Thermal insulation of pipelines with pierced mats. Thermal insulation device for pipelines for heating networks Thermal insulation work on pipelines

On the this moment more and more attention is paid to reducing heat loss in the structures of buildings and structures, in pipelines in industrial equipment, in vehicles, etc. The widespread growing interest in this topic is caused by the permanent rise in the cost of non-renewable energy resources.

So, what are the thermal insulation works according to SNiP and what are the features of their implementation?

Goals and implementation features

Thermal insulation works are aimed at reducing the degree of thermal conductivity various designs and, as a result, minimizing heat loss and increasing energy efficiency.

Thermal insulation works are subdivided into:

  1. Construction;
  2. Mounting.

Construction work provides for the installation of thermal insulation of buildings, structures and enclosing structures.

Installation work extends to the implementation of thermal insulation of pipelines of heating mains, refrigeration equipment, heating units, etc.

Types of insulating materials

Collection 26, according to GOST 16381-77, subdivides thermal insulation materials according to the following series of main features:

  • according to the production raw materials - organic and inorganic;
  • in accordance with the structure - fibrous, free-flowing, granular and cellular;
  • in accordance with the shape - flat (mats, plates, felt, etc.), loose (perlite and cotton wool), shaped (segments, cylinders, half-cylinders, etc.) and corded.
  • according to the degree of combustibility - combustible, hardly combustible and non-combustible.

Installation technology

In accordance with the standard sizes and configuration of the heat-insulated surface, one or another type of heat-insulating material and the method of its installation are selected.

The instruction for the manufacture of thermal insulation fences involves the implementation of work by the following methods:

  • laying and fixing large-sized industrial products (blocks, plate segments);
  • laying soft roll materials (cords and mats);
  • laying bricks and other small-piece products;
  • filling and spraying;
  • plaster;
  • backfill.

Important: the most labor-intensive at the moment are considered to be heat-insulating work carried out by the method of backfill and coating.
The main disadvantage of the method is the need to comply with measures that exclude the possibility of self-sealing of the heat-insulating material and, as a result, do not allow the formation of voids.

Fill and spray are relatively new methods. This type of application of thermal insulation has found wide application abroad, while in the territory of the post-Soviet space it has been used for the last 10-15 years. During the implementation of such work, mainly used polymer materials in the form of a hardening foam.

Thermal insulation works by pouring and spraying are carried out using both polymer compositions that expand and harden during the drying process (for example, polyurethane or phenolic compositions), and pre-made polymer foams prepared by mixing liquid polymers with foaming agents.

Scope of application

The production of thermal insulation works covers almost all areas National economy... Thermal insulation systems are needed wherever it becomes necessary to minimize heat loss. Whether it is the construction of a house or the construction of a water supply system, both there and there without application thermal insulation materials not enough.

Important: thermal insulation works, for the most part, are complex measures, which, in addition to applying and fixing thermal insulation material, provide for the arrangement of its vapor and waterproofing and the manufacture of protective equipment against mechanical stress.

Thermal insulation of pipelines

Arrangement of steam and waterproofing is necessary when the thermal insulation layer is permanently moistened, in particular on pipelines located underground or in the open air. Also, work on the thermal insulation of pipelines is mandatory if one of the sides of the insulated structure is exposed to critical temperatures. This rule applies to refrigeration units, construction sites located in harsh climatic conditions, etc.

Thermal insulation work on pipelines in this case involves the installation of a vapor barrier from the warmer side of the insulated structure, since condensation occurs on a cold surface. In order to protect thermal insulation layer from mechanical damage, the whole structure is lined with dense materials or plastered.

Modern insulation systems on an industrial scale, in addition to construction, are used to insulate a wide range of engineering communications such as, for example, pipeline systems for water supply, heating networks, sewerage, oil and gas and technological pipelines.

Advantages of modern thermal insulation of pipelines

The use of fundamentally new categories of heat-insulating materials allows minimizing the leakage of thermal energy through the heat-insulating and protective layer.

Despite the not the most budgetary cost of thermal insulation work, the following qualities:

  • High moisture resistance... This indicator is very important, since the accumulation of moisture in the thickness of the insulation provokes a significant decrease in the thermal insulation qualities and the intensive development of corrosion processes on the metal of the pipes.
  • Long service life... Water pipes are characterized by a certain service life, after which it is not possible to use them for their intended purpose. According to statistics, the use of correctly installed thermal insulation allows you to double the pipe life without reducing the technical and operational characteristics.
  • Condensation proof... Heat-insulating materials with low vapor permeability are used in pipelines through which technical fluids are transported in a cooled state. The optimal protection against condensation is considered to be a polyurethane foam shell, which differs not only in low thermal conductivity, but also in hydrophobicity.

This insulator is a double shell, the cavity of which is filled with polyurethane foam. In addition to PPU shells for insulation water pipes can be used synthetic rubber or foamed polyethylene.

  • Fire safety... Modern thermal insulation used to protect a number of industrial pipelines is characterized by increased fire safety that meets the requirements of fire resistance. Best in plan fire safety Protective materials made of foam glass and basalt fibers have proven themselves.
  • Resistant to critically high temperatures... Certain technological processes provide for the need for heating up to 600-700 degrees Celsius above zero. Thermal insulation of such pipelines becomes possible thanks to basalt materials.

Among the main requirements for the thermal insulation of pipelines, it should be noted:

  • resistance to aggressive effects of chemically active substances;
  • increased electrical resistance;
  • resistance to rodents and microorganisms.

The practice of using thermal insulation of water pipes shows that weak electric currents provoke the development of metal corrosion, which causes leaks. Again, chemically aggressive media, rodents and microorganisms can harm both the insulation shell and the pipes.

However, the professional selection of materials and competently implemented thermal insulation measures guarantee a long service life of both pipes and the insulation itself.

How much does it cost to install thermal insulation

Have you decided to insulate a residential building, pipeline or other structures with your own hands to save money? It may be possible to save money, but it is much more likely that an unprofessional approach to work will result in an overspending of materials and a waste of time.

A completely different result is ensured if the thermal insulation work is performed by qualified specialists who have the necessary experience and have all the necessary tools.

Speaking about the criteria that determine the cost of thermal insulation of pipelines, first of all, it is necessary to take into account how high the price of the thermal insulating material is.

In addition, the cost of finished insulation and the cost of work on the thermal insulation of the pipeline is formed in accordance with such parameters as:

  • ease of installation;
  • scope of work;
  • availability of technological capabilities to ensure the protection of pipes;
  • location of the object;
  • season.


If you have any questions while reading the material, watch the video in this article.

Installation work

Scope of operations and controls



Controlledoperations Control(method, volume) Documentation
Preparatory work Check:

Availability of a quality document;

The quality of materials, products;

Surface treatment of pipelines for insulation.

Visual, measuring, selectively, not less than 5% of products

Passports (certificates), acceptance certificate, test report, general work log
Insulation of pipelines Control:

Quality of anti-corrosive insulation;

The quality of thermal insulation;

Fastening of the main heat-insulating layer with bandages or nets;

The quality of the casing layer.

Visual, measuring

Work log,

hidden works survey certificate

Acceptance of completed works Check:

Insulation quality;

Compliance of materials with the requirements of the project, standards.

Visual, measuring

Acceptance certificate of work performed
Control and measuring tool: metal ruler, probe.
Operational control is carried out by: foreman (foreman). Acceptance control is carried out by: quality service workers, foreman (foreman), laboratory assistant, representatives of the customer's technical supervision.

Technical requirements

SNiP 3.04.01-87 pp. 2.32, 2.34, 2.35, tab. 7

Permissible deviations:

When installing thermal insulation from rigid products laid dry, it is necessary to ensure:

The gap between the products and the insulated surface is no more than 2 mm;

The width of the seams between products is no more than 2 mm;

Fastening of products - according to the project.

When installing thermal insulation using soft and semi-rigid fibrous products, it is necessary to ensure:

Compaction Ratio:

for semi-rigid products - no more than 1.2; for soft - no more than 1.5;

Tight fit of products to the insulated surface and to each other;

Overlapping of longitudinal and transverse seams when insulating in several layers;

Installation of fasteners on horizontal pipelines against sagging of thermal insulation.

When constructing the cover sheaths, the following must be ensured:

Tight fit of the shells to the thermal insulation;

Reliable fastening with fasteners;

Thorough sealing of flexible shell joints.

When installing an anti-corrosion coating metal pipes it is necessary to check the continuity, adhesion to the protected surface, thickness.

Not allowed:

Mechanical damage;

Slack layers;

Loose adhesion to the base.

Requirements for the quality of the materials used

GOST 10296-79 *. Isol. Technical conditions.

GOST 23307-78 *. Thermal insulation mats made of mineral wool vertically layered. Technical conditions.

GOST 16381-77 *. Thermal insulation building materials and products. Classification and general technical requirements.

GOST 23208-83. Thermal insulating cylinders and half-cylinders made of mineral wool on a synthetic binder.

Isol must be flexible. When bending a strip of isolate, grade I-BD at a temperature of minus 15 "C, and grade I-PD at a temperature of minus 20" C, no cracks should appear on a rod with a diameter of 10 mm on the strip of isolate. Isol must be temperature resistant. When heated in an upright position for 2 hours at a temperature of 150 ° C, an increase in length and the appearance of blisters should not be observed. Isol web should be wound on a rigid core with a diameter of at least 60 mm, made of a material that ensures the safety of the isolate during transportation and storage. The length of the core should be equal to or less than the width of the web by no more than 10 mm. The ends of the insula roll, as well as the edges of the canvases at the joint of the roll, must be cut evenly. The insulating sheet should be free of holes, tears, folds, tearing edges, as well as non-processed rubber particles and foreign inclusions. The lower surface of the insula sheet (inner v roll) should be covered with a continuous layer of dusty dusting. Isol sheet should not be stuck together.

Thermal insulation materials and products must meet the following general technical requirements:

Have a thermal conductivity of no more than 0.175 W / (m K) at 25 ° C;

Have a density (bulk density) of not more than 600 kg / m 3;

Have stable physical, mechanical and thermal engineering properties;

Do not release toxic substances and dust in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible concentration.

For thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines with an insulated surface temperature above 100 ° C, inorganic materials must be used.

Foamed diatomite and diatomite thermal insulation products must have the correct geometric shape... Permissible deviations from the perpendicularity of edges and edges should not exceed 3 mm. Defects are not allowed in products appearance:

Voids and inclusions more than 10 mm wide and deep;

Chipped and dull corners and ribs with a depth of more than 12 mm and
more than 25 mm long;

Through cracks over 30 mm long; products with cracks over
30 mm are considered half-way.

Work instructions

SNiP 3.04.01-87 pp. 1.3, 2.1, 2.8-2.9, 2.32, 2.33,

SNiP 3.05.03-85 pp. 6.1, 6.2

Thermal insulation work can begin only after the execution of an act (permit) signed by the customer and representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing thermal insulation work.

Insulation work is allowed to be performed at positive temperatures (up to 60 ° C) and negative (up to -30 ° C).

The surfaces of the pipelines before insulation must be free of rust, and those to be protected against corrosion must be treated in accordance with the requirements of the project. Thermal insulation work on pipelines should only begin after they have been permanently secured. Insulation of pipelines located in non-passable channels and trays must be performed before they are laid.

At a coolant temperature of up to 140 ° C, a two-layer insulating coating on insulating mastic is used to protect the outer surface of heating network pipes from corrosion. The total thickness of the coating is 5-6 mm. For an air heating network with a coolant temperature of up to 140 ° C, coatings combined with BT-177 paint on a GF-020 primer are used to protect the pipe surface from corrosion. The total thickness of the coating is 0.15-0.20 mm.

To check the quality of the work on gluing the anti-corrosion protection, an incision is made to the metal in an area of ​​200 x 200 x 200. The quality is considered satisfactory if the insulation is separated from the pipe with some effort. 5% of pipes are subject to this pull-off test.

Fastening of thermal insulation to pipelines should be done with bandages. To protect the main layer of thermal insulation from moisture, mechanical damage, it is necessary to use cover sheaths made of rigid or flexible (non-metallic) materials.

Installation of heat-insulating products must be started from flange connections and fittings and carried out in the direction opposite to the slope.

During an intermediate check, the surfaces prepared for thermal insulation are inspected; with multilayer thermal insulation, each layer is checked before applying the next. During the final check of the thermal insulation, the uniformity of the insulation thickness along the entire length of the direct and return pipelines is determined.

The thickness of the insulation is checked with a probe. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the dosage of cement and asbestos when protecting the insulation with an asbestos-cement mortar. Excess cement in the asbestos-cement mass leads, after hardening and heating, to cracking.

"Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures", order of the Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation dated December 30, 2009 No. "On approval of the List of types of work on engineering surveys, on the preparation of project documentation, on construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that affect the safety of capital construction facilities."

This standard was developed in the development of the regulatory provisions of SP 60.13330.2012 "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" and SP 61.13330.2012 "SNiP 41-03-2003 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines".

The team of authors: A.V. Samsonenko(LLC "Role Isomarket"), A.V. Busakhin(LLC "Third Installation Department" Promventilyatsiya "), Cand. econom. D.L. Kuzin(NO "APIK"), doct. tech. spider A.M. Grimitlin(NP "SZ Center AVOK"), G.K. Osadchy(LLC "MAXHOL Technologies"), F .V. Tokarev(NP "ISZS-Montazh").


1 area of ​​use

1.1 This standard applies to thermal insulation structures (hereinafter referred to as thermal insulation structures) intended for equipment, pipelines and air ducts engineering networks located in rooms of categories C, D, D (according to SP 12.13130, paragraph 4.1).

1.2 This standard establishes the requirements, rules and control of the performance of thermal insulation works using thermal insulation structures and their elements made of pipes or rolls of expanded polyethylene or synthetic foam rubber, as well as cylinders or mats of mineral or glass fibers.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards and codes of practice:

Provide a safe for humans temperature of the outer surface of the heat-insulating structure in accordance with SP 61.13330 (paragraph 4.2).

5.5 Installation of heat-insulating structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 61.13330 and this standard.

6 Technology for performing work on thermal insulation

6.1 General

6.1.1 Thermal insulation work should be performed only when the facility is fully ready. Construction and installation works are considered fully completed if the pipelines and equipment are in the design position and pressure tested in accordance with the design of the work, which must be confirmed by the relevant acts.

6.1.2 Installation of thermal insulation is carried out according to working documentation in accordance with the project for the production of works on thermal insulation and taking into account the project for the organization of construction.

6.1.8 In order to increase productivity and achieve high quality thermal insulation works, it is recommended to use prefabricated thermal insulation structures made in workshops.

6.2 Installation of thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, technological systems

6.2.1 In heat-insulating structures on pipelines, heat-insulating products in the form of pipes should be used as thermal insulation, and in the absence of the required size of pipes in the manufactured nomenclature, heat-insulating products in the form of rolls.

6.2.2 Fastening of heat-insulating products to pipelines, depending on the type of material, must be performed using the method recommended by the manufacturer. The requirements for the installation of tubes and rolls of materials with a closed cell structure are set out in for series 5.904.9-78.08.

6.2.3 For fastening pipes to pipelines, longitudinal and transverse seams of products should be glued with contact adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to additionally glue the seams of the products with reinforced self-adhesive tape.

1 - bandage; 2 - ribbon

Notes (edit)

1 For the bandage it is allowed to use metal strips with a corrosion-resistant coating made of stainless steel, aluminum alloys or polyamide.

2 The material of the band used to attach the cover layer must match the material from which the cover is made.

3 The material used for the manufacture of the buckle (Item 2) must correspond to the material from which the bandage is made (galvanized or stainless steel, aluminum alloy sheets).

6.2.5 For fixing sheets (rolls) on pipelines, product seams should be glued with contact adhesive recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to additionally glue the seams of the products with reinforced self-adhesive tape, as well as secure the products with bandages made of reinforced self-adhesive tape, located at intervals of 500 to 600 mm.

6.2.6 For thermal insulation of bends, tees, transitions and fittings, heat-insulating elements made of products in the form of tubes, cylinders, sheets or mats should be produced at the work site. The figure shows two options for thermal insulation of bends, differing in pipe diameters.

a) insulation of the outlet with thermal insulating tubes (D n≤ 160 mm);
b) insulation of the outlet with thermal insulation sheets (D n> 160 mm)

1 - a tube made of heat-insulating material at D n≤ 160 mm; 2 - a sheet of heat-insulating material at D n> 160 mm; 3 - glue; 4 - reinforced self-adhesive tape

6.2.7 In multilayer heat-insulating structures intended for pipelines, the installation of the second and subsequent layers of thermal insulation is performed with overlapping seams of each previous layer. The seams of all layers of thermal insulation are glued together with contact adhesive. It is recommended to additionally glue the seams of the outer layer with reinforced self-adhesive tape.

Two-layer thermal insulation of the tee, coated with metal sheaths and fastened with self-tapping screws, is shown in the figure.

1 - a tube made of heat-insulating material; 2 - a sheet of heat-insulating material;
3 - glue; 4 5,6 - metal shells;
7 - self-tapping screw with press washer, galvanized, drill bit

The bands are installed with a pitch of 500 to 600 mm. The figure shows the design of a heat-insulated pipeline with a metal sheath, using a bandage fastening.

1 - a tube made of heat-insulating material at D n≤ 160 mm (sheet of thermal insulation material at D n> 160 mm); 2 - glue; 3 - reinforced self-adhesive tape;
4 - metal shell; 5 - bandage with buckle

6.2.11 In the case of thermal insulation of vertical pipelines with a metal covering material, depending on the thickness of the thermal insulation and the height of the pipeline, support structures (unloading devices) can be provided to prevent deformation and sliding of the covering material.

Unloading devices are located with a step of 3 to 4 m along the height of the pipeline or equipment. In the same places in the metal cover material provide expansion joints... The design of unloading devices should not have through heat-conducting inclusions.

Unloading devices are made of metal or lumber. Unloading devices made of sawn timber must be impregnated with antiseptic compounds or fire retardants in accordance with GOST R 53292 and GOST 20022.5.

6.3 Installation of thermal insulation of tanks of heating networks of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, technological systems

6.3.1 In the thermal insulation structures of tanks, thermal insulation products in the form of rolls and mats should be used as thermal insulation.

6.3.2 Fastening of heat-insulating products to tanks, depending on the type of material, should be performed using the method recommended by the manufacturer. For example, the requirements for installing rolls of materials with a closed cell structure are set out for series 5.904.9-78.08. A variant of performing thermal insulation on a horizontal tank is shown in the figure.

6.3.3 If the temperature of the insulated surface is below +90 ° C, it is recommended to use products in the form of rolls with a self-adhesive backing.

6.3.4 Installation of coatings (plates) and linings on vertical tanks (figure) should be carried out from bottom to top with an overlap of 40 to 50 mm.

1 - a sheet of heat-insulating material; 2 - glue; 3 - metal shell;
4 - self-adhesive aluminum tape; 5 - silicone sealant

1 - a sheet of heat-insulating material; 2 - glue; 3 - self-adhesive aluminum tape

6.3.5 In multilayer thermal insulation structures for tanks, the installation of the second and subsequent layers of thermal insulation is performed with the overlap of the seams of the previous layer. Sheets (rolls) of each subsequent layer must be glued to the previous one. Seams between products of one layer are glued with reinforced self-adhesive tape.

6.3.6 Installation of thermal insulation of the supports and the head of the tanks is carried out in accordance with the working documentation.

6.4 Installation of thermal insulation of equipment, pipelines and air ducts of ventilation and air conditioning systems

6.4.1 To ensure the quality of work during the installation of thermal insulation, the requirements of,,, and this standard should be followed.

6.4.2 Fastening of heat-insulating products to pipelines and air ducts, depending on the type of material, must be performed in the manner recommended by the manufacturer. For example, installation requirements for closed cell materials are outlined in Series 5.904.9-78.08. The figure shows a heat-insulating structure made of self-adhesive heat-insulating material.

The heat-insulating structure shown in the figure is made using self-adhesive heat-insulating materials and a self-adhesive metal shell.

1 - sheet of self-adhesive heat-insulating material; 2 - glue;
3 - reinforced self-adhesive tape

6.4.3 When installing heat-insulating structures designed to prevent condensation of moisture from the outside air on the surface, materials with a closed cellular structure should be selected as heat-insulating materials.

6.4.4 Installation of the covering (lining) and cladding should be carried out with an overlap of 40 to 50 mm along the longitudinal and transverse seams.

1 - sheet of self-adhesive heat-insulating material; 2 - glue;
3 - self-adhesive metal sheath; 4 - silicone sealant

7 Monitoring the performance of work on thermal insulation

7.1 Control over the performance of work on thermal insulation of engineering systems in buildings and structures should be carried out based on the requirements and provisions of the working documentation.

When monitoring implementation installation works compliance with the requirements should be verified - taking into account factors 5.1, as well as provisions 7.2 - 7.8.

Quality passport.

7.3 At the final acceptance and acceptance of the heat-insulating structure at the facility, it is necessary to check that the temperature on the surface of the heat-insulating structure corresponds to a safe temperature (SP 61.13330). The temperature is measured by any calibrated instrument that has a verification mark in the instrument's passport or a verification certificate in accordance with the requirements of SP 61.13330.

7.4 Operational control of the performance of thermal insulation works is carried out in accordance with the appendix.

7.5 When exercising operational control the thermal insulation structure is checked:

a) before laying the thermal insulation material:

The cleanliness of the insulated surface - visually;

The presence of anti-corrosion protection - visually;

Compliance of the thickness of the used thermal insulation material with the requirements of the RD, measuring the thickness, for example, using a thickness gauge in accordance with GOST 28702 (tables 1 - 3);

Compliance of the cover layer material with the material specified in the RD;

b) during the installation of heat-insulating material:

Sizing seams and joints of heat-insulating material with glue and tape - visually;

The absence of counter overlaps (against the direction of the flow of rainwater or flowing moisture) on the casing layer - visually;

No damage to the thermal insulation layer - visually;

Overlapping assembly seams in multilayer structures - visually;

c) after the completion of the installation of the heat-insulating material and the structural design:

Fastening of the casing layer - visually;

No damage on the surface of the casing layer - visually;

Absence of damage to the surface of the coating (covering), if any, - visually;

Compliance of the appearance and design of thermal insulation with the data of the working documentation is visual.

7.6 Acceptance control of the performance of heat-insulating works is carried out after the completion of the installation of heat-insulating structures.

In the process of acceptance control, defects are revealed, which should include:

Deviation from the data given in the working documentation in terms of materials, structures and method of installation of insulation;

Inconsistency of the thickness of the heat-insulating layer with the data of the working documentation;

Mechanical damage to insulation;

Loose adhesion of the heat-insulating layer to the surface of the insulated object;

Lack of thermal insulation at the locations of the supports;

Failure to comply with the rules for the location of longitudinal and transverse seams of coatings (plates) and facings.

7.7 After comparing the assembled heat-insulating structure with the data of the working documentation and taking into account the changes made during the installation process, a final defect list is drawn up, where all the actual indicators established during the delivery and acceptance are entered (appendix).

8 Requirements for reporting and technical documentation

8.1 Reporting and technical documentation is completed for transfer to the technical customer at the stage of delivery and acceptance of the work performed.

8.2 For high-quality installation work and compliance with all technological operations, the working documentation accepted for production must satisfy.

8.3 Typical series of working drawings of thermal insulation can be used as working drawings. So, for polymer insulation with a closed cellular structure, you can use the standard series 5.904.9-78.08.

8.4 If the working documentation accepted for production uses technical solutions thermal insulation standard series with the corresponding drawings, a reference to the series sheets should be given in the technical installation sheet, where the corresponding designs are given.

8.5 The technical installation sheet must comply with GOST 21.405 (the form is given in the appendix of this standard) and contain, in addition, general data related to the performed thermal insulation structures:

Information about the estimated ambient temperature;

Results of heat engineering calculations;

Appointment of thermal insulation for certain types of equipment and pipelines;

Requirements for the manufacture of thermal insulation structures and their installation

8.6 Equipment specifications are drawn up according to the data of the technical assembly sheets and working drawings.

8.7 The equipment specification is drawn up in accordance with the application and must contain the following sections:

Heat-insulating products;

Products and materials of the casing layer;

Fasteners (including adhesives, self-adhesive tapes, etc.).

9 Rules for the safe performance of work

9.1 By the beginning of the thermal insulation work at the construction site, premises should be allocated for storing materials and tools, as well as a workshop for preparing thermal insulation structures and performing technological operations.

9.2 Work must be performed in overalls.

9.3 Before starting thermal insulation work, it is necessary to ensure safety standards in accordance with SNiP 12-04-2002 (section 12).

Operational control of the performance of thermal insulation works

An object

Before installing thermal insulation material

During installation of thermal insulation material

Insulated surface cleanliness

Anti-corrosion protection

Compliance with the thickness of the thermal insulation material specified in the RD

Compliance with the casing layer specified in the RD

Sizing the seams and joints of the heat-insulating layer with glue

Sizing seams and joints of the heat-insulating layer with tape

No counter overlaps (against the flow of rainwater) on the casing layer

No damage to the thermal insulation layer



seams in



Armature and fittings

Air ducts


Technological equipment

Table continuation

An object

After completing the installation of the thermal insulation material

Attachment of the cover layer



casing layer



on the






thermal insulation


data of RD

Heating and water supply pipelines

Refrigeration pipelines

Armature and fittings

Air ducts


Technological equipment

Defective statement form

P / p No.

An object

Defect characteristics

Description of work to eliminate defects

Unit of measurement



Exists two reasons, due to which all thermal insulation works are carried out:

  1. Prevention of emergency situations... Frozen water often causes pipe breakage. Influence low temperatures significantly affects the quality of the material of the product and its overall integrity. The solution to this problem is high-quality insulation of unprotected pipe sections.
  2. Reduced energy costs for heating... Many pipelines are located outdoors, either in contact with the ground or at a short distance from it. The structures reduce the temperature due to the high heat transfer to the environment. Lack of proper thermal insulation will entail high financial costs, as well as reduce the quality of the material from which the pipeline channels are made.

Thus, thermal insulation of pipelines and equipment is an integral part.

Calculation of thermal insulation of pipelines and characteristics of laying networks

Calculation of the thickness and volume of thermal insulation of pipelines is a labor-intensive and difficult process. A widespread and frequently used calculation technique is performing calculations using normalized heat loss indicators. The building codes and regulations (SNiPom) calculated the values ​​of heat losses for pipelines of different diameters, taking into account several methods of their laying:

  • by open method, on the street;
  • open way, indoor / tunnel;
  • channelless method;
  • laying in impassable channels.

The calculation of thermal insulation (thickness and volume) is carried out so that the level of heat loss does not exceed the value specified in SNiP. Calculations are also carried out using various normative documents, including the Code of Rules.
It has some simplifications, which are as follows:

  1. Heat losses during heating of pipe walls by the internal environment are much less than heat losses lost in layers external thermal insulation... This makes it possible not to take them into account when carrying out calculations and calculations.
  2. Many network piping is produced using steel, which has very low heat transfer resistance. Especially when compared with the characteristics of the thermal insulation material.

That is why heat transfer resistance is not required in calculations and computational processes.
To obtain an accurate result, it is recommended to contact a specialist; self-calculation will be inaccurate.

Classification of materials for thermal insulation

Heaters for pipeline channels have their own classification, which we will analyze in more detail.
Depending on the shape: rolls, piece products, potting insulators, combined insulation (includes several forms). Insulation also differs in appearance. The selected insulator directly determines the installation features.

A very common thermal insulation for process pipelines. A layer of such paint has a thickness of 2 millimeters, but is similar to 2-3 cm of mineral wool and polyester foam. Warming in this way is environmentally friendly and safe for the health of others.
The heat paint can be perfectly applied both on straight surfaces and on flawed areas. The material does not require ventilation after painting. The paint is resistant to sudden changes in temperature, created specifically for work in extreme conditions.
It has a special structure, therefore, when spraying, it penetrates even on surfaces to which access is limited. In addition, the heat paint provides additional protection against corrosion.


Mineral wool has the characteristics necessary for insulating pipelines: low level thermal conductivity and fire resistance. Therefore, it is widely used in the field of thermal insulation of heating lines.
This material is indispensable when working on the insulation of pipelines with elevated temperatures. Minvata withstands temperature conditions up to 700 degrees Celsius. The material is expensive, it is worth paying attention to when choosing.

Polyurethane foam is considered one of the high quality insulation materials used for thermal insulation of pipelines. The material goes on sale immediately along with the pipes, as a whole with 2 shells. The voids between the pipe parts are filled with polyurethane foam.
Such products are installed in places designed for laying. It is important after the end of the main work to carry out correct insulation at the joints. The popularity of the material is due to its simplicity and short installation time.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene (or foam) is used as an insulator for pipeline ducts. The insulation consists of two parts, which are connected to each other with the help of “thorn-groove” fasteners. This allows assembly / disassembly of the heat insulator if necessary. The size is adjusted individually, depending on the size of the pipe itself.
Polyfoam does not absorb moisture and is characterized by a low level of thermal conductivity, therefore it is suitable for working with pipeline channels with insulation. Such an insulator has a long service life of 50 years. But there is also a drawback - due to flammability, it cannot be used when working with high temperatures.


Foamed polyethylene is considered a popular material that is used as an insulator for pipelines.
Outwardly, it is similar to a thermal insulation cylinder, which allows for tight coverage of the pipeline and ensures it reliable protection from the negative influences of the environment. Installation is simple and fast.
Before installing on polyethylene construction a longitudinal cut is made, the material is put on the prepared pipe, and then glued together. The special foam structure provides dense insulation.

Everything insulation materials have properties and characteristics, therefore, one or another thermal insulation should be chosen based on financial resources and the characteristics of the conditions in which the pipeline channels are laid.
The use of high-quality thermal insulation reduces the level of heat loss and reduces budgetary costs. In addition, the pipes themselves remain intact.
Each insulation is different in the nuances of installation. Installation of thermal insulation materials should not be done on your own. Only an experienced worker will install the insulation in accordance with the rules and regulations!

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Today, thermal insulation of pipelines is necessary both to reduce heat losses of the corresponding systems, and to lower the temperature of communications for their safe use. In addition, without it, it is difficult to ensure the normal operation of networks in winter time, since the probability of freezing and failure of pipes is quite high and, moreover, dangerous.

According to the existing standards, as well as the rules for safe operation steam pipes and hot water, for pipeline elements with a wall temperature of more than 55 degrees and at the same time they are in accessible places, it is recommended to use additional thermal insulation, so as to reduce their heating. In view of this, during the calculation of the thickness protective coating, laid in the room, the norms of the heat flux density are taken as a basis. In some cases, the temperature of the outer part of the insulation itself is also taken into account.

How to calculate insulation?

The choice of the required insulation is carried out on the basis of mathematical calculations, from which it is clear which material is better to take, its thickness, composition and other characteristics. If everything is done correctly, then it is quite possible to significantly reduce heat losses, as well as make the operation of systems reliable and absolutely safe.

What you should pay attention to during the calculation:

  1. the difference in ambient temperatures where communications are used;
  2. the value of the surface temperature that is supposed to be insulated;
  3. possible loads on pipes;
  4. mechanical influences from external influences, be it pressure, vibration, etc .;
  5. the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation used;
  6. impact and corresponding magnitude from transport and soil;
  7. the ability of the insulator to resist all kinds of deformation.

It should be noted that SNiP 41-03-2003 is considered the main document on the basis of which materials for insulation are selected, their thickness, according to specific operational conditions. The same SNiP says that for networks in which the operating temperature of the pipes is less than 12 degrees, it is necessary to additionally lay a vapor barrier during surface treatment.

Thermal insulation of pipes can be calculated in two ways, and each option can be called reliable and convenient for specific conditions. It is about the engineering (formulaic), and online version.

In the first case, the actual thickness of the optimal insulation layer is determined by a technical and economic calculation, in which the main parameter is temperature resistance. The corresponding value should be within 0.86ºC m² / W in the case of pipes with a diameter of up to 25mm, and at least 1.22ºC m² / W - from 25mm and above. SNiP provides for special formulas, according to which the total temperature resistance of the insulation composition of cylindrical pipes is calculated.

Please note that in case of any doubts about the correctness of the calculation, it is better to seek help and advice from specialists who will carry out the work reliably and efficiently, especially since the prices for their services are quite acceptable. Otherwise, a situation may arise when the volume of certain actions may turn out to be more expensive in terms of money than doing everything from scratch.

At self-fulfillment of work, it should be understood that all calculations of the thickness of pipe insulation are made under certain operating conditions, which take into account the materials themselves, and temperature differences, and humidity.

The second way is implemented by online calculators, of which there are countless numbers today. Such an assistant is usually free, simple and convenient. Often, it also takes into account all the norms and requirements of SNiP, according to which professionals perform the calculation. All calculations are carried out fairly quickly and accurately. It will be easy to figure out how to use the calculator.

Initially, the required task is selected:

  • Prevention of freezing of liquid in the pipeline of engineering networks.
  • Ensuring constant working temperature protective insulation.
  • Insulation of communications of water heating networks of two-pipe underground channel gaskets.
  • Protection of the pipeline against the formation of condensation on the insulator.

Then you need to enter the main parameters, through which the calculation is carried out:

  • Outside diameter of the pipe.
  • The preferred insulating component.
  • The time during which crystallization of water occurs in an inert state.
  • Temperature index of the surface to be insulated.
  • Coolant temperature value.
  • The type of coating used (metal or non-metal).

After entering all the data, the result of calculations appears, which can be taken as a basis for subsequent construction and the selection of materials.

The right choice of insulation

The main reason for freezing pipes is low speed circulation of working fluids in them. A negative factor is the freezing process, which can lead to irreversible and catastrophic consequences. That is why the thermal insulation of the networks is extremely necessary.

In particular, attention should be paid to the above aspect in pipelines that operate periodically, whether it is a water supply from a well or a summer cottage water heating... In order not to have to subsequently restore the working systems, it is better, after all, to perform their timely thermal insulation.

Until recently, insulation work was carried out using a single technology, while fiberglass was used as a protective element. Currently, a huge selection of all kinds of heat insulators is offered, designed for a certain type of pipe, having various specifications and composition.

In view of their application direction, it will be wrong to compare materials and say that one is better than the other. For this reason, below we will reveal the insulators existing today.

By component presentation option:

  • sheet;
  • roll;
  • filling
  • shroud;
  • combined.

By area of ​​use:

  • for water drainage and sewerage;
  • for steam, heating, hot and cold water supply networks;
  • for ventilation pipelines and freezing units.

Any thermal insulation is characterized by its resistance to fire and its thermal conductivity.

  • Shell... Its advantage is ease of installation, optimal performance and high quality execution. Differs in low thermal conductivity, fire resistance, minimum level of moisture absorption. Suitable for the protection of heating networks and water supply systems.

  • Mineral wool ... It is usually supplied in rolls and is used for the treatment of pipes, the heating medium of which has a very high fever... This option is advisable only for small processing areas, since mineral wool is a rather expensive material. Its laying is carried out by wrapping communications with fixation in a given position with stainless steel wire or twine. In addition, it is recommended to carry out waterproofing, since cotton wool easily absorbs moisture.

  • Expanded polystyrene... The construction of thermal insulation of this type is more like two halves, or an shell, whereby the pipeline is insulated. The option can be safely called high-quality and convenient in terms of installation. Due to the minimum moisture absorption and low thermal conductivity, high fire resistance, minimum thickness, expanded polystyrene is excellent for protecting heating and water supply networks.

  • Penoizol... Thermal insulation has similar parameters to expanded polystyrene, albeit with a significant difference in installation. Application is carried out with a suitable spray gun, since the material has liquid state... After complete drying, the entire treated pipe surface acquires a dense and strong sealed structure, which reliably maintains the temperature of the coolant. A significant advantage is the absence of the need to use additional fasteners to fix the material. The downside is, perhaps, its high cost.

  • Penofol with foil base... An innovative product that is becoming more and more popular every day. It consists of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. The two-layer structure allows both to maintain the temperature of the networks and to heat the space, since the foil is capable of reflecting and accumulating heat. We pay particular attention to the low burning ability, high environmental performance, the ability to withstand high humidity and significant temperature drops.

  • Foamed polyethylene... Thermal insulation of this type is very common, while it is often found on water mains. A special feature is the ease of installation, for which it is enough to cut off right size material and wrap the technological line with it, fixing it with tape. Often, polyethylene foam is supplied in the form of a wrapper for pipes of a certain diameter with a technological cut, which are put on desired site systems.

It is important to know that when insulating pipelines, all heaters, except for penoizol, require the additional use of waterproofing and adhesive tape for fixing.

From the above, it can be seen that there are a lot of pipe processing options, and the choice is very large. Experts advise paying attention to the conditions in which each material will be used, its characteristics and installation method. Naturally, a competent thermal insulation calculation also plays an important role, which will allow you to be confident in the work performed.

Video # 1. Thermal insulation of pipes. Installation example

Methods for thermal insulation of pipelines

SNiP specifications and many professionals recommend following the following options protection of trunk lines:

  1. Air insulation... Typically, communication systems running in the ground are protected by thermal insulation of a certain thickness. However, the factor that the freezing of the ground goes from the top to the bottom is often not taken into account, while the heat flux from the pipes tends to the top. Since the pipeline is protected from all sides by a component of minimum thickness, the rising heat is also insulated. It is more rational in this case to install a heater over the upper part of the line, so that a thermal layer is formed.
  2. Using insulation and heating element... Great as an alternative traditional options... In this case, the moment that the protection of the lines is seasonal is taken into account, and it is not rational to lay them in the ground for financial reasons, as well as to use a large thickness of the insulator. According to the rules of SNiP and the instructions of the manufacturers, the cable can be located both inside the pipes and outside them.
  3. Laying a pipe in a pipe... Here, in polypropylene pipes separate pipes are additionally installed. A feature of the method is that it is practically always possible to warm up the systems, including using the principle of suction of warm air masses. In addition, if necessary, an emergency hose can easily be laid in the existing gap.


Summing up all of the above, we can say that there is a mass important points and the nuances of processing and protecting the pipeline. In any situation, it is always better to start by calculating the required insulation, choosing its type, thickness and cost. Not the least role is played by the option of its installation, since the most problematic conditions will require additional significant cash injections into the construction of the necessary systems.

A perfect approach to the choice of thermal insulation can ultimately lead to minimal costs and reducing the complexity of the work performed. A high-quality selection of the required insulation components will effectively maintain the temperature of the coolant in the pipes, as well as significantly increase their service life.

Video number 2. Universal thermal insulation for pipes