How to make a wall between the steam room and the sink. We make wooden partitions in the bath with our own hands

In a private household, a bathhouse is a place where water procedures and treatment sessions are carried out; this room can even be used for household needs. It can be installed, for example, washing machine which frees up space in the house. Yes, and just a room for relaxation is better to separate from the steam room. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to make a partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink with your own hands. This can be done in several ways.

From wooden beams and boards

In the case when the bath is built from natural wood or materials based on it, in order not to violate the general concept of the building, it is better to make wooden partitions. For these purposes, you can use wooden beam and boards, 4–5 cm thick. The cross section of the beam should be chosen from 5 × 5 cm, so that the partition is not just a screen, but also has its own functional application. On such a partition, you can attach a shelf and equip hooks for placing basins and brooms. The process of making such a partition with your own hands is as follows:

  • First you need to make markup. On the walls and ceiling, with the help of a plumb line and a chopping cord, vertical lines are marked, indicating the middle of the thickness of the partition.
  • After that, you need to mount the partition frame from the timber. fasten individual elements the frame to the walls and to each other is best with the help of wooden spikes, drilling holes for them with a drill with a drill of the appropriate diameter. If, for some reason, such a connection cannot be made, then you can use simple wood screws or special nails without hats. It is worth remembering that the distance between adjacent frame bars is recommended to be maintained at about 70–80 cm.
  • When the frame is ready, it can be sheathed with boards, nailing them with the same nails without caps. You can also use wooden lining for these purposes.
  • Thus, the frame is sheathed on both sides, and the result is an internal partition good quality and sufficient strength. It should be noted that in order to achieve better thermal insulation rooms, the space between the skins can be filled with mineral wool. So in the steam room it will remain warm longer, and in the dressing room it will be relatively cool.

Note! Firstly, the frame bars must be treated with special antiseptic solutions, and secondly, for finishing For such a partition, it is best to use boards and lining made of hardwood, such as linden or aspen. Conifers contain resins, which is not very good, because when heated, they can cause burns.

The above method of constructing a partition is more appropriate in wooden bath, if such work should be carried out in a brick bath, then the partition is best made of bricks. The manufacturing process is best done in stages:

  • First you need to make markup. In this case, it is necessary to designate the boundaries of the future wall.
  • When the markup is ready, you can proceed to the main work. First you need to prepare the necessary materials, in this case a brick, and also prepare a solution. To do this, in a ratio of 1/3, you need to mix cement of a grade not lower than M-500 and sifted sand, diluting the mixture with water until a uniform consistency is obtained.
  • Along a pre-marked line on the floor, it is necessary to apply a layer of mortar with a trowel, the width corresponding to the width of the masonry brick. After that, the first row of the partition is laid.
  • After laying the first row of masonry, it is covered from above with a new layer of mortar, on which the second row is laid.
  • In the same way, it is necessary to lay all the other rows of the wall. In order to lay a brick over a doorway, during the construction process, a strip of metal is laid over the opening, equal in size to the width of the wall and at least 1 cm thick. The first row of bricks above the opening is laid using this strip as a support.

Note! After carrying out the work, the solution must be allowed to dry well, which will take up to a week. The result will be a fairly strong wall.

It is good if all the walls are immediately erected during the installation of the box. But more often the room is divided after the roof is covered and windows and doors are inserted. The partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink performs a very important function, so the approach to its manufacture must be very thorough.

Material selection

The partition can be made from almost any building material, which is able to withstand high temperatures without releasing harmful substances. It could be:

  • Frame structure made of wood. This option is perfect for a bath, assembled in the same way, and for a brick building. It builds quickly enough and is the easiest to insulate.
  • From a log house. It is better to plan and install a partition of this kind during construction. This is important because it is necessary to carry out dressing with the entire structure. After that, it is almost impossible to do this.
  • From foam block and aerated concrete can be mounted in brick buildings, as well as wooden, when the foundation for the partition was planned in advance.
  • From brick. For these purposes, it is better to use red brick, which is refractory and retains heat well.
  • From glass. To do this, you will have to order a design for specific dimensions from a temperature-resistant material. This is the most effective option.

This type of partition is one of the best. Does not require additional care. There is also no need to perform insulation, because. Wood itself is an excellent insulator.

Note! For the paw joint, the procedure will be similar, except for the binding itself. Usually blanks for this method of connection - blockheads - are made at the initial stage for all logs. Next, a trapezoid-shaped tip is made on the log and a sample is made of the same shape on the beam that will be laid perpendicularly.


This option will require edged board. Its size should be equal to the width of the future partition. It can be 200x100mm, 200x150mm, 150x100mm, 100x50mm. The thicker the partition, the better the heat will be retained. In order to calculate how much total material is needed, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the partition. Next, add as many more supports as you need, if they have to be placed in increments of 60 cm.

Note! When choosing this method, you also get excellent sound insulation. This is achieved due to the dense laying of insulation inside the wall.


Note! As we have already said, under such a partition you need to make a foundation in advance.

Better to stock up in advance required material. Masonry can be done in half a brick. This will save money and also reduce total weight the whole structure. It is desirable that the sand that will be used to prepare the solution is dry. This will help to correctly calculate the ratio and will contribute to a good setting.

Note! To prevent the wall above the doorway from collapsing, it is important to lay several reinforcement bars. It is desirable that its diameter be from 12 mm. Its length should be at least 20 cm longer than the width of the opening. It is necessary to immure it in a seam.

Foam block, aerated concrete

A partition of this material is built according to the brick principle, but there are some nuances.

  • When buying, choose a material whose sides are as even as possible, so you make the whole process easier for yourself.
  • For the solution, it is better to use a special glue, which is more plastic and dries faster. If you want to cook it yourself, then the proportions will be 4: 1, in addition to sand and cement, you will also need a plasticizer and a foam additive (they need 50 grams per batch).
  • The first row is tried on without glue. If one of the blocks needs to be cut, then it is better to cut the two extreme ones to the same size in order to get a good dressing.
  • In the same way as in the previous case, ligation with load-bearing walls is carried out using reinforcement or metal plates.
  • After two rows, a metal mesh is laid into the seam.
  • The doorway and the partition above it are planned in the same way as in the previous version.
  • Finishing is done with facing material or putty.

Note! Be sure to provide ventilation in all rooms. This will help prevent the growth of fungus and mold. For this you can put supply valves that will overlap. Anemostats can also be mounted in the ceiling and draw conclusions from them through the ceiling to the roof.

Now you know how to make a partition in the bath. There are no barriers to trying to build it yourself.


The principle of partitioning in wooden buildings is shown below:

A standard log house of a bath (five-walled) consists of two rooms: a steam room and a washing room. It has 4 load-bearing walls and one partition. There are more voluminous buildings, it all depends on the financial capabilities and requirements of the owner. But in any case, initially installed frame baths can be partitioned off at your discretion, increasing or decreasing the area.

The only question is what material and how to make partitions?

This is how the frame of the wooden partition between the washing department and the steam room looks like.

Partition in a brick bath

The easiest option is to install a frame partition inside a brick bath. Consider the option of distinguishing between the washing department and the steam room. First, a frame made of dried and treated wood is assembled in place. Fits inside thermal insulation layer penoplex or mineral wool. It is better to protect it additionally from moisture. plastic wrap or a foil membrane used specifically for this purpose.

After the partition is finished according to the inner wall cladding. From the side of the steam room, this is a lining corresponding to overall design, and the washing compartment is also finished accordingly. If the wall is to be plastered, a layer is first filled unedged board, then a reinforcing mesh is fixed along it, after which the corresponding work is carried out.

The lining for finishing the steam room must comply with the overall design. Material dried and better from one batch. Mount it on kleimers or small nails in hidden places. In the washing department, the plaster is applied in several layers, after the latter has dried, it will be possible to lay tiles.

This is a variant of the partition, if the redevelopment was outlined after the construction of the bath. You can do it in another way, and even at the time of designing the bath, distinguish interior spaces, having thought over the layouts of all rooms. According to the type of foundation chosen, in addition to pouring it under the load-bearing walls, it is also laid in the places where the partitions pass. After the construction of the bath, they can be made of bricks without bothering to assemble the frame and insulate it. But this option is more expensive, so for small baths from brick, you can make prefabricated partitions.

Brick partition separating the stove from the dressing room.

Advantages of internal frame walls

This option of partitions has its supporters and haters. Someone says that it is like clothes for cabbage. On the one hand, it is. But on the other hand, relatively quickly and inexpensively, you get a warm and reliable partition. After all, pouring the foundation is more expensive. And what to do if you suddenly decide to re-plan the location of the internal walls? Break the foundation?

It's the only one possible variant for a partition of technical rooms in a bath, such as a toilet or a rest room. Frame structures you can separate the dressing room from the rest room or make a separate room for installation mounting block, from which the electrical wiring will lead to the bath. We can safely note the relevance and demand for frame partitions, in any type of baths.

Waterproofing of frame partitions with membrane film. It is laid on both sides.

Partition of timber or logs

In this way, bath spaces are delimited only in structures made of the appropriate material, and their location is worked out even at the stage of building a bath. They lay it together with the crowns of the bearing walls, making a dressing. Under the internal partitions of a bath from a bar, a foundation is definitely needed. They don't last long on weight.

The use of partitions of this type is in demand in several cases: firstly, in a large bath, it is necessary, not only to divide the room, but also as an additional support for ceilings. It's kind of another bearing wall. Secondly, the method of assembling a “five-wall” log house will allow you to connect the structure with an internal partition. And thirdly, to create a common interior. Agree in a bath from a bar, it will look ridiculous Brick wall?

Brick partition separating the oven from the washing compartment with a tank for hot water.

When is the best time to use a brick?

Brick partitions are applicable in any baths lined with similar material. The width is chosen at the discretion, but given that this is a non-residential premises and sound insulation is not particularly needed, masonry in one stone is enough. More attention is paid to the quality of the masonry mixture. It must correspond to indicators resistant to moisture. Partition wall connection bearing wall produced by reinforcement. Every 4–5 rows, reinforcement is driven in and then masonry is carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Often brick partitions are also used in wooden baths. This is acceptable when the stove is heated from the waiting room, and it is necessary to overlay it with stone in order to create maximum conditions. fire safety without compromising the temperature. In order not to interfere with the overall decor, the partition is placed from decorative stone, and in some cases it is combined with a heater stove. Thus, the wall will also heat the dressing room.

Very often they also practice a partial partition of the furnace with a brick. By the way, work on the installation of partitions is carried out only after the complete shrinkage of the bath, regardless of what material it is made of.

Since the steam room and the sink perform completely different missions, how to make partitions in should be given Special attention.

First of all, you need to decide on the material from which the intermediate wall will be built, whether it be wood, brick or foam block.

The choice of material for the partition depends on the style in which the entire bath room is made and what type of heating is used in it.

If the main material that was used in the construction of the bath is wood, then a partition should also be built from it.

To perform this work, you will need bars that are up to five centimeters thick, with a section of at least 5x5 centimeters.

This will provide good insulation of moisture and heat, and not just a screen that closes visibility to the next.

To make a wooden partition with your own hands, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • First of all, you need to take measurements and mark on the surface of the walls and ceiling, using straight lines, where the middle of the partition is located.
  • Then the main frame is made from the bars. Unite wooden planks in the design, and attach them to the walls, it is better with the help of spikes and a drill. If this is not possible, fit and ordinary self-tapping screws for wood or nails that do not have caps. Between the bars you need to leave about eighty centimeters of free space.
  • Wooden boards are attached to the frame. For this, the same ones are used as for the manufacture of the frame - self-tapping screws or nails without hats (another option is wooden lining).
  • Sheathing with boards should be done on both sides of the frame. To ensure better insulation of heat and moisture, you can fill the empty space of the partition with mineral wool. Thanks to her, the dressing room will be a cool room, and the steam room will retain valuable heat.

To build a partition in the bath, it is better to use from deciduous trees such as aspen or linden. They need to be processed before use. by special means antiseptic action.

The most important thing in the construction of a wooden partition is to properly assemble the frame. The stability and functionality of the entire structure depends on how even and proportional the frame frame is.

To make the partition more stable and durable, at the very beginning of its construction, you can make a small concrete threshold, reaching no more than fifteen centimeters in height and twelve in width. If you make a solid frame and securely beat it with boards, you can attach hangers to the partition and place towels, bathrobes and others on them.

brick partition

If you wish to make a brick partition, you can use the masonry of the whole material or the spoon method of placing blocks (0.5 bricks).

So that the wall is not too heavy, you can use hollow bricks.

However, it must be resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

Therefore, in the construction of a bathhouse and partitions in it, it is better to use red bricks, rather than silicate ones.

How to make partitions in the bath is explained in the following step-by-step instructions:

  • First, if the floor is covered with boards, they must be removed to reach the foundation. The entire surface on which the work will be carried out must be cleaned of excess things and swept with a damp broom.
  • The room is being prepared for work - good lighting is supplied, working tools are being prepared.
  • The contours of the partitions are being outlined.
  • The solution is mixed. To do this, you need to use a sieve, grinder, shovel and container for kneading. The mixing ratio is 3:1 (for example, three buckets of sand and one bucket). Water should be added until the mixture reaches a creamy consistency. To avoid premature hardening of the solution, it should be stirred regularly, but no more water should be added.
  • A partition is erected with the help of a level, a pickaxe, a trowel, a plumb line and a rule. To make the wall smooth, you should stretch the twine. First, two layers of mortar are applied to the floor, and then you can start laying out the brick. You need to start work from . In order for the structure to be more durable and firmly connected to the main walls, metal strips or reinforcement bars should be used during masonry.
  • The second row should start with a half brick. And the third - from the whole, and so alternate them constantly.

In the case when a brick wall plays an integral role in maintaining the interior of the room, it should be laid out carefully, always removing excess mortar in time to prevent it from drying out. But when the wall decoration will completely cover the brick base, then you can not worry too much about appearance seams between rows and individual blocks.

When it is planned to apply a layer of plaster on a brick partition, even a used one can be used for construction, which will save a lot of money.

If doors are provided in the partition, their frame should be installed before bricklaying begins.

Partition from foam block

One of the generally accepted options for making partitions in the bath between the steam room and the sink is to lay it out of the foam block.

Advantages of using foam blocks:

  • They are much lighter than bricks.
  • Foam blocks are made in large sizes, due to which the laying of walls with their use progresses very quickly.
  • This material has a fairly low cost.

In order for the construction of a foam block partition to be successful, it is advisable to take into account a few more valuable tips:

  • When purchasing foam blocks, you should pay special attention to their surface. If it is even and smooth, the finish will be faster and more efficient.
  • The calculation of block sizes depends entirely on the type of room in which they will be used. When constructing a partition in the bath, it is better to use light and less wide blocks. In this case, the density of this material does not matter.
  • Blocks that are obtained by cutting are considered to be of better quality. This manufacturing technology is now more developed and progressive.
  • To make the masonry more dense, before starting it, it is better to moisten the blocks with water.
  • In order for the partition to be strong and durable, it should not have continuous vertical seams. To do this, in each new row, blocks or bricks should be shifted.
  • At the top of the structure, between the last row of the foam block and, it is better to leave an opening with a width of up to ten centimeters. At the end of the work, it should be closed with mounting foam.

In many ways, the choice of material for the partition depends on the method of heating in the bath.

If this is a brick oven, then it must be supplemented with a wall of the same material.

If the bath is heated iron stove, then it fits perfectly wooden structure.

But in this case, it must be located at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the center of heating.

There are several ways to build a partition in the bath between the steam room and the sink, for example, make it massive and thick in order to save heat and reduce energy consumption. In other schemes, it is proposed, on the contrary, to make the wall thin in order to warm up the washing compartment, thereby increasing the level of comfort in the room.

How to make partitions in the bath

You can build a bath in several ways, depending on the size of the sauna, the method of heating the steam room and the location of the stove itself. modern baths they are built mainly in the same way as ordinary boxes of houses. It's simpler, the same design principles, the layout and placement of partitions in the building. Especially it concerns brick baths and saunas built into the living space of the house or attached to the building, but at the same time connected to a water heating system. In this case, the partition between the steam room and the washing room is built in the same way as the external walls.

What is the use of a properly assembled partition

Another thing is if the bath building was built in a country house or 20-30 meters from the main housing. In this case, the problem of equipping partitions in the bath is somewhat more complicated.

Therefore, in order to decide how to make partitions in the bathhouse with your own hands, it is worth counting all the options and choosing the right one, which will help you save firewood and, if possible, save the wooden building of the bathhouse:

  • If the dimensions of the sauna and bathhouse are small, then inside the steam room they often put a removable partition that separates the steam room from the tanks with a supply of water for washing and wardrobes with clothes. After the end of the bath procedures, the frame of the partition in the bath is removed with their own hands, and a small space of the steam room is used as a washing department. The heat of the stove is enough to wash in the warmth and dry the bath thoroughly;
  • The second method is used for classic wooden log baths measuring 3x5 m or more. In this embodiment, a frame or even a brick partition is most often used with a minimum amount of thermal insulation;
  • The third option involves a deaf thermal insulation of the partition, used in timber, log and brick baths with two stoves and a boiler for hot water.

The first option is used quite rarely, most often it is baths. small size, converted from wooden cabins. To raise the temperature in the steam room and reduce heat loss, the partition in the steam room is made by hand in the form of a curtain made of foamed polyethylene foil or a regular tarpaulin.

The last version of the wall with good insulating properties is considered the most reliable and simple to install. Therefore, an insulated partition in a brick bath is always built with your own hands, if according to the project the steam room is large, and there is no way to put a full-fledged stove - a “hurricane”. In this case, the joint part of the wall between the sink and the sauna should be built of brick with mandatory insulation surfaces on the sauna side.

Benefits of using a thin wall

Building a thin, well-conducting heat partition between the steam room and the sink is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The difficulty lies in the fact that, before making a wooden partition in the bath, you need to accurately calculate the thickness of the insulation. If you make it thin, you can cool the steam room. In the case of using thick, mineral-fibre-reinforced thermal insulation, the sink room may turn out to be damp and cold. Partitions in a bath from boards without thermal insulation are used mainly in country options steam rooms.

V winter time the small thickness of the wall provides high-quality and fast heating of the walls and floor of the washing compartment, especially in cases where the walls and floor of the shower room are lined tiles. In summer, too much heat comes from a thin partition, so you have to make special vents through which excess heat is removed.

Advice! If you don’t have the necessary experience and knowledge on how to make partitions in the bath with your own hands, choose the third option for wall cladding with enhanced thermal insulation.

It will turn out to be a very warm and economical steam room, and the walls of the washing compartment can be dried with a special ventilation system, when a hot air flow flows from the sauna through the cracks in the deck floor into the shower room. It turns out a little more difficult, but the steam room and washing department will dry out completely in any weather.

Bath partition options

Before proceeding to design work, two conditions must be met. First, you need to decide what to make partitions in the bath. Secondly, choose a scheme for arranging a separating inner wall, choose the dimensions and method of pairing the partition and the outer walls.

Traditionally, internal partitions in the bath are built in several ways:

Wooden partitions in the bath are considered to be more preferable for DIY construction, they are easier to install and cheaper. It is always possible to add, rebuild or replace an assembled wall without any significant damage to the steam room and washroom.

How to make a frame partition in the bath

The dividing wall between the steam room and the washroom can be made in two ways. Most affordable option- build frame partitions in the bath with your own hands with a compensating upper slot. A small gap is required to compensate for the loads that occur during heating and cooling of the bath room.

The second option is called a floating baffle. Its essence lies in the fact that the structure is installed between two rooms on the moving parts of the fasteners. As a result of an increase in humidity or temperature, the partition frame has the ability to move in the vertical direction without breaking the self-tapping screws and fixing dowels.

The choice of which partition to make in the bath depends on the material from which the bath box is built. The first method is used for buildings made of SIP panels, bricks, foam blocks, profiled timber. The second option is used for wooden buildings. If the bath is assembled from a bar, then before you make a floating partition in the bath yourself, it is better to check the shrinkage of the room. If the process of upsetting the crowns is completed, then you can choose a simpler stationary scheme for mounting the wall.

We build a floating partition

Main idea unusual design walls is to install a partition without a rigid connection to the walls, ceiling and floor. The installation of the pier begins already at the final stage of the construction of the bath, when it is flooded concrete screed gender.

First of all, two concrete thresholds are laid on the floor, they will also act as a barrier so that water does not leave the washing compartment.

Side strips are sewn along the contour of the grooves and the cut out draft, which will hold the structure, seal the gaps between the walls and the ceiling and at the same time serve as guides for the frame partition.

On the sides and in the lower part, the frame frame is attached to the wooden base of the nut and rails using metal corners with a groove cut out. Any expansion of the frame or its settlement will not lead to a break in the structure between the steam room and the washing department.

It remains to lay the vapor barrier, insulate the structure with mineral mats and sew up the surface with lime lining.

Assembly of a partition in a bath from a bar

Making a wall separating the steam room and the washing department is considered the most difficult to arrange with your own hands. Most of the work has to be done at the stage of building walls.

First of all, it will be necessary to provide a support jumper on the foundation. In the case of using a concrete shallow tape, it will be necessary to fill in the contour of the future steam room, for pile and columnar foundations additional jumpers from a bar or channel are used.

A threshold made of processed timber is laid on the lintel, which will serve as the basis for the entire wall. The same threshold will serve as a supporting lag beam for future wooden floors.

If the wall between the steam room and the sink is long enough, then it is assembled with a cut, as is done when laying out the crowns from a log or timber. This method is resorted to in a situation where the partitions in the bath, photo, are made without doorways or brick inserts with a stove.

In this case, the partition in the bath is built with a small gap between the upper crown and the ceiling, this is done for two reasons:

  • Compensate for the expansion of timber or log crowns under the influence of heat and moisture;
  • Ensure inflow warm air from the steam room to the washroom.

Assembled from timber common wall do not warm, tighten vapor barrier film and clog with clapboard.

If there is a doorway, timber wall, as in the case of frame partitions, are made according to a floating scheme. To do this, on the adjacent walls, a cut is made to lay the details of the wall, and door frame fasten in the opening to the ends of logs or timber using self-tapping screws through the mounting grooves.

Brick wall between the steam room and the bath

Using bricks to equip a dividing wall inside a log sauna looks rather strange, but in practice similar solution considered competent and efficient. Brick partition in a wooden bath, in contrast to the frame structure:

  • Does not rot and does not freeze from condensate;
  • Can be used for takeout rear wall heaters inside the sink;
  • It perfectly transfers and distributes heat from the stove installed inside the steam room throughout the entire space of the shower room.

For your information! The latter quality turns out to be so valuable and convenient that the surface of the common wall from the side of the steam room is not covered with thermal insulation, but lined with natural stone.

The only disadvantages of a brick partition in a bath are its high heat capacity and the weight of the wall. This solution is ideal for a home bath and is not suitable for a steam room in a country house or in a suburban area. In winter, it will be quite difficult to quickly heat such a steam room.

Brickwork in the bath is made in half a stone, that is, the wall section does not exceed 12 cm. The construction of a future brick wall should be planned before laying the floors. If the base of the wall between the steam room and the sink cannot be installed on independent foundation, then it will be necessary to make a jumper between two powerful lag beams, reinforce them with crossbars and brick supports. Only in this case, the wooden structure will withstand the weight of the masonry of several hundred kilograms.

To make the wall more stable, before starting work, a frame is assembled from a galvanized metal profile. This will help level, lay and keep the brick wall from tilting until masonry mortar finally won't catch on.

From the side of the steam room, the brick is sewn up with a crate, foil and thermal insulation are laid. If a lining is sewn onto the surface of the common wall from the side of the washing compartment, then vapor barrier can be omitted.


The dividing wall in the bath, for all its simplicity, can seriously affect the characteristics of the steam room, the efficiency of the furnace and the durability of the entire building. It is not difficult to make a separating wall, even a floating scheme, but you will need a good command of carpentry tools and knowledge of the basics of assembling wooden log cabins and baths.