How to deal with dust in the apartment: tips. How to deal with dust in the apartment: an overview of effective methods and recommendations How to deal with house dust

No matter how wonderful the hostess is, the dust in the apartment still appears. However, knowledge effective ways combating it allows you to observe the ideal order. In order for each method to achieve the best results, it is important to know the origin of the dust. It depends on it right choice way to eliminate it.

According to a study by scientists, more than 70% of the dust is of natural origin. The remaining 30% is from human life. It is these types of dust that appear in our home.

TO natural includes dust from the following sources:

  • the soil;
  • water resources (oceans, seas, rivers);
  • forest fires, volcanic eruptions;
  • air currents in deserts;
  • space - the remains of burnt meteorites and comets;
  • flower pollen.
Dust from human activity has the following origin:
  • skin microparticles;
  • hair;
  • pet hair;
  • materials that make up the walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, carpets.

The most "productive" source of dust is the remnants of human skin. This factor must be taken into account, and try to carry out body treatment procedures in sanitary rooms.

Basic rules for dust control

To minimize the accumulation of dust in the apartment, it is advisable to observe the following rules:
  • Use the vacuum cleaner correctly, change dust bags more often or empty the container in a timely manner (after each cleaning). It is recommended to purchase a vacuum cleaner (see) equipped with a water filter.
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning: mopping, wiping with a damp cloth places that are not afraid of moisture. The rest - with a dry cloth with special care products for furniture and interior items.
  • Combing hair should only be done in the bathroom. Sweep them off the floor as often as possible.
  • The main attention should be paid to cleaning the kitchen, which is the leader in collecting dust. Loose products are best kept in closed containers. Take out the trash every day, no matter how much. It is recommended to change the hood filter frequently.
  • Give preference to furniture covered with leather. This option is expensive, but such furniture will become an interior decoration, it is easy to clean it, and it almost does not attract dust.
  • Frequent change of bed linen means a minimum of dust, consisting of particles of leather.
  • Drying and airing pillows outdoors in dry sunny weather. Regular (at least once a month) shaking out blankets, blankets and bedspreads from dust.
  • The use of a minimum number of carpets and rugs. The ideal option is small rugs or paths that are easy to shake out or wet clean (see).
  • You should not keep unnecessary things in the apartment that do not perform any functions other than a dust collector.
  • Periodically contact a company that cleans upholstered furniture and carpeting with the help of special equipment.
  • The presence in the room of living plants that help purify the air. Indoor plants require regular spraying or showering for them, depending on the characteristics of the flowers.
  • Carefully care for pets (bathing, cleaning paws, combing).
  • Airing is recommended only during calm, calm weather, ideally after rain.
  • Do not smoke in the house, use special humidifiers and air purifiers.
  • It is more practical to use curtains that can be washed at any time. Blinds are less practical and much harder to clean.
  • To make it easier to wipe the furniture, especially at the top, it is desirable that it be at least 30 cm high from the ceiling.
  • If you wipe the dust daily in all accessible places, and once a month you do a general cleaning, order in the house and a minimum of dust will be ensured.

People have become more selective in the use of cleaning products in their home. Most prefer to use products without chemicals, they can be prepared at home.

Spicy carpet cleaner. Its preparation resembles the preparation of food, because the basis is taken food products, more precisely, spices: a pinch of cinnamon and cloves, 3-4 bay leaves, pour 1 liter of water, in which before that dissolve 2 cups baking soda. Shake the mixture and you can start processing carpets. Apply the product with a sponge or brush, rub and leave for several hours. After that, you need a vacuum cleaner that will pick up the dried soda residue along with spices and dust. Soda acts as a disinfectant element, spices - to create a pleasant aroma.

Bath popper. To 1 cup of 9% vinegar, add half a cup of baking soda. Wipe the tile, sink and bathtub with the resulting sizzling mixture. Rub lightly after 15-20 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. The effect is amazing whiteness and brilliance, and the complete absence of dust.

Homemade cleaning wipes. Place soft rags from old unnecessary things in a basin with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3. To muffle the smell of vinegar with any essential oil(a few drops). Leave in closed. Such rags will help out when processing kitchen utensils, household appliances.

Home polish. Fill vessel 3/4 full vegetable oil, add 1/4 vinegar plus the juice of half a lemon. This product is stored in the refrigerator. Before wiping surfaces wooden furniture shake well.

People's Councils using improvised safe means:

  • mustard powder instead of dishwashing detergent;
  • diluted vinegar instead of chemical glass cleaner;
  • baking soda from stains and dust on furniture (rub with a soft damp cloth with a pinch of soda sprinkled on it);
  • vinegar in half with water for the care of the bathroom and toilet;
  • cleaning tiles with raw potatoes;
  • using vinegar (added to water) to wash the floor and remove dust from it as much as possible.
Here is a video showing how to make a citrus spray. It is a safe and effective home remedy for removing dust and dirt.

Water is the main means for cleanliness and dust control. It dissolves dust microparticles, washes away its accumulations, and removes odor. If you have to get rid of light dust, it is enough pure water with a soft cloth.

But sometimes it is necessary to eliminate strong pollution, all kinds of stains that appeared from a large amount of dust, turned into garbage. In this case, household chemicals will help. What exactly do you need to have in order to do the perfect cleaning? It is worth taking a closer look at the recommendations of professionals:

  • special liquid for the care of glass and mirrors;
  • bath and toilet cleaners with a disinfectant effect;
  • concentrate for washing the floor;
  • air freshener.
Chemicals are on the market in various forms: gels, liquids, powders, concentrates, emulsions, pastes, creams, sprays. Their range is so wide that there will be no problems with the purchase - you can easily buy a product to your taste and for your needs.

When choosing a household chemical, you need to pay attention to the composition. If an allergic person lives in the house, you should purchase a product without components that cause allergies.

There are also general warnings: do not buy chemicals with content:
  • chlorine, ammonium and phosphates (contain toxins that cause malignant formations);
  • tricloban and triclosan (decrease protective functions organism);
  • based flavors chemical elements– allergens.
Any chemical household products, even with a gentle composition, often have on the skin and respiratory organs harmful impact. Therefore, cleaning must be done in rubber gloves in a ventilated room. If you have a thorough cleaning, a protective mask will not interfere.

Technical assistants in the fight against dust

Cleaning can turn into a simple, and even interesting activity, and fast and high-quality. For these purposes, the industry produces household equipment, presented in the trading network in a wide range and variety of types:
  • vacuum cleaners ( perfect option- the presence of wet filtration);
  • humidifiers air atmosphere in the room (too dry air is humidified, not saturated with dust particles);
  • hygrometer - determines the humidity of the atmosphere in the room;
  • special mops (see), brushes, brooms, brushes, sets of rags;
  • electric brushes (mini vacuum cleaners).

Indoor plants and clean air

Cultivation of indoor plants - not only an exciting hobby, it is also an opportunity to provide in the room useful air. Many plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, absorb dust particles.

What types of plants are advisable to start in an apartment, and what properties should they have:

  • Chlorophytum- one of the most useful flowers, it is able to absorb formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other toxic air elements.
  • Aloe (agave), Benjamin's ficus save tenants from toxic fumes from plastic furniture.
  • dieffenbachia It has unique property kill staphylococcal infection, destroys xylene and toluene released by polished and varnished surfaces.
  • Spathiphyllum fights against such elements harmful to humans as trichlorethylene, formaldehyde.
  • Shefler"Loves" smoking tar, nicotine, frees them from the atmosphere in the room.
  • begoniae prevent harmful effects electrical appliances, destroy fungus, microbes, increase air humidity.
  • Bay tree, geranium, lemon purify the air from pathogens.
  • Dracaena and gerbera absorb carbon dioxide, benzene, trichlorethylene from the air and release oxygen.
  • sansevier removes nitrogen oxides from the air.

It is necessary to properly care for indoor plants so that they do not turn from a number of "useful" into additional source dust. They need to be regularly watered, sprayed, washed in the shower, and the house will become much less dust and harmful substances.

The finer points of dust control

In addition to knowing how to do high-quality cleaning and dust removal, you also need to know and understand what is the main source of dust in your apartment. It is necessary to conduct a full "audit" of the things in it:
  • If the entire floor in the apartment is covered with carpets, carpet paths and carpets, immediately get rid of them or reduce them to the very minimum (set small ones so that they can be easily shaken out or washed). Read more about carpet cleaning methods -.
  • There are too many figurines, accessories, photos on stands, napkins and other small crafts, it is more expedient to put them in boxes and hide them in a closet.
  • Determine the purpose of each item and throw away what is not needed, or put away in the pantry items that are extremely useful.
  • If the apartment has too thick curtains, they collect a lot of dust, so it is better to change them to light ones that can be washed more easily and more often.
  • It is advisable to exclude woolen elements of decor and interior, sofa feather pillows it is better to change to synthetic ones that can be washed and dried.
Dust control is a never-ending job, as dust comes up again and again. However, based on the recommendations considered, we can conclude that, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary sources of dust, and for prevention, wet cleaning more often using products that are safe for health.

Omnipresent dust penetrates even the most secluded corners of our house, hides under sofas, makes friends with carpets and upholstered furniture, especially triumphs in an apartment on sunny days. How to deal with dust - an insidious enemy of all lovers of cleanliness and sterility?

Immediately accept the idea that you will not be able to completely get rid of it. Of course, this is not a reason not to fight dust at all. After all, it not only looks unsightly, but also harms health: it causes allergies, helps to spread various infections. And how equipment and indoor plants suffer from it!

home helpers

How to deal with house dust effectively? It is quite logical that the main assistant in this difficult task will be a vacuum cleaner. But not anyhow, but with a multi-stage filtration system. Otherwise, dust cleaning will be more like moving it around the apartment: first, this unit draws it in, then evenly distributes it throughout the home. Models of vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter deserve special attention; they retain almost 100% of the dust sucked in. However, not everyone likes that after each cleaning it is necessary to drain the used water.

But to deal with dust at home with a broom is a so-so idea. It lifts light particles into the air more than it collects. If there is no other option, moisten the broom before you start waving it.

Wet cleaning

Helps in the fight against dust regular wet cleaning. Thoroughly clean floors under beds, sofas, and cabinets. Do this cleaning at least once a week. And, accordingly, once a month - general.

Remove dust from shelves, cabinets, countertops and other horizontal surfaces need a damp cloth. Remember that simply swiping will not help you get rid of this enemy, it will only move you in space.

Books are great dust collectors, so store them on glass shelves. And how to remove the dust that has already made its way inside the cabinet? From time to time, vacuum the books with a narrow nozzle, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth. By the way, antistatic agents will help to qualitatively remove this insidious enemy from the house and protect equipment from it. Dampen a rag with them, wipe the surface of furniture, computer, TV. Or follow the instructions.

Do you know how to properly remove dust from houseplants? It will not be possible to get rid of it with ordinary spraying from a spray bottle. It will just thicken and damage the flowers even more. Wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, clean them with a soft brush.


Ventilate rooms more often, open windows. But along with fresh air you let in again invisible enemy to the house. Therefore, it is better to do ventilation after rain or in calm weather.

Ventilate not only the apartment. Pillows, mattresses, blankets, outerwear, take out soft toys in the summer in the sun, and in the winter - in the cold.

The sun and frost will also help you remove dust mites - the culprits of allergies.


What to do with dust on upholstered furniture? Knock her out! But no one offers to pull the sofa out into the street. Just cover it with a damp sheet and give it a good beating. All the particles you knock out will be absorbed by the wet cloth and none of them will rise into the air. Better when at home leather furniture: it attracts less dirt, and it is much easier to remove it from the leather surface.

Even powerful vacuum cleaners are not always able to completely remove the dust that has settled in the bowels of the carpet pile. Therefore, at least once every six months, knock out carpets, if you have any.

Shake out blankets and bedspreads once a month.

To reduce dust in the house ...

Hide small objects under glass - figurines, vases, candlesticks. Reduce to a minimum everything that collects dirt from the air: artificial flowers, clothes hanging on chairs. Do not store unwashed shoes in the hallway.

Change bedding once a decade. Wash curtains and drapes frequently. Blinds, products with uneven surface systematically clean with a sweeping brush on the balcony.

Keep an eye on humidity. The air in the house should not be too dry. If this problem occurs, use special humidifiers.

Uncompromising dust fighters can install an air purifier in their homes. But it will only be truly effective in conjunction with other activities listed above.

The eternal enemy of health and cleanliness in the house is dust. Even after general cleaning, after a few hours it can be seen on smooth surfaces. It not only spoils the appearance of the room, but is also very dangerous for health. What is the best way to remove dust in the apartment and how to prevent its occurrence?

Harm of house dust

The concept of "dust" is quite extensive and includes a large number of components. So, particles of dirt, animal hair, various allergens and so on fly in the air. Of particular danger is the dust mite, which can provoke an asthmatic attack or lead to the development of allergies.

In addition, other pathological microorganisms are carried with dust particles and harmful substances. First of all, these are carcinogens that result from the operation of household appliances, toxins from cigarette smoke, fungal spores and bacteria. Once in the body, they provoke the development of diseases, so the fight against dust is very important for maintaining health.

Elimination of dust collectors

To reduce the amount of dust in the room, remove all decor and interior items that contribute to its accumulation. To do this, follow these simple guidelines:

  • If possible, remove carpets from walls and floors. This is where it concentrates maximum amount dust, even with daily vacuuming.
  • Throw out from the closets things that you have not used for more than six months (the exception is seasonal clothes).
  • Limit the presence of decorative elements in the room. For the most part, this applies to napkins, artificial flowers, figurines and books that stand on open shelves. If you do not want to part with your favorite items, store them behind glass.
  • If possible, replace curtains and tulle with roller blinds or blinds. Due to their smaller area, they accumulate less dust and are easier to care for.

Dust removal methods

Regular cleaning will help to get rid of dust in the room. Be sure to walk around all the corners of the rooms and wipe or wash even the most secret places where dirt can accumulate. To effectively and permanently get rid of contaminants, use simple recommendations for dust control.

Remove dirt not only from open surfaces, but also from furniture, including upholstered furniture. To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and knock out the dust. A wet cloth will absorb all the dirt and prevent it from spreading in the air and settling on other objects. You can also vacuum the surface using a special furniture brush.

For cleaning dust in the apartment, a washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter is perfect.

Steaming will help to quickly remove dust from curtains. This method will not only remove dirt, but also kill bacteria, and also smooth the fabric. If you want to keep your home clean on a regular basis, get a floor standing steamer with a large water tank.

Remove house dust and all indoor plants. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. Also wipe down the windowsill or shelf where the plants are placed. Don't forget to take care of your pets. Brush your coat regularly and wash your paws after a walk.

Dust all surfaces, including closet, cornices, paintings, and baseboards. Don't miss out on home appliances. Especially often dust accumulates on the computer monitor and TV screen.

To clean floors, first vacuum the surface well and then mop it. The best option– use of a washing vacuum cleaner equipped with an aquafilter. Such household appliance not only effectively clean the floor from dust, but also destroy particles of dirt.

If there is no washing vacuum cleaner, use a mop and a rag. Dry all exposed surfaces well, especially under the table, under the sofa and bed.

Ventilate the room regularly, especially when cleaning. To prevent street dust from entering the room, install on the windows Mosquito nets or cover openings with a damp cloth.

What is the best way to deal with dust?

To facilitate the fight against dust will help the use of special means and appliances.

Humidifier. With sufficient humidity, dust does not fly in the air, but settles on the surface, where it is easier to notice and eliminate.

Hygrometer is a device that controls the level of humidity. Modern humidifiers are equipped with this function, so you do not have to purchase it separately. A hygrometer will help you determine when the humidity is too high and threatens mold growth.

membranes for windows. Such devices protect against the penetration of street dust into the room. Another advantage of membranes is that they do not allow allergens (plant pollen, poplar fluff, etc.) to enter the house.

Helps reduce the amount of dust in the air indoor plantchlorophytum. Place it in the place of maximum accumulation of dirt (on the windowsill, desktop or bedside table).

Dust not only spoils aesthetic appearance at home, but also causes a deterioration in the well-being of residents. The problem is that it is impossible to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time. Even the person himself is the cause of the appearance of these microscopic particles, not to mention other factors. You will have to constantly spend time and effort, but the cleaning process can be simplified by following a few recommendations.

Several. Even if you do not open the windows so that dust from the street does not enter the apartment, this will not help in the long run, since microscopic particles of the skin, human and animal hair, pile of carpets and upholstered furniture, pieces of paint and whitewash, and dirt on shoes are also sources Problems. For a year in an apartment of 65 square meters, an average of 40 kg of dust accumulates.

The dust itself is not too dangerous for humans, but it spreads bacteria and viruses that cause allergies, asthma and other health problems.

Dust mites are a powerful allergen

Methods to remove dust in the apartment

1. Wet cleaning. For thousands of years of existence, mankind has not come up with a more effective way to deal with dust. Wiping the surfaces with a damp cloth and thoroughly washing the floors at least once every 3-4 days will keep the amount of dust in the room to a minimum.

Special dust-repellent agents can be added to the water or to the wiping cloth, which will prevent the particles from settling on the surface for several days.

The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, its technical condition, the degree of air pollution, the number of residents and animals. When the dust becomes visible to the naked eye, you need to start wet cleaning. General cleaning should be carried out at least once a month.

Wipe thoroughly decorative elements upholstered furniture (buttons, hanging pieces of fabric), on which a dust mite usually lives - a saprophyte.

2. Elimination of dust collectors. Many household items accumulate dust, although they do not bring tangible benefits, simply being an interior decoration.

  • give up carpets on the walls if you are not ready to vacuum or beat them at least once every 7 days;
  • put things in the closet that you don’t use daily, such as old bags;
  • hide books and soft toys in a sideboard behind glass, they will collect less dust, but the comfort in the house will remain;
  • artificial flowers and figurines also accumulate a lot of dust on the surface, do not forget to wipe them during cleaning;
  • instead of massive curtains, screens, a canopy, use light curtains or blinds;
  • coverlets, pillows and carpets made of natural fabrics (especially silk) should be replaced with synthetic counterparts that crumble less;
  • wash all fabrics that are not stored in closed cabinets more often;
  • do not forget to periodically wash the windows and wipe the blinds;
  • timely remove the old rotten foam rubber from upholstered furniture and close the gaps in the baseboards;
  • remove dust under radiators;
  • comb your hair only in the bathroom, long curls scattered around the apartment collect even more dust;
  • wash your pets paws after walking.

3. Vacuuming. At correct use a vacuum cleaner - the best remedy for cleaning, but during operation a lot of dust is thrown into the air, at this moment there should be no children and people allergic to dust in the room. After turning on the device, open the doors and windows for draft.

Even the most modern device not able to pick up all the dust from the surface in one pass. For each square meter area spend 1.5-2 minutes. Handle the corners of the apartment and the baseboard with particular care. Vacuum the walls if possible. Use the special nozzle to clean open shelves. After vacuuming, do a wet cleaning.

4. Care of household appliances. Clean the filters of air conditioners and air humidifiers in a timely manner, change the bags in the vacuum cleaner at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Wipe the screens of TVs and monitors with special wipes. Clean out computers and laptops whose static electricity attracts a lot of dust.

Algorithm for cleaning an apartment from dust

  1. Put all unnecessary things in closed cabinets or under glass.
  2. Vacuum upholstered furniture or cover it with a thin, slightly damp cloth, then beat out the dust.
  3. Wipe, steam or wash curtains.
  4. Spray indoor plants with a spray bottle and wipe with a soft cloth. Brush your pets, especially those with long coats.
  5. Beat or vacuum carpets.
  6. Wash floors.
  7. Dust all surfaces: furniture, cabinets, cornices, household appliances, walls, batteries.

Means from dust in the apartment

Window membranes (nets) - not only protect against insects, but also prevent dust from entering from the street even with open windows, this cheap tool should be in every home.

Humidifier - when high humidity dust settles on the surface faster and becomes noticeable. But the air must not be waterlogged, otherwise mold may appear, which is even more dangerous than dust.

Chlorophytum is a non-capricious and easy-to-care plant that reduces the amount of dust in its habitat.

Chlorophytum - a plant that traps dust

Air purifiers are devices that pass air through special filters. Recommended for installation in new and recently renovated premises where there is a lot of dust. Can have ionization function and ultraviolet lamp to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter - unlike the usual one, it cleans not only the treated surface, but also the air, it is recommended for people with respiratory diseases.

Dust-repellent agents (polishes, aerosols, oils) do not eliminate dust, but only protect smooth surfaces due to the antistatic effect, preventing dust from settling for some time, but particles still accumulate elsewhere.

dust on household appliances in the house, furniture and in the corners of the rooms can not irritate only the most untidy hostess. The rest of the women, and many of the men, always try to eliminate accumulations of dust whenever possible.

The process of dust formation cannot be completely interrupted, because particles of our skin, fibers of clothes, bed linen, fluff from blankets and pillows participate in it.

The biggest danger from dust is a negative effect on the respiratory system: allergenic particles in the air and on all surfaces lead to the development of rhinitis, bronchitis, worsen the condition of patients with bronchial asthma.

The volume of dust directly depends on the ecology of the settlement and even on what furniture and accessories you use to create an individual interior and comfort. Cleanliness in the house will be supported by innovative technologies, and your perseverance, as well as a few small but easier cleaning tricks.

Dust Control Methods

If you are tired and do not want to spend your energy several times a week on wiping all the furniture, appliances and floors, and the dust does not want to leave your home, then you need to reconsider not only your approach to cleaning, but also what your apartment is filled with . It is easiest to maintain cleanliness in a room where there are no dense, thick carpets, thin curtains are used on the windows, and there is a rug at the entrance to the apartment that collects all street dirt. In order to effectively and quickly deal with dust, it is necessary to know where it is formed first of all and, on this basis, to prevent the accumulation of dirt in these places.

Dust sources

The main sources of dust in the house are thick clothes, outdoor shoes, floor mats. In order to minimize the amount of dirt in the house, it is necessary to start cleaning from the most important places where dust particles spread.

  • A TV and a computer in working condition are good at attracting any particles that are in the air. And therefore it is recommended to turn it on only if you are watching a program, and remove dust not only from the top panel, but also from the screen itself.
  • Top, winter clothes - perfect place for the accumulation of germs and house mites. It must be periodically dried in summer days, and in winter it is desirable to freeze it outside.
  • Bed linen is recommended to be changed once a week. The mattress must be thoroughly vacuumed at least once a month. Pillows and blankets are taken out into the cold or under hot sunlight about once every two weeks. Such activities do not allow mites to accumulate in linen and relieve many microbes.
  • If you have pets in your home, care for them should always be constant. Combing wool and periodic bathing reduce the amount of epithelium falling from the body, and therefore make the air in the apartment cleaner. After walking, animals must thoroughly wipe their paws.
  • Home plants are also a source of dust, but at the same time they are also considered excellent air purifiers, so you should not refuse them. The main rule when caring for plants is the periodic cleaning of leaves from dust, carried out with a damp cloth.
  • All microorganisms, dirt, sand, dust particles quickly accumulate in floor rugs and carpets. It is not always convenient to remove them from the apartment completely, so their cleaning should be given increased attention.
  • Dust is well accumulated by magazines, newspapers scattered around the room, open shelves in the walls, all kinds of trinkets. If the things in the room are of no real value to you, then it is best to get rid of them. This will not only make the apartment much cleaner, but also free up the room, making it bright and spacious.
  • Unused seasonal items should always be put away in tight bags or special covers and boxes, this will also prevent dust from accumulating.

It has been noticed that the least dust is in those rooms where the furniture is mostly wooden or leather, there are not a lot of soft toys, and things are constantly in closed cabinets.

Cleaning steps

Any room, even decorated in the most minimal style, needs periodic cleaning to keep the room clean. Cleaning in the apartment can be divided into current and general. The first type of cleaning is carried out once or twice a week. The frequency of general cleaning depends on many factors, but once every two months it is still necessary to do it. The current cleaning consists of:

  • Wiping dust from furniture, household appliances.
  • Cleaning of sanitary rooms.
  • Floor washing.

To remove dust from carpets and floors, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner, a broom raises dust and it inevitably settles on all surfaces. It is necessary to periodically clean the bag of the vacuum cleaner from dirt, otherwise you will get the exact opposite result when cleaning. It is also necessary to wash the floors when moving chairs, tables, sofas, in these places dust quickly accumulates in the form of large balls.

After using the vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to once again walk with a cloth over all surfaces located in the room, this will collect the settled particles.

General cleaning differs from the current high labor intensity, some of them resort to the services of different companies for its implementation. It is easy to carry out general cleaning yourself, the main thing is to allocate a sufficient amount of time for this. Extensive tidying up consists of several stages:

  • Dust must be removed not only from visible surfaces, but also from closed cabinets, chandeliers, cornices. Do not forget about the top of the walls, cabinets.
  • During the general cleaning, you need to wash the curtains and tulle.
  • It is advisable to take the carpets outside and slap it well there. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to vacuum both the upper and lower surfaces of the rugs.
  • A large accumulation of dust is always observed on the shelves with dishes and books. Wash glassware and dry thoroughly. Books vacuum well.
  • During general cleaning, it is necessary to air pillows and blankets.
  • Existing soft toys should be washed and dried.
  • After dusting, airing and washing, all floors must be washed. If there are animals in the house, then it is better to do this with disinfectants, but safe for flooring and humans.
  • Close attention during cleaning should be given to the kitchen. V working area there are always body fat, and in kitchen cabinets there are always scattered cereals, crumbs from pastries and coffee. All surfaces and shelves must be cleaned. Move if possible kitchen set and get under it.

Do not forget that in a residential apartment you need to periodically do redecorating. Dust accumulates well paper wallpaper, clogged under the plinth and linoleum, attracted to the whitewashed ceiling.

Help reduce the amount of dust in the house air purifiers, air conditioners with filters, ionizers. Refreshes the air in the apartment and an open window, but it is better to open it after rain or when there is no wind.

It is difficult to deal with dust, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to maintain cleanliness in the apartment constantly, and not occasionally. It is imperative to involve children and a husband in cleaning, and then they will scatter their toys and clothes much less.