Decoding what the female name latifa means. Latifa the meaning of the name, character and fate The meaning of a girl named Latifa

Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.),according to the hadith from Abu Dawood, he said: "Give the children beautiful names!" Choicemodern name for girlski-muslimwith a good sense is also important because on the Day of Judgment each person will be calledas his parents called him in earthly life.

If the list does not contain the name you are interested in, look for a similar root in the list (for example, Garifa / Garif), or leave your request in the comments at the bottom of the page. In response, we will write the meaning of any, even rare, names.


Agnia- The Arabic meaning of this name is "wealthy, wealthy people", in Greek it means innocence, disobedience.

Adeline- Germanic name, which translates as "reliable", "honest".

Adelya (Adilya)- Arabic name, translated means "fair", "decent".

Azada (Azadiya)- Persian name meaning "free", "independent", "free".

Azalea- Latin name that appeared in honor of the Azalea flower.

Aziza (Gaziza)- Arabic name translated as "dear".

Aida- Greek name derived from the name Hades (god of the kingdom of the dead in ancient Greek mythology).

Aisha (Aisha, Gaisha, Aisha, Aishat)- Arabic name, which translates as "living". That was the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.), whom Allah himself justified in the Holy Quran. She is considered one of the best women of all times and peoples.

Aybika (Aybike)- a Tatar name, the meaning of which is "a girl who looks like the moon."

Aygizya (Aygiza)- Tatar name, translated meaning "able to rise to the moon."

Aygul (Aygul, Aygul)- Persian name that translates as "moon flower".

Aygun- Persian name, its literal meaning is "lunar day".

Ayzilya- Tatar name, translated as "immaculate like the moon."

Ayzirek (Ayziryak)- a Tatar name that carries the meaning of "delighting in her giftedness."

Ayna (Gayna)- Arabic name, translated meaning "pure", "sinless".

Ainaz- Perso-Tatar name, the meaning of which is "affectionate, like the moon." It also occurs in men.

Ainura (Ainur, Ainuria)- Persian name that translates as "moonlight".

Aisylu (Aislu)- Tatar name, translated as "beautiful as the moon."

Aytach is a Turkic name, the semantic meaning of which can be expressed by the phrases "lunar crown", "lunar crown".

Aclima (Aclima)- an Arabic name that translates as "smart", "reasonable".

Alice- German name meaning "representative of a noble family."

Aliya (Galia)- an Arabic name that translates as "great", "outstanding", "sublime", "ascending".

Alma (Elma)- This Tatar word means "apple". As a feminine name, it implies that its bearer is "sweet like an apple."

Alsou- Tatar name, which translates as "rose water". They were named girls born with pink cheeks.

Altin (Altun)- a Turkic name, translated as “golden”.

Albina- a Latin name that carries the meaning of "white-faced". This name was given to girls born with fair skin.

Almira (Ilmira, Elmira)- Tatar name derived from the Arabic word "amir" (ruler). It is also believed that it comes from the name of the Almeira fortress, located in Spain.

Alfinur- Arabic name, which means "emitting a thousand rays."

Alfira (Alfira)- Arabic name, which translates as "possessing a certain superiority."

Alfia- an Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is "a work consisting of a thousand lines." That is, its bearer is "beautiful, like a work." In addition, this name is interpreted as "the very first". Therefore, they could be called the eldest daughters.

Amilya (Emilia, Hamilya)- Arabic name, translated meaning "hardworking", "executive".

Amina (Aminat)- an Arabic name, the translation of which is "faithful", "reliable". The name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.).

Amira- an Arabic name meaning "ruler", "princess".

Anisa (Anisya, Anise, Annisa)

Anfisa- Greek name, translated means "blossoming", "blossoming".

Asel (Asel)- a name with ancient Türkic roots, bearing the meaning of "honey", "sweet".

Asilya (Asil)- Arabic name meaning "noble", "noble".

Asia- Arabic name, which can be translated by the expression "giving comfort". The bearer of this name was one of the best women of all times and peoples - Asia, the wife of the cruel Pharaoh.

Asma- Arabic name, translated as "high", "sublime". That was the name of the daughter of the closest companion of the Final Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.) and the first righteous caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (r.a.).

Ashura (Ashira)- an Arabic name derived from the name of one of the most significant days of the year for Muslims -. It is on this date that many of the most important events in the history of Islam take place.


Bagheera (Bakhira)- Arabic name, translated meaning "open", "beautiful", "shining".

Banu- Persian name, formed from the word "girl", "lady".

Bahar- Persian name, which translates as "spring season", "spring".

Bashir- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the phrase "bringing only good news."

Bibinur is a Persian name meaning "girl emitting light."

Bika (Bike)- Türkic-Tatar name, which translates as "master's wife", "princess", "mistress".


Wazira- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is "woman minister", "woman nobleman".

Valida (Valide, Walida)- Arabic name, translated meaning "born", "descendant".

Valia (Walia)- Arabic name, which translates as "mistress", "mistress", "boyarynya".

Vasily- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is most accurately conveyed by the adjectives "coming", "approaching".

Vasifa (Vasyifa)- Arabic name meaning "young girl".

Venus (Wiener)- Latin name in honor of the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty, after whom the planet is also named.


Gadani I am - Arab-Persian female name, which in translation means "Paradise".

Gadelia (Gadelya, Gadilya)- see the meaning of the name.

Gaisha (Gaishe)- see the meaning of the name.

Galima (Alima)- an Arabic name that translates as "smart", "educated", "scientist".

Galia- see the meaning of the name.

Gaukhar (Gavkhar, Gauhariya)- Persian name, translated meaning "pearl", "coral".

Guzelia (Guzel, Guzel, Guzal, Guzel)- a Turkic-Tatar name, the meaning of which is "beautiful", "possessing dazzling beauty."

Gulina- an Arab-Turkic name, composed by adding two words: gul (flower) and the name Ain (see).

Gulisa (Gulise)- Persian-Türkic name, translated as “smelling like a flower”.

Gulia (Gulya, Gul, Gulia)- Turkic-Tatar name, translated as "flower", "rose".

Gulbanu (Gulbanu)- Persian-Turkic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the epithet "girl like a flower".

Gulbahar (Gulbagar, Gulbahar)- Persian-Turkic name, which means "spring flower".

Gulbika (Gulbika)- Persian-Türkic name, translated as “a girl who looks like a flower”.

Gulgena (Gulgina)- Persian-Turkic-Tatar name, the literal meaning of which is “consisting exclusively of flowers”.

Guldeniya (Guldeniya)- Perso-Tatar name, which implies the meaning of "spreading a floral aroma", "smelling like a flower."

Gulzar (Gulzaria)- Persian name, translated meaning "flower garden".

Gulzia (Gulzia, Gulzia)- Persian name meaning "shining flower".

Gulnaz (Gulnas, Gulnaz, Gulnaziya, Gulnaz)- Persian name, translated as "affectionate, tender, like a flower."

Gulnara (Gulnar, Gulnaria, Gulnara)- Persian name, translated as "pomegranate flower".

Gulnisa- Arab-Persian name meaning "woman like a flower."

Gulnur (Gulnur, Gulnuria)- an Arab-Persian name, the meaning of which is "radiant, like a flower."

Gulsina (Gulsina)- Persian name meaning "with a broad soul."

Gulsum (Gulsum)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the word "plump". With this name the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) gave one of his daughters.

Gulfina (Gulfina)- Arab-Persian name, which translates as "flower garden".

Gulfia (Gulfia)- Persian name, translated meaning "like a flower."

Gulchachak (Gulchichek, Gulchechek, Gulchechek)- Perso-Tatar name with the meaning "rose flower".

Gulshat (Gulshat)- Persian name, which translates as "flower of joy."

Houri- an Arabic name derived from the name of the girls living in Paradise - gurias.

Gulusa (Gelusya, Gulusya)- Perso-Tatar name, which contains the meaning "growing like a flower."

Gunay is a Turkic name that translates as "day moon".

Gunesh- Türkic name, translated as "sun".

D / F

Dahlia- Arabic translation of the name of the dahlia flower.

Damira- Türko-Tatar female name, the meaning of which is "iron", "steel". It is also interpreted as a name formed by abbreviating the slogan of the Soviet era "Give a world revolution."

Dana- Persian name, translated as “knowledgeable”, “smart”.

Denmark- Arabic name, translated as "popular", "famous", "famous".

Dariga- Persian name with the meaning "arousing pity". This name was given to the daughters of Muslim women who died in childbirth.

Daria (Deria) is a Persian name meaning "sea".

Dauria (Davria)- Arabic name, which implies the meaning of "girl of a given era."

Jalil (Jalil, Zalil)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the words "revered", "worthy of respect."

Jamala (Jamaliya)- Arabic name, which translates as "beautiful", "sweet".

Jamilya (Jamilya)- Arabic name, translated meaning "beauty", "possessing beauty."

Jania (Jania)- Persian name derived from the word "jan" - "soul".

Jannat (Janet, Janet, Janet)- an Arabic name that translates as "Paradise". They are named girls with the hope that they will go to Paradise.

Diana- Latin name. In ancient Roman mythology - the goddess of the moon.

Diliya (Dilya)- Persian name, translated meaning "heart", "soulful".

Dilbar (Dilbaria)- Persian name, which translates as "attractive".

Dilyus- Persian name meaning "growing soul".

Dilya- see the meaning of the name Delia.

Dilara (Dilara)- Persian name, translated meaning "beloved."

Dina- Arabic name, endowed with the meaning "religious", "pious".

Dinara (Denarius)- Arabic name, derived from the name of the currency "dinar" and meaning "precious", "dear".


Zagida (Zahida)- Arabic name meaning "saint", "pious", "pious".

Zagira (Zahira)- Arabic name, translated as "blooming".

Zaire- an Arabic name meaning "guest", "coming to visit."

Zainab (Zainap, Zeynab)- Arabic name, translated meaning "decoration". Also, this name is interpreted as "full", "well-fed". The owner of this name was the daughter of the Grace of the Worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.).

Zaytuna- an Arabic name that translates as "olive", "olive fruit".

Zakia- an Arabic name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the words "smart", "gifted".

Zalia- Arabic name, which in translation means "fair-haired", "blond".

Zamina- Arabic name, translated as "providing".

Zamira- Arabic name, translated meaning "honest", "reliable".

Zara (Zare)- an Arabic name, the semantic meaning of which is "grain", "core".

Zarema (Zarima)- Arabic name, which translates as "scorching".

Zarina- Persian name, translated means "decorated with golden patterns."

Zaria- Persian name with the meaning "golden".

Zemfira (Zamfira, Zimfira)- Greek name derived from the name of the sapphire stone.

Zilia (Zilya)- an Arabic name that can be translated by the epithets "kind-hearted", "merciful".

Zuleikha (Zeleikha)- Arabic name, which translates as "having a beautiful figure", "slender".

Zulfira- Arabic name, translated as "superior".

Zulfiya- Arabic name meaning "curly". It was given to girls born with curly hair.

Zumrad (Zumrat, Zumrud)- Persian name derived from the name of the stone emerald.

Zuhra- Arabic name, translated meaning "shining", "illuminating".

I / J

Idelia (Idel, Idel)- Tatar name derived from the Turkic name of the Volga River - Idel.

Illaria- Greek name that translates as "cheerful".

Ilvira- see the meaning of the name.

Ilgamiya (Ilhamia)- an Arabic name meaning "inspiring", "inspiring".

Ilgiza (Ilgiza)- Persian-Tatar name, means "traveler", "wandering".

Ilzida (Ilzida)- an Arab-Tatar name, carries the meaning of "the power of the country."

Ilmira (Ilmira)- see the meaning of the female name.

Ilnaza (Ilnaz, Ilnaza)- Persian-Tatar name meaning "bliss of one's country."

Ilnara (Ilnaria, Ilnara)- Perso-Arabic name, translated as "the flame of their country."

Ilsina (Ilsina)- Perso-Tatar name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the phrase "the soul of your country."

Ilsia (Ilsia)- Persian-Tatar name, translated as “loving her country”, “loving her people”.

Ilsiyar (Ilsiyar)- Persian-Tatar name, which contains the meaning "the one who will love her country."

Ilfira (Ilfira)- Persian-Tatar name with the meaning "the pride of his country."

Ilyusa (Ilyusa)- Persian-Tatar name, which translates as "growing, gaining ground".

Indira- Indian name, in mythology - the queen of the gods. The most famous owner of this name was Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Inzila (Injilya)- an Arabic name derived from the name of the Holy Scriptures of Christians - the Gospel (Injil).

Irada- Arabic name, translated meaning "with good intentions."

Irke (Irkya)- Tatar name meaning "affectionate (child)".

Islamia- an Arabic name derived from the word "Islam" and indicating obedience to Allah.

Ichthyda- an Arabic name meaning "who found the right way."

Yoldyz (Yildiz, Yulduz)- Türkic-Tatar name, translated by the word "star".


Kabira (Kyabira)- an Arabic name that translates as "big", "huge", "great".

Cabisa- Arabic name meaning "leap year". Muslim peoples who live according to the Gregorian chronology often give this name to girls born on February 29.

Kadriya- Arabic name, endowed with the meaning "worthy of respect."

Kalima (Kyalima)- Arabic name, which translates as "eloquent", "speaker".

Kamaliya (Kamala)- an Arabic name with the meaning "perfect", "without flaws."

Camilla (Camila, Camila)- Arabic name, translated by the adjectives "ideal", "perfect".

Karima- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is "noble", "magnanimous", "merciful".

Kausaria (Kausar, Kavsaria)- an Arabic name that translates as "abundance." It comes from the name of the source in Paradise. The name of one of the suras of the Holy Quran.

Kafiya- Arabic name, translated meaning "play on words", "rhyme".

Clara- a German name with the meaning "pure", "sinless". This name appeared among the Turkic peoples in the Soviet years.

Kulthum- see the meaning of the name.

Kutdusa (Kutdusia, Quddusa, Kotdusa)- Arabic name, translated as "holy", "immaculate".


Laziza (Laziza, Laziza)- Arabic name, translated meaning "graceful". "Good-tasting", "sweet".

Lily of the valley- Latin name after the name of the flower.

Larissa- Greek name that translates as "seagull".

Latifa (Latipa, Latifa, Latifa)- an Arabic name with the meaning "understanding", "merciful".

Laura- Latin name derived from the name of the laurel tree. In this context, it is interpreted as "triumphant".

Leila (Leila, Leila, Leilat)- Arabic name, translated meaning "night". It was given to girls born with black as night hair.

Laysan (Laysan, Laysana, Leisania)- an Arab-Tatar name translated as "generous", since in the Old Syrian calendar Leysan is the name of the month of April, which is generous in precipitation. In the Tatar language "lyaysan" means "the first spring rain". This name was given to girls who were born in early spring.

Lenara (Linara, Lenaria, Linaria)- a name formed by combining abbreviations of the phrase "Lenin army". It gained popularity among the Tatars after the October Revolution.

Leniza (Linisa)- a name made up through the abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's Testaments". Popularized among the Tatars and Bashkirs in the last century.

Lenora (Lenura, Eleanor)- Greek name, translated meaning "daughter of the lion."

Liana- French name that means "graceful", "thin" - like a liana, a climbing plant in the jungle.

Lillian- Latin name, translated as "white tulip".

Lily (Lilya)- Latin name that comes from the same name of the flower. It became often used by the Turkic peoples in the last century.

Lyre- Greek name derived from the name of a musical instrument.

Leah (Leah)- Hebrew name meaning "slender", "like a mountain gazelle."

Louise- French name, translated as "battle", "battle", "duel". It appeared among the Turkic peoples in the Soviet years in honor of the activist of the Paris Commune Louise Machel.

Lutfiya (Lutfiya)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is "merciful", "kind-hearted".

Lucius- a name formed from the second part of the word "revolution". It became widespread among the Turkic peoples in the Soviet years.

Lala (Lale, Lala)- Persian name that translates as "tulip".


Magdia (Mahdia) is an Arabic name that means "on the right track." So the girls were named in the hope that their entire life path would be true and happy.

Madina (Medina)- an Arabic name derived from the name of the city of the same name, which has become one of the Islamic centers of the world.

Maimuna- Arabic name, translated meaning "cheerful", "joyful", "positive".

Maya (May)- Latin name, derived from the name of the month of May. They were, accordingly, named girls born that month.

Maksuda- Arabic female name, which translates as "long-awaited", "desired". Such a name was given to long-awaited children.

Malika (Myalika, Melika)- Arabic name, endowed with the meaning "sovereign", "mistress".

Mardjana (Mardjan, Mardjania)- Arabic name, translated meaning "coral".

Marziya (Marziya)- Arabic name, which translates as "charming", "attracts to itself."

Maryam (Mariam, Meriem, Meriam, Miriam) is a Hebrew-Arabic name that means "beloved." The most famous owner of this name was the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus, a.s.) Virgin Mary. The final messenger of the Almighty Muhammad (s.g.v.) called her the best woman in the history of mankind.

Mawlida (Mawlida)- Arabic name, translated as "birthday". It comes from the name - the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.), celebrated in a number of Muslim states and regions.

Mahabbat (Mahabbet)- Arabic name, translated meaning "love".

Mashhura- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is "famous", "famous".

Melek- Turkic name, translated as "angel".

Milyausha- Persian name, it denotes a violet flower.

Minzilya (Manzilya)- Arabic name, translated meaning "good-natured", "kind-hearted."

Minle (Minne, Mini, Min)- a word-formative prefix, which translates as "with a mole". It is part of some complex Tatar names. Previously, children who were born with a birthmark were given a name with a particle "Minle", as there was a belief that the presence of a birthmark was fortunate. It also happened that if a mole was discovered after the girl was given a name, it was changed to a name with this prefix, or simply added to an already existing name. For example: Minle + Gul = Minlegul, Min + Ruza = Minruza.

Mukarrama (Mukarama)- an Arabic name in the semantic meaning of "revered". Serves as an epithet used in relation to the Holy Mecca ("Makka Mukarrama").

Munira- Arabic name, translated as “illuminating”, “giving light”.

Muniz- an Arabic name that translates as "close friend".

Murshida (Marshida)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is “leading”, “guiding”.

Muslim- Arabic name, which means "Muslim", "adherent of Islam."

Mukhlisa (Mokhlisa)- Arabic name, translated meaning "sincere", "sincere".

Mukhsina (Mokhsina)- Arabic name, which translates as "doing good", "virtuous".


Nagima- an Arabic name meaning "bliss", "pleasure", "happiness".

Najia- Arabic name, translated meaning "saved".

Nadima (Nadym)- an Arabic name that translates as "close friend".

Nadira- a Persian name that carries the meaning of "special", "unique", "unique".

Nadia is an Arabic name that can be translated as "morning dew".

Nazariya (Nazara)- an Arabic name, which is endowed with the meaning of "vigilant", "looking", "observing".

Nazgul (Nazigul)- Persian name, which translates as "gentle, affectionate flower."

Nazira- Arabic name, which means "observing", "looking". His other interpretation is “blooming”, “joyful”.

Nazifa (Nazyifa)- Arabic name, translated meaning "immaculate", "sinless".

Nazia- an Arabic name meaning "graceful", "graceful".

Nazly (Naz)- Persian name, which translates as "gentle", "affectionate".

Nazlygul- see the meaning of the name Nazgul.

Naila (Naila, Naila, Naila)- Arabic name, translated meaning "purposeful", "achieving its goal." It is also interpreted as "gift", "gift".

Nargiz (Nargiza)- Arab-Persian name, which literally translates as "passing through fire"

Nasiba (Nasyiba)- Arabic name translated as "destiny".

Nasima- Arabic name, translated meaning "charming", "pretty".

Nafiga- Arabic name, which is translated by the phrases "profitable", "doing good."

Nafisa- Arabic name, carries the meaning of "graceful", "attractive".

Nigar (Nigar)- Persian name, translated meaning "cute", "beautiful".

Nizamiya (Nizami)- Arabic name, which translates as "law", "canon", "norm".

Nilufer (Nilufar)- Persian name, is the designation of the lotus flower.

Ninel- a name formed by reading from the end of the surname of the leader of the October Revolution V.I. Lenin. This name appeared among the Turkic and other Soviet peoples in the last century.

Nisa- an Arabic name that translates as "woman", "mistress".

Nur- Arabic name, translated meaning "light", "radiance".

Nurania- an Arabic name with a literal meaning "shining", "shining".

Nurbanu- Arab-Persian name, endowed with the meaning "girl emitting light."

Nuria (Nurie, Nuri)- Arabic name, which is translated by the adjectives "light", "shining".

Nursana (Nursania)- Arabic name meaning "radiant light".

Nursil- Arabic name, which can be translated as "stream of rays".

Nurshat- Arabic name, composed by adding two words: "nur" ("light") and "shat" ("joy"). It also occurs in men.


Parviza (Parvis)- Persian name, translated as “winner”, “conquering”.

Patimat (Patima)- see the meaning of the name.

Pervana (Parvana)- Turkic name, translated as "butterfly".


Rabia (Rabiga, Rabi`a)- Arabic designation for spring. Also, this name means "fourth", in connection with which they were named fourth daughters.

Ravila (Rauil)- an Arabic name that can be translated as an epithet "like the spring sun".

Ravia- Arabic name, translated as "storyteller", "telling".

Razilya- Arabic name, translated as "calm", "quiet", "modest".

Raziya (Raziya)- an Arabic name bearing the meaning "chosen", "special".

Raida (Raida)- Arabic name, which translates as "beginner", "founding".

Raila (Raila)- an Arabic name with the inherent meaning of "founder", "founder".

Raisa (Rice, Raisa)- Arabic name, which means "leading", "presiding".

Raifa (Raifa)- Arabic name meaning "compassionate", "compassionate".

Raikhan (Raikhan)- an Arabic name that translates as "blissful", "enjoying".

Rakia (Rakya)- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is "in front", "worshiping".

Ralina- a name derived from the name of the ancient Egyptian god Ra, who was worshiped as the sun god.

Ramzia (Ramzilya)- Arabic name, which means "sign", "symbol".

Ramil- Arabic name, translated meaning "wonderful", "magic".

Rania- Arabic name, endowed with the meaning "beautiful".

Rasil- Arabic name, which translates as "informing", "informing".

Rasima- Arabic name, translated means "artist", "painting".

Rouse- Arabic name, which translates as "flower garden (roses)".

Raushaniya (Ravshania, Ravshana, Rushaniya, Raushana)- Persian name. It can be translated by similar adjectives "bright", "shining", "illuminating".

Rafiga- an Arabic name that translates as "sublime", "high".

Rafida- an Arabic name with the meaning "helping", "supporting".

Rafil- Arabic name, which means "graceful", "elegant".

Raffia- Arabic name, translated meaning "date", "palm tree".

Rachel- an Arabic name, endowed with the meaning "a girl who is destined to leave her father's house."

Rahima- Arabic name, translated as "merciful", "showing mercy."

Rashida- an Arabic name, the meaning of which is expressed by the phrases "walking the right path", "being on the true path."

Ryana (Ryana)- an Arabic name meaning "full-fledged", "self-sufficient".

Regina- Latin name, translated meaning "queen", "ruler", "representative of the royal family."

Reseda (Resida, Rizida)- French name derived from the name of the flower of the same name.

Renata (Rinata)- the name obtained by adding the words: "revolution", "science" and "labor". It became widespread in Tatar families after the October Revolution.

Rimma- a Hebrew name that means "beautiful". Also, this name is interpreted as "Roman".

the Rose- Latin name derived from the same name of the flower.

Rosalia (Ruzalia)- a name formed by adding two names: Rose and (see their meanings).

Ruza (Ruzanna)- Persian name, translated meaning "day", "noon".

Ruzila (Ruzia)- a name of Persian origin, means "happy".

Rukia (Rukiya)- Arabic name, which translates as "magic", "attracts to itself." That was the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) and the wife of the third righteous caliph Uthman ibn Affan (r.a.).

Rumia- Arabic name, translated means "Byzantine", "resident of Byzantium."

Rufina (Rufia)- Latin name endowed with the meaning "girl with golden hair."

Crushing- Arabic name, translated meaning "radiant", "shining".

It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. It's just that the general style of clothing should be correct, good taste, solidity. Clothes should be of high quality and fit well on you. An appearance that meets these criteria evokes favor and trust. These principles should be guided not only in the process of completing your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home, office.

Latif name compatibility, manifestation in love

Latifa, your characteristic qualities are charm, romance and the ability to clothe your feelings in such forms that cannot but cause a response. Being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find features of beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as a relationship loses its charm of novelty, becomes routine and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often endure the gap itself, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort out and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are directed towards realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But the abilities are many, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you are faced with the need to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough discretion to focus on a specific goal, and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your mental potential in vain, “spray” it, let it go down the wind. And - be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all that tinsel that usually adorns the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that will prompt you the only correct decision at the right time. Try to "hear" him.

The meaning of the name Latif is quite interesting. Despite the fact that it has Arab roots, it is liked not only by oriental people. The melodic sound and deep meaning are what attracts people to this name.

Latifah - the meaning of the name among Muslims

Muslims pay great attention to the selection of names for babies. By naming a child one way or another, they want to endow him with certain qualities. The meaning of the name Latif lies in such characteristics as kindness, affection, friendliness and mercy. Often, parents call the girl Latifa if they want to raise her as an obedient daughter and a respectable wife.

Numerology name

In order to decipher the meaning of Latif's name as accurately as possible, it is recommended to turn to numerology. The number 4 predicts a girl's inclination to exact and technical sciences. In addition, such individuals are very honest, conscientious and at the same time circumspect. Latifa easily finds friends and can become a reliable support for them in difficult situations.

Calling children by names characterized by the number 4 is recommended if they were born under the signs of Pisces or Sagittarius. The most auspicious day to start important business is Thursday. Crimson and blue shades should prevail in the wardrobe. When choosing jewelry, Latifa should give preference to products with sapphire, which will serve as a talisman.

Personality characteristic

The meaning of Latif's name is fully consistent with the typical image of an Arab woman. Her main priorities in life are a reliable marriage and financial stability. If Latifa feels the love and devotion of her husband, she will give all her strength to ensure his well-being. She is ready to take responsibility for solving the problems of all family members. However, you shouldn't take too much advantage of her kindness.

Latifa is a creative and versatile person. She has so many hobbies that she can simply get confused and waste her energy. It is very important that there is a person next to Latifa who will help her choose a specific direction in which it is worth working.


Latifa is a very beautiful name, both in terms of sound and meaning. By naming your daughter that way, you will endow her with all the qualities that a real woman should have. Latifa will become an obedient and caring daughter, a decent wife, an excellent hostess and just a good person to whom you can always turn for advice and help.

female form named Latif

Numerology name

Soul Number: 2.
Holders of the name number 2 are characterized by lack of confidence in their abilities, belief in omens, constant anxiety and even belief in the predetermination of their fate. "Twos" are usually people of a very subtle mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. These people try to avoid any quarrels and disputes, they very often get away from problems. Meanwhile, "twos" are excellent team players. With any joint actions, in the family or in the work collective, they cope easily and reveal all their strongest sides. Twos have tremendous patience, but they need a safe environment. Number 2 holders are usually excellent parents and educators.

Born peacemakers, helping to overcome disagreements in a team and achieve harmony.

Destiny Number: 4.

The owners of this number have great management potential. They are capable of taking on a lot of responsibility. Their family life may not be as smooth as they would like, which can make them restless and impatient.

Personality Number: 2.

They are friendly and unpretentious, they easily attract people with their kind and serene character. Understanding and patient, they have a fad about their appearance, which is why they spend a little more time to look perfect.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, dampness, cold.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: White, silver, light brown, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Mineral: Beryl, white coral, selenite, marcasite.
Metal: Silver.
Plants: Calamus, cornflower, melon, pansies, lily, water lily, cabbage, cucumber.
Animals: Goose, duck, owl, crab, toad, doe.

It is believed that the letters that make up the name of the child have a certain meaning.

Latif's name is interpreted as:

L - a subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, the desire to share knowledge and feelings with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act effectively using every minute.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. Internal contradictory views - a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use an allegedly necessary lie with the best intentions.
A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort

Uncover the mystery of the name LATIFA(in Latin transliteration LATIFA) looking at the calculation results in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The meaning and origin of the name LATIF

The first letter L of the name LATIFA will tell about the character

Anyone who has been given names beginning with this letter by their parents has a love of changeability. You are sociable, interesting, but if you fail in love, you can lean towards drunkenness or gluttony. If all is well, then you are a journey into the unknown for your partner.

Characteristic features of the name LATIF

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • artistry
  • great ingenuity
  • logics
  • pettiness
  • search for the ideal
  • sensitive creative person
  • tenderness
  • originality of ideas
  • ability to lie
  • ability to adapt

LATIFA: the number of interaction with the world "4"

People whose number of expressions is four are rarely attacked by doubts and anxieties. Usually “fours” know exactly what they want and have a great idea of ​​how to achieve it. Yes, little is easy for them, but the efforts made are never in vain; in other words, such a person rarely wins the lottery, but never works without proper remuneration. The average “four” is the hope and support of your family members, relatives and colleagues. It is he who usually replaces the boss when he is sick or on vacation, gives sensible advice, consults colleagues, corrects other people's mistakes and decides the most important issues. In work, such a person often becomes indispensable, and an excellent addition to his outstanding business qualities is his unwillingness to participate in undercover intrigues and any questionable transactions.

At first glance, “fours” give the impression of people who are serious, solid and reasonable - and this is not an illusion, they are just that. Any negligence for them, if not an enemy, then a factor is undoubtedly negative and unpleasant, and the people of the quartet spend a lot of energy to fight it. Preferring to stay away from any risky ventures and dubious ventures, "fours" are usually content with what they have, but provide themselves with maximum comfort and coziness at every stage of life. Being extremely honest in relation to others, they expect the same from others; lying even in trifles can ruin the relationship with the "four" once and for all.

As a rule, the people of the four do not recognize half-measures, but they are practical and rational enough to make concessions in some cases and even allow themselves to be commanded. The behavior of a "four" is subject to logic and is usually quite predictable for others; his goals are clear and his desires are achievable.

"Fours" pay a lot of attention to their family, constancy and responsibility are perhaps the most pronounced traits of their character. Caring for loved ones and trying to satisfy their needs as much as possible, people of the four, as a rule, seek to control the situation and not lose sight of even the most insignificant events. The "four" may not be the recognized head of the family, but there is no doubt that no decision will be made without his approval.

The mistake of the "four" can be the desire for the benefits of life, which are not necessary for him. So, wanting to meet the wishes of parents, marriage partner or children, such a person drives himself into the trap of depression; having learned to understand himself well and listen to his own intuition, he, on the contrary, is happy.

LATIFA: the number of spiritual aspirations "3"

The three have an ambiguous influence on their charges: they can be friendly and arrogant, compliant and uncompromising, sociable and closed. They like to be in sight, they like comfort, but they cannot be called stable for sure, so their behavior always remains extremely unpredictable.

Those born under the sign of the three equally listen to the voice of the heart and mind, and in adulthood they carry the baggage of invaluable experience and worldly wisdom. Accustomed to being guided in everything by the arguments of reason, C grade students are completely incapable of sympathy, but among their acquaintances there are many vulnerable, impressionable and even unbalanced people.

Those under the influence of the troika can succeed in any profession, but still prefer areas that can give stability. They are well versed in people, can draw a psychological portrait of everyone and easily find a way out of even the most difficult situations. Students of C grade feel very comfortable in a secular society, they know how to maintain a conversation, they have not only oratorical skills, but also the ability to listen to others. They love friendly gatherings, and if they take up the organization of a holiday, then they cope with it better than any professional.

In the sphere of personal relationships, strange as it may seem, the people of the troika regularly face problems. They seem callous and indifferent, do not tend to demonstrate positive traits of their character and are rarely themselves. Such a person may well be known as a cunning liar and a hypocrite, since his desire to embellish the truth sometimes knows no boundaries. He is not used to sharing his thoughts and desires with his soul mate, but at the same time he lives in a castle in the air.

Born under the influence of the troika always finds his place under the sun. He likes to tell people about his successes, often greatly exaggerating reality. Many consider this person to be an ordinary braggart, but at the same time they do not judge him too harshly, because he is not devoid of charm. In addition, a C grade student is happy to make gifts, is attentive to those in need, and often participates in charity.

LATIFA: the number of true features "1"

For a unit to have a positive effect on a person, he needs loneliness and freedom of activity. The problem with these people is that they not only do not take into account, but do not even listen to the opinions of other people. Carrying out other people's orders is not for them. If the "one" is in a leading position, then his orders will be clear and will not be subject to discussion.

From their subordinates, they expect only the execution of orders, but in no way advice and the expression of their opinion. Such a person very rarely sees helpers in people. Those around him are followers of his ideas and no one else. For this reason, the "one" will never brag about his high patrons. He simply will never have them.

It is very important that the people affected by the unit always remember what they are working for. This is usually not difficult. After all, they set themselves outstanding goals. For them, only significant, great, large-scale matters. Only by remembering the goal, the "one" can force himself to listen to other people, try to find a solution that is beneficial to both parties and stifle his violent impulses.

If the unit influences the woman, then the lady will definitely be the leader in the pair. Moreover, in work, she often does not manifest herself as actively as in her personal life. On the other hand, men of the “one” are trying to dominate in all spheres of life.

To keep the bar, they sometimes have to be at the limit of their capabilities. They cannot relax either with their families or on vacation. And this is fraught with nervous breakdowns, health problems and difficulties in communicating with loved ones.

So that life does not become a race with obstacles, such people definitely need to learn to hear others. Pay attention to their needs, desires, learn to believe not only yourself, but also others. Only in this way will they be able to find peace and rejoice when their goal is achieved.