St. Theodosius of Chernigov. The complete life of saint theodosius archbishop of chernigov

Theodosius, archbishop of Chernigov, saint

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov (+ 1696), belonged to the Uglitsky noble family. He was born around the 30s of the 17th century. (his worldly name remains unknown) in the family of the priest Nikita from his mother, named Maria. The piety that reigned in his house beneficially contributed to the spiritual development of the boy, from a young age he burned with love for God. From childhood he was distinguished by his meekness and diligence in prayer. His natural abilities were revealed in the Kiev-Bratsk Epiphany School. These high and dignified qualities of his soul were further developed under the influence of pious teachers. Exercising in reading the word of God and the writings of St. Fathers and arranging his life according to them, the future Saint Theodosius grew and perfected his spirit, strengthened his vision of the truths of the Orthodox faith and in the exploits of piety, and by his diligence, obedience and good decency attracted the attention of the school authorities. During the years of study, Theodosius' vocation for monastic exploit was finally revealed: he devoted all his free time from classes to prayer, contemplation of God and the reading of Holy Scripture. Over the same years, he developed a consistent Orthodox theological understanding of the faith, since the Kiev-Bratsk Epiphany School was at that time the leading center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the attacks of the Catholic clergy, Jesuits and Uniates. Soon after leaving school, the future saint received monastic tonsure at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the name Theodosius (in honor of the founder of the monastery). He considered this ascetic, along with Anthony of Pechersk, his special heavenly patron. By the Kiev Metropolitan Dionysius (Balaban), he was made archdeacon of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral, and then appointed governor of the Metropolitan Cathedral House. But soon the young monk, striving for solitude, left Kiev and settled in the remote Krupitsky Baturyn monastery of the Chernigov diocese, famous for its strict monastic life. There he was ordained a hieromonk.

In 1662, for his spiritual wisdom and strict ascetic life, Theodosius was appointed abbot in the Korsun monastery of the Kiev diocese, and in 1664 - the abbot of the ancient Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery. This monastery not long before was in the hands of the Uniates and was completely ruined. But Saint Theodosius, thanks to his energy and perseverance, was able to quickly revive the Vydubitsky Mikhailovsky Monastery. He was especially concerned about the arrangement of church splendor. He created a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685. Taking care of the spiritual growth of the inhabitants of the monastery, the holy hegumen, himself a strict ascetic, set up in 1680 not far from the monastery, on the island of Mikhailovshchina, a small skete for the brethren who wished for solitude. He appointed hieromonk Job (Opalinsky), one of the most zealous monks of the monastery, as the organizer and governor.

When Saint Theodosius was hegumen of the Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery, he had to endure difficult days. Together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason to the Russian government and of alleged correspondence with traitors to Russia. On September 20, 1668, Saint Theodosius had to give explanations on this matter. On November 17, 1668, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, together with other abbots, received forgiveness. His Grace Lazar (Baranovich) appreciated the high spiritual qualities of Saint Theodosius and brought him closer to himself. He called him “the sheep of the flock of Christ, which learned obedience,” and prophetically wished that the name of Saint Theodosius be written in heaven. When in 1679 His Grace Lazar became locum tenens of the Kiev Metropolis, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his governor in Kiev, while he himself remained in Chernigov. As the governor of the locum tenens of the Kiev Metropolis, Saint Theodosius took an active part in many church events. In 1685, he participated with a decisive vote in the election of Bishop Gideon (Chetvertinsky) as Metropolitan of Kiev and, together with Jerome (Dubino), Abbot of Pereyaslavl, was sent to Moscow with the announcement of the election. In Moscow, both representatives were received with honor and respect. The result of this embassy was the reunification of the Kiev Metropolitanate with the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1688, Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yeletsky monastery to replace the late Archimandrite Ioanniky (Golyatovsky). From that time on, all the activities of the saint were transferred from Kiev to Chernigov. This appointment took place, the main edge, at the request of the Right Reverend Lazarus. Saint Theodosius had to work hard on the improvement of the Elets monastery, since this monastery, which had not yet recovered from the devastation by the Jesuits and Dominicans, was very poor and unsettled. Through the efforts of Saint Theodosius, it was possible to achieve, in the course of two or three years, the prosperity for the Elets monastery, which fully ensured its existence. The saint, even in his new position, rendered all possible assistance to His Eminence Lazarus in all important matters. He took part in drafting a conciliar response to Patriarch Joachim of Moscow to his question letters about the attitude of the Kiev metropolis to the Florentine Council and in discussing the question of the time of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts, raised at this Council. When the patriarch was not satisfied with these answers and at the beginning of 1689 the Baturin abbot, Saint Demetrius (Tuptalo), the future Metropolitan of Rostov, was sent to Moscow, Saint Theodosius traveled with him as a representative from the Right Reverend Lazarus. He was instructed to convey a letter in response to the patriarch and clarify the misunderstanding. On September 11, 1692, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated as archbishop in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Little information has been preserved about the administration of Saint Theodosius of the Chernigov diocese. The saint paid special attention to the awakening and maintenance of the spirit of true Christian piety in the flock. Deep faith in the Providence of God, an active striving for holiness, sincere love for monastic exploits, everlasting solicitude for the salvation of his flock, paternal attention and condescension to his subordinates, a just and merciful judgment were the hallmarks of the archpastoral activity of Saint Theodosius. He zealously cared about the building of the temples of God and the construction of monastic dwellings, his spirit indescribably rejoiced at the sight of the beauty of these places of God's glory and the salvation of his neighbors.

At the very beginning of his hierarchy, with his blessing, the Pechenik Monastery was established, and he himself consecrated the temple of this monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. In 1694, with his blessing, the Lyubetsky skete was founded two miles from Lyubech; in 1694 the saint consecrated a church in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in the summer of 1695 - a majestic church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, built on the top of Mount Boldinskaya, near the ancient Ilyinsky Monastery. Under Saint Theodosius in the Chernigov diocese, a special upsurge in the strengthening of monasticism is noted. The saint also paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly discerning in the selection of candidates for the priesthood. He especially patronized the Chernigov theological schools, invited scholarly monks from Kiev to them, among whom was Saint John (Maksimovich), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk, who later became an assistant and successor to the saint and organizer of the Chernigov theological schools. Not only Orthodox Christians, but also persons of other confessions often turned to him for help and advice.

After the repose of the Right Reverend Lazarus (September 3, 1693), the administration of the Chernigov diocese by Saint Theodosius did not last long. Feeling the approach of death, he summoned the governor of the Bryansk Svensky monastery, Saint John (Maksimovich), to Chernigov and elevated him from a hieromonk to an archimandrite of the Chernigov Eletsky monastery. In the new archimandrite, he prepared a successor for himself in advance. On February 5, 1696, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Cathedral Borisoglebsk Cathedral, behind the right kliros, in a crypt specially made for this purpose. Subsequently, his successor St. John (Maksimovich) built a brick vault over his tomb with a laudatory inscription in verse in gratitude for the miraculous healing from a serious illness. Since then, the reverent veneration of Saint Theodosius has become more and more widespread.

The unusual modesty of Saint Theodosius, as a special gift of grace, was attested to by his entire ascetic life and secret help to those who offered him prayers.

In 1895, in view of the fact that in the Orthodox people more and more confidence in the holiness of Saint Theodosius through the miraculous healings that took place at the grave, the Holy Synod found it timely to proceed with the necessary orders to certify the incorruption of the body of Saint Theodosius and miraculous actions. performed at his grave over the believers. The Holy Synod entrusted the next investigation of this matter to the Right Reverend Ioannikiy, Metropolitan of Kiev, and the local Bishop Anthony, who, having joined the vicar of the Chernigov diocese, Bishop Pitirim, the rector of the Chernigov seminary, a member of the Kiev Spiritual Consistory, the archpriest of the Transfiguration of the Church, and two local July 1895, they arrived at the cave at the Borisoglebsk Church of the Chernigov Cathedral, and after the memorial service for Saint Theodosius was performed here, they made a detailed examination of the coffin, clothes and the body of Saint Theodosius. The body of the saint by the grace of God was preserved incorrupt, despite being in the cave of the Borisoglebsk church for two hundred years, which, moreover, was not distinguished by dryness. Regardless of this, Bishops Ioanniki and Anthony, together with other aforementioned clergy, invited persons who had experienced miraculous healings on themselves or on their relatives through the intercession of Saint Theodosius, upon the prayerful invocation of his blessed help, they collected from them under oath testimony about the reality of the miracles performed on them. They surveyed 49 such events.

And in 1896, according to the decision of the Holy Synod, Saint Theodosius was numbered among the saints, his incorruptible body was recognized as holy relics, it was supposed to compose a special service for him, and until the time of compilation to send him a service common to the saints, and celebrate the memory of the saint as on the day of repose. - February 5/18, so on the day of the opening of his relics - September 9/21.

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In September 2004, I was lucky to visit Chernigov with a small group of pilgrims returning from the Holy Mount Athos. Having venerated the relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and St. Lawrence, we headed to the Chernigov Eletsky Assumption Monastery. The future great saint once lived here. The abbess of the monastery, Abbess Ambrose, received us with love, told us about how the monastery was being restored. She also showed the house in which Saint Theodosius lived. During the conversation, Matushka told us the now almost unknown story of the return of the relics of St. Theodosius to Chernigov. I will cite my mother's story in the record.


I was 20 years old when the relics of the saint were brought to Chernigov. Since that time, my whole life has passed under the prayer cover of the heavenly intercessor and patron of our ancient city. However, only recently I was able to find out how his relics returned to his hometown. The first time I was able to touch upon this topic was during a trip to the Valaam Monastery. We sailed on a ship on Lake Ladoga, there were many pilgrims and tourists around. Everyone was expecting a meeting with the ancient monastery, which Orthodox people call our Northern Athos. And suddenly I heard the conversation of people standing next to me. One of them said: - Do you know that through Ladoga the path leads not only to the holy island of Valaam. Once upon a time the "road of life" for the besieged Leningrad ran along the waters of the lake and on the ice. And she was also called "the dear of St. Theodosius." I was surprised by these words, but then the temples of Balaam appeared, everyone began to gather, and I was unable to find out in more detail what relation Saint Theodosius had to the blockade "road of life."

A few years later, another meeting took place, of course, sent by the providence of God, after which it was revealed to me why the “road of life” had connected forever with Saint Theodosius and how his relics returned to the believers. On May 9, 2004, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to Chernihiv to celebrate Victory Day. On a holiday, I was walking down the street and suddenly I heard several veterans asking an ice cream seller where the relics of St. Theodosius were. She could not really answer. I turned to the veterans and said that I could lead them to the cathedral to the relics of the saint. That's how I heard from one of these veterans the story of the return of the relics. I'll tell you what I remember.


In the late autumn of 1942, at one of the meetings, a group of military officials in the besieged city discussed what could be done in the current situation. The situation seemed completely hopeless. And suddenly all those present heard a voice: - Pray to Theodosius of Chernigov, he will help you. Everyone was surprised, amazed. The senior in rank asked if others had heard the voice and received an affirmative answer. Of course, none of them knew who Theodosius of Chernigov was.

They reported the incident to the higher authorities, after which they turned to Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky) of Leningrad, the future His Holiness Patriarch. Metropolitan Alexy replied that Saint Theodosius is a great saint and protector of our land, and if he gave such an instruction, it means that he needs to pray to save the city. And for this it is necessary to return to the church his holy relics, which at that time were in the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, in the former Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg. After short negotiations, Stalin's permission was obtained, and the relics of St. Theodosius were transferred to the St. Nicholas-Epiphany Cathedral.


After that, our troops began and completed the victorious Tikhvin operation, throwing back the enemy, and thus a railway connection was opened with the shores of Lake Ladoga, from where weapons, ammunition, food and other cargoes entered the besieged Leningrad along the "road of life". The residents of Leningrad who were dying of hunger were taken back along the same road. Therefore, the believers called the Ladoga route (water and ice) - "the road of St. Theodosius", and the saint himself began to be especially venerated in Leningrad. And today, a stream of Orthodox people constantly goes to the remaining cancer with the image of the saint, people stand and pray to the saint who saved their city from destruction, there are many candles.


In 1946, Vladyka Alexei, who became His Holiness the Patriarch, summoned the Chernigov Bishop Boris to Moscow and instructed him to prepare the necessary documents for the transfer of the relics of the saint from Leningrad to Chernigov. The consent of the authorities was obtained, all the necessary documents were prepared. The relics of the saint were brought to Chernigov on September 15, 1946. I remember that day very well. Our elder and spiritual father Lavrenty Chernigovsky met the relics. My sisters and I sang and cried with joy and emotion. It was a nationwide celebration. It was visible and invisible to the people. Three liturgies were served that day.


Since then, the relics of the saint are constantly in our city. How many miracles are performed through his prayers. And recently, the relics were carried throughout the city with a procession of the cross - how could one have thought that such a thing could happen! But gradually people began to forget about the glorious day of the return of the relics of our beloved saint.

I want to tell you how the Lord miraculously reminded of this date. On September 14 this year, I received a call with a request to allow two buses with pilgrims who wanted to pray at the relics of St. Theodosius to come to the monastery. At this time, the relics were in our monastery, in the lower church. I said that they should come. When the pilgrims arrived, it turned out that they had a priest and a deacon with them. Prayer began: they read and sang akathist, served prayer services. I thought that I would stand a little and leave, because I felt unwell and very tired. Minutes, hours passed, the prayers continued, all the weakness had disappeared somewhere. I had Easter in my heart, I wanted to sing Easter chants. Such joy shone on the faces of the people. We stood praying at the relics all night. There was an amazing spiritual uplift. With one mouth and one heart they turned to the saint. Nobody wanted to leave. I could not understand in any way why such grace visited us, sinners, on such an unmarked day. And suddenly I remembered: today is 25 years since the day when the relics of the saint returned to Chernigov. So the Lord arranged for us the feast of the return of the relics, reminded us that this is the day of our common celebration and it should be celebrated especially, including in church calendars, as the day of commemoration of the saint.


Everything about religion and faith - "prayer to St. Theodosius of Chernigov" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

Oh, sacred head, our strong prayer and intercessor, Saint Theodosius, hear us in faith calling you and zealously falling to your icon. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and do not cease to pray for us. Vemy, as if our sins separate us between you and us, and you are not worthy of only a father and an intercessor. But you, being an imitator of God's love for mankind, do not stop crying to the Lord for us, ask for your intercession from our all-merciful God for the peace of His Church, on a militant land, her shepherd's strength to zealously strive for the salvation of people, to our people the mercy of God and longevity. Pray the Heavenly Father to all of us to give a gift, which is somehow beneficial, true faith, firm hope and love that never ends, our fortunes, peace, peace, deliverance from gladness and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, good growth in faith for the young and infants, consolation for the old and the weak and reinforcement, healing for the sick, for orphans and widows, mercy and intercession, for erring correction, for needy help in time of need. Do not put us to shame in our hope, hurry up, like a child-loving father, and we must bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule everyone in peace and repentance, shamelessly end your life and the Kingdom of God heirs to be, where you are now resting with the angels and all the saints, glorifying God, in the Trinity is the glorious one, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Good shepherd of the flock of Christ, our saint our father Theodosius! Falling to your holy icon, we pray to thee with faith and love: be our helper and patron in this earthly life, many sorrowful and many reigns, guiding us invisibly to the faithful fulfillment of the commandments of Christ and the acquisition of the Gospel virtues necessary for our spiritual salvation. Be the intercessor and guardian of our Fatherland, your city, you have deigned to rest in your holy relics, and all of us who diligently come to you and call you to help, shielding us with the cover of your prayers from all troubles and sorrows and illnesses, and granting us everything, even for the benefit of our souls and bodies. Her holy and merciful miracle worker! We believe undoubtedly that all this we can ask for from our great God and that your intercession before Him is powerful. For this reason, we ask you: pray His goodness for us sinful and unworthy, and give us your holy archpastoral blessing, yes, we will overshadow a quiet and godly life, we will be honored to receive a good Christian end, and together with you we inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, glorifying the great Father and mercy The Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity, the glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to Saint Theodosius

Conceived as a bishop, Saint Theodosius, you were the luminary of your flock, you also died in eternal abode. Pray from the Throne of the King of Glory to get rid of us from the evils that come upon us and save our souls, holy, with your prayers.

You worked as pastors for the Head of Christ, Saint Theodosius, nourishing your sheep's words in the spiritual pasturing, and you received from Christ the Savior the healing gift of healing from mental and bodily weakness everyone with faith coming to you with your healing power. Pray, holy, about those who call on your name, save our souls from the slander of the enemy.

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Saint Theodosius of Chernigov

Memorial Day of St. Theodosius of Chernigov is celebrated twice a year - September 9 (canonization day) and February 5 (death day). His name is on a par with those saints who are the most valuable adornment and glory of the entire Russian Orthodox Church. There is no exact information about where he was born. It is only known that he was born in the late 30s of the 17th century in Little Russia. His surname Polonitsky-Uglitsky belonged to a very ancient noble family. The parents of the future saint were named Nikita and Maria. Little information has reached his contemporaries concerning his childhood and adolescence. We only know that he was very obedient and meek.

Saint Theodosius

At first, his parents were engaged in his upbringing, they instilled in him the fear of God and Christian piety from childhood. And then he became a student of the Kiev Bratsk Epiphany School, to which he was deeply grateful all his life. At that time, its leader was Archbishop Lazar (Baranovich) of Chernigov. St. Theodosius of Chernigov harbored feelings of filial reverence and respect.

After completing his studies, St. Theodosius decided to devote his whole life to God. Pious parents, the edifying leadership of the theological school, and the holiness of the place itself promoted and strengthened the desire for a good life. But then there were other events - disagreements and moods, which the saint saw among the authorities and even among his spiritual leadership. This prompted him to pursue asceticism in monasticism and, already dressed as a soldier of Christ, to stand guard over the Orthodox Church.

For a short time Theodosius of Chernigov worked as an archdeacon in the Kiev Sophia Cathedral and as the governor of the metropolitan house. At the same time, Kiev and Little Russia suffered disasters from the turmoil, which was constantly carried out by the opponents of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who did not want to unite Little Russia with Moscow. Unfortunately, even the highest clergy took an active part in these troubles. At that time, even the Metropolitan of Kiev Dionysius (Balaban) went over to the side of the Rzecz Pospolita, and therefore the metropolitanate split (1658). And then the Chernigov Archbishop Lazar became the temporary guardian in the territories of the Kiev Metropolis controlled by Moscow.

Confrontation and the new metropolitan

By this time St. Theodosius had already faithfully served in the diocese of Lazarus as a hieromonk of the Krupitsky Baturyn monastery. It became obvious that the life of the saint passed under the supervision of the Right Reverend Lazarus. He formed his own convictions, and he refused to follow the Kiev Metropolitan Dionysius, so as not to become an enemy of the Orthodox faith and its people. The saint constantly adheres to his teacher Lazarus, as he is convinced that Little Russia will prosper only under the protection of the Russian Tsar.

In 1662, according to the Chernigov Chronicle, St. Theodosius was the abbot of the Korsun monastery. In 1663, Metropolitan Dionysius died, and Bishop Joseph (Neljubovich) was appointed to the Metropolitanate of Kiev by the clergy of the Polish Ukraine. His election most likely took place in the Korsun monastery.

Abbot of the monastery

The new Metropolitan began his initial activity with the defense of Orthodoxy in Lithuania. However, his political convictions also did not coincide with those of Lazarus. As a result, the Moscow government did not want to recognize him as a metropolitan. St. Theodosius was afraid of turmoil, therefore he did not give his consent to participate in the electoral act. A little later, in 1664, he was appointed abbot of the Vydubitsky monastery.

He was a very zealous guardian of the construction of the holy monastery, which was repeatedly in the hands of the Uniates. St. Theodosius ruled the monastery in the spirit of strict Orthodoxy with great zeal, so he received a hetman's universal (document or letter), according to which the monastery received significant estates. This fact armed the monks of the neighboring Kiev-Pechersk Lavra against him. Archimandrite Innokenty (Gizel), having built his arguments on the unjust slander of the Pechersk monastery stewards, began to complain about him to Metropolitan Lazar of Chernigov.

The saint, not without sorrow, but meekly endures these trials sent to him by God. But, as usual, they say that whatever is done is for the best. Lazarus, seeing in him the high qualities of his bright soul, in a prophetic spirit writes to him about his desire to have his name written in Heaven.

Great business executive and confessor

Such trust and love of Vladyka to St. Theodosius was soon expressed in his appointment as governor for administrative affairs of the Kiev Metropolis. The most important assignments are entrusted to him in the conviction that he will fulfill them with honor and benefit for the Orthodox faith.

His name becomes known in distant Moscow, Theodosius of Chernigov, together with the Abbot of Pereyaslavl Jerome, carries a petition from the hetman and the Little Russian clergy to appoint Bishop Gedeon-Svyatopolk as Metropolitan of Kiev. This business was crowned with success. St. Theodosius, fulfilling this commission, does not forget to intercede about his monastery.

Change and challenge

In 1687, when Archimandrite Yeletsky Ioanniky (Golyatovsky) presented himself before God, at the instruction of Archbishop Lazar, after 24 years of reigning at the Vydubitsky monastery, St. Theodosius. By appointing him to this position, Archbishop Lazarus makes him his right hand, and from that moment he becomes a participant in all the outstanding events of that time. Since at the same time, relations between the representatives of the Kiev, Great Russian and South Russian churches are greatly aggravated. The Moscow clergy looks with great suspicion at Kiev and South Russia because of their adherence to Catholicism and all kinds of heresy.

After the annexation of Little Russia to Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century, people from various clerical and civic positions penetrated into it from Kiev, whom they looked at with rather hostility, since they were very distinguished by the Polish coloring of traditions and rituals. And some hierarchs generally had the education of Western Jesuit schools, and they even had opinions that were not at all in the direction of the Orthodox spirit.

Theodosius - Archbishop of Chernigov

In 1690, Metropolitan Gideon of Kiev dies, and St. Theodosius is nominated in his place. However, this high post was received by Archimandrite Varlaam (Yasinsky) of the Caves, under which Theodosius served as the abbot of the Kiev Caves Lavra for two years. By the providence of God, St. Feodosius was preparing another high position in Chernigov. Here he began to shine with his holy virtue, and not only during his lifetime, but also after death, as God’s chosen servant.

In 1692, the Right Reverend Lazar appointed a meeting, in which the clergy of Little Russia, hetman I. S. Mazepa and representatives of the people took part, and Archimandrite Theodosius was appointed to the Chernigov See. In July of the same year, Theodosius of Chernigov arrived in Moscow, where under Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich he was ordained archbishop in the solemn atmosphere of the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral. The royal charter made him dependent not on the Kiev, but on the Moscow Patriarchate, and, as the leader among the Russian hierarchs, the new saint receives the right to worship in the sakkos.

Endless pastoral affairs and chores

He returned to Chernigov, began to manage the affairs of the diocese and was still considered an assistant to Archbishop Lazar, who was then already very old and close to death.

The flock did not long rejoice at the two zealous hierarchs who stood at the throne of God. On September 3, 1693, 73-year-old Elder Lazar died. St. Theodosius loved him like his own father, so he truly grieved. The rite of burial was performed by Theodosius himself. The Russian tsar and patriarch honored Saint Theodosius with letters and promised him their favors. After the death of Archbishop Lazarus, Saint Theodosius received a charter for the independent administration of the Chernigov diocese.

Theodosius of Chernigov, in his flock, brought up special attention to true Christian piety and took care of the old and new monastic monasteries and temples. In 1694, thanks to him, the Pechenitsa monastery and the Lyubetsky skete were founded, in the same year, with his blessing, the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was built in the Domnitsky monastery. In 1695 he consecrated the Trinity Cathedral, which became the cathedral of the Chernigov diocese.


During his reign, the Chernigov diocese flourished, and the rise of monasticism was noticed. The saint paid special attention to his clergy; he was very picky with them when choosing people for priestly positions. St. Theodosius also greatly helped the theological schools, where he invited scientists and monks from Kiev. Among them was the Metropolitan of Tobolsk, John Maksimovich, who soon became the assistant and successor of Saint Theodosius, it was he who began to take care of the organization of theological schools.

St. Theodosius of Chernigov felt the approach of his death and therefore was preparing a successor for himself. It was the then abbot of the Bryansk and Svensky monasteries, hieromonk John (Maksimovich), and he appointed him the abbot of the Chernigov Yeletsky monastery.

Once, in 1694, a certain Catholic Dominik Polubensky turned to him with a request, in which he expressed his desire to become a subject of the Tsars of Moscow in order to be able to turn to the Orthodox faith of his ancestors. The saint did not leave this request unanswered, and soon he became a Russian Orthodox citizen.

Peaceful demise

1696 was the last year for him; Saint Theodosius of Chernigov peacefully reposed on February 5. He was buried in the Chernigov Borisoglebsk Cathedral, in a crypt specially made for him.

A kind and just shepherd during his life did not leave his flock, and after his death he became her holy heavenly patron. And now he brings down the grace of God on all who turn to him with faith. His body remained incorrupt, which served as the basis for his canonization.

On September 9, 1896, Saint Theodosius of Chernigov became the first saint to be glorified during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II. The solemn canonization was performed by Metropolitan Ioanniky of Kiev (Rudnev), with him six bishops, many other clergy and people who came from all over the country to Chernigov. This wondrous celebration was marked by new miracles, with which Saint Theodosius of Chernigov still abundantly pleases Orthodox believers. The relics of the patron saint of the land of Chernigov today rest in the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Before the revolution, few icons were painted with the face of a saint. Already in the 90s, the icons of Theodosius of Chernigov became rare and worthy of purchase, they were an adornment of home antique collections. By the way, at the same time in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, several icons with the face of the saint disappeared.

In honor of the saint, the temple of Theodosius of Chernigov was built in Kiev, you can visit it at Chernobyl 2. He is the heavenly patron and defender of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

It should be noted that the temple of Theodosius of Chernigov is in Kiev and in Kiyanovsky lane 6/10, as well as in the Dnepropetrovsk region, in the village of Alexandrovka.

The saint was distinguished by peacefulness, justice and condescension, he deeply compassion for those who turned to him for help, and helped not only the Orthodox, but also representatives of other faiths.

History of the besieged Leningrad

Describing the life of this saint, it is necessary to note another very important event associated with the blockade of Leningrad. In 1942, a meeting was taking place in the basement at the headquarters of the defenders, where serious questions about an offensive breakthrough were resolved. And suddenly, unexpectedly, they heard a strange voice: "Pray to Theodosius of Chernigov, who will help you!" Everyone was numb, but none of them knew the name. People turned first to their top leadership, and then to Metropolitan Alexei (Simansky) (the future patriarch), and only he told them about Saint Theodosius as a prayer book and intercessor of our holy land, and that he needed to pray for the salvation of the city. And for this, it is urgently necessary to return his holy relics, which were in the Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg, then it was the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism.

And Stalin gave the order for this, the relics were returned to the Nikolo-Epiphany Cathedral. And a miracle happened, the saint helped, because the victorious Tikhvin operation was successfully completed. The routes were opened along which food, ammunition and weapons began to enter the besieged city. Believers called this Ladoga route “the road of St. Theodosius”.

Theodosius of Chernigov: what they pray for

It is believed that this saint helps heal cancerous tumors. Prayer to Theodosius of Chernigov with true faith will help to heal from a variety of diseases, slander and problems related to family well-being and children.

In 1946, when Metropolitan Alexei (Simansky) became patriarch, he summoned the Chernigov Bishop Boris to his place in Moscow, whom he instructed to prepare all the necessary documents in order to transfer the holy relics of Theodosius from Leningrad to Chernigov. This ceremony took place on September 15, 1946. Many people remembered this national celebration, the holy elder and confessor Lavrenty of Chernigov met the relics. On this day, three liturgies were served.

And now the relics of the saint do not leave the Chernigov Cathedral Trinity Cathedral, built at the expense of Mazepa and consecrated by St. Theodosius in 1695, as mentioned above. The relics of the Monk Miracle-Worker Lawrence of Chernigov, Saint Philaret (Gumilevsky) and some of the Kiev Caves saints are also kept there.


Prayer book

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov and All Russia, miracle worker

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, was born in the early 30s of the 17th century. in the Podolsk region. Descended from the ancient noble family of the Polonitsky-Uglitsky family. His parents were Priest Nikita and Maria. The name given to Saint Theodosius at Baptism remained unknown.

The piety of the parents contributed to the boy's spiritual development and good inclinations: from childhood he was diligent in prayer and had a meek character.

As a youth, he entered a spiritual school, the so-called Kiev Brotherhood College, at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The end of the 1740s was the heyday of the college.

The Kiev Brotherhood Collegium was at that time the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the pressure and attacks of the Catholic clergy - the Jesuits and Uniates.

During the years of study, the vocation of the saint to monastic deed was finally determined. He devoted his free time to prayer, reading of the Holy Scriptures and contemplation of God.

After receiving his education, the future saint was tonsured at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and was named Theodosius in honor of the Monk Theodosius of the Caves (Comm. 3 May).

In 1664 he was appointed abbot of the famous Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery. This monastery not long before was in the hands of the Uniates, who brought it to complete ruin. Saint Theodosius set to work with zeal, and, thanks to his energy and diligence, quickly restored monastic life in the Vydubitsky monastery. Taking care of church splendor, he organized a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685.

In those years, Saint Theodosius had to endure an ordeal: together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason to the Russian government and imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was summoned to give explanations in this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, along with others, was acquitted.

When Bishop Lazar was appointed locum tenens of the Kiev Metropolis, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his governor in Kiev, while he himself remained in Chernigov. In this title, Saint Theodosius took an active part in many church events.

In 1688 Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yeletsky monastery to replace the deceased archimandrite Ioanniky (Golyatovsky). There he had to work hard on the improvement of the monastery, which was also ruined by the Jesuits and Dominicans.

He took part in the drafting of the Council Reply to the Moscow Patriarch Joachim on the attitude of the Kiev Metropolis to the Florentine Council and the question raised there about the time of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts.

In 1692, on September 11, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated in the Dormition Moscow Cathedral of the Kremlin as Archbishop of Chernigov.

While administering the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius was especially concerned about the spiritual enlightenment of his flock. He supported old monasteries and created new monasteries, among them: the Pechenik monastery, where he himself consecrated the temple. In 1694 he founded the Lyubetsky Skete, in the same year the saint consecrated a temple in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in 1695 - a majestic temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, built on the top of Boldinskaya Mountain, near the Ilyinsky Monastery.

Saint Theodosius supported the existence of a printing house in Chernigov, which published many printed editions of Divine service books.

Under Saint Theodosius in the Chernigov Diocese, a special upsurge and strengthening of monasticism is noted. The saint paid much attention to the clergy and was strictly discerning in the choice of candidates.

The distinctive features of the personality of Saint Theodosius were condescension, peacefulness, strict justice, deep compassion for all who turned to him for help and advice, not only Orthodox, but also people of other confessions.

In 1696, on February 5, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Borisoglebsk Cathedral, behind the right kliros, in a crypt arranged for this.

Saint John Maksimovich built a brick vault over his tomb with an inscription of praise in verse, in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance through the prayers of Saint Theodosius from a serious illness.

Akathist like in the saints to our Father Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov and All Russia, wonderworker

Chosen miracle worker, great servitor of Christ, Saint Father Theodosius, incorruptible of your relics and glorified by many miracles from God, in joyful songs we bless you, our intercessor. But you, as if you have boldness in the Lord, free us from all troubles, but we call you: Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

An angel in the flesh appeared you, God-wise Theodosius, adorning himself with angelic customs; The same Angel was placed in the Church of Chernigov with dignity from God, instructing everyone to salvation and showing everyone in himself the rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control and love. For this, for your child's sake, cry out to you in love: Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man; Rejoice, interlocutor and colleague of heavenly powers. Rejoice, in your life of the incorporeal you are jealous; Rejoice, and after death you settled with them. Rejoice, beloved from the youth of Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, from the morning of your life you have worked for the only one. Rejoice, all the commandments of the Lord faithfully and immaculately kept; Rejoice, you have created much spiritual fruit in Christ. Rejoice, thy spirit shrieked with fervent prayer. Rejoice, who honor thy memory from troubles with love. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Seeing the vanity of this world that is quickly perishing, with all my heart you desired, Father Theodosius, to leave this world and serve God in monasticism. The monk of the holy monastery of the Kiev-Pechersk region was humble and obedient, singing the angelic song of all to the Creator: Alleluia.

Seeing your God-enlightened mind, St. Dionysius of Kiev, put thee, Theodosius, archdeacon of the cathedral church of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, and serve the altar of the Lord during the performance of the mysteries of God. We, in you, the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit, is leading, with affection we call your sitsevaya: Rejoice, under the roof of the wonderworkers of the Caves the beginning of your exploits; Rejoice, for you have adorned yourself with the virtues of monastic life from youth. Rejoice, bright beauty of the monks; Rejoice, glorious praise of the fast. Rejoice, beloved companion of the reverent saints; Rejoice, obedience to the unhypocritical zealot. Rejoice, humble ascetic, placing all your trust in the Lord; Rejoice, good to the zealot of the solitary life. Rejoice, blessed one of Christ; Rejoice, God given us an invincible intercessor. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

The power of God in autumn you, Father Theodosius, when you were ordained a priest from Saint Dionysius and made hegumen of the monastery of Korsun from him, graze the flock of Christ and guide the monks to salvation, singing together with them a song of praise in the Trinity to the glorified God: Alleluia.

Having unfeigned humility, you called dust and ashes to yourself, blessed Theodosius, and the prohibition from the bishop, who was innocent, you borne meekly; Even so, we too, pleasingly such, truly Christ-imitating, your gentleness, sing to your face: Rejoice, gentle lamb, repaying evil for evil to anyone; Rejoice, for you have shown great obedience by wearing the bishop's prohibition. Rejoice, for then you did not dare to touch the epitrachili; Rejoice, having conquered the enemy by humility and surrender to yourself in the will of God. Rejoice, God-loving at night, adorned with reverence and meekness; Rejoice, by the fasting life, as if you were crowned with bloodless martyrdom. Rejoice, God-wise father and teacher of monastics; Rejoice, experienced leader of monastic monasteries. Rejoice, faithful and reverent servant of the Throne of God; Rejoice, I am a warm intercessor before God. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

A storm of persecutions against the Church of God in the city of Kiev erected Latin wisdom; You, God-wise Theodosius, were then made hegumen of the monastery of Vydubetsky, you protected this from false teaching, confirming your brethren in the Orthodox faith to blamelessly chant to God: Alleluia.

Having heard your pious life, Father Theodosius, Saint Lazarus, call thee from Kiev to Chernigov and, having appointed the most honorable monastery of Eletskiy as archimandrite, make yourself an assistant in the administration of the church; But you served him with love as a son, and you were truly worthy, but we sing to you: Rejoice, serving the elder with love; Rejoice, for the son of the father is obedient to him in everything. Rejoice, resting his old age; Rejoice, for you have made the work of the hierarch easier for him. Rejoice, zealous diligent diligent of the splendor of the church; Rejoice, faithful guardian of the apostolic traditions. Rejoice, zealous guardian of righteousness; Rejoice, unshakable shepherd's duty to the executor. Rejoice, undefiled servant of the altar of the Lord; Rejoice, bright image of the shepherd. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

The divine star, guiding to the heavenly Jerusalem and shining brightly with virtues, seeing thee, the wondrous Theodosius, the monks and the worldly follow you with love, heeding your soulful teaching and looking at the image of your pure life of saints, I will teach you to cry out to God of saints with you: Alleluia.

Seeing Saint Lazarus for herself, she was pretending to be old and exhausted in her bodily powers, longed to have thee, Theodosius, a successor in her own hierarchy, and ask the Holy Patriarch of Moscow to consecrate thee to the archbishop. We are in this the title of God, the hedgehog on you, enlighteningly, with love we glorify your face: Rejoice, the Bishop of God, from the Eternal Bishop you can see the pre-elected one; Rejoice, worthy successor of the apostles and zealous zealot. Rejoice, Saint of Christ, consecrated from the Cathedral of Russian saints; Rejoice, good and poor hierarch. Rejoice, archpastor, merciful and compassionate; Rejoice, interlocutor and co-throne to Saints Mitrophan and Demetrius. Rejoice, beauty of the Orthodox bishops; Rejoice, good shepherd, ready to lay down your life for the sheep. Rejoice, teacher of golden-heartedness; Rejoice, God-blessed lamp of the Church of Christ, in the darkness of this age you have shone. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

The preacher, not in a word, but also in deed, appeared to be Christ's teaching, to Saint Theodosius, like a good shepherd, in the image of Christ's shepherd, teaching everyone with love to salvation, giving everyone the image of living according to Christ's commandments and teaching everyone to cry out to God: Alleluia.

Thou shone, like a radiant morning, to the country of Chernigov, to the Holy Hierarch Theodosius, and to the flock entrusted to you, you shone with the light of your virtues, acquiring high humility and observing monastic poverty; everything else, even if you had it, you gave it to the poor zealously. About this, marveling, as if the beggar is perfect, we please thee, calling: Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy; Rejoice, trustworthy refuge for the sire. Rejoice, merciful patron of widows; Rejoice, you who are hungry for an abundant supply. Rejoice, quick intercessor to the offended; Rejoice, trustworthy comforter who grieves. Rejoice, ready helper for those in trouble; Rejoice, good child to educator. Rejoice, guide to youths and virgins in chastity; Rejoice, strong strength for the old and the weak. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Although you, Theodosius, fought with all your heart to the one Lord of goodness, you fought a good deed to the end, applying your labors in humility, killing your flesh with fasting and vigilance with prayer and warming everyone with love. The same, you were honored on earth to praise the angelic song to God with dignity and righteousness: Alleluia.

A new prayer book and wonderworker, the Lord manifest in the country of Russia, to the saint Father Theodosius; the same and brightly the Orthodox Church flaunts with you, as if boldness is commanding to Christ and to Him, praying to Him, to the saint, for us sinners, who cry out to you for our sinners: Rejoice, glorious lamp of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, watchful guardian of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, zealous champion of piety; Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Church of God. Rejoice, adorned with a temple of virtues; Rejoice, O splendid zealot of dispassion and purity. Rejoice, prayer is an inexhaustible treasure; Rejoice, faithful Mystery of God to the builder. Rejoice, observe your flock in faith and piety; Rejoice, you have been honored with the saints of clinking in the Heavenly Kingdom. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Having completed the earthly wandering in a God-pleasing manner, Father Theodosius, holy and righteous, rested in the Lord in the sleep of death, even faster for you the passage from labors to eternal rest; you accepted the imperishable crown of glory from Christ God, and you settled with the saints to sing to Him an eternal song of praise: Alleluia.

All you are love that is never scarce, to the Holy Hierarch Theodosius of God; as if in this life, so even after repose to God do not leave your children; on all those who come to you by faith, look upon mercifully, giving healing to the sick, comforting the grieving, delivering them from troubles. For this reason, be grateful to the creature, we sing to thee: Rejoice, beloved spiritual poverty from youth; Rejoice, having served Christ faithfully in his younger brethren. Rejoice, opening the doors of God's mercy to us; Rejoice, the wrath of God, righteously moved against us, offering mercy. Rejoice, after your departure to God, abiding with us; Rejoice, reviving souls mortified by sins by the grace of Christ. Rejoice, source of compassion, ever flowing to people; Rejoice, blissful enlightener overshadowed by delusions. Rejoice, he who looks upon our sorrows from heavenly heights; Rejoice, embracing all of us with your love. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

All the people of Chernihiv glorify God, when they heard about your glorious appearance, Saint Theodosius, your successor, Archbishop John, you have healed him from a serious illness, showing your boldness to the Lord. For this, for the sake of sweeping your coffin, beautify your face and put the likeness of your face over it, calling the wondrous God in His saints: Alleluia.

Vitya of the multiculturalism will not be able to praise thee for the heritage of eternal glory worthy, Saint Father Theodosius; and whoever can tell many and glorious thy miracles, thou hast emanated from the imperishable relics and icons of thy saints; about this, who rejoices in God, glorifying His saints, glorifying, crying out to these faces: Rejoice, dwelling in the bright paradise devil; Rejoice, for the incorruptibility of your relics, the dawn of the general resurrection, is showing us. Rejoice, in visions for the good of the believers; Rejoice, in the sonias you call to prayer for your intercession. Rejoice, quenching the tears and sighs of those who grieve with love; Rejoice, the petitions of those who are weary and burdened will soon fulfill. Rejoice, delivering the faithful from sudden death; Rejoice, you who prompts you to fulfill the vows given to God. Rejoice, for the blind, insight, giving hearing to the deaf; Rejoice, child-loving father, like a kokosh under the krill, gathering your spiritual children at your grave. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

You have inherited eternal salvation, Saint Theodosius, and now rejoice in light with the Angels and all the saints, ever contemplating the glorious face of Christ our God;

The wall of the fence in the Orthodox Church appears, to the Holy Hierarch of God, confirming with many wonderful miracles of your faithful and reflecting all heretical wisdom by the manifestation of the power of God; You have greatly surprised the teachers of the schism by the incorruptibility of your relics, and you have awakened you to confess the truth of Orthodoxy. The same with fear and reverence, coupled with those who are faithful to the cry of this person: Rejoice, by glorifying your relics you have filled us all with joy; Rejoice, for your incorruptible body you have transformed the unbelief of the spoken Old Believers into faith. Rejoice, you have put to shame the heresy of the shtunda miracles; Rejoice, for the Orthodox believer to set the sign of the cross from Luthor's heresy, teaching. Rejoice, for the blind child at your relics, suddenly bestowed insight; Rejoice, your tongue that does not speak with the anointing of oil from the lamp is yours resolving. Rejoice, with the same oil heal the unhealed scabs; Rejoice, near death bring those who are sick to life. Rejoice, for those who are deprived of reason in your relics are healed by the grace of Christ; Rejoice, for the shroud from your grave also works miracles. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

Prayer chanting does not stop at your relics, Saint Theodosius, from the day of your burial even to the day of your glorification with the saints, when the Cathedral of the Saints to the Russian Church with glory from the cave of your relics will be carried away and in the cathedral church of the city of Chernigov, lay down honestly for general worship. Accept our humble singing of praise and help us to be cleansed by repentance, but in fulfilling the commandments of Christ, we prosper and instruct you, with you gratefully crying to God: Alleluia.

The blessed lamp was in your life, Saint Theodosius, shining with the quiet light of humility and love in the Church of Christ's candlestick, and at your repose you shone like the sun, driving away the mist of schism and heresy with wonderful miracles and turning faithful hearts to God. The same, celebrating your holy memory with love, cry out to you: Rejoice, radiant star, shining over the land of Chernigov; Rejoice, and illumined the whole Russian country with your light. Rejoice, glory and fencing of the city of Chernigov; Rejoice, vigilant and warm prayer-book of all our earth. Rejoice, at the Throne of the King of those who reign for our king, one who stands before us; Rejoice, for your name is glorified from end to end throughout our country. Rejoice, for you are converting your unbelievers to the Orthodox faith for your appearances; Rejoice, for you have instructed your non-Orthodox miracles to Orthodoxy. Rejoice, for singing praise with heavenly powers always to God; Rejoice, for behold His glory in heaven. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

By the grace of God, you were the chosen vessel, Saint Theodosius; the grace of God and ask the Lord for help for our weakness, so by this grace we will be saved, we will conquer the passions that fight us, and by that we strengthen, the giver of all the blessings of the Lord Jesus, we always glorify with you, calling to Him: Alleluia.

Singing many and glorious your miracles and glorifying your great deeds, our Father our Father Theodosius, with tenderness of heart we glorify, praise and magnify the Lord who magnified the favor, in you has shown us a new sign of His favor to the Orthodox Church, as an eternal pillar and the confirmation of truth; But to you, as our warm representative before God, we proclaim the sitsevaya: Rejoice, in the helipad of the Lord, from morning to evening of your life, you have labored well; Rejoice, in the joy of your Lord, as a good and faithful servant who entered. Rejoice, by your life you have shown us the way to the heavenly abode; Rejoice, crowned with the crown of immortality and heavenly glory. Rejoice, bright star of the church sky; Rejoice, wonderful praise of the Russian land. Rejoice, for you dwell with all the saints in the mountains; Rejoice, for you visit us, sinners on earth, with love. Rejoice, for Christ be glorified; Rejoice, for even Satan is ashamed. Rejoice, saint of God, Saint Theodosius, glorious miracle worker.

O great saint of God and miracle worker, our saint, our Father Theodosius! Accept this little prayer of ours, in praise to you, if you are unworthy, both offered with love to sons, and pray to the Lord God to deliver us from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, from internecine warfare and sudden death, and from eternal torment in the future, and be vouchsafed in eternal life with you to sing to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov and All Russia, wonderworker

O sacred head, our strong prayer and intercessor, Saint Theodosius, hear us, who call you with faith and zealously fall to the race of your honest and multifunctional relics (or: your icon). Remember us at the Almighty Throne and do not cease to pray for us. Vemy, as if our sins separate us between you and us, and you are not worthy of only a father and an intercessor. But you, being an imitator of God's love for mankind, do not stop crying to the Lord for us, ask for your intercession from our All-Merciful God for the peace of His Church, on a militant land, her shepherd's strength to zealously strive for the salvation of people. Pray the Heavenly Father to all of us to give a gift, which is somehow beneficial, true faith, firm hope and love that never ends, our city's affirmation, peace of peace, deliverance from gladness and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, good growth in faith for the young and infants, consolation for the old and graveless and reinforcement, healing for the sick, for orphans and widows, mercy and intercession, for erring correction, for needy help in time of need. Do not put us to shame in our hope, make haste, like a child-loving father, and we must bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule everyone in peace and repentance, shamelessly end your life and the Kingdom of God as the heir of being, where you are now resting with the Angels and all the saints, glorifying God, in the Trinity is the glorious one, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, by origin, belonged to the Uglitsky noble family in the Dnieper region1. Father Theodosius, named Nikita, was a priest in Little Russia, his mother was called Mary. Parents raised their son in the fear of God and Christian piety; under the influence of their instructions, from a very young age he received the makings of that piety, which adorned his entire subsequent life. Meek, obedient and impressionable by nature, Theodosius from a young age burned with fiery love for God and zeal for the temple of God. Having received his initial training in the family and there he learned to read and write, Theodosius was then given by his father for further education at the Kiev-Bratsk Epiphany School2. Here, under the influence and guidance of pious instructors, exercising in the study of Holy Scripture and patristic creations, the saint strove to arrange his life according to them; here he grew and was strengthened in spirit in the knowledge of the truths of the Orthodox faith and in the exploits of piety. And here, while studying at school, in young Feodosia, a desire arose to imitate, to the best of his ability, the equally angular life of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius and other ascetics of the Caves - these great prayer books and heavenly patrons of ancient Kiev, under whose blessed oversight he lived and was brought up , and the incorruptible, glorified relics of which he constantly matured before him. During his free hours, Theodosius' favorite pastimes were prayer, contemplation of God and reading the word of God. Here Saint Theodosius became well acquainted with church partisan singing, at the singing school organized by His Grace Lazar Baranovich. In general, the Kiev-Bratsk Epiphany School, founded to maintain and defend the Orthodox faith against the attacks of the Polish Catholic clergy and Jesuits3, conducted all teaching in a strictly Orthodox Christian spirit, which penetrated the young souls of its pupils; she had among her mentors the true luminaries of Orthodox spiritual enlightenment. Undoubtedly, Saint Theodosius also received there a higher and better education for that time, which was supposed to contribute to the full development of all the richly gifted abilities of his soul.
Soon after finishing his upbringing at the Kiev-Bratsk Epiphany School, Theodosius accepted monasticism, which was what his soul, who was ardently thirsting for spiritual exploits, aspired to at school. And so, in his young years, this true ascetic of Christ imputes to nothing all the blessings of this world, leaves the many-rebellious, vain world and takes monastic vows in the Kiev Caves Lavra with the name of Theodosius, in honor of the great ascetic of the Kiev Caves and the founder of the communal monastic life in Russia - the Monk Theodosius, whom he venerated so reverently and to whose prayerful intercession he so often turned during his studies in Kiev. From this time began the strictly ascetic life of Theodosius, which soon gained him fame not only in the monastic world, but also among the laity.
The humility and exemplary life of the young ascetic attracted the attention of the then Metropolitan of Kiev Dionysius4 (Valaban), whom he appointed as archdeacon of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral, where he labored honorably until Metropolitan Dionysius was removed from Kiev, after which he was appointed governor of the Metropolitan Cathedral House. But, disturbed by worldly vanity, life in Kiev could not satisfy the humble monk's inner attraction to silence and his desire to be in constant prayer communication with God. Therefore, Saint Theodosius, drawn by his love for the exploits of piety and monastic silence, soon left Kiev and settled in the remote, small Krupitsky Baturyn monastery5, long famous for the severity of monastic life, where he was ordained a hieromonk. But no matter how the educated, pious and active monk hid from the world, he still could not remain unnoticed by the higher spiritual authorities. Saint Theodosius asceticised in the Krupitsky monastery for a short time; he stood out sharply from among the other brethren for his spiritual wisdom and strict ascetic, virtuous life, which is why after a short time he was appointed hegumen of the Korsun monastery, the Kiev diocese. The new appointment of Saint Theodosius satisfied his inner urges. The Korsun monastery6, located on the island of the Ros River, far from worldly dwellings, in a picturesque area, fully corresponded to the saint's desire for solitude and feats of piety away from the bustle of the world. And he himself here served as a high example for the monastic brethren in his pious, true ascetic life and showed a wise ability to manage the monastery. Therefore, soon afterwards he was transferred to the abbot of the famous Kiev Vydubitsky monastery7. This ancient monastery not long before was in the hands of the Uniates and Poles-Catholics and devastated by them. Most of the monks scattered, for no one wanted to go to live in a ruined monastery; the monastery buildings were in decline, some of the monastery lands were unjustly seized from the monastery. In general, the monastery needed both internal and external improvement, and it took a lot of strength and skill to restore it to its former form. But Theodosius did not lose heart and, with the help of God, successfully completed his work and brought the famous ancient monastery to its former splendor and accomplishment. He petitioned the hetman of Little Russia for the strengthening of the land in various tracts and permission from the tsar to send his monks to Moscow every five years to collect alms and ask for tsar's favor, which they received in generous amounts. At the same time, he renewed the monastery buildings and temples, and generally restored the external improvement of the monastery; he especially cared about the decency and splendor of divine services in the monastery: well acquainted with church singing, Saint Theodosius formed such a wonderful choir in his monastery that he was famous not only in Kiev and throughout Little Russia, but also became known in Moscow, why Theodosius, according to a request from Moscow, sent singers there as organizers of singing there. But even more noteworthy are the works of this true ascetic of Christ in restoring monastic deanery and streamlining the inner life of the Vydubitsky monastery. Zealously fulfilling the duties of a monastic rank, he served for the monks as a lofty example of a strict ascetic life, attracting many seekers of salvation to his monastery. At the same time, wishing to further instill in the monks of the Vydubitsky monastery the spirit of true asceticism, the saint set up on the monastery land, in the Mozyr district, 8 a small skete for those of the brethren who sought complete solitude and severe ascetic deeds.
Although after that, according to the word of the Savior: "In the world you will have sorrow; but take heart: I have overcome the world" (John 16:33), Saint Theodosius, this faithful worker of the helipad of Christ, because of human slander and envy, unjust grief and sorrow9 - but his ascetic life and wise leadership of the monks earned him the universal respect of the people of Kiev. In particular, Saint Theodosius was distinguished by his benevolence and attention by the then locum tenens of the Kiev Metropolis, Archbishop of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich10, who had previously been his teacher and rector at the Kiev Epiphany Brotherhood School. In one of the letters relating to this time, Bishop Lazarus prophetically expresses his desire that "his name (Theodosius) should be written in heaven." As locum tenens of the Sheva Metropolitanate, Saint Lazar appointed Theodosius, who was then Archimandrite Vydubytsky, his viceroy in the metropolis. Then, when the Bishop of Lutsk Gedeon was elected Metropolitan of Kiev by Little Russia, 12 Lazar Baranovich, with a request to confirm the choice, together with another venerable hegumen, sent Theodosius, as a man who had served the Little Russian Church a lot. By this, Saint Lazarus and other spiritual and secular officials of Little Russia wanted, in an obvious way, to present Theodosius as a person especially worthy and capable of a higher office. At the same time, in Moscow, Saint Theodosius petitioned the tsarist grammar for permission to send the Vydubitsky monastery to Moscow to collect alms. From that time on, at every opportunity presented, they turned to Theodosius Uglitsky as worthy to take the highest place. So, after the death of Metropolitan Gideon of Kiev, Theodosius was one of the candidates for the chair of the Kiev Metropolitanate. Even earlier, at the will and wish of His Grace Lazar Baranovich, who had returned from Kiev to Chernigov to work for his diocese, he was summoned to Chernigov and appointed by the archimandrite of the Chernigov Eletsky monastery14 to replace the deceased abbot of this monastery, the famous Ioannikiy Golyatovsky15.
The Yeletsky monastery at that time was very poor and meager. There were few estates and spiritual economic articles, and in general the monks suffered a great need for maintenance. The new abbot actively set about building the monastery entrusted to him. Immediately after taking up his duties, he went to the hetman of Little Russia Mazepa16 with the idea that "the Elets monastery is scarce in supplies of grain and especially firewood, so it is difficult to live with the brethren, but there is nothing to help, since there are few subjects in the possession of the archimandry" - and Mazepa, generally not distinguished by generosity in relation to clergy and monasteries, fulfilled the request of Saint Theodosius, out of special respect for him, and gave the village Moshonka into the possession of the monastery. Likewise, others who had wealth, respect for Theodosius prompted to do good to the Elets monastery. Thus, under Saint Theodosius, in the course of two or three years, the Elets monastery attained a prosperity that fully ensured its existence. Taking care of the external improvement of the monastery, Saint Theodosius was no less concerned about its internal well-being, about the establishment and maintenance of a truly monastic life in it. In this respect, even his most personal exploits served as a highly instructive example for the Yelets brothers in their monastic life.
Among these and other works of the monastery, Theodosius was at the same time an active assistant to Archbishop Lazarus in the preaching work and, at the request of the archpastor, also in charge of the economic and part of the diocesan affairs of his bishop's house. Over the course of time, Bishop Lazar saw that Archimandrite Theodosius Uglitsky was prudently and wisely conducting the work entrusted to him, and was fully convinced that he could be his best assistant in managing the Chernigov diocese, and therefore, with the consent of the hetman of Little Russia, invited him to go to Moscow to the patriarch Adrian17 with a request to identify him as his assistant. This was in 1691. In Moscow, for a long time, they had heard about the virtuous life and spiritual wisdom of Theodosius, and therefore the patriarch willingly fulfilled the desire of the elderly saint of Chernigov, respected by all, and notified the hetman of Little Russia about this with his hierarchical grammar, in which he spoke with praise of Saint Theodosius.
But this help was not sufficient for the old saint-saint, who was ending his days. Filled with gratitude to Theodosius for his zealous participation in the management of his flock, the Right Reverend Lazarus wished, even during his lifetime, to see Theodosius in the rank of saint, in order to prepare in him a worthy successor for himself.
In 1692, he and the hetman turned to Moscow with written petitions to Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich and to Patriarch Adrian about the elevation of Archimandrite Theodosius Uglitsky to the rank of archbishop of Eletsk18, and both of them testified on their own behalf that, "the most honorable archimandrite is adorned with the virtues of monastic life, which he leads from a young age; experienced in managing monasteries, filled with the fear of God and spiritual wisdom, enlightened, very zealous for church splendor, able to manage the pulpit house and the Chernigov diocese. " The intercession of the respected elder-saint was respected, and in the same year Theodosius went to Moscow to be ordained. Here on September 11th he was named bishop, and on the 18th of the same month he was ordained archbishop. The newly consecrated archbishop stayed in Moscow for about two months, at the request of the patriarch, who treated Saint Theodosius with respect and took advantage of the opportunity to detain him in Moscow for conversations and joint worship.
Great was the joy of the aged archpastor of Chernigov Lazar Baranovich when he saw his beloved assistant in the rank of hierarch. The flock, who reverently loved and respected Saint Theodosius, was also deeply delighted by this. Thus, the Chernigov Church was blessed with the leadership of two famous hierarchs - the pillars of Orthodoxy, who implored the mercy of God for the peace of the whole world and for the welfare of their God-saved flock. Meanwhile, Theodosius, even in the rank of hierarch, helping the Right Reverend Lazarus, and often completely replacing him, retained the infinite love and devotion of his son for him, showing complete obedience to his benefactor, doing nothing without the consent of the Primate of Chernigov, trying to act according to his direction and permission.
But the Lord did not judge for a long time the two great, famous pillars of Orthodoxy to stand together on guard of the flock of Chernigov. On September 3, 1693, the great elder archpastor quietly and peacefully died after 36 years of ruling the Chernigov diocese. Saint Theodosius solemnly buried him, together with all the clergy from Chernigov and from other places, who arrived in the Chernigov Borisoglebsk Cathedral, behind the left kliros.
Before notifying the tsar and the patriarch of the death of His Eminence Lazarus, Saint Theodosius went to the hetman of Little Russia to notify him of the sad event. Together with him, he sent Hieromonk Pachomius and some other persons to Moscow with a report to the Tsar and Patriarch about the death and burial of the Right Reverend Lazar, and the Hetman wrote that he had lamentation and grief about the repose of Lazar, and now he finds consolation and joy, that, by the death of th, in an urgent time, that bishop's throne was perceived by the Most Reverend Theodosius of Uglitsky, whom with his virtues he can decorate the church and with skillful discretion arrange the affairs of the church government.
In response, the tsar wrote that he would show Theodosius the same royal favor that was enjoyed by the Most Reverend Lazarus; The patriarch wrote to the hetman that the ordination of Archbishop Theodosius during the lifetime of Archbishop Lazarus, he attributes to the special Providence of God, benefiting the Chernigov flock, and asked the hetman, as a son of the Church, to help the Most Reverend Theodosius in his concern for the Holy Church. At the same time, the patriarch sent a "altar" letter for the final confirmation of Saint Theodosius at the Chernigov see as an independent archpastor, where, by the way, he speaks of him as a virtuous man, adorned from a young age with a monastic life in virtues and skillful management of honest monasteries, full of the fear of God and spiritual understanding, a lover of wisdom, the most zealous guardian of church splendor, who justly deserved to rule the house and the diocese of Chernigov.
Remaining the sole archpastor of Chernigov, Saint Theodosius, with paternal zeal, cared for the welfare of his flock, and even more than before, manifested, with his own eyes, the holiness of life, sincere love for asceticism, Christian mercy and love for all who turned to him. With his good deeds and Christian virtues, he shone not only for the flock of Chernigov, but also far beyond its borders.
In Moscow itself, for a long time, his name was pronounced with special respect, since with his spiritual wisdom and moral merits he stood out from among all Russian hierarchs of that time. Improving the affairs of the Chernigov church, Saint Theodosius in himself was for the flock an example of deep faith in the providence of God, zeal for prayer and church worship, gentle indulgence towards the weakness of neighbors and compassion for their needs, which is why he acquired the unanimous unfeigned love and respect of the flock. Until the last minutes of his life, as a true warrior and ascetic of Christ, he fought for the glory of the holy Orthodox faith and for the good of his neighbors. According to the words of the Apostle, he served "with the spirit of a flame; the Lord" (Romans 12:11); and to all those around there was "a lamp that burns and shines" (John 6:35).
The flock of Chernigov realized that its archpastor, Saint Theodosius, was a true servant of God, a faithful builder in the house of God, a vigilant guardian of the church, a vigilant worker, a prayer-book and a reliable intercessor for all before the Lord. The saint especially attracted all his hearts to himself by his judgment - just and merciful, and he was compassionate towards the helpless and sire, for whom he diligently sought what was required by righteousness, as well as generous, in the spirit of the gospel, charity and Christian mercy.
In general, he was one of such public figures, which are only in the Kingdom of Christ, who manage to do for the common good much more than the great and powerful of this world. "Be of one mind with one another; do not be arrogant, but follow the humble; do not dream of yourself" (Rom. 12:16).
With the most careful zeal, Saint Theodosius took care of strengthening in his flock the love for the ascetic life, which he loved so much from his very young years, and whose lofty example was to everyone in himself. To this end, he diligently tried not only to support the monasteries that had previously existed in his diocese, but also to found new monasteries. So, he founded the so-called Pecheniksky monastery for girls19. The best monument to the fatherly solicitude of Saint Theodosius for the improvement of monastic monasteries is his blessed letter from the hierarch, given to the nuns of the Pechenik monastery. Blessing the newly built monastery with the love of his father, the saint commands the nuns "the virtue of humility and complete obedience" to their abbess, as a source of peace and a guarantee of it, hierarchical, and God's blessing.
Then, with the blessing of the saint, another monastery was founded, two miles from the city of Lyubech. At the same time, along with his concern for the development of asceticism and the establishment of monastic monasteries in the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius zealously cared about the construction and beautification of the temples of God. Taking care of the moral well-being of his diocese, he paid the main attention to the clergy, trying to choose persons worthy and capable for clerical positions and by all means to strengthen the pastoral and educational activities of the parish clergy.
Saint Theodosius also labored much during the time he ruled the Chernigov diocese for the cause of Orthodoxy in Little Russia, to repulse in it the pernicious Polish Uniato-Catholic influence and to strengthen the Russian people here. He also brought benefits to the Russian state by the fact that, thanks to his moral influence, eloquence and Christian peacefulness, he was always able to calm outbreaks of hot, headstrong Ukrainians and thereby protect the state from harmful and dangerous unrest.
But Saint Theodosius did not shine for long at the cathedra of Chernigov. Only about 8 years he lived in Chernigov: up to 5 years as Archimandrite Yeletsky, 3 years 4 months as an archbishop, and independently governed the flock, after the death of His Grace Lazar Baranovich, for about two years. Foreseeing his imminent end, the saint summoned to Chernigov the governor of the Bryansk Svensky monastery, Hieromonk John Maksimovich, 22 and in the middle of 1695 consecrated him to the archimandrite of the Eletsk monastery, which until that time he had not ceased to rule himself, preparing in the new archimandrite a worthy successor to himself in the pulpit ... Soon after, the great lamp of the Russian Church went out. The death of Saint Theodosius followed on February 5, 1696. Bitterly mourned by the orphaned flock, Saint Theodosius was buried in the Chernigov Cathedral Borisoglebsk Monastery behind the right kliros.
Having finished the course of his earthly ministry, Saint Theodosius did not leave his flock, reclining his incorruptible body in the cathedral church, and from the very first days after his repose he did not leave with his blessing all those who resorted to his help, bringing down the grace of God in abundant miraculous healings to those who seek his prayer before God intercession. A number of miraculous manifestations of the grace of God, manifested by the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius, opened soon after his blessed death with the blessed healing from a grave illness of his successor in the Chernigov see, His Eminence Archbishop John Maksimovich. Bishop John fell seriously ill with a fever; the disease intensified rapidly, delirium appeared. Suddenly, in the midst of his illness, the bishop summons a cell attendant and makes an order to immediately send Vespers in his chambers and read the service rule for him, and in the morning to prepare everything for his service in the church. Those around the sick archpastor thought that he was delirious, but were forced to yield to his urgent demand and fulfill his desire. The next day, to the surprise of everyone, the Most Reverend, completely healthy, served the Divine Liturgy. Then he announced to those around him that Saint Theodosius had appeared to him the day before and said: "Serve tomorrow and you will be well." In gratitude for his instant, miraculous healing from a grave illness, His Eminence Archbishop John Maksimovich at the same time composed in honor of the saint of God a "praise" 23 written in verse according to the custom of that time, in which he calls him "an earthly angel and a saint dwelling in the Seraphim flock." By his order, a stone cave was built over the grave of St. Theodosius in the foundation of the Borisoglebsk cathedral church with an entrance to it along a twisted staircase.
The amazing miracle of the healing of the Right Reverend John Maksimovich served as the beginning of the honoring of Saint Theodosius as a gracious miracle worker and saint of God. With the passage of time, this celebration spread far beyond the boundaries of the Chernigov province, as a result of new abundant manifestations of the grace of God from the healing relics of St. Theodosius. These miracles were all the more obvious and striking because they were often accompanied by the appearances of Saint Theodosius sick in a dream, and he ordered to pray, fast, serve a prayer service, etc., promising healing; sometimes he instructed, admonished and fatherly reproached those who turned to him for something that had sinned. Thus, to one mute, the saint appears in a dreamy vision and says: "Go to the cathedral and celebrate a prayer service, and you will be well." The next day, the dumb man, to his amazement, began to speak, and then, seeing in the cathedral the portrait of the saint, he recognized him as a saint of God who appeared to him in a dream. “I bless and forgive,” says the saint to the priest, who confessed his sins in a dream before him and prayed for the healing of his son, and promises to heal the baby, whom he recovered the next day. To the woman who, in grievous suffering, called the saint for help and prayed to him with tears on holy fourtieth, he says, meekly reproaching and exhorting: "You did not fast, this is not good. You will not be worthy to partake of the Passover. Try to take communion on Great Saturday." To another woman, who prayed to God with tears and called on the saint to pray for her husband's recovery, the miracle worker tenderly says, comforting her and encouraging her: "Do not cry, I will pray to God, and your husband will be healthy." And soon after that her husband, who had been suffering from a painful illness for about a year, completely recovered. The saint appears to one sick person who called him, and says to her only one word: "calm down" - and her moral sufferings finally cease. It is difficult to enumerate all the wondrous healings performed by the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius: suffice it to say. that from all parts of the Russian land they began to attract numerous crowds of pilgrims to his coffin.
For the first time, the body of Saint Theodosius was found incorruptible 76 years after his blessed repose on February 14, 1772, when, with the blessing of the local Bishop Theophilus, it was transferred into a new wooden coffin, and the first cypress coffin of the saint of God was distributed in parts to pilgrims. Since the beginning of the last century, the reverent celebration of St. Theodosius of Uglitsky as a blessed miracle worker has been especially intensified. The rumor about him and about the miracles flowing from his relics, at this time already spread far beyond the boundaries of the Chernigov province, among the Orthodox of various titles and conditions. In 1824, at the grave of Saint Theodosius, the Chernigov schismatic merchant Gorbunov was healed from a grave illness, after which he converted to Orthodoxy and, in memory of his miraculous healing, built at his own expense a new coffin for the incorruptible relics of the Saint. In the course of time, at the cathedral, little by little, more or less correct and constant records of the healings received from the relics of St. Theodosius, sufficiently verified and certified, began to be kept. Since 1850, at the Cathedral of Chernigov, a constantly detailed chronicle of miracles through prayers to St. Theodosius, as well as in some other places, has been constantly being kept.
Meanwhile, the constant abundant gathering of pilgrims to the coffin with the relics of St. Theodosius, with the cramped and inconvenient entrance to it, was forced in 1856 to attach a semicircular side-chapel with a comfortable staircase to the front of the vestibule of the Borisoglebsk Cathedral on the south side, and to expand the cave and make it light.
By the end of the past century, the name of Saint Theodosius, as a great saint of God, a defender from troubles and misfortunes, a deliverer from all evil conditions and a warm prayer book before God, was known throughout Russia, and although at the grave of the saint only panikhidas were performed, but among the people he veneration was given, as it were, to an already glorified saint. The veneration of the people of St. Theodosius as a saint, numerous cases of miraculous healing from his incorruptible relics attracted the attention of the civil authorities, which was expressed in the most submissive report of the Chernigov governor for 1889, and this report, in turn, drew the attention of God to the deceased Sovereign. Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich. In view of this, the Holy Synod found it timely to begin certifying the incorruptibility of the body of the deceased saint and of the miraculous phenomena taking place at his grave. The body of the saint, despite almost 200 years of stay in the cave, which, moreover, was not distinguished by dryness, turned out to be incorruptible; at the same time, many cases of miraculous healings through the prayer invocation of Saint Theodosius, testified under oath by the healed themselves, their relatives and eyewitnesses, were properly examined25. In view of this, the Holy Synod determined - "in the blessed memory of the deceased Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, to rank among the saints, by the grace of God to recognize his glorified and incorruptible body as holy relics" and to make their solemn opening, to which the consent of Emperor Nicholas was not slow to follow Alexandrovich.
The ceremonial unveiling of the relics of Saint Theodosius followed on September 9, 1896. It was performed by His Eminence Metropolitan Ioannikiy of Kiev, co-served by six bishops and a host of archimandrites and abbots and other clergy. At the same time, the relics of the saint of God were transferred from the Borisoglebsk Cathedral to the Transfiguration of the Savior and transferred to a new cypress coffin and a new precious silver shrine; here, under a canopy with many icon lamps, they were placed on the right side of the cathedral, where they now rest. All the days of the celebration of the glorification of the newly-appeared saint of God are enormous, a crowd of one and a half thousand people overwhelmed the city, with fervent supplications addressing Saint Theodosius, asking his prayers before God and hastening to venerate his holy, incorruptible relics. The celebration of glorification was marked by numerous wondrous healings and made a deep impression not only on the Orthodox, but also on the schismatics. Glory to God, wondrous in His saints!
Troparion, voice 4:
Conceived as a bishop, Saint Theodosius, you were the luminary of your flock, you also died in the eternal abode: pray at the throne of the King of glory to get rid of us from the evils that come upon us and save our souls, holy, with your prayers.
Kontakion, voice 4:
You worked as pastors for the head of Christ, Saint Theodosius, to live more spiritually, nourishing your verbal sheep, and you received from Christ the Savior the healing gift of healing bodily weakness and the soul of everyone with faith coming to your healing power. Pray, holy, about those who call on your name from the slander of the enemy, save our souls.

1 According to legend, this surname was assigned to one of the ancestors of St. Theodosius for the difference shown when repelling the enemy from the city of Uglich.
2 This is the famous oldest school in Russia, the foundation of which dates back to the end of the 16th century; now - the Kiev Theological Academy, located in the Bratsk Monastery, in Podil, in Kiev.
3 The Kiev-Bratsk Epiphany School, serving as the main breeding ground of enlightenment for the entire southern Orthodox Russia, at the same time released from its walls many famous fighters for the Orthodox faith within the South Russian Church, which was subjected to incessant attacks by enemies - Catholics and Uniates like them, who disdaining the Orthodox faith, they recognized the supremacy of the pope, and even more insidious Jesuits, monks of the Catholic order, which set itself the goal by whatever means to establish Catholicism and the supremacy of popes everywhere.
4 Metropolitan Dionysius ruled the Kiev Metropolitanate for no more than six months. He was appointed to the metropolitanate in February 1658 and retired from Kiev in July 1658, although he nominally continued to be listed as the Kiev metropolitan.
5 Near the town of Baturin, now in the Chernigov province, 30 versts from the town of Konotop; founded in the 16th century.
6 In the Konevsky district, Kiev province. - St. Theodosius was appointed abbot of the Korsun monastery around 1661.
7 This was in 1664. The Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery was one of the oldest and most important monasteries of the Kiev diocese; founded at the end of the 11th century; at the beginning of the 17th century, during the Polish rule, a union was established in it, but then it was again returned under the authority of the Kiev metropolitan; now it is a second-class men's monastery.
8 Minsk province. There was the island "Mikhailovshchina", which belonged to the Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery, where in 1680 St. Theodosius is a small skete, the governor of which was appointed one of the strict ascetics of the Vydubitsky monastery, hieromonk Job Opalinsky.
9 St. Theodosius, at the intrigues of Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, who claimed the Kiev metropolitan throne, and, because of his goals, slandered the saint along with the abbots of other Kiev monasteries in political ingrigues and treason to the Moscow government; but the truth immediately triumphed, and the innocence of Theodosius was then clearly proved.
10 Lazar Baranovich - rector of the Kiev Epiphany Brotherhood School, since 1657 Archbishop of Chernigov, a prominent political and literary figure in southern Russia, preacher and polemicist against Catholics and Uniates; was highly respected by his contemporaries; St. Demetrius of Rostov calls him "the great pillar of the Church."
11 At that time, the Metropolitanate of Kiev remained idle for quite a long time, due to political turmoil, as a result of which the temporary administration of it was entrusted to the most respected archpastor of southern Russia, which was Lazar Baranovich.
12 Gedeon (Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky) - Bishop of Lutsk, since 1686 - Kiev Metropolitan, died in 1690, is known for his gramata and letters to various clergy.
13 Saint Theodosius, as one of the most honorable clergy, was a representative of the embassy, ​​which the council, which elected the metropolitan, sent in 1685 to the newly elected one with the notification of the election and with an invitation to accept the throne of the Kiev metropolitanate. In the same year, the "honorable" and "in the Little Russian honored church" Abbot Theodosius, together with the Pereyaslavl Abbot Jerome Dubinoy, was sent to Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich and Patriarch Joachim with a request for the confirmation of the Metropolitan elected by Little Russia. It should be noted that at that time selected people were sent from Little Russia to Moscow, not only so that they would deliver this or that petition there and appear on occasion as intercessors for these petitions, but also with the aim of exposing them to the tsar and patriarch, as persons capable and destined for higher positions. This is how they looked at it in Moscow, and there both representatives of the embassy, ​​the abbots - Vydubitsky and Pereyaslavsky, were accepted as "people deserved by the Little Russian Church." The result of this embassy was the great deed of the annexation of the South Russian Church to the Moscow Patriarchate.
14 The Eletsky Assumption Monastery in Chernigov was founded in 1060 by the Grand Duke of Chernigov Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
15 Ioanniky Golyatovsky - the famous South Russian preacher and writer-polemicist of the 17th century, first the rector of the Kiev-Mohyla collegium and then the archimandrite of the Chernigov Yeletsky monastery.
16 Ivan Mazepa - Little Russian hetman from 1687 to 1709, when he betrayed Peter the Great and Russia, going over to the side of the Swedish king Charles XII; he died that same year.
17 Adrian - the last (10th in a row) Patriarch of All Russia, ruled the Church from 1690-1700.
18 As for the fact that Theodosius was immediately elevated to the rank of archbishop, this is explained by the fact that it was the archdiocese that was established in Chernigov by the great Moscow cathedral in 1667, and the cathedral of Chernigov was then placed first among the other archdioceses of the Russian Church.
19 The monastery was built by the widow of the Starodubets colonel, Maria Sulimova, on the land she bought together with her late husband, called "Pecheniki" from where the monastery got its name; does not exist now.
20 Lyubech is now a commercial settlement of the Gorodnyansky district of the Chernigov province, 52 versts from Chernigov.
21 Thus, he consecrated a majestic church in honor of the Holy Trinity near the Ilyinsky monastery, and a church in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Domnitsky monastery (35 miles from Chernigov).
22 Ioann Maksimovich - later Metropolitan of Tobolsk and all Siberia, where he worked hard to spread Christianity among foreigners; died in 1716. His memory is locally honored with reverence, as a saint of God.
23 This "Praise" is written under the picturesque image of St. Theodosius in the Borisoglebsk Chernigov Cathedral, above the entrance to the stone tent where the relics of the saint rested.
24 The survey was carried out by His Eminence Ioanniky, Metropolitan of Kiev, together with the local Bishop Anthony, with the rector of the Chernigov Seminary, an archpriest - a member of the Kiev spiritual consistory and two archpriests from the local cathedral clergy.
Of such cases, 49 were examined.

Memorial Day of St. Theodosius of Chernigov is celebrated twice a year - September 9 (canonization day) and February 5 (death day). His name is on a par with those saints who are the most valuable adornment and glory of the entire Russian Orthodox Church. There is no exact information about where he was born. It is only known that he was born in the late 30s of the 17th century in Little Russia. His surname Polonitsky-Uglitsky belonged to a very ancient noble family. The parents of the future saint were named Nikita and Maria. Little information has reached his contemporaries concerning his childhood and adolescence. We only know that he was very obedient and meek.

Saint Theodosius

At first, his parents were engaged in his upbringing, they instilled in him the fear of God and Christian piety from childhood. And then he became a student of the Kiev Bratsk Epiphany School, to which he was deeply grateful all his life. At that time, its leader was Archbishop Lazar (Baranovich) of Chernigov. St. Theodosius of Chernigov harbored feelings of filial reverence and respect.

After completing his studies, St. Theodosius decided to devote his whole life to God. Pious parents, the edifying leadership of the theological school, and the holiness of the place itself promoted and strengthened the desire for a good life. But then there were other events - disagreements and moods, which the saint saw among the authorities and even among his spiritual leadership. This prompted him to pursue asceticism in monasticism and, already dressed as a soldier of Christ, to stand guard over the Orthodox Church.


For a short time Theodosius of Chernigov worked as an archdeacon in the Kiev Sophia Cathedral and as the governor of the metropolitan house. At the same time, Kiev and Little Russia suffered disasters from the turmoil, which was constantly carried out by opponents who did not want to unite Little Russia with Moscow. Unfortunately, even the highest clergy took an active part in these troubles. At that time, even the Metropolitan of Kiev Dionysius (Balaban) went over to the side of the Rzecz Pospolita, and therefore the metropolitanate split (1658). And then the Chernigov Archbishop Lazar became the temporary guardian in the territories of the Kiev Metropolis controlled by Moscow.

Confrontation and the new metropolitan

By this time St. Theodosius had already faithfully served in the diocese of Lazarus as a hieromonk of the Krupitsky Baturyn monastery. It became obvious that the life of the saint passed under the supervision of the Right Reverend Lazarus. He formed his own convictions, and he refused to follow the Kiev Metropolitan Dionysius, so as not to become an enemy of the Orthodox faith and its people. The saint constantly adheres to his teacher Lazarus, as he is convinced that Little Russia will prosper only under the protection of the Russian Tsar.

In 1662, according to the Chernigov Chronicle, St. Theodosius was the abbot of the Korsun monastery. In 1663, Metropolitan Dionysius died, and Bishop Joseph (Neljubovich) was appointed to the Metropolitanate of Kiev by the clergy of the Polish Ukraine. His election most likely took place in the Korsun monastery.

Abbot of the monastery

The new Metropolitan began his initial activity with the defense of Orthodoxy in Lithuania. However, his political convictions also did not coincide with those of Lazarus. As a result, the Moscow government did not want to recognize him as a metropolitan. St. Theodosius was afraid of turmoil, therefore he did not give his consent to participate in the electoral act. A little later, in 1664, he was appointed abbot

He was a very zealous guardian of the construction of the holy monastery, which was repeatedly in the hands of the Uniates. St. Theodosius ruled the monastery in the spirit of strict Orthodoxy with great zeal, so he received a hetman's universal (document or letter), according to which the monastery received significant estates. This fact armed the monks of the neighboring Kiev-Pechersk Lavra against him. Archimandrite Innokenty (Gizel), having built his arguments on the unjust slander of the Pechersk monastery stewards, began to complain about him to Metropolitan Lazar of Chernigov.

The saint, not without sorrow, but meekly endures these trials sent to him by God. But, as usual, they say that whatever is done is for the best. Lazarus, seeing in him the high qualities of his bright soul, in a prophetic spirit writes to him about his desire to have his name written in Heaven.

Great business executive and confessor

Such trust and love of Vladyka to St. Theodosius was soon expressed in his appointment as governor for administrative affairs of the Kiev Metropolis. The most important assignments are entrusted to him in the conviction that he will fulfill them with honor and benefit for the Orthodox faith.

His name becomes known in distant Moscow, Theodosius of Chernigov, together with the Abbot of Pereyaslavl Jerome, carries a petition from the hetman and the Little Russian clergy to appoint Bishop Gedeon-Svyatopolk as Metropolitan of Kiev. This business was crowned with success. St. Theodosius, fulfilling this commission, does not forget to intercede about his monastery.

Change and challenge

In 1687, when Archimandrite Yeletsky Ioanniky (Golyatovsky) presented himself before God, at the instruction of Archbishop Lazar, after 24 years of reigning at the Vydubitsky monastery, St. Theodosius. By appointing him to this position, Archbishop Lazarus makes him his right hand, and from that moment he becomes a participant in all the outstanding events of that time. Since at the same time, relations between the representatives of the Kiev, Great Russian and South Russian churches are greatly aggravated. The Moscow clergy looks with great suspicion at Kiev and South Russia because of their adherence to Catholicism and all kinds of heresy.

After the annexation of Little Russia to Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century, people from various clerical and civic positions penetrated into it from Kiev, whom they looked at with rather hostility, since they were very distinguished by the Polish coloring of traditions and rituals. And some hierarchs generally had the education of Western Jesuit schools, and they even had opinions that were not at all in the direction of the Orthodox spirit.

Theodosius - Archbishop of Chernigov

In 1690, Gideon dies, and St. Theodosius is nominated in his place. However, this high post was received by Archimandrite Varlaam (Yasinsky) of the Caves, under which Theodosius served as the abbot of the Kiev Caves Lavra for two years. By the providence of God, St. Feodosius was preparing another high position in Chernigov. Here he began to shine with his holy virtue, and not only during his lifetime, but also after death, as God’s chosen servant.

In 1692, the Right Reverend Lazar appointed a meeting, in which the clergy of Little Russia, hetman I. S. Mazepa and representatives of the people took part, and Archimandrite Theodosius was appointed to the Chernigov See. In July of the same year, Theodosius of Chernigov arrived in Moscow, where under Tsars John and Peter Alekseevich he was ordained archbishop in the solemn atmosphere of the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral. The royal charter made him dependent not on the Kiev, but on the Moscow Patriarchate, and, as the leader among the Russian hierarchs, the new saint receives the right to worship in the sakkos.

Endless pastoral affairs and chores

He returned to Chernigov, began to manage the affairs of the diocese and was still considered an assistant to Archbishop Lazar, who was then already very old and close to death.

The flock did not long rejoice at the two zealous hierarchs who stood at the throne of God. On September 3, 1693, 73-year-old Elder Lazar died. St. Theodosius loved him like his own father, so he truly grieved. The rite of burial was performed by Theodosius himself. The Russian tsar and patriarch honored Saint Theodosius with letters and promised him their favors. After the death of Archbishop Lazarus, Saint Theodosius received a charter for the independent administration of the Chernigov diocese.

Theodosius of Chernigov, in his flock, brought up special attention to true Christian piety and took care of the old and new monastic monasteries and temples. In 1694, thanks to him, the Pechenitsa monastery and the Lyubetsky skete were founded, in the same year, with his blessing, the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was built in the Domnitsky monastery. In 1695 he consecrated the Trinity Cathedral, which became the cathedral of the Chernigov diocese.


During his reign, the Chernigov diocese flourished, and the rise of monasticism was noticed. The saint paid special attention to his clergy; he was very picky with them when choosing people for priestly positions. St. Theodosius also greatly helped the theological schools, where he invited scientists and monks from Kiev. Among them was the Metropolitan of Tobolsk, John Maksimovich, who soon became the assistant and successor of Saint Theodosius, it was he who began to take care of the organization of theological schools.

St. Theodosius of Chernigov felt the approach of his death and therefore was preparing a successor for himself. It was the then governor of Bryansk and hieromonk John (Maksimovich), and he appointed him governor of the Chernigov Elets monastery.

Once, in 1694, a certain Catholic Dominik Polubensky turned to him with a request, in which he expressed his desire to become a subject of the Tsars of Moscow in order to be able to turn to the Orthodox faith of his ancestors. The saint did not leave this request unanswered, and soon he became a Russian Orthodox citizen.

Peaceful demise

1696 was the last year for him; Saint Theodosius of Chernigov peacefully reposed on February 5. He was buried in a crypt specially made for him.

A kind and just shepherd during his life did not leave his flock, and after his death he became her holy heavenly patron. And now he brings down the grace of God on all who turn to him with faith. His body remained incorrupt, which served as the basis for his canonization.

September 9, 1896 Saint Theodosius of Chernigov became the first saint to be glorified during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II. The solemn canonization was performed by Metropolitan Ioanniky of Kiev (Rudnev), with him six bishops, many other clergy and people who came from all over the country to Chernigov. This wondrous celebration was marked by new miracles, with which Saint Theodosius of Chernigov still abundantly pleases Orthodox believers. The relics of the patron saint of the land of Chernigov today rest in the Holy Trinity Cathedral.


Before the revolution, few icons were painted with the face of a saint. Already in the 90s, the icons of Theodosius of Chernigov became rare and worthy of purchase, they were an adornment of home antique collections. By the way, at the same time in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, several icons with the face of the saint disappeared.

In honor of the saint it was built in Theodosius of Chernigov, you can visit it at Chernobyl 2. He is the heavenly patron and protector of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

It should be noted that the temple of Theodosius of Chernigov is in Kiev and in Kiyanovsky lane 6/10, as well as in the Dnepropetrovsk region, in the village of Alexandrovka.

The saint was distinguished by peacefulness, justice and condescension, he deeply compassion for those who turned to him for help, and helped not only the Orthodox, but also representatives of other faiths.

History of the besieged Leningrad

Describing the life of this saint, it is necessary to note another very important event associated with the blockade of Leningrad. In 1942, a meeting was taking place in the basement at the headquarters of the defenders, where serious questions about an offensive breakthrough were resolved. And suddenly, unexpectedly, they heard a strange voice: "Pray to Theodosius of Chernigov, who will help you!" Everyone was numb, but none of them knew the name. People turned first to their top leadership, and then to Metropolitan Alexei (Simansky) (the future patriarch), and only he told them about Saint Theodosius as a prayer book and intercessor of our holy land, and that he needed to pray for the salvation of the city. And for this, it is urgently necessary to return his holy relics, which were in the Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg, then it was atheism.

And Stalin gave the order for this, the relics were returned to the Nikolo-Epiphany Cathedral. And a miracle happened, the saint helped, because the victorious Tikhvin operation was successfully completed. The routes were opened along which food, ammunition and weapons began to enter the besieged city. Believers called this Ladoga route “the road of St. Theodosius”.

Theodosius of Chernigov: what they pray for

It is believed that this saint helps heal cancerous tumors. Prayer to Theodosius of Chernigov with true faith will help to heal from a variety of diseases, slander and problems related to family well-being and children.

In 1946, when Metropolitan Alexei (Simansky) became patriarch, he summoned the Chernigov Bishop Boris to his place in Moscow, whom he instructed to prepare all the necessary documents in order to transfer the holy relics of Theodosius from Leningrad to Chernigov. This ceremony took place on September 15, 1946. Many people remember this national celebration, the holy elder and confessor met the relics. On this day, three liturgies were served.

And now the relics of the saint do not leave the Chernigov Cathedral Trinity Cathedral, built at the expense of Mazepa and consecrated by St. Theodosius in 1695, as mentioned above. The relics of the Monk Miracle-Worker Lawrence of Chernigov, Saint Philaret (Gumilevsky) and some of the Kiev Caves saints are also kept there.