Types of pools: classification. Types of swimming pools for summer cottages

The construction of a swimming pool, like any other building, should begin with the development of a project. And to do this, you need to decide what kind of pool you are going to purchase - outdoor or indoor.

Outdoor pools are divided into seasonal and year-round. In the first case, the pool is completely ordinary, and in the second there is a built-in water heating function. An indoor pool is an indoor pool that can be heated or unheated. For those who want to be able to swim outdoors in the summer and indoors in the winter, two options are possible: to build a complex pool, which will feature two types of bathtubs, or to build a pool with the possibility of transformation. In summer, such a pool will be open, and with the onset of cold weather, walls can be erected around it, transforming the enclosing buildings.

Pool classification

Swimming pools vary in area and volume; it all depends on their purpose. In other words, if you need a training pool, where it will be possible to learn swimming, conduct recreational activities, as well as training and even small local competitions, then the pool will be quite large. Such a pool is called a swimming pool. The construction of swimming pools is a long process, but such a pool will serve you for a long time. A demonstration pool is suitable for large-scale competitions; it can accommodate more than 600 people indoors and more than 1200 outdoors.

There are splash pools designed for children who have not yet gone to school. As a rule, they are shallow and designed to teach a child not to be afraid of water. Children's pool - for small children and schoolchildren who are poor swimmers. Training pools - for well-swimming children and adults, for recreational bathing and swimming. A separate type of pool made specifically for jumping, the depth of which must be significantly greater than the previous pools. In such pools, diving towers and trampolines are also installed, so such pools have large ceilings (if they have any at all).

Choosing a pool system

Decide on the choice of system that will be responsible for the water treatment of the pool. If you have a rectangular pool, then you can use skimmer system. The skimmer window is positioned so that the topmost layer of water lies in its center. In other words, a skimmer is needed to take the dirtiest water from the surface. Along with the skimmer there is a bottom drain - it takes away the lower layers. By combining the operation of a pipeline and a circular pump, dirty water is purified, heated to a comfortable temperature and treated with chemicals, after which, using supply nozzles, the water is sent to the pool. Another system overflow, is considered to be universal. It is suitable for all shapes and types of pool. Along the side of the pool along its entire length there is a gutter, from where excess water flows into an overflow tank, which is equipped with sensors that detect the water level and an automatic topping device. The water then enters the filter. There it is filtered, heated and treated with chemicals - and sent back to the pool through the bottom nozzles.

Construction of swimming pools is complex and requires knowledge. Even the simplest tiny home pool will not tolerate neglect. Therefore, if you have decided to build a swimming pool, then you can contact our company - highly qualified specialists will competently think over the design of your future swimming pool for you, taking into account your preferences and adhering to all sanitary standards.

Indoor pool

The construction of any facility, like the construction of indoor swimming pools, begins with choosing a location for the future structure. It must be remembered that the construction of an indoor pool should be carried out only taking into account the engineering and geological indicators of the construction site. Specialists are required to check the level of groundwater, the depth of soil freezing, and the nature of the soil.

The next step is to create the right microclimate in the room with the pool. It differs significantly from the microclimates of other rooms, because here there is always evaporation from the surface of the water, which is why the air is very humid. If the pool is poorly equipped, this factor can cause discomfort for swimmers. Therefore, three main things need to be considered: a dehumidification system, proper ventilation and protection from dampness. A swimming pool is not a bathhouse, and the air here should not in the least evoke thoughts of a steam room.

As a rule, a supply and exhaust ventilation system is installed in swimming pools. The best option is to install dehumidifiers, whose job is to cool and dry the raw air taken from the pool. This air is then returned to the pool. In this case, ventilation is necessary only as a means of combating stuffiness.

Our experts recommend using ducted air drying systems - they are the most durable, and they also work much better. This dehumidifier requires a separate room, which must be connected to the main room where the pool is located, with air ducts - exhaust and supply. The exhaust duct delivers moist air directly to the dehumidifier. It is located behind the suspended ceiling panels, and air intake grilles go outside. Warm, dry air reaches the protective structures, where it prevents condensation from forming.

At the same time, humidity maintenance systems are often installed in indoor pools to avoid moisture settling on the glass and other things.

Open pool

Swimming in the open air, under the bright sun, in contact with nature, so to speak, brings much more benefits, more joy and emotions than swimming in an indoor pool, but, as it happens, it is not always possible due to natural conditions. However, building a swimming pool on the site of your country house... who doesn’t dream of such a miracle?

Before you start designing, you need to decide what type of pool you want to see in your home - stationary concrete, frame or prefabricated. The most durable and longest lasting is reinforced concrete, but it is also the most expensive. Construction of concrete pools is our strong point!

One of the most inexpensive options for a private home is a polypropylene (plastic) pool. It lasts about fifteen years, but can be quickly installed and repaired if necessary without problems.

Then you need to choose the size, shape, volume of your future project and entrust the development of the project to specialists. Design, naturally, plays an important role. Our specialists will take into account all your preferences.

Mandatory accessories for a swimming pool are water supply systems, water treatment, filtration, etc., if you wish, you can also install massage units, counterflow, lighting and even attractions on the territory of your pool!

Our specialists are experts in their field. We build a pool taking into account all the requirements of regulatory documents for the cleaning and disinfection system, as well as not exceeding the total amount of all loads that may arise during the use of the pool. When designing and further constructing a pool, it is important to pay attention to every detail, be it the choice of reinforcement or concrete grade, the selection of a filter group and disinfection system, or the properties of the soil and foundation where the pool bowl will be located in the near future.

The pool is a complex hydraulic structure in which recirculation and filtration processes are continuously carried out, and water is constantly disinfected.

Swimming pools - departmental, municipal (public), individual (private) - are distinguished by purpose, construction and design characteristics, as well as by plumbing equipment. (Figure 2.1)

According to their purpose, pools can be sports, demonstration, recreational (swimming) and therapeutic, as well as combined.

Sports pools include: demonstration pools, with stands - for holding competitions in various types of water sports (speed swimming, diving, figure swimming, water polo, etc.); educational - sports - for teaching various types of water sports. Sports pools have a certain composition of structures, equipment, premises and areas that meet the technological requirements and the schedule of visitors. This also applies to pools for other purposes.

Therapeutic pools are built in holiday homes, sanatoriums, and balneological complexes using medicinal water (mineral, sea). The therapeutic pool can also have any size and shape with a shallow depth. Therapeutic pools are designed for therapeutic exercises, therapeutic bathing and swimming. In therapeutic pools, the water temperature should be between 26 0 C - 28 0 C (convulsions may occur at temperatures below 25 0 C).

Rice. 2.1 - Pool classification scheme.

Combined swimming pools are a complex of structures, equipment, auxiliary premises and areas designed to serve athletes and various visitors. In a combined pool, several baths or compartments are built in one large bath, having different purposes: for educational work, for bathing adults and children, for sports work (jumping, swimming). Such baths or compartments usually operate in isolation from each other, have different sizes, shapes, and are equipped with independent equipment, as well as water treatment equipment.

Individual pools. There are also swimming pools for individual (family) use or private pools. They are installed individually according to the personal requirements of the customer. Size, shape, finishing and equipment are determined solely by the wishes, taste and financial capabilities of the customer. He decides how to use the pool and where it is best to install it.

According to construction and design characteristics. Depending on the location and planning design, outdoor and indoor pools are distinguished. The outdoor pool is built outside the house and is suitable for use only in the warm season. For outdoor pools, special plastic pavilions are used, which allow you to extend the “warm season”. An outdoor pool should be built in a sunny place, preferably protected from prying eyes; there should be enough space around the pool to install sun loungers, sun loungers, active recreation and games. The area around the pool should be waterproof, non-slip and have a slight slope away from the pool.

An indoor pool can be located in any room: an extension to the main building, in a separate room, inside the main building or in the basement of the house.

Possible bowl shapes:




With Roman steps

Kidney shaped



Pool design:

Cast reinforced concrete, lined with ceramic tiles or glass mosaics;

Concrete pool with film coating;

Steel structure and film;

Plastic pool.

Based on the level of placement of structures, pools are divided into fully submerged (located below floor or ground level), partially submerged, surface and suspended.

By design, pools are divided into stationary pools and prefabricated pools.

Stationary pools (Fig. 2.2). Fixed pools are usually larger in size and have many advantages. First of all, the area, depth and shape of a stationary pool are limited only by the available free space, which allows for full-fledged swimming and diving from towers and springboards. Such a pool can be equipped with more complex and effective water quality systems and almost any equipment for wellness treatments and entertainment. In addition, when building according to an individual project, you can implement the most fantastic design solutions in the design of both the pool itself and its environment. For example, only a stationary pool can be lined with such spectacular material as mosaic or ceramic tiles.

Of course, the size of a swimming pool located directly in a residential cottage is limited by the size and structural features of the building itself. The length of such a pool usually does not exceed 6-7 meters. If you want to really swim, then the length of the pool bowl should be at least 10-15 meters.

However, having a large pool in the main house is not always possible for architectural and engineering reasons. The problem can be solved by placing the pool in a special extension or a separate building. In this case, the pool can be 5-6 meters wide and up to 15-20 meters long. If desired, you can build a larger building for the pool, but this is quite complicated and expensive. In addition, such structures, as a rule, cannot do without intermediate supports, which are located right in the middle of the pool.

The bowl (the container into which water is poured) at stationary pools is most often made of special hydraulic concrete, which is poured onto the fittings. The bowl may be plastic (for example, polypropylene), but concrete is still poured around it. The significant weight of stationary pools allows them to be built only on solid foundations - the soil underneath must have sufficient bearing capacity and not be subject to erosion and leaching by groundwater.

The construction of such a pool involves a significant amount of preparatory work: digging a pit, installing a drainage system, preparing an underlying “cushion” for the foundation, etc. Placing a pool in the basement or basement of an existing house may require reconstruction and redevelopment. Therefore, stationary pools are much more expensive than even the largest prefabricated pools.

Prefabricated pools (Fig. 2.3) (they can be installed on the surface of the earth or dug into the ground). Prefabricated pools are characterized by their relatively small size and simplicity. Pools are most often round, oval or figure eight in plan.

The diameter of most prefabricated pools is 3-6 meters, but there are also larger ones up to 12 meters long (most often they have an oval shape). The depth of the bowl ranges from 1 to 1.5 meters, although children's pools can be shallower.

Prefabricated pools are made of special plastic or thin steel sheet coated with varnish and paint. The inner coating of metal pools consists of a plastic film that is not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Plastic pools have a one-piece bowl without seams and are therefore perfectly sealed. They are lighter than metal ones and have better thermal insulation. The plastic surface is easy to clean and does not become slippery when wet.

Metal pools are more expensive than plastic ones, but they are more durable, and many of them are frost-resistant, which allows you to leave the pool with water during the winter.

Hydromassage mini-pools (Fig. 2.4) (spa, Jacuzzi, etc.) are divided into portable and stationary built-in ones, which have their own system of filtration, disinfection and heating of water. They are intended for preventive targeted hydromassage or “passive” relaxing relaxation, although they may include elements of water simulators.

The bottom of the hydromassage pool is adapted for comfortable seats, on which the body itself takes the optimal position depending on the type of massage.

Rice. 2.2 – Stationary pool

Rice. 2.3 – Collapsible pool

The seats themselves in the hydromassage pools are located at different levels and thus, not only adults, but also children feel great in them. Above each seat in hydromassage pools there are special massage nozzles with different effects.

A font (Fig. 2.5) is a small pool with cold water, which allows you to get the effect of diving into an ice hole after taking a bath, sauna or steam room.

The technological differences between a hot tub and a regular pool are small: there is no water heating; Instead, an ice maker is used to produce ice and supply it to the pool. With this scheme, it is difficult to constantly maintain the water temperature within clearly defined parameters (for example, 8-10°C). Less commonly used is complex special expensive equipment for cooling water with freon, with the help of which the specified temperature level is constantly maintained.

In terms of sanitary and technical design and equipment, pools are distinguished depending on how the water and technical regimes are carried out and what the characteristics of the water supply system are.

The water mode provides three options: a circulating system (recirculation water exchange), a flow-through system (flow-through water exchange) and a filling system (water exchange with periodic water changes).

The thermotechnical mode provides for the supply of water to baths with heating (using special devices) and without heating.

Swimming pool water supply systems are distinguished by the method of water intake: from the water supply of a populated area; from natural sources: rivers, lakes, seas, underground sources.

Rice. 2.4 – Hydromassage mini-pool

Fig.2.5 – Font

According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the water in the pool must meet four basic requirements:

Absence of pathogenic organisms;

Lack of toxic substances in high concentrations;

No unpleasant odors;

No visual haze color.

To achieve these requirements, four indicators need to be balanced:

Number of undissolved particles;

The ratio of acid and alkali (the number of free hydrogen ions - pH);

Total alkalinity;

Calcium hardness.

Based on the type of water drainage for recirculation, pools are divided into: skimmer and overflow. The pools basically have the same technological scheme; they differ only in the type of water intake.

Pools with skimmers. The skimmer circuit is used mainly for rectangular pools. Their peculiarity is that the water is approximately 10-13 cm below the upper edge of the pool (Fig. 2.6, 2.7). Water is taken directly for filtration through special devices: bottom outlet (used to take water from the bottom of the bath for recirculation or emptying the pool, selected according to throughput) and skimmers, supply of circulation flow through on-board nozzles (intended to supply purified water to the pool bath, quantity nozzles depends on the volume of water supply and the configuration of the pool). A skimmer is a hollow plastic or metal tank, in the lower part of which a water intake pipe is connected through a threaded connection. On the side surface of the skimmer there is a rectangular receiving window with a floating damper. Through it, water enters the skimmer from the pool and is sent to the system for further cleaning and heating. The floating valve is designed to cut off the lower layers of water and collect pollution from the surface. Each skimmer is equipped with a coarse filter (mesh bucket), which retains the largest contaminants and debris. You can also connect a water vacuum cleaner to the skimmer.

There are two modifications of skimmers: for film and for concrete pools. Skimmers come in two types: built-in and mounted. The number of skimmers depends on the size of the pool, its area, volume and configuration. The maximum area of ​​water surface processed by one skimmer is 25 m2. The skimmer also serves to dampen waves generated during swimming.

Rice. 2.6 – Skimmer pool (section)

Rice. 2.7 – Skimmer pool (axanometry)

1. Skimmers 2. Pump 3. Filtration station 4. Heat exchanger. 5. Nozzles 6. Countercurrent 7. Headlights 8. Ladder 9. Bottom drain

The water circulation scheme in the skimmer pool is based on mixing and is shown in Fig. 2.8

Rice. 2.8 - Scheme of water circulation in the skimmer pool

The scheme with an overflow gutter fits any geometric shape of pools and has a number of advantages. There are no restrictions on the size and shape of the pool. The water is at the level of the top edge of the pool. Clean water flows evenly to all points of the pool, which guarantees the absence of stagnant zones.

In the overflow system (Fig. 2.9, 2.10), water is removed through the overflow tray and bottom outlets, and circulation flow is supplied through bottom nozzles (designed to supply purified water to the pool bath). The water goes through trays (gutters) located around the perimeter of the pool into a compensation tank, the volume of which is calculated based on the possibility of the swimmers receiving the displaced water, as well as the condition of the supply of water necessary for washing the filter, and from there into the filter unit. Cold water flows into the tank from the water supply. In this way, the requirement for a jet break when supplying potable quality water to the pool is ensured.

The tank is equipped with an automatic control system, which includes water level sensors and a control unit. Automation monitors the maximum and operating water levels in the tank, and also turns off the pump when the minimum level is reached (protection against “dry running”). The consumption of additional water is determined by losses for the filter unit's own needs, evaporation from the surface of the water and technological losses (splashing out, absorption into swimmers' suits).

An overflow system is more complex than a skimmer system and, accordingly, more expensive, but it is more effective, more prestigious for private pools, and necessary for public ones. Water is supplied to the pool after filtering in the same way as in a skimmer pool through nozzles.

Rice. 2.9 – Overflow pool (section)

Fig. 2.10 – Overflow pool (axanometry)

1. Overflow gutters 2. Overflow tank 3. Water level sensors 4. Pump 5. Filtration station 6. Heat exchanger 7. Bottom nozzles 8 Bottom drain 9. Countercurrent 10. Overflow grilles 11. Stairs 12. Lights 13. Drainage.

The water circulation scheme in the overflow basin is based on displacement and is presented in Fig. 2.11

Rice. 2.11 - Water circulation diagram in the overflow pool

Table 2.1 General classification of pools

general classification of swimming pools

Depending on the purpose and installation method, pools can be divided into two main groups:

    For individual use:

    Prefabricated - collapsible and inflatable;

    Stationary: indoors and outdoors (with and without hanging pavilion);

    Hydromassage mini-pools.

Further classification of pools

According to water exchange mode:


    with a reverse cycle;

    with combined water exchange.

3. according to the type of waterproofing of the bowl:

    penetrating coating (only for monolithic reinforced concrete structures);

    coating membrane;



    for public use:

    stationary public swimming pools (indoor and outdoor);

    top class swimming pools (water centers) and water parks.

According to the composition of water:

    with fresh water;

    with sea water;

    with water from geothermal sources;

    with natural mineral water;

    with artificial mineral water.

4. according to the type of finishing of the inner surface of the bowl:

  • film materials;

    paints and varnishes;


In addition, there are:

    special swimming pools for educational and training centers (for example, a diver training center);

    special pools for animals (for example, dolphinariums).

According to their purpose, public swimming pools are also divided into:

    sports, certified according to FINA rules;

    sports not certified according to FINA rules;

    swimming education and training aquatic centers;

    water parks;

    recreational, hydrotherapeutic;

  • special medicinal.

According to constructive solutions.

    by type of pool bowl placement:



    on stilts.

5. by type of overflow:

  • overflow trough (overflow edge below the level of the pool side);

    overflow tray (the overflow edge coincides with the level of the pool side).

    according to the design of the pool bowl:

    reinforced concrete solid;

    solid metal;

    all-plastic (polyester, etc.);

    prefabricated panel board (plastic or metal);

    welded polypropylene;

    film frame, collapsible;

    film inflatable, collapsible.

6. by type of water input:

    concentrated lateral;

    evenly distributed side;

    evenly distributed bottom;


All swimming pools, both public and private, differ in the principle of operation of the water supply system

LIQUID(water exchange with periodic water changes) - Swimming pools without a water purification system. Water is poured into the bowl and drained completely after use. Basically, these are small-volume fonts for saunas and baths. Inflatable pools can also be included in this category.

FLOW(flowing water exchange) - Pools of this type are already obsolete, but despite this they continue to work to this day. These are overflow public swimming pools. Water enters the overflow (or foam tray) while people are swimming in the pool and is immediately drained from the tray into the sewer. Water is added to the pool manually, depending on the number of visitors. Chemicals are also added manually based on the results of measurements of water parameters during the day. For heating and filtration, water is taken from the pool through bottom drains. Return of heated water through supply nozzles.

RECYCLING(recirculation water exchange) - Today, the recirculation system is the most common for pools of any purpose. Therefore, when saying “swimming pool”, they usually mean a pool with a recirculating water exchange system. This is a closed water exchange in the pool. The water does not go into the sewer through the overflow tray, but flows from it into a compensation tank, from where it is taken by pumps for filtration and heating. The bottom drain does not take part in water treatment. Heated and purified water is supplied to the pool through bottom nozzles and displaces dirty water into the overflow tray. In skimmer pools, water is drawn both through the skimmer and through the bottom drain.

Depending on the drainage system, pools of this type can be:

SKIMMER - The skimmer system is mainly used for private pools and small rectangular pools. The water level in these pools is the middle of the skimmer window. A skimmer is a device for collecting (“suctioning”) the most contaminated top layer of pool water. To clean the lower layers, a bottom drain is used. Contaminated water is taken by a skimmer and bottom drain using a circulation pump, undergoes mechanical purification in a filter unit, is heated and treated with chemicals. The clean and prepared water then flows back into the pool through the supply nozzles. Note that water treatment with chemicals can be carried out manually, without the use of dosing systems.

1. Filtration unit

2. Heat exchanger

3. pH dispenser

4. Disinfectant dispenser

5. Counterflow pump

6. Disinfection station

7. Transformer

8. Filter unit and heat exchanger control unit

9. Waterfall pump

10. Counterflow

11. Feed nozzles

12. Ladder

13. Waterfall

14. Underwater vacuum cleaner

15. Underwater spotlight

16. Skimmer

17. Overflow pipe

18. Bottom drain

OVERFLOW - The most versatile pool design. The water mirror is located at the level of the edge of the pool. Excess water, through a gutter located around the entire perimeter of the pool, enters an overflow tank equipped with a water level sensor and an automatic top-up device, and then from the tank is supplied to the filter by a circulation pump. After filtration, heating and chemical treatment, clean water flows back into the pool through the bottom nozzles. As in skimmer pools, chemical treatment of water can be carried out either using a chemical dosing station or manually. The pool is emptied through a bottom drain or through bottom nozzles.

1. Filtration unit
2. UV disinfection installation
3. pH dispenser
4. Disinfectant dispenser
5. Counterflow pump
6. Disinfection station
7. Transformer
8. Overflow tank
9. Water level control device
10. Solenoid valve
11. Manual valve
12. Muffler
13. Air filter
14. Air compressor
15. Air heater
16. Condensate discharge
17. Check valve
18. Crane
19.Draining water from the gutter
20. Bottom nozzle
Air massage plateau
Underwater spotlight
Underwater vacuum cleaner

Outdoor pools- swimming pools located in the open air. An outdoor pool is, first of all, a great way to spend time during the warm season. Outdoor pools have one peculiarity - in unfavorable weather conditions and in winter they are unlikely to be used. The outdoor pool is fully functional for no more than four months a year. The financial issue, during the construction of an outdoor pool, we also play an important role. Construction costs slightly less than an indoor pool.

In most of our country, summer is short and rarely indulges in long warmth. The reservoirs warm up slowly, only impatient young people and seasoned walruses are ready to swim in them. And in the south, any lake or river in the heat becomes a place of pilgrimage; on the shore and in the waves there is a real crowd of people. And then the desire to have your own pool forces you to once again weigh your options and find out what types of pools there are.

Believe me, all the costs and efforts will quickly pay off. After all, by the pool you can relax, have fun and have a relaxed time with friends or family. But before stocking up on materials, let’s consider all the design features of various types of artificial reservoirs.

By the pool you can relax, have fun and have a relaxed time with friends or family

Before carefully studying what types of pools there are, carefully consider the answers to the following questions:

  1. What will be the age of the proposed bathers? One large pool is not always convenient; often it is more practical to have two, giving the smaller one for the undivided use of the children.
  2. Is there a place on the site that is level and sheltered from prying eyes?

It should be remembered that inflatable models are fragile; dog claws can easily tear the side

  1. Will pets have access to the pool? After all, inflatable models are fragile; dogs’ claws can easily tear the side.
  2. Does your household choose an outdoor or indoor pool? How often will the pool be used?
  3. Is there enough water available? Don't forget that a large pool will have to be emptied and filled several times a season to be able to fully clean it.
  4. How much can you allocate for the construction (including the cost of the pool itself, its installation and maintenance in the future).

Classification of home pools

Pools are divided according to several criteria. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to choose a structure that will meet all the criteria for each classification. Only then will the pleasure of owning a swimming pool be complete. Let's look at what types of swimming pools there are for home according to these characteristics.

Some owners of summer cottages prefer to use a greenhouse to create a winter pool

Firstly, they are divided into:

  • summer (usually separately located or attached);
  • winter;
  • combined (usually covered).

Winter and combined ones are good because they extend the swimming season or even make it year-round. If your house is spacious and it is possible to arrange a pond in the basement or on the first floor, you can enjoy swimming all year round.

This is a very practical option: such a pool is less dirty and will have to be cleaned less often, and the issue of water drainage is easier to resolve. Such a pool is designed simultaneously with the house itself, since it is unsafe to change the design of the finished building. But if the idea of ​​having a pool came later, then there is a solution: an extension is built to the main building, or the pool is built separately.

Combination pools allow you to swim all year round

When the summer is longer and hotter, swimming in an outdoor pool is much more pleasant. More often than not, it is the open option that we remember when we find out what types of swimming pools there are for children. The combination of fresh air, water and sun has an amazing invigorating and healing effect. But you will have to clean it often - from falling leaves, dust, insects. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a canopy over the pool and a protective film that will cover the bowl after swimming.

Combined pools allow you to swim all year round. To do this, dome or tent sliding structures are created above the bowl, and the pool itself is equipped with a heating system.

Secondly, pools are divided according to design features. They are:

  • buried;
  • raised;
  • semi-recessed.

Large pools for country mansions most often turn out to be in-ground. They are strong and durable. Raised pools are less common. These are, as a rule, prefabricated or cast bowls on a foundation. If owners prefer to use a ready-made cast mold with a side height of up to one and a half meters, they are better off choosing a semi-recessed design. A semi-buried type of reservoir also requires a massive concrete base.

Large swimming pools for country mansions are most often buried.

Thirdly, there are overflow or skimmer pools (based on the type of water purification). To find out what types of pools there are based on this factor, you will have to study existing filtration and cleaning systems. Skimmer tanks have a wall-mounted cleaner (screamer), which pumps out the most contaminated layers of water - approximately 2/3 of the surface. The lower third is cleaned by bottom drains. The water level in such a bowl will be 20 cm below the side.

Skimmer tanks have a wall-mounted cleaner (screamer), which pumps out the most contaminated layers of water - approximately 2/3 of the surface

Overflow pools are cleaned through lattice gutters, which are located along the entire diameter of the bowl at the top, so the water reaches the edge of the edge. From them, contaminated water flows into the filtration tank. Such a system is significantly more expensive, but such artificial reservoirs look very stylish and respectable.

Skimmer system

Types of the pools themselves

In addition to the classification described above, pools are divided into:

  • stationary;
  • frame;
  • inflatable.

If the location for the pool, the desired season of operation and the type of cleaning have been determined, all that remains is to clarify what types of pools for summer cottages there are according to the type of their installation.

Are you planning to build a large reservoir that will last for many years? Then you should choose stationary pools. A foundation pit is prepared for them, a solid foundation is arranged, in which a bowl is fixed (ready-made or created using concrete). After this, communications are brought in and connected and finishing begins.

Pool diagram and its working elements

We will especially consider the question of what material the finished pool bowls are made from. This is usually fiberglass or propylene. Such bowls are sealed and durable, they have a long service life. They are very easy to install and easy to decorate. Stainless steel bowls are less common and cost much more.

But the dimensions of the finished bowls are strictly fixed. If you want to go beyond these dimensions, you will have to work hard on the concrete bowl. But, if done according to all the rules, such a bowl will last a very long time, and the pool itself will look solid.

If such large-scale and expensive constructions do not fit into your immediate plans, consider the option of frame pools. Many companies produce them, offering ready-made kits consisting of a frame and a waterproof coating. Look at the photo to see what types of pools there are in terms of size and cleaning systems. You can easily see that you can happily spend time in them with the whole family or a large friendly company, since frame pools can be quite “royal” in size. Such structures are usually erected for the season, removed for the winter.

If you build a dome over such a premium class pool and organize the supply of warm water, the pool will serve all year round

However, if you build a dome over such a premium pool and organize the supply of warm water, the pool will serve all year round. They can be mounted anywhere. A prerequisite is the presence of a prepared, level area. Typically, the kits already include a filtration system, an awning to protect the pool, a ladder for getting into the water, a cover for the base and instructions.

The price of inflatable models is the most affordable, so even their fragility does not interfere with their popularity

The cheapest, but, alas, the most short-lived, are inflatable pools. Their advantage lies in the extreme ease of installation and a wide range of shapes, colors and heights of sides. The smallest inflatable pools are popular among parents of children. They can be easily placed and moved to a convenient place, little water is required and they quickly warm up in the sun, giving kids a lot of fun. Large models are equipped with pumps (electric or manual) and filters for cleaning. The price for inflatable models is the most affordable, so even their fragility does not interfere with their popularity.

It is impossible to imagine a hot, sultry summer period without large bodies of water, which provide wonderful minutes, or even hours of cooling. Maybe many people don’t know the owner of summer cottages or private plots, but you can make a pool with your own hands, you just need to use ingenuity and invest a lot of work, but of course, money. How to choose the right pool option? And what they generally are like. We will answer these and many other questions further in the article.

Features and types of swimming pools for your own garden. Inexpensive or timeless

From a huge number of different types of pools for a summer residence, each owner chooses a design for himself, guided both by pricing policy and other criteria. Having started creating a swimming pool with your own hands in a summer cottage, you should first familiarize yourself in detail with the main varieties of these structures.

According to seasonal purpose, pools are divided into summer, winter and indoor (combined).

Winter structures allow you to enjoy active recreation regardless of weather conditions. In addition, this type of pool does not require frequent cleaning procedures, etc.

Summer facilities allow you to relax in the fresh air, saturate your body with oxygen, and also easily maintain your physical fitness. It is recommended to install various types of canopies for summer, outdoor pools. They will avoid ultraviolet radiation and reduce water pollution.

A combined pool is most often located on the lower floor of a country house. An all-season design is usually equipped with a good heating system and is used regardless of the temperature conditions in nature.

Based on the method of construction, the following types of pools are distinguished: raised, recessed, semi-recessed.

It is advisable to use raised structures on a surface foundation when it is planned to install a finished cast or prefabricated pool, and the height of the water structure is about 1.5 meters. In-ground pools are known to have approximately the same characteristics.

In-ground reservoirs are considered more popular. They involve placing the pool at the level of the ground cover. The advantage of this variety is:

  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • durability in use.

Types of swimming pools for summer cottages. By type of overflow, finish and design

Taking into account the design features, pools are usually divided into skimmer and overflow pools. The skimmer type is considered a cheaper type, since it is filled with water 15 cm below the roof of the reservoir itself, and thus the water does not overflow over the edges of the bowl. A skimmer is a special filter that allows you to keep your pool completely clean.

As for overflow structures, they include a mounted grille along the sides. This design allows water to flow back into the storage tank. What type of pool allows you to fill the tank with water to the brim.

Pools are also divided into types, according to the type of finishing used in relation to the water feature. So, it happens::

  • film;
  • tiled;
  • polypropylene;
  • mosaic.

Film finishing is not only a good color solution, but is also considered an excellent representative of waterproofing.

The pool can be given original visual shapes using tiled finishing. This material is characterized by minimal water absorption and has decent aesthetic qualities.

The polypropylene finish is quite durable and has become very popular among modern consumers. Most often, propylene is used in blue and dark blue shades.

How to choose the right place for a pool

The construction of any type of structure begins with the choice of location. How to choose the right place for a swimming pool and what nuances should be taken into account, we will consider in more detail below.

It doesn’t matter what type of pool you choose, be it stationary or framed, the criteria for choosing a location remain almost the same. So:

1. The structure should be located near the water supply.

2. The landscape must be flat, without slopes, various depressions, or holes.

3. There should be no tree rhizomes, remains of bushes, etc. on the territory.

4. Distance from other buildings is at least 2.5-4 meters.

5. When constructing an outdoor pool, you need to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds, as well as the geological features of the area.

Preparatory work before building a pool

The main preparatory work before building a pool can be called:

  • clearing the territory;
  • marking the place;
  • selection of tools;
  • procurement of materials;
  • digging a pit.

So, on the site for the construction of a swimming pool, it is necessary to carefully remove all debris, leaves, and ensure that there are no roots and plant remains.

For convenience, it is better to prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance. Their number directly depends on the planned type of structure and its design.

An equally important aspect of the preparatory work is digging a pit. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the planned building. Ready-made bowls for the pool can also be used, but in any case, the depth of the pit must be dug with a reserve for the bulk cushion (a layer of crushed stone, etc.).

DIY pool made of polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene is a very popular material in the modern world. It is distinguished by its physical and chemical properties and retains its structure for decades. The advantages of expanded polystyrene also include its strength; the material can withstand heavy loads (for example, large volumes of water, etc.).

The process of building a polystyrene foam pool with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • arrangement of the pit;
  • reinforcement of the bottom plate;
  • preparation of the drainage system;
  • thermal insulation and concreting of the bottom;
  • laying walls from blocks;
  • finishing work of the pool bowl.

This list is practically suitable for characterizing the process of working on a pool made of concrete, plastic, metal, etc., only the stages of working with the main material differ.

To create a polystyrene foam pool you will need: a sand filter, a pipe system, fittings, a pump, a ladder, a protective sheet, etc.

Expanded polystyrene blocks are used after the foundation has been fully prepared. They resemble a huge puzzle and have special grooves. This indicates that it is not at all difficult to assemble a finished pool bowl from them. This material is characterized by high density and low flammability. When assembling the frame, polystyrene foam blocks can be easily cut, for example with a hacksaw.

In places made for fittings, it is worth taking care of insulation; any gap can later become the cause of a large water leak. In the upper part of the structure, it is necessary to think over a place for the skimmer, and then do the reinforcement.

A polystyrene foam pool also requires concrete work. The solution is used at the stage of finishing work on the pool bowl, and it is also used as a filling material for the bottom. In order to secure all installation work, it is necessary to apply a facing film, after which the pool can be decorated, for example, with tiles.

A pool made from the above material has high-quality heat-saving properties. Such structures are frost-resistant.

How to make a concrete pool with your own hands

Building a concrete pool with your own hands involves preparing a pit, installing waterproofing, a drainage system, etc., similar to the previous scheme. Roofing felt has good reviews as a waterproofing material. One of the main tools in the process of working on this type of pool will be a concrete mixer. A properly prepared solution is the key to the longevity of a water structure. To prepare concrete material you will need:

  • cement;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;

Some craftsmen do not use concrete as the first layer; they use the reinforcement method. The reinforced pillow should be located in two tiers.

Before proceeding to pouring the pool bowl, a durable formwork is created using a wooden board. Since the structure is planned to be large, it is important to install high-quality spacers at a distance of 50 cm. The ideal surface of a concrete bowl is obtained when a plywood sheet is used as a formwork material, but this is quite a costly matter in terms of finances.

Directly during the period of pouring the concrete bowl, do not rush and allow the concrete mixture to dry completely. It is also better to cover the structure to protect it from external factors. For comfortable diving into the pool, either a concrete ladder is made or a metal one is used. A properly installed concrete pool is distinguished by its durability, practicality and ease of maintenance, and this option is also cheaper than others. The disadvantage of this design is considered to be stationarity, the instability of the material to sudden temperature changes.

Features of a DIY frame pool

A frame pool is a structure consisting of a frame installation covered with durable awning or some other dense material. This type has its pros and cons. The first includes:

  • exploitability;
  • affordability;
  • there is no need to fill the foundation;
  • speed of the installation process;
  • weather resistance, etc.

The second disadvantages include:

  • fragility of the structure;
  • seasonality;
  • instability of the filtration system, etc.

You can construct a frame pool using two methods: sheet and rod. Suitable materials for sheet work are solid metal materials, wood, etc. In this case, special supports will be required.

The rod method involves the use of beams made of various materials (metal, wood, etc.). Like other types of pools, frame pools are equipped with additional devices: filtration, heating, etc. Another advantage of such pools is the ability to create a structure of any geometric shape.

Features of a DIY plastic pool

Plastic pools are one of those types of structures for which a special plastic material is used that does not lose its technical properties during prolonged contact with the aquatic environment. Due to this, such reservoirs can have different depths, individual shapes, etc. Professionals recommend using high-quality plastic for the production of children's pools; this material is deservedly recommended by sanitary and epidemiological institutions.

Plastic pools can be either monolithic or prefabricated. When purchasing the first type, you need to be attentive to the presence of visible damage on the bowl, pay attention to the presence of cracks. Information about the manufacturer of the finished structure is also equally important. In well-installed plastic pools there are no problems with water drainage systems, filtration and waterproofing. They are quite practical, easy to clean and have a pleasant, aesthetic appearance. Another advantage of such pools is their energy-saving property. Monolithic bowls are installed (or prefabricated) in place of a prepared pit with a poured foundation. The installed structure is fixed with concrete. In the future, a plastic pool, like other varieties, can be supplemented with stairs, sides, etc. For more details watch the video: