Alkyd varnishes for lining. Lacquer for lining inside the house and compositions for outdoor work

When repairing, it is not enough to sheathe walls with clapboard in living quarters, loggias, a bathhouse (steam room and dressing room). Nice appearance will not please for long and after a while the wood will darken, begin to collapse. Only a special coating for wood will help to avoid damage by insects, rotting, and the harmful effects of high temperatures.

All compositions are divided into decorative and protective. The first ones include:

  • acrylate paint;
  • oil;
  • alkyd varnish;
  • opaque enamel;
  • decorative glaze;
  • stain;
  • acrylic scuba.

The group of protective agents is limited to impregnations and primers. Their main task is to protect against insects, rotting, pollution, as well as drying, the appearance of fungus. They do not perform other functions, they are completely absorbed, leaving no traces.

Producers of impregnations and varnishes

1. Finncolor offers matte and semi-gloss lacquer for wooden lining acrylate based (diluted with water). The compositions are used inside dry rooms for covering walls and ceilings, for floors or furniture is not recommended. Slow down the processes of destruction of wood, protect against dirt, mold and fungus. Apply with a brush, spray, can be tinted. Consumption - from 1 liter per 5 m2 to 1 liter per 12 m2, depending on the surface (whether it is being processed for the first time) and the number of layers to be applied. Packing - 9 liters each, cost - about 2000 rubles.

2. Komandor produces varnishes for different tastes of the buyer: matte, semi-matt, glossy and semi-gloss. All of them have similar characteristics: they are safe for use in children's, medical institutions, without a strong odor. After coating, the plane acquires water and dirt-repellent properties. Packing is possible in 0.9, 2.7, 9 liters. Consumption - from 8 to 12 m2 per 1 liter. The price is about 300 rubles.

3. Eurotex-sauna - for a bath, steam room and dressing room. It contains wax, which creates protective film on the surface of the tree. Withstands exposure to steam, high temperatures, chemical treatment detergents. Available in containers from 1 to 10 liters. average cost(for 2.5 liters) - 450 rubles. This amount should be enough for 35 m2.

4. Belinka is known for its paints: thin and colorless Azure. The absence of biocides allows it to be used in the home. The advantages are health safety, vapor resistance, preservation protective functions at any temperature. They do not have a shade, they give the lining only a matte sheen. 1 liter is enough when applying 3 layers per 10-12 m2. Packaged in jars of 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 liters. Approximate prices - about 600 rubles. Water azure for saunas or baths is also on sale, the price of which does not exceed 500.

5. Pinotex is known for its wood coating products for outdoors and indoors. The Interior line was created for living rooms, kitchens, baths. Impregnation is a transparent liquid, which is easy to process lining, painted and not previously painted. It has no chemical smell, is resistant to damage, gives a well-groomed appearance. Among the components are lightfast pigments, water and alkyd resins. Produced in cans of 1, 3 and 10 liters. Consumption - from 8 to 16 m2 per 1 liter. The cost is about 600 rubles.

6. Kompozit offers varnish for internal works. Water-based, odorless, quick-drying, suitable for decorating walls and ceilings, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Ready for use, no color, only emphasizes the pattern, tinting is possible. Consumption: from 8 to 12 m2 per 1 liter. You can purchase cans of 1, 3, 10 liters for 250-2000 rubles.

7. Available from Colorex:

  • Panellac is a semi-gloss liquid that is used to treat new wood (as a primer), as well as previously finished eurolining (finishing stage). It is used not only for wall and ceiling panels but also to cover furniture. Performs the function of protecting against color changes, mechanical damage (the tree becomes hard and resistant to use chemicals). It is applied by roller, brush, spraying, tinting is possible. Packing - 0.9 l (720 rubles), 2.7 (1800), 9 (5100). Consumption - from 8 to 14 m2 per 1 liter.
  • Supisuna is a colorless acrylic matte varnish on water based, washes well. For wet rooms: loggias, dressing rooms, steam rooms. the main objective- so that the lining in the bath does not darken and does not rot. Packing and consumption correspond previous option. The price is lower - from 600 to 4000 rubles.

Selection Tips

1. Some domestic producers(Finncolor Rapan Parquet, Kompozit Aqua Imperior) produce quality products that can compete with foreign ones. But the cost will be more affordable compared to imported goods.

2. For application inside the house, be sure to choose a product that is odorless and toxic additives. Water-based varnish is best. It is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, has a wide spectrum of action with wooden materials, easy to operate.

3. For wood in the bath you need special formulations. You can not cover eurolining regular paint, varnish - they do not allow "breathing", which provokes decay.

4. The most affordable is water-based clear varnish. Alkyd will be more expensive, it will be more difficult to work with. Inside the dwelling, it is better to select the first option, and leave the second for surfaces subject to mechanical damage.

5. The most popular paint for wood is a translucent finish. Pros: texture preservation, acquisition solid color. Disadvantage: persistent smell, so it is better to process in warm time year to be able to ventilate the room. The most expensive option will be with wax, it will protect the walls from moisture better than any analogues.

6. For previously painted wood, you need to choose a composition, taking into account its compatibility with the already applied. Impregnations, primers, varnishes can adversely interact with each other, causing harm.

7. For some owners, it doesn’t matter what kind of varnish it is better to cover the lining, because they are satisfied with the tree without processing. After some time, it will darken, so you should choose a semi-matte transparent varnish.

Thanks to the properties of paint, you can change the color by zoning, visually enlarge the room. For little ones dark rooms it is better to use light or transparent tones. The disadvantage of choosing a stain is that the surface must be perfectly flat, without knots.

Making repairs in the house, you need to give preference to natural, environmentally friendly materials. These include lining, which will look great in the interior of a country house.

If earlier as finishing materials plastic was used, now more and more people are switching to natural materials.

What material to cover the lining inside the house in the country

If for interior decoration at home you preferred lining, then you need to be prepared that, over time, it may fade. Aesthetic appearance lost due to temperature fluctuations, high humidity and absorbed dust. To prevent this from happening, the wood must be properly processed. This will protect it from drying out and from damage by insects, and will also make it possible to carry out wet cleaning.

Material selection

The materials that are used to paint the lining can be divided into groups:

  • protective;
  • decorative.

Protective agents protect wood from rotting, drying out, fungus and insects. These include primers and impregnations, which, as a result of processing, completely penetrate deep into the web. When such a tool dries, it is not visible on a wooden surface.

Decorative finishes include:

How to paint lining inside the house? Because, on construction market Almost every day there are new materials, the list goes on.

The funds will differ from each other by the manufacturer, composition, price, service life and other decorative properties. Each person, having familiarized himself with the characteristics of this or that remedy, will choose what suits him best.

Let us consider in more detail some well-known paints and varnishes.

Oil paint

A distinctive feature of this material is a persistent smell, because of which many specialists refuse to work with it. Despite this, the wooden surface painted with this composition repels water well, has a distinctive sheen that lasts for almost 5 years.

It is desirable to paint on warm days in order to be able to leave the house completely open for a while. The room must be well ventilated to completely eliminate the smell. You need to work in a respirator and gloves.

Acrylic paint

This tool, compared to oil, is very expensive. Its main advantage is that it does not have a strong odor. Another advantage is that after painting, the surface dries very quickly, regardless of weather conditions and temperature conditions.

These two qualities are well worth the high price..

Decorative glaze is a transparent product, so it is very often used if you need to emphasize the texture of wood. In other cases, various colors can be added to the product - to give desired color and tint.

Acrylic scuba also has transparent base, thanks to which, after the material has dried, the structure of the tree is clearly visible. If desired, you can add color to the varnish. This material is completely unsuitable for painting the floor, most often it is used for the ceiling.

Alkyd varnish is considered a capricious material. To apply it to the base, it must be perfectly dry, then the material on it will last a long time. If the base was slightly damp, then the material, after drying, may crack. It is advisable to work with such varnish only in a dry room, observing safety precautions.

If you use oil or wax for work, then the surface of the lining will have its own real wood pattern. In addition, the surface will be alive, it will constantly “breathe”. But such a seemingly perfect coating also has drawbacks - it must be regularly applied to the surface.

Stain is used for wood if you need to change the tone of the wood. The tool is produced in different colors. Before processing, the surface must first be prepared so that there are no flaws, since the product does not paint over the wood at all. If you didn’t like the resulting color, then the wooden surface can be painted again, only with a stain of a different tone. The tool needs to be painted several times on the surface, and its color will change.

Enamel opaque is used for complete painting of wood lining surface. Depending on the color used, in order to obtain an even tone of the surface, the product must be applied in 2-3 layers, in turn.

Varnish for lining inside the house

In our time, in construction, the following types of varnish are used:

  1. Polyurethane.
  2. Epoxy.
  3. Nitrolac.

Polyurethane - the most popular and in demand. It is much cheaper than epoxy and nitrolac, and also better. The coating that is obtained as a result of painting with this material is durable. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, chemical and mechanical influences. In addition, such a varnish dries on the surface very quickly. It is used not only for lining and furniture, it is covered decorative items from wood and musical instruments. The only drawback of this material is bad smell and the presence of toxic components.

Epoxy varnish consists of epoxy resins and organic solvents. It has excellent quality; treated surface is not afraid of precipitation and various mechanical damage. It is used for different kind works, but its price is very high.

Nitrolac is considered the most affordable option. Despite the toxicity, the material is used only for interior work.

If you decide to paint the lining with varnish, then which option to choose is up to you. If the lining has never been treated with anything before, then the varnish must be applied to the surface several times. Each previous layer must dry well before applying the next one.

How to choose a color?

It is very important to choose the right color that will prevail indoors. This also applies to the color of the future lining. The main thing is to remember that there should not be strong contrasts inside the room.

If the panels inside the house are made with clapboard, then the walls, floor and ceiling should differ in color or shade. If the walls are painted the same color and shade, like a lining, then all the beauty of the tree will merge with the walls, and you can simply not notice it.

If in country house clapboard covers the walls of the kitchen or living room, then the ideal coating for such walls would be a range of warm colors. Experts recommend paying attention to peach, pistachio, brown or beige colors.

To paint the lining in the bedroom, shades of pink, honey or the color of baked milk are recommended. In the children's room, the colors should be bright and saturated., but scarlet, black, rich blue and purple must be taken very seriously and not overload the space of the room with them, as they are irritating to the eyes.

If there is a study in the house, then gray, green or Blue colour. Be sure to have light pieces of furniture or decor in the room, with which you can dilute the strict color.

If your country house at all small size, then you can visually enlarge it inside if you cover the lining with white. The room becomes not only bigger, but also lighter, cleaner and more comfortable. Usually, White color it is used only for ceilings, on which, if there are any defects, they are almost invisible.

Interior lining painting

Before starting work, you need to prepare necessary tools. You will need:

  • roller or brushes;
  • paint tray, bucket;
  • or special grinding nets;
  • stepladder and stool;
  • gloves and goggles.

First of all, you need to clean the surface of roughness and various pollution. For grinding, sandpaper or special meshes are used, or pumice stone can also be used.

The second step is to impregnate the surface with a primer, which will improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface.

The last stage is the painting of the surface itself, which is produced in two or even three layers. To apply the composition to the surface, a roller or brush is used. If the room is quite large, then experienced painters recommend using a spray gun, it will be faster and easier to paint. Paint for lining for interior work purchased in special supermarkets, in advance.

If painting is done with a brush, then the third, finishing layer you need to apply a thin layer from top to bottom so that the brushes are not visible.

If the smell of paint is unpleasant to you, then you can use a respirator.

Painting lining inside the house— photos of interiors can be viewed on the Internet.

Before starting work, the selected paintwork material must be thoroughly mixed, and only then proceed to its application.

To make sure that the chosen color is exactly what you need, you need to make a test stroke on the surface of the lining, only in an inconspicuous place.

If you need to mix paints of different shades, then you need to interfere for a long time. If this recommendation is ignored, then you can get an uneven shade when staining. And it will be very noticeable if bright colors are used..

Before painting the lining, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic and special impregnation to ensure the fire resistance of the material. Only then it is opened with paint or varnish.

If a primer is used before the paintwork material, this may affect the color.

If indoors heat air, it is not recommended to paint the lining as the paint will dry very quickly.

If you need to save on paint, then for work you need to choose water-based semi-gloss paints. They are environmentally friendly and economical. And the color scheme can only please you with the presence of all kinds of colors and shades.


To have a lining inside the house is in a modern way. To prolong its life, you need to properly process it. The presented material will give you the opportunity to choose the tool that best suits your interior.

Lining materials

If you decide to sheathe the walls inside your house with wood, then the question of proper processing material should be open to you. Of course, in specialized building stores, the choice of protective materials for wood is very large, but it can be difficult to choose the right product from the proposed range.


Rules for the selection of protective composition

When choosing materials suitable for lining processing, you need to answer three questions for yourself:

  • Should wood paneling be coated at all?
  • What is the microclimate of the future premises (whether there will be high humidity in it, on the contrary, the air was dry)
  • Is a decorative finish required?

Having solved these problems for yourself, you can safely proceed to the choice of impregnation for materials.

It is worth noting that in this article we are considering impregnation materials suitable exclusively for inner lining. For the outer coating, a completely different composition is required.

Clapboard without coating

Despite the apparent impracticality, this option still contains some advantages. In order to notice them, you need to understand what an uncoated lining is.

Turns out it just fades with time. And if this does not bother you, then simply updating it in 5-7 years will become more rational decision than a selection of expensive impregnating compounds.

Now woodworking has become popular blowtorch. As a result, he gets dark shade, which does not change with time.

Wood after heat treatment

Tasks that cover lining solves

If you still decide to cover wooden panels, then you should figure out the benefits that it can give us.

  • Ignition prevention. It is carried out by treating the panels with substances - fire retardants, which reduce the combustibility of wood.
  • Rot prevention. It is especially important if you use lining in rooms with high humidity.
  • Mechanical protection. Of course, wood paneling is less prone to chipping and scratching than a floor made from the same material, but additional measures precautions won't hurt.
  • UV protection. Wood will practically not lose its original color.
  • decorative feature. With the help of tinting compositions, you can add various shades to your panels. If you do not want to change the natural color, you can use a clear coat, but with a glossy or matte texture.

Most often, several compositions are used to process wood paneling. This is done due to the fact that combine all necessary formulations in one product is not possible.


Impregnations and stains

When choosing a suitable impregnation, several formulation options should be considered. And for starters, you should pay attention to mixtures that penetrate directly into the tree. This is nothing more than impregnations and stains.

Wood treatment with an antiseptic using a sprayer

  • Drying oil- an outdated type of coating, applicable exclusively in utility rooms. Of course, it copes well with protection, but the effect is not long-term.
  • Protective (protective) compositions- are used to give the lining antiseptic and fire-fighting properties. Typically, such impregnations are applied to the sheathing from both sides, so the application process should take place before direct installation.

Note! Your composition must be compatible with your chosen top coat.

  • Antiseptic film coatings are similar to antiseptic, but are more suitable for external treatment.
  • Mordants - are used as a decorative tool, coupled with disinfection.

The most popular types of impregnations on the modern market are Tikkurila, Senezh, etc. Despite the rather high price, try to choose products only from trusted manufacturers. Their quality and results will not disappoint you!

Varnishes and paints

Usually, after impregnation, wooden panels have a rather unpresentable appearance. And after the processing stage, it's time to paint and varnish your panels.

  • Lacquers retain color and structure natural wood, but they smooth out their appearance. For interior decoration, water-based varnishes are best suited. They are non-toxic and work well.
  • For tarnish protection, choose a UV-resistant finish.
  • Lining paint is a less popular option, but it also has a place for use. Most often, transparent paint is used, which partially preserves the structure of the tree. The most common manufacturers are Belinka, Texturol, Senezh.
  • Wax paints - the most the best option. But it carries one significant drawback - the cost. The basis of such funds is real linseed oil.

Note! To process the lining of baths and saunas, use specialized compounds. For example, "Supisaunasuoja" or "Evrotex Sauna".


If you apply the coating on the lining yourself, then you need to perform the following steps in a certain sequence:

  1. Carry out the initial treatment: dry the skin, clean the surface with a scrub brush.
  2. In the presence of dark spots, carry out bleaching of wood (such special means like "Senezh Neo", "Hoarfrost", etc.)

  1. After the previous procedures, thoroughly rinse the lining and dry it again.
  2. To fill the pores, treat the panels with a primer.
  3. Then treat the wood with antiseptics and fire retardants.
  4. At the end of the impregnation, give your lining time to dry completely, and proceed to painting or varnishing it.

Lacquer application

Lacquer or paint on wooden panels is applied with a brush or sprayers (it all depends on the amount of work being done).

Panel varnishing

When processing, follow the following rules:

  • To apply varnish, use a brush with natural bristles.
  • If the varnish is water-based, be sure to mix it thoroughly to avoid uneven application.
  • Apply all coatings along the grain of the wood.

  • Don't limit yourself to just one layer. After complete drying of the first and preliminary sanding, apply the second.
  • When using a tinted coat, adhere to the principle that each subsequent layer should be less pigmented. Then finished lacquered surface will acquire incredible depth and brilliance.

You are now ready to create the perfect skin wood paneling.

Wooden lining is beautiful, natural material. It is not surprising that so many users around the world prefer it as a finishing and cladding material.

Environmental friendliness and natural beauty wood not only decorates the room, but also creates a certain microclimate in it. And the lining covered with a dense coating (paint, varnish) allows you to create any decor.

But, the tree has a significant disadvantage, which affects performance characteristics lining - it undergoes rotting, various damages, and also tends to darken.

This article is intended for those who want to protect and at the same time keep the lining in its natural form. Consider step by step how and what is better to cover (impregnate, process, paint).

I must say that the “take a brush, paint and paint” method is good, precisely because of its simplicity. But how long will wood painted in this way last? Wouldn't it be better to choose a more thorough and correct approach?

Proper painting of wooden lining consists of 4 stages:

Stage 1 - preparing the lining for painting

For eurolining, such a stage will be superfluous, since manufacturers are guided European standard, which provides for the mandatory primary processing of wood with protective compounds.

Those who bought a standard lining domestic production or is dealing with an already painted surface, it is necessary first of all to carry out the initial processing of the panels.

Preparing a new lining

Preparation of new slats includes:

  • sorting. It is known that the intersection of varieties up to 10% is allowed. That is, a batch of first grade lining may contain up to 10% of second grade lamellas. In order not to disturb the surface, they need to be sorted;
  • drying. Purchased lamellas must be dry before installation;
  • aging in temperature regime premises in which it is planned. It is natural to heat the sauna so that the boards “warm up” makes no sense. But here it is necessary to lie for 2-3 days in the room where they will be installed by the boards;
  • removal of defects. The surface defects of the lining include chips, roughness, the appearance of blue, white spots, dead (falling out) knots. On part of the panels, defects can not be touched. This is due to the fact that in the process of work, a short lining will be needed. For example, for finishing under a window or above a door. However, in order to proceed with the installation on an open surface, the boards must be cleaned of defects by bleaching (for this purpose, it is recommended to use SenezhNeo or Hoarfrost). Grease stains can be removed by deresining - rubbing with a 25% acetone solution. Roughness is removed with a sandpaper ( sandpaper) or a metal brush.

Preparation of the operated (old) lining

Unfortunately, painting a wooden lining is not an action that can be performed once for the entire period of its operation. Painting lining is a process that needs to be repeated periodically.

In the event that it is necessary to paint previously painted, varnished surfaces, the panels must also be pre-treated.

When to paint the lining:

  • peeling of the bottom layer of paint;
  • loss of lamella color;
  • loss of gloss of paint or varnish;
  • the appearance of a significant defect, for example, the ingress of fat, oil, solvent, other dye, the manifestation of fungi on the surface of the lining;
  • new style, thirst for change and fashion. For example, the existing color of the lining does not fit into the updated interior of the house and other factors.

How to clean the lining from varnish, paint and dirt

Take off old paint or varnish from lining in two ways:

  • Mechanical. In this case, existing coverage removed with a scraper, wire brush or building hair dryer and spatula. To completely remove the paint, you need to treat the boards with a solution of soda (100 g of soda for 1 liter of water). A significant disadvantage of the method is the possibility of damaging the lamellas with a scraper. Tip: this method is suitable for cleaning the lining from oil paint.
  • Chemical. It involves the use of various synthetic solutions and compositions (washes, softeners), which contribute to the peeling of the paint from the base. It is worth noting that chemical method pretty aggressive. Work with solutions in a well-ventilated area with the necessary equipment personal protection. After removing the surface layer, the lamellas should be washed with water or rubbed with white spirit.

A huge number of the most different materials and household items. Wood is always valuable and never ceases to be fashionable. This is one of the few materials that always remains in trend. Today there is a very popular style - eco.

Natural materials are not only safe, but also popular. Despite such a positive start, it is worth noting that the tree is not only beautiful and stylish material, he is also very capricious. Care is needed constantly if you want it to serve you for a long time and retain its original appearance. The question immediately arises - what is the best way to process the lining inside the house?

Methods for protecting wood products

There is no shortage of such materials on the market. Variety of different mixtures, consistencies and formulations for processing wooden surfaces and materials are sometimes misleading, and you don’t even know what is better to choose.

When deciding on a protective mixture, you must consider the purpose of protection:

  • some compounds protect the tree from fading;
  • others repel moisture;
  • the third - protect against damage of various types.

How to process the lining inside wooden house not only to protect it from external factors, but also to make it exquisite - this question has been asked more than once by lovers of practical and beautiful at the same time. There are such mixtures and they are available to everyone, the main thing is to know which ones to choose.

To process wood with your own hands, you need to know a few rules and the name of the compositions that will be needed for the process in question.


  • mandatory use of antiseptics;
  • a primer will also be needed to protect the material;
  • fire-resistant impregnations;
  • varnishes of various types;
  • biologically oils (preferably);
  • do not forget about the means to remove the previous coating you do not need.

Now you know how to process the lining indoors, you already have a list of compositions, so there should be no problems with the search. In any hardware store and in the market in the department of goods for home and construction, you can buy everything you need. The photo shows the compositions that you will need to protect the coating you have chosen.

Paints and varnishes for woodworking


One of the main compositions needed to protect the coating is a primer. This mixture is also a biological defense. It can be used for both outdoor and indoor work.

  1. Even if the tree is slightly damaged, such a composition can be used, and even necessary.
  2. The primer coating extends the life of any wood material.
  3. Among other things, the primer gives the product a well-groomed appearance.

Decorative and protective coatings

Relatively recently, new paint mixtures have appeared on the market that not only protect wood, but also paint its surface in any color. Now, thanks to such mixtures, you can protect and create a unique design in your home.

A positive point in the characteristics of such compositions is that when stained with them, the texture of the tree is visible and remains the same. As part of such a mixture, an antiseptic is already present, you do not have to buy it separately.

Some of these mixtures can even be used on wet wood. They can be used for both interior and exterior decoration.

The resulting tones are very soft and slightly matte. Temperature fluctuations and ultraviolet rays do not affect the quality of the mixture for a long time. For this reason, you definitely won’t need the next processing of lining inside the house for ten years.

Use of scuba diving

Some argue that it is easier to choose a different material than to process the wall paneling indoors, but in fact this is not the case, you need to know. What to process and how to carry out this process without extra costs and problems.

Great for woodworking. By the name it was already possible to understand that they include water, and in more than all other components.

A number of advantages of such material for coating wood:

  • The absence of any smell;
  • It dries very quickly;
  • There are no organic solvents in the composition.

There is another type of scuba diving - water-repellent. Due to their composition, they protect wood from moisture and repel water, which means they have a ubiquitous field of application.

The price of such funds is an order of magnitude higher than typical analogues, but at the same time you get one hundred percent protection for many years. In rain, snow and hail, your wooden surface and structure will look perfect.


Treat wooden surfaces with oils - good idea, it is even better to use their combined formulations. The oil has such a structure that, when applied to the surface, it impregnates them well from the inside, getting into every pore.

Protects the tree and delays:

  • dust;
  • dirt;
  • moisture;
  • sun.

It is a pleasure to work with such tools, there are no unpleasant odors, only the smell of the plant on which this oil is made is felt.

The hue of the wooden surface becomes golden. If you want a bright wood color, you can paint it any color you like.

Treatment with protective compounds

The quality of your work will depend on attentiveness and accuracy, as well as on the correctness and consistency of following all the rules and recommendations. Full instructions presented in the video:


Now you know how and with what to process the lining inside the house, what compositions are better to apply and how to extend the life of any wooden surfaces. Whatever you do, whatever work you do in your home, remember that diligence and patience will lead you to success and achieve a positive, expected result.

Don't skimp on protective equipment, because they justify their cost and extend the life of wooden materials.