How to insist chicken litter for feeding strawberries. Strawberry Strawberry Spring


It is difficult to meet a person who does not love strawberries! But to collect large crops from one bush, you need to be sure to care for your garden, paying special attention to feeding.

Required tools


Why hold strawberry strawberry spring

Fertilizers in the spring is necessary to obtain a quality harvest with excellent taste.

Another purpose of the feeding is to make the plant itself stronger, less susceptible to various diseases and pests that may simply destroy the entire harvest. At the same time, you need to remember that too thick bushes cannot be planted - it is better to leave the place between them, and also do not forget to gour out the bed and water strawberries carefully, so as not to make the ground too wet.

After all, the absence of air and wet soil can lead to diseases, weakening the plant and, as a result, reduced crop.

Before starting work, be sure to familiarize yourself with what periods of vegetation exercise feeding, because it also affects the growth of plants, its yield and health.

Root and extractive fancy

In crop production, two forms of making feeding are used - root and extractive. The first of them is widely known and is actively used in industrial, and in amateur gardening. In recent years, a popular second form has become an extraordinary feeder when fertilizers are entered by splashing directly to the leaves of the plant. It is used in various cases:

  • when, due to the high level of acidity or soil cloth, the elements needed in the bound form and cannot be spanned;
  • when visible signs of a shortage of one or another chemical element appeared on the external organs of the plant;
  • when the plant has problems with the root system due to mechanical injury to transplantation, damage to pests, overheating, or overeximaging soil, low soil aeration.

With an extraordinary feeder, the concentration of applied fertilizers is much lower because they are absorbed into the plant directly the surface of the sheet. With root feeding, an increased amount of fertilizer in the solution is simply necessary at least because there is a significant part of them with rains and watering.

Most recommendations on the spring feeding of strawberries focus on the root form of fertilizers, although it is increasingly noted that it is possible and even needed, since it gives an excellent effect, extractive feeding.

Read more about the procedures on video

Differences of spring work with young and adult plants

Earlier it was mentioned about the great importance of making a spring feeder under the strawberries. However, this agronomic operation is carried out differently for young last year's landings and adult plants.

If, in the preparation of a place for planting strawberries in the soil, organic and mineral fertilizers were made to the soil, the spring feeding of plants at such a plot can not be carried out at all. If the soil was not so carefully prepared, then young plants feed once after harvesting the beds and soil loosenings. For this, a solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon sodium sulfate and half-liter cow manure or chicken litter on the water bucket. Under each plant poured 1 liter of feeding.

Adult plants, which are more than two years, in the spring are feeding to increase the crop in three stages:

  1. after the berry is cleared of last year's foliage, the ground is loosened and the warm weather has been established;
  2. before the start of the flowering of strawberries, when buds did not revealed;
  3. after harvesting.

The first feeding, which usually falls in mid-April - the beginning of May, depending on the region, stimulates the growth and development of the plant, the second - increases the yield of strawberries, the third - stimulates the active laying of flower kidney for the next year.

The fact that the next section of the article tells that the next section of the article says.

What to fertilize strawberries in spring: traditional and folk remedies

Strawberry bushes that have been growing for two years or more, be sure to feed mineral fertilizers. Immediately after the snow came down, and leaflets began to bloom, use such a mixture: in a 10-liter water bucket, 1 spoon of ammonium sulfate and half-liter cowboat are bred. Under each strawberry bush, 1 liter of feeding is poured.

In the practice of brewing strawberry, amateur gardeners are used for the first, and sometimes other feeding various compositions based on yeast, bread, fermented milk products.

Up shrouds

It is possible for the fertilizer of strawberries during this period to use yeast. Their proteins, amino acids, minerals contribute to the good growth of plants and strengthen its roots. For feeding in half liters of water, the temperature of which is below 50ºС, dissolve 200 grams of yeast, insist for 20 minutes and pour into 9 liters of water room temperature. Each strawberry bush is plentiful to this solution.

By the way, yeast will protect the strawberries from gray rot. Even if you did not feed the strawberries with yeast, enough of them only 100 grams dissolve in 10 liters of water and pour plants under the root.

Beer as fertilizer

There are references that the similar effect is obtained from the watering of strawberry beer, but, apparently, because of the high cost of such a method for more detailed information on the network failed. But there are reports that beer is an excellent embarrassment for the pests of strawberry slugs. Putting a saucer with a drink from the evening of the berries in the berry, in the morning it will easily collect these lovers of the Cross.

Iodine and boric acid for feeding

Ingredients: iodine - 30 drops, boric acid - a teaspoon, ash - a glass of 10 liters of water.

Make from 0.5 l to 1 l depending on the size of the bush.

Facely manganese and boric acid

The composition of the feeding: manganese - 3 g, boric acid - 0.5 teaspoons, urea - a tablespoon, ash - 0.5 glasses on 10 liters of water.

Make up to a liter solution for each plant.

Boric acid for yield: video

Bread for strawberries

Assessed over the winter, the bruised remains of bread (in some recommendations only rye) will interfere with such a vessel so that they occupied 2/3 of its volume, and fill with water. Hold this mixture in heat for 6-10 days until fermentation begin, 3 more of the same volume of water will be added.

Under each bush poured to a liter of this mixture depending on which the magnitude is the bush.

Dairy products

One volume of serum or other sour milk product is divorced three times with a large volume of water.

Depending on the size of the bush, each is made from 0.5 l to 1 l of this fluid.

By the way, a simple spraying of strawberries with diluted milk saves it from ticks and aphids.

Before the appearance of colors should be filled with strawberries a second time. For this, there are 2 spoons of nitroposki and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, fertilizers are bred in 10 liters of water. Under each bush carefully, in order not to get on the leaves and buds, pour 500 ml of the mixture.

You can also use the infusion of weeds, which helps the plant better struggle with harmful insects. To do this, weed up with weeds in the bucket, and not thrown out, after which they pour them with water and put the container in the warm room, pre-closing the bucket of the film. They give a solution to infuse within seven days, after which it is possible to water the plants.

During the bootonization period, the extra-corner feeding of strawberries with a warm solution of 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of the root system and the development of healthy floweros. As a result, the yield increases significantly.

The third stage of the feeding can only be called the Spring. After all, it is carried out after harvesting. But it is of great importance, since it is aimed at stimulating the bookmark by plants of flower kidney of the next year. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of nitroposk on 10 liters of water. If there is an opportunity, another glass of ash adds. 1 liter of the solution is made under each strawberry bush.

Solutions using ammonia alcohol

The various compositions using 10 percent of the ammonic alcohol are used at all three stages of strawberry feeding, since it not only contributes to the growth of the plant and an increase in the harvest, but is a means of preventing the emergence and combating pests.

  • First feeding.

For watering strawberries in 10 liters of pure water, 1 liter of soap solution and 40ml of ammonia alcohol are poured.

Plants are watered so that the remedy is mainly on the ground. If a noticeable amount of feeding still fell on the leaves, it is carried out an additional watering with clean water.

  • Second.

Processing is carried out after flowering to get rid of strawberries from the remaining pests. The concentration of the solution used is much lower - 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

  • Third.

The purpose of the last treatment of ammonia after harvest is the restoration of plant forces and activating the formation of the next harvest. For processing, 40 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of iodine are mixed with 10 liters of water.

Summer Alcohol - Superservation for Harvesting

Feed strawberry seedlings to obtain a rich crop

The result depends very much on how feeding will be carried out (according to the variety). Usually, strawberries are simply planted into the ground, pre-equipped with its manure in advance, which is brought to the ground 30 days before the seedlings landing (one bucket of manure for one square meter of the garden).

If you qualitatively prepared the land for landing, then during the season will remain to make only rich in nitrogen compost, 100 g of potash and as many phosphoric fertilizers. It is distinguished by feeding of repair plants. Such varieties characterized by rich harvest and rapid growth are needing at least 5 buckets of organic fertilizers, peat and complex feeding.

In the process of growth, you can add a dung alive, for its preparation we will need a cow manure, which is mixed with water in a 1: 5 ratio. On each square meter of strawberry beds we introduce 10 liters of the mixture. It is important necessary to pour plants before making feeding.

Strawberry care early spring

Spring strawberry care ensures the success of the future harvest by 80%, so it is important to help the plant recover after a long winter.

Strawberry care early spring

Experienced gardeners know how to care for strawberries in the spring. The process, as a rule, includes the following activities:

  1. first wait for the threat of frosts, and the bushes are finally "fatty";
  2. then remove dry and frozen leaves;
  3. clean the lying mulch, laid in the fall - it will allow the root system to warm up faster, and plants - to go into growth;
  4. final stage - removal of weeds and loosening.

As you can see, the procedure is simple, but the processing of strawberries in early spring is simply necessary, otherwise it will not bring a generous harvest.

Spring strawberry feeder - what to fertilize

When the spring processing of strawberries is complete, including basic care procedures, you can begin to feed the plants on your site.

Than the south of your region, the earlier you need to start fertilizer:

  • for areas with a soft winter and a warm climate, for example, Moscow, do it in the middle of April;
  • for the northern zones, including the Urals - a little later, approximately in mid-May.

So that these events were effective, it is important to clearly know the flowering time of those varieties that grow in your site, and understand how to care for strawberries.

The fact is that if you feel too early, the beneficial substances will quickly go into the ground, and during the flowering period, it will not get any bushes. If the strawberry feeding will take place later than you need, the harvest can be lined, and then it will be scarce.

In addition, it should be noted that at different soils this culture can respond differently on Tuki. This is understandable, because the composition of the soil can differ significantly in different localities, and sometimes even in one site. Therefore, it is worth carefully referring to the choice of the makeup of the feeding, which planned the processing of strawberries in the spring.

Tuki - mineral substances saturated soil. Mixed in the ground to restore nutrients of the necessary plants for the right development, since over time they are depleted, especially when growing vegetable crops

What feeders are needed for strawberry?

The main minerals needed to grow strawberries are, above all, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus:

  • Nitrogen is responsible for the taste quality of berries and for their magnitude, but its oversupply, on the contrary, makes the fruit less sweet. With the deficiency of this mineral, the leaves become red.
  • Potassium is very important, like feeding strawberry in the spring, for its content in berries increases their storage time, and increases sugar and sweetness. If we noticed that the tips of the leaves on the bushes wished - know, the plant clearly lacks potassium.
  • Phosphorus takes part in the processes of growth and development of roots, its lack does not affect the endurance of the plant. The lack of phosphorus is manifested by coloring leaves in a dark green or reddish color.

Tuki are inorganic:

  • nitrogen: ammonia nitrate, urea;
  • potash: potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate;
  • phosphorus: Superphosphates.

Organic fertilizers for strawberries in the spring contain and nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, besides environmentally safe. They have a positive effect on the properties of the soil and growth, although the berries are not growing as large as when making inorganic feeding.

These include:

  • wood ash;
  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken litter.

There are also complex fertilizers - most often ready-made mixtures containing a balanced complex of beneficial substances. They should be used according to the instructions on the package, where the deadline for making and dosage is indicated.

Here is some of them:

  • Ammophos;
  • Diammophos;
  • Nitroammophos;
  • Nitroposka.

The most convenient is complex, but if you prefer to set the norms of feeding, remember that tuki are made combined: that is, nitrogen, potash and phosphate combined with each other. Only nitrogen, if necessary, added separately, as it is especially important to regulate its content in the soil.

Periods and ways to make fertilizer for strawberries

In the season, strawberry beds need 3 feeders in different periods of their development:

  1. It is best to make the first fertilizer for strawberries in the spring, when behind a heavy winter time, and ahead is a season of active flowering and fruiting;
  2. Then - immediately after harvesting;
  3. The final stage - the feeding of strawberries in the fall, approximately in mid-September to help bushes to withstand diseases, pests, to move well.

Remember that usually this culture grows in one place for 4 years in a row, then old bushes need to be replaced with young.

Applying fertilizers depending on the life cycle of strawberries

In the first year, the young strawberry, as a rule, do not fertilize, because the soil make feeders immediately before planting bushes.

In the second year, care for strawberries in spring, before flowering, such a potash-phosphorus mixture will help: humid and water 5: 1, add 150g potassium sulfate (or potassium nitrate) and 60g superphosphate. Consumption - 1 bucket by 3-4m (watering into the grooves of rod). In the future, potash-phosphoric fertilizers apply once again in the second half of the vegetation in the same dosage.

Nitrogen tuki can not be made this year if they have already been added when landing. It is also not recommended to make them in spring, before flowing, as it will negatively affect fruiting.

Falker of Nitrogen Later Aggrass worsens the winter hardiness of plants. But after harvesting, you can add:

  • ammonia Selitra: It either crumbles on the site at the rate of 1kg per 100m.kv., or divorced in water (20-30g by 10 l water), which watering the area per 0.5 liters per plant. When watering, make sure that the solution does not hit the leaves.
  • urea in dosage 1 tablespoon of dry fertilizer on water bucket, solution consumption - 0.5 liters per bush.

In the third or fourth year, the care of strawberries is to feed only inorganic fertilizers in the above methods.

Strawberry Care Spring. Feeding organic fertilizers

If you have strawberries in small volumes "for yourself", and in the farm there are in sufficient number of manure and litter of birds, then it is quite possible to do with organic fertilizers.

Manure, humus, chicken litter, as well as wood ash - natural sources of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. They sufficiently fertilize strawberries once at the beginning of the season with spring processing, throughout all 4 years of growth.

  • Manure and humus are simply scattered over the site after cleaning the garden in the spring, the flow rate is no more than 5kg per 1kV. m, then the soil should be braid.
  • How to handle in a spring strawberry wood ash: it is possible in a dry form, sprinkling on a handful for each bush, or in dilution - 1 cup of ashes per 1 liter of hot water, give a day, then bring water to 10 liters, and water at the rate of 1 liter of 1 kV .m. Earth.
  • Chicken litter It is more convenient to use in a solution: 0.7 liter of fresh litter for 10 liters of warm water. The consumption of the solution - 10l by 6-8 bushes for a mature plant, and on 24-26 - for the younger.


So what to do with strawberries in the spring? Care and feeding - this is what is necessary for the full growth of this all beloved garden culture. She can not do without additional nutrition, which will significantly increase the yield, resistance to diseases, pests, as well as unfavorable external environmental factors.

Strawberries grow almost everyone who has at least some land. But many gardeners it does not give good yields. The site overgrown so that it is almost impossible to find small berries on it. That dry plants cover almost the entire territory. And it happens that there are berries, but completely tasteless. How to care for strawberries so that she pleased with a high harvest?

Strawberry Care Spring

Some gardeners for the winter shelter strawberry landing from frosts. Shelter is cleaned. Break all unnecessary. Then remove from a plot of a layer of earth with a thickness of several centimeters. Usually it is last year's mulch. Together with it, various pests, fungi are destroyed. If it is difficult to do this, then you need to shallowly move the plot, trying not to damage the roots of the plants. Strawberry bushes are brushing from dried leaves, remove the dead plants. If such a bit, then we can put new ones instead. But it is necessary to do it as early as possible that the strawberry stuck before the heat.

Under the captive

Some gardeners hide a bed with strawberry plastic film. Some make a kind of greenhouse and hide under one film all the plot. Others prepare shelter from arcs on each row separately. Strawberries develop under it and blooms much faster.

Undercalinking plants

Strawberry is held early spring, immediately after the snow. The site fertilizes nitroammophos, infusion of chicken litter or cow, ash. It is important that fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen in which a plant is so needed, weakened by cold. The presence of this element in sufficient quantity makes it possible to grow berries with large and sweet. You can pour strawberries early in spring iodine solution (30 drops on the water bucket). There is also a glass of ash, pre-flooded with boiling water and lean.

Between gardeners there is a dispute about the deadlines for making organic fertilizers. Some make a manure in winter. Such a feeding of strawberries in early spring through the snow is useful because by the period of the growing season and the ripening of fruits with manure reverses. Phosphorus, potassium, other useful substances contained in the humus will affect plants. Others against it, as the manure, hitting the strawberry outlet, can burn it. But if you bring it in the fall or in the period when there is no snow, then you can place between the bushes.

Strawberry feeding in early spring chicken litter will be more effective if you make it in the snow. It is very concentrated and with direct contact can bring more harm than good. But, entered through the snow, it decomposes and loses its aggressive properties. It simplifies the care of strawberry early spring.

Undercantling Young strawberries planted this year is not held. After all, it is planted in a specially prepared soil, and she does not need extra loads during the rooting period. If one had to transplant the older bushes, they must be supported by fertilizers.

The strawberry feeding of early spring in small doses of fertilizer is hampered by the fact that it is difficult to evenly distribute on the site. To do this, the substance needs to be mixed with sand or dust. It will be distributed evenly, individual particles will not stick together.

Recently, increasingly used to fertilize plants, including strawberries, bakery yeast. More than half of their composition - proteins. Many amino acids, mineral elements, trace elements. Strawberry feeding in early spring yeast stimulates the growth of ground-based and root, strengthens the plants. There are many recipes for watering plants and for extractive feeding. The easiest: 200 grams of yeast stir in a small amount of warm water and bring up to 10 liters.

Use them with bread and grass. To do this, a bucket of crushed grass is poured into a large barrel (on 70 liters), shelled dry bread and yeast. An infused car composition is used for watering strawberries. Some gardeners, however, believe that the use of yeast gives a short-term effect, and then the soil will become stony.

Standard strawberry in early spring urea (tablespoon on a bucket of water), half a glass of ash with the addition of manganese and (two grams) gives a good result. It not only fertures the soil, but also disinfects the roots.

You can buy prepared for example "Kemiru". You need to make it, strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, instead of large juicy berries, get small and tasteless.

In May, the strawberry blooms, because during this period it does not fertilize.

Leaf feeding

The first strawberry in early spring is carried out when three leaves appear.

Strawberry not very well tolerate chemical fertilizers. You can take a carbamide (urea). But be sure to reduce the dose twice.

The second time the carbamide is treated before flowering. But you need to take into account that the smell of the drug is unpleasant for bees. If he does not have time to disperse, the insects will slightly pollinate plants. You can add some fungicide to the carbamide.

Overdose fertilizers

Often, gardeners make more fertilizers to get the best harvest. But exceed the norms specified in the instructions for the drug. In the appearance of strawberries, it is possible to determine that it has been cobbled. If the leaves of strawberries from green became dark brown, the soil got too many fertilizers. If the leaves were covered with brown dots, the bushes sprayed too concentrated solution. To eliminate the consequences, the area is watered with clean water, plants are covered from sunlight.

Using insecticides, often do not pay attention to the fact that their composition already includes fertilizers. Therefore, it is not necessary to additionally contribute.

Soil preparation for landing

Every four years, strawberries are transferred to another place. The plot is exempt from various infections and fungi for six years. Only after this time on it can be grown to strawberries again.

Before boarding strawberries, the soil is carefully prepared. The beds on which it will grow, fall asleep with a layer of peat or humoring, dripped from the ground.

Soil care

Soil loose in the spring to a depth of five centimeters. It activates the roots of plants. If the site is not meditated, then the soil should be loose after each rain, watering, fertilizer application. You can float a piece of moss or sawdresses, desirable nonstable.

Mulching of the site will save you from making herbicides and facilitates the care of plants.

Fighting diseases and pests

For the prevention of infection of berries with gray rotting to flowering sprayed bushes (tablespoon of the drug on the water bucket).

To combat pulse dew (manganese) or sulfaride solution.

Infected bushes are visible on the garden immediately. They have twisted leaves, thickened mustache, flowers are deformed. To get rid of this pest, use the drug "Nemabact". From folk remedies - landmarks on the velvetsey. Their phytoncides interfere with pests multiply.

Weevil is a small red bug with a long black nose. He lays eggs to bud. As a result, it will not turn into a berry, as the worm, which came out of the egg, squints the bouton from the inside. Proceed with strawberries from the phytoverm weevil. It winter under the bushes of strawberries. Therefore, removing the spring top of the soil, you delete part of the weevil from the site.

About the good strawberry yield dreams of many gardeners, ordinary daches, professional berries. In most cases, dreams remain unreserved, since the plant is very demanding in care. When and how to bother strawberries chicken litter, as far as it is effective? The real result of the application will be noticeable after 2 weeks after 2 weeks, which is not possible in the case of other organic fertilizers.

To date, chicken litter is one of the most popular organic fertilizers, which is popular among gardeners. There are several obvious reasons for that:

  • accessibility of chicken litter. Almost at every summer cottage or small farm grows chickens;
  • bird litter is the most nutritious and balanced organic fertilizer, which presents an effective chemical composition. The concentration of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and nitrogen in the feeding is 3-4 times higher, in comparison with the rest of organic feeders (the same quail or goose);
  • Replacing minerals. After making a consistency in the soil, nutrients affect the intensity of growth over the next 3 years. In chicken litter there are trace elements, which are extremely slow released in the ground.

Aviation of aviation: Features and nuances

Beginner farmers are set by a natural issue: is it possible to feed the strawberry chicken litter Fresh? Specialists unanimously argue - forbidden. In addition to the nutrient elements, urinary acid is present in its composition, which destroys the root system. In pure form chicken litter - concentrate, due to the high concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen. If you make it in the soil in pure form, the likelihood of the death of strawberry bushes is high.

To level the specified effect, it is recommended to pre-decompose the consistency of the outdoor litter. Part of the uric acid, phosphorus and will destroy. It must be held for a long time, periodically stirring. A few days later, we get ready-to-eat fertilizer.

The remains of the vital activity of birds require a neat attitude towards themselves. Inside contains a huge amount of eggs of helminths. How to bother strawberries in autumn chicken litter? The answer is simple - it is necessary to work only in gloves, a protective mask and a suit.

Varieties of fertilizer on chicken litter

Several popular types of fertilizers for strawberries on chicken litter are known:

  • liquid consistency - Below are several ways and recipes for cooking. Specialists advise to enter nutrients not under root, but around strawberry bushes or along them;
  • compost based on wood sawdust. Sawlies are mixed with chicken litter with respect to 3k1. It neatly folds between strawberry bushes, along them. Wood chips are easy to replace peat, straw;
  • compost made of green mass - Fresh chicken waste is used to prepare, which gently decline on herbal layers, leaves. Components are thoroughly mixed with soil. This allows you to organize rapid rotting, which is achieved by a high internal temperature. In this case you can feed the strawberry chicken litter Already in spring, if it is competently completed in the fall;
  • specialized to sleep - in stores you can easily buy ready-made fertilizers - Rooxis, Picca. It is absolutely free to work with such drugs. The compositions are suitable for regular watering of bushes, as well as in the soil.

How to make liquid fertilizer

In most cases, chicken litter is used exclusively as a liquid composition. In real life, several ways to prepare are applied.


This method has received the widest distribution among the gardeners. Due to the high concentration of nitrogen, the feeding is very effective, the plant develops at times faster. As you can see you can feed the strawberry chicken litter, even fresh, but it is necessary to cook it competently and correctly. The effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks later.

For the preparation of the consistency, you need a minimum of time. It is very important that bird litter pre-rebuild over the winter, the bay with water and thoroughly mixed. On top, the composition is covered and kept in such a state up to 3 days in open air conditions. The solution must acquire a light brown color (like freshly sauced tea). If the shade turned out to be darker - add water to reduce the concentration.


On chickens, this method is considered the most popular and at the same time. It is based on the chemical catalysis of organic elements. Under the bird cells, small pallets are substituted, in which litter falls. For a month, they are sprinkled several times with wood sawdresses treated with compositions accelerating natural fermentation.

It is important to know not only whether you can bother with a strawberry chicken litter, but also how to prepare fertilizer.

When cleaning the pallets, the vital products of birds must be thoroughly mixed and transferred to a specially reserved place. To achieve a height of 1 meter, they are poured by all sorts of EM and UV accelerators. Fertilizer must be in opened summer air conditions - up to 30 days. In winter - about 60. This time is enough to the substrate slightly drop. Such a litter can fertilize strawberry bushes. Very important advantage of such a composition is the lack of helminths of birds, weeds, unpleasant odor.


In some cases, the livelihoods of the chickens are expedient to soak. Due to this, any residual acids are eliminated, due to which the strawberry bushes are developing more intensive. To get fertilizer litter to pour water, and after - to defend the composition within 48 hours.

At the final stage, the liquid merges and the new water flows. Liquid replacement is carried out several times. Contact with water allows you to quickly wash the urea and unwanted toxins from fertilizers.

Method of feeding strawberry chicken litter

Immediately after disembarking, the bush starts the countdown of its development. Before you need to carefully pour the soil. Better preliminary training to start the day before making the feeder itself.

If the plant is planted in the fall, first feeding should be organized only in spring. At the first stage, dry leaves are eliminated, old plants, this will allow the plant accented to develop, not spending extra energy. The first feed is appropriate when the leaves will have a length of 5 to 10 cm. The young sheet fertilizes only with liquid composition. Liquid is made under the bushes. Contact with leaves should be excluded.

The second feeder is introduced as the formation of inflorescences, the appearance of the first strings. During this period, fertilizer is allowed, but it is not compulsory. Due to additional feeding, you can count not only on the increased yield of the bush, but also to obtain juicy and large berries.

How to bother strawberries chicken litter competently? - use only liquid composition.

The next period is autumn. The best fertilizers are a mixture of green mass, wood sawdust and chicken litter. They fit between rows of plants. The soil is saturated with useful substances, and the strawberry is stored with nutritional elements for the winter period.

In the spring period, fertilizer in the ground is added already on the 4th week after final rooting. It is possible to repeat it in the process of forming berries. Careful for the culture during this period can be in the same way as in the fall.

Competent and timely care for strawberries is a pledge of abundant harvest. The use of chicken litter as a fertilizer for strawberries allows bushes to actively develop, increase the ovary, to achieve high yields.

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!


To enjoy a delicious juicy strawberry (garden strawberry), you need to be able to grow correctly. Not every dacket boasts a black solar, so the entire period of flowering and growth of berries need to pay special attention to fertilizers. They are both organic (natural) and mineral (chemicals).

What fertilizer is better for strawberries

Even the most professional gardeners cannot say that it is better to choose fruit for feeding - natural components or chemicals. Each of these types of fertilizers have their advantages and cons. The best way out will be the alternation of feeding or using them comprehensively. Strawberry for the full development of fruits is needed all sorts of trace elements (salts of potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium) and vitamins. The entire set of nutrients is contained both in natural and mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizer for strawberries

Just need a garden strawberry mineral feeding. It prevents all sorts of diseases of this culture, and also contributes to the rapid growth of greenery. Comprehensive fertilizers are the most popular among dacnis, since they can be found in the departments of garden products of any economic store. So, what to feed the strawberries in the spring for a good harvest:

  1. Azophoska (nitroammophos). This is the most popular complex mineral fertilizer. The feeding contains equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (16%) and a small admixture of sulfur. It is recommended to apply the drug directly into the ground before planting the plant.
  2. Stimit for strawberries. Highly efficient and reliable fertilizer consisting of biohumus. Provides acceleration of growth, protection against fungal or bacterial diseases, the fight against pests. Well suitable for extractive feeding. The solution is made at the rate of one to forty (25 ml per liter of water).
  3. Agrikola for berry crops. It is used to ensure the care of the garden strawberry at all stages of growth (from spring to autumn). Processing is carried out by watering or spraying. The solution is simply prepared: 25 grams of means is stirred in 10 liters of water.

Feeding strawberries on folk recipes

An important role in the fertilizer of garden removable strawberries is played by organic feeders, which are elements of many people's recipes (korovyan, chicken litter, ash, yeast and others). All of them are harmless to the plant, so you do not need to worry about the quality of your crop. Several recipes:

  1. Based on manure. For a long time, the litter of birds / animals is used as the main fertilizers. Korovyan (dried cow manure) is poured with water (one to five ratio), for a week they put it in a warm place to appease (wander). Ultimately, the concentrate is divorced (proportion of 1:10) and applies to damp land (better - a few hours after watering). Instead of manure, you can use chicken or pigeon litter - the result will not be worse.
  2. Ash. This element is rich in potassium, phosphorus, so often acts as fertilizer gardening garden. For the preparation of the solution, two tablespoons of ashes pour water liter, one day is insisted. Feeling garden strawberries it is necessary by watering. Strawberry feeding during flowering ashes will provide a gardery increase in yield.
  3. Yeast. Plant care can easily provide a conventional food product. The pack of this means (1 kg) must be divorced in five liters of water. For feeding the real day, a solution (0.5 liter) is stirred with liquid (10 liters). It is applied twice the season.

Than to feed strawberries from spring to autumn

The use of fertilizers differs at different stages of the entire country season (from May to September). In the spring, the first feeding is made (incl. Before landing), which is aimed at activating the growth of shoots, leaves. In summer, strawberries fertilize immediately after harvesting when the process of forming new kidneys and root system is launched. Winter feeding is needed that the plant can prepare for the cold, live to spring. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic or apply together - it all depends on the desire of the gardener.

Than you can feed the strawberries in the spring

This period is very important for the plant. It is necessary to seriously approach such a question as the feeding of strawberries in front of flowering, planting and fruiting. For growth, leaves and kidney simply need nitrogen, which should prevail in the fertilizers of the spring stage. How to feed the strawberries in the spring (for each bush use a 0.5-1 liter of any of the means depending on the size of the plant):

  • ammonium sulfate (1 tbsp.), Corobyan (2 glasses) by 10 liters;
  • nitroammofoska (1 tbsp.) on 10 liters of water;
  • corobyan (one part), urea (two parts) on 10 parts of water;

Than fertilize strawberries in summer

The second feeding of the plant is closer to the last days of July, when the harvest is already assembled. During this period, the fruits are particularly needed by potassium and trace elements. Recipes (apply in an amount of 0.5 liters of any of fertilizers under the plant):

  • nitroposka (two tbsp), potassium sulfate (one tea bed) on 12 liters of water;
  • sielet potash (1 tbsp.) On 5 liters of water;
  • biohumus (200 g) per 10 liters of water (day is insisted, then dismounted with water in half).

Standard strawberry autumn

The last contribution is made at the end of September, and especially young plants in front of winter need to be careful. All means can be used to transfers garden strawberries to greenhouses. Recipes (process 250-500 ml per 1 sq.m.):

  • korovyan (one part), 0.5 glasses of ash on 10 parts of water;
  • korovyan (one part), superphosphate (one tbsp.), ash (one glass) for 12 hours; water;
  • nitroammofoska (150 g), potassium sulfate (200 g), ash (one glass) on 5 liters of water.