Child his health kindergarten. Good health of our children in kindergarten - Child health and treatment

When sending their children to preschool institutions, parents are concerned not only with nutritional issues, but also with care for their health in kindergarten. A rare child goes through a period of adaptation without suffering various kinds of diseases. However, in general, a lot of work is being done in kindergartens aimed at maximizing prevention of various ailments.

Physical exercise

For example, every morning children start with morning exercises in kindergarten. In winter, it is held in the assembly hall, and in summer, young athletes actively exercise on the street. The whole process is supervised by a physical education teacher or a choreographer, depending on the focus of the institution. The right skills are formed from an early age, smoothly transitioning into a sustainable habit, strengthening the health of children from an early age.

Between classes and lunchtime, the kids go for a walk to arrange various outdoor games and breathe fresh air. Depending on the temperature, the optimal time spent outside is selected, taking into account the wind speed, humidity level and other indicators. In addition, activities such as dancing, gymnastics or rhythm in kindergarten have a beneficial effect on the general physical fitness and development of children.


The developed diet has a beneficial effect on the immune system of any person. A correct diet, fractional consumption and a maximum of useful vitamins are the key to excellent digestion, excellent well-being and a healthy lifestyle. A properly balanced diet is the start of good eating habits, which form further nutrition and the maintenance of microelements necessary in the body. The kindergarten menu includes not only healthy soups, cereals and meat, but also fruits, vegetables, dairy products and more.

Airing. Hardening.

Many groups organize a health day in kindergarten, involving not only children, but also parents. Particular attention is paid to hardening, where experienced specialists talk about the methods, methods and possibilities of this procedure. Educators keep under control the daily washing of the legs after a walk, maintaining the cool temperature of the water. An important positive factor is the airing of rooms, especially in the bedroom. In the summer, when most of the gardens are closed for repairs or vacations, children simply need to be taken out of the dusty city to the sea, a summer cottage or to their grandmother in the village. It is important to have a firming wellness massage from a qualified professional as needed.


Just as the theater begins with a coat rack, so every visit to your favorite band begins with washing your hands before breakfast. This skill should be worked out to automatism, so that children will continue to carefully monitor the cleanliness of their hands. It is noteworthy that hands are washed not only after the street and toilet, but just before any meal. It is worth telling the children how many microbes accumulate on their hands and what kind of diseases can cause dirty fingers and nails. Many teachers note that finger gymnastics can also be carried out in the process of washing hands and playing with water, which allows you to combine several useful things at the same time. It will not be superfluous to pay attention to handkerchiefs - it is worth using exclusively a disposable product.

Remember, you can only go to kindergarten after an illness if you have a medical certificate!

Children's health is in our hands

In many preschool institutions there is a problem of children's health. Many parents believe that it is the kindergarten that is to blame for the fact that their children get sick, as they get infected from sick children who are next to them in the same group. Can sick children go to kindergarten and how does this affect the health of children who are in constant context with them? Are they really sick? Who is to blame for children's health: kindergarten or parents?

To understand the situation, we turned with questions to the pediatrician Sergei Vasiliev, who works in the Moscow polyclinic №219.

Sergey Viktorovich, tell me, please, does it happen that a child enters the kindergarten in an unhealthy state?

Yes. The main problem lies in the fact that parents knowingly bring their child to the kindergarten sick. Not all diseases can be detected immediately, during the examination. In this situation, parents are responsible: if there is a suspicion of a disease, then the child does not need to be brought to the kindergarten. It may also happen that the disease may not develop immediately and external signs may not appear: lack of fever, cough, runny nose - only general malaise. And if a child arrives in such a state, then he may not deploy the clinic immediately, but after 2-3 hours or closer to lunchtime, in the evening. In this situation, the child is examined by a nurse, the parents are called, and the child is sent home.

- For what symptoms is the child not considered sick?

A child is not considered sick if he has minor mucous secretions, at normal body temperature, with a normal throat.

But there are also controversial moments. They usually occur in cases where there is a slight runny nose, coughing, skin rashes, when the question arises, whether it is an infectious skin disease, or a manifestation of dermatitis.

- Is the presence of a cough dangerous to other children?

The cough may persist when entering and exiting the premises. It occurs due to the fact that an increase in lymph nodes remains, which press on the nerve plexus, and the slightest load causes the excitation of the cough center. At the same time, the child is clinically healthy, not contagious, does not pose a danger to others. But these cough symptoms persist, especially after an infection with a cough, the increased excitability of the cough center remains. That is, the child is healthy, but at some moments of excitement associated with the game, at some trouble, he will cough. In a team, when we go to a medical examination, if someone coughs, respectively, the children imitate, they also start coughing.

- How to determine if a child is sick?

The child begins to complain of a headache, fever, cough, runny nose, general malaise is felt: poor sleep, poor appetite, bad mood. If a set of these symptoms arises, then the child does not need to be taken to the garden. It is necessary to consult a doctor and determine whether it is worth going to kindergarten or staying at home for a while. These symptoms can appear one day before the child develops the clinical picture. If there is a viral infection, then in 2-3 hours.

- But children can also simulate diseases if, for example, they do not want to go to kindergarten?

There is a category of children capable of simulation. This behavior can manifest itself from the age of two. They begin to cough on purpose in the presence of a nurse, educators, and parents. And when you start talking with the child, he declares that he does not want to go to the garden.

And older children can easily portray complaints of headache, weakness, nausea - ingenuity knows no bounds. As soon as the mother says that we are not going to kindergarten, after 10-15 minutes the child suddenly recovers: immediately begins to play, the mood rises - where did everything go? If this situation is repeated several times, then the parents may suspect that the reason for such situations is an elementary simulation. The complex of complaints is stereotyped: the child himself chooses what he likes "to be sick" more.

- Do you have absolutely healthy children now?

- The first group is now not given to anyone, at most - 10%, this is one child out of ten, and even then, if he is well examined, then there will be a second health group. We have very few truly healthy children. A child comes to the garden with a wide range of diseases. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that the cause of the disease is in kindergarten.

- Could a low level of morality be one of the causes of morbidity in people?

- Oh sure. Morality is a set of psychological attitudes of a person, how he orients himself in life, what is a priority and fundamental for him. Thought forms everything around a person. A common field is formed around it. Everything is interconnected. The state of a person depends on his mood. Any situation is mirrored and returned back. The negative attitude, of course, falls on others, but it still returns to the one from whom it comes. Hence all our problems.

Who is to blame for sick children in kindergarten?

Continuing the topic of this conversation, we asked the head of the Moscow kindergarten №1410 Karpus Raisa Danilovna with questions.

According to her, the analysis of the incidence shows that, basically, on Mondays, children do not come to the kindergarten. “These are statistics - about 80-90% of cases,” she says. - It is believed that if the child does not come on Monday, then the case is at home. If he doesn't come during the week - Sadovsky. "

We talk about who is to blame when the child is already sick. R. Karpus believes that it is necessary to consider the problem more deeply and talk about prevention. “How can children be healthy when their parents - young girls - smoke, drink beer, do not follow the diet,” she reasons. - What do they feed the child? Many children have gastrointestinal diseases. As a gift, encouragement to the child, they buy chips, Coca-Cola, take them to McDonald's. And then they bring them to the garden with a whole bunch of chronic diseases. And when a child gets sick in the kindergarten, the parents say that the kindergarten is to blame for this. "

“A healthy child is only healthy when his nervous system is healthy,” says Raisa Danilovna. - If a child is loved, if he feels cared for, if he receives protection from the family, which is most important, then he grows up balanced, calm, kind. Aggression also breeds disease. If you follow the fundamental principles of morality - kindness, patience, compassionate attitude towards each other, then the child gets sick less and heals faster. "

She also emphasized that caring for the preservation and strengthening of children's health is the most important task facing both the preschool institution and the parents.

“Healthy lifestyle of a preschool child. The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler "

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve health children in the process of education and training.

The problem of early formation of culture health is relevant, timely and difficult enough. It is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, which is not repeated during the subsequent life... It is during this period that there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, basic personality traits, attitude towards oneself and others. It is important at this stage to form a knowledge base and practical skills in children. healthy lifestyle, the conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

What does it depend on child health? Health depends by 20% on hereditary factors, by 20% - on the conditions of the external environment, i.e. ecology, by 10% - on the activities of the health care system, and by 50% - on the person himself, on that lifestyle which he leads. If the first 50% health we, educators, we cannot influence, then we can and should give the other 50% to our pupils.

Since under healthy lifestyle is understood the vigorous activity of a person aimed at preserving and improving health, then this activity should include such components as proper nutrition, rational physical activity, hardening of the body and maintaining a stable psychoemotional state. It is these components that must be incorporated into the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler.

The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle for a preschool child:

It is necessary that children have the opportunity to move systematically. To do this, you need to contribute to the development major motor qualities, to maintain a high level of performance throughout the day. However, it should be borne in mind that healthy lifestyle for preschoolers involves an alternation of active and quiet games, so that a reasonable balance between physical activity and rest must be maintained.

Forms of organization wellness work are: independent activity of children, outdoor games, morning exercises, physical wellness physical education, physical exercise after a nap, physical exercise in combination with hardening procedures, walks, sports events, wellness procedures in the aquatic environment (swimming pool).

A hygienic culture is just as important for a person as the ability to speak, write, read. It is important to the child has learned that in his body there are no organs, sections unnecessary, ugly, that all parts of the body must be equally constantly taken care of and, first of all, kept clean. To teach the child that he has his own comb, his own bed, his own handkerchief, his own towel, his own toothbrush. Leading children to understand that keeping the body clean is important not only for protecting personal health, but also health of others.

To organize training not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life life when situations arise that push children to make a decision on this problem. It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form the habits of correct washing, wiping, taking care of the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and correct behavior when coughing and sneezing.

Hardening is one of the most effective methods of increasing the resistance of the child's body to sharp fluctuations in air temperature and, which is especially important, so-called colds. For hardening, environmental factors are used - air, water, sun. Basic the principle of hardening is a gradual effect on the body of training factors, the development of endurance to the effects of increasing strength and duration.

There are several required rules:

First, any hardening procedures must be carried out systematically. If they are carried out irregularly, the body cannot develop the necessary reactions. Hardening cannot be carried out as if for the future. If the hardening procedures are stopped (usually in the cold season, the body's resistance decreases. Therefore, when the conditions associated with the season of the year change, one should not cancel the hardening procedures, but simply change them somewhat.

Secondly, the principle of gradualness in increasing the strength of the irritating effect should be observed. This is necessary for the successful adaptation of the body to changing conditions. Particularly important is gradualism when hardening early children age, the body of which is not able to quickly respond to cold factors.

Thirdly, it is very important to take into account individual characteristics. baby, his reaction to the applied stimuli. Hardening can only be carried out with a positive ratio child for the procedure.

It is necessary to consider the condition child health, features of his higher nervous activity. It is more careful to harden weakened and often ill children.

In winter, children more often than in the warm season suffer from various colds. In order to keep the number of diseases to a minimum, special preventive measures are taken.

Prevention of colds in children includes immunization of children, taking vitamin, homeopathic and other drugs that help to increase the immunity of children; systematic ventilation, quartzing and wet cleaning of premises; hardening of children; regular exercise and outdoor walks.

Significant impact on child health renders the air environment of the premises. The need of children for clean and fresh air is very high, since a high frequency and small volume of respiratory movements are combined with a high demand for oxygen. Correct breathing through the nose plays an important role in the prevention of respiratory and vocal apparatus diseases. During nasal breathing, the air, before entering the larynx, bronchi and lungs, passes through the narrow, winding nasal passages, where it is cleared of dust, microbes and other harmful impurities, moistened and warmed. This does not happen when breathing through the mouth.

Only through joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family can the level of child injuries be reduced!

In early childhood (1-3 years) the main thing in the development baby is the desire for independent knowledge of the surrounding reality. The main motor skills in children of this age(walking, climbing, running) are in the making. Damage in this age due to insufficient development of the simplest motor skills, inability to navigate in the environment.

In children in age 4-6 years old, the initial forms of self-awareness are formed, there is a desire to independently satisfy their needs, to act without the help of adults. However, the lack of knowledge about the environment, their own experience is the reason that children undertake to perform actions that they have not yet fully mastered, which are still too difficult for them, which leads to their injury.

Physical development baby is essential in preventing injury. It was found that well-physically developed children, dexterous, with good coordination of movements rarely get injured. Therefore, it is necessary to pay considerable attention to the physical education of children. Considering that it is often the source of injury in baby becomes a peer, it is important to instill in children a sense of humanity, kindness to others, including other children.

Particular attention should be paid to developing safe behavior skills in children. For this purpose, it is possible to conduct thematic games and activities in which children learn skills handling scissors, needles, others

household cutting and sharp objects, discussing stories, pictures showing any traumatic situations from children's lives.

Correct, appropriate the age-related capabilities of the child, the regime strengthens health, ensures efficiency, successful implementation varied activities, protects against overwork. Have baby accustomed to a strict routine, the need for food, sleep, rest occurs at regular intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activity of all internal organs. The body, as it were, adjusts in advance for the upcoming activity.

During the day, activity and efficiency baby is not the same... Their rise is noted at 8-12 hours and 16-18 hours, and the period of minimum working capacity falls on 14-16 hours. It is no coincidence, therefore, activities that cause severe fatigue in children are planned in the first half of the day, during the hours of optimal working capacity.

Proper physical education, combined with a hygienic daily routine, adequate sleep and a reasonable diet, is the key to normal growth and development. baby.

Rational nutrition of children is one of the major environmental factors that determine the normal development baby... It has the most direct impact on livelihoods, height, condition child health, increases resistance to various adverse influences. Due to the importance of such a component of nutrition as regularity, on weekends and holidays, parents should be advised to adhere to the same meal plan as in preschool.

Problems of the physical and psychological condition of the child, as a rule, arise when your toddler starts attending kindergarten. As we are used to!

On the third or fourth day of visiting the kindergarten, the child feels unwell, is capricious, the temperature rises. All signs of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and other disorders of the child's body. The child does not eat well, sleeps poorly, which upsets the balance in the body. It is clear that your baby, getting into an unfamiliar environment and way of life, faced with a new daily routine, experiences stress, which undoubtedly leads to health problems. Children's health in kindergarten- this is one of the most important goals of adapting your baby to a new life and a new team.

To avoid unpleasant moments in a child's life, every parent and kindergarten teacher must consider the main risk factors that lead to negative consequences. The child's weak immune system, lack of tempering, daily regimen, haphazard nutrition - all this will undoubtedly affect the child's health at the moment when he changes his usual home environment. Therefore, every parent should prepare their baby for kindergarten.

Important preventive measures to improve your baby's health are hardening, physical exercise in the form of games, outdoor walks with alternating motor play moments... Also important is rational diet and schedule... The kid should perceive food in the kindergarten as natural, therefore, the child should be taught to cereals, jelly, compotes, soups long before visiting the kindergarten. A kid who is familiar with the family with hygiene rules and skills goes through the adaptation period in the kindergarten much faster.

Correct, balanced nutrition of your baby will strengthen his health and his body will be more prepared for the psychological stress. And, of course, sports should be a natural necessity for a child. Physical exercises will not only strengthen your baby's body, but also contribute to the normalization of the psychological state, balance. Dancing, physical education, swimming, running, cycling, jumping, water procedures, gymnastics - all this develops and strengthens the child's immunity and protects his body from negative influences. And, finally, the health of a child in kindergarten depends on a stable emotional and psychological state, on the child's ability to communicate with peers, with adults, play together, and behave in a team. Parents, only you can help your child easily cope with stressful situations!

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Of course, adherence to the rules of personal hygiene is almost a 90% guarantee of health. The remaining 10% is a strong immunity, which must be strengthened in all possible ways indicated in the article. But there are diseases and conditions that are simply inevitable if your child goes to kindergarten: worms, seasonal flu epidemics and childhood infectious diseases such as chickenpox. And here parents need to treat this "philosophically", be patient and allow the child to get sick with all this. This is me from personal experience))

Now in the kindergartens, groups of short-term stay of a child from 2 to 3 years old have appeared, children stay from 9 am to 12 noon, and adaptation centers from 1 year to 2 years old, where mothers sit in classes 3 times a week for 1 hour with children. Both of my children attended an adaptation center in our kindergarten, and the youngest ended up in the GKP (short-term stay group). Therefore, when we went to the kindergarten this year, to a full-fledged group, the child got used to it very quickly and the adaptation period was very short.

The advice is good, but it seems to me that any child, no matter how you prepare him for the garden, will get sick in the first period. Still, stress, that is, to be left without a mother for a long time, will overpower. It is difficult to prepare for this.

It's not even about stress. And not everyone will get sick, but the one who got in the wrong time or what? I went to kindergarten Tanya last year, for the whole year they were ill twice. Well, there is a cough and a runny nose. But Dasha went this year, it's hard! We haven't been to the kindergarten since last year. For a cold, then scarlet fever, now here's chickenpox. And even if you strengthen your immunity, she is such chickenpox, it will still cling. The fact is that they are there as a group, which means that one got sick and the other 100% will get sick. Like this. And so they are both sociable. After all, children from a large family know how to communicate with their peers much better than those who are alone in the family.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 114"

Healthy child in kindergarten

Prepared by G. Boyarkina

The life of the XXI century poses before us many new problems, among which the most urgent one today is the problem of maintaining a child's health on the basis of health-forming education. This problem is especially acute during the period of adaptation of a child in a preschool educational institution, entering a kindergarten for the first time.

Health is not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also the complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person.

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is the health of each child in the process of health-forming education.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle begins at an early age. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, especially during the adaptation period. With successful adaptation, two main criteria stand out: internal comfort (emotional satisfaction) and external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill new requirements).

Recreational activities in kindergarten allow the child to cope with the difficulties of getting used to a new environment, allow to organize the child's life in a preschool institution in such a way that leads to the most adequate, almost painless adaptation to new conditions, to form a positive attitude towards the children's peer group and the development of skills and abilities Everyday life. By creating a positive attitude towards all types of activity in the child, developing various skills that correspond to age-related capabilities, forming the need for communication with adults. The measures ensure the solution of educational and educational tasks, already during the period of the child's getting used to new conditions and thereby accelerates and facilitates the course of the adaptation period, i.e. the child's addiction to kindergarten, to public preschool education.

Wellness activities take an integrated approach and are built on three main areas:

  1. Creation of a recreational environment for the prevention of various deviations in psychophysical development in children (vision, flat feet, impaired posture, articulation apparatus, breathing).
  2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in kindergarten and at home.
  3. Physical culture development.

And it is also built on the fundamental principles:

  1. differentiation;
  2. sequences;
  3. axiological.

The principle of differentiationlies in the pedagogical direction of health-forming education in the educational process, in an individually-differentiated approach to each child (tasks are given, the temperament of children is taken into account, positive couples of a formative nature).

The principle of consistencyconsists in the gradual connection of wellness procedures, their variety, arousing interest and a positive emotional response from children.

The principle of axeology(value orientation) is carried out through the parents, with whom the worldview representation of universal human values ​​is considered, the healthy lifestyle of a young child, tk. the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of the first three years is the basis for the formation of a healthy psychophysical development of a child in the future.

Forms of work with parents:

  1. health corner;
  2. consultations;
  3. parent-teacher meetings with the involvement of medical specialists;

The formation of cultural and hygienic foundations contributes to the correct upbringing and development of the child as a person.

The purpose of the wellness activities:raising a healthy child through health-forming education.

Work in this direction to achieve the goal involves the implementation of the following tasks:

  1. Create conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health.
  2. To form in children the skills of a healthy lifestyle, to promote the full physical development of children in the upbringing and educational process.
  3. To form the experience of social behavior, ensuring emotional well-being, health in the process of adaptation, interaction of self-knowledge, self-regulation.

In the process of performing and carrying out health-improving measures, the following results are expected:

  1. Formation of understanding of this problem and responsibility for the implementation of the recommendations of teachers on the part of parents.
  2. Instilling in children cultural and hygienic skills in regime moments.
  3. Decrease in colds.

The deterioration of the health status of children dictates the need to develop and implement health-improving measures aimed at improving the health of children, reducing their morbidity. The system of health-improving measures is reflected in the content of health-improving work with preschool children.

The name of the wellness procedures

Methods and techniques of health improvement in the educational process

Dates and duration of events


Ensuring a healthy rhythm of life for a child in kindergarten

  1. sparing regime;
  2. flexible mode;
  1. during adapt. period
  2. daily

Physical development

  1. morning exercises for the general development of the child's body;
  2. health and fitness classes;
  3. mobile and dynamic games;
  4. exercise at the sports complex;
  5. preventive gymnastics;
  6. respiratory;
  7. improved posture;
  8. for feet (flat feet);
  9. speech apparatus;
  10. fine motor skills of the hands (finger).
  1. every morning
  2. 2 times per week
  3. daily throughout the day
  4. daily throughout the day
  5. daily
  6. every day during the day
  7. daily after sleep
  8. daily after sleep
  9. daily after sleep

Hygiene and water treatment

  1. washing with the use of an artistic word;
  2. hand washing;
  3. games with water;
  4. compliance with the drinking regime;
  5. ensuring the cleanliness of the environment (Chizhevsky chandelier, quartzing).
  1. daily 2 times a day
  2. daily
  3. Once a week
  4. daily
  5. daily

Using the natural environment for hardening activities

  1. ventilation of premises;
  2. sleep with open transoms;
  3. outdoor walks (climatotherapy);
  4. ensuring the temperature regime and air purity.
  1. daily throughout the year
  2. daily in summer
  3. daily
  4. daily

In winter, at a temperature not lower than 20 °

Light and color therapy

  1. providing a light regime; - color and light accompaniment of the environment and the educational process.
  1. daily

Auto-training and psycho-gymnastics

  1. games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere
  1. 2 times per week


a) natural
b) special

  1. sandals;
  2. salt quenching
  3. respiratory
  1. summer
  2. every day after nap

Working with parents

  1. health corner - consultations - parenting meetings

Probably, there is not a single person who would not like to see their children strong, healthy, seasoned, not reacting to any vicissitudes of the weather.

Systematic hardening contributes to the formation in the child's body of the ability to tolerate changes in the environment painlessly. Hardening leads to increased metabolism, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, has a beneficial effect on the general psychological state and behavior of the child.

When hardening, we adhere to certain rules, the first of which is gradualness. We also take into account the state of health and individual characteristics of children. Hardening procedures should bring joy to children.

Walking on salt lanes is an effective means of hardening. The effect of salt lanes is that the salt irritates the child's foot, which is rich in nerve endings.

Salt hardening technique

Indications: The salt hardening method is indicated for all preschool children.

Technics: Hardening is carried out after a nap under the supervision of a teacher. A child walks barefoot on a flannel rug soaked in a 10% solution of sodium chloride at room temperature. They stomp on the rug for 2 minutes. The children then move onto a second mat, rubbing the salt off the soles of their feet, and then move to a dry mat and wipe their feet dry. An important point when hardening is that the foot must be preheated. For this purpose, foot massagers, button and stick tracks are used.

Mechanism of action:Mechanical and chemical through thermo and chemoreceptors of the skin of the feet. The saline solution irritates the chemoreceptors, causing the peripheral vascular expansion of the feet. Heat generation is reflexively enhanced, blood flow to the lower extremities and feet increases, and heat remains for a long time. Mechanical actions result from irritation of biological points on the sole.

Equipment: 3 flannel rugs,

a) with different-sized sewn-on buttons,
b) with sewn sticks.

10% solution of sodium chloride temperature + 10 ° + 18 ° С 1 kg of salt per 10 liters. water 0.5 kg per 5 liters. water 0.25 kg per 2.5 liters. water

This method of hardening is affordable and simple, does not require large material costs and time, and is a pleasure for children. And most importantly, it has a pronounced effect, plays an essential role in the prevention of colds in children.

The system of recreational activities in the I and II junior group for 2009-2010.

  1. Morning exercises in a light form (daily).
  2. Physical education classes 2 times a week.
  3. Walking every day at a temperature not lower than - 20C (daily).
  4. Washing with cool water (3 times daily, water temperature + 14, + 16 C.
  5. Invigorating gymnastics with music (daily after sleep).
  6. Walking along the "health path" (prevention of flat feet) every day after sleep.
  7. Salt hardening (daily after naps).
  8. Gymnastics for the eyes in classes with increased stress on vision (modeling, drawing), in order to prevent myopia.
  9. Respiratory exercises to increase the vital volume of the lungs (daily).
  10. Prevention of scoliosis (monitoring the position of the child's body during the day, during classes, while sleeping, while eating.)
  11. Games and exercises - relieving stress, overcoming fear, developing tenacity, dexterity, flexibility.