How to glue acrylic wallpaper on a paper base. Instructions for gluing paper wallpaper with acrylic spraying Acrylic wallpaper on a paper basis reviews

Acrylic wallpaper on a paper basis appeared on the domestic construction market relatively recently. But during this time they have already managed to gain significant popularity among consumers. In this article, we will try to take a closer look at how to glue acrylic wallpaper with a paper base.

Features of acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic is a versatile polymer widely used in the production of modern building and finishing materials. It is an ingredient for the production of adhesives, paints and putties, various sealants and organic glass. Acrylic was first synthesized in Germany in the 1930s. Over time, on its basis, a whole family of polymers with different physical properties was created, which received the general name "acrylic".

According to its characteristics, acrylic is in many ways analogous to vinyl. By its type, acrylic wallpaper on a paper basis is two-layer. Foamed acrylic is applied to the paper base and forms the front side. Among the main advantages of acrylic wallpaper are the following:

  • Lighter weight than vinyl counterparts. The layer of foamed polymer applied to the paper backing is in this case twice as thin: two versus four millimeters. This makes the sticker process much easier.
  • Significant service life. Greater resistance to abrasion, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage than single-layer paper options.
  • Affordable price, less than that of vinyl counterparts made on a paper base.
  • Environmental friendliness. This polymer coating does not emit harmful substances during operation. Also, the special technology of applying polymer to the paper base allows the walls to "breathe". The point method of polymer application does not create a continuous, air-impermeable acrylic layer on the paper base.
  • Suitable for wet cleaning with soft sponges.

Attention ! Due to the special technology of applying the polymer on a paper base, which does not form a continuous waterproof layer, it is not recommended to use acrylic wallpaper in rooms with high humidity.

For the same reason, wet cleaning should be done as delicately as possible, without the use of aggressive cleaning agents.

Thanks to the wide range of color options available on the modern market and the unique embossed pattern, acrylic-sprayed wallpaper can successfully fit into any interior.

Acrylic wallpaper gluing

The technique of gluing acrylic wallpaper is basically no different from gluing other wallpapers. The paper base makes them unpretentious in the choice of glue, they will also adhere perfectly to any wall. Before you start gluing, you need to prepare the wall for work. This will largely determine how well the wallpaper will be pasted.

Preparing the wall for gluing

Preparing the wall for wallpapering is one of the key moments of the entire work. If this process is not approached responsibly enough, then soon it will be possible to observe the sad consequences of poorly carried out repairs.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the walls from the remnants of old finishing materials - wallpaper, paint, poorly adhered plaster and putty.

Removing old wallpaper can be a big problem. Sometimes they hold on so tightly that it is impossible to separate them even with a spatula or knife. To facilitate the separation process, they should be softened with water. Single-layer paper-based wallpaper should be thoroughly moistened with a special wallpaper remover solution. Similar products in the range can be found in building supermarkets. In addition, such a remedy can be prepared at home: a little wallpaper glue must be added to the soapy solution. The glue will be needed so that the solution penetrates better to the paper base and lingers on it longer without draining or drying out.

To remove moisture-resistant options - with vinyl or the same acrylic coating - it is necessary to use a special technology. Before applying the solution to the surface, you will need to make cuts or scratches with a utility knife or a needle roller. Places where the paper base holds especially firmly can be tried to steam with an iron through wet gauze.

If the walls are painted with paint, then it must also be carefully removed. Oil paint or enamel should be cleaned with a metal scraper. If the paint adheres very firmly to the wall, you can sand it with a sander. Water-based paint is easily separated from the base (plaster, concrete) using a metal spatula, which must be periodically moistened in soapy water.

After that, the base of the wall should be assessed - the plaster or putty should hold firmly enough, without peeling, and without forming "bubbles". In order to make sure of the strength of the base, the walls are tapped with a hard object: a ringing sound upon impact means that the plaster has peeled off in this place and needs to be removed.

Attention ! All places of plaster that have peeled off from a brick or concrete base must be carefully removed, and then plastered again.

If there are any cracks on the walls, they must also be carefully putty to avoid further enlargement.

After the walls are fully prepared, it is advisable to prime the surface of the wall base with a special compound. Today, there are many types of different primers on the market - alkyd, acrylic, mineral, etc. To choose the variety that best suits your case, you can familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics or consult a specialist in the store. The primer will greatly simplify the entire gluing process - it not only strengthens the base of the wall, preventing it from shedding, but also improves the adhesion ("adhesion") of wallpaper glue to the wall. After carrying out all the necessary preparatory work, we proceed directly to gluing the wallpaper.

The choice of wallpaper glue

Today, the attention of consumers is provided with a huge number of all kinds of adhesives. The choice of glue must be approached with all responsibility, since the strength of adhesion of the paper web to the base depends on its quality. It should be said right away that the paper base is rather unpretentious to the technical characteristics of the glue. Paper has the ability to interact well with any adhesive, absorbing it perfectly.

Not so long ago, a home-made composition made from starch and flour was used for gluing. However, it has much poorer adhesion than factory-made formulations. And, as a result, it has a low resistance to moisture, is prone to peeling from the wall over time. In addition, homemade paste is a beneficial breeding ground for fungi and microorganisms that transfer to the paper layer of the canvas.

Another, not so long ago, popular glue is construction PVA, or bustilate. On the one hand, it has excellent adhesion, which provides a strong adhesion of the paper base to the wall, but it creates an airtight layer on the wall surface. Another disadvantage of bustilat is a very strong adhesion to the base of the wall. Therefore, during subsequent repairs, it will be possible to separate the busylate layer and the paper base only together with the top layer of plaster.

The best option for gluing acrylic wallpaper with a paper base is specially designed adhesives. Such compositions, for the most part, are made from modified starch with the addition of various ingredients that prevent the development of fungi and mold on the paper web. In order for the glue to comply with the declared technical characteristics, during its preparation it is necessary to carefully follow the instructions indicated on the package.

Wall markings

Before starting work, vertical markings should be applied to the wall, which will make it possible to stick the paper web as evenly as possible. Marking, like gluing, should be started from one of the corners of the room. Using a level or plumb line, draw a vertical line from ceiling to floor. From it, we begin gluing the wallpaper. Next, we measure the height of the ceilings and cut the wallpaper into strips of the required length, leaving gaps of 5-10 cm. We spread the canvas on the floor and proceed to greasing it with glue.

Glue application

When gluing paper-based acrylic wallpaper, the following technologies must be observed. The glue is initially applied to the wall and then to the paper base of the wallpaper. It is necessary to apply the glue in a thin layer, since the paper web does not tolerate excessive moisture poorly - paper deformation is possible, which, after gluing and drying, will lead to warping of the web and displacement of the pattern. Then the paper sheet should be folded in half, greased with glue side inward and left in this position for 5 - 10 minutes. This will allow the paper surface to be evenly saturated with glue. Thanks to this, the paper web will adhere evenly and firmly to the wall.

Pasting wallpaper on the wall

It is best to do the work of pasting the wallpaper together - this way the work will be done much faster and better. Apply the canvas greased with glue to the wall, aligning its edge with the vertical line of the marking. Do not forget about gaps from the bottom and top of the canvas - they are removed after the end of the work with a clerical knife, when leveling the wallpaper.

Important ! When gluing wallpaper with a paper backing, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts.

When dry, they do not tolerate temperature changes caused by drafts. Uneven drying of the glue is also possible, which will lead to the peeling of the base from the wall. Therefore, when gluing paper-based wallpaper, all doors and windows must be tightly closed.

The base of the next sheet is also smeared with glue, the strip is folded in half and left for a few minutes. The second sheet is glued end-to-end with the previous strip. The other strips are glued in the same way. When the opposite corner is reached, the strip of wallpaper should be cut with a milestone downward so that its edge goes 3 - 4 cm onto the adjacent wall.

It is best to use a special plastic trowel to smooth out irregularities when gluing. Excess glue squeezed out from under the canvas is removed with a dry cloth. Air bubbles formed under the base are pierced with a needle and then smoothed out.

Among the new types of wallpaper, the so-called “foamed” wallpaper attracts special attention.

These are canvases with acrylic foam, which is applied to the bottom paper or non-woven layer, and form a fairly durable coating with an interesting texture.

Acrylic wallpaper: main pros and cons

Wall paintings have a lot of pluses and few minuses. But before buying them for your own apartment, it will not be superfluous to find out more details.

It is believed that materials with the addition of acrylic are related to both paper and vinyl. This means that they combine the properties of these two types.

Acrylic wallpapers based on cellulose raw materials are very light, adhere well to walls, rarely form bulges.

For repairs, no special glue is needed, ordinary universal glue is perfect. Acrylic wallpaper resembles vinyl sheets with an unusual texture, moisture resistance and washable qualities.

Despite the apparent similarity, “foamed” wallpaper differs significantly from vinyl and paper. The pros and cons are in contrast to other species.

Acrylic finishing sheets are beautiful and varied in design. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from more expensive vinyl-based finishes.

This is used by unscrupulous manufacturers, selling acrylic wallpaper at a high price, passing it off as expensive vinyl materials.

You should always demand quality certificates and read the labels on the packages. Purchase products in trusted places where there is little chance of encountering a fake.

For example, you can buy products directly from the manufacturer, or in large hypermarkets and reputable online stores.

By purchasing acrylic wallpaper, you get the environmental friendliness of paper and the durability of vinyl at an affordable price.

Pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper: pay attention

You should start with the pros, which are enough for this type of wall covering.

1. Pros of acrylic wallpaper

  1. Acceptable price. Almost everyone can afford acrylic canvases. Their cost is much lower than non-woven and vinyl canvases, but not much higher than paper ones.
  1. Good moisture tolerance. Acrylic sheets are easy to clean with a damp cloth, which cannot be said about paper sheets. Although it is worth wiping them off carefully, since the substance is unevenly distributed over the surface of the canvas, and therefore areas that are sensitive to water remain. Basically, acrylic foam is applied to the patterned areas.

  1. Ease. Wallpaper with the addition of acrylic is very light, almost like paper. You don't have to rub on super strong glue to stick them to the wall. With acrylic problems, there will be no problem to repair.
  1. High strength of the wallpaper sheet. Having an idea of ​​how easy it is to tear paper wallpapers during cutting and gluing, you will be delighted to work with acrylic wallpapers, because they are characterized by increased strength and density.
  1. Environmental friendliness. Organic polymers, which include acrylic, have a neutral effect on the world around them, without producing toxic compounds and having a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the apartment.

Fungus and other mold cannot grow under the wallpaper. By the way, we have already written on this topic - and.

2. Cons of acrylic wallpaper

For balance, it should be said about the disadvantages of this type of wall covering.

1. The likelihood of counterfeiting. If you want to buy exactly acrylic wallpaper, you have nothing to be afraid of. If you want to buy vinyl decoration materials, then be careful - you may be sold acrylic wallpaper disguised as vinyl.

Naturally, you pay a higher price and get cheaper options. Read labels.

2. Controversial moisture resistance. The acrylic substance tolerates a humid environment well, but in places of the canvas it can deform from excessive moisture. A layer of acrylic is applied mainly to the areas of the drawing.

But only while they are in rolls or awaiting gluing. The applied glue clogs the micropores, and the canvases stop allowing air to pass through. If this parameter is important to you, pay attention.

4. Longevity is questionable. Acrylic materials will last longer than paper materials, but not as long as expensive counterparts.

The pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper speak for themselves. As you can see, there are more pluses than minuses, and this is a sign that this wall covering deserves to become a part of any beautiful and modern interior.

Acrylic has been used in construction for a long time as a sealant-putty for floor coverings, paint, glue, putty, decorative plaster. The area of ​​application of acrylic is regularly expanding.

One of the latest innovations is acrylic wallpaper. According to the manufacturers, they are capable of replacing foamed vinyl wallpaper. Compared to vinyl, they have many advantages, which are expressed in high performance.

Acrylic wallpaper consists of a canvas with a paper base and a layer of foamed acrylic, which forms a pronounced relief pattern on the surface.

Acrylic paper wallpaper

Wallpaper paper acrylic - the most environmentally friendly subspecies of acrylic wall covering. The disadvantage of this type manifests itself when gluing wallpaper: they cannot be soaked for a long time, otherwise, due to the moisture contained in the glue, the paper will get wet and the acrylic will suffer. Therefore, as soon as one canvas is smeared, it must be immediately glued to the wall.

Acrylic paper wallpapers are available in regular rolls. Their outer surface has a relief structure. It can be solid or colored. Manufacturers offer a wide range so they can be easily matched to any interior.

Non-woven wallpaper is a subspecies of acrylic, but they have several nuances:

  • Non-woven base is considered a good reinforcing layer. The wallpaper will not tear even if a crack forms in the drywall wall.
  • Ease of gluing. It is necessary to apply glue to a previously prepared surface and glue the wallpaper.

Eco-friendly wallpaper

In addition to the standard wallpaper with a two-layer structure, manufacturers offer an improved version called ecoacryl. In these samples, instead of conventional acrylic, an emulsion diluted in water is used, similar to medical acrylic.

This coating consists of four layers. The first layer is the base, mostly paper is used. The second is acrylic. The third and fourth are ecological acrylic, which is applied in two layers. Therefore, this type of wallpaper is more durable and safest.

Liquid Acrylic Wallpaper

According to its qualities, acrylic liquid wallpaper belongs to the types of decorative plaster rather than wallpaper. This material consists of a mixture of silk, cellulose fibers and decorative fillers such as structural particles and dyes.

In order to make a liquid (hence the name) mixture, you must use regular wallpaper glue. The resulting composition is required to grind over the entire surface of the wall.

Before applying liquid wallpaper, experts advise treating the surface of the walls with a primer mixture. This will improve the adhesion of the substrate to the further coating. And also the primer has protective properties: it prevents the penetration of moisture, prevents the formation of mold and mildew.

Primer for liquid wallpaper

Basic primers for liquid wallpaper:

  1. An acrylic primer for wallpaper is the best option. First, it is easy to apply. Secondly, it dries quickly. Thirdly, it lays down evenly.
  2. Deeply penetrating. It is perfectly absorbed into the surface; after drying, a strong moisture-proof film is formed. This primer can smooth out surface imperfections: irregularities, pores.
  3. Quartz is made using quartz dust. This type of primer gives a slight roughness to the treated surface, so that the liquid coating adheres perfectly.

The value of liquid wallpaper is that it can be used on any surface. Buyers prefer this look, as it is no worse than ordinary wallpaper. The only drawback of this type of finish is the cost of materials.

Wallpaper gluing

Vinyl acrylic wallpapers are glued in the same way as ordinary paper ones. First you need to prepare the walls: remove the old coating (wallpaper, plaster). Remove grease and dirt from them. Smooth the surface and apply a primer.

The main thing is to choose the right adhesive composition. It is best to use an adhesive made for acrylic wallpaper.

The next point is smoothing. Almost all professionals prefer to use a spatula. But it will have to be used very carefully, because the deeper the structure, the more likely it is to catch on and ruin the wallpaper. In the event that there is no experience with a spatula, it is better to use a roller.

When gluing wallpaper, it is better not to ventilate the room, since vinyl acrylic wallpaper does not tolerate temperature extremes.

We glue the wallpaper on acrylic paint

Pasting wallpaper on paint is not an easy task that requires a certain amount of knowledge. If you glue wallpaper on a painted surface, then in the future, problems may arise with the lagging of the wallpaper from the walls, the formation of air bubbles and irregularities. In this case, you will have to re-glue the walls in the near future.

It will take a long time to completely remove the old coating from the surface, but this can guarantee you an excellent end result. Before gluing wallpaper to paint, it is recommended to first apply a primer. Acrylic paint is odorless, excellent for application and adhesion to the surface, in addition, it is characterized by excellent water repellency.

Paints for paper wallpaper

They differ from ordinary paper wallpaper by the presence of a water-repellent layer. The paint for this type of wallpaper is water-based. Up to fifteen times you can update the paintable wallpaper.

This paint for paper wallpaper is made of PVA and is considered environmentally friendly. Its disadvantages are that it absorbs water, burns out in the sun, it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. for wallpaper has good moisture resistance and is used only on smooth surfaces. It does not allow air to pass through.

Not so long ago, a new method of wall decoration appeared - painting wallpaper with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints are the most resistant to sunlight and moisture.

Manufacturers offer a varied palette of colors. If the wallpaper is painted with this paint, then you can do wet cleaning of the walls, which improves the air quality in the room. In addition, it does not have a negative impact on human health and for this reason can be used for interior decoration.

The paint for paper wallpaper is sold in white. With the help of special fillers, it can be given any shade. This process is called tinting. The desired color can be done manually or using special machines that quickly mix the paint to obtain the desired color according to the customer's order.

High quality painting materials allow you to update your paper wallpaper yourself. It is much faster and more economical than removing old wallpapers and re-gluing new ones. The paint increases the durability of the wallpaper, improves the sound insulation of the premises.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic wallpaper

The main advantages include the following factors:

  • Resistant to abrasion, mechanical damage.
  • Wear resistance - wallpaper can be washed with detergents, but only without abrasive substances.
  • The production cost of acrylic wallpaper is much lower than that of vinyl wallpaper.
  • Environmental friendliness. Acrylic is one of the purest polymers, it does not release toxins and allows the walls to "breathe".
  • Hygiene. Acrylic wallpaper prevents fungi and mold from multiplying, so it can be used in a nursery or bedroom.
  • Versatility. With the help of modern dyeing technologies, wallpaper can be painted in the most suitable color for the interior.
  • Long service life.

Main disadvantages:

  • wallpaper attracts dust due to its deep structure;
  • instability to moisture, high humidity shortens the life of the wallpaper.

Caring for acrylic wallpaper

It is recommended to wash acrylic wallpaper from the bottom up, this makes it possible to avoid smudges and stains. It is not recommended to use strong chemicals. This leads to partial or complete loss of color. Cleaning should be done with a soft, damp cloth.

Correct and timely care of acrylic wallpaper gives excellent results. After cleaning, they return to their original appearance. It is recommended to regularly damp the house, including the walls.

Acrylic wallpaper is a great replacement for traditional finishes. They help to make the interior more vivid and expressive. If the interior design of the room is made in a classic style, then most often wallpaper is chosen in the same color scheme as the whole room is made in. In a modern style, they use bright contrasting wallpapers without a pattern.

Acrylic wallpaper on a popular paper base on the building materials market in Russia not so long ago. They are freely wholesale and you can buy them at retail. Consumers have already noted their positive qualities for themselves, they have pasted over houses, apartments, rooms and are happy to recommend them to relatives, employees, friends and acquaintances as a beautiful, practical wall covering. Although this material has other advantages.

Distinct texture of foam

Total information

In 1939, the well-known organic glass was invented. This invention is associated with the emergence of a new material - acrylic, a polymer obtained by chemical means. Now acrylic indicators are of higher quality than in those distant times.

In the construction market, manufacturers sell a lot of materials for insulation, decoration, construction from acrylic. Acrylic wallpaper is produced as follows: on the base, in our case, paper, acrylic is applied by spraying, and not with a film, as it was before. Such a point method provides free air penetration for this material, which is what paper wallpaper manufacturers are so proud of. The surface of the wallpaper is voluminous, textured, which looks very nice. In addition, it is convenient to glue such material on the walls, which attracts more and more consumers throughout the country.

Acrylic wallpapers fascinate with their beauty. During the day, sun bunnies play great on them, the drawing looks three-dimensional, which is very beautiful and modern. If you want a simple, inexpensive, but cute wallpaper, turn your attention to acrylic.

Acrylic paper canvases are sold in rolls. The basis, as we have already said, is paper. A layer of acrylic emulsion is applied to it. These canvases are made similar to vinyl canvases. But here the layer of polymers is several times smaller. An emulsion based on polymers is applied pointwise, due to which the material breathes freely, which means that the walls covered with it will also breathe. The acrylic layer is only 1 mm to a maximum of 2 mm.

Acrylic paper wallpaper on display case

Externally, acrylic paper wallpaper looks normal and is sold in rolls of a certain (standard) size - 0.53 m. It is convenient to glue them on the wall; joining the picture also does not cause problems. By the way, it is best to glue them together, it will be inconvenient for one. Small droplets or strokes are visible on the front side of the material, as if the artist with a skillful hand walked with a brush.

With regard to design, experts have developed canvases with different patterns, it is from these sketches that real wallpapers are produced. The production process involves spraying acrylic onto a paper base. Among the variety of foam wallpaper designs, you will find both familiar plant motifs and original abstractions. Those who prefer plain wallpaper will not be disappointed either, they are presented in a good assortment and will perfectly fit into a living room or bedroom, a nursery for a toddler or teenager.

Advantages and disadvantages

For vinyl wallpapers, the foam layer is 4 mm, while for acrylic on a paper base it is thinner by 2 mm. This means that they are easier and more convenient to glue to one person, and in a pair it is easy to work with any material.

Green bedroom interior

As advantages, the following qualities of the material can be noted:

  • Excellent wear resistance.
  • Vinyl canvases are more expensive than acrylic, which means that acrylic is available to a wider range of potential consumers.
  • Environmental friendliness. The paper-based polymer coating is safe. No harmful toxins are released from the material into the environment. This material is breathable. Largely due to these qualities, many people boldly decorate their bedrooms or children's bedrooms with acrylic wallpaper. Microorganisms with bacteria do not feed on acrylic, therefore they do not develop on it.
  • It doesn't matter what style your interior design is made in, acrylic wallpapers are presented in a large, varied assortment of colors and patterns. You will definitely pick up something in any of your rooms, for example,. One has only to set a goal and search through the Internet, in building supermarkets or in the building materials market nearest to you.
  • Acrylic wallpapers have water-repellent properties, they are not as excellent as vinyl ones, the thickness of the polymer layer of which is 4 mm, but they are good. You should not glue acrylic canvases to the kitchen, give preference to vinyl or other waterproof materials, in the rest of the premises this choice is appropriate.
  • The material is sturdy. If you have a small child, you can safely glue his bedroom with acrylic canvases with a funny pattern.

This material also has some disadvantages. For example, vinyl wallpaper lasts longer than paper-backed acrylic wallpaper. They are more durable and wear-resistant, as they are thicker.

If you are planning a general cleaning, then wipe the acrylic material gently with a soapy sponge, it is thin and can get wet. Do not rub it hard, press it in, scrape it.

They clean acrylic sheets very, very carefully. However, for an experienced hostess, this is not difficult. You will definitely manage and be pleased that you have purchased acrylic wallpaper.


The main thing is not to overdo it when caring for acrylic canvases. The spraying of acrylic is thin, therefore, the wallpaper should not be rubbed strongly with a soapy sponge and even more so with a brush. If the material is clean, it is enough to soak the sponge in water, and if there is dirt, a soap solution is needed. In large supermarkets, you will find a special cleaner for acrylic wallpaper. If you come across for vinyl, purchase. The materials are similar in quality.

Look at what a foam wallpaper canvas looks like, when cleaning it must be handled with care

When you buy a special detergent, apply a little sponge at home and scrub the contaminated area. Now wipe on top with a clean, soaked sponge or cloth. Please note that you cannot use products that contain abrasive particles to clean this material. After all, they can scratch the delicate polymer surface. , which include acrylics, is a very laborious process, but if you want to keep it clean, you will have to do it.

Is there any harm from acrylic wallpaper

Many in the world, where a large number of artificial materials were invented, are worried about the question, are these or other beautiful wallpapers, furniture, things safe? The answer is unequivocal that this type of wallpaper fully meets the requirements of GOST and such wallpaper can be used in any room of an apartment or house.

They are safe, "breathable", which is confirmed by a large number of certificates. You can ask the seller for a consultant and he must show you these very quality certificates for the goods. They should be checked in any case, so as not to buy a Chinese counterfeit under the guise of a product from one manufacturer.

Paper wallpaper with acrylic foam from Ukraine

Based on the studied properties of acrylic wallpaper, we can conclude that this material is comfortable, strong, durable and beautiful. They can be used to glue all the walls in an apartment or house, as well as the ceiling. Acrylic is sprayed on a paper base, so it adheres very well to the substrate ..

Of course, a material with a similar spraying of acrylic is not ideal, it has some drawbacks, but the acrylic wallpaper itself, you can safely purchase it in a building supermarket or on the market, even from a catalog in an online store and start the long-awaited repair of your home.