Height of an iron door with a frame. Standard dimensions of entrance metal doors, dimensions of openings and selection rules

An entrance metal door is presentable, reliable and excellent protection from bad weather and uninvited guests. More and more people prefer just such models, as they have already proven their practicality, durability and high level of protection. But people live in houses of different years of construction and in private houses.

In addition, metal entrance doors are an integral attribute of a respectable office, law office and other public places, so the sizes of products are required different. In the article, we will find out how to determine the required size of the entrance metal door. In addition, we will find out how you can insulate the box of the product in order to survive the winter safely and comfortably.

What does an entrance metal door with a frame consist of?

Let's find out what elements and details are included in the set of a standard entrance door made of metal. So this:

  • Directly the canvas itself.
  • Frame.
  • Framing,
  • Special reinforcements that make the door more reliable.
  • Sealant. It is necessary for warmth, and so that the door fits snugly against the jamb: it closes and opens without problems.
  • are also part of the multi-component design.
  • Various additional accessories: peephole, door lock, handle.

But how to install an electronic lock on the front door with your own hands, this will help you understand

As you can see, there are many elements that make up the door. And it is necessary that all of them function properly - only then the product will fully fulfill its role of the main "guard" of the home, and will not allow the owners of the house or apartment to freeze. But what kind of self-adhesive sealant exists for metal doors, and how to use it, this will help you understand

Please note that the size of the product is influenced by the type of material from which it is made. For example, if the door is armored and thick, then the size for the same opening will be larger than that of a product made from a regular profiled pipe. In addition, the size depends largely on the seal that is used in this product. For example, the seal can be four- or six-ribbed, which gives additional rigidity, and, accordingly, the thickness of the structure.
You should also study,.

Considering the above and other nuances, the approach to choosing a metal entrance door should be individual. If the owners of standard standard dwellings built during the Soviet Union may not bother too much with the size, since they have that those who bought housing in a new building will have to approach their choice with all care: after all, modern housing has an individual layout, unusual solutions, different heights of ceilings and openings. But is it possible to change the lock in a metal door, and how to do it correctly, is indicated

Standard door dimensions: thickness, height, width

Previously, the entrance doors were sold separately from the boxes, and the buyer purchased the door leaf itself separately, and the platbands separately. And now the usual practice is to sell a ready-made block together with a box, which simplifies the task for both the seller and the buyer. And the standard sizes adopted in our country take this moment into account. We will find out what sizes of doors are the most "popular" and are recommended by state standards.

  • So, if the height of the opening is from 207 to 210 cm, and the width is 88-96 cm, then the size of the metal entrance door with the box should be 205 cm high and 86 cm wide.
  • If the width of the opening is the same, however, the height is 98-106 cm, then the product must already be purchased in the following dimensions: 205 cm in height and 98 cm in width.
  • If the height of the opening is standard - 270-210 cm, and the width is atypical - 90-98 cm, then the following parameters are selected for the model: 205 cm in height and 88 cm in width.
  • If the opening is very wide (100-108 cm) at a standard height, then the size of the metal door should be 205 cm high and 98 - wide.

But how to choose a seal for metal doors, and what you should pay attention to, is outlined

These are the dimensions of metal entrance doors that are considered standard. Please note that dimensions are included with the box. The given parameters can be taken as a standard, and already starting from them, calculate the size for individual planning.

Metal door models

Almost all modern manufacturers produce metal doors according to the same standard standards. We will tell you a little about these standard models so that you have an idea of ​​them.

  • Model "Standard"... This is an economy-class door, the top coating of which imitates wood.

    Model Standard

  • Model "Elite". This is an entrance door made of metal, which is already insulated. In addition, the dimensions of this model can be customized. The hinges are hidden from view, and the outer casing is made of dense, durable metal. But how you can use seals for interior doors in the groove, and how to choose the right one, it is indicated

    Elite Model

  • Platinum model... This is one of the more expensive models. It uses compacted, durable material, and the locks are equipped with additional protection. But what kind of locks exist for sliding doors aluminum profile, you can see

    Platinum model

  • Model "VIP"... This is also a product made of extra strong metal. The sizes are selected individually. Additional crossbars provide reliable protection of the home from intruders.

    VIP model

  • Models such as "Stained Glass" or "Grandstyle" decorated with decorative glazing. These models are more suitable for private houses.

    Stained glass model

  • Arch model Manufactured with a rounded top, ideal for arched doorways.

    Arch model

In addition to those listed, manufacturers offer other interesting models of entrance metal doors. A variety of finishes, materials, degrees of protection and other characteristics allow the buyer to choose a product with any request. In such a door, rather thick glasses are most often present, but if you still have to change it, then it is best to familiarize yourself with the information about

How to measure

Before making an order on the relevant website or going to the store, you must carefully take measurements from your own doorway so that the selected product matches the declared parameters as closely as possible. Several recommendations for taking measurements.

Take all necessary measurements from the wall. If old platbands prevent this, remove them. In addition, it is also necessary to clean the base of the door from crumbling plaster so that the dimensions accurately reflect the real parameters of the opening.

You can take measurements with a tape measure or a sewing centimeter. After you have measured the height of the opening and its width, check with the above standard dimensions, and if your parameters differ, measure them again. If the secondary control measurement also showed the same results, then the product will have to be purchased non-standard.

How to insulate with your own hands

When purchasing an entrance door made of metal, you need to think about its protection from the cold, especially if the product does not provide for any "built-in" insulation. The realities of our country do not allow us to do just a door leaf, and this is especially true for the owners of private houses. We will find out what points need to be taken into account when choosing a material for insulation, and performing the work ourselves.

Keep in mind that the metal from which the door is made is an excellent heat conductor, therefore the outer, street side of the door will have almost the same temperature as the inner, home side. Due to the temperature difference on the outside, condensation is likely to form, which negatively affects metal elements, accessories, and the canvas itself. This happens when the door is not insulated. In addition, the lack of proper insulation of the entrance metal door leads to the fact that wind and cold penetrate into the gap between the canvas and the frame, which worsens the microclimate of the dwelling. For those who want to learn more about how an iron door is insulated, you should go to

Material selection

So, in order to eliminate the above shortcomings, it is necessary to carry out work on the door insulation. Most often, special materials on a fibrous or foam base are used for this. Let's consider in more detail the issue of choosing a heater.


This category includes mineral and stone wool, which can be made from hard slabs, or be soft roll. The advantages of these materials include their remarkable heat-insulating ability, incombustibility, excellent sound-insulating qualities. At the same time, their installation will be completely uncomplicated, accessible even to a person who is far from any construction work.

Fiber insulation

But fibrous materials have their own minus - it is their fear of getting wet. If condensation accumulates on such a heater, over time this can lead to a loss of cotton volume and subsidence. Due to this subsidence, the upper part of the door may be unprotected. In this regard, a significant disadvantage of cotton wool is not used to insulate the entrance doors of private houses. However, it can be used if the door leads to a high-rise apartment.


This category also includes polystyrene, in which the bubbles are filled not with air, as in foam plastic, but with nitrogen. These materials are solid, manufactured in slabs, cut well, and easy to assemble.

Insulation foam

In this case, the thickness of the slabs can be different, which makes it possible to choose the optimal one for a particular case. These materials are not afraid of moisture, therefore, they are quite suitable for entrance doors in private houses.

The box at the metal door is made from a corner, fixed in the walls with metal pins. And between the box and the wall itself, there usually remains a gap, which the masters quickly fill up with foam during installation. But foam is a very short-lived material that quickly collapses, and because of this, it loses its performance characteristics. If the box of your front door is insulated in this way, then it would be wise to remove the old foam and carry out the insulation over a new one - with cotton wool or foam / polystyrene.

To professionally perform work, clean the wall adjacent to the box from the remains of foam or other old insulation. Remove the plaster to a solid base, remove the resulting dust.

But how to insulate the slopes of plastic windows, and which heaters are the best, is indicated

Moisten the surface of the wall with water, and then blow out with foam all the cracks and holes visible in the wall with a construction gun. After the foam has expanded into a solid shape, trim off any protruding pieces.

Then lay the selected insulation in the gap of the box, adjusting it tightly to the size of the opening.

These simple manipulations will make your home much warmer, and your door protected from condensation and reliable.


This video will tell you how to measure the doorway with your own hands:

We examined the features of the selection of sizes and insulation of entrance metal doors. Now, with a minimal set of tools and the necessary parts, you can easily make your home warmer, as well as knowingly choose which metal one should be and of the right size.

Modern technologies make it possible to create metal entrance doors of various shapes, sizes and security characteristics. Steel is one of the most popular materials for the line of iron models. It guarantees the strength, rigidity of the structure, but requires exact correspondence between the parameters of the canvas and the frame, the frame and the doorway.

In the first case, in order to eliminate errors during installation, to avoid inconvenience in operation, manufacturers take responsibility for making the complete set. It includes:

    a box made of a closed rectangular or U-shaped corner (the threshold is ready-made or made separately), its components: crossbar, guides;

    door leaf made of steel sheets welded together;

    reinforcements - "stiffening ribs": longitudinal, transverse or V shapes (sometimes a combination of them), increasing the strength of the web and preventing deformation of its surface;

    inner lining;

    external facade decoration made of various decorative materials;

    a seal located between the canvas and the skin to increase thermal protection;

    fastening systems - hinges: open, hidden, equipped with anti-burglary systems;


    additional elements: locks, latches, door peephole, handles, seals.

The correct ratio of the dimensions of the box and the opening can only be guaranteed by competently carried out measurements, as well as further careful selection of the structure. Measurements can be performed both by representatives of a specialized company and by the customer himself. For this, it is necessary to study the existing standards. All linear values ​​of the entrance doors are interconnected, determined by SNIPs and GOSTs, which are often adjusted to the dimensions of non-standard models.

What sizes are there in Russia?

The linear dimensions of the entrance block structure are influenced by the technical requirements for the operation of the premises. Therefore, street doors in a country house will always be wider than in an apartment. Openings facing staircases and vestibules should not be narrower than the width of the flight of stairs. It is convenient for moving bulky furniture, evacuation during emergencies.

The dimensions of the entrance iron blocks that meet the fire safety requirements of SNiP 210197:

  • height - not less than 1900 mm;
  • width for residential buildings - from 800 mm, for public (more than 15 people) - from 1200 mm.

The main parameters of the standard dimensions of the block of entrance metal doors are in the range (in mm):

    by the height of the box - from 2070 to 2370.

    By the width of the door or skylight for the living space:

    For single-leaf - from 800 to 1000,

    For one and a half - from 1300 to 1500,

    For bivalves - from 1910 to 1950,

  • By block thickness (door with frame):

    With a brick wall 75 mm - 108;

    With a standard wooden beam - no more than 120,

    In panel houses - 120-130.

In regulatory documents, the height of the threshold for an entrance door for a house is from 20 to 45 mm. Higher in residential buildings is not allowed: during a fire, people with disabilities will find it problematic to leave the house.

Compliance with the standards guarantees the strength, convenience, durability of metal products.

Options for ready-made door block solutions:

  1. For single-leaf (in mm) - 1980x850, 2030x860, 2050x880, 2050x960, 2070x900, 2100x950, 2100x1000. Small blocks can be used in outbuildings. The optimal combination of the size of the entrance metal doors and the frame is considered to be 2500x900.
  2. For bivalves (in mm) - 2050x1300, 2100x1400, 2100x1500, 2100x1600. With a height of 2000-2300 width standard (in mm):
  • 1200 (600 and 600);
  • 1600 (800 and 800);
  • 1800 (900 and 900).

Thickness and weight of the metal door

In Russia, the door leaf can be of two types - from welded sheets fixed to the frame, and solid, more durable.

The final thickness of the working surface of the product depends on the number of steel sheets interconnected, corresponding to:

  • for apartments - from 1.5 to 2 mm;
  • for country houses - 2-2.3 mm.

Thicker canvases are used for fireproof, bulletproof models, but they do not provide for frequent opening or closing.

Thin canvases are used if a vestibule is provided in the house.

In all other cases, the standard thickness of the entire door is:

  • for conventional models - from 60 to 80 mm;
  • for reinforced - from 80 to 100 mm.

The total value is formed due to additional structural elements:

  1. Insulation chambers. It is necessary for residential buildings, because up to 25% of the heat is lost through an ordinary door. Depending on the material used by the manufacturer and the number of its layers, the parameters of the required internal space are formed.
  2. Sealing contour. It is used for better tightness, which helps to retain heat and prevent odors from the entrance. Depending on the thickness of the iron doors, 2 or 3 contours are installed. The design with three sealing contours corresponds to a door thickness of 80 mm.

Sometimes you have to make a choice between the level of protection and the beauty of the door: any reinforcement, additional finishing entails an increase in its weight, which should not exceed 250 kg. The limiting values ​​of the thickness of the canvas of conventional and all reinforced models already weigh over 200 kg.

To reduce the load on the box, to prevent deformation of the canvas, these models are mounted not on two, but on three or four hinges.

Non-standard doors

Non-standard doors include doors that do not match in shape, thickness, height, decorative solution (glass inserts) and the number of reinforcements with average values ​​of the norm. The permissible parameters of such models are enshrined in separate articles of GOSTs and SNIPs.

    Blocks with side and top transoms made to order. The width of their working aisle corresponds to one or two-leaf doors, the steel reinforcement of the central structure starts 120 mm from the edge of the opening. The typical dimensions of a single-leaf arched door are 2000x800 mm.

    One and a half doors- the narrow sash closes with a latch and opens as required. With a height of 2000 or 2300 mm, the width is (in mm):

  1. 1200 (400 - fixed sash, 800 - working blade or 300 and 900);
  2. 1400 (600 and 800 or 500 and 900).

  • Atypical doors also include fireproof and armored doors:
  1. Fireproof thickness - 70 mm, armored - 100-120 mm;
  2. Dimensions (in mm) - 1200x1900, 1200X2050, 2500x2500.

Non-standard entrance openings in apartment buildings must be approved by the BTI. The decision will largely depend on the thickness of the walls of the house, on which floor the redevelopment is planned. In a private building, where we can talk about the supporting structures of a house, you will need to order a project from a specialized organization.

Independent actions without permits will lead to the seizure of real estate, an administrative fine.

Metal-plastic and aluminum doors

Today, under the general name of the iron door, several types are hidden, including multi-chamber models. These include:

  1. Reinforced plastic- has a strong protection system, light enough in weight, produced with double-glazed windows of different sizes and sizes. When reinforcing the profile, such doors are installed in "thermos houses".
  2. Aluminum- the lightest of all metal, with or without double-glazed windows. High heat protection, increased wear resistance. 7 times stronger than wood, 2 times stronger than metal-plastic products.

Complicated calculations of the box and canvas are not made, technologies allow to produce blocks of any size and immediately in a set. They differ from steel structures only in thickness - 95-120 mm. The larger the metal profile, the warmer it is. Due to the lightness of the material, no additional loops are required even at extreme values.

In cottages, the entrance blocks are equipped with a push set, a lock along the contour, which guarantees a tight fit, an aluminum threshold - 40 mm. A double-leaf joint can be used in double-leaf doors.

The selection of the frame to the opening is carried out according to the same principles as for steel entrance doors.

GOST of other countries

European models attract Russian buyers with their design and relative ease of construction. Lighter steel is used for their production. The dimensions are in accordance with the DIN normative requirements, which are guided by the architectural traditions of Europe and are based on the anthropometric data of individual regions. Based on them, people in Finland are taller than in the south of the EU, so the standard value of the entrance height for Finns will be higher than in Italy.

There are also differences in width among countries. French standard for single-leaf doors (in mm): 690, 790, 890, 990. Spanish standard (in mm): 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000.

Imported products require additional spending:

  • when reworking a block, when an imported canvas is installed in a domestic box;
  • when decreasing or increasing the entrance opening.

The warranty period for products is much higher than that of Russian ones - up to 10-20 years, but foreign manufacturers in the vast majority of cases cannot ensure the fulfillment of obligations outside the European Union.

Furniture firms operating in Russia or for a long time, at least 5 years, trading in the local market, take into account the discrepancies in standards, offering ready-made solutions to eliminate inconveniences. Some manufacturers produce batches according to Russian standards.

Chinese models in their parameters coincide with domestic GOSTs.

The supplied models have:

  • in height - 2050 mm;
  • in width, single-leaf - 860, 960 mm, one-and-a-half - 1200 mm.
  • in different batches of even one manufacturer, the size of the door frames can have a significant difference and vary from one delivery to another. Trust is aroused by joint Russian-Chinese factories, where all products are quality tested in accordance with Russian standards.

How to make the correct measurement?

Before taking measurements, it is necessary to dismantle the old doors, including the platbands. If necessary, remove the nut.

Rigid metal structures need even walls, therefore, using a level, the degree of curvature of the walls is determined. In the case of a large curvature, the entrance metal door with a frame is aligned to the standard size, taking into account the technical clearances. The same actions are performed with the nut.

After that, the length, width and depth of the opening are measured with a tape measure. The values ​​of the width and length are taken from the base of the wall, the results obtained are compared with the reference ones. The values ​​of the gaps are checked.

The aperture of non-standard dimensions is adjusted to the values ​​of GOST: it is expanded with a perforator, grinder or narrowed to the specified values ​​with high quality cement and leveled. The plane deviation should not exceed 3 mm along the entire length or width.

What else do you need to consider?

There are technical gaps between the opening, the box and the canvas. They are necessary to easily carry out the installation of the block, to ensure the free movement of the door.

When calculating the door block, this free space is not taken into account, but its presence is implied:

    The inner perimeter of the box is larger than the outer perimeter of the main door structure (excluding the overflow) due to the gaps:

    At the top - 3-5 mm;

    At the bottom - 6-8 mm;

    In width - from 3 to 6 mm to each side.

Door block height = corner or pipe width (30-35 mm) x 2 + door height + gaps.

Door block width = corner width x 2 + door width + gaps.

  • The entrance opening should be larger than the door frame on each side:

    Height - no more than 5 mm at the narrowest point of the opening,

    In width - 2 mm.

The doors can be opened both inward and outward. In the second case, it is important to provide that in the open state they do not obstruct the staircase, electrical panels, and do not block the entrance to the neighbors' apartment.

Door leaves are used in any room where you need to restrict access to it. One of the most popular components is the entrance rails, for which special requirements are provided. An important characteristic of such a structure is its dimensions, which must correspond to the technical parameters of the opening. The dimensions of the entrance doors, standards and guidelines will allow you to choose the optimal system.

Doorway Standards

Installing a door leaf is a relatively simple operation, which primarily requires high-quality measurements of all dimensions.

The main factor here is the size of the doorway where the street structure will be installed. This value, according to the standards, must correspond to the dimensions of the entrance doors with a frame.

Doorways come in several standard sizes, with the dependence of the width on the height.

The openings that are suitable for single-leaf entrance doors have the following dimensions:

  • 630-650 * 1940-2030 mm (range of width and height, respectively);
  • 660-760 * 1940 * 2030 mm. The door groups considered are the smallest and are relatively rarely installed today;
  • 660-760 * 2040-2100 mm;
  • 770-870 * 2040-2100 mm;
  • 880-970 * 2040-2100 mm.

The openings where you can install one-and-a-half or two-leaf door systems are distinguished by already increased width and height values.

  • 980-1100 * 2040-2100 (ranges of width and height, respectively).
  • 1280-1300 * 2040-2100 mm.
  • 1480-1500 * 2040-2100 mm.
  • 1580-1600 * 2040-2100 mm.

It should be noted that these dimensions are slightly larger than the dimensions of the doors themselves together with the frame. This allows you to quickly install the system and, if necessary, adjust the position of the door leaf in the wall opening.

There are also openings that allow you to mount doors with a width of up to 1800 mm, but these dimensions are not standard and are found only in private houses, although many manufacturers today produce their products for such openings.

What are the designs of canvases

Doors are not always manufactured according to regulations and standards. This is due to the fact that many owners of private houses equip different types of doorways, so the market for entrance structures is saturated with many varieties, which can be divided into several types.

  • Doors with transom. A feature of this design is an additional insert above the door leaf. It is designed to close the opening with a non-standard doorway height;

  • Single leaf. These are standard types of entrance doors that consist of one leaf. Their width can vary from 60 to 90 cm, depending on the manufacturer. This type is the most common and is installed both in residential apartments and in industrial facilities.

  • One and a half. The leaf of such a door consists of two moving leaves, which are fixed in the frame, but one of them is much smaller than the other. Often, the width of the small side can vary in the range of 40-60 cm, depending on the dimensions of the second sheet. Such double doors are used only for the purpose of expanding the opening for convenient use or when it has non-standard dimensions. At the same time, the small sash almost always remains motionless and opens very rarely.

  • Double doors. These systems consist of two full-size leaves that correspond to the standard sizes of single-leaf counterparts. The width of both parts is equal and can be 60, 80 or 90 cm, depending on the type of construction. Double-leaf canvases are perfect for country houses, where the wall opening is much easier to adjust to their size, while one leaf can be fixed in the box, and the other can be used as the main one.

In some cases, both canvases move, but this is extremely rare in typical entrance doors.

Installation guidelines

Entrance doors are not only an object for protecting a home, but also a kind of barrier when leaving. According to modern GOSTs, these structures also represent service exits for operation in emergency situations, therefore, all the characteristics of doorways (both for a country house and an apartment) must comply with these requirements (SNiP 210197). It is important here that the exit allows you to evacuate quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, it must have the following parameters.

  • The minimum height must be 1900 mm;
  • The free space of the open door must exceed 800 mm.

If the doors are installed in public places (cafes, offices, etc.), then they must be equipped with a structure with a width of at least 1.2 m. In turn, the minimum height remains the same as for cottages and other types of private houses.

As for the external doors (front doors) of multi-storey residential buildings, the width of the opening should not be less than the flight of stairs. This is necessary to ensure the evacuation of people in case of fire and the like. Almost all manufacturers are guided by these recommendations and produce canvases that meet these requirements.

Today there are several brands of standard entrance metal doors, which differ in their dimensions:

  • 21-9. This design is equipped with a box measuring 2071 * 870 mm, and the canvas itself is 2000 * 800 mm;
  • 21-13. Doors of this brand are complemented by a box 2071 mm high and 1272 mm wide, into which a product with dimensions 2000 * 1202 mm is placed. Often, such characteristics have one-and-a-half models, which are complemented by two sashes of 800 mm and 400 mm in size;
  • 21-15. Optimal door leaf sizes for double-leaf modifications. The system is complemented by a box with dimensions of 2371 * 1472 mm, and the canvas itself has dimensions of 2300 * 1402 mm;
  • 21-19. This type of design is the largest. Box dimensions reach 2371 * 1872 mm. Inside this frame, you can install a canvas with a height of 2300 mm and a width of 1802 mm. They also use two sashes, which have a width of 900 mm.

Please note that this list is not complete and is supplemented by several more modifications with distinctive parameters. According to the standard, there are several more modifications of such structures. This document describes not only the dimensions of the products, but also the characteristics of the sections of each of their types.

It is only necessary to carry out all calculations when choosing doors according to the outer dimensions of the box.

If you take into account only the canvas, then the opening may be simply small for this system, and in the future you will have to expand it or buy a new door structure.

Advantages of standard sizes

Standardizing door leaf sizes is one way to optimize the production of these products. This allows companies to use custom equipment that does not need to be reconfigured for minimal dimensional changes.

Standard sizes have several advantages:

  • Presented on the market many modifications of door leaves... This allows you to choose the optimal model for every taste or style of the room. Manufacturers produce not only classic metal models, but insulated versions that are not afraid of temperature extremes;
  • Easy to install. This is due to the fact that the door leaf practically coincides with the dimensions of the opening. To fasten the structure, you just need to fix it with special anchors or other mounting systems; to install non-standard one-and-a-half modifications in the opening for single-leaf models, you need to expand the opening. Please note that this will lead to time and money costs (use of auxiliary tools, purchase of additional finishing materials, etc.);

  • Price. Standard door sizes can significantly reduce their price. This is achieved by using the same production algorithms that can be easily automated. Some modifications are made using cheap materials, which also affects the price;
  • Versatility. Installed doors in such an opening are very easy to replace with new ones; for this you just need to dismantle the structure and insert a standard product instead of the old one. All this will require a minimum level of preparation of the opening.

Features of measurement systems

Door leaf manufacturers have to focus on a variety of characteristics. One of these parameters is the measurement system. The English type is considered classic, which involves the calculation of all dimensions in feet.

According to this system, standard doors have the following dimensions with conversion to the metric system:

  • Height 6'8 ''. In the metric system, this value is 203.2 cm;
  • Width 2'9 '' (84cm).

In our country today, a metric system for measuring door leaves has been adopted.

The standard sizes of these products are slightly different from the English ones:

  • Width can vary from 60 to 160 cm.;
  • The height, in turn, should be no more than 205 cm.

It should be understood that there is still a slight correspondence between these systems, and this allows in some cases to replace doors of one type with another. It is also important to take into account not only the dimensions of the canvas, but also the dimensions of the opening itself. When buying, be sure to clarify on the basis of which system the products were manufactured, this will eliminate unforeseen problems, such as the discrepancy between the elements of the installation system and the existing opening.

How to measure the parameters correctly

Entrance doors are installed in order to protect the house from burglary, so it is so important to choose the optimal designs that fit into the doorway and securely fix in it. The algorithm for measuring the parameters of the opening can be divided into several sequential steps:

  1. Before determining the dimensions, you need to get access to the end of the wall to which the door frame is attached. If you have an old structure installed, then you need to dismantle the platbands that cover the wall;
  2. Then you can start measuring. All characteristics of the opening are measured in several places. This is necessary in order to obtain optimal results. Sometimes the opening can be skewed, then, having taken a measurement at a random point, you can choose the wrong product. Only the minimum values ​​need to be taken into account;
  3. If the door leaf is dismantled, then before measuring, it is imperative to check the quality of the finish of the ends. If there is plaster on the surface of the wall that will crumble, it is better to remove it before measuring. If necessary, you can also align the contours of the hole to give it the most correct shape.

After taking all measurements from the opening, the obtained values ​​should be compared with the standard ones. Often, many doors correspond to similar parameters, since they a priori should have classic dimensions.

Each opening has a certain correspondence with the door leaves.

  • A hole with dimensions of 208 * 88 cm is intended for installation of a structure in which these values ​​do not exceed 205 * 85 cm;
  • The entrance passage with dimensions of 210 * 100 cm will accommodate a door with dimensions of 207 * 97 cm;
  • If it is planned to install reinforced door structures, then the size of the opening should be only 1-3 cm larger than the box.For example, products with dimensions of 205 * 86.5 cm will fit an opening 89 cm wide and no more than 208 cm high.

Please note that almost all door structures for each of the criteria (height and width) are about 3-4 cm smaller than the hole where they are installed, therefore, having measured the dimensions of the doorway, it will not be difficult to find out the technical characteristics of the modification. After that, you just need to compare the obtained values ​​with the standard dimensions of factory products and choose the right model.

When calculating the dimensions, one should take into account not only the parameters of the canvas, but also the thickness of the door frame.

As for the thickness of doors and frames, these characteristics are often not important. This is due to the fact that the width of the end of the wall in most cases is much larger than the thickness of the canvas, but this factor is especially important if the door is bought in order to protect it from burglary or to warm the room. The simplest metal and wooden structures are about 5-6 cm thick. They are equipped with a classic set of functions and cannot always provide high-quality thermal insulation.

There are special armored doors on the market that not only protect the house, but also keep the heat inside. Such products are already equipped with internal insulation and thicker steel sheets. Due to this, the thickness of the web increases.

A simple algorithm for calculating the dimensions of a door structure involves the summation of several characteristics:

  • Width or height of the canvas;
  • Door frame thickness;
  • The width of the mounting gaps between the box and the wall.

In this case, the width of the gaps and the thickness of the box must be taken into account twice. When calculating the height, you must also add the threshold parameters, if it is present. If you are not sure that you can get all the necessary characteristics correctly, it is better to entrust the measurements to the installer. Often, this role is played by the store where the doors are purchased, and its specialists deliver and install them.

How to choose by type of house

Door leaves were constantly improved, which led to periodic changes in their technical characteristics. Today, many old panel houses are equipped with structures that do not correspond in size to modern trends. This not only complicates the manufacture of products, but also complicates the process of installing new systems.

Each type of house has used a certain type of door leaf before:

  • Brick five-storey premises. In such structures, doors with dimensions of 860 * 2050 mm were often installed, but some unscrupulous developers deliberately narrowed these holes, which now does not allow installing a standard modification of the door leaf here. Therefore, before replacing such a device in a five-story building, it is imperative to measure all parameters;
  • The so-called "stalinka". A feature of such buildings is that the doorways here have an increased height, which today does not fit almost any modern standard. In some cases, this size can reach a value of 2300-2400 mm;
  • Panel houses. The dimensions of the doors in these buildings often correspond to modern requirements. There are openings with dimensions 860 * 2050 mm and 960 * 2050 mm. Under these values, today you can choose doors that are produced by manufacturers, therefore installation in such buildings is often not difficult and requires only compliance with technology.

The following values ​​are taken as standard dimensions for the door frame of a single-door entrance door in GOST:

  • width: 884, 984 mm;
  • height: 2085, 2385 mm.

The standard also defines the dimensions of external double-leaf entrance doors:

  • width: 1272, 1472, 1872 mm;
  • height: 1871, 2071, 2091 mm.

However, both builders and door block manufacturers have the right to use their own values ​​in their work. Judging by GOST for steel doors, the dimensions of the products are set in the design documentation of the manufacturing plant.

So, in the certificate of conformity issued to our company, it is said that it is allowed to manufacture metal doors with the following dimensions:

  • single-floor: 700-1150 mm wide and 1400-2400 mm high;
  • double-leafed: 1300-2150 mm and 1600-2500 mm, respectively.

A wide range of standard sizes allows us to produce metal doors of non-standard dimensions to order. Practice shows that openings with non-standard dimensions are usually found in offices, production halls, shops and other buildings where many people can be. In such cases, work is carried out according to the size of the customer, so that the door block corresponds to the installation site. If the width of the opening is more than 2 meters, it is possible to install large double-door doors. According to the permission received, the STROYSTALINVEST plant can manufacture swing structures up to 2.15 m wide and up to 2.5 m high.

Dimensions of door blocks in different rooms

Sizes of doors to the apartment

Accepted standards for the dimensions of entrance doors to apartments differ by house-building series. In general terms, the width of the opening in a panel house can vary from 740 to 960 mm, and the height - from 1950 to 2600 mm. Accordingly, the minimum size of the entrance door is 700x1900 mm, and the average size is 800x2000 mm.

Dimensions of doors to a private house

In this case, it is more difficult to determine which dimensions of the metal door will be suitable. Such dwellings are erected for reasons of their own comfort, therefore, it is advisable to measure the size of the entrance street door of a country house on the spot. In our practice, the most common openings for door blocks are 900 × 2100 mm.

Commercial buildings, industrial premises

Buildings intended for a large number of people are equipped with double-leaf entrance doors, the standard dimensions of which are 1250 × 2100 mm. The same applies to door blocks in the entrances of apartment buildings. But if a wide single-floor construction is required, then its size with a box is usually 1000 × 2100 mm.

Entrance doors to order from "STROYSTALINVEST"

When ordering metal doors from the manufacturer, the client has the opportunity to call a measuring specialist free of charge, since it is possible to determine the size of the entrance door only knowing the dimensions of the installation site. Based on this, our technologists will calculate the required size of the door leaf and frame in order to eliminate the need to rework the opening.

As mentioned above, both apartment doors and structures for installation in a private house can have a wide variety of dimensions. Therefore, having contacted the STROYSTALINVEST consultants, you can order a metal entrance door according to your size. The price of such a construction will be calculated separately by our managers.

In order for the installation of the new door to proceed quickly, and the installation gap with the slopes turned out to be beautifully repaired, it is important to choose the right size of the entrance metal doors to the apartment. Since building codes have differed at different times, openings in high-rise buildings can have different heights and widths, so there are several common construction standards that fit most apartments, where the gap between the box and the wall can be closed with a platband from the outside and foam from the inside. For greater accuracy in determining whether a given opening is standard, it is better to resort to free measurement services.

How the door size is calculated correctly

To determine the dimensions of the future door that you will have to look for, it is important to measure the opening in the right place. This requires:

  1. Use a tape with an overhang of at least 2500 mm.
  2. It would be a mistake to put the measuring device in the corner between the box and the slope, since the layer of plaster obscures the real position of the wall. In this case, it is better to beat off the plaster to the brickwork or concrete slab, and this must be done on both walls of the opening.
  3. If the door has a wooden platband, then it should be dismantled in order to see the edge of the bearing support.
  4. Place the tip of the tape measure against the side wall and bring it to the opposite wall. Record the received data on paper or phone.
  5. Rest the end of the device against the concrete lintel above the passage and lower the canvas with the scale to the floor. Save these numbers in your records.
  6. Measure the wall thickness along its outer edges.

Common sizes of door standards

One of the three indicators is the width of the opening. The standard size of the entrance door to the apartment in width is 860 or 960 mm. It is necessary to see to which indicator the existing opening is closer, and between the box and the wall there should be at least 20 mm, or even more, to correct the position of the new product during the installation process.

In terms of height, the door standard of 2050 mm is widespread, where it is also important to provide a place for a threshold and an installation gap. The thickness of the wall is necessary to determine the cross-section of the box, which can be 65-120 mm wide, and the place of creation of the attachment points - in the box or on the remote lugs.

The dimensions of the entrance doors to an apartment with a box can be 860x2050 or 960x2050 mm. This implies the extreme points on the box in width and height. If the structure has a platband, then it is not included in these values ​​and is placed only from the outside, overlay to the wall. The box has its own specific thickness, which reduces the internal dimensions of the passage that the owners will use. For example, with the standard 860x2050 mm, the net width of the passage will be 800 mm, and with 960x2050 mm, this figure will be 900 mm.

Dimensions of openings for entrance doors

When taking the dimensions of the opening, you can be very surprised to see that they exceed the dimensions of typical doors by 50-110 mm. This indicator can be both in width and height. For example, the size of the entrance door to an apartment according to the standard is 860x2050 mm or 960x2050 mm, and the opening may be 950x2100 or 1050x2110 mm. This error is due to different building codes. Other common opening sizes for standard doors are:

  • 900x2100 mm;
  • 920x2090 mm;
  • 1000x2080 mm;
  • 1100x2100 mm.

The run-up of the mounting gap of 20-110 mm is not difficult for a high-quality installation. With indicators of 20-70 mm, the gap on the outside is covered with a casing. Strong fastening is carried out on an anchor with a length of 120-130 mm. From the inside, the gap is completely foamed and plastered.

If the opening turned out to be too large, with a total gap of 110 mm, then a wooden beam can be used to reduce it. The segment is screwed with anchors to the wall both at the side and at the top, which reduces the distance between the product and the load-bearing partition. The block is mounted a little sinking into the depths so that it can be covered with plaster on top. The box is attached with one side to a wooden element, but this does not reduce the anti-vandal properties of the opening.

The size of the opening of the entrance doors to the apartment in accordance with GOST does not exist. In buildings of different times, a wide variety of indicators can be found. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of the size of the purchased door, it is better to call for a free measurer who knows which standard dimensions will be more suitable for high-quality installation in specific conditions.

The company "Reliable Doors" has a large selection of doors in standard sizes 860x2050 mm and 960x2050 mm, which are suitable for most apartments. To call the measurer, you must use the feedback form.