Roofed porch to a wooden house. Stylish solutions for decorating the porch of a private house

During the construction of any building, an external decorative finish is provided, which adds aesthetics, even if it is a garage. You can always use the services of a specialized company, but if you need to save the budget, then you can consider options for doing the work yourself. Finishing the garage outside with your own hands is quite popular, there will be no difficulties when choosing a material. Use the simple tips that you will find in this article.

Features of the exterior

In most cases, garages are built from improvised materials or leftovers that formed after the construction of the house. Naturally, in this case, you should not count on a presentable appearance, as well as high thermal insulation performance. In order for the external wall decoration to be as effective as possible, experts recommend, first of all, filling the blind area with an appropriate solution. This will eliminate all the bumps that have formed due to the use of different materials. After that, you can proceed to the direct decoration of the walls.

Note! When choosing a finishing material, it is necessary to pay attention to the price-quality ratio, and then get acquainted with the installation technology. This will allow everyone to rationally assess their capabilities and manage on their own.


First of all, it is worth considering the most affordable finishing materials, among which the best is plaster. So let's take a closer look at the technology.

As mentioned above, before proceeding with any type of decoration, the outer wall of the garage must be prepared for processing. The following sequence of work is envisaged:

  • cleansing from dirt;
  • removal of dust and small contaminants with water;
  • applying a primer (recommended deep penetration).

After complete drying, you can start applying the plaster. The prepared mortar (the ratio of cement to sand is 1:6) must be thoroughly mixed. You can also use ready-made mixtures that are sold in stores. According to the technology, 2 layers of ordinary plaster should be applied, after which you can proceed to the cladding.

Note! The service life of the finishing layer will depend on the quality of the selected plaster and compliance with the technology of the process.


An equally popular option for finishing the exterior walls of buildings is putty. The application process, unlike plaster, is several times easier, so everyone can handle it. When mixing the solution, it is important to follow exactly the proportion indicated on the package, but do not forget to control the consistency yourself. Ideal putty holds its shape well on a spatula and stretches along the wall without difficulty.

Modern manufacturers use an adhesive base to create a solution. That is why it is necessary to apply it very carefully on the walls, to monitor evenness and smoothness, since its grouting will not be possible. When performing work, professionals use exceptionally wide spatulas, which allows them to cover a large surface. It is also worth using this technique. As a result, the process will be several times accelerated, which means that finishing work will be carried out quickly.

In order to quickly achieve the effect of even and smooth walls, it is worth using a reinforced polymer mesh at the first stage. Before applying the final layer, the entire surface must be carefully primed.

Note! When choosing a putty, you should consider options designed exclusively for outdoor use.


Among the cheapest and most affordable options for exterior finishes, it is worth highlighting the paint. Do not think that this method is short-lived, manufacturers produce a fairly large range of high-quality paints. Before applying a layer of water-based or acrylic paint, the surface is carefully prepared, that is, puttied and leveled. To get a high-quality result, it is worth applying several layers of paint. Each of them must dry completely before the next one is applied to it.

Note! In order for the paint layer to adhere well to the plaster, it must first be primed. Due to this, paint consumption will be minimized, and adhesion will also increase.

Finishing with other materials

When considering more expensive, but no less durable materials, it is worth highlighting the siding finish. This option is used in cases where there is no time to level the walls. Siding panels are quite easy to mount on walls, besides, in this case, you can additionally use a layer of insulation. The surface of the sheets perfectly imitates natural materials: wood, natural stone, tiles. There is a wide range of textures and colors available.

The second common option is wall cladding with corrugated board, which is great for a private house, office building and, of course, a garage. The popularity of this material is due to the low cost, as well as the simplicity of installation work.

Note! When choosing any sheet material for cladding garage walls, you must first familiarize yourself with the installation technology. Do not forget that in this case you can use a heater. This will maintain the optimum temperature inside the heated room.

To finish the exterior walls of the garage, you need to choose the right material. To do this, it is necessary to correctly combine aesthetic, operational and quality characteristics. Pay attention to the nuances of surface care. In some cases, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the microclimate in the region, since not all materials endure high humidity and constant frost.


A garage is a building belonging to the category of objects with an increased risk of fires and a high possibility of explosions. When deciding on building materials for finishing work, you need to remember these factors. In this room, even with the most careful use, from time to time there is the formation of chemical vapors (evaporation of fuels and lubricants, technical oil, asphalt chemical reagents, and so on). In addition, the coating on the walls can be damaged by car maneuvers or by the imprudent use of metal tools.

Requirements for materials for interior decoration of the garage

Based on this, we can conclude that the materials for the interior decoration of the garage should be:

  • fire resistant
  • not be deformed under the influence of chemically active substances
  • do not absorb various odors
  • easy to wash
  • durable enough.

Finishing the garage inside with plaster

One of the most common and relatively cheap ways of finishing is plastering followed by painting. The plaster applied in several layers will perfectly smooth out all the irregularities of the brickwork. In addition, the plaster forms an additional layer of waterproofing against moisture and cold. Cement and lime mortars are considered fire-fighting and have the ability not to absorb odors.

Plaster can be applied to any kind of surface. But some of them make sense to prepare in advance. Preparation is as follows: cleaning the surface of unnecessary fragments of cement and other contaminants, and then moisturizing with a spray gun or brush. On the smooth surface of aerated concrete blocks or silicate bricks, notches are made with a metal brush. This procedure contributes to the best adhesion of the solution.

Plastering the walls in the garage without fail is carried out in several layers. In order for the mass to be distributed evenly in the layers, the so-called beacons are attached and the guide thread is pulled.

The most preferred materials for finishing garage walls are cement mortars. This finish will create the strongest sealed crust. Such a mixture is prepared as follows: 1:4, where 1 is the cement part, 4 is the sand part.

If you have certain financial capabilities, you can use finishing materials that contain granite or marble chips. Such mixtures are also called stone plasters.

Finishing putty for outdoor use

Knowing what kind of aggressive impact the room will be exposed to, experts advise using mixtures for painting or puttying, both inside and outside. intended for facade work. Facade materials are made using special technologies that make it possible to withstand both severe frosts and high humidity.

If you want to maximize the life of the putty coating, a layer of water-repellent paint is applied on top. A layer of this particular paint will facilitate cleaning and will not cause problems with washing the walls.

Also in specialized stores you can buy organosilicon, isoprene or rubber paints. They can be applied to any type of surface: all types of putty, concrete, brick wall.

Coating the surface with these types of paints gives an excellent layer of waterproofing. The only downside to using them is the lengthy, painstaking application process. They need to be applied in several layers and each subsequent layer only after the previous one dries.

How to sheathe a garage from the inside

ceramic tiling

The method of sheathing with ceramic tiles is quite common. Caring for her is quite simple. It is refractory, very rarely deformed during mechanical damage and is not afraid of chemical compounds. If the gluing process was done strictly according to the instructions, then humidity and water are not an obstacle for it either.

clinker brick or tile

This material is produced as follows: clay is pressed and fired, so the material has a high degree of strength and fire resistance. As a coating, it can be safely used in rooms with no heating system. During the firing process, its pores are tightly closed and, as a result, they can neither absorb nor pass moisture. Clinker materials are not susceptible to the influence of low temperatures and chemical formations.

Professionally laid ceramic tiles with beautifully designed seams will give the room a sleek look. But there are also disadvantages here: the gluing process is even more complicated and painstaking than working with plaster, and the cost of the material itself, in relation to the price of plaster, will not please.

As for the clinker, it also has its own problems: the material is heavy and can only be placed on a concrete or brick wall.

wood paneling

This decor option is relatively cheap, making it possible to create a beautiful finish in the room in the shortest possible time and with minimal room pollution. Having certain minimal skills in working with wood, such natural beauty can be done independently without the help of professionals or helpers.

But it is worth noting the fact that wood paneling in the garage is used quite rarely. Everything is due to the fact that the tree:

  • tricky material,
  • absorbing moisture and deforming from it,
  • subject to rotting processes,
  • flammable,
  • absorbing various odors.

Those who dare to make a wooden finish in their garage will have to periodically cover the material with various protective agents and impregnations in order to protect themselves from insects, dampness, humidity and protect themselves from fire.

There is an analogue of wooden decor - these are oriented strand boards. They do not have all the disadvantages inherent in the tree. They are made from wood shavings, and fastened with a special waterproof resin. Consequently, such panels will not let moisture through, burn, and insects will not feed on them. There are no voids in the structure of such panels, so you can safely drive screws and nails into them.

plastic paneling

PVC flooring or clapboard is a good non-flammable alternative to wood. It is much easier to take care of them. You need to install the plastic trim on the crate, which is mounted at a certain distance from the wall. As a result: a decrease in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

It is better to use plastic designed for facade finishes. It is less susceptible to environmental influences and therefore has a longer service life.

The main disadvantage of plastic material is its fragility. Careless handling will cause cracks and dents. After damage has been applied, in order to preserve the aesthetic appearance, the damaged part must be replaced.

PVC lining is rightfully considered the best option for insulating an iron box. Heat insulator sheets are placed between the crate and the wall.

When deciding how to make the sheathing of garage walls from the inside, first of all, you should pay attention to the strength of the material. It is worth remembering that every owner has a lot of useful and necessary things in the garage: various construction and garden tools, car parts, and so on. They are mainly located on the walls. Hence the conclusion: the material used for sheathing must withstand the shelves attached to it, hangers, hooks, racks with things laid on them and at the same time not crack, deform or break.

Exterior finish

When choosing a material for wall cladding, owners need to remember that cinder concrete and aerated concrete require external insulation, vapor and waterproofing. For the outer skin of such a base, sheet materials would be the best option.

It would be best to use PVC panels. They do not change color under the influence of sunlight and make the design more accurate and finished in appearance.

When the garage is built of brick or concrete and the walls have a thickness that does not require additional insulation, you can get by with grouting and plastering.

Exterior wall cladding with natural stone or decorative brick will require a large amount of money and a long labor-intensive process. But on the other hand, the result will be worth it.

Garage landscaping has recently become what is now called a comfortable "home". Car owners sheathe their covered parking areas not so much from the outside as from the inside. It is already difficult to recognize them as shabby, with oil on the floor, gray and dimly lit rooms, as we are used to seeing them. Everything is changing for the better: the garage today can be radically transformed using both traditional and new polymer materials.

Actually, the answer to such a question is obvious, but perhaps not for everyone. Judge for yourself, most of the fans of automotive equipment, of necessity, fiddles with it for a long time, and in short breaks they need to rest. It is impossible to think of a better option than an insulated and sheathed garage in this situation. And this is the first thing that comes to mind to ensure a minimum of comfort, but let's look at the topic more broadly.

As we said above, modern garages are not a meager miniature shell. Increasingly, two- or even three-level buildings are being built, in which you can easily embody the idea of ​​​​the original design of an ordinary small apartment.

Each level of a modern garage deserves a stylish design. Perhaps there is no such motorist who would not be delighted with the lining of the parking lot of his iron friend with profiled sheet material, and even better with wooden clapboard. The technical room can easily turn into a living room, an inspection pit and a basement can also become an object of decoration.

Garage cladding is of course important in terms of hygiene, sanitary regulations, and aesthetics. However, in some cases, such as when using metal siding on the wooden walls of a garage, it will serve as an additional fire protection from the outside.

Basic finishes

The modern building materials market offers many options for garage interior cladding.

As a rule, garage owners resort to classic sheet and piece materials of biological origin. This is a long-known plywood, folding or fiberboard. At the same time, the industry has long established mass production of alternative materials: wooden and metal lining, corrugated board, polymer panels and siding. What is not a reason to do the finishing? It is only important to take into account the operating conditions of garage premises, wall material and other design features.

Along the way, we will consider options for sheathing a garage made of reinforced concrete, iron, wooden, brick and foam block walls. In this regard, the selection of sheathing material itself is important so that it meets the necessary requirements for the safe operation of the garage. Given the special nature of garage buildings, its future decoration must comply with the following rules:

  • Be resistant to mechanical and chemical stress;
  • Not subject to destruction from the effects of air temperature differences;
  • Be non-flammable and, if possible, not emit harmful substances;
  • It is easy to maintain and has high-quality aesthetic properties.

Clapboard finish

Wooden lining is ideal for a technical room

This technology has been used for more than a dozen years, but, perhaps, only now, it has acquired special significance. In addition to, in fact, a wooden lining, there is also its iron counterpart. In several respects, it is superior to the classic material - for example, in terms of impact resistance. Where most often you can use metal lining, so it is in rooms with high humidity. Wood finishes are recommended in utility rooms - for example, in a technical room located under or above the parking lot.

The technology of mounting the lining in this case will not differ in anything special. However, it is important to understand that there will be little difficulty in fixing the guides in metal walls, and the work time for drilling holes for suspensions will also increase. At the same time, for walls made of foam blocks or bricks, this option is much more preferable than finishing with plastic panels. Any drill will cope with the task of fastening, self-tapping screws easily enter the foam block, and there are special dowels for brickwork.

profiled sheet

Sheathing with a profiled sheet is often used for industrial purposes for finishing the inside of large garages and boxes. But nothing prevents the same technology from being used in smaller garages. It is advisable to use a profiled sheet with a small wave and a wide pitch directly in the parking lots.

This method has an undeniable advantage - high installation speed. In addition, the profiled sheet is unpretentious in operation, additionally protects against blowing, has rich colors and allows you to insulate the walls.

The profiled sheet is fastened with self-tapping screws to the guides like a lining and has a small weight. It is also interesting that now the profile is stylized under a different texture of wood. So if you are planning to equip a basement or technical room, think about this option. In addition, wall metal began to be equal in price to wooden lining. For walls made of bricks and foam blocks, a profiled sheet is best suited.

Use of plastic panels

Plastic panels - ideal for a modest budget

As a rule, plastic panels have low impact resistance, but in terms of aesthetics, they are unmatched. It is not recommended to decorate walls with them in places of direct parking of cars and motor vehicles, since the material is combustible and is capable of emitting toxic gases when ignited or strongly heated.

In general, plastic panels are the most budget option. In terms of speed and complexity of installation, they are slightly inferior to the profiled sheet. The fact is that the panels have special joints, which are not always even, especially when mounted along rare guides. Alternatively, the panels can be installed on foam if the walls of the garage are made of foam block, reinforced concrete or brick. If the walls are even, it is better to use liquid nails.

Siding for interior walls

For a material of this type, a strict practice has long been established - it is used mainly for outdoor work when finishing facades. Therefore, the arrangement of the interior space of the garage with siding is only a special case.

Yes, in terms of aesthetics, this material has a special architecture, but it is less practical for interior design. Soot, dirt and oil marks are practically not erased from vinyl. However, siding, if it is made of metal, looks good in open garage areas or spacious boxes with high ceilings.

Video: How to sheathe a garage from the inside

Sheathing the walls of the garage requires a preliminary examination of the walls, and in some cases the design of the design of the premises. The most popular materials are lining and profiled sheet, polymer panels are used a little less often due to their high fire hazard. But the final choice in any case remains with you.

is the second home. Here, many "men" spend all evenings and weekends. Therefore, the improvement of this additional "residential" area is an important matter. Even if in your case this is not the case, then anyway, any person wants to feel cozy and comfortable in the room. And in this situation, it is important how to sheathe the garage inside. What materials can be used? Some options will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for finishing materials

To sheathe the walls of the garage, it is very important to choose the right material. Not only the appearance, but also the safety and duration of operation will depend on this. So, the material must meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • incombustibility;
  • ease of care;
  • aesthetics.

These are general material requirements. Everything else will depend on the taste and financial capabilities of the garage owner.

Plaster - the cheapest option

The use of sand-cement mortar for wall decoration in non-residential premises is an old and proven method. A layer of plaster will protect against excess moisture and slightly insulate the garage. In addition, cement and sand are non-combustible substances, which means that the level of fire safety increases.

The mortar for plaster is prepared in the usual way. For one part of cement, three, four or five (depending on the brand of cement) parts of sifted sand are taken. Then, using a trowel, the mixture is applied to the surface. If the walls are uneven, you can apply several layers.

To increase durability and improve appearance, all walls can be painted. For these purposes, it is better to take waterproof or facade paints. In this case, the surface can be washed.

Use of ceramic tiles

Another popular way is to use ceramic tiles. This finish is not afraid of fire, mechanical stress and chemicals. Also, the tile is easy to clean, and (subject to the installation technology) it is not afraid of water.

As a more reliable option, you can choose clinker tiles. Such material is made from special clay using special firing. As a result, the tile has all the pores closed, and it is absolutely not afraid of water. But such a finishing material is quite expensive.

Finishing the walls in the garage with tiles (plain ceramic or clinker) requires certain skills. In addition, such material is quite heavy, so only strong walls can withstand such a load. Finishing tiles can be used if the garage is built of brick or concrete.

A newly built garage will shrink, so tiling is undesirable until this process is completed.

wood finish

Quite often, wood is used to decorate the walls in the garage. Wooden panels or clapboard can be used to beautifully decorate the interior space quite quickly and without dirt. Plus, it will be relatively inexpensive.

But this material has a number of disadvantages. First, wood burns well. Therefore, this finish increases the fire hazard. Secondly, wooden structures can begin to warp due to temperature changes and changes in humidity. This will seriously affect the appearance.

Wood absorbs odors well. After a long period of use, the walls of the garage can start to smell very unpleasant.

But there is one alternative. The walls in the garage can be sheathed with oriented strand boards or OSB. This material is 90% wood chips, and the rest is a special waterproof resin. Thanks to this composition, the plates do not burn, are not saturated with odors and are not afraid of excessive moisture. The OSB structure allows you to hold the driven nails well and another plus is that there is no danger of damage by insects (which cannot be said about an ordinary tree).

The use of plastic panels

You can use modern material. Perfect for wall decoration in the garage plastic panels. This material does not burn and will not be damaged by excessive moisture. In addition, the walls can be easily washed, which is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the garage.

It is better to use facade materials as panels for decoration. They are stronger and more durable. But even these panels have one significant drawback - they are fragile. Plastic can easily break from a strong impact.

When choosing a material for wall decoration in a garage, you need to weigh the pros and cons, look at the photo and choose the appropriate option. It is important to understand for what purposes you will use the garage. If it will be constantly repaired, it is better to choose reliable plaster or strong ceramic tiles. If the garage is only needed to store the car, then you can use wooden or plastic panels. They are not as durable and practical, but they have a more attractive appearance.


This video shows how the sheathing of the garage with a profiled sheet takes place:


With the interior decoration of the garage, aesthetic delights are not so important - you should pay attention to the reliability of the material, its durability, and resistance to various negative factors. Today we will tell you what materials are suitable for finishing, and how to do the work yourself.

Selection of materials suitable for the garage - what properties are needed?

When choosing, many people pay attention to the price, trying to purchase those materials that are cheaper. Remember, in the garage they will be used in fairly harsh conditions, which is why they must be of high quality, durable, and meet safety requirements for both the person and the vehicle. At the same time, a garage is a place where we usually store flammable and toxic mixtures, fuel and lubricant solutions. That is why it is better to pay attention to options that will not be afraid of mechanical and chemical effects, will not absorb dirt and odors.

Garage after finishing

It would also be nice if the finish you choose is easy to clean from dirt. If we talk about the aesthetic characteristics of materials, it all depends on your taste preferences. But, according to experts, it is better to dwell on dark or light materials for finishing the garage, cold shades (purple, blue) are also suitable. If we talk about the repair as a whole, then it can be divided into the following three steps: pouring the floor, finishing the walls, working with the ceiling. Let's take a closer look at how to make repairs inside the garage with your own hands.

Filling the floor - is a concrete screed suitable?

If you are not going to equip a viewing hole in the garage, then compacted soil can be made as the base floor. In this case, first pour the concrete screed:

  1. We level the soil, pouring a mixture of crushed stone and sand in places where there is not enough soil. To make the coating even, install the beacons and pull the cord between them.
  2. From above we overlap the roofing material, which will allow the moisture that is present in the concrete not to soak into the ground. We lay a reinforcing mesh on the base, which will give strength to the screed.
  3. We prepare a concrete solution by mixing crushed stone with sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. Water is added so much that it is convenient to compact the mixture - the solution should not be too liquid. It is best to make sure that the process of pouring the mixture is continuous, which will make the screed much better.

Filling the floor in the garage

The thickness of the concrete layer must be at least 10 cm. After the mixture has set, its surface must be smoothed and left for about a month for the concrete to harden. Additionally, equip the blind area around the entire perimeter of the building, it is necessary to protect the foundation from moisture. After the concrete has hardened, many people move on to other stages of finishing, but we advise you not to leave the screed in this form.

It's simple: spilling oil or any other liquid on concrete will leave an ugly stain on the screed. To prevent this from happening, try to ennoble the coating with your own hands. Fine marble chips are perfect for this. You can also lay tiles on the floor. In this case, the concrete screed must be perfectly even and pre-primed. Porcelain tile is ideal for such a room. If financial difficulties do not allow you to buy such products, you can use clinker tiles.

What to use for wall cladding inside the garage - plaster, tile or plasterboard?

The most inexpensive and fairly reliable option is plaster. With its help, you can level the surfaces and protect them from mechanical stress, the material is not afraid of fire. But after complete drying, the plaster can be painted by choosing the appropriate color. This finish is best suited if you built a garage from aerated concrete or foam blocks. In this case, it is advisable to buy plaster and paint, which should be used for external work. This is due to the fact that such materials will not be afraid of temperature fluctuations and humidity.

Plaster also has its drawbacks. First of all, they include the duration of the work. Some difficulties may arise during the plastering of the walls with your own hands, since this finishing material requires a smooth and strong surface. It is also important to follow all the rules for applying each layer.

Wall cladding with PVC panels

If you do not want to clad the walls with plaster, you can choose another option. Ceramic tiles are also suitable for the garage, the main advantages of which include strength, resistance to mechanical stress. This material is not afraid of moisture and high temperatures. It is worth paying attention that the walls of the structure must be strong and resistant, able to withstand the weight of the tile. If the surface has large irregularities, it will also have to be plastered a little. But minor defects are easily closed with the usual. But tiles also have disadvantages. For example, this is the duration of the installation process, the installation itself is also quite difficult, especially for beginners in this matter.

Often, lining or PVC panels are used for interior decoration. The main advantages of such products can be called the simplicity and speed of installation. It is also worth noting the cheapness of finishing with the help of such products, especially in comparison with tiles and plaster. Well, there is no need to talk about the cleanliness of the work, since the installation of the panels does without dust and dirt. For a garage, it is advisable to choose products made of polyvinyl chloride, since this material is fire resistant and is not afraid of water. True, lining and panels have some drawbacks. First of all, for their installation it is required to create a crate, due to which the usable area in the garage will be reduced by at least 5 cm.

GKL sheets are often used for interior wall decoration. This material is best suited if there are large irregularities in the walls, or if the walls are too thin to support the weight of the tiles or plaster. For work in the garage, it is better to choose a fire-resistant and moisture-resistant material of the GKLVO brand. The main advantages of drywall include:

  • small weight of products;
  • lightness GKL;
  • affordable cost;
  • simplicity and cleanliness of installation (almost without dust and debris);
  • from drywall with your own hands, you can create different designs - for example, arches.

The only disadvantage of this material is its fragility and low impact resistance - the sheets are easy to break, accidentally hitting them with a heavy tool.

The final stage is the insulation and finishing of the ceiling

The final stage of interior decoration is the ceiling, which additionally needs to be insulated and protected from moisture. That is why our first step is. For example, if the ceiling is wooden, it is best to use a strong vapor-permeable film - it is easy to install, does not leak, and is relatively cheap. If the ceiling is concrete, it is advisable to use coating waterproofing or a special moisture-resistant plaster.

Ceiling insulation in the garage

After that, we turn to the choice of insulation. You can skip this step if you don’t have extra money, but it’s worth remembering that thermal insulation will not only make the garage warmer, but also protect it from condensation inside, which can adversely affect the condition of your car and the tools that you store in garage. Manufacturers offer various materials for insulation, but we will highlight the most popular of them, which are easy to install even without instructions:

  • Styrofoam, which is not afraid of moisture, does not change shape and does not lose its properties. If we compare this material with mineral wool, then the foam will be more affordable - a 6 cm thick foam slab is equivalent in its characteristics to an 11 cm thick mineral wool slab. However, there are disadvantages, which include combustibility and fear of sunlight.
  • You can also choose foam glass, supplied in the form of plates. Such material pleases with its sound and heat insulation properties, is easy to install, and is not afraid of moisture. The disadvantages include the high cost of foam glass.
  • You can choose a cheap and environmentally friendly organic material for insulation, for which you need to mix a large amount of straw with clay mortar. Such a heater will be inexpensive, quickly mounted, and not afraid of fire. But there is a drawback - rodents will love to live in such a cozy place for them. Ecowool and Ecoteplin can also be attributed to organic heaters.

After laying the insulation, be sure to install a vapor barrier using a strong film. Well, the last step is the choice of finishing method. As we have said, not everything is suitable for a garage. For example, eurolining, beloved by many, is not the best choice because of flammability. Therefore, today, out of a huge variety, we will consider only those that are suitable for the garage, and which can be easily mounted with your own hands. Let's start with the metal profile. Deciding to choose a galvanized profile, you definitely will not lose for many reasons. Such a finish will be durable, beautiful - the garage will become neat.

In addition, the metal profile is a fairly cheap material. The only negative is the need to create a strong frame that can withstand the weight of products. You can also choose plastic panels made of polyvinyl chloride, since such material has a lot of advantages: it is not afraid of moisture, insects and fungus, it is fire resistant, it tolerates temperature fluctuations rather calmly, and it is easy to clean. However, there are some pitfalls here as well. The structure of the panels is such that they cannot withstand mechanical stress; a hole from a sharp object will easily appear on the material. Therefore, when handling PVC panels, you need to be very careful.

For the ceiling, panels made of aluminum, drywall, MDF are also suitable. The main thing is to choose durable products that are not afraid of fire. Their advantage is easy installation, which does not require the use of special tools - you can easily install it yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists.