Zamioculcas home care transplant reproduction. Unpretentious Zamiokulkas is easy to care for - we will discuss the nuances

IN last years one of the most popular plants among gardeners is zamiokulkas. It was popularly called " dollar tree". According to the practice of Feng Shui, zamiokulkas has powerful energy and helps to attract wealth and prosperity to the house. That is why it is often given for birthdays and housewarmings. How to care for this exotic plant and how to reproduce Zamioculcas at home, you will learn further.

Plant features

Zamioculcas is a member of the Aroid family. His homeland is East Africa. A feature of the flower is that it has no stems. From a powerful tuber hidden underground, fleshy, thickened in the lower part, petioles leave, on which spectacular glossy and fleshy leaves of a dark green color are located.

Zamioculcas is a succulent. Leaves, petioles and tubers accumulate moisture, thanks to which the plant is able to survive a long period of drought. The flower grows very slowly. Only a few new leaves appear per year. Plant height with proper care reaches 1 meter.

Zamioculcas blooms (home care, photos, plant propagation are described below) is extremely rare, since this requires ideal conditions. The appearance of the flower is very inconspicuous.

The lifespan of a succulent is 5 to 10 years.

The plant is quite unpretentious in care. It is not afraid of drafts and change of residence. However, in order to grow and maintain a beautiful zamiokulkas, home care, including reproduction, must be carried out in accordance with certain rules.


You can place the plant both on the south and on the north side. However, in order for the flower to grow more intensively and its leaves to be rich green, it is better to choose a window with sufficient lighting. The lack of sunlight slows down the growth of zamiokulkas, new leaves in this case grow weaker, moreover, they grow single.

Temperature regime

Zamioculcas is able to withstand a wide range of temperatures, but it will feel best in a warm room. In the cold season, it is recommended to keep at a lower temperature, at which it can accumulate strength for intensive growth in summer. The ideal temperature for keeping winter period- 16-18 °C. In summer, the temperature in the room where the zamiokulkas is located should be +25 ° C.

Humidity and watering

The dollar tree normally tolerates dry air. However, periodic spraying and washing of the leaves favorably affects the plant.

Watering is of no small importance in caring for a flower. Do not forget that Zamioculcas is a succulent. Accordingly, it tolerates a lack of moisture better than its excess. Excessive soil moisture can kill the plant. At the same time, prolonged drought causes Zamioculcas to use up internal reserves, as a result of which the leaves in the upper part of the petiole may begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Optimal watering for Zamiokulkas is rare, but plentiful. IN summer period the flower is watered after the soil has completely dried. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum.

top dressing

As a top dressing, fertilizers for succulents or cacti are well suited, you can also use a universal flower dressing, while consuming half the dosage. Zamioculcas are fed from spring to mid-autumn, that is, during the period of active plant growth.

The frequency of fertilizer application is 1 time in 2-4 weeks. IN winter time supplements are excluded.


Zamioculcas are transplanted as the rhizome grows. If it completely filled the pot, this means that the plant has become cramped and it's time to transplant into a larger pot. When choosing a new flowerpot, it is advisable to give preference to clay products, since plastic containers can crack under the pressure of the powerful Zamioculcas root system.

How it breeds

Reproduction of zamiokulkas at home can be done in 3 ways:

The division of the tuber;


Tuberous propagation

How else can a plant be propagated? Reproduction of zamiokulkas at home (photo provided below) can be carried out using tubers. Suitable for this method mature plant, which has large tubers. The tuber is divided into parts so that each piece has at least one growth point. Before planting, the tubers are dried for several hours, and the cuts are sprinkled with charcoal. Planting is carried out in a prepared substrate, while the tuber itself should not be very deep in the ground. It should be noted that the growth of a new plant with this method of reproduction is rather slow.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas leaf

At home, many flower growers propagate succulents with leaves. It is possible to grow a new instance of a plant in this way much faster than from tubers. For reproduction, it is better to take large leaves growing at the bottom of the flower. They can be rooted in water, or they can be planted directly in the ground. For better root formation, sections are recommended to be treated with rooting stimulants - Heteroauxin, Kornevin or Zircon.

The soil must be sterile and consist of either sand or a mixture of peat and sand. To create greenhouse conditions, the planted leaves are covered on top with polyethylene or plastic or glass containers.

Root formation is a long process and lasts from 1 to several months. Periodically, the greenhouse is opened for ventilation and, if necessary, moisten the soil.


Reproduction of zamiokulkas at home is suitable if the flower is already old enough. The stalk is cut off from a branch bare from below with a kidney formed on it. Next, cut off the stem with a sharp knife and shorten it. As a result, we have a small stalk with a kidney and a leaf. The slices are sprinkled with charcoal, left to dry for several hours, after which they are planted in the substrate. Roots usually appear in 3-4 weeks. During the rooting period, you need to ensure that the earth is constantly moistened.

Soil for Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas is not very picky about the soil. For the plant, ready-made soil mixtures for cacti and succulents are perfect. Also, many flower growers prepare the soil themselves. To do this, turf, leafy soil, peat, sand are mixed in equal parts. In order to prevent root rot add charcoal. The main requirement for the soil for Zamioculcas is friability, air and water permeability.


The popularity of zamiokulkas is growing day by day. And there is every reason for this. The huge demand for the plant is due to its decorative qualities, simplicity and unpretentious care. The succulent feels good both in bright rooms and in places devoid of bright light. solar lighting. With knowledge of how to properly propagate zamiokulkas at home, you can save a lot on buying a new plant and decorate your home with several copies of this exotic flower.

More recently, flower growers became aware of a houseplant - zamiokulkas. Often zamiokulkas, whose leaf propagation is more preferable, are planted by division. This process is a mystery to many. Its distribution began in the late 90s of the 20th century. In a short period of time, the flower won the hearts of both amateurs and professionals. What is this exotic plant with an unpronounceable name? Its homeland is tropical Africa, most often found in Mozambique, individual specimens come across in Madagascar.

Exotic appearance is both simple and fascinating. This flower is evergreen, unpretentious plant. It does not require complex care, it adapts well to our conditions. Zamioculcas has no branches, dark green leaves, swollen at the base, grow directly from the ground. Their length can reach 1 m or even more. The leaves are complex-pinnate: on the sides of the central part of the leaf plate (it is also called rachis, just like in ferns), there are small glossy fleshy leaves with a wax coating. They have pointed tips and are located opposite each other. The rhizome of Zamioculcas looks like a tuber.

This evergreen quite unpretentious. It easily tolerates low air humidity, shading of residential and office space, although in drought it can shed its leaves. The flower does not tolerate excessive moisture and stagnant water at all, so the soil for it must be loose, breathable, moisture-intensive. Optimal conditions for its maintenance: a warm and bright place, the absence of direct sunlight and moderate watering (excess liquid from the pan must be removed). In Russian conditions, the Zamioculcas plant rarely blooms, and the inflorescence is not particularly decorative. It is a small cream ear on a thick peduncle, surrounded by a greenish veil, merging with the foliage, and the flower is not very noticeable. According to legend, zamiokulkas (popularly called the dollar tree) brings financial stability and prosperity to its owners. Some believe that the popular name is due to the high price of the plant. Having learned more about this flower, about its "character", methods of reproduction, about how long it takes to grow an adult specimen, the question of price is often removed.

At home, the plant rarely blooms, and if it does, the seeds do not ripen. Therefore, there can be no talk of sowing seeds, the reproduction of Zamioculcas at home occurs exclusively by the vegetative method, but it is possible to use different parts of the flower.

There are several breeding options for this wonderful exotic:

  • division of an adult flower (possibly if the plant is already large enough),
  • cuttings (the most common and reliable way),
  • leaf plates (used only in cases where there is no other planting material).

What are the features of each method? Knowing these subtleties, you can choose the best way for yourself, how to propagate zamiokulkas.

Division of an adult flower

The question of how to plant a flower arises quite rarely. Zamioculcas grows slowly, so this method is not often used, only when the mother flower has reached a large size, and it can be divided into several copies. Like other plants, exotics need to be planted on fine spring days. 2 options are possible:

  • divide old bush, carefully freeing the intertwined rhizomes;
  • cut the tuber into 2 or more parts, the number of divisions depends on the presence of dormant buds, each part must have at least 1 embryo.

If the second option is used, then the slices must be dried and sprinkled with crushed coal.

The prepared material is planted in low small pots. It is very important to provide a large layer of drainage, most often expanded clay, gravel, and sometimes polystyrene are used. It should occupy at least 25% of the volume (remember that the flower does not withstand stagnant water). It will be possible to water not earlier than in 3-4 days with a small amount of water, you can even just spray the soil with water from a spray bottle (this will be quite enough).

The soil for planting needs light, the one for succulents is suitable. It is important to choose the right size of the pot: if the flower is planted in too large a container, the growth of twigs will be delayed. They will begin to grow only when the roots completely fill the volume of the container. When transplanting, it is important not to deepen the roots, they should slightly protrude above the soil surface.

Using cuttings

The next method is cuttings. In this case, the plant is injured much less, this is the most common, most effective method. A fairly large amount of planting material will be obtained, at the same time, plants develop much faster than when planting with leaves.

For reproduction, they take a middle-aged stem, very young ones are not suitable, they have not yet accumulated the right amount nutrients that help the cuttings develop into full-fledged plants.

It is necessary with a sharp knife to cut off the stem-rachis just above ground level and divide it into parts. Each should have buds, as a rule, a few leaves are left on the top piece. It has been noticed that the higher the stalk, the more successfully rooting takes place, the faster a new plant begins to develop. Cuttings taken from the top of the rachis are often left with 5-7 leaves. This allows you to get a large plant much faster. Before planting, the cuttings must simply lie down in the air, the cut will dry out a little. During this time, the smallest vessels will close, a thin cork layer will form, which will prevent the plant from rotting. How additional procedure it is possible to advise the treatment of the lower part of the cutting with any growth stimulant (heterouxin, root, etc.), which will contribute to the faster formation of the root system.

In a pot provided for new plants, you must not forget to lay a drainage layer, check the drain hole. It is very important that the water does not stagnate. Cuttings are buried in a light substrate, professionals advise adding perlite to it. Planted plants must be covered with a jar (or a transparent bag, plastic container), create greenhouse conditions for them, providing necessary care. In this case, rooting is more successful and faster. Periodically, the plants are ventilated, sprayed with water. Often such spraying replaces watering, since very little water is needed to avoid decay.

The cuttings take root quite well, and many flower growers do not create a greenhouse effect, do not cover young plants with a jar. Tuber roots appear within 1-2 months, and new leaves - within six months. By the way, there is a successful experience of rooting in sphagnum moss or in clean, wet sand.

If you want to immediately get a larger plant, you can root a branch of Zamioculcas without dividing it into cuttings.

Reproduction by individual leaves

The largest amount of planting material is obtained when propagated by individual leaves. Reproduction by leaf is the longest process. However, thanks to this method, you can grow several expensive plants yourself. As in the previous method, a large compound leaf is first cut from the zamiokulkas. Small leaves with a small piece of rachis (stem) are carefully separated from it with a sterile instrument. They are dried for several hours, treated with a biostimulant. Planting material is ready. After that, it is placed in a prepared substrate (self-made mixture or ready-made soil for succulents). Planting technology is the same as when propagating by cuttings.

The subtlety lies in the fact that the leaves are buried in the ground with a slight slope, the third part of the sheet should be in the soil. Usually, plastic cups or small pots are used for such reproduction (maximum 0.5 l, even smaller is better). Since there is a lot of planting material, it is very convenient to use seedling cassettes. This saves a lot of space. Root tubers appear within 1-2 months, at first they are very small (just the size of a pea), and then gradually grow, increase in size, elastic white roots appear on them.

Important point: the smaller planting material at vegetative reproduction, the longer new shoots do not appear. Zamiokulkas sometimes has to wait for fresh leaves for many months.

In the absence of soil, Zamioculcas can be rooted simply in water without soil. The stalk (or even a leaf) is placed in a container with water (a glass, a jar) and waiting for the roots to appear. It is imperative to add growth stimulants and some kind of fungicide to the liquid for disinfection. Water should be changed periodically or at least topped up with fresh water. Knowing about the tendency of the plant to rot with excessive moisture, experienced flower growers still advise using soil to root this exotic.

The most important thing when propagating exotic zamiokulkas is to be patient, not to rush. The answer to the question of how this flower reproduces will be one word - slowly! The development of the root system lasts several months. First, the flower grows a tuber, and then the green mass begins to increase. Each subsequent branch grows only after an increase in the root tuber.

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant, it will not be difficult to propagate it, the care is minimal, only patience and endurance are required. For getting desired result it is necessary to adhere to some rules that contribute to better rooting:

  • observe temperature regime, desired temperature - +25ºС,
  • adequate lighting is required
  • the decisive moment is optimal mode watering, the soil should not dry out much, but waterlogging should not be allowed.

As a conclusion

When propagating, it should be remembered that the whole plant is poisonous, especially tubers. Precautions must be strictly observed: be sure to use rubber gloves. When the juice gets on the skin and mucous membranes, there is a feeling of severe burning. In this case, immediately rinse the affected area with a stream of water. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the flower is out of reach of small children and pets.

The development of the dollar tree (like any other plant) is associated with the lunar phases. There is a sign that it is better to transplant zamiokulkas on a growing moon, this not only contributes better development flower, but also significantly enhances magical properties plants, including improving the financial condition of the inhabitants of the house. If transplantation and reproduction are carried out on a waning moon, then this attracts problems to the house, the plant is more naughty, reacts worse to care, can get sick or be attacked by pests. According to popular beliefs, the flower appreciates the attentive attitude, feels caring care and thanks the owners for their financial well-being.

Due to the difficulty of remembering and pronouncing correct name Zamioculcas has many household names: the Pearl of Mozambique, the Eternal Tree, etc. The flower is very popular with the Chinese, where it is called golden tree. In Russia, the plant often has conflicting names: "female happiness" and a flower of celibacy. Zamioculcas is best known as a dollar tree.

Zamioculcas is a flower that will bring prosperity to the house, popularly called the dollar tree. How Zamioculcas reproduces at home, what conditions are needed for this, you can read or watch a video. The main thing in reproduction is not to rush things, the development of the roots goes on for more than one month. At first, the plant gains a tuber, and only then begins to build up a green mass. Each next branch grows from an increasing tuber.

breeding conditions

Caring for zamiokulkas at home includes reproduction during periodic transplantation into a new container. In this case, the process of tuber division is gentle. They need to be carefully planted in prepared bowls with a good drainage layer and covered from above, before the formation of new leaves.

All parts of the plant are poisonous. When working, you need to use gloves, and make sure that pieces of the plant are not eaten by animals or children.

Other ways to get new plants will be rooting cuttings, leaves or cut tubers. It must be borne in mind that any method of reproduction is lengthy. Therefore, if germination takes place in water, then it should not turn sour. The substrate for germination does not contain humus, sterile, steamed.

In the process of rooting, a nodule is formed due to the nutrients of the leaf or cutting. Therefore, by the time the first young leaf appears, the old part turns yellow and wrinkles. This is fine.

Rooting occurs in warmth and light. So that the ground part does not evaporate moisture, a cap is created over the plant, sometimes the new plant is ventilated. Water very moderately, so that the water wets the ground only at the walls of the cup.

How to plant zamiokulkas at home

If the flower has outgrown its dishes and the grower does not need new specimens, then the roots do not bother. The pot is either cut or broken, the plant is removed and planted in a new dish, a little larger than the previous one.

How to propagate zamiokulkas at home when planting an adult plant? Plant each tuber in a separate bowl. The soil is light and fertile. Add humus and expanded clay to the composition of equal parts:

  • turf;
  • leaf land;
  • sand;

It is necessary to seat the plant only in spring in shallow pots, a quarter of the height of which is occupied by the drainage layer.

For transplantation, you can divide the bushes by carefully disassembling the intertwined roots, or you can cut the tuber. If the tuber has more than one dormant bud, it is divided in half. The slices are dried, sprinkled with coal dust, planted in a small pot. The first time you can water the earth after 3 days, a little.

Any transplant and transshipment for a flower is stressful, and it takes time for it to regain a healthy appearance. Therefore, the flower grows until it deforms the pot. If you plant zamiokulkas in a large bowl until it is full, there will be no growth of twigs.

It is easier to propagate zamiokulkas with a leaf or a cutting, as practice shows. To do this, you do not need to injure the plant with a transplant. With a sharp knife, you can separate one pinnately dissected stem. If it is cut into segments that have growth buds, then these are cuttings. The upper cutting may contain many leaf blades. And the higher the cutting, the more successful rooting.

At home, Zamioculcas breeds both in water and in a special substrate. It is important that the tip of the petiole does not rot. To do this, activated charcoal or fungicide is added to the water, which suppresses the process of decay. It takes a month or more before roots appear. Rooting can also be done in clean, damp sand or sphagnum moss.

Leaf blades for reproduction are cut with a sterile instrument with a piece of the stem. They can take root in water or directly in a sterilized substrate. Such rooting will last 2-6 months, you need to be patient until the nodules grow at the base of the leaf.

If you plant the upper part of the leaf with several leaf blades, the development will be faster. But then each leaf must be planted in a separate glass and a backup should be provided. The dishes should have a drainage layer, a hole for draining water. The stalk is placed in a sealed bag or under a jar. Occasionally, the plant is ventilated, watered sparingly, along the walls of the vessel. And only when the first leaf appears, the shelter is removed.

Propagation of zamiokulkas by a leaf - four-part video

Zamioculcas - a small genus of succulent plants of the Aroid family, has been grown at home since the 90s. According to Feng Shui, this flower brings prosperity to the house, for which the people call it the "Dollar Tree". lovers indoor plants appreciate it for the beauty of the leaves, resembling a branch. On a long central vein (rachis) there are from 8 to 10 paired simple leaves or "feathers" of the same size, dark green, thin and hard to the touch. Their glossiness and one-dimensionality creates the illusion of artificiality of the plant, giving it additional effect.

Zamioculcas is unpretentious, easy to care for and very beautiful, so many people want to have this plant. IN flower shops most often offered are elite types of dollar tree. They are expensive and do not always successfully adapt to room conditions. You can get a new plant by multiplying an existing specimen.

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    Reproduction of zamiokulkas

    The dollar tree can be propagated by seeds. However, getting them is a big deal. The dollar tree blooms very rarely, and only in adulthood and in natural conditions.

    The inflorescence-cob is formed at the bottom of the plant, in the axil of one of the leaves and is painted in light nondescript colors. It is of no value from a decorative point of view. In place of the flowers after their pollination, large berries are formed. Each contains one seed.

    At home, Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely. Experienced flower growers consider the appearance of an inflorescence a sign of the imminent death of the plant. Seeds in captivity are not tied, even with artificially carried out repeated pollination. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get them on your own.

    At home, zamiokalkus can be propagated vegetatively: from cuttings and tuber division. However, in this case, not everything is simple: the plant takes root hard and develops slowly. This is due to the fact that Zamioculcas first forms a rhizome and only then shoots and leaves. The grower will need patience and strict implementation of the recommendations.

    Attention! Zamioculcas juice is poisonous, so all work with the plant is best done with gloves.


    As cuttings of zamiokalkus use:

    • a section of a leaf or branch on which at least 2 leaf blades or "feathers" are located;
    • top 15-20 cm long with 4-5 feathery leaves;
    • a separate leaf blade or "feather".

    Procurement of cuttings

    Cuttings are harvested in late spring or early summer. An adult (from 3-5 years old) plant with a lignified base and evenly colored undeformed leaves is used as a donor. Action algorithm:

    • A branch is cut with a sharp knife and divided into parts. The longer the cutting, the faster rooting will take place. Sections are treated with any root formation stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon) and dried for 2-3 hours. It should “ventilate” - be covered with a thin layer of “cork”.
    • The "feather" is cut at an angle of 45 °. Its lower third is treated with a mixture of powdered activated carbon or crushed chalk with the addition of any root growth stimulant.

    Do not take leafy cuttings from a newly acquired plant. In the store, they are often treated with chemicals that stimulate the growth and development of the flower, but significantly reduce the likelihood of rooting.


    Rooting leaf cuttings and "feathers" has some differences.

    1. 1. Rooting of leaf sections is carried out in a substrate or water. As a substrate use:
    • ready-made, store-bought soil for growing violets or cacti;
    • a mixture of equal parts of wet sand, vermiculite or perlite with finely chopped moss.

    Rooting will require small transparent containers. Convenient to use plastic cups, having previously made small holes at the bottom for water to drain. The cups are 1/3 filled with fine drainage, then the substrate is poured. The base of the cutting, previously treated with any powdered root formation stimulator, is deepened by 2-3 mm, tamping the soil around it.

    An alternative way to root cuttings-leaves is to use settled water. room temperature with the addition of an activated charcoal tablet or a few crystals of potassium permanganate.

    2. Cuttings in the form of "feathers" are rooted in the soil, consisting of peat chips and sand, taken in equal amounts. The soil mixture is placed in shallow containers: containers or boxes. The leaves are arranged in rows, deepening by 1/3.

    Caring for cuttings is simple and involves the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

    1. 1. Warm (22-25 ° C) humid (from 70%) air.
    2. 2. Placement of seedlings in a bright place.
    3. 3. Daily ventilation.
    4. 4. Starting from 3-4 days after planting - moderate watering (preferably from a spray bottle) using a solution of any biostimulant.

    Features of the development of young plants

    Rooting of cuttings-twigs and "feathers" takes place with different rates of tuber formation and leaf growth:

    • In cuttings-twigs, the first tubers the size of a pea will appear in about 2 weeks, leaves - not earlier than in 7-8 months.
    • "Feathers" take root 1-1.5 months. At the same time, they turn yellow and dry, giving all their strength to the emerging tubers. New leaves will have to wait a year or even 1.5.

    After the appearance of leaves, young plants are transplanted into separate pots filled with soil for ficuses or palms and the usual care for adult forms is carried out.

Interesting things have recently appeared in shops and garden centers. ornamental plant with glossy leaves of an unusual shape, bearing the exotic name Zamioculcas.

The reproduction and maintenance of this tropical succulent is now quite accessible not only to landscaping specialists, but also to amateur flower growers.

Plant features

Zamioculcas - evergreen herbaceous plant, which is considered to be native to tropical Africa. Dense glossy leaves of dark green color have the form of a long feather, collected from individual leaf blades on a dense base.

Between themselves, the leaves are collected in a dense rosette and form a magnificent fan about 60 cm high.

The underground part consists of tubers and thick, fleshy roots.

Zamioculcas rarely blooms even under ideal conditions., the appearance of the inflorescences is not too expressive.

Flowers have unusual shape, which brought him the glory of the plant - muzhegon. Because of this, the harmless succulent is popularly called the flower of celibacy.

But much more often they call it the dollar tree, which attracts money luck and improve the well-being of its owner. Zamioculcas can often be found in the interior of offices and bank branches.

CAREFULLY! Zamioculcas has poisonous juice that can cause burning and allergic reactions when it comes into contact with mucous membranes and skin. When pruning leaves or dividing tubers, it is advisable to use gloves. It is necessary to limit the access of small children and pets to this plant.

Most likely, the true reason for the popularity of Zamioculcas is that it is surprisingly unpretentious. It is very easy to follow him. The flower prefers a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

But it easily tolerates partial darkening combined with dry air, which makes it ideal for keeping in city apartments. Succulents should be watered infrequently and moderately, making sure that there is no stagnation of water in the pot.

IMPORTANT! The plant is sensitive to high humidity soil, with stagnant water, the roots easily rot. Need to arrange good drainage and always remove excess water from the pan after watering.

Reproduction methods

Having learned how Zamioculcas reproduces, you can stop at one of the methods or apply several options at the same time. When growing a flower from a cutting, you will have to be patient.

This tropical exotic is distinguished by the fact that leaf germination is extremely slow.

It takes 2-3 months for a young specimen to form roots and tuber. The appearance of the first leaves occurs after the development of the root system, that is, after 3 to 6 months.

From the video you will learn how to do it right:


This is the most popular way to propagate Zamioculcas. Rooting requires only a healthy leaf of an adult plant and a substrate.

The following types of soil are suitable:

  • steamed substrate that does not contain humus;
  • clean fine sand;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • coconut fiber substrate.

First you need to prepare pots with soil. You can use disposable plastic cups or small seedling pots. Must do in them drainage holes to remove excess water.

Then prepare the planting material:

  1. Cutting off a whole leaf at the base with a sharp knife or scalpel, divide it into short cuttings. Sections are made in the internodes so that each cutting has 1 or 2 leaves and a leaf node.
  2. Treat all sections with activated charcoal and leave for 2 hours to dry them.
  3. Plant the cuttings in a slightly moistened substrate in such a way that Bottom part leaf node was in the ground, and the top - in the air.
  4. The first 2 days do not water, and then moisten moderately (as needed).
  5. Simultaneously with watering, the cuttings are sprayed with water until the leaf blades are slightly wetted.
  6. Rooting period - from 2 to 3 months. The plants are then transplanted into suitably sized pots.

You can also root cuttings or branches in water.
The advantage of this method is that the whole process is visible and easy to control.

  1. The stalk is cut about 8 cm in size, from the top of the whole leaf. The stem is cleaned of the lower leaf blades, leaving only 2-3 upper leaves.
  2. Immerse the cutting in a container of water for about half the length of the stem.
  3. Water must be periodically topped up or changed completely.
  4. The root formation process will take 2 - 3 months. After that, Zamioculcas are planted in a pot with soil.

How to grow zamiokulkas from a leaf

Large, well-developed leaf blades from an adult plant are suitable for rooting. Young and weak leaves take root much worse, because the necessary supply of nutrients to ensure the growth of a new flower has not yet accumulated in them.

To propagate Zamioculcas with a leaf, you need:

  1. cut the leaf blade, dry the cut for 2 hours;
  2. treat the cut with activated charcoal or Kornevin (heteroauxin);
  3. place the leaf in moistened soil so that the lower third is in the substrate;
  4. water as needed, avoiding stagnant water;
  5. the period of formation of the root system is about 2 months.

Tuber division

Since the young zamiokulkas develops for a long time, the tuber propagation method can be called the most effective. It is suitable only for mature, fully developed specimens with several growth points clearly visible on the soil surface.

For that, to successfully divide the plant into two or three parts, necessary:

  1. Carefully release the roots of Zamioculcas from the container where it grew earlier.
  2. Shake off the soil from the roots, carefully examine them.
  3. Determine which parts of the plant are ready for separation, that is, they have their own tuber, part of the roots and a rosette with one or more leaves.
  4. Separate the parts of the root system with a knife or scalpel, trying to cause as little damage as possible.
  5. Treat the sections with activated charcoal and leave to dry in the open air for 2-3 hours.
  6. Plant the separated parts of the flower in new containers with soil prepared in accordance with all the rules, and water sparingly.

young plant care

In order for a small zamiokulkas to grow well in an apartment, he needs to provide favorable conditions. Until it develops root system, beautiful leaves will not appear on the flower. Therefore, caring for an adult plant is different from caring for a seedling.

ADVICE: Choose a small pot. First, the roots fill the entire volume of the soil, and only then the ground parts grow. If the capacity is large, it will take longer than usual for the leaves to appear.

While the Zamioculcas root system is actively developing, the mother leaf blade or cutting gradually turn yellow and wither. This happens because everything nutrients of which are used to develop a new sprout.

By the time the first green leaves appear, the old parts of the plant finally die off. The stages of this process can be seen in the photo.

When a plant has a rosette of 2-3 first leaves, it needs to be transplanted into a medium-sized pot, which will allow the root system to grow, which will make it possible for the development of a full-fledged green mass.

From this moment on, the flower is considered an adult.

Terms of its content:

  • light nutrient substrate, ideal for special soil mix for cacti;
  • recommended soil composition - a mixture of soddy, leafy earth and sand in equal parts;
  • moderate watering, which in winter should be reduced to a minimum;
  • good drainage, which should take up to ¼ of the volume of the pot;
  • air temperature 18 - 26 °C, humidity 30 - 60%;
  • in winter, the temperature can be lowered to 17 - 18 ° C, but not lower than 15 ° C;
  • average illumination, lack of drafts;
  • transplant 1 time in 2 - 3 years in a larger pot.

Zamioculcas began to be cultivated as home plant only at the end of the twentieth century. Advantages such as ease of care, unpretentiousness and effective appearance, have already brought him well-deserved popularity among flower growers.

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