Types of opening plastic windows. What does a plastic window consist of: what details does it include What shape are plastic windows

The window is one of the main elements of any room, affecting the creation of coziness and comfort. Most people understand these concepts as a bright, warm room in which peace and quiet reign. However, this effect can be achieved only with the help of a high-quality window that does not let street noise into the room and does not release heat into the street.

The most popular designs are plastic windows. In connection with the development of popularity, many varieties of plastic windows have been developed.

Plastic windows have a number of advantages - low cost, resistance to moisture and other natural phenomena, no need for additional care. To choose a truly reliable and convenient window, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of available designs.

What is a plastic window made of?

  1. A frame is an element that is attached to a window opening in a building wall. It completely repeats the shape of the opening, so the frame is made individually in accordance with the shape and size of the window opening. The frame is made of metal-plastic profile.
  2. The sash is the movable part of the window, attached to the frame by means of hinged canopies. One window can have several sashes. It depends on the individual preferences of the customer.
  3. A double-glazed window is several glasses arranged parallel to each other and hermetically fastened together. Double-glazed windows are inserted into the frame and sashes of the window. The number of glasses and their thickness is selected individually, depending on the preferences of the customer. There are single, double and triple glazing.
  4. Glazing beads are plastic strips that hold double-glazed windows in the seats of the frame and sashes.
  5. - these are mechanisms for opening and closing window sashes (hinges, locks, handles, etc.).
  6. Window seals seal the joints between window structural elements.

All plastic windows consist of the listed elements, however, their individual design, quality and physical characteristics make it possible to create windows that are radically different from each other.

Main technical characteristics of plastic windows

The reliability and functionality of the window is made up of the technical features of each individual element. There are standard ready-made window sets for those who do not understand the features of their design.

But you can arrange all the elements at your discretion, and for this you need to understand the features and varieties of components.

The metal-plastic profile is a reinforced PVC, from which the supporting frame of the window (frame and sashes) is created. The main technical characteristics of the profile: heat transfer, profile width and the number of chambers in it.

Metal-plastic profile parameters:

  1. Chambers are partitions inside a metal-plastic profile, each chamber has its own purpose. The most common is the three-section profile. One section gives rigidity to the structure, the second carries out the outflow of condensate, the third is needed for fastening the fittings. However, there are four, five and six-chamber profiles. The number of chambers directly affects the thermal conductivity of the window frame, because each section is filled with air, and it is a poor conductor of heat.
  2. Increasing the profile width makes it possible to increase the air gap in the chambers, and also provides the possibility of installing thicker glasses and double-glazed windows, and this, in turn, provides more reliable protection against external noise and heat leakage.
  3. Heat transfer is a value that characterizes the profile, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the design.

double glazing

A double-glazed window is several connected glasses that create air chambers between themselves. It can be single, double or triple. The glasses themselves can also have different thicknesses.

Double-glazed windows are of various types:

  1. – the inner glass is covered with silver atoms, which ensures the reflection of heat from the radiators and reduces heat loss.
  2. covered with light-absorbing material.
  3. Impact-resistant double-glazed windows are treated with a special resin, which increases their strength.

How does changing the parameters of glass affect the reliability of the window:

  1. The number of glasses in a double-glazed window provides better thermal and sound insulation. However, a large number of glasses with strong noise can get into resonance from vibration, which is a source of noise and destruction of the window structure.
  2. The thickness of the glass in a double-glazed window directly affects the thermal conductivity and sound insulation of the window. The thicker the glass, the better the insulating properties.
Triplex has the best insulating properties - this is ordinary glass coated with a special transparent film that increases the strength of the glass and other physical characteristics.

Types of plastic windows

There are several types of plastic windows that differ in certain characteristics:

  1. Window shape. This parameter is determined by the shape and size of the window opening. There are round, square, triangular and other windows.
  2. The color of the window is also determined by the individual preferences of the customer. The most common colors are white, brown and other colors that mimic expensive woods.
  3. The type of sash opening is selected individually. There are the following types of opening: folding (fanlight), rotary (traditional), tilt-and-turn (complex) and spool (type of closing "sash in the sash"), sliding, rotary-sliding. A window can also be without shutters at all - a blind window.

Swivel opening of the window is carried out by vertical canopies. The disadvantage of this method is that the sash has a large span (takes up a lot of space) and there is no possibility of adjusting the air flow - the window can swing open under the pressure of the wind.

The hinged mechanism allows you to slightly open the sash, tilting it slightly - this ensures smooth ventilation of the room, while the window is almost closed.

Tilt and turn plastic windows are equipped with a mechanism that allows you to open the window in two different ways - traditional and hinged.

The sash-to-sash slat opening provides a large open space when both sashes are open.

Sliding windows move on rollers along the plane of the window (as in a closet). This mechanism has an excellent advantage - saving space.

Tilt-sliding windows open a little on themselves, and then move to the side. This option is much more convenient than the traditional opening.

What design of a plastic window is the most reliable

The most reliable plastic window is considered to be a design that provides the best thermal and noise insulation. If you have an unlimited budget and use every opportunity to improve the characteristics of the window, then you can assemble the following design:

  1. Use a six-chamber metal-plastic window profile with a width of 90 mm for the supporting structure of the window.
  2. Insert a triple-glazed window into the profile, the chambers of which are filled with an inert gas to improve the insulating properties of the window. For even greater insulation, you can use triplex, energy-saving and tinted glass.
  3. Install sashes with a complex mechanism that allows you to open the window in a hinged and rotary way. If you need to save space, you can install a sliding sash.
  4. It is better to choose a plastic window among the most famous brands: Veka, KBE, Rehau, etc.
Even the best plastic window will not be reliable and durable if installed incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to contact a well-known company that employs qualified specialists.

Some features that should be considered when arranging the design of a plastic window:

  1. If you increase the number of chambers in the profile, then you must definitely increase its width, if this is not done, then the desired insulating effect will not be achieved. For example, for a three-chamber profile, the optimal width is 60 mm, for a six-chamber profile, 90 mm.
  2. To increase the sound insulation of double-glazed windows, but avoid vibrational resonance, you need to alternate the thickness of the glasses. For example, the thickness of the outer glass is taken equal to 8 mm, and the next glass - 4 mm, and so on.
  3. The fittings of the window should ensure a snug fit of the sashes to the frame and provide the possibility of adjustment.

During window operation, most of the heat escapes through the glass surface and not through the frame, so there is not much point in installing an expensive six-chamber profile. And in the case of a double-glazed window, it is better to install a two-chamber version with alternating glass thickness, but increase the distance between the glasses.

If you stock up on information, then it will not be difficult to make a reliable choice of a plastic window. The main advisers for choosing high-quality and durable products are certificates and technical specifications. After all, sellers can embellish the benefits of the product.

Today, most buyers in our country choose plastic windows. This is due to the high functionality of the design and reasonable cost. Today, there are many options for plastic windows on the market for such products. In order for the selected structures to last for a long time, it is necessary to choose them correctly.

There are many types of plastic windows. They differ in a number of characteristics. To select the appropriate option, you need to consider the existing proposals. This will help you choose the best variety.


Windows with wooden frames have been replaced by plastic windows. The types of windows (the photo is presented below) of this category are diverse. To choose the best option, you need to find out for what purpose the replacement is being made.

For many buyers, the aesthetic appearance of the product is almost the only criterion. However, such structures should be characterized not only by beauty. It should be understood that it is through the glass that most of the heat from the room passes into the environment. It is for this reason that it is important to pay attention to the technical issue of creating a structure.

Windows should be functional and easy to use. They should be easy to wash, open for ventilation. Also, such structures significantly reduce the noise from the street, providing a good rest for the owners of the house.

Number of leaves

Considering the types of plastic windows for a private house or apartment, you should consider their design. On sale are models with one or more doors. When choosing, it is important to consider where the window will be installed, what exterior the structure is characterized by and other nuances.

For small openings, single-leaf structures are selected. Their width does not exceed 1 m. If the opening is characterized by large dimensions, it is advisable to purchase a window with two or even three wings. In this case, double-glazed windows are characterized by a significant area.

If the opening is large enough, it is required to make vertical racks between the wings. They must be massive enough to ensure the stability of the entire structure. It should be noted that in the presence of racks, the weight of the window increases, and the light transmission decreases.

Sash opening

The types of opening plastic windows also differ. There are several types of mechanisms on sale. The sash may not open at all. Such windows retain heat best, but they are very difficult to clean. Even on the first floor, most likely, you will need to use a stepladder.

There are sashes that open thanks to the rotary mechanism. They can only open to the inside. Owners of houses and apartments in which windows are large in size can combine types of sashes. For example, for a three-section design, you can choose a swivel mechanism on the sides. At the same time, there may be a blind sash in the center.

Also on sale there are sashes with a folding mechanism. Such sections rotate along the horizontal axis from the bottom of the structure. This function is necessary for high-quality ventilation of the room. Most often, the folding mechanism is combined with rotary systems.

Profile making

Not only the types of adjustments of plastic windows are an important issue when choosing. One of the main indicators of the efficiency and reliability of the design is the type of profile. The cost of construction largely depends on the quality and technology of its manufacture.

The profile is made of a polymer, which is created on the basis of ethylene and chlorine. Various components are added to it, which increase the resistance of the material to mechanical stress, climatic conditions. The dry powder is subjected to high pressure during the manufacturing process. The result is the basis of the future frame.

The profile design has a complex shape. It is further enhanced with a U-shaped profile. Also for these purposes, in some cases, a pipe with a square section is used. With the help of thermal soldering, all structural elements are glued together. Due to the peculiarities of production, the plastic for the profile after processing is not subject to chemical attack, does not ignite and does not lose its original characteristics under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Profile design

There are different types of plastic window profiles. They differ in design and appearance. If a coloring pigment is added to PVC during manufacture, the frame acquires a different shade than white. Profiles whose texture and color imitate natural wood are very popular.

The design has a rectangular or trapezoidal shape of the internal section. It has longitudinal cavities. Their number may vary. The metal profile runs in the center. The outer chamber is connected to the atmospheric section. Holes are necessary for ventilation of the profile, removal of condensate from it. The rest of the chambers are completely sealed.

It is the presence of chambers in the plastic material that contributes to the preservation of heat indoors. Otherwise, it would go outside. The more chambers are inside the structure, the warmer it will be in the room.

Selecting the number of cameras

Considering what types of plastic windows are, you need to pay attention to the issue of choosing a profile. They may have three to seven chambers. The choice depends on the climate. Residents of mid-latitudes must purchase structures with at least four cameras.

For warm regions, profiles with three internal cavities are suitable. Also, such a decision would be correct when arranging windows in unheated premises (outbuildings, warehouses).

Designs with 6-7 cameras are quite heavy. They differ little in thermal performance from five-chamber structures. Therefore, according to experts, it is not advisable to acquire them. The cost of such windows will be much higher. The performance characteristics at the same time correspond to cheaper types. For residential premises, a class “A” profile can be used. Designs "B" and "C" are intended for technical, economic objects.

Type of double-glazed window

There are several types of double-glazed windows for plastic windows. The simplest is the single-chamber variety. In this case, two glasses are inserted into the frame. Between them there is one air chamber. This option is suitable for a balcony, loggia. Also, a single-chamber double-glazed window is installed in the kitchen.

Double-glazed windows are a three-glass construction. Between them, respectively, there are two air chambers. This design is able to provide high sound and heat insulation. This option is suitable for almost all residential premises.

If the apartment or house is built in a cold climate zone, it is recommended to purchase a three-chamber double-glazed window. It consists of four glasses. Also, a similar design is preferred for apartments and houses, whose windows overlook the roadway. They can be installed at very high altitudes.

Additional features

Various types of plastic windows are on sale. Some products have additional features. This, for example, can be increased heat saving. To do this, a special film is sprayed onto the glass surface. It is not visible to the naked eye. The glass remains transparent.

Also, the product may not be subject to mechanical stress. If an object hits the glass, it will not break.

To increase sound insulation, a double-glazed window also has certain characteristics. The chambers are filled with an inert gas. In this case, the distance between the glasses is made unequal. This technology contributes to good damping of sounds.

You can order tinted or mirrored glass. In the first case, you can choose the color of the coating. Mirror glass leaves invisible space inside the room. The light transmission capacity is not reduced.

Mounting Features

There are also different types of installation of plastic windows. They can be mounted with or without unpacking. In the first case, before starting the installation, the structure is disassembled. To do this, remove double-glazed windows, glazing beads. The sashes are also removed from the hinges.

In unpacked windows, it is possible to mount the frame first. It is attached directly to the wall. This takes into account the type of material from which the building is built. Most often, special anchor plates are used to fasten the frame, as well as self-tapping screws or dowels of the appropriate size. After installing the frame, the entire structure is assembled together.

Windows without unpacking are installed in the window opening in finished form. This method is not suitable for apartments that are on the 15th floor or higher. The first option is considered more reliable. Windows with unpacking are installed more often on any floors.

How to choose windows?

Considering the types of plastic windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the presented products. The best designs are produced by Rehau, Veka, KBE, Schuko, Salamander and others. They produce products in various price categories.

So, economy class designs can be purchased from 5.5-9.5 thousand rubles. for one sash. These are the simplest models. They have 3 air chambers in the profile. The frame material is almost always white.

Business class products have a double-glazed window. They can be purchased from 9.5 thousand rubles. for the sash. They have a profile with 4-5 chambers. The highest quality windows are premium. Their cost can be from 11 thousand rubles. They have double or triple glazing. Glasses are distinguished by additional protection against noise, heat loss and burglary.

Experienced installers of plastic windows are advised to pay attention to a few more questions when choosing. High-quality windows must have seals. There must be at least 2 circuits.

You also need to pay attention to the accessories of the products. Do not buy low-quality Chinese products. The cost of a window is much less dependent on the price of fittings. Therefore, this is not worth saving.

Having considered the types of plastic windows, you can draw the right conclusions on what issues you need to pay attention to first of all when choosing. The durability, efficiency and aesthetics of the structure depend on this.

A photo
To understand the huge range of offered plastic profiles and choose the best, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification into types of plastic windows according to certain criteria.

Modern plastic windows are distinguished by a huge variety of configurations and color options.

It is no longer possible to imagine new houses under construction without plastic profiles in various variations, because they have taken their stable place in the goods market due to their qualities. This information will be useful both to people who do not know what windows distinguish today, and to owners who no longer meet the requirements of modern society.

So, if you decide to purchase a profile for your apartment, then you need to get acquainted with their varieties.

And it’s also worth deciding on your choice before calling the manager who will help you with resolving questions about the number of shutters, cameras and parameters of a future purchase.

Profile classification

The most convenient variant of the tricuspid one in operation is the two extreme opening sashes.

There are the following types used in ordinary apartments:

  • with one sash (single-sash);
  • with two wings (double-leaf);
  • with three doors (three-leaf).

If the profile type is single-leaf, then it is usually made with an opening function. Double-leaf can be made in two variations (depending on the customer's desire): one leaf opens or both open. The following combinations are feasible in a three-leaf one: an opening sash - one, usually located on the edge; the second and most convenient option in operation - two extreme opening doors; Another option is possible when all three wings can be opened, but this is not practical. It should be remembered that the fewer opening doors, the cheaper the installation will be (and vice versa).

Door opening method

There are the following types of plastic:

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Plastic can have different ways of opening: A) Swivel - the most common type. The sash opens inwards. B) Folding transoms - the sash leans inward. C) Tilt and turn window - this type is very convenient to use and allows you to open the sash in two planes, which provides a greater variability of ventilation modes. D) Deaf - this does not open and is used, as a rule, in blocks when an approach is provided from the outside.

  1. Deaf. This is not able to open and has, as a rule, one leaf. Due to the low cost, ease of design in manufacture and installation, this type of profile has become widespread. Deaf ones are usually installed on the ground floor in a multi-storey building, in the wall between the balcony and the room, and also when the opening is small and the opening of the sash is unprincipled. The main disadvantage of this type is the inability to clean the outside while in the room, to ventilate the air.
  2. With swivel opening. This view is also simple. Its essence lies in the fact that one side is hinged. To open the window, you just need to pull the handle, and it will open with a rotation around the fixed axis. Opens on itself, inside the room. This principle is already familiar to you, it is used in all old wooden windows. Such species have advantages over deaf ones. In this case, you can get to the outside, clean from dust, precipitation and dirt. Another plus of this profile is that you can freely ventilate the room.
  3. With fanlight opening method. Another name for this type is folding plastic. This principle works like a window when the plane is rotated horizontally (this is the main difference from the previous view). The tilt-and-turn mechanism of the profile is difficult to manufacture, but it is the most convenient and in demand on the market of plastic profiles. The sashes can either go up or down.
  4. Combined method. This method involves a combination of the possibility of a rotary opening of the profile sash and a tilt-and-turn mechanism. Thus, depending on the desired result, you can open the window with a full turn or use a transom. To implement this combination, the manufacturer sets the possibility of turning the handle in different directions. So, if you need to open it with a rotary vertical mechanism, then the handle is turned to a horizontal position and pulled towards you. In order to tilt the window, the handle is turned up to a vertical position and slightly lowered towards itself.

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These are very handy when you need to ventilate the room. The window, formed by a slot in the folding mechanism, serves to supply fresh air in a small amount. This is convenient in winter or during the cold season, when opening the window wide is fraught with freezing, and a cool fresh air supply is necessary. Similarly, in hot weather, it is better to use a rotary mechanism for ventilation.

Number of cameras

The simplest double-glazed windows are single-chamber. These fit well into the interior of a country house. In urban areas, where more serious noise protection is needed, it is advisable to choose a plastic window with double-glazed windows, in which there are 2-3 cameras.

The number of chambers in a double-glazed window determines its heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties. Distinguish:

  • Single chamber. The presence of two glasses separated by one gap.
  • Two-chamber. The presence of three panes separated by two corresponding gaps.
  • Three-chamber, etc.

Most often, firms that provide services for the selection and installation of plastic windows offer to limit themselves to two- or three-chamber windows. Although even a two-chamber reliably protects from frost in central Russia. Of course, for colder climates, such as northern regions, a profile with more cameras should be set. Accordingly, the more chambers, the stronger the effect of thermal insulation.

difference in shape

Plastic is characterized by flexibility, so with the help of a special technology it can be given a different shape.

The choice of variety for this property depends on taste preferences and on the design features of the wall in which it is mounted. So, it can be conditionally divided into windows:

  • rectangular profile. This is the most popular type that is built into residential and office buildings. They are also the cheapest option among their counterparts;
  • trapezoidal profile;
  • triangular profile;
  • arched profile and other possible options of greater complexity, made to order.

To increase safety, you can install a double-glazed window with impact-resistant glass. When broken, the glass shatters into many small rounded fragments that do not have sharp edges.

A window is a rather complex system that consists of many elements. They perform important functions, and the operation of the window as a whole depends on their quality. Therefore, it is necessary to know the features of the structure standard window system.

The design of a plastic window includes a frame, fittings, sashes, double-glazed windows and glazing beads.

Frame - a fixed structural element that is mounted in a window opening. The part of the window system that is attached to the frame and can be opened and closed as needed is called the sash.

Glazing beads - PVC strips that hold the double-glazed window.

double glazing - several glasses, hermetically fastened together.

Usually in the production of PVC windows, glass is used with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm, sometimes triplex is used. triplex two sheets of glass are called, which are fastened with a transparent film. This type of glass is characterized by high strength.

There are three types of double-glazed windows: single-chamber and two-chamber (2 glasses and a camera between them) and three-chamber.

The space inside the PVC profile is filled jumpers. These partitions form compartments filled with air. The heat-insulating properties of the window system depend on these air chambers. The profile that contains the maximum number of cameras is the warmest. Recently, three-chamber PVC windows have been very popular. This is because each camera has its own functional purpose.

One chamber increases the rigidity of the profile, the other promotes the outflow of water (drainage) and the fittings are attached to the third. Fittings include such elements: handles, locking mechanisms, hinges and other devices that provide opening of the valves. Indispensable accessories for PVC windows are seals. They are installed along the edge of the double-glazed window on both sides.

Types of metal-plastic windows

PVC windows, like any other product, are presented in a wide range, in which each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, further we will consider the main types of metal-plastic windows and their features.

So, all PVC windows are classified according to the type of opening into the following types:

1. blind window- can be part of a large plastic window in which other shutters open, or freestanding. The advantages of this type include low cost, since it lacks additional fittings and a sash profile. But, such a metal-plastic construction is not easy to operate, since it can only be washed from the inside. It is advisable to install blind windows on the first floors of buildings or in openings that overlook the parapet, balcony.

2. Hinged opening or fanlight- structures that open into the room in relation to vertical hinges. These windows are easy to use, and they provide an opportunity to ventilate the room.

3. Swivel opening (traditional) - windows, which open into the room in relation to the vertical hinges. These designs are very convenient to use, they can be washed without much effort. But, they have a drawback: in order to open the sashes of a traditional window, free space is needed.

4. Tilt and turn opening- a new opening mechanism that combines the features of the two types of windows listed above. These windows are very convenient to use, especially for ventilation. When windows are opened using the tilt method, fresh air enters the room only through the top of the window and this prevents drafts. To ventilate the premises in the winter, leading manufacturers install micro-ventilation mechanisms.

5. Shtulp opening used for double sash windows. It differs from the traditional type by closing the "sash to the sash". Sash opening is relevant for windows with a width of more than 1200 mm. When two wings are open, a continuous opening is formed, without a vertical partition. Metal-plastic windows are classified according to the number of sashes into: single-leaf, double-leaf and three-leaf windows.

Types of windows by configuration

Depending on the features of the building facade and dimensions, window systems can have the following configurations:

  • Rectangular (horizontal and vertical);
  • round;
  • arched;
  • triangular;
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Composite.

Classification of window systems by purpose

Windows can have a different purpose for the room, according to which the following types can be distinguished:

  • energy saving- window systems that are coated on the inside with silver atoms that produce a reflective effect. This results in heat retention.
  • Soundproof- windows that have thickened glass and a special coating on them to reflect and absorb sound.
  • tinted- systems, the glasses of which are coated with a component that absorbs the rays of the sun.
  • Impact resistant windows. In their production, double-glazed windows are laminated with a special resin.

A wide range allows each customer to find their own option. The main thing when choosing a window system is to take into account the peculiarities of their operating conditions and personal preferences.