How to arrange a bed with flowers in the garden. Making a decorative garden in the garden with your own hands

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WITH There is an opinion that plants do not care which garden to grow on. This statement is fundamentally wrong, and it belongs to people who are far from agriculture. Humidity, the intensity of gas exchange and the species composition of microorganisms living in the upper centimeters of the soil depend on the shape of the beds. All these factors determine the quality of the substrate, and hence the yield. How to apply scientific approach and build beautiful, photos and descriptions of the processes - in this article.

Beds on suburban area

The principles of the arrangement of beds

Many crops are grown in the garden, the agricultural technology of which is not only different, but diametrically opposed. To enable differentiation, the site is divided into zones, and the zones into beds. A garden bed is a small, relatively isolated piece of soil, where it is possible to provide individual care, top dressing and moisture conditions for a certain type of plant.

  • slate, boards or pieces of plastic of such a size that at least 20 cm remain above the ground and at least 30 cm deep into the soil;
  • pegs made of wood or metal for securing fences;
  • non-woven material for lining the bottom.

In a bed on top of a non-woven fabric, it will be necessary to lay in layers:

  • sawdust or straw with a layer of 10 cm;
  • dry foliage harvested in autumn - 10 cm;
  • a mixture of one part of compost and two parts of earth - 10 cm or more;
  • layer of earth - at least 10 cm.

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Photo examples of bright and original flower beds from car tires, plastic bottles, logs, stones and other waste material in a special material.

The process of creating beds

The preparation of the beds takes place in the spring, when the soil has dried out to the extent that it is suitable for digging. The temperature does not matter. The stages of creating a bed-box:

  • Marking - it is made using pegs with a stretched cord. The length and width should be comfortable for processing. The narrower the bed, the faster it will dry out.

  • Preparation (cutting) of fences and fixing stakes. Stakes and sides can be twisted in advance with self-tapping screws, making a structure in the form of a shield. Such fences are reusable, easy to put up and can be removed for the winter if it is decided to move the bed.
  • Installation of fences.

The times when the garden was sown solely for the purpose of getting as much harvest as possible are already in the past. Now, according to the latest trends in gardening, you should not plant a garden at random - but so that it also pleases the eyes.

That is why many people are interested in how to make beautiful beds in the country - and I will help you with this, I will throw, as usual, a lot of interesting ideas. Basically, of course, information on structures is walls and joints, but I will definitely tell you how to care for them.

How to make a raised bed with your own hands

This figure shows the option of creating a bed with shelter and automatic watering. Orient the beds from East to West - this will allow you to give maximum amount light for all plants.

The distance between the ridges is 60 cm, the height of the sides is 30 cm, the width of the frame is 90 cm, the length is 180 cm.

1 - prepare the site under the beds. Mow the grass, remove all snags, stones, level the area.

2 - mark each bed under the dimensions of 90 x 180 cm. Leave a path width of 60 cm between the ridges.

3 - dig the perimeter future beds below the level of the sod, so that the roots of the plants do not fall under the frame and do not start growing.

4 - put a layer of protective material on the ground to prevent the germination of sod under the bed. It is advisable to use a water-permeable material to avoid excess moisture. Please note that it is necessary to cover the ground with an overlap so that the edges stick out outside the beds.

5, 6, 7 - assemble the frame from boards or other elements, placing the structure in grooves dug in the ground.

8, 9 - if necessary, dig in PVC pipes into the ground, so that in the future you can insert thinner arcs into them and stretch the film or spunbond.

10 - fill the bed with fertile soil. Depending on what crops you will grow, the composition of the soil is adjusted. Incorporate compost, rotted manure, straw, rotten leaves, etc. with the soil.

Additionally, you can install an automatic watering system. Of course, this will significantly increase the cost of our beds. So, this is already an amateur. For me, it’s easier to water from a watering can ... Yes, and of course, weeding the beds is also necessary, otherwise there can be no question of any crop.

Classic wooden plank bed

Scheme and dimensions of a wooden bed

The figure shows how to make the correct classic wooden garden from boards for giving. The boards are nailed to a beam of 50x50 mm, the height of the beam is 40 cm. The boards are 25x100 mm, on the long side of the bed - 180 cm, on the short side - 90 cm.

Everything is nailed down. In the original drawing, the dimensions are different, but it seemed to me that they were for some kind of industrial garden. In the country, however, the dimensions indicated by me are optimal.

How to make a nutritious garden bed

A bed of ondulin with a tree

The photo shows an interesting example of how to make a nutritious natural garden bed, with walls made of ondulin or slate. But its main advantage is not in the walls, but in the fact that inside it - plant growth medium that will be grown on this bed.

A tree, under a layer of earth, will absorb excess moisture, and give it away as the soil dries up. Plus, the wood will decompose to provide nutrients. Such a ridge can be watered less frequently. I call them lazy beds.

And these beds are quite warm, as the process of organic fermentation is underway. Therefore, the harvest in cold years will be much higher just because of the heating of the soil.

Material for beds - what to do?

How to make a bed in the garden - selection of material

This diagram shows what beds can be made from. First of all, this tree- the material, although short-lived, only for a couple of seasons, but the most budgetary.

Brick- can also be used to decorate ridges. Such a design will stand for a very long time, but it will require some labor - mixing the mortar, preparing the base, laying bricks. Also have interesting examples block beds:

Stone- a very expensive pleasure for the garden, but it will look stylish, natural, unique. If you live in an area abounding with stones, then in this case it will be free material. I advise you to take note. By the way, look at what beauty can be made of stone. This is no longer a garden bed, but a real masterpiece!

Bed flower bed made of stone in the country

A miracle bed made of stone, of course, is rather an exception to the rule, but a simple stone border can be done.

Polymer beds- not so long ago, special materials appeared with polymer coated intended for agriculture. But it seems to me that this is just a marketing ploy, why overpay when there are more affordable options.

Galvanized garden beds

Use galvanized steel sheets- such a bed made of steel is practical, durable, combines several positive qualities. This is probably the most best option for those who do not like to change the frame often. Wood can be replaced aluminum profiles, then the bed will generally be eternal!

How to make a garden bed out of galvanized sheet

In the photo: a bed with a corrugated galvanized sheet, in a wooden frame.

How to make beautiful beds with vegetables

Pieces of slate and bricks, as garden fences, are no longer held in high esteem - now you can protect vegetable beds with decorative borders made of plastic, vines or other material. But plastic beds can be toxic, which isn't always the case, especially if you're growing vegetables for food rather than flowers.

And elements of landscape design - self-charging from the sun garden lamps, decorative figurines, shiny turntables spinning in the wind.

Design ideas for beds for a country garden

An example of beautiful garden beds

Elements of a container garden wooden boxes, flowerpots, clay tubs - all this is appropriate to use in the garden.

Such functionally important items as pyramid tapestries for climbing plants(e.g. beans), can become almost small architectural forms your garden.

Supports for cucumbers can also be made attractive. These will be not just stakes driven in at random and tied with old ropes, but graceful boards, ladders, arches and even pergolas!

One of the interesting tricks on how you can decorate the garden - intersperse planting vegetables with rows of annuals. They require little care, and your beds will look more fun. You can also plant salads with different colors - not only will they decorate your garden, they are also very useful!

Ideas for beautiful garden beds

For example, marigolds and calendula will take root very well between your summer cottages. In addition, they will scare away pests and improve the soil in the garden.

How to make beautiful beds

When you think over the landing pattern, do not forget to take into account the need for plants in different watering. Combine landings taking into account this factor. It is very important to swap crops every year, with different demands on the nutritional value of the soil.

Cabbage takes a lot from the ground nutrients. Therefore, do not plant it every year in the same place. The next year, plant beets on the same beds, and a year later - peas and beans.

Wooden beds for vegetables

If it so happened that your garden is very small, then this is not a reason to refuse to grow vegetables. There is a way to grow vegetables even in soil bags, and you can always find a little space for them.

Growing vegetables in soil bags

Take a 25-liter bag, fill it with a nutrient mixture, make small holes on one side for plants, and on the other - holes for water to drain. In one such "bed" you can grow 6 bushes of strawberries, lettuce or 3 tomato bushes.

Growing tomatoes in bags

A beautiful garden bed with greenery planted in a checkerboard pattern will look very decorative!

Beautiful garden beds

Some squares can be planted with beautifully flowering herbs such as sage.

Plant compatibility tables in the garden

At the end of the material I want to bring to your attention garden vegetable compatibility charts what can and cannot be planted together. Knowing this information, you can significantly increase the yield, and your beds will become truly fruitful!

How to make the beds of Igor Lyadov

I also suggest watching a video that shows in detail how to make box beds with your own hands according to the method of Igor Lyadov. In some ways, this technique is similar to Mittlider's smart garden technology. Interesting experience, look! Well, I say goodbye to you, until we meet again, dear subscribers!

A beautiful garden can become a full-fledged part of the overall landscape design of a summer cottage. Let's look at examples of how to make beautiful beds with your own hands different sizes and forms.

Beautiful beds - a flower garden with your own hands.

A large garden is not always needed in the country, sometimes there are enough vegetables for summer salads and greens. How to place these beds so that they look organic and appropriate in the garden? Because the site is sunny, it was decided to clear the area under the tree - so the beds received life-giving partial shade in the heat. It was not supposed to dig under the tree, so as not to disturb root system, so they made small raised beds of wood.

Outside and inside, the tree was treated with lime, agrofibre was placed on the bottom, which will prevent the penetration of weeds. If you know that there are moles in the garden, it is also appropriate to put a piece of chain-link mesh on the bottom.

Because our beds smoothly turn into a flower bed, a smooth transition between the rectangular boxes of the garden into the curvy shape of the flower bed was made using gravel between the rows of beds.

French beds with their own hands.

Beautiful and inexpensive beds can be made with your own hands literally from improvised materials. For these beds we need rods, wire and cardboard. This variant of raised beds is taken from French gardeners who grow in this way. spices close to home.

From the rods we make a small wattle fence - we drive thick pegs into the ground and weave them with thinner rods. We fasten the finished walls together with wire.

Instead of expensive agrofiber for weed protection, let's take cardboard.

We cover the soil at the bottom of the beds with overlapping sheets of cardboard.

Add compost - cut grass.

You can also add hay or rotten leaves.

We need any organic material, which will serve as compost for our beds. It can be small branches, needles, organic waste from the kitchen.

Add a layer of soil on top. The question often arises - is it necessary to close the walls of the beds with something so that the soil does not spill out? No, you don't need to do anything extra. Sprinkling the soil, we lightly tamp it down, this is enough.

Despite its fragility, the life of this bed depends mainly on pegs in the ground. So if you process lower part pegs with resin or make them lightly fired - the wattle bed will last you several years longer.

How to make fruit beds according to the method of Igor Lyadov.

For those who are more interested in the yield of beds than their aesthetic appearance, we offer another option, which has been tested by many years of practice and has become widely known thanks to the practical experience of Igor Lyadov.

The principle is pretty simple: high beds should be narrow (60-100 cm) and long. It is important that the bed is extended along the north-south line - this will provide maximum light and heat to the plants growing on it. First, a box is made of boards, logs, slate or any other material.

Cardboard is placed at the bottom of the box - this partially prevents the growth of weeds.

Then the cardboard is covered with a small layer of sand.

Then the bed is filled organic fertilizers(compost, manure) and covered with earth. The earth can be taken directly from the aisles between the beds.

The passages themselves can be improved so that weeds do not grow on them and you do not have to spend time weeding them. It all starts with lining with cardboard or newspapers.

Only now a layer of sawdust 2-3 cm thick is poured onto the newspapers.

Such regular beds last for many years and allow you to grow amazing crops. You just need to regularly replenish them with compost or other organic fertilizers.

Of course, a good harvest in the beds is the most important thing. But if it's important to you that your garden look modern and beautiful, then here are a few ideas for you.

Beautiful beds with your own hands: plants, fences, paths.

Use different combinations of plants in the beds, combining the colors of the leaves and fruits to create interesting compositions.

Garden fences serve not just utilitarian practical purposes, and make it easier for you to further maintain the beds and plant plants; Bed railings divide the garden into zones and create a neat landscape design structure. For fencing, you can use almost any material that you have at hand.

By raising the beds above ground level, you will make it easier for yourself to care for plants and give your garden an attractive look.

Paths between beds are also very important. In order for them to be comfortable and beautiful, do not forget to protect the aisles from weeds. The easiest way is to lay agrofibre on the track substrate.

If you reach a certain level in the design of the garden, then your summer cottage will change beyond recognition, and at first glance it will even be difficult to say whether it is a garden or a flower garden.

Beautiful beds in the country photo

For some of us, it is still not the most inspiring place in the country. And indeed: there is nothing more tiring than the monotonous rows of cabbage, beets and tomatoes, which constantly require weeding, watering, or pest control. However, we believe that things can be very different! And we invite you to get acquainted with the photo of beautiful gardens in the country.

It may seem to you that arranging beautiful beds requires too much effort and time. Of course, it is simply unthinkable to equip thirty acres in this way with the help of one or two people. But, firstly, not always and not everyone has such a large garden, and secondly, even if you have almost industrial plantings, you can apply these methods to part of the garden.

Modern vegetable gardens are becoming more productive, smaller and easier to handle. Correct beds save a lot of time and effort. It is this fact that allows gardeners around the world to equip their beds in the most fantastic way, creating a whole movement of lovers and enthusiasts. After all, the idea of ​​growing your crop with little effort is very tempting, it’s hard to resist!

Moreover, the correct beautiful vegetable garden no less useful than its huge and not so beautiful predecessor.

Isn't it amazing how beautiful ordinary beds can be if you get creative with the process? If you like our ideas, then go for it!

Try it, and you will definitely be able to make fruitful beds with your own hands and turn your favorite garden into a place of stunning beauty.

Borders around garden and garden plantings - practical solution which has many advantages. However, not all summer residents are in a hurry to enclose vegetables and herbs, referring to the complexity of the work and the high cost of materials. Consider the most popular ways of erecting borders, try to dispel doubts and offer options, how quickly and without special costs make a fence for beds from improvised materials. The variety of techniques allows you to create beautiful and practical fences for any type of plant.

Benefits of garden fences

Some summer residents adhere traditional way cultivating the land and do not understand why the beds are fenced.

wooden fencing

Dividing the garden into mini-zones with the construction of fences has a number of advantages, both practical and decorative:

  1. Weed reduction. Framing the beds significantly reduces the area for the growth of weeds. In addition, when the sides are deepened into the ground, a kind of barrier is created that prevents the spread of pests and diseases to neighboring crops.
  2. Strengthening loose soil. The fence for beds prevents shedding of soil and reduces its weathering, erosion. The use of fences is especially important for sandy and sandy substrates.
  3. Receipt early harvest. Installing the sides for the beds allows you to create a "thermo-garden" by filling the erected box with various organic matter. In warm plantings temperature regime soil is higher than in a traditional vegetable garden, so vegetables are planted and ripen faster.
  4. Ease of maintenance. Weeding, loosening or harrowing the earth is much easier.
  5. Ease of lawn mowing. When mowing grass, bed borders protect plantings from damage by lawn mower blades.
  6. The attractiveness of a flower and vegetable lawn. The aisles remain clean, and the garden looks well-groomed.

Growing crops in separate boxes

Fencing can become an integral element of landscape design. The combination of multi-colored border tapes for beds or the original use of familiar materials will allow you to zone the site and create a bright garden composition in the country with your own hands.

Zoned vegetable garden on the plot

Garden fencing requirements

The requirements put forward to the framing of landings, first of all, depend on the purpose of the fence. Fences for flowers should be in harmony with the style of the entire garden, and borders for garden beds are selected according to the type vegetable crops and how they are grown.

Nice garden fence

General requirements:

  1. Strength. The sides must withstand the pressure of the earth and not spread on the sides when the soil gets wet - especially during the thaw and spring floods.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage. In case of accidental impact with a rake or a shovel, the material should not deform or crack.
  3. Durability. It is optimal if the constructed frame will last at least 5-10 years.
  4. Easy assembly. Fences that are difficult to install should be erected for perennials - shrubs and flower beds. When arranging the ridges, it is desirable to provide for the possibility of dismantling and transferring the structure to another place.
  5. Environmental friendliness. The material must not emit toxic substances. This requirement is especially relevant when choosing polymer fences, since some plasticizers are poisonous when the temperature rises. Harmful elements can get into the soil, and then into the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of plants.
  6. Profitability. This criterion is best met by fences made from improvised materials: boards, old bricks, plastic containers.

Advice. For the construction, you should not choose a material that is very hot in the sun. In such structures, the soil dries out very quickly, and the plants experience a lack of moisture.

Planning a plot for growing vegetables

  • minimum height the fence is 15 cm if there is fertile soil on the site, 30 cm if an embankment or partial replacement of the soil is expected;
  • for planting potatoes, beets and other root crops, a raised ridge with a height of 40 cm or more is suitable;
  • when constructing compost thermo-beds, the height of the box should be at least 60 cm;
  • the width of one row within 120 cm - this will allow without special efforts reach the middle of the plantings while cultivating the land or picking fruits.

We make fences with our own hands

There are many techniques for framing garden beds in the country. To choose the best option, you need to compare the positive and negative qualities each way.

Practical application picket fence

Wooden fencing - a variety of options

Wood meets most requirements. This material for beds is economical, safe, easy to install and quite durable. The only drawback is the susceptibility to rotting in conditions high humidity. However, this risk can be minimized by treating the curbs with an antiseptic composition.

To create wooden fences for beds with their own hands fit timber, lining, edged material, slab, hemp, long boards or picket fence - any household blanks are used. The options below will help you decide on the formwork model for the beds:

  • a multi-tiered ridge of profiled timber will decorate any cottage or personal plot;
  • picket fence for beds - the elements should be located back to back to prevent soil from spilling out;
  • high warm plantings framed by croaker - an alternative to a traditional greenhouse;
  • organization of natural farming on high ridges from boards.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention to the type and condition of the wood. Suitable Breeds tree:

  • ash and oak - high-strength, durable wood, minus raw materials - high cost;
  • pine - inexpensive, soft material, easy to process, lack of wood - susceptibility to moisture;
  • cedar and larch - have a long service life;
  • acacia - has good performance characteristics but difficult to process.

How to make boards from boards with your own hands

We will analyze step by step how to fence the beds with boards with your own hands. The proposed option is suitable for breaking down the garden into open ground, box size - 1 * 1.6 m.

Homemade fences from boards

Materials and tools:

  • boards 150 * 25 mm, length 2.5 m - 4 pcs.;
  • boards 150 * 25 mm, length 3 m - 2 pcs.;
  • board 100 * 50 mm, length 2.5 m - 1 pc.;
  • screws;
  • tape measure, pencil and ruler;
  • screwdriver and saw.

Work progress:

  1. "Grow" the height of the sides with another row of boards.
  2. Fix the upper shelves - first screw the longitudinal sides, and then the transverse ones.

Fixing the top shelves

Move the formwork to the right place and fill fertile soil.

Practical metal fencing

A French garden with metal borders for beds looks very neat. Due to the rigidity of the material, it is possible to achieve clear geometric lines. The galvanized framing of the beds is considered the strongest and most durable - galvanized steel coating is preferable to iron.

Application metal structures

Features of metal fences for garden beds:

  • ready-made modular fences are very mobile - they are easy to assemble, disassemble, transport and reinstall;
  • high cost of a metal box;
  • such a design will not “float” during the rainy season and after the snow melts;
  • hardware susceptible to corrosion, in the absence of galvanizing, the sides will have to be painted annually;
  • the metal has good thermal conductivity - near the fence, the soil can heat up to a critical temperature, inhibiting the roots of plants.

Advice. It is better to install fences for beds with a polymer coating - the layer reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal and protects the soil from overheating.

Purchased galvanized fences

When creating fences with your own hands, galvanized corrugated board is often used. Consider step by step how to make a fence for ridges:

  1. Decide on the dimensions of the beds from the profiled sheet, mark the metal sheet and cut it. For cutting, you can use scissors for metal or an electric saw.
  2. When planning a product, it is important to provide that the direction of the waves of the metal profile must be transverse relative to the surface of the earth. The height of the formwork is calculated taking into account the depth of 10-15 cm.
  3. Mark the location of the beds on the site and dig a shallow narrow trench around the perimeter of the site.
  4. Align the prepared sides, level them, overlap them and fasten them with rivets.
  5. Fix a U-shaped profile on top of the corrugated board - it will hide sharp edges and protect the metal from moisture.

Durable stone fences

Unusual decorative fence it will be possible to build it with your own hands from stone. The shape, layout order, dimensions of the elements used are all at the discretion of the performer. Do-it-yourself options for erecting stone borders for beds are presented below.

dry method. Large boulders are used as a fence. The first row of blocks is deepened into the soil by 5-8 cm, ensuring the stability of the structure. Subsequent cobblestones are laid out on a sand-and-earth sprinkling.

Dry stone laying

You can fence the beds with sandstone, limestone, basalt or pebbles. It is undesirable to frame the beds with granite - the mineral acidifies the soil, worsening its nutritional qualities.

Solution laying. The method is more laborious, but allows you to build a solid monolithic structure that does not require any maintenance. This approach involves the use of both large and small stones in construction.

Fixing stones on sand-concrete mortar

The use of curb stone. To cover the beds, some summer residents buy ready-made decorative plates. A wide range of suitable border stone for garden beds allows you to create original fences different color.

Curb stone in the arrangement vegetable plantings

The disadvantage of this method is the limited height. The curb stone is not suitable for the construction of a raised thermo-bed.

How to make a decorative pergon around the garden

Gabions and pergons - bulk decorative fences. The mesh steel frame is filled with stones of different fractions. The design is simple in execution, does not need a foundation, is affordable and fits perfectly into any landscape design.

Gabions - original way garden beds

To create a pergona with your own hands you will need:

  • durable galvanized wire mesh with a wire thickness of 2-3 mm;
  • clamps for fixing the frame;
  • geotextile for the substrate;
  • filler - pebbles, stones;
  • shovel, pliers, tape measure, level.

Fixing the sides of the frame

Work progress:

  1. Prepare the sides of the box from the mesh. IN ready-made the bed will be framed with rectangular blocks - the height and width are selected arbitrarily.
  2. Along the perimeter of the landing area, mark a strip with a width equal to the base of the fence. The soil should be leveled, compacted and covered with geotextile.
  3. Assemble the frame, fixing the position of the formwork with wire. Screw the fasteners inward to keep the design neat. Leave the top of the prepared basket open.
  4. After installing the four boxes, fill the mesh frame with stones and screw on the top.

Filling the mesh box with stones

Available Plastic Fencing

The simplest and fast way fencing vegetable plantings with their own hands - edging the beds with plastic. A wide range is on sale ready-made solutions for giving.

Border tape. Flexible, lightweight fencing for framing lawns, flower beds, paths and raised beds. The tape is supplied in rolls of different lengths, the width of the strip is 20-50 cm. The kit includes plastic pegs for fixing the fence. Flat and corrugated "borders" are produced.

plastic border tape

The technology for installing the tape is very simple:

  1. Mark the border of the beds on the site.
  2. Align the pegs evenly along the contour of the "vegetable" platform.
  3. Attach tape to the wedges, partially deepening the curb into the ground.

Important! The tape must be well tensioned - this will ensure the rigidity of the fence, and prevent the appearance of sagging.

Assembly technology of garden polymer panels

An alternative to flexible tape is straight flat panels. They are more rigid, but are only suitable for creating straight mini-gardens. Thanks to the presence of teeth on the underside, the installation of plastic borders for beds is facilitated.

Volumetric panels "Garden board" and "Stone". Products emit natural Construction Materials. With their help create various garden compositions. Polymer modules are decorative and practical, the only drawback is the relatively high cost.

Do-it-yourself assembly will not cause any difficulties - the set is equipped with panels, pegs and plugs. The task of the performer is to prepare the site and fix the curb.

garden constructor– Fencing with a flexible design. Borders for beds from plastic panels designed to create ridges and flower beds unusual shape. Border elements are combined into a closed single chain. By changing the direction of the "snake", in a few minutes it will be possible to create an unusual fence for growing country crops.

Budget fencing made of slate

For those who are looking for how to fence the beds in the country inexpensively, the option using slate is suitable. Asbestos-cement slabs are resistant to moisture, easy to process and install, durable and affordable.

A fence for garden beds in the country is often erected from a flat or wave slate. On sale there are special asbestos-cement strips standard dimensions: length - 3 m, thickness - 16-40 mm.

Strengthening the sides of the slate fence

Instructions for edging the beds with slate with your own hands:

  1. Determine the dimensions of the future ridge and, according to the dimensions, make blanks for the sides of the box. When calculating the height of the side, it should be noted that 20 cm of slate will go away when installed deep.
  2. Mark on the ground and dig a trench 20 cm deep around the perimeter.
  3. Install slate sheets in the dug holes in a strictly vertical position.
  4. Fix the sides - cover with earth and tamp.
  5. Prepare holes for fasteners in metal corners and asbestos-cement sheets.
  6. Attach the corners to the slate with bolts.
  7. To give rigidity and stability to the entire structure, it is desirable to install metal supports. Weld a metal plate to a reinforcing bar - a home-made support is fixed with bolts to the sides of the fence.

Fastening the sides of the box with a metal corner

By analogy, you can block the beds with wavy slate. To strengthen the high sides, it is necessary to build a frame of reinforcing bars and boards. Attach slate sheets to wooden elements nails.

Wavy slate framing option

Before framing the beds with asbestos-cement sheets, you need to consider security measures. When sawing slate, a lot of dust is generated, so it is important to protect the eyes and respiratory tract. The cut site should be moistened with water.

Compliance with safety measures when cutting slate

Plastic bottle fence

Fence the beds plastic bottles won't be difficult. For implementation simple option you will need PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, a shovel, sand and multi-colored paints.

Fencing with plastic bottles

step by step algorithm fencing beds with their own hands:

  1. Pick up a container of the same volume. It is optimal if the containers match in color, however, it is difficult to collect many identical bottles. Therefore, it is better to paint them in one color better from the inside.
  2. Fill the bottles with small pebbles or sand - this will give them the missing strength and ensure stability.
  3. Determine in the country a place for the formation of beds and markup.
  4. Dig a trench 8-10 cm deep along the perimeter, the width of the ditch should correspond to the dimensions of the bottles.
  5. Turn the filled containers upside down and install them in the trench as tightly as possible - the elements should not stagger.

Strengthening the plastic structure

Fenced beds can be reinforced at the corners with support posts. Make holes in the bottles in advance, stretch the wire and tighten it tightly on the side stakes. Such a hitch will prevent the elements from “falling out” when cultivating the land.

With a creative approach to the issue, even from used containers it will be possible to build beautiful fences beds. They can have an unusual shape, consist of several tiers, or be complemented by decorative elements.

Creating ridges of an unusual shape

It is not difficult to build a fence for planting vegetables. When choosing suitable material it is necessary to compare one's own strengths, time and money costs for the implementation of the plan. Compliance with the chosen technology will help to easily "order" the garden and increase its efficiency.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

A dacha is not just a plot for growing and harvesting. For many this favorite place recreation and implementation of ideas for . Often the method of planting vegetable crops is relegated to the background, but this is not correct, because the appearance of the entire landscape largely depends on their interesting location and attractive appearance. This article tells you the easiest way to make beds for the lazy at the dacha. Photos and descriptions of the most good ideas, as well as ways to implement them, should help make your site comfortable and well-groomed.

Tall structures made of boards for planting crops will be the highlight of any site

A garden bed is most often a fenced plot of land intended for growing a certain type of plant.

  • Slate.

Usually this material is used only if it is available (for example, left after the repair of the roof).

  • Plastic.

The main feature of plastic is that it can be given any shape, so it is great for round or other curved fit options. In addition, it is not affected by rain and low temperatures, so it will last a long time without losing its original attractiveness.

An expensive and durable option.

  • A natural stone.

It produces the most spectacular bumpers that will serve for many years. Unlike bricks, stones have irregular shape, which will allow you to make landscape design in eco-style. Disadvantages of stone ledges: high cost and gradual sinking into the soil under the influence of its own weight, so such a ledge must be periodically checked and corrected.

Qualitatively made with your own hands from improvised materials will serve for many years, but for good harvest its correct location is also necessary.

Placing beds in the garden: how to arrange, photos, tips

The quality and quantity of the crop depends on the proper location of the beds in the summer cottage, so this issue should be given Special attention. First of all, you need to know the following:

  • Beds located on the cardinal points (from north to south) - good decision only for low plants on a flat horizontal area.
  • If the site has a slope that cannot be leveled, the beds should be across it regardless of orientation.
  • It is desirable to make rows of one plant of the same size. This will make it easier to calculate the amount of fertilizer, the degree of irrigation and planting.
  • If the site has multidirectional slopes, choose the south side (the crop will ripen faster on it).

On small areas often there is a lack of free horizontal areas for planting. If this is your case, try one of the following ideas:

  • Create vertical designs.

  • Use unused items for planting plants (for example, a wheelbarrow, a barrel, and so on).
  • Attach the bed to the recreation area.

How best to make beds in the garden - options

The beds are classified according to design features, with the following types:

  • Traditional (flush with the rest of the site, dimensions make it easy to reach the center from any side (right or left)).

  • High (30-40 cm above ground level, contribute to the most rapid ripening of the crop).

  • Deep (during the device, a trench is dug 20-30 cm deep, due to which the earth most often does not freeze through, and the landing can be carried out earlier).
  • Narrow (for example, according to the Mittlider method, described in detail in the next chapter).
  • Vertical ( perfect solution for small plots, but not all plants can be planted in this way).

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How to make beds from boards with your own hands

Now let's look at how to properly make beds in a garden made of wood. This material is the most common when arranging beds. Board structures have the following advantages:

  • Reliability.

The tree perfectly retains moisture inside the row, and also does not deform for a long time.

  • Low cost.

This material often remains after construction. If it was not there, you can buy boards at a fairly low price.

  • Ease of installation.

The main thing is high-quality wood processing, if this is not done, insects and moisture will quickly destroy the structure.

  • Attractive appearance.

Wood is a material ideal for eco-style beds.

The only drawback of board structures is their fragility (in comparison, for example, with plastic or brick). However, the ability to change them quickly and at the lowest cost more than covers it.

How to make a bed of boards with your own hands: photos, dimensions, installation sequence

If you decide to do wooden structure, first of all, you need to choose the type of tree:

  • Oak or ash- hardwoods, the boards of which are perfect in this case, but their price is quite high.
  • Pine- cheap, but short-lived. You can extend the life of such a fence with the help of periodic chemical treatment.
  • Cedar or larchbest ratio price quality. Due to the presence of resin in these conifers, there is no need to process them.
  • Acacia- also a great option for arranging beds.

What are optimal dimensions board beds? First you need to decide on the height of the structure, which depends on the following factors:

  • Features of the planted culture.

Some vegetables require a certain depth (for example, for potatoes, the planting depth must be at least 40 cm).

  • Soil fertility.

If the soil is fertile, the sides can be made 10-15 cm high. If fertile soil is required to be backfilled, 30 cm or more.

  • Bed type.

For example, for warm temperatures, a height of 50 cm or more is typical.

The length of the row can be any, but it is not recommended to make it too long for two reasons: it will be an obstacle to moving around the garden, the wooden structure will have to be further strengthened with oblique or vertical pegs.

Most important parameter when arranging beds in the country - their width, since ease of use largely depends on it. If you make it too wide, it will be problematic to reach its center. That's why maximum value width is considered - 100 cm.

In most cases (if the planned structure does not have too much complex shape) it will not be difficult to make a bed of boards with your own hands. The size of the boards depends on the size of the future beds, however, if you only have material of insufficient length at your disposal, it does not matter, several boards can always be spliced ​​in length.

The procedure for the construction of a wooden structure:

  • Territory preparation.

At this stage, it is necessary to level and dig the site for the structure.

For rectangular design it is necessary to connect 4 boards and attach support bars to them, which should be 20-30 cm longer than future sides. They need to be slightly sharpened with an ax from the free side (to simplify entry into the ground).

  • Construction installation.

We hammer the structure into the ground, while it is important to use the level to achieve maximum evenness of the structure.

  • Surface treatment of boards.

First of all, the surface is primed (to protect against moisture and pests), then covered oil paint(optional, you can leave the color of the tree).

  • Backfill.

The composition depends on the type of construction and the selected culture. But in all cases, the first layer should be drainage.

Most often, they try to plant only one crop in one area, but sometimes they practice joint planting of vegetables in the garden. However, it is worth remembering that not all plants get along with each other. Therefore, the following is a table of compatibility of vegetables in the beds.

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Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden: examples, photos

More and more summer residents are interested in obtaining not only a large harvest, but also an environmentally friendly one. Therefore, the question arises, how to achieve a quality crop without resorting to chemicals?

Perfect solution - mixed fit vegetables. After all, some cultures have a beneficial effect on each other. However, in this matter it is worth being extremely careful, since not all plants like any kind of neighborhood at all.

Thanks to the science of "allelopathy", a table of the neighborhood of vegetables in the garden has been compiled, using which you can significantly reduce the use chemicals for pest control and fertilizer.

Neighborhood of vegetables in the beds - compatibility table

The table below reflects the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. Planting using this information will provide a quality crop with a minimum investment.

Mixed planting vegetables in the garden: examples with photos and tips

Each benevolent or unfriendly neighborhood of vegetables in the garden has its own rationale. For example, strawberries and onions are great neighbors. Onions protect the berry from rot and disease, and if parsley is also planted nearby, it eliminates the appearance of slugs.

Onions are also a great companion for most garden crops, as they keep pests away. The most interesting neighborhood of this plant is with carrots. Both cultures have their own pest - the onion and carrot fly, and the first one cannot stand the smell of carrots, and the second - onions.

Garlic is excellent for pest control, making it a good companion for most crops. However, it is not recommended to plant it next to plants of the legume family, since the latter are leaders in nutrient intake, and garlic needs quite a lot of them.

Joint cultivation of crops in the garden can be detrimental to other vegetables. For example, tomatoes should not be planted with cucumbers, as they require varying degrees of watering. Thus, the proximity of these two crops will create difficulties in processing (there will be a need for spot irrigation, which will take much more time and effort).

In addition to the properties of plants, it is necessary to pay attention to their size. For example, when alternating cabbage and radish, the second crop will receive an insufficient amount sunlight, causing the quality of the crop to deteriorate significantly.

So, you have developed an ideal layout for all the vegetables in your summer cottage, but every year the harvest is getting worse. What to do? It is necessary to ensure crop rotation.

Table of crop rotation of vegetables in the beds

Crop rotation is the organization of crop rotation in the garden. Ideally this process must be continuous and annual. However, in real conditions This is very difficult to achieve for the following reasons:

  • There is not enough information about the contamination of the soil and the presence of pests in it.
  • No time for precise calculations ideal option landing.

Why is crop rotation essential for a good harvest? Each crop has unique characteristics in terms of obtaining nutrients. Someone is looking for them in the surface layers of the soil (for example, a cucumber), someone, in search of water, lowers the roots several meters deep (for example, a watermelon). In addition, each plant needs (in more) different elements(for example, for a tomato - phosphorus, for cabbage - nitrogen).

Now imagine that from year to year a certain layer of soil is depleted, and the content of precisely those substances that are necessary for this crop decreases.To make it easier for you to decide how to rotate vegetables, below is a table of vegetable crop rotation in the garden.

Important! The main thing is that the culture does not return to its original place within 3-4 years. During this time, the soil will have time to recover and accumulate required amount nutrients.

How to make a garden bed for cucumbers in the open field: photos, methods

Cucumbers are a rather capricious culture that requires special care. Many believe that it can only be planted in seedlings, however, thanks to many years of selection, there are currently several varieties that can be planted immediately in open ground.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare beds for cucumbers in the spring:

  • Correctly choose the direction of the rows - from north to south.
  • Fertilize the soil best solutionscow dung or chicken manure, if they are not there, any mineral fertilizer will do).
  • Put the sides (preferably at least 25 cm).

The main secrets of growing cucumbers in the open field are choosing the right planting time (from May to mid-June, depending on the region) and choosing the right variety.

How to make beds for cucumbers - common features

In the case when seedlings are not used, it will not work to grow a quality crop in the usual way (on standard beds). You must use one of the other ways to grow cucumbers in open ground:

  • The device beds with a bookmark.
  • Installation of a warm bed (including a raised structure).

These methods are non-standard, therefore, they are described in detail below to prevent errors during the arrangement.

How to make beds for cucumbers with a bookmark in the garden

To arrange a bed for growing cucumbers with a bookmark, it is necessary to dig a trench 30 cm deep and successively fill it with the following layers:

    No water stagnation.

Warm beds for cucumbers in the open field

How to make a warm bed for cucumbers on the surface of the earth? To do this, it is necessary to build a box (for example, from boards or bricks) and fill it with the following layers:

  • Sand.
  • Organic waste (leaves, bark, etc.).
  • Straw.
  • Fertilizer (manure is best).
  • Earth and humus.

The main thing is to carefully compact each layer, otherwise the soil will turn out to be too loose, and you should not expect a good harvest.

Advantages of warm beds for cucumbers:

  • Lack of dirt from the beds due to the presence of bumpers.
  • High yield.
  • Aesthetic appearance (you can make beautiful identical beds).

Raised beds for cucumbers in the open field

In an unfavorable climate, it is advisable to arrange raised (or high) beds 40-50 cm high (for convenience, you can make it higher). At the same time, the sequence of layers remains the same as in conventional warm structures on the surface of the earth. Such structures have the following advantages:

  • Even faster warming of the soil, which means that the harvest will appear earlier.
  • Convenience (no need to bend over to care for cucumbers).

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