Plastic gutter: how to make ebb tides on the roof with your own hands - installation steps. Installing roof drainage Do-it-yourself roof drainage installation

A properly installed drainage system will keep the walls of the house from getting wet and drain rain and melt water directly into drainage wells... After watching a selection of videos on installing roof eaves, you will learn the basic installation rules.

GAMRAT gutters

The first video shows the installation of GAMRAT roof gutters. The wizards show the assembly of the ebb and give recommendations for fastening the nodes.

Galeco gutters

The second video shows a set of tools necessary for the installation of moldings, the Galeco profile different sizes, types of fastening. Also you will see the diagram correct installation with an indication of the dimensions, where to start the installation of roof eaves and how to connect individual details systems.

Drainage systems Grand Line

In the third video you will learn about the advantages and rules of installation different systems gutter Grand Line. The company manufactures square and round ebb profiles. Fastening of short hooks can be done during roof installation and after completion. Long hooks are best installed prior to installing the roof covering.

Polymer coated galvanized steel gutters

In the fourth video, you will learn the secrets of installing a gutter system made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating. The instructor explains in detail the installation of each element of the entire system. After completing the instructions, the specialist will analyze in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of such an installation and give his recommendations.


Required element any roof - roof sills, protecting it from water penetration inside and leaks, which can lead to the destruction of the house.

Types of roof drips

Roof eaves can be made of various materials - plastic, metals (galvanized steel, copper). They have different shape... The purpose of the ebb tide is to collect water from the roof and drain it using special devices into the drainage system. This element of the drain must have such characteristics as: increased strength, resistance to loads and mechanical stress, the presence of an anti-corrosion coating, an attractive appearance.

Galvanized steel outflow has a thickness of no more than 1 millimeter. Such products are additionally coated with polyester, pural, plastisol. If steel does not have such a coating, it is not very comfortable to live in the house: the sound of raindrops is greatly amplified.

The aluminum ebb has a thickness of 0.8-1 millimeters. In order to protect it from corrosion, it is varnished on all sides. To improve the appearance of the product, varnishes of various colors can be used.

Copper castings are subject to brass plating or oxidation. Elements made of this metal are durable and have an attractive appearance... They will serve for a long time, but their cost is quite high.

Typically, ebbs are made in the form of a shallow groove with special brackets, which are necessary for fastening. Depending on the size of the roof, the length of the ebb can be from 1 to 6 meters. You can also choose a color that will be combined with other elements of the drainage system and the roof.

Benefits of creating ebb

Ebb tides for water drainage (see photo) have the following advantages:

  • increased protection of the roof and walls from the adverse effects of moisture;
  • the appearance of the roof becomes more attractive due to the closure of the joints between the materials;
  • increased resistance to impact environment, for example, temperature extremes and precipitation;
  • the overall rigidity of the roof structure increases.

Polyester has the greatest number of advantages, which, together with its low price, contributes to widespread use.

How to calculate the diameter of the ebb

In order to correctly install the ebb tides on the roof, it is necessary to correctly calculate its dimensions, since the ebb of insufficient depth and width may not cope with the function assigned to it.

The following values ​​are used in the calculations:

  • the distance between the gutters and the turning points of the gutter;
  • roof area.

To determine the area of ​​the roof, it is conventionally divided into elements in the form geometric shapes(rectangles, triangles, etc.) and calculate the area of ​​each of them. The results are then summarized.

On each slope, it is necessary to install two gutters with a slope towards the pipe intended for drainage. The diameter of the gutter can be 100 or 125 millimeters, it is selected based on the intensity of the expected load on the drainage system. If the building is small, you can install gutters with a smaller diameter.

Making ebbs

Buying ready-made ebbs is much preferable to making them yourself. Industrial-made drainage elements are carefully designed. The ready-made kit includes gutters, pipes different diameters, droppers, hanging hooks (brackets), plugs, elbows. Also in the set of ebb tides there are drain funnels and protective nets, which serve to prevent clogging of the drain when debris enters.

Finished goods you can also buy if they will be installed independently.

They have the following advantages:

  • durability and reliability;
  • a variety of colors and shapes;
  • ease of installation and ease of maintenance;
  • product warranty;
  • the possibility of producing elements according to individual order;
  • no anti-corrosion coating and painting of ebbs are required (this is done even during production);
  • reasonable prices.

A large assortment of pipes and gutters of various diameters and sizes makes it possible to combine drainage elements and select a set according to price parameters.

Installation of ebbs

All gutters should be located above the drainage systems, and bends should be located a short distance from the middle outlets.

You can also make a rectangular ebb. This will require a sheet of metal with a thickness of 0.7 millimeters and manual bending machine... It can be bought at a hardware store at a low price. For calculation the right amount ebb tide, you need to determine the perimeter and divide it by the length of one ebb tide.

Next, a sheet of metal is cut into strips with a length of at least three meters. The width should be equal to the perimeter of the future ebb tide, 10-15% is added to this value for the allowance - this will be needed to refuel the metal into the machine. You can cut it circular saw or grinder. When the metal strips are ready, they are fed into the machine and the desired ebb contour is set using rolls. As a result of rolling the strips, a finished metal cast is obtained. Then the inner surface of the product is coated with an anti-corrosion compound, for example, plastisol, and the outer surface is painted in the desired color.

Then they begin to install the brackets - ready-made ebbs will be attached to them. Brackets are mounted with an interval of 50-60 centimeters, while for each meter of the length of the ebb tide, a slope of about 3 millimeters must be observed. Thanks to this, the water will be completely removed from the gutter, it will not stagnate.

As for how to install the ebb, this must be done using a special rubber gasket 1-2 millimeters thick, which is necessary so that the paint or varnish layer is not damaged while attaching the gutter to the bracket. The ebb should be installed before the waterproofing of the roof is created. This makes it possible to attach the brackets directly to the Mauerlat, which will close after the construction of the waterproofing. After completing the fastening of the gutter to the brackets, the quality of the work is checked by passing a stream of water through the gutter. If the ebb installation was done correctly, there should be no leaks even with large amounts of precipitation.

Foundation ebb

In addition to drainage systems for roofs, the house also needs ebb tides for the foundation, which drain melt water and precipitation. In addition, the ebb tides on the foundation also perform a decorative function - they hide the gaps between the plinth and the facade and give the building a complete look.

Maximum length of these products is 5 meters. Designs of this size provide reliable waterproofing foundation and increase the life of the building. Installation of ebb tides is carried out at the initial stage of finishing the facade of the building, for example, siding, porcelain stoneware, corrugated board. The cost of installing facade ebb tides is low. You can install it yourself - it's easy enough.

The process of creating ebb tides will not cause difficulties if the measurements of the width and depth of the surface are correctly performed.

When siding or corrugated board is used for finishing, the necessary data is calculated after the installation of the lathing, which is used to level the surface. The joints formed during installation are sealed with polyurethane foam.

Ebb and flow for the roof and foundation are necessary in order to prevent the damaging effects of moisture on the building. A properly designed drainage system will help get rid of many of the problems caused by precipitation.

During rain or during snow melting, water flows begin to drain from the roof, which can damage the roof covering and the facade of the building. If this happens all the time, the walls and foundation of the house will sooner or later be destroyed. To avoid such problems, you need to equip a drainage system from the roof.

Thanks to the installation of structures that promptly divert water flows from the slopes, private house will stand for more than one decade. Mounting the elements of which they are composed is a simple job even for a novice home craftsman. Therefore, you can install drainage systems for the roof on your own.

Features of the drainage device

Gutters are called gutters with a cross section:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • triangular (in rare cases).

Water streams flow down from the slopes into them. Some homeowners think that their use is not necessary, since the roof is designed in such a way that rainfall is redirected by gravity from the ridge to the edges of the overhang.

But this is not so: if the installation of drainage on the roof is not made, the flowing moisture does not have a purposeful movement - this process occurs chaotically and thus the finishing of the facade of the building is in danger of destruction. Precipitation penetrates the places where the roof joins the walls and destroys the blind area.

Professionals believe that the optimal cross-sectional shape for drainage is a rounded configuration, since in this case there are no hard-to-reach corners clogged with debris and dirt. The presence of blockages requires that the owners are more often engaged in cleaning the gutter structure.

If you do not install ebb tides on the roof with your own hands or with the help of specialists, the spontaneously moving stream creates puddles around the house, where, as a rule, paths are paved.

A well-equipped drainage system is able to solve the above problems. It also allows you to collect melted and rainwater and use it to water your garden plot.

Currently on sale there are models of drainage systems of different color solutions, which allow you to choose a structure for the facade finish or roof covering.

Types of ebb tides for draining water from the roof

When there was still no mass industrial production of gutters, it was necessary to make a drainage from the roof with our own hands, adapting pipes cut in half for this purpose. Today, specialized stores offer a wide selection of drainage structures, the installation of which can be performed in the shortest possible time.

The most popular are drainage systems made of the following materials:

  1. Aluminum... Metal gutters made of it are lightweight, so they do not need reinforced fasteners. The disadvantage of aluminum products is that it reacts with water, oxidizes and begins to deteriorate over time. The gutters should be covered with a protective agent every season.
  2. Copper... Corrosion-resistant oxidized copper is used to make a drain for a roof pipe. This durable material has a noble color. In this case, the elements of the drainage system have significant weight and therefore it is very difficult to install them yourself. Copper ebb tides are expensive.
  3. Alloy steel... Galvanized gutters are considered one of the best options arrangement of gutters, since they have an affordable price and have anti-corrosion properties. But in the event of damage to the upper layer of the elements of the drainage structure, the metal begins to collapse as a result of oxidative reactions upon contact with precipitation. When installing galvanized gutters, do not forget about their heavy weight and therefore the brackets must be fastened more often.
  4. Plastic... Plastic roof drains are becoming more and more popular among roofing accessories. They are lightweight, they can be installed without any problems with their own hands. Plastic elements are joined without gaps. Their disadvantage is that in severe frosts, products become brittle and cracked.

All metal showers have a high degree of resonance, which is why the noise level from falling raindrops is irritating to the ear. To eliminate this defect, galvanized elements are applied in an industrial environment. polymer coating, which helps to damp loud sounds.

Requirements for installing drainage systems with your own hands

High-quality installation requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. In order for the ebb to function effectively, there must be a slope in the direction of the intake funnels and pipes. It is made at the rate of 1-3 centimeters per one running meter.
  2. The size of the cross-section of the gutter is determined based on the size of the slopes. If the roof has a surface area of ​​about 90 "squares", ebbs having an 8 cm diameter are used. How larger area slopes, the greater this parameter should be at the gutter.
  3. Ebb tides are mounted below the edge of the overhang by at least 3 centimeters so that they are not ripped off when snow masses come off the slopes.
  4. Vertically laid downpipes used to move water from the ebb to the elements storm sewer, are located with an interval of 5-6 meters. If the house has a complex configuration, they are made at each of the corners of the roof.
  5. To prevent the ingress of drops flying from the gutter, a dripstone is installed under the roofing material.
  6. To know how many meters of ebb tide need to be purchased, calculate the perimeter of the building and add 10 - 15% for trimming and observing the overlap at the joints of the elements.
  7. When choosing a gutter, take into account how to fix the ebb tides according to the technology. The funnels, brackets and pipes should be selected from the same material.

How to install and fix ebbs

Before installing the drainage system on the roof, the brackets are attached to the rafters before laying the waterproofing layer. Only in the case when the roof has no overhang or it small size, then the ebb tides on the roof are fixed on the wall or on the cornice board.

Usually, roof drainage systems are installed in the following sequence:

  1. After completion of construction rafter system pull the lace along the bottom of the ramp, taking into account the slope of the gutter.
  2. Brackets are fixed on the crate with a pitch of 50-70 centimeters.
  3. If the drainage system is copper or galvanized and has a large weight, the crate at the place of fixing the brackets must be reinforced with boards measuring 50x150 millimeters.
  4. After completing the fastening of the brackets, proceed with the installation of the ebb. The gutter modules are placed in the fasteners, joining them together. The joints for the purpose of waterproofing are treated with a sealant.

After installing drainage systems for the roof with their own hands, they check the functioning of the drainage system.

The cross-sectional shape of the roof gutter affects the appearance of the house, but not the ability to drain rainfall. And the amount of drains, their location and the complexity of installation depend on the design of the roof. At the same time, any drainage system solves one problem: to collect water flowing from the roof and take it to the ground, away from the facade and foundation. If desired, the homeowner can install the ebb on the roof of his house himself. The technology of these works is simple, while the conditions for fastening and collecting structural elements must be observed.

Differences in the installation of drainage

Drainage systems are made of galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, PVC. The do-it-yourself ebb assembly scheme does not change from the type of system, but the size range of gutters and pipes may differ. An important value depends on this parameter - the distance at which the brackets must be fastened.

For example, for a plastic system maximum distance between holders is 600 mm. For steel - 400 mm. It is within these limits that the brackets are installed, therefore, for copper and aluminum castings, it is advisable to take a step of 500 mm. It should be said that often the brackets are located at this distance for any drainage system.

Calculation of system components

For work, you will need the following consumables:

inner and outer corners.

If the roof drainage system will be located only in straight sections, the corners will not be needed. This option is suitable, for example, for a 2-pitched roof: 2 drains are located on the long sides of the roof.

The calculation is carried out as follows:

how many corners the roof has, so many corners will be needed for installation (except for straight drains);

to determine the number of gutters, the length of the roof along the eaves (perimeter) is divided by the length of the gutter (standard 3 m); the resulting figure is rounded up;

a funnel is installed every 10-15 m of the length of the gutter; the number of craters is determined by dividing the perimeter by this figure; rounded down;

if the system is open-ended, you will need 2 plugs;

for joining the gutters, connectors are required, their number is calculated by dividing total length systems for 3 (3 - gutter length in meters);

by the number of funnels, it is determined how many drainpipes are needed; the length of the pipe is equal to the height of the house, while pipes are sold in sections of 3 m;

one drain needs one of its bends and 2 pipe bends.

Important: the system must slope towards the downpipe. It is 3 mm for each running meter. To control this parameter, a building level is used.

Step 1: attaching the brackets

The installation of the drainage begins with the fastening of the brackets. The element is wound under the eaves and attached to the sheathing board with self-tapping screws. As the system progresses, the holders can be fixed to rafter legs and the frontal board.

The first bracket is screwed to the place farthest from the downpipe. Then the last holder is attached, at the place where the pipe is attached. After that, the intermediate brackets are installed.

It is better to mark the location of each of them in advance by pulling the cord between the first and the last holders (taking into account the slope of 3 mm each meter). In this way, you can make an ebb tide on the roof as efficiently as possible, as experts do. The correct slope will provide the required amount of rainfall.

Stage 2: connecting the gutters

A gutter connector is attached between each pair of holders. It is recommended to lubricate its rubber seals so that there are no difficulties during installation. Each groove will connect to the other inside the connector.

Stage 3: entering the funnel

In the cavity of the gutter (in its bottom) a hole is cut out for the outlet funnel. You can do it yourself with a hacksaw. The assembled section is installed on brackets. Here it is important to observe the temperature marks that almost any manufacturer has in the roof drainage system. The edge of the gutter must reach the mark corresponding to the air temperature.

Stage 4: attaching the corners

Each corner, internal or external, is first attached with one end to the gutter. After installing the resulting pipe with a corner on the holders, the 2nd groove is brought to the corner (on the other side). The corner, like all components of the system, is fixed to the roof beams (boards) with self-tapping screws. You should know how to ensure the roof sills are well sealed. For this, all joints are treated with a sealant.

Stage 5: installation of drainpipes

After installation suspension system vertical drains are installed. The pipes are attached to front wall at home with clamps. The standard distance between the clamps is 1 m. The maximum allowable is 1.8 m.

Connectors are installed at the junction of two drainage pipes. The direction of the pipe is set using a bend. This knee brings it closer to the wall of the house when the pipe joins the funnel with its upper end.

Clamps are always installed on 2 sides of the knee (at a distance of 150 mm). In this case, the condition must be observed: each pipe segment must be attached to the facade with at least one clamp.

Drainage of water from the foundation

From the drainage pipe, the sediment must flow into the drainage system of the site. Sometimes the installation of such a system is ignored, and over time, the integrity of the foundation is threatened. With a hidden drainage system, the pipe enters the ground, providing the entire system with a neat look, and the soil near the facade with the necessary dryness.

How to make ebb tides on the roof with your own hands, installation of gutters

How to make ebb tides on the roof with your own hands. Payment necessary components... All stages of installation.

Ebb tides for the roof: device, types and do-it-yourself installation rules

Drainage of water is a vital measure during the construction of a roof, which excludes leaks and does not allow water to penetrate into the under-roof space and the facade of the building. Accumulating, it is capable of destroying roof structure and the walls of the building. In winter, icing along with icicles breaks off and falling down pose a threat to human life. This situation can be avoided only by eliminating stagnant water by organizing its drainage from the roof.

Ebb tides for water drainage are performed with high degree strength, protection against rust and emphasizing the attractiveness of the structure as a whole. To make them, are used various materials and the shape of the structure itself.

Different types of water ebbs from the roof

The type of this structure for the roof is determined by the material used for its manufacture.

  • Ebb tides, where thin galvanized sheet steel up to 1 mm is used. This material needs additional polyester coating to dampen dripping sounds. After all, even a small impact on a steel sheet is accompanied by an unpleasant sound.
  • Roof drains made of up to 1 mm thin aluminum sheets, on which it is desirable to apply a special coating with an anti-corrosion mixture.
  • Ebb tides for draining water from sheet copper. A protective oxidized layer is applied to the sheets. Such ebb tides are distinguished by their durability, strength, safety and decorative effect, but also high cost.
  • The use of polymers or plastic in the production of drainage. Such designs are sound enough and have ease and noiselessness of action.

Plastic drains

Plastic ebb for the roof differs from other structures in low cost and easy installation. They can be easily installed by the homeowner himself, who does not have special skills. However, they have a rather significant drawback - low level frost resistance. Ice formations in plastic pipes can cause them to rupture.

Ebb tides can be made in different colors, the choice of colors is made by the owner himself according to his taste. However, it is recommended that the shade of the ebb and the color of the roof carpet or walls match. This will give the whole building more decorative effect.

How to make drainage with your own hands

The easiest to work with is plastic, galvanized steel sheets and aluminum. In this regard, it is possible not to invite professional workers, since you can easily and much cheaper to make drainage with your own hands.

Most in a simple way is the cutting of a metal thin-walled pipe with an approximate section of 150 mm along its length. Thus, two catchment gutters are obtained.

Following the recommendations of specialists, both parts obtained are coated with a special mixture or varnish of the appropriate color, which will ensure the anti-corrosion resistance of the material. Then the gutters are installed on the catchment area with the fixing brackets.

There is another simple solution to how to make roof eaves if you use galvanized steel sheets, which are given a rectangular shape. You need to have the following items in stock:

  • steel sheet, minimum thickness which is 7 mm,
  • the machine on which the metal structure will be bent.

In general, you can get by with a hammer or a mallet and a piece of a corner or rail, but the structure will lose its decorative properties and is unlikely to become a decoration of the building.

The steel sheet is cut into strips of the desired width, and is approximately 3 m long. Then each metal strip is placed in a folding machine. Then they are covered with protective composition, are dried and the finished ebb is prepared for installation.

Installation rules by stages

You should prepare special brackets and fix them correctly at a distance of about 0.5 m from each other, then you can begin the installation of roof outlets.

  1. It is necessary to organize a good weir, which depends on how accurately the required slope of the gutters is made. The slope of the gutters is approximately 3 mm per 1 m of the length of the ebb.
  2. In the ebb installation area, the lace is pulled while observing the slope of the ebb. Brackets are installed along it. This stage of installation should be considered carefully, since it is he who guarantees the maximum possible drainage, the absence of stagnation and will eliminate frost from low temperatures.
  3. A rubber seal is placed between the ebb and the mounts or another one is used soft material, which will allow to firmly connect both elements, protect the surface of the gutter from rust and prevent changes in the dimensions of the structure due to temperature extremes.
  4. Before installing steam, waterproofing and roof covering, installation of roof drips is required. The lathing is reinforced with a plank underneath to help support the weight of the gutters. It is to its edge that the brackets are attached. When cornice overhang small size, amplification is not necessary. Then the brackets are attached directly to the wall of the building.
  5. At the end of the installation of the ebbs, they should be checked.

Drainage fixing scheme

Need to fill large quantity water the upper part of the low tide and observe the rate of its flow. Water should not overflow from the gutter during heavy rains and moisten the walls, otherwise their destruction will begin over time.

We calculate the diameter of the drainage

The accuracy of the drainage calculations is due to its width and height. If they are insufficient, then water may overflow over the edge of the gutter with further hit on the walls. As a result, the facade begins to deteriorate.

For the calculation, you should determine:

  • the total area of ​​the roofing carpet;
  • interval from the drainage system to the point of turning the gutter.

Then take into account the location of the gutter - above drainage system... Turns are carried out taking into account a certain gap to the drainage system, passing in the middle of the drainage system. On the slopes, ebb tides under the roof are located in two, the slope of which is directed in the direction of the drain pipe. The required gutter diameter is selected based on the roof area.

For example, to completely remove water from a roof with an area of ​​90 m 2, it is necessary to select a gutter diameter of about 8 cm. If you need to increase throughput drainage system, it is necessary to provide for the calculation of the increased diameter of the gutter and pipe. For an area of ​​160 m 2, the section size will be 10 cm.

In addition, take into account the average annual precipitation in the region where the building is located. In order to exclude frost with icicles in winter, it is better to install heating of the drainage system with specialized devices powered by electricity.

Rooftop ebb equipment has a number of benefits for the homeowner:

  • frost with water does not act destructively on the roof and walls;
  • you can independently build a drainage structure, as a result, you will get a not very high price of ebb tides for the roof;
  • the strength and safety of the roof is significantly increased;
  • by overlapping the joints of structural parts with drainage elements, you can give the building structure more decorative effect;
  • the roof structure and the structure itself last longer.

It does not matter what ebb tides are installed under the roof, the main thing is that you need to take care of them, namely, periodically clean out the dirt and debris brought by rainwater flowing from the roof.

Special attention should be paid to low tides in late autumn period, because with the onset of frosty weather, residual water can break the tightness of the ebb.

Roof ebb: DIY installation video, installation steps

“Roof ebbs” are roof gutters with gutters, funnels and downpipes.

Plastic gutter: how to make ebb tides on the roof with your own hands - installation steps

What are the advantages of installing plastic drips on the roof of a private house?

It is no secret that the elements of the drainage system differ not only in diameter, but also in the type of material from which they are made. Many still make gutters and galvanized metal pipes independently. However, if we take into account the features of plastic products, then preferences can change dramatically:

  • Simplicity of installation work.
  • Affordable price.
  • Low weight of the structure.
  • Corrosion resistant.
  • Wide range of colors.
  • No noise when it rains.

Before you make ebb tides on the roof with your own hands, for the objectivity of the assessment, disadvantages should also be added to the above. plastic material... These include: impossibility self-made and repair of system elements. In addition, PVC gutters are only suitable for low-rise buildings.

The installation features not only save time, but also the homeowner's money, because the drains can be installed at the same time as the roof is erected. Any hardware store offers numerous sets of plastic gutters of various configurations and cross-sections. The number of elements and their parameters are to be found out at the preparatory stage.

What is the price of plastic roof gutters for a private house?

The cost of current plastic drainage components is available to a wide range of homeowners. Such elements are much cheaper than their copper or titanium counterparts. At the same time, vinyl products are distinguished by their high aesthetics and environmental friendliness. The tightness of the plasticized system practically does not suffer from temperature changes, because the connection of the elements is equipped with a rubber seal.

It must be admitted that high-quality roof eaves are made of plastic and the price is appropriate. Below is the cost of products of some popular manufacturers among developers:

  • Gutter 3 meters Docke - from 437 rubles.
  • Pipe 3 meters Docke - from 529 rubles.
  • Funnel of the Docke gutter - 275 rubles.
  • Gutter 4 meters Nicoll - from 840 rubles.
  • Pipe 4 meters Nicoll - from 1120 rubles.
  • Nicoll gutter funnel - from 597 rubles.
  • Roofart gutter 4 meters - from 787 rubles.
  • Pipe 4 meters Roofart - from 1294 rubles.
  • Roofart gutter funnel - 512 rubles.

Each of plastic systems has its pros and cons. For example, Roofart has special stiffness profiles that make it possible to withstand severe mechanical stress in the event of icing or heavy rainfall.

Calculation of materials for drainage from the roof

You can set the required cross-sectional area of ​​the groove using SP 17.13330.2011. The document states that on square meter the roof area should have 1.5 cm² of the gutter cross-section. Any competent installation ebb tide on the roof is also accompanied by the calculation of the average annual rainfall in the region. The procedure makes it possible to find out the cross-section of the drainpipes according to the recommendations of SP 32.13330.2012. It remains to determine their diameter in accordance with the instructions of SP 30.13330.

Some manufacturers provide their own selection tables effective system drainage system. Having decided on the standard size of the drainage system, it remains to select the elements of the kit. For example, on a straight wall for a riser you will need:

  1. Funnel groove.
  2. One knee for the bottom retraction.
  3. Two elbows for leading the pipe to the wall.
  4. One fixture for funnel assembly and two for each pipe.

To bypass the protrusions on the wall, you will need 4 more elbows and 2 nozzles for connection. The ends of the gutter should be closed with plugs. The segments are arranged so that a minimum of waste is obtained. By the number of joints, the number of connecting elements with seals is counted.

Each component of the gutter is fixed with brackets at the ends with an indent of 150 mm. Along the rest of the length, the fasteners are distributed at a distance of no more than 600 mm from each other, which corresponds to the pitch of the rafters. To mount a 3 meter gutter, you need 6 brackets with a pitch of 500 mm.

Technology: how to make plastic drips on the roof of a one-story house building with your own hands?

Practice has proven that the best option mounting - on a cornice board using brackets. If this is not possible, then they are fastened to the crate or rafters until the moment of laying. roofing material... The choice of fastening material should be clarified at the stage of choosing a system.

The procedure for installing plastic eaves on the roof of a house is as follows:

  • Fix one bracket at the highest point, and fix another bracket on the opposite side of the funnel. The central axis of the gutter should be under the edge of the roof, and the outer edge should be 20-30 mm below the plane of the roof.
  • The extreme bracket is fixed on the basis that each subsequent bracket is fixed 15 mm lower than the previous one. Tie a piece of string to the fixed brackets. So the process is no more complicated than radiator mounting markings heating.
  • The location of the tee is marked with vertical lines.
  • The second bracket is fixed at a distance of 150 mm from the tee line.
  • Distribute and mark the position of the fasteners.
  • Install tees and funnels, and then the rest of the gutter elements.

In order to compensate for thermal expansion, the gutters are fixed with a gap of 10-15 mm. After assembling the horizontal drainage line, proceed to the installation of vertical risers.

Fastening downpipes

There are two types of fasteners - for wood and brick wall... In the first case, it is a V-plate with 2 fixation points, and in the second, it is a single-point anchorage. The pipe itself is fastened with a clamp in both cases.

In the variant with anchors the places for drilling mounting holes for fastening are pre-marked on the wall:

  • lower terminating knee;
  • for each pipe segment, two fasteners spaced 150 mm from the edges;
  • upper knee, suitable for the wall.

When using a V-shaped mount, a clamp with a bracket is put on each elbow and pipe, after which the vertical pipeline is assembled on the wall, and the mounts are fixed with self-tapping screws. Before you make your own plastic ebbs on the roof, it is important to remember that the connection into the socket is not done completely, but a gap of 15 mm is left to stabilize the thermal expansion.

To bypass obstacles in the path of the drainage installation, corner elements for the external and internal rotation of the gutter are used. They are fixed taking into account the general slope, bypassing the edge of the roof along the contour. The end of the installation should be completed by checking the operation of the system, for which in extreme points water is supplied in the grooves. At correct assembly it should move evenly towards the funnel along the entire length of the canal.

How is the installation of roof drainage: installing a plastic drain on your own

Gutter: how to competently make do-it-yourself plastic ebbs on the roof, the main stages of installation and the price of drainage kits.

For all types of roofs, water drainage is needed, it is used to protect the roof and facade from grooves and moisture penetration. Water build-up can destroy the roof and walls of a home. In winter, fragments of frozen snow can fall on a person, so that this does not happen, it is better to install an ebb for the roof, it drains water well from the roof, and will not allow moisture to stagnate.

The ebb is made in the form of a semicircular gutter with an outgoing drain pipe. The water from the roofs enters the gutter and then exits the pipe to the location of your choice. It is made so that water always enters the pipe, and does not pour out onto the ground or the walls of the house. Special ebb tides are made with a drain not through the drain, but onto a specially equipped platform.

Ebb tide is set with outside windows, loggias, balconies and are used to drain water, and are also used to protect the lower plane of windows from water and wind. The ebb looks very aesthetically pleasing when installed in window opening facade of the building. They are used for different buildings, in which there is a roof and windows, so that there is no accumulation of moisture and collapse of the walls.

Price, advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, materials for installing ebbs on the roof can be purchased at a builder's store or bazaar. The price of ebbs depends on the material from which the ebb was made, what kind of production, the manufacturer, additional fasteners, the size of the gutter, the supplier.

Approximate price for one meter of low tide: from zinc - from one hundred rubles, from polyester - from two hundred and forty rubles, aluminum ebb - from three hundred rubles, plastic - from two hundred rubles.

Galvanized steel eaves are very economical and of good quality. A little noisy, as they can amplify the sound of precipitation that falls. Aluminum drips - lightweight, high quality, easy to use. With the help of a slippery surface, they can store their beautiful view a very long time.

- have protective covering, through it the sheets are strong and durable. High price.

Plastic drips- silent, lightweight, easy to install. No special skills are required for installation.

The constituents

Installation of roofs is used on structures that do not have a constant exit of people to the roof or the presence of large and many weighing objects on it.

Roof structure- this is the creation of a rigid base or a special screed on top of the waterproofing layer. This method is needed in order to increase the strength of the structure and evenly distribute the load on it. Positive side roofing is something that does not need to be installed with a rigid base on top of the waterproofing.

In this case, use soft insulation. This type of roof is best used when there is no need to maintain the structure because there will be no load on the top of the roof. In the case when roof maintenance is needed, special transition bridges or ladders are used, with the help of which the load on the surface is equally placed.

Roof eaves are made of galvanized sheet steel, the thickness of which is not more than one millimeter.

When such ebbs are made, they are additionally coated with pural, polyester, plastisol. This coating dampens the sound of rain drops because the surface, made of uncoated steel, amplifies the sound even more.


There are a couple of types of ebbs, they differ from one another in material, shape, size.

There are four types of roof drainage systems:

  1. Galvanized steel.
  2. From aluminum.
  3. With oxidized copper.
  4. Made from plastic or polymers.

Each of these ebbs has its own properties, which reflect a large role in use.

Zinc steel drips

Very economical and strong. They are a little noisy because they can amplify the sounds of precipitation that falls. To fix this problem, try using a polyester backing.

Made of aluminum

Lightweight, durable, easy to install. Thanks to their surface, they can maintain their appearance throughout their entire use. To prevent corrosion, treat it with a special solution. Thickness is approximately 0.8-1 mm. Additional protection occurs during coating with a professional solution on both sides, this is done in order to avoid corrosion, and to improve the appearance of the ebb.


They have a reliable protective coating. Through this, ebb tides can be praised for their strength, durability, and aesthetics. The worst feature is the high cost. They are coated in the form of brass plating or oxidation. The appearance of these ebbs can be distinguished through their durability, high quality and good aesthetic appearance. For these pluses, the cost of ebb tides is slightly more expensive than other ebb tides.

Made of plastic or polymers

Durable, quiet, lightweight, inexpensive, easy to install. Installation does not require special training, you can install it yourself. A very varied number of colors, thanks to this you can choose the desired ebb. One of the bad qualities is that severe frosts they can't stand it. Polymer ebb can be praised for high strength, light weight, UV resistant, quiet, high usage strings, non-degradability.

DIY installation

For work you will need: a pencil or a pen, take a tape measure and a square, you also need scissors for metal, and a drill with attachments. Grab an ebb tide, side plugs, a dozen self-tapping screws, foam, a ladder, a file, a hammer, a little sealant. And don't forget to be in a good mood - this is very important in your work. Be careful and attentive when installing.

To install the ebb, it is necessary to observe the required slope of the gutter so that there is a correct water flow. The slope of the gutter should be approximately 3 mm by 1 m.

Pull the lace for the correct slope of the ebb, install the fasteners along it. Rubber compressor place in the middle of the ebb and the bracket to better protection and good fastening... Install waterproofing and vapor insulation before installing the ebb.

You will be able to hook the fasteners onto the wall. After installing the ebb, check if everything is correct. Fill the upper part of the ebb with plenty of water and check how it drains out so that when it rains heavily, water does not flow from the gutter to the walls of the building.

It is very important and necessary to install modern drainage systems for different buildings. When choosing and preparing for installation, pay attention to the location of the building, the strength of the coating, and the structure of the roof.

Ebb installation can be carried out at any time of the year. If you do not install the drainage system correctly, it will not be able to function properly. If you are confident in your strengths and capabilities, then try to install it yourself, and if not, then leave this business to the professionals in your field.

Now all firms that sell construction equipment, facilitated the work of buyers, by the fact that everything is sold in complete sets, you do not need to spend time walking around and picking up the part you are missing. Carefully choose the future design, its further work depends on your choice.

Before starting work, check the condition of the roof. After you have installed the drainage system, you need to clean the gutters with high quality, and at least once a year, carry out an inspection. Ebb tides are best attached to the wall with special brackets. Do not forget about safety - stand carefully on the stairs, do not roll over it. Before starting work, check the condition of the ladder on which you will be working.