Galvanized steel drip-off device. DIY installation of window sills

Roof drips are essential element, able to protect it from water and extend the life of the building. Installation of these simple devices does not take much time, and you can do it yourself; for this you only need to follow the instructions and stock up on everything you need.

The main task of this structural element is to remove moisture in the right direction. Thanks to the ebb, the blind area of ​​the house will last longer, and the foundation and walls will not collect excess moisture. In winter, icicles will not form, which, if dropped from a height, can cause serious injury to people below. In the presence of ebb tides, the task takes on a completed form. They can serve as a decoration element or, on the contrary, be invisible.

What kind of gutter do you need?

Before making ebb tides on the roof with your own hands , you need to buy everything necessary materials... Better to buy full set straightaway. It will be necessary to carry out calculations: you need to find out the area of ​​the slope, relative to this, the diameter of the gutter is also chosen. The formula is simple: 1 sq. m roof requires 1.5 sq. see gutter. For example, if the roof area is 100 meters, you will need a 15 cm wide gutter.

Preparations for installation

Installation of a roof drainage should begin with preparation necessary tools and structural elements. It will be most convenient to mount plastic parts... You will need the following items to purchase:

  • Chute: the length should be slightly smaller side on which it is mounted. You can buy a little more material just in case.
  • Funnels.
  • Connecting inserts: as many of them are required as planned joints in the gutter. This is influenced by the length of the purchased gutters and the roof line. The insert also helps to avoid deformation of the gutter. It can be used as a stiffener, so if the connection of elements is not required, it is still worth buying several inserts.
  • Unless you plan on doing closed ebb tides for your home , you will need to buy plugs.
  • Ebb brackets: one is required for each meter of structure.
  • Clamps for fixing the drain on the wall .
  • A drain pipe equal to the height of the house.

Roof ebb , if it is not straight, it must have corner fittings.

What tools are needed?

Installing roof rails will require the following tools on hand:

  • Screwdriver.
  • File.
  • Metal file.
  • Pencils and building level.
  • Rope.

The place where the water will drain from the roof is prepared in advance. It is chosen so that moisture does not create inconvenience: for example, drains should not flood the sidewalk or plants planted in the yard. Water should not have access to the foundation in order to wash it away: you can get rid of this with the help of storm sewer... If not, punch out a groove to drain the water. You can install a barrel, but over time, the water will need to be drained somewhere.

Sequence of work

Do-it-yourself installation of ebb tides on the roof begins with marking. To do this, you need to determine where the ebb will be attached. The funnel is installed first. Focusing on it, you can draw a centerline, which will become a guide for the rest of the work. Holders are placed on both sides of the funnel, departing 15 cm from it.

You need to install the funnel in such a way that water does not fall into its center, but onto the edge. This trick comes in handy for heavy rainfall. If water gets into the center, it will overflow over the edge of the structure. The gutter must have a certain slope. It is difficult for a beginner to achieve this at first. For one meter of the structure, the slope should be about 3 mm: it is necessary so that liquid does not accumulate in the gutter.

Before installing the roof eaves , you need to mark the slope of the gutter. This will require a long board and a building level. Use one of the edges of the holder that will already be installed. Draw a zero line: it should go to where the next funnel holder will be attached.

How to fix the gutter

After the fasteners are installed, the do-it-yourself installation of the roof eaves goes into the stage of attaching the water gutters. First, you need to adjust them in length. The pieces of the part must be put in the fasteners, not forgetting to leave space for the connecting inserts. Their size can be measured in advance, usually about 10 centimeters are left.

If the chute is too long, it can be shortened; you will need to use a hacksaw. The cutting site is cleaned with a file. In order to make your work easier, put a plug on the end of the pipe immediately while standing on the ground. It is quite difficult to do this on weight. The individual parts of the gutter can be connected using inserts. For convenience, they have special marks.

After assembling the gutter, it must be fixed on the holders, then check if there is the necessary slope. To do this, it is not necessary to take measurements, it is enough to pour a little water into the gutter and see if it flows out or remains in place. If liquid does not flow out, the slope must be increased.

After it was possible to correctly install the roof ebb , you can proceed to the installation of the drainpipe. Work starts from the funnel. If the length allows, the pipe can be immediately connected to it, otherwise, you will have to install an elbow: it will help to avoid splashes and force the water to drain into the pipe.

Usually the pipes are 2 meters long. We'll have to calculate how much material and connecting elements are required. Do it ahead of time.

Mount holders

What other materials can I use?

Do-it-yourself ebb tides do not have to be made of plastic or metal elements specially made for this. A good host can save money and make required elements on one's own. To do this, you will need to find suitable galvanized strips or any pipe of a suitable diameter that can be cut lengthwise. It is most convenient to work with a plastic pipe, you can use a metal one. Asbestos pipes are not suitable: they crumble when trying to saw and have a large mass.

Attachment options for roof eaves can also be different. It is quite accessible to them self-production... The main thing is to comply with the following rule: the roof should fall approximately in the middle of the gutter or closer to its inner part. The slope must be at least 3 mm per meter of structure.

Output : installation of roof sills a simple procedure that an amateur can handle by thoroughly studying the theory and preparing the necessary tools.

Plastic moldings are gaining more and more popularity every year due to ease of installation, affordable price and aesthetic appearance. The technology for the production of plastic drainage systems has been used for several decades. During this period, special weather-resistant types of plastic were created, products from which, in terms of their quality characteristics, are almost not inferior to metal ones.

If you have the necessary tools and instructions, you can install such ebbs on your own. The prices for such gutters are much lower than for metal ones. There are products of various sizes on the market:

  • for pipes - from 50 to 160 mm;
  • for gutters - from 70 to 200 mm.

As for the colors, in the case of plastic products the choice is much wider than, for example, when using metal castings, which is their important advantage.

Requirements for ebb tides and their types

The most different materials: plastic, galvanized steel sheets, etc. They can be performed in the most different forms.

Since the main function of the ebb is to collect water from the roofing surface and then drain it into drainage system, their indispensable properties should be:

  • increased level of strength;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • high level of resistance to loads and mechanical deformation.

In addition, the products must have an aesthetic appearance. In terms of functionality, it does not play a certain role, but it is very important from the point of view of the possibility of creating a harmonious exterior of the building.

Ebbs for water differ in the material on the basis of which they are made.

  1. Drainage systems made of galvanized sheet steel up to 1 mm thick. The production process of such products includes the application of an additional coating of polyester, pural, plastisol, which muffles the sound of falling rain drops, since steel does not have noise insulating properties: on the contrary, it increases the intensity of sounds. Steel ebb tides are resistant to mechanical damage, sharp fluctuations in temperature. Usage polymer coating makes it possible to achieve an exceptionally wide color palette... This greatly simplifies the selection of ebb tides for any roofing... Perfectly protecting the facade from moisture, galvanized systems are quite affordable in terms of price.
  2. Aluminum drips. Their thickness is 0.8-1 mm. To protect the material from corrosion, it is coated with a special varnish on both sides. To obtain a certain shade, varnishes of the corresponding color are used. Distinctive properties of aluminum products are lightness, strength, ease of installation. Features of the production technology help to achieve a completely smooth surface and the ability to maintain the initial appearance throughout the entire service life.
  3. Oxidized or brass plated untreated copper drainage systems. A distinctive quality of this type is the long service life, excellent quality characteristics, attractive appearance. Among the disadvantages are high prices.
  4. Castings based on plastisol, polyester and other polymers have become widely used only in last years... Their main advantages are:
  • ease;
  • strength;
  • noiselessness;
  • resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation and chemical compounds;
  • the duration of the operational period (can reach 50 years);
  • ease of installation;
  • low noise level;
  • non-degradability;
  • the ability to operate in a wide temperature range: from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees;
  • affordable price.

The latter quality, together with the possibility of choosing stylistically sustained products in a wide color spectrum, often becomes decisive when choosing exactly plastic ebbs with a polymer coating.

In most cases, the manufacture of ebbs is carried out, regardless of the specific type, in the same shape (rounded or rectangular): these are small in depth troughs with special brackets, with which the fastening is carried out. The length of the ebb is determined by the dimensions of the roof and can vary from 1 to 6 m. The dimensions of the gutter are 70-200 mm.

There is also the possibility of choosing a product that matches the color of the roofing and the elements of the drainage system.

The need to use ebb tides

The main advantages of using roof eaves are:

  • reliable protection of the arranged roof and walls from the effects of excess moisture, which helps to prevent deformations, destruction, various damage as a result of frequent and prolonged contact with water;
  • increasing the level of roof strength, giving the structure additional rigidity and the ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • lengthening the service life regardless of the presence of negative environmental factors;
  • creating a harmonious and complete look of the building due to masking the joints, which inevitably form as a result of laying roofing material

Required parts for fastening and installation rules for ebbs

In many cases, ebb troughs can be assembled by yourself - especially in the case of choosing plastic or aluminum products.

You can also make them yourself. The easiest way is to cut a standard pipe with a diameter of at least 160 mm. The incision is made in the longitudinal direction, resulting in two grooves. They must be treated with special compounds and painted in the desired shade. For this, pural or polyester is used. After that, they begin to consolidate finished product in the right place.

Calculations of the parameters of the drainage required for a specific roof are made at the design stage. When replacing these elements, use the same calculations.

For every 8 meters of gutter, at least one drain pipe... In this case, one should also take into account design features roofs.

Another rule: the installation of drains should be carried out immediately after the roof is closed to protect the foundation already at the initial stages of construction.

Basic requirements that must be observed when installing the ebb, the following:

  • To fix the gutters, you need to use standard brackets - they are included in the kit finished system... The brackets must be screwed to the surface of the frontal roof board, rafters or roof board.
  • The brackets are installed in such a way that the axis of the gutter coincides with the edge of the roof. To ensure the required rigidity of the structure, the brackets are installed with an interval of 60 to 70 cm between them.
  • To increase the efficiency of water flow, the installation of gutters is carried out with minimum slope 3-5% towards the drainage funnel.
  • The distance between the gutters of the drainage system and the wall should be 5-8 cm - this is necessary to prevent excess moisture from affecting the wall surface and the subsequent development of mold.
  • When installing ebbs, you need to use a special rubber gasket with a thickness of 1-2 mm. It is needed to prevent damage to the paint or varnish layer when attaching the gutter to the mounted bracket.
  • An important rule is the installation of ebbs before installing the waterproofing layer. roofing cake... This measure is necessary in order for the ebbs to be attached directly to the Mauerlat: after installing the waterproofing, it will be closed.
  • Installation of drainpipes should be carried out opposite the location of the storm sewer. A distance of 15 to 30 cm must be maintained between the lower end of the pipe and the ground.

To count the required amount ebb, you need to calculate the perimeter of the building, after which the resulting value is divided by the length of the ebb.

Stages of work

  • As already mentioned, when attaching the brackets, a slope of 3-5%, or 3 millimeters per 1 meter of length, should be observed. Thanks to this, the water will be completely removed from the gutter, which will prevent its stagnation and further formation of ice.
  • The next step is to mark this slope. With the help of a level and a board of sufficient length, a "zero line" is drawn along the upper or lower edge of the mounted holder. It should reach the attachment point of the outermost (farthest from the funnel) holder. Then calculate the difference between the height of the attachment of the final and installed holders (the length of the segment between them, expressed in meters). The indicator is multiplied by 3 and the result is obtained in millimeters. The bracket is fastened according to the above calculations.
  • The next step is to lay the line for attaching the holders using a tracing cord. They should be at a distance of 50-60 cm. First of all, the marking is carried out for all the necessary holders, then they are attached.
  • After that, they begin to adjust the length of the grooves. The gutter sections must be arranged in the holders in such a way that the sections for the connecting inserts are located between the holders. The gutters can be shortened if necessary. The end cap is pushed directly onto the ground. The laid fragments are connected using inserts, which almost always have boundary marks. Basically, there should be a distance of 6 to 10 cm between the edges of the gutters to be connected. After assembly, the gutter is installed in the holders.
  • After completing the installation of the gutters on the brackets, the system must be checked. To do this, a stream of water is allowed through an arranged gutter. With the correct work, the gutter will cope even with very intense water flow.
  • Making sure of normal work systems, go to the installation of the drainpipe. It should start at the top (from the funnel). The pipe is connected to the funnel directly or using an elbow - the specific method depends on the distance from the wall. Usually pipes standard length are within 2 meters. For this reason, the required connectors must be prepared in advance.

Important points when installing plastic moldings

The choice of plastic-based ebbs is largely due to the ease of installation and the ability to carry out the work independently. But in this case, it is necessary to adhere to the main principles:

  1. Make preliminary calculations, and as carefully as possible. This makes it possible to simultaneously purchase all the required parts and to carry out high-quality installation.
  2. Places for drains should be thoroughly prepared: they should be located in areas where they will not harm green spaces or simply interfere.
  3. Since the downpipes will be subjected to increased loads from time to time, only strong and reliable steel hooks should be used as fasteners, which can provide the strength of the created structure.
  4. Compliance with the slope of the installed pipe of at least 0.3 cm guarantees the maximum rate of water outflow, so that there will be no need for frequent cleaning of the gutter from dirt accumulating in it.
  5. Carrying out periodic inspections and preventive measures (in particular, in the autumn seasons) ensure the durability of both plastic ebbs and the entire drain system.


  • Plastic moldings are gaining more and more popularity due to their ease of installation, affordable price and aesthetic appearance.
  • Galvanized sheet steel, aluminum, plastic, etc. are used as the basis for the manufacture of ebbs.
  • The indisputable advantages of plastic products have led to their particular popularity.
  • The length of the ebb is determined by the size of the roof and can vary from 1 to 6 m.
  • Ebb tides are necessary for reliable protection roofs and walls from the effects of high humidity.
  • Calculations of the parameters of the drainage required for a specific roof are made at the design stage.
  • Failure to comply with the required diameters of the drainage elements leads to overfilling of the entire system.
  • To fix the gutters, you need to use standard brackets installed with an interval of 60 to 70 cm.
  • Only strong and reliable steel hooks should be used as fasteners.
  • To completely drain water from the gutter, when attaching the brackets, a slope of 3-5%, or 3 millimeters per 1 meter of length, should be observed.
  • After completing the installation of gutters on the brackets, the system must be checked by letting a stream of water through it.

Find out all about the features of the installation of plastic moldings in a detailed video.

Roof drips can be installed on your own. These elements of the system cannot be called a luxury, they are rather a necessity due to the need to extend the life of the building.

With the help of ebb tides, you can extend the life of the blind area and protect the roof from the growth of icicles, which, if dropped, can pose a danger to humans. Installation of an ebb tide is not complicated. These works do not take much time and can be done by anyone. home master who is experienced in handling construction tools.

Low tide selection

Before installing an ebb for a roof, you need to think about what material will underlie it. These designs can also be made in different forms. Their main task is to collect water from the roof surface and redirect it to the drainage system. On sale today you can find aluminum sills, the thickness of which is approximately 1 mm. Such devices are coated with varnish, which protects the material from corrosion.

Roof eaves can also be made of galvanized steel, the thickness remains the same. Plastisol or polyester is used as a covering, which makes it possible to muffle the sound of rain. You can install plastisol and polyester sills, which have increased durability and strength. Such products are lightweight and UV resistant. They are popular, they are quite simple to install, and you can even do the work yourself.

An alternative material option is untreated copper, which is plated with a zinc-copper alloy. Such ebb tides have an attractive appearance and differ high quality, however, they are often more expensive than other solutions. Plastic roof sills are able to emphasize the individuality of the building, because they are offered in a wide colors... Such structures are not afraid of temperature changes, do not require special care and are also popular for the reason that rain falling on them is not capable of causing a lot of noise.

Selection options

The most preferable today are plastic and metal drips. They have a special layer that protects the material from corrosion. The quality depends on the thickness and grade of the metal. Non-ferrous metal ebbs are also quite popular, because they are durable and attractive in appearance. They are usually of high quality, but they are more expensive than regular ebb tides.

Installation steps: preparation

Installation of roof eaves begins with preparation, for this you should take care of the availability Supplies and tools, among them should be highlighted:

  • pipes;
  • brackets;
  • clamps;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • funnel;
  • gutter;
  • connecting inserts.

The pipe must be equal to the height of the building. As for the brackets, they will act as holders. Clamps are used for attaching pipes to the walls of the house. To fix it, you also need to stock up on self-tapping screws. If you decide to install ebb tides for the roof with your own hands, then you should also prepare a set of tools, namely:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • file;
  • tracing cord.

It is also important to prepare the place for draining the water. It should not harm the plantings and paving slabs as well as the foundation. If storm sewage is already present on the site, then the issue is removed.

Strip markings

Installation should be started by marking the strip to which the ebb tide will be fixed. At the first stage, a water intake funnel is attached; a transverse zone must be allocated for it. After 15 cm from the edges of the funnel, it is necessary to install the holders on both sides. From the edge of the roof, you need to draw a vertical, which should be closer to the wall of the house. This will prevent water from flowing over the edge during heavy rains. The gutter should be given a certain angle of inclination.

Marking the line for fixing the holders and the slope of the gutter

Before installing the eaves on the roof, you must determine the location of the holders and mark the slope of the gutter. For this, a long board and a building level are used. With these tools, a zero line is drawn, which will be located on the lower edge of the holder. It should be brought up to the fastening of the outer holder.

The technician must determine the difference between the fixing height of the final and installed holders. This distance should be multiplied by 3. The bracket is fixed in accordance with the calculations performed. The line should be laid with a cord. The holders should be at a distance of 50 cm. For all holders, first you need to mark the places, only then you can start attaching them.

Adjusting the gutters

When installing plastic roof sills, the next step is to adjust the length of the gutters. The gutter sections are installed in holders so that there is space for inserts between them. The lines are connected by inserts that contain boundary marks. Between the edges of the gutters, a spacing of 8 to 10 cm should be observed. Once the gutter is assembled, it can be installed in the holders by checking the slope using water. Even a fairly impressive flow of liquid must pass through the gutter.

Downpipe installation

The next step is to install the roof ebb pipe. Its installation starts from the funnel. The element is connected by a knee. It is important to take care of the availability the right amount pipes, as well as connecting elements, so as not to interrupt work.

Additional installation rules

In order for the installation of the system not to be wasted work, it is important to observe the technology. The main condition effective work is the presence of a slope towards the funnel and pipe. The bias can be equal to the limit from 1 to 3 cm for each meter of length. The parameters of the gutter must be calculated taking into account the area of ​​the slopes.

If the roof has an area that is 90 m 2, then the diameter of the ebb should be 8 cm. With an increase in the area of ​​the slopes, the diameter of the gutter increases. Ebb tides should be 3 cm or more below the edge of the overhang. This will prevent the element from ripping off during the snow cover from the slopes.

When installing an outflow from the roof, you must take care of the presence of a vertical drain pipe in each section with a length of 6 m. This will ensure the transfer of liquid to the storm sewer. If you have to work with a house with a complex configuration, then such elements should be located at every corner.

If you want to prevent droplets from bouncing off the gutter under the roofing material, you should also install a teardrop. When choosing galvanized roof eaves, you must calculate how long the eaves are required. At the same time, about 15% should be added to the perimeter of the structure, which will go for overlap and trimming, as well as docking points. When choosing a gutter, remember that it also requires downpipes, funnels, as well as brackets made of similar material.

It is wrong to believe that the installation of ebb tides is carried out after the construction of the roof. The brackets must be fixed to the rafters until the waterproofing layer is laid. An exception to the rule is the situation when the roof is devoid of overhang or its size is too small. Then the ebb is attached to the wall or cornice board. In all other cases, the ebb is installed in a certain order.

Once you are done with rafter system roof, along the lower edge of the slope, pull the cord, determining the slope of the gutter. The brackets, which will be 70 cm apart, should be reinforced with a crate. The latter is covered with waterproof soft material or a sealant.

Galvanized roof sills usually have an impressive weight, like those made of copper. If you decide to use a system made of such materials, then the lathing in the places where the bracket is fixed must be reinforced with boards, their section is 50x150 mm.

After that, you can start installing the ebb. The gutter modules are installed in the fasteners, they should be docked together. For additional waterproofing, the joints are treated with a sealant. As soon as all the work is completed, the gutters are checked for operability. A bucket of water should be poured out a few meters from the gutter, and then watch its movement. If the liquid got into the gutter, and then into the downpipe, then the work was done without errors, which is true in the case when the liquid was not lost along the way.


When installing ebbs, you should take care of the presence of connecting inserts. Their number will be determined by the number of joints in the gutter. This is influenced by the length of the roof line. The deformation of the gutter can be avoided by installing the inserts. Their presence eliminates the need to install stiffeners. If the ebb for the house will not be closed, then additional plugs should be purchased.

Brackets are attached to the ebb troughs every meter of the structure. Places for installing drains should be prepared in advance. They are chosen in such a way that the water does not collide with obstacles along the way. In addition, runoff should not fall on the plants planted on the site, as well as on the sidewalk.

Ebbs are part of the drainage system, which is necessary for roofs with any coating. The presence of these elements allows you to quickly remove moisture from the roof and prevent rotting, material corrosion and leaks in the structure. To achieve these goals, you should correctly select and install the ebb, taking into account the characteristics of the roofing material.

Correct installation of roof sills

The gutters connected to each other and to other elements of the drainage complex are called ebbs. They can have a triangular, rectangular or circular cross-section, which is the most common. Their principle of operation is that water flows down the roof surface and enters the gutters, and through them enters the drainage systems. Thanks to this, moisture does not accumulate on the roof, which prevents corrosion, rotting and damage to the coating.

Roof drips are matched to the color of the roofing

The design of ebbs always presupposes the presence of connecting elements, thanks to which it is possible to create a gutter of the desired length. In this case, the installation of the system on different types roofing requires adherence to technology.

At self-fastening it is worth considering the following features:

  • the low tide is located with a slope towards the intake funnel, which will ensure effective drainage of sediments. For 1 m of pipes, a slope of 4–5 mm is required;
  • the diameter of the gutter depends on the roof area. For example, for a roof of 90 m 2, an element with diameters of 8 cm is required;
  • ebb tides are placed 3 cm below the edge of the roof overhang. This is to prevent damage to the element as a result of snow melting;
  • vertical drain pipes are installed every 5 m, and when complex structures roofs they are at every corner;
  • the gutter is supplemented with a teardrop, which prevents droplets from bouncing off the tide in different directions.

Self-installation of the low tide

The gutter can be plastic or metal, but in any case, it is important to prepare the tools and Additional materials for work. A saw, a screwdriver and a rope, as well as self-tapping screws, will help to secure the structure. Building level it will be possible to check the angle of inclination, special brackets are used to install the ebb.

The gutter should be located with a slope towards the funnel and waste water intake system

For work, you will also need all parts of the system, for example, a funnel, plugs, corners connecting the inserts. First, you need to determine the location and length of the system. Funnels are often placed in the corners of a building where vertical drainage pipes are located.

Ebb for the gable of the building

The drainage elements of the roof can be different, and one of the options is the gable ebb. This detail is a canopy, which is considered part of the building and serves to drain water from walls and windows.

The visor is erected on the crate and equipped with an ebb trough

To create such a low tide option, you will need corrugated board, wooden blocks 50x80 mm, roofing screws. The fastening of wooden parts to each other can be done with nails and a hammer. These parts must be made of wood with a moisture content of not more than 12%, and they must also be pretreated with an antiseptic.

The visor can be supplemented with an ebb in the form of a gutter

The complex of works to create a gable ebb involves the following actions:

  1. The angle of inclination of the rafters for the ebb should be from 20 to 45 °, and the width of this element should be from 500 to 600 mm. The bars are sawn into parts of the appropriate size and taking into account the angle of connection of the elements.
  2. A frame for the ebb is assembled from the bars, attaching them to the roof rafters and the wall of the building with nails and anchor bolts.
  3. On top of the finished crate, a covering of corrugated board or metal tile is mounted, making an overlap of about 5 cm and carefully treating the seams with a sealant.

For fastening the corrugated board, roofing screws are used. In the places where the structure adjoins the pediment, the wall must be fixed with the same self-tapping screws, the metal corner, and the seam must be filled with sealant. This ensures the strength of the ebb and prevents moisture from entering the structure.

Video: installation of an ebb for the pediment

Installing a plastic drip

The plastic drainage system is lightweight and does not load the roof, and modern products are durable. That's why plastic drip is often the most budgetary and practical solution to protect the roof from moisture accumulation.

The plastic ebb is fixed on self-tapping screws

The stages of installing a plastic ebb are as follows:

  1. After installing the rafters and fixing the waterproofing film, you need to pull the cord along the bottom of the ramp, taking into account the required slope of the low tide direction.
  2. To the extreme lathing of the roof, which is covered waterproofing material, install the gutter brackets. Screw these elements with self-tapping screws at an equal distance from each other. The optimal step is 50–70 cm.
  3. Connect the gutter modules into the system of the required length, mount the plugs at the ends. Fix the parts one by one on the brackets.

To check the tightness and correctness, you need to pour a bucket of water into the system at one of the ends and at the corner of the building and observe the movement of the liquid. If it reaches the special pipe and ditch quickly and does not accumulate in any part of the ebb, then the work has been done correctly.

Video: installing a PVC drain

Installation of metal gutters

Metal shims can be copper, aluminum or alloy steel. Such products are heavier than plastic ones and therefore require the same strong brackets. For installation metal systems it is necessary to strengthen the crate in the area of ​​fixing the brackets, and for this, boards with a section of 50x150 mm are used.

The metal sheen requires careful fixation, because it has a lot of weight

Installation of metal gutters involves the following steps:

  1. A rope is pulled along the bottom of the slope at the desired level of the location of the drain and taking into account the slope. This is carried out before the installation of the waterproofing film, but after the completion of the rafters and reinforcement of the sheathing.
  2. The gutter elements are fastened together with rivets, and then fastened to the brackets installed on the frontal roof board. The plugs are mounted on the extreme elements, pre-installing rubber compressor and complementing the joint area with roofing sealant.
  3. A gutter with a plug is mounted in suspensions. If you plan to install a funnel, then a hole in the gutter is created in advance with a hacksaw for metal or an electric drill and a special crown of the required diameter.
  4. After installing the ebb, a drainpipe with a funnel is attached, carefully waterproofing the joints. The system is then tested for efficiency by filling with water.

Video: an example of installing a metal gutter

How to set the corners of different widths of ebb

Roof gutter formation complex shape or bypassing a ledge requires joining the ebbs at the corners. In this case, it is often necessary to connect the ebb different widths... For this purpose, special corners are used, namely internal connectors and external couplings, which can be with different angles.

External couplings will help to connect gutters of different widths at the corners of the building

The process of joining gutters at corners does not differ from fixing straight elements. The brackets are positioned close to the corner to ensure the strength and reliability of the system. If the corner has short edges, then the place of their junction with the straight gutter is carefully waterproofed with a roofing sealant.

Some manufacturers produce corners with markings for the downpipe

A downpipe may be located at the corner of the building and therefore an opening must be provided for installing a funnel. Using a hacksaw or a drill with a metal crown, make a hole on corner connection for gutters, but first you need to carefully measure the diameter of the funnel. There are also ready-made sets of funnels and corner gutters that do not require complex installation.

Video: a variant of joining the gutter in the corner area

Soft roof drainage

Roof surface coated with bituminous shingles does not provide a quick release of moisture and therefore for soft roof drains are needed. For installation, you can choose plastic models but more durable metal options with a polymer colored coating.

For a soft roof of any shape, gutters are needed

If plastic brackets are used, then they are fixed on the frontal board with a distance of 60 cm between the elements. Metal supports fastened to the edge board of the crate before laying the material.

The technology involves such stages as:

  1. At one end of the edge of the crate or frontal board, a self-tapping screw is attached, an inclined line is drawn, taking into account the fact that there is about 5 mm of slope for each meter. At the end of the line, attach another self-tapping screw and pull the rope.
  2. Along this line, the brackets are fixed at a distance of about 50-60 cm from each other. The extreme supports are mounted at a distance of 15 cm from the end of the board.
  3. When installing the gutter, the edge of the element, which is closer to the edge, is inserted into the fastening retainer. Release the bracket, press a little and fix the opposite edge. From the inside, glue is applied to the corner and the gutter is quickly folded. You need to push the corner all the way. Next, the gutter with the glued corner is placed in other brackets.
  4. After that, glue is applied to inner zone and connect the elements. Plugs are installed on the end parts.

Repair of roof gutters

As a result of the melting of snow and ice, heavy rains and strong gusts of wind, the gutters of the drainage system can be damaged. The most unstable to such factors are plastic structures, more durable metal, but in any case, system repair may be required.

Any type of gutter can be damaged by climatic factors

Ebb tides are affected by many factors, and a violation of the functionality of the drainage system requires prompt repair. The following situations are common:

  • poor moisture management is often due to the accumulation of dirt, fallen leaves and debris in the gutters. It is easy to fix the problem by cleaning the system from foreign objects;
  • if there is a crack in the gutter, then the element must be replaced. If a fracture occurs over the entire surface, this part must be completely replaced. Small cracks easy to fix with two-component cold welding;
  • if the elements of the drainage system have been disconnected, then you need to clean the damaged area from dirt, remove the old fasteners and carefully connect the parts, treating the joint with a sealant;
  • rust occurs on metal products with damaged protective layer... It can be cleaned with a sponge and covered with anti-corrosion paint. If rust has hit the entire system, then the ebb is best replaced;
  • deformed pipes after many years of operation are always replaced with new ones. This is necessary for plastic and metal products that have not been repaired for decades.

Integrity and correct installation roof eaves are the key to good protection of the building from moisture. The gutter system has simple design, but allows you to protect walls, windows and foundations from harmful effects water. Regular repairs are just as necessary as correct installation of gutters, as it extends the service life of the drainage structure.

Ebb tides are an integral part of the protection system of any house from waterlogging. Experts recommend installing them to protect the walls and foundations of the house from dampness and mold. If you do not provide adequate protection, the walls can lose thermal insulation properties at the same time, the building will gradually begin to lose its aesthetics of appearance and collapse. From the point of view of places of protection, there are basement, window and roof sills.

In the article we will tell you how to make ebb tides on the roof with your own hands from various materials(galvanized, plastic pipes, stainless steel), we will consider the process of installing ebbs, and also give photos and video instructions.


  1. High strength, resistance to mechanical deformation and heavy loads.
  2. Durability - due to resistance to corrosion, temperature extremes and precipitation.
  3. Attractive appearance.

Materials (edit)

Due to constant exposure to adverse factors external environment(precipitation, temperature changes, sun, wind) right choice the ebb material is extremely important.

Modern ebbs are made from different materials.

Cink Steel... For the manufacture of castings, steel is used in sheets up to 1 mm thick. For additional protection against corrosion and aesthetics of the structure, a polyester, pural or plastisol coating is used.

Aluminum... The thickness of the original sheets is 0.8-1 mm. To protect against corrosion, a special multi-colored varnish is used, which also makes it possible to improve the appearance of the tides.

Copper... It can be used without treatment or with oxidation or brass plating. It is considered the most beautiful, high quality and durable material for the manufacture of ebbs. It has a significant disadvantage - a high price.

Polymers... Due to their low cost, increased strength, noiselessness, UV resistance and durability, polyester and plastisol are widely used in the manufacture of ebbs. Due to its low weight and ease of installation, it is quite possible to mount roof drips.

System composition

The drainage system consists of several elements.

Gutters. Designed to collect water flowing down from roof slopes.

Funnels... They are used to receive water from gutters and further direct it into pipes.

Pipes... They are used to transport water to special water intakes.

Various twists and turns... They are used to bring pipes closer to the walls of the building, provide the ability to bypass obstacles and prevent water splashes from entering the basement of the building, by installing them at the bottom of the pipes.

Plugs... Designed to restrict water flow. They are mounted at the ends of the gutters.

Fastening elements... Special brackets are used to fix the gutters. Clamps of the required dimensions are used to secure the pipes.

Calculation of the amount of materials

The number of gutters corresponds to the length of the roof slopes.

The number of roof outlets is determined based on the length of the slopes. Usually one funnel is installed for 10 running meters of the slope. At longer length roofs, several drainage points must be provided.

Number of pipes ( total length) is calculated based on the number of drain points, the distance from the installation points of the funnels to the ground, taking into account the features of the facade.

The number of turns is calculated based on the features of the building facade and drain points.

The number of brackets is determined based on the calculation: at least one bracket per running meter mounted gutter.

The number of clamps used for fastening pipes depends on the number and length of pipes (at least 2 for each pipe). In this case, each section of the pipe must be fixed in at least one place with a special clamp.

Ebb installation

Modern outdoor gutters are, in fact, a constructor that should be properly assembled. The tightness of the joints is provided by the manufacturer. The presence of an assembly drawing describing the principle of assembly of the structure will greatly facilitate the installation process.

When installing the gutters of the drainage system, it is necessary to follow the basic principle - the principle of the presence of slopes and tightness of the joints. A slope of 2-3 ° is required to ensure fast flow. Visually, such a bias is not noticeable and does not spoil the appearance. If desired, the slope can be increased to 5 °, but in this case it will become noticeable and the appearance of the building may be spoiled.

Assembly separate parts gutters should be made in the direction of water movement. A sealant can be used to further seal the joints.

When assembling pipes, it is enough to ensure the tightness of the joints.

When installing the gutter system, the manufacturer's recommendations for fastening methods should be followed. You also need to be careful, because the work is carried out at a height.

Correct use of ebb tides will protect your home from the negative effects of precipitation, decorate it, preserve the appearance of the structure for a long time and significantly extend its service life.


Find out how to install roof eaves by watching the following video: