be stored for a long time and eaten without any additional heat treatment. If you are interested in how many calories are in jerky bream, then we can say that approximately 221 kcal per 100 g of product.

Salting bream for drying is a mandatory step. But it should be understood that it is intended to remove excess moisture from the fish, and not to improve its taste. Various methods can be used for the salting process: wet or dry. It is very important to know how to salt the bream for drying, as this stage is considered one of the main and guarantees the preparation of delicious fish.

Dry salting method

Most often, drying bream at home involves the use of a dry salting method. For him, you need to first weigh the prepared fish in order to determine the amount of salt required. Dried bream, the recipe of which provides for dry salting, is salted at the rate of 250 g of salt per kilogram of fresh product. Coarse salt is recommended as it removes moisture from the carcass better.

The dry method of salting fish involves the use of a deep enamel container, which must first be scalded with boiling water. Next, the following actions are performed:

  • A layer of salt approximately 1 cm thick is poured onto the bottom;
  • Prepared fish is rubbed with salt and tightly packed into the container in layers, which are also sprinkled with salt;
  • The last layer of the laid fish is again covered with salt, to which a little sugar is added to enhance the taste of the product;
  • A lid is placed on top and a load is placed.

The use of oppression provides for any recipe; dried bream is obtained in this case more dense. But more importantly, the use of the load excludes the formation of air cavities in the fish, in which harmful microorganisms can develop. The described process is in full measure the answer to the question of how to salt bream for drying. Next, the container with salted fish is placed in a cool place. At home, this can be a refrigerator or a cellar. But if you salt the bream for further drying in field conditions, then it is better to lower the container with bream into a hole previously dug in the ground in a shaded place, which should be reliably protected from insects.

After 4-5 hours, the bream, sprinkled with salt, lets out the juice and begins to salt in its own juice. The salting process, as a rule, lasts no more than 3 days. A distinctive feature of properly salted fish is a firm elastic back. There are other characteristics of determining the correct salting, for example, fish meat should take on a grayish tint, and caviar should be yellowish-red.

Wet salting method

Quite often, the question of how to properly wilted bream using the wet salting method is encountered. This method is considered optimal for small specimens that do not need to be gutted, but the gills must be removed. In this case, you need to use a saturated saline solution for salting the fish. So much salt should be dissolved in a bucket of water so that the raw egg floats on the surface.

Thoroughly washed small bream should be strung on a string using a large needle. The optimal amount in one bundle is about five pieces. The prepared fish is lowered into a container so that it is completely covered with saline. If in this way the salting of large bream is carried out in a gutted form, then it is additionally necessary to pump a saline solution into its belly using a syringe. Further, the container with bream is not tightly closed with a lid and placed in a cool place. The optimum storage temperature should not exceed 8 ° C; the bream pickling period is approximately three days. After the back of the fish becomes firm and elastic, you can proceed to the next stage of drying.

Soaking and drying fish

Asking how to wilted bream, each person should understand that after salting is done, the fish must be soaked well in water. At this stage, excess salt is removed, and the bream acquires its exquisite natural taste. Experienced fishermen advise to soak the fish for as many days as it has been salted. In the process, no more than 7% salt remains in dried bream. But, as a rule, such a long procedure is rarely carried out by anyone, so in practice it has been proven that soaking for 10 hours is enough for fish to acquire good taste. In this case, the change of water for washing bream must be organized at least three times. If the salting of the bream was carried out by the wet method, then it is enough to rinse the fish under low-flowing water for a couple of hours.

The optimum temperature for the drying process of bream is 18 ° C - 20 ° C. The drying time depends on the size of the fish, but is usually 1-4 weeks. Correctly dried bream has a uniform structure that can be seen in the light. On top of the bream, with proper processing, there should be no traces of leaked salt. After removing the skin, a dry layer of yellowish fat should appear on the bream. The fish meat should not look dry, but it should feel soft and firm to the touch. In order for dried bream to acquire a real exquisite taste, it must lie down for a while after drying. To do this, it is better to place it in the refrigerator, having previously wrapped it in parchment paper.

Thus, drying bream at home is absolutely easy. Such a product is able to diversify the table and goes well with other dishes. Dried bream, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by nutritionists for a long time, is an excellent snack for beer. It has been proven that a lot of useful substances are stored in dried fish, which improve the state of blood vessels, which means that they reduce the risk of strokes. As for harm, the main thing is always to know the measure when eating this product. Great attention should be paid to observing the rules for storing dried fish. It is important to store it in a dry and well-ventilated place. In a humid room, dried bream quickly loses its taste and deteriorates, therefore, when eaten, it can pose a threat to human health.

It’s hard to think of a better beer snack than dried bream. Such fish is easy to prepare, available for sale, ideally combined with a popular foamy drink.

The drying process itself includes several mandatory procedures: the selection and preparation of fish, its salting, soaking and final drying.

To achieve a good result, it is important not to deviate from the time-tested technology, only then will the dried fish turn out to be tasty and will look appetizing.

Where to start?

First of all, it is important to clearly understand why you generally need to dry. Initially, this is one of the oldest ways of storing meat and fish invented by people. During this process, the fish is deprived of excess moisture, after which it can be safely stored for a long time without much spoilage and visible loss of taste.

This problem has long been faced by fishermen. After all, after a successful fishing with an abundant catch, something needs to be done. Especially on hot summer days, when freshly caught fish spoils as soon as possible. Thus, the need for quick processing of the catch forced the fishermen to use all the methods available to them to work with fish.

In the south of Russia, in the space between the Don and the Volga, the same bream are dried in a simple (marching) way. The caught fish are gutted, washed, and then cut along the ridge and unfolded in the form of a "book". Then the spread-out bream is doused in a large amount of salt and hung on a rope in a freely ventilated place.

This is how the famous Tsimlyansk bream is prepared - quickly, efficiently and with not the worst gustatory result.

At home, it is better to wilted bream in another way. First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the feedstock. Only fresh fish should be chosen for subsequent drying - first-class bream and undergrowth.

The fish must be thoroughly cleaned: remove mucus, rinse well, then remove the internal organs and rinse thoroughly again.
Small specimens and fish with caviar, as a rule, are not gutted. It is also not customary to cut off the head of a bream, the gills are subject to mandatory removal.

Only after completing these procedures can you start salting the fish.

This stage is rightfully considered the most important and is invariably present in any recipe for dried bream.

The available fish should first of all be weighed. For dry salting, a simple proportion is used - 250 grams of salt per 1 kilogram of fresh fish. Moreover, it is better to take coarse salt, as it most effectively "removes" excess moisture.

A good, capacious container for salting will certainly come in handy. It should first be doused with boiling water.

After gutting bream, removing gills, black mucus and weighing, you can start the process itself. Part of the measured salt should be poured onto the bottom of the container so that a uniform layer about 1 cm thick is formed. With the remaining amount, thoroughly rub the fish carcasses, both outside and inside.

Next, the bream are placed in a container in dense layers, which are important to sprinkle with salt, covered with something flat (a large plate, a cutting board). At the same time, the upper fish are also covered with a layer of salt with a small addition of sugar in order to enhance the taste. It is very important not to forget to install some kind of oppression on top.

Oppression is important for several reasons. Firstly: only so wilted bream will be dense. Secondly: when using oppression, air cavities will not appear inside the fish, in which harmful microorganisms like to accumulate.

It will take two days for high-quality salting. The fish tank is placed where it is cool. After a few hours, the bream will start up the juice, it is in it that the fish will be salted all the allotted time. Correctly salted carcasses will eventually become elastic, the flesh will acquire a gray tint, and the caviar will become reddish-yellow.

Soaking and drying

After two days, the resulting brine (brine) should be drained. The bream must be soaked in water to remove excess salt. There are different points of view on this score. Some professionals advise soaking the fish for the same number of days as it was salted. There is a recommendation to soak for 10 hours. In this case, it is important to drain the water during the process at least three times.

The bream should be hung in a cool room (basement, attic, balcony). A gauze canopy can be used as insect protection


Autumn is the ideal time for drying. Breams accumulate "fat", the weather is right. The fish can be dried freely on the balcony at natural temperature.

The total time is determined empirically - it depends on the ventilation of the room with air, the size, weight of the fish, and the established temperature.

Average drying time is one to two weeks

The readiness of bream is determined by a number of characteristics. The structure of well-dried bream is uniform, easily visible in the light. Salt protruding is not noticeable. The pulp is firm with an amber color of meat. The aroma is pleasant.

To improve the taste, wrap the bream in thick paper and keep it in the refrigerator for a while.

Wet salting

This method of pretreating bream before drying is good for small specimens (less than 30 cm in length). Such fish are not cleaned of entrails, but only the gills are removed.

For salting it is necessary to prepare a saline solution with a good concentration.

Salt in a container with water (bucket) must be dissolved so much that an egg immersed in water rises to the surface.

Several fish are strung on tight thread, line or twine using a needle. Usually, half a dozen carcasses are placed on one thread. Then the bream is dipped into the solution with full immersion.

After that, it is important to close the bucket with bream more tightly and put it in a cold place. The temperature there should not exceed 8 degrees Celsius. Salting will take 3 days. Readiness is determined by the elasticity and hardness of the backs. Then you can move on to the next stage.

How to dry bream without gutting

For lovers of dried fish with caviar, you can offer to dry the bream without gutting, with a whole carcass.

For these purposes, only the freshest fish is suitable (less than a day from the time of catch). It is necessary to immediately rid the bream from the gills, rinse and salt. The salting process is the same as for gutted specimens. The only difference lies in the severity of the oppression. Better to take more massive, about half the weight of the entire fish.

After two days, the bream should be washed and then hung in a cool place (no higher than 10 degrees Celsius). A gauze curtain or mesh frame is required to keep out flies.

As for the benefits of dried bream for the body, it should be borne in mind that they contain a lot of fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus. But there are a lot of calories in such fish, as well as salt. Therefore, you should not go to extremes and eat exclusively dried fish. Everything is good in moderation.