Prepare the wood floor for painting. How to paint a wooden floor in a house: the choice of material and the order of work

Traditional wood floors are very popular among a variety of floor coverings. After all, wood is an environmentally friendly material, durable, durable, very beautiful and homely warm and cozy. However, wood floors are very sensitive and need to be painted or varnished.

Such processing not only improves the aesthetic appearance of the coating, but also protects the wood from abrasion, moisture and microorganisms, extending its service life. Finally, painting makes maintenance easier wood flooring, and the room itself takes on a more comfortable and complete holistic look. Based on this relevance of the issue, in this article we will consider features of painting a wooden floor.

The choice of paint and its consumption

Today, all paints and varnishes on the market are divided into two basic subgroups - transparent and opaque. More popular are opaque paints and varnishes - paints and enamels. Among them, oil compositions, acrylic paints (including water-dispersion paints), as well as alkyd enamels are most often used in everyday life.

A very good choice for any room with - water-dispersion paint based on acrylic: this emulsion is absolutely safe, lays down in an even thin layer, dries quickly (up to 2-5 hours), “holds” the color for a long time and is resistant to moisture. In addition, acrylic paints are very easy to use and wash off well, their service life is up to 6-8 years.

Oil paints based on drying oil attract with their low price. In addition, they are easy to use, safe and suitable for almost any gender. However, in Lately they are used less often, as they dry for a long time (2-6 days) and may have a specific odor. Their service life is short, 3-4 years.

Alkyd enamels are considered the best, however, and their price may be higher. Their main advantage is increased water resistance. In addition, alkyd compounds can easily tolerate any temperature changes. That is why they are most often used for painting bathroom or kitchen floors, for window sills, windows and doors. The drying time of the enamels is about a day, the service life is 5-6 years.

In everyday life, you should refrain from choosing nitro enamels and polyurethane paints- although they are very durable and dry quickly, they can release harmful toxins. As for transparent varnishes and impregnations, the "clean" varnishing of an ordinary wooden floor is used quite rarely - the varnish weakly protects against mechanical damage... If this method of processing the boards is planned, then it is better to take alkyd varnish which is quite durable and dries quickly. Varnish is usually used to open parquet, but for planks it can be applied over painted floors to improve aesthetics.

In any case, choose only those formulations that are specifically designed for internal works, for wood and without caustic toxic impurities. Universal paint is not suitable for these purposes. Also, study the label on the can - it tells about the spreading rate of the composition, the drying time, consumption, storage and application conditions, strength and other characteristics.

Paint consumption differs depending on the repair conditions, the type of material, the quality of floor preparation, etc. But on average, 125-150 g of acrylic, 100-160 g of oil paint, 130-180 g are needed for a "square" of the floor for 1 layer. alkyd enamel and about 50-80 g of varnish. For double layer paintingwoodensex for 1 sq. m should be guided by approximately 200-300 g. composition.

  • wide tassels different sizes;
  • paint roller;
  • jars, dish for the roller;
  • primer or drying oil;
  • spatula or scraper;
  • hammer;
  • water, rags;
  • sandpaper (grit P220 - P400);
  • tow for crevices, wood putty (if necessary);
  • paint on wood;
  • solvent;
  • masking tape;
  • latex gloves, respirator, glasses.

Preparing the wood floor for painting

1. We prepare new wood floor to be painted.

Check the floor for small roughness and burrs, which can occur even on new surfaces. Sand them if necessary sandpaper... Thoroughly remove all sediment and wash the wood floor with warm soapy water to avoid dust, grease or dirt stains on the surface.

If there was a wax stain on the floor, treat it with white spirit or soda solution: a glass of baking soda for 8-9 liters. water. Coniferous wood planks may need to be wiped with a cloth soaked in gasoline in advance - such a tool removes excess resin well. Wait until the surface is completely dry.

For a new coating without noticeable defects, such a minimum preparation is quite enough; you can immediately proceed to the priming stage, followed by painting. Before priming, make sure the floor is free of dust again. As a primer under paintingwoodensex ordinary drying oil or special purchased soil is taken. For priming, use brushes and a roller, then dry the floor thoroughly - the time is indicated in the instructions, but it is better to wait 2-3 days before painting.

2. Old floors.

If the boardwalk is already "aged", you need to work a little more along the way. Press down any protruding nail heads with a hammer so that they do not interfere with your work. Repair potholes if necessary, replace damaged floorboards, level board deflections, etc. If the floor is too old, it is better to replace it completely. Use a scraper or small spatula to remove any accumulated dirt, old putty, etc. from the gaps between the floorboards, and scrape off any swollen bubbles. old paint(it is better to remove it completely, for example, using a special drill bit).

Sand all defects with emery. In some cases, a full scraping or planing of the boardwalk may be necessary. Clean the floor thoroughly and wash it with soapy water. Now the floor needs to be primed as described above. When priming the surface, pay special attention to crevices, as well as to areas with abrasion. After that, fill in the cracks between the floorboards with twine or tow, soaking them well with linseed oil or ordinary glue water. You can also close up the cracks with plywood cracks, "planting" them on PVA glue.

It is permissible to immediately process very small cracks with a putty on wood. But for gaps larger than 6-7 mm, you can still make a putty from sawdust (5 units of sawdust, 5 units of cement, 2 units of joiner's glue for 12-14 units of water). Let's move on to the putty. Choose a putty to match the shade of the future paint, or you can tint it by adding 100-180 g of thick paint of a given color to 1 kg. Oil putty works well everywhere, although glue putty can be used for dry rooms.

Wood floor putty

First option - putty wooden floor in two layers... After the soil is completely dry, first seal the gaps, nail caps, minor defects, etc. with putty, gently leveling out the remnants of the mixture. Once the first layer is dry, sand all the irregularities with a fine-grained sandpaper and remove the debris. Then apply a second, continuous layer of putty, holding the tool at a slight angle along the direction of the floorboards. Wait until it dries again, sand the unevenness and remove all sediment. Finally, prime the floor once again well for painting.

The second option is wood floor putty in 3 layers with subsequent painting, too, in 3 layers. After the second layer, a stretched gauze or a special mesh (optional) can be drowned on the still not solidified mass, and then, after drying, apply a third layer of putty, followed by final sanding and priming.

Wood floor painting

Before starting, cover adjacent surfaces with masking tape - wallpaper from the bottom of the floor, etc., so that paint does not get on them. Put on your personal protective equipment. Work in well-ventilated areas and keep away from open flames. Shake the jar with the suspension well, and after opening, mix everything with a small twig. If necessary, the paint can be tinted or thinned.

Wood floor painting always start with skirting boards and floor edges using small brushes. It is advisable to practice in advance and apply paint on small area floor, check the result. Start painting the main surface from the side opposite to the entrance, while each pass of the roller should overlap the previous strip by about 20-25%. Use a brush or roller to paint over the woodfibre pattern, especially the last top coat.

Important: paint wood floor you need at least 2 layers, and best of all 3. Any subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one. The drying time for each layer is indicated in the instructions, but the longer this period, the better. The first layer usually dries for 2-3 days, the second - 4-7 days, the third - from 7-8 days. Place the brushes in the water while drying.

Stir the paint constantly during work, otherwise it will thicken, stains may appear. At the same time, try to smooth out the paint with a thin, thin layer along the course of the boards so that bubbles and wrinkles do not form. If, after the second layer, some places will shine, you need to paint the flooring a third time. In one pass in one layer, paint the entire floor at once without a break, so that there are no sags due to uneven drying.

After the top coat of paint has completely dried, wash the floor with clean warm water, without soda and soap. For a week after painting, it is recommended to wipe the substrate daily with a damp cloth with hot water... This will remove the remaining drying oil and give the floor a beautiful glossy look. If the paint has an odor (for example, oily), you can put several containers of salt water in the room for 3-4 days so that it disappears faster.

Wood floor varnish

Varnish without preliminary painting is applied to the floor, usually in 3 layers. After laying the first layers, let them dry, sand the unevenness with fine-grained sandpaper, remove the dust and rinse the floor slightly with water. At the finish, varnish the floor with a matte or glossy compound, last layer do not grind varnish.

But it is not necessary to varnish the painted wooden floor, it is up to you to decide. Nevertheless, the varnish will give the paint an additional exquisite shine and better protect the floor from abrasion, forming a kind of film. On the painted floor, varnish should be applied 28-30 days after painting and in 1-2 layers. Finally, after drying the varnish, thoroughly wash the coating. We wish you a successful renovation.

The floor is a fundamental element in the room, therefore, its selection and care should be taken with care. Today, nature and naturalness are valued in the interior, therefore, wood flooring is a frequent choice for living quarters. In order to preserve its properties and qualities, floor paint is most often used. When choosing it, it is necessary to be guided by the characteristics of such coatings.


Paint is the most popular material for flooring, but its choice should be approached carefully, since the floor does not only protective function, but also decorative. Correctly chosen finishing material will allow not only to improve the quality of the coating, but also to advantageously highlight its structure and appearance. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Variety and type of tree. Since each type of wood reacts differently to paintwork, it depends on required amount paints;
  • Coating application conditions. For the floor inside and outside the building, you will need different kinds paints;
  • Lifetime. The paint can be applied to both new wood flooring and old, but restored boards;
  • The number and composition of the previous finish. This is necessary in order to find a compatible product with the previous one;
  • Floor quality. Sometimes a preliminary finishing of the floor covering is required.

These moments will allow you to determine the type of paint, which offers many options on the market.


All paint and varnish products for flooring are divided into two main types: transparent and opaque substances. Transparent - oil, varnish, impregnation, successfully emphasize the texture, and the second - directly paints, give the desired color.

The selection of paints is most extensive on store shelves, but you can order it from a supplier on the Internet. It is distinguished not only by its properties, but also by its price, which depends on the popularity of the company that produces it.

The most common types of wood floor paints are:


    Wear-resistant acrylic paint;





    Dyestuff based on epoxy resin.

Acrylic paint is safe as it does not contain toxic ingredients and is made on water based... Moreover, it is a versatile tool for floors, ceilings and walls.

Its advantages are:

  • Lack of an unpleasant specific odor;
  • It tolerates water, fire and temperature changes well. Withstands even the lowest temperature conditions;
  • High resistance to sun fading. Even after a few years, the color of the surface will not change much;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Increases the service life of the floor and emphasizes its properties;
  • Wide color palette.

It is better to apply this type of material with a spray gun, because fibers from the brush can remain on the floor. More acrylic agent it is poorly washed off with paint brushes and a roller, so they must be thoroughly rinsed after work.

Wear-resistant acrylic paint for wood is also based on acrylic, but significantly differs in the following qualities:

  • Has the ability to absorb water vapor from the air (hygroscopicity), thereby protecting the tree from getting wet and the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • Simple application. This paint can be applied by any means - roller, brush;
  • Long service life. Even after a long time, the paint will not peel off and will not lose color;
  • Fast drying.

Among the shortcomings, one can note a specific smell in some samples and the need for constant stirring of the composition so that bubbles and stains do not appear on the surface. After the last coat of paint has dried, it is recommended that you wash the floor to give it more shine.

Alkyd coatings are almost similar in composition to acrylic, the only difference is in the absence of resin. Therefore, the surface of this paint has a beautiful gloss. The benefits also include:

  • The color remains bright and shiny even after several years;
  • Resistant to abrasion and water. Often used for rooms with high humidity(in the bathroom, bath, sauna);
  • Does not have toxic substances in the composition;
  • Protects the floor from mold and mildew;
  • It has a unique ability to penetrate deep layers of the coating, making it stronger and more reliable.

In addition to the advantages, this paint also has disadvantages:

  • Unpleasant smell;
  • Flammable quickly;
  • Not resistant to abrasive detergents.

You can apply such paint in any way and with any tool.

Rubber paint is the result of modern developments and differs significantly from other types. It is mainly used indoors, but you can paint the floors on the veranda. After application, the coating feels rubbery and soft to the touch. The paint also gives shine and smoothness to the surface. The pluses also include:

  • Has the ability to penetrate deep into wood and fill cracks. This allows you to significantly increase the service life of the product;
  • Wear resistance. After application, a protective transparent film is formed, which will preserve the integrity of the floor;
  • Over time, cracks do not appear and it does not peel off the coating;
  • High resistance to sunlight, allowing color retention for a long time;
  • Economical paint consumption. It is best to apply it in two coats and with a spray;
  • High resistance to temperature extremes and low temperature conditions.

Of the minuses, one can note the inability to pass air, which affects the structure and quality of the tree.

Oil paints are a popular product, as they have the following qualities:

  • High resistance to both low and high temperatures. Therefore, it can be used in an unheated house, in an apartment, and in a country house;
  • High resistance to mechanical stress. The oily substance forms protective film on the floor, keeping its integrity;
  • After application, the surface becomes smooth;
  • Budgetary price.

There are also disadvantages to this type of paint:

  • Drying time;
  • Does not affect the deep layers of the tree;
  • Color may change during the drying period. In order to obtain a noble tone, a dye with ocher should be used. To obtain a matte effect, you can add laundry soap;
  • Over time, there is a chance of cracking and chipping.

The application of this substance requires special care. It is best to use a wide brush and not apply a second coat over the wet first coat of paint. This can lead to streaking and surface roughness.

Polyurethane paint is mainly used for finishing wooden surfaces outside the premises - the porch of a house, the floor of a terrace or veranda. Its main advantages are:

  • Penetrates deep layers of wood;
  • Withstands low and high temperatures, and their differences;
  • It is not required for its application preliminary finishing surfaces;
  • High resistance to moisture and water.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted:

  • High price;
  • The presence of toxic constituents;
  • Specific smell.

Epoxy-based paint is used not only for metal or concrete, but also for wood coatings. As well as polyurethane paint, epoxy can be used for decoration both indoors and outdoors, as it withstands well low temperatures. Its advantages also include:

  • Good ability to protect the coating from mold and mildew;
  • High resistance to mechanical stress;
  • The paint is resistant to sunlight, so the surface does not fade for a long time;
  • Easy to apply.

The paint consists of two substances (resin and hardener), which must be mixed before direct application to the required quantities. This feature many seem to be a disadvantage of this paint.

The disadvantages also include:

  • Surface pretreatment. Before starting work, the floor must be sanded and primed;
  • Long drying time. As a rule, for a smooth surface and bright color it is necessary to apply the paint in two coats. The second layer is applied not earlier than after 12 hours;
  • Subsequent ventilation of the room is necessary;
  • The presence of a specific smell.

Such a variety of paints on the market makes buyers wonder how to choose the right paint.

How to choose?

Correctly selected paint will allow you to beautifully design the surface and preserve it for a long time. Therefore, before buying, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. What paint has been used previously on the surface. This is especially true for old coatings. If it remains, then it is necessary to choose a paint that can paint over the previous layer;
  2. Terms of use of the floor covering. So, for the balcony you will need paint that can withstand sub-zero temperatures. For a bathroom, a bath is necessary moisture resistant paint;
  3. Interior Design. The color should be in harmony with the overall environment. Today, these substances are distinguished by a variety of colors, so there should be no difficulties with its selection. You can choose white, which is versatile and will suit any style;
  4. The texture and species of wood. Pine roofing requires additional protection and strength, as this breed is soft and flexible. Therefore, it is worth choosing the paint that has such qualities. The surface of beech wood initially has a glossy sheen and unusual texture, therefore it is recommended to use substances that emphasize these advantages. It is also recommended to treat the beech floor with oil impregnation before painting in order to preserve its properties;
  5. The type of paint and its properties. Transparent substances (varnish, impregnation) do not allow air to pass through well and are subject to abrasion, but at the same time add additional shine and provide protection from sunlight. Therefore, they should be applied over the paint.

After the paint is selected, it is necessary to start preparatory work.

Preparation for application

At first glance, it might seem like painting a floor is an easy and quick affair. In fact, this is a long and painstaking work, which consists of several stages:

  1. Surface preparation and priming;
  2. Paint application.

In order to prepare the surface, you must:

  • Clear the room from interior items and wash the floor. It is better to do it with soapy water or with the addition of detergents, especially for heavy pollution;
  • Clean surfaces from debris, old paint coat, as well as bumps and cracks. The sander will help remove debris and cope with floor roughness;
  • Cracks and crevices should be repaired with a special mortar or filler. Typically, the putty will require two or three coats. Each subsequent one is applied after the previous layer has completely dried;
  • Repeated cleansing. After the solution dries, it is necessary to grind it so that the surface is smooth;
  • Processing with a primer suitable for the properties of the future paint.

At this stage, preliminary preparation ends and you can start staining.


In order to paint the floor with varnish or paint, you must wait until the soil is completely dry. After that, you should protect the areas that are not stained with masking tape or paper.

Thanks to its natural characteristics wood flooring is very common. But if in city apartments a ready-made coating is chosen for the floor (for example, laminate, glossy boards, etc.), then on country houses ordinary planed boards, plywood or fiberboard prevail. This coating requires periodic treatment to increase its lifespan. The easiest way available for home use, Is to cover wood with paint or enamel.

But not all paint is suitable for this. In this article, we will figure out how to paint wooden floors.

Tip: Re-paint your floors every three to four years. This will preserve their durability and restore worn-out places.

When choosing a paint, you need to remember the characteristics of your floor, the type of wood (coniferous, larch or other), the climate of the location of the coating (on the street, in the house, in the bathhouse). If the floor has already been painted before, then it is important to know with what paint it was done.

There is a wide range of paintwork on the market today, and you do not have to look for a long time what paint to paint a wooden floor with.

Based on the type of paints and varnishes, they can be divided into two types: transparent and opaque dispersion enamels.

Transparent materials include colorless varnishes, protective coatings, impregnation.

Note: Impregnation consists of them chemical elements therefore can adversely affect human health. Carefully read the description on the impregnated packaging.

Impregnation of wood is carried out to protect appearance coatings, protection against insects, moisture and to improve fireproofing properties.

Unlike production, at home, impregnation can be carried out only superficially.

According to their characteristics, impregnations are divided into four types:

  1. Fire retardants - fire protection treatment. As the temperature rises, a film forms on the surface, which prevents the penetration of oxygen.
  2. Antiseptics - protect the floor from fungal infections, rotting wood and various insects.
  3. Impregnations against weathering increase the moisture resistance of the surface, and, therefore, keep the surface from destruction.
  4. Combined formulations - perform a wide variety of functions.

Read more: Floor in the kitchen

Tip: Before any painting, impregnate the wooden base, this will increase its service life several times.

The coating with transparent (colorless) varnish is preferred to preserve the natural appearance of the tree. The varnish prevents the wood from fading under the rays of light, and increases the durability of the coating.

Due to their characteristics, varnishes have been used and are applied to cover wood that is constantly in contact with water. Perfect for woodworking outdoors and indoors.

By external characteristics varnishes differ in gloss level. You decide for yourself whether to choose a glossy varnish or matt, very glossy or semi-matt.

By chemical properties varnishes are divided into:

  1. Alkyd - most often used at home.
  2. Alkyd-urethane - dry faster and more wear-resistant than alkyd.
  3. Oil - depending on the selected shade, they can darken the wood coating. Primary treatment is carried out with oil varnishes.

Choosing paint

Opaque paints and varnishes (oil paints) are still very common in use. And this despite their drying time and bad smell at work.

Oil paints are sold ready-made colors, their mixing is allowed. If you get stained with this paint, you will need a solvent to clean the stain.

Note: Oil enamel should only be applied to a completely dry surface, otherwise you will encounter bubbles and peeling as the surface dries.

Painting floors in wooden house water-dispersion acrylic paints has its advantages over oil options. The price of such a painting of a wooden floor is relatively low. Drying time - up to one hour, there is no smell, is diluted with water, and polymers act as binding elements. Such paint is washed off from hands without any difficulties with ordinary water.

Acrylic paint for sale white, a set of colors is selected separately using a computer, in many stores you can immediately use machine mixing of paint.

The question floor painting special attention should be paid, since this area of ​​the dwelling is most susceptible to various kinds of influences. About the choice floor paints of various types, wax, floor varnish and other materials, and how to paint the floor correctly and efficiently, we will tell in this article.

Floor painting - advantages and disadvantages

    Among the advantages of staining the floor, one should highlight:
  • resistance of the coating to moisture, since most paints applied to the floor are moisture resistant;
  • paint creates a protective film on the floor that protects it from various kinds of influences;
  • the coating becomes easy to maintain and easily withstands any type of cleaning, both dry and wet;
  • the paint is applied quickly and does not require special physical effort to carry it out, in addition, after the paint has dried, the floor is ready for further use;
  • this type of finish is economical and affordable, therefore it is the most popular among alternative options.

    Among the disadvantages of painting floors in the house, there are:
  • low level thermal insulation, in winter time walking on a painted floor does not bring comfort, so it requires the installation of rugs;
  • low level of wear resistance, this coating is not capable of being used for a long time and requires periodic renewal;
  • low drying speed, most paints dry for two to seven days, at which time walking on the floor is prohibited;
  • the appearance of the coating is quite simple, so sometimes when arranging a special design room, painting the floor is not the best option.

Required painting tools

If you decide to paint the floor, then, first of all, we start with the selection necessary tools... High-quality floor painting provides for the presence of: different widths, and . Choosing a paint brush, you should opt for the so-called flat brushes of different widths. They are used for processing the edges of the floor, baseboards, corners, and other areas of the surface that are not easily accessible for the roller. The main part of painting work is better done with a roller - this will not only speed up the process, but also allow you to apply paint in even layers. It is best to use rollers with a short nap, as too long nap will result in a rough or uneven floor surface.

Masking tape is used to prevent paint from spilling onto surfaces that cannot be painted. Her main feature is that after removing the tape, no traces remain on the sealed place.

In order to make it more convenient to draw paint on the roller, a paint tray is needed. As a rule, these containers on one side have a raised and beveled bottom at a slight angle, having a raised surface, which allows you to remove excess ink from the roller.

To achieve a flat surface wood covering, it is necessary to remove excess knots on the boards with a chisel. A putty knife and putty will be needed if you need to putty on existing gaps.

You will need it to protect your eyes.

Initial preparation for painting any type of floor

Features of painting a wooden floor

There are several options for painting the floor, the choice of which will depend on the condition of the floor and the desired final result.
The first way. Suitable for floors that have no visible defects, it is the simplest and fastest. First, the wooden floor is covered with linseed oil or a primer, after which it is given 2-3 days to dry. Next, the first layer of paint is applied, which dries for several days. When the surface is completely dry, a second coat is applied. It may take 4 days to a week for the second coat to completely dry.
Second way. It is used for floors with cracks, gaps between boards or other imperfections. Preparatory stage consists in applying drying oil or primer, which dry well. After that, the floor surface is putty using a special oil putty, which should be the same tone as the floor. The putty places are dried and cleaned with sandpaper, after which the procedure is repeated. Before painting, problem areas of the floor are primed and painted several times until the putty is visible. Next, two layers of paint are applied alternately, as described in the first method.
Third way. This type of painting is characterized by high labor intensity and complexity of the finishing stage of work, which can be performed by two methods. According to the first method, the floor surface is covered with linseed oil, dried and putty several times, while each layer of putty is carefully rubbed with a sandpaper. After that, the floor is putty for the last time, a primer is applied and the surface is painted in three layers. The second method is that after the first layer of putty has been cleaned, the next putty-like layer of putty is applied to the surface of the wooden floor, on which a tightly stretched gauze is applied and sunk in it. The surface dries up, after which putty is applied for the third time, cleaned, primed and painted in three layers.

After the last coat of paint has been applied, it is necessary to allow the surface to dry completely, as a rule, it takes several days. To check if the floor is dry, you can use a rather simple method: just press your finger or a piece of paper against the painted surface, if it does not stick, then you can safely walk on the surface.

After finishing the work, you need to pay attention not only to whether the paint has dried or not, but also to the quality of the painting. On the surface of the floor there should be no translucency of the lower layers of paint, stains, wrinkles, streaks, traces of a roller or brush. In the event of such defects, another layer must be applied.

The choice of paint and varnish for a wooden floor

When choosing paint material the type of wood should be taken into account; operating conditions (this includes the level of humidity, temperature conditions, is there heating); compatibility with the previous coating (if it comes about old floors).

All paints and varnishes intended for wooden floors are conventionally divided into transparent (varnishes, oils, waxes) and opaque (paints, enamels).

Varnish is essentially dissolved natural solid resins, nowadays they are also synthetic polymers. Depending on the solvent included in the composition, varnishes are divided into several types: water, turpentine, alcohol, oil, polyurethane, urethanized, polyurethane-acrylate. The varnish penetrates into the pores of the wood no deeper than 2 mm, forming a film on the outside. Therefore, if in the future you want to change the coating, the old varnish can be removed by scraping the floor.

    There are times when floor varnishing is unacceptable:
  • the old floor was previously treated with linseed oil or other oily compounds;
  • outdoor areas - terraces, gazebos, verandas;
  • in rooms with high levels of humidity.

The oldest method of covering wood flooring is oil treatment. This is an environmentally friendly technique. For these purposes, use sunflower, soybean, wood, linseed oil... As well as natural modified resins and synthetic polymers. The oil penetrates deeply into the structure of the wooden floor, providing a preservative effect on the material, which serves as protection for the coating against the effects of pathogenic flora and internal changes. The oiled floor will not swell or dry out. You have the option of choosing an oil that will not affect the color of the wood. There are oils that change the color of the floor from whitish to reddish yellow, brown and black. When a wooden floor is impregnated with natural oil for finishing, it must be opened with wax.

Wax floors have a golden hue and shimmer with a silky light. Flaxseed oil, beeswax and other additives are used to make wood floor wax. Such a coating has high moisture resistance, but is not protected from mechanical stress. In view of this, it is unprofitable to use a wax floor covering in rooms with high traffic.

When painting, the floor is covered with an opaque paint in order to protect the wood from mechanical stress and, if the quality of the wood floor is not presentable enough, to maintain its natural structure. The main advantage of painting a floor is that it can be repainted several times as needed.

In the process of choosing paint, pay attention to the environmental factor, the best option will be a water-dispersion-based material that does not contain organic solvents. This type of paint is distinguished by water resistance, good adhesion to the surface and color fastness. For painting the floor in the kitchen or bathroom, it is recommended to purchase paint on acrylic base... It is more durable and moisture resistant. Acrylic paint is perfect for painting concrete surfaces. The resulting film is moisture resistant, so acrylic compounds can be used for painting floors in bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, balconies and terraces. The paint is easy to use and dries up in 10-14 hours (see information on the can).

The most popular paints for flooring in residential premises are epoxy or alkyd compounds. Epoxy paint needs preliminary preparation, the alkyd is immediately ready for use. Before using the epoxy composition, the surface is not primed; before the alkyd compositions, the primer is applied without fail. Epoxy paint does not change its appearance over time; this paint can be used to cover both indoor floors and the floors of terraces and verandas. It is also suitable for concrete floors. Keep in mind that it will be very difficult to change the color of the epoxy paint floor in the future. To paint the parquet, use alkyd enamel.

Coloring of a wooden floor is carried out horizontally by the movement of wood fibers. It is preferable to start work from the perimeter of the room, namely from the baseboard.

If you have to paint the floor in a room with high humidity, then use waterproof acrylic paint for this purpose. Worried about the health benefits of paint? In this case, water-based paint will suit you. Its advantages are long-term color retention and ease of application to a wooden surface.

    If you still have old wooden floors in your room, chances are they've already been painted several times. And therefore, it is worth focusing on the following points:
  • existing floor color (to paint over dark shade lighter, more than 2 coats of paint may be required);
  • type of previously used;
  • their financial capabilities and the availability of suitable paint in the store.

Alternatively, you can try to completely remove the old paint, loop the floors. The presence of nails driven into the boards from above and hiding under a layer of old paint will become a problem.In such cases, it is better to think about completely replacing the old wooden floor with a more modern coating. But the parquet (almost all of it is made of oak), even the old one, is much easier to loop. It remains only then to cover the floors in two layers with varnish (with or without a shade) on the primer.

Processing wood floor in the garage

A wooden floor in a garage will not be resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress if it is not pretreated. To paint a wooden floor in a garage, you should choose a coating that would improve the wear resistance of the tree at times. To obtain a wear-resistant wood floor covering, polyurethane varnishes have been specially developed. They are 100% polyurethane in organic solvent without asphyxiant alkyd additives.

    Types of coatings:
  • glossy varnish for interior use;
  • impregnation for interior work;
  • glossy lightfast varnish for outdoor use;
  • lightfast impregnation for indoor / outdoor use;
  • impregnation and wear-resistant varnish for light floors for outdoor / indoor use.

The penetration depth of impregnations is 3–7 mm. After staining, a transparent or colored film forms on the floor. After hardening, the finished coating is harmless to the human body. These varnishes are used in temperate / cold climates. They can withstand temperatures from -50 to +100? С. Paintwork resistant to water, detergents, acids and aggressive salts in the temperature range -30 + 60 ° C.

Polyurethane varnish can be applied in the temperature range -15 + 40 ° C. The garage floor must be dry, otherwise bubbles may form under the floor. The floor should be pre-treated with toners, fire retardants and antiseptics. Only in this case the coating will be durable. Also, before applying the polyurethane varnish, the floor should be sanded and dust-free. For a matte finish, use a polyurethane impregnation.

After the first layer of impregnation has been applied (approximate varnish consumption is 200 - 300 g / m2), let it dry for 3-4 hours. Then you should remove the raised wood pile. Use sandpaper for this purpose. Apply the next layer of impregnation at a rate of 150-200 g / m2. The varnish is applied in 1–2 layers, its consumption is 200–300 g / m2.

How to paint a floor with fiberboard?

Sometimes, to simplify the painting of the old floor, it is recommended to pre-cover it with hardened fiberboard. The sheets can be additionally treated with linseed oil on both sides. This will have a beneficial effect when high humidity in room. After this procedure, you can start painting with a roller. The brush will work in a wider format.

If fiberboard sheets were laid, then only thixotropic ones are suitable for painting the floors. alkyd paints... In the work, you can also use products with additives that speed up the drying process. It is preliminarily recommended to treat the surface with a primer, then the paint will lay down better. It is better not to buy a water-based primer, otherwise the material will swell even earlier. This will create unwanted waviness on the surface.

Painting a concrete floor: features and technology

The quality of surface preparation directly affects the durability of the concrete painted coating. The first step is to remove dirt, debris, dust, old paint or bitumen from the floor. Take care to remove concrete chips, seal and putty small differences in the surface, if any. Through a dedicated grinder sand the surface. It is this process that will make the surface even and will significantly improve the adhesion between the paint and the floor.

Using a vacuum cleaner or a regular mop will help get rid of dust. For dedusting concrete base purchase formulations of polymer origin. They will significantly improve the quality of the concrete. To strengthen the concrete surface, use toppings - these are impregnations with a strengthening effect. Hardening agents will increase the strength of the base and protect the floor from dust for 4 years.

For the best adhesion between the concrete floor and the paint, use a primer. Among the wide variety of this material, choose a composition in accordance with the type of paint with which the surface will be processed.

To apply the primer, use a foam roller to distribute the soil evenly on the surface. Applying a primer requires adherence to a special technology: first, it must be mixed; so that the floor is not slippery, add in ready mix Little quartz sand; apply the composition in two or three layers.

After purchasing and choosing floor paint, you should determine the type of tool used in the work. This can be a regular brush, roller or spray gun. The decisive factor in this matter will be the paint that will be applied to the surface. The latter option contributes best application paints. In addition, it is distinguished by its ease of implementation, economy and a small amount of time it takes to paint.

This is followed by drying the floor, which is carried out under certain conditions. When carrying out this process, the temperature in the room should be about 19 degrees, and the humidity should be up to 86%. The floor dries up within three to eight days, it all depends on the drying conditions and the type of paint. After drying, the coating is ready for further use.

The choice of paint and varnish for a concrete floor

For painting concrete floors, polyurethane enamels are often used. Coatings of this kind perfectly tolerate atmospheric influences, are characterized by high environmental friendliness and economy, are not afraid of damage, and allow you to get a beautiful glossy surface... Enamel based on polyurethane is applied at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees. It is necessary to pre-mix the components of the composition. Such enamel is usually applied in two layers with an interval of at least a day. A significant disadvantage of such a coating is that the final composition dries up in about 2 weeks.

Epoxy and alkyd compositions are popular for painting concrete floors. In terms of their qualities, they are somewhat inferior to polyurethane, but they are applied easier and dry much faster.

The paint is applied to the concrete floor with strokes in different directions, and then rubbed over the surface. The layers should not be too dry. Better to apply 2-3 thin coats than one thick one. A new layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

After staining, you need to wait a while to completely dry the floor. Even after complete drying, it is recommended not to subject the surfaces to mechanical stress for 3-4 days.

Wood is unique construction material used to solve different tasks... One of the applications of this product is in the construction of floor coverings in residential and industrial buildings. In order for the tree to serve for a long time and efficiently, it must be additionally protected with special solutions. Today the market offers many varieties of mixtures to solve such problems. Therefore, it is important to know in advance which paint to choose for a wooden floor. This will make it possible not only to protect the tree, but also to extend the service life of the entire structure.


Painting of wooden floors is used almost everywhere today.

This is due to several advantages of such a system:

  1. The paint effectively protects the wood from damage. The top layer perceives almost everything physical exercise, and this allows, in turn, to extend the service life of the material.
  2. The covered tree does not absorb moisture, as it prevents thin film made of paint. This also prevents the board from expanding or shrinking much, and also prevents the development of rot and fungus in the organic structure.
  3. Using paint, you can give wood any color by adjusting the floor to a specific style of the room. This expands the use of wood in construction and makes it very popular.

The paints themselves for wooden surfaces differ in several features:

  1. Drying time. Quality products dry quite quickly without emitting strong odors. But there are solutions that solidify only after several days, which is not always practical in a modern home.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Almost all paints consist of harmful components that evaporate into the air during the drying period. Only water-based formulations have optimal performance.
  3. Moisture resistance. Paints have a different structure that can transmit or repel moisture.

What is the best way to paint?

Formulations offered by modern construction market, quite a lot, but when choosing them, they are guided by several criteria.


Wood floor paint can be of several types:

  • Perchlorovinyl compounds. The material is universal, it can be applied both outside and inside the house. In everyday life, they are rare, since the composition contains a harmful component that is released into the air. At the same time, after drying, the paints quickly crack, and the surface loses its aesthetic appearance.

  • Oil paints. Solutions of this type are notable for their low cost. One disadvantage is the long drying period, which can last for several days. An unpleasant odor is also emitted at this time. Surface formed oil paints, not abrasion resistant. After several years of service, roughness and sometimes cracks will appear.
  • Polyurethane floor paint. Such products have appeared on the market quite recently and have already gained popularity. The surface formed by these compounds is wear-resistant - it is not subject to abrasion for a long time. But paints based on polyurethane are toxic, therefore it is not recommended to use them in residential premises.

  • Alkyd mixtures. Wood paints of this type are very resistant to temperature extremes and humid environments. This allows them to be used in various places in the home. But the compositions emit an unpleasant odor, which does not always disappear even after they have completely dried out. Also, paint components are highly flammable and quickly spread fire. Therefore, it is important to weigh these disadvantages before purchasing alkyd products.
  • Rubber paints. The compositions are made on a water basis with the addition of special plastic components. These paints are characterized by elasticity, resistance to external factors, as well as low consumption. The materials are completely safe for humans, since they do not include harmful substances and do not emit unpleasant odors.

  • Acrylic blends. This paint is odorless and quick-drying, which allows you to get a finished result after just a few hours. Solutions are made on the basis of water, which excludes the use of harmful toxic components. Acrylic paints are among the safest and most practical. They can be used in children's rooms where environmental friendliness of the product is important.

Cover type

The choice is also influenced by the structure of the base. Wooden floors can be located either on logs or on concrete surfaces... The latter type is much colder and leads to condensation. Therefore, it is important that the paints are good at repelling moisture.

A new plank floor is fairly easy to paint. The surface of the wood has not yet been impregnated with such compounds. This allows you to select the desired color that will not change with the old paint substrate. But painting of such bases should be carried out more carefully, since it is necessary that the solutions are evenly distributed over the entire surface.

You can paint floors that already have a layer of paint on them. It is important to consider the presence of damage and chips. In these places, paint is added a little more to even out a little. upper layer.


Each room has its own original microclimate. Therefore, it is important to take it into account when choosing a paint. Today, manufacturers produce products that can be used not only inside a house or apartment, but also on a veranda. For rooms with high humidity (bath, bathroom), experts recommend choosing a mixture that repels water well. This will prevent it from seeping under the paint layer and destroying the wood.

Inside unheated summer cottage or on the balcony, it is advisable to paint the floors with compounds that can withstand temperature extremes. Special attention should be given to the terrace, where the microclimate can change dramatically. There are direct sunlight, water, and a change in temperature. Such surfaces are coated only with special paints capable of providing high-quality protection against such influences.


The color range of paints today is practically unlimited.

The most popular shades on the market are:

  • Brown;
  • dark yellow;
  • Red;
  • black.

But the best option still is White paint... This color is quite rare on the floor. But the shade of the solution can be easily changed using colors. This allows you to create almost any color, even at home.


The quality of the painting depends on the auxiliary tools that allow you to properly prepare the surface and apply the solution.

To solve such problems, you need a set of standard items:

  1. Metal spatula and chisel. They are used to remove old paint.
  2. Roller and brushes. The dimensions of these structures are selected individually, since everything depends on the size of the room to be painted.
  3. Masking tape or tape. Their main purpose is to protect surfaces that should not be painted. This allows you to control all processes, as well as speed them up several times.
  4. Painting tray. As of this product any container can protrude where paint can be placed.

Preparatory work

Wooden floors are painted several times during the entire period of their service. It is not difficult to prepare a new surface, since it has practically no damage and is completely leveled after installation.

Consider the technology of how to properly paint an old wooden floor, on which paints and varnishes are already present.

The procedure begins with the preparation of the foundation and consists of the following sequential steps:

  • Removing old paint or varnish. You can do this with your own hands using special grinding wheels and grinders. But this approach will lead to the formation of a large amount of dust. Chemical stripping can be an alternative to mechanical removal. This method involves the use of aggressive chemical solutions that dissolve the paint. After that, it is easily pulled together with an ordinary spatula. If you do not want to use chemical mixtures, you can try heating the top layer with a hairdryer to soften the composition.

  • Leveling the floor. This operation is performed for both new and old coatings. But if the structure has already served for several years, then it is imperative to inspect the condition of each board. In the event of rot, a separate element is replaced with a new one. The very same leveling is carried out using a grinder and a special nozzle, or by scraper machines. The last option is faster and of better quality.

  • Primer. The wood should be impregnated with special compounds that will prevent its fire and rapid decay. For this, use different types solutions. Before applying them, the floor must be thoroughly washed, dirt removed and dried.
  • Putting. This process involves filling large cracks, dents or crevices with special mixtures. They remind gypsum solutions that are painted in a different color. They can be matched to almost any wood structure. But this is not so important when using opaque paints.

After drying, the primer must be sanded with fine emery paper. If this is not done, lumps will remain on the surface of the floor even after painting.

Painting technology

Painting a wooden floor is a relatively simple operation that you can do yourself without any experience with these substances.

This procedure consists of several basic steps:

  • Painting begins with the preparation of paint. Stir the mixture thoroughly before using it. In some cases, a multi-colored color scheme is added to the solutions, which can change the shade of the paint. To achieve the desired color, all components should be mixed correctly.

  • After that, the paint is poured into a flat tray, where a roller is soaked in it. You shouldn't take too much of the mixture. It is advisable to squeeze the roller a little after such a procedure.
  • The solution is applied along the fibers. If there are batteries or other structures on the floor surface, it is advisable to cover them with masking tape. This will prevent accidental staining. Painting is performed initially in hard-to-reach places brush. After that, only the boards are covered with a roller.

Coloring of any floor, including the old one, is done in two layers. This is necessary in order to obtain a uniform film that will protect the wood.

For information on how and what you can paint a wooden floor, see the next video.

Famous brands

Wood floor paints are very popular products today. This has led to the fact that many companies are engaged in their production. Among all this variety, several of the most popular brands should be highlighted:

  • Tikkurila ("Tikkurila"). Many varieties of paints are produced under this brand, which differ high quality... The Finnish manufacturer is one of the leaders in this market. The best paints for wooden floors are Betolux and Betolux Aqua.