How to make a gross loss in your home. Installation of lightning protection in a private house with your own hands - Requirements and recommendations

Many private homeowners are not paying attention to the protection of their possessions from the defeat of lightning discharges, as long as the "rooster does not nice." One of the reasons for arguing to equip the grinding in a private house with their own hands is the hillside on the farm. And well, if it is not a house, but any less important object.

Thunder rod: do or not?

The physical wear of the electric grid of the old residential sector, in need of the repair of electrical installations, operated in rural houses, growing in the geometric progression, country buildings make the problem of lightning protection rather relevant. At the same time, the owner of any form of ownership should clearly understand that the life of the loved ones and the people around him will depend on the timely decision and its practical implementation.

The lightning protection is assumed to prevent the defeat by the direct blow of the lightning of people, communications, buildings, as well as the manifestation of its secondary signs. About the durable and safe operation of the house should be taken back at the stage of its design. Using the established standards (GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010 "Lightning Protection" Part 1 and Part 2), you can decide on the choice of protection, its economic benefits. It is indisputable one: the grinding rod for the country house, cottage, country structure will be the more reliable than it is more expensive.

Attention! A frivolous attitude to the issue of manufacturing and installation of a lightning conduction, lack of knowledge, experience can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is better not to make any threshing than to make it wrong.

Views of lightning protection

The prevention of direct lightning discharges into the construction (building) is considered to be an external lightning protection. The preservation of communication and equipment from inductive fittings, damage to the charges of lightning of electrical networks, the penetration of the grounding system in the building involves the internal threat. Depending on how the threshing is working, its effectiveness can be assessed by four categories:

  • 1 - 98% (the highest, degree of security);
  • 2 – 95%;
  • 3 – 90%,
  • 4 – 80%.

Rollery: fundamental factors

The grinding device is nothing more than a construction rummaged over in the protection zone, through which a lightning discharge, bypassing a house (cottage, cottage, etc.), is given to the ground.

It consists of:

  • from the time of the discharge of lightning game,
  • transporting its current (descent),
  • the earthing is the "quenching" discharge in the soil.

At the same time, the house in height should be lower than the threshold (the difference is about 200 cm), to be located in close proximity to it or even under the tap. Too high protection is also not desirable, otherwise it will attract lightning from all the districts.

Before making a threshing, it is necessary not only to think through its design features, but also achieve maximum efficiency during operation. To ensure this can only be observing certain rules. Conducting a preliminary calculation of the grossing with definition of the level of protection will allow you to collect the necessary set of tools, consumables.

How does he work?

The principle of operation of the threshold is based on the search for charge in the air, attracting it, reception and redirect to grounding. After all, lightning is striking primarily metal objects, constructions significant in height and directly contacting the Earth.

Another important stage, which implies a threshing in a private house with their own hands: the scheme of its execution. It may be from hand made of a drawing or a serious drawing with a visual image of conductors, pin, grounding, fasteners, etc. There must be a description of each element, the method of fastening and the route by which the wire for the throat is placed to the ground location, the ground itself.

Execution options

Lightning message takes a blow to herself, so it must meet the increased demands of reliability during operation.

  • If it is a rod, then the best material is the diffil rolling steel: plumbing, gas pipelines, metal rod. With their diameter of at least 100 square meters. mm Length should be about 200 cm from the place of fixation on the house. Hollow pipes from the top end are brewed or sealed with a plug. The most complete zone of the protection of cottages, country and private houses is observed at the height of the rod design not exceeding 30 m.
  • You can use a cable (galvanized steel rope). A few of his threads hang horizontally over the house on autonomously standing supports. The ends of the ropes are necessarily ground. You just need to choose the place of hanging the stretched structure.
  • The use of mesh protection from the rod cross section is 8 mm, laid on the roof, or flat steel strips (cross section to 20 mm) is also relevant. Moreover, the mesh lightning message in the form of a grid, connected to the grounding circuit by separately located multiple conductors, is considered to be the most effective, allowing to provide a maximum protection coefficient.
  • The wire for the threshold as a discharge current of the element should be in diameter of at least 6 mm (overnight part). Used for these purposes. All the same rolling. A piece of wire, outgoing land, should not be thinner than 10 mm. In this underground site, a compound is performed (welding, bolted) with a earthing.
  • As a reliable grounding, a metal sheet (1 m x 1 m) or a metal pipe, a rod, scored to the ground, not less than 1.5-2.0 m is used. In the grounding place there should always be wet soil - an efficient conductor . Durable will be grounded from copper, stainless steel.

How to protect the cottage from the defeat of the thunderstorm?

Summer houses with their "light" buildings located in a small-scale area are especially exposed to risk of fire from lightning strikes. There is nothing else remains how to make a thunder in the country. The most vulnerable areas of lightning hits: edges of the frontones, windows in the roof, horse, especially if the roof is wooden or slate-covered.

Make the simplest thunderbreaker so:

  • two opposite distant points are selected on parallel roof frontones;
  • bruks are vertically fixed in such a way that their ends rise above the upper point of the roof of the roof by 25 cm, not less;
  • between the bars along the roof the steel wire (5-6 mm section) is stretched.
  • the screw connection to the upper parts of the bar is attached the main part of the metal with a height of 1.0-1.5 m thunder. It can consist of a steel corner, pipes (ᴓ 50 sq.m.);
  • the pipe for the removal of combustion products into the atmosphere is closed with a stainless steel lamp, or a wire twist having a connection with a conductor.
  • according to the scheme, the most optimal method of the current sequel is paced along the outer wall of the house, where it is connected to the ground, which is 100-200 cm burst into the ground.

Attention! The grinding device involves the installation of a separate structure with its grounding. To adapt to it already existing domestic grounding is prohibited.

Organization of lightning protection: how to do everything right

The cost-effective protection against lightning is an ordinary vertically installed rod. It is necessary to position it separately from the building on the post, a high tree. The installation height directly affects the likelihood of discharge into the house: the rod is higher, the probability is less.

Before making a thunderbank in a wooden house, you need to get acquainted with the implementation of integrated protection. It is she who can protect the construction and equipment not only with a direct threat of discharge, but from the destructive effects of lightning arising, sometimes, at a distance of even a few kilometers from your home.

Table Materials and Minimum Values \u200b\u200bof Sections of Elements of External MSS

ProtectionMaterialCross section, mm.Note
Natural lightning gameiron 4 mm thick* galvanized / stainless steel
(tank casing, pipe)copper 5 mm thick*
aluminum 7 mm thick*
Special lightningnesssteel50 galvanized / stainless steel
Tookodsteel50 galvanized / stainless steel
Groundsteel100 galvanized / stainless steel
copper50 cable
aluminum* not applicable
Explorer equationiron50 galvanized / stainless steel

The principle of operation of the grinding complex type is based on the close interaction of outdoor and internal allocations converging in the ground. The choice of material for the outer construction depends on the angle of inclination of the roofing of the roof, their size, decorative roofing and its properties, the absence or presence of good items on the roof, antennas, etc.

For the inner branch, the fundamental element is considered the tire of equalization of potentials. Its appointment is to counteract the strong powerful charge of the impulse, which causes the overvoltage of entering the building from the LAM or by various communications. Clakes are equipped as close as possible to the outer corners of the house.

With the traditional method of organizing a threshold, you need to trace that all conductive (metal) parts of the roof of the house can be connected to the grazing. Roofing made of metal flooring, if it is not thinner than 0.5 mm, can serve as a kind of conductor.

In the case of an active set of measures to protect against damage to the current, the conjugation of all the protruding metal parts of the roof frame is not required: the discharge passes along the path of the smallest length.

According to statistics, in recent years, natural disasters are becoming more and more. And if the tsunami or earthquake can be avoided, then reduce mortality and destruction from lightning damage within reach of any of us. Perform simple events that do not require significant capital investments with appropriate training for everyone. It is only necessary to follow a strict algorithm for performing work, use reliable materials, not neglect the requirements of standards.

Historical certificate or who invented the grossing? Commerce (or Lightning Summary) - a mechanism that is installed on the facilities and performs the function of protection against lightning strike. In common, also known as "Gromotnuts".

It is generally accepted that the threshing of the invention of Benjamin Franklin, which he did in 1752, but also there is evidence that such structures existed before this date (for example, high masts of ancient temples in ancient Egypt were also structures and the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem , Nevyanskaya Tower, Paper snakes Jacques Roma). In Russia, the first thunders were created by M. V. Lomonosov and G. V. Richman in 1753

In this article, we will tell about what is a thunderbank and how it works, who invented the threshing and how to make a threshold for the country house with their own hands.

Lightning discharges are an extremely dangerous phenomenon of nature, especially in a situation where structures are in open areas, precisely because to ensure the peace of mind and the safety of their family, it is necessary to establish a threshold. The setting of the threshold will not require tremendous temporary costs, but, ultimately, you will be sure that the buildings are reliably protected from various weather troubles.

Required funds and building materials

For the installation of grommet in a private house, you will need:

  • pin for lightning game;
  • metal wire made of copper or aluminum cross section 6 mm and corrugation for the current;
  • stainless steel to prepare grounding;
  • welding machine;
  • saw with a disc on metal;
  • drill electric;
  • multimeter;
  • sledgehammer or hammer;
  • shovel bayonet;
  • spanners;
  • bolts M8 or M10;
  • dowel;
  • clamps for fasteners;
  • powerful wooden pole;
  • holders.

Stage of preparation

Planning should be started with the determination of the height of the structure. The top of the rod of lightning game is necessary to position up to 12 meters above the ground.

It is necessary to take into account that structures designed to protect buildings from lightning strikes, protect buildings only in a limited area. The space around the structure itself can be reserved. Therefore, when building a threshold, it is necessary to take this into account and build them so that all objects located on the site fall into protection.

There are two types of structures:

  • Type A.
  • Type B.

Thunder trunks of type A create protection by 99%, which makes them the most effective in protection against lightning designs.

Building type B compared with type A facilities and have less efficiency and as a result, the structure is protected by only 95%.

Important! The security zone, which is created by lightning message, will be within a radius of 1.5 sizes of the mast height.

That is, with a height of 10 meters, the threshing will cover the area in diameter of 30 meters. If it is necessary to protect a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe site with construction, then the construction of two or three masts, evenly located on the territory of the site, will help solve the problem of lightning. Thunderings must be at an altitude of more than 2 meters from the surface, to effectively perform the function of protecting the house from lightning.

Selection of grounding installation sites

The ground circuit must be placed at a distance of the 1st meter from the foundation of the construction, which will protect the threshing, and a few meters from the sidewalks and the porch. The grounding place during a thunderstorm is a danger, therefore it is necessary to arrange it so as not to subjected to the risk of households and guests. It will be best to find a place for her with a wall or a fence covered house. One of the options is to position around the ground zone any floweruba or another composition of boulders, stones, etc.

The most suitable materials for the components:

It is also necessary to determine in advance and mark the location of all structural elements.

Installation design

  • Installing the grounding.

After conducting markup, a pit in the form of a triangle is created using a shovel - each side of which should be at least 1200 mm, a depth of 600 - 700 mm. From the top of the triangle towards the wall of the house there is a trench. At the end point will approach the ending the current.

At the endings of the vertical parts of the grounding elements, the grinding corners are cut, then sharpened ends rob into the ground to a depth of 2 meters heavy metal sledge hammer. When pumping the pointed ends of grounding to the ground, it is necessary to strike a sledgehammer of a sledge hammer in order not to bend the confosition.

Slices of the same material are welded using the welding machine, of which the metal triangle in the trenches is formed.

  • Installation of lightning message (groting).

For installation of lightning message, you can use two ways:

The current receiver is placed on the roof, and then on the wall vertically down and is attached to the roof and wall by semicircular plastic or metal clamps. The lower part of the current sink should be fixed on the ground, derived from the wall at home.

To do this, a hole is made in the ground plate, which is installed in a bolt with a washer, nut and lock nut. The stripped (acute) end of the current is clamped with the help of washers, nuts and bolts, along with a vitrated twisted pair around the bolt. Then pits are buried.


The installed system must be checked by a multimeter. Perform resistance measurement - the device must be not higher than 10 Ohm. If the instrument readings differ from the regulatory - check all the joints of the structure - all over the contour of the design should be good electrical conductivity.


Properly installed thunder-rolled on the roof is able to protect the house and nearby lightning buildings.

It is important to note that in the case of private homes, the owner decides the question with a thunder. There are a number of factors when placing buildings that minimize in principle the likelihood of lightning strike into the house:

  • in case the house is in lowland, the probability of lightning strike into the house during a thunderstorm is extremely small;
  • in the event that a higher-speed building is located next to the house, it is most likely a lightning will blow it. Thus, the danger of lightning strike is leveled by the presence of a higher structure next to it;
  • if the threshing is installed on a nearby house, then your home can also fall into the zone of action of a neighbor's threshing.

Thus, in some cases, the sharp necessity in the setting of the thunder may not be. The feasibility of installation must be assessed depending on the above factors.

Devices can be specialized electronic circuits and arresters, designed to respond to the achievement of a certain voltage of the electric field, and even small amounts of radioactive materials. Active protection systems are much more expensive and more difficult to passive.

Propagandists of active lightning protection argue that their lightning parameters earlier give rise to response streamers of a greater length compared to passive. This allows you to use less lightning consists, and they can be placed below. But, despite such statements, there were no active lightning receptions from specialists from specialists.

Passive lightning protection

The principle of operation of passive lightning protection devices is quite simple and based on the property of lightning to hit the highest and grounded structures with good electrical conductivity. He is in the interception of lightning, heading for the object, and leading it to the groundwhere she cannot harm anyone, as well as in mitigating the consequences of its impact for internal communications at home.

Passive lightning protection may have rod or cable design. The rod threshold, towering over the protected object, is the classic lightning protection. In this case, lightning is intercepted in the protected zone at the time of the discharge.

The threshold is made in the stylistics of the concomitant

Due to the elevation over the protected object and the special material, from which it is made, the threshing takes a blow to itself and transmits it further through the target to the ground.

Another option passive lightning protection - cable systemWhen the "interceptor" serves a metal cable stretched. Cable bulbs are used only to protect narrow and long buildings (for example, barbers) or in the event that there is no possibility to establish a sufficient number of rod bulbs.

The cable system includes lightning grid mesh. It stacked on a certain step. All these systems are made of durable high conduction material - steel, copper, aluminum, which are intercepting a discharge on general laws of physics without generating additional actions.

Lightning protection for a country house

What is the lightning protection of a country house? This device to prevent direct lightning strike. A safety vendor is a lightning resulting, designed to take zipper and remove it to the ground.

The device consists of three interrelated parts, namely:

  1. lightningness, located in the zones of the intended contact with zipper, that is, above the object;
  2. the grounding conductor (current), the charge charge from the lightning game to the earthingant (most often it is a metal wire of a large cross section);
  3. earth - rods and strips, beaten in the ground.

All parts of lightning protection can be performed in the form of a single separate design. For example, it may be a metallic mast, which is simultaneously lightning message, support, conductor and grounding.

The probability of lightning getting into the protection zone is very small. These zones are conventionally divided into two categories - A and B.

  • In the category A zone, located closer to the lightning loss, the probability of protection is from 99.5%.
  • In the category B zone, the degree of reliability is somewhat less than - 95%.
If the house is entirely in the zone of lightning protection, it is safe to say that it will not be amazed. The house without a lightning lifting of a reliable refuge for a person during a thunderstorm can not serve.

Lightning protection of the country house is conditionally divided by:

  1. external, to neutralize the direct impact of the thunderstorm discharge into the house;
  2. internal- To reduce possible damage to the internal systems of the house.
The internal lightning protection system of the house consists of protection devices from impulse overvoltages caused by direct and indirect (for example, near the house) with a lightning strike.

How to make a lightning result?

So, the lightning lifting consists of three parts: lightningness in the form of a rod or a cable or a grid, a current to transfer the received discharge on the earthing and the earthing itself - several metal conductors directly contact with the soil.

For approximate calculation, it is possible to use a simple rule: the radius of the protected area is 1-1.5 height of the rod rod. Those. With the height of a lightning conduction, 20-30 m radius falls under its protection under its protection. If this area does not block the area occupied by the house, set two or more rods in different ends.

For the device of the simplest rod lightning conduction A steel, aluminum or copper rod of the desired section, without isolation and stripped from rust and paint, are used as a lightning flash drive and the current. For example, a steel rod with a diameter of 8 mm. If it is a hollow tube, addressed up open end it needs to brew.

When such a lightning game cannot be arranged, they can serve the roof of the house, if:

  1. She herself, carrier beams and compounds - metal;
  2. The thickness of the steel roofing sheet is not less than 4 mm;
  3. There are no flammable or flammable materials under the roof.
A television antenna, and towering parts of the roof can also be a lightning parameter.

If the considered options for some reason are not suitable, then as an alternative, you can place a lightning game at the top near the standing high tree (The tree should be significantly higher than the roof of the house).

Cable Lighting Available along the roof ridingBy pulling the metal cable between the two supports. If the supports are not wooden, and metal, then they are isolated from the cable with reliable electrical insulators. Metal corners, a strip or leaf, beaten in the ground, can serve as a grounding agent to the ground to a depth of at least 0.7 m and on the distance from the wall at home for 1 m.

To connect structural elements, lightning protection are welding or threaded fasteners. The main thing that the connection was necessarily durable., Then a strong impulse of the wind or fall of the snowy layer will not be able to break it.

If your house is from a stone, then the current tire can be "put" right on the wall. And if the house? In this case, the actor is performed at a distance of about 10 cm and is attached to electrically insulated brackets.

In the device of lightning protection, even a small one-story country house it is necessary to be guided:

  1. Instructions for the lightning protection of buildings and structures of the RD 34.21.122-87 and
  2. Instructions for the lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications from 153-34.21.122-2003.
It is these documents that all the nuances of lightning protection will be prompting you and provide the house of a reliable "roof."

However, the system of lightning protection of a country house with all its simplicity has subtleties that need to be considered When designing and operating it. For example:

  • For a metal roof, lightning protection is possible using a rod, and for a polymer - grid.
  • For a slate or wooden roof, it is better to use a cable lightning conductor.
Every year you need:
  • inspect all parts of the lightning room
  • check the health of the compounds and fasteners,
  • change the damaged places
  • clean contacts, etc.
Approximately every 5 years - Check the depth of corrosion of the grounding.

Today, when surrendering the house, the presence of lightning protection is not required, so each homeowner itself decides on the feasibility of its installation. Let's not wait until the Thunder is born. Moreover, it is heard only a few seconds after the next "fire boom" will go to the ground.

Do your home is reliably protected from lightning strike?

Before considering the process of calculating and installing a grossing in a private house, you need to learn the physical reasons for the phenomenon. This will allow you to better understand all actions and possible consequences in violation of the developed instructions.

Thunder - air waves that appear due to a sharp increase in air pressure after contact discharge lightning. The strength of the current in zippers can reach 500 thousand amps, and the voltage of several million volts. Such a powerful eclectic discharge causes air heating to high temperatures, its volume increases sharply. As a result, there are sound waves from lightning, which were called thunder. Thunder - a consequence of lightning and no danger for the house does not represent, it is not necessary to protect the buildings from it, but from lightning.

Accordingly, it is not a gross loss, but a lightningwort.

Why do you need lightning track

Some are not very competent developers think that the metal pin attached to the skate will attract all the zippers along the cylindrical circumference above it and on the wire to remove them into the ground. For this purpose, a piece of rods near the house is specially buried. Such ideas are very far from science, a metal pin, stuck in the ground near the house and tied to the rod on the skate, will not bring any benefit. Why?

  1. Where to find such a wire that would sustain a current by force 500000 a and voltage of 10,000,000 in? It is such a category that has zippers during a meeting with the Earth.
  2. Why, in principle, attract lightning and direct them on the wire, risking to light the structure due to overheating of the current?
  3. What to do if there are several buildings in the country area of \u200b\u200bvarious floors? Would you have for everyone to make a bulky system?

Output. It is necessary to mount not a gross loss, but a lightning result. All actions should be directed not to attract lightning, but on the contrary, to create conditions that minimize the likelihood of its ingress.

These are very complex calculations, simplified formulas give a big mistake. Sometimes it is not possible to perform the initial technical conditions, the reasons may be several, some of them are objective and cannot be human influence.

Lightning protection prices and grounding

Lightning protection and grounding

When you need to mount a threshing in a private house

Again, it is necessary to remember a little theory of lightning - it will be clearer to the action during the installation of a grossing. Lightning can be several types, but we are only interested in the direction cloud-earth. At the initial stage, streamers appear, which are later connected and form stepped leaders. It is they brightly shine and rapidly sent to the ground.

As the eclectic field voltage increases, the eclectic field voltage on Earth increases, all electrons having in it are rushed up and at the highest point throw away the response streamer. It connects with the leader, the chain closes, the electric discharge goes into the ground. The channel heats up to 20,000-30000 ° C, the air expands and creates strong sound waves (thunder).

Now it will be clearer when it is necessary to mount lightning tracks.

  1. If the land in this area has a large number of ions. Such zones are located in the overwhelmed areas, they can accumulate a large amount of charge. Please note how often there are lightning in your area, talk with old-timers. If they cannot remember the cases of lightning into any objects, then mock the lightning discharge is there any necessity.
  2. The house is located on the lands capable of accumulating the charge, lightning strikes in this area are not uncommon. Installing a lightning conductor is required, but it is necessary to strictly follow the installation rules and perform preliminary calculations.

How the bulky is acting

An effective lightning protection system is aimed at minimizing the direction of stepped lightning leaders in the building location zone. And for this there is the only condition - the electric potential of the Earth in this area should be minimal and necessarily much smaller than on the neighboring. This task must be performed by lightning tracks. They are constantly, and not only during a thunderstorm, electrical charges are sent to the atmosphere and thereby significantly reduce the potential of the voltage. The conditions for the appearance of counter-tape drives disappear, lightning finds other points of removal of energy.

Important. If zipper got into the threshing, it means that it is mounted incorrectly and instead of benefit, it makes harm.

The size of the protected area depends on the amount and quality of ground pins, it is they collect electrons and send them to the vertical pin of a lightning conductor. From there, electrons are gradually moving into the atmosphere. Due to such a continuous process, the potential under the house decreases and the likelihood of lightning into it is automatically minimized.

Now that the principle of operation of the lightning conduction is clear, the tasks of each element of the system are clear, you can start setting the protection of the house.

Step-by-step installation instructions

As already understandable of the above, lightning protection must be mounted only in a complex with an effective grounding, otherwise the system will not function.

It is recommended to commend to work only after calculating the number, sizes and location of the grounding. Only qualified specialists can perform such calculations. By the way, they should, after installation, check the grounding efficiency with special devices (megommeters), firing indicators will be unsatisfactory, it will have to be corrected or completely redo.

Step 1.Because of the wiring mustache, collect two halves of skate holders.

They are made in this way that with the help of adjusting holes and screws, it is possible to change the main parameters. Elements can be firmly fixed to the skates of various sizes, while the reliability of the attachment remains the entire period of operation, spontaneous unscrewing is completely excluded.

Step 2.Secure current holders at the skate. If you buy a lightningwide system of industrial manufacture - excellent, it has all the items needed to install the equipment. You can make them independently, but for this you will need extra time. In addition, handicraft holders significantly lose in design form and do not adorn the building.

The distance between them is about one meter, it is necessary to ensure that the wire does not touch the roof coating. Try to mount with the same step, so the system looks much better and does not have a negative impact on the appearance of the house.

Practical advice. On the roofs always work with a safety rope, especially for metallic coatings. If there is no possibility to purchase industrial climbers equipment, make it elementary independently.

Trucks (nuts) Tighten strongly, use horked keys or passatages. Remember that then correcting the allowed error is difficult, you will have to get on the roof again. Pay attention to all vertical racks for installing the wire located strictly on the same line.

Step 3.Start laying wire on skate holders. It should be smooth, the diameter is calculated by a specialist, but in most cases it cannot be less than 6 mm. It is desirable that the surface of the wire is covered with a layer of zinc, the operational characteristics are significantly improved due to this.

  1. The wire is not covered with rust, brown drums appear on the roof. Traces of rust much worsen the appearance of the structure.
  2. Due to the fact that the wire does not rust, the resistance indicators remain unchanged for a long time. And this is a very important parameter of any bulky.
  3. In places of compound, resistance decreases, during operation it does not impair physical and electrical characteristics.

It is not necessary to save on the quality of all elements of lightning protection, otherwise the effectiveness will be insufficient, the money for the acquisition and installation can be considered vain in vain. Clearn the wire with special tongues with the provisions.

Step 4.The end of the wire protruding the end of the wire bend at right angles, leave a piece with a height of about 50 cm, excessive cut with special lipplants.

Step 5. Spread threaded connections with special mastic, if not, you can use ordinary solidol. Mastic additionally protection metal surfaces from oxidation. The fact is that during the twisting of the zinc nuts on the thread breaks down due to strong friction, and the discoveries of the metal requires protection.

Step 6.Getting Started with the fastening of the wire on the rods in the longitudinal direction. Here the installation technology depends on the type of roofing material.

  1. Atomic tile. It is necessary to release a little self-tapping screws, lift the sheet and to push the fastening bracket into the resulting slit. It has a curved shape of the leg, which enters into the deepening of the metal tile and is firmly fixed. Tighten the roofing screws. Place the wire and clamp it with the tongues.

  2. Putton. For such a roof there are special brackets, they have an increased length of the legs and several spaces with the tongues. The tongue before installing the bracket should be bent at a distance equal to the length of the piece tile, due to this increases the fastening strength. Then it is necessary to lift the tile and slip the bracket for it, when lowering the roof it is fixed in a fixed position. Wire to it is attached in the usual way.

  3. Sheet metal tile. Special brackets are sold for fastening the wire, which need to be fixed on top of the roofing screws. It must be achieved, so that the screws necessarily fall into the clamps of the crate. Two rubber gaskets are used to seal the opening. One is installed between the bracket and the surface of the roof, and the second between the bracket and the screw of the self-press.

  4. Flexible bituminous tile. This roofing has a solid base that much simplifies bracket fixation technology. They are screwed to the surface with ordinary wood screws, rubber linings are used to seal holes.

Practical advice. There are situations when, on the draft threshold, one wire is required to transfer from the front slope to the rear. At the place of intersection with the skate wire, they are recommended to connect, use for this bolted tie elements. Thus, you will achieve reliable contact of the current.

Prices for current holders

Holders for a toottener

Step 7.Screw the brackets to the edge of the chicken-feling system, the wire is fixed to them with bolts. Connections Tighten with greater effort.

Mounted on the house the tank attachments joins grounding.

Making grounding

This is the most important element of the grossing, as already above it is reported, only a specialist with special education should count the parameters. He must know the resistance of the soil, its composition, intimacy of groundwater and other source data. On the basis of calculations, the material is selected for the manufacture of metal pins, distance and quantity, the depth of injection for each ground. Depending on the size of the house, the specific location of the grounding agents is selected.

Prices for voltage stabilizers

Surge Protectors

  1. The steel pins the cross-sectional area should be at least 80mm2, has a copper 50mm2. It should be remembered that steel, and copper at different speeds are oxidized, and oxides negatively affect the conductivity indicators. The cross section and surface area of \u200b\u200bthe rods should be selected with the reserve, and the measurements of resistance are made annually. When critical values \u200b\u200bachieve the critical values, it is recommended to reflect and purify the rods from rust.
  2. Trench depth of at least 5.0 m, length of at least three meters. These indicators are largely dependent on the physical characteristics of the soils, the decision is made by a specialist at the work site.
  3. All the loot connections are better to make welding, the clamps quickly lose the initial values \u200b\u200bof the resistance. Welding is made necessarily on both sides, a seam length of at least five centimeters.
  4. Professionals are advised instead of round pins use a metal strip with a thickness of at least 1 mm and a width of about three or four centimeters. Such a metal is not only cheaper, but also significantly increases the time of operation of the threshold due to the large area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the ground.

Do or not to do the threshing is the case of each developer. Strict requirements are installed only for state buildings and premises with a large number of people. There is no accurate statistics on the performance of the system, no one knows how many lightning managed to remove from the building and what is the effectiveness of the device.

Now you know how to properly mount the threshing in a private house. But once again we remind that before starting work, it is necessary to carefully analyze all the factors affecting the likelihood of a lightning strike into the structure, and only then take the final decision. In order for the setting of the thunderbreaker to give the expected effect, the roof of the house must meet the existing construction standards.

Video - Montage of the Gromot

Reliable grossing on the country area will not only protect a person from the bearing lightning, but also a house from fire, especially if it is wooden. A good lightning protection system from the earthing, a toko separation and lightning game is consisting. Next, we will tell readers about what all the elements of the system should be and how to make a gross loss in a private house with their own hands!

Principle of operation of the system

To begin with, we will deal with how the lightning protection of the private house works and what is needed to create it. Visually see all components of the system elements you can on this scheme:

As you already understood, metal rods on the roof are lightning parameters that are distinguished by a dangerous discharge on the ground through the current and special.

There is an opinion that if there is a telephone tower near the house, you can not make a thunder in a private house. It is incorrect, because It is better to spend a little bit of time and secure full protection from the impact of lightning. In order for you to know what a lightning result should be and how to make it properly, we will consider the features of the choice of each of the elements of the system.

Brief overview of the installation of lightning protection

Components of protection elements

Lightning message

The main task is to correctly choose a lightning message, which should ensure the full protection of the country house in the zone of its action. To date, a pin, a grid, cable or roof itself can be like a lightning receiver. Let us consider in detail the features of the use of each of the options in a private house.

As for the pin, there are ready-made products from manufacturers who have a suitable shape and comfortable mount. As a rule, the metal manufacturing metal is copper, aluminum or steel. The most appropriate and effective is the first option. In order for the receiver well to cope with its task, its cross section should be at least 35 mm 2 (if copper) or 70 mm 2 (steel rod). As for the length of the rod, in domestic conditions it is recommended to use receivers with a length of 0.5 to 2 meters. Pins are convenient to use in order to make a gross loss on a garden house, a bath or another, a small building.

Metal grid can also be sold in a ready-made form. As a rule, the mesh lightning message is a cellular frame of reinforcement, 6 mm thick. The size of the cells can be from 3 to 12 meters. Most often, this option of lightning protection is used in apartment buildings and large buildings, for example, shopping centers.

The cable is more practical at home and copes with the task better than the grid. To make a gross loss in a private house using a cable, it is necessary to stretch it along the roof (s) on wooden bars, as shown in the photo below. The minimum cable diameter for lightning protection of the building should be 5 mm. As a rule, this option is used if you want to make a lightning room with your own hands on a house with a slate roof.

Well, the last option is a roof as a receiver, can be used if the roof of the residential house of the indoor is a professional flooring, metal tile or other metal roofing material. With this embodiment, two important requirements are presented to the roof. First, the metal thickness should be at least 0.4 mm. Secondly, under the roof there should be no flammable materials. It is possible to make a gross loss in a private house with a metal roof much faster and at the same time saving on the purchase of special lightning games.

We draw your attention to the fact that if you use the grid, its installation should be carried out at an altitude of at least 15 cm above the roof!

Toko separation


Well, the last element of the grinding - grounding contour. In order not to make the material too voluminous, we allocated a separate article for this question -. We recommend reading the information so that you know all the subtleties of this stage.

In short, it can be said that the earth contour should be near the house, but not in the pleasure of the site, but, on the contrary, closer to the fence. The decomposition of the charge on the ground is carried out by metal rods, depicted into the soil at a depth of 0.8 meters. All rods are best placed according to the scheme, which is just shown in the photo: