Find out the husband's name by hand. How to find out the name of the betrothed: simple and reliable ways

Numbers play a huge role in our life. They help predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. Numerology deals with the study of numbers. It is she who gives us the opportunity to predict the future.

Women dream of knowing everything about the future. Even in antiquity, fortune-telling for the betrothed was popular, and in the modern world they appeared. Numerological analysis of the date of birth is one of them.

Calculating the number of destiny

The calculation of the fate number is very simple. To do this, you will need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. For example, you were born on 12/06/1995. In this case, 0 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 33. That's not all. You should get a number in the range from 1 to 9, because only with them can numerology work. Therefore, we add up our numbers again: 3 + 3 = 6. For the date of birth on December 6, 1995, the fate number is 6.

Decoding your fate number

Unit. If your number is 1, then the name of your future husband will be short and sonorous. Most likely, the letters A, H will be present in his name. It could be Andrey, Anton, Nazar, Nikita.

Deuce... With such a fate number, most likely, a man with a long name will become your chosen one. His name will most likely contain the letters C and I. The most possible names for you: Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav.

Troika... The owners of such a fateful number will be lucky enough to meet a husband with a rather unusual name, which will contain the letters I, Y, F. Wait for the fateful meetings with Philip, Innocent, Heraclius, Fedosey, Timofey, Porfiry.

Four... The number Four is a symbol of the fact that the name of your future husband is with the most ordinary name, or, conversely, with a very ancient and rare, in which there will be an abundance of letters B and M. Pay attention to names such as Vladimir, Vadim, Miroslav, Matvey, Varlam.

Five... Five correspond to the letters P, T. Your husband may be a man whose name you may not like at all. It is possible that your future chosen one is Rostislav, Rustam, Timur, Trofim, Taras.

Six... The number 6 suggests that your future husband may have a name in which the letters E, X and M. Evdokim, Emelyan, Efim, Mikhail, Khariton are the most likely options.

Seven. The number Seven is a messenger that you will choose a man with a very strong name, which will contain the letters G, O. Here are the most likely names for your future husband: Igor, Ignatius, Hilarion, Oleg.

Eight... This number of fate is obtained from those women whose future husbands are men with names that contain the letters D, C and L. Most likely, you will meet Dmitry, Denis, Leonid, Savely, Svyatoslav.

Nine. The number Nine is the number of those ladies who will meet a husband whose name has the letters C, E. The most likely names of your future husband: Sergey, Semyon, Stepan, Eugene.

Of special cases, it is worth highlighting the dates of birth in which the day and month are the same or mirrored. The same day and month is evidence that the name of your future husband may be the same as that of your father, grandfather or brother. If you were already married, then the name of the second husband may be the same as the name of the first. A mirror date like 01.10 or 21.12 is an indicator that you can meet a man with an unusual or non-Russian name, as well as with a non-standard outlook on the world. The character of a man in this case may fully correspond to his name.

There is another special case - this is when there are at least 4 identical numbers in the date of birth. For example, 04/22/2002. Four identical numbers indicate that the name of your future husband can be paired with yours. If your name does not have a paired masculine, then such a case is not important to you.

Use conspiracies and rituals for a happy marriage if you think that you may face problems on this front. In love, it is important to always do everything possible in order to achieve the best results. You will be lucky if you set yourself the right goals and stick to them. Numerology will help you choose the path. Good luck, happy love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2018 03:43

Numerology answers many questions, including the question of how well ...

Numerology is the science of numbers, it is she who allows you to slightly open the veil of the future, based on our date of birth or name. How to find out the name of the future husband by calculating the number of destiny?

Well, what woman does not want to know the name of her future husband? Our ancestors used them to reveal the secret of the future, and we will show you a new way to find out your destiny.

In order to calculate the number of destiny, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on 07/12/1996, you need to add 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 34, then to get a number from 1 to 9, you need to add 3 + 4 = 7 again. So, your fate number is 7. And then just read the decoding of your number.

If your date of birth coincides with the day and month , for example 08.08.1995, then this suggests that your husband may be called just like your father, grandfather or brother. And if you were already married, then most likely your second husband will be called exactly the same as the first.

If there are at least 4 identical digits in the date of birth , for example, 11/11/2000, this suggests that the name of your future husband can be paired with yours.

Decoding the number of fate

Unit- your husband's name will be short and sonorous, his name will contain the letters A and N. For example, Andrey, Anton, Nazar, Nikita.

Deuce- the name of your future husband will be long, the name will contain the letters C and Z. For example, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav.

Troika- your husband will have a rather unusual name, in which there will be letters I, Y, F. For example, Philip, Heraclius, Timothy.

Four- means that the name of your future husband will be the most common or, conversely, the rarest and the letters B and M will be present in it. For example, Vadim, Vitaly, Matvey, Miroslav.

Five- your husband will most likely become a man whose name you do not really like, the letters P and T will prevail in him. For example, Timur, Taras, Rostislav, Ruslan.

Six- most likely, your husband's name will contain the letters E and M. For example , Mikhail, Makar, Efim, Elisha.

Seven- a messenger that the name of your chosen one will be very strong and the letters O and G. will prevail in it. For example, Oleg, Orest, Igor, Ignat.

Eight- the name of your future husband will most likely include the letters D, C and L. This will be: Dmitry, Denis, Danil, Savva, Savely, Luka, Leonid.

Nine says that in the name of your husband there will certainly be the letters C, E. The most likely names of your future husband: Sergey, Semyon, Stepan, Eugene.

Also, be sure to find out about

Unmarried women are very interested in the question of who will become their betrothed. For this, girls turn to various fortune-telling, numerology, and other non-traditional esoteric methods for help.

We will tell you how to find out the name of your future husband by date of birth and give you a numerological test for fortune telling online.

Online fortune telling in the name of the future husband by date of birth

Enter your date of birth and click on the "Calculate" button:

We find out the name of the spouse by your date of birth

If you want to find out the person with what name fate has prepared for you, you just need to add all the digits of your date of birth until the end result is a simple single-digit number. Let's consider a specific example.

Let's say the date of your birth is 05/25/1994.

The calculation of the amount will be as follows:

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 = 35+ 3+5=8.

This means that it is your personal numerological code that represents.

Of course, by this figure, unfortunately, you will not be able to find out the exact details of the appearance of your future chosen one, his last name, patronymic, and even the peculiarities of your meeting with him. only helps to move in the right direction and indicates a possible coincidence of circumstances.

Therefore, you will not get the exact name of your betrothed using this method, but the method will roughly orientate which letter it will begin with and what sounds will be present in it.

Now let's figure out the interpretation of all numbers:

  • unit - correlates with the sounds a, c, and. This means that either the name of your spouse will begin with the indicated letters, or they will very often appear in it. You should take a closer look at the fans - Alexandra, Ivan, Ilya, Sergei, Anthony, as well as Artyom and Anatoly.
  • Two - corresponds to the letters b, t, s. These include the names of Brotislav, Bogdan, Boris, Timur and Timofei.
  • Three - it is answered by the letters y, k, v. Do not push away from yourself ahead of time Valera, Vladov, Viktorov, Vasiliev, Valentinov, Kamiley, Kirillov, Konstantinov and Ulyanov.
  • Four - refers to the letters e, g, f, K. Names that relate to 4 are: Edward, Edmund, Emmanuila, George, Gregory, Thomas, Philip, Gleb, Constantine and Cyril.
  • Five - the letters correspond to it: w, p and z. Take a closer look at the fans-Roman, Ruslans, Radislavs and Zakhars.
  • Six - corresponds to the letters I, e, n, c. These are the names of Yakov, Yaropolk, Nikolai, Nikita, Nathan and Yegor.
  • Seven - oh, h, K. It is worth paying attention to Olegov, Kirillov, Kupriyanov and Konstantinov.
  • - letters l, w, zh, n. Corresponds to the names of Shamil, Leonid, Georges, Paul and Peter.
  • Nine - letters u, m, x, d. Corresponds to the names of Michael, Matthew, Dmitry and Daniel.

Method with cards

Card fortune-telling is the most accessible and simple way by which you can really find out the features of your future married life, as well as the name of your betrothed.

We bring to your attention fortune-telling with cards of all kings (4). Turning to him for help is especially indicated in those situations when you have in mind some kind of admirer or even several and you cannot decide which of them to give your hand and heart to.

  1. For fortune-telling, you need to prepare the cards of the four kings, separate them from the deck and guess a specific person for each card. Also, the Lady of Diamonds is extracted from the deck, which symbolizes your personality.
  2. After that, the kings return to the deck and you must mix it well.
  3. Then the cards are laid out by 3 on the table until one of the triplets next to your Queen gets a card of any king. In the event that the cards are over, but this did not happen, you will need to shuffle the deck again and repeat the fortune-telling procedure. The king who dropped out next to your card is your future chosen one.

Also, with the help of cards, you can find out the name of your future spouse. This is done this way: all cards are shuffled and laid out in rows so that there are nine positions in each of the rows.

Then you need to count how many letters there are in your name and take exactly the same number of any arcana from the layout. Lay them out in front of you in order, and then decode. Each lasso corresponds to a certain letter (or letters), for example:

  • six of hearts and a tambourine - the letters A, I answer;
  • the sixes of spades and clubs correspond to the letters E, O;
  • for seven of hearts and a tambourine - the letters U, C are suitable;
  • the sevens of spades and clubs correspond to the letters B, E;
  • for eight of hearts and a tambourine - letters R, F are suitable;
  • the letters B, Z correspond to the peak and the club eight;
  • the hearts and diamonds nine will correspond to the letters K, G;
  • and the peak and the club nines - L, D;
  • a ten of hearts and diamonds corresponds to the letters M, P;
  • jacks of red suit - letters C, H correspond;
  • black jacks - refer to the letters X, T;
  • ladies of red suit - their correspondence is the letters H, I;
  • ladies of black suit are answered by the letters Y, P;
  • for the king of the red suit - the letters U, T are suitable;
  • for the king of the black suit - the letters A, W;
  • the letters O, D will correspond to the aces of the black suit;
  • and the aces of the red suit - the letters E, C.

On the received cards it will be possible to determine the letters corresponding to them. Of course, it is quite difficult to get the full name of a person just from them. But then you can understand which letters will be the most in the name of your betrothed.

For example, if you received the letters C, O, D, E and G, then with a high probability it can be argued that you will marry Sergei (there is a match in three letters C, E and G) or Oleg (3 letters O also coincided , E and D).

Both methods described are quite exciting and can help you get even a little closer to solving the exciting mystery of what your future spouse will be called. And the very process of obtaining this information is guaranteed to give a lot of positive emotions and impressions.

You can find out the name of your future husband using old fortune-telling. There are many ways of fortune telling about a husband. We present to you the most accurate and simple ones that any woman can use. Before any such fortune-telling, it is important to form in your head an image of a person whom you would like to see next to you, this will help you tune in to the fortune-telling process itself.

Fortune telling in the name of her husband from the book

Take any book. It is advisable to choose fiction. If the book is about love, then even better. Open the book to a page equal to your birthday number. Write down the letter that the page starts with. Then open the page equal to the day of the month of birth and do the same. Next, open the page equal to the number of your father's birth and also write down the first letter on this page. So you have three letters. These letters will be the initials of the name of your future spouse.

How to find out your husband's name with the help of your relatives

It is believed that a woman chooses a man like her father as her husband. Psychologists argue that this is indeed the case. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous: the girl's husband becomes a man whose name is like her father. It happens that when choosing a life partner, a woman is driven by generic instincts. In this case, she receives as a husband not only a person similar to her father, but also a name that is most often found in the family on the paternal side.

So if you want to know the name of your future husband, then you need to find the most popular male name among the father's relatives. This will be the name of your chosen one.

How to find out your husband's name using wax

This ancient fortune-telling must be done late in the evening. You will need a candle and a dish of water. Light a candle and ask what you want to know. Let the candle melt a little, and then tilt it over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water. After a couple of seconds or minutes, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one letter or several. This will give you the opportunity to find out the name of your future husband.

If you want reliable information, then you should not too often. Remember the saying: do not guess often - you will lose your life. One time is enough to see the future. If the future is in no hurry to reveal its secrets to you, then it means that the time has not yet come. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2014 09:05

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Numerology is an ancient mystical science that studies the energy of numbers and its influence on human life. Fortune-telling by the date of birth for the future can be carried out by everyone, adding up the numbers that form the date. So you can find out about your destiny, about love compatibility, about the marriage prepared for you and the number of children.

All calculations are very simple, even a first grader can handle them.

To start mastering the principles of numerology, let's carry out a simple fortune-telling by date of birth and year of birth, which will show the number of your destiny. Let's consider this calculation in detail using a conditional example.

  • Let's say you were born on October 30, 1990. Write your date of birth in a similar format: 10/30/1990.
  • Now add up all the numbers you see. 3 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 23.
  • If you get a two-digit number, keep adding the visible numbers until you get a result between 1 and 9. In the example, 2 + 3 = 5.

It is your destiny number that defines the foundation of your personality. Other numbers present in the date of your birth describe character traits that are less pronounced.

In our example, these are numbers 1,3,9, and 2. The qualities inherent in numbers that are not in the calculation are not inherent in you from birth, they can only be acquired for a long time and hard working on yourself.

Many character traits are inherent in people from birth and are their mission, they cannot be corrected by upbringing.

Destiny number meanings

  • 1. A number of bright personalities. You are a born leader and know how to lead people. Easily become the life of the party and win sympathy. The higher powers have allowed you to pass a lot of energy through yourself, take good care of this gift. Without understanding that all people on earth are equal and deserve love, it is easy to catch “star fever” and start pushing people away with overestimated self-esteem.
  • 2. The number of people with a gentle disposition. You do not like conflicts, preferring to give in in disputes, adjust to the interlocutor. Family and friends appreciate you, and you are always happy to come to their aid, but selfish people can easily use you for their own purposes. You rarely change something in your life, more often you adapt to circumstances that do not suit you. You are attracted to spirituality and love children.
  • 3. The number of optimists. In everything you see primarily the positive side. You have a lot of energy that you use to improve your destiny and help those around you. You prefer to take responsibility and be an activist in every area of ​​your life.
  • 4. The number of rebels. Your mission is to break what does not lead to good and good, to rid other people of the unnecessary and obsolete. To be a “revolutionary” in life is your essence, and no one has the right to reproach you for it. If you feel that your intervention will help in a situation, do not hesitate, get down to business. But remember about self-control, such a gift can develop into a desire to contradict any rules.
  • 5. The number of experimenters. Your creative nature immediately sets you apart from the series of banal people living only by work and family. You love traveling, learning new things, experimenting with looks and clothes. Everything you take on will go well in your hands quickly and easily. However, you easily get discouraged when, for whatever reason, your life becomes commonplace. Only a new undertaking can return you to your usual state.
  • 6. The number of choleric people. It is in your nature to be defiant and prone to tantrums. Remember that everything that the higher powers endow us with, they do with some purpose, a secret for people. Live in peace with your character, accept and love yourself for who you are. The people who are intended for you will be there for you, if you lost someone because of your character, then it was destined to be so.
  • 7. The number of philosophers. You love to reflect on how life works. It will be easy for you to realize yourself in any work related to mental work. However, you can find it difficult to deal with people, as your mind outweighs your feelings. Read books on psychology to better understand those around you and to make contact with them easier.
  • 8. The number of singles. You tend to be introverted, withdrawn, and cold. There is a need in you to create your own small world, subordinate only to you. However, deep down, you need warmth and support from other people. You are destined to find some good friends with whom you will be comfortable, but an active social life is not for you.
  • 9. The number of leaders. You were born to rule over other people. You are hardworking and love to be an organizer, you look to the future and confidently go towards your goals, achieving success in any business. When you have the right to judge other people, you tend to be objective and impartial, the principle of "to everyone according to his deserts."

Calculation of compatibility by date of birth

Having mastered the method of calculating the number of fate, you can conduct fortune-telling for compatibility by date of birth. To do this, under a plausible pretext, find out the date of birth of your chosen one, the exact year is especially important, because it happens that young men add years to themselves, and girls become younger. Knowing both dates of birth, you can calculate compatibility for a couple. Let's look at this again with an example.

  • Let's say that girl with a date of birth on 10/30/1990 met a guy with a date of birth on 7/19/1996. Add the numbers from both dates together: 3 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 65
  • From the result, you need to subtract the number 22 until you get a value from 1 to 22. In the example, it will be like this: 65-22 = 43, 43-22 = 11.

Favorable numbers for a serious relationship are 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21. It might be worth breaking up with your partner if you got 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22. The future pairs with numbers 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 14, 22 are completely in your hands.

There are many options for the relationship between a man and a woman. Choose not the "correct" one, but the one that suits you.


  1. Love is war. Partners will always compete because everyone wants to be the leader in the relationship. It is very difficult for such a couple to find harmony.
  2. The perfect couple. You fit together like two halves of one whole. Such couples often live to see their golden weddings, retaining love and affection over the years.
  3. Perfect lovers. You are a good match for each other in bed, and your union is based on romance. Relationships are unstable and can fall apart due to the influence of outsiders. However, they can also lead to the creation of a family - everything is in your hands. Listen to your partner, respect him, look for more interests in order to keep the union.
  4. Patriarchy. Relationships are similar to those described in "Domostroy". Constant jealousy on the part of a man, a desire to take control. Frequent scandals. Decide, do you need it?
  5. Misalliance. Partners are not alike. Sometimes this can be seen externally - a man or woman is several decades older. But more often it is a union of people who have completely different ideas about life. People say about such pairs “opposites attract”. The karmic goal of this connection is the mutual development of two souls, teaching a different point of view, gaining new experience.
  6. A strong family. This relationship is built on mutual understanding and respect. But there is a danger of the loss of love, at first a strong feeling will turn into a habit over the years, the marriage will be based on children and common life. Unfortunately, many people live like this.
  7. Companions. Such an alliance rests on the common hobbies of a man and a woman. They may be colleagues, or love travel, or meet at a stamp collecting club meeting. Partners support each other, and both strive to develop in their occupation.
  8. Partners. Unfortunately, the love in this couple will be short-lived. But a common cause can unite you as friends for years to come.
  9. Individuals. This union will not work out to the end. At the energetic level, man and woman will not merge into a single whole, each will remain with their goals and objectives. In the eyes of a secular society, such a family will be complete, but many, subconsciously feeling karmic incompatibility, continue to look for a partner for themselves, which leads to betrayal.
  10. A fragile relationship. You and your partner fit together and over time you can start a family. However, such a marriage is unstable to external circumstances and can easily fall apart due to damage to relationships or everyday problems. Knowing this, be tolerant of your spouse, choose dialogue instead of quarreling.
  11. Union of egoists. Both partners are not inclined to give in to each other and compromise even in small things. Typically, this relationship does not last long.
  12. The need for sacrifice. These couples are connected by true love, but sooner or later a moment arises when one of the partners must sacrifice something important for the sake of preserving the union. For example, a man will work 12 hours a day so that there is enough money for children, or a woman will be forced to move to her husband's city, leaving her parents and friends.
  13. Unfavorable number. The couple will break up soon.
  14. Stormy passions. A couple are waiting for heated quarrels and reconciliation, how long it will last depends on the patience of both.
  15. Lie. One of the partners is hiding something. These can be children from a previous marriage, infidelity, facts about their past. Insincerity leaves a crack in the energy field of the couple, so the union can be easily destroyed by outside influence. But it is better not to develop this relationship at the very beginning.
  16. An affair. One partner doesn't take the other seriously. Even if it comes to marriage, it will soon fall apart. But such couples are well compatible in bed.
  17. Loneliness. Couples are unable to complement each other in order to become one. Everyone notices that something is missing in the relationship, and people soon disperse.
  18. Matriarchy. In a relationship, the main woman, it is she who makes all the main decisions, and the future of the union depends on her desire. With excessive pressure, a man either becomes henpecked, or begins to lead a double life, releasing his personality outside the family hearth.
  19. Motion. Partners will push each other to develop and explore the world together. The future of the relationship is completely in their hands.
  20. Family nest. Delicate and long-term relationship. In such marriages, many children are born, and the spouses remain together until old age.
  21. Exam. A couple will face many difficulties at the stage of acquaintance and grinding to each other. But partners will overcome all conflicts and external circumstances, the marriage will be strong and long.
  22. Unpredictability. This couple will be tested by fate all the time. If your partner is truly dear to you, prepare for life like a powder keg.

When I get married?

Surely, after the previous fortune-telling, this question interested you. And again, numerology will help. We will conduct a fortune-telling for marriage by date of birth. Your Destiny Number will be useful again. Find it in the list below and see which numbers of the year correspond to it.

  1. - 1,4,5,7
  2. - 1,5,6,8
  3. - 3,6,7,9
  4. - 1,4,7,8
  5. - 2,5,7,9
  6. - 1,3,6,9
  7. - 1,2,4,8
  8. - 1,2,6,8
  9. - 2,3,6,7

The number of the year is calculated simply, for example 2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1. Find 1 in the right half of the list above. This means that women with fate numbers 1,2,4,6,7,8 can get married this year.

Here are the numbers calculated for the next ten years:

  • 2017 = 1;
  • 2018 = 2;
  • 2019 = 3;
  • 2020 = 4;
  • 2021 = 5;
  • 2022 = 6;
  • 2023 = 7;
  • 2024 = 8;
  • 2025 = 9;
  • 2026 = 1;

That is, a woman with a destiny number of 5 is most likely to get married in 2017 or 2021. Compare the lists, find favorable years for yourself, but remember that everything is in your hands. You will not be sent an invitation to your own wedding if you sit within four walls and do not meet men.

How many children will there be?

And numerology knows the answer to this question. Divination by date of birth for future motherhood is very simple. Count all your brothers and sisters, both siblings and step-by-step, and even adopted. Add their number to your destiny number.

Let's say a girl with a destiny number of 5 has a paternal half-brother and an adoptive sister. Then 5 + 2 = 7. If you come up with more than 10, add the numbers again.

Find the number you get in the list:

  1. - as much as you can save. If you wish, you can even become a mother of many children, but trials await you during pregnancy and in the first years of a baby's life. Therefore, if you want a lot of children, you should take care of your health now.
  2. - one child. Don't be discouraged if you want more. In this case, you will have to show the higher powers that you will be a good mother - choose a worthy man, solve material issues in the family, raise your first child in love and care.
  3. - as much as you want, but not immediately. Perhaps you will have a long search for a suitable father, or the need for treatment, or other circumstances will prevent you from having children. All trials are sent for the good, for your development, you will definitely become a mother when you come to this.
  4. - two, a boy and a girl. Ideal, right?
  5. - a great chance of having twins. Or you will have at least two children, of either gender.
  6. - several children from different fathers. Try to grow them with the same amount of warmth and attention to each.
  7. - having children is not among your priorities. You will become childfree or give birth to one late child. This is your path and no one has the right to condemn you, everyone has their own karma. If you want to change your destiny, read about the number 2.
  8. - you are destined to become a foster mother. You can have as many children of your own as you want, your duty is to give warmth not only to your baby. This does not have to be embodied by adoption, you can, for example, become a second mother for your nephews, or choose a child-related job - a teacher, nanny, instructor of the playground.
  9. - two children of either gender.


Remember that numerology is telling you about destiny before birth. But our destiny is half made up of what we have been given, and half of our conscious actions performed day by day.

Human life is not spelled out like a book, from the title to the epilogue. The fate intended for you before birth is a plan for a future masterpiece, a script, a list of chapters, to which the Creator easily makes adjustments as it is written. It all depends on what you do.

Having familiarized yourself with the basics of numerology, you know what to look for and in which direction to develop. Good luck to you!

Site Visitor Comments

    I was fond of numerology when I was younger, and wondered how everything was accurately scheduled! For example, my number is 8 - and I practically saw myself in the description. Indeed, I am a loner, I live in my own world, I have a couple of good friends with whom I see every few weeks and that's enough. But I didn't know about the numerology of relationships before. The Internet has not yet been as diverse as it is now. Thank you very much for the useful information!

    Please tell me, and if the numbers on the numerology of relations do not coincide, well, more precisely, the young man and I have been for a couple of years already, and according to this fortune-telling we are absolutely not suitable for each other, what can be done about this? Maybe play it safe with a love spell? I love him so much.

    I believe that both the date and the name of a person determine his character and destiny. I got the number 5. Everything that is written in the article is true, straight 5 is about me. I checked my husband and sister. Now, in order to get to know the person better, I will ask the date of birth) By compatibility, my husband and I approach each other, but my sister and I do not. My sister and I are constantly fighting)

    1) The sum of the digits in the date of birth is 5. The number of experimenters. And I want to say that in my case everything came together, I am really quite a creative person, at one time I realized that the work schedule in the office 40 hours a week was not for me and went to free bread. And the fact that life becomes boring really drives me out of a good mood and tone. Still, there is some kind of special magic in the numbers.

    I compared my compatibility with my husband's by date of birth. According to the results, it turned out that we are "Companions", funny, but quite suitable for our union. We met my husband at a German course and somehow immediately agreed on the basis of hobbies. We love German cuisine, more for the German football team, we made some discoveries for each other related to Germany. So in our case, the calculation turned out to be correct

    My fate number is 4. And yes, I really still have that rebel in my soul)) In general, I really love numerology and even tried to master it for some time on my own, but it turned out to be not so easy, there is a lot to know. And by the way, as it is said here, I got married in 2017.)

    4) The sum of the digits in the date of my birth turned out to be 9, here in the description of the "Leader" corresponding to the number 9, I literally read to myself, everything is really so. And because of this, problems arise in relationships, because I do not allow a man to be stronger than myself, I "crush" with authority, as my friends say. But this article promises me 2019

    For me, numerology is a very interesting, but distant science. There is a friend who directly made the entire layout to my relatives and me too, and very clearly everything coincided in psychotype, in internal qualities, in the values ​​of compatibility with the close environment. I believe and read your article with interest, thanks for the useful information.

    I got 4 by date of birth - a rebel. And I really am a rebel in life. So how can you not believe in numerology? The wife has the number 2, she is really calm, balanced. And I checked my friends, it seems to me that everything coincided for everyone. This is a very interesting article, I have not met any fortune telling by date of birth before.

    I also checked the date of compatibility with my husband, well, nothing unusual exactly as indicated "on the powder keg" constantly swear, scatter, in general, like a cat and a dog, not a day goes by without incident. Sometimes I cling to him, then he me. Like an evening, everything is calm like a honeymoon. Numerology tells you how to behave better.

    I consider fortune-telling by date of birth reliable, because it is given once for a lifetime and we do not choose it. It affects our destiny. I have the number 8 and this is definitely about me. I am secretive, cold and calculating. When I get married and how many children there will be, unfortunately, I cannot check) I will try in a few years.

    I completely agree that everything is the same. By compatibility, my husband and I got the number 7 Companions. Such an alliance rests on common hobbies. And we are professionally engaged in rock climbing, we met in the club, and we love to go hiking and rafting together.

    My brother and I have the same date for two, but we are very different. We got 3, but it doesn't suit him, he is very much like a squirrel in a wheel, he constantly needs something. Not a single girl stays with him for a long time. Can't stand such activity, he needs a volcano girl. I’m all in turn, I’m quiet and calm, for my husband. The brother probably only marries in the headman.

    I can’t calculate when I’ll marry, I don’t quite understand. But I checked the compatibility with the guy, but not with one, I meet with two, one in the army, the other is already working not far away. They are so different, and I have good numerology compatibility with them. Now I can't choose. Can he wait until he decides with whom to be?

    I myself saw a girl who is engaged in numerology. In our maternity hospital, I am a nurse, a woman in labor was brought to us, she refused to give birth to a very strange one until 12, but still she could not stand it. She gave birth at 11 40 and was very upset. Then we asked why she was so upset. She took out all sorts of notes, and said that according to fortune telling she should give birth after 12, we were in shock.

    Testing personal compatibility is a great way to protect yourself from mistakes, to avoid connections that will not bring joy. Conversely, it will help you find people with whom you will be happy. I use it very often when meeting new people. It also helps in dating men. I always ask for my passport, how to make sure I'm not married.

    In addition to the fortune-telling given here, in numerology there is also a choice of professions by date of birth. It's a very cool thing, I advise everyone to go through (maybe it's even better to go to an intelligent numerologist in your city) because what is given out according to numerology really coincides. Inclination, success in what profession you can achieve - all this can be found there.

    Once in my life, a period began when I began to look for myself and ask many questions, such as why I live, who it is better for me to become by profession, what awaits me in the future. I began to read many books related to the meaning of numbers and numbers in our life. Believe me, everything is not as simple as it seems) And in order to give some kind of prediction based on your data (including birth), you need a large combination of knowledge.

    Number 11: Union of egoists. Both partners are not inclined to give in to each other and compromise even in small things. Typically, this relationship does not last long.
    I calculated it for myself and for my boyfriend. That's exactly about us, we live together, I feel that the collapse of relations will soon be, we almost kill ourselves sometimes.

    I have a very good attitude to numerology, because when we were born, what time, etc. it applies to the whole life. You know, here such a butterfly effect is applicable) One day later, be born - that's all, there may be completely different inclinations, character traits, priorities in life.

    My mom has a twin sister, but they are so different from her. Their number 4 came out by date of birth, but it doesn't look like mom at all. Absolutely. But about my aunt - it feels like they were taking and writing from her, exactly. Well, I thought that maybe the time of birth and the sum of the numbers there also play a role, because the difference between them is 13 minutes between the birth of her mother and her sister.

    All these dates of birth, personal numbers and so on is a super super opportunity to check your future union with a man. You can save yourself from difficulties in advance, or vice versa, try to prevent them if you really want to be with him. You can find people close in spirit and interests, I check constantly when meeting a new person.

    I am a nurse by education, at one time I worked in a maternity hospital and noticed the time of the birth of babies. Of course, I never crossed paths with them and their mothers in my life, but it was so interesting to watch these babies and already know a little about their future)) I remember their surnames, almost no one in the hospital has given names, maybe I will cross when- somewhere somewhere with some of them, already an adult)

    My number is 7. Honestly, I agree completely. I like to think, read, solve problems, puzzles. And any physical work - oh no, spare me. Even cleaning the apartment is problematic for me. Here they write: “7 - The number of philosophers. You love to reflect on how life works. It will be easy for you to realize yourself in any work related to mental work. "

    Tell. I once heard that it is not only the number that matters, but the number in conjunction with the sign of the zodiac, is that correct? If so, then maybe you can somehow clarify the meaning, for me, Leo according to the zodiac horoscope, Tiger according to the east, with the number 4? If you think about it, then really, and this, too, weight on the character can leave. Rather, astrology is added to numerology.

    First I checked my number - well, more or less coincided. There are more coincidences for my husband, but I think if he read, he would not be happy and would not agree; he would not accept many bad criteria to himself, but I know better from the outside) For my daughter, even at her 5 years old, you can also do some conclusions and similarities with the description)

    I checked the compatibility with my wife first, yes, and it happened: we constantly swear, then converged, then diverged, friends were already joking that we were giving birth to grandchildren, and we would still divorce and converge again) But no, we still got divorced to the children, if this interpretation had come across to me earlier, maybe they would have fled earlier.

    Numerology uses numbers to determine a person's character, prospects, inclinations, relationships, strengths and weaknesses. This is a simple and affordable method to learn about yourself from the outside, to determine the best period for starting something. Why weren't we taught it at school? Now sit, comprehend ... I think this science would be very useful in school years.

    in general, there are different things - the number of birth and the number of fate. After all, it is also necessary to consider the date of birth separately, namely the day itself. Here on it can and will be a more detailed alignment of the person made. But here in the article I did not find information, maybe you can clarify or create a separate article about the number of births?

    Yes, really, the relationship in the first couples with her husband was built ideally, without lies and betrayals. The fights were, the further, the more emotional. And the further, the more difficult it is to put up, because in quarrels they tried to cling more to each other, offend, offend, both stopped making compromises, forgiving, closing their eyes ... Our situation is a little incompletely described here, but on the whole more yes than no ...

    I love numerology, I calculate everything for myself, mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, sister, girlfriends, colleagues. Some of them ask themselves, I just check the values ​​with numbers, most of them overwhelmingly coincide, but I'm still just learning, there are many subtleties and nuances. I even gave the dog "the number of rebels" :)))) Completely about our Azochka))