Hammer drills with a vacuum cleaner: types, selection and manufacture. Nozzle for construction vacuum cleaner for removing dust when drilling holes Waste bag for dust when drilling

The puncher can perform different jobs, which is associated with its unique design. Only in order to expand the functionality of the tool, you will need the appropriate nozzles for the puncher. However, do not rush to buy them, as in the material we will pay attention to all kinds of nozzles for punchers, as well as their main parameters and purpose.

What nozzles are for a perforator

After the invention of the hammer drill, the functionality of this power tool is expanding every year. The expansion of the functionality is achieved due to the release of different types of nozzles that are capable of not only drilling, but also hollowing, stabbing, destroying, drilling, kneading, strobe, clogging, etc. All these manipulations are implemented using special devices. The following types of nozzles are produced on the perforator:

  1. Drills - for drilling holes in concrete and other similar materials
  2. Chisels - special devices designed for removing tiles and crushing concrete
  3. Pike - for punching holes in concrete structures
  4. Spatula - used for chasing channels in the walls, which is performed for the purpose of subsequent laying communications
  5. Crown - a device that allows you to drill a large diameter hole in the wall
  6. Mixers or whisks - for kneading and mixing dry and bulk materials
  7. Dust collectors - special devices that ensure dust-free drilling
  8. For removing paint - special types of nozzles that allow you to remove paint from concrete surfaces
  9. A break drill is a special type of drill that is used to make through holes in concrete and reinforced concrete structures.
  10. Drills - for drilling holes in concrete and wood
  11. Vibrator - a device with which the concrete solution is compacted when pouring floors, walls and other structures
  12. For hammering nails - you can also use a hammer drill as a hammer. To do this, a special device is installed in the tool chuck, which allows you to drive nails into wood materials.
  13. Yamobur - a nozzle that is designed to drill holes not in concrete, but in the ground. When operating such a device, only high-powered power tools are used.

Knowing what nozzles are for the puncher, you need to pay attention to their consideration. Of course, the most popular are drills, which drill holes in concrete, reinforced concrete and other similar materials. To do this, the drill is selected with the appropriate diameter, which depends on the technological task. Even if a drill for concrete is attached to the puncher, you still need to purchase them additionally, since they tend to wear out.

Types of shanks on the nozzles of perforators

Before you deal with the types of nozzles for punchers, you need to find out what types of shanks are used on such devices. So, perforators are divided into three main types according to their functional purpose:

  • Household devices are an inexpensive type of percussion power tool designed for infrequent use in the household. In the design of such tools, chucks of the SDS plus type are used.
  • Semi-professional - hammers that are designed for frequent use, for example, during construction and repair work. Depending on the power, semi-professional models can be equipped with two types of cartridges SDS plus and SDS max
  • Professional devices - used exclusively for work. They have only two modes - drilling with impact and a jackhammer, and chucks of the SDS max type are used as an executive body

Depending on the types of cartridges, nozzles with the corresponding types of shanks are used. They differ not only from each other, but also from nozzles for drills and screwdrivers. What is the difference, and what parameters have different types of tail parts on nozzles for perforators, we will find out further.

  1. SDS-plus is a type of shank characterized by features such as length, thickness and shape. The length of the sds plus shanks is 4 cm or 40 mm, the thickness is 10 mm, and it should be noted in shape that they have 4 grooves. Two grooves are open type, and two are closed
  2. SDS max - shanks on nozzles for professional type rotary hammers. They differ from sds plus in such parameters as length - 90 mm, thickness - 18 mm, as well as the number of grooves. In addition to the fact that these grooves are larger in shape than on sds +, they also have 2 closed and 3 open types. This design provides better engagement of the nozzle with the working mechanisms of the cartridge.
  3. SDS-top is an older version of shanks that are 14mm in diameter and 70mm long. This is a cross between sds-plus and sds-max. Today they are extremely rare, and are produced exclusively for highly specialized models of rotary hammers.
  4. SDS-quick - a shank that has a cylindrical shape with 4 parallel ledges. Such nozzles can be used not only in the chucks of special Bosch brand punchers, but also in the chucks of drills and screwdrivers.

Today, also Chinese developers have made a special design of shanks called Spline or spline. They have a cylindrical part with slots that resemble a gear. Such devices are used on Chinese-made punchers, which are equipped with special types of cartridges.

Having dealt with the types of shanks for nozzles for perforators, you should understand the features of these devices, their capabilities and purpose.

Drill bits for perforators

One of the most common types of nozzles for perforators is a drill. It looks like a conventional concrete drill for a drill, but instead of a cylindrical base for fixing in a collet chuck, there is a special design SDS-max or SDS-plus. Drills are designed to make holes in concrete and brick walls. They consist of the following parts:

  1. The shank is the part that is recessed into the punch chuck. Due to the special design of the shanks, the nozzle after installation has a backlash, due to which the impact movement is ensured
  2. The working part is a spiral, which is designed to remove dust and concrete particles from the drilled hole. Spirals can be screw, as well as spiral and flat. If augers allow drilling deep holes, then spiral ones are designed to make holes for installing dowels
  3. The tip is the cutting part, which is also a guide when performing the corresponding work. Hard-alloy materials are applied to the tip, which increases the wear resistance of the drills, and also extends their service life. The tips have not only a different number of edges, but also the corresponding types of sharpening, which affects the quality and speed of drilling holes in concrete

Drills are produced in different diameters from 12 mm to 60 mm, and they also have different lengths from 10-15 cm to 1 meter. Depending on the tasks, it is necessary to choose the appropriate drills for perforators.

Chisels for punchers and their purpose

Structurally, a nozzle called a chisel on a puncher is no different from a metalwork tool. The main difference is in the presence of a shank and an elongated shape of the working part. The main purpose of such a device is to chip concrete, brick, cinder block. During operation, the sharp part of the chisel becomes dull, so it must be sharpened on an emery wheel.

The chisel is also used to remove plaster and tiles from the wall, as well as ceramic tiles from the floor. Chisels have a different thickness of the working part, as well as length, which positively affects the convenience of working with a tool with such nozzles. Chisels with a working length of 25 cm and a thickness of 20 mm are considered the most popular devices. They are produced for rotary hammers with cartridges sds max and sds plus.

This is interesting! Like drill shanks, chisels also need to be lubricated with special lubricants at the tail end. This is done in order to reduce friction, as well as improve the quality of heat dissipation. During the operation of a power tool with different types of nozzles, the latter are heated. Moreover, it is no longer the tip of the device that heats up, but the tail part, so it must be lubricated before starting work.

Pick or punch on puncher

When working with a puncher, you may need a device such as a breakdown or peak. Their main purpose is to punch holes in walls and concrete structures. Another peak is suitable for chiselling bricks, as well as for chasing walls for laying electrical wiring.

If it is necessary to drill a channel in a large wall for laying communications, then first a grinder is used, which cuts the grooves, and then a puncher with a nozzle in the form of a chisel or peak comes into operation, which depends on the size of the channel. Peaks, like chisels, also become dull over time, so you can undermine them. They also have different lengths of the working part, as well as thickness. They are a great replacement for a slinger.

The scapula and its purpose

The blade is also called a groove chisel, as it has a similar design. A flat spatula with a wide tip is actively used to remove plaster from walls, as well as to remove paint. For removing plaster, perhaps there is no better power tool than a hammer drill with a spade-shaped nozzle. In addition, the spatula is also used for chasing walls when you need to get a large channel for laying communications.

When working with a spatula, its tip is also blunt, which can be sharpened on a special emery wheel. Usually each hammer drill is equipped with such devices as a pike, chisel and spatula, so you will need to buy them in extreme cases when these tools fail or are lost.

Concrete hole saws for drilling large diameter holes

Drills are used to drill holes in concrete. But when you need to drill a hole of a large diameter, for example, sockets and switches, then core drills for concrete are used for work. They have a more complex design compared to drills for perforators, and consist of the following elements:

  1. Shank - for fixing in the tool chuck
  2. The working part is a bowl of the appropriate size, on the edges of which teeth are applied with soldering from pobedit or diamond coating.
  3. Drill - a centering element that allows, when drilling with a crown, not to shift from the intended zone

It is possible to drill with drill bits not only concrete structures, but also reinforced concrete and even granite. Such nozzles can only be used for drilling shallow holes in the wall. Among the features of drill bits, it is also worth noting that they are collapsible and solid. Collapsible are considered more in demand, as they allow you to change not only centering drills, but also bowls of the appropriate size. However, although they are multifunctional, they are less reliable, depending on the solid core drills.

There are two types of bowls on crowns - with and without holes. The presence of holes indicates that the nozzle does not need cooling during operation. If there are no holes, then the nozzle needs additional cooling during operation. Cooling is provided by irrigation with water or special coolants. When drilling in concrete, it is not necessary to use liquids, unlike when drilling in granite or reinforced concrete.

This is interesting! Core drills come in different diameters from 26mm to 600mm. It is possible to use crowns of large diameters only in high-power punchers over 1.5-2 kW. Drilling with crowns on concrete in a perforator is necessary in the “drilling with impact” mode.

Breakthrough drill and its purpose

If a large through hole needs to be drilled in a concrete wall, then special nozzles are used for such purposes - breaking drills. They are either solid or split. Collapsible models allow you to change the tips, which is necessary depending on the size of the hole to be drilled in concrete. Structurally, a breaking drill for a perforator consists of the following parts:

  1. Shank of different types
  2. Extension - its length depends on the thickness of the wall. Typically, the length of the extension is 50 cm or more.
  3. Tip - in shape it is similar to a regular drill, only it consists of several spirals, and also has a large size (like crowns)

In the design of the break drill, a center drill is used, which makes it possible to exclude the displacement of the nozzle from a given target. The destruction of concrete is entrusted to special teeth with soldered pobedit, which bite into the base and gouge the concrete, thereby obtaining a hole as a result.

Nozzles-mixers on the perforator

A hammer drill in drilling mode can be used as a low-speed drill for mixing solutions. To do this, you need to switch the puncher to the drilling mode, and also reduce the rotational speed of the cartridge. For mixing dry mixes, a mixer nozzle is installed in the perforator cartridge, which has the shape of a whisk.

Dry mixtures, as well as ready-made solutions, can be mixed with such nozzles. Moreover, it can be not only substances such as gypsum, glue and cement, but also bituminous viscous mixtures. The design of the whisk is quite simple. You can make a mixer nozzle with your own hands if you have a welding machine. However, it is important to take into account that for each type of mixture, appropriate nozzle shapes are used. For sealants, whisks are used, which provide effective mixing of the solution, excluding the penetration of oxygen into the composition.

If you are faced with the question of which tool is better to use for mixing the solution - a drill or a rotary hammer, then it is better to choose a rotary hammer that has a large moment, unlike high-speed drills.

This is interesting! Did you know that using a high-speed drill to mix solutions can damage the electric motor. The reason for this is a large load, which contributes to an increase in the current flowing through the stator and rotor windings. When the winding is heated, the insulation is broken, and as a result, the motor fails.

Vibrator for concrete

A special nozzle called a vibrator is used exclusively when carrying out work with pouring concrete mixtures. The vibrator allows you to compact concrete when pouring floors, walls or ceilings. Since ancient times, instead of a vibrator, pins and various sticks were used, with which they pierced concrete and manually removed air from the poured concrete solution. The use of such nozzles is relevant when reinforced concrete structures are poured.

The nozzle consists of a tip and an extension made of flexible materials. The extension has different lengths, which allows you to lower the vibrator cap to a great depth, which is especially important when pouring walls. The vibrator nozzle is attached to the tool chuck, and in order to put it into action, it is necessary to turn on the jackhammer mode on the tool. If a vibrator is not used, then air accumulations will form in the structure of the poured concrete structure, which, when the solution hardens, will be a weak point.

For nailing nozzles

Another hammer can be completely free to replace the hammer. To do this, a special device is installed in the design of the cartridge. The design of the nozzle resembles an adapter. On one side there is a tip for fixing in the tool chuck, and on the other side there is a groove into which the head of the driven nail is sunk. The size of the groove depends on the size of the nail head, so these criteria must be taken into account when buying.

The principle of operation of such a nozzle is quite simple. The puncher switches to jackhammer mode, and a nail is inserted into the groove of the nozzle. After that, you need to direct the leg of the nail in the direction where it needs to be hammered. Further, after pressing the start button on the punch, the nail is quickly driven in. In addition to being used for hammering nails, this nozzle can also be used to drive pins and even ground rods, eliminating the need to apply titanic efforts to achieve a result.

Dust collectors for working with a rotary hammer without noise and dust

If you need to drill a hole in concrete, but you do not want to litter the room, then there are special nozzles that are designed to collect dust. Such a device is called a dust collector. It works in conjunction with a vacuum cleaner. An extension cord is connected from the vacuum cleaner to the device, which allows you to work without creating dust. This is very convenient when, after finishing the repair and arranging the furniture, it becomes necessary to make a hole in the concrete wall in order to hang the picture.

The device for a dust blower consists of a corrugated pipe that is attached to the tool chuck (this is a type of device). The length of such a pipe is 5-10 cm, which depends on the drill used in the tool. For dust removal, it is necessary to securely fix the nozzle to the base. At the same time, it is important to take into account that it is attached not to the cartridge that rotates, but to the back part behind the executive body near the auxiliary handle.

There are dust collector nozzles that do not have an outlet for connecting a vacuum cleaner. This is a simplified version that allows you to work without dust. They differ in that they do not have an additional hole in the design for connecting vacuum cleaners. Such nozzles are usually mounted on a drill installed in a perforator chuck.

A similar device is available for drills. Its main purpose is to be able to work with a puncher in places where access is difficult or limited.

Drill bits for wood and metal

Hammer drills that have a drilling mode can be used to drill holes in metal and wood. For such purposes, manufacturers even produce appropriate nozzles - drills with sds plus shanks. If drills are used to drill small holes in metal and wood, then hammer drills allow large holes to be made in these materials. This is achieved due to the fact that the tool has a large moment, so it can easily cope with the most complex tasks.

This is interesting! If you need to drill metal, plastic or wood, then you need to do this exclusively with a power tool that has a drilling mode. If you drill metal in the drilling mode, then not only the drill, but also the executive body of the perforator will fail very quickly.

Yamobur for perforator what is it and why is it used

Everyone knows such a tool as a hand drill for drilling holes in the ground for installing posts. To automate this process, manufacturers produce special nozzles that look like a break drill.

Now you know what the nozzles for perforators are called, and what they are. However, the functionality of the tool does not end with the above types of devices. There are still a lot of options for nozzles that are made by hand to facilitate the work of removing paintwork from concrete surfaces. In conclusion, it should be noted that the more powerful the tool, the greater its range of capabilities. If you have so far used a hammer drill only for drilling concrete, now you can significantly expand its functionality by saving on the purchase of a variety of tools.

Modern building tools have a lot of additional functions. It is they who allow them to stand out from their own kind and attract buyers. In addition to the fact that modern rotary hammers combine the functions of both a jackhammer and a drill, they also allow you to quickly change cartridge nozzles, select an operating mode, and control the quantitative indicators of rotations and impacts.

In addition to these, among the additional functions you can often find the presence of a built-in vacuum cleaner. This feature deserves closer attention.

What is it for?

Many do not even think - why do you need a vacuum cleaner function in a puncher.

It's no secret that dust appears during the operation of the perforator. Its quantity and composition depends on the material with which the work is carried out. Someone will consider the presence of dust not so much an inconvenience, but you should not underestimate it either.

  • There are also very small particles in the dust that settle on the skin and clothes of a person. If they are constantly inhaled, respiratory diseases, as well as allergic reactions, may occur. In addition to the vacuum cleaner, be sure to use a respirator and protective clothing.
  • This affects the comfort of the person. Working in dust is not very pleasant, and it is simply impossible to hold a regular vacuum cleaner and work with a rotary hammer at the same time. For people whose daily work is connected with this tool, the presence of a dust collector in it will greatly facilitate the work.
  • Small particles of dust adversely affect the work of the construction tools themselves. For example, the anther on the cartridge may fail.
  • After any work performed by a conventional puncher, a thorough cleaning is needed.

Even if you only need to drill a couple of holes, then you will have to wipe off the dust not only on the floor, but also on other surfaces. To minimize this step, choose a model with a dust collector.

To make working with tools comfortable, do not neglect the function of the built-in vacuum cleaner. It will not be superfluous even with minor modifications, and for professionals it is simply necessary.


All perforators with different types of dust collection systems can be divided into professional and amateur (for home use). Professional due to the high power and weight are designed for certain types of work. Tools for regular use often combine several modes, they are less powerful, and they are light in weight. Naturally, the cost of the former is many times higher.

Only a person who uses a puncher regularly, on a professional basis, can afford to buy them. With the help of the latter, it is quite possible to make simple repairs with your own hands or periodically make several holes for household needs. Devices for collecting dust and small debris can be of different designs.

  • Special dust extraction system to which you can connect a construction vacuum cleaner. Their main advantage is high power and the ability to absorb a large amount of debris. Portable construction vacuum cleaners do not greatly affect mobility and convenience. More bulky industrial models of vacuum cleaners often have sockets for power tools, which is also convenient. In this case, each device works autonomously.
  • Built-in vacuum cleaner, the work of which is directly related to the engine of the puncher. It can be completely removable or only part of the container (bag) for collecting garbage. Such a dust collector partially conceals the power of the perforator and affects its wear resistance. This system is suitable for tools with light to medium characteristics.
  • dust collectors. The essence of the action of which is that they do not allow small particles to scatter in different directions and detain them inside the chamber. Usually these are plastic nozzles in the form of a cone (they are also called dust caps) or a cylinder. They are either solid or ribbed cuffs that can compress slightly to provide a snug fit. Some of them still have an entrance to which you can connect the hose of a conventional household or construction vacuum cleaner. The choice of such dust collectors depends on the type of cartridge, tool model and the maximum possible hole parameters (depth and diameter).

In addition to the above positions, there are universal devices suitable for both a hammer drill and a drill and a screwdriver. They are attached to the wall in the manner of a suction cup, and a construction vacuum cleaner creates a draft for dust.

Popular Models

To make the advantages and disadvantages of rotary hammers with vacuum cleaners more clear, we will consider several popular models.

  • Bosch GBH 2-23 REA proved to be exceptionally good. The design of the vacuum cleaner can be easily removed. Inside you can see a filter and a container for collecting small construction debris, which is quite easy to clean. Without a filter, the tool works like a regular hammer drill with two modes. It copes well with the declared functions, holds more than 90% of dust and is convenient for transportation.

The only complaints were that in the connected state such a unit is quite heavy and it is not as convenient to hold it as without additional parts. And yes, it's a bit overpriced.

  • MAKITA HR2432 captivates with reliability and good performance. The dust collector can be detached - then you get just a good puncher. The bag is very roomy, even with intensive work it can be emptied once every two days. Unlike other analogues, the garbage does not spill out when the unit is turned over. Particularly noted is the convenience when working with the ceiling - dust does not fly into the eyes and cleaning is practically not needed.

Complaints are caused by the fact that it captures only small particles. Large pieces will have to be removed manually.

The storage container is large enough to store the drill fully assembled.

These two models with dust extraction are not the only ones, there are not many of them on the market, but there is a choice.

However, the choice of tool depends on the planned work.. To hang several pictures, you can take the first model. For larger actions, the second one is better suited.

How to do it yourself?

The choice of a dust collector largely depends on its cost. It is not always possible to make an expensive purchase. And when buying it is difficult to take into account all the nuances.

If you have a hammer drill without a vacuum cleaner, you can purchase a dust collector separately. Or make it yourself without spending effort and money.

The easiest option with the horizontal position of the puncher is to make a pocket in place of the future hole. Plain paper and masking tape work well for it.

With the vertical position of the perforator, when debris flies from above, this method is not suitable. Here you can use any plastic utensils - be it a glass or a cut bottle. In the bottom you need to make a hole equal to the diameter of the drill. During operation, if the length of the drill is insufficient, the cup is crushed, but keeps the bulk of the debris inside.

Repair, repair, repair. How many new ideas he gives birth to. In general, the time has come to hang a shelf in an already clean room, where cement and plaster dust is highly undesirable. You need a vacuum cleaner attachment that will make the process of drilling holes in the wall a dust-free operation. I run for the laptop, quickly sketch the model, start printing on the SkyOne 3D printer, an hour later we are already using:

After the first shelf, I was almost satisfied with the nozzle. Why almost? Because it is inconvenient to hold with one hand and drill with the other. The nozzle should itself be fixed on the wall, for this you need to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “suction cup”. I calculated approximately what it should be: my vacuum cleaner, which I use for construction work, can create a vacuum of 16 kPa according to the passport, but this is at zero air flow, but we will only partially limit the flow by making a suction hole with a diameter of 20 mm. I think that with such a decrease, one can count on 6 kPa. Let's translate into more convenient kg/cm2 (1 Pa = 0.0000102 kg/cm2) and get 0.0612 kg/cm2. I think that the suction force of 2 kg will be enough to fix the nozzle well on the wall, but not tear off the wallpaper. As a result, it is necessary to provide a suction cup area of ​​at least 32 cm2. Yes, the calculation is estimated, inaccurate, but then I will run the model through the flow calculation program, it is much faster than calculating manually.

Back to modeling. I tried to make the model so that it prints without supports.

I run it through the calculation, it is interesting to know the flow rate in the suction and rarefaction zone above and inside the nozzle.

The average flow speed in the drilling zone turned out to be about 70 km / h, I think this will be enough to capture dust from the drilling zone.

The average pressure above the nozzle turned out to be 101.1 kPa, under the nozzle - 95.4 kPa. The pressure difference is 5.7 kPa, lower than desired, given the area of ​​32.7 cm2, 1.9 kgf of suction is obtained. Considering the wear of the filter in the vacuum cleaner and air leaks on the sides, we will get 1-1.5 kgf, I hope this is enough.