How and with what to insulate a brick house under the outside siding. How to insulate the wall of a house under siding The best insulation for walls under siding

Such a modern and only gaining momentum in our country method of finishing facades like siding seems to have been specially created in order to, in parallel with giving the external appearance of the house an aesthetic appearance, hide a layer of insulation underneath. Moreover, for insulation it will not be necessary to carry out the troublesome “wet” processes of hiding the insulation under a layer of plaster. Two complex operations are combined into one and everyone benefits from this: both customers and contractors, and the technology is so simple that insulation under siding can be done by any good owner with a regular set of tools.

Why do you need insulation?

Very often developers have the question: “Why, in general, insulate a house?” Really, why? After all, in the recent past no one even thought about it, but now suddenly it is necessary to spend a large sum on insulation. And many begin to remember the times of the USSR, when all energy resources really cost a penny, radiators in apartments could be as hot as fire, so the windows were open in all rooms. Gas boilers They no longer heated the water in the heat exchanger, but the air on the street and weighed so much that they could not be carried - they were either turned over or rolled on crowbars.

But this time has already passed and, returning to reality, it is worth noting that energy resources are becoming more expensive and will continue to become more expensive. Heating a home is becoming more and more expensive every year. And, unfortunately, we won’t get away from this. What are the ways out of this situation?

  • Firstly, it is the most complete use of energy from various types of fuel. Modern models of gas and electric boilers have an efficiency that has long surpassed 90%; energy is even obtained from condensate. Pyrolysis boilers burn everything possible in solid fuel, even generator gases, and electrical energy is converted almost directly into long-wave infrared radiation. And the improvement will continue.
  • Secondly, humanity has finally begun to more actively use the energy of the sun, wind, and geothermal heat. Serious projects to generate electricity from tidal waves are being considered. All of these are the most promising areas of energy development because they use completely renewable natural sources.
  • And finally, regardless of what source the heating receives energy, it must be saved in any case: not allow it to leave the building freely, but create a barrier to its leakage. And the first, the most effective measure- This is the insulation of buildings.

The laws of thermodynamics state that media or bodies with different temperatures always tend to thermal equilibrium. That is, the hotter ones will give off heat to the colder ones until their temperatures are equal. If you stop heating any house, no matter how insulated it is, the temperature inside it will gradually become equal to the outside temperature. Physical meaning insulation is to reduce the rate of leakage of thermal energy, which means that to compensate for losses you will need to spend much less fuel and money, and the savings are so significant that competently profitable insulation pays off in just a few years with a service life of several decades.

From the above figure it can be seen that the main heat leaks from the house occur through the walls - up to 43%.

Review of modern insulation materials

IN modern construction Many insulation materials are used: bulk, sprayed, slab, roll. Each of them can be used in different designs buildings, but we are only interested in those that can be used for insulation under siding. First of all, let's look at the main characteristics of insulation and, based on this, make a choice of those that are suitable for our purposes.

Main characteristics of insulation materials

Manufacturers and sellers of heat-insulating materials vying with each other to extol the merits of exactly what they produce and sell. It often happens that, in principle, the same insulation is produced under different trademarks and has different prices. In order not to fall into the trap of marketers, you should independently understand the characteristics that will determine the right choice.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Different materials have different ability to transmit thermal energy. The transmission intensity depends on the properties of the material itself, the temperature difference and thickness. To evaluate this ability, an indicator such as the thermal conductivity coefficient was introduced, which is denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and is measured in W/(m 2 *°K). For the same material, this value is constant and can be found in reference books, as well as in accompanying documentation.

The physical meaning of the thermal conductivity coefficient is the amount of thermal energy in Watts that a specific material with an area of ​​1 m2 and a thickness of 1 meter will transfer if the temperature difference on its opposite sides is one degree. Naturally, the less λ for the selected material, the more likely it is to be called insulation. The figure shows the values ​​of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the main insulation materials (λ≤0.1) in comparison with the main building materials.

For the convenience of thermal engineering calculations V introduced such a concept as thermal resistance (thermal resistance, reduced heat transfer resistance), which is nothing more than the reciprocal of the thermal conductivity coefficient. This indicator is designated by the letter R and is measured in (m 2 *°K)/W. Obviously, for insulation purposes, the higher the thermal resistance, the better.

Water absorption

This indicator reflects the ability of insulation to absorb and retain moisture in direct contact with water. There are two types of water absorption:

  • Mass water absorption - Bm=(m w/ m d)*100% , Where m w is the mass of water that the material has absorbed, m d- the mass of material in a completely dry state. It is clear from the formula that this indicator reflects, as a percentage, how much insulation can absorb and retain when wet compared to its weight in a dry state.
  • Volumetric water absorption – Bv=(Vv/ V 1 )*100%, Where Vv is the volume of water absorbed by the material, and V 1 – its volume in a state of saturation with water. In fact, this indicator means how much volume the material can absorb compared to its volume in a water-saturated state.

If the insulation absorbs and retains water, then its density increases and its volume increases slightly, but its strength decreases. Unfortunately, in this case the thermal conductivity coefficient becomes greater, which reduces the thermal insulation properties. Manufacturers of insulation with a porous or fibrous structure (glass wool, mineral wool) treat the material with special materials to reduce water absorption. water-repellent additives.

For walls under siding, the water absorption rate is not so important, since the insulation does not have direct contact with water. It is hidden under the cladding and is additionally protected special membranes. In addition, the insulation under the siding is ventilated - excess moisture is quickly removed from it and compared with the humidity atmospheric air. To avoid direct contact with water during transportation and storage, manufacturers use reliable packaging, which must be checked when purchasing.

Vapor permeability

A very important characteristic of any insulation is vapor permeability, which characterizes the ability of a material to transmit moisture in the form of steam when the atmospheric pressure is equal, but the partial pressure of water vapor is different. This indicator is estimated using the vapor permeability coefficient, which is measured in mg / (m 2 * h * Pa). The physical meaning of this indicator: how much water vapor in milligrams passes through square meter material per hour.

At first glance, a high coefficient of vapor permeability is undesirable, as is water absorption, but in reality this is not at all the case. Inside a residential building, in most cases, the humidity is higher than in the outside air, so the partial pressure of water vapor is also higher. Steam tries to leak through building structures from the inside to the outside, but encounters resistance from walls and insulation. I would like to note that water vapor can seep even through concrete, not to mention brickwork. The only reliable barrier to steam is metal, glass, and foam glass is very close to them.

If the vapor permeability coefficient of the external insulation is lower than that of the walls, then moisture will accumulate on their borders, which will freeze and destroy materials in winter, and in summer contribute to the appearance of mold and fungi, especially on the walls of wooden houses. Construction science says that the vapor permeability of multilayer structures in the direction from the inside to the outside should increase, then the building structures will always maintain optimal humidity. It is for this reason that it is best to use mineral wool for insulation under siding.

Fire hazard

All building materials are classified according to the degree of fire hazard, including insulation materials, which must be taken into account when building houses. Very often these indicators are neglected, but sometimes this attitude leads to emergencies. Fires of insulated facades ordinary foam plastic is no longer such a rarity, and the tragedy in the infamous “Lame Horse” shocked the whole world. A few breaths of toxic foam combustion products were enough to cause dozens of people to die a painful death from suffocation.

All building materials are divided into non-flammable (NG) and combustible (G), which, in turn, are assessed according to several indicators, we have summarized them in one table:

Naturally, the priority in choosing insulation for siding should be non-combustible (NG) materials.

Density and mechanical strength

Most insulation materials have a porous or gas-filled structure, and accordingly their density is low: from 15 (penoizol) to 250 kg/m3 (some types of stone wool). Mechanical strength determines the ability of insulation to withstand mechanical loads (compression, tension, load distribution). Under the siding, the insulation is not loaded with anything other than its own weight, so these parameters are not so important in our case.

However, the insulation must still keep its shape, be securely attached to the wall and fit tightly to it. Therefore, some manufacturers produce slabs mineral wool in which the inner surface has a density of 45 kg/m 3 - this allows for a tight fit to the insulated wall, and the outer layer has a density of 90 - 100 kg/m 3, which allows the slabs to be securely fastened in the sheathing and keep their shape.

Biological resistance

This indicator is useful specifically for ventilated facades, since the insulation is not located inside building structures, and therefore can be exposed to mold and fungi. But manufacturers have foreseen this long ago and almost all thermal insulation materials are not prone to this and can even come into direct contact with vegetation and soil, although this is not necessary.

Some types of foam can be exposed to small ones, but not as food, but for shelter - they like to make their own there nests or gnaw passages. However, if the cladding of the house with siding is carried out competently and efficiently, then the penetration of rodents is excluded.

Environmental friendliness

In the production of any currently produced insulation, they still use chemical compounds, some of which stabilize its properties, others help maintain geometric dimensions, others hydrophobize material, the fourth are fire retardants and so on. Not all of these compounds are beneficial for humans, but that is not the point. The point is how much of these compounds they can release into the surrounding atmosphere to harm humans. In fact, this quantity is so insignificant that it makes no sense to pay close attention to it; under the siding they are located outside the house anyway.

There are insulation materials on the market that are positioned by marketers as absolutely environmentally friendly, since they are based only on natural materials- flax fiber or cellulose, which are glued together with no less natural and pure compounds. Naturally, “absolute environmental friendliness” is more expensive than traditional and decades-tested mineral wool, from which for some reason not a single person has died a painful death from poisoning. Here the consumer must make his choice and we will not give any advice on this matter.

Comparative characteristics of insulation materials

Among the modern variety of insulation materials, it is very difficult for an ignorant person to navigate. There is such an abundance of names, brands, varieties that even a specialist can find it difficult to make a choice. Let's try to understand this issue.

Mineral wool insulation

First, we list under which brands mineral wool can be found: Knauf, Linerock, Beltep, Axi, Termostek, Basalit, Isover, Termobasalt ), Nobasil, Termo, Isobox, Ursa, Rockwool, Paroc, Technonicol. Isorock, Izomin, Izovol, Tehno - and this is not the most complete list.

We have summarized the main characteristics of mineral wool in a table:

Mineral (stone) wool

Water absorptionUp to 70%
NG (non-flammable), G1, G2. G3, G4
Density (kg/m3)50-225
Environmental friendlinessFrom basalt (stone) mineral wool from well-known manufacturers binder(phenol-formaldehyde resins) are in a polymerized (bound) state. Insulation of the outside of the facade under the siding does not cause harm to humans.
Release formAvailable in the form of slabs and mats (rolls) of various sizes.

Mineral wool is the most preferred insulation material for siding. When choosing it, you should, firstly, pay attention to the manufacturer (from the list listed above), secondly, the flammability class (it is better to choose non-flammable), and, finally, all its other properties: the required thickness, density, standard size and environmental friendliness.

Glass wool insulation

Most large manufacturers also have glass wool in their product range - this type of insulation has been known for a very long time and has been used, and is still successfully used today. We present the main characteristics of this material in the table:

Glass wool

Thermal conductivity coefficient - λ (W/(m 2 *°K))0,03-0,052
Water absorptionUp to 70%
Vapor permeability (mg/(m 2 *h*Pa))0-0,6
Flammability class (Fire hazard)NG, G1
Density (kg/m3)11-50
Environmental friendlinessGlass wool, when properly installed, is completely chemically inert. It can mechanically break down into small glass chips that can cause harm to humans.
Release formAvailable in the form of rolls and slabs of various sizes.

Due to its properties, glass wool can be used as insulation under siding. Its heat-insulating and sound-proof properties, durability and safety are best demonstrated with proper installation.

Insulation materials made of expanded polystyrene (foam plastic)

Most common and the well-known insulation is polystyrene foam, or as it is called in everyday life - polystyrene foam. The ease of production of this material, with a set of the necessary qualities, determined its widespread use. The characteristics of the foam are presented in the table:

Expanded polystyrene (foam)

Thermal conductivity coefficient - λ (W/(m 2 *°K))0,039-0,05
Water absorptionNo more than 3%
Vapor permeability (mg/(m 2 *h*Pa))0.05
Flammability class (Fire hazard)G1, G2, G3, G4 (unmodified polystyrene foam has the flammability of G4). Over time, the effect of fire retardant additives decreases.
Density (kg/m3)60-220
Environmental friendlinessWhen burned, toxic products (phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen bromide) are formed, causing suffocation. Rodents can live in the foam layer.
Release formAvailable in the form of slabs of various thicknesses.

The main obstacle to using polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of walls under siding is its flammability, so it is better not to use it in ventilated facades or to use it with a flammability class of no more than G1. Best use of this heat insulator - inside wall structures or under a layer of plaster.

Insulation made from extruded (extruded) expanded polystyrene

By chemical composition This insulation is absolutely identical to conventional polystyrene foam, only the production technology differs. It is obtained by extrusion (extrusion) through a special molding hole. As a result, this material exhibits new properties; it has a closed cellular structure and much greater mechanical strength, which allows the use of extruded polystyrene (EPS) in such critical building structures as foundations and screeds.

EPS is produced by most manufacturers thermal insulation materials and can be found under various brand names: Europlex, Stirex, Penoplex, UrsaXPS, Greenplex, Extrol, Kinplast, Novoplex, Stirofom, Technoplex, Primaplex, TechnoNIKOL - and this is not a complete list. Extruded polystyrene different manufacturers approximately similar in quality, it may differ in the presence of modifiers and plasticizers that improve its properties. The main characteristics of this insulation are shown in the table:

Extruded (extruded) polystyrene foam (foam)

Thermal conductivity coefficient - λ (W/(m 2 *°K))0,028-0,033
Water absorption0,2-0,4%
Vapor permeability (mg/(m 2 *h*Pa))1.2-2
Flammability class (Fire hazard)G1, G2, G3, G4
Density (kg/m3)20-48
Environmental friendlinessCombustion products are very toxic (similar to polystyrene foam). If the insulation is unprotected, rodents may settle in.
Release formPlates are 20-200 mm thick, 0.6-1 m wide and 0.5-2.4 meters long.

The excellent thermal insulation properties of EPS, very low water absorption and the ability to withstand high mechanical loads certainly make this material one of the leaders among insulation materials. But the ability to ignite and release toxic products limits its use in insulation under siding and manufacturers recommend hiding it in building structures. In addition, the low vapor permeability of EPS will promote water condensation on outside walls, which is very undesirable, especially for wooden houses.

Polyurethane foam insulation

(PUF) is a gas-filled plastic, which everyone knows very well from its roll (elastic PU foam) or polyurethane foam (hard PU foam). This insulation is applied in liquid form by spraying onto the surface, after which it foams and, in contact with atmospheric air and moisture, hardens. The characteristics of polyurethane foam are presented in the table:

Polyurethane foam

Thermal conductivity coefficient - λ (W/(m 2 *°K))0,019-0,03
Water absorptionNo more than 2%
Vapor permeability (mg/(m 2 *h*Pa))0.05
Flammability class (Fire hazard)G1, G2, G3 (depending on the flame retardants used)
Density (kg/m3)30-150
Environmental friendlinessPolyurethane foam is not afraid of water and organic solvents, but is destroyed by UV rays. When burned, it releases toxic gases.
Release formSupplied as two components (polyol and isocyanate)

Although Polyurethane foam emits toxic gases when heated strongly and does not support combustion. It is successfully used as insulation under siding, but it is better to do this in stone houses. The extremely low vapor permeability of polyurethane foam can promote moisture condensation, but this material has powerful adhesion to most surfaces and “seals” the walls under its cover. A very simple application technology allows you to completely organize the insulation of your home in one working day.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Video: Modern insulation materials

Insulation technology for siding

Before you start insulating a house under siding, you need to make thermal calculations to find out what kind of insulation and what layer should be used. The following table shows the recommended thicknesses of insulation made of basalt or fiberglass wool in the form of slabs with a thickness of 50 or 100 mm. The thermal conductivity coefficient is assumed to be 0.036 W/(m 2 *°K), and the heat transfer resistance, as is known from what was stated above, is the inverse value.

The calculated data are given for the Moscow region, with its GSOP (degrees-days of the heating period). This conditional value shows the severity of climatic conditions in each specific region. GSOP can be found in the reference manual for SNiP 01/23/99.

It turns out that to insulate houses under siding, slabs of mineral or glass wool, either 5 or 10 cm thick, or a two-layer structure of slabs of 10 and 5 cm can be used. How this can be done will be discussed in subsequent sections.

Surface preparation

Before starting the insulation process, you need to carefully prepare the surface. Let's present the stages in the table:

Miniature Description of the preparation stage
All external lamps, decorative elements, drainage system are dismantled
If any, window and door frames are removed.
External walls wooden house are cleaned of rotting areas and then treated with fire-retardant compounds.
The surface of walls made of brick, aerated concrete, concrete is cleaned of deposits and dirt, and then treated 2 times with a deep penetration primer.

Marking. Calculation of the number of components

In order not to be mistaken in quantity necessary materials, insulation and cladding must be done efficiently. We can give some practical advice on this matter:

  • It is best to order calculations for insulation and cladding from the organization where the siding is ordered. Specialists will make all the necessary measurements of the house and calculations of all components. Considering that this will be done using a special software with maximum accuracy, this approach will lead to significant savings in the future.
  • When making your own calculations, it is imperative to take into account that the sheathing should always be installed at the bottom and top of the insulated wall, at the corners, and should also frame all windows and doors.

  • Most siding models are installed horizontally, which requires vertical sheathing. The sheathing pitch is determined, firstly, by the installation requirements of a particular cladding model, and, secondly, by the width of the insulation. The most common value is 60 cm. If mineral or glass wool slabs are chosen for insulation, then the distance between adjacent sheathing bars “in the clear” should be 59 cm. This will ensure a tight fit of the insulation.
  • The step of fastening the sheathing bars themselves to the walls should be no more than 50 cm. Fastening to wooden walls can be done with wood screws, and to brick walls - with appropriate dowels.
  • The thickness of the sheathing bars must correspond to the design layer of insulation if the wooden bars are installed directly on the wall. If used metal carcass or wooden on brackets, then the sheathing bars are most often chosen 50*50 mm, or special U-shaped hangers are used.

  • When insulating under siding, it is necessary to do ventilation gap the minimum value of which is 2 cm, and preferably 4-5 cm. To do this, another one is mounted on top of the main sheathing, to which the cladding is then attached. This should definitely be taken into account when purchasing components.
  • If the insulation layer exceeds 10 cm, then in this case it is best to use cross lathing, when the directions of laying the insulation are mutually perpendicular.
  • A layer of insulation made of mineral or glass wool, as well as polystyrene, must be covered with a special hydro-windproof membrane, which will protect from external influences, but allow water vapor to pass freely from the inside to the outside. The membrane sheets must overlap each other by at least 10 cm, which must be taken into account when purchasing.
  • After calculating the quantity of all components, you need to add 10% to them, since waste during cutting and fitting is inevitable.

Installation of insulation under siding on wooden sheathing

In most cases, wooden sheathing made of bars is used to install siding, including insulation. The use of just such a lathing has the following advantages:

  • Lumber has a reasonable price.
  • Wood is easy to process.
  • It has much lower thermal conductivity compared to metal and does not form cold bridges.
  • Wooden blocks can be attached directly to the wall; no special brackets are required.

However, wooden sheathing still has disadvantages:

  • Wood is susceptible to mold and fungi (removed by treatment).
  • Wood is a flammable and combustible material (partially eliminated by processing special compounds).
  • It is not always possible to select even wooden blocks of the required length.

When choosing lumber, you should always choose only those that are dried; the moisture level should not exceed 10-12%.

For self-insulation For siding you will need a simple set of tools:

  • Marking cord, building level, plumb line, water level.
  • A hammer drill with a set of necessary drills.
  • Electric drill with a set of drills.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Spatulas - for applying the adhesive mixture to polystyrene foam boards.
  • Construction knife with a set of spare blades.
  • Step ladder or platform.

We present the installation process in table form:

Miniature Description of installation steps
All wooden blocks are treated with fire-bioprotective compounds 2 times. Processing can begin a second time only after complete drying.
Corner sheathing bars are mounted on the previously prepared and marked surface of the walls, which should be 10 cm away from the corners with a building level and their verticality is checked. If the walls are uneven, then wooden blocks are placed in the right places.
If the wooden sheathing is mounted on metal brackets, then first they are mounted on the wall, and then a block is attached to them. The process is controlled by the level.
Horizontal bars are installed, bordering the cladding at the top and bottom. It is better to check horizontality with a building water level (spirit level). These bars must be in the same plane as the corner ones.
At a distance of 15-20 cm from the ends of the corner bars, a thick fishing line or cord is stretched from above and below, which should be 3-5 mm from the surface of the block (a self-tapping screw is placed). It will determine the mounting plane of the entire sheathing.
The entire sheathing is installed. Verticality is checked with a building level, and the plane is set along the cord. If necessary, blocks are placed under the sheathing. The fastening step is 50 cm. The interval for mineral wool is 1 cm less than the width of the insulation. For example, Rockwool slabs are 60 cm wide, which means 59 cm “in the light”, and for polystyrene foam slabs and polyurethane foam - 60 cm. The sheathing framing windows and doors is also placed in the same plane.
Insulation is being installed. Mineral wool slabs are laid from bottom to top, as closely as possible to each other. The last slab is cut with a special knife and the installation of the next row begins from the remaining part. This will ensure ligation of the stitches. Narrow non-standard pieces near window and doorways, as well as corners are cut and laid last.
Fastening mineral wool to walls is best done with special dowels with a wide head (fungi, umbrellas) of appropriate length. To do this, a dowel is inserted into a pre-drilled hole until it stops, and then its central part is driven in. One 600*1200 mm slab requires at least 5 dowels (one in the center and the rest 15 cm from the corners). It is allowed to fasten two layers of mineral wool slabs at once with long dowels.
Fastening polystyrene foam boards to wooden walls is done with dowels, and to brick or concrete walls - with a special adhesive composition and umbrella dowels. Calculation of the number of dowels is done similarly to mineral wool. Adjacent fastening with dowels at the joints of sheets is allowed. Laying is done from bottom to top. If there are gaps at the joints of the plates, they are blown out polyurethane foam.
Rolled mineral or glass wool insulation is unwound from top to bottom. The insulation is attached to the walls with umbrella dowels at the rate of 5 pieces. per 1 square meter. Excess parts of the roll are cut off and used further.
Polyurethane foam insulation is sprayed between the sheathing beams in a layer of the required thickness. After complete drying, excess insulation is cut off with a sharp knife. The plane is checked with a rule or a cord.
A hydro-windproof membrane is installed on top of the insulation. The canvases are attached horizontally from bottom to top to the sheathing beams using a construction stapler in increments of no more than 20 cm with 10 mm staples. The overlap of adjacent canvases on each other is 10 cm. The joints are additionally taped with reinforced tape. Polyurethane foam insulation and extruded polystyrene foam do not need to be covered.
A sheathing under the siding is mounted on top of the hydro-windproof membrane on the insulation sheathing bars. It will provide a ventilated gap between the insulation and the sheathing. To do this, bars 50*40 mm (50*30 mm are allowed) are attached to the insulation sheathing using wood screws in increments of no more than 40 cm.
Siding is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is best to do this immediately after installing the insulation.
Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Video: Insulating a house with Rockwool mineral wool

Features of installing two-layer insulation on a cross frame

A cross frame under the siding is installed when it is necessary to make multi-layer insulation, for example, a reinforced concrete house with a wall thickness of 230 mm, built in the Moscow region, requires a mineral wool thickness of 150 mm. This can only be achieved by using 100 mm and 50 mm thick slabs, since 150 mm slabs are not produced.

With the insulation method described above, you will have to construct a sheathing 150 mm deep, which will require the use of massive timber 150 * 100 mm. Timber has 30 times greater thermal conductivity than mineral wool; accordingly, the effectiveness of such insulation is sharply reduced, but there is a very good way out from this situation - the use of a cross frame. How this method is implemented in practice is shown in the figure.

It is obvious that the use of a cross frame increases the thermal properties of insulation; such a design is more reliable and durable, but also material-intensive. Let us describe the main features of installing a cross frame:

  • The walls of the house to be insulated are marked. The first frame should be mounted horizontally rather than vertically. The distance between the bars of the first frame should be 1 cm less than the mineral or glass wool slabs and exactly match the dimensions of the polystyrene foam slabs.
  • The lower and upper horizontal bars of the frame are mounted. Horizontalness is checked with water or laser level. The beams must lie in the same plane, since they will determine the plane of the entire cladding of the house.
  • A cord is stretched between the beams at the beginning and at the end, which will set the plane for the entire first sheathing.
  • All beams are mounted first horizontal sheathing screws to a wooden wall or dowels to stone walls. The fastening step is no more than 50 cm.

  • The first layer of insulation is laid horizontally between the beams. Expanded polystyrene boards are glued to stone walls with a special compound. The first layer is not fixed with disc dowels; this must be done after laying the second layer.
  • In the future, the process of installing the frame is absolutely identical to that described above, only the bars of the vertical sheathing are attached not to the walls, but to the first sheathing using self-tapping screws of the appropriate length. Fixing the insulation with umbrella dowels is done immediately through two layers.

Installation of insulation under siding using a frameless method

Received wide use method of insulation under siding using a frameless method. Some people mistakenly believe that the frame is completely absent, but this is not true; without it, siding cannot be installed. The fact is that the insulation is attached to the walls and it is not located between the sheathing beams. Insulation in this way is possible when the walls of the house are smooth and allow the insulation to be mounted directly on them, for example, houses made of timber or plastered brick. Let us list the advantages of this method of insulation:

  • With the frameless method, a layer of insulation completely covers the walls of the house, which affects the thermal characteristics.
  • This method of insulation is less material-intensive.
  • The insulation technology is much simpler, so it can be done independently.

The disadvantages of this insulation method are:

  • Availability of prepared, smooth walls.
  • The difficulty or even impossibility of implementing two-layer insulation.
  • Less mechanical strength of siding facing a house.

Let's consider the procedure for installation work with frameless insulation. As an example, let’s take insulation with mineral wool slabs and a frame made of metal plasterboard profiles. The installation steps are presented in the table:

Miniature Description of installation steps
On the walls of the house prepared for finishing, the position of the future sheathing for siding is marked. To do this, use a marking cord to mark vertical lines—the axes of the sheathing. The interval is determined by the siding manufacturer's recommendations (usually 60 cm). The position of the sheathing around window and door openings is also marked.
The marked lines mark the positions of the brackets - straight U-shaped hangers for drywall. Suspensions should be installed at the beginning and end of the sheathing profile, and the rest at intervals of no more than 60 cm.
Suspensions are mounted in the designated places: on wooden walls using screws with a press washer, and on stone walls using driven dowels 6*40 or 8*60. Each suspension should have two screws (dowels). After installation, the legs of the hangers are immediately bent by 90° so that they are perpendicular to the wall.
Insulation boards are attached to the walls of the house according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. In the places where the legs of the U-shaped hangers are located, a careful cut is made in the slab with a sharp knife. Some rigid basalt wool slabs can be attached to stone walls using a special adhesive mixture. Each 600*1200 mm slab is additionally secured to the wall with four disc-shaped dowels of the appropriate length.
A hydro-windproof membrane is attached to the mineral wool slabs protective layer inward (manufacturer's logo outward). To do this, the edge of the membrane is secured with two dowels, the membrane is unwound vertically from top to bottom and secured in the center of each mineral wool slab with a disc-shaped dowel. All joints must have an overlap of 10 cm. In the places of the U-shaped hangers, neat cuts are made with a knife.
All joints of the hydro-windproof membrane are taped with wide reinforced tape.
The outermost profiles of the sheathing are mounted on each wall. For this purpose, ceiling profiles for plasterboard PP 60*27 (CD 60*27) are used. The profile is pressed against the membrane and insulation (not too tightly) and attached to the hangers using sharp metal screws with a press washer (bugs, fleas, tacks). The legs of the suspension are bent to the side. During installation, verticality should be controlled using a building level or plumb line.
A cord is stretched between the outer profiles at the top and bottom (as when installing wooden sheathing) to control the plane.
The entire lathing is installed from PP 60*27 profiles, including those framing window and door openings. During installation, verticality and plane are controlled.
According to the manufacturer's instructions, the siding is installed on the sheathing using self-tapping screws with a press washer.

With the frameless method, there is no need to make a counter-lattice, which ensures ventilation of the insulation. Metal profiles simultaneously serve as the basis for siding, fix the membrane and also create required clearance for ventilation.


Summing up the article, it is quite appropriate to draw several conclusions:

  • For insulation under siding, it is most preferable to use mineral wool slabs. This material combines excellent thermal insulation properties, non-flammability, ease of installation, good vapor permeability, durability, environmental friendliness, biological stability and a reasonable price.
  • When choosing a specific brand of insulation, it is better to trust well-known brands and buy only from trusted places.
  • For insulating wooden houses made of logs in one layer, the best way is to use a frame insulation method with wooden lathing.
  • It is more suitable for insulating houses made of timber or stone houses with plastered walls. frameless method with sheathing made of plasterboard profiles.
  • If the insulation is used in two layers, then The best decision- this is cross wooden frame.
  • For mineral and glass wool, the use of a waterproof membrane is mandatory!
  • should begin immediately after insulating the house.

The use of siding in modern construction is understandable. The material makes the house attractive appearance, hides any surface defects. The coating installation process is simple and quick.

One of the advantages of the material is the possibility of installing heat-insulating materials. No additional mixtures such as plaster are required. To carry out the work, you need to know the features of each type of insulation and the stages of installation of heat-insulating materials.

Answering the question, how to insulate a house under siding? It is necessary to understand the features of each of them. There are many materials with different characteristics. Each has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account during installation. Depending on the characteristics, a choice is made in favor of one composition or another. Some of them are not suitable for installation under siding.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Depending on the composition, materials have different capabilities for transferring thermal energy. The transmission speed directly depends on the properties of the insulation, the thickness of the installation and the temperature difference.

To evaluate this characteristic, the indicator “thermal conductivity coefficient” was introduced, denoted by the Greek letter λ (lamda). Measured in W/m 2 * o K. These quantities are considered the most important when reviewing characteristics.

The numbers are constant and can be found in relevant reference books or documents for insulation for siding.

The meaning of thermal conductivity is the amount of heat, measured in watts, that a certain substance can transmit. Its area is taken as standard 1 m2, thickness equal to a meter. The temperature difference should be 1 o C.

It is important to choose a material with the lowest λ number. The lower the indicator, the better the insulating properties of the substance; it conducts heat worse. The lower the coefficient, the side where the air is heated more will transfer heat more slowly to the cold side.

For the convenience of calculations, an indicator has been introduced that is the inverse of the thermal conductivity coefficient, called thermal resistance. Letter designation "R". It is important to choose thermal insulation with the highest rating so that the inner surface cools as slowly as possible.

Water absorption

An indicator no less important than the thermal conductivity coefficient, it reflects the possibility of absorbing and retaining liquid inside the structure in direct contact with it.

There are 2 types of water absorption indicators:

  • Massive. It is expressed as a percentage, which shows how much the insulation installed under the siding can absorb liquids in comparison with its own weight when it is in a perfectly dry state.
  • Volumetric. The indicator characterizes the volume of liquid that the insulation can absorb compared to its own volume. The higher the indicator, the more water is retained in the pores.

When liquid is absorbed and retained inside the insulation, the density increases due to the high density of water. The thermal conductivity coefficient increases (heat is retained worse). To reduce the water absorption coefficient, manufacturers treat materials with special water-repellent additives. They do not allow liquid to enter the pores.

If you install insulation under siding, the water absorption indicator can be ignored. There will be no direct passage of liquid, as it is protected by special membranes. In addition, the material is blown with air, moisture is removed outside. To prevent contact with water before purchase, you need to ensure that the packages with insulation are hermetically sealed.

Vapor permeability

The vapor permeability indicator shows the ability of materials to pass evaporated liquid. Its pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure, due to which it must leave the pores as quickly as possible. The indicator is characterized by the amount of water vapor in milligrams that passes through 1 m2 of insulation in 60 minutes. It’s good if the insulation quickly allows it to leave the surface so that the insulation properties return to normal.

The coefficient should be average, comparable to the wall indicator. This is explained by high air humidity inside the house and low outside. Water vapor easily penetrates through brick and concrete masonry. If he encounters a barrier in the form insulation material, the natural ventilation of the room will be disrupted.

Liquid with low vapor permeability will accumulate and may freeze in winter. After this, the surrounding compounds will begin to deteriorate. If the house is wooden, the walls become covered with fungus and mold.

Fire hazard

Each construction material is characterized by a degree of fire hazard. When constructing new structures, close attention must be paid to this indicator. If fire regulations are neglected, a fire may start from the weakest fire source. Construction material divided into non-flammable and flammable. When choosing insulation materials, priority should be given to non-flammable compounds.

Density, strength and biological stability

Almost all insulation materials have a porous structure. Sometimes they are filled with special compounds to improve performance. Due to the large amount of air inside, the density of all of them is low. Mechanical strength shows how effectively the composition resists any mechanical load.

Insulation of the facade of a house under siding is carried out with virtually no load on the material. Own mass will not be very important; it can be ignored. To increase the tightness of the seal, manufacturers increase the indicator inside the insulation. This allows the slabs to be pressed tightly against the walls of the building.

Biological stability must be taken into account when installing on . Fungi and mold can appear if there is prolonged contact with liquid or in other cases when conditions for the appearance of microorganisms are created.

Insulation of siding, if the material is laid under the siding, is provided by almost all manufacturers. The materials usually have the required resistance characteristics against such problems. Sometimes rodents gnaw through low-quality polystyrene foam, but do not eat it, but instead build tunnels inside. With high-quality implementation facing works such a problem is unlikely.

Environmental friendliness

During the production of any insulation, substances are used that may not be beneficial to humans. What is important is not what the component is made from, but how much harmful substances will be released after its installation. The amount of vapor emitted by insulation materials is so minimal that you should not pay serious attention to the indicator. Although it does exist.

The market offers environmentally friendly insulation products. They consist of natural substances: flax, cellulose, glued with special safe substances. Their price is much higher than traditional ones. Right choice it is necessary to do this taking into account not only the environmental friendliness indicator, but also all other important parameters.

Types of insulation

There are various insulation materials on the market, with significantly different characteristics and costs. Other parameters are no less important, so you should pay attention to them when insulating a house under siding.

Mineral wool insulation

All materials of this type are highly resistant to fungus and mold. Thermal insulation functions are performed in all weather conditions.

Insulation of house walls under siding is carried out using the following materials:

Glass wool

Made from sand, soda, dolomite, borax. Elastic, durable, used at any temperature. Used for insulation of industrial and residential premises. It is possible to cover curved surfaces.

Pros: fire resistance, chemical inertness. The slabs weigh little, which makes it easy to install them under siding.

Minuses: fragility, causticity. There may be some inconvenience during installation.


Produced in slabs made from non-ferrous metallurgy waste. The service life does not exceed 10 years, after which the thermal conductivity indicators decrease over time.

Advantages: low cost, high fire safety.

Flaws: high hygroscopicity.


When calculating siding for installation on a house, the following values ​​must be taken into account:

  • The height and width of each wall. The space from each corner is measured.
  • All openings (doors, windows, additional elements) are measured, their sizes are subtracted from the total figure.
  • The number and height of all corners are considered: internal and external.
  • The molding of the eaves panels is taken into account. Values ​​are measured from corner to corner.
  • To take into account the area of ​​the spotlights, the length of the cornice and the length along the base are calculated.
  • The area of ​​the pediment is calculated by the height of the ridge and the width of its base.

Features of insulation

A vapor barrier is required if siding with insulation is being installed. Additional material, attached to the house, will interfere with the normal passage of steam through the walls. If liquid accumulates inside the porous structure of the insulation, its performance characteristics will be significantly reduced.

There is no need to install an additional vapor barrier layer for foam plastic (expanded polystyrene). It does not conduct steam and will not interfere with its removal from under the surface.

When insulating with mineral wool and other materials with high vapor permeability, condensation will accumulate inside the slabs, reducing the properties of the insulation.

Waterproofing laid under the outer skin helps solve the following problems:

  • Vinyl or metal siding does not accumulate on the surface (internal and outside) moisture. If the panels are not installed hermetically, liquid penetrates through the gaps and damages the insulating material. The use of glass wool or mineral wool requires mandatory fastening of the waterproofing.
  • The snow accumulating under the ridge begins to melt and flow down the walls. When waterproofing is installed, moisture passes along its surface. Flowing into the drain, the liquid does not harm the walls of the house or waterproofing material.

A waterproofing film made to all standards allows moisture to escape. Nearby materials do not deteriorate from passing liquid, and natural ventilation is provided. It is correct to use waterproofing together with a vapor barrier layer. Thermal insulation will be protected from vapors from the room. A vapor barrier is installed between the wall and the insulating layer.

Wall insulation with mineral wool

In order to retain the heat of the room and prevent the formation of condensation, insulating the house under the siding with mineral wool must be carried out according to certain rules.

There are 2 installation methods:

  • Frameless.
  • Frame.

Installation using the first method is carried out in compliance with the rules:

  • the insulating material is mounted directly on the wall. The top is finished. The connection comes out homogeneous, without seams. The thickness should not exceed 15 cm;
  • The mineral wool is fixed to the wall with glue. The main fastening elements are “umbrella” hardware;
  • the base is reinforced.

Insulating a house with house siding requires compliance with the rules. The composition is suitable for brick premises, or those made of gas-foam concrete blocks. Frame houses require additional installation hard flooring made of OSB boards. Activities are carried out in dry weather. When wet, the insulation must be completely dried.

The second method involves installation in cells formed by the frame structure. If the base is made of wood, it must be coated with an antiseptic. The materials are fixed in the same way as in the first case. A film is placed on the insulation to protect it from moisture. You can secure it with double-sided tape or a stapler.

Slats are attached to the main frame to form a sheathing. It is necessary to create an air cushion and install siding.

To increase the functionality of the insulation, it is recommended to carry out additional finishing inside the house. The house will consist of layers: finishing material, drywall, vapor barrier, mineral wool, wall, mineral wool, waterproofing, siding.

Insulation of glass wool walls

After preparatory work When insulating wires, you should wait until the walls are completely dry. It is recommended to install a waterproofing layer under glass wool, on top of which further work is carried out.

The joints are sealed with adhesive tape. Work is carried out in dry weather. Glass wool is soft and difficult to attach directly to the walls of a house without a frame. If its installation is not possible, glass wool is nailed directly to the walls, and a vapor barrier and siding are laid on top.

The frame is made of wood or metal profiles. The bars are selected with a cross section of 40–50 mm. To increase sound insulation characteristics, polyurethane foam is added under each beam. The material is treated with an antiseptic.

For profiled frame:

  • The wall is marked to secure the hangers.
  • Using a drill, holes are drilled at a distance of 50 cm along the marking lines. The horizontal distance is 60 cm.
  • The dowels are driven in and the hangers are attached to them.
  • Their parts are unbent to form U-shaped structures.
  • Jumpers are placed vertically and horizontally.

Glass wool slabs are attached to the walls with glue or umbrella dowels. Apply glue to the entire slab. If it is spot-on, additional fastening with dowels will be required. The distance between them is 20 cm. Pieces of material are cut 3–4 cm larger than the cavity space: the joints are tightly covered with insulation.

Advice: lay from bottom to top. After fixing all the material, secure the joints with glue.

After hardening, a vapor barrier is laid down, secured with a stapler to a wooden frame or with self-tapping screws to the profiles.

Ecowool insulation

Sold in the form of compressed briquettes that need to be fluffed before use. The composition is dry, free-flowing. After unpacking, you should wait for full expansion before starting work. The insulation can be fixed industrially or manually. The first is used in large rooms; for the home it is advisable to use the second method.

Briquettes are unpacked into a container. Using a mixer, the cotton wool is fluffed. You can do the work with your hands - the composition is not dangerous. Installation of lathing is required, without which the insulation process is impossible. The laying is dense; the material needs to be tamped so that it holds better. All cracks must be closed.

Wet application

To improve adhesion, you can moisten it with water. This is done with a sprayer, but not manually. The pitch of the lathing (wooden bars or metal profiles) is 1.5 m. Water helps the material stick, and the drying process does not exceed a day.

The insulation should not protrude beyond the boundaries of the sheathing.

Insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

Here it is important to take into account the thickness of the insulation, which is approximately 10 cm for a house. If the sheets are thinner, 2 layers of material are attached. The wall must be carefully prepared: cleaning of debris and leveling are mandatory. The thickness of the sheathing is selected based on the size of the polystyrene sheets. Wooden or metal frame. In the first case, coniferous wood species are selected. The wall is covered with a waterproofing layer.

When installing siding horizontally, the sheathing is installed vertically, and vice versa. The width of the profiles should not exceed the dimensions of the slabs of the facing material. Vertical sheathing is installed in the corners, around doors and windows. The level checks verticality.

The insulation is secured with dowels with a large head or glue. To prevent the material from slipping when installing without a frame, work is carried out from the bottom up. You can install special supporting elements if glue is used. After fixing, it is recommended to cover the polystyrene foam with a diffuse membrane to allow steam to escape and protect it from moisture.

The seams of the internal covering are overlapped to eliminate cold channels. For corners, a special corner profile is used.

  • glue should not get into the joints between the insulation sheets;
  • it should be installed in dry weather, although manufacturers do not set restrictions on installation;
  • You can increase the adhesion of the glue by making cuts on the inner surface of polystyrene sheets;
  • Use only special glue intended for outdoor use.

Advice: if fastening occurs in 2 layers, the second is installed using dowels.

Polyurethane foam insulation

Spraying of polyurethane foam insulation is carried out by filling all voids and niches. The walls of the house are kept airtight. It is recommended to use another insulation material together with the substance: mineral wool, polystyrene foam. PPU is poured immediately, without skipping. Pre-installed sheathing is necessary to secure the siding.

Excess foam is cut off after it hardens. You can apply it to any surface, you don’t need to remove or dismantle anything. The layer thickness is about 5 cm, although it is recommended to make at least 3 cm.

Analysis of the features of each insulation material allows you to determine which one is best suited for exterior finishing houses under siding. It is worth first familiarizing yourself with the pros and cons of all options, installation features, for some materials. Carrying out work according to the given schemes will allow for high-quality external insulation of the house under siding,

Saving increased prices for energy resources is a pressing issue. Home owners are trying to insulate their buildings and reduce space heating costs. siding not only gives the building a more attractive, stylish look, but also reduces heat loss. After all, in the space between the wall and facing material Thermal insulation is perfectly placed. It is important to correctly select and install insulation for the walls of the house outside under the siding, so that when minimum costs reliably eliminate cold bridges in brick and large-block buildings. When choosing thermal insulation, several materials are worthy of attention: polystyrene foam, mineral wool, ecowool. But only after considering the technical characteristics of all heat-insulating materials can you make the right choice.

Which insulation is better for siding?

When installing thermal insulation, it is better to avoid materials that are too loose, since their settlement can worsen the surface of the siding. Therefore, it is better than roll materials. The slabs are stiffer and easier to securely fasten to the wall. But what to prefer: mineral wool slabs or polystyrene foam?

Insulation of external walls with penoplex

We already know that penoplex is a brand of extruded polystyrene foam, it’s just that it just so happens among people that all expanded polystyrene is now called “facade penoplex”. Therefore, where “penoplex” appears in the text, we read it as “extruded polystyrene foam”.

Material properties:

  • low dead weight and rigidity. Thanks to these qualities, with the help of glue and disc dowels;
  • durability. Controversial quality. Most commonly used inexpensive polymer material is not able to reliably retain heat for more than 10-15 years, it quickly collapses;
  • efficiency. This indicator has lost its relevance. Initially, polystyrene foam was cheaper than mineral wool, but now the materials are almost equal in price;
  • vapor permeability is very low, so it is possible to remove excess moisture from the room only by ventilation or forced ventilation, therefore, with the loss of precious heat;
  • . When burning, it releases harmful fumes. In the event of a fire, there is very little time to evacuate people. There is a high probability of poisoning by toxic fumes - a product of burning insulation. Even if a person manages to run out of the building, he can still get hurt or get burned;
  • soundproofing. When foam plastic is rigidly fixed to the external walls inside the building, an increase in sounds coming from the street is observed.

Therefore, when the time comes to cover a house with siding with insulation, choosing polystyrene foam as a heat-insulating material is extremely undesirable. Lack of vapor permeability will lead to increased humidity in the room, and possibly rotting of the walls. In addition, rodents can live in the foam.

Insulation of external walls with mineral wool under siding

Properties of mineral wool:

  • Vapor permeability is high, which allows insulated walls to breathe;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Non-flammability;
  • Durability;
  • Environmental friendliness and biosustainability;
  • The heat and sound insulation properties are excellent.

Mineral wool is an ideal insulation for siding for a wooden house, especially if you choose non-flammable option material (basalt fiber). For brick and large block walls it is also worth choosing this material. In addition, it serves as an excellent addition to the exterior of the house with plastic and metal siding.

Ecowool: environmentally friendly facade insulation

Despite the fact that ecowool is superior to other materials in some respects, its use is not justified. This material is not yet available in the form of slabs; fastening it to the wall with glue and disc dowels is not available. Roll material requires special equipment during installation. But after application, ecowool adheres well to the wall and subsequently does not shrink. The material is made of cellulose, does not rot and does not burn (due to the presence of borax and boric acid in the composition), but it is better to insulate the facade with mineral wool before covering the house with siding. Ecowool and mineral wool provide the same sound and heat insulation. But the cost-effectiveness of the material is inferior to its “competitors”. Despite the most low price(1350-1500 rubles) directly per cubic meter of material among insulation materials (mineral wool slabs - 1650, polystyrene foam - 1900 rubles), the final price including installation is the highest (4900 rubles) for ecowool.

Technology of covering a house with siding with insulation: main stages

Preparing the base. Removal of all exterior fixtures, gutters, window and door frames (if any).Freeing the outer surface of the walls of a wooden house from all sources of rot and treating it with fire-bioprotective compounds. Cleaning the walls of a brick or block house from dirt, deposits, subsequent treatment with a deep penetration primer (2 times).

Marking the walls. It is carried out taking into account the fact that sheathing bars must be installed at the bottom and top of the wall, at the corners of the building and around window and door openings. The sheathing pitch is determined by the requirements for the selected siding model and the width of the insulation. Most often this value is 60 centimeters. If insulation is made with mineral or glass wool, then - 59 centimeters.

Treat all elements of the wooden sheathing with fire-retardant agents 2 times (the second time after the first layer has completely dried).

Installation of corner vertical bars and horizontal (top and bottom) bars.Installation of the entire sheathing with a fastening step of 50 centimeters.

Laying insulation (mineral wool - starting from the bottom, moving up, and foam plastic - from top to bottom). Lay with offset joints. Window and door openings are lined with narrow trims last.Fastening the insulation (mineral wool - with dowels with a wide head, polystyrene foam boards to wood - with dowels, to concrete - with glue).

The film sheets are fastened to the sheathing bars from the bottom up using a construction stapler. The staples are located at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. Adjacent canvases overlap each other by 10 centimeters. The joints should be taped with reinforced tape. For polyurethane foam insulation and extruded polystyrene, this step can be skipped.

Installation is carried out on top of a windproof membrane. The thickness of the bars is 40-30 millimeters, the step of attaching the insulation sheathing to the bars is no more than 40 centimeters. This creates a ventilation gap.Directly from the manufacturer. This work must be done immediately after laying the insulation.

Methods for laying thermal insulation before facing with siding

There are several options for how to insulate a facade under siding.The result of choosing a method for laying insulation is influenced by the following criteria:

  • requirements for the building in terms of operation;
  • wall material;
  • variety and linear parameters insulation;
  • availability and accessibility of necessary building materials.

After assessing these factors, you can determine required thickness insulation, what method and in how many layers to lay it.

Option #1. Use of roll insulation with a thickness of 5 to 20 mm. The material is glued to the walls, and a wooden sheathing is installed on top of it for mounting the siding panels. This provides acceptable wind protection, but does not prevent heat loss sufficiently. This method is suitable for country houses where the owners do not live permanently.

Option #2. Installation of insulation boards in the spaces between vertical wooden elements sheathing for siding. In this case, you need to take into account the thickness of the frame beams, which should exceed the thickness of the heat-insulating material by 2-5 centimeters. The difference between these values ​​allows us to form a good air gap(ventilation duct). The insulation boards are glued to the wall and secured with dowels with large heads. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of cracks (unprotected joints between slabs, insulation joints and wooden sheathing bars), which become cold bridges.

Option #3. Cross frame and two-layer insulation help to avoid a decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the siding structure. First, the sheathing bars are attached to the wall in a horizontal position at a distance from each other equal to the width of the insulation boards, which are also laid horizontally in the gaps formed between the bars. In the first layer, the bars should be 5-8 millimeters thinner than the slabs. The second layer of the frame is placed vertically on top of the horizontal layer of sheathing with installed insulation. Thermal insulation slabs are laid vertically between the vertical bars, and the siding is attached to the sheathing elements. The disadvantage of this method is the high material and labor costs; the reliability of thermal insulation in the long term pays for all costs.

Option number 4. To save lumber, the sheathing for the siding is carried away from the wall on wooden posts at a distance equal to twice the thickness of the insulation plus a ventilation gap. Then two layers of thermal insulation are attached to the wall perpendicular to each other. Only after this are vertical siding guides mounted on the racks.

Option #5. To familiarize yourself, you should consider the most modern method of applying an insulating layer under siding. It is completely unsuitable for building a house with your own hands, because it involves injecting polyurethane foam into the gaps of the wall under high pressure. Foam applied to the right place quickly expands and fills all voids, hardens, forming a reliable insulating layer. Such insulation does not require wind protection. But as already mentioned, it is impossible to carry out such technically complex insulation on your own, since this requires special consumables and equipment.

Types of lathing

When deciding how to properly cover a house with siding and insulation, you cannot do without choosing a sheathing option. This element is needed not only for leveling the wall, the lathing serves to form the location of the heat-insulating material. The sheathing pitch is determined depending on - 30-40 centimeters, and its depth is selected taking into account the insulation material.

  1. Wooden sheathing for siding is the simplest and cheap option. It is formed by attaching slats or bars of dry wood (this is a prerequisite to avoid deformation of the lattice as a result of drying of the material). In addition, all components wooden structure need to be treated with an antiseptic.
  2. for siding is more often used on brick houses. The metal frame has great strength and rigidity, it is durable. It is easy to set distances from the wall using hangers. If you use anodized or galvanized fasteners, there will ultimately be no rust marks on the siding.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that covering a house with siding and insulation with your own hands is a completely doable task. And when choosing a brand of insulation, it is better to consider famous brands, and make the purchase in a trusted place.

Siding has a lot positive characteristics, but cannot boast of thermal insulation properties. That is why, when finishing residential buildings, the walls are first insulated, and only then the covering panels are attached. What type of insulation does the siding have? best properties, by what criteria you need to choose it, and how to properly perform insulation with your own hands - this will be discussed in the article.

In every hardware store, insulation materials are presented in a wide range, and it is very difficult for an inexperienced person to understand them. Roll and slab, expensive and cheap, domestic and foreign production, different densities and thicknesses - how to determine exactly what you need?

First of all, you need to be guided by the requirements that the material must meet:

  • low thermal conductivity is one of the most important qualities that insulation should have. The less this indicator, the less heat escapes through the walls of the room;
  • resistance to temperature changes and moisture - since the insulation is located on the outside of the building, it is exposed to high and low temperatures, and not all materials retain their original properties. When moistened, the same thing happens, in addition, the risk of fungus appearing under the casing increases;
  • environmental friendliness - the presence of toxic compounds in the composition poses a health hazard and requires additional protective measures when performing thermal insulation;
  • fire safety - insulation should not contribute to the spread of fire during a fire and emit toxic smoke when burning. Therefore, preference should be given to fire-resistant and self-extinguishing materials;
  • durability - this means that the insulation must fully retain its characteristics, including geometric shapes, throughout the entire service life. Unfortunately, many materials shrink after just a few years or begin to crumble, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

Not all materials fully possess such qualities, and below we will consider only the most suitable ones. Next, you need to take into account the installation method, especially if you are going to do all the work yourself. Roll insulation is less convenient to install; it is much easier to attach the slabs.

Roll and slab insulation

Types of insulation

The most popular insulation materials for siding today are:

  • mineral wool;
  • based on polystyrene foam;
  • blow-in insulation (ecowool, penoizol, polyurethane foam).

Mineral wool, according to GOST 52953-2008, is divided into three types - stone, slag and glass wool.


To produce the first type, basalt and silicate rocks, as well as their mixtures, are used; slag wool is made from metallurgical waste, glass wool is made from waste from the glass industry. These insulation materials are very thin fibers compressed into thick sheets, which are produced in the form of rolls and mats of various sizes and densities. Additionally, they can have a foil coating. As a rule, to insulate a house under siding, only stone and glass wool are used, since slag insulation is less water resistant.

Mineral wool insulation with foil layer

Expanded polystyrene insulation, polystyrene foam and EPS, are lightweight, dense sheets formed from a large number of air-filled closed cells. Thanks to this structure, these insulation materials practically do not absorb water. They are produced only in the form of slabs, differing in density, size, and degree of flammability.

Blown-in materials are those that are applied to the base using a special installation under high pressure. After drying, they form a durable, seamless coating with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Blown-in insulation - ecowool

Characteristics of mineral wool insulation

Stone wool

Of all the varieties of stone wool, basalt insulation is considered the most popular. It is distinguished by the lowest content of binding components, which includes formaldehyde resins and phenol, which are hazardous to health, and therefore is one of the most environmentally friendly safe materials. The fibers that make up the insulation are not scratchy and quite smooth, so they do not cling to clothing, do not cause irritation on the skin, and you can perform work without protective gloves.

Thermal conductivity0.035-0.041 W/(m K)
Water absorptionno more than 2%
Vapor permeability0.55 mg/mhPa
Density30-225 kg/m3
Working temperaturefrom -180 to 700 ᵒС
Flammability degreenon-flammable material
Material thicknessfrom 30 to 150 mm
Dimensions500x1000 mm, 600x1000 mm, 600x1200 mm

Manufacturers produce stone wool in the form of mats, soft, semi-rigid and hard slabs, and in rolls. For installation under siding, rigid and semi-rigid slabs are most convenient, but roll insulation is more suitable for horizontal and inclined surfaces.

Advantages of stone wool:

  • the material is easy to cut, light in weight, and does not create difficulties during installation;
  • does not burn and does not emit harmful substances;
  • microorganisms, including fungi, do not develop in it;
  • reduces noise level by up to 20%;
  • service life is 40-50 years without loss of basic characteristics.
  • the production of the material requires high costs; accordingly, prices for stone wool are quite high;
  • when cutting and shaking the material, thin fibers break and form very fine dust, which easily penetrates the respiratory tract. As a result, during thermal insulation works You should always use a respirator.

There are many manufacturers who, to reduce the cost of the manufacturing process, use various industrial wastes instead of pure rocks, but at the same time pass off their products as high-quality basalt insulation. It is very difficult to visually recognize a fake, especially for an inexperienced person, so buy stone wool from well-known, time-tested brands. Nowadays the following manufacturers enjoy a high reputation in the market of thermal insulation materials:

The popularity of glass wool has dropped noticeably with the advent of basalt and slag insulation on the market, but it is still used in various fields. In appearance, it is not very different from stone wool, but it is more fragile, so many manufacturers additionally reinforce the material by stitching with steel threads. The peculiarity of glass wool is that the glass fibers, at the slightest impact, are destroyed and form fine dust, which easily eats into the skin, penetrates the respiratory tract, eyes and causes severe irritation. For this reason, you can work with glass wool only in protective clothing, a respirator and goggles.


Thermal conductivity0.039-0.047 W/(m K)
Vapor permeability0.6 mg/mh*Pa
Water absorption1,5-1,7%
Density11-25 kg/m3
Flammability degreefrom NG to G1
Material thickness50-100 mm
Dimensions610x1170 mm, 600x1250 mm
Working temperaturefrom -60 to 450 ᵒС

Advantages of glass wool:

  • Due to its low thermal conductivity, glass wool perfectly retains heat in the house. A layer of material 50 mm thick is similar in thermal insulation properties meter-thick brickwork;
  • no toxic additives are used in the production of glass wool, so it does not emit harmful substances even when exposed to high temperatures;
  • glass wool boards are lightweight and can be compressed in packaging 6 times their original volume with subsequent straightening, which simplifies the transportation of the insulation;
  • the material is easy to cut and install on walls;
  • Microorganisms do not develop in glass wool and insects and rodents do not breed;
  • Compared to other fiber insulation materials, glass wool is much cheaper.
  • the high fragility of the fibers requires enhanced protection and caution in work; increased loads on the material should be avoided;
  • the average service life of glass wool is 10 years, then it shrinks severely and does not provide even minimal thermal insulation of the walls;
  • glass wool absorbs moisture vapor and water, which leads to a complete loss of thermal insulation characteristics.

Advice. For siding, slabs covered with fiberglass with a density of about 30 kg/m3 are best suited. To avoid getting low-quality insulation, pay attention only to certified glass wool from leading manufacturers, for example, Knauf, Isover, Ursa, and the domestic brand “Neman”.

Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Characteristics of polystyrene foam insulation

Polystyrene foam has very low hygroscopicity, in which it is significantly superior to fiber insulation. Walls lined with foam plastic also do not require additional wind protection. This is one of the most budget options insulation, although not the most effective. Due to the vapor permeability of the material, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room to prevent condensation from accumulating on the walls.

Pros of polystyrene foam:

  • affordable price;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation.
  • In terms of sound absorption, foam plastic is inferior to other types of insulation;
  • sheets of material break easily, so care is required during transportation and installation;
  • foam is damaged by rodents;
  • It is a flammable material and produces toxic smoke when burned.

EPS (extruded polystyrene foam)

This material has characteristics similar to polystyrene foam, but in all respects it is much better. EPS is widely used in industrial and private construction; its installation does not require much effort or special skills.

  • high density and strength of the material;
  • almost zero hygroscopicity;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • good noise absorption performance;
  • long service life;
  • relatively light weight.
  • the cost of EPS is approximately 20-30% higher than that of polystyrene foam;
  • does not allow the walls to “breathe”;
  • can be damaged by rodents;
  • refers to flammable materials.
Thermal conductivity0.035 W/(m K)0.028 - 0.032 W/(m K)
Water absorption0,5 - 1% 0,1 - 0,4%
Density11-35 kg/m330-40 kg/m3
Flammability degreeG1 – G4G1 - G4
Thickness20-100 mm40-100 mm
Dimensions500x500 mm, 600x1200 mm, 1000x1000 mm580x1180 mm, 600x1200 mm

Prices for foam plastic

Characteristics of blow-in insulation

Ecowool is new material made from cellulose fibers. It contains a binder - lignin, fire retardants and boric acid as an antiseptic. Ecowool is a loose mass that is applied dry or “wet” method.

Penoizol and polyurethane foam have a cellular structure and are applied to walls in liquid form. They are light in weight, so they exert almost no load on the base, but at the same time cover the entire area with a dense, uniform layer. With this method of insulation there is no need to level the walls and install wind protection, which greatly simplifies installation.

  • absence of cold bridges;
  • durability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • speed of installation.
  • these materials are more expensive than other insulation materials;
  • For application it is necessary to have special expensive equipment and experience working with it.

Thermal conductivityfrom 0.037 to 0.042 W/(m*K)from 0.031 to 0.041 W/(m*K)
Layer density28-65 kg/m35-75 kg/m3
Vapor permeability0.3 mg/(mhPa)0.21–0.24 mg/(mhPa)
Flammability degreeG2G1
Working temperaturefrom -40 to +120 0С-60 + 80 ᵒС

Installation of insulation under siding

Regardless of the material chosen and the method of fastening it, you first need to properly prepare the surface. To do this, remove everything that could interfere with work - lighting devices, trims, decorative elements and other items, and then carefully inspect the walls. There is no need to level the base, but you should definitely seal the cracks and remove the fungus.

Used as sheathing for siding wooden beam or metal profiles. If you prefer timber, it is worth pre-treating it antiseptic impregnation to avoid damage to wood from condensation and mold development.

Prices for different types of bars

Wall insulation with mineral wool

Step 1. A frame made of timber with a section of 50x50 mm is fixed to the wall. The beams are attached vertically using self-tapping screws and dowels; the distance between the posts should be 1.5-2 cm less than the width of the insulation. It is imperative to control the vertical position of the racks with a building level so that all elements of the sheathing are in the same plane.

Step 2. Mineral wool slabs are alternately inserted between the beams, slightly pressing the edges. After installation, the material easily straightens and tightly fills the cells of the sheathing. If necessary, the slabs are trimmed with a knife or a fine-toothed hacksaw.

Step 3. If the insulation is planned to be installed in two layers, horizontal beams made of timber are attached on top of the racks with self-tapping screws at the same distance. Next, the mineral wool slabs are reattached.

Step 4. A windproof membrane is attached over the insulation. Since its width is not enough to cover the entire area of ​​the wall, it is secured with horizontal stripes, starting from the bottom of the facade. To fix the membrane, it is most convenient to use a stapler. Each subsequent strip is laid with an overlap of at least 10 cm. To increase the tightness of the coating, the joints are taped along the entire length.

Step 5. Next, guides under the siding are installed strictly according to the level using mounting plates. The plates are attached with self-tapping screws to the sheathing in increments of 40 cm. An air gap of about 3-5 cm should remain between the guides and the windproof membrane.

After this, they begin covering the facade with siding panels. As you can see, the technology is quite simple and anyone can do it. The most important thing is to secure the slabs tightly so that they do not dangle between the racks. If there are gaps left, heat will escape and all efforts will be in vain.

Siding prices

Insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

Step 1. The location of the hangers for the guides is marked on the wall according to the level. The hangers should be attached along the entire facade in increments of 40 cm. Holes are drilled at the marked points, dowels are inserted and the hangers are secured with screws.

Step 2. Take an EPS board, apply it to the wall and press it a little so that traces of the hangers are imprinted. Using these marks, cuts are made in the insulation with a knife or a special cutter. Next, the slab is again placed against the wall and put on hangers, pressing it tightly to the base.

Step 3. The remaining slabs are fastened in exactly the same way, trying to make the joints as thin as possible. If gaps have formed here and there during the work, they need to be sealed with polyurethane foam using a gun.

Step 4. After covering the facade with insulation, they begin to install guide profiles under the siding. The profiles are attached to hangers that protrude from the heat-insulating layer; a ventilation gap 2-3 cm wide is left between the guides and the insulation. Next, the siding is attached.

This insulation can also be attached using umbrella dowels and special glue. In this case, it is more convenient to first mount the sheathing to which the siding will be attached. Glue is applied to the insulation, then the plate is inserted between the guides and pressed against the base. Upon completion of installation, the slabs at the joints are additionally fixed with umbrella dowels.

Ecowool insulation

Insulating walls with ecowool can be done in two ways - dry and wet. The first method is not reliable enough, since the material is blown through small holes in the protective film, and it is impossible to control the density and uniformity of the filling. In this regard, the wet method is more convenient; the whole process takes place in plain sight. It is this second method that we will consider.

Step 1. The walls are cleaned of dust, cracks and other defects are eliminated. The guides for the siding will be strengthened strictly according to the level in increments of about 50 cm. The guides must be fastened using mounting plates so that the thickness of the frame is at least 10 cm.

Step 2. Ecowool is poured into a blowing machine, a water-gel solution is added there, and mixed until smooth.

Step 3. Turn on the installation and apply the viscous mass to the walls in a dense layer. Joints and corners are treated especially carefully so that there are no voids left.

Step 4. Allow the insulation to dry completely, after which the siding panels are mounted to the sheathing.

In a similar way, the house is insulated with foam insulation and polyurethane foam. Many companies rent out spraying equipment, which is much cheaper than purchasing equipment. But in order to do everything efficiently, certain skills are needed, and it is better for a beginner to hire specialists for this.

Video - Insulation for siding

Video - Insulation under siding with mineral wool

Video - Installation of EPS insulation under siding