Why is there no water on. No hot and cold water - where to call and complain

The improvement of an apartment in Moscow, and not only, is due to the comfort of living in it. This includes the quality of tap water, the availability of heating, light, and the organization of waste disposal (household and liquid). In general, the full spectrum utilities provided uninterrupted. Of course, it is not very pleasant when opening the tap, instead of hot water goes cold or slightly warm. Yes, it's dirty and rusty. Or even the water was turned off without warning and without reason. What to do in such a situation, to whom to file a complaint about the shutdown of hot and cold water? How to draw up such a statement if the housing and communal services employees do not want to fulfill their duties in accordance with the law? Where can I get a sample complaint addressed to the management of the housing and communal services and to other competent authorities?

The absence of hot and cold water in general, and also, if cold water comes out of the tap instead of hot, and the housing and communal services do not respond to your requests, this is a reason to contact the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Rights, the Housing Committee, municipal authorities, and even the court. To achieve the exercise of your rights as soon as possible, you need to contact lawyers who have experience in solving such problems.

Describe your situation through the feedback window on our website, and in the near future, not dirty and rusty, but clean hot and cold water will flow from your tap.

And perhaps, the satisfaction of the claim for compensation for moral damages for illegal shutdown of water, depending on the situation.

If instead of water at the right temperature, cold, rusty water comes out of the tap, you don’t need to grab your head and worry about what to do. Your emotions won't help you. The head should be cool and clear. No, no one disputes the lack of hot water and, in general, providing water of inadequate quality is a very unpleasant event, but there is no need to take hasty actions. This can and should be fought. First you need to familiarize yourself with the legislative framework governing the legal relationship between the owner of the apartment and the management company (or housing and communal services). Consider the main legal norms:

  • housing code; SanPiN norms;
  • rules for the provision of housing and communal services (decree 307);
  • other regulatory and legal acts that ensure the provision of public services of adequate quality.

Before you think about where to go, who to complain about, then that cold or lukewarm water runs from a tap with a red cap, look at the contract with the management company. It should stipulate planned work to repair water supply equipment and the time frame during which cold water will become hot again. Planned shutdown of water should be carried out in accordance with the clauses of this agreement. Residents of this are notified to the housing and communal services in advance (at least ten days in advance). In addition, you have the right not to pay for hot water during the period of its absence. If you do not have the opportunity to independently familiarize yourself with and understand these documents or you do not know where to go to protect your rights, contact specialists for help. This site can do it for free.

Where and how to complain

In order, as they say, not to jump above your head, you first need to write a complaint about the lack of hot water to the head of the housing and communal services. You can, of course, personally go to an appointment with the head of this organization, but still, practice shows that the housing and communal services react to a written version of the presentation of requirements more quickly (especially after amendments to the law on the appeal of citizens).

It must contain the following information:

  • information about the respondent organization;
  • official data;
  • applicant's details;
  • a detailed description of the problem with an indication of the time during which you do not have water;
  • references to laws;
  • a requirement for housing and communal services employees to do everything possible to provide services to the population in the proper quality.

If no action was taken on your application, as they say, no answer, no hello, then you will have to go to higher authorities. We have arranged them in the order in which you will need to access them:

  • housing inspection;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • district administration;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • judicial authorities.

Although usually, of course, the case rarely comes to court. As much as possible, all the torment ends at the level of the housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. If you were in unusual situation and you don’t know what to do in this situation and where to go with your problem, and there is still no hot water, leave a request through the feedback form and experienced lawyers will provide you with qualified assistance.

About hot water quality standards

If we turn to the norms of SanPiN from the tap, hot water should not go colder than 60 degrees Celsius and not hotter than 75 degrees Celsius. Representatives of the sanitary security of the country explain such installations by the fact that water at such a temperature:

  • does not allow the reproduction of bacteria and viral bodies that can exist at a lower temperature;
  • reduces the content of chlorine to a minimum;
  • carries out the prevention of diseases of the skin and fiber located under the skin.

By law, you can live without hot water for no more than 8 hours in one month. Also, no more than 4 hours per shutdown. In emergency situations, it is allowed to turn off the hot water supply for one day.

According to the rules for the provision of services, planned work to repair the water main can deprive you of the opportunity to wash comfortably for no more than two weeks. Violation of these rules is a reason to complain first to the management of the housing and communal services, and in the absence of a reaction on their part to higher regulatory organizations.

In the event of difficult situations, there is no need to drag out time and aggravate the conflict, spoil the relationship with the management company that has not yet developed. Contacting experienced lawyers will help solve the problem in a civilized manner and without violating the law. Moreover, you have the opportunity to get advice from competent specialists at no additional financial cost.

How to make a complaint about water quality. Where and how to complain about water quality. What can you do first. Organizations that can help you solve the problem of poor quality water. Which of them should be addressed first, and which later. What documents are needed to apply to the court, what can you require. Do you have a complaint about water quality, but do not know where and how to complain about water quality? We will answer all these questions and tell you in detail about your actions in case of dissatisfaction with the quality. tap water. We will also tell you in detail what documents will be required to file a complaint with the court.

What to do first?

Before you file a complaint and go to the appropriate authorities, you need to find out a few things:

  1. First you need to find out who the hot or cold water service provider is (depending on what you are unhappy with). For example, in the city of Moscow, MIPC OJSC is responsible for hot water, but cold water supply pipes are in the department of the water utility of your area.
  2. If you have a complaint about water quality, then, first of all, you need to contact the emergency service of the ZhEK, DEP or HOA. In this case, you can go to these organizations yourself or write a written complaint. When contacting the authority, you will have to give your last name, first name and patronymic, address of residence and clarify the specifics of the problem. At the same time, the dispatcher will tell you his data and number, as well as tell you the serial number of your appeal. In addition, he will have to record the date and time of the call. If you are not given an explanation of the situation that has arisen immediately, then you yourself can specify the date of arrival of the master for verification.
  3. You can also order a water analysis in the sanitary and epidemiological station. There is no need to pay money for this. If during the inspection the low quality of the water is confirmed, then all costs will be borne by the departmental organization, which is subordinate to the networks. Unfortunately, the process of conducting such a check can take more than one week, so you will have to take other measures.
  4. You can contact the water utility yourself and complain about the quality of the water. You can usually find the address and telephone number of the company in the pay books or on the Internet.
  5. As a last resort, you can try to raise a fuss in the press. Typically, such measures lead to an accelerated process of service improvement.

Where to complain about water quality

If you are dissatisfied with the quality of tap water, you do not need to immediately run to a higher authority. Perhaps the situation can be corrected by contacting emergency services. To do this, you can file a complaint with the following organizations:

  1. To get started, you can try calling hotline emergency service. The operator will definitely record your application, tell you its number. If he can, he will explain the problem of declining water quality, for example, repair work online. If not, then write down the application and give it to the master.
  2. You can also write a written complaint to the organization responsible for water supply. It is better to send a complaint by registered mail with notification. After sending the letter, be sure to save the payment receipt. Such an application must be considered within two days. As a result, the managing department must receive an act. Such applications are usually sent to the commission for re-calculation. If the poor quality of the water is proven, you will be recalculated for the poor quality of services.
  3. If you want to significantly speed up the process of water analysis and submission of results, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor for a water examination. As a result, you will be required to issue an act on the results of the check. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor will oblige the organization in charge of the networks to eliminate the causes of poor water quality.
  4. If, as a result of these actions, the quality of the water does not improve, then you will have to go to court, namely to the commission to control the water supply. If the fault of the water utility is proved, then this organization will pay for all the services of a lawyer.

Complaining about water quality: how to file a complaint

Before you go to court, you will need to take all copies of the results of analyzes and examinations carried out by independent authorities. In this case, the court will have to prove the poor quality of the water. Only in this way can you demand moral compensation.

You need to go to court with the following list of documents:

  • The contract for water supply services concluded in the water utility.
  • Copies or originals of all acts that were drawn up in the course of your appeals to the relevant authorities. If you will take copies, then all of them must be notarized.
  • Analysis conclusions aquatic environment if any were carried out.

When all documents are submitted to the court, you can claim compensation, as well as:

  • ensuring adequate water quality;
  • getting rid of payment for low-quality services;
  • if water was filtered household filters, the culprit will have to reimburse you for the cost of these devices;
  • compensation for moral damage;
  • you can also claim damages related to the purchase of bottled water and damage to property.

If you want to do a water analysis, you can contact our laboratory, where you will be given all the necessary legally binding test reports.

Returning home from work, a man discovers that there is no water. Where can I call to solve this problem faster? After all, people cannot imagine a comfortable life without it. When there is no hot water, this can still be somehow overcome, but if there is no cold water in the house, this is tantamount to a disaster for residents.

Action algorithm

When a person realized that there was no water in the apartment, it is required not to panic, but simply calm down. This will allow him to accept correct solution.

Is there no hot water in the house? If your apartment building is managed by a company, you can call the dispatcher and find out the reason why there is no water.

If the house is managed by a homeowners association (HOA), then here you will have to disturb the chairman and ask if he knows the reason for the phenomenon.

You can see receipts for payment, they indicate contact numbers.

Each locality has an emergency dispatch service that can explain why there is no water.

Contacting the management company can be through a phone call. The dispatcher must record this call, make a record of the caller's personal data: full name, subject of the complaint, time and identification number of the call. And also the dispatcher must introduce himself and answer all the questions of interest to the tenant. If the reason for the lack of hot water is unknown to him, then he will recognize it through his channels. It remains for a person to call the HOA later or contact the Gorvodokanal immediately.

A call can be made to the emergency dispatch service, which collects all calls from residents of the city or village. Then she informs the HOA or management companies that are responsible for these houses. This service will inform the caller of the reasons for the lack of water.

Each management company is required by law to have its own website. Of course, in reality, not everyone fulfills this requirement. But if the site is available, residents have the opportunity to write an appeal to it. There they can find records that will explain the reason for the lack of water.

What to do if there is no hot water

A management company receives a lot of negative comments when apartment building hot water is cut off, and there is not even warm water. Where to go if there is no hot water? In this option, you need to make a call to the HOA or to the management company to find out the grounds for disconnection.

Reasons for turning off hot water:
  • restoration work on heating systems;
  • repair and preventive maintenance;
  • replacement of old equipment.

If there is no water due to planned preventive maintenance, then it will not be in the apartment for about three weeks. All planned activities related to heating system are held during the warm season. At the same time, the HOA warns citizens in advance about upcoming work by posting announcements in entrances or on adjoining territory, where they prescribe when and for how long hot water will be turned off.

If there is no water in the apartment for more than the allotted time, then you need to contact the HOA and find out the reasons for the delay in maintenance work.

Recalculation of payment for water

The period when residents did not receive hot water must be recorded so that the management company recalculates payments, since at that time the consumer did not receive services.

This requires:
  1. Call the water utility, where the dispatcher must record the call, write down the name of the caller, address of residence, contact phone number and assign a registration number to the complaint.
  2. Write to the management company a statement about the need to recalculate for the unproven service.
  3. The dispatcher of the company must explain the reason for the shutdown of water. If this does not happen, then the employees of the water utility should visit your apartment within two hours and fix the lack of water.

After this algorithm of actions, the management company must make a recalculation in payment receipts.

No cold water at home

Where to find out and where to complain if there is no cold water in an apartment building? Residents of the house can survive the shutdown of hot water, but what if there is no cold water in the tap? This means it is completely absent everywhere.

It is especially offensive when it happens suddenly, without warning. Therefore, in a conspicuous place, the phone number of the company that provides this service should hang.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the management company, when water is turned off, must notify residents in advance.

The shutdown occurs for two reasons:
  • water debts;
  • repair, as well as preventive work is carried out on the central highway or inside the house.

Any unplanned shutdown of water leads to a flurry of complaints against the management company. But you need to understand that there are situations when it is impossible to warn people about a shutdown in advance - these are water supply accidents, various natural disasters. Residents apartment buildings face frequent shutdowns of cold water at night. The reasons for this need to be clarified with the company. All contracts between the company providing this service and the consumer stipulate that water must be supplied around the clock all year round.

But it also describes the limits when the feed can be interrupted:
  • in total per month, the time should not exceed 8 hours for cold and hot water;
  • no more than four hours in a row if it is an emergency for cold water;
  • for hot water, no more than four hours in a row in case of an accident, but if an accident occurred on a dead-end line, the time increases to 24 hours.

If these indicators are exceeded, the company may be fined.

In a situation where there is no water in an apartment building for several days, and the management company is silent, does not respond to calls and claims from citizens, then it's time to appeal to higher organizations. These may be self-government bodies, the State Housing Inspectorate. Written claims against the managing organization will be accepted here. They will conduct an audit of the company, issue an appropriate order and monitor its implementation.

The lack of hot water in itself is quite unpleasant and inconvenient, even in the event of a planned or emergency shutdown. What can we say about if the water was turned off suddenly and is no longer connected. In this case, it remains only to defend their legal rights. How to file a complaint about the lack of hot water and where to go to get it back in the tap?

Laws regulating the supply of hot water to apartment buildings and its shutdown

The main law governing the relationship of a citizen with all utilities and other housing services is the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It is in it that the need for an obligatory conclusion of an agreement between the residents of the house and the Management Company is spelled out, in the role of which the HOA or housing department can act directly. The agreement is the main document certifying the rights and obligations of both tenants and the management company. It should contain indications of the possibility of a lack of hot water and the maximum time for its connection.

In addition, there are a number of legislative acts that also spell out how exactly communal servants should be provided. First of all, these are the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia of September 27, 2003 N 170). They state that hot water can be turned off on a scheduled basis, with a warning to residents at least 10 days in advance, for preventive repairs, but no more than 14 days a year. In the event of an emergency, the lack of hot water can last up to one month. Similar instructions are contained in the Hygienic Requirements for Ensuring the Safety of Hot Water Supply Systems (SanPiN and in the Rules for the Provision of Public Services to Citizens (approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 N 307).

By law and regulatory documents tenants have the right to recalculate the cost of the service for the period when it was not provided, or was not provided in full. Thus, if there was no hot water, they should not be charged for it. And if the deadlines or procedure for notifying a preventive shutdown are violated, a citizen can go to court. However, such treatment is unlikely to return hot water to the taps. It is necessary to file a complaint about the lack of hot water at the same time as going to court, but to other instances.

Where and how to file a complaint about the lack of hot water?

First you need to contact the head of the HOA or housing department directly. You can do this in person, but it is best to file a complaint in writing. It must contain:
- Name of the organization where the complaint is filed;
- The official to whom the applicant applies;
- Data and address of the applicant;
- The essence of the problem with references to legislative norms.
The law provides for 30 days for consideration of the complaint. During this period, the complaint must be considered and appropriate measures taken on it, and the answer given to the applicant.

If the complaint to the authorities of the HOA had no effect, then a complaint similar in structure and content should be addressed to higher authorities. Such an authority is the Housing Inspectorate for the district or city. It is obliged to control the work of management companies and take measures in case of violations, up to administrative responsibility for officials. When filing a complaint, it is necessary to indicate the fact that there was already a fact of contacting the management of the HOA and the problem was not resolved. It will not be superfluous to write your contact phone number for prompt communication and clarification of all details. This complaint must be answered within 30 days.

If the appeal to the Housing Commission did not bring results, you can apply for a solution to the problem in Rospotrebnadzor. This is a regulatory body whose duties include the protection of violated consumer rights. Usually his intervention quickly solves problems of this kind. But, if suddenly this did not help, one can only hope for the help of the prosecutor's office, where one can also apply with a complaint about the lack of hot water.

Complaint about lack of hot water

To write wella sample complaint about the lack of water, you can use this instruction. Not only the form itself is prepared here, but it is also detailed what points can or should be indicated.

to CEO

LLC Management company "Comfort Plus"

From citizen __,

residing at:__

contact number__

Complaint about lack of hot water

I, ___, am the owner of a three-room apartment at. I have concluded a contract for home maintenance and the provision of utilities and other services with Comfort Plus LLC. I fulfill my obligations under this agreement in a timely manner and in full - I regularly and on time pay the fee established for utilities, services for the maintenance and repair of the house. However, "Comfort Plus" LLC violates Article 4 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", and does not fulfill its obligations under the contract.

On March 1, 2014, hot water went out in my apartment. At the same time, I have not seen any announcements that it will be disabled due to repairs. Having contacted the management company by phone, I found out that there is no hot water due to the formation of a pipe leak in the basement of our house and repair work is underway. To my logical question about when the leak will be fixed and hot water will appear, I was told that everything will be fixed within three days. However, after three days there was still no hot water, and since the weekend came, no one answered me by phone at Comfort Plus LLC. After waiting for Monday, I went to an appointment with an engineer at a service company to find out the situation. Engineer Ivanov explained that in order to eliminate the leak in the basement, it is necessary to completely replace the pipe. And that in accordance with the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307) and hygiene requirements to ensure the safety of hot water supply systems (SanPiN, such repairs can last up to 30 days.

According to the norms of paragraph 6 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491), the common property includes the entire in-house heating and hot water supply system, consisting of pipes, risers, control and shutoff valves, collective (common house) thermal energy metering devices, as well as all other devices and elements located in these networks.

According to the norms of paragraph 2 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, according to the contract for the management of an apartment building, the managing organization is obliged to provide services and perform work on the proper maintenance and repair of common property in such a house, to provide utility services to owners of premises in such a house and persons using premises in this house, carry out other activities aimed at achieving the goals of managing an apartment building on behalf of the owners of premises in an apartment building, the management bodies of the HOA or the management bodies of the residential complex or the management bodies of another specialized consumer cooperative tenants, within the agreed period of service for a fee specified in the contract.

Thus, the replacement of the hot water pipe must be carried out by and at the expense of Comfort Plus LLC within a reasonable time. However, on April 1, 2014, hot water did not appear in the taps of our house and my apartment. Comfort Plus LLC answers my questions and questions from residents that the replacement pipe has not yet been purchased, because the supplier does not have cheap pipes, and the company has no funds for expensive pipes.

The management company is legally obliged to properly maintain and repair the common property of the house, therefore, based on the norms of Article 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, I believe that Comfort Plus LLC should be responsible for the poor quality of the service and recalculate the payment for hot water, for the entire the period during which I did not receive this service.

Based on the foregoing and in accordance with Article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Articles 161,162 of the LC RF and Article 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the rules of the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, I ask you to eliminate within three days, from the date of receipt of this complaint such violations:
- eliminate the leak in the basement of the house by replacing the pipe with hot water;
- ensure the supply of hot water to my apartment and other apartments in our building;
- recalculate the cost of hot water services for the entire period of its absence.

In the event of your refusal to fulfill my legal requirements on a voluntary basis, I, and other residents of the house, will be forced to apply for their protection of rights to the court, where in the statement of claim I will demand not only the full fulfillment of all requirements, but also compensation for the moral and material damage caused to me . In addition, the Criminal Code will be obliged to pay me a penalty in the amount of 3% of the cost of hot water services paid by me, but not rendered, in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", full compensation for moral damage. In addition, for violation of the norms of SanPiN, a fine in the amount of 50% of the value of the claim may be charged to the state revenue.