Production of work on the installation of metal air ducts internal ventilation systems is the N1.DOC file. TTK


  • TTK - Installation of panels of inland walls (partitions) (document)
  • Pashkov ld Cutting and manufacture of industrial ventilation air ducts (document)
  • Zhuravlev B.A. Constructive elements of heat supply and ventilation systems (Document)
  • TTK external pipelines. Maps of labor processes (KTP). Exterior Pipelines (Document)
  • Kostryukov V.A. Collection of examples of calculation of heating and ventilation (part 2) Ventilation (document)
  • Drozdov V.F. Heating and ventilation. Part 2 Ventilation (Document)
  • TTK. Brick masonry of exterior walls and internal partitions with mounting of the jumpers (document)
  • Typical technological card (TTK). Brick masonry of exterior walls and internal partitions with jumpers mounting (document)
  • n1.DOC.

    Typical Technology Card (TTK)
    Production of work on the installation of metal air ducts

    Internal ventilation systems


    1.1. Typical technological card (hereinafter referred to as the TTK text) developed on a set of works on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems.

    1.2. The typical technological map is intended for use in the development of work projects (PPR), construction organization projects (POS), other organizational and technological documentation, as well as to familiarize workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of installation work.

    1.3. The purpose of the creation of the presented TTK to give the recommended scheme of the technological process to carry out installation work, show the composition and content of TTK, examples of filling the necessary tables.

    1.4. On the basis of the TTK as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the project's work project) are developed working technological maps to perform certain types of installation work.

    When binding a typical technological card to a specific object and conditions of construction, the production schemes, work, labor costs, mechanization, materials, equipment, and the like are specified to a specific object and construction conditions.

    1.5. All working technological maps are developed on project working drawings, regulate the means of technological support and the rules for performing technological processes in the production of installation work.

    1.6. The regulatory framework for the development of technological maps are: SNiP, CH, SP, GESN-2001 Yenir, production rates of consumption of materials, progressive local norms and rates, labor costs, norms of consumption of material and technical resources.

    1.7. Working technological maps are considered and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Directory Construction and Installation Organization, as agreed with the organization of the Customer, the Customer's technical supervision and organizations, which will be operating in this building, facilities.

    1.8. The use of the TTK contributes to improving the organization of production, improving labor productivity and its scientific organization, reduced cost, improve quality and reduce the duration of construction, safe performance, organization of rhythmic work, the rational use of labor and machines, and the reduction in the timing of the development of the PPR and the unification of technological solutions .

    1.9. The work of the work consistently performed when installing the supply system of ventilation, includes:

    Collecting manufactured ventilation details;

    Installation of the ventilation system according to the design scheme;

    Complete operation of the ventilation system.

    1.10. Ventilation - adjustable air exchange indoors serves mainly to create an air environment favorable for human health that meet the requirements of the technological process, the preservation of equipment and building structures of the building, storage of materials and products.

    1.11. A person, depending on the kind of activity (energy costs), highlights heat in the ambient air (100 kcal / hour and more), water vapor (40-70 g / h) and carbon dioxide (23-45 l / h); Production processes may be accompanied by immeasurably large discharge of heat, water vapor, harmful vapors, gases and dust. As a result, the air in the room loses hygienic qualities favorable for well-being, health and human health.

    Hygienic requirements for ventilation are reduced to maintaining certain meteorological conditions of air (temperature, humidity and mobility) and its purity.

    1.12. The essence of ventilation is as follows: the trim air is mixed with the air of the room and as a result of the heat exchange or mass transfer occurring in the room, the specified air parameters are created.

    1.13. Works should be performed, guided by the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    SNiP 3.01.01-85 *. Organization of construction production;

    Snip 3.05.01-85. Domestic sanitary systems;

    SNiP 3.05.05-84. Technological equipment and technological pipelines;

    SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. Common Requirements;

    SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

    2. Organization and technology for performing work

    2.1. In accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization of construction production" prior to the start of the construction and installation (including preparatory) work at the facility, the general contractor is obliged to obtain permission from the Customer to carry out installation work. The basis for the start of work can serve as an act of examining hidden work on the preparation of premises to the installation of ventilation.

    2.2. Installation of ventilation systems are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, a working project, a project for the production of works and instructions of equipment manufacturers. Replacing the materials and equipment provided by the project is allowed only in coordination with the project organization and the customer.

    2.3. Installation requirements for ventilation systems are reduced to ensure the design parameters of the air environment in ventilated areas. This is achieved with maximum sealing of air ducts and equipment systems necessary sound insulation, proper conditions for operation, repair and replace equipment.

    A reduction in the timing of installation and assembly works, while maintaining their high quality, is achieved with high industrialization of work, which consists in using standard sections of the ventilation chambers, blocks and components of air ducts (shaped parts - diffuser, confusion, knee, tees, crosses; regulatory devices - valves , Sewberry, throttle devices; mounts; pendants; brackets; brackets; flanges) of factory manufacture or made in workshops with appropriate mechanical equipment. In place, as a rule, only collectable parts, applying mechanisms for moving blanks and ventilation equipment.

    2.4. Before starting the installation of ventilation systems, the following works should be fully completed and adopted by the Customer:

    Installation of intergenerational floors, walls and partitions;

    Device of foundations or sites for installing fans, air conditioners and other ventilation equipment;

    Building structures of ventilation chambers of the supply systems;

    Waterproofing work in places of installation of air conditioners, intake ventilation chambers, wet filters;

    Flooring device (or appropriate preparation) in places of installation of fans on spring vibration insulators, as well as "floating" bases for installing ventilation equipment;

    Device support for the installation of roof fans, exhaust mines and deflectors on the coatings of buildings;

    Preparation of holes in walls, partitions, overlaps and coatings required for laying air ducts;

    The device of foundations, bases and sites for the installation of ventilation equipment;

    Application on the inner and outer walls of all the premises of the auxiliary marks equal to the design marks of pure floor plus 500 mm;

    Plastering (or facing) of surfaces of walls and niches in places of gasket air ducts;

    Mounting openings were prepared in walls and overlaps to supply large-sized equipment and air ducts and mounted crane beams in ventilation chambers;

    Installed in accordance with the working documentation mortgage parts in building structures for fastening equipment and air ducts;

    It is possible to include power tools, as well as electrical welding machines at a distance of not more than 50 m one from the other;

    Glazed window openings in outdoor fences, inlets and holes are insulated;

    Made activities that ensure safe production of installation work.

    Acceptance of an object for installation should be carried out by employees of the assembly organization on the act.

    2.5. When accepting an object for installation should be checked:

    compliance with all requirements for lowering and existing technical conditions;

    the presence and proper registration of acts for hidden work;

    geometrical dimensions and bindings to the building structures of foundations for ventilation equipment and air conditioners, supporting structures on the roof of the building for the installation of roof fans and deflectors, holes for the passage of air ducts, assembly openings;

    correct installation of mortgage parts;

    the device of fences of openings, flooring and canopies.

    2.6. Loading blanks on motor vehicles on the procurement enterprises should be carried out by the enterprise, unloading on the object - forces of the assembly site.

    2.7. When transporting air ducts, depending on their species and dimensions, it should be provided:

    for ducts of small sections - containing or packing;

    for ducts of large sections - telescopic laying;

    for semi-finished products - special packaging.

    2.8. Loading and unloading and rigging works on objects are recommended to be performed with the maximum use of mechanization tools using workers that are part of the crew of installers.

    2.9. Persons are allowed to work on the rise and movement of goods, people who have passed special training under the rigging program and received the appropriate certificate.

    2.10. We should use winches, forklift trucks, truck craners on a pneumatic and tracked, tower and gantry cranes as mechanized lifting facilities.

    2.11. The lines of air ducts and ventilation is recommended to produce inventory goods.

    The slings should be chosen depending on the type, the mass of the lifted cargo and the method of the lines. The most common slings are shown in Fig. 1.

    Fig.1. Slings
    but- lightweight sling with loops; b.- lightweight sling with hooks;

    in- four-letter slop

    2.12. The lifting cargo should be kept from rotation of the peg of hemp ropes with a diameter of 20-25 mm or trap from steel ropes with a diameter of 8-12 mm. For horizontal elements of the ventsystem (enlarged duct nodes), two dehydrations should be used, for vertical (sections of air conditioners, roof fans, ducts, etc.) - one.

    The most common sling methods are shown in Fig.2-24.

    Fig.2. TPP-40 sling

    Fig.3. Locking autonomous air conditioner KTR-1-2.0-0,46

    Fig.4. Locking of radial (centrifugal) Fans of execution N 1

    Fig.5. Slinger of fans C4-70 N 6-8 versions N 1

    Fig.6. The sling of the fans C4-70 N 6-8 of the execution N 6

    Fig.7. The sling of fans C4-70 N 10, 12.5

    Fig.8. Lowering the top of the casing of fan c4-76 N 16, 20

    Fig.9. Lowering the lower part of the casing of the fans of C4-76 N 16, 20

    Fig.10. The sling of the shaft with the fan frame of C4-76 N 16, 20

    Fig.11. Terminating axial fan

    Fig.12. Terminating axial fan

    Fig.13. Slinger fan WRC-6,

    Fig.14. Locking air-thermal curtain A6,3 STD 729.00.00.001

    Fig.15. Locking scrubber

    Fig.16. TSN type cyclone

    Fig.17. OKF irrigation packaging chamber

    Fig.18. Ventaging Drive Packing Slinger

    Fig.19. Slinger of packaging wheels and guide apparatus in the casing

    Fig.20. Slinger of packaging filter air FR-3

    Fig.21. Slinger of packaging valve

    Fig.22. Slinger of packaging Cameras CO and VK

    Fig.23. Locking air duct

    Fig.24. The lines of the enlarged node raised in the vertical position

    2.13. The method of installation of air ducts should be chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), placement relative to the structures (inside or outside the building, in the wall, in the columns, in the interferenial space, in the mine, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (one- or multi-storey , industrial, public, etc.).

    2.14. As a shaped parts of a complex geometric shape, as well as to attach the ventilation equipment, air distributors, noiselessness and other devices located in tailcases, chambers, etc., flexible air ducts from fiberglass, metal-in-room, aluminum foil, etc. Application should be used. Flexible air ducts as direct links are not allowed.

    In order to reduce the aerodynamic resistance, the details from flexible sleeves in the mounted position should have a minimal degree of compression.

    2.15. Installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

    marking places of installation of air duct fixtures;

    installation of fastening agents;

    coordination with builders of location locations and methods for fastening lifting facilities;

    delivery to the place of installation of duct details;

    checking the completeness and quality of the delivered parts of the air ducts;

    assembly of parts of air ducts in enlarged blocks;

    installing a block into a design position and consolidation of it;

    installing the plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at an altitude of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    2.16. The block length is determined by the size of the section and the type of air duct connections, installation conditions and the presence of lifting facilities.

    The length of the enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on the flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    2.17. The schemes of the organization's organization during installation of air ducts are given in Fig.25-28.

    Fig.25. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing air ducts on the outer wall of the building
    1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - autohydrotype; 4 - Traverse; 5 - delay; 6 - Block

    Fig.26. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts in the building
    1 - winch; 2 - Traverse; 3 4 - Suspension

    Fig.27. The scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts on the overpass
    1 - enlarged duct assembly; 2 - Traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - Avtohydrovant

    Fig.28. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing vertical air ducts on the outer wall of the building
    1 - enlarged duct assembly; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch;

    4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - Stretching

    2.18. In the process of installation, air ducts should be performed by open control in accordance with the operating control card.

    Maintenance of operational control of metal air ducts

    Table 1

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Delivery of air ducts to the place of installation

    Check the completeness of the ventilation system (the presence of control devices, fastening means, etc.)


    Permanent 100%. Visually. Compliance with components, sketches

    Marking of places of installation of fixture of ducts

    Fastening step in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

    Roulette 10 M.

    Plumb 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Drilling holes in building structures

    Depth of drilling

    Meter steel

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fixtures

    Strength installation of fasteners


    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Assembly in the integrated nodes of parts of air ducts, regulating and air distribution

    Devices on the site

    The correct assembly in accordance with the project. Tightness of the connections


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Lifting to the design mark and the connection between the enlarged duct units with the preliminary consolidation

    The position of transverse seams and detachable compounds of air ducts relative to building structures. Vertical of risers. No fussy, curvature on direct ducts

    Plumb 200 g

    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Reconciliation of mounted ducts and final consolidation of them

    Horizontality of the installation of air ducts and compliance with the slopes in the separating areas of the air ducts. Density of air duct coverage clamps. Reliability and appearance of fixtures

    Metal meter, roulette 10 m, level 300 mm

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Attaching air ducts to ventilation equipment

    Correct installation of soft inserts (no proviscial)


    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Treading the action of regulatory devices

    Smooth operation of regulatory devices

    Weekend 100%. Visually

    2.19. Installation of fans should be made in the following sequence:

    acceptance of the premises of the ventkamer;

    delivery of fan or separate parts to the place of installation;

    installation of lifting facilities;

    slinging of the fan or individual parts;

    lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

    installing the fan (fan assembly) on support structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

    checking the correctness of the installation and assembly of the fan;

    fixing the fan to supporting structures;

    checking the fan operation.

    2.20. In the process of installing fans, playback must be performed in accordance with operational control cards.

    Map of operational monitoring of centrifugal fans

    table 2

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Feeding a fan unit to the installation site

    Checking availability and quality of component parts


    Installing the frame on the stand. Installation of vibration insulators under the frame

    Horizontal foundation, frame

    Level 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fans on a frame with vibrationproofers

    Vertical pulley, horizontal shaft

    Plumb 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Assembling fans on the frame:

    Installation of fan bed

    Installing the bottom of the fan housing

    Installing a turbine with a fastening of her beds to the frame

    Installing entrance


    Fastening strength. Clearance between the edge of the front disc of the impeller and the edge of the inlet nozzle. Fastening strength


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Installation of the top of the casing and connection on the flanges of individual parts of the fan housing

    Tightness of the compound


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Adjustment and final fastening of vibration insulators on the frame

    Uniform precipitation of vibration insulators. The strength of the fastening of vibration insulators to the frame


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Balancing of the turbine before launching

    Correct position of the wheel of the turbine


    Permanent 100%. (when scrolling the risks should not coincide)

    Installation of Salace and Electric Motor on Salazki

    Parallel Salace. The strength of the fastening of the electric motor to the sled. Motor connection strength with fan.

    Parallelism of the axes of the fan shafts and the electric motor.

    Easy rotation of the shafts of the fan and the electric motor

    Level 300 mm


    100%. Visually
    Visually, hand testing

    Installing belt transmission for pulleys. Fencing belt transmission

    The alignment of grooves for wedge-shaped belts of the fan pulleys and the electric motor. The correctness of the belt tension

    Cord (cord tension in the plane of the ends of the pulleys), the meter steel, testing from hand

    Permanent 100%

    Connecting the air ducts to the fan with the installation of flexible inserts

    Tightness of the compounds. Lack of provisions in flexible inserts


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Operational Control Map of Axial Fans Installation

    Table 3.

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Quality (lack of mechanical damage), completeness


    Permanent 100%. Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Installing the fan unit on metal brackets. Filling fan

    The strength of the support structures. Fit strength fan to supporting structures.

    Vertical, horizontal


    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Verification of fan work

    The gap between the ends of the blades and the shells.

    Correct direction and ease of rotation of the impeller


    Permanent 100%.
    Visually, hand testing

    Map of operational installation of roof fans
    Table 4.

    Fit fan complete with electric motor to installation site

    Completeness, quality (lack of mechanical damage)


    Permanent 100%. Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Checking the horizontal of the support flange glass


    Level 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Connecting a self-discharge valve to the fan

    Easy stroke valve


    Permanent 100%. Visually, hand testing

    Installation of the fan case on a glass with an attachment of its anchor bolts

    Fit strength fan to supporting structures. Vertical of the shaft.

    Ease of rotation of the shafts of the fan and the electric motor.

    Clearance between the inlet nozzle and the impeller


    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Testing from hand
    Permanent 100%

    Verification of fan work

    The correct direction of the wheel rotation


    Permanent 100%. Visually (in accordance with the project)

    2.21. After the installation of the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, previous individual and complex tests are manufactured, which should be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01-85 and SNiP 3.05.05-84.

    The participation of representatives of the ventilation, electrical installation organizations and the customer in individual tests is mandatory and is issued by the relevant records in the "journal of applications for the scrolling of an electric drive together with the mechanism."

    Individual testing of ventilation equipment at idle mode is carried out by an assembly organization under the guidance of the engineering and technical worker allocated for this purpose.

    For individual testing of ventilation equipment, the Customer assigns a responsible person authorized to give orders for filing and removing voltage from electrical installations. Starting electric motors When testing ventilation and air conditioning systems is carried out by a representative of an electrical installation organization.

    Comprehensive equipment testing is made by the Customer with the participation of representatives of project and contract construction organizations. Mounting specialized organizations together with operational personnel provide round-the-clock duty to monitor the work and proper operation of equipment.

    Individual tests of ventilation and air conditioning systems are allowed only after complete assembly and installation of ventilation equipment, installation of fencing of moving parts, checking the state of wiring, grounding and the correct power of the power supply.

    Before starting a comprehensive test and adjustment of the ventilation and air conditioning system, you must make sure that there are no people in air conditioners and supply chambers, as well as remove all foreign objects and tools from air ducts, filters, cyclones.

    If, in the production of preservation systems of ventilation and air conditioning systems, extraneous noises or vibration of equipment exceeding the permissible should be immediately discontinued.

    After turning off the power supply of the ventilation equipment, it is impossible to fit and enter the air ducts, bunkers and shelters until the equipment stops.

    After the end of the presets and adjustments, as well as during breaks (termination of work, lunch), ventilation equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.

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    Typical technological map for installation and
    Installation of internal ventilation systems and
    Air conditioning with supply-exhaust
    Installations and equipment systems

    Typical technological map

    Project SIFR: 1012/40

    Explanatory note


    1. General data. 2.

    2. Organization and technoles of the building process. 2.

    2.1. Materials and manufacture of air ducts. 2.

    2.2. Preparatory work .. 4

    2.2.1. General. four

    2.2.2. Delivery, storage and storage of elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems. four

    2.3. Works of the main period. Installation .. 8.

    2.3.1. Installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems. General. eight

    2.3.2. Installation of air ducts. nine

    2.3.3. Installation of fans. 10

    2.3.4. Installation of cooling system equipment. eleven

    2.4. Testing and commissioning .. 11

    2.4.1. Testing and commissioning of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems. eleven

    2.4.2. Testing of cooling systems. 12

    3. Requirements for the quality and acceptance of work. 12

    3.1. Requirements for the quality of installation of air ducts. 13

    3.2. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of fans. sixteen

    3.3. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of air conditioners. eighteen

    4. Safety and safety, environmental and fire safety requirements. eighteen

    5. The need for material and technical resources. 22.

    6. Technical and economic indicators. 23.

    1. General data

    This technological card was developed for the installation and installation of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems with supply and extensive installations and equipment of cooling systems in industrial, administrative and residential buildings.

    The technological card is compiled, taking into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    Air ducts made of thinly roofing steel with a diameter and the size of the larger side up to 2000 mm, should be made:

    Spiral-castle or straightforward on folds;

    Spiral-welded or straightforward on welding.

    Air ducts made of thin-plate roofing steel having the size of the side of more than 2000 mm, should be made panel (welded, coward).

    Air ducts made of metal plants should be made on folds, and stainless steel, titanium, as well as from sheet aluminum and its alloys - on folds or on welding.

    Air ducts from sheet aluminum and its alloys with a thickness of up to 1.5 mm should be performed on folds, a thickness of 1.5 to 2 mm - on folds or welding, and with a sheet thickness more than 2 mm - on welding.

    Longitudinal folds on air ducts made of thin-plate roofing and stainless steel and sheet aluminum with a diameter or size of a larger side of 500 mm and more must be fixed at the beginning and end of the air duct point with spot welding, electric rivets, rivets or a glove.

    Falves on ducts with any thickness of the metal and the method of manufacture should be carried out with a cut-off.

    The end portions of folding seams in the ends of the air ducts and in the air distribution holes of the air ducts made of metal plants should be fixed with aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments defined by working documentation.

    Folding seams should have the same width over the entire length and be uniformly tightly placed.

    In folding air ducts, as well as in cutting maps there should be no cruciform joints of the seams.

    On the direct portions of the air ducts of the rectangular section, with the side of the cross section of more than 400 mm, it is necessary to structurally perform rigidity in the form of beggars (ridges) in a step of 300 - 500 mm around the perimeter of the duct or diagonal gears (riga). With a side of more than 1000 mm and a length of more than 1000 mm, in addition, it is necessary to put an external rigidity framework, with a step of no more than 1250 mm. Stiffness frames should be securely fixed with spot welding, rivets or self-drawing.

    On the air ducts made of rigidity frames should be installed using aluminum or steel rivets with an oxide coating, ensuring operation in aggressive environments defined by working documentation.

    The elements of the shaped parts should be interconnected on the ridges, fold, welding, rivets.

    The elements of the shaped parts from the metal plastic should be interconnected on the fold.

    Ziga compounds for systems transporting air of high humidity or with an admixture of explosive dust are not allowed.

    The connection of the plots should be performed:

    for round air ducts with a flawless way (nipple / coupling), a bandage compound or on the flanges;

    for rectangular air ducts: tire (large / small) or on flanges. Connections must be durable and sealed.

    Fixing the tire on the air duct should be made with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, self-drawn (in the absence of fibrous components in a movable medium), point welding, with a pouch with 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four. Internal corners of the tire must be filled with sealant.

    The fastening of the flanges on the air ducts should be performed by flapping with a thrust zyg, on welding, point welding, on rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or screws (in the absence of fibrous components in a movable medium), placed after 200 - 250 mm, but not less than four.

    Adjusting devices (chiBERs, throttle valves, dampers, adjusting air distributors, etc.) should be easily closed and open, as well as fixed in a specified position.

    Air ducts made of non-galvanized steel, their connecting fasteners (including the inner surfaces of the flanges) should be constructed (painted) on the procurement enterprise in accordance with the working documentation. The final painting of the outer surface of the air ducts is made by specialized construction organizations after they are edited.

    Ventilation blanks must be equipped with parts for their compound and fastening agents.

    2.2. Preparatory work

    2.2.1. General provisions

    Installation must be carried out by industrial methods from the nodes of air ducts and equipment supplied by a complete blocks.

    Installation of systems should be made during the construction readiness of the object (capture) in the amount:

    For industrial buildings - all building at a volume of up to 5000 m 3 and part of the building at a volume of more than 5000 m 3;

    For residential and public buildings up to five floors - a separate building, one or more sections; Over five floors - five floors of one or more sections.

    Another scheme of the installation organization is possible depending on the adopted constructive scheme.

    2.3.2. Installation of air ducts

    The method of installation of air ducts should be chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), placement relative to the structures (at the wall, in the columns, in the interfaire space, in the mine, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-storey, industrial, public and etc.).

    As a shaped parts of a complex geometric shape, as well as to attach the ventilation equipment, air distributors, noiselessness and other devices located in tailcases, chambers, etc., flexible air ducts from fiberglass, metal-in-room, aluminum foil, etc. Application should be used. Flexible air ducts as direct links are not allowed.

    In order to reduce the aerodynamic resistance, the details from flexible sleeves in the mounted position should have a minimal degree of compression.

    Installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

    Marking places of installation of air duct fixtures;

    Installation of fastening agents;

    Coordination with builders of location locations and methods for fastening lifting facilities;

    Delivery to the place of installation of duct details;

    Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered parts of the air ducts;

    Assembly of parts of air ducts in enlarged blocks;

    Installing a block into a design position and consolidation of it;

    Installing the plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at an altitude of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    The block length is determined by the size of the section and the type of air duct connections, installation conditions and the presence of lifting facilities.

    The length of the enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on the flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    The schemes of organization of the working area during installation of air ducts are given in Fig. 9 - 10.

    Fig. 9. Scheme of the organization's organization during installation of air ducts
    on the outer wall of the building

    1 - Console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - autoogidpex;
    4 - traverse; 5 - delay; 6 - Block

    Fig. 10. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal
    Air ducts in the building

    1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged duct assembly; 4 - suspension

    2.3.3. Installation of fans

    Installation of fans should be made in the following sequence:

    Acceptance of the premises of the ventkamer;

    Delivery of fan or separate parts to the place of installation;

    Installation of lifting facilities;

    Slinging of the fan or individual parts;

    Lifting and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

    Installing the fan (fan assembly) on support structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

    Check the correctness of the installation and assembly of the fan

    Fixing the fan to supporting structures;

    Checking the fan operation.

    In the process of installing fans, phased operational control should be carried out in accordance with operational control cards.

    2.3.4. Installation of cooling systems

    Installation of cooling system equipment should be carried out in the following sequence:

    Acceptance of the room or platform for equipment;

    Delivery of installation or its individual parts to the place of installation;

    Installation of lifting facilities;

    Lines of installation or its individual parts;

    Lifting and horizontal displacement of equipment to the installation site;

    Installation (assembly) of equipment on support structures (foundation, platform);

    Checking the correct installation and assembly of equipment;

    Fixing the installation to supporting structures;

    Commissioning works

    Checking the equipment.

    2.4. Testing and commissioning

    Upon completion of the installation work, contracting organizations must be performed testing internal systems. Tests must be made before finishing work.

    Commissioning works are performed after the completion of construction and installation works, during the preparation and transmission of operational systems. As a rule, they consist of individual tests and integrated testing.

    The complex testing of the ventilation and air conditioning systems of the building (structures, etc.) is carried out under the program and schedule developed by the General Contractor or on his instructions by the applied organization. The results of complex tests are made in the form of an act.

    2.4.1. Testing and commissioning of internal ventilation and air conditioning systems

    The final stage of installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems are commissioning and commissioning of systems. Acceptance of work is performed in the following sequence:

    Examination of hidden work;

    Individual tests of ventilation equipment (running in);

    Delivery to the presets and commissioning.

    Inspection of hidden work is subject to air ducts and

    ventilation equipment hidden in mines, suspended ceilings, etc. The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation, are issued by acts of examination of hidden work.

    To check for the tightness of the air ducts hidden by building structures, the method of aerodynamic testing (if the requirements are specified in the working project); According to the results of testing for tightness to draw up an act of examination of hidden work.

    Individual tests of ventilation equipment (running in) are manufactured in order to verify the efficiency of electric motors and the absence of mechanical defects in rotating equipment elements. As a rule, the run-in is made after mounting the equipment when the air ducts is connected. In cases of installation of large-sized equipment in hard-to-reach places (roofing of buildings, basements, etc.), it is recommended to run up to the installation of equipment to the installation site (at the production base or directly on the construction site).

    When running equipment with a non-connected network, it is prohibited to include without creating artificial resistance (drown out 3/4 suction holes).

    The rolling in the ventilation equipment is made for 1 hour, or by checking the values \u200b\u200bof the power current values \u200b\u200boperating in operation mode.

    The discrepancy of the readings should not exceed 10% current values I. H, indicated on the engine.

    In the absence of power supply of ventilation plants and air conditioning using a permanent diagram, the connection to the temporary diagram and the serviceability of starting devices is carried out by the General Contractor.

    According to the results of the tests (run-in) of the ventilation equipment, an act of individual testing of equipment is drawn up (Appendix E, SP 73.13330.2012).

    When adjusting the ventilation and air conditioning systems for air project costs, follow:

    Check out the actual execution of ventilation and air conditioning systems of project documentation and requirements of the joint venture 73.13330.2012;

    Testing of fans when working on a network, checking the compliance of actual technical characteristics by passport data, including: air flow and full pressure, rotation frequency, power consumption, etc.;

    Checking the uniformity of heating (cooling) of heat exchangers and checking the absence of moisture takeaway through damasters of irrigation chambers or air coolers;

    Determination of flow and resistance of dust collecting devices;

    Checking the actions of exhaust devices of natural ventilation;

    Testing and adjusting the ventilation network of systems in order to achieve project indicators on air flow rate in air ducts, local suction, by air exchange indoors and definitions in systems of subcometations or air loss.

    Deviations of air flow indicators from the design documentation provided by project documentation after adjustment and testing of ventilation systems and air conditioning are allowed:

    Within ± 8% - by air consumption passing through air distribution and air-actuate devices of general ventilation and air conditioning facilities under the condition of the required submissions (pouring) air conditioning;

    Up to +8% - by air flow, removed through local suction and served through fragrant nozzles.

    On each ventilation and air conditioning system, a passport is drawn up in two copies (applications G, SP 73.13330.2012).

    2.4.2. Testing of cooling systems

    The test of water systems of cold supply should be carried out with the disconnected heat generators and expansion vessels by a hydrostatic pressure with a pressure of 1.5 operating pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2) at the lowest point of the system.

    The system is recognized as withstanding the test if it is under test pressure for 5 minutes:

    Pressure drop will not exceed 0.02 MPa (0.2 kgf / cm 2);

    There are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded connections, fittings and equipment.

    3. Requirements for quality and acceptance of work

    The quality control of the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out by specialists or special services included in the construction organization or attracted by technical means that ensure the necessary accuracy and completeness of control.

    Quality quality control is carried out at all stages of the technological chain, ranging from the development of the project and ending with its implementation at the OPR and technological cards facilities. Quality control should include input control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual installation processes or production operations and assessment of compliance of work performed.

    When input control of the working documentation, it is checked for its completeness and sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the work of work.

    With input control of products, materials and equipment is checked by an external inspection compliance with their requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the availability and maintenance of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.

    3.1. Requirements for the quality of installation of air ducts

    Air ducts must be mounted in accordance with the design bindings and marks. The addition of air ducts to technological equipment should be made after its installation.

    Air ducts intended for transportation of moistened air should be mounted so that at the bottom of the air ducts there are no longitudinal seams.

    Plots of air ducts in which dew drops from transported wet air should be laid with a slope of 0.01 - 0.015 to the side of drainage devices.

    Gaskets between tires or air duct flanges should not appear inside the air ducts.

    Gaskets should be made of the following materials: foam rubber, ribbon porous or monolithic rubber thickness 4 - 5 mm, polymer mastic harness (PMZ) - for air ducts, for which air, dust or waste of materials are moved to 343 K (70 ° C) .

    To seal the inflaintse compounds of air ducts should be applied:

    Sealing tape type "Gerlen" - for air ducts for which air is moved to the temperature to 313 K (40 ° C);

    Mastics of the type "Bupetrol", silicone and other certified sealants - for round-section air ducts with a temperature of up to 343 K (70 ° C);

    Thermal cuffs, self-adhesive tapes - for round air ducts with temperature up to 333 K (60 ° C);

    Other sealing materials specified in the working documentation.

    Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, all bolts nuts should be located on one side of the flange. With the vertical installation of the bolts of the nut, as a rule, should be located on the bottom side of the connection.

    The mounting of the air ducts should be performed in accordance with the working documentation.

    Fastening horizontal metal uninsulated air ducts (clamps, suspension, supports, etc.) on the bandage flawless connection should be installed:

    At a distance of not more than 4 m one from the other with the diameters of the duct of the round section or the size of the larger side of the rectangular duct of less than 400 mm.

    At a distance of not more than 3 m one from the other - with the diameters of the duct of the round section or the size of the main side of the rectangular duct 400 mm and more.

    Fastening horizontal metal uninsulated air ducts on the flange, nipple (coupling) connections should be installed at a distance of not more than 6 m from the other:

    For round-section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm,

    For rectangular section on the flanges, the tire on the flange compound of the circular section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm or a rectangular section with the size of its main side to 2000 mm inclusive.

    The distances between the fasteners of the isolated metal air ducts of any size of cross sections, as well as uninsulated round-section air ducts with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular section, with the sizes of its main side, more than 2000 mm must be assigned to working documentation.

    The fastening of the nipple (clutches) should be carried out with rivets with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm or a diameter of 4 - 5 mm with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm every 150 - 200 mm of circle, but not less than three.

    Clamps should cover metal ducts tightly.

    Mounting vertical metal air ducts should be set at a distance of not more than 4.5 m one from the other.

    The mounting of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings from the height of the floor to 4.5 m should be performed in the interlepting floors.

    The mounting of vertical metal air ducts indoors with the floor height of more than 4.5 m and the root of the building should be determined by the working documentation.

    The attachment of stretch marks and suspensions directly to the flanges of the air duct is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions should be uniform.

    The deviation of the air ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m length of the air duct.

    Freely suspended air ducts must be separated by installing double suspensions every two single suspensions at a suspension length from 0.5 to 1.5 m.

    With the length of the suspension of more than 1.5 m, double suspensions should be installed through each single suspension.

    Air ducts should be strengthened so that their weight is not transmitted to ventilation equipment.

    Air ducts, as a rule, should be connected to fans through vibration-insulating flexible inserts from fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

    Vibration insulating flexible inserts should be installed directly before individual tests.

    In the manufacture of direct sections of air ducts from the polymer film, bends of air ducts are allowed not more than 15 °.

    For passage through the enclosing structures, the air duct from the polymer film must have metal inserts.

    The air ducts made of polymer film should be suspended on steel rings from the wire with a diameter of 3 - 4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from the other.

    The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the duct. Steel rings should be fixed with a wire or a plate with a cut to the carrying cable (wire) with a diameter of 4 - 5 mm, stretched along the axis of the air duct and fixed to the building structures every 20 - 30 m.

    To eliminate the longitudinal movements of the air duct when filled with air, the polymer film should be pulled to the disappearance of the provisions between the rings.

    Table 1. Map of operational monitoring of metal air ducts

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Delivery of air ducts to the place of installation

    Check the completeness of the ventilation system (the presence of control devices, fastening means, etc.)

    Permanent 100%. Visually. Compliance with components, sketches

    Marking of places of installation of fixture of ducts

    Fastening step in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

    Roulette I. \u003d 10 M.

    Plumb m \u003d 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Depth of drilling

    Meter steel

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fixtures

    Strength installation of fasteners

    Permanent 100%.


    Assembly in the integrated nodes of parts of air ducts, adjusting and air distribution devices on the site

    The correct assembly in accordance with the project. Tightness of the connections


    Permanent 100%

    Lifting to the design mark and the connection between the enlarged duct units with the preliminary consolidation

    The position of transverse seams and detachable compounds of air ducts relative to building structures. Vertical of risers. No fussy, curvature on direct ducts

    Plumb M. \u003d 200 g


    Permanent 100%

    Reconciliation of mounted ducts and final consolidation of them

    Horizontality of the installation of air ducts and compliance with the slopes in the separating areas of the air ducts. Density of air duct coverage clamps. Reliability and appearance of fixtures

    Metal meter, roulette I. \u003d 10 m, level I. \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%.


    Attaching air ducts to ventilation equipment

    Correct installation of soft inserts (no proviscial)

    Permanent 100%.


    Treading the action of regulatory devices

    Smooth operation of regulatory devices

    Weekend 100%.


    3.2. Requirements for the quality of work on the installation of fans

    Radial fans on vibration-based and hard grounds installed on foundations should be fixed with anchor bolts.

    When installing fans on spring vibration insulators, the latter must have a uniform sediment. Vibration insulators are not required to install.

    When installing fans on metal structures, vibration insulators should be attached to them. Elements of metal structures that are attached to vibration and insulators must coincide with the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

    When installing on the rigid base, the fan bed should be tightly faced with soundproofing gaskets.

    The gaps between the edge of the front disk of the impeller and the edge of the inlet nozzle of the radial fan both in the axial and in the radial direction should not exceed 1% of the diameter of the impeller.

    Radial fan shafts must be installed horizontally (roof fan shafts - vertically), vertical walls of centrifugal fans should not have distortion and tilt.

    Gaskets for composite fans coverings should be used from the same material as gaskets for air ducts of this system.

    Electric motors must be accurately adjusted with installed fans and secured. The axis of the pulleys of electric motors and fans during belt transmission must be parallel, and the middle lines of the pulleys must coincide. Belts must be stretched in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.

    Slasons of electric motors must be mutually parallel and installed in terms of level. The support surface of the sled should come into contact throughout the plane with the foundation.

    Couplings and belt transmissions should be fencing.

    The suction hole of the fan, not attached to the air duct, it is necessary to protect the metal mesh with a cell size of not more than 70 × 70 mm.

    Table 2. Map of operational monitoring of centrifugal fans

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Feeding a fan unit to the installation site

    Checking availability and quality of component parts

    Permanent 100%.

    Installing the frame on the stand. Installation of vibration insulators under the frame

    Horizontal foundation, frame

    Level I.\u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fans on a frame with vibrationproofers

    Vertical pulley, horizontal shaft

    Plumb M. \u003d 200 g

    Permanent 100%

    Assembling fans on the frame: Installing the fan bed Installation of the bottom of the fan casing Installation of a turbine with a fastening of its bed to the frame Installing the inlet nozzle

    Fastening strength. Clearance between the edge of the front disc of the impeller and the edge of the inlet nozzle. Fastening strength


    Permanent 100%

    Installation of the top of the casing and connection on the flanges of individual parts of the fan housing

    Tightness of the compound


    Permanent 100%

    Adjustment and final fastening of vibration insulators on the frame

    Uniform precipitation of vibration insulators. The strength of the fastening of vibration insulators to the frame


    Permanent 100%

    Balancing of the turbine before launching

    Correct position of the wheel of the turbine

    Permanent 100%.

    (when scrolling the risks should not coincide)

    Installation of Salace and Electric Motor on Salazki

    Parallel Salace. The strength of the fastening of the electric motor to the sled. Motor connection strength with fan. Parallelism of the axes of the fan shafts and the electric motor. Easy rotation of the shafts of the fan and the electric motor

    Level I. \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Visually, hand testing

    Installing belt transmission for pulleys. Fencing belt transmission

    The alignment of grooves for wedge-shaped belts of the fan pulleys and the electric motor. The correctness of the belt tension

    Cord (cord tension in the plane of the ends of the pulleys), the meter steel, testing from hand

    Permanent 100%

    Connecting the air ducts to the fan with the installation of flexible inserts

    Tightness of the compounds. Lack of provisions in flexible inserts


    Permanent 100%

    Table 3. Map of operational monitoring of axial fans

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Quality (lack of mechanical damage), completeness

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Installing the fan unit on metal brackets. Filling fan

    The strength of the support structures. Fit strength fan to supporting structures. Vertical, horizontal

    Plumb M. \u003d 200 g


    Permanent 100%

    Verification of fan work

    The gap between the ends of the blades and the shells. Correct direction and ease of rotation of the impeller

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually, hand testing

    Table 4. Map of operational monitoring of roof fans

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Fit fan complete with electric motor to installation site

    Completeness, quality (lack of mechanical damage)

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually, compliance with the passport data of the fan and electric motor

    Checking the horizontal of the support flange glass


    Level I. \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%

    Connecting a self-discharge valve to the fan

    Easy stroke valve

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually, hand testing

    Installation of the fan case on a glass with an attachment of its anchor bolts

    Fit strength fan to supporting structures. Vertical of the shaft. Ease of rotation of the shafts of the fan and the electric motor. Clearance between the inlet nozzle and the impeller

    Plumb M. \u003d 200 g

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually testing from hand

    Permanent 100%

    Verification of fan work

    The correct direction of the wheel rotation

    Permanent 100%.

    Visually (in accordance with the project)

    3.3. Requirements for the quality of installation of air conditioners

    Air heaters of air conditioners should be collected on gaskets made of certified material, with heat resistance corresponding to the temperature of the coolant. The remaining blocks, cameras and air conditioner nodes should be collected on ribbon rubber strips with a thickness of 3 - 4 mm supplied with the equipment.

    Air conditioners must be installed horizontally. The walls of the chambers and blocks should not have a dentitin, slopes.

    Valve's blades should turn freely (by hand). When "closed" should be ensured by the density of the impressions of the blades to the rests and among themselves.

    Supports of camera blocks and air conditioners nodes must be installed vertically.

    Flexible air ducts should be applied in accordance with the working documentation as the shaped parts of a complex geometric shape, as well as to attach the ventilation equipment, air distributors, silencers and other devices located in the tail ceilings, cameras.

    The use of flexible air ducts as trunk air ducts is not allowed.

    Fastening fan coils, closers, split systems should be made in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers.

    4. Requirements for safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety

    Installation of ventilation boxes should be made in accordance with the requirements of safety, sanitation and occupational hygiene, established by building standards and labor safety regulations in construction.

    Before adequate to work on the installation of ventilation boxes, managers of organizations are obliged to ensure training and commissioning on the workplace safety instructions.

    Persons not under the age of 18 years old, who have passed a medical examination without contraindications to perform work at heights, which have professional skills, who have learned safe methods and work techniques and received the appropriate certificate are allowed to perform work at height.

    To perform independent overlap work in accordance with the list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, when performing the use of labor of persons younger than eighteen years, persons (workers and engineering and technical workers) are allowed, who have passed medical examination and Recognized to perform overlap works, having experience of overlap work for at least one year and the tariff discharge is not lower than the third.

    Employees for the first time admitted to overwhelming work, for one year should work under direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by the order by the organization.

    Persons who have passed the appropriate training, instruction and verification of knowledge of the rules of safe work in a special journal and have a qualifying certificate are allowed to electric welding works. Persons having medical contraindications are not allowed to electric welding work.

    The work with an electrified tool is allowed by persons not under the age of 18, which have passed a medical examination, trained by the rules for using the tool, safety, and having an electrical safety group not lower than II, and to connect and disconnect electrically with a group of not lower than III. The entire electrified tool is subject to accounting and registration in a special journal. On each instance of the tool should be an account number. Observation of the health and timely repair of an electrified tool is assigned to the department of the main mechanic of the construction organization. Before issuing an electrified tool, it is necessary to check its serviceability (the absence of a closure on the body, isolation from the feed wires and handles, the state of the working part of the tool) and its work at idle.

    Responsibility for the right organization of safe management at the facility is assigned to the manufacturer of works and the master.

    Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a drunken state into the territory of the construction site, in production, sanitary and household premises and are prohibited from workplaces.

    Work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as equipment of cooling systems, is carried out according to the preparation of work in the conditions of dangerous and (or) harmful production factors.

    Installation should be conducted only in the presence of a project for the production of works, technological maps or mounting schemes. In the absence of these documents, the installation works are prohibited.

    The procedure for making the installation, a specific work project, should be such that the previous operation will completely eliminate the possibility of industrial danger when executing the following. Installation of ducts and parts of equipment of ventilation systems, air conditioning and cold supply should, as a rule, be made large blocks using lifting mechanisms.

    Under the mounted elements there should be no people. You can not fix the suspended duct or block of air ducts for farms, overlap and other building structures in places not provided for by the work project.

    Installation of air ducts from forests, lobes and sites should be made at least two workers.

    Alignment of flange holes when connecting air ducts should be made only by mandrels. It is forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes connected by the flanges with your fingers.

    To prevent rocking or spinning the raised air duct blocks, it is necessary to use deficule of the hemp rope.

    Work on the installation of ventilation boxes is allowed to produce only a good tool. Wrench keys must accurately match the sizes of nuts and bolts, not to have knocked out on the edges and burrs on the handle. You should not pinch or clean the nuts with the key of large (compared to the head) size with the lining of metal plates between the edges of the nut and the key, as well as lengthen the wrench by attaching another key or pipe.

    Workplaces and plots of work when installing in the dark should be covered. The illumination should be uniform, without blinding the lighting devices on the working. The production of works in unlit plases is not allowed.

    Before starting work on the installation of internal space systems, dangerous for the work and passage of people, should be protected, equipped with inscriptions and pointers, establish safety signs, and when working at night, designate light signals.

    When installing the air ducts should include the installation of fastening parts, for which the edge of the air ducts can be gained when working at height.

    Operation of construction machines (lifting mechanisms, means of small mechanization), including maintenance, should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 and manufacturer's instructions. Operation of load-lifting mechanisms, in addition, should be made with regard to PB 10-382-00 "Rules of device and safe operation of lifting cranes".

    Places of performing electric welding works of open arc must be fenced with the help of non-aggravated shirms, shields, etc.

    In the manufacture of electric welding works in the open air above the installations and welding posts, canopies from non-aggravated materials should be built. In the absence of canopies, electric welding work during rain or snowfall must be discontinued.

    To protect the molten metal dropping during electrical welding and slag at the place of welding in places of people, it is necessary to install a dense dump truck, covered with sheets of roofing iron or asbestos cardboard.

    When installing ventilation boxes on roofing with a slope of more than 20 °, as well as independently of the slope on wet and covered with inheree or snow roofing, workers should apply safety belts, as well as ladders width of at least 0.3 m with transverse straps to stop legs; Draps during operation must be fixed.

    Loading and unloading should be performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.002-75 *, GOST 12.3.009-76 *.

    Loading and unloading work must be carried out by a mechanized manner using lifting and transport equipment and small mechanization. Laying manual manually follows from exceptional cases, observing the rules set by the current documents.

    When loading and unloading ventilation blanks of air ducts and their parts, containers should be applied. While lifting, lowering and moving the container, the workers cannot be on it or inside it, as well as on a number of containers located.

    The sling and the distribution of goods should be made in accordance with PB 10-382-00.

    Feeding materials, ventilation blanks, equipment on workplaces should be carried out in a technological sequence ensuring the safety of work. It is necessary to store the workpieces and equipment in the workplace in such a way as not to be created danger when performing work, passes were not cramped and there would be an opportunity to assemble air ducts into enlarged blocks. It is necessary to monitor the correct placement of equipment and blanks on overlaps, avoiding concentration and not exceeding permissible loads per 1 m 2 overlap.

    Ventilation blanks should be stored in stacks with a height of no more than 2.5 m on gaskets and lining. Large and heavy equipment should be stored in one row on lining.

    The storage area of \u200b\u200bbillets and ventilation equipment on the construction site should be fenced and located in the existing lifting crane zone. The placement platform should be planned, have slopes for water drain, and in winter, clean from snow and ice.

    Explosive or harmful paints and other materials are allowed to store in the workplaces in quantities that do not exceed replacement needs. Such materials must be stored in a tightly closed container.

    Between the stacks (racks) on the venues and in warehouses there should be passes with a width of at least 1 m and passages, the width of which depends on the dimensions of transport and loading and unloading agents serving the warehouse or platform.

    Heads of installation organizations are obliged to provide workers, engineering and technical workers and employees with workwear, footwear and other means of individual protection in accordance with regulatory requirements.

    All persons on the construction site are obliged to wear protective helmets. Workers and engineering and technical workers without protective casses and other necessary means of individual protection for the installation of air ducts are not allowed.

    When working at height, installers of ventilation systems must be used by safety belts.

    Workers and employees receiving personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, safety belts, helmets, etc.), must be trained by the rules of use.

    All work on the installation of ventilation boxes lead in the presence and under the leadership of the responsible ITR in accordance with the rules of production and acceptance of work in accordance with the joint venture 73.13330. 2012 with strict observance of labor safety requirements according to:

    Flame Files Square, triangular, round, semicircular with notch number 1, 2, 3

    Grooming steelmaker

    Welder shield

    Mounting traction mechanism

    Drug Rube

    Drilling machine

    Electric grinding machine

    Electric wrench

    Electric screwdriver

    Electric perforator

    Electric scissors

    Fixture assembly for cargo movement

    Hand winch

    Hydraulic jack

    Pistol one-sided rivet

    Safety supergrowth device

    6. Technical and economic indicators

    Technical and economic indicators are designed for installation of air ducts.

    The composition of the complex brigade on the installation of air ducts, taking into account the possibility of combining the professions, is shown in Table 6.

    Table 6 - Brigade composition

    As an example of the installation of ventilation boxes, we will take the installation of vertical carriages of air ducts with a size of 800 × 800 mm with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2 with a manual winch.

    Costs of labor and machine time on the installation of ventilation boxes are calculated by "single standards and rates for construction, assembly and repair and construction work" (presented in Table 7)

    Unit of measurement of 100 m 2 ventilation boxes.

    Table 14 - Calculation of labor and machine time

    Justification (Yenir et al. Norms)

    Scope of work

    Rate of time

    Labor costs

    workers, people -

    workers, people -

    machineist, Cherts. (work machines, Mash.-B.)

    E9-1-46 No. 1A.

    Drilling holes with an electric drilling machine in building structures

    E1-2 Table. 3 № 1AB

    Delivery to the location of the duct details

    E10-5 Table. 12 № 4V.

    Assembling air ducts in enlarged blocks, installation of fastening tools, lifting and installation of blocks, compounding the installed unit with previously mounted, reconciliation and final consolidation of the system

    E10-13 Tab. 2g applies.

    Installing plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts

    The duration of work on the installation of ventilation boxes is determined by the work schedule presented in Table 8.

    Technical and economic indicators are:

    Table 8 - Calendar Work Plan

    Name of technological processes

    Scope of work

    Labor costs

    Adopted composition of the link

    Process duration, h

    Working shifts

    workers, people.

    machinist, Cherts., (Working machines, Mash.-B.)

    Working hours

    Drilling holes in building structures

    Installer of ventilation systems

    Delivery to the location of the duct details

    Turnover loader


    Assembling air ducts in enlarged blocks, lifting and installation of blocks, reconciliation and final consolidation of the system

    Installer ventilation systems

    Installing plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts

    Installer ventilation systems

    Typical Technology Card (TTK)

    Installation of metal air ducts internal ventilation systems

    I. Scope

    I. Scope

    1.1. Typical technological card (hereinafter referred to as the TTK text) is a comprehensive organizational and technological document, developed on the basis of the scientific organization of labor to carry out the technological process and the determining composition of production operations using the most modern means of mechanization and methods for performing work on a certain given technology. TTK is intended for use in the development of projects for the production of work (PPR) by construction departments.

    1.2. In this TTK, indications of the organization and technology of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems are determined, the composition of production operations, the requirements for quality control and acceptance of works, the planning complexity of works, labor, industrial and material resources, industrial safety and labor protection measures .

    1.3. The regulatory framework for the development of a technological card is:

    - typical drawings;

    - Construction standards and rules (SNiP, CH, SP);

    - factory instructions and technical conditions (TU);

    - norms and rates for construction and installation work (GESN-2001 Yenir);

    - production rates of consumption of materials (NRRM);

    - Local progressive norms and rates, labor costs, the rate of consumption of material and technical resources.

    1.4. The purpose of creating TTK is a description of the decisions on the organization and technology of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems, in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

    - reducing the cost of work;

    - reduction of construction duration;

    - ensuring the safety of the work performed;

    - organization of rhythmic work;

    - rational use of labor and machines;

    - Unification of technological solutions.

    1.5. On the basis of the TTK as part of the PPR (as mandatory components of the project's work project), working technological maps (RTC) are developed for the implementation of individual types of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems.

    The design features of their execution are solved in each particular case of the work project. The composition and degree of detailing materials developed in RTK are established by the corresponding contract construction organization, based on the specifics and volume of work performed.

    RTC is considered and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction Organization.

    1.6. TTK can be tied to a specific object and conditions of construction. This process is to clarify the amount of work, means of mechanization, the need for labor and material and technical resources.

    Procedure for binding TTK to local conditions:

    - consideration of card materials and choosing the desired version;

    - checking the compliance of the initial data (work volumes, time standards, brands and types of mechanisms used by building materials, the composition of the workers' link) adopted option;

    - adjustment of work volumes in accordance with the selected version of the work of work and a specific project decision;

    - crosses the calculation, technical and economic indicators, the need for machines, mechanisms, tools and logistical resources in relation to the chosen version;

    - Registration of the graphic part with a specific binding of mechanisms, equipment and devices in accordance with their actual dimensions.

    1.7. The typical technological card was developed for engineering and technical workers (manufacturers of works, masters, brigadiers) and workers performing work in the II Road and Climatic Zone, in order to familiarize them (training) with the rules for the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems, With the use of the most modern means of mechanization, progressive structures and methods for performing work.

    The technological card is developed for the following works:

    II. General provisions

    2.1. The technological card was developed on a set of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems.

    2.2. Work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems, performed by a mechanized detachment into one shift, the duration of working time during the shift is:

    2.3. The work that consistently performed during the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems includes the following technological operations:

    - collecting made parts of ventilation;

    - installation of the ventilation system according to the design scheme;

    - Complete operation of the ventilation system.

    2.4. The technological map provides for the execution of works by a complex mechanized link in composition: mobile gasoline power station Honda ET12000. (3-phase 380/220 V, n \u003d 11 kW, m \u003d 150 kg); welding generator (Honda) EVROPOWER EP-200X2 (one-position, gasoline, p \u003d 200 A, H \u003d 230 V, weight M \u003d 90 kg); automotive boom crane ks-45717 (load capacity Q \u003d 25.0 t); mast Lift PMG-1B-76115 (with a lifting capacity of q \u003d 0.5 t, the height of the lift H \u003d 76 m, the rate of lifting V \u003d 0.31 m / s).

    Fig.1. Power station

    Fig.2. Welding generator

    Fig.3. Male lift

    Fig.4. Cargo Characteristics of automotive boom crane KS-45717

    Fig.5. Electroshlyfmaschinka

    Fig.6. ATLAS COPCO XAS 97 Compressor

    2.5. For installation of metal air ducts internal ventilation systems, the following building materials are used: electrodes 4.0 mm E-42 according to GOST 9466-75; emale PF-133 according to GOST 926-82 *; gF-021 primer According to GOST 25129-82.

    2.6. Work on the installation of metal air ducts internal ventilation systems should be performed, guided by the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

    - ;

    - Snip 3.05.01-85

    - Snip 3.05.05-84. Technological equipment and technological pipelines;

    - One hundred Nostroy 2.15.70-2012. Engineering networks of high-rise buildings. Device of heat supply systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cold supply;

    - One hundred nostroy 2.33.14-2011. Organization of construction production. General provisions;

    - One hundred nostroy 2.33.51-2011. Organization of construction production. Preparation and production of construction and installation works;

    - Snip 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. Common Requirements;

    - Snip 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production;

    - RD 11-02-2006. Requirements for the composition and procedure for conducting executive documentation in the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction and requirements imposed on acts of examination of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

    - RD 11-05-2007. The procedure for maintaining a common and (or) special journal for carrying out work in the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities.

    III. Organization and technology for performing work

    3.1. In accordance with the SP 48.13330.2001 "SNIP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Actualized editorial office" Prior to the start of construction and installation work at the facility, the Contractor is obliged in the prescribed manner to receive project documentation and permission from the Customer to perform construction and installation work. . Performance without permission (warrant) is prohibited.

    3.2. Prior to the production of work on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems, a complex of organizational and technical measures must be carried out, including:

    - develop RTK or PPR on the installation of metal air ducts of internal ventilation systems and coordinate with all subcontractors and suppliers;

    - to solve the main issues related to the material and technical support of construction;

    - appoint persons responsible for the safe production of works, as well as their control and quality of implementation;

    - to negotiate members of the Safety Brigade;

    - establish temporary inventory household premises for storing building materials, tools, inventory, workers heating, food reception, drying and storage of working clothes, bathrooms, etc.;

    - provide a plot approved for the production of works by working documentation;

    - Develop schemes and arrange temporary driveways for the movement of transport to the place of production and platforms for the placement of materials and structures;

    - prepare for the production of work machines, mechanisms and equipment and deliver them to the object;

    - provide workers with manual machines, tools and means of individual protection;

    - ensure the construction site by fire inventory and alarm means;

    - protect the construction site and put warning signs lit at night;

    - ensure communication for operational dispatching management of work;

    - to deliver the necessary materials, devices, inventory, tools and means for safe work in the area of \u200b\u200bwork;

    - try the construction machines provided for by RTK or PPR;

    - draw up an act of readiness of the object to the work of work;

    - Get the Customer's technical supervision permission to start the production of works (clause of the RD 08-296-99).

    3.3. General provisions

    3.3.1. Ventilation - adjustable air exchange indoors, serves mainly to create an air environment favorable for human health that meet the requirements of the technological process, the preservation of equipment and building structures of the building, storage of materials and products.

    3.3.2. A person, depending on the kind of activity (energy costs), stands out into the surrounding air:

    - heat (100 kcal / hour and more);

    - Water pairs (40-70 g / h);

    - carbon dioxide (23-45 l / h).

    Production processes may be accompanied by immeasurably large discharge of heat, water vapor, harmful vapors, gases and dust. As a result, the air in the room loses hygienic qualities favorable for well-being, health and human health.

    3.3.3. Hygienic requirements for ventilation are reduced to maintaining certain meteorological conditions of air (temperature, humidity and mobility) and its purity.

    3.3.4. The essence of ventilation is as follows: the trim air is mixed with the air of the room and as a result of the heat exchange or mass transfer occurring in the room, the specified air parameters are created.

    3.3.5. Installation of ventilation systems are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, a working project, a project for the production of works and instructions of equipment manufacturers. Replacing the materials and equipment provided by the project is allowed only in coordination with the project organization and the customer.

    3.3.6. Installation requirements for ventilation systems are reduced to ensure the design parameters of the air environment in ventilated areas. This is achieved with maximum sealing of air ducts and equipment systems necessary sound insulation, proper conditions for operation, repair and replace equipment.

    3.3.7. Mounting and Assembly Works Conditions, while maintaining their high quality, is achieved by high industrialization of works, which consists in using standard ventilation chambers, blocks and duct units (shaped parts - diffuser, confusion, knee, tees, crosses; regulatory devices - valves , Sewberry, throttle devices; mounts; pendants; brackets; brackets; flanges) of factory manufacture or made in workshops with appropriate mechanical equipment. In place, as a rule, only collectable parts, applying mechanisms for moving blanks and ventilation equipment.

    3.4. Preparatory work

    3.4.1. Prior to the start of the work on the installation of ventilation systems, the following preparatory work should be performed:

    - The object is adopted by the employees of the assembly organization for the act of technical readiness of the zero cycle to the installation of columns. The act must be made by executive geodesic schemes with applying the position of foundations in terms of and height;

    - to carry and store columns on an optional warehouse;

    - to select columns and connecting parts that have passed input control;

    - Apply in four places at the level of the top plane foundations of the risks of installation axes in accordance with the project;

    - Apply the risks of the installation, longitudinal axes on the side edges of the columns, at the bottom of the columns. Risks are applied with a pencil or marker. Unacceptably applying scratches or cuts on the surface of the columns;

    - Deliver the necessary mounting tools, fixtures and tools to the edge zone.

    3.4.2. When accepting an object for installation of ventilation systems should be checked:

    - compliance with all the requirements of SNIP and existing technical conditions;

    - the presence and proper registration of acts for hidden work;

    - geometric dimensions and bindings to the building structures of foundations for ventilation equipment and air conditioners, supporting structures on the roof of the building for the installation of roof fans and deflectors, holes for the passage of air ducts, assembly openings;

    - the correct installation of mortgage parts;

    - device of fences of openings, flooring and canopies.

    Acceptance of an object for installation should be carried out by employees of the assembly organization on the act.

    3.4.3. When transporting air ducts, depending on their species and dimensions, it should be provided:

    - for small cross sections - containing or packing;

    - for ducts of large sections - telescopic laying;

    - For semi-finished products - special packaging.

    3.4.4. Loading and hardware and rigging work at the facility are made using workers that are part of the crew of installers. As a mechanized lifting facility at the facility use automotive boom crane KS-45717 and Mast Lift PMG-1B-76115 .

    3.4.6. The lines of air ducts and ventilation is recommended to produce inventory goods. The slings should be chosen depending on the type, the mass of the lifted cargo and the method of the lines. The most common slings are shown in Fig. 7.

    Fig.7. Slings

    but - lightweight sling with loops; b. - lightweight sling with hooks; in - four-letter slop

    The lifting load should be held from rotation of the dents. For horizontal elements of the ventiysystem (enlarged air duct nodes), two dehydrations should be used, from the hemp ropes with a diameter of 20-25 mm or with detensions of steel ropes with a diameter of 8-12 mm, for vertical (roof fans, air ducts, etc.) - one. The most common sling methods in Fig.8-Fig.26.

    Fig.8. WPP-40.

    Fig.9. Radial fan

    Fig.10. Locking fans C4-70

    Fig.11. Slingering the top of the casing of fans c4-70

    Fig.12. Lowering the lower part of the casing of the fan c4-70

    Fig.13. Slinger of shaft with fan frames C470

    Fig.14. Terminating axial fan

    Fig.15. VKR-6.3 fan

    Fig.16. Air-thermal curtain a6,3

    Fig.17. Scrubber

    Fig.18. Cyclone type TN.

    Fig.19. EKF irrigation chambers

    Fig.20. Ventagregate drive

    Fig.21. Wheel and guide apparatus in casing

    Fig.22. Air Filter FR-3

    Fig.23. Slinger of packaging valve

    Fig.24. Slinger of packaging Cameras CO and VK

    Fig.25. Locking air duct

    Fig.26. Locking of the enlarged node

    3.4.7. The completion of the preparatory work is recorded in the general journal of work (the recommended form is given in the RD 11-05-2007) and should be taken on the act on the implementation of safety safety measures, decorated according to the annex and, SNiP 12-03-2001.

    3.5. Installation of air ducts

    3.5.1. The method of installation of air ducts should be chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), placement relative to the structures (inside or outside the building, in the wall, in the columns, in the interferenny space, in the mine, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (one- or multi-storey , industrial, public, etc.).

    3.5.2. As a shaped parts of a complex geometric shape, as well as to attach the ventilation equipment, air distributors, noiselessness and other devices located in tailcases, chambers, etc., flexible air ducts from fiberglass, metal-in-room, aluminum foil, etc. Application should be used. Flexible air ducts as direct links are not allowed.

    In order to reduce the aerodynamic resistance, the details from flexible sleeves in the mounted position should have a minimal degree of compression.

    3.5.3. Installation of metal air ducts should be carried out, as a rule, enlarged blocks in the following sequence:

    - marking of the installation of air duct fixtures;

    - installation of fixtures;

    - coordination with builders of location locations and methods for fastening lifting facilities and their installation;

    - delivery to the place of installation of duct details, check of completeness and quality;

    - assembly of parts of air ducts in enlarged blocks;

    - installation of the block into the design position and consolidate it;

    - installation of plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at an altitude of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    3.5.4. The block length is determined by the size of the section and the type of air duct connections, installation conditions and the presence of lifting facilities.

    The length of the enlarged blocks of horizontal air ducts connected on the flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    3.5.5. The schemes of the organization's organization during installation of air ducts are given in Fig.27-Fig.30.

    Fig.27. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing air ducts on the outer wall of the building

    1 - console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - autohydrotype; 4 - Traverse; 5 - delay; 6 - Block

    Fig.28. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts in the building

    1 - winch; 2 - Traverse; 3 - enlarged duct assembly; 4 - Suspension

    Fig.29. The scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts on the overpass

    1 2 - Traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - Avtohydrovant

    Fig.30. Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing vertical air ducts on the outer wall of the building

    1 - enlarged duct assembly; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch; 4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - Stretching

    Fig.31. Scheme of ventilation unit

    P1.3 - Ventilation unit

    3.5.6. Installation of fans should be made in the following sequence:

    - acceptance of ventilation chambers;

    - Delivery of fan or its separate parts to the place of installation;

    - installation of lifting facilities;

    - trowel fan or individual parts;

    - rise and horizontal movement of the fan to the installation site;

    - installation of the fan (fan assembly) on the support structures (foundation, platform, brackets);

    - checking the correctness of the installation and assembly of the fan;

    - fixing the fan to supporting structures;

    - Checking the fan operation.

    3.5.7. Air ducts are mounted regardless of the presence of technological equipment in accordance with the design bindings and marks. The addition of air ducts to technological equipment should be made after its installation.

    3.5.8. Air ducts intended for transportation of moistened air should be mounted so that at the bottom of the air ducts there are no longitudinal seams.

    3.5.9. Gaskets between the flanges of the air ducts should not appear inside the air ducts.

    Gaskets must be made of the following materials:

    - foam rubber, ribbon porous or monolithic rubber with a thickness of 4-5 mm or polymer mastic harness (PMZ) - for air ducts, according to which air, dust or waste of materials are moved to 343 K (70 ° C);

    - asbestos cord or asbestos cardboard - with temperatures above 343 K (70 ° C);

    - Acid-resistant rubber or acid-resistant gasket plastic - for air ducts, according to which air with acid pairs move.

    To seal the inflaintse compounds of air ducts should be applied:

    - the sealing tape "Gerlen" - for air ducts for which air is moved with a temperature of up to 40 ° C;

    - Mastica "Bupetrol" - for round-section air ducts with a temperature of up to 70 ° C;

    - thermal cuffs or ribbons - for round-section air ducts with a temperature of up to 60 ° C and other sealing materials, coordinated in the prescribed manner.

    3.5.10. Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, all bolts nuts should be located on one side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically nuts, as a rule, should be located on the bottom side of the compound.

    3.5.11. Fastening horizontal metal uninsulated air ducts (clamps, suspension, supports, etc.) on the Beschatine Connection It should be set at a distance of not more than 4.0 m from the other when the duct diameters of the round section or the size of the larger side of the rectangular duct less than 400 mm and at a distance of no more than 3.0 m from the other - when the ducts of the round section or the size of the larger side Air duct rectangular cross section 400 mm and more.

    Fastening horizontal metal uninsulated air ducts on the flange compound The circular section with a diameter of up to 2000 mm or a rectangular section with the size of its main side up to 2000 mm inclusive should be set at a distance of no more than 6.0 m from the other. The distances between the fasteners of the isolated metal air ducts of any size of cross sections, as well as uninsulated round-section air ducts with a diameter of more than 2000 mm or a rectangular section, with the sizes of its main side, more than 2000 mm must be assigned to working documentation.

    Clamps should cover metal ducts tightly.

    3.5.12. Mounting vertical metal air ducts should be set at a distance of no more than 4.0 m from the other.

    The mounting of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings from the height of the floor to 4.0 m is performed in intermediate floors.

    The mounting of vertical metal air ducts indoors from the floor height of more than 4.0 m is performed on the roof of the building.

    When installing vertical air ducts from asbestos-cement fastening boxes, it should be installed after 3.0-4.0 m. When installing horizontal air ducts, you should install two mounts for each section at clutch compounds and one mount - with flaring connections. Fastening should be performed in the termination.

    In vertical air ducts from fuse-tube boxes, the upper box is inserted into the socket of the bottom.

    3.5.13. The attachment of stretch marks and suspensions directly to the flanges of the air duct is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions should be uniform.

    3.5.14. Freely suspended air ducts must be separated by installing double suspensions every two single suspensions at a suspension length from 0.5 to 1.5 m.

    With the length of the suspension of more than 1.5 m, double suspensions should be installed through each single suspension.

    3.5.15. Air ducts should be strengthened so that their weight is not transmitted to ventilation equipment.

    Air ducts join fans through vibration-insulating flexible inserts from fiberglass or other material that provides flexibility, density and durability.

    Vibration insulating flexible inserts should be installed directly before individual tests.

    3.5.16. Pouring and coupling compounds are sealing the hemp harnesses, moistened in asbestos-cement solution with the additive of casein glue.

    The free space of the termination or coupling is filled with asbestos-cement mastic.

    Connection locations after rejection of mastic must be sealed with a cloth. The fabric should fit tightly to the box throughout the perimeter and should be painted with oil paint.

    3.5.17. The air ducts made of polymer film should be suspended on steel rings from a wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm, located at a distance of no more than 2 m from the other.

    The diameter of the rings should be 10% larger than the diameter of the duct. Steel rings should be fixed with a wire or a plate with a neckline to the carrying cable (wire) with a diameter of 4-5 mm, stretched along the axis of the air duct and fixed to the building structures every 20-30 m.

    To eliminate the longitudinal movements of the air duct when filled with air, the polymer film should be pulled to the disappearance of the provisions between the rings.

    3.5.18. When installing fans on metal structures, vibration insulators should be attached to them. Elements of metal structures that are attached to vibration and beolators should coincide in terms of the corresponding elements of the fan unit frame.

    When installing on the rigid base, the fan bed should be tightly faced with soundproofing gaskets.

    3.5.19. Radial fan shafts must be installed horizontally (roof fan shafts - vertically), vertical walls of centrifugal fans should not have distortion and tilt.

    Gaskets for composite fans coverings should be used from the same material as gaskets for air ducts of this system.

    3.5.20. Electric motors must be accurately adjusted with installed fans and secured. The axis of the pulleys of electric motors and fans during belt transmission must be parallel, and the middle lines of the pulleys must coincide.

    Slasons of electric motors must be mutually parallel and installed in terms of level. The support surface of the sled should come into contact throughout the plane with the foundation.

    Couplings and belt transmissions should be fencing.

    3.5.21. A fan suction opening, not attached to the air duct, it is necessary to protect the metal grid with a cell size of no more than 70x70 mm.

    3.5.22. The filter material of the plated filters must be stretched without provisions and wrinkles, as well as firmly lay down to the side walls. In the presence, on the filter material, the latter should be located on the side of air intake.

    3.5.23. Flexible air ducts should be applied in accordance with the project (work project) as the shaped parts of the complex geometric shape, as well as to attach the ventilation equipment, air distributors, silencers and other devices located in the tail ceilings, cameras.

    3.5.24. The fastening of the flanges on the air ducts of steel with a thickness of 0.5-1.5 mm should be carried out with the help of flaming, and with the thickness of the steel st. 1.5 mm - electric arc welding with a solid seam.

    With thickness, more than 1 mM are allowed to fasten the flanges without flapping by taps by electric arc welding after 50-60 mm, followed by sealing of the gap between the flanges and the air ducts.

    Methods of sealing should be determined by the technology of the manufacturer's enterprise.

    3.5.25. Flabande air ducts must overlap the flange of at least 6 mm and should not block the bolted holes.

    Through breakdowns are allowed not more than four on one end of the duct.

    3.5.26. Flange fastening from moving them along the axis of the flange duct of the circular cross section with flange flanges should be carried out in any way with the mandatory provision of their rotation around the axis. At the same time, the flange must fit tightly to the mirror of the duct flange.

    3.5.27. For the leaf air ducts, more than 1.5 mm thick, the flanges from the corner rolled should be welded from the inside, and the flanges are flat - from the outside of the product. At the same time, the edges of the ends of the air ducts should not be behind the flange mirror.

    3.5.28. The final stage of installation of ventilation systems are their individual tests.

    3.5.29. By the beginning of individual tests of systems, general construction and finishing works on ventilation cameras and mines should be completed, as well as finish the installation and individual tests of the means of ensuring (power supply, heat boat supply, etc.). In the absence of power supply of ventilation installations by a permanent diagram, the connection to the temporary diagram and the maintenance of the maintenance of the starting device is carried out by the General Contractor.

    3.5.30. For each ventilation system, a passport is drawn up in two copies of

    IV. Quality and Acceptance Requirements

    4.1. Control and assessment of the quality of work on the installation of the duct system are performed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:

    - SP 48.13330.2011. "Snip 12-01-2004 Organization of construction. Actualized editors";

    - Snip 3.05.01-85. Domestic sanitary systems;

    - Snip 3.05.05-84. Technological equipment and technological pipelines.

    4.2. Quality control of construction and installation work is carried out by specialists with the attraction of an accredited construction laboratory equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary accuracy and completeness of control and is assigned to the manufacturer of works or master work on the installation of the air duct system.

    4.3. Construction quality control of work should include input control of project working documentation and engineering research results, as well as the quality of the preceding work, the operational control of construction and installation work, production processes or technological operations and acceptance control of work assessment performed.

    4.4. Input control

    4.4.1. Input control is carried out in order to identify deviations from project requirements and relevant standards. Input control of the construction materials, structures and products entering the object:

    - the registration method by analyzing data recorded in documents (certificates, passports, invoices, etc.);

    - external visual inspection (according to GOST 16504-81);

    - technical inspection (according to GOST 16504-81);

    - if necessary, the measuring method using measuring instruments (checking the main geometric parameters), incl. laboratory equipment;

    - control tests in cases of doubts in the correctness of the characteristics or absence of the necessary data in certificates and passports of manufacturers.

    4.4.2. Input control of incoming materials is carried out by the Commission appointed by order of the Director of the Construction Organization. The Commission includes a representative of the supply department, linear IER and production and technical department. The organization of input control, purchased products and materials is carried out in accordance with the instructions:

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    On the installation of ventilation

    143-06 TK

    First Deputy
    General Director

    Chief Engineer

    A.V. Kolobov

    Laboratory boss

    B.I. Bychkovsky

    A technological map for the installation of ventilation boxes is an integral part of the PPR and is intended for production personnel and engineering and technical workers of construction organizations, works, masters and brigadiers, as well as technicians of technical supervisor associated with these works.

    The technological map shows: general data, technology and organization of work, requirements for quality and acceptance of work, labor cost calculation, work schedule, the need for mechanization and tools, solutions for the safety and protection of environmental and fire safety.

    Employees of OJSC PactrromStroy participated in the development of a technological map:

    Savina O.A. - development of a technological card, computer processing and graphics;

    Black V.V. - general technological support;

    Bychkovsky B.I. - development of a technological map, technical guide, proofreading and normocontrol;

    Kolobov A.V. - general technical guide to the development of technological maps;

    K.T.N. Edichka S.Yu. - General management of the development of technological documentation.

    1 General Data

    1.1 This technological card was developed on the installation of ventilation boxes in industrial, administrative and public and residential buildings.

    1.2 Technological map is an integral part of the PPR and is intended for engineering and technical personnel (foreheads, masters) and workers' construction organizations employed on the installation of ventilation boxes, customer technicians who carry out supervisory functions for technology and quality of work, as well as engineering and technical workers Construction organizations.

    1.3 Binding a technological map to specific objects and conditions of construction is to specify the scope of work, means of mechanization, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as the correction of the calculation and the calendar plan for the production of work.

    1.4 The form of using a technological map provides for its appeal in the field of information technologies with the inclusion in the database on the technology and the organization of the construction production of the automated workplace of the construction production technologist (ART TSP), contractor and customer.

    2 Organization and technology for performing work

    2.1 To install ventilation systems in industrial, administrative and residential buildings, ventilation boxes are used, which can be manufactured from various materials, depending on the medium transported through the air ducts. Table 1 shows examples of materials from which air ducts can be manufactured.

    Table 1 - materials for air ducts

    Characteristics of the transported environment

    Products and materials

    Air with a temperature of no more than 80 ° C with relative humidity no more than 60%

    Concrete, reinforced concrete and gypsum ventilation blocks, asbestos-cement pipes and boxes, drywall, gypsum concrete and arbolic box; steel thin galvanized steel; Roofing steel, sheet steel; Steel rolled cold rolled; Fiberglass, paper and cardboard; Other materials that meet the requirements of the specified environment

    The same, with relative humidity of air more than 60%

    Concrete and reinforced concrete ventilation blocks, asbestos cement pipes and boxes; steel thin galvanized steel; steel sheet; aluminum sheet, plastic pipes and plates, fiberglass; paper and cardboard with appropriate impregnation; Other materials that meet the requirements of the specified environment

    Air mixture with chemically active gases, pairs and dust

    Ceramic and asbestos cement pipes and boxes; Plastic pipes and boxes; Blocks made of acid-resistant concrete and plastibetone; metalplastic; steel sheet; fiberglass; paper and cardboard with the corresponding transportable coatings and impregnation; Other materials that meet the requirements of the specified environment


    1 Air ducts from asbestos-cement structures are not allowed to be used in ventilation systems.

    2 Ducts made of steel sheet cold rolled and hot rolled should have a coating, resistant to the transported medium.

    2.2 The external dimensions of the cross section of metal air ducts of the rectangular section should be taken along table 2.

    table 2 - external dimensions of metal air ducts

    Air ducts rectangular cross section, mm

    Note - Dimensions of air ducts from other materials should be specified according to manufacturers.

    2.3 The thickness of sheet steel for air ducts, by which air moves with a temperature not higher than 80 ° C, should be taken, not more than:

    For rectangular air ducts, size, mm:

    from 100? 150 to 250? 250 - 0.5 mm;

    from 300? 150 to 600? 1000 - 0.7 mm,

    from 1000? 1250 to 1600? 2000 - 0.9 mm,

    For air ducts of rectangular sections having one of the sides more than 2000 mm, and the air ducts section 2000? 2000 mm steel thickness should be specified in the project.

    2.4 The network of air ducts is composed of unified parts - direct sections, taps, transitions, plugs and branch assemblies from unified parts in accordance with VN 353-86.

    For air ducts of rectangular section, straight sections are used with a length of 2500 mm, but the length of the straight section is allowed by constructive and technological considerations.

    For the manufacture of air ducts, steel Tonalistic hot-rolled steel according to GOST 19903-74 * and GOST 16523-97, steel sheet and rolled cold-rolled steel according to GOST 19904-90 and GOST 16523-97, steel roofing sheet according to GOST 19904-90.

    The air ducts made of thin-grained roofing steel with a size of most side up to 2000 mm should be used straightforward on folds or straightforward on welding, and air ducts having the size of the side of more than 2000 mm, - panel (welded, cylinders).

    Air ducts from metal plants should be made on folds, and from stainless steel, titanium, as well as from sheet aluminum and its alloys - on folds or on welding.

    2.5 Air ducts depending on the range of transportation is recommended to be transported:

    Up to 300 km - by road;

    More than 300 km - rail or water.

    When transporting air ducts by road, use:

    On-board general-purpose cars (GAZ-52-04, GAZ-53A; ZIL-130-76; Ural-377n, KAMAZ-5320, MAZ-5335);

    Truck tractors (GAZ-52-04; ZIL-130V1-76; KAMAZ-5410);

    Trailers (GKB-817, GKB-8350);

    Semi-trailers (CKB-A402; ODAZ-885; ODAZ-9370).

    Transport the air ducts by rail should be in the semi-frequencies, the wagons of the closed type should be used in exceptional cases.

    2.6 When transporting air ducts, depending on their species and dimensions, it is necessary to envisage.

    For ducts of small sections - containing or packing;

    For ducts of large sections - telescopic laying;

    For semi-finished products - special packaging.

    The size and mass of containers and packages must correspond to the dimensions and carrying capacity of vehicles. Table 3 shows the characteristics of containers for transporting air ducts.

    Table 3. - Characteristics of containers for transportation of air ducts and ventilation

    Container type

    Own a lot of container, kg

    Gabritis, mm.

    The average number of air ducts

    Calcoder's organization

    Foldable Foldable Container Container KO-1,75A

    Trust Soyuzorgsanthmontazh

    Container for air ducts STD 523 m

    PKB Trust Santechdal

    Container for transportation of air ducts NOZ-5

    Trust Promveventilation

    Air ducts must be installed on a vertically vertically, if they do not go beyond the limits of the dimensions installed for vehicles, and the dimensions established by the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

    2.7 As a mechanized lifting facility at objects, winchs, forklift trucks, truck cranes, booms on a pneumocole and tracked run, tower and gantry cranes should be used.

    The load-lifting means are selected depending on the mass and dimensions of the venetian equipment and products, the height of their lifting and local conditions.

    The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the lifting tools is shown in Table 4.

    Table 4. - Scope of load-lifting mechanisms, mounting steps and scaffolding

    Type of lifting mechanism

    Operated operations

    Characteristics of mechanisms

    Mechanisms traction assembly

    Vertical (high to 3 m) and horizontal movement of air ducts and ventilations within the working area

    With a traction force of up to 16 kN when installing air ducts and light ventilation. With a traction force up to 32 kN when installing ventilation.

    Manual mounting winches

    Vertical (high to 8 m) and horizontal movement of air ducts and ventilation within the working area

    With a traction force of 5 and 12.5 kN when installing air ducts and light ventilation. With traction force up to 50 kN - when installing ventilation

    Electric winches

    Vertical (height more than 8 m) and horizontal movement of air ducts and ventilations within the working area

    With a traction force of up to 10 kN when installing air ducts and light ventilation, with a traction force of 32 kN when installing ventilation

    Forklift, equipped with fork picking

    Loading and unloading and transportation work on the construction site. Lifting and transportation work on the installation of ventilation

    4091, 4092, 4055m, 4013, 4014

    Car cranes

    Loading and unloading on a construction site and warehouses. Lifting and transportation work when installing air ducts and ventilation at objects

    Cranes MCA-6.3 with a carrying capacity of 6.3 tons; MCA-10M carrying capacity of 10 tons; KS-3571 with a carrying capacity of 10 tons; MCA-16 with a carrying capacity of 16 t and others.

    Arrow Mounting Crane on Pneumocoles

    Crane MKP-16 with a loading capacity of 16 tts and others.

    Rift mounting cranes on a tracked go

    Loading and unloading on the construction site. Lifting and transportation work when installing air ducts and ventilation at objects

    Cranes MKG-6.3 with a carrying capacity of 6.3 tons; Μg-10 with a lifting capacity of 10 tons; Μg-16 with a loading capacity of 16 tts and others.

    Tower cranes

    Loading and unloading and transportation work on the construction site. Lifting and transport work when installing air ducts and ventilation

    Tower cranes used by the general contractor at the construction site

    Gantry cranes

    Loading and unloading and transportation work on the construction site. Lifting and transportation works on the site of the integuctive assembly and when installing air ducts and ventilation

    Gantry cranes used by the general contractor at the construction site

    Hydraulic automotive lifts

    Lifting and lowering the fans for mounting air ducts and some types of ventilation at the marks above or below the site level on which the hydraulic lifter is installed

    AGP-12A, AGP-18, AGP-22 and AGP-28

    Self-propelled retractable scaffolding

    Lifting of footage-ventilations for mounting air ducts and certain types of ventilation at an altitude of more than 3 m. Lifting and transportation work when installing air ducts and ventilation

    Hydraulic telescopic lift

    Lifting of locksmith-ventilation plants for installation of air ducts and certain types of ventilation

    2.8 The sling of ventilation boxes should be carried out inventory shipping means. The slings are selected depending on the type, the mass of the lifted cargo and the sling method according to Table 5, the main lines are shown in Figure 1.

    One of the options for the sling of the air ducts of the rectangular section is shown in Figure 2.

    A duct nodes 12 m long and more when the horizontal position is lifted, as a rule, rare parallel pins or traverses. The plumbing of the air ducts should be produced so that they can be submitted to the place of installation in the position closest to the project.

    Table 5. - Types of Lines

    a - lightweight sling with loops; b - lightweight sling with hooks; in - four-letter sling

    Picture 1 - Slings

    Figure 2. - Option of the lines of the air duct

    When lifting air ducts it is necessary to ensure their stability in a suspended position. The location of the cargo suspension should be located above the center of gravity.

    The lifting cargo should be kept from rotation of the pegs from the hemp ropes with a diameter of 20 - 25 mm or dehablings of steel ropes with a diameter of 8 - 12 mm. For horizontal enlarged duct nodes, two dehydrations should be used, for vertical air ducts - one.

    2.9 Typical schemes of installation and fastening of winches and tap blocks are shown in Figures 3 - 5.

    a) for a column of the building; b) for a brick wall

    Figure 3. - Fastening winches

    The winches used to move the cargo should be loaded by ballast, the mass of which should not less than twice the traction force of the winch. Ballast should be fixed on the frame of the winch. The designs for which winch and tap blocks are attached must be calculated on additional load.

    a - scheme of the location of the tap block in front of the winch; b - fastening of the tap block to ankura;
    in - fastening the block to the console; 1 - block; 2 - sling from steel rope; 3 - console;
    4 - Inventory Metal Lining

    Figure 4. - Installation of the tap block

    Figure 5. - Installation of drum winch

    2.10 For the entire installation period, the aircraft storage should be equipped.

    The device of the attribute warehouse of air ducts must satisfy the following basic requirements:

    Located near access roads or railway tracks;

    The borders of the warehouse must defend the road at least 1 m;

    Be at the minimum distance from the installation object if possible in the zone of the tower crane;

    Do not interfere with the production of construction and installation work;

    The storage platforms for air ducts must be carefully planned with a slope of 1 - 2 ° for removal of surface waters, covered with drainage sand or gravel, and in the necessary cases - have cuvettes;

    Passages, passages and loading and unloading sites must be cleaned of garbage, construction waste (in winter - from snow and ice) and sprinkled with sand, slag or ash;

    Storage of ventilators should be organized in compliance with the security requirements of work and fire protection;

    In the corners of the open warehouse, barrier poles must be installed, warning signs are posted for motor transport drivers and pointers with the name of the assembly control or the site and the location of the cargo acceptance;

    The warehouse should be lit.

    2.11 The storage and storage of air ducts should be organized in accordance with current standards and in compliance with the following requirements:

    Rectangular air ducts should be laid in the stack; Straight areas height not more than 2.7, fittings - no more than 2 m;

    Ducts of the circular section should be installed vertically;

    Air ducts delivered in inventory containers should be stored in these containers on specially organized container sites. Store ducts and other products in railway containers are prohibited;

    Each duct during storage should be laid on wooden inventory lining;

    Air ducts in stacks should be placed taking into account the installation sequence: stacks and containers - provide pointers;

    There should be passes with a width of at least 1 m between stacks; Every three stacks should arrange passages for transport with a width of 3 m.

    Moving air ducts to overlap multi-storey buildings is carried out using lifting and transport equipment or manual transport.

    2.13 Before starting the installation of ventilation systems, the General Contractor must be performed:

    Installation of intergenerational floors, walls and partitions;

    Device of foundations, bases or sites for installing fans, air conditioners and other ventilation equipment;

    Building structures of ventilation chambers of the supply systems;

    Waterproofing work in places of installation of air conditioners, intake ventilation chambers, wet filters;

    The device of floors (or appropriate preparation) in the installation places of fans on spring vibration insulators, as well as "floating" bases for installing ventilation equipment;

    Device support for the installation of roof fans, exhaust mines and deflectors on the coatings of buildings;

    Holes are prepared in the walls, partitions, overlaps and coatings necessary for laying air ducts;

    Applied on the inner and outer walls of all rooms auxiliary marks equal to the design marks of pure floor plus 500 mm;

    Plastered (or lined) surfaces of walls and niches in places of air ducts;

    Mounting openings were prepared in walls and overlaps to supply large-sized equipment and air ducts and mounted crane beams in ventilation chambers;

    Installed in accordance with the working documentation mortgage parts in building structures for fastening equipment and air ducts;

    The possibility of including power tools, as well as electrical welding machines at a distance of no more than 50 m one from the other;

    Glazed window openings in outdoor fences, inlets and holes are insulated;

    Made activities that ensure safe production of installation work.

    An acceptance of an object for installation should be carried out by employees of the production preparation site together with engineering and technical workers of the assembly organization with the compilation of the act.

    2.14 Method of installation of air ducts is chosen depending on their position (horizontal, vertical), placement relative to the designs (inside or outside the building, in the wall, in the columns, in the interfer space, in the mine, on the roof of the building) and the nature of the building (single or multi-storey , industrial, public, etc.).

    2.15 Installation of metal air ducts is carried out in the following technological sequence:

    Marking places of installation of air duct fixtures;

    Installation of fastening agents;

    Coordination with builders of location locations and methods for fastening lifting facilities;

    Installation of lifting facilities;

    Delivery to the place of installation of duct details;

    Checking the completeness and quality of the delivered parts of the air ducts;

    Assembly of parts of air ducts in enlarged blocks;

    Installing a block into a design position and consolidation of it;

    Installing the plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts located at an altitude of up to 1.5 m from the floor.

    2.16 For connecting rectangular ventilation boxes, flange compounds and robes are usually used. Rectangular flanges are made of size 100? 150 - 1600? 2000 mm.

    The design of the flawless cutting compound of the air ducts of the rectangular section is shown in Figure 6.

    The assembly of the air ducts in the integrated blocks with the help of the roll connection is made at pre-installed rubber gaskets in the tire stream, as can be seen in Figure 6a. Combining tires among themselves and ensuring the alignment of the air ducts is performed by the mandrel inserted into the hole of the mounting squares. Then the tires on one side are tightened with fixative ticks and on them for a length of 10 - 15 mm they have a rail, after which the hammer blows through the wooden laying, the rail is scored for the entire length. Connecting rails are installed first on the vertical sides of the air ducts, and then horizontal. This ensures a dense pressing of rubber gaskets among themselves and the tightness of the compound.

    When installing the rails on the bersed ends of the air ducts, the profiled rubber gasket is set between the ends, as shown in Figure 6b, after which the air ducts are connected by the slats scored with light blowing blows.

    When connecting rectangular air ducts using Z- and C-shaped rails (without the use of rubber gaskets), in order to seal the joint, the outside should be missed by the thickness of the paint or preheated to 50 ° with the "Butaprol" mastic, as shown in Figure 6B.

    a - with the use of tires; b - with the use of rails on the beaded ends of the air ducts;
    B - with z- and C-shaped rails; 1 - air duct; 2 - connecting rail;
    3 - rubber sealing gasket T-shaped; 4 - dense paint

    Figure 6. - Babertrase coat compounds of rectangular air ducts

    2.17 The maximum length of the enlarged blocks of rectangular air ducts mounted horizontally and connected on tires and rails depends on the capture location scheme and is 6-12 meters. In the case of the use of special traverses, block length can be increased to 15 m, depending on the traverse design. Vertical air ducts are mounted by enlarged blocks within 1 - 2 floors of the building.

    2.18 The length of the block is determined by the size of the section and the type of air duct connections, installation conditions and the presence of lifting facilities.

    The length of the enlarged blocks of horizontal; The air ducts connected on the flanges should not exceed 20 m.

    The schemes of the working area in the installation of air ducts in industrial buildings and structures are given in Figures 7 - 13.

    1 - Containers for air ducts; 2 - assembly tables; 3 - lifting rolling

    Figure 7. - scheme of organization of work when installing air ducts lifting

    rolling in blocks of coating on the conveyor

    1 - Console with block; 2 - winch; 3 - autoogidpex; 4 - traverse; 5 - delay; 6 - Block

    Figure 8. - Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing air ducts on the outer wall of the building

    1 - winch; 2 - traverse; 3 - enlarged duct assembly; 4 - suspension

    Figure 9. - scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts in the building

    1 - enlarged duct assembly; 2 - traverse; 3 - truck crane; 4 - autohydrovant

    Figure 10. - Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing horizontal air ducts on the overpass

    1 - enlarged duct assembly; 2 - semi-automatic sling; 3 - winch 4 - block; 5 - console; 6 - brackets; 7 - stretch

    Figure 11. - Scheme of the organization of the working area when installing vertical air ducts on the outer wall of the building

    Figure 12. - scheme of the organization of the working area when installing vertical air ducts in the building by the method of "build-up bottom"

    1 - air duct; 2 - mast; 3 - assembly traction mechanism; 4 - stretching; 5 - thrust;
    6 - hinge; 7 - Stand; 8 - clamp; 9 - inventory sling; 10 - Podcasts

    Figure 13. - scheme of the organization of the assembly zone when installing vertical air ducts

    2.19 Air ducts must be mounted regardless of the presence of technological equipment in accordance with the design bindings and marks. The addition of air ducts to technological equipment should be made after its installation.

    When installing the air ducts, it is necessary to withstand the standard mounting distances in the places of complex intersections of air ducts and other communications and layouts of air ducts in the mine, as shown in Figures 14 - 16.

    With sizes b and b 1 from 100 to 500? \u003d 100 mm

    »» From 600 to 1600? \u003d 300 mm

    Figure 14. - minimum mounting distances from building structures to air ducts

    Figure 15. - Minimum mounting distances from engineering communications to air ducts

    D Д?, B 1 and b? 1 - diameters and side of respectively round and rectangular ducts

    Figure 16. - minimum mounting distances between air ducts

    Air ducts in mines, niches, etc. It is necessary to place in such a way that they are conveniently mounted and servicing.

    2.20 Fastening horizontal metallic uninsulated air ducts (clamps, suspension, supports, etc.) on the inflaming compound should be installed at a distance of not more than 4 m from the other with the size of the larger side of the rectangular duct less than 400 mm and at a distance of no more than 3 m from the other - with the size of the most side of the air duct of the rectangular section of 400 mm or more.

    Fastening horizontal metal uninsulated air ducts on the flange connection of the rectangular section in the sizes of its main side to 2000 mm are inclusively installed at a distance of no more than 6 m from the other distance between the fasteners of isolated metal air ducts of any size of cross-sections, as well as uninsulated rectangular air ducts with the size of it greater Parties more than 2000 mm are assigned to working documentation.

    Clamps should cover metal ducts tightly.

    Mounting vertical metal air ducts are installed at a distance of not more than 4 m one from the other.

    Drawings of non-type fasteners should be included in the working documentation.

    The fastening of vertical metal air ducts inside the premises of multi-storey buildings from the height of the floor to 4 m are performed in the interleaved floors.

    The mounting of vertical metal air ducts indoors with the floor height of more than 4 m on the roof of the building is assigned to the project (work project).

    The attachment of stretch marks and suspensions directly to the flanges of the air duct is not allowed. The tension of adjustable suspensions should be uniform.

    Freely suspended ducts must be swallowed by installing double suspensions every two single suspension at a suspension length from 0.5 to 1.5 m.

    With the length of the suspension of more than 1.5 m, double pendants are installed through each single suspension.

    2.21 When mounting vertical ventilation boxes in a residential multi-storey complex before the start of work, it is necessary:

    Perform work on concreting monolithic sites around the opening of mines on the 1st floor and every three floors with leaving openings under vent. On other floors, instead of monolithic areas, install removable flooring of wooden shields. Laying the shields to produce wooden runs from boards 50? 150 mm in the direction "from ourselves", fixing the shields from the displacement of cross-wing plackets;

    Clear from the pins of concrete reinforced concrete walls of the mine;

    On each floor, protect the openings with a protective fence with a height of 1.1 m. The racks are fixed for concrete walls using a corner of a corner welded from above and from below to racks parallel to the enclosing concrete walls;

    Organize the place of reception of vertical ventilation risers in the basement;

    On the last overlap, install and secure the manual winch and the mounting unit with a carrying capacity of 1500 kg;

    Perform job coverage and approaches according to GOST 12.1.046-85 on each floor.

    Mounting the vertical ventilation box in a residential high-rise building is shown in Figure 17.

    Installation options for wincing Ventcourts are shown in Figures 18 and 19.

    2.22 Production of work on the installation of vertical ventilation boxes in a residential high-rise complex occurs in the following order:

    Collecting in the basement or on the first floor, a duct with a length of 12 m from six sections of 2 m long each, as shown in Figure 20;

    Each 12-meter whip climbs up the upper section using the winch and the mounting unit;

    The lines of cargo shown in Figure 20 (node \u200b\u200b2) is made by a hook for a loop welded to the pipe installed inside the section. The hook is fixed through the oval link to the cable of the winch;

    Figure 17. - Mounting scheme of vertical ventilation boxes in high-rise
    residential complex with the help of a winch installed on the overlap and the tap block

    a) the winch is installed at the overlap; b) frame under the winch

    Figure 18. - first option to install manual winch

    After lifting the first leaf, it is fixed by the project on the air duct clamp, as shown in Figure 20 (node \u200b\u200b1). The clamp is fixed in monolithic overlap and flanges are welded to it. Similar mount is made throughout the mine through the floor;

    After fixing the shoulder of the project, a rope with a hook is released and lowered through the fixed air duct down to lines the air duct assembled in the basement or on the first floor.

    a) the winch is installed above the opening of the mines; b) frame under the winch

    Figure 19. - Second option for installing manual winch

    The connection of the air duct is made on bolts and on welding.

    In the process of assembling every 6 sections, temporary supporting the intermediate section on the corners laid onto the overlapping is performed.

    As the screamers lifted the opening of the mine openings on each floor with wooden flooring or professional flooring.

    The upper section of the air duct must be asleeping to ventucleobam installed through the opening in the coating (using the method of extension from above).

    Figure 20. - Ventkoba Ventkord Assembly Scheme of 6 Sections

    3 requirements for quality and acceptance of work

    3.1 The quality of work on the installation of ventilation boxes should be carried out by specialists or special services that are part of a construction organization or those attracted from the part, equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary accuracy and completeness of control.

    3.2 Quality quality controls are carried out at all stages of the technological chain, ranging from the development of the project and ending with its implementation on an object based on PPR and technological maps. Quality control should include input control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual installation processes or production operations and assessment of compliance of work performed.

    3.3 With the input control of the working documentation, it is checked for its completeness and sufficiency of the technical information contained in it for the work of work.

    With input control of products, materials and equipment is checked by an external inspection compliance with their requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the availability and maintenance of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.

    3.4 Air ducts and parts of ventilation systems must be manufactured in accordance with working documentation, installation drawings and approved in the prescribed manner, the technical conditions of TU 36-736-78 "Metal ducts" and TU 36-2581-83 "Air Ducts from Metal Plast".

    The permissible deviations of the external dimensions of the transverse sections of the air ducts should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table 6.

    Table 6. - Allowable deviations of the external dimensions of the transverse sections of the air ducts

    The non-sympathy of the walls of the rectangular air ducts should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table 7.

    Table 7. - non-planosity of the walls of the air ducts of a rectangular cross section

    3.5 The ends of the direct portions of the air ducts must be perpendicular to their axes or adjacent surfaces. The deviation from the perpendicularity of the end should not exceed 10 mm per 1000 mm length of the side of the cross section of the air duct.

    3.6 Angular dimensions of air ducts (taps, branch sites, transitions, etc.) must comply with the requirements of the installation projects. At the same time, the allowable deviation should not exceed ± 1 ° 30?.

    3.7 Connecting parts intended for installation of air ducts on flanges and inflating compounds (bandage, robust, etc.) must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for the connection type approved in the prescribed manner.

    3.8 Control of the correctness of the main dimensions of the air ducts should be made according to the approved technology of the manufacturer with the following tool:

    Metal line (GOST 427-75 *);

    Roulette measuring (GOST 7502-98);

    Corolotic of 90 ° (GOST 3749-77 *);

    Caller (GOST 166-89 *);

    A tilter (GOST 5378-88);

    Templates made at the factory.

    3.9 Quality of coatings, seams, flanging, fastening of connecting products, fastening parts, hardness elements and tires, exterior products, as well as completeness, marking and packaging are checked visually.

    3.10 The package of air ducts should include products indicated in the installation project (samples, sketches), with the exception of dust and regulatory devices - cyclones, dampers and valves (all types), noiselessness, manufactured by appropriate standard drawings and tu and fastening means.

    Bandages, rails and other parts provided for by technical documentation for these types of compounds approved in the prescribed manner should be included in the air ducts connected on inflaming compounds.

    Each duct kit must be accompanied by an assembly project (statements, sketches, schemes) in one instance and an invoice of the manufacturer with a level of technical control.

    3.11 Air Force Products must have labeling signs applied to an inner or outer surface at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the end of the oil paint product, which differs in color from the main paint.

    The results of the input control should be listed in the "Log of input accounting and quality control of the obtained parts, materials, structures and equipment".

    3.12 Operational control is carried out directly in the process of performing operations on the installation of ventilation boxes, as well as immediately after completion of the work. During operational control, compliance with the installation of ventilation boxes, compliance of the work performed by working drawings, construction standards, rules and standards should be met. The results of operational control must be recorded in the journal of work.

    Operational control should be carried out constantly in the process of manufacturing installation.

    Map of operational control of metal air ducts is shown in Table 8.

    Table 8. - Map of operational monitoring of metal air ducts

    Technological process

    Controlled indicators

    Measuring tool

    Type of control

    Delivery of air ducts to the place of installation

    Check the completeness of the ventilation system (the presence of control devices, fastening means, etc.)

    Permanent 100%. Visually. Compliance with components, sketches

    Marking of places of installation of fixture of ducts

    Fastening step in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85

    Roulette L \u003d 10 m

    Permanent 100%

    Plumb m \u003d 200 g

    Drilling holes in building structures

    Depth of drilling

    Meter steel

    Permanent 100%

    Installation of fixtures

    Strength installation of fasteners

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Assembly in the integrated nodes of parts of air ducts, adjusting and air distribution devices on the site

    The correct assembly in accordance with the project. Tightness of the connections

    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Lifting to the design mark and the connection between the enlarged duct units with the preliminary consolidation

    The position of transverse seams and detachable compounds of air ducts relative to building structures. Vertical of risers. No fussy, curvature on direct ducts

    Plumb m \u003d 200 g

    Visually. Permanent 100%

    Reconciliation of mounted ducts and final consolidation of them

    Horizontality of the installation of air ducts and compliance with the slopes in the separating areas of the air ducts. Density of air duct coverage clamps. Reliability and appearance of fixtures

    Metal meter,

    roulette l. \u003d 10 m,

    level l. \u003d 300 mm

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Attaching air ducts to ventilation equipment

    Correct installation of soft inserts (no proviscial)

    Permanent 100%. Visually

    Treading the action of regulatory devices

    Smooth operation of regulatory devices

    Weekend 100%. Visually

    3.13 In assessing the compliance of the work performed, the compliance of the compliance of the assembly work of the requirements of the design and regulatory and technical documentation and the quality assessment of the work should be checked.

    3.14 When monitoring the quality of work at individual stages of installation of ventilation boxes, should be checked:

    Position of transverse seams and detachable compounds of air ducts relative to building structures;

    Vertical of risers;

    The absence of fuses, curvature and screw-formation in direct areas of air ducts;

    The biases in the separating areas of the air ducts, which are transported by air with high relative humidity;

    Carefulness and correctness of the supply of gaskets in flange compounds;

    Reliability and appearance of fixtures of air ducts, air distribution devices, umbrellas, local suns (special attention should be addressed to fastening air ducts to be insulated or already isolated);

    Correct installation of soft inserts;

    Smooth operation of regulatory devices and ease of management of them;

    Painting of painting of air ducts and other elements of ventilation systems and matching the type of painting project.

    3.15 The deviation of the air ducts from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m length of the air duct.

    3.16 Air ducts intended for transportation of moistened air should be mounted so that at the bottom of the air ducts there is no longitudinal seams.

    Plots of air ducts in which dew drops from transported wet air should be laid with a slope of 0.01 - 0.015 to the side of drainage devices.

    3.17 Gaskets between the flanges of air ducts should not appear inside the air ducts.

    3.18 Bolts in flange connections must be tightened, all bolt nuts should be located on one side of the flange. When installing bolts vertically, nuts should be located on the bottom side of the connection.

    3.19 Work on the installation of ventilation boxes in industrial, administrative and residential buildings should be carried out in accordance with the rules of production and acceptance of work according to:

    SNiP 3.05.01-85 internal sanitary systems;

    SNiP 12-01-2004 construction organization;

    Snip 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. Common Requirements;

    Snip 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production;

    Snip 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning;

    PPB 01-03 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

    4 Requirements for safety and labor protection,
    Environmental and Fire Safety

    4.1 Installation of ventilation boxes should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety, sanitation and occupational hygiene, established by state standards of the Labor Safety Standards System (SSBT), Construction Conducts and Rules for Labor Safety, approved by the Russian State Supervision, Rules and Rules approved by state supervisory organizations .

    4.2 Before ademing to work on the installation of ventilation boxes, managers of organizations are obliged to ensure training and commissioning of labor safety instructions in the workplace in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90.

    4.3 The work at the height is allowed by persons not under the age of 18, which have passed a medical examination without contraindications to performing work at altitude, having professional skills that have trained safe methods and techniques and received the appropriate certificate.

    To perform independent overlap work in accordance with the list of heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, when performing the use of labor of persons younger than eighteen years, persons (workers and engineering and technical workers) are allowed, who have passed medical examination and Recognized to perform overlap works, having experience of overlap work for at least one year and the tariff discharge is not lower than the third.

    Employees for the first time admitted to overwhelming work, for one year should work under direct supervision of experienced workers appointed by the order by the organization.

    4.4 Persons who have passed the appropriate training, briefing and verifying the knowledge of the rules of safe work in a special journal and having a qualifying certificate are allowed to electric welding works. Persons having medical contraindications are not allowed to electric welding work.

    4.5 The work with an electrified tool is allowed by persons not under the age of 18, which have passed a medical examination, trained by the rules for using the tool, safety and having an electrical safety group not lower than II, and to connect and disconnect electrically with a group of not lower than III. The entire electrified tool is subject to accounting and registration in a special journal. On each instance of the tool should be an account number. Observation of the health and timely repair of an electrified tool is assigned to the department of the main mechanic of the construction organization. Before issuing an electrified tool, it is necessary to check its serviceability (the absence of a closure on the body, isolation from the feed wires and handles, the state of the working part of the tool) and its work at idle.

    4.6 Responsibility for the right organization of safe work on the facility is assigned to the manufacturer of works and master.

    4.7 When performing work on the installation of ventilation boxes, SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work should be performed.

    4.8 Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a drunken state on the territory of the construction site, in production, sanitary and household premises are prohibited.

    4.9 Installation works of air ducts are manufactured according to the preparation of work in the conditions of dangerous and (or) harmful production factors.

    4.10 Installation of ventilation boxes should be conducted only in the presence of a project for the production of works, technological maps or mounting schemes. In the absence of these documents, the installation works are prohibited.

    4.11 The procedure for making the installation of ventilation boxes, a specific project manufacturing project, should be such that the previous operation completely eliminates the possibility of industrial danger when executing the following. Installation of air ducts should, as a rule, be carried out by large blocks using lifting mechanisms.

    4.12 Under mounted ducts, people should not be. You can not fix the suspended duct or block of air ducts for farms, overlap and other building structures in places not provided for by the work project.

    4.13 Installation of air ducts from forests, scaffolding and sites, made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24258-88, should be carried out at least two workers.

    4.14 Combining the holes of the flanges when connecting the air ducts should be made only by mandrels. It is forbidden to check the coincidence of the holes connected by the flanges with your fingers.

    4.15 It is not allowed to perform work on the installation of air ducts on the roof of buildings during ice, fog, excluding visibility within the front of the work, thunderstorms and wind speed of 15 m / s or more.

    4.16 To prevent rocking or twisting of the raised air duct blocks, it is necessary to use deficule of the hemp rope.

    4.17 Installation on the installation of ventilation boxes is allowed to produce only a good tool. Wrench keys must accurately match the sizes of nuts and bolts, not to have knocked out on the edges and burrs on the handle. You should not pinch or clean the nuts with the key of large (compared to the head) size with the lining of metal plates between the edges of the nut and the key, as well as lengthen the wrench by attaching another key or pipe.

    4.18 Workplaces and plots of work when installing ventilation boxes in the dark should be covered in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046-85. The illumination should be uniform, without blinding the lighting devices on the working. The production of works in unlit plases is not allowed.

    4.19 Before the start of work on the installation of ventilation boxes, dangerous for work and passage of people should be shred, to provide inscriptions and pointers, set security signs according to GOST R 12 4.026-2001, and when working at night, refer to light signals.

    4.20 In work projects, it is necessary to indicate dangerous zones in which harmful factors exceed the maximum permissible concentrations or extremely permissible levels.

    4.21 Installation sites should be well lit. General lighting lamps attached to the power supply voltage 127 and 220 V must be installed at a height of at least 2.5 m from the ground level, floor, flooring. With a suspension height of less than 2.5 m, the luminaires must be connected to the voltage network not higher than 42 V.

    4.22 When installing air ducts in the work projects, it is necessary to include the installation of fasteners, for which the edge of the air ducts can be gained when working at height.

    4.23 Ventilation billets of metal air ducts must be completed complete in accordance with TU 36-736-78, do not have distortions, burrs and other defects that impede installation work and can lead to injuries working with accumulating fans.

    4.25 When performing work on the painting of air ducts and their parts, as well as the sealing of air ducts with the use of compounds containing harmful substances, the requirements of POT RM-017-2001 "Inter-sectoral labor protection rules under painting works", as well as GOST 12.3.016 87.

    4.26 Operation of building machines (lifting mechanisms, means of small mechanization), including maintenance, should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 and instructions of manufacturers. Operation of load-lifting mechanisms, in addition, should be made with regard to PB 10-382-00 "Rules of device and safe operation of lifting cranes".

    4.27 Places of performing electric welding works of open arc must be fenced with the help of non-aggravated shirms, shields, etc.

    4.28 In the production of electric welding work in the open air above the installations and welding posts, canopies from non-aggravated materials should be built. In the absence of canopies, electric welding work during rain or snowfall must be discontinued.

    4.29 To protect the molten metal drop-down during electric welding and slag at the place of welding in places of people, it is necessary to install a dense platform, covered with sheets of roofing iron or asbestos cardboard.

    4.30 When installing ventilation boxes on roofing with a slope of more than 20 °, as well as regardless of the slope on wet and covered with inheree or snow, roofing workers should apply safety belts, as well as ladder widths of at least 0.3 m with transverse straps to stop legs; Draps during operation must be fixed.

    4.31 Loading and unloading work should be performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.002-75 *, GOST 12.3.009-76 *.

    4.32 Loading and unloading work must be carried out by a mechanized manner with the help of lifting and transport equipment and means of small mechanization. Laying manual manually follows from exceptional cases, observing the rules set by the current documents.

    4.33 With loading and unloading of ventilation blanks of air ducts and their parts, containers should be applied. While lifting, lowering and moving the container, the workers cannot be on it or inside it, as well as on a number of containers located.

    4.34 The lines and the distribution of goods should be made in accordance with PB 10-382-00.

    4.35 Submission of materials, ventilation blanks, equipment on workplaces should be carried out in a technological sequence ensuring safety of work. It is necessary to store the workpieces and equipment in the workplace in such a way as not to be created danger when performing work, passes were not cramped and there would be an opportunity to assemble air ducts into enlarged blocks. It is necessary to monitor the correct placement of equipment and blanks on overlaps, avoiding concentration and not exceeding permissible loads per 1 m 2 overlap.

    4.36 Ventilation blanks should be stored in stacks with a height of no more than 2.5 m on gaskets and lining. Large and heavy equipment should be stored in one row on lining.

    4.37 The storage area of \u200b\u200bbillets and ventilation equipment at the construction site should be fenced and located in the existing lifting crane area. The placement platform should be planned, have slopes for water drain, and in winter, clean from snow and ice.

    4.38 Explosive or harmful paints and other materials are allowed to store on workplaces in quantities that do not exceed replacement needs. Such materials must be stored in a tightly closed container.

    4.39 Combustible and flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, as well as lubricants and dyes) should be kept in rooms from non-aggravated materials or blown in the ground.

    4.40 Between the stacks (racks) on the venues and in warehouses, there should be passes with a width of at least 1 m and travel, the width of which depends on the dimensions of transport and loading and unloading agents serving the warehouse or platform.

    4.41 Heads of installation organizations are obliged to provide workers, engineering and technical workers and employees with workwear, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements.

    4.42 All persons on the construction site are required to wear protective helmets. Workers and engineering and technical workers without protective casses and other necessary means of individual protection for the installation of air ducts are not allowed.

    4.43 When working at height, installers of ventilation systems should be used by safety belts.

    4.44. Workers and employees receiving personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks, safety belts, helmets, etc.), must be trained by the rules of use.

    4.45 All work on the installation of ventilation boxes lead in the presence and under the leadership of the responsible ITR in accordance with the rules of production and acceptance of works according to SNiP 3.05.01-85 with strict observance of labor safety requirements according to:

    SNIP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction";

    Snip 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General Provisions ";

    Snip 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production ";

    PPB 01-03 "Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation";

    Sanpin "Hygienic requirements for organizing construction production and construction work";

    SP 12-135-2003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry typical instructions for labor protection.

    5 The need for material and technical resources

    5.1 To perform installation work on the installation of ventilation boxes, the mechanisms, tools and fixtures are specified in Tables 9 and 10.

    Table 9. - statement of hand tools, assembly devices, means of small mechanization and personal protective equipment


    Type, Mark, GOST

    Technical specifications

    Quantity on a brigade of 6 people., Piece.

    Grooming steelmaker

    Mass, kg 0.5 - 1

    Roofing hammer

    Mass, kg 1.5

    GOST 11042-90.

    Sledge hammer blacksmith stupidose

    Mass, kg 2 - 4

    Chisel cleaned

    GOST 11401-75 *

    Length, mm 160 - 250

    Spanners with open yawn double-sided

    GOST 7211-86 *

    Several size, mm:

    Spanner wrench

    GOST 2839-80 *

    Several head zoom

    10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19

    Wrench wrench separation

    Seva size, mm 30

    The key of the gas welder is universal

    GOST 7275-75 *

    Screwdriver Plumbing and Installation (Set)

    GOST 17199-88.

    Length, mm 160 - 250

    Combined pliers

    GOST 5547-93

    Length, mm 160 - 200

    Flat Flame Files, Three-edged, Round, semicircular with notch number 1, 2, 3 (set)

    GOST 1465-80 *

    Length, mm 150 - 400

    GOST 7213-72 *

    Length, mm 125 - 160

    Manual scissors for metal cutting

    GOST 7210-75 *

    Length, mm 250 - 320


    GOST 24473-80 *

    Length, mm 150

    Clamp for assembling a bandage

    Maximum zev, mm 150

    Handheld frame

    GOST 17270-71 *

    Castle Length, mm 250 - 300

    Pipes for manual drive

    GOST 4045-75 *

    Scrap mounted

    Length, mm 560 - 1320

    Steel brush rectangular

    TU 494-01-104-76

    Length, mm 310


    Metro Folding Metal

    Length, mm 1000

    Metal measuring ruler

    GOST 427-75 *

    Length, mm 500

    Metal measuring tape measure

    GOST 7502-98

    Tape length, mm 5000 - 20000


    GOST 166-89 *

    Measurement limit 125 mm

    Loose-hearter beards

    GOST 7214-72 *

    Length, mm 160 - 200

    Circle Vocket

    GOST 24472-80 *

    Length, mm 250

    An elongated mandrel

    Diameter, mm 16

    Pliers for assembling a bandage

    Maximum zev, mm 120

    Construction level

    GOST 9416-83

    Steel construction removal

    GOST 7948-80

    Mass, kg 0.4

    Injector cutter for manual oxygen cutting

    GOST 5191-79 *

    GOST 1077-79 *

    Gear Plant Processing Reducer

    GOST 13861-89

    Welder shield

    Mounting traction mechanism

    MTM-1,6 or

    Load capacity, t 1,6

    Load capacity, T 3.2

    Mounting unit

    Load capacity, T 1.25

    Mounting unit

    Load capacity, t 2.5

    Drug Rube

    Load capacity, T 3.2

    Drug Rube

    Load capacity, T 5

    Voltage, 380

    Three-pole plug

    Voltage, in 42

    Two-pole plug

    Voltage, 250

    Drilling machine

    IE-1035 or

    Drill diameter, mm 14

    Drill diameter, mm 23

    The diameter of the grinding circle, mm 180

    The diameter of the grinding circle, mm 230

    Kiyanka flat

    Gable, mm 355? 190? 80

    Casque construction

    GOST 12.4.087-84


    GOST 12.4.010-75 *

    Safety belt for installers

    GOST R 50849-96 *

    Set of safety signs and labor protection

    GOST R 12.4.026-2001



    GOST 12.4.028-76 *

    Table 10. - certificate of hand tools, installation devices and means of small mechanization of periodic needs


    Type, Mark, GOST

    Technical specifications

    Number of 100 workers, pcs.

    Electric two-speed drilling machine with electronic rotation frequency control

    IE-1204E or IE-1207E

    Drill diameter, mm 14/9

    Drill diameter, mm 14/9

    The same, with electronic rotation frequency regulation

    Drill diameter, mm (max.) 9

    Electric grinding machine

    Grinding circle diameter, mm 125

    Electric grinding machine, corner

    The diameter of the grinding circle, mm 80

    Electric wrench

    Thread diameter, mm 12 - 30

    Energy hit, J 25

    Electric wrench

    Thread diameter, mm 16

    Tightening torque, n? M 125

    Electric screwdriver

    Thread diameter, mm 6

    Screwdriver with electronic rotation frequency control

    IE-3604E or IE-3603E

    Thread diameter, mm 6

    Thread diameter, mm 6

    Electric perforator

    Diameter of thread, mm 2

    Electric perforator

    Thread diameter, mm 2.5

    Electric scissors

    Thickness of the leaf cut, mm 1

    Electric scissors

    The thickness of the leaf cut, mm 0.85

    Electric scissors

    The thickness of the leaf of the sheet, mm 2.5

    Electric scissors

    The thickness of the leaf cut, mm 1.6

    Saw pendulum

    The diameter of the abrasive reinforced circle, mm

    Electric grinding machine

    Circle diameter, mm 100

    Electric grinding machine

    Circle diameter, mm 100

    Fixture assembly for cargo movement

    Load capacity, T 1

    Hand winch in the installation case

    Load capacity, t 0.5

    Load capacity, T 1

    Load capacity, T 3.2

    Mobile compressor

    Performance, m / min 0.5

    Manual pneumatic sprayer

    Paint consumption, l / min 1.6

    Hand winch

    Load capacity, t 0.5

    Hydraulic jack

    Load capacity, t 6.3


    Load capacity, kg, up to 12.5


    Load capacity, kg, up to 20

    Wedge lining

    Load capacity, t 3

    Wedge lining

    Load capacity, T 5

    Wedge lining

    Load capacity, t 10

    Safety supergrowth device

    Maximum mass of falling cargo, kg 100

    Montage coil

    Mounting unit

    Load capacity, T 5

    Mounting traction mechanism

    Load capacity, T 3.2

    5.2 Tables 11 and 12 are the norms of consumption of metal rolling and auxiliary materials per 100 m 2 air ducts and the elements of ventilation systems assigned to them.

    Table 11. - Rounds of consumption of metal rolling per 100 m 2 air ducts


    Rolls of consumption of metal rolling 100 m 2 air ducts with ventilation products attributed to them

    Black metal rental


    Beams and sewners

    Steel Krupolnaya

    Medium-standard steel

    Mellennaya steel

    Tolstolic steel

    Steel is a subtlety thickness of more than 1.9 mm

    Steel Tonalistic thickness up to 1.8 mm

    Black roofing steel

    Galvanized steel

    Table 12. -Norming of the consumption of auxiliary materials per 100 m 2 duct


    Rounds of consumption of auxiliary materials per 100 m 2 air ducts from roofing and thin-sheet steel (without elements of ventilation systems)



    Welding materials


    Welding wire

    Gas carbonate

    Painting materials

    GF-020 ground



    Mastic "Bupetrol"

    Bolts with nuts


    Welding materials


    Packing materials

    Rubber Sheet

    Rubber porous

    Rubber profiled

    Asbestos Corn

    6 Technical and Economic Indicators

    6.1 Installation of ventilation boxes must perform working relevant qualifications, combined, as a rule, in complex brigades and links. In these brigades for uniform and full loading, workers are encouraged to widely practicing professions.

    The composition of the complex brigade on the installation of air ducts, taking into account the possibility of combining professions, is shown in Table 13.

    Table 13. - Comprehensive Brigade

    The number of workers of this discharge

    The total number of workers

    Installer of ventilation systems

    5 - 6 discharge (brigadier)

    Mounting rigging 3 discharge

    4 categories

    Electric welder 3 discharge

    Installer of ventilation systems:

    4 categories

    3 categories

    Mounting rigging 2 discharge

    2 categories

    Note - Responsible types of welding need to be entrusted to a qualified electric welder.

    6.2 As an example of installation of ventilation boxes, we will take the installation of vertical carriages of air ducts of 800? 800 mm with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2 with a manual winch.

    6.3 Work and machine time costs for the installation of ventilation boxes are calculated on "single standards and rates for construction, assembly and repair work", entered into operation in 1987, and are presented in Table 14.

    Table 14. - Calculation of labor costs and machine time to install ventilation boxes

    Unit of measurement 100 m 2 ventilation boxes

    Justification (Yenir et al. Norms)

    Name of technological processes

    Scope of work

    Rate of time

    Labor costs

    workers, people -

    workers, people -

    machineist, Cherts. (work machines, Mash.-B.)

    E9-1-46 No. 1A.

    Drilling holes with an electric drilling machine in building structures

    Table. 3 № 1AB

    Delivery to the location of the duct details

    Table. 12 № 4V.

    Assembling air ducts in enlarged blocks, installation of fastening tools, lifting and installation of blocks, compounding the installed unit with previously mounted, reconciliation and final consolidation of the system


    Installing plugs on the upper ends of vertical air ducts

    6.4Wenergite work on the installation of ventilation boxes is determined by the work schedule of the work presented in Table 15.

    6.5 Technical and economic indicators are:

    Labor costs, person-hour:

    workers: 64,8.

    machiter: 0,034.

    Duration of work, hour. eighteen

    Table 15. - Calendar Plan for the Production of Works

    The meter of final products - 100 m 2 ventilation boxes

    7 List of regulatory and technical literature

    1 SNiP 3.05.01-85 Domestic sanitary systems.

    2 SNiP 12-01-2004 Construction Organization.

    3 SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. Common Requirements.

    4 Snip 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

    5 Snip 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

    6 GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT. Organization of learning safety of labor. General.

    7 GOST 12.1.046-85 CBST. Building. Norms of lighting construction sites.

    8 GOST 12.3.002-75 * PRT. Production processes. General security requirements.

    9 GOST 12.3.009-76 * PRT. Works loading and unloading. General security requirements.

    10 GOST 12.3.016-87 SSBT. Building. Anticorrosive works. Safety requirements.

    11 GOST 12.4.010-75 * PRT. Individual protection means. Special mittens. Technical conditions.

    12 GOST 12.4.011-89 SSBT. Means of protecting working. General requirements and classification.

    13 GOST R 12.4.026-2001 SSBT. Colors of signal, safety signs and signal markup. Appointment and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods.

    14 GOST 12.4.059-89 SSBT. Building. Fencing safety inventory. General specifications.

    15 GOST 12.4.087-84 SSBT. Building. Cooks construction. Technical conditions.

    16 GOST 24258-88 Forming means. General specifications.

    17 Yenir. Unified norms and rates for construction, assembly and repair and construction work. Collection 1. Domestic transport work.

    18 Yenir. Unified norms and rates for construction, assembly and repair and construction work. Collection 10. Construction of ventilation systems, air conditioning, pneumatic transport and aspiration.

    19 PB 10-382-00 Rules of device and safe operation of lifting cranes. Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia, M., 2000.

    20 PPB 01-03 Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. EMERCOM of Russia, M., 2003

    21 SP 12-135-2003 Labor safety in construction. Industry typical safety instructions.

    22 EAS 279-85 Instructions for sealing ventilation and sanitary systems. M., 1985

    23 WG 353-86 Design and use of air ducts from unified parts. M., 1986

    24 East 470-89 Regulations of the need for manual instrument, installation devices and means of small mechanization for the production of various types of installation and special construction work. M., 1990

    25 Manual for the production and acceptance of works when applying ventilation and air conditioning systems (SNiP 3.05.01-85). M., 1989

    26 Pot R M-007-98 Labor protection rules for loading and unloading work and cargo location.

    27 Pot R M-012-2000 Inter-sectoral rules for labor protection when working at height.

    28 Pot R M-016-2001 Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations.

    29 Pot R M-017-2001 Inter-sectoral rules for labor protection during painting works.

    30 Pot R M-020-2001 Inter-sectoral rules for labor protection at electric welding and gas welding works.

    Typical Technology Card (TTK)

    Installation of cooling systems. Installation of split systems, fancoings and chillers


    The typical technological card is designed to install the cooling systems, split-systems, fancois and chillers.


    Autonomous air conditioner is an assembly with a built-in refrigeration machine. Such aggregates assume installation directly indoors.

    Local air conditioners include split systems consisting of an external block, which includes a compressor-condenser unit, and an internal evaporative unit. The internal unit is installed directly in the air-conditioned room. It is intended for cooling, heating and filtering air, as well as the creation of the necessary mobility of air flow.

    The advantages of split-systems include simplicity of design and low labor costs during installation; The disadvantages are circulation without mixing fresh air to the room. Only high-power models allow you to organize a small amount of fresh air (up to 10%).

    The external unit can be installed on the wall of the building, on the roof, in the attic, etc., that is, where the heated capacitor can be blown in air to a lower temperature. The indoor unit can be mounted on the wall, on the floor, on the ceiling, behind the suspended ceiling (cassette type), as well as to be decorated in the form of columns-cabinets with dimensions up to 500x800x400 mm.

    Wider capabilities have air conditioners split-systems with supply ventilation. Such a system is designed to be installed in places when fresh air is required.

    With a significant number of served premises, the application of the system with chillers and fancakes is recommended. Chiller is a refrigeration machine designed to reduce the temperature of the fluid, which under pressure of the pump is supplied to the air conditioner-closer (fancoil) installed indoors. In this case, the air of the room is cooled or heated.

    Features of installation of cooling systems of systems

    air conditioning (SLE)

    General information about the installations of cooling SLE

    Among the processes carried out in air conditioners, one of the most important is the process of cooling the air. Refrigerated installations are used to implement this process. Refrigeration facilities are treated as serving SD subsystems that produce "cold".

    The most common Hu, working as part of the SC, are compressor refrigeration units. These settings consist of the following main elements: compressor, condenser, thermostatic valve (or capillary tube), evaporatorand pipelines connecting the listed elements into a closed system in which the refrigerant circulates.

    Cooling conditioned air occurs in air coolers,which are elements of air conditioners. Find the use of two types of air conditioners air coolers. One of them is a surface recuperative heat exchanger, according to the internal channels of which the intermediate coolant passes, circulating through the evaporator Hu, at some distance from the air conditioner.

    Liquids (antifreeze, water, etc.) are used as a coolant. This cooling option is used, for example, in systems with chillers and fancakes. To another type of air coolers of air conditioners, heat exchangers should be attributed, through the internal channels of which the chladone moves (freon), and the outer surfaces of the channels are washed with air. These direct evaporation air coolers are simultaneously elements of refrigeration and air conditioning. They are used in autonomous air conditioners.

    Air conditioners air coolers operating on an intermediate coolant receive a cooler, pre-cooled in the evaporator of a refrigeration machine, for example, in a chiller. There is a supply and return pipeline for circulation on them Hu and the air cooler of SCB for circulation. Pipelines must have thermal insulation. Insulation prevents the creation of conditions for condensate falling on the surfaces of cold pipes. Coolant pipelines and their insulation complicate installation work.

    So, the discharge systems of the SDC are intended to generate a cold, transmission through the evaporator Hu directly air or transferring the cold with a coolant, transfer of the coolant to the air conditioner's air cooler, the transfer of cold from the cooled air cooled and return the heated cooler to the refrigeration machine to repeat the refrigerator.

    There are many varieties of refrigeration systems used in SD. Figure 1 shows the schemes of air cooling systems.

    Fig.1. Air cooling systems that determine the conditions for using refrigerants of various pipes

    They are presented:

    The direct cooling system in which the cooled air is in direct contact with the evaporator Hu;

    An indirect cooling system with an intermediate coolant in which Hu evaporator cools the intermediate coolant transmitted then into the air conditioner air cooler, which is in contact with the cooled air.

    In indirect cooling systems with an intermediate colaster, five types of execution are distinguished:

    An open system with an intermediate coolant and a closed evaporator;

    An open system with an intermediate coolant and an evaporator placed in an open-air tank;

    A closed system with an intermediate coolant and a closed evaporator, in which the evaporator is in a closed volume, cools the intermediate coolant circulating in this volume, in turn supplied to a closed secondary heat exchanger for cooling air-conditioned air;

    The closed system with an intermediate coolant and an open evaporator, the evaporator is placed in the tank, cools the circulating intermediate coolant, in turn supplied to a closed secondary heat exchanger for cooling conditioned air;

    Double-circuit or multi-mounted systems with intermediate colasters, which can be performed similarly to one of the listed systems with an intermediate coolant except that there are two or more intermediate heat exchanger in them, and in the last circuit, the intermediate coolant can be directly in contact with the cooling medium in a spray device or similar devices. or similar systems.

    Figure 2 shows a diagram of a typical refrigeration unit with an air cooler 1 and air cooling condenser 6 for SLE. The refrigeration unit for SLE, as a rule, consists of two separate blocks: compressor and air cooler compressor and block.

    Fig.2. Typical circuit of a refrigeration unit with one air cooler and an air capacitor for SLE:

    1 - air cooler; 2 - filter cleaner; 3 - vibration insulator; 4 and 5 - low and high pressure relays; 6 - air capacitor; 7 - Receiver; 8 - filter desiccant; 9 - compressor; 10 - Carter heater; 11 - sight glass; 12 - shut-off valve; 13 and 27 - pressure control relay and condensation; 14 , 15 - body of the solenoid valve with the coil; 16, 17 - thermostatic valve; 18 - regulator of condensation pressure; 19 - Differential check valve; 20 - S1C system; 21 - sight glass; 22 - filter; 23 - Cold launch protection thermostat; 24 - separator liquid; 25 - check valve; 26 - oil separator

    Compressor 9 the refrigeration compressor sucks the refrigerant pairs from the evaporator air cooler 1, installed indoors where the required temperature is supported, compresses condensation to pressure and fed to the air capacitor 6 . In the condenser, the steamy refrigerant is condensed, heating air, blowing through it, and the refrigerant goes into a liquid state. From the condenser, the liquid refrigerant enters the receiver 7 . From the receiver enters the filter desiccant 8 where removal of moisture residues, impurities and pollution, then passing through the viewing glass with the moisture indicator 11 , it is throtting in the thermostatic valve to boiling pressure 16, 17 and fed to the evaporator. In the evaporator, the refrigerant boils, removing the heat from the cooling object (air ishing the evaporator).

    Couples of refrigerant from the evaporator through a liquid separator 24 and filter on the suction side 2 enters the compressor. Then the cycle of the refrigeration machine is repeated.

    2. Organization and technology for performing work

    Features of installation subsystems of cooling air conditioning systems (SLE)

    Installation of refrigeration equipment is performed according to the project (by a typical or individual project) or a scheme that is attached to the supplied equipment and is described in the factory instructions for installation, operation and maintenance.

    When drafting a mounting scheme and an equipment plan, it is necessary to minimize the length of the pipelines of the pipelines.

    The sequence of assembly and commissioning works of cooling systems may be as follows:

    Installation of refrigeration equipment;

    Installation of pipelines and instruments of automation;

    Installation of electrical systems;

    Testing system pressure on tightness;

    System vacuuming;

    Refueling system refrigerant;

    Starting system;

    Adjustment of automation instruments;

    Control, registration and output to the operating parameters.

    Installation of refrigeration equipmentit is not fundamentally different from the installation of equipment of ventilation systems (SV) and SLE. Specific features of installation are set forth in the technical documentation that enters the object together with the equipment and instruments of the Kipa.

    Refrigeration equipment for SLE systems is supplied mainly aggregated - blocks, after installing refrigeration equipment, the connective pipelines are installed: pipelines for refrigerant and pipelines of hydraulic systems. The condition of long-term health of the refrigeration system is the absence of foreign particles, moisture and pollution in the refrigeration circuit. To perform this condition, the refrigerant pipelines are carefully cleaned before assembly. Installation must be performed by professionals that have experience in installing cooling systems. To perform installation work, installers use a special tool set.

    Installation of refrigerant pipelines

    As a rule, freon pipelines are manufactured from two main types of special copper pipelines designed for refrigeration plants.

    1. Pipes with a diameter of up to 7/8 inches (2.2 cm) from annealed copper supplied in bays of various lengths that are well bent with spring frames or pipe bending. They are well collapsed, which allows the use of the pipeline connection. As a rule, kits from dual flexible copper pipes in thermal insulation are used.

    2. Pipes with a diameter of more than 7/8 inches from ordinary copper, supplied by segments of not more than 4 m. Such pipes are difficult to bend, therefore the docking of segments and bends of pipelines are performed by special elements (fittings) and are connected using soldering various solders.

    For soldering, silver or copper-phosphorous solder are usually used. They have high tensile strength and vibration resistance. Solders are released in the form of a rod 3.2x3.2x500 mm and rods with a diameter of 1.6 mm. Various solders contain from 40 to 56% of silver. For the ideal tube connection, oxygen-containing fluxes are used.

    Pipes are placed on the highway in accordance with the project or the mounting scheme and are mainly located horizontally or vertically. The exclusion is the horizontal sections of the suction and injection pipelines, which are performed with a slope of at least (5%) in the direction of the compressor or the condenser to facilitate the return of the oil.

    Fig.3. The scheme of installation of oil lubricants on the upstream areas of pipelines is more than 7.5 m:

    but- discharge pipe; b.- Suction piping

    In the lower parts of the rising vertical sections of suction and discharge triggers, more than 3 m is needed to mount the oil liner. Figure 3 shows the schemes for the installation of oil linked loops on the upstream areas of pipelines with a length of more than 7.5 m, and in Fig. 4 shows the possible design of the oil lining and its recommended dimensions.

    Heat insulation work

    Calculation, design and installation of thermal insulation is performed by SNIP 41-03-2003 (introduced instead of SNiP 2.04.14-88 * "Heat insulation of equipment and pipelines") and SP 41-103-2000 (calculation method), taking into account the requirements of fire safety, Sanitary and hygienic standards and design standards adopted in certain industries.

    In 2003, NTP "Pipeline" (Software) and OJSC "Heat Procective" (settlement techniques and information base) developed a computer program of automated design of thermal insulation of equipment and insulation pipelines. During the insulation of technological pipelines, various types of insulation are used depending on the technical requirements. Progressive types of insulation can be considered insulation based on foam rubber or polyethylene. Each type has its pros and cons. Positive properties of isolation can be reduced to zero with poor quality installation. Leading producers of foam insulation from foamed polyethylene ("Thermaflex International Holding BV", Mirel Trading, Energo Flex) and Synthetic Rubber ("Lisolante K-Flech") "ARMASLL GmbH", "Wihlem Kaimann GmbH & Co" "AERFLECH INTERNATIONAL CO, LTD", "YSOLIS".

    When installing isolation, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. Isolation operation is always carried out on cold equipment and pipelines.

    2. When cutting and fitting insulating pipes, only high-quality auxiliary tools are used using a professional islerar kit consisting of:

    Wooden fixture for cutting and long acute knife;


    Set of circular stainless knives.

    3. Shakes of seams glue with special polychloroprene-based glue at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C.

    Fig. 5 and 6 presents the above tools.

    Fig.5. Templates

    Fig.6. Circular knives

    Errors associated with improper insulation installation may result in difficult-scale problems that include:

    Arbitrary replacement of insulation marking;

    Wrong selection of accessories for installation;

    Transition to a smaller thickness of thermal insulation;

    Disturbance of the temperature range;

    Improper preparation of the system and its surface;

    Improper work with glue;

    The use of foam insulation to work on the street without additional protection.

    Installation of steel pipelines of hydraulic system solid supply SLE

    Installation of hydraulic cooling systems of the SLE can be carried out by all industrial methods providing quality compounds in accordance with current regulatory documents. There are three basic methods of connection: welding, connection on the thread and gluing steel pipelines. Compounds weldedsteel pipelines can perform welders if they have documents for testing tests in accordance with the "Rules of Certification of Welders" approved by Gosgortkhnadzor. Welding is made in accordance with GOST 16037-80 "Compounds welded steel pipelines".

    Another connection method - compounds on threadwith the help of fittings (shaped parts). The universal set for the installer is presented in Fig. 7.

    Fig.7. Universal set for Plumbing Sani Kit in plastic suitcase

    The set consists of the following tools:

    Pipe cutting pipe cutting diameter to 1 1/4 ";

    Fixture for cutting threads with a diameter of up to 1 ";

    Plumbing ticks;

    Universal corner key Super S1.

    Adhesive compounds are used when installing pipelines made of carbon and low-alloy steel (including those having corrosion-resistant coatings - galvanized, enamel, illuminated, etc.) to 100 mm, operating at an overpressure of up to 1.0 MPa, operating temperature from - 60 to 90 ° C and intended for transportation of various substances to which, with the specified parameters, chemically rack epoxy adhesives or fiberglass on an epoxy basis.

    Installation of plastic (polymeric) pipelines of hydraulic fooling systems SLE

    Currently, polypropylene pipes and fittings are widely used for the installation of CHW Cooling Systems. The advantages of plastic pipes:

    Lack of corrosion;

    Long service life;

    When freezing the pipe is not destroyed, but increase in diameter and after thawing, the former size is acquired;

    Good absorption of hydraulic noise;

    Low pressure losses in pipes and fittings;

    Low thermal conductivity.

    For mounting plastic pipelines, various connecting and fastening parts are used. Main ways to connect pipelines:

    Contact welding in fool;

    Threaded connection with a metal pipeline;

    Connection on free flanges;

    Connection with a cape nut.

    Installation of RRRS systems requires minimal time and effort. The technology of coupling welding allows you to quickly ensure the durability of the sealed connection. The reliability of welded joints is the highest compared to other methods and is approaching the strength to the pipes themselves, but requires higher qualifications from assembly personnel. After installing the freon contour pipelines and testing for tightness of the leak detectors of various types, the system is vacuuming and refueling the refrigerant system using a refueling station or a manometer collector. Depending on the refrigerant used (single-component or multicomponent), refueling can be produced both gaseous and liquid refrigerant. It is always necessary to adhere to the recommendations for refueling the refrigerant in the installation and operation of the air conditioner attached to the supply of equipment. The optimal amount of refilled freon can be determined by the pressure of suction and discharge or overheating in the evaporator.

    Features of the installation of split systems, fancocks and chillers

    Features of installation of air conditioners split systems

    In practice, the installation of small refrigeration units is divided into standard and non-standard. Under standardit is implied by mounting with the length of the refrigerant's length of up to 5 m, the diameter of the suction line up to 16 mm, the location of the connection and control panel at a distance of up to two meters from the unit, with one air cooler, without a remote capacitor and oil liner and the availability of the necessary power.

    Standard installation includes:

    Delivery of equipment;

    Installing units on the wall on specially prepared brackets;

    Punching of one hole for connecting communications;

    Running track up to 5 m long without oil liner;

    Electrical connections and connections of system pipelines;

    Checking system for tightness (pressure and vacuum);

    Refreshing chladone;

    Commissioning works.

    Under non-standardinstallation implies installation with the additional requirements of the customer. For example, installing a remote capacitor, the presence of two and more air coolers, an increase in the total pipeline length is greater than 5 m, laying pipelines through several walls (partitions), laying pipelines in decorative boxes, etc.

    The split system consists of two separate blocks that can be installed at a considerable distance from each other. Internal blockinstalled in the air conditioning room, and external block- on the outside of the building. In the installations of this type, axial fans are used so that the unit does not work normally, there should be no obstacles to the air flows, you need to comply with the minimum gaps specified in the instructions for the aggregate. The prevailing direction of the air should not be directed to the installation. In apartments and small offices use wall-type split-systems. With greater cooling capacity in the rooms of a complex shape - cassetteor canalindoors with glass partitions - ceilingin the halls of restaurants and large halls - column. If the number of internal blocks becomes greater than six, and the maximum distances between blocks reaches 100 m, such systems are called multi-meant (zonoral modular) or VRF systems.

    The internal unit, if possible, is set closer to the window or the wall overlooking the street to reduce the highway the refrigerant pipelines. The maximum distance should not exceed 15 m. On the path of the air flow supplied to the working area, there should be no high objects of the situation, and the cooled flipping stream should cover the maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe room. As air supply in cassettemodules occur in four directions, it should not be mounted close to the wall, and all communications are located behind the suspended ceiling, as well as from channel systems; Free space should be at least 350 mm. Internal blocks channel systemsmust be mounted not far from the outer wall, as they allow mix to (10-20%) of fresh air. As outdoor ceilingand cassette modulescompleted drainage pumping, we must try to have them close to the sewer pipelines for drainage.

    External blockmounted on the outside of the building on the ready-made mounting bracket near the window, so that there is an opportunity without a climbers to carry out service work. The unit should be installed so that it is well blown out the outer air and is protected from direct sunlight.

    Installation of the external block should be carried out on a sufficiently durable wall on the finished bracket, designed for weight of 80 kg. The block distance from the system must be at least 10 cm.

    When choosing a place to install the indoor unit, the following requirements must be taken into account:

    It is impossible to place a block next to heat sources and humidity;

    You can not install a block near the doorway;

    There should be no obstacles to air blowing out of the indoor unit;

    At the installation site of the block, a reliable drainage of condensate (drainage) should be organized;

    The installation location must be chosen in such a way that there is no direct (straight) supply of cooled air to people;

    The distances from the inner block to the walls, the ceiling and gender must be at least certain values \u200b\u200b(Fig.8).

    Fig.8. Mounting position of the internal split system unit

    Fastening the inner block of wall or outdoor-ceiling type is carried out using a mounting plate and supplied brackets. The mounting plate is attached to the wall with screws strictly by level. In this case, a normal condensate is provided with an air conditioner when operating.

    For condensate drain, a special drainage pipe is installed, usually performed from a soft corrugated tube. Sometimes a rigid smooth tube is used, for example, when laying a drainage pipeline in suspended ceilings with small slopes.

    Drain is made in the sewage to the street, and sometimes in a special capacity, as a rule, gravity. If for any reason it is impossible to organize a drop of condensate by gravity, then you need to use drainage pumps. When dragging the drainage through the wall to the street, it is necessary to drill a hole with a slope (outdoor edge below internal).

    Stretching copper tubes, control cable and drainage tube through a hole, it is necessary to ensure that there is no breaks, breakthroughs, jams on the drainage tube. It is unacceptable to touch the drainage tube bare, i.e. Unprotected thermal insulation of the gas highway, especially for modules with a thermal pump. When air conditioning in heating mode, the temperature of the gas highway can reach a value sufficient to melting the material from which the drainage tube is made, which can lead to blockage of the drainage system.

    The drainage tube must have the necessary bandwidth and laid with a slope of at least 1% in such a way that it does not raises and sagging during the pipe.

    It is recommended to remove the condensate into the sewage indoor. Before the seat of the condensate, a siphon must be installed in the sewage system, which prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors to the room.

    When the air conditioner is operating in the winter in cooling mode, there is a danger of moisture freezing at the outlet of the drainage pipeline. For the prevention of freezing the output section of the drainage pipeline, special electrical heaters or heating cables of the corresponding power can be used. Their power supply should be made independently of the rest of the electrical circuit and constantly, except for the maintenance of the maintenance of air conditioners.

    When installing an internal unit under the ceiling, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of removing the filter for cleaning.

    Column-type air conditioners are installed on the floor and can be attached to the wall to give stiffness.

    Internal and external blocks are combined with copper tubes in thermal insulation.


    The local air conditioning system used for cooling or heating air, with a built-in fan, filter, electric heater and a control panel is called fancoil. Fancois are produced in various designs:

    For vertical installation under the window in the case;

    For hidden vertical installation under the window without housing;

    For the horizontal installation under the ceiling in the case;

    For a hidden horizontal installation in a tail ceiling;

    Cassette type for installation in a tail ceiling;

    Wall, by analogy with internal blocks of split systems;

    Cabinet type.

    Fancois are installed by groups serving several rooms or floors. Schemes of pipelines of heat boat supply system can be two-pipe, three-pipe and four-pipe, depending on the tasks that need to be solved. Accommodation and installation are manufactured according to the installation and maintenance instructions that are supplied with fancoil. The installation feature is the correct setting of the hydraulic system using balancing valves to ensure the required distribution of fluid on all fancois.

    Features of chiller mounting

    Chillerit is a complete refrigeration machine intended for cooling fluid (water, non-freezing liquids). System chiller-fankilit differs from all other air conditioning systems in that there is no freon between the outer and inner blocks, and the water, aqueous solution of propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, or other antifreezes is circulated. Installation is made in accordance with the Chiller Installation Guide, which is supplied by the manufacturer. When placing chiller, pay attention to:

    On the uniformity of the distribution of gravity generated by the aggregate; prevent the transfer of vibration to build structures created by the unit when placing aggregates in the technical premises and on the roof, establishing units for vibration insulators;

    Around Chiller, it is necessary to provide free space for air intake to condensers, the possibility and convenience of service work, maintenance and repair of the compressor and heat exchange equipment.

    The hydraulic connection of the chiller to the pumping station should be performed by flexible connections, passes through overlaps and walls in the sleeves, without connecting pipes hard with structures.

    When used as a coolant, water and placing chiller in the unheated room should be envisaged to drain the water during the cold period of the year.

    3. Requirements for the quality of work

    Tests of ventilation and air conditioning systems An acceptance of their operation

    1. Preparation tests of ventilation and air conditioning systems are conducted by the Working Commission for the Program approved by the Customer.

    2. Fully mounted air conditioning systems and air conditioning systems are allowed to the presets, together with automation and remote control systems, tested and commissioning in the scope of approved programs:

    On air performance, heat and acoustic measurements and a temperature and humidity regime;

    On the sanitary and hygienic effect (for experimental and head samples);

    On the sealing of shut-off devices and structures, as well as adjustment of the collective anti-chemical protection system.

    3. By the time of testing, the following documents must be presented:

    Technical descriptions of systems;

    Working drawings and change statements;

    Presenter note of the installation organization;

    Acts on the acceptance of equipment and premises for installation;

    Route passports for installation and commissioning;

    Acts of revision of equipment;

    Acts of testing of nodes and elements of systems for tightness;

    Program of individual tests.

    4. The pre-test test includes:

    Verification of the quality of work performed;

    Checking equipment equipment;

    Tests and verification of all aggregates in order to determine technological parameters;

    Tests and checking automation systems.

    5. When conducting pre-test tests must be:

    The performance of the fans is determined;

    The compliance of the project of air volumes passing through air-discharge, air-acting, air dust and other devices;

    Detected looseness in the ventilation system;

    The uniformity of the heating of the calorificates and the operation of the nozzles are checked.

    6. Deviations on the performance of fans, flow or air volume throughout the system or passing various devices should not exceed ± 10%. The magnitude of the supply or air leakage due to looser for sociable ventilation should not exceed 10-15%. For special ventilation systems, this value is set by the relevant specifications.

    7. Systems of ventilation and air conditioning in the project of individual tests are tested together with remote and automatic control systems. The test results are considered satisfactory if during the testing process there was no failures in the operation of automation and equipment devices, and the deviations of the actual parameters of the operation mode did not exceed the permissible. At the end of individual tests, the act is drawn up, and the Working Commission decides on the admission of the ventilation and air conditioning system to comprehensive tests or commissioning. The purpose of integrated tests is to check the availability of the ventilation system and air conditioning to the operation of the entire complex or the calculated technological load. The systems of ventilation and air conditioning are considered to be the integrated tests, if during testing temperature fluctuations, relative humidity and the concentration of harm in the limits established norms. During the acceptance must be indicated:

    Digging from the project made in the production of construction and installation work (agreed with the project organization and the customer);

    Characteristics of air ducts, fans, calorifers, electric motors, electrical appliances, germoclapanov, filters, the serviceability of them when working and compliance with project data;

    Test results, adjustment and adjustment of ventilation systems, made by assembly and appliance organizations;

    The quality of the construction and installation work;

    The multiplicity of air exchange in each room of structures in all modes and programs; Actual support or air vacuum.

    A set of workers drawings and acts of hidden work are attached to the act.

    4. Material and Technical Resources

    Tools and fixtures for installation and service of refrigeration equipment

    To carry out installation, maintenance and repair of refrigeration equipment, the following set of tools, devices and devices are recommended:

    Tool for mounting copper, brass and steel pipes;

    Device for soldering and welding pipes;

    Devices for vacuuming and refrigeration refrigeration;

    Devices for determining the place not tightness of the refrigeration system;

    Instruments for mounting the electrical circuit and automation scheme.

    When used when installing copper, brass, steel and plastic pipes, various tools are used for high-quality installation work:

    Tools for mounting copper and brass pipes;

    Tools for mounting steel pipes;

    Tools for mounting polymer pipes.

    Truborez (Fig. 9) allows you to very purely cut off the copper pipeline of the required length, and when using the knife, it is necessary to process the pipeline (both inner and outer surface) to be treated with a device (Fig. 10) to remove burrs.

    Fig.9. Truborez

    Fig.10. Fixture for removing sowing with tubes

    Fig.11 shows the collapse (elevation) under the nipple compound and the pipeline lifter (Fig. 12) with a mandrel.

    Fig.11. Filming

    Fig.12. Set of dumplings with mandrel

    For flexing pipelines, the pipe bender is manual (Fig.13).

    Fig.13. Manual pipe bending

    When performing welding, it is necessary to have a welding or solder unit. For pipelines of small diameters, instead of welding, you can use soldering with propane burners. For pipelines of large diameters, a welding unit with an oxygen-acetylene burner is used (Fig.14).

    Fig.14. Oxygen-acetylene welding unit

    For vacuuming refrigeration refrigerationsystems are recommended to use a refueling station (Fig. 15) or the next set:

    Fig.15. Portable refueling station

    Manometer collector with low and high pressure gauges, vacuum and hose set (Fig.16);

    Two-stage vacuum pump with a vacuum (Fig. 15);

    Filling cylinder for controlling refueling or refueling scales. One of the samples of the collector and the methods of its connection are shown in Fig.16.

    Fig.16. Portable manometer collector and flexible hose connections

    Such a collector has 4 hoses with naked nuts and 4 valves.

    For blowing flexible hoses:

    A, C, D- open, IN- closed (flexible hose N 2 under pressure) 1, 3, 4 - connected to the collector, as shown in the diagram, but the opposite ends are free; 2 IN- Open, in order to start the purge.

    To control the pressure in the contour:

    FROMand D.- closed, BUTand IN- open until it stops 1 and 3 - connected, as shown in the diagram; H.and L.- Unscrew until you stop, then wrap on 1/3 turns. Watch pressure.

    For contour purge:

    BUTand IN- closed, FROMand D.- open, 1 and 3 - connected, as shown in the diagram, 4 - connected by one end to the collector, as shown in the diagram, the other end is free, H.and L. BUT- open at the beginning of the outer purge (through a flexible hose 4).

    For refueling refrigerant through the suction housing line:

    A, B, D- closed, FROM- Open 1, 2, 3 - connected, as shown in the diagram, H.- unscrew until it stops, then wrap on 1/2 turn, L.- unscrew up to half, IN

    To refuel oil through the suction line of the contour:

    A, B, D- closed, FROM- Open 1 - connected as shown in the diagram, 2 - connected by one end to the collector, as shown in the diagram, and the other end to the oil tank, H.- Close until you stop, L.- Close until you stop, IN- Slowly open, adjusting oil consumption.

    For vacuuming and refueling the contour:

    BUTand IN- closed, FROMand D.- open, 1 and 3 - connected, as shown in the diagram, N.and L.- Release until you stop, then wrap on 1/2 turn. If the pressure gauges show the residual pressure, to produce contour before vacuuming, BUT- Open N.and L.- half open 2 and 4 - Connected, as shown in the diagram.

    Run the pump and complete vacuuming:

    BUT- close, then put the pump, N.- unscrew until you stop, then wrap on 1/2 turnup, D.- closed, IN- Slowly open, adjusting refrigerant consumption.

    For definition of refrigerant leakageregardless of its composition, the method of washing or with the help of lactium paper (ammonia or R22, R502) can be used. To determine leaks there is also various equipment. Figure 19 shows a halide lamp, it is used for non-flammable refrigerants during overpressure in the system.

    Fig.17. Halogen lamp

    With a special addition to the refrigerant, an ultraviolet lamp can be used (Fig. 18) to detect leaks due to the luminescence of the indicator gas in its rays.

    Fig.18. Ultraviolet lamp for detecting leaks due to indicator gas luminescence in its rays

    The device presented in Fig.19 allows you to detect leaks as refrigerants of the CFS and NSFC category and absolutely not polluting the atmosphere of HFS refrigerants (R134A).

    Fig.19. Electronic lecturer for refrigerants CFS, NSFs and YRs

    The device presented in Fig.20, whose work is based on the principle of gas ionization located between two electrodes.

    Fig.20. Ionization targer for refrigerants CFS, NSFs and HFS

    To determine faults in electrical circuitsspecialist refrigerators exist toco-measuring ticks (Fig.21), which allow measurement of voltage (in volts) and electrical resistance (in Omah).

    Fig.21. Clamp metering

    The use of current testers in the module mode allows:

    Check indirectly by resistance to windings of compressor electric motors, fan for compliance with specifications;

    Detect a closure on the ground in the winding of the electric motor;

    Establish the belonging to the terminals of the electric motor to the starting and chassis windings by measuring their resistance;

    Identify short-circuited windings;

    Check the relay or contactor contacts.

    The use of current testers in a voltmeter mode allows:

    Check the voltage on the terminals of the electric motor;

    Reveal the linear and zero phases, as well as ground wire;

    Check the correctness of the grounding of electrical systems; Check fuses;

    Detect voltage jumps or wandering currents. The use of current ticks in the ammeter mode allows:

    Check the power of the start current;

    Check electrical systems on increasing;

    Adjust unloading when starting with increasing time;

    Check the primary winding in the current transformer;

    Distinguish a star connection from a triangle connection;

    Check the phase unbalancement;

    Check the stream of the stroke rotor for compliance with the data specified on the engine housing.

    Refrigerants and colasters

    Refrigerator agent (refrigerant)it is a working body of a refrigerating machine, changing its aggregate state in the process of passing in elements of equipment operating both by direct cycle (cooling mode) and in the reverse cycle (thermal pump mode). Selecting heat from the environment, refrigerant boils, moving from liquid to a gaseous state. Due to the endothermic nature of the process, cold is produced. The heat selected in the air is removed from the refrigeration machine during the process of transition of the refrigerant from the gaseous state into the liquid under the exothermic process in the condenser.

    The substances used in the refrigeration should have a low boiling point at atmospheric pressure, boiling vapors should not be too large, but condensation pressure is not too high. It must be non-aggressive in relation to structural materials and oils, as far as possible toxic, non-flammable and explosion-proof.

    Table 4.1 lists the main refrigerants currently used and intended for use in the future.

    Table 4.1.

    The main refrigerants currently used and intended for use in the future






















    Carbon dioxide

    Table 4.2 presents the main physical properties and maximum permissible concentrations of refrigerants that are most frequently used in the SD and recommended for use in the future.

    Table 4.2.

    Group of refrigerants used in Hu SCV, their physical properties


    Check-room number

    Chemical name

    Chemical formula


    large mass

    Gas constant, J / (kg · k)

    Boiling point at 101.3 kPa, ° C

    Frozenation temperature, ° C

    Critical temperature, ° С











    R12 (73.8%) + R152A (26.2%)

    R22 (48.8%) + R115 (51.2%)

    Carbon dioxide

    Methylene chloride

    Methyl chloride

    Ethyl chloride

    Methyl formate

    Sulfur dioxide




    The standard NF E35-400 divides refrigerants into three groups:

    I Group - non-toxic and non-flammable refrigerants.

    Group II - refrigerants with a certain degree of toxicity.

    III Group - refrigerants according to the degree of ignition and the formation of explosive mixtures with air at the lower concentration limit of 3.5% by volume.

    The NF E35-400 also specifies the conditions for the use of various refrigeration systems, as well as their location and conditions for gasket pipelines for transporting refrigerants, depending on the group, to which this refrigerant belongs, as well as room categories.

    In connection with the environmental issues, the prospects for using ammonia as a working fluid in refrigeration plants of air conditioning systems began to be considered. Ammonia is less harmful to environmentally friendly, affordable and has excellent thermodynamic qualities.

    The main disadvantage of ammonia is its toxicity, flavors in certain concentrations and incompatibility with copper.

    The use of refrigeration plants using ammonia as a refrigerant must be carried out by enterprises and organizations that have a license to perform this type of work, and projects must be agreed in the Russian State University. It is forbidden to use refrigeration plants with direct cooling (direct boiling of refrigerant in the air cooler) for comfortable air conditioning in administrative and industrial premises.

    The refrigerants, with the exception of refrigerants II and III groups, belong to explosion-proof and non-toxic chemical compounds or mixtures, however, when opening with open fire, fluorine and chlorine-containing refrigerants are decomposed with the release of chlorine and phosgene compounds (neuro-paralytic gas).

    When a fire occurs in rooms where refrigeration plants are located, you should use insulating or filtering gas masks. With an increase in the concentration of freon vapors in the room, the oxygen content drops and promises, as the density of most refrigerants is more air density and during leakage, it tries to take lower levels in the premises. It is not recommended to fill in more than 80% by volume of tanks for refrigerants.

    Claimersthey are an intermediate body, with the help of which heat transfer from the air of the cooled room to the refrigeration agent. The coolant can serve water, aqueous solutions of salts or liquids with a low freezing temperature - antifreeze, etc. Claimers are used where direct cooling is undesirable or not submitted.

    Common coolars are sodium chloride (NaCl), calcium chloride salts (CACL), glycolic aqueous solutions. Due to the high corrosive activity of salt solutions, the cost of repair during the operation of the equipment is significant, so currently finding solutions of polyhydric alcohols, such as propylene glycol (PG), ethylene glycol, glycerin, which is characteristic of central air conditioning systems. When designing and installing systems with glycolic coolants, their physico-chemical features should be taken into account. Glycols have a smaller molecular size, which leads to the formation of leaks (especially at low temperatures and high concentrations), with the improper selection of the gasket material in seals. It is not recommended to use galvanized steel pipes in systems with glycolic colasters.

    For first aidwith the defeat of man, the refrigerant should be in the first-aid kit ammonia, valerian drops, drinking water, ointment of Vishnevsky or penicillin ointment, sterile napkins, bandages and cotton.

    In case of poisoning by freon refrigerants, before the arrival of the doctor, the victims are carried out on fresh air or into a clean warm room. The victim is given to inhale oxygen for 30-40 minutes, warmed by the heating plates, allow the ammonia alcohol from the sweat and drink strong tea or coffee.

    During the damage to the mucous membrane, we have a 2% solution of soda or water. If you get into your eyes, they are rich enough with clean water.

    The refrigerant hitting the skin is frostbite. The affected places are wetted with warm water, and then the affected surface is dried and put the ointment bandage.

    5. Environmental protection and safety regulations

    Occupational safety measures when installing and operating ventilation systems and equipment, air conditioning,

    pneumatic transport and aspiration

    Work on the installation of ventilation systems in a significant part is made at high altitude. Upper works are considered all installation works that are performed at an altitude of more than 5 m from the surface of the soil, overlap or working flooring.

    Workers are allowed not under 18 and not over 60 years old, who have passed a special medical examination.

    The safe execution of installation work at the height requires the use of reliable stairs, forests, scaffolds, tips, lugs, etc.

    When using metal stairs, their height should provide a work opportunity to work standing on the step, being at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the stairs; At the same time, the worker must consolidate the Carabin of the assembly belt to reliable elements of building structures. The lower ends of the filter stairs must have stops in the form of sharp thickens or rubber tips, the upper - to be fixed to the solid structures.

    When making the installation of air ducts with suspended lugs, workers should be attached to safety belts to an insurance steel rope having an autonomous suspension. PVU-2 safety belts are calculated on the maximum mass of the incident man 100 kg and the length of the braking path 0.75 ... 1.5 m. The PAU-2 device, attached to the construction structure with a circuit with a length of about 1 m, allows the worker to move to a distance equal to The length of the brake cable is 10 m. The brake cable is attached to the safety carbine safety belt.

    In the process of installing air ducts, it is forbidden to be under the mounted air duct, switch around the farms and other building structures during operation at height, and also work without securing the safety belt. In dangerous locations, it is necessary to secure the safety belt for the steel insuring cable, specially stretched for this.

    When installing, the technological sequence of delivery of air ducts and ventilation equipment should be strictly observed to places of installation and install them into the project position without creating cramped conditions in the workplace.

    All lifting facilities, inventory and tools must comply with the nature of the work performed and be in good condition. Before installation, the manufacturer of works or master is required to check the lifting mechanisms, rigging devices and register check results in a special journal.

    Places of installation of lifting facilities, as well as the fastening of lever winches, tags and blocks to building structures should be coordinated with the general contractor. Without the permission of the construction organization's management organization, the implementation of these works is not allowed.

    When installing load-lifting devices on overlaps, it is necessary to arrange the bases for the distribution of the concentrated load on the large area.

    Installations performing rigging work must be trained in a special program and have a certificate for the right to produce rigging work.

    The sling of the ventilation equipment and the fastening of winches, tags and blocks to building structures should be made in accordance with typical technological cards.


    GOST 30494-96. Buildings Residential and public. Parameters of microclimate in rooms.

    GOST 12.1.003-83. CBST noise. General security requirements.

    Avok Standard. Buildings Residential and public. Norms of air exchange.

    SNiP 23-01-99. Construction climatology.

    SNiP 23-02-03. Thermal protection of buildings.

    SNiP 2.04.05-91 * (ed. 2003). Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

    SNIP 2.08.01-89 *. Residential buildings.

    SNIP II-12-77. Protection against noise.

    Sanpin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises.

    CH 2.2.4 / 2.18.562-96. Noise in workplaces in the premises of residential, public buildings and in the residential building.

    MHSN 3.01-01. Residential buildings.

    MHSN 2.04-97. Permissible levels of noise, vibrations and sound insulation requirements in residential and public buildings.

    Manual for MGSN 2.04-97. Design of sound insulation of the enclosing structures of residential and public buildings.

    Snip 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

    SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Building production.

    GOST 12.2.003-91. SSBT Production equipment. General security requirements.

    GOST 12.3.009-76. SSBT Works loading and unloading. General security requirements.

    GOST 24258-88. Forming means. General specifications.

    PPB 01-03. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

    Technical information SCS "Stroithechnologist".

    Documents DB "TEKHEXPERT".

    Electronic document text

    prepared CJSC Codex and drilled on materials,

    provided by k.t.n. Demyanov A.A. (VITU)