How to deal with dust in the apartment: an overview of effective methods and recommendations. How to deal with dust in the apartment effectively and quickly Fighting dust at home

Dust in the house is the worst enemy of any owner. Although it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it, there are several ways to stop its spread and reduce the number.

What is dust and why is it dangerous?

House dust, according to microbiologist Karen Hall, is a collection various materials: fibers, dust mites and bacteria, mold and fungus spores, pollen, dead skin particles of dogs and cats, other animals and other small microbes.

We hear about dust mites all the time, but since they are invisible to humans, they are very easy to ignore.

Perhaps the information that dust mites belong to the arachnid family and inhabit home mattresses in such numbers that they make things heavier will make someone take cleaning more seriously.

If this still does not stimulate regular cleaning, then Dr. Karen advises to remember that the cause of dust allergy is not the mites themselves, but their droppings, which provoke asthma attacks and an allergic reaction.

Allergist James Sublett claims that the greatest concentrations of mites and their excrement are in bedrooms and in particular in beds, as well as in furniture with heavy covers. All this dust from beds and furniture instantly gets into the air at the slightest movement.

How to deal with dust?

Of course, the best weapon in the fight against dust is regular cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary things. However, do not lose sight of other ways that may come in handy.

Simplify your interior

Modern style in the interior is a great advantage in the fight against dust. Flat, massive surfaces, especially floors, as well as smooth leather furniture, minimize the amount of dust in the house - such coatings only need to be wiped regularly.

If you are not a fan modern style, allergist James Sableet advises to at least give up carpeting in the bedroom.

Lay a rug in the hallway and in front of the door

In order for street dust to at least partially remain outside the threshold, there should be rugs in front of the door and in the hallway. Antibacterial carpets will trap some of the germs that enter the house with outdoor shoes.

It’s even better to take off your shoes before entering the house, but this can only be done in the country.

Freeze small items

Children's toys or other small dust bins can be placed in a plastic bag and left in the refrigerator for about two days. Then let them melt naturally.

Dr. Karen Hall assures that such a procedure will kill all dust mites.

Keep pets out of the bedroom

Unfortunately, dogs and cats are excellent carriers of dirt and dust in the home. Therefore, it is advisable not to let them into the bedroom, and especially on the bed.

You can also consider buying a special vacuum cleaner attachment or pet brush that minimizes the amount of hair and does not harm the pet.

Wash your pillows

We often wash pillowcases and covers, but what about the pillows themselves? If you notice that over time the pillow has become heavier - congratulations, a whole colony of dust mites has settled in it. To avoid such neighbors, you need to clean the pillows or change them at least once every six months.

Don't make the bed

Quite a drastic measure, but Dr. Hall assures that a heavy blanket will not allow the mattress to cool, and the cold temperature is necessary to slow down the reproduction of dust mites.

Protect your mattress

The mattress should be vacuumed regularly to remove dust and other dirt from it. It makes sense to think about buying quality fabric covers with zippers for the mattress and pillows.

Change bed linen once a week

This is an obvious rule, but some people forget about it. The washing temperature does not have to be high - even a wash cycle in warm water take care of adult mites.

Close the doors

Dust loves to travel, so it's best not to let it get into your closet or kitchen drawers.

Dust and clean once or twice a week

Dr. Karen Hall says it's impossible to completely get rid of dust, but cleaning once or twice a week will minimize the amount of dirt in the house.

It is advisable to wear a respirator when cleaning so as not to inhale all the dust that you have raised. (Dust will settle in 2 hours).

Don't skip hard to reach places

Monsters under the bed - not a children's fairy tale, but a reality. It is there that ticks live, and if they are not disturbed by a vacuum cleaner, then they will continue to breed. Do not forget to vacuum high shelves, gaps between cabinets and other hard-to-reach places.

Make sure your vacuum cleaner has enough attachments. When buying a vacuum cleaner, be sure to check if it is equipped with a HEPA filter.

Control the humidity

Dampness and high humidity create excellent conditions for the development of mold and dust mites. Therefore, these parameters must be kept under control.

If your apartment is too damp, you should consider buying a dehumidifier.

Purify the air

Air purifiers also help to reduce the amount of dust in the room.

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Many people are interested in where the dust in the apartment comes from. It is a collective term. This substance is made up of many tiny particles. The main sources of occurrence include the following:

  • street - this dust enters the house on shoes, hair, clothes;
  • human body- Dust is often caused by dead skin and hair particles;
  • pets - a common reason why dust appears is particles of wool and epithelium;
  • interior items.

The presence of dust on the surfaces of the dwelling does not look particularly attractive. However, the key danger lies in the fact that it brings significant harm to human health. The main threat is the content of mites in dust particles.

By themselves, these microorganisms do not pose a serious danger. However, their waste products are a powerful allergen that can provoke asthmatic attacks. Such mites are found in any place where dust is present. However, they maximum amount present in down pillows and duvets.

In addition, dust carries and maintains all sorts of harmful elements in the air. These include carcinogenic substances that are produced in the course of work. various devices. This category also includes fumes from household chemicals, mold spores, pathogenic bacteria, viral particles, tobacco smoke toxins.

All these substances settle on dust particles that can constantly fly in the air. During breathing, they penetrate through the lungs into the human body. That is why it is so important to know how to remove dust in the apartment.

What is dust and where does it come from

Dust is solid particles, the smallest of which (up to 10 micromicrons in size) are constantly in the air, and those that are larger (from 10 to 50 micromicrons) settle on surfaces and serve as a headache for all housewives in the world.

These small particles could still remain the subject of surprise and delight, if dust mites did not occupy a huge proportion among them. They live in our homes as full owners, feeling great in mattresses and pillows, sofas and other secluded corners, from where it is almost impossible for them to survive.

In addition, in the dust, in addition to microscopic debris Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek statues, absolutely any substances can be contained, including chemical compounds hazardous to human health.

Effective dust control

1) you need to ventilate the room as often as possible, ideally every one and a half to two hours;

2) take care of good ventilation of the rooms, put the hood over gas stove;

3) stick average temperature indoors at 20 °C;

4) Purchase a quality humidifier. In this case, the savings will not be in place. Keep in mind that a good humidifier with filtration installed can collect about 70-75% of the dust in the air;

5) you can fight dust mites with the help of chemicals that are poured into the air humidifier. Attention! Using chemical dust mite treatments can harm some pets, such as fish or amphibians. Therefore, before using them, consult your veterinarian.

6) books are a big dust collector, so try to store them in a closet or behind glass;

7) do not forget that dust mites are very sensitive to too high and low temperatures, so try to iron things with a hot iron more often;

Air out the bed fresh air. In warm summer, expose bedding to the sun, in winter - in dry and frosty weather. Ultraviolet is able to destroy not only dust mites, but also decompose their metabolic products, which are very dangerous not only for allergy sufferers, but also for healthy people;

9) so that dust does not fly in from the street, hang gauze soaked in water on mosquito nets.

  • Purchased polishes and antistatic agents, such as Anti-Dust, prevent dust particles from settling, effectively clean surfaces and keep clean for a long time;
  • Pink and lavender essential oils, tea tree oil - excellent natural antistatic agents. Just put a couple of drops of the product on a wool or microfiber cloth during the cleaning process;
  • You can remove hard polished and decorative surfaces with a solution of glycerin. Making this tool is easy. To do this, mix glycerin and water in a ratio of 1 to 10;
  • Lemon solution is used to clean furniture. It removes dust for a long time and cleans the surface without streaks. To prepare the composition, take one lemon and cut into pieces, pour in seven tablespoons of any vegetable oil and leave for a week. After seven days of infusion, pour a glass of boiling water into the prepared mixture and strain.

To minimize the likelihood of dust deposits, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Ventilate your home frequently. To reduce the amount of dust particles in the room and provide all family members with good health, a constant supply of fresh air and a favorable atmosphere should be organized. If the windows are constantly closed in the house, dust accumulates much faster.
  2. Ensure proper ventilation, put a hood over the gas stove. It is desirable that the smells of the kitchen and the fumes of the bathroom do not spread throughout the housing.
  3. Maintain optimal temperature regime- it should be 18-22 degrees. It is important to ensure that the room is not too dry. However, too wet air is also contraindicated.
  4. Use a humidifier. Don't skimp on this device. A quality apparatus equipped with filters can absorb about 75% of the dust in the air.
  5. Use chemicals against ticks. They are often recommended to be added to moisturizers. However, it should be borne in mind that such substances can be harmful to pets. Therefore, before buying such a liquid, you should consult a doctor.
  6. Keep books in a closet closed glass.
  7. Iron bed linen. Ticks die under the influence of high temperatures.
  8. Ventilate the bed in the air. In summer it is recommended to put it outside in sunny weather, in winter - in frost. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it will be possible to cope with dust mites and their waste products. Such substances are dangerous not only for allergy sufferers, but also for healthy people.
  9. Cover mosquito nets with curtains or gauze soaked in water. Curtain windows are required to prevent dust from entering from the street during ventilation.
  10. Choosing the right finishing materials for new apartment. Instead of carpets, experts advise using linoleum or laminate. It is much easier to remove dirt from such a coating. When pasting walls, it is recommended to choose vinyl wallpapers- they collect less dust than paper ones. It is advisable to install stretch ceilings in all rooms that do not accumulate dust.
  11. Use special cases to store clothes. It is important to wash things regularly. A large amount of pollution makes the room more dusty.
  12. Assess the tightness of the entrance doors. This will help to avoid dust from the street or from the entrance. To do this, bring a sheet of paper to different parts doors. Even a small draft will make the leaf move. This area must be sealed with tape or treated with sealant. However, a more effective method is to install high-quality seals around the entire perimeter of the door.
  13. Check the cleanliness of shoes. With it, a person brings a lot of dirt into the house. This is especially true in winter and autumn. That is why it is so important to wash every pair in a timely manner. To minimize the amount of dust, put a mat near the door and thoroughly dry your feet before entering the room.
  14. Start houseplants. For example, chlorophytum cleans the air in apartments well.
  15. Systematically change disposable filters in the air conditioner. If you use reusable protective equipment, they need to be cleaned and washed in time, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendations.

To fight house dust in the apartment, use special devices. The most effective devices include the following:

  1. Humidifier. With sufficient humidity in the room, it is much easier to deal with dust. She stops flying randomly in the air, and sits on the floor and furniture. Regular wet cleaning allows you to quickly deal with the problem.
  2. A vacuum cleaner. Thanks to the use of a device with an aquafilter, it is possible to get rid of dust that is on the floor and in the air.
  3. Membrane for windows. These devices prevent dust particles and harmful allergens from entering your home. High-quality membranes prevent the penetration of plant pollen, bacterial microorganisms, fungi into the room.
  4. Air wash. This modern device through which all the air in the room passes. Thanks to what it is cleared of particles of dust. The device is especially effective in homes where it is difficult to cope with dust using improvised devices. It is also actively used in new buildings and renovated premises.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning is the most The best way dust control

No matter how sad it may sound, nothing better than wet cleaning has yet been invented in the fight against dust. If you wipe the furniture daily with a damp cloth, you can significantly reduce the amount of dust in the house. You can also use special products that help prevent dust from settling on tables and cabinets, but may not cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, you should be extremely careful with antistatic agents, especially if there are allergy sufferers or small children in the house.

To get rid of dust in a house or apartment, you need to systematically do a thorough cleaning of the room. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove unnecessary items. They should be placed in closed boxes or glass showcases. This applies to all kinds of vases, figurines and souvenirs.
  2. Pay attention upholstered furniture. It is recommended to vacuum it well. Also, such items can be covered with a damp cloth and the dust knocked out of them.
  3. Pay attention to the curtains. For their processing, it is best to use a steamer. Thanks to this, the curtains will be able to smooth out. In addition, under the influence of steam, pathogenic bacteria die and dust disappears. If there are a lot of windows and curtains, it is best to use a floor steamer with an impressive liquid reservoir.
  4. Provide proper care for plants and pets. Leaves are recommended to be processed with a spray bottle. If possible, clean them with a soft cloth. Animals need to be brushed. Pets are one of the main sources of dust. After walking, animals need to wash their paws.
  5. Mop floors and vacuum carpets. To quickly and effectively deal with the problem, it is worth using a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. It efficiently cleans all types of surfaces and even copes with dust in the air. After using such a vacuum cleaner, the air will quickly become fresh and clean. An alternative would be a device equipped with a HEPA filter.
  6. Wipe dust from any items. This should be done on skirting boards, cornices, pieces of furniture. Do not ignore the monitor and TV. You also need to clean the chandeliers and closed cabinets.
  7. Special attention while cleaning you need to devote to the kitchen. Work zone always contains a lot of body fat. Scattered crumbs, cereals, coffee may be present in kitchen cabinets. All surfaces should be thoroughly washed. If it is possible to move the kitchen set, you need to clean up after it.
  8. Pay attention to the ceilings - they also have accumulations of dust. If delivered tension structures They can be gently wiped with a damp cloth. Ceilings tiled and painted with washable materials are cleaned in a similar way.
  9. Wash all shoes that are stored without boxes or other packaging. A large amount of sand and dirt can get into the room on the sole. Also, dust accumulates on room slippers over time, so they need to be washed periodically.

During repairs, the amount of dust and dirt in the room increases significantly. After the completion of global work, cleaning can take up to several weeks. To properly remove dust, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Before starting repair work, you must take out all household appliances. It can also be well packaged. It is important to ensure that a lot of construction dust does not get inside the devices. Otherwise, there is a risk of disruption of their work.
  2. All furniture must be hermetically sealed or taken out of the room. This rule applies to interior doors that are temporarily unused.
  3. All sawing work in wood, metal or ceramic materials it is recommended to perform outside the living quarters. If this is not possible, it is best to do it on the balcony.

To deal with construction waste, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, the room should be freed from large pollution. It should be borne in mind that waste of impressive size is forbidden to be thrown into the garbage chute. There are special containers for this purpose.
  2. In all rooms, floors should be swept, especially concrete. It should be borne in mind that in this case a lot of dust can get into the air. Therefore, the broom is recommended to be moistened periodically.
  3. After cleaning, it is recommended to change clothes. It must be washed and sealed before the following similar works.
  4. Wipe all washable surfaces with a damp cloth. It concerns stretch ceilings, cabinet doors, washable wallpapers. It is worth considering that construction dust it is laundered with great difficulty and can leave stains behind. Therefore, for cleaning it is worth using 2 rags - wet and dry. The second will help to cope with divorces. It is worth controlling that debris particles do not penetrate under it, which can leave scratches behind.
  5. Stubborn stains can be cleaned with special formulations. A specific tool is selected depending on the type of surface. stains from alkyd paint easily removed with a solvent. However, it must not be used on varnished or painted surfaces.

Now you know how to deal with dust in the apartment. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to carry out a systematic cleaning of the premises. Thanks to this, it will be possible to make the air cleaner and avoid the negative effects of dust on the body.

Helps in the fight against dust regular wet cleaning. Thoroughly clean floors under beds, sofas, and cabinets. Do this cleaning at least once a week. And, accordingly, once a month - general.

Remove dust from shelves, cabinets, countertops and other horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth. Remember that simply swiping will not help you get rid of this enemy, it will only move you in space.

Books are great dust collectors, so store them on glass shelves. And how to remove the dust that has already made its way inside the cabinet? From time to time, vacuum the books with a narrow nozzle, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth. By the way, antistatic agents will help to qualitatively remove this insidious enemy from the house and protect equipment from it. Dampen a rag with them, wipe the surface of furniture, computer, TV. Or follow the instructions.

Do you know how to properly remove dust from houseplants? It will not be possible to get rid of it with ordinary spraying from a spray bottle. It will just thicken and damage the flowers even more. Wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, clean them with a soft brush.

How to deal with dust

To facilitate the fight against dust will help the use of special means and appliances.

Humidifier. With sufficient humidity, dust does not fly in the air, but settles on the surface, where it is easier to notice and eliminate.

A hygrometer is a device that monitors the level of humidity. Modern humidifiers are equipped with this function, so you do not have to purchase it separately. A hygrometer will help you determine when the humidity is too high and threatens mold growth.

membranes for windows. Such devices protect against the penetration of street dust into the room. Another advantage of membranes is that they do not allow allergens (plant pollen, poplar fluff, etc.) to enter the house.

A houseplant - chlorophytum will help reduce the amount of dust in the air. Place it in the place of maximum accumulation of dirt (on the windowsill, desktop or bedside table).

When removing dust from wooden surfaces Use an antistatic polish. The tool will reduce the amount of pollution, and they will not appear soon.

The accumulation of dust on the surfaces and in the air of the room is the eternal problem of all housewives, the elimination of which takes a lot of time and effort. Eliminating dust collectors from the house, regular wet cleaning, as well as preventing the accumulation of dirt will help to cope with it.

Dust, which can be almost anything, each of us inhales daily and in large quantities, and, of course, this does not go unnoticed. The growth in recent years of various respiratory diseases and allergies, experts associate it with the insecurity of the home. modern man and, first of all, with an abundance of the notorious dust in it.

  • As a result of regular inhalation of dust and its settling in the lungs, chronic diseases develop, such as pulmonary ephysema, bronchitis, etc.
  • Dust from modern non-natural finishing materials can be dangerous due to harmful chemical compounds that are directly in the lungs with air.
  • Pollen, particles of wool or animal epithelium, dust mites, etc. serve as causative agents of allergies in people predisposed to it.
  • Along with dust, viruses and bacteria spread, provoking all sorts of diseases, including tuberculosis and smallpox.

Most often, house dust contains more than one type of bacteria and pathogens, and the worse the room is ventilated, the more dangerous dust it contains.

Even if you have time to wipe all surfaces in the house daily to get rid of dust, this is unlikely to solve the problem, rather, on the contrary, it will add headaches and increase paranoia. Consider several tools, the combined and regular use of which will help protect your home from harmful particles and preserve your health and the health of loved ones.

Folk remedies

The most important folk remedy is wet cleaning. Adjusted for modernity: it is worth wiping surfaces with a dampened microfiber cloth, the villi of which serve as a kind of hooks that catch dust.

The second remedy, which is mainly used in the family of allergy sufferers, is getting rid of unnecessary things or replacing them with safe analogues.

So, if possible, you should throw out:

  • Carpets, whether natural or synthetic, or at least not worth having this luxury item hanging on the wall.
  • Soft toys that are stored in the nursery, and then settled throughout the apartment.
  • Any rubbish stored on the mezzanine or in the pantry.

In general, it should be taken as a rule: if a thing is not used within a year, then it must be disposed of (donated, sold or thrown away).

It is also important to replace:

  • Upholstered furniture for possible analogues made of wood.
  • Down pillows and soft mattresses for analogues from modern materials where less dust accumulates.

In addition, to combat dust, you can and should do the following:

  • Regularly wash bedding and all home textiles from curtains to bedspreads at high temperatures.
  • Fully ventilate the room, remembering that dust is formed many times faster in a closed space.
  • In the absence of allergies, you should get indoor plants, which, as you know, help purify the air.
  • It is worth collecting all the howl into a fist and fairly regularly (at least once every 3 years) carry out cosmetic repairs in the apartment. Checking ventilation, sealing cracks and leaks, replacing wallpaper and baseboards and the like is a real way to deal with possible dust concentrations in your home.

Modern technology

Of course, it’s not worth giving the last for such equipment, as well as generally overpaying several times for a regular vacuum cleaner with an additional function, but a washing vacuum cleaner really contributes effective fight with house dust. Moreover, an ordinary vacuum cleaner, in fact, serves as a double-edged sword: it collects dust, and then spreads it itself through the open hole of the dust bag.

How to get rid of dust permanently

To get rid of dust for more than 2 days, only general cleaning will help, followed by the use of an air humidifier and air conditioning to ventilate the room.

If you think about it, dust is a real symbol of movement, because its “production” does not stop for a second, it is everywhere and always and is able to travel great distances, taking particles from your computer keyboard far beyond the ocean. Unfortunately, only a slightly detached philosophical view will help to take the problem more calmly and live with it, regularly using recommendations for cleaning the house.

Effective dust control

When choosing the right product, you need to know what surface it is intended for. Before using the composition, you must study its instructions. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening the situation. To get rid of house dust for a long time, use the following tools:

  1. Furniture polish. These products contain ingredients that have degreasing characteristics. These include antiseptics and antistatic agents. After the procedure is completed, the surface of the furniture becomes less sticky, and therefore the dust simply slides off it.
  2. Antistatic for computers and TVs. With the help of such a tool, it will be possible to cope with dust and dirt on electrified surfaces. It is best to choose products that can be used on the switched on equipment and do not need to be processed with a napkin.
  3. Intensive sprays. Such compositions include quite a few components. Thanks to this, they eliminate static, kill ticks and reduce the activity of allergens. Such substances are highly active, therefore they are used no more than 1 time in 6 months. With such means it is worth treating walls, carpets and textile accessories.
  4. Impregnation for upholstered furniture. This is a professional composition that is enough to spray on the surface of objects. Due to this, upholstered furniture is covered with a protective film. The only drawback is the need for cleaning at least once every six months to avoid the appearance of a dense coating.
  5. Folk remedy containing table vinegar. To prepare it, 250 ml of cool water should be mixed with 50-75 ml of vinegar with a concentration of 9%. Also in the composition you need to add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil and a few drops of essential oil. Experienced housewives recommend placing ready solution into a spray bottle and spray it on the furniture.

Elimination of dust collectors

As a rule, most of all dust and dirt is collected in textile items: carpets, blankets, curtains, multilayer draperies. This fact has both positive and negative sides. The pluses are that the textile quickly absorbs dust and does not allow it to fly freely in the air. She remains in the location, and it becomes much easier to get rid of her.

The downside is that textile items will need to be cleaned quite often. Moreover, there will be a need for wet cleaning or with the use of a washing vacuum cleaner, or even to wash everything that is possible. Upholstered furniture and bedding can be thoroughly patted by covering them with a damp cloth. Thus, the fabric will instantly absorb the knocked-out dust and it will be possible to significantly reduce its number and thoroughly clean all dusty things.

Also, furniture can accumulate on surfaces under the ceiling, that is, places that are not easy to reach. As a rule, these are tall cabinets and other places where dust accumulates, for example, cornices. To make it easier to deal with the problem of dust on cabinets, you need to lay old newspapers or plain paper with a large format on them.

Dust can not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also harm the people living in it. The highest concentration of dust falls on the first one and a half meters above the floor, so it is more difficult for a child to tolerate dust than for an adult.

Dust loves to sit on all sorts of small things like figurines, vases, napkins and soft toys. Data and other small items can accumulate a lot of dust particles, and some of them can be quite difficult to clean out. If you do not want to get rid of such things, put them in glass cabinets, where dust will sit on them much less.

Books also collect dust very quickly, so they should be stored behind glass.

1) Remove floor and wall carpets from your interior if you are unable to vacuum them at least 2-3 times a week;

2) try as much as possible to throw away or give to your friends small knick-knacks that you don’t really need. An old coat or handbag that you haven’t used for several years is standard dust collectors;

3) reduce the number as much as possible decorative elements in the interior. Try, if possible, to get rid of various figurines, caskets, old soft toys - all these items collect dust very quickly and greatly complicate the cleaning process. The most memorable things that you do not want to get rid of, put them in a closet or behind glass;

4) remove heavy curtains and hang more concise ones instead. The best option is to use horizontal blinds, they are very easy to use and do not collect dust;

5) remove items from natural wool, instead of natural fillers for pillows and bedspreads, put synthetic ones on the bed.

Let's figure out where the dust comes from in the apartment. The most important dust collector is carpets, especially wall-mounted ones, since the latter are given a minimum of attention. Carpets you need to thoroughly vacuum at least once every two or three days, and preferably daily.

For general cleaning, you can use a steam mop or a steam generator with a carpet nozzle. Such processing thoroughly and deeply cleans products, kills harmful microorganisms and bacteria. In addition, it will refresh the carpet and give an attractive appearance.

Any clothing attracts and collects dust. Therefore, always immediately put things in the closet, and do not leave them on the back of a chair or armchair in the room. This is very good habit, which will help maintain order in the house, speed up and facilitate cleaning. How to simplify this process, read the article "How to force yourself to clean."

Small decorative items, including figurines, vases and other items, need regular care and wiping. They are also good dust absorbers. If you want them to attract less dust, store products in a cabinet behind glass doors. Get rid of unnecessary decorative details.

Avoid dark, long thick and heavy curtains. Replace products with light light curtains. They attract dust and dirt to a much lesser extent. For the same reason, do not use woolen coverings for furniture and other surfaces, do not store woolen things in the room, immediately put them in the closet.

Dust mites develop in pillows and products filled with down and feathers. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the natural filler with a synthetic one. Suitable option will become holofiber or comforel. This is an advanced padding filler, twisted into small balls.

Hollofiber or Comfortel is soft, resilient and comfortable, with light weight and simple care. It is a breathable, eco-friendly and hypoallergenic material that retains its shape after deformation. It is resistant to wear and moisture. Does not attract dust and repels dirt, which allows you to keep the pillows clean for a long time. How to properly clean pillows at home, read here.

To reduce the amount of dust in the room, remove all decor and interior items that contribute to its accumulation. To do this, follow simple recommendations:

  • If possible, remove carpets from walls and floors. It is here that the maximum amount of dust is concentrated, even with daily vacuuming.
  • Throw out from the closets things that you have not used for more than six months (the exception is seasonal clothes).
  • Limit the presence of decorative elements in the room. For the most part, this applies to napkins, artificial flowers, figurines and books that stand on open shelves. If you do not want to part with your favorite items, store them behind glass.
  • If possible, replace curtains and tulle with roller blinds or blinds. Due to their smaller area, they accumulate less dust and are easier to care for.

The degree of saturation of the dwelling with dust and its regular “production” by things depends on how many potentially dangerous places in this sense are in the house. In other words, the fewer dust collectors in the house, the less likely it is to develop allergic reactions and chronic diseases respiratory organs in you and your children.

So, the main suppliers and collectors of dust in the apartment are:

  • TV, computer and other equipment that is made of refractory plastic and heats up during operation.

The mattress, sofa, pillows and bed linen are the home of the dust mite, which in turn loves to feast on particles of the human epithelium. It is impossible to get rid of inconspicuous cohabitants, but to observe the elementary rules of hygiene, namely regular change (at least once a week) and washing bed linen when high temperatures vital.

  • Upholstered furniture in general.

Strictly speaking, if you are a potential allergic person, then it is better to get rid of chairs with pillows, and even more so sofas, and replace them with wooden counterparts.

Ventilation, which is sometimes impossible to reach, is the dirtiest place in the apartment, through which air constantly circulates. That is why it is necessary to make it a rule to carry out wet cleaning and this hard to reach place.

Multi-volume editions of the classics not only collect dust, but also successfully produce it in incredible quantities, which is why the home library should, firstly, be carefully stored behind glass, and secondly, in a room that does not double as a bedroom for anyone from household members. Shelving with books in the living room or study, as well as shelves with books, say, in the pantry or spacious hallway - the best way for your health and safety.

If the windows of the room do not overlook a quiet green square, then your apartment is also prone to dust accumulation. Therefore, if there is construction, bare land or a freeway outside the window, cleaning the apartment should be given more attention and time than we would like.

  • Cleaning and washing powders.

Giving a short-lived effect of alpine freshness, the powder hovers in the air for a long time, settling not only on the floor, but also in the lungs. That is why it is more rational to abandon such household chemicals, replacing them with more natural ones.

For absolute security own apartment ideally, of course, it would be to get rid of books and equipment, bed linen and upholstered furniture and sleep among the bare walls on a mat, daily wiping the floor with a damp cloth without powder. But, of course, this is impossible, and, in general, it’s useless, because there are proven ways to deal with dust, both folk and modern - whoever prefers what.

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The less dust in the house, the better the mood and health of the household. But, unfortunately, getting rid of dust is not so easy.

website I found some tips to help you deal with it easier, faster and better. In addition, all methods are completely inexpensive and do not require additional efforts.

Baby wipes

To get rid of dust, crumbs and stains on a laptop or computer keyboard, just shake it off and then wipe it with baby wipes. The result is guaranteed. The main thing is not to forget to turn off the computer first.

Laundry conditioner

To get rid of dust on household surfaces and make it last longer, we make a special solution. We prepare it from 1 part of the rinse aid and 4 parts of water.

Pour into a spray bottle and wipe the dust with a dry, clean cloth when necessary. In this way, you can wipe everything, including glass tables and showers. In its purest form, the air conditioner will help clean the computer screen and TV.

Cloth gloves

The simplest cloth gloves for gardening or homework will help clean delicate surfaces. For example, with their help it is much easier to wipe a chandelier, sconces, glass accessories, small figurines. Dust simply sticks to the fabric and the surface becomes clean.

Soft brushes

If you need to get rid of dust in some hard-to-reach places, then brushes will help to cope with the problem. Natural bristles will penetrate into the most uncomfortable crevices and clean them out. For example, it is convenient to clean furniture fittings with a brush.

Unnecessary sock

Wearing a clean sock on your hand, you can quickly clean the blinds from dust. And if you put it on a mop - get rid of dust under the bed and under the furniture.

Toilet paper roll

Just a super-necessary thing for cleaning. If you put on a sleeve instead of a vacuum cleaner brush, you can get rid of dust from the most inaccessible places. The cardboard is soft and therefore homemade nozzle will even get into very narrow places. It is much more convenient than using a conventional crevice nozzle.

Cleaning from top to bottom

In order to prevent dust from one surface from falling onto others, it must be wiped from top to bottom. In this case, cleaning will take less time and effort. For example, first we wipe ceiling fan, moldings, the tops of the door plinth, and then the bedside table.

Humidity level

In order for dust to accumulate in the house in smaller quantities, it is enough to maintain a humidity balance of 40-50%. Now on sale special measuring instruments and humidifiers to help with this.

No trinkets

So that dust does not accumulate so quickly, and its cleaning takes less time, it is better to get rid of most of the souvenirs and trinkets that are in the house. The fewer they are, the cleaner room. And if the house has collections of dishes or figurines, then it is better to keep them behind glass doors in a showcase.

Don't forget the curtains

It is about the curtains that we always forget, although a huge amount of dust accumulates on them. Especially if the fabric is synthetic. They need not only to be dry-cleaned once a year, but also to be vacuumed once every two weeks with a clean nozzle.

closed windows

To reduce dust in the house, you will have to get used to constantly closed windows. No, of course, it is very useful and necessary to ventilate the apartment several times a day, but it is not worth keeping the windows ventilated for days on end if you do not want to constantly clean up.

pure plants

House plants are the lungs of the house, which, among other things, save it from some of the dust. If you regularly rinse all the flower pots in the bathroom, then the flowers will better cope with the function of a kind of air filter.

Steam cleaning carpet

The less carpeted surfaces in the house, the cleaner the air in the whole house. If you want to put a rug in the children's room, then let it be small and made of natural material. No synthetics that attract dust. We clean it once a week with a vacuum cleaner. Once a month we clean with a steamer. So dust will not accumulate in the deep layers of the fabric and the carpet will be safe even for a baby.

Cleaning roller for clothes

The roller with a sticky surface does an excellent job of dusting ceiling lamps, lampshades, decorative pillows and other fabric surfaces.

Wet cleaning

If you do wet cleaning as often as possible, then the house will look much tidier, and it will be easy and pleasant to breathe in it. Water is a cleaning agent that gets rid of 90% of dust. When choosing between dry cleaning and wet cleaning, give preference to the second method.

It is very important to wipe the walls with a damp cloth on a mop at least once every few months and ceiling plinths, then less dust will accumulate on other surfaces.

Dust in the house is a problem that we face every day. Its accumulation spoils the appearance of housing, leads to allergies and other health problems. It is impossible to permanently get rid of dust in the apartment, but there are special methods of cleaning and air purification that will help to significantly reduce its volume. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

Dust in the house can be found on any surface, how to deal with it, read our article.

Dust and its sources

House dust is an accumulation of tiny particles: fabric and paper fibers, dead skin cells, animal hair, pollen, crumbling whitewash, mold spores and much more. All this is a favorable environment for the appearance of dust mites. Waste products of ticks are the strongest allergen and the cause of many diseases.

Skin irritation, conjunctivitis, clogged pores, allergies, asthma - this is a small list of consequences that can lead to constant contact with dust

Description of some sources of dust in the apartment:

  • textiles - clothes, towels, bed linen, rugs, curtains, carpets, upholstered furniture, lampshades and other interior elements made of fabric;
  • paper and decor - napkins, newspapers, books, paintings, figurines and other designer decorations;
  • pets - care for them should be regular (combing hair, bathing, washing paws after a walk);
  • TV, computer and other equipment - while working, they attract any particles that are in the air;
  • walls and furniture - whitewash and paint crumble from the walls and ceiling, fibers are separated from worn wallpaper, and from old wooden furniture- rubbish.
Dust is caused by hard water: it wears out clothing and linen, and after washing, the fibers of the fabric spread throughout the house.

Man is also a source of organic dust. You can reduce its amount if you regularly remove dead particles from the surface of the body with a washcloth or scrub, moisturize and nourish the skin.

In addition, dust enters the home through the windows. Most of all, it appears in apartments located on the lower floors, near roads, near construction sites and industrial facilities.

Dust Control Methods

To get rid of dust in the apartment, one cleaning is not enough, in this case you need A complex approach. Let's consider all methods in detail.

Removing blockages

Above, we described what most often becomes places of accumulation of dust. Getting started cleaning, you need to first deal with such blockages:

  • put figurines, vases, and other knick-knacks in glass-doored cabinets. Fold the excess decor in bags and hide in the pantry;
  • throw away old magazines and newspapers. Collect the publications that you want to keep in boxes and take them to the pantry. Books are best kept behind glass in a cupboard;
  • collect seasonal items and shoes that you do not use, put them in boxes or cases and hide them in a closet;
  • to get rid of dust in the apartment, reduce the amount of textiles in the interior (carpets, blankets, etc.). If you are not ready for this, tune in to frequent cleaning. Remember to regularly wash, vacuum or steam curtains, upholstered furniture and fabric lampshades;
  • sort out all the clutter in closets and pantries. Store rarely used items in bags, cases and boxes.

When putting away interior items for storage, do not forget to wipe them from dust. Things and clothes must first be washed or shaken out, shoes must be washed and dried.

Proper cleaning

To get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time, after removing the blockages, carry out a general cleaning. To begin with, thoroughly vacuum the floors so that during the cleaning process you do not raise and spread dust over all surfaces.

Vacuum cobwebs from the ceiling and upper corners, lift sofas and chairs, walk through all hard-to-reach areas

Then start cleaning all textile dust collectors:

  • wash, vacuum or steam curtains, carpets, blankets, toys, etc.;
  • knock out the mattress, pillows and blankets in the great outdoors. Prepare bed linen for change;
  • clean upholstered furniture.

After processing textiles, remove dust from upper and hard-to-reach surfaces. Dust is removed from top to bottom so that swept particles do not settle on already cleaned objects.

If you have tension or dropped ceilings be sure to wipe them. How to do it better, read this article.

Wipe the plants with a damp sponge. If handling dust by hand is difficult, take the pot to the bathroom and gently rinse the leaves in the shower. Most plants love this procedure.

Wipe the TV, speakers, kitchen and other appliances (it is advisable to use special sprays for them)

Wipe the rest of the furniture: cabinets and chests of drawers, sofa handles, headboards, tables, chairs, shelves, etc.

After you have collected dust from all the interior items, start cleaning the floor: you need to vacuum it and wash it again. You can find floor cleaning methods in our article "How to wash floors properly".

Carpets are the biggest dust collectors. They need to be vacuumed 1-2 times a week, knocked out and cleaned regularly.

To get rid of dust in the apartment, use the right equipment.

Take on board household chemicals with an antistatic effect: window cleaner, furniture polish, floor washing liquid. They reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity and attract dust. On sale there are hypoallergenic odorless products.

Use antistatic dusters (including electric ones). They neutralize static charge and attract dust to the villi

Buy a microfiber cloth. This fabric collects and holds dust, but with a piece of an old T-shirt, you will only brush off the dust, not remove it.

Carry out a light wet cleaning once every 2 days: wipe the floor in the kitchen, in the hallway and in the bathroom

To clean upholstered furniture, cover it with a damp sheet and beat it out: deeply clogged dust will settle on the damp cloth. Then the furniture can be vacuumed and treated with a steamer.

Dust can be removed from books with a vacuum cleaner using a special soft brush attachment, and then wiped with a slightly damp cloth.

Blinds can be cleaned of dust without removing them from the windows. Turn the plates so that they become a single sheet, and go over them with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. If heavily soiled, wash the blinds in the bathroom. Read more about this in this article.

Wallpaper also needs to be cleaned from time to time so that dust does not accumulate on the walls. Almost all modern varieties wall decor can be wet cleaned. Vacuum them before processing to avoid dirty streaks.

To get rid of dust in the apartment, use the advice of experienced housewives:

  • moisten a rag in water with the addition of potassium permanganate or a drop of detergent (dishwashing liquid, shampoo). After such processing, an invisible film is formed on the surface of the furniture, which will prevent dust from settling;
  • get chlorophytum. This plant is unpretentious in care and significantly reduces the amount of dust;
  • to vacuum the furniture upholstery, wrap the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner with gauze soaked in saline solution (1 tbsp of salt diluted in 1 liter of water; hold the rag for 10 minutes and wring it out well).

Air purification

To make dust control more effective, use special devices:

  • air humidifiers (ultrasonic, steam, etc.). In dry air, microscopic dust particles can hang for a very long time;
  • air purifiers (coal, quartz, etc.) They rid the air of dust and harmful impurities;
  • air washer. The device sucks in air, passes it through the filter and releases it already cleaned and humidified;
  • ionizers. Under the action of ions, dust particles become heavier and settle, making it easier to remove them;
  • vacuum cleaner with water filter. Such devices retain up to 99% of dust and humidify the air.

Additional measures

It will not be possible to permanently get rid of dust in the apartment, but you can reduce its amount if you take a number of measures:

  • install window membranes or mosquito nets. They prevent the penetration of dust from the street;
  • eliminate cracks on doors and windows with sealant;
  • use pillows and blankets with synthetic filling (it produces less dust than feathers and down, and it is easier to clean);
  • replace draped curtains with more simple options or blinds;
  • make sure your home is well ventilated. Ventilate the premises regularly;
  • change or wash the filters of devices (air conditioner, vacuum cleaner, ventilation, exhaust, etc.) more often.

How to get rid of dust after repair

Especially a lot of dust remains after repair work. Consider step-by-step instructions for removing dust after repair:

  • open all windows and doors so that the room is ventilated;
  • put on a protective mask and gloves;
  • collect all large construction garbage in packages and take out of the apartment;
  • draw water into the spray bottle and spray the room so that the dust is nailed to the floor;
  • take off protective film from surfaces, turning it inward so that dust does not fly off;
  • vacuum the ceiling, walls, corners, protruding trim, perimeters doorways etc. You can rent a construction vacuum cleaner;
  • wash windows and window sills. Change the water as often as possible;
  • wipe doorways, sockets, switches and other protruding objects with a damp cloth;
  • wash the floor. It will have to be washed several times to get rid of white stains and re-deposition of dust. Apply detergents;
  • once again collect settled dust from shelves, window sills, etc. Wash the floor again with detergent.

We hope that we have provided you with comprehensive information on how to get rid of dust in the apartment. If you have any questions, write in the comments. We will gladly answer them.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of bad smell. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria to dirty clothes stay on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

IN dishwasher not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Annoying dust, on closer inspection, is an amazing creation of nature. Microscopic particles have been traveling the earth for centuries, bringing the smallest fibers into the house, including those from paradise lands, taking dust from your bookshelf on a long journey. And the question of how to deal with the hated dirt on polished furniture is almost rhetorical, because over the years the method has remained practically unchanged.

What is dust and where does it come from

Dust is solid particles, the smallest of which (up to 10 micromicrons in size) are constantly in the air, and those that are larger (from 10 to 50 micromicrons) settle on surfaces and serve as a headache for all housewives in the world.

The origin of dust can be both the most prosaic (particles of the epithelium of households, animal hair, or microscopic remains of a recent repair), or almost fantastic and unbelievable for an average apartment in the Russian outback (ash from volcanoes, evaporation of ocean salt, or a particle of Everest). The fact is that dust moves freely in space, regardless of tight closed windows and doors, as well as distances and continents.

These small particles could still remain the subject of surprise and delight, if dust mites did not occupy a huge proportion among them. They live in our homes as full owners, feeling great in mattresses and pillows, sofas and other secluded corners, from where it is almost impossible for them to survive. The danger is not the ticks themselves, but the waste products of their vital activity, which are produced by them daily and in large quantities and can cause severe allergies in people.

In addition, dust, in addition to microscopic fragments of Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek statues, can contain absolutely any substance, including chemical compounds hazardous to human health.

Interesting facts about dust and its origin (video)

Why is dust control important?

Dust, which can be almost anything, each of us inhales daily and in large quantities, and, of course, this does not go unnoticed. The growth in recent years of various diseases of the respiratory system and allergies, experts associate it with the insecurity of the home of a modern person and, first of all, with the abundance of the notorious dust in it.

  • As a result of regular inhalation of dust and its settling in the lungs, chronic diseases develop, such as pulmonary ephysema, bronchitis, etc.
  • Dust from modern non-natural finishing materials can be dangerous due to harmful chemical compounds that are directly in the lungs with air.
  • Pollen, particles of wool or animal epithelium, dust mites, etc. serve as causative agents of allergies in people predisposed to it.
  • Along with dust, viruses and bacteria spread, provoking all sorts of diseases, including tuberculosis and smallpox.

Most often, house dust contains more than one type of bacteria and pathogens, and the worse the room is ventilated, the more dangerous dust it contains.

Thus, to isolate yourself from the problem by tightly closing windows and doors will not work. It is important to approach its solution comprehensively and conscientiously.

Main dust collectors in the apartment

The degree of saturation of the dwelling with dust and its regular “production” by things depends on how many potentially dangerous places in this sense are in the house. In other words, the fewer dust collectors in the house, the less likely it is that you and your children will develop allergic reactions and chronic respiratory diseases.

So, the main suppliers and collectors of dust in the apartment are:

  • TV, computer and other equipment that is made of refractory plastic and heats up during operation.
  • Sleeping place.

The mattress, sofa, pillows and bed linen are the home of the dust mite, which in turn loves to feast on particles of the human epithelium. It is impossible to get rid of inconspicuous cohabitants, but it is vital to observe the elementary rules of hygiene, namely regular shifts (at least once a week) and washing bed linen at high temperatures.

  • Upholstered furniture in general.

Strictly speaking, if you are a potential allergic person, then it is better to get rid of chairs with pillows, and even more so sofas, and replace them with wooden counterparts.

    Ventilation, which is sometimes impossible to reach, is the dirtiest place in the apartment, through which air constantly circulates. That is why it is necessary to make it a rule to carry out wet cleaning of this hard-to-reach place.

    • Books.

    Multi-volume editions of the classics not only collect dust, but also successfully produce it in incredible quantities, which is why the home library should, firstly, be carefully stored behind glass, and secondly, in a room that does not double as a bedroom for anyone from household members. Shelving with books in the living room or study, as well as shelves with books in, say, a pantry or a spacious hallway, is the best option for your health and safety.

    • Street dust.

    If the windows of the room do not overlook a quiet green square, then your apartment is also prone to dust accumulation. Therefore, if there is construction, bare land or a freeway outside the window, cleaning the apartment should be given more attention and time than we would like.

    • Cleaning and washing powders.

    Giving a short-lived effect of alpine freshness, the powder hovers in the air for a long time, settling not only on the floor, but also in the lungs. That is why it is more rational to abandon such household chemicals, replacing them with more natural ones.

    • Old wallpaper.

    Dozens of layers of wallpaper in my grandmother's apartment not only look unaesthetic, but also frankly harm health. That is why, for safety reasons, all layers of past repairs should be removed from the walls and a single layer of high-quality dense wallpaper should be glued.

    For the absolute safety of your own apartment, ideally, of course, it would be to get rid of books and equipment, bed linen and upholstered furniture and sleep among the bare walls on a mat, wiping the floor daily with a damp cloth without powder. But, of course, this is impossible, and, in general, it’s useless, because there are proven ways to deal with dust, both folk and modern - whoever prefers what.

    How to deal with dust

    Even if you have time to wipe all surfaces in the house daily to get rid of dust, this is unlikely to solve the problem, rather, on the contrary, it will add headaches and increase paranoia. Consider several tools, the combined and regular use of which will help protect your home from harmful particles and preserve your health and the health of loved ones.

    Folk remedies

    The most important folk remedy is wet cleaning. Adjusted for modernity: it is worth wiping surfaces with a dampened microfiber cloth, the villi of which serve as a kind of hooks that catch dust.

    The second remedy, which is mainly used in the family of allergy sufferers, is getting rid of unnecessary things or replacing them with safe analogues.

    So, if possible, you should throw out:

    • Carpets, whether natural or synthetic, or at least not worth having this luxury item hanging on the wall.
    • Soft toys that are stored in the nursery, and then settled throughout the apartment.
    • Any rubbish stored on the mezzanine or in the pantry.

    In general, it should be taken as a rule: if a thing is not used within a year, then it must be disposed of (donated, sold or thrown away).

    It is also important to replace:

    • Upholstered furniture for possible analogues made of wood.
    • Down pillows and soft mattresses are similar to those made from modern materials, in which dust accumulates less.

    In addition, to combat dust, you can and should do the following:

    • Regularly wash bedding and all home textiles from curtains to bedspreads at high temperatures.
    • Fully ventilate the room, remembering that dust is formed many times faster in a closed space.
    • In the absence of allergies, you should get indoor plants, which, as you know, help purify the air.
    • It is worth collecting all the howl into a fist and fairly regularly (at least once every 3 years) carry out cosmetic repairs in the apartment. Checking ventilation, sealing cracks and leaks, replacing wallpaper and baseboards and the like is a real way to deal with possible dust concentrations in your home.

    Modern technology

    At the mention of the fight against dust, the association with the advertised washing vacuum cleaners, which cost fabulous money, immediately works.

    Of course, it’s not worth giving the last for such equipment, as well as generally overpaying several times for a regular vacuum cleaner with an additional function, but a washing vacuum cleaner really contributes to an effective fight against house dust. Moreover, an ordinary vacuum cleaner, in fact, serves as a double-edged sword: it collects dust, and then spreads it itself through the open hole of the dust bag. A washing vacuum cleaner carries out wet cleaning, depriving small particles of volatility, which neutralizes, among other things, harmful compounds that can damage health.

    Unfortunately, no modern antistatic agents or special brushes for cleaning dust help for a long time or do not help at all, and on the contrary, they themselves become a source of dust and volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

    How to get rid of dust permanently

    To get rid of dust for more than 2 days, only general cleaning will help, followed by the use of an air humidifier and air conditioning to ventilate the room.

    But even in this case, dust will be present in the apartment, although not so visually noticeable. True, no later than a week later, you will need to change bedding again and carry out wet cleaning, because getting rid of dust will not work forever.

    If you think about it, dust is a real symbol of movement, because its “production” does not stop for a second, it is everywhere and always and is able to travel great distances, taking particles from your computer keyboard far beyond the ocean. Unfortunately, only a slightly detached philosophical view will help to take the problem more calmly and live with it, regularly using recommendations for cleaning the house.

    What is dangerous dust and how to deal with it (video)