What sells best in winter. How to make money in winter? Eight current winter business ideas! Making homemade Christmas trees

Many people think that there is nothing to do in winter. Not at all! Seasonal business in winter can bring good profits. Why just waste time when you can spend it usefully? A new activity will drive away the blues and bring in money. It all depends on your desire.

There are two ways to earn money during this period. The first is everything related to the New Year holidays. Think about it, do you really not know how to do anything with your own hands? You can make it to order or simply sell handmade New Year toys, souvenirs, or sew costumes. To sell goods, you can rent a premises or promote an online store. Make sure that as many clients as possible know about your services. Remember that word of mouth is no worse than advertising! If someone's artistic talent is dormant, start working as Santa Claus (or Snow Maiden)! The demand for such “heroes” during the New Year holidays is enormous.

The second is no less extensive, because, despite the fact that the holidays end sooner or later, there is always work. You can open your own private business, or you can do what brings you pleasure and get paid for it.

We offer you the TOP 7 winter business ideas.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part one

Clearing yards from snow. The simplest, but, of course, not the easiest way. Wherever you live: in a village or in a city, snow needs to be cleared everywhere. Often, residents of private houses (mostly!), in order to clear a passage or driveway, go out onto the street with huge shovels. Such physical education activities are not desirable for everyone, so special enthusiasm is rarely seen. So why don't you make money from it?

Offer your services for snow removal in yards! Now, by the way, not only housing office staff are involved in this. If you are looking for additional income, then you have free time. At first you can work alone, but over time, when there are more clients, hire cleaners who will do the work for you. Thus, your responsibilities will only be searching for clients and accepting orders. To open such a business, all you need is desire.

Destruction of icicles on the roofs of buildings. A very promising direction. What it will be depends on you. You can make it as a separate service, which is included in the first case, or as an independent one. Of course, the most difficult thing in this case will be to find people with the skills and climbing equipment who will willingly agree to climb the roofs.

Pay special attention to the health insurance of your employees if you work in a team, because opening such an enterprise is very risky! All equipment must be of high quality and tested for strength. You are responsible for what it will be like. If the house is not very high, then you can rent or buy a lift (it is usually used by electricians and firefighters). When you decide whether you will continue this business next season, then decide what is more profitable: rent it for the season or purchase your own. Such services are mainly offered by the housing office, so this is another reason to get into this business (often not everyone is happy with the work of utility workers).

Growing plants in greenhouses (flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits). If you do not have deep knowledge in the field of gardening, then it is better to skip this point. And if the desire takes its toll, read at least specialized literature, and only then get down to business. Start by growing onions and gradually increase your assortment. In winter, fresh vegetables and fruits are very much appreciated. Of course, you will need start-up capital (in the first case it is not necessary) to purchase or build greenhouses. If you create all the necessary conditions, then almost all plants can be grown in it. People who understand gardening will also help you open such a business. They will tell you what the greenhouse should be like so that vegetables and fruits ripen well.

Window insulation service. Today, almost every second house has plastic double-glazed windows, and they don’t mind the cold. But what should the other half do, those houses or apartments in which such windows are not installed? And, believe me, there are enough of them. And no matter how you turn up the heating, there will be no heat in such apartments. Offer your services! No special physical labor is needed, just get the materials and desire. If you decide to start this business, then it will not cost you much. Decide right away what it will be like, because you can offer your own materials or insulate them with those that are provided to you.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part two

Sale of sleds, skates, skis, snow scooters, etc. Of course, in the summer few people are interested in such goods, but in the winter the demand is crazy! And who doesn't want entertainment? When you buy all this “winter transport” yourself, pay attention to the quality, because there is a lot of Chinese consumer goods in stores. You can sell it in a rented room or on the street if you don’t mind the frost. You can also, of course, hire a salesperson, but keep in mind that this is an additional expense.

Sale of tea, coffee and hot cakes. Yes, it’s difficult to call this a purely winter business, but without advertising and special marketing, the demand for hot drinks increases precisely in cold weather. How and where to sell is up to you to decide. You can open a small kiosk, or you can just walk around with a cart. You can start with just drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.), or you can prepare an assortment of pies, hot dogs or whites. This idea once again confirms that winter business is never unprofitable.

And if you don’t know exactly what types of your own business we are talking about, then you just need to read this review.

Business idea No. 1: Working as Santa Claus is banal but profitable

This is the most common winter business idea. But at the same time, it is also the most profitable. After all, it is with the help of reincarnation into this fairy-tale character that you can earn good money.

The cost of such a business is quite acceptable. To purchase the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden you will need to spend about 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

Calling such fairy-tale characters to your home costs from 1000 rubles and more. And if you deliver congratulations at any corporate event, you can earn 5,000 rubles or more.

In order to fulfill your “Grandfather Frost” duties you will need the Snow Maiden and advertising. It is best to take your loved one as the Snow Maiden. This will eliminate disagreements in your small business. But for advertising you can use all available means: word of mouth, newspapers, posting advertisements, etc. In order not to wait for a long time for the first clients to appear, you can hold a promotional campaign, congratulating several families on the New Year absolutely free of charge. This will attract attention to you and make you stand out from the crowd of competitors.

It should be noted that in addition to the congratulations themselves, you can record a video message to children or send letters from Santa Claus.

Considering that the cost of one video message to a child is from 200 to 1500 rubles, this is also a good option for earning money. Moreover, video congratulations (unlike personal visits) are relevant throughout the winter.

At the same time, the cost of treatment will directly depend on the quality and colorfulness of the captured video. And, therefore, you will have to spend money on the implementation of this business. But such expenses will definitely pay off quickly.

As for letters from a fairy-tale hero, it is difficult to earn a substantial amount. But this type of business is perfect for helping you work as Santa Claus.

Business idea No. 2: Rental of skis and other winter sports equipment

Today, many people prefer to actively relax during the winter, and you can build your own business on this preference.

To implement this idea, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur and purchase several sets of alpine skis. After this, you can open your own sports equipment rental point.

It is best to organize a stationary ski slope near the ski slope. After all, this is where you can find the required number of clients.

But in this case, you risk facing intense competition. Therefore, the ideal option is a mobile rental point for winter sports equipment. For these purposes, you will need to acquire your own transport, for example a Gazelle car. Of course, these are additional costs. But at the same time, you will be able to deliver skis to any place at your client’s request. This will significantly increase the demand for rental services.

As your business develops, you can diversify the range of inventory provided. For example, in addition to skis, your rental should include: snowboards, snow scooters, sleighs, skates, etc. Then you can reach a larger audience.

As for costs, to start a business you will need to have a capital of about 500,000 rubles. And then you can start your own business without any problems. This amount will pay for itself in just one season. And in the future you will receive significant profits from your winter business.

Due to European sanctions, many people have become wary of vacationing abroad. This means that this winter the vast majority of Russians will prefer Russian ski slopes to foreign slopes. Therefore, by opening a ski and sports equipment rental business now, you are sure to achieve success.

Business idea No. 3: Snow removal is a profitable and useful business

As a rule, every winter many institutions and ordinary owners of residential buildings suffer from heavy snowfalls. The city's forces and resources are not enough to cope with the elements.

Therefore, you can provide snow removal services, clearing your hometown and making a profit for it. To organize a business you will need:

  • Automobile
  • Trailer
  • Snow blower
  • Registration of individual entrepreneur

The essence of the business is that you will come with your own snow blower to the address specified by the customer and clear the area of ​​snowdrifts. This is a rather convenient service that has been in great demand lately.

Your clients can be large companies, parking lot owners, individuals and even public utilities in your city. At the same time, you can not only remove snow, but also transport it out of town on your trailer. And this is additional income from your business.

As for costs, you will need to buy a snow blower, which costs about 50,000 rubles, and a trailer, which costs about the same. You will also need to conduct a promotion and pay associated costs. As a result, we can safely say that 200 thousand rubles will be quite enough to open your own snow removal business.

Since the type of car for towing a trailer does not matter, you can use your personal car as a company vehicle.

Remember that the main attribute of your work is the snow removal equipment itself. Therefore, it is better to purchase a unit that costs around 80 thousand rubles. As a rule, such machines have greater power, an electric starter, an ice removal function, etc. As a result, you will be able to clean a large area in a short time using such a device. And this will have a positive impact on your profits.

On average, such services cost 4-5 thousand rubles for cleaning 1000 m2 of territory. Therefore, all your expenses will pay off within the first couple of months of work.

But in addition to regular snow removal, you can provide services for removing snowdrifts and ice from the roofs of houses. In this case, you will not need absolutely any additional equipment except a shovel and special insurance. As a rule, 1 hour of roof cleaning costs approximately 1,500 rubles.

But the most profitable business in this regard is winter industrial mountaineering. This work involves removing ice and snow at heights in hard-to-reach places. This type of activity costs from 9,000 rubles for 1 hour of work. Here you will need to hire a professional of this profile, purchasing special equipment. But despite such costs, this business is more than worth it.

Business idea No. 4: Selling Christmas decorations

This winter business idea has high demand, high profitability and huge competition. Therefore, to make money you will have to use your imagination.

If we are talking about Christmas tree decorations themselves, then you need to make sure that they are original. You can do this by purchasing wholesale quantities of jewelry that is rarely found in stores and shopping centers in your city. Also, you can make part of your product yourself. Handmade is in fashion and in price today.

Next year's symbols are in particular demand. For example, 2015 is the year of the sheep. This means that the image and figurines of such an animal will be sold out, as they say, in no time. But you should remember that you won’t be able to sell such goods next year. Therefore, you need to have a limited range of New Year symbols.

In addition to the decorations themselves, it is also necessary to sell artificial Christmas trees, the demand for which is growing every year. Your product can also be gifts for the New Year, souvenirs dedicated to Christmas and Valentine's Day, fireworks, etc. In order for your business to cope with high competition, you need to have a wide variety of New Year's products and gifts of a general theme. Otherwise, customers can only purchase Christmas tree decorations at any retail outlet. And the opportunity to buy everything at once is the main advantage of a small shopping pavilion.

This type of business is expensive. Indeed, in this situation, you will have to rent a pavilion in a shopping center, or set up a stall in a public place. Also, you will have to purchase goods and the necessary commercial equipment.

But at the same time, the profit from such a business is quite high. Moreover, your New Year's toy store can quickly become a gift shop for the eighth of March or a summer souvenir shop. This means that this business can be not only winter, but also year-round. And this is quite a profitable solution.

Business idea No. 5: Snow fortress as a profitable winter business

The vast majority of children are not indifferent to buildings made of snow. Especially if these buildings have a majestic appearance and resemble a real medieval castle. Therefore, by building a similar fortress in your city, you can not only please the local children, but also earn some good money.

In order to build a winter fortress you will need snow and some water. The construction of the fortress occurs by placing snow in a special formwork to make special blocks from it. The larger the block, the stronger the fortress will be. Therefore, you should not build your castle from small fragments. To turn snow into a block, you just need to pour water on it. And to attach these same blocks to each other you will need the same water. At constant sub-zero air temperatures, a fortress can be erected within a few days without any costs for building materials.

But at the same time, the business itself, naturally, cannot do without financial investments. After all, you will have to hire workers to build a fortress and use the services of a sculptor who will help develop the design of the castle to attract children. Don’t forget about paperwork, rent for the place (where the fortress will be located) and related expenses. And since your business is located in the city, you should coordinate all actions with the local administration.

The profit from this business will definitely cover all your costs. After all, your clients will pay money for each visit to the fortress. And if your entertainment facility begins to become popular, then numerous entrepreneurs will contact you with a desire to organize the sale of sweets or toys near the fortress. As a result, you will be able to receive a substantial rent.

To make the fortress interesting for children, you should sculpt fairy-tale or cartoon characters from the snow who will inhabit the ice structure. Also, you can make an ice slide and a small skating rink in the snow castle.

As a rule, to organize such a business, no more than 100-150 thousand rubles are required. And to recoup these costs you will need about half a season. Therefore, this idea can be safely classified as a profitable winter business.

Business idea No. 6: Snowtubing - a European business for the Russian winter

This entertainment consists of a person going down a slide on an inflatable sled called a snow tube. This sled is made of durable fabric, so it can withstand the weight of any “rider” and dozens of trips down the ice slide.

In order to organize this type of business, you just need to find a steep slope and purchase several foreign inflatable sleds, or “cheesecakes” as they are called in Russia. It should be remembered that the slide for descent should not have any vegetation, protruding hummocks or holes. This is necessary in order to eliminate the risk of injury from this entertainment. The ideal option for snow tubing is the river bank.

“Vatrushki” have a rather slippery coating. They don't require a perfect track. And even if the hill you choose is covered with a small layer of snow, it will be possible to make exciting descents from it.

The costs of this business include the acquisition of the “euro sled” itself and the preparation of all the necessary documents for the legal conduct of business. On average, high quality snow tubes cost about 2,000 rubles. At the initial stage of doing business, you will need to purchase at least ten of these sleds. Therefore, as initial capital, you will need approximately 250 thousand rubles.

But renting such a sled can cost 100 rubles for half an hour or more. Given the high demand for this type of entertainment, you can safely count on several dozen clients throughout the day. This means that literally a couple of months will be enough to recoup your business.

Today, snow tubing remains an unknown European entertainment for many. Therefore, there is not much competition in this area. This means there is no need to waste time. Open your own business now. Of course, this activity will not fall under global sanctions, but competitors can “wake up” at any moment. And the sooner you start a business in your city, the larger market share you will get.

Business idea #7: Cold-resistant jacket and antimicrobial scarves. How to make money from this?

A special jacket called the Germinator Transit Jacket was developed a year ago by Betabrand. This jacket features a waterproof lining and inserts that contain silver ions. As a result, such a wardrobe attribute can reliably protect its owner from harmful microbes. And thanks to the high collar and hood, this jacket also protects against infection by airborne colds.

Moreover, this type of clothing has extendable sleeves, which will help avoid infection when touching subway handrails or other objects in public places.

The competition in the sales of such jackets is quite small. But the demand for them is constantly growing. After all, today people pay truly enormous attention to their health. Therefore, all you have to do is purchase a batch of cold-proof jackets at a wholesale price via the Internet and start selling them at retail.

And along with such jackets, you can also sell antiviral scarves. This invention is also new to the market. It is an ordinary wide scarf with a special pocket into which a filter is inserted to protect the human respiratory tract from germs.

The design of such products is very diverse. Today you can purchase women's and men's varieties of these scarves, made from various materials.

The relevance of such things is at the highest level. After all, if a person, not wanting to become infected, puts a gauze bandage on his face, then those around him may treat him with fear and bewilderment. But if you have a stylish scarf on your face, then this will not cause any negative reaction in society.

The main feature of jackets and scarves that protect health is the fact that they can be washed without any problems. And even special antiviral spacers are washable. But only in the case of scarves, such washing should be carried out exclusively in clean water with the addition of soda.

To implement such an idea, you will need to open your own clothing store in real life or on the Internet. At the initial stages of doing business, the second option is best. At the same time, to successfully attract customers, you can sell not only antimicrobial, but also quite ordinary winter things: gloves, warm socks, hats, etc. Then the demand for your product will always be high, as will your profit.

Business idea No. 8: Thermal imager - Finding heat leaks in private homes

This business idea is based on the use of new technologies, namely, a device called a thermal imager. Using infrared radiation, such a device is capable of creating a thermal picture of absolutely any object. And if the object is a private house, then all heat leaks will be identified as soon as possible.

By inspecting your home with a thermal imager, you can provide your customers with the most comfortable living experience while saving significant energy. After all, it is thanks to heat leaks that expensive heating is often ineffective.

The process of providing such a service does not end with a banal inspection of the premises. The client must provide photos of thermal “leaks” and an official conclusion. This requires a certain amount of time and effort.

But the cost of such services is also high. After all, the approximate price of inspecting a private house is 7.5 - 8 thousand rubles. But the thermal imager itself costs 45 thousand rubles.

As a result, you only need to serve about 10 clients for your costs to be fully recouped.

This service is in quite high demand. And the basis of this demand is Internet users. Therefore, a YouTube video or other online advertising will be one of the best ways to promote your business.

Conclusion from KHOBIZ.RU

Thus, it turns out that in winter business not only does not hibernate, but actually flourishes. You just need to have a little enterprise, imagination and a positive attitude. And then even the coldest time of the year can become a hot time for your earnings.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Winter is already on the doorstep. Holidays, bustle and new opportunities are ahead.

The coming month, December, is one of the hottest for business. Make the most of the pre-New Year shopping time and offer your customers something new and unusual.

In this article I will tell you about trendy products for the coming winter. Expand your range and increase sales!


A convenient gadget is a great gift for the New Year. Google Trends agrees: Wireless charging is a best seller in winter. Moreover, this year it will be especially popular.

Offer your customers different options: for home and car, compact and not very compact, with additional functions and simple. Then everyone will be able to find a device to suit their taste and financial capabilities.

2. Interior lighting for cars

In winter, I especially crave light. Maybe that’s why we are so attracted to garlands and fireworks.

Invite clients to decorate the interior of their car with lights as well. Interior lighting for cars is inexpensive, but looks stylish and interesting.


The concept of an Instagram hit has firmly entered our lives. Some products manage to capture the hearts and wallets of users of this social network in just a couple of months. One example is a piggy bank in the shape of a dinosaur. This handmade toy appeared in the profiles of major bloggers, after which it became a real bestseller.


Winter is winter, but no one has canceled mobile addiction. Especially for those of us who can’t part with our smartphones even outside at -30, we have come up with touch-sensitive gloves. The invention itself is not new, but it is consistently popular every season. Try to offer high-quality and unusual models.


Every year, with the onset of cold weather, buyers' interest in pajamas increases: for children, adults, and elegant New Year's ones. The choice in this niche is enormous. Try to find models (or create) that no one else has.

6. Scarf bag

A completely unexpected decision and a new product that arouses interest. The familiar snood scarf turns... into a bag for documents and small items. Great idea for a hiding place :)


Everyone has heard about ice skates and tubing. But a snow (or winter) scooter is still a new thing for many. This new entertainment will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Another way to have fun outdoors.

8. Personalized calendar keychain

Keychain calendar

A personalized gift is always doubly pleasant. When ordering this cute keychain, please include a memorable date and a special wish. Ideal for weddings, births, housewarmings, anniversaries, anniversaries.

Will “play sports” be on your list of goals for the new year? After the New Year's feast, many will go to the gym to shed everything unnecessary. And they will be looking for stylish clothes for fitness. And you are right there with an amazing assortment.

Bears made of roses

We were surprised by all the innovations in the bouquet industry: flowers in human size and in a flask, compositions of plush toys and sausages. Rose bears have taken over the internet this season. And even though these flowers are artificial, the gift looks very worthy.

This is the business selection for the winter 2018-2019. I hope you find a couple of promising ideas in it. .

Seasonal work - work performed over a certain period due to climatic or other natural conditions. As a rule, their duration is no more than six months.

  • Seasonal work in spring and summer;
  • Seasonal work in the autumn-winter period;
  • Seasonal work for women, students and pensioners;

Main countries receiving seasonal workers

  • Finland;
  • Italy;
  • Poland;
  • New Zealand;

Seasonal work in spring and summer.

The peak demand for seasonal workers occurs during the short period from May to September. At this time, a huge number of vacancies are opening up for every taste. Most permanent company employees go on vacation. Sometimes personnel officers look for specialists to replace them. The positions of office managers, secretaries, administrators, and accountants are especially popular. If a seasonal worker shows himself to be highly qualified, proactive, punctual and non-conflicting, then he has a good chance of getting a permanent position.

The trade and public catering sectors need to increase the number of personnel in the summer. Many restaurants, cafes and fast foods are opening summer terraces, hiring additional waiters and cooks. Points selling soft drinks, cotton candy, popcorn, ice cream, and so on are appearing on the street. This is most relevant for parks and attractions.

Summer is the time for those who want to work in the tourism field. Suitable vacancies can be found both at popular Russian resorts and abroad. Animators, guides, musicians, presenters - if you like to communicate with people, then seasonal work at sea will be to your liking. At the end of spring, shifts begin in children's camps. Accordingly, there is a chance to get a job as a counselor, teacher, physical teacher, nurse, or cook.

Agricultural companies begin hiring for seasonal work in the spring and summer. Those interested can acquire the skills of weeding, watering, loosening, and hilling. People are also invited to harvest. Seasonal field work, as a rule, does not have high salaries.

But hiring companies allow you to take a certain part of the collected vegetables and fruits for free. Those who dream of getting acquainted with the world of beekeeping are recommended to work seasonally in an apiary. Here, the peak of work activity also occurs in the spring-summer period.

The best option for seasonal work in the summer for those who don’t want to travel anywhere is landscaping their hometown. The range of activities offered is not too wide: landscaping (planting shrubs and trees), painting borders, benches and so on, designing playgrounds for children.

Seasonal work in autumn-winter period

The main seasonal work in the fall is harvesting, which has already been mentioned above.

What is profitable to trade during the 2018 crisis?

As for winter, the easiest way to deal with ice and snow in the city is for housing departments to have extra hands. For those who are good at skating, skiing or snowboarding, there is a direct path to winter resorts as an instructor. To some extent, seasonal winter work also includes walking from house to house in a Santa Claus costume. This way of earning money is perfect for people with a creative streak and the beginnings of acting abilities.

Seasonal work in the north is very popular. There is a demand for specialists with experience in the oil and gas, forestry, construction, and railway industries. As a rule, the salary offered is high: on average from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. It is better to get a job in a large well-known company, because small private companies can easily deceive.

Seasonal work for women, students and pensioners

Women looking for seasonal work and who do not have special skills most often choose to harvest crops abroad. Representatives of the fair sex, who know foreign languages ​​and have no problems communicating with other people, go to resorts to join the ranks of service personnel.

Students, as a rule, go into trade or engage in promotional activities. It is not easy for pensioners to find seasonal work. In most cases, they are offered to live in a country house in the fall and winter for the purpose of protecting it.

Main countries receiving seasonal workers


Every year Finland receives about 15 thousand workers from different countries. The peak of activity occurs in the summer. A significant part of seasonal vacancies involves harvesting strawberries, peas, mushrooms, cucumbers, and wild berries. With intensive work, it is realistic to receive from 800 to 1300 euros per month. Farmers often provide housing to visitors for a nominal rent.

In summer, Italy offers a standard set of vacancies in the tourism sector. You can get a job as an animator, hotel or restaurant employee. In the mountains, the tourist season begins in November and lasts until March. Temporary workers are also needed there. There are also vacancies in the agricultural sector. In the spring and summer, fruits and vegetables are collected, in the fall - olives, and in winter - citrus fruits. To get any job you need a good knowledge of the Italian language.

For Ukrainians and Belarusians, Poland has long been the best country for finding temporary work. The season there lasts from May to October. Most of the vacancies are in the agricultural sector. In particular, we are talking about planting fruits and vegetables and maintaining greenhouses. Employees are always needed for enterprises processing harvested crops.

New Zealand.

For lovers of true exotics, New Zealand is an excellent option. There is always enough work on the fruit plantations. In addition, you can try to get a job at a winery, and also try your luck in the fishing industry, sheep farming, and tourism. To work in New Zealand, a good knowledge of English is desirable.

Advantages and disadvantages of seasonal work

Let's start with the positives. Seasonal work provides an opportunity to get good money in a relatively short period of time. It is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, are unable to find permanent employment. Many Russians are looking for seasonal work abroad to meet new people, learn more about the traditions of another country, and improve their foreign language.

Naturally, there are also plenty of shortcomings. Temporary employment does not give confidence in the future. It becomes difficult for a person to make plans for the future and take out loans for large purchases. Often, seasonal work involves physical activity, which people tolerate differently.

For some, they turn into real hard labor. Those who work abroad are at greatest risk. Unforeseen circumstances can lead to instant job loss. As a result, you can be left in an unfamiliar state without a livelihood.

To avoid trouble, try to choose seasonal work in accordance with your inclinations, skills, character, and physical development. Then, most likely, several months will not feel like serving a heavy sentence.

The most popular product in Russia this year – Ready lists

Seasonal consumer trends fall-winter 2017. Popular products in winter

winter 2017-2018:: Shopolog.ru

OT Commerce is providing a quarterly report on what items were ordered from China this winter.

This year's winter sales volume increased by 5% compared to last year's winter.

What to sell in a small store: 7 best options

But if we compare sales volumes with the autumn season of 2017, then we see a slight decline in sales by 2%. This is probably due to the New Year holidays both in our country and in China, when life in the country comes to a standstill for almost a month. However, we continue to see strong growth in online shopping for Chinese goods, although the pace has slowed compared to last year.

This winter, “Jackets and down jackets” are leading in sales volume. They were sold for $77,270. Last year’s leader, “Boots and ankle boots,” is in second place. The sales volume of this product category amounted to $30,945. They were in the top three last winter too. Seasonal warm clothes are most in demand.

It’s interesting that “Children’s clothing” was in third place in our ranking this winter. It displaced “Dresses and Sundresses” from the top three, which constantly leads from season to season in terms of sales volume. Children's clothing sold 5,677 pieces for $28,769, and dresses sold slightly less with 3,506 pieces for $27,094. Last winter, children's clothing was at the bottom of the list of best-selling items. This category is rapidly gaining momentum. As a rule, children's products are always a priority item of expenditure. We all want the best for our children, and the decline in the solvency of the population has led to buyers turning their attention to the segment of inexpensive Chinese goods.

In addition to children's clothing, "Children's toys" were also sold in large quantities. They occupy a position in the middle of our ranking.

Separately, it is worth noting products that were sold in small quantities, but in terms of the amount of sales they brought a good profit. Firstly, these are video cards. Interest in them has been growing very strongly lately, since Bitcoin mining is a popular activity in the world, and this is exactly what video cards are for. Since they are expensive in regular stores and their selection is small, it makes sense to order them from China.

Ultrasonic facial massagers are another interesting product category. Few of them were sold, but for a significant amount. Ultrasonic facial massagers belong to the category of “Equipment for beauty and health” products. Its target audience, of course, is women. Recently, more and more methods and devices have appeared to maintain one’s youth and beauty. Therefore, a specialized online store in this area can be an excellent idea for developing your business. Whatever you can do in the name of beauty :)

The demand for various accessories and auto parts for cars is also growing. Our rating includes batteries. This is a fairly expensive product, so you can make good money on them.

The market for Chinese goods is still growing. And if previously people most often ordered goods from the “Clothing and footwear” category, now there are more and more popular and profitable product categories. Therefore, it is very important to monitor market developments and its trends in order to think through your action plan for creating and maintaining a successful business with China.

Trends and consumer interests: autumn-winter 2017:: Shopolog.ru

From September to December, many different businesses cater to the growing interest of users. And not only for strictly seasonal goods, such as heaters and thermal underwear. Even if you sell swimsuits and fins, you should prepare for a surge in demand in December, on the eve of the January holidays. Yandex analysts spoke in more detail about consumer trends for the next two to three months.

Autumn is the time for parties and shopping. When the Indian summer gives way to darkness and cold, people are actively looking for an alternative to walking and a way to cheer themselves up. Usually at this time interest in posters of cultural events, tickets for matches, concerts, musicals and cinema reaches its peak.

In addition, users are actively looking for warehouses to store everything summer (tires and wheels, crops, etc.), putting on shoes and clothes for children for winter, hunting for seasonal sales and buying heaters.

In November there is a lot of interest in sheepskin coats. Surely people are not only replenishing their own wardrobe for winter, but also looking for New Year gifts for loved ones.

Among the popular gifts that people start looking for in advance are home theaters and smartphones. Users are already reading reviews and, if possible, pre-ordering new models.

Interest in equipment for New Year's events is beginning to grow. They are looking for everything: acoustic sets, flower arrangements and other decorations, accessories for catering, of course, wholesale purchases of souvenirs, chocolate and delicacies.

Here are a few examples of categories for which the peak of interest usually occurs in November: wholesale New Year's goods, sleds and snow scooters, ready-made clothes, heat guns, etc.

In December, everyone wants a Christmas tree... and a solarium! In winter, you especially miss not only the warmth, but also the sun. In this darkest month of the year, users begin to become interested in solariums, and salons - in equipment for them. Interest in this category continues to grow after the New Year holidays and reaches its peak in the spring.

Also in December, demand for fishing and hunting products, mobile Internet in roaming and home exercise equipment begins to grow.

And, of course, the most active interest of the audience in December is gifts. And not only for the New Year, but also for all subsequent holidays, up to March 8th.

Popular winter goods for the garden according to Yandex.Market statistics

With the arrival of winter, for some owners of country houses the season ends, for others its new chapter begins. Quiet cozy evenings near the fireplace in your own home, surrounded by snowdrifts, attract more and more people.

What does a summer resident need in winter?

Together with Yandex.Market, we found out which products are most often purchased by summer residents in the winter.

The main thing is warmth and comfort

An integral attribute of a cozy evening in a country house is a fireplace. And if the organization of a full-fledged fireplace with a chimney was not provided for during construction, then a bio- or electric fireplace with a living flame effect can be an excellent option.

Thus, according to Yandex.Market statistics, summer residents most often choose the Electrolux EFP/M-5012 electric fireplace. It is compact, runs on a regular network, and has a power of 1200 W. If desired, you can increase or decrease the combustion effect. It does not require a chimney or firewood, and a timer can turn off the heating after a certain number of hours.

Electric fireplace Electrolux EFP/M-5012

Those who manage to be alone with nature for more than one day prefer to purchase a gas boiler Buderus Logamax U072-24K. The double-circuit model not only heats the room, but also provides hot water for the sink or bathroom. The boiler runs on natural and liquefied gas. Its popularity among consumers is explained by its efficiency – 92%!

Gas convection boiler Buderus Logamax U072-24K

An undoubted advantage when considering the characteristics is the impressive heated area of ​​250 square meters. meters. The built-in circulation pump allows you to heat all the farthest corners evenly and quickly. At the same time, the unit is economical and has low fuel consumption. The simple interface and electronics are mastered in minutes. And the antifreeze mode allows you to avoid system breakdowns in any cold weather.

For interior work

With the arrival of cold weather, many works on the exterior of the house become impossible, so summer residents turn their attention to the interior. This explains the high popularity of screwdrivers and drills in Yandex.Market statistics.

For example, Hitachi DS12DVF3 drill/driver. It is autonomous, light and convenient. Equipped with a quick-release chuck and a two-speed gearbox. Two batteries included. Connoisseurs appreciate such an assistant.

Drill/driver Hitachi DS12DVF3

The native Interskolov DA-10/12M3 screwdriver is in no way inferior to it. Belongs to the unstressed type. There is also a reverse for left and right rotation, a speed button, and a spindle lock. Initially, it was created for professionals and amateurs, which is why its demand is high. Practice has proven the effectiveness and reliability of the tool.

Drill-driver Interskol DA-10/12M3

For many, the Makita HR2450 rotary hammer is useful. A wonderful invention for drilling holes in brick and concrete. An additional handle, a depth limiter, chiselling, and hammer drilling simplify difficult work. Connects to a single-phase power outlet.

Rotary hammer Makita HR2450

Country fairy tale

It happens that you arrive at your dacha, but you can’t get through or get to the gate. That is why the rating would be incomplete if it did not include a snow blower.

To avoid spending precious hours of your country holiday clearing snow, you can buy an electric snow blower. The choice of Yandex.Market users fell on the miniature model AL-KO Snowline 46E.

Snow blower AL-KO SnowLine 46E

It expertly removes snow cover with a reach of almost half a meter within the radius of the existing extension. Using a rotating mechanism, the snow stream is directed in any direction. A powerful electric motor helps solve difficult tasks in a short time. Management - without special skills, even teenagers and women can handle it.

These are the most popular products according to Yandex.Market statistics, purchased during the winter by lovers of country holidays. In addition to them, gardeners and gardeners buy walk-behind tractors and cultivators. Those who know the secrets of universal craftsmanship choose welding machines, grinders and much more.

Many businessmen, thinking about their own business, purposefully look for options that would allow them to earn money during the warm season, and try to “sit out” the winter. And completely in vain! A well-organized business in winter will allow you to earn even more than in summer, and if desired, it can subsequently be made year-round.

What business to start in winter?

Specific activities that are suitable for the cold season are:

  • should be accessible even to beginners who do not have a large starting capital
  • take into account the characteristics of winter - frosts, strong winds, snowfalls, etc.
  • make life easier for the customer in difficult weather conditions

From this point of view, a business that involves, for example, towing cars stuck in the snow or left without fuel on the highway, can be considered ideal. In this regard, an entrepreneur only needs to have his own car (preferably quite powerful and large) and a telephone.

In addition, you can establish other types of “automotive business” - for example, helping drivers dig out cars in snow-covered parking lots, promptly change tires when the weather suddenly changes, open jammed locks, etc.

How to make money in winter without using a car?

In addition to “automotive” activities, there are other opportunities. One of the key ones is related to the provision of home services. An entrepreneur can:

  • insulate windows, doors and loggias
  • supply customers with fuel for fireplaces and stoves
  • remove icicles and ice from facades
  • remove snow (this is especially true for those who intend to take on the responsibility of clearing service parking lots and approaches to offices - this will pay well)
  • remove cleared snow
  • sprinkle sidewalks and local areas with anti-slip materials (or simply supply them to clients)
  • In all these cases, a winter business will require certain investments, and the businessman will need to purchase special equipment for work, as well as consumables supplied to customers.

Holidays: the best seasonal business in winter

When targeting winter work, it is simply impossible to ignore the provision of services for organizing holidays. A businessman, in particular, can open his own agency, where he can order the services of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. In this case, you can focus both on private clients, coming to parties at home, and on corporate customers - organizing corporate events for large companies will bring more profit.

True, such a seasonal business in winter will require not only the presence of a staff of actors required in size, but also the purchase of a large amount of equipment, props, costumes, as well as the creation of a portfolio of work and recommendations from previous clients. If there are none, you can simply:

  • rent out festive costumes, masks and other accessories to both professional actors and ordinary clients
  • rent or sell children's New Year's costumes
  • offer rental of sleds, skates, skis and other winter “equipment”

Other work options

If all of the above does not suit the entrepreneur, and he is still thinking about how to make money in the winter with maximum benefit, he should choose from other, less popular options. Can:

  1. Deliver goods to customers - from food (in the cold season they are often ordered home delivery) to gifts or household appliances
  2. Offer rental of board games, consoles
  3. Open training courses (you can teach a foreign language, conduct various trainings for specialists, teach extreme driving, skiing and skating, etc.)
  4. Carry out general cleaning of offices or apartments
  5. Remove and recycle garbage (recycling of plastic bottles, which accumulate quite a lot in winter due to the holidays, is especially popular)

And, of course, for those who don’t know what kind of business to start in winter, there are a number of universal proposals that will “work” successfully even after the weather warms up. This is making money on the Internet, playing Forex, working from home as a call center operator, raising poultry and livestock for sale... In a series of these options, each entrepreneur can choose the one that best suits him, and if you develop your business, you can easily achieve this that the “winter” business will smoothly flow into the “summer” one, needing only slight adjustments, and always pampering its owner with stable profits.