Acrylic ceiling paint: characteristics, advantages, how to choose, how to paint and prepare the surface. What is the best paint for the ceiling in the apartment? Moisture resistant ceiling paint

Most often, the ceiling screed is decorated with finishing painting. It is important to understand that not every paint is suitable for this, so care must be taken when choosing a material.

general information

The paint and varnish market is so diverse that inexperienced buyers sometimes cannot decide which water-based paint is best for the ceiling. You can call a sales assistant for help, but there is no guarantee that the most suitable material will be acquired as a result. As you know, sellers try to sell those goods that are less popular: usually we are talking about expensive brands.

There is another mistake of beginners - full confidence in the list of characteristics indicated by the manufacturer. Usually they are very similar and are more of an advertising nature. It is best to pay attention to the composition of the paint: the main component usually plays a decisive role in shaping its characteristics. Other noteworthy properties that help determine which paint is best for walls and ceilings are drying speed, material consumption, abrasion resistance, and moisture resistance.

Cans of paint may have markings indicating specific characteristics:

  1. Dry abrasion resistance. After the paint has dried, only dry methods can be used to clean the surface: dry cloth, vacuum cleaner, brushing. Washing of such material is strictly prohibited. Basically, a similar indication can be found on buckets with cheap water-based paints.
  2. For rooms with low operational loads. This paint can decorate ceilings in bedrooms, dressing rooms or corridors. If there is smoke in the room (kitchens, smoking rooms, boiler rooms), this finish gradually turns yellow. The same applies to rooms with high humidity.
  3. Resistance to abrasion and wet cleaning. Such compositions are universal, because. they can be used in almost any room. During wet cleaning, the use of soap is allowed. Grease stains cannot be removed in this way.
  4. Increased strength. Sometimes the indication "dirt-resistant or washing paint" is also added. These materials are perfect for painting ceilings in the kitchen, hallway, bathrooms. A good kitchen ceiling paint will last for many years without requiring repairs. For washing, the use of alkaline products is allowed. The number of such cleanings is not limited.

What to look for when choosing

  • When choosing the color and texture of the material for painting the ceiling, the interior style of the room, its purpose and dominant color shades should be taken as a guideline. Ceiling paint can be matte, semi-gloss and glossy. The latter option contributes to the achievement of a visual expansion of space. With the help of matte white paint, a restrained nobility and poise are communicated to the home.
  • Preparation of the base for painting is characterized by laboriousness, because. The finished surface must be perfectly flat. It will require laying several layers of putty and grinding. With the help of painting it is impossible to mask even small defects: as a rule, they become even more noticeable. First of all, this applies to glossy compositions that well shade all depressions or bulges. Matte paint is more practical in this regard, as it allows you to hide minor flaws. The best option in such situations are semi-gloss materials.
  • Water-based paint contains water, so it does not tolerate freezing very well. Based on this, it is not recommended to purchase material in winter in unheated markets and warehouses. In fact, these are paints for ceilings in residential premises.

  • It may seem that both expensive and cheap paints have similar characteristics. Expensive brands have superiority in practicality: this refers to the material consumption per m 2 of base. This is especially noticeable when painting large rooms.
  • It should be understood that the popularity of a brand does not always indicate its quality. Sometimes lesser known materials perform better. The point is fakes that often use popular logos. In addition, new manufacturers are trying to win their place in the sun due to the high quality of products and their cheapness.
  • In most cases, paint buckets contain indications that the material is intended for ceiling finishing. If there are no indications of a narrow specialization, then universal paints for interior work are a suitable option. As a rule, these compounds lie very well on the base, which allows you to get rid of drops on the surface.
  • Sometimes during painting, instead of the declared snow-white surface, a light shade appears on the ceiling. Good manufacturers specifically introduce a special pigment into the composition, which helps to quickly notice unpainted areas. As a rule, after drying, the surface becomes completely homogeneous and white.

  • With the help of glossy paint on the ceiling, a mirror effect is formed. Ideally smooth surfaces painted in this way look especially beautiful. Glossy compositions are recommended for use in small rooms in order to achieve a visual expansion of the space. After drying, such a ceiling can be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Due to the fact that matte paint absorbs light, it can be used to mask small defects in the base. The layer is dense, which in some cases makes it possible to save on the number of approaches. Matte paint after drying is covered with small pores that worsen its washing.

What are ceiling paints

Ceilings can be finished with acrylic, water-based, silicone and latex paints. All these materials do not have an unpleasant odor, they dry quickly, and fit well on the base. After drying, such a finish can be washed, because. manufacturers often enhance their moisture resistance with special components. For application, you can use a brush, roller or spray gun. If everything is done carefully, the output will be a uniform uniform coating.

water emulsion

The classic solution for finishing the ceiling, which at one time replaced the traditional whitewash. The long-term popularity of the compositions is due to their low cost and environmental friendliness. Since this type of paint is made on the basis of water, there is no pungent odor in it. Accidentally falling drops on surfaces adjacent to the ceiling can be easily removed with a damp sponge. With washing paints in this regard, it is more difficult, so it is advisable to remove them before drying.

Water-based paint adheres perfectly to putty and plaster (read: "Which water-based paint for the ceiling is better - the choice and rules of painting"). The material goes on sale in a standard white color: to obtain any other shade, it is enough to add the appropriate dye. In this case, it is necessary to act very carefully, observing the dosage indicated on the package. This material will be the answer for many, which is the best white paint for the ceiling.

Water dispersion

Water-dispersion ceiling paints have almost the same characteristics as water-based paints. They are more resistant to abrasion and moisture. This material is recommended for use in bathrooms and kitchens. After drying, a vapor-permeable film forms on the surface of the ceiling, which is especially important for wooden floors. Some brands of water-dispersion paint contain antiseptic and antifungal agents that protect the finish from biological damage in rooms with high humidity.


A more expensive material, famous for its strength characteristics. Since the ceiling is rarely exposed to mechanical stress, acrylic paints are mainly used to decorate walls and slopes. However, many users choose this particular paint because of the possibility of repeated washing of the surface, without any loss of its quality.

Acrylic ceiling paint is highly resistant to UV radiation, so it is not afraid of fading even in case of direct exposure to sunlight. This is especially appreciated in cases where the ceiling is tinted in some shade. You will not need to introduce pigments on your own, because. on sale is a large assortment of colors. The drying of the best acrylic paints for the ceiling is not accompanied by the appearance of pungent odors, and the viscous consistency allows you to hide small cracks. After application, acrylic paint always looks a little lighter, gaining the desired intensity as it dries.


Excellent odorless ceiling paint, however, its high cost for many is a serious deterrent. The high price of the material is confirmed by its resistance to mechanical stress, the ability to painlessly endure numerous washings and excellent decorative characteristics. After drying, the surface acquires vapor permeability, which prevents the effect of "blockage" of the room. Although the composition demonstrates outstanding moisture resistance, however, when used in bathrooms, pools and baths, it is additionally recommended to use antifungal primers. The fact is that mold and fungus quickly multiply on the latex surface.

When applied, the material does not emit unpleasant odors, and is completely harmless to health. This makes it possible to carry out painting work with the windows closed, which is very convenient in cases where repairs take place in winter. The composition demonstrates a high drying rate: this requires no more than 2 hours. Latex paints adhere well to most materials used in construction. To obtain a durable coating, a base primer is required.

Latex water-based ceiling paint also has weaknesses:

  • Weak transfer of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight falling on the painted surface leads to its rapid fading.
  • Low frost resistance. The use of latex paint at low temperatures leads to cracking and peeling.

When deciding which latex ceiling paint is better, it is recommended to give preference to trusted brands.

Criterias of choice

After reviewing the main types of materials for painting the ceiling, it is important to highlight the main criteria for yourself, how to choose paint for the ceiling in the apartment.

Considering this or that paint option, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Coverage degree. We are talking about exactly how much material is spent on the design of 1 m 2 of the base.
  2. The presence of a masking effect. This property is useful for decorating not very flat surfaces.
  3. Bucket volume. It happens that containers similar in appearance differ by 100 ml or more.
  4. Performance characteristics of the finished finish. This includes cleaning advice and cautions regarding sunlight, moisture, etc.
  5. What kind of paint is needed on the ceiling - matte or glossy.
  6. Price.

Materials for painting ceilings are presented in the form of aqueous suspensions, which include polymers and dyes. The main substance is usually displayed in the name of the material, although, in fact, all such solutions are water-dispersion.

famous brands

There are proven brands, reviews of which from buyers are the most positive.


As professionals say, this is the best water-based glossy type paint. It is sold in plastic buckets with a volume of 10 liters. The material demonstrates excellent hiding power, strength and durability. The finished surface acquires a snow-white glossy shade.

Due to its unobtrusiveness, the paint is very popular with buyers. A bright room decorated with it will become even more snow-white, and a small room will visually expand. Dufa produces special interior ceiling paints that allow you to create spectacular textures and artistic images. This opens up great scope for design ideas in terms of tinting and applying beautiful patterns.


An excellent resistant material, which often gets off with cottages and country houses. The manufacturer introduces silicone into the composition of the paint, thanks to which scratches and small defects up to 2 mm wide are filled. This greatly simplifies the procedure for preparing the base. Silicone paint is able to resist temperature drops to minus values ​​well. The silicone base gives the paint excellent water-repellent characteristics: such a finish can be safely washed in case of contamination. As a rule, to obtain a high-quality coating, it is enough to apply one layer.


Quality matte ceiling paint, made in the UK. Russian analogues produced under this brand have an order of magnitude worse parameters. Therefore, when buying, it is necessary to clarify the exact place of manufacture. Although there is no filling of cracks during the application of paint, there is still a certain masking of defects. This is facilitated by the good light-absorbing characteristics of Dulux ceiling paints.

To get a beautiful surface, the material is applied in 2 layers. Due to the low consumption and uniform laying of one bucket of 5 liters, it is enough to finish the ceiling with an area of ​​​​12-14 m 2. The composition of the paint does not contain harmful components and a pungent odor. Any color can be chosen. There are minimum requirements for surface preparation prior to application.


The best representative of washable paints for ceilings. With this inexpensive material, you can get a matte finish on almost any substrate. The color of the composition is usually light or pastel. Oriol products are characterized by a high drying rate and high hiding power. Applying paint makes it possible to reliably hide yellow spots on the ceiling or walls. High performance and low price made the material very popular.


This water-based ceiling paint is considered the leader in this type of product. This Finnish material is characterized by a very pure color and a rich tint range. If the store does not have a matt Tikkurila for the ceiling of the desired color, it can be obtained on the spot thanks to tinting. The finished surface is strong and durable. The Tikkurila matte paint for the ceiling is laid without streaks and smudges, demonstrating a high drying rate.


The basis of this paint is silicate, which is very convenient for finishing facades and interiors. Along with convenient application and environmental friendliness, the material has antifungal properties. During operation, the painted surface is allowed to be washed. The base must be prepared very well: it must be perfectly flat and free of scratches. Ceresit silicate paints adhere best to mineral plasters. As professionals testify, such a finish can be safely laid on top of the old water-based paint.


An excellent budget option for snow-white ceiling paint, demonstrating an excellent price / quality ratio. The finish smooths out areas of the base with different finishes well when the putty is not applied completely. Satisfactory hiding power of the material allows you to create a dense layer without gaps. There are no allergens in Snezhka, however, its weak resistance to moisture should be taken into account. You can color the material on your own.


The cheapest option for white ceiling paint, with which you can get a pretty good result. Professionals note the uniform white color of the finished surface.

Other strengths of the material include the following:

  • Durability of the original white color.
  • No shedding and wiping effect when washing.
  • Good drying speed.
  • No bad smell.
  • Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. This makes it possible to use the material in bedrooms and nurseries.
  • Good adhesion to any type of ceiling.

It is better not to add dyes to the Expert paint: the quality of the material then deteriorates sharply. A certain inconvenience is caused by an excessively thick consistency, which is corrected after adding water. In this case, the proportions are selected by eye, because. There are no instructions on this bank.



If the budget allows you to buy good imported ceiling paint, you need to make sure that the material is actually produced in that country. To avoid fakes, it is better to use the services of large building supermarkets that are able to provide product certificates.

When choosing a coating for, you need to take into account many nuances. For example, the type of room: what fits in the bedroom can't be used in the bathroom, or how well the surface is prepared. Let's figure it out, for the ceiling in the apartment?

What to look out for


The first is the textural effect, namely, how the emulsion will eventually look on the surface. As a rule, manufacturers indicate this information on the packaging. There are three types.

  • Matte. Does not shine, hides minor imperfections. However, it gets dirty easily and is not suitable for rooms with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms. Such a surface will quickly turn yellow if the house is smoked.
  • Semi-gloss slightly reflects light, hides small defects.
  • Glossy shines, reflects light well and. But the base must be perfectly even, gloss emphasizes all defects. Therefore, special attention is paid to its preparation so that there is not a single scratch, pit or protrusion.


Some paints can be wiped clean with a dry cloth, the package says “dry rub resistant”. If you run your hand over the painted surface, a slight trace will remain. Such a coating can be used in rooms with low exploitation characteristics, that is, in the bedroom, in the living room, in the corridor.

There are paints that can be washed and wiped with a damp cloth. Information about this is also indicated on the label. As a rule, these are more expensive types. They can be used in the kitchen and bathroom, high humidity and fumes will not affect the ceiling in any way. A mark of fungicidal properties means that the product also prevents the fungus.

hiding power

A very important indicator is hiding power - how many layers the paint composition will cover the color of the base. There are four classes, among which the best is the first. To repaint a black surface into white (and vice versa), you need only two layers of a substance of this class.

In other words: the higher the hiding power, the fewer coats are needed to cover the previous color. Consequently, the consumption of the product is lower. Savings on this are rarely justified. Ultimately, the price of three cans of cheaper emulsion will be the same as the price of one can of expensive emulsion.

Water-based or water-dispersion: which ceiling paint is better?

The water-based composition is almost odorless. and safe, it has a low price and ease of application. There are several types of emulsion: mineral, acrylic, silicone and silicate.

The most budgetary - mineral. Such a coating is used in living rooms, halls, bedrooms - where there are no changes in temperature and humidity. If drops of water fall on it, stains will remain, the water emulsion is easily washed off. In addition, it is characterized by low resistance to abrasion. The most expensive is silicate, it is used in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Pay attention to the storage conditions of the water emulsion in the store. The fact is that it does not tolerate freezing and after that it can even lose its properties. It is easy to check: pour it into a glass jar. If the mass has stratified into water and dispersed elements, such a water-based emulsion can only be used in places where high quality work is not required.

Water-dispersion bases also differ in components. They come with polyvinyl acetate (PVA), acrylic and latex. The simplest - with PVA, it can only be used in rooms with low humidity. While emulsions based on acrylic and latex are not afraid of either water or dirt.

Which is better? Even professionals find it difficult to unambiguously answer this question. In general, water-based formulations are characterized by higher hiding power, while water-dispersion formulations are stronger. But, of course, much depends on the specific manufacturer.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular types.

Acrylic based

The price of such an emulsion is significantly higher than the mineral one, but this is justified by its characteristics.

It dries quickly and is UV resistant, which means it won't fade or fade even when exposed to direct sunlight. Actual if the ceiling is bright. In addition, acrylic is tough and durable, fills microcracks, and is easy to apply.

Acrylic coloring compositions are white, super white and milky white. But this division of shades is conditional: each manufacturer defines the degree of whiteness differently, and you can only check it in a store. Colored ones can be made independently by mixing with color, or you can purchase a ready-made version.


An even more expensive composition is based on latex. It can cover the surface of any texture: from curly wallpaper to smooth drywall. And it can also be washed, it is not afraid of moisture and has dirt-repellent properties.

This is a good option for new homes where shrinkage is possible. Even if small cracks form on the base surface, the paint layer will stretch so that they will not be visible.

Latex bases are matte and glossy. Manufacturers indicate the degree of gloss using numbers in the name: the lower the number, the more matte the coating is.


The most expensive type of colorful composition appeared relatively recently. It also happens hybrid - with the addition of acrylic.

They are resistant to moisture, dirt and even mechanical stress. Some manufacturers guarantee the safety of such a coating for several thousand cleaning cycles! In addition, silicone, like latex, is so elastic that it can be up to 1 mm wide.

Silicone emulsions are easy to apply to any coating, including concrete and, not only inside, but also outside the building.

The main drawback of the product is the high price.

How to calculate the right amount of paint

To understand how many cans you need, you need to multiply the total area to be painted (in square meters) by the number of coating layers (at least two). Divide this amount by the consumption indicated by the manufacturer. The resulting number is the desired amount of coloring composition in liters. But not everything is so simple: you need to take into account the surface of the base, its texture, and even tools.

For example, for large areas use a roller with a long pile, preferably natural. It not only absorbs well, but also easily releases moisture. After picking up paint, be sure to roll out the roller, a paint tray or even a sheet of cardboard is suitable for this. This way you will avoid uneven staining. A brush will help to carefully draw the corners, it is better to choose products with artificial bristles.

What paint to paint the ceiling in the apartment and at the same time save

The answer is simple: combine views.

  • Acrylic, silicone and mixed compositions are suitable for the kitchen. The resistance of the coating to dirt and moisture is important here.
  • and a toilet, you can take cheaper options, for example, latex-based.
  • In the bedroom and living room - on acrylic. It will provide the best value for money.

  • Material prepared: Anastasia Khripunkova

Glossy ceiling paint is an option only for perfectly flat surfaces. Glitter will emphasize flaws, the higher the degree of gloss, the stronger. There are no special ceiling glossy coatings (paints and varnishes), but you can use compositions designed for painting walls and floors. There are no fundamental differences in the preparation of the base and application technology between glossy or matte ceiling paints.

Advantages of glossy paint:

  • wears out slowly;
  • easy to clean;
  • looks attractive;
  • visually expands the space (only light shades).

Disadvantages of shiny coatings:

  • emphasizes defects;
  • pollution immediately catches the eye.

Attention! The price of coatings with gloss and matte is the same, but preparing the surface for applying a glossy coating takes much more effort and time. If you hire professionals to perform painting work, then the final cost is higher.

Types of glossy paint

Paints and varnishes according to the type of thinner are divided into two main groups:

  1. Organo-dispersion - on organic solvents (linseed oil, gasoline, white spirit, etc.).
  2. Water-soluble - water-dispersion or water-based. They are most often used for interior decoration.

Two more types of paints - powder and without solvent. When painting ceilings, they are not used.

Coating materials also differ in the type of film-forming component - resin. There is no point in listing all the species, since there are a lot of them. The names do not give any idea of ​​​​the final result. It is better to read the information about the characteristics provided by the manufacturer on the label. The following parameters are important: consumption, drying speed, hiding power. For the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom, waterproof formulations with antiseptic additives are needed. Among facade paints you can find self-cleaning, dirt-repellent, etc.

Attention! Finding glossy paint (especially water-soluble) is difficult. Latex coatings with gloss are not produced at all. If it was not possible to buy the desired glossy color, then the only way out is to paint the ceiling with matte paint and cover it with a shiny varnish.

Aqueous emulsion glossy ceiling paint

Advantages of water-based coatings:

  • no unpleasant odor, low toxicity;
  • dry quickly;
  • tinting can get almost any shade;
  • easy to apply, just peel off the tools.

Disadvantages of glossy water-based ceiling paint:

  • work can only be performed at temperatures above +5 ° WITH;
  • it is impossible to wash the ceiling painted with a water-based emulsion, the coating will gradually be washed off.

This type of water-dispersion coatings is most often used for painting all surfaces inside the house. The film-forming component in them is acrylic resins. Paints of this type have all the advantages of water-based paints, do not fade, are affordable, fit well on almost any base. Advantages - durability, the coating of water-dispersion coatings (including acrylic) can be washed frequently.

A variety of acrylic glossy paint for the ceiling is aerosol. It is sold in spray cans, suitable only for wooden and metal surfaces, it is relatively expensive. It is difficult to apply, be sure to wear a mask, but there are brilliant colors in the palette, including those with a metallic effect.

Another look with shine is decorative mother-of-pearl (with the effect of natural silk). It is applied over two layers of primer, tinted in the color of the base coat. "Silk" compositions are not suitable for painting wallpaper. Option for a ceiling with irregularities - add special pearl beads for paints to the composition with a silk effect.

Solvent-borne glossy paint and enamel

For interior work, paintwork of this type is used if there is no choice. Disadvantages: pungent odor, toxicity (the room must be well ventilated), fire hazard. This group includes:

  1. Oil paints (on drying oil). They are used to protect wood. According to the main characteristics, these compounds are not inferior to water-soluble ones, but they dry longer and do not let air through.
  2. Alkyd enamels and aerosols. These are artificial analogues of oil paints based on alkyd resin and solvent. They dry faster, suitable for coating wood, concrete, metal. Alkyd aerosols, like acrylics, are rarely used for painting ceilings.
  3. Polyurethane enamels. They are suitable for coating concrete, stone, brick, wood, metal. The advantage of coatings based on polyurethane resins is resistance to chips and scratches, abrasion.

The only advantage of organic dispersion paint compared to water-soluble paint is a large selection of glossy shades.

Preparatory work depending on the type of surface

The first step to a flawless painting result is surface preparation. General rules:

  1. Remove furniture, household appliances, and other items from the room. Cover heavy items with foil. Remove lighting fixtures.
  2. Remove old coating.
  3. Apply primer. It reduces paint consumption, improves adhesion to the surface. The soil is selected taking into account what material needs to be painted, and on the same basis as paintwork. For example: alkyd enamel is chosen for a concrete ceiling - buy an alkyd primer for concrete.

Drywall and gypsum-fiber sheet (GKL and GVL)

Preparation of the ceiling from GKL and GVL for painting:

  1. With a spatula, run along the places where the sheets of drywall are attached and drown the heads of the self-tapping screws for which it will catch.
  2. Wipe the ceiling with a dry cloth.
  3. Coat all corners with an acrylic primer for putty with a brush.
  4. Apply primer to the entire surface with a roller. After drying, make a second layer.
  5. 24 hours after the completion of priming, prepare the joints between the sheets for filling with putty. Often stitching is required.
  6. Coat the joints with putty mixture and seal with sickle or reinforcing tape. Apply a second layer of putty to the seams, wait for it to dry, sand with sandpaper.
  7. Putty all drywall. After drying with a spatula, remove the bumps. Cover the floor and walls with a film, put on a mask or respirator, sand the ceiling with a special grater.
  8. Apply the second (finish) layer of putty. The surface should be perfectly flat. You may need another layer. After drying, sand the ceiling again with a grater or emery with the finest grit. Under glossy paint, do sanding especially carefully.
  9. Remove dust.
  10. Apply a coat of primer under the paint and leave to dry for 24 hours.

concrete ceilings

Preparing to paint a concrete ceiling:

  1. Examine the surface. Knock down the protrusions with a hammer or a puncher, expand the cracks with a knife.
  2. Prime all defects and fill with repair mortar. You can use painting fiberglass.
  3. Apply 2 coats of primer (the second after the first has dried).

After priming, complete the preparation of the ceiling in the same way as for drywall (see steps 7 - 10).

Wooden surface (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard)

Preparing to paint a wooden ceiling:

  1. Clean the surface with coarse sandpaper, an angle grinder or a drill with a special nozzle.
  2. Apply impregnation - antiseptic (against rot, mold, etc.), if necessary, fire and moisture protection.
  3. Fill cracks with wood putty.

If the ceiling is new, without defects, then two layers of primer or drying oil are enough for paint (under oil-based paintwork materials). If there is damage, then the tree is puttied in several layers, carefully grinding each. On top of the finishing layer of putty, primer is applied under the paint.

The ceiling of plywood, chipboard and fiberboard is prepared in the same way. Preliminarily (as on drywall), the hats of the self-tapping screws are sunk. Putty is used on wood, a special primer is taken for chipboard, fiberboard and plywood.

Attention! Glossy ceiling paint for wood, plywood, chipboard and sawdust is the worst option, as it is impossible to achieve a perfectly even surface on them.

What tools are needed to paint the ceiling

What you need to paint the ceiling:

  • ladder;
  • tray (tray) for paint;
  • paint rollers to perform the main part of the work - “fur coats” with a short pile are suitable for glossy paint, foam rubber and velor are unsuitable;
  • flat paint brushes of different widths for processing hard-to-reach places;
  • masking tape (tape) to protect surfaces in contact with the ceiling.

Finishing the ceiling of a large area is best done. You can rent a machine for mechanized painting. The layer applied by sprayer is thinner and more even than when using rollers. The possibility of gluing the villi to the painted surface is excluded.

The technology of applying glossy paint to the surface of the ceiling

Painting the ceiling with glossy paint is a particularly responsible task. Coating defects remain visible. It is much more difficult to achieve a flawless result without experience using a coloring composition with gloss than with a matte one.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Install lighting to immediately see and fix all defects. Use a 15W energy saving lamp. Attach it to the ceiling on a temporary tripod, to the side of the paint strip, and move it around as you work.
  2. Prepare the coloring composition according to the manufacturer's instructions. For the first solvent layer, more is added. Pour the paint into the tray correctly in small portions.
  3. Apply paint with a narrow brush in the corners and along the walls.
  4. Dip the roller into the bath. Roll several times to evenly distribute the composition in the "fur coat". If this is not done, then there will be spots on the ceiling. After the pile is saturated during the work, lowering the tool into the tray, pick up less paint. This will help to avoid the appearance of "sagging". You can roll out the roller on a sheet of hardboard or a piece of linoleum.
  5. Apply paint from the window across the direction of the light rays. The movement of the roller should be zigzag, resembling the Latin letter W or N. The next letter is drawn side by side, with a slight entry into the adjacent lane.
  6. After the application of the first layer is completed, remove the excess of the coloring composition with a dry roller.
  7. Apply a second coat of paint (preferably with a new roller), this time moving along the direction of the sun's rays.

Two coats of paint are usually enough, but three can be done. The last coat is always applied along the direction of sunlight - then unpainted areas and traces of the roller are less noticeable.

Difficulties encountered with painting the ceiling with glossy paint and their solution

To make ceilings painted with glossy paint look perfect:

  1. LKM buy from one batch, with a margin. In different deliveries, even from the same manufacturer, there may be differences in shade.
  2. Do not dilute glossy plasterboard ceiling paint. Excess liquid can soak the top paper layer.
  3. When applying, observe uniformity and direction, otherwise you may get stripes that have a shade different from the main one.
  4. To correct paint defects, wait until it dries completely and apply another layer. If this does not help, then you will have to completely remove the paint with sandpaper and redo all the work.

Do not use electrical appliances to speed up drying. It is better to immediately choose a quick-drying paint.

Video of painting the ceiling with glossy paint

Glossy ceilings in the interior photo

Coloring- one of the few ways to finish the ceiling, which can be implemented independently. To obtain an ideal surface, two factors are important - the correct choice of composition and adherence to the technology of its application. Acrylic paint is a convenient, inexpensive coating that, with the right approach, will last for many years. The stores present products of different companies and price categories, so it is not easy for the average buyer to determine the appropriate option.

The paint is made on the basis of acrylic resins with the addition of other substances.

Acrylic paints belong to the category of water-dispersed, but are made on the basis of polyacrylates with the addition of film formers, pigments, fillers. Due to the special composition, they have many advantages over other coating options:

  • resistance to negative factors (pollution, burnout, abrasion);
  • insensitivity to moisture - painted surfaces can be washed with detergents, used in rooms with high humidity;
  • resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • ease of application - the mixture dries quickly, forming a smooth, elastic film;
  • wide color palette;
  • ability to fill small cracks;
  • profitability, availability (you can buy paint at any hardware store);
  • a wide range of materials that can be coated, including concrete, brick, wood, drywall;
  • no unpleasant smell, no toxic fumes.

Mixtures form an even, smooth surface, non-toxic, easy to apply

There are almost no shortcomings in acrylic compositions, but before buying, you should consider that they not fire resistant. If you need to paint areas that are exposed to elevated temperatures, it is recommended to use special non-combustible compounds. In addition, the mixtures are not very resistant to dirt, the growth of fungus, mold or other biological formations, so it will have to be washed quite often. To reduce the likelihood of development of pathogenic microorganisms, it is recommended to coat the surface with a primer with antiseptic properties before applying the paint.

Prices for deep penetration antiseptic primer

Primer antiseptic deep penetration

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The choice of acrylic paint depends on the purpose of the room or surface where it will be used. The best choice are water-based compositions made on the basis of acrylic resins. More affordable products are made using acrylic copolymers (vinyl acrylic, acrosilicon, styrene acrylic), but they have a small drawback - it's pretty hard to put them on. Silicone analogues belong to the category of facade, but are often used for painting indoor surfaces.

Latex mixtures are suitable for covering residential ceilings

For painting the ceiling, experts recommend using compositions based on acrylic or latex. Their characteristics are practically the same, but latex coatings can be applied in a thin layer, which guarantees an aesthetic appearance of the surfaces. Acrylic mixtures are applied in several layers, have reduced resistance to moisture - if you wash the surface with water, they can blur. Surfaces covered with grease, soot or other substances are recommended to be painted with special compounds (characteristics are indicated on the label).

Attention! Acrylic paints are used on all types of surfaces, with the exception of some types of plastics. To avoid mistakes, before starting work, you must read the instructions that came with the product.

Acrylic paint manufacturers

Sniezka is a popular acrylic paint brand from Poland.

The cost of acrylic paints depends on constituent components, characteristics and brands of products. Products made abroad are more expensive, but cheaper formulations are not always of low quality.

Attention! When buying paint, it is important to accurately calculate the required amount of the composition - the proportions of the consumption of the compositions are indicated on the label.

Table 1. Popular manufacturers and their characteristics.

DuluxOne of the leaders in the world production of paints and varnishes is located in the Netherlands. The number of products includes many compositions based on acrylic - for interior or exterior work, premises with difficult conditions, industrial facilities. Brand paints are environmentally friendly (unpleasant smell, no toxic fumes). To eliminate surface flaws, it is enough to apply two layers, which dry in two hours, after which they can be washed. The shelf life of the product is about 5 years, and during this period they do not lose their qualities.
COLORITProducts of the middle price range, which are manufactured using the technologies of Tikkurila, a well-known company in the CIS. It is used to cover interior surfaces and facades. The paint is resistant to negative factors, but allows the surfaces to "breathe". To cover the ceiling in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it is recommended to choose special compositions that are insensitive to moisture.
JokerA well-known company in the Scandinavian market, which has gained a reputation as a reliable paint manufacturer. The compositions are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, so they can be used to cover surfaces in children's rooms or medical institutions.
SniezkaProduction is located in Poland, and the brand offers consumers a wide range of paints and varnishes for different materials. The coating is resistant to fading, high humidity, provides an excellent appearance of surfaces
SadolinA Finnish company that was founded over 200 years ago. Acrylic paints produced under this brand form a dense, elastic protective layer with good physical characteristics. They are resistant to humidity and high temperatures, so they can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, in difficult climates.
CaparolProducts are manufactured in Russia using German technology. It includes conventional formulations and specialized paints - for surfaces in contact with water or subject to increased loads. Mixtures are environmentally friendly, odorless, do not emit toxic substances
TEXA Russian manufacturer that has gained popularity among consumers. It produces high-quality, resistant to negative factors paints at an affordable cost. The list of products includes facade, waterproof and other compositions. The disadvantage is the consumption of about a liter of paint per 4 square meters, which is considered a large indicator
Farby KabeA Swiss company that supplies products to the CIS market. Paints adhere well to surfaces, have a wide range of shades and coating options (matte, glossy, etc.). Suitable for high traffic areas
TexnoLuxA young brand that has already managed to gain a foothold in the market. Offers abrasion-resistant and negative-factor formulations at an acceptable cost. They lay flat, dry quickly, suitable for any surface.

How to choose paint

When choosing a paint, you must pay attention to the parameters specified by the manufacturer.

  1. Hiding power. The recommended indicator (the number of grams of the mixture needed to densely cover 1 square meter of surface) is 20-60 g. A mixture with such characteristics will make the previous shade invisible.
  2. Drying time. Acrylic paint usually takes 1-4 hours to dry.
  3. Consumption. The lower the consumption of the composition per square meter of the ceiling, the cheaper the work will cost. For different manufacturers, the indicator varies - a liter per 9-13 sq.m.
  4. Terms of Use. For unheated premises, it is recommended to use frost-resistant mixtures, for bathrooms - moisture-resistant, for kitchens - biostatic (protect against mold, fungi or other biological formations).
  5. Permissible degree of impact. The parameter indicates what degree of exposure the finished coating can withstand, and is indicated by numbers from 1 to 5. Mixtures labeled as “class 1” withstand frequent washing with abrasives, and class 5 paints only gentle dry cleaning.

The color and other aesthetic characteristics of acrylic paint are chosen depending on the characteristics of the interior. Usually, white compositions are used to paint ceilings, but do not forget that the definition of “white” may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The package may contain a mixture of milky, grayish, pearl or other shades. When choosing a shade of paint, it is important to remember that after drying, acrylic is a little will darken.

Video - Acrylic paints

If there is no experience in repair work, it is better to choose paints that form a matte film - bumps and defects are less noticeable on it. Glossy compositions require a perfectly smooth surface, and the higher the degree of gloss, the more errors will appear on the ceiling. In addition, there are textured and mother-of-pearl compositions that look very original.

Attention! When buying colored paint, the product is taken with a margin. An exact match in the shade of mixtures from different batches is almost impossible.

Prices for various types of acrylic facade paint

Acrylic facade paint

How to paint a ceiling with acrylic

Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint is simple, but Long procces, requiring patience. It consists of several stages - surface preparation, composition preparation, paint application, and each of them affects the final result.

Surface preparation

Before work, the ceiling is cleaned of the old coating

Before painting, the remains of the old coating must be removed from the surface - this is done with a spatula or other tools. If you cannot remove it, you can apply acrylic paint on top, but the solution should be thick and applied in several layers. It is impossible to leave an old coating with serious defects, otherwise they will all show through the paint. To facilitate the task, the ceiling is treated with special compounds. Be sure to clean off greasy and rusty stains, as they are able to show through even through several layers of a new coating. After cleaning the surface, it is leveled with putty, left to dry, and then proceed to painting.

Advice! If the layer of acrylic paint is fresh, it can be easily removed from the surface with a wet cloth. After drying, it is more difficult to get rid of the coating, so all errors must be corrected immediately.

Preparation of composition and tools

The composition is conveniently applied with a paint roller made of natural material

When preparing the coloring composition, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. If it is recommended to add water to the mixture, it will take no more than 5-10%. After adding additional components (water, pigment, solvent), the composition is well mixed using a special mixer. The consistency of the paint ready for application should resemble thick milk. If a film has formed on the surface, it is carefully removed without stirring, otherwise lumps will form in the mixture.

For applying acrylic paint, it is best to use a construction vacuum cleaner or spray gun - they form a uniform layer, speed up and facilitate the process. If there are no such tools at hand, it is recommended to use a roller, and a brush for processing corners. Products made from natural threads or fur with a medium-length pile are optimally suited for applying compositions. All surfaces that should not be painted are sealed with masking tape for convenience.

Dilute the paint should be a little, otherwise it will thicken and ruin the final result. Although acrylic paints considered safe for health, it is recommended to use gloves, goggles, and, if necessary, a respirator during work.

Important! When applying the composition, the tools must be constantly washed - acrylic paints dry quickly, and it will be difficult to apply them with a dirty brush or roller.

Surface painting - step by step instructions

The result of staining subject to the rules for applying mixtures

To obtain an even, smooth layer, you will have to be patient, adapt to the tool and follow the rules for applying the composition. An important rule is to paint the ceiling with a thin layer, otherwise streaks and “folds” may form. If a good coverage requires a thick layer, it is better to apply it in several stages.

It is possible to work with acrylic mixtures only under the conditions indicated on the label (temperature, humidity). Drafts in the room are unacceptable, so it is recommended to close windows and doors.

Step 1. First of all, paint over the corners of the room using a brush. It is dipped into the mixture halfway, squeezed out and a composition 3-5 cm wide is applied.

Brushing the corners of a room

Step 2. Pour the composition into a shallow tray so that it evenly, without excess, spreads over the roller. Roll the tool along the bottom so that it is completely saturated, and then again on a non-working surface (grid, piece of linoleum or wallpaper). Thanks to this, the paint will lay down as evenly as possible, without stains or unpainted areas.

Roller after dipping into the tray

Prices for textured rollers

Textured rollers

Step 3 The paint is applied in stripes along the entire room, retreating about a meter from the corner in one direction. The strokes are placed crosswise to each other - the paint will be evenly distributed over the surface, and there will be no traces of the roller. The pressure is medium, without excessive pressure. In one movement, one layer of the mixture is applied, without overlapping the painted areas, otherwise the shade will be uneven.

Paint application

Step 4. After applying the first layer, it is recommended to carefully examine the surface from different sides and from all angles in order to assess the quality of work. Defects are corrected immediately, after which the paint is allowed to dry. The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first, and after application, it is gently smoothed with a brush or roller without paint.

Staining markup

When using an airbrush, the surface painting technology changes, but the direction of the layers remains the same. After applying the required number of layers, the mixture is allowed to dry, the work is carefully evaluated in bright light, and if necessary, defects are corrected.

The subtleties of applying acrylic paint

Defects in the application are corrected immediately, as the compositions dry quickly

  1. The paint for applying the second layer is made more liquid than for the first, in order to slightly blur the previous coating and eliminate defects.
  2. Do not apply a second layer of the composition if the first has not had time to dry, otherwise the coating will wash out.
  3. Before you start painting the ceiling, it is recommended to practice applying the mixture with a roller.
  4. Compositions of foreign production are recommended to be applied in two layers, Russian - in three.
  5. If, after complete drying of the painted surface, serious defects are found, do not try to paint over them separately. In this case, it is better to take sandpaper and sand the entire ceiling, but this technique is considered effective only when no more than 2 layers of paint are applied to the ceiling.
  6. When applying the composition, there is no need to rush - a complete rework of the work will require a lot of time and money.

Acrylic compositions- a convenient and inexpensive option for painting ceilings in rooms for any purpose. With the correct application of the composition, an even, smooth, beautiful coating will please the eye for a long time and protect the surface from damage.

Video - Acrylic paint

Perhaps the most important stage of the repair is painting the ceiling. The appearance of the room depends entirely on how well this work will be done. Each homeowner is faced with the question of which paint is better for painting ceilings. Therefore, the choice of paint for processing the ceiling must be given special attention.

Choosing the best paint option for painting the ceiling

Before purchasing material for painting the ceiling, it is necessary to determine which paint is better to choose for painting the ceiling, type, and its shade. Despite the appearance on sale of a large number of various compositions, perhaps the most popular and in demand are water-based paints for painting the ceiling.

The modern building materials market represents a large assortment of different paints for painting the ceiling, at different prices. Therefore, it will be quite difficult for a simple buyer to choose a suitable high-quality paint.

Experts will come to the rescue, however, you can choose the best option yourself, rather carefully study the characteristics and properties of paints, their composition, minimum consumption per m2, and the drying time of the layer.

All detailed information is set out on the label, which is located on the container with the solution.

The subtleties of choosing paint for the ceiling

The choice of paint color is a very crucial moment. Since the right color of the composition will help hide imperfections, increase the space of the room, create a special cozy atmosphere.

Glossy paint has increased resistance to abrasion, does not hide the flaws of the ceiling, but visually increases the space of the room. Matte ceiling paints will help hide minor defects in the ceiling, help create a special, cozy atmosphere in the room.

An excellent option is to use semi-gloss paint, it will help not only hide defects, but also emphasize the dignity of the room. The most common and popular white paint for the ceiling.

When choosing the right paint option, you should pay attention to the properties, characteristics, manufacturer. The price difference can be quite significant.

However, the high price of ceiling paint is not always a guarantee of the quality of the solution. Sometimes high-quality ceiling paint is sold at a fairly affordable price. This version of the compositions is offered by little-known manufacturers in order to increase the demand for their products.

What type of paint is best for the ceiling

There are several special types of paint that are great for painting the ceiling:

  • acrylic;
  • Water emulsion;
  • Silicone;
  • Latex.

These types of solutions for painting the ceiling have excellent technical characteristics, are durable, the applied layers of paint dry quickly, the compositions are easily and simply applied to the surface prepared for painting, and do not have an unpleasant odor.

To significantly increase the resistance of the coating to moisture, the manufacturer adds additional components during the paint manufacturing process.

You can apply paint to the ceiling using special brushes, rollers, or a sprayer. Thanks to any of these simple tools, the applied layer of paint lays down evenly and beautifully.

What to look for when choosing paint for painting the ceiling

So, choosing the right paint for painting the ceiling, you need to pay special attention to some important factors:

  • A very important indicator when choosing a paint is the consumption of the composition per m2. This indicator will help to correctly calculate the required amount of material for painting the ceiling.
  • If there are visible defects on the ceiling, you should opt for compounds that have a masking effect.
  • It is important to consider the volume of the container with the paint. This will also help calculate the amount of solution needed to work.
  • Technical and operational characteristics of the paint and the applied layer.
  • Ceiling paint cost.

In most cases, ceiling paint is a water-based suspension composition with the addition of various polymers and coloring pigments.

The name of the paint depends mainly on the presence of a particular polymer in the composition of the solution.

Photo of ceiling paint