How to clean an acrylic bathtub from limescale. Impeccable cleanliness: the better to wash an acrylic bath at home

How to wash acrylic bath so that she doesn't change her appearance, served for a long time and pleased the eye with its unsurpassed appearance. In view of the fact that acrylic bathtubs appeared on our market quite recently, many people ask themselves the question - what means to wash such bathtubs and how to properly handle them. There are no big difficulties in the procedure for washing an acrylic bath. The main thing here is to follow the rules of cleaning.

We are all used to bulky and heavy cast iron baths, and acrylic bathtubs, which are elegant in their shape and light enough, at first glance seem fragile and impractical. That is why, many are wary of plumbing, which is made of acrylic.

Features of washing and caring for an acrylic bath

Unfortunately, many do not yet know the basic rules for the care of acrylic. It is worth noting that the surface of an acrylic bathtub requires more careful maintenance and therefore you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules for the care of this material. By following the basic care rules, you will be able to extend the flawless appearance of your bath.

Acrylic is a durable material. Its surface has a dirt-repellent effect, due to which microorganisms do not develop on it. In addition, the acrylic bathtub is not afraid of impacts, but it is easily scratched.

Features of washing an acrylic bath. The main thing is to be careful and careful when washing an acrylic bath. It is not recommended to use powdered and abrasive products as a washing agent, as well as paste containing chlorine, acid, alkali, and ammonia. Such substances contribute to the appearance of scratches on the surface, and also lead to the loss of natural color. Always carefully read the ingredients of the cleaning agent you use before cleaning your acrylic bathtub. Do not use metal and hard brushes - such brushes violate the integrity of the acrylic coating.

It is also not recommended to bathe your pets in an acrylic bathtub, put metal basins and buckets in them. Never put various objects in the bathroom - stools, metal basins and objects, as well as any other household utensils.

What improvised means can be used to wash an acrylic bath

To properly care for an acrylic bathtub, you must use a liquid with a cleansing effect as a washing agent. For this purpose, the composition for washing dishes is perfect, liquid soap, shower gel, etc.

If you find lime streaks on the surface of the bathroom, then it is not necessary to wash the entire container completely. Enough to take soft tissue, soak it in lemon juice or table vinegar and wipe the surface.

If you notice that some areas of the bathroom surface begin to darken, then it is enough to rinse the container with running water and wipe it with a dry and soft cloth.

If there are any problems in the acrylic bathtub small scratches, then its surface can be treated with a polishing material, in particular, it can be an ordinary mastic. Furniture polish or car polish is often used for this purpose.

Special products for washing acrylic baths

The current level of development of the chemical industry has made it possible to develop special tools, thanks to which an acrylic bath can retain its original appearance for a long time. At the same time, with such means, any acrylic container is washed quickly and safely. I would especially like to highlight such funds as Acrylan, Cillit, Sarma, Acryl-Net, Star-Acrylat.

These cream-gels are specially designed for washing acrylic surfaces. The agent is applied to a napkin and only after that to the surface of the bath. The entire surface of the container is wiped with a napkin and left for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the product should be washed off well with warm water and wiped dry with a cloth.

To wash acrylic bathtubs, you can use universal products. The most popular all-purpose cleaner for acrylic surfaces is Ravak. It was developed using a special technology and is intended for washing acrylic surfaces.

In order to qualitatively get rid of the appearance of rust, it is recommended to use products that are designed to combat rust specifically from acrylic surfaces.

In any case, when choosing a product for washing an acrylic bathtub, always give preference to special products. Such products will not only gently clean the surface, but also give it shine and protection, in the form of a thin waterproof film. Now you already know how to wash acrylic surface and you can provide it with proper care and increase its service life.

How to wash an acrylic bath - tips for washing with improvised and special means Video

How to wash an acrylic bath so that it remains snow-white for as long as possible and does not change its appearance. O various councils and the intricacies of caring for an acrylic bath and will be discussed in this article.

Acrylic bath care: how to clean, what is not recommended to use, how to remove scratches?

With all the advantages, acrylic bathtubs have a significant drawback.

The low hardness of acrylic leads to the fact that products made from it are very easy to scratch.

But still, if you properly and timely take care of such a bathroom, it will retain its snow-white gloss for a long time.

We will tell you how to care for an acrylic bathtub, how to do it at home.

How to clean?

Asking for advice on this from the seller in the store, you will surely hear about a special "unique and only possible", a magical product for washing acrylic bathtubs at a sky-high price. Let's not scold him, that's his job. Let's just say that everything is much simpler.

To wash acrylic baths, you can use any household detergents, with some exceptions.

Deadly enemies of acrylic bathtubs:

How to clean an acrylic bath at home and how to do it right?

Acrylic bath care products. How and what is the best way to clean an acrylic bath. Proper Care for a bath at home. Getting rid of scratches.

Acrylic bath: how and how to clean at home

Acrylic bathtub - a new alternative to traditional steel and cast iron products plumbing. Acrylic itself is a hard plastic used in dentistry and now in plumbing. More recently, these bathtubs were quite expensive, but now, thanks to the improvement of production, they delight with their variety and availability.

Buying a Bath: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of acrylic plumbing:

  • The main drawback is the fragility of the material;
  • it scratches easily. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing cleaning products, as they can damage upper layer baths. How to wash and how to clean acrylic bathtubs, consider a little lower;
  • acrylic loses its “presentation” if boiling water is poured into the bath or on long time clothes are soaked in it.

Problems encountered and solutions

Any plumbing that comes into contact with water can lose its new and beautiful appearance. The reasons for this may be the presence of lime deposits, yellowing of areas or the formation of rust.

There are many options to fix these problems at home. However, keeping modern ways and using an acrylic bathroom cleaner from trusted manufacturers, you can achieve a quick and high-quality result. How are acrylic bathtubs cleaned?

Great for cleaning acrylic surfaces. It is used only in liquid form. First, the substance is applied to a soft cloth. Then, uniformly, with light movements, wipe the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bowl. After waiting a few minutes, the solution is removed with a soft sponge and rinsed with warm, running water. The bathtub is wiped dry with a napkin and treated with a special polish to create shine.

Bass is also good for cleaning acrylic showers.

Its advantage is versatility. Washing cream and spray can clean not only acrylic, but also any other surface: ceramics, stone, enamel, plastic. It doesn't even hurt delicate surfaces because it contains no abrasives. However, he has high level efficiency, that they can easily and, literally in a couple of minutes, wash off rust, yellowness, lime and grease deposits.

This version of the tool is very practical, because, in addition to being effective in action, it is inexpensive.

This is a foam cleanser. Good for both bowls and booths. Regular use of acrylic will allow you to forget about rust, limescale and miles stains for a long time.

Suitable for delicate cleaning of acrylic areas. It effectively and sparingly removes rust, plaque, stains. The composition is environmentally friendly and harmless. Eliminates odors, forming a kind of shell on the surface, which eliminates the formation of new contaminants.

In the presence of an acrylic bathtub with hydromassage, Tim-Profi is the most the best remedy for cleaning. It will carefully clean all the dirt and ensure the correct operation of the mechanism for a long time.

This option is based on polymers and has antibacterial, cleansing and antifungal effects.

Important points for cleaning

When cleaning acrylic bathtubs:

In principle, with the selection of good cleaning products that do not contain aggressive components, the acrylic surface can be cleaned quite easily and quickly. For many, it has become a habit, after each use of the bath, to rinse it with warm water and wipe it dry.

Folk remedies

To remove lime deposits from acrylic surfaces, you can use citric acid. To do this, fill the cup hot water and throw a packet of ordinary citric acid into it, stir and leave for about 2 hours. After draining the water, rinse the entire area well with running water, wipe without leaving streaks. If such cleaning is carried out once a year, then chemical, production facilities may not be needed.

Small stains on acrylic can be removed with regular toothpaste and a brush. good cleaning guarantees soda with soap. First, we apply these components to the dirt, and after 20 minutes, wash it off.

Limescale and rust stains can win ammonia and hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal proportions. Wet the hard side of the sponge into this composition and wipe dirty, problem areas with it.

Fresh rust is well rubbed with soda. You can make a mushy mass and apply it for 20 minutes, and then wash it off. Old rust is removed with table salt. It is applied to stains and wiped with a hard area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sponge.

A very dirty acrylic bowl can be washed with an all-purpose cleaner - vinegar. liter bottle vinegar is poured into a bath filled with warm or hot water and left overnight.

bath once a year need to be disinfected. To do this, fill the bath with water at a temperature of 20 degrees. Then add a disinfectant, for example, Rawak. Mix the product thoroughly in water and leave the solution for about 10 minutes. Next, the bath should be well and thoroughly rinsed with running water, removing the remnants of the substance. Such work is done carefully and with gloves. After the procedure, the bathroom must be ventilated or ventilated.

Recent decades have pushed the acrylic bath to the first place in the world of sanitary ware. She has many positive keys, thanks to which she became a leader. And the main and important points in her care - regularity and knowledge. If you stick to how and with what to clean, then the acrylic bathtub will last for many years. Manufacturers assure that up to 35 years, an acrylic bathtub will be able to continuously work and delight its owner.

Cleaning an acrylic bath at home: how and with what to clean, the best remedy

Features of acrylic baths - benefits and disadvantages. Description of the most popular and effective cleaning products. Disinfection of acrylic sanitary ware.

Acrylic bath care: how to clean and wash at home

Acrylic bathtubs are very convenient and practical. But, like any other household item, they need daily care. Any hostess who owns this uncomplicated object of sanitary ware has at least once asked herself the question “how to clean the inside of an acrylic bathtub and how often to wash it at home?”. We will try to help and give an answer to this seemingly simple, but very important question.

Acrylic Bathtub Daily Care

Acrylic came to the plumbing industry from dentistry. There it was widely used for cladding metal frames dentures and the manufacture of full-fledged crowns. Being a durable and wear-resistant material, acrylic easily competed with steel and cast iron in the manufacture plumbing equipment(shower trays and bathtubs).

Acrylic is a fairly demanding material. Although it is resistant to impacts, small scratches easily appear on it, which subsequently darken and spoil the appearance of the bath very much. In order to avoid the appearance of microcracks and scratches, it is necessary to observe some precautions during the daily use of an acrylic bath:

  1. Do not bathe pets. The claws of animals have a high density and can easily leave scratches that are invisible at first glance.
  2. Do not place metal buckets, basins or pans in the bath. Metal is the main enemy of acrylic. In contact with metal utensils, acrylic acquires deep scratches.

Advice! In order for your bath to shine white, you need to provide it with daily care. Avoid severe contamination. It is much more difficult to get rid of complex lime masses.

For those who daily wonder how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home, we will tell you that the best remedy for stains and plaque is prevention. It is enough after each use to rinse the bath with a stream of clean running water, the best effect can be achieved using a soapy soft sponge. And after washing, wipe dry in order to avoid drying drops of hard water on the surface of acrylic.

Strong contamination: radical cleaning methods

Even with the most careful care, serious contamination cannot be avoided. This can happen both through the negligence of the owner, and under the influence of hardness salts contained in the water masses. Also a dangerous enemy for acrylic is rust formed on damaged parts of the mixer, pipes or other metal elements. Acrylic absorbs the substance and it is not possible to remove it with a regular brush.

For rust stains or other contamination, special acrylic cleaners can be used. But their impact will be effective only on a fresh stain. Besides chemical substances should be used very carefully and diluted big amount water. Otherwise, concentrated chemistry can cause even more harm. Concerning limescale- cleaning of acrylic from it is also carried out using special chemicals.

No chemical agent can deal with old rust or limescale stains. More radical cleaning methods are used here. To do this, stock up on soft sandpaper and gently clean the stain with it. After that, the place of stripping is treated with polish for acrylic. This method is best entrusted to a warranty service specialist or a licensed technician.

Cleaning the whirlpool jets of an acrylic bath

The range of acrylic bathtubs is not limited to traditional products. There is a wide range of more expensive and considered elite in their category - hot tubs. The difference lies in the equipment ordinary product nozzles, into which, with the help of circulation pump directed flow of water.

If the hydromassage function is not used regularly, the jets may develop:

To clean such a bath, you need to carry out a number of activities.

  1. Fill the tub with hot water 5-7 cm above the location of the nozzles.
  2. Turn off the air massage function (if any).
  3. Pour into water special remedy for cleaning these types of parts. Suitable cleaner dishwashers. If the dosage is not indicated in the annotation for the drug, use no more than 50 ml per bath volume.
  4. As disinfectant you can use table vinegar, but not more than 1 cup.

At the final stage, clean water will wash all the nozzles from the detergent and the bath is ready for use.

Important! Do not use whiteness and other chlorine-containing preparations as a disinfectant. This is especially true for hot tubs. They not only damage acrylic, but also instantly destroy silicone and rubber seals.

Substances incompatible with acrylic

Acrylic baths are absolutely not protected from the effects of aggressive substances, so there is a large list of cleaning products, the use of which is strictly prohibited. Some of them remove the glossy sheen from the acrylic surface, while others completely destroy it.

These substances include:

  • products containing fine abrasive in their composition;
  • chlorine;
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • formaldehydes.

With abrasive products, everything is clear - they violate the surface of acrylic, forming small scratches on it. Fighting which will cost some physical strength and financial investment. Small cracks and scratches are rubbed with special polishes, and deeper ones are polished with a soft sandpaper or grinders, in special cases they are poured liquid acrylic, made specifically for repair work.

The decision to disinfect with chlorine can lead not only to tarnishing of the material and loss of gloss, but also to the formation of small roughnesses on the acrylic (destruction process). Acetone and other solvents, like ammonia, can also cause the bath to lose its gloss. But this is not the worst. Prolonged exposure of the solvent to the acrylic will inevitably lead to corrosion of the material and the formation of dilapidated areas.

Always remember that using chemicals for an acrylic bathtub, it is allowed no more than 1-2 times a month when carrying out a complete disinfection of the bathroom. On other days, it is best to resort to scheduled cleaning and use the least aggressive preparations: soap, soft cloth or sponge.

Cleaning products from improvised materials

Not everyone trusts chemical cleaners. In some cases, they can lead to disastrous consequences for acrylic. Sometimes the cost of products is beyond the buyer's pocket. Or the user is allergic to the chemicals. In such cases, the cleaning agent can be prepared according to folk recipes, using improvised products, most of which are in the kitchen of any housewife.

  1. Lemon acid. This recipe is designed to combat limescale. The acid pack is dissolved in hot water, after which the liquid is added to the bathtub filled to the overflow hole. After 2 hours, the water is drained and the bath is rinsed with plenty of clean water. Residual moisture is removed with a soft cloth.

There are many other ways to clean acrylic from stains, but the best of them is prevention. Avoid plaque deposits. Rinse your bathtub after every use and your bathtub will be sparkling clean for years to come.

How to clean an acrylic bath at home: how to wash and care

How to clean the inside of an acrylic bath and how often to wash it at home? We will try to help and give an answer to this seemingly simple, but very important question.

Having learned how to clean an acrylic bath at home, it is easy to keep the original decor of the sanitary ware for a long time.

Advantages of acrylic

Acrylic bathtubs have dirt-repellent characteristics, which, with regular cleaning, reduces the number of harmful microorganisms.

Acrylic products are easy to care for. This is facilitated by:

  • lack of porosity and, as a result, low degree absorption of contaminants;
  • high smoothness, which does not allow microorganisms and particles of soap, dust, dirt to clog into the structure of the material.

Means for solving the problem, rather than washing an acrylic bath at home, are selected based on the characteristics of the material, so as not to damage the coating and preserve the original decor.

Characteristic pollution

Despite the dirt-repellent characteristics of acrylic planes, with irregular care, they appear common for sanitary products.

  • Yellowness. The reason is the quality of tap water.
  • Lime scale. It is formed due to hard water - from the presence of metal salts.
  • Color spots. Appear from contact with the surface of dyes.

By ensuring that the new font is regularly washed off, it is possible to avoid solving the problem of how to whiten an acrylic bath at home quickly and reliably. However, over time, you have to look for suitable detergents.

To wash an acrylic bathtub, special ready-made cleaning compounds allow. Hand protection with rubber gloves is required when working with them.

  • Acrylan. Foam cleans lime, soap deposits, as well as mold, rust. After processing, it forms protective film, which protects the plane from plaque. After application, do not wait until the foam dries completely. Do not use other cleaning agents in parallel.
  • cif. Available in the form of a paste, cream, spray. Contains no abrasive so will not damage acrylic products.
  • Bass. Liquid that carefully cares for plumbing. Used for daily care.
  • Team Pro. One of the environmentally friendly cleaning compounds. Destroys persistent pollution, returns shine to the processed surfaces. Does not contain harmful components. Allows you to wash the bathroom, eliminate odors, disinfect.
  • Acrylic Polish. This brand is represented by a variety of cleaning products. There are specialized tools with which polishing is carried out in order to restore the surface layer of the bath.
  • Cinderella. The product washes away any dirt on acrylic bathtubs. At the time of spraying, a pungent odor appears, so it is recommended to wear a mask. After application, stand for seven minutes and wash off the product with water, then wiping the surfaces with a soft cloth.
  • Chister. When deciding how to clean an acrylic bath, choose this universal remedy, which includes a protective acrylic polymer. Thanks to it, we remove grease, soap deposits, rust, limescale, and also whiten the surfaces to be treated.
  • Rawak. The compositions disinfect, clean, create a protective film.

The instructions for the selected product should contain an indication that they can wash an acrylic bath without fear of causing damage.

Before cleaning the dirt, master the techniques of working with certain types funds.

  • Liquids are spread over the inner surfaces of the bath with a soft sponge. Withstand, given the degree of contamination, up to 20 minutes. Then the residues must be thoroughly washed off with a stream of water.
  • The gel is applied gently in an even layer using a soft sponge.
  • The spray is sprayed for several minutes, trying to capture the entire inner surface of the bath.
  • On minor contamination, the cleaning composition is kept for five minutes before rinsing. If deposits of soap, salts have eaten in, then it is better to extend the time to 20 minutes.

After washing off the residue, wipe the bath with a dry soft cloth.

Folk remedies

From the arsenal folk remedies, with cleaning characteristics, select options that are safe for acrylic products.

  • limescale

When deciding how to whiten the bath, while simultaneously eliminating salt deposits, citric acid is used. Take four standard bags, pour into a liter warm water and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the solution into a tub filled to the top with hot water. With light pollution withstand water for two hours. To be safe, leave overnight.

How to clean significant lime marks yet? Table 6% vinegar. On full bath one liter is required. Leave the bath filled for 12 hours.

  • Yellowness

The question of how to wash acrylic surfaces from yellowness is removed after treating problem areas with hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia in equal volumes.

It is possible to achieve good results in the fight against yellowness by wiping the affected planes with a solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. For 200 ml of water, add 20 ml of one or the other.

  • Rust

Rust stains are removed with baking soda diluted with water to the consistency of gruel. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Use a composition of shavings of laundry soap and three tablespoons of soda. Dilute in 100 ml of water. Apply to rusty stains and hold for 30 minutes.

A layer of fine salt is placed on the old rust. A kitchen sponge is moistened with turpentine and the dirt is carefully rubbed off with a hard side, trying not to scratch the surface.

  • Other tricks

An effective way to show how you can clean an acrylic bath is to rub stains with toothpaste white color applied to a piece of soft cloth.

Be sure to rinse off after treatment. clean water and wipe the surfaces with a cloth.

How to clean a bath equipped with a whirlpool

In the presence of hydromassage in an acrylic bath, how to clean the nozzles. Due to moisture, mold develops in them, limescale accumulates.

Perform cleaning as follows:

  • poured into the bath hot water at a level of 7–10 cm above the nozzles;
  • with the air supply turned off, pour in a quarter cup of liquid to clean dishwashers;
  • for disinfection add table vinegar - 200 ml;
  • turn on the hydromassage mode for 15 minutes so that the dirt accumulated in the nozzles comes out;
  • drain contaminated water.

At the last stage, they are drawn into the tank clean water and once again turn on the hydromassage. This will flush the device

Inappropriate tricks

Despite the strength of acrylic products, some products can damage it, so they are prohibited for use:

  • brushes with metal needles and stiff bristles;
  • powders containing abrasive particles, including dry soda;
  • cleaning gels with strong acids in the composition, corroding acrylic planes;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • acetone, formaldehydes and solvents that can cause deformation of acrylic;
  • undiluted ammonia, concentrated alcohol, acid, alkali.

The listed products leave microscopic scratches on acrylic, lead to the disappearance of gloss, tarnishing of the surface layer. Hydromassage installations due to deformation, silicone gaskets quickly fail.

Preventive actions

If you follow the simple rules for the operation of acrylic bathtubs, then you will not need to look for methods on how to polish or clean contaminated surfaces.

In addition to daily care, it is recommended to clean the bathtub after two weeks with a suitable chemical agent. Disinfection should be carried out every six months, adding a special product from the Tim Profi or Ravak line to a bath filled with warm water for 20 minutes. If there are scratches or dirt that cannot be cleaned, invite specialists to restore the acrylic surface.

Acrylic bathtubs in the world market are rapidly replacing solid cast iron ones. And there are reasons for this: they are lighter, easier to install, look more aesthetically pleasing.

Acrylic does not rust, it is not affected by fungus and various other bacteria. All this makes maintenance of plumbing simple and fast. The article will talk about how to clean an acrylic bath at home.

How often should the decontamination procedure be carried out?

Acrylic is a rather unpretentious material. Plumbing from it is slippery and smooth, so the surface does not get dirty for a long time. Manufacturers recommend rinsing acrylic bathtubs regularly, after each water treatment.

It only takes a minute, but it prevents stubborn marks, and you don't have to worry about how to clean the snow-white surface. "General" cleaning with the use of cleaning products must be carried out at least once every 2 weeks.

What should be avoided while cleaning an acrylic bathtub?

Before washing an acrylic bath at home, it is recommended that you read the list of "contraindications". Things made from this type of plastic usually have a shiny, glossy finish.

Therefore, the operation is strictly limited:

  • Typical powder products such as Domestos, Komet, etc.
  • Brushes with hard bristles, iron washcloths.

These materials easily damage the bathtub, leaving deep scratches on it. Use only the soft side of a sponge or washcloth, as well as cloth napkins.

The use of any aggressive solvents is not recommended:

  • Whiteness and similar chlorinated products;
  • Acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • Formaldehyde.

Acrylic, like most types of plastic, is very sensitive to solvents, which can "corrode" its surface. In this case, the surface of the bath will lose its luster, terrible stains, small cracks will appear.

Often, housewives are faced with the problem of how to wash an acrylic bath at home? The walls and bottom are sensitive to abrasive substances, so a product chosen at random will not work. The purpose of the article is to tell about the basic rules and methods of cleaning, to give practical advice and recommendations:

  • characteristics of cleaning products, their features;
  • cleaning options - what are the main differences;
  • Tips for taking care of and extending the life of your bathtub.
Acrylic is a wear-resistant material, a type of plastic derived from a group of synthetic derivatives of one of the unsaturated organic acids.

What you need to know about the characteristics of acrylic bathtubs before cleaning them?

Before answering the question of how and how to wash an acrylic bath, let's talk about the material of manufacture. Acrylic has a dirt-repellent effect: microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not develop in the bath. The material is durable and impact resistant. A noticeable minus is that it is easily scratched and subject to wear.

The main difference is exposure to abrasive and chemically active components. Like plastic, substances with high alkalinity or acidity lead to degradation of the structure, and abrasives scratch the surface, leaving deep grooves.

When washing, it is important to be careful. Do not buy abrasive compounds, pastes with ammonia, chlorine, acids and alkalis. Powdered products are harmful, leaving damage and scratches. Brushes (metal and hard bristles) are contraindicated for use.

Which brushes and sponges to use

For cleaning use soft cloths or sponges. Use and tissue napkins. They are moistened in special solutions (we will talk about them later). After washing, it is wiped dry and polished.

If there is no opportunity to buy a special sponge, use rags with soft pile, for example, from microfiber. If necessary, use a regular cloth - the main thing is that there are no abrasive agents on the surface.

How to clean an acrylic bath at home: TOP 5 ways

For you, we have selected several options for how to clean an acrylic bath at home:

  • detergent;
  • lemon acid solution;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • toothpaste.


Adequate and in a simple way the use of special detergents is considered. Their cost rarely exceeds reasonable limits. For correct selection make sure there are no abrasives. Often on the packaging of goods indicate the composition, or make special notes.

Acrylic bath cleaner used for small and large cleaning volumes. Spots that appear are removed with:

  • cif- for baths, sinks, tiles and toilets. The composition does not contain abrasives, which is safe for acrylic. Acceptable price and a variety of types of composition (spray, paste, cream) makes it a popular product with buyers. After cleaning, a film appears that protects it from further formation of limescale.
  • Acrylan- foam for bathtubs and showers. When using, leave only until completely dry, without rinsing.
  • Bass- Cleaning agent, used daily. Sold in liquid form.
  • Team Pro- an environmentally friendly product, helps to fight unpleasant odors, is effective for severe pollution.
  • Cinderella- a popular substance, emits a pungent odor, therefore, when spraying (sold as a spray), wear gloves and a special mask.
  • Chister- composition for quick removal dirt, promotes the decomposition of stains and greasy contaminants. Consists of a polymer that protects against fungi.

In addition to those listed, allowed Use of the following is at your own risk:

  • Sarma;
  • SanClean;
  • Luxus professional;
  • L. O. C. Plus;
  • Cillit;
  • Acryl-Net;
  • Star-Acrylat;
  • Triton;
  • RAVA K;
  • Panny.

Citric acid solution

Citric acid refers to organic acids with a relatively high pH - an indicator of the solution. Materials perfectly clean off plaque, grease and other contaminants. Organic acid is especially effective on ordinary substances, therefore it is easy to clean off fat with its help. In its pure form, it adversely affects acrylic, because mix into solution:

  1. ⅔ fill with warm water;
  2. Pour out half a liter of acid;
  3. Stir the consistency and leave overnight;

The method is effective, but aggressive towards acrylic, and it is not recommended to carry it out more often than 0.5 years.

After standing for about 12 hours, the solution descends. citric acid stir more thoroughly than vinegar - completely dissolve it for further precipitation. At the end, the structure is washed with a stream of water from the shower and wiped with a soft cloth. Rub for extra shine.

Apple vinegar

A practical substance, but it does not always have a positive effect on acrylic. The main feature is a low pH and high acidity. For the material, this factor is critical, especially in the presence of scratches. You must work quickly and accurately. The recommended method is to moisten a cloth abundantly in the solution, attach it to the pollution and pour water over it.

We recommend using the method at least once every six months.

For severe pollution:

  • Prepare 9% vinegar in an amount of 1 liter;
  • Fill two-thirds with hot water;
  • Pour out the vinegar;
  • Wait for the night;
  • Rinse and wipe


Plaque removes ordinary soda. The composition has a high alkaline environment that breaks down fats and strong compounds. In most products, it is present in the form of compounds or usual form. There are two types: food and calcined.

Use the method every 3-5 months.

Baking soda is a weak alkali, soda ash is strong, with a powerful abrasive effect. Use exclusively baking soda .

  • Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl;
  • Fill with a glass of water;
  • Dampen the soft side of the sponge with the solution;
  • Apply the mixture by blotting rather than rubbing;
  • Rinse with water after 15 minutes and clean with a cloth.

Never use undiluted baking soda! It has a strong abrasive effect and will damage the case.

If you need to leave the surface in its original form, take distilled or filtered water. In some cities, tap water contains a large number of calcium, which reacts with soda, which forms fine crumbs, similar to sand. Using water will get rid of it. The advice is also relevant for other cleaning methods associated with the use of chemically active substances.


Acrylic came to plumbing from dentistry - it was used to line denture frames and make crowns, so cleaning the bathtub with toothpaste is quite acceptable.

The procedure should not be carried out more than once every two months.

Buy non-abrasive paste. The manufacturer may not indicate this on the packaging. Abrasive particles are like small grains of sand that clean plaque from teeth, but they will greatly damage the surface of the bath. Before use, squeeze a small amount of paste onto your finger and rub it - the sand is immediately noticeable.

  • Apply the paste to a sponge or cloth;
  • Wipe dirty surface;
  • Clean with water;
  • Grate to shine

Video: how to wash an acrylic bath

The video below presents detailed advice than to wash an acrylic bath.

Consider the main ways to clean an acrylic bath:

Contraindications: what not to use when cleaning

A few words about how you can not clean an acrylic bath at home. We do not recommend using:

  • Acetone- corrodes plastic, contributes to the appearance of holes.
  • Abrasives- spoil the surface, leaving scratches and reducing the thickness of the enamel.
  • A mixture of several components- creates the opposite effect, scratching the walls.

The appearance of acetone in the room should be completely excluded. The element is chemically active and acts as a solvent. Enough 10-20 ml for a dent on the surface of the structure.

Chemical active substances wash away cold water. Heat increases the reaction rate, and surface damage will occur faster.

Detergent compatibility with acrylic surface

Is it possible to wash an acrylic bathtub with domestos or a mixture of substances? It is undesirable to mix with:

  • Formaldehyde- they are not compatible with acrylic.
  • Chlorine- its use forms pores, shortening the life of the product.
  • Acetone, ammonia- corrode the walls.

Domestos, Sanox, Pemolux and Selit contain hydrochloric acid that destroys protection. Initially, it is bleached, but after it absorbs plaque, it gets dirty faster. Therefore, such detergents cannot be used.

White disinfection

An acrylic bath is a way to forget about the fungus forever, but it is not perfect either. The fungus does not appear on the material, but easily multiplies on plaque, fats and other organic matter with nutrient microflora. It is necessary to prevent the long appearance of pollution, and if they appear, periodically carry out a complete disinfection.

Fill the tub with water room temperature;

  • Add 2 liters of whiteness (7%);
  • Do not touch for 10-15 minutes;
  • Rinse off the water and dial again;
  • Remove the remaining whiteness and drain the water;
  • Wipe dry with a cloth.

Rules for proper operation

The bath does not require serious maintenance, but it is still necessary to follow the rules.

  1. Periodic bringing plumbing in a decent condition in 5 minutes - after water procedures rinse with clean water. Acrylic does not absorb dirt, so this washing is enough.
  2. Wipe down bath after use sponge with soapy water. Then dry to avoid streaks.
  3. To remove scratches, there are restoration kits- They are sold in hardware stores.

Owners of an acrylic bath should be aware that it is very different from its steel or cast iron counterparts and requires certain maintenance rules. Before cleaning an acrylic bath at home, you need to choose the right product. Otherwise it may damage internal coating and say goodbye to sanitary ware forever.

To clean the acrylic bath at home, you can use household chemicals. In specialized stores there is a large selection of effective acrylic cleaners from well-known manufacturers.

Cleaning products that can be used to clean acrylic bathtubs:

  • Acrylan. It helps to quickly get rid of rusty spots, mold and limescale. With this liquid, you can wash the product with high quality and give a shine to the surface of the bathing tank.
  • Rawak. The brand produces products for cleaning, disinfecting and restoring the protective layer of an acrylic bath.
  • Cleaner - a composition for the rapid removal of any type of dirt, consisting of a polymer that protects the product from fungi.
  • Acrylic Polish. On sale there are cleaning gels of this company, as well as products for restoring and polishing the bath.
  • Tim Pro. A safe cleaner that disinfects the surface and also removes unpleasant odors, salt deposits and greasy stains.
  • cif. Available as a spray or cream, suitable for all types of coatings. Since the product does not contain abrasive substances, they can safely wash the acrylic bath at home from yellowness, rust, grease and lime.
  • Bon professional. good remedy for cleaning acrylic products. During washing, a film is formed that protects the coating from contamination.
  • bass- liquid composition which is suitable for daily care of acrylic surfaces.
  • L.O.S. - an expensive, but very effective remedy from Amway.
  • Cinderella. Inexpensive and effective spray. However, when using it, you need to wear a respirator, since the product has a characteristic pungent odor.

Having decided which cleaning agent is best to use, you should read the instructions for use.

As a rule, household chemicals are used as follows: the liquid is applied to a dirty surface with a sponge, and then left for 5–20 minutes on the coating for exposure. After that, the agent is washed off with water. When using a spray, the product is sprayed, and then kept for the time specified in the instructions and washed off. Finally, the clean bath is wiped dry.

home cleaners

If desired, you can clean the acrylic bath with home remedies. To wash acrylic, only soft sponges or cloth napkins, which are pre-wetted in solutions, can be used. After washing, the surface must be wiped with a dry cloth and polished.

The most effective home remedies:

  • lemon acid;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • toilet or baby soap;
  • non-abrasive toothpaste.

Lemon acid cleans plaque, fats and other contaminants well, but it cannot be used in its pure form. To clean an acrylic bath, you need to fill it with warm water by ⅔, and then pour out 50 g of acid, mix the solution thoroughly and leave it overnight. After 12 hours, the water must be drained, rinsed with a jet of water from the shower and wiped the surface with a soft cloth.

For light soiling, apple cider vinegar can be used, but you need to work with it quickly and carefully. It is recommended to moisten a rag abundantly in the solution, apply it to the dirt and pour water over it. You can also do it differently. To do this, fill the bathtub with hot water by two thirds, and then pour 1 liter of vinegar into it and leave the solution overnight. In the morning, drain the water and wipe the surface dry. This cleaning method is effective for heavy dirt.

Suitable for plaque removal and fat digestion baking soda. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp. l. soda in a plate, pour it with 250 ml of water, and then moisten the soft side of the sponge in the resulting solution and apply the composition to dirty places. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the bath with water and wipe with a rag. Do not use undiluted soda, as it can scratch the acrylic coating.

For effective cleaning toilet or baby soap may also be used. A small piece of soap (about 15 g) must be grated, diluted with 500 ml of boiling water and stirred until completely dissolved. After that, you need to add 1 tbsp to the soap solution. l. baking soda. The prepared composition should be treated with a dirty surface, and after 30 minutes, rinse with water.

In addition, acrylic products can be cleaned using toothpaste, which does not contain abrasive particles in its composition. Initially, the product is applied to a sponge or napkin, and then the contaminated surface is wiped. Next, the paste is washed off with water and the bath is rubbed to a shine.

Rust and limescale removal

If regularly rinsed and carried out general cleaning bathing tank, it will always have a well-groomed appearance. With insufficient care, rust, salt deposits and other stains appear on the surface. You can use home remedies to remove them. The choice of cleaner depends on the type of contamination.

Lime deposits are recommended to be removed with lemon juice . To do this, the acrylic surface must be rubbed with a slice of lemon, and after 10-20 minutes, rinse with running water. A thick layer of plaque should be removed by successive treatment with soda and acetic solutions. Initially, the surface is treated with a soda solution (100 g per 1 liter of water), and vinegar is applied on top of it (9% table vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1). After 10 minutes, when the chemical reaction stops, the bath is washed with warm water.

launder yellow spots and rust will help a mixture of mustard and ordinary soda. Both ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, and then a small amount of warm water is added to the composition to obtain a slurry. After that, the home remedy is generously applied to the spots and left overnight.

The next morning, the dried composition is moistened and the surface is wiped with a sponge. Then it remains only to thoroughly wash the product with water.

In addition, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used to get rid of yellowness and rust spots. These components are mixed and then sprayed onto problem areas from a spray bottle. The structure is washed after 15 minutes.

Rubbing alcohol is suitable for removing traces of paint and glue. It must be applied to contaminated areas with a soft sponge, and washed off after 2 minutes.

Prohibited funds

Although acrylic products have many advantages, they still have poor mechanical strength.

Therefore, in order to give the bath a perfect look and protect its surface from damage, do not use cleaning powders with abrasives to wash plumbing and use aggressive chemical solutions.

  • Products with abrasive particles, as they contribute to the formation of micro-scratches.
  • Preparations containing chlorine. After their application, the coating becomes dull, i.e. loses its gloss.
  • Acetone and other organic solvents. They destroy the polymer structure. With prolonged contact, acrylic enters into chemical reaction with the means and begins to deform.
  • Products containing formaldehyde. These substances adversely affect the material, destroying it.

To keep an acrylic bathtub clean, you must adhere to certain rules for the care of such products. First of all, when small contaminants are detected, it is not necessary to immediately treat the surface with cleaning agents. To do this, it may be sufficient to wash the tank with warm water using a soft sponge. After completion of the procedure, the product is wiped dry and treated with a wax polish to add shine.

It is recommended to clean the bathing area once a day. For this purpose, it is necessary to lather the sponge laundry soap, wipe the surface of the tub, rinse with water and pat dry. Chemical tank treatment detergents it is advisable to do it no more than once every 2 weeks.

Besides, every 6-12 months it is recommended to disinfect the bathtub. The container should be filled with water at room temperature, add a disinfectant solution to it and mix thoroughly. After 10-20 minutes, the water must be drained, and then the remnants of chemicals should be washed off the surface of the acrylic bath.

Before using any tool, it is recommended to test it. This is done as follows: initially, the selected liquid is applied to small plot, preferably for lower part baths. Then the product is left for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the treated area is washed with warm water and carefully examined how the coating reacted to the selected cleaning agent.

Thus, there are many products that can be used to clean an acrylic bath. For this purpose, the use of household chemicals or home cleaners is allowed. They effectively cope with any kind of pollution.