How to discipline yourself and form good habits. It's easier to get used to many small changes than one big one.

Self-discipline is a very important quality for those who want to achieve success in life and business. If a person is always late everywhere, does not submit completed projects on time, cannot leave social networks and start working by an effort of will, then he lacks discipline and self-organization. In addition, discipline is important not only at work. When you develop this quality in yourself, you can easily go to the gym and take care of your health, you will always solve all the problems that arise in life in a timely manner and not suffer from their consequences.

The word "discipline" causes many discomfort and is associated with some kind of violence against oneself. This attitude towards discipline is wrong. Instead of thinking about how boring and uninteresting it will be to do what you don’t want, but you need, it’s better to think about what benefits the completed work will bring to you.

We have put together a series for you. useful tips, following which you will understand that being disciplined in front of yourself is not so difficult. But how helpful!

Sleep on schedule

Install for yourself optimal time for morning rise and evening falling asleep. You know perfectly well what time you need to wake up in order to calmly get ready for work and get there on time. You also know how many hours of sleep you need to get enough sleep and feel good all day. Each person has all this individually, so make yourself a schedule that will be most convenient for you. And strictly follow it. It will be difficult only at first, then following these rules will be very easy for you.

If suddenly you violated the schedule, then punish yourself - no matter how ridiculous it may sound. Anything can be a punishment - thirty push-ups from the floor, depriving yourself of your favorite cake, and so on. And of course, the less you violate the established framework, the easier it will be for you to comply with them in the future.


Any sport disciplines a person, unless, of course, you take it seriously. Find a sport that you like and sign up for the appropriate section. You will attend classes, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 18.00 to 19.30. If you don’t skip classes without a good reason, then sticking to this schedule will teach you discipline in other areas of life.

You can also go in for sports on your own, for example, run in the morning for a certain amount of time or perform a set of exercises. However, it will be somewhat more difficult to force yourself to do this regularly, since you know that no one will control and scold you for poor results, and besides, money for a missed class will not be lost, as is the case with visiting a section. In addition to the development of discipline in itself, playing sports carries one more thing. undeniable advantagegood health and beautiful body.

Daily Schedule

Get yourself a small notebook or diary where you write down all the important things that you need to do. And write them down in this format: task - estimated time to complete - priority. If you can determine as accurately as possible how long it will take you to complete each task, then this will help you calculate how many tasks you can actually do in one day. The priority of the task must be determined in order to understand which task can be transferred to the next day in case of lack of time, and which cannot. For example, you can nail a shelf tomorrow, but today it’s better to go to visit your grandmother, because you promised her a long time ago.

If we are talking about job responsibilities, then consider not only the urgency of the task, but also the likelihood that you may have to redo or refine it.

Everything before your eyes

If you work at a computer, write your current tasks on a sticker and attach it to the monitor. Keeping a to-do list in front of your eyes at all times will make them seem real and inevitable, rather than abstract and unimportant. You will want to get rid of this feeling of inevitability as soon as possible, and the work will go more cheerfully and faster. Psychologists have proven that if you hang an indication for action before your eyes, you will do it much faster than if you just keep it in your head.

Concentration of attention

One of the main enemies of discipline is distraction. Here you are working on a project, but you have already climbed into social networks, after all, a sound notification came from there. Everything, concentration of attention is already lost. Now, to return to the project, you need to make some effort on yourself, besides, it is not always possible to quickly continue working from the same point where you left off last time. Sometimes it may take some time to review the work already done and understand what needs to be done next. If at the very beginning you had not been distracted by anything, you would not have wasted so much time.

You can train concentration with various exercises that you find and trust. And every time you are just distracted from the main task, mentally scold yourself and immediately return to work. An inner sense of shame in front of oneself will also do its job, of course, if a person has at least a little responsibility.

Financial control

Financial discipline is a great way to develop other disciplines as well. Many people often buy absolutely unnecessary things, because they wanted it at this very moment and right here. We are all subject to impulsive purchases, but at least try to keep them to a minimum. Buy only what you really need. Train yourself to set aside some amount for each wages- when an unforeseen situation arises that requires an urgent injection of money, you will say “thank you” to yourself for this.

Write down all your expenses and income. Seeing these numbers on paper or on a tablet screen will make it easier for you to manage your finances and develop financial discipline in yourself.


On the way to discipline, use not only a stick, but also a carrot. This is no less important. Love yourself and reward for every, even the smallest victory. Did you have a productive day at the dacha, helping relatives to plant tomatoes? On arrival home, treat yourself to a delicious delicacy. Were you able to run two kilometers more than usual today? Go to the movies tonight. If you just can’t take on a difficult task, promise yourself a reward in advance: “Here’s how I’ll draw up this stack of contracts, order my favorite pizza at home after work, and finally watch a movie that has been bookmarked for a long time.” The anticipation of a good time will motivate you to get started right away and get it done as quickly as possible.

And the last. Forget the phrases “I am a weak-willed person”, “this is too difficult for me”, “I am too lazy and will be lazy all my life”. All these are just excuses for those who do not want to change anything in their lives. And if you repeat such phrases to yourself, then do not expect any internal motivation and will - they will not appear. Tell yourself that whatever you have planned, you will succeed. And then you will see how inner strength will begin to fill you and you will have no difficulty in maintaining self-discipline.

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Since childhood, we are faced with such a concept as discipline. From birth, we are accustomed to it by parents, teachers at school, instructions in various sections or circles. But in the end, the moment comes when each person must begin to discipline himself. For some, it occurs as early as childhood, for others a little later, and for some it never occurs. Sometimes a person who begins to think about what is wrong with his life should first of all pay attention to his self-discipline. This is the very necessary "tool", without which it is impossible to achieve success.

Self-discipline is about doing what you have to do, not what you feel like doing.

You get up at 6:00 am every day, or exercise regularly in the evening, don't have dinner after 6:00 pm, and don't watch TV after work. All these seemingly insignificant actions allow you to control yourself, developing elements of self-discipline in your character.

Psychologists advise to start everything gradually, understanding your actions and desires thoroughly. This is necessary in order to clearly understand why you are changing this or that way of life that you are accustomed to.

You will need:

Accept yourself as you are

In order to start radically changing your life, you need to understand how undisciplined you are, to decide at what stage you are now.

Never judge or blame yourself for who you are.

This will only create unnecessary problems for you and all your complexes will resurface. Yes, on this moment you are so! But you want to change yourself, and discipline is quite possible to acquire with only a little effort.

Decide what you need it for

Surely, if you firmly decided to develop self-discipline in yourself, then this is not a momentary impulse, but a decision behind which lies something global and you really want to achieve this goal.

Of course, for some it may seem quite insignificant, for example, getting up early, but for you this is a serious obstacle that prevents you from moving towards your goal. But if you decide that your goal is really worth it to move towards it, then step over yourself and start waking up early. It's just important to know what to do it for!

Start simple

At the beginning of the development of your discipline, do not set yourself too high expectations.

It is best to start with simpler tasks, the completion of which will give you more confidence. You can start with . It is important to remember that getting used to everything happens slowly and gradually. On the subconscious mind, the brain resists any changes. And your actions from the series “Tomorrow I will be different” are an absolutely losing option, because in a couple of days all motivation will burn out. Everything is built on the little things. And gradually changing everything that you are used to, in six months it will seem to you not so ordinary and comfortable. Since the base point will be completely different habits and needs.

Review your desires

It is very important when building a plan for self-discipline not to build it for a huge period. Little by little, but effective.

Having reached a certain result, for a period predetermined by you, proceed to the next item of the plan. By the way, many people make a list, where they indicate step by step what they want to achieve. You can do without it, but you need to know what you want and in what period of time you will achieve it. But most importantly, move on.

Do not relax, reconsider your plans and desires, because often, on the way to achieving them, they can change, and you have to make more efforts.

Don't give up on your idea

It is human nature to lose interest in many things.

This happens by itself or due to the influence of external factors. In this case external factor- this is an obstacle in the form of laziness and work applied to achieve the set results. It all depends on willpower. Monotony and struggle with oneself causes many people to abandon their goals. Therefore, only a few, thanks to self-discipline, become successful. Try, sort out yourself during this difficult period and then it will definitely become easier to move on. Don't give up, be consistent and rational.

When people come across the word "discipline", they resent it. Many went through in their childhood an attempt to discipline them. Often those who resisted were subjected to cruel punishment. Our parents tried to instill in us good quality However, their methods were so unpleasant and cruel that everyone developed a negative attitude towards discipline - a quality that helps in achieving goals. And here the question arises, how to discipline yourself.

Why discipline problems arise

Let's start with the definition of discipline - what is it? This is a kind of self-restraint, which involves adhering to certain rules. A person takes a subordinate position in relation to certain algorithms, rules, laws, etc. Discipline can be compared with law-abiding - when a person knows the laws and adheres to them, does not violate them. However, a violation of discipline is not always punished, especially when it comes to an adult.

To date, the cult of freedom has become widespread. Man must be free. However, many people do not understand what this means. Many understand freedom as the ability to do whatever they want. However, psychologists consider freedom a person's ability to live to please his desires, to achieve them. Feel the difference between doing whatever comes into your head and making your desires come true.

A natural question arises: why become disciplined? This quality, according to psychologists, helps in the realization of their desires. In other words, a disciplined person becomes successful, happy. He can achieve whatever he wants, and not just spend time trying to prove that he has freedom.

A disciplined person is a free person because he can have whatever he wants. Precisely those people who avoid discipline but cry out for their freedom are miserable and narrow-minded.
They are not free from their freedom, while a disciplined person becomes free, achieving his goals through the use of discipline. What is discipline?
This is the observance of specific rules that help achieve the goal. A person simply performs those actions that will lead him to the goal, and controls this process. This is self-discipline.

How to discipline yourself?

Consider step by step everything you need to do to cultivate self-discipline.

1. Love discipline and learn to perceive it as a great blessing. Exercises:

  • Describe at least 10 examples of how discipline, self-discipline helps a person achieve his goal and desired happiness!
  • Write an essay on the topic “Discipline is my strength!”. Believe me, such essays are incredibly helpful and very effective. The essay must be at least 1 page.

2. Create a powerful motivation for Self-Discipline. Exercises:

  • Write in your workbook(not skimping on words and paper) at least 20 significant reasons Why do you need Discipline?
  • Describe (on paper) in colors, with examples and images - how will you change, your personality, when you cultivate self-discipline? (minimum 5 pages)
  • Describe as clearly as possible - how will your life, destiny change when you discipline yourself? (minimum 5 pages)

3. Create rhythms of life that discipline you! Something that will help you build a correct and effective rhythm. Sports, any sports sections, help very well in solving this problem. For example, you start visiting a fitness club, a gym - 3 times in the morning (before work) and 3 times in the evening (on other days). Morning yoga, running, etc. will help you. Also, martial arts are well disciplined, I recommend.

Fill your life with other disciplinary activities. It is very good to start attending trainings for personal growth, including discipline.

Learn to manage yourself consciously learn self-hypnosis and affirmations. To do this, read the relevant articles on the links. For instance:

  • “I manage myself, I subordinate my inner world their goals”
  • “I turn on activity, joy and strength to achieve my Goal”
  • “I turn off, I burn laziness and passivity”
  • “I awaken the will, all the forces to the goal”

Such self-hypnosis commands switch your consciousness to an active mode of operation in order to turn off weakness and interfering manifestations, turn on the will, induce energy and take action.

5. Find yourself a good mentor, coach, trainer who will help you develop self-discipline. According to statistics, 99% of all successful and great people had mentors and coaches. And the more rigid and demanding their teachers were, the faster they achieved their goals. Most of them talk about it.

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Sleep on schedule

Set the best time for you to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening. You know perfectly well what time you need to wake up in order to calmly get ready for work and get there on time. You also know how many hours of sleep you need to get enough sleep and feel good all day. Each person has all this individually, so make yourself a schedule that will be most convenient for you. And strictly follow it. It will be difficult only at first, then following these rules will be very easy for you.

If suddenly you violated the schedule, then punish yourself - no matter how ridiculous it may sound. Anything can be a punishment - thirty push-ups from the floor, depriving yourself of your favorite cake, and so on. And of course, the less you violate the established framework, the easier it will be for you to comply with them in the future.


Any sport disciplines a person, unless, of course, you take it seriously. Find a sport that you like and sign up for the appropriate section. You will attend classes, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 18.00 to 19.30. If you don’t skip classes without a good reason, then sticking to this schedule will teach you discipline in other areas of life.

You can also go in for sports on your own, for example, run in the morning for a certain amount of time or perform a set of exercises. However, it will be somewhat more difficult to force yourself to do this regularly, since you know that no one will control and scold you for poor results, and besides, money for a missed class will not be lost, as is the case with visiting a section. In addition to developing discipline in oneself, playing sports has another indisputable advantage - good health and a beautiful body.

Daily Schedule

Get yourself a small notebook or diary where you write down all the important things that you need to do. And write them down in this format: task - estimated time to complete - priority. If you can determine as accurately as possible how long it will take you to complete each task, then this will help you calculate how many tasks you can actually do in one day. The priority of the task must be determined in order to understand which task can be transferred to the next day in case of lack of time, and which cannot. For example, you can nail a shelf tomorrow, but today it’s better to go to visit your grandmother, because you promised her a long time ago.

When it comes to work responsibilities, consider not only the urgency of the task, but also the likelihood that you may have to redo or refine it.

And the last. Forget the phrases “I am a weak-willed person”, “this is too difficult for me”, “I am too lazy and will be lazy all my life”. All these are just excuses for those who do not want to change anything in their lives. And if you repeat such phrases to yourself, then do not expect any internal motivation and will - they will not appear. Tell yourself that whatever you have planned, you will succeed. And then you will see how the inner willpower will begin to fill you and it will not be difficult for you to maintain self-discipline.

It has long been known that motivation will not go far. In addition to the desire to start doing something, it is necessary to develop these undertakings. Here are some simple yet effective ways to build self-discipline in 21 days.

Start taking care of yourself

For 21 days, watch yourself: what you do, how you stand, how you talk, what you are distracted by, how you walk and dress. Control yourself completely. Do not pick anywhere, watch your posture, the position of your arms and legs. Mark the moments when you start to unravel. Even when you are alone, be collected.

No matter where you are: in the country, at work or in the gym - you should look 100 percent and radiate positive and confident. Create your own for comfort reasons, stick to it.

The more you think about personal charm, the more you will have it. Imagine that every day you are under the guns of cameras and you can’t look bad, you need to be on top all the time so that you don’t blush in front of the audience later.

A simple exercise for every day will help you learn to control yourself - the marine stance. You approach the wall, press against it with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of your head and elbows. In this position, you need to stand for at least 10 minutes daily. After a few days, you will notice that your back begins to straighten.

This small complex helps to develop, as you train yourself to control your behavior and not be lax. Remember, you are doing this for yourself, not for others.

Create a morning ritual

Our productivity and composure depend entirely on how we get up in the morning. You can hardly get out from under the covers after the eighth alarm signal and think only about how to quickly get back to bed at the end of the day. You can get up just before leaving the house, fussily get ready, stuffing some kind of sandwich into yourself, and jump out into the street, not understanding what is happening around and in your head. But it is best to prepare yourself in advance for, to feel your biorhythm and the breath of a new day.

You must come up with a morning ritual that will set you up for the start of a new day.

Here's a simple option: get up on the first alarm, charge with a little physical activity, contrast shower, healthy breakfast, reading. The whole thing will take you about an hour. And 21 days is enough for it to become a habit.

Set yourself challenging tasks

Choose one really challenging task per week and do each no matter what. Weather, circumstances, mood do not matter.

Are you doing 50 pushups a day? Go to 80, 90 or even 100 - there is no limit. Writing one article in a couple of days? Write two. Are you spending a lot of money? generally for at least a few days. Weak?

If you didn’t calculate your strength and chose a task that you simply can’t cope with, imagine that this is an order, like in a war! You must do it, there is no other way.

Can't make it through the day? Postpone other tasks until you have done everything necessary.

This task is difficult, because you can not let yourself down in any case. When you complete it, you will be overwhelmed with confidence that you can do a lot - if not all - on the shoulder. After all, the limits are only in your head.

Focus on results

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but here you choose a goal, make a plan, and calculate the time and resources needed to complete your plan.

Try to achieve something in 21 days: create a website, write a book chapter, lose 3 kilos, finish big project… Almost immediately you will realize that people, circumstances, mood, entertainment, the Internet and much more prevent you from meeting deadlines. But don't despair.

You must be on your goal, see it at the end of the path, think about it, not about distractions.

Use smart phone or computer reminders to remember what you need to do to achieve the result.

You don’t have to start from existing opportunities: in this way, like most people, you will never believe in yourself and begin to move towards success. Look to the future, attract it.

Remember that formation takes time and effort, but then they will lead you to your dream through any obstacles.

Usually, the development of self-discipline is compared with physical exercises - they say, by controlling yourself, setting new and new tasks for your will, you pump up the “muscle of self-discipline”.

Such a comparison is oversimplified (and in general, almost all comparisons and metaphors in relation to psychology work poorly, often leading to the wrong place). And - most importantly - it can lead to a misunderstanding of self-discipline.

Look: we pump muscles so that the muscles are strong. But we develop self-discipline in order to work more efficiently and. Strong muscles are a value in itself (beauty + health + scaring off hooligans), pumped up self-discipline without work, where it can be applied, is not needed by anyone.

Second. I'm going from the opposite
Let things go with self-discipline. Even not so: forget about the fact that you need to develop self-discipline. Do what you want right now. Want to play? Play! Do you want to do nothing at all and stare at the TV? To health! Go to bed at 5 am? As much as you like! If you took the previous step seriously, then you simply won’t be able to do nonsense for a long time (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this ...). A person constantly strives for the meaning of life - however, this manifests itself in those moments when he owes nothing to anyone (and to himself). After a week or so of living without discipline at all, a real understanding of the meaninglessness and emptiness of such a life begins to mature.

(I recommend, however, that you follow the "safety precautions". For example, ask a friend to talk to you about life in 10 days. Or set yourself a reminder in another way - figure out for yourself what suits you best. And, of course, to those who want to find self-discipline to get rid of bad habits, this step will help a little)

Third. Elimination of interfering factors
You should not set yourself impossible tasks and it is better to use every opportunity to facilitate the achievement of self-discipline. As I have already said, we do not need it on its own, for the sake of abstract self-development, but in order to achieve better results in work, business, and education.
Are you working on a computer? Create a special user (in Windows start - control panel - Accounts users), leaving a pristine desktop, removing toy labels, if possible, turn off the Internet, come up with complex (unmemorable) passwords for mail / ICQ and write them down on a piece of paper that you can hide away or give into custody to colleagues or relatives. Remove these colleagues and relatives from the workplace so that they are not distracted by flickering and talking.
Leave yourself alone with work. Leave yourself no choice but to work.

(Of course, this tactic is also not applicable to everything.)

Fourth. Build Habits
This is a very important, almost universal technique. A lot of things in our life are familiar, automated, and so it's easy to do. Tell me, do you brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening? Does it require willpower from you? I doubt. The reason is that you developed this habit a long time ago.
Similarly, you can develop other habits - in accordance with what you want to achieve. If you need self-discipline in terms of healthy lifestyle life - then learn to do exercises or chew properly. If you want to develop it for effective work- Develop the habit of not being distracted when you work.
An important rule: there is no point in developing several habits at once. Focus on one. Force yourself to do the right thing. We decided that it would be good to go to bed no later than eleven, which means that within a week or two you force yourself to bed. Usually 10-15 days is enough to develop a habit. Gradually, you will have to make less and less effort in order to do what is necessary. And one day the habit will fit into your life so well that you will wonder how it could be otherwise.

Fifth. Build a strong skeleton of the day
This "step" is related to the previous one. The bottom line is this: you develop not just useful and necessary habits, but the right habits tied for a certain time. For example, getting up and going to bed at a certain time, doing exercises, and so on. A habit attached to a certain time organizes and disciplines itself, starting from it to do what is necessary much easier. Let there be several reference points for self-discipline throughout the day. Among other things, these anchor points will help you complete the minimum program when you achieve your goals.

Sixth. Take care of the mood for discipline and achievement of goals
Also related to the previous one. Self-discipline, in particular, is manifested in the fact that a person can do his job without paying attention to emotions. However, we are talking about "cunning methods", right? Therefore, we must try to make emotions our ally, not our enemy. For this, try to work time control your mood. It is easier to achieve the desired, working mood if you use the skeleton of the day described above. For example, jogging early in the morning helps me a lot: you wake up instantly, thoughts run faster, purely physical joy and anticipation of a new day appear. Well, then it is important to “pick up” this mood, not to lose it until the evening, when it should be replaced by pleasant fatigue and satisfaction from a well-lived day. Worthy lived - in particular, it means that there were no problems with self-discipline.

(Self-discipline itself can be a source of positive emotions- slowly there is a taste for an orderly life, and it's just nice to know that you manage your time yourself, as far as it is generally possible for a person)

Seventh. Set goals and achieve them with self-discipline
It's pretty obvious. Self-discipline, although not muscles, still needs consistent pumping. Set the desired, meaningful goal for you (yes, even sit at the computer correctly!) And perceive it as training for self-discipline - then achieving the goal will be much easier (you achieve it as if in passing). Later - new goal. Repeat until you lose your pulse as long as you need. You don't have to set big goals right away. Start small, even if only a little. If you think it's too easy, so much the better, you'll get it faster. Better underload than overload.

  • Self-discipline is not an end, but a means. Don't overdo it. Sometimes the desire to streamline everything comes to the point of absurdity, and vice versa, it interferes with work.
  • Self-discipline is only one of the aspects of self-development of your personality. Important, but not the only one. And it should not run counter to your global goals, ideals and meaning of life, on the contrary, it must be in harmony with all this. This principle is violated much more often than one might think. Self-discipline is all the rage right now. Therefore, trying to streamline their lives, people (unconsciously) often follow the fashion. For example, you can see posts on self-development blogs about how cool and important it is to get up at 5 in the morning. And people begin to tear themselves out of bed with roosters, spitting on the natural features of their body, without thinking whether this manifestation of self-discipline suits them personally. (The authors of such recommendations, of course, are not to blame for this - in THEIR case it can work fine. Everyone is different - and everyone's discipline is also different).
  • You need to regularly “let yourself go free”, you don’t need to be too zealous with self-discipline. Approach it, as well as self-development in general, calmly, without fanaticism.

Basically everything, but - I repeat - this article is not exhaustive. After all, self-discipline is not only the ability not to be distracted by useless things and not to waste time in vain. Self-discipline is also:

- Ability to get things done despite distractions
- the ability to control one's thoughts, avoiding harmful and destructive
- the ability to fully concentrate on the problem
- the ability to work towards your goals without seeing immediate results

The list can be long. But I'd better somehow write about each point.

I wish you to successfully develop self-discipline and in general everything that is needed!


