Make your own decorative partition in the apartment. Partition in the room with your own hands

Unfortunately, housing is not always divided into sections suitable for use as a living room, study or separate bedroom. The situation can be corrected with the help of homemade partitions. But how to make an interior partition in a home apartment building where it is forbidden to install additional structures made of heavy material? When overloaded, cracks form in the structure, leading to subsequent damage. Therefore, before erecting a structure, it is necessary to obtain a permit based on calculations for a particular housing project, where it will be indicated, how to make a partition in the room with your own hands in a particular case.

If you need to beautifully make a partition in a room of a private one-story house, no special permissions are required. It is only important to understand how to make an interior partition with your own hands, taking into account the structural features. For instance, wooden parquet may not withstand brickwork. In such a case, for the separation structure, its own foundation is arranged in underground soil.

Types of partitions in the room

  • A solid dividing wall divides the room into two separation sections.
  • decorative design demonstrates how to make a partition in a room, avoiding the effect of a sound barrier.
  • The mobile partition resembles a screen. It is used as decorative element interior. A good option for those who want to cheaply make a room divider.
  • Sliding partition- large wooden or glass door on the rail. If the installation was carried out by professionals, the design is able to optimally soundproof the fenced-off sector of the room. Making a partition between rooms is a simple task, but the installation must be done at a professional level.

Drywall is sheet material, mounted when installing a partition on a frame made of galvanized metal profile. For sound insulation, expanded polystyrene is laid between the sheets. There are four types of drywall, you need to pay Special attention for marking. Correctly making interior partitions means taking into account the humidity of the room and choosing, if necessary, a moisture-resistant material; drywall of this type is painted green.

Material advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • GKLO and GKL types have increased fire resistance, for this reason partitions near fireplaces or stoves are often made from such drywall;
  • the light weight of the material allows you to make a light partition in the room on any type of floor;
  • drywall is very easy to process, the material can be cut with a hand saw or a special construction knife.

Disadvantages of drywall:

  • if you install a non-moisture-resistant material in a humid room, it will quickly absorb moisture and soon collapse;
  • GKL quickly breaks down under mechanical stress, for example, from hitting heavy furniture against a wall;
  • drywall cannot support the weight of heavy shelves or paintings. Only if the item weighs no more than 8-10 kilograms, fasteners can be screwed in places where metal crossbars and racks pass.

Brick - how to make a room divider from this material? Hollow brick is used to divide the room. It is laid out in half a brick on a solution of concrete.

Positive traits:

  • high sound insulation;
  • solid brick moisture resistant, great for building partitions in bathrooms;
  • a brick partition is reliable and durable, you just need to cover it in time protective layer finishing material;
  • excellent fire resistance.

Negative properties:

  • brick weight is about 280 kilograms per square meter of masonry;
  • long duration of work on the construction of partitions;
  • the need for plastering before decorating.

Foam concrete blocks have a porous structure. When erecting partitions from such material, laying is carried out on a special glue or on a concrete mortar.

Positive characteristics:

  • high sound insulation;
  • the porosity of the blocks guarantees thermal insulation;
  • relative ease of installation;
  • fire resistance.


  • large block weight (18 kg);
  • minimal breathability (due to the porous structure);
  • hygroscopicity.

Gypsum blocks have grooves, which greatly facilitates their installation during construction. interior partitions. The laying process is carried out on an adhesive mass ( plaster base). The dimensions of the slab allow you to build a partition faster than when laying from foam concrete blocks or bricks.

  • speed of installation;
  • partition is 3 times lighter than brick;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • high sound insulation;
  • the material is easy to process, moreover, the blocks may have holes for pipes or wiring.
  • due to the relatively large size, it becomes problematic to raise the plates to a height;
  • the inability of the blocks to hold objects weighing more than 30 kg. For this reason, the brackets are mounted on dowels or anchor bolts.

Glass blocks are mainly square-shaped products made of thick glass. The blocks consist of a hermetically sealed cavity, which was formed by joining the two halves. Glass blocks are similar to double-glazed windows. The air that is inside guarantees heat and sound insulation. You can figure out how to make a partition in a one-room apartment of glass parts multi-colored. Blocks produce the most different sizes, shapes and colors.
Positive characteristics of glass blocks:

  • high sound insulation;
  • tightness;
  • fire resistance;
  • light transmission;
  • after installation no additional finishing is required;
  • moisture resistance.


  • blocks do not endure shock mechanical impact;
  • hard to hang anything.

The drywall construction consists of a frame ( wooden beam or metal profile) and sheets of material. The choice of the beam section directly depends on the desired thickness of the partition. In the process of assembling the frame, markings are made along which the guides are fixed. The vertical and horizontal guides are adjusted using tools (plummet, building level).

How to make interior partitions:

  1. First of all, a guide is fixed on the ceiling.
  2. For a snug fit of the profile to the surface, a double-sided adhesive tape is glued to it as a sealant.
  3. Guides are mounted to the floor. They are also glued with an adhesive tape with a polyethylene foam gasket.
  4. Followed by vertical guides. They are fixed to the wall, connecting the upper and lower profile. In this position, the profiles can be attached to the wall or to special hangers. The latter help to set the profiles exactly according to the scheme.
  5. Next comes the installation of the doorway. Racks are made of a metal profile into which a wooden bar is inserted. The profile is fixed at the top and bottom with self-tapping screws.
  6. to vertical metal elements, which determines the size of the door opening, a transverse profile is attached. For rigidity, you can fasten the bar with a pair of pieces of guide parts.
  7. Next, the remaining vertical components of the frame are exposed and attached. As a rule, they are installed in increments of 60 cm.
  8. One side of the frame is sheathed with drywall sheets. The sheets should fit snugly together in the very middle. uprights. Cloths are screwed with screws.
  9. Having finished the installation of one side, sound insulation is installed between the profiles. After that, the lining of the second side of the structure is done.

It is optimal to build interior partitions from foam concrete blocks 10 cm thick. Consider how best to make a partition in a room from this material with the best combination its price and quality. Similar aerated concrete blocks they are relatively inexpensive, and the dimensions of the material will save space without compromising sound insulation. So, step by step instructions:

  1. The first is to mark the floor and on the load-bearing wall. It is recommended to use a coloring thread, which will allow you to perfectly lay out the design.
  2. The bottom row of foam blocks is built directly on the concrete floor, which is thoroughly cleaned and primed in advance. Blocks are fixed with adhesive or concrete mortar.
  3. It is worth considering that when room temperature blocks absorb moisture. To avoid absorption of moisture from the adhesive mixture, it is necessary to moisten the surface of the material in advance.
  4. The next three rows of masonry and then every three must be reinforced. Usually, a stacking mesh is used for this purpose. Considering that the width of the block is 10 cm, it is best to choose reinforcement in the form of a rod. The doorway is also subject to reinforcement. This method keep the structure from shrinkage.
  5. For masonry, you can use the usual cement mortar or gypsum plaster. There are also special adhesive mixtures for foam blocks.
  6. In the process of erecting an interroom partition from foam blocks, it is necessary to take into account the principles of masonry. Each new row lays down with an offset of the interblock joints.
  7. After laying out one row, the glue must be allowed to dry, otherwise the structure may lead and it will be uneven.
  8. TO bearing walls masonry can be attached. In advance, connecting elements, for example, metal crutches, are driven into the walls.
  9. The structure must be attached to the ceiling. As a rule, a gap remains between the floor slab and the last row, which is laid with suitable pieces of blocks and blown with foam. Here is an instruction on how to properly make a partition in a room.

Consider how to make interior partitions out of wood. Wooden partitions can be erected in almost any room. Often such structures are installed in wooden houses. Yes, and in apartments they are more than relevant, because a tree can decorate almost any room. How to make an interior partition from this material in an apartment yourself?

  1. Wooden interior design made from timber. The parameters depend on the weight and dimensions of the partition.
  2. The frame is assembled traditional way- first, the installation of the main beams takes place, then the ribs are installed (50-60 cm apart).
  3. The bearing timber should be more massive, the ribs for sheathing should be slightly smaller. The frame is assembled very carefully, using special fasteners and carpentry tools. It is important to constantly check whether the structure is installed evenly.
  4. After the frame is erected, it must be treated with a special liquid that protects the wood from drying out, swelling from moisture, fungus, insects, mold, etc.
  5. A heater is laid between the frame ribs, which is fixed with a special mesh or wire.
  6. The final stage is the sheathing of the partition with a pre-selected material. Decorative partitions are recommended for use. If you are interested in the question of how to make the partition in the room simpler, you can pay less attention to the decor.

Interroom partitions - irreplaceable elements of redevelopment of the apartment. They do not apply to load-bearing structures. There are several types of interior partitions.

Below are 6 principles leading to an understanding of how to make a partition in a room with your own hands:

  1. In rooms with high humidity the structure must be made of moisture-resistant material, otherwise it is necessary to carry out lining with a special moisture-repellent material.
  2. When planning additional communications in the partition, the wall being built should be somewhat thicker than usual.
  3. The partition separating the rooms without heating and with heating must be thermally insulated.
  4. The glass block structure retains natural light.
  5. The design must be strong, safe and reliable.
  6. Interior partitions erected in attics should be as light as possible.

So, you can make a partition in the room with your own hands from various materials. Construction tips will help you get a quality result.

How to make a partition in a room with your own hands: video

The partition in the room with your own hands is easy to do. You can implement temporary and permanent partitions in the apartment. Permanent ones are mainly made of drywall, while temporary ones can be made in the form of screens made of wood or metal. Zoning the interior of the house with the help of portable partitions is the most common. In the article we will analyze both of them, and also give some tips on creating a partition in a room with your own hands.

Some people demolish the extra ones in the house, while others, on the contrary, do not have enough partitions to divide the space, because not every family can afford to buy an apartment where each tenant would have his own room. In this case, you need to try to make sure that each person has at least part of the room, or a certain corner.

Don't forget to follow on instagram a lot beautiful photos and a sea of ​​inspiration awaits you!

Partitions are one of the best solutions for dividing space. To equip such a "border" is not as difficult as it seems, however, many people do not realize how to make a partition in the room with your own hands.

Structures that partially separate one part of the room from another are now very popular with designers. And very often partitions become the main details in the interior.

Types of partitions in the interior

You can install a partition in any house, but most often this additional element appears in one-room apartments and in those where a large family lives.

With the help of a new wall separates sleeping place, or children's Corner, or workplace, or a space dedicated to food preparation.

There are several types of partitions, and you need to choose depending on why a person needs to fence off part of the room.

There are two main types of partitions: stationary and portable. In another way, they can be called permanent or temporary.

The first ones are suitable where the room needs to be divided into two parts, for example, when you want to equip an office or a bedroom in the living room.

The second type of structures is needed in order to temporarily divide the space. For example, if you need to close a crib where a child sleeps from guests, or a corner in which things are piled up.

Mobile barriers can be placed in any apartment, but with stationary partitions it is much more difficult.

Features of stationary partitions

Before building in an apartment new wall, that is, a permanent partition, it is necessary to consult with specialists and obtain permission for this.

The choice of material for the construction should be based on how the floor is built in the house. For example, if you want to build a brick fence, then you need to make sure that under your feet reinforced concrete floor or concrete screed.

If the floor is wooden and laid on logs, then such a partition cannot be installed. It is also worth considering that the construction of a brick surface is not an easy and long task.

You will have to create it in parts so that the solution has time to dry.

It is much more convenient to build a drywall ceiling. Any man can cope with this work, moreover, this method is less expensive.

But if the owners need a solid wall, then it is still better to assemble it from bricks, since drywall wall cannot bear the weight of heavy things. You will have to abandon the construction of shelves, a large mirror or hanging flower pots. But since this type of fence is now the most popular, we will consider how it is built dividing wall in the room with your own hands from drywall.

Partition in the room with their own hands from drywall

The most difficult thing in the construction of a plasterboard partition is its design. You need to come up with a shape, draw a drawing, calculate how many racks you need, based on the function of the structure and design.

A small master class on creating a plasterboard partition

Temporary partition in the room with your own hands

The most common type of portable partitions are screens. This design is created from several wooden or metal frames, the space in which is filled with fabric or other materials.

The frames are connected in such a way that they are easy to fold. Therefore, the screen can be hidden in any free corner or behind the door. Now there are a huge number of such partitions in stores, but it is much more interesting to make them yourself.

For example, you can order frames from the carpenter and sheathe them with patterned fabric, or fill the space with pieces of leather, lace doilies or wooden sticks. Such mobile barriers are often used mainly for.

Another interesting option temporary partition - accordion. Unlike a screen, it cannot be moved from place to place, but it can simply be pushed aside and folded. For the construction of such a barrier, it will also be necessary to lay guides on the ceiling and floor.

The downside is that when the space limiter is folded and retracted, there will be a small ledge on the floor that you can stumble on.

Temporary partitions are great, but they are not as functional because they allow both light and sound to pass through. In addition, they cannot serve as supports for things.

Partition in the room with your own hands - Design and interesting solutions

It is most convenient to experiment with the design of drywall partitions. Often such structures are installed instead of a wall with a door. They are usually painted in White color and have an opening in the form of an arch and various holes, on which you can put vases, figurines and other little things.

Usually, such a structure is emphasized with the help of spotlights. Also, partitions of this type are decorated with glass inserts, tiles, or mosaics.

An additional wall built of bricks is usually not singled out, on the contrary, it is finished, like other walls in the room, and decorated with paintings, sconces or mirrors.

From interesting solutions, you can note the partitions in the form of a rack. They can also be easily made independently, for example, from chipboard panels.

V Lately designs made of profile and plexiglass are also popular. Matte is more often used, but if the partition has an exclusively decorative function, then you can choose a transparent one.

Even a permanent partition can be low; this type is often used in cafes when the fences are just above the back of the sofa. At home, such structures can be made from processed wooden rods, boards or beams.

The sleeping place can be protected with an interesting design made of fabric. To do this, it is necessary to attach rods to the ceiling and floor, on which you can stretch fabric sheets and, if desired, move them to the side.

You can also make a fence resembling blinds. You can pull ribbons, ropes or thick threads.

All these ideas can be useful to people who have not yet decided Towhat kind of partition to make in the room. Designers advise not to get involved in the construction of additional space restrictions in small apartments, and do not install structures to the ceiling in studio apartments, because this is contrary to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch housing.

Also, if the owners constantly like to rearrange the house, then it is better for them to choose mobile partitions. Whatever was additional wall, the main thing is that it harmoniously fits into and does not look like a foreign object in space.

Each person dreams of his own secluded corner, but not always the apartment is divided into rooms that can be arranged as an office, living room or bedroom. How to achieve the desired comfort and convenience, if you have only studio apartment?

Partition in the room

Dividing a room into zones is not very difficult. In this process, it is necessary to perform the correct calculation. Thus, in high-rise buildings it is not allowed to install heavy capital partitions without prior approval, since each interfloor overlap there is a weight limit. If the permissible load is exceeded, then cracks will appear in the structure of the building, fraught with subsequent destruction. Therefore, if you want to use heavy material for construction, you will first have to obtain special permission.

If we consider private one-story houses, then there are no restrictions. You can build a partition from any material. Please note that you must build the correct structure suitable for your conditions. So, if the house has a plank floor, then it is unlikely that it will withstand a brick partition installed on its surface. In this case, you will have to equip your own foundation for the partition.

How to make a partition in a drywall room

This is the simplest option for arranging a partition.

  • According to the prepared plan, taking into account the construction weight, the marking of the place where the partition will be installed is carried out.
  • Production of guide profiles attached to the wall.
  • Marking and installation of racks for the future doorway. Execution of the door lintel.
  • Installation of racks around the perimeter of the partition.
  • Fixing already marked and cut sheets of drywall.

Drywall partitions are very simple, but this is not the best solution. The soundproofing characteristics of drywall are far from ideal.

How to make a wooden room divider in a room

Wooden partitions are good only in ecological terms. The tree has low fire and moisture resistance, as well as insufficient sound insulation. They are beautiful and, due to their low weight, are easy to install.

  • It is necessary to knock down the frame from the boards, selected according to the size of the opening. Boards should be 1 cm shorter.
  • According to the prepared markings, nail 2 beams to the floor with a groove, the size of which corresponds to the thickness of the frame boards. A beam with a triangular section is attached to the ceiling.
  • The frame must be inserted into the groove between the lower bars. Fix it and attach it to the top beam.
  • The frame can be sheathed with clapboard, plywood, boards. In the process of upholstery, a place is formed for the doorway, the door frame and doors are installed.

How to make a partition in a room from foam / aerated concrete slabs

Such a partition is distinguished not only by excellent sound and noise insulation, but also by good thermal insulation of the room.

  • Clean the floor from linoleum, laminate and remove the remaining glue. Thoroughly degrease the base.
  • Prepare the cement mortar and blocks to be laid.
  • Mark the location of the future installation. To do this, set 2 wall block to the walls of the profiles, pull the cord. Lay the first row along the line of the cord.
  • Approaching the future doorway, continue the laying process, but in the opposite direction.
  • To install door lintels, make the necessary grooves in the end parts of the blocks.
  • Install the jumper on the opposite side in the same way. The remaining unfilled space can be laid with bricks.
  • Install the door frame in the marked opening. Hang an interior door.

The choice of a partition depends only on the size of the shared room, and on what you want to get as a result of the installation. You can divide the room, both completely and into separate zones, however, for this you need to take into account some nuances. Pay attention to the weight of the future building, financial costs, as well as the withstanding ability of the ceiling, interior design, and finally the ability to absorb sound. After analyzing all sorts of pros and cons, you can proceed to the selection and installation of the required option.

In a certain situation, the emerging issue of redevelopment or the construction of new interior partitions requires maximum attention. Must be accepted the right decision about the nature of the partitions, the material for their manufacture, sufficient sound insulation of the resulting structure.

Interior partition: why is it mounted?

The problem of building interior partitions has become especially relevant in recent times, since many apartments in new buildings are built according to the principle of free planning. In this case, the homeowner has more options for placing partitions in the apartment with maximum comfort for himself. The main difficulty in this case can only be right choice suitable material for partitions and competent work on their construction.

Partition between kitchen and living room

There are two most typical points of view on the construction of interior partitions:

  • On the one hand, the owners of the premises want to preserve the usable area as much as possible and build thin partitions that would not “eat up” square meters. From this point of view, it is thin partitions that are ideal.
  • On the other hand, partitions must have a certain strength to support the weight of cabinets, pictures and shelves, as well as guaranteeing good soundproofing properties.
  • Photo: sliding interior partition

    What material is better to make?

    As building material for interior partitions, various materials are used - from brick to glass blocks, but the main ones include brick, foam blocks, wood and aluminum with drywall. The choice of this or that material should depend not only on the preferences of builders or owners, but also on the planned load on bearing structures and safety of erected partitions.


    This type of partition is considered the most durable, so heavy shelves or massive paintings will not damage such a wall. As a partition, a half-brick wall is usually laid in such a way that the total thickness of the structure is no more than 160 mm (together).

    For partitions, the following types of bricks are used:

    • silicate and ceramic. Experts do not recommend laying silicate brick in rooms with high level humidity.
    • Full and hollow. Hollow brick is also not recommended for use in bathrooms.

    If there are no exhaust bricks, you can use such fastenings of the partition to the wall

    When laying brick partition the weight of the resulting wall and the load on the supporting structures should be taken into account (on average, it is about 300 kg per square meter). In addition, for the construction of a partition with a length of more than 1.5 meters, it is necessary to use a special reinforcing mesh, which allows you to increase the strength of the resulting partition.

    Masonry partitions made of solid silicate bricks

    A significant disadvantage brick wall is its cost: the price is high not only for the material itself, but also for its installation.

    Blocks: foam blocks and aerated concrete

    Interior partitions made of foam blocks are much lighter than brick ones, while they have excellent heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties. The total thickness of the partition, taking into account the layers of plaster, is about 130 mm.

    We outline the places of future walls

    Blocks are easy to cut and model: in such partitions it is enough just to install door frames or cut curly arch. Similar properties make the foam block ideal material for the construction of interior structures.

    Photo: aerated concrete interior partition

    Fact! Foam blocks are not as durable as bricks. Therefore, experts do not recommend giving such a design a load of more than 20 kg.

    Laying such a design in order easier installation brick wall, which significantly reduces the time of work and reduces labor costs.

    Wooden partitions

    The use of wood as interior partitions is a rather rare phenomenon. A wooden partition is either an array with the necessary soundproofing filling.

    wooden frame

    Wooden partitions are often used to save space, when the partition itself becomes something between a wall and a piece of furniture. In addition, a special kind wooden partitions allows you to use sliding systems and creatively zone the room.

    Wooden partitions have the following advantages:

    • high strength;
    • durability;
    • outward attraction.

    We close the soundproofing in the frame with plywood sheets


    Most common in modern construction received plasterboard partitions. Such interest is due to the ideal qualities of drywall: from ease of installation to the ability to obtain partitions of any shape. Most builders have sufficient knowledge to perform drywall work to a high standard.

    Advice! In rooms with high humidity for mounting drywall construction moisture resistant material should be used.

    Are the lightest: the weight of one square meter is no more than 50 kg, which makes such partitions extremely attractive, especially in terms of attention to the load on the supporting structures.

    Fact! able to withstand a fairly small weight of no more than 15 kg. If such a partition will have an additional load, then it is desirable to strengthen the structure with plywood sheets.

    When erecting such partitions, it is important to maintain the required level of sound insulation through the use of additional insulating materials.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the living room in the life of any family. We spend most of the time here, gathering with the whole family or secluded to read a book or important work.

That is why it is very important to approach its arrangement correctly. A variety of partitions in the living room help to cope with this issue very successfully, which help to divide the space into separate zones and place all the necessary accents on the functionality of the room.

Although they can also be used as decorative elements.

Functions of partitions in the living room

Space planning and its competent distribution in order to provide the greatest comfort and convenience for all family members.

Increase the functionality of the room through the use of a variety of racks and bookshelves as barriers. In addition, on partitions you can simply install additional sources lighting.

The decorative function of the partition in the interior of the living room is that, being part of the room, it must harmoniously fit into the surrounding space and be combined in terms of color parameters and material of manufacture.

Only when all three conditions are met, the partitions in the interior of the living room will look stylish and provide the greatest comfort in the room.

Partition types

Drywall partition: one of the most common options.

Drywall partitions in the living room have whole line advantages, including environmental friendliness and material safety, ease of installation, low price, as well as a variety of design solutions when decorating or combining with other types.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the fragility, as well as the possible shading of some parts of the room. In addition, drywall is afraid of moisture.

Rack: indispensable for storing books, accessories and various household items that often need to be at hand. Racks create additional comfort in the room and organically fit into almost any interior.

They do not clutter up the living room and do not darken it. Of the minuses, one can single out the need for constant cleaning.

Bar counter: one of the most convenient and useful partitions, which, in addition to performing an aesthetic function, can be quite successfully used as a small table.

In addition, the bar counter does not darken the space. However, it is not very convenient for small children and the elderly to use them.

You can not replace her and big dinner table, since only 2 or 3 people can accommodate behind it. V narrow spaces the use of the bar counter is not possible.

Screen: is a very light and effective design. The screen is easy to move and is quite mobile.

Another advantage is the variety of materials, which allows it to be used in various interior styles.

But to use in an apartment where there are small children, this type of partition is not recommended, since the structures are very fragile and unstable to damage. Sliding parts sometimes wear out very quickly.

Furniture: as a partition, you can use a closet or a small sofa. At any time, such a partition can be removed or replaced with another one. However, this division of the room is conditional.

Sliding partitions: they easily function as doors, allowing you to fence off parts of the room from each other, making them common space two independent.

The structures are quite light and can be made from a variety of materials. The disadvantage of this design is that the folding and sliding parts can wear out quickly, and the structures are usually very fragile and easily damaged.

Arch: One of the most popular living room room divider designs, it comes in an abundance of shapes and styles. Arches can be made of various materials, so they are suitable for any type of interior.

Choosing the most best option partitions in the living room, it is worth first of all to analyze the room in detail: area, functionality of various zones, lighting.

Materials for the manufacture of partitions in the living room

Each material has its own characteristics and features, which should definitely be taken into account when designing a particular style of a living room, when choosing a functional load on a partition and its aesthetic functions.

To date, the most popular partitions made of drywall, plastic or glass, wood or chipboard. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Drywall is the most popular and common material, easy to install and use.

This is enough inexpensive material with good quality features. It is used both independently and in combination with other materials. Drywall partitions can be made into almost any shape.

One of the classic materials has always been rightfully considered a tree that fits perfectly into any interior.

Its ecological characteristics speak for themselves. And the reliability of the material is beyond doubt. Look great wooden shelving or bar counters, as well as a variety of pieces of furniture.

Chipboard is a much more economical option than wood, but also quality characteristics its much lower. Most often used for the manufacture of shelving and separate parts sliding partitions.

Glass may be present in partitions in various forms: it can be walls made of glass blocks, decorative stained-glass windows. Glass should be used primarily in those rooms in which there is not enough light. Glass partitions are great for visually expanding the space.

Plastic is most often found in the form of any individual decorative elements. From it you can make parts of a bar counter or a small rack.

However, this material is not the best choice for an apartment.

Drawing ideas from the numerous photo partitions in the living room, remember first of all that it is important to keep the comfort and warmth in the apartment, and not to chase fashion news that do not suit you or your household in character or mood.

Photo options for placing partitions in the living room