What a post in July. Great Lent: Daily Nutrition Calendar

Great post in 2020 starts on March 2 and ends on April 18. Great Lent is the most important, long-lasting and strict of all Orthodox fasts. It is based on imitation of Christ's forty-day fast in the wilderness. Fasting is flexible, meaning its start and end dates change every year. In 2020, fasting begins on March 2 and ends on April 18. April 19 -. The most stringent weeks of fasting are the first and the last ().

The above rules are strict monastic rules. Lay people(non-monks) usually fasting softer Correlate the food calendar during Great Lent in accordance with your life circumstances, health and consulting yours. Usually laymen do not practice dry eating and refusal of vegetable oil all weekdays (or is practiced only on some days). Someone does not eat fish at all, someone still uses it on some days. Someone reinforces their strength with seafood - squid, shrimp, etc.

But since there is no separate charter for the laity and all changes to the monastery charter are largely individual in nature, we publish a calendar corresponding to the monastery charter. It gives an idea of ​​the degree of severity of a particular fasting day in the church tradition.... And you yourself, together with your confessor, will be able to determine what will be fasting for you at the moment - boiled potatoes or diet fishcake.

For pregnant women, lactating women, children and those who are seriously ill, the fast is seriously weakened. Children under a certain age, expectant and lactating mothers are usually enough to deny themselves meat (unless there are special instructions from the doctor). But at the same time, think about what tasty, especially loved, but not at all necessary, you can deny yourself - sweets, etc.

Week 1 of Great Lent

March 8, Sunday
1st week of Great Lent. Triumph of Orthodoxy.
hot food with butter

Week 2 of Great Lent

March 14, Saturday

hot food with butter

3rd week of Great Lent

March 21, Saturday
Parent's Saturday: Commemoration of the Dead
hot food with butter

3rd week of Great Lent
hot food with butter

4th week of Great Lent. Cross-worship

Week 5 of Great Lent

April 1, Wednesday

April 2, Thursday. Thursday of the Great Canon
Food with vegetable oil (for the sake of the labor of Mary's standing).

April 4, Saturday. Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos (Saturday Akathist)
hot food with butter

6th week of Great Lent

April 12, Sunday. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.
4th week of Great Lent
Fish allowed

Holy Week

April 17th. Good Friday.
Remembrance of the Holy saving Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
strict fasting

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On the splash screen is a fragment of photo 10b traveling

    It is not clear why both on Wednesday and on Thursday in the fifth week oil was painted "For the labor of Mary's standing" (standing once, not two days in a row). And on Great Saturday, too, it seems, butter is not relied upon, unless it is the Annunciation.

    Answer under the nickname "Incognito"; (what the editors did not explain). The fact is that fish can be eaten only on the days of the Annunciation and in the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm), but since the Annunciation always takes place unchanged on April 7, and since this day falls on Saturday of Holy Week this year, then you can also eat fish and seafood not desirable (prohibited).

    Looked at the table on wikipedia. Here the calendar is different. Whom to believe? Where is the correct one, on this site or wikipedia? There you can eat fish twice, here alone. According to wiki, February 20 only water and bread, 22nd only water. Moreover, it says that it was compiled according to the church charter. And here?

    • Usually fish can be served twice during Great Lent: on the Feast of the Annunciation and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). Our calendar is also compiled according to the charter, but the charter in different traditions may differ slightly. And we would like to draw your attention to the fact that this calendar is an example of a strictly monastic charter. Moreover, it was not formed in the conditions of our northern climate. The published calendar gives an idea only of the degree of severity of a particular fasting day in the church tradition. And you yourself or together with the priest will be able to determine what will be fasting for you at the moment - boiled potatoes or diet fishcake. Traditionally, lay people fast - no meat, eggs, milk, more strictly - no fish. Another thing is that we ourselves still know what it would be useful for us to refuse - someone really loves baked goods (albeit lean ones), someone else does something. And now we see that Wednesday and Friday, for example, are stricter on the food calendar than other days. This means we can give up something, albeit lean, but a special beloved these days. And still fry the potatoes in oil?

    Thanks a lot!!! Convenient and understandable calendar !!! Roofing for March 1 is not clear; in the picture (hot food with oil), and in the description (hot food without oil). Thank you again for the calendar !!!

Orthodox calendar contains two annual circles of events:, all dates of which are firmly established in, and, all events of which are set relative to the day of celebration.

Easter Day is calculated according to (Alexandrian) and is celebrated simultaneously by all Orthodox Churches (except for the Finnish Church, which has switched to the Gregorian calendar), as well as all related events of the Easter circle.

Fixed circle dates are marked in different ways: by Julian calendar (so-called "old style") and Gregorian calendar (modern civil calendar, or "new style").

In the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as in the Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian Churches and in the monasteries of Athos, the events of the motionless circle are celebrated, which in the XX-XXI centuries differs by 13 days. So, the beginning of the church year (), set for September 1, is celebrated according to the civil calendar on September 14.

In the other eleven Local Orthodox Churches, the dates of the fixed circle are celebrated. So, it is celebrated before the civil new year, December 25.

The presented Orthodox calendar allows you to determine the dates of fasts and holidays from 100 to 20,000. When you hover the cursor over a calendar date, information about the features of this day appears. By clicking on any day of the month, the link will lead to the corresponding date of the detailed daily calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church. Daily calendar links work plus / minus 10 years from the current date.

Calendar on your website

Enter the desired width and height of the inline frame (by default, the dimensions are 950px and 700px, which will allow you to place the calendar without horizontal and vertical scrollbars):

Many adhere to the rules of nutrition, refuse excesses. The meaning of abstinence lies in the purification of the spirit, the development of spiritual life, the purification of thoughts, deliverance from everyday vanity, communion with the spiritual example of Christ.

The essence of keeping cleanse

Great Lent in 2020 recalls the forty-day cleansing of Christ the Savior in the wilderness, it recalls the last days of his life, suffering, death, burial. He showed an example that the devil can be driven out by prayer and by observing Great Lent in particular in 2020.

For all Orthodox, the beginning of Great Lent in 2020 is March 11. It lasts until April 27. Heralds the holiday of Easter, for which one prepares with soul and body.


Compliance service as celebrating

The cleansing has four periods and lasts 48 days. The following calendar periods of Lent are distinguished in 2020.

  1. Lasts forty days. It is called the Forty-Years. It is characterized by strict abstinence. The main goal is cleansing from sins, focusing on the spiritual, on prayers, and chanting. All undergo abstinence that humbles the flesh.
  2. Starts on the sixth Saturday. Has the name Lazarev Saturday. Time before Palm Sunday. Aimed at remembering the miracle of Christ by the resurrection of Lazarev. Then Palm Saturday is held. In the evening, the Annunciation is held, consecration with holy water.
  3. Starts on the sixth Sunday. Palm Sunday is the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. There are rituals with willow. The holiday indicates the revival of nature, spirit. Many traditions are associated with this holiday.
  4. Holy Week.

What's happening in the last week?

Passion Week is the last period. The days are called Great: Great Monday, Great Thursday.

  1. Monday is home preparation for the holiday.
  2. Linen is washed and ironed on Tuesday.
  3. The next day finishes the chores. The house must be completely clean, the garbage must be thrown out. The eggs for the eggs must be prepared, the materials for their painting must be prepared.
  4. On Thursday, the maximum number of ceremonies is held, corresponding to signs and traditions. Easter cakes are baked. Before baking, be sure to pray passionately.
  5. Good Friday is known for food refusal. Singing, listening to music, housework is prohibited. Violation of the prohibition is considered a gross sin.
  6. Great Saturday is one of the busiest days. housewives are preparing dinner, preparing Easter eggs.

As already mentioned, fasting is a spiritual cleansing and preparation for Easter. Spiritual preparation consists of prayer, reading spiritual books, research, atonement for sins, sinful thoughts. All actions are directed at thoughts of God. Body preparation is abstaining from foul food.

Since the days of abstinence are a time of great repentance, the following is prohibited.

  1. Refusal of established chants on weekdays. Each chant is filled with joy and triumph.
  2. It is forbidden to celebrate the days of the saints on weekdays. All holidays are carried over to weekends.
  3. Celebrations on the occasion of marriage, weddings, birthday celebrations are prohibited.
  4. Physical intimacy and foul language are considered a sin.

Compliance with dietary rules

Using the calendar helps to follow the rules of nutrition: it explains which days it is allowed to eat food. If the fast has not been observed before, then the fast should be extremely careful. All stages are introduced gradually. Abrupt rejection of the usual food can lead to health complications. Animal protein should be completely replaced with vegetable protein. Main foods: legumes, nuts, dried fruits and mushrooms.

Children, people suffering from chronic diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women and breastfeeding are exempted from strict fasting. We offer basic recommendations on what is allowed and not recommended on days of abstinence.

The following foods are prohibited:

  1. All meals that include animal protein.
  2. Dairy products, even milk powder.
  3. Egg powder, food that includes eggs.
  4. Fish, fish products (exceptions are days when consumption is allowed).
  5. Vegetable oil, except for the days when it can be consumed.
  6. Alcohol, sweets, carbonated drinks. The exception is some days, as well as red wine.

Wine, like vegetable oil, is not included in the general rules. They can be turned on on weekends. It is impossible only during Great Saturday. Vegetable oil is used during the days of the memory of the Great Saints. Fish can be eaten at the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God. Fish roe is introduced into the diet on the sixth Saturday.

List of foods included in the allowed Lent 2020 menu.

  1. Homemade sourdough and pickle products.
  2. Pickled vegetables and fruits.
  3. Jams.
  4. Juices and compotes.
  5. Fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, legumes, seeds.
  6. Greens in any form: fresh or dried.
  7. Spices and herbs are allowed.
  8. Mayonnaise, yogurt, milk and cheese, with soy as the main ingredient.
  9. Any baked goods and bread. Exception: baked goods, white flour products.
  10. Cereals.

The first four weeks, Holy Week, are considered to be strict days. You cannot eat on the first day of Lent 2020, as well as during Good Friday. The diet of the first Friday of Lent: boiled wheat, sweetened with sugar, honey. Hot food is consumed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Separate Lent calendars for 2020 are issued by day. Also find out about and download our free one.

Important calendar days

An important first day of fasting. It is popularly called clean: people actively use water procedures, often change their underwear. Abstinence from food was previously accepted. On clean Monday, it is customary to rinse your mouth to rinse off the food eaten during the Shrovetide period.

On Friday of the first week, it is customary to eat consecrated wheat porridge sweetened with honey.

On Saturday, it is customary to arrange a mourning at the end of Maslenitsa. In the morning, lean pancakes are prepared in vegetable oil.

The first Sunday is the day of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. The veneration of icons of saints is glorified, victories over the opponents of Orthodoxy are remembered.

Forgiveness Sunday

The last Sunday before Lent is Forgiven. It is then that Maslenitsa week ends. Before starting the fast, it is necessary to finally prepare for this test. It is customary for the Orthodox to ask each other for forgiveness for the sins and atrocities committed. Forgiveness promotes concentration on the spiritual realm of life. The person is preparing for the main confession. In addition, it is customary to commemorate the dead, go to the cemetery, and clean up the graves.

During the gala dinner, food leftovers are burned. Thus, with a pure soul and heart, everyone begins to observe Great Lent in 2020. Traditionally, the rite of forgiveness is performed.

Fasting and meal calendar 2019 Orthodox fasting 2019

Orthodox calendar of fasts and meals for 2019 with an indication and a brief description of multi-day and one-day fasts and continuous weeks.

Otherwise, everyone can determine for themselves the measure of permissibility and restrictions during Lent, taking into account their way of life, social status and the measure of responsibility to themselves. Please note that the rules of Fasting are designed for monastics and those who voluntarily decide to be strict, while secular people can decide for themselves which of the precepts they should adhere to.
Fasting is not in the belly, but in the spirit
Folk proverb

The beginning of Great Lent gives Christians the opportunity to change, renew and be reborn for a bright life with a pure and exultant heart. You need to think about how to fast in Great Lent 2016 correctly from April 14, since it begins from that very day. The success of your spiritual and physical transformation depends on the correct attitude and well-coordinated work of the body, soul and mind.

For ignorant people, fasting may seem too strict and difficult, however, with the right approach and knowledge, it will bring you joy.

The essence of fasting is manifested in the fact that a person decides to voluntarily abstain from his flesh. There is a certain element of sacrifice and asceticism here. Meanwhile, Great Lent is not only bodily, it is directly related to spiritual fasting. Its meaning is in the eradication of addictions, getting rid of evil thoughts, in the mood for love for one's neighbor and in kindness.

Therefore, if you are starving, but at the same time continue to do evil deeds and live in evil, all your efforts will be in vain. You will not reach the main point of fasting, which will turn personally for you into a regular diet. Take note of a few tips on how to fast properly - they will be relevant not only in 2016, but also in the future.

Nothing in life comes without difficulty. And to celebrate the holiday, you need to prepare for it.
In the Russian Orthodox Church, there are four multi-day fasts, fast on Wednesday and Friday throughout the year (with the exception of a few weeks), and three one-day fasts.

The Church allows significant indulgences during Lent for children under 14 years of age, nursing or pregnant women, military personnel and travelers, as well as people engaged in hard and physical labor and the sick.

ATTENTION! Below you will find information on dry eating, eating without oil, and fasting days. All this is a long-standing monastic tradition, which even in monasteries cannot always be observed in our time. Such strict fasting is not for the laity, but the usual practice is abstaining from eggs, dairy and meat foods during fasting and during strict fasting - also abstaining from fish. For all possible questions and about your individual measure of fasting, you need to consult with your spiritual father.

Dates are in the new style

The Savior himself was led by the spirit into the wilderness, he was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything during those days. The Savior by fasting began the work of our salvation. Great Lent is a fast in honor of the Savior Himself, and the last Passion Week of this forty-eight-day fast is established in honor of the remembrance of the last days of earthly life, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Fasting is observed with particular rigor during the first and passionate weeks.
Complete abstinence from food is taken on clean Monday. The rest of the time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food (water, bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - food with vegetable oil.
Fish is allowed on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (April 7) and on Palm Sunday. On Lazarev Saturday, fish caviar is allowed. On Good Friday, food must not be eaten before the shroud is taken out.

From Monday of the week of all Saints, the fast of the Holy Apostles begins, established before the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This post is called a summer post. The continuation of the fast is different, depending on how sooner or later Easter happens.
It constantly starts on All Saints Monday and ends on July 12th. The longest Petrov fast includes six weeks, and the shortest one a week with a day. This fast was established in honor of the Holy Apostles, who by fasting and prayer were preparing for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel and preparing their successors in the work of saving ministry.
Strict fasting (dry eating) on ​​Wednesday and Friday. On Monday you can eat hot food without oil. On other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.

A month after the Apostolic Lent, the many-day Dormition Fast begins. It lasts for two weeks - from 14 to 27 August. By this fast, the Church calls us to imitate the Mother of God, who, before her transfer to heaven, was incessantly in fasting and prayer.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry food. Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed.
On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (19 August) fish is allowed. Fish day in Assumption, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday.

Rozhdestvensky (Filippov) post. At the end of autumn, 40 days before the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, the Church calls us to the winter fast. It is called Filippov, because it begins after the day dedicated to the memory of the Apostle Philip, and Rozhdestvensky, because it happens before the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
This fast was established in order for us to bring a grateful sacrifice to the Lord for the earthly fruits collected and to prepare for the grace-filled union with the born Savior.
The food charter coincides with the charter of St. Peter's Lent, until the day of St. Nicholas (December 19).
If the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on Wednesday or Friday, then fish is allowed. After the feast day of St. Nicholas and before the prefeast of Christmas, fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday. On the eve of the feast, you cannot eat fish all the days, on Saturday and Sunday - food with butter.
On Christmas Eve, you cannot eat food until the first star appears, after which it is customary to taste soothing - wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins.

Week 7 is a week from Monday to Sunday. These days there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday.
- There are five continuous weeks:
- Christmastide -
- Publican and Pharisee - 2 weeks before Great Lent from February 6
-Cheese (Shrovetide) - the week before Lent (no meat)
- Easter (Light) - the week after Easter from April 11 to April 27, 2019,
- Trinity - a week after Trinity.

Fasting on Wednesday and Friday

The weekly fast days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, fasting is established in remembrance of Judas' betrayal of Christ, on Friday - in memory of the sufferings of the Cross and the death of the Savior. On these days of the week, the Holy Church prohibits the consumption of meat and dairy foods, and during the week of All Saints before the Nativity of Christ, abstinence from fish and vegetable oil should also be followed. Only when Wednesday and Friday are the days of the celebrated saints is vegetable oil allowed, and on the biggest holidays, such as the Intercession, fish.
Some indulgence is allowed for those who are sick and engaged in hard work, so that Christians have the strength for prayer and the necessary labor, but the use of fish on the wrong days, and even more so the complete permission of fasting, is rejected by the charter.

One-day fasts

Epiphany eve, on the eve of the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, Christians prepare for cleansing and consecration with holy water on the feast of Epiphany.
- The beheading of John the Baptist - September 11. This is the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John.
- Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. Memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross for the salvation of the human race. This day is spent in prayer, fasting, contrition for sins.
- One-day fasts - days of strict fasting (except Wednesday and Friday). Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Orthodox holidays. About the meal on holidays

According to the Church Charter, there is no fast on the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, which happened on Wednesday and Friday. On Christmas and Epiphany Eve and on the feasts of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Beheading of John the Baptist, food with vegetable oil is allowed. On the feasts of the Meeting, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Dormition, the Nativity and the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her Entry into the Temple, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which happened on Wednesday and Friday, as well as from Easter to Trinity on Wednesday and Friday fish allowed.

When there is no marriage

On the eve of Wednesdays and Fridays of the whole year (Tuesday and Thursday), Sundays (Saturday), Twelve, Temple and Great Feasts; in continuation of the posts: Velikiy, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky; during Christmas time, on Meat Week, during Cheese Week (Maslenitsa) and on Cheese Week; during the Easter (Bright) week and during the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 27.
You should also not forget that your rationality in relation to your strengths and capabilities is higher than the feat of observing Great Lent at any cost.

Nativity Fast - from November 28, 2016 to January 6, 2017
(also late 2017 - early 2018: from 28 November 2017 to 6 January 2018)
From November 28 to January 1 inclusive - lax. From January 2 to January 6 - strict.
January 1, 2017 - January 6 - continuation of the Nativity Fast.
On Mondays, food without oil. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, food with butter. Fish allowed on Saturdays and Sundays. Dry food on Wednesdays and Fridays: bread, raw vegetables and fruits.
Further to January 5, 2017 inclusive: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits), on Tuesdays and Thursdays, food without butter, on Saturdays and Sundays, food with butter.

January 6 - Christmas Eve (nomad) - Eve of the Nativity of Christ (Eve, Christmas Eve)
Christmas Eve is also celebrated on January 18 on the eve of the Epiphany. Sometimes Christmas Eve on Annunciation and Saturday of the first week of Great Lent are also mentioned - in memory of the miracle of Theodore Tyrone. The name comes from the word "sychivo" (originally - wheat grains soaked in juice from seeds).

January 7 - Nativity of Christ
Based on the gospel testimony, the Church Feast of the Nativity of Christ is close to the winter solstice, and is celebrated throughout Europe on December 25. In Russia, the holiday has lost its astronomical correspondence to the solstice. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday in the old style on January 7.

January 7 - 17 - Christmastide (11 days) no fast
Christmas divination
During the winter Christmas season (from Christmas Eve to Epiphany), Christmas fortune-telling was carried out

Kolyada, one of the most significant holidays of the Slavic folk calendar, also begins on January 7th.
Caroling is a ritual tour of peasant houses by groups of villagers during Christmas time. This rite is performed on the eve of Christmas (January 6), Vasiliev's Day (January 13), Epiphany (January 18).

January 14 - Circumcision of the Lord. New Year Old Style.
Testimonies of the celebration of the Circumcision of the Lord in the Eastern Church date back to the 4th century. On the eighth day after his Nativity, Jesus Christ, according to the Old Testament law, accepted the circumcision established for all male infants as a sign of the Covenant of God with the forefather Abraham and his descendants.
In Russia, the date of the Lord's Circumcision is widely known in a secular context as the "Old New Year", since until 1918 it coincided with the beginning of the new year (the so-called civil new year).

January 19 - The Baptism of the Lord (Holy Epiphany) is a Christian holiday celebrated in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. During baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." There was a manifestation of God (Theophany) in the fullness of the Trinity (God the Son was baptized, God the Father spoke from heaven, God the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove).

Winter Carnivore 2017 - from January 20 to * February 26 inclusive.
Fish allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays. On the other days of the winter meat-eater, fast food is allowed, i.e. there is no post.

February 15 - Presentation of the Lord
The Slavic word "meeting" is translated into modern Russian as "meeting". The meeting is the meeting of humanity in the person of Elder Simeon with God. The meeting symbolizes the meeting of the Old and New Testaments.

* March 9 - Finding the head of John the Baptist (first and second finding) - an Orthodox holiday in honor of the most revered part of the relics of John the Baptist - his head.

March 22 - Magpies, Larks of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia - the day of the national calendar, timed to coincide with the church day of memory of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia. On this day, according to the popular calendar, winter ends - spring begins, day and night are measured and equal (equinox).

April 7 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The name of the holiday - the Annunciation - conveys the main meaning of the event associated with it: the proclamation of the good news to the Virgin Mary of the conception and the birth of Her Infant Christ.
On Annunciation, Easter and Soroca (March 22), larks (ceremonial cookies in the form of birds or the sun) were baked.

* February 26 - Forgiveness Sunday - the last day of the Maslenitsa week and the last day before Lent, which begins on Maundy Monday and continues until Easter.

* Great Lent (strict) - from February 27 to April 15, 2017
The whole meaning of the penitential deed performed during Great Lent, as the holy fathers say, is to purify the heart. Great post 2017
* March 11, March 18, March 25 - Days of Special Commemoration of the Dead.
March 11 - Parental ecumenical Saturday of the 2nd week of Great Lent
March 18 - Parental Ecumenical Saturday of the 3rd week of Great Lent
March 25 - Parental Ecumenical Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent

* February 27 - The beginning of Great Lent. Clean Monday.
* April 8 - Lazarev Saturday - fish caviar is allowed at the meal
On this day, Christians remember the miracle of the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus by Christ (John 11: 1-45), which was performed to certify the coming resurrection of all the dead. The celebration of the Lazarus Sabbath has been established since ancient times, it precedes the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem.
* April 9 - The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Palm Sunday. Fish is allowed at the meal.
* April 15 - End of Great Lent. Great Saturday.

* April 16 - Easter - Bright Resurrection of Christ
The Feast of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the largest Orthodox holiday.
Festive services last 40 days, until the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord (May 25). All this time believers greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!" - "Truly resurrected!"

* April 16 - 22 - Continuous Bright Easter Week - the week after Easter.
no post

* Spring Carnivore 2017 - from April 23rd to June 11th
Before the Day of the Holy Trinity (from April 23 to June 4, 2017):
Fish allowed on Wednesdays and Fridays. On the rest of the days of the spring meat-eater of 2017, fast food is allowed, i.e. there is no post.
Trinity Week from 5 to 11 June: at this time, fast food is allowed, i.e. there is no post.

* April 23 - Antipaskha. Red hill
Anti-Easter. Red hill
Krasnaya Gorka is a pre-Christian old Russian holiday. He was associated with the farewell to winter and the meeting of spring.
Antipascha - instead, opposite Easter. Easter is the Resurrection for those who believe, Antipascha is the Resurrection, on the contrary, for those who do not believe in the spirit, but require confirmation in the flesh.
Antipaskha is followed by Fomin Week, which is also called Krasnaya Gorka.
Parents' day on Krasnaya Gorka (Radonitsa) falls on * April 25.

* April 25 - Radonitsa. Parents day. Day of remembrance of the dead (Tuesday, 2nd week after Easter). This day is called Radonitsa to commemorate the joy of the living and the departed about the Resurrection of Christ.
On parental days, Orthodox Christians visit churches where funeral services are performed. On these days, it is customary to make sacrifices at the funeral table (eve) - various products (with the exception of meat).
Radonitsa (April 25) and Trinity Saturday (June 3) are the main parenting days.

May 9 - Day of Remembrance of the Dead - the day of commemoration of all those who died and tragically died during the Great Patriotic War

May 23 - Simon Zilot. Veneration of the Apostle Simon Zealot.
Names in the folk tradition: “Simon's Day”, “Name Day of the Earth”, “Name Day of the Mother of the Raw Earth”, “Day of the Earth”, “Simon-Gulimon”, “Simon Sowing”, “Mykolin Batko” (Belarusian), “Simon's Gold "(Belarusian)," Simonov zelo "(Ukrainian).
Holy day when the Mother of Cheese Earth is honored as a "birthday girl". It is believed that on this day the Earth "rests", so it cannot be plowed, digged, harrowed. “On the name day of the earth, there is one commandment for all - to plow sin. All wealth comes from the earth. " On this day, every person had to bow to her, coming down from the porch.
It was believed that the earth hears every word we uttered. According to popular belief, only twice a year, on January 7 and May 23, the Mother of the Cheese Earth could open up for a lie, for a false oath or for perjury.
It is believed that on this day, the Mother of Cheese Earth helps a person overcome difficulties. A handful of earth taken from the Motherland gives a person strength, heals from blindness, from heart pains and other diseases.

* May 25 - Ascension of the Lord - (ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven in the presence of disciples - apostles from 12) - 40th day after Easter.

* June 1 - Semik - (seventh Thursday after Easter).
Day of remembrance for the departed who died not by their own death. First of all, drowned people, suicides, as well as children who died unbaptized.

* June 7 - Finding the head of John the Baptist (third finding) - an Orthodox holiday in honor of the most revered part of the relics of John the Baptist - his head.

* June 3 - Trinity Saturday or "Trinity grandfathers", "Straight".
Trinity Universal Parental Saturday. Day of remembrance of the departed.

* June 4 - Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - "Rusal", or "Green" -
the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles in the form of tongues of flame on the 50th day after Easter.

* June 5 - 11 - Trinity Week - the week after Trinity (Green Week, - "Russian", "wire" - the week before Peter's Lent).

* June 5 - Spirits day (Day of the Holy Spirit) or "Day of the Spirit", "Name day of the Earth", "Ivan da Marya", "Seeing off the mermaids."

* June 8 - Navskaya Trinity or "Rusalkin Is Great Day" "The Three of the Dead", "Dry Day", "Crooked Thursday".

* Petrov fast (not strict) - from * June 12 to July 11, 2017. Duration of fasting in 2017: 30 days.
On Wednesdays and Fridays in Petrov fast there is dry food: bread, raw vegetables and fruits - once a day, in the evening.

Night from 6 to 7 July Ivan Kupala
Ivan Kupala or "Midsummer's Day", "Kupalo", "Ivan Travnik" is a folk holiday of the summer solstice of ancient origin.

July 8 - Day of Peter and Fevronia
Day of family, love and fidelity (day of conjugal love and family happiness)

Summer Carnivore 2017 - from 12 July to 13 August.
Dry food on Wednesdays and Fridays: bread, raw vegetables and fruits.
On the rest of the week, light food.

August 14 - Savior of Honey (Savior on the Water): First Savior of August
Assumption Fast (strict) - from 14 to 27 August 2017
August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord. Apple Savior: the second Savior of August - according to the Church Charter, fish is allowed at the meal.
August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Autumn Carnivore 2017 - from 28 August to 27 November.
Dry food on Wednesdays and Fridays: bread, raw vegetables and fruits. On the rest of the week, light food.

August 29 - Orekhovy Savior (Savior on canvas): third Savior of August
September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist - Parent's Day. The Church commemorates the Orthodox soldiers, for the Faith and the Fatherland, on the battlefield of the slain. This commemoration was established in 1769 during the war with the Turks and Poles by order of Empress Catherine II.

September 27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
October 8 - Day of Remembrance of St. Sergius, Hegumen of Radonezh and All Russia, wonderworker
Sergius of Radonezh is venerated by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint and is considered the greatest ascetic of the Russian land.
October 14 - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos

* November 4 - Dimitrovskaya (Dmitrievskaya) Parents' Saturday. Day of remembrance of the departed.
November 21 - Michael's Day - Day of Michael the Archangel

Nativity Fast - from November 28, 2017 to January 6, 2018
From November 28, 2017 to January 1, 2018 inclusive - lax. From January 2 to January 6, 2018 - strict.

December 4 - Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos
On this day, according to popular legend, Winter herself rides across the earth in a snow-white fur coat and, with her icy breath, brings snow patterns onto the window panes.

December 9 - St. George's Day. Day of Yuri (Egoriy) cold
This is the day of commemoration of St. George the Victorious, who is popularly called Egoriy or Yuri.

December 19 - Nikolin day - Christian day of veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Nikolin's day, Nikola, Nikolay the Pleasant, Nikola winter.

December 25 - Spiridon
On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky, miracle worker (about 348), a native of the island of Cyprus.

The solstice is celebrated on December 24-25 - the longest night and the shortest day of the year. This day is called Spiridon-solstice. “Sun for summer - winter for frost” - they say about this day.

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