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Dachniki - people are resourceful. Very often they use various materials that seem to be absolutely impossible to apply in everyday life. Not passed by their attention and such material as geotextile. Geotextile (agrofiber) is a relatively new material made of synthetic fibers, which is intended for use in industrial purposes and at a construction site. Thanks to its qualities, geotextiles successfully began to use in gardening and in the country.

Properties of geotextile fabric

Geotextile material has the following characteristics:

Types of geotextile

Despite the versatility of this material, it is divided into several species, depending on its purpose and method of manufacture.

Application of geomaterial at the cottage

1. Layout of the country area

2. Artificial fountains and reservoirs

The geomaterial use well and when creating an artificial pond, a swimming pool, a waterfall or fountain at the cottage. For this type of work, more durable variants of geotextiles are used. Its steals over insulating material and fixed with stones.

Around the pool or pond you also need to be made geo-solok. It will help to avoid germination of weeds and will not allow the roots of trees to damage the equipment or disrupt the integrity of the structure itself.

3. Drainage and plumbing

Indispensable geotextile also when laying a drainage system of a plot or water supply system. On the bottom of the trench, the agrofiber is covered, rubble lay on top of it, then the pipes are mounted and wrap the resulting design around geotextiles.

Thus, the geotextile material will be able to pass water, and all other components will remain on the spot, which will not allow to cling or to lure the drainage layer.

4. Gardening

The most common use of geotextiles has in gardening. It is successfully used when insulating the root system, growing seedlings, the organization of beds and flower, planting grapes and much more.

How is the laying of agrovolock in the country

Tracks and parking

Cottage with sidewalks is a beautiful and convenient cottage. Everyone who stacked them wants their long-life service. But it often happens that the tracks fail, they saw, cracks appear on them and germs the grass in the seams between the tiles. But if when laying paving tracks or parking sites to use geotextiles, such problems can be avoided.

Locked the agricultural fiber under the paving slabs as follows:

Adhering to such technology, you can not be afraid for the quality of the coating. She will serve for many years unchanged.


Agrofibra makes it easier. Now it is not allowed to pour a bed. To do this, you need to adhere to the next algorithm.

Pores in GeoyOfolok will miss moisture and provide the right air exchange. The loosening is also not required, since the moisture will come through the pores capillary and the soil will not be compacted.


For flower beds, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the Earth, fall asleep the resulting groove by 5 cm, to be seen by the geoywedder and the edges with a small output to the surface, set the drainage layer of the rubble, pumped up the black membrane layer.

Country reservoirs

As a conclusion: the use of geotextiles in the country will help to avoid multiple problems when performing construction, garden or landscape work. The main thing is to properly pick up the material and install it efficiently.

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M. foot would like to know: geotextile - what it is and how is used. This is associated or woven cloth, which is characterized by considerable strength. The material is created by plexing the threads from a different polymer at a certain angle. The canvas are provided by manufacturers in rolls. Moreover, the density of matter can be different. A large number of positive qualities helps geotextile to be universal raw materials.

The canvas is easy to use, as it is proposed in finished rolls

Before buying geotextiles, you need to decide: what it is and how is used. This is a product that is a woven and nonwoven canvases, which are created from polypropylene and polyester components.

Initially, this material was used only for drainage structures and construction of construction sites, but then it began to be used for household and production purposes. The panels are made in different volumes and there are different species. The fabric is implemented in rolls, a width of 2 meters up to 5.5 meters. Length can be from 40 to 150 meters.

Helpful information!In the country areas, the needle-free material is often used, the structure of which includes small holes. Such agriched is used as a protective and undercover material.

How does geotextile apply during the construction of houses?

In the construction of houses, geotextiles for the foundation is often used. In order for the base under construction, the pillow or dumping under the future foundation is used.

Geotextile protects the design from the pressure of wax and groundwater and from the deformation of the soil. It is also worth highlighting the following points:

  • the canvas prevents sand mixing, soil and rubble;
  • the load on the base is uniformly distributed;
  • the carrying capacity of the structure increases;
  • the base becomes more stable and stable.

Protection of the foundation from groundwater lifting

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Varieties of geotextile

Deciding, geotextile what it is and is used, it is worth considering that this product may differ depending on the production technology. The following varieties of material are distinguished:

  • calenderated geotextiles are performed when filling fibers using high temperatures, while the canvas features high properties of strength, which minimizes the probability of breaks;

  • the needle-free species is made from propylene and polyester fibers, water in the longitudinal and transverse directions may come through the matter;

  • the material of the knitting-firmware is made of special fibers of a certain length, for a strong connection fibers they are flashed with threads.

Knitally - the firmware canvases have a special structure

Helpful information!This material is made from polyester mass. On the ribbon conveyors from bales of such a mass, pieces of fibers are broken, which are converted into separate threads under the air jet. What is interesting, 1 gram of such a thread has a length of 3 km. After the thread fluffing procedure in a special machine is transformed into the canvas.

Geotextile in the drainage system is used as a layer with philotration for perforated highways. Such a lattice is not only, but also prevents the gravine intake.

Such material does not allow to intervene in various layers of soil. For drainage systems, a product is selected with the following parameters:

  • the density must be up to 150 g / m2.
  • used by a playful polynomiti cloth;
  • the filtration coefficient is about 130 m per day;
  • durability under pressure should not be less than 400-500 N;
  • the width of the roll depends on the specific section of the filtration layer.

Installation of the canvas is performed without tension. For the adoption, there is an in size of 0.3-0.6 meters. When working on large areas, additional fixation of the tissue is required. After converting the edges of the canvas, the soil is stacked and tamped.

Helpful information!When choosing a material, it is worth a preference for the products of proven manufacturers. When installing it is worth considering that the material is susceptible to the effect of sun rays, so the canvas need to close the ground as soon as possible.

Geotextile: Specifications

Geotextile is distinguished by affordable price and versatility. In addition, the material is distinguished by the following qualities:

  • resistance to the oxidative process;
  • resistant to various aggressive impacts;
  • resistance to fungal organisms;
  • prevents the growth of weed herb;
  • suspends soil erosion;
  • has a filter function;
  • contributes to the acceleration of water removal;
  • it has excellent reinforcing properties.

Gardeners and summer residents constantly use the innovations of the industry for the decor and facilitate work on the garden plot. Among the many progressive materials, the most popular today was the use of geotextiles in gardening. As the functions and capabilities of this tissue allow it to be used in the arrangement of the house outside the city or garden plot, we will find out together.

Types and properties of geotextile fabric

Geotextile - synthetic material used in construction, industry and gardening for work with the soil. There are three main types of geotextile fabric:

  • Needlecable geotextile. It is made from polyester fibers with a needle-free way through the base of the web. Such material misses well moisture, but has medium strength characteristics. Used in gardening and cottage arrangement.
  • Thermocoupe geotextile. This species is fastened by a thermal method, therefore it has smaller moisturefront abilities, but has high strength. Widely applicable in construction and land.
  • Knitting-firmware geotextiles. Fibers are fastened by the threads of the binding method. Such geotextiles is very durable, but if the fastening thread is damaged, everything can be blossomed. It is used in farm and construction only in Russia.

The popularity of Gehotoani is growing due to its universal properties and capabilities:

  • High strength and resistance to external influences. Geoyolocked does not rot, it does not destroy from time and does not attract the attention of rodents and other pests. Thermal geotexture, as the most durable, is used for isolation, reinforcement and preservation of soil reservoirs.
  • Environmental harmlessness. Wet, warming up or superhalying and experiencing the effect of UV radiation, geotextile does not secrete chemical harmful gases or substances, does not decompose on the components harmful to the environment.
  • Water and air permeability. Geotextile - breathable water permeable material, so it is good for use in gardening as drainage, root limiters and weeds, separation of the site.
  • Easy use and efficiency. Geotextile is available to any average family at a price. This material is for sale in comfortable rolls, it is easy to cut and smoothly stacked.

High functionality of geotextile fiber makes it possible to use it in different fields of farm. Gardeners use agrofiber for a device of beds, flower beds, homemade reservoirs and fountains.

Geotextile is popular for use when mounting paving slabs. A geotextile tissue lay on the rubble layer, and the sand layer is falling apart. This prevents the mixing of materials and significantly saves their consumption. Tile falls easily and evenly without changing position with time

Planning a garden with a geotextile, you can solve the problems of the growth of the roots of trees, leaching the fertile layer of soil and the growth of weed plants on the beds

Geotextiles efficiently use for the design of the courtyard design, separation of architectural structures, recreation areas, strengthening movable soil covers and concrete floors

Preparations of geotextiles in the country

Option # 1 - Planning garden landscape

The use of agrovolock allows you to solve many problems that are found when planning the landscape and garden buildings:

  • This material can be reliably wasolate the foundation and concrete overlaps from hindering extra moisture and the destructive action of the roots of trees.
  • Geeking is widely used to curb movable soils and create the desired landscape of oblique areas.
  • Indispensable geotextile when creating garden tracks and lawns. The granite path will not be able to blur the rain, and it does not mix with the soil, if the geotextile canvas is fastened to the bottom layer. In the planning of lawn, geo-fiber is also used to protect against weed plants and simplify the care of lawn grass.
  • Save materials when laying paving slabs can also be used with geotextiles. To do this, it is necessary to focus on a flat gravel base, and then pour a small sand layer (5-10 cm). Now you can safely lay the tiled pattern.

For laying heavy pavers between the lower layers of sand and a special mixture, it is necessary to fasten a dense agrotectile. So mixing sand with other materials will be excluded, and the work itself will pass easier and faster

Option # 2 - Arrangement of artificial reservoirs

For the arrangement, home ponds and swimming pools it is very profitable to use agrofiber. The bowl of pools and fountains will be rested with geotextiles over insulating materials. Such a surface is well kept decorative stones and equipment for water bodies. Also, geotextiles are laid out under the stone steps of waterfalls to ensure more reliable insulation.

Geotextiles will be useful for creating a small pond with steps along which water jets will be drained. Bottom and steps lined with dense geotextiles and fixed by stones

The playgrounds around the reservoirs are favorably eliminated by the agrofiber layer so that the weed grass and roots do not harm the equipment and the pool bowl.

Drainage or plumbing systems on the site are arranged using geo-fiber. The trench is laid out the fabric, fall asleep crushed stone, mount the pipes and pack them around geotextiles along with the rubble

Option # 3 - Growing fruit trees and garden crops

And the most common use of agrovolock is observed in gardening. The cultivation of seedlings, the organization of fertile beds and flower, the root system isolation, the separation of landings and much more without the use of geotextile fabric does not cost:

  • If the bottom of the bed or a flower garden is to add agricultural, you will provide protection from weeds, good drainage and insulated effect plants;
  • A pit for fruit trees and shrubs can also be postponed to be geochanging, which will help solve the problem of growing roots and protect plants from pests;
  • To hide the landing and thermal-loving trees can be a layer of geotextile. It reliably will warm the beds and will provide the desired microclimate for plants in winter;
  • Geotextile can also be used to preserve moisture in the roots of fruit currants, strawberries, vegetables, Bakhchi. For this, the soil is covered with agricultural, in which small slits are done. Garden crops are planted in them. The problem of weeds is also successfully solved.

How to lay geotextiles in the country

In construction, before work with geotextile fiber, the soil is thoroughly aligned and fall asleep with a layer of sand and gravel. For garden work, a clear leveling and planning of the basis is not required, but some points need to be taken into account yet.

In order to effectively lay out the garden tracks with tiles, geekan fell on the lower layer of rubble. From above, sand or dry blend of glue for tiles is falling asleep. Now you can easily and smoothly lay out the sidewalks of your garden.

Method # 1 - Laying geo-solokna for beds and flower beds

For the formation of beds and flower beds, the layer of land is removed by 30-50 cm. The bottom of the future flower beds or the garden is covered with sand by 5-10 cm and is laid out by the agrofiber so that its edges covered the entire ditch, leaving the surface layer of the Earth. The rest of the beds are then stacked: drainage (if necessary) and chernozem.

Significantly increase the yield of strawberries garden will help agrofibra. It is necessary to cut out small holes in it and lay out the material on the prepared soil. Fruit bushes are planted into the holes. Earth and roots are so kept moisture, and weighing plants cease to disturb landing and hosts

Method # 2 - Installation of geotextiles for country water bodies

A layer of gravel and sand is poured into the prepared pit for the bowl or pool. A high-quality waterproofing material is laid out and from above - geotextile fiber.

The creation of water bodies in the garden plot is also not necessary without geotextile tissue. So, you can create a real mountain stream with a bottom of the decorative stone, if the waterproofing layer is fastened to the waterproofing, and on top to cover it with beautiful stones

Now you can decorate the bottom of the pool with granite or pebbles. The capital pool with finished finish can also be used by geo-solok, if you want to decorate the bottom of stone or glass boulders, pebbles, granite or multi-colored stones.

Geotextile - inexpensive innovative material, which will help create a unique design and impeccable landscape of your garden. The affordable price and simplicity of work with agrofiber makes it particularly attractive for gardeners who do not have construction skills and special equipment. Working with geotextile fabric in the garden is new opportunities for the modern dachank.

Geotextile - affordable nonwoven material from polymer fibers, which is widely used in the country. Among its indisputable advantages, it is particularly noted that wear resistance, not exposure to rotting, strength.

  1. Medical geotextiles (optimal for use in drainage systems, road construction, landscape design, low water reservoirs, strengthening slopes). Filtration is longitudinal and transverse. In Russia, this material is often sold under its own name "Darnit".
  2. Thermocoupe geotextile (stronger than the needle-free). Filtration only transverse. Cannot be used for drainage. The main application is the reinforcement of the slopes, laying the plates, protection against weeds, waterproofing. A bright representative - Tekhnonikol.
  3. Knitting-firmware geotextiles (fibers are stitched with threads, so the strength is low). This option today is found on sale more and less, for garden work, it is worse.

When choosing, pay special attention to the following parameters:

  • surface density level (150 - 1000 g / 1m2);
  • composition (better than 100% polypropylene);
  • roll width (4-6 m).

Among the traditional similar to the use of material - runner. But it is strongly inferior to geotextile in all respects.


  • Holds water, but I miss moisture.
  • Does not rejoice (does not accumulate moisture inside it). Ground particles inside are not stuck.
  • Stands to most adverse effects: not afraid of high humidity, ultraviolet radiation, alkalis, acids, it does not form mold on it.
  • The load is distributed evenly throughout the canvase.
  • With thermal deformations, the base of geotextiles is expanding.
  • Frost resistance.

Garden tracks

Beautiful winding or straight track is often the basis of the composition of small sites. Geotextiles are great for creating them. Operate according to the following scheme:

  1. take out part of the soil;
  2. fall asleep with a groove with rubble;
  3. stacked geotextiles;
  4. fall asleep with sand, compact and leveled surface;
  5. purchase tiles.

Geotextile does not give the sand mixed with rubble, which will protect the ground from the drawdown in the future. Even after many years, garden tracks will remain smooth and neat.

Similarly, small sites are equipped (for example, under the arbors, barbecue area). Isolation between the soil and bulk material does not allow weeds to germinate between the laid tiles. Excessive moisture will quickly drain from the polymer surface, as a result of which large puddles will not appear on the tracks.

Waterproofing of a dacha pond

Beautiful decorative reservoir, albeit small, can become the pride of the country area. So that the water does not leave, in the initial stage, take care of creating a waterproof bowl. From above it can be masked by stones, soil, etc.

Geotextile in this case is very suitable not only because of the price available, but also due to its incredible strength. Sooner or later, the reservoir will have to be cleaned, and mechanical contact with the surface of the insulating layer will be almost inevitable.

Geotextile is a waterproofing basis when creating domestic swimming pools.


Probably, you had to see the beds covered with a dark web with slots, of which plants stick out neatly. What are their meaning?

The fact is that the holes are made only under the planted cultural plants (they sow seeds and plant seedlings), and the parties between them will not be able to develop without light and sufficient moisture.

Such a mulch will completely save you from the need for a weeding and will contribute to the long preservation of moisture in the soil. It will protect the plants and from the midday sunlight. For those who visit the gift only on weekends, geotectsil can become a real find.

The second use option is like an impenetrable gasket between the main soil and surface (created artificially). The fact is that for the full development of a number of decorative plants, special soils are needed.

Just create waterproofing pockets with the desired substrate and plant plants in them that need special conditions. The nutrient layer will not be washed and mixed with poor gardening ground, and the roots of the plants will not be able to penetrate deeper geotextiles (in non-fermentation layers).

Another application:

  • Protection of the foundation. Candying the foundation with time can groundwater, as a result of which the construction can be assessed. The geotextile laid close to the foundation prevents contact with unwanted moisture. It will also allow separating the soil from the site and gravel subftitude.
  • Geotextile is used as a strengthened material for the winter (roses, rhododendrons, juniper, samshet, cypress, lavender, grapes, perennials, shrubs, saplings in pots and vases). Moreover, unlike natural mulch, it does not pollute the site, does not spoil its appearance and can be used repeatedly.
  • Geotextile can be used when landing raspberries. It turns out an analogue of a large pot into the ground. As a result, the semi-staple will not be able to grow in the district.
  • Indispensable geotextile and with drainage device. It is placed on the bottom of the pre-dug trench, and the layer of rubble layer is poured from above. Next mount pipes.

Applications are actually much more, but within the same article, tell us about them. Appendix and comments suggest to share in the comments.