How to build a roomy and practical shelving with your own hands? Wooden Shelving: Manufacturing Instruction Drawings of wooden bookshelves.

Tidying up even a small room is not as easy as it seems. Especially if it is cluttered with a lot of things. Roomy racks will help clear space and organize chaos. The design is universal in nature - it can be installed in any room, and it will look organic. To find out how to make a rack with your own hands, you need to understand the types and materials of this design.

Many people think of the word shelving as a metal unpretentious structure used mainly in warehouses. But such furniture is used only on a production scale or in garages. They must meet the following indicators:

  • high functionality: the more capacity, the better;
  • strength - the best metal racks for storage rooms and garages, they are durable and unpretentious;
  • easy maintenance - furniture made of porous materials or with an expensive paint coating requires delicate handling, therefore it is better to use wood and similar materials in technical rooms.

However, I would like to make the shelving in living rooms more original. You should not limit your imagination when creating such designs. Indeed, in addition to the main function, the rack can become a worthy decoration of the entire room.

Bottle rack

If you want to build a rack for the kitchen, you should take a closer look at the bottle design. It will appeal to collectors and connoisseurs of alcohol. To create a rack, a solid solid wood and bottles of the same shape and height are used. To give the wood a noble shade, various impregnations and stains are used.

Note! Dark wood looks very noble with green glass bottles. And to give wood a vintage touch, you can use artificial aging and firing.

Shelving ladder

In large houses or two-story apartments, staircases occupy a large space. To save useful space, this interior detail can be combined with a rack. Hollow boxes made of solid wood or chip materials will hold a lot of small things. Many book lovers keep their favorite volumes in these lockers. And the ladder is used as a cozy seat when reading. For greater functionality, the drawers can be supplemented with original doors.

If you already have a staircase in your house, and you do not intend to remodel it, then the rack can be placed directly under it. Create a structure that follows the outlines of the steps. The distance between the vertical struts of the frame should be equal to the width of the steps. This will create an organic composition.

Suspended structure

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time and money on a rack, a suspended structure is suitable. It represents shelves strung on a string. It is not used for storing heavy objects, but for small trinkets it is quite.

Glass racks look very interesting in a similar style. Shelves made of colored and transparent glass are strung on metal cables, and beads or decorative props are strung at a distance between them.

Steampunk furniture

Fans of steampunk style will appreciate the shelving made of water pipes and fittings. The frame of the structure is assembled from them, and a solid array is used for the shelves. The rack will organically fit into interiors in the following style:

  • loft;
  • steampunk;
  • industrial, etc.

However, if you keep the furniture in restrained colors, then it will perfectly complement both the kitchen and the living room. A rack of this type perfectly saves space due to the absence of rear uprights. The structure is fixed on one plank from above and to the floor. The shelves are strung on the racks one by one. Even an unprepared person can assemble such a rack with his own hands.

Note! If you want to create a steampunk design, use copper paint for the frame.

Project creation

Before starting work, outline the appearance and parameters of the future design. For this, a piece of paper or editors for design is suitable. Before building a drawing, you must consider the following parameters:

  • the height and width of the room in which the rack will stand;
  • the size and weight of items given for storage;
  • room humidity level.

The structure of the rack is very simple: it consists of a frame and shelves. Wood and metal are most often used as the outer frame. If the rack will be located in a room with high humidity, moisture-resistant types of wood, plastic or glass are used for the shelves. The metal frame is coated with anti-corrosion compounds to protect it from rust.

Important! In rooms where contact with moisture cannot be avoided, it is not recommended to use wood for the frame.

When you have decided on the purpose and location of the future rack, you can start measuring. They measure the height of items that are planned to be stored on the shelves, and add another 7-10 cm to the value.

Consider correct weight distribution. The heaviest and voluminous items are placed on the lower shelves. The higher the shelf, the lighter the things stored on it should be. Various boxes, boxes and so on are placed on the very top.

At the shelves on which it is planned to store books or jars with blanks, the legs should be placed close (half a meter ± 10 cm). If a metal profile is used for the frame, the step is increased to a meter.

Creating a simple wood and metal shelving unit

If you need simple and spacious shelves for a dressing room or pantry, use a simple structure made of wood and OSB. For the frame, a square beam with a side of 5 cm or more is suitable.If you are ready to spend more money on the construction, replace the OSB plate with an array.

Assembly stages

The instructions for creating a rack includes the following steps:

  • cutting a bar - the material is cut for the frame according to the drawing;
  • using self-tapping screws or nails, a rectangular frame is assembled, the assembly starts from the bottom corner;
  • the frame is attached to the wall with metal fasteners and self-tapping screws;
  • mark and saw OSB slabs for future shelves;
  • the shelves are laid on the frame crossbars and fastened to nails or self-tapping screws.

Note! Self-tapping screws are more durable fasteners.

Location of crossbars

If the vertical posts are located close to each other, the structure does not need cross members. This function will be performed by a thick OSB plate. If you want to create a more stable structure, you cannot do without crossbars. To do this, you need to install longitudinal beams under each shelf. You can get by with one, but most often they use a pair of crossbars.

Important! To increase the strength of the structure, diagonal beams are attached to the rear wall.

Metal shelving

To assemble a metal rack, you need a welding machine or an electric drill. The welded structure looks neater and is more reliable than the prefab. If you do not have such tools, it is better to give preference to wooden furniture.

Instructions for assembling a metal rack practically does not differ from the manufacture of a wooden one. The first stage consists of assembling the frame and fixing the structure to the wall. If weighty materials are used for the shelves, then the crossbars are not needed.

Note! To create a rack, it is better to purchase a metal profile, not a corner. It is more convenient to assemble and maintain.

As a material for the slave, a tubular metal profile of a square section with a side of 25 mm and a metal thickness of 2 mm is used. If a corner is used, the optimal size is 40 by 40.

For the manufacture of lightweight structures, support metal brackets are used. Dowels or self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. Shelves are laid on top of the brackets.

A lightweight design can be made using metal support brackets. They are fastened with dowels to the wall, and shelves from a board or OSB board are placed on top.

If you want to know more about the manufacture of a rack - watch the video instructions. From it you will learn the tricks of construction and will be able to assemble a durable and functional structure.

In small apartments, the problem of lack of space for storing certain items often arises. If in a large living space you can equip a pantry or a closet, then a small apartment excludes such an opportunity. The easiest solution is to install a wooden rack.

But it will become useful not only in the apartment, but also on the balcony, where often a lot of everything is stored in the garage, where car accessories and tools must be placed in their places so as not to waste time constantly searching for them. It is very interesting to enter a shelving structure for zoning space, for example, in a studio apartment.

Despite the fact that even a beginner can do the shelving, there are still some nuances, the observance of which will help to create a high-quality piece of furniture at a minimum cost.

Varieties of wooden shelving

A wooden rack is a structure consisting of several shelves fixed to a support board. Their number depends only on the desire and capabilities of the owner. Prefabricated wooden racks will perfectly fit into any interior and will help you store various items, for example, books, dishes, souvenirs, etc.

The functionality of those rooms where this piece of furniture can be placed is very diverse.

It is very convenient to install racks in the nursery, where, due to the availability of free space and the openness of the shelves, the child will be able to place all his toys and take them out without the participation of adults.

In the office, the structure will act not only as a place for storing documents, but will also become an excellent decorative element of the workplace.

For the kitchen, a rack is a must. Dishes can be stored there, as well as neatly placed containers with bulk products.

On the balcony, a wooden rack is used to place seedlings or indoor plants in the warm season. Everyone knows that mostly plants need a little heating. Now you can buy special pieces of furniture with heated shelves, but self-made furniture can also perform this function if each shelf is covered with foam. This material stores heat and transfers it to plants.

Depending on the design, a suitable option can also be selected:

Original shelving

Such pieces of furniture should be given special attention, since they are created in accordance with an individual project that is suitable for a specific interior. Ordinary rough do-it-yourself wooden structures are only suitable for balconies or garages, but to decorate living space it is better to use something more original. For example, the rack with bottles in the form of racks shown in the photo will perfectly fit into the living room or kitchen. Despite the external instability, it can store books and even collectible bottles of wine.

Rope structures of wooden shelves for the house, which are attached to the wall with massive hooks, look interesting in the interior, especially in the marine style. On such shelves, of course, you will hardly be able to store something heavy, but small souvenirs or frames with photos are fine. It is very simple to execute such a structure, it is enough to have a thick rope and a few pieces of wood. Shelves can also be made from leftover laminate flooring.

Metal structures are suitable for modern interiors. One of these is the design of a rack with many shelves in a chaotic manner, which are interconnected by metal tubes. Due to the fact that the metal elements create rigidity, it is possible to dispense with the back wall.

If you plan to create a rack in a private house, then you can arrange it in the space under the stairs, as shown in the photo.

Self-made shelving

Making a wooden rack with your own hands is quite simple if you study all the nuances of the work in advance and thoroughly prepare for it.

Project development

The creation of a project for the future structure is a very important stage, which in no case should be overlooked. First of all, measurements are made of the place where the rack is planned to be located. If the rack is not intended for decorative purposes, but is used only in accordance with the storage function, then it makes sense to carry it out in a simple manner. For this, the height of the wall is measured, at which the furniture will be located, and the indicator that suits the owner is calculated.

Important! In a garage, the best way to do this is to run the shelving to the full height of the wall.

Particularly noteworthy are the parameters of the shelves for the structure, both in length and in width. Long shelves of 1.5 meters are ideal for storing light items, for example, souvenirs and toys, but cans with blanks and books require shorter ones - about 90 cm so that there is no sagging. As for the width, shelves with a width of 25 - 40 cm will be suitable for storing books and jars, as well as growing seedlings, and for tools or larger items, such that will correspond to their size are arranged.

In general, the dimensions of the shelves completely depend on what will be placed on the rack, so first you should estimate the approximate location of the items and add 10-15 cm to the calculated figures so that you can easily put and get the item.

Necessary tools

Professionals advise to use only strong and solid wood for self-manufacturing of the shelving structure. It can be pine, mahogany or oak. Materials made from pressed sawdust are not suitable for installation, since they are rather short-lived.

Important! The moisture content of the wood for the shelving should not exceed 12%.

In advance, the boards are impregnated with antiseptic impregnations and left for several days so that the solution is absorbed.

In addition to boards, you will also need to make a rack:

  • Metal corners
  • Shelf holders
  • Bars for stuffing them into the bottom of the shelf
  • Furniture legs or castors
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Carpentry adhesive
  • Varnish or other paint and varnish material, which will be used for finishing
  • Jigsaw and sander
  • Hammer
  • Drill with matching set of drills
  • Roulette, level and pencil

Algorithm for making a wooden rack

To begin with, all the parts necessary for assembling the rack are prepared.

Prefabricated wooden racks are manufactured starting from the bottom. For the bottom shelf, the thickest board should be chosen, into which a 3 cm self-tapping screw can freely enter. The shelf parameters are selected depending on the project, which describes all the dimensions of the future structure. Also, if the length of the shelf is large, then it is better to mount transverse bars in its lower part to give rigidity.

The next step is the installation of the side walls. For them, not solid wood, but thick plywood can be used. The side walls of the required dimensions are cut out of it, the location of the future shelves is marked on their inner side. It should be remembered that the most often used height of shelves in the structure, which is equal to 42 and 21 cm. These indicators can be alternated in order to get a neat and functional rack.

Carving wood shelves. Their size should correspond to the rack and be such that the owner has the opportunity to put and remove the shelf without restrictions.

Important! The thickness of the shelves should be at least 2.5 cm, but for added strength they can be equipped with transverse bars from below.

The next step is optional and is performed only at the discretion of the wizard. If the wall, which will have the structure of the rack, completely suits the owner, then the rear wall can not be mounted to it. If it is customary to mount the back wall, then it is cut to the size of the plywood rack and nailed to it with small nails.

All the details have been prepared, now you can start assembling the entire structure:

  1. The back wall is screwed to the bottom shelf, which is the base, with screws. If it is not there, then you can immediately attach the side ones.
  2. But before installing the side walls, you need to install holders in the places marked for the shelves, which can be metal or plastic.
  3. After that, the side walls are attached to the base with self-tapping screws. If necessary, a metal corner can be used.
  4. Also, the shelves can not be held on special elements, but attached directly to the side walls. To do this, the shelf is already held inside the rack by an assistant, and the second master screws in self-tapping screws from the outside. For added strength, the shelves can be supported with metal corners.

Advice! At all stages of the assembly of the rack, it is imperative to use the building level, which will exclude any distortions.

To create a high-quality rack design, there are several tips that are optional, but very desirable:

  • The main structure of the rack can end with a top cover. This is very convenient due to the fact that the rack will become stronger, and dust will not get on the top shelf.
  • For additional strength, the holes are coated with wood glue after drilling.
  • If you use casters instead of regular legs, the rack can be moved. Also, the installation of these elements will help prevent skewing of the structure under heavy loads.
  • If chipboard or MDF were used for the manufacture of the shelving, then their ends are processed with melamine film, which is easily glued with an iron. Such a strip is laid on the end processed with sandpaper and processed with a hot iron. Thus, the end will close and acquire an aesthetic appearance.
  • For greater decorativeness, the rack can be supplemented with doors or other elements that will only decorate it.


A shelving unit for an apartment will become a very functional addition on which you can place memorabilia or other items. It is possible to make this piece of furniture yourself, which will save you money and get exactly the design you need. This is easy to do, just read this article, which provides detailed installation instructions.

Recently I was faced with the task of purchasing a bookcase. Approximately the same design as in the photo below. 180 cm high, 80 cm wide and 30 cm deep. Naturally, the first thing I did was go to the shops, but the minimum price without delivery of 2,700 rubles surprised me: it’s very expensive. It seemed to me that such a rack can be purchased in the region of 1000 rubles.

And then they suggested to me the idea of ​​self-assembly. No sooner said than done. And it turned out that it is not only easy, but also interesting!

The fact is that the main material for such racks is laminated chipboard (LSD chipboard), 16 mm thick. Accordingly, the first step was to determine the size of the parts and find a place where all this can be cut.

Rack dimensions

It is easy to see that the rack I need consists of 9 large parts: 2 side walls, 6 transverse shelves and a white wall. Color - light beech.

As I wrote above, I needed a rack 1800 * 800 * 300 mm. Accordingly, the dimensions of the parts were as follows:
2 side walls - 1800 * 300 mm.
6 transverse shelves - 80 * 30 cm (I advise you to order this way, and not repeat my mistake: I ordered 4 out of 6 shelves measuring 798 * 300 mm.)
1 wall made of white fiberboard - 1750 * 830 mm.

The place where you can buy it all

In principle, it is enough to type in a search engine "sawn chipboard" and understand where is better and cheaper. In Petrozavodsk, for example, the company "Laminat Monza" is engaged in this at Kooperativnaya, 6 -

I went there. Unfortunately, they do not cut the cut right away, you have to wait a few days.

Arriving a couple of days later with a friend in a car (after all, the parts are quite large and not easy), I paid 1485 rubles for the above.

But that was not all the waste. An additional one had to be bought:
16 shelf supports 5 mm each. Better to buy more for the stock. 1 piece = 35 kopecks.
8 hexagonal ties 6,3 * 50 mm - it is also better to buy more for a stock. 1 pc = 67 kopecks
And self-adhesive plugs so that the place where we drilled can be glued.

I also bought 10 meters of "light beech" edging at the guys' warehouse. 1 meter = 7 rubles.

In total, the additional parts cost me 100 rubles.

Total for the cost of materials, the rack cost 1,585 rubles. If necessary, you can add the cost of delivery of materials here. Thus, the materials are almost twice as cheap as in the store!


And now - the fun part. Rack assembly. Here, in fact, are the plates themselves.

If you look closer, they look like this: pressed wood chips from the sides. So that this is not visible - we glue the edge.

First step assembly of the rack - glue the edge. First, we do it with the shelves. Here it is enough to glue only one side, because the rest will be hidden. I advise you to practice first. So, we firmly install the stove so that it does not stagger.

Next, we take .... iron! Yes Yes. It turns out that the edge is glued with an iron (heat). Cut off the required piece of the edge, set it straight.

And carefully, constantly making sure that the edge does not slide out, we run it with an iron. As a result of a chemical reaction, the edge is tightly glued to the end of the board.

Since it is wider than the plate, we take a thin knife and cut off the excess. It is important to do everything smoothly. In fact, this is the most difficult stage, but you quickly understand how to hold the knife. Later, you can take fine sandpaper and remove the irregularities.

We do the same with two side walls, only we glue two sides: the front and the top.

I strongly advise you to watch the video of how the edge is glued -

Second phase- we drill recesses for the shelf supports. To do this, we select a drill that is suitable for the thickness and outline the grooves (i.e. we do not drill through and through, but to the length of the shelf holders). In fact - they mean the distances at which our shelves will be. This is the beauty of self-assembly - you decide what you need and how you need it.

What we did on one wall - we also do on the second.

Third stage- we drill holes for screeds. Ties connect the side walls with the upper and lower shelf (if you wish, you can do it in the middle). I recommend retreating 5-10 centimeters for the lowest shelf.

In the upper and lower shelves, we drill holes for the ties and tighten them.

As a result, we get such a frame.

Fourth stage- we attach the back wall. It is not difficult. Just a white sheet of fiberboard is placed around the perimeter and attached to the frame. I tried to attach it to a construction stapler, but it did not hold well, so I nailed it with small nails,

Fifth stage- we insert the shelf supports into the recesses, install the shelves, glue the plugs and rejoice :)

That, in fact, is all. And this rack will serve as the basis for our online store -

Order in any room is the arrangement of each thing in its place. It can be provided only if every object has this place. In this case, the rack will provide invaluable help. It is convenient to place items for various purposes on it. It is not always possible to purchase a ready-made structure (they are not satisfied with the size, price, quality, etc.), but making a rack with your own hands is quite affordable.

Shelving is a structure consisting of open shelves. It can be used for a variety of purposes. In the office, this will be a convenient place for storing documentation and other materials that are often used in work. Any folder is easy to find and return to its place.

The racks are collapsible, but at home stationary models are acceptable. The racks can also store household items and appliances, the results of creative activity, etc. There are no restrictions, only dimensions are important. In order to take into account the dimensions of the things supposed to be stored, to correctly calculate the load, capacity, it is worth making do-it-yourself shelves-racks.

The main advantages of this type of furniture are:

  • simplicity of design;
  • ease of use;
  • spaciousness;
  • acceptability of installation in premises of almost any purpose;
  • saving space.

There are several types of structures for home use:

  • frame racks are non-collapsible;
  • frame products are collapsible;
  • console options.

The main elements of the rack are vertical supports and horizontal parts that function as shelves. Most often, the structures are collapsible, but stationary models are also quite acceptable at home. Prefabricated structures are mounted using various fastening materials, non-separable ones - using welding.

Welding is a reliable method of fastening, but it requires certain professional skills and a welding machine. Therefore, information on how to make a wooden rack is more often in demand. This is a more affordable model. The blanks can be done independently, or you can order by providing information on the required dimensions.

Various options for do-it-yourself wooden shelving

A wooden shelving structure is theoretically quite simple to manufacture. To avoid problems in the course of practical implementation, you must first make a drawing, which should reflect the height, width and depth of the future product, the location of the crossbars, taking into account the fastening method.

Helpful advice! When making measurements of the part of the room where the rack will be installed, it is imperative to take into account the width of the protruding baseboard, molding and other possible decorative elements.

It is convenient to use timber for the main posts and cross-members; shelves can be made of boards, wood-based panels, plywood.

Chipboards are often used for the manufacture of this type of furniture. Do-it-yourself chipboard racks are the most affordable option. Significant savings in time and money in manufacturing are achieved due to the absence of a frame made of separate elements (vertical posts, horizontal crossbars). Sawing, in the absence of the appropriate equipment, is best done in special workshops, where you can order high-quality processing of the end parts.

On the proposed photos - do-it-yourself racks from chipboard. Models for living rooms have interesting design elements in the form of original shelves, additional strips, color combinations of elements. Designs for purely technical purposes look simple. Sometimes the upper and lower shelves are reinforced with additional transverse strips for greater rigidity of the product.

Plywood racks are aesthetic and rather durable. Most often these are options for utility rooms, household rooms. If you use your imagination, you can create such a model for any room, including the guest room. A do-it-yourself plywood rack is usually made on a wooden frame, but if the plywood is 10-15 mm thick, then an option is possible by analogy with a chipboard structure.

Tips to help you make a wood or wood-based shelving unit:

  1. If there is no access to the structure from both sides, the depth of the shelves should not be more than 500 mm.
  2. When planning the model to the ceiling, you need to think about the ability to get to the upper shelves. Alternatively, a wooden non-removable ladder can be made and attached to the side wall.
  3. If the shelves are more than 600 mm wide (regardless of the material of manufacture), it is worth attaching them to the horizontal frame frame - this will prevent sagging.

If you want to decorate a wooden rack, you can use wood stain, tinting varnishes, craquelure and other types of surface treatments.

Material requirements for shelving made of wood and wood-based materials

Even having correctly calculated the dimensions, having made a detailed drawing, having perfectly assembled, you can still not get a solid product. The reason will turn out to be the most commonplace - low-quality material or material that does not meet the operating conditions.

Basic requirements for the wood used:

  1. The moisture content of the material should not exceed 12%, otherwise the product may warp.
  2. The presence of cracks and chips that do not affect the integrity of parts under load is allowed.
  3. The processing must be of high quality: smooth cuts, a polished surface. These indicators affect not only aesthetics: irregularities may not allow high-quality assembly, a rough surface threatens injury, albeit insignificant (splinters, scratches).

It is possible to make a reliable do-it-yourself rack of boards that meets the expected characteristics only if the above requirements are met.

As for chipboard, here, when assessing the material, you need to pay attention to the quality of the coating. For arranging items with a smooth bottom surface, lamination is suitable. For heavier, non-ideal surface elements, it is better to choose melamine. Veneer, including artificial, is best used for shelving that requires decorativeness.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the quality of the cut: chips and irregularities do not allow you to reliably process the butt. Consequently, there is a threat of penetration of vapors, moisture, which will inevitably lead to swelling of the material.

When planning a plywood rack, you need to consider:

  • sheet thickness, it must be at least 9-10 mm;
  • type of wood;
  • type of bonding (it is desirable to have layers with a perpendicular arrangement of fibers).

Helpful advice! The purchased wood material must be marked. Its absence may indicate the absence of a certificate for this product.

For wet rooms, it is better to mount shelving made of wood rather than wood-based materials. If you make a rack from the latter to the basement (with your own hands), even with a high-quality protective treatment, traces of swelling and delamination will quickly appear on it.

Original design options for kitchen shelving

A special room is the kitchen. This is a living area, a room with a certain interior. At the same time, the level of humidity in it is quite often increased.

There are special requirements for kitchen shelving:

  • use for the manufacture of only moisture-resistant materials;
  • high quality surfaces that allow the use of special detergents;
  • design design of the structure.

The do-it-yourself shelving options for the kitchen offered in the photo have a wide variety of designs:

  • racks-partitions dividing the kitchen room into zones;
  • console options that take up virtually and visually little space;
  • mobile products, on wheels;
  • racks of special design - island table.

For classic kitchens, a wooden shelf is a good option. But for modern rooms in high-tech styles, minimalism, you can make a metal rack with your own hands. It is better to use a corner (steel or aluminum) as a frame, and make the shelves from glass. You can buy material for the frame at any store that sells metal products.

If it is impossible to make a welded structure, the corner can be connected using bolts. Metal is a tough material, but without a protective coating it will corrode.

It is better to purchase tempered glass with a smooth surface, which will facilitate the cleaning process. It is very important to take a careful measurement. This is necessary in order for the glass blank to fit correctly into the metal frame. For massive shelving, it is recommended to use a steel corner - aluminum is more suitable for small structures.

If the glass does not fit into the metal frame, but is superimposed on it, it must be aesthetically pleasing and securely fixed (glue can be used) and the cut points must be properly sanded.

Economy option: tool rack made from old water pipes

A certain set of tools is available in almost every home. Quite often, men strive to equip at least a small workshop, where they will be able to perform at least simple repair work. The rack in this case will be the best storage place. Significant funds are usually not allocated for the arrangement of such a room, so the use of used materials will be the best solution.

In the workshop, you can make a metal rack with your own hands. It is recommended to use old water pipes as a base (frame).

Required tools:

  • a hacksaw for metal or a jigsaw with a saw for metal;
  • threading dies or pipe die;
  • construction hair dryer.

Related article:

How to choose options based on the shape and size of the room. Features of the arrangement of furnishings. Wardrobe as the main element of the interior.

The manufacturing sequence can be as follows:

  1. Make a drawing of the future design.
  2. Clean the pipes from traces of paint with a construction hair dryer, remove traces of corrosion (if any), apply a new coating to the pipes.
  3. Cut the pipes into the required lengths.
  4. Using dies or pipe die, cut threads in the right places.
  5. Using fittings, starting from the bottom up, connect the rack structure.
  6. Cut out the shelves from the available material (you can take fragments of used furniture), attach them to the frames using metal screws.

This model of a pipe rack with your own hands can be made more interesting if the shelves are not attached to the pipes, but put on (strung) on ​​vertical supports, having previously made holes in them (in the shelves).

Helpful advice! It is better to place the shelves of a rack for storing tools at different distances. The lower step will be the highest, then - in descending order. If the reduction is of a constant size (for example, 15 cm), this will add aesthetics to the product.

Shelving design: photo ideas for a modern interior

The main function of the shelving is to store items for various purposes. When installed in living rooms, an important requirement is imposed on this type of furniture - compliance with the design style. Sometimes the rack is made precisely with the aim of making the interior brighter.

An excellent element of the design of the hallway can be. The rack model is most suitable for these purposes:

  • traces of moisture dry easily on shoes stored in such conditions;
  • shoes, even when dried, do not tolerate a closed space;
  • it's always easy to find the right pair.

A do-it-yourself shoe rack can be made from pallets, timber and slats, from boards, wood-based panels, from metal products. For a small hallway, it is appropriate to use a compact console model - to lay and fix the shelves on metal or wooden bases protruding from the wall. If your own imagination does not suggest any options, you can find and carefully study the photos on the Internet, where you will like some ideas.

Photo projects on which types of racks for toys are presented will also help to decorate the children's room. There are no restrictions for creative expression and creativity. A do-it-yourself toy rack can be made of wood, chipboard, plywood. Metal is used only as a fastening material. These can be slide racks, houses, various vertical and horizontal structures, made in bright and pleasant shades. When making a toy rack, the following points must be taken into account:

  • the structure is stable (better attached to the wall);
  • it has no sharp protruding corners;
  • all shelves must be accessible to the child.

The do-it-yourself flower rack designs suggested in the photo are impressive with a variety of ideas. They combine decorativeness and specific functionality. Different depths of the shelves allow all plants to receive the same amount of natural light, backlights decorate and make up for its deficit in the dark.

DIY wooden shelving for zoning space

Today, many give their sympathy for housing with a small number of partitions, where kitchens and living rooms, offices and bedrooms are combined. It is possible to carry out zoning of such premises with the help of racks. This is greatly facilitated by the openness of these structures.

One of the options can be a do-it-yourself wooden rack. The drawing for this design is especially important, since it is necessary not only to calculate the dimensions and outline the location of the main parts, but also to take into account the places of fasteners. Lack of thought in this case can negatively affect the aesthetics.

The design assumes a double-sided rack: one part in relation to the other is in a mirror image. Two more vertical posts are attached to the two main vertical posts from different sides. The material and workpieces of the latter may be identical to the main one, or may differ from them (it all depends on the desire), but the additional racks must necessarily be the same.

Then you need to fix the shelves. You get two racks with one vertical base. The shelves can be positioned at the same level, or they can be shifted on one side, without fail subordinating to a certain pattern. The difference in the shades of the sides of the rack will help to highlight the areas brighter.

Helpful advice! The depth of the shelves of this type of furniture should not exceed 300 mm, since the structure will look massive, heavy and attract undue attention.

This option can also be used for household premises. For example, having made such a rack with your own hands in the pantry, it will be advisable to use one side for pickles and jams, and the other for storing boxes with different contents. The ability to approach from both sides will make the use more comfortable.

How to make a do-it-yourself rack for large round items

When making a rack for large items, it is very important to correctly calculate the load carrying capacity and dimensions of the structure. If the struts and cross members begin to buckle or crack over time, the unit will need to be removed to ensure safety. Therefore, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to choose a durable material and calculate the dimensions, taking into account a quarter of the circumference of the objects intended for placement.

A great option for storing tires and other rounded things can be made from pipes. The design is extremely simple: four main vertical posts and several crossbars (depending on the planned number of tiers). The shelves for such types of products are conditional - these are two (or four, depending on the diameter of the items being placed) pipes that make up the horizontal frame.

Considering that there are not so many tires for a private car (6–8 will probably be stored on pipe racks), the lower tier is enough for them, on the rest you can put discs, free round containers, various bays, etc.

Making a rack for wheels with your own hands does not require much time and money, but it will allow you to free up a significant amount of space by arranging large-sized items, the storage of which is complicated not only by their size, but also by the features of the shape. Their storage without a specially equipped place is extremely difficult.

Do-it-yourself universal collapsible shelving

Any assembled rack can be considered collapsible, since when you perform the steps in the reverse order, the structure will turn into a set of blanks. It is convenient to have a rack on the farm that can be assembled and disassembled without additional tools. It is better if it is small in size so that it is easy to store and transport it disassembled.

Such a model is often used when performing short-term or seasonal work, for the temporary, orderly storage of certain items. During the period of seasonal procurement, a collapsible design of a rack in a cellar with your own hands can become quite in demand. It is convenient to use plastic pipes as a material for manufacturing. They have a low price, are easily mounted with a soldering iron, are lightweight, and are not subject to corrosion. If you don't have your own soldering iron, you can rent it for a very small fee.

Materials and tools required for the manufacture of a collapsible shelving structure:

  • plastic pipes;
  • fittings for plastic pipes: corners, tees, crosses;
  • pipe cutting knife;
  • soldering iron.

The frame of the shelves is made using corners. Cross pipes are laid and brazed using tees. Instead of tees, crosses are inserted at the corners of the shelves. They serve a double function: they fix the pipe inserts that make up the shelf and are part of the prefabricated vertical support. Two crosses between the shelves are connected by means of pipes of a smaller diameter, which makes them collapsible. The sections of the lower pipes can be closed with plugs.

Do-it-yourself racks for a garage made of metal for open spaces, pavilions, made of plastic, are applicable, since they are resistant to the effects of precipitation.

Helpful advice! Plastic pipes, having a high level of strength, are to a certain extent exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Shelves made of this material should not be left in the open sun for a long time.

DIY garage racks: location options, sizes

A room that practically cannot do without a rack is a garage. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on garage shelving structures separately. The proposed photos of shelves in the garage with their own hands demonstrate various models: wooden, metal, collapsible, stationary and even with pull-out shelves for storing metal sheets. Upon close examination of the photo, it is quite possible to understand the manufacturing technology.

The question of how to make a rack in a garage with your own hands correctly is no less relevant. A few tips will help you avoid mistakes when designing a structure:

  1. If the dimensions of the garage space allow, it is better to make the rack in the entire wall. This will provide a lot of storage space and make the use of the garage more comfortable: objects will not lie under your feet.
  2. The garage is most often an unheated room, so the material will be exposed to temperature extremes. If you plan to make a rack in the garage with your own hands from wood, it is better not to save on its quality and processing means.
  3. It is advisable to make the distance between the shelves different, since in this case the space of the structure is more efficiently spent.
  4. It is better if the top shelf can be reached without additional devices (ladders, ladders, bedside tables, etc.). The available rack height contributes to a comfortable and safe use.
  5. The free area in front of the rack must be at least 1 meter. Otherwise, it will be difficult to pick up and put bulky items.
  6. If the area of ​​the rack is poorly lit, it is worth making a backlight. A convenient and inexpensive option is an LED strip.
  7. It is recommended to place items on the rack in the following sequence: on the lower shelves - overall, on the middle ones - often used, on the upper ones - rarely used.

Compliance with style: do-it-yourself loft shelving

If the room is decorated in a loft style, a rack with shelves can be a good design addition. This design will not require any special materials, the main thing is the shape and size of the elements. Looking through the photos showing the racks made in this style, you will notice that no multi-level or staggered arrangement of shelves is unusual for them.

To make the structure look more massive, a rectangular frame usually consists of several blocks. Metal or wood is used as a material. An interesting option is a rack made of metal pipes connected by corners. The lower parts of the pipes, which are legs, are fixed to the floor with flanges. The design is complemented by a ladder that is hung on the upper shelf with curved upper ends.

A loft-style rack can be made from a steel corner with a size of at least 50x50 mm. It is advisable to make the frames for the shelves from a smaller corner. When making such a shelving structure made of wood, the timber for the frame should also be chosen with a large section, and for shelves - less by 15–20 mm. A massive base is typical for this style of furniture.

It is possible to assemble metal racks from a corner either by welding or using bolted connections. Protruding fasteners will only enhance the styling.

Fast and inexpensive: do-it-yourself profile rack

For the manufacture of shelving frames, a metal profile is often used. This material has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • high level of strength provided by stiffening ribs;
  • resistance to temperature extremes, corrosion;
  • ease of processing (does not require special tools, enough metal scissors or a hacksaw);
  • affordable price.

To make a rack from a profile with your own hands, you need to calculate the total length of all parts of the rack, purchase the required amount of material and self-tapping screws for the connection. A structure of any complexity can be made from a profile. The following materials are suitable for the manufacture of shelves:

  • plastic,
  • wood;
  • wood materials;
  • sheet metal;
  • gypsum.

The option should be chosen in accordance with the operating conditions of the rack. Any of the above shelves can be easily attached to the frame from the profile. This material is most suitable for creating modular structures. A few tips on how to make a profile rack strong and stable:

  • for shelves more than 0.9 meters wide, use a double profile;
  • if the structure exceeds 1.8 meters, it should be fixed to the wall;
  • do not use a profile with a metal thickness of less than 0.6 mm.

Helpful advice! If the rack is planned to be operated in rooms with high humidity levels, you should purchase a galvanized profile.

DIY book rack: library and interior options

According to their purpose, book racks are of two types:

  • to maintain a home library;
  • for storing a small amount of books and creating an interior.

For the first option, it is advisable to construct along the wall from bottom to top. The most affordable option is from coated chipboard. Side posts are cut from the slab along its maximum length (usually 2.7 m), transverse posts should not exceed 100 mm. The shelves are attached to the side supports by means of metal furniture corners installed from below. If the rack seems to be unstable (this is possible when the depth of the shelves is less than 400 mm), it is better to fix it to the wall.

A reliable design for a large number of books can serve as a do-it-yourself rack made of timber. At high heights (above 2 m), the cross-section of the vertical supports must be at least 70x70 mm. As a material for the frame of the shelves, you can use a bar with a section of 40x40 mm.

For the manufacture of shelving, taking into account the style features of the interior, the Internet offers interesting ideas. For example, it can be a chipboard rack with two flat vertical supports (300 mm wide) in one plane and one vertical perpendicular of the same dimensions located between them. It is to it on different sides that the shelves are attached. The other two perform a decorative function and prevent the shelves from sagging - at the points of contact, the shelves and supports are connected.

An original do-it-yourself bookcase can be made as follows:

  1. A rectangular box is being executed.
  2. Then, by internal partitions (vertically - in one piece, horizontally - in fragments), it is divided into 6-8 identical squares.
  3. In turn, each square is divided by vertical or horizontal partitions (of the same type in one sector), creating many small shelves.

The proposed model can be made from both wood and wood-based materials.

For small rooms, for example, bedrooms, where a small number of books are stored, cantilever options made of wood are suitable - shelves no more than 600 mm wide, attached in the center to a beam protruding from the wall.

Rational use of space: do-it-yourself corner shelving

In small rooms, it is advisable to place a corner rack. Structural modeling must be approached with a certain level of knowledge:

  • take into account the correspondence of the proportions of the rack to the dimensions of the room as a whole. A too large structure will visually take up a lot of space;
  • when drawing up the drawing of the rack, try to make the corner zone as accessible as possible, it should not be blocked by the racks.

You can make a small corner shelving unit with rounded shelves to add to the main furniture. Shelves of this shape are convenient for the bathroom, hallway. Using metal and glass, it is possible to organize a lightweight and aesthetic design. If you take a square shelf as a basis, you will be able to make a rack on wheels that can be easily moved and returned to its place, in the corner of the room.

The corner structure can be used when making do-it-yourself tool racks. A tree or metal profile is suitable as a material for the frame. A fairly common option is a rack along three walls with two corner fragments. The design is spacious, but it should be noted that for comfortable use, the distance between opposite sides should not be less than 100 mm.

Helpful advice! The depth of the shelves in the corner rack must not exceed 500 mm. Otherwise, getting objects from distant corners will be problematic.

DIY Combined Jar Rack

The basement is a place where only the owners are. In this regard, there is a tendency to equip it with second-rate or second-hand materials. When making a basement rack, this approach is unacceptable. Even with properly arranged ventilation, it is impossible to provide full ventilation. Increased moisture levels are unavoidable and even desirable for storing fresh vegetables such as beets and carrots.

These conditions must be taken into account when choosing a material. Dense wood (oak, ash) is expensive, more often affordable pine is used. Even with good processing, this material will rot over time.

It is better to make a rack from a corner in the basement with your own hands. To create a frame, dimensions of 45x45x4 mm or more are suitable. You can fasten the corner with bolts, such connections are easier to view for integrity.

It is better to use boards as shelves; it is more pleasant and safer to put glass jars on them. The metal frames for the shelves should be turned upwards so that the boards can be laid perpendicularly. The thickness of the boards should be 30 mm with a corner size of 45x45x4 mm.

The formed side will prevent the cans from sliding off. It is not recommended to fix the boards. This will allow, if necessary, to easily replace individual of them; in the summer, you can freely lift them into the open air for drying and processing.

In a similar way, a rack for seedlings is made by hand. For its better development, greenhouse conditions are necessary, and this is warm humid air and constant watering. The combined structure, made of a metal corner and a board, will be comfortable and will last a long time.

Exclusive interior furniture: DIY bookcase

Whatnot is the same rack, only smaller (length is important), where shelves can only be fixed on racks. This is a free-standing, non-fixed structure. Particular attention is paid to its decorative design. That is why it is better to make a bookcase yourself from wood. An affordable option is decorative pine shelving. This material is inexpensive and easy to process.

If there is no tool for the manufacture of decorative elements (carving, turned parts), you can make a base and order the parts. As an artistic treatment, it is recommended to use toning, applying compounds that "age" the tree. The bookcase can be painted white, black or any other color to match the style of the room.

Having made a rack of wood with your own hands, having decorated it in an interesting way, you can get a wonderful piece of furniture - a bookcase for souvenirs, photographs, books and other items that you want to keep in plain sight.

The advantages of making furniture with your own hands, in particular shelving, are as follows:

  1. This is an opportunity to fulfill all requirements, wishes, to realize your own dreams and creative ideas.
  2. Individuality, originality of the design. Even taking an idea from the Internet, each creator will bring his own special features to it.
  3. Moral satisfaction.
  4. Cost savings. Most likely, this is not even savings, but an opportunity to obtain a high-quality, reliable product at low cost.

The main condition is the presence of desire, in which case you can safely get down to business. The information presented in the article will help you quickly and efficiently create the necessary rack model.

When there are so many things that there is nowhere to put them, the task of creating additional storage space arises, and the rack is perfect for this.

  • it is easy to make, it will be inexpensive;
  • you can use any materials;
  • you can think over the design so that it does not take up much space;
  • its height will allow the use of space up to the ceiling.

Shelving is suitable for any interior and can fit anywhere in the house. The design itself implies a significant degree of freedom in the choice of material and shapes - it can be made to suit any interior, from the corridor to the living room.

Shelves made of natural eco-friendly material can be used in the nursery, in the kitchen. With the help of a rack, you can quickly put things in order in any cluttered room.

The shelving unit can also be used in the kitchen to free the kitchen counter from unnecessary items.

The design of the rack is extremely simple - it is a frame on which shelves are fixed at different heights. For added stability, it is attached to the wall.

For the rational use of space, hanging racks are suitable - the upper part of the wall is often left unoccupied, it can be used to store things.

Despite the huge volume they hold, they do not clutter up the space, maintaining a sense of air and spaciousness, especially for shelves without back walls. For storing stocks, you can choose just this type of shelving. They can be arranged so that the approach is from either side. They are also suitable for a garage or storage room.

Elegant creations made of wood and chipboard with partitions, drawers and lower closed shelves will be an excellent addition to the interior of a living room, bedroom, or your own office.

The rack can be used for zoning the room, while it will help maintain order. The absence of a back wall will make the separation of the zones weightless.

The rack can be put on furniture wheels, and, if desired, can be moved, changing the space, or used as a static partition.

Most often, racks are used to store books, and such a rack can stand anywhere, even take up non-functional space in the corridor.

Despite the many advantages of solid bookcases, shelving is very popular, and the low cost only reinforces their advantage.

Small shelving fits perfectly into the hallway, regardless of its size. Umbrellas, shoes, gloves and keys get their permanent place, and are in plain sight and at hand.

A rack installed in the kitchen significantly saves space, because you can place hanging, hinged products, placing utensils on them according to the frequency of use.

In the living room, a beautifully crafted shelving unit can replace a bulky wall; it can accommodate everything from a TV set to books and little things.

If you make several shelves with doors, then it will be possible to arrange bottles of wine, glasses, dishes for receiving guests.

Development of a model for self-production

To begin with, the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe shelving must be depicted in the drawing. To do this, the space that is allocated for it must be measured and plotted on graph paper to scale. Then the shelves are drawn, with reference to the real size and taking into account what will be stored on the rack.

If heavy things will be placed on it, for example, spare parts or tools, you should not make the shelves too long so that they do not sag over time. Their length should not exceed 1 meter, while they can be additionally reinforced with a metal profile.

If the rack is installed from wall to wall, then you need to decide which structure to choose:

  • a static version from wall to wall is possible, with the fixing of the shelves directly on the walls. This solution has several drawbacks, and the gain is small in space;
  • it is better to make a stand-alone structure, then, if necessary, it can be moved. In this case, the drawing leaves a margin of at least 15 cm to the wall, maybe even a little more so that it can be put and, if necessary, moved.

Even if there will be light-weight items on the shelves, they should not be made longer than 1.5 m, otherwise they will begin to sag.

The shelves themselves should not be too deep so that all things can be easily reached. In general, the presence of several rows on the shelves very quickly starts to tire, especially when you have to display everything in order to find what you need. Therefore, the depth of the shelves should not exceed half a meter.

The height of the shelves is also worth considering separately. It can range from 30-40 cm to 50-60 cm. This value depends on the size of things, you need to immediately plan what and where it will stand. The shelf height should be at least 7-10 cm above the tallest item that will be placed on the shelf, then it will be convenient to get it.

The simplest shelving unit is suitable for a garage or a pantry, if the product will stand in rooms, you should consider a more elegant design solution - finishing, configuration, and the presence of decorative details.

All calculations should be schematically reflected on a scale grid with respect to proportions. Then just measure the dimensions of the components, make an approximate layout of the material and get to work.

Below is an assembly diagram of the simplest rack, the main parts of which are support frames and shelves.

Material selection

The most affordable material is wood, it is inexpensive, it can be easily bought. In addition, processing it requires minimal skills - if the rack is the first product, then making it out of wood guarantees success even in the presence of errors.

For a simple model, you need to choose a 5X5 planed beam and boards for the shelves. Shelves can also be made of sheet material: chipboard, plywood.

Metal works well as well, but working with metal requires some skill, such as drilling a hole in metal. Metal products have increased strength, durability, and are well suited for high-tech interiors. It is possible to combine a reinforced frame with wooden shelves, which will be carefully processed - this product can be executed elegantly.

Instrument preparation

To complete the work, you will need the following tools:

  • construction pencil (regular pencil is also suitable, with a soft lead);
  • tape measure (preferably with millimeters, or at least with half-centimeter marks);
  • jigsaw;
  • drill (drills with a diameter slightly less than the diameter of the self-tapping screws and a drill with a diameter slightly larger than the head of the self-tapping screw);
  • grinder with attachments or rings with different grains;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • a set of skins with different grains.

You also need to buy brackets for securing shelves or metal corners.

For wood processing, you need to buy special fluids, for example, with fire-retardant properties, stains of the desired shade, varnishes. Varnishes can be purchased immediately with the desired shade, there are also colored ones: green, blue, etc.

Preparation of parts

First, in accordance with the drawing, mark the main details of the product on the material, measure everything carefully to a millimeter.

After they are cut, they should be processed:

Grind with a grinder, changing the attachments from coarse and medium to fine. When buying material, it is better to choose planed boards, then the finishing work will take less time. When sanding, you should pay attention to the sides and especially to the cuts - you need to make them smooth.

Soak the prepared parts with an antiseptic or stain, dry well.

Rack assembly

Rack assembly steps look something like this:

Then the parts are aligned on the floor and fastened with self-tapping screws.

  • The boards must be cut to the expected length of the shelves. You can screw each one separately, you can first assemble the shelves on the transverse beams (1-2), then install the already assembled shelves;
  • Installed longitudinal bars will increase the reliability of the shelves and fasten the rack frames to each other;
  • If the material is sheet, the task is simplified - they are cut out entirely;
  • After assembly, the product should be sanded and processed again, covered with paint.

Shelving options

The easiest way to get a new piece of furniture is to buy a prefab kit.

The advantages of such a solution to the problem are obvious:

All parts are already professionally processed, metal parts are made of stainless steel, galvanized or coated with anti-corrosion agents, wooden parts are also fully prepared for assembly.

Most models provide variability in the heights of the shelves - they can be rearranged without any additional steps.

  • Metal racks are especially durable, the plasticity of the material will allow you to make a whole system around the perimeter of the room and store items of any weight on it, from the wheels from the car to stocks and conservation;
  • Traditional material - wood - will never lose its relevance. Eco-friendly, durable, easy to process, allows you to embody any idea. Depending on the design, it has some restrictions on the weight of things, is less durable than iron.

A self-made shelving unit will not only save a substantial amount, but also transform the space of the house. One has only to try once to put your own piece of furniture and load it with things, you will be tempted to do something else.

Even if the hands are not very skillful, they will be able to make a shelving unit after watching this video. When viewing, you should pay special attention to the processing of parts and how they are connected.