Social: functions and varieties of structures. The minimum height for the base is the height of the base from the ground SNiP

The height of the base refers to the number of parameters that are of great importance in the construction of the house. This is the lower part of the building erected on the foundation and performing important functions related to the preservation of heat inside the room. The base is necessary in order to protect the walls from the effects of groundwater, it prevents the formation on the walls of fungus and mold, increases the resistance of the structure of low temperatures. Due to the presence of the base, heat exchange is increasing between the indoor room and the street.

In order for this part of the house to correspond to all presented requirements and contributed to the solution of the tasks set, it is necessary during construction not only to choose high-quality and reliable material, but also take into account the height of the borne base.

How to determine the height of the base

One of the types of base - Tsy

The effectiveness of protective functions that performs the base of the house directly depends on its height and type:

  1. The protruding base requires additional finishes and the facilities of a visor that protects the design from the fallout and accumulation of moisture. He becomes decoration of the facade of any building.
  2. Topic - the most durable. In this embodiment, the joint of the base and walls of the house is fully protected from moisture ingress, which is a guarantee of increased safety of the foundation and protected by the waterproofing layer. During the construction of this species, there is no need to construct mandatory taps for water.
  3. Vrowned with a wall. The least popular type of base. Requires a visor's construction, and when performing additional finishes becomes discovering.

The choice of the height of the erected base is influenced and the type of foundation, and the depth of groundwater, and climatic conditions in the area where construction is conducted. In addition, it is important for the presence of the ground floor (basement).

Starting work on the construction of the base, it is worth considering that the higher it will be, the less likely that the inner premises may suffer from moisture penetration. The construction starts directly from the foundation of the house, and on the joints with the walls of the building requires the correct organization of waterproofing, which prevents the possible penetration of moisture on the capillaries of porous material into the walls of the building.

Castle clove with a wall

The impact rendered on the base is comprehensive, as it can withstand the constant load from the walls. And in cases where the basement is absent in the house, and the floor is located on Earth, the base is also subject to the pressure of the Earth, covered inside the entire perimeter of the house.

If it is necessary to determine the choice of material from which the walls of the house will be accurate to determine the choice of material from which the walls of the foundation will be built, the height will depend on the presence of a basement, temperature regime, weather conditions and the number of natural precipitation characteristic of that zone where construction is underway. These parameters in various areas are very different, so there are no strict instructions for determining the height of the base.

Minimum height

The construction of the base begins directly from the foundation, and raise it to a height of at least 40 centimeters. It is believed that this is the minimum height of the base of the house.

High base house

Such a height is optimal in the presence of a ribbon foundation, although the base of such a height is erected on another base, based on the average level of snow in this decade dropping out annually in this area. The base of this height is erected only in cases where there is no basement in the house.

In some areas, the height of the house house is lower than this indicator. In particular dry zones, it is allowed the construction of a brick structure to a height of only 20 centimeters. But even here there is a risk of abundant moistening of the walls of the house when ordinary rainwater appeals on them. In most cases, a concernly constructed dispatch can change the situation. Although at a low height of the base, as in the improper building of the foundation, the walls of the house may suffer from capillary moisturizing walls with groundwater. This will lead to the destruction of the material from the inside and a significant reduction in the life of the building.

Standard height

Standard height base

The basement requires a significant increase in the height of the entire base. Now the main functions that are designed to perform this design are also added to ensure installation in the technical premises of engineering systems, which include pumps or valves. In some cases, choosing the height of the base, focus on the height of the ceilings of the basement.

The features of the foundation of the foundation of the house remain important. If the foundation level coincides with the level of land, the height of the base cannot be less than 70 centimeters, and sometimes it reaches one meter. Standard height, during the construction of a country house reaches 50 or 70 centimeters. This value is recognized as optimal for most areas with a variety of climatic conditions and different depth of groundwater.

So, to determine the height of the base during the construction of a country house, it is necessary to consider:

  • groundwater depth;
  • the number of drop-down precipitation;
  • the presence of basement;
  • the need to organize technical premises in the basement;
  • type of household foundation.

Features of waterproofing and insulation at different heights

The effectiveness of the ribbon base will be reduced to zero if there are no ventilation products. These are holes, the distance between which should not exceed 3 meters. They are satisfied throughout the perimeter, providing high-quality air circulation. No exception and inner walls and partitions. Close the hole data can be only ventilation lattices. On the video you will see how to warm and water the base of the house.

The use of any plugs are categorically prohibited, since the humidity present in the base space leads to the formation of mold and fungus. When building a brick base to organize ventilation products, it suffices to leave gaps in the masonry, in other embodiments, pipes that are fixed between blocks are used. Line or ordinary fittings can serve as jumpers.

Reliable protection of groundwater supply provides waterproofing material. It can be a rubberoid or a different kind of rolled waterproofing, such as:

  • glasskerberoid;
  • rubext;
  • euroRuberoid.

It is placed in two layers directly on the foundation, applying bitumen mastic or preheated bitumen. Between the layers of waterproofing material is applied with a layer of adhesive composition providing a solid connection.

Which height should be the base of the house and what does this indicator affect? How to determine the optimal height of the base for a wooden house?

Many owners, during the construction of their own hands, doubt whether it is worth paying attention to the height of the base. Some are even confident that it is enough just to build a base to the ground level, after which you can build the walls.

In fact, this is not enough. It should be understood that to prevent the capillary processes in them. The fact is that the humidity of the lower part of the house and the top can differ significantly due to the proximity of the groundwater, the melting of snow and many other factors.

As a result, low walls from wood or porous materials will worsch that not only worsen their thermal insulation qualities, but also reduce the life of the entire structure. The high base of the house is just preventing this process.

Standard height

The optimal height of the base house is 35-40 cm. For wooden buildings, it is better to make it higher - 50 - 90 cm. For buildings with basement floors, this value can reach two meters.

Determining with a height, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions, such as the average temperature in the heating season, the number of snow, etc.

Main functions

Now consider all the functions that perform an overhead part of the home of the house to understand what role its height plays:

The height of the wooden house base is especially important, since the rotation of the lower crown is the eternal problem of houses from a log and a bar.
Therefore, it is necessary to build the basis of referral to dampness.

The only drawback of the high base is that the price of construction increases. Therefore, many developers from the considerations of savings are trying to reduce it. However, such savings is not justified.

Types of bases

Depending on the types of foundation, methods of erection of the base may vary.

Consider its device on two types of base:

  • Ribbon;
  • Pile.

On tape

In the first case, the following types are usually made:

  • The monolithic - the above-ground and underground part of the foundation is a monolithic concrete wall. It is erected simultaneously with the fill of the foundation.
  • In the form of a masonry - in this case, the foundation is built to the soil level, after which the laying of brick or other material is performed. The design is less protected, compared to the monolithic wall, so needs an additional finish.

On silent

As a rule, the greatest difficulty in construction causes the construction of the base on the pile foundation. Its height is determined by the above-ground part of the piles.

By type of device, such a base is two types:

  • Attachment;
  • On a ribbon fine-breed foundation.

It is easier and cheaper to do the foundation of the first type. It is based on the lamp, which is attached to the pile of the perimeter of the structure. It can be made of wooden bars or metal elements. Next, the cutture is trimmed with facing material, for example,.

The height of the bar foundation should be at least 20 cm to prevent the possible impact of the bunched soil to the construction.

The second type of foundation is more complex in manufacturing and costly. Its principle is to arrange a ribbon foundation around the perimeter of the room, on top of which masonry is performed. The advantages of such a design include the fact that it is much better insulates the structure.

In the photo - the base of siding

Overhead Foundation

Despite the fact that the tall base itself performs a protective function to make the structure more durable, it is necessary to perform its finish. This will prevent the negative impact of atmospheric precipitation and, moreover, will make the structure more beautiful. As an example, consider the cladding of the base siding, as the most popular material.

A brief instruction on its installation is as follows:

  • Work begins with the preparation of walls - it is necessary to eliminate irregularities. If the geometry of the walls is very violated, it is advisable to perform the crate than to make them alignment.
  • Then the starting band is mounted, which is installed strictly horizontally, at an altitude of 40 mm above the lower point of the future cladding.
  • The panel is then installed in the guide bar and fixed with self-draws.
  • Next, the second panel is inserted and shifted to the previous one. In the joints it is necessary to leave a small gap, which will allow the material to be freely expanding when the temperatures drops.
  • Next, the same area is being sacred in the same way.
  • Finish plank is installed on the panels.

For the insulation of the structure, the heat insulation material can be laid under the lining.

Now the lower part of the house is unstable no precipitation and other atmospheric phenomena.


Of all the above, it follows that the higher the base, the less will be there in the future problems with the leakage of heat and the safety of the walls of the house. However, the height should be reasonable, as it increases the cost of building. At the same time, it is necessary to take care of the protection of the soccer itself, having completed its finishing with reliable material.

Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

The base is the outer wall towering above the ground level, which is a kind of transition between the foundations and the facade of the house-building. This upper part of the building can serve as walls for basement, semi-breeding rooms and basement floors.

Design and construction of the base part of the structure requires a solid approach. Special attention deserves such a parameter as height. Too low base will not be able to protect residential areas from moisture penetration. It negatively affects the integrity and service life of the structure, makes it impossible.

The height of the base depends on the following parameters:

  • type of base;
  • project of housekeeping;
  • characteristic features of the soil;
  • the target of the basement, if it is provided.

Equally important is the construction prescriptions that cannot be neglected.

The costs of building the foundation and the base make up most of the estimates. And if the project does not provide for the presence of basement, some believe that the base can be made flush with the Earth. This certainly allows you to save at the construction stage, but inevitably harms the most building. The base is a mandatory part of the houses, in the construction of which are used by the material susceptible to moisture.

The main function of the base part of the structure lies in the fence of the facade from the contact with the soil. The obstacle soil waters raised by the capillary from the base becomes waterproofing, which is placed directly between the walls of the facade and the basement.

Along with the isolated structure from the effects of groundwater, the following functions are assigned to the base:

  • fencing facade from pollution;
  • protection of the sheathing from damage to a mechanical nature;
  • compensation shrinkage under the weight of the structure;
  • insulation of the floors of the basement from negative impacts;
  • ensuring full-fledged ventilation and improving heat insulating qualities;

In addition, the base part gives the house aesthetic attractiveness and completed appearance.

So that the base part of the structure performs all the functions assigned to it, it must have sufficient height. Otherwise, the moisture will penetrate inside the residential premises, and the facade part of the structure will remain unprotected against pollution and mechanical exposure.

According to construction standards and rules (SNiP), this parameter should not be less than 20 cm. This is a minimum indicator. It is better not to save and erect the base with a height of 30 and up to 40 cm. Buildings that are erected from wood are more susceptible to moisture, so the distance above the ground level for the lower part should be at least half a meter and reach up to 90 cm.

The parameter from 20 and up to 90 cm is the recommended height of the base for structures, in the project that does not have a basement. If the housekeeping is built with the ground floor, it can reach 2 meters. Calculate the more accurate indicator of the necessary height allows the accounting of climatic conditions and a medium precipitation.

It is quite difficult to make it enough, but perhaps. To this end, the average depth of snow cover is calculated over several years, and 10 cm is added to the value. This data can be obtained when analyzing weather forecasts.

Main types of socle

The construction of a high base leads to an increase in consuming estimates. This is not a reason to save. The main thing is that the outer wall, towering above the ground level, was strong, had high performance properties.

The height indicator depends not only on the soil, the foundation, the project, but also on the position of the base relative to the wall of the facade. It can be performed in one of the following options:

  • West.The outer wall is located inside the facade. This option is suitable for buildings with sufficiently thick walls.
  • Speakers. The plane of the base is advanced. This solution is the only possible option for buildings with thin walls and the ground floor.
  • Vrowd. The base part of the structure smoothly enters the facade, that is, the top, and the lower part is located in the same plane.

Each of the species has its own characteristic features affecting what the base will be.

How does the title type affect the height?

The protruding base is the most expensive option, but being necessary in cases where the project is provided by the operated basement. The height in this case should be maximum. Otherwise it is impossible to achieve good thermal insulation characteristics. No economy in this case can be.

For buildings that do not have basement and the ground floor, it is advisable to choose the Tsight Option. The facade hanging wall becomes the perfect protection of the base of the house from mechanical damage and atmospheric adverse precipitation. The height of such a base makes minimal. What it is more, the lower the degree of protection.

Height of the base and the type of foundation

The base part of the structure at a low foundation (slab, ribbon, pile-tape) is made of bricks or blocks. The first option is less reliable. Blocks allow you to achieve a higher level of security.

Both versions of the base imply the need for high-quality finish providing protective functions. If the groundwater climbs closely, decorate drainage, and if low-scene. The height of the base is made at least the minimum recommended, if there is no basement. The minimum indicator is taken exclusively for cash savings.

The pile base is low if Scarlet is located right at the ground level, and elevated. The most unstable is a columnary, requiring compulsory compensating for the soil. For this purpose, the height makes at least 20 cm.

The gaps formed between the columns either are laid brick, closed with shields or asbetic plates. Too high base due to the design features of the foundation itself can not be.

Height of the base when building buildings with the ground floor or basement

Buildings with exploited basement were widely distributed in private house-building. The rationality of such a decision is due to the ability to use this part of the structure as under the shopping needs, placing the laundry, storage room, boiler house, and for expanding residential space in the basement, cube, a bedroom, a gym, and so on.

Sometimes both of these appointments are combined. It all depends on the estimated building area. The main thing is that such an approach is more cost-effective than an additional floor superstructure over the ground level. The overall height of the base here is much more than in buildings without the basement used. It, according to SNiP, is at least 250 cm.

The value on which the base will rise above the ground level depends on the appointment of the basement. If it is supposed to be used as an economic premises, it is allowed to take the minimum limit. On the basement floor under residential rooms it is impossible to save, so a small supply is necessarily added to the recommended height.

Depending on the type of construction under construction, certain parameters of the foundation are taken at the stage of its design: the area of \u200b\u200bits sole, on which the foundation is depends on the width (in the case of a tape base), as well as the foundation height above the ground. In this article, we will try to give a universal answer to the question of the necessary height of the foundation.

Balancing between necessity and redundancy

Considering the fact that in the costs of building a country house, the construction of the foundation will be a significant share, it is quite clear to the desire of an individual developer to minimize the parameters of this part of the building. And if the calculated depth and width of the foundation are the parameters that you have to come to humble, then options are possible in the above-ground height.

What depends on the visible (above-ground) height of the foundation

It is necessary to understand that this part of the base serves as a link, a kind of jumper on the adjacent section "Soil - external environment". And this site, like no other, during the operation of the building is exposed to external factors - high humidity and temperature fluctuations. The foundation must be lifted above zero marks with the following objectives:

  • for the device base at home, when part of the foundation takes on the role of the base. Obviously, one-piece design is distinguished by the best characteristics, rather than the design "Fundam + Cocol";
  • to protect the walls of the house from high humidity. Even despite the slaughterhouse, the side lower part of the house will be constantly moisturized, therefore the transition "Foundation - Walls" is better to raise as high as possible. How specifically? At least 200 mm from the ground, it is possible above. The observational developer in one of the winters can estimate the thickness of the snow cover on the site to which you can add 100 mm and get the optimal foundation height;
  • often the foundation towers above the ground due to the device of the basement. In this case, the base height is determined on the basis of the project data;
  • for columnar and pile foundations, the minimum rise above the Earth is also 200 mm, it is required that the punching ground does not affect the construction. The height may be more, for example, if the relief of the construction site has a slope;
  • when calculating the height of the foundation, it is also necessary to take into account the possible shrinkage of the house, the value of which depends on the characteristics of the soil and load on it from the structure of the structure;
  • an increase in height in some cases allows preventing the destruction of the material of the building walls. This is especially true of wooden buildings, for example baths. In this case, it is either immediately organized a high foundation (about 500 mm), or a base from other building materials is erected.

Summarizing the foregoing

It is necessary to determine the height of the above-ground part of the foundation. We take into account the minimum of 200 mm. We estimate the thickness of the snow cover and, if necessary, change the base parameters of the building. The higher the foundation is located above the Earth - the better and the less effort is necessary to maintain the bottom of the house. Optimal values \u200b\u200bare considered to be 350-400 mm above the ground level. Do not forget about the hydro and thermal insulation of the above-ground part of the foundation! These measures will not only retain the basis of the construction (prevent the injection of moisture and the destruction of the foundation fittings), but also reduce thermal losses.

  • Why do you need a house base?
  • Cocole at home with two-layer walls.
  • Features of waterproofing base.
  • Elimination of cold bridges in the base.

The base is the above-ground part of the foundation. This is a rather complex knot, where the vertical (base, walls) and horizontal (floors and floors) of the house design are converged and adjoin each other.

The correct device, waterproofing and insulation of the base is the necessary conditions for the construction of a durable, economy and heat-saving house.

Below in the figure it is clearly seen what will happen if the house has a very low base.

Base tall at least 20 cm. Protects walls from moisture (in the figure on the left) Low base and the absence of base leads to moisturizing the wall of the house (in the figure in the center and right)

The height of the private house must be at least 20 cm. With low base, the risk of moisturizing the wall of the house is great. The walls will be moisturized from splashes when they hit the rain drops about the Earth, when melting snow lobes, or from the capillary moisture supply directly from the soil.

Raw walls lose heat-saving properties. Water freezing in the walls gradually destroy them. On the decoration of walls outside and inside the house, dirt, dampness, fungus and mold appear.

In areas with a high snow cover, the height of the base is better to make no lower level of sustainable snow cover. Especially this rule is important to perform for houses with wooden walls.

To protect the walls of the house from moisture, emanating from the Earth, create two borders of defense:

  • Increase the height of the base in order to further remove the walls of the house from the ground - the source of moisture.
  • It is organized by waterproofing of the walls of the house and the base in the danger zone of exposure to moisture.

The high base increases the cost of building a house. Therefore, depending on the design of the walls and, try to find a reasonable compromise between the sizes of the base and the waterproofing level.

Necessarily arrange between the basement and the wall of the houseorizontal layer of rolled waterproofing.

In some cases, which are discussed below, it is necessary to make additional waterproofing of the walls of the house.

For a private house it is recommended to make a watering base. In the weltering base, the outer surface of the wall appears abroad of the base of about 50 mm. Water falling on the surface of the wall flows down and falls from the wall by the base to the cabin. This solution does not give water flowing along the wall, fall on the horizontal waterproofing and take it into the walls. For better water removal on the lower edge of the walls fix the dropper.

It should be noted that besides the moisture protection function, the base plays a certain role in the architectural appearance of the house. The house on a high base looks more solid and effectively, and the decoration of the base can emphasize the beauty of the floors of the house.

Right base house with single-layer outdoor walls

The height of the base of the house with single-layer outer walls should be at least 50 cm. (in the figure on the left) or for the base height less than 50 cmbut not lower than 20 cm. , Additional waterproofing of walls is necessary. (in the figure on the right)

The outer surface of single-layer walls is less protected from moisture than in multilayer walls. Therefore, the base house C is recommended to perform at least 50 height cm.

If a single-layer wall base is below 50 cm.T. arrange additional waterproofing in two places:

  1. In the wall, over the first or second layer of masonry from aerated concrete or invoked ceramic blocks, another layer of rolled waterproofing is placed.
  2. The outer surface of the wall, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower rows of masonry, is protected from water with a layer of vertical waterproofing. For this, it is enough when finishing the wall use hydrophobic primers and waterproof plaster. Better, but more expensive, lining the base and the lower part of the walls with low water absorption material, for example, clinker tiles.

Construction of the base for a single-layer wall houses with basement or at home foundation - Plate can

Sizes of the base of the house with two-layer outdoor walls

The minimum height of the base for a two-layer wall, insulated polystyrene foam 20 cm. For a wall, warmed by minvata, is recommended at least 30 cm. (on the left figure) the low base will lead to the moistening of the outer decoration and soaking the mineral wool insulation (in the picture on the right)

Moreover, heat insulation base eliminates cold bridge Through the base and carrier part of the wall into the floor of the heat insulation of the floor and walls.

In a single-layer wall, the floor raise the level of the second or third row of masonry. At the same level, the vertical waterproofing of the base is raised. 2 - waterproofing; 4-5 - plaster on the grid; 8 - finish; 9 - Gender Paul

If on the site Or weakly bunched, the tasks of the struggle with the forces of frosty radiation are not worth it. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of only the bridge of the cold through the base and the carrier part of the wall.

To eliminate cold bridge in a house with single-layer walls Without insulation of the base, it is necessary to lift the floor to the level of the second or third row of masonry blocks of the outer wall. This is enough, since the material of the single-layer wall has a low thermal conductivity.

The carrier part of two-three-layer walls is usually performed from a material with high thermal conductivity. To eliminate the bridge of cold in two-three-layer walls, it is possible to close the insulation only the upper part of the base, on, approximately 0.5 m. below floor level. This will increase the length of the heat flux path in the basement.

If the base space under the house is not heated, the heat insulation is closed with a base from two sides.

In multilayer walls to eliminate the cold bridge, it is covered with thermal insulation, one outer or both sides of the base (for houses with non-heated basement or soil floors)

For multilayer walls, another way to combat cold bridge is used. The lower rows of laying of the carrier part of the wall are performed from a wall material with low thermal conductivity. The floor level is raised, similar to how this is done for a single-layer wall.

For the insulation of the base and the underground part of the foundation, the plates of extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex, etc.) are best suited.

Convenient to insulate tape foundations. The design of the pile foundations with burbilling (including tees) or screw piles are more adapted for a cold base. The insulation of such foundations is quite problematic and expensive.

The base space of houses with pile foundations usually do not inspire. The design of the base overlap and floor of the first floor of the house on the pile foundation is chosen according to this circumstance.

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