How and what to feed strawberries in spring and autumn? How to feed strawberries in spring for a good harvest How to feed strawberries in early spring.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


To enjoy delicious juicy strawberries (garden strawberries), you need to know how to grow them correctly. Not every summer resident can boast of black soil, therefore, during the entire period of flowering and berry growth, special attention should be paid to fertilizers. They come in both organic (natural) and mineral (chemicals).

Which fertilizer is best for strawberries

Even the most professional gardeners cannot say what is better to choose for feeding fruits - natural ingredients or chemical preparations. Each of these types of fertilizers has its own pros and cons. The best solution would be to alternate feedings or use them in a complex manner. For the full development of fruits, strawberries need all kinds of trace elements (potassium salts, iron, magnesium, calcium) and vitamins. The whole range of nutrients is contained in both natural and mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizer for strawberries

Mineral feeding is simply necessary for garden strawberries. It prevents all kinds of diseases of this culture, and also promotes the rapid growth of greenery. Compound fertilizers are the most popular among summer residents, as they can be found in the gardening departments of any hardware store. So, how to feed strawberries in spring for a good harvest:

  1. Azofosk (nitroammofosk). This is the most popular complex mineral fertilizer. Top dressing contains equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (16% each) and a small admixture of sulfur. It is recommended to apply the drug directly into the soil before planting the plant.
  2. Stimulates for strawberries. Highly efficient and reliable fertilizer consisting of vermicompost. Provides growth acceleration, protection against fungal or bacterial diseases, and pest control. Well suited for foliar feeding. The solution is made at the rate of one in forty (25 ml per liter of water).
  3. Agricola for berry crops. It is used to provide care for garden strawberries at all stages of growth (from spring to autumn). Processing is carried out by watering or spraying. The solution is simple to prepare: 25 grams of the product is stirred in 10 liters of water.

Top dressing of strawberries according to folk recipes

An important role in the fertilization of garden remontant strawberries is played by organic fertilizing, which are elements of many folk recipes (mullein, chicken droppings, ash, yeast, and others). All of them are harmless to the plant, so there is no need to worry about the quality of your crop. Several recipes:

  1. Manure-based. For a long time, bird / animal droppings have been used as the main fertilizer. Mullein (dried cow dung) is poured with water (ratio one to five), put in a warm place for a week to infuse (ferment). Ultimately, the concentrate is diluted (1:10) and spreads on wet ground (preferably a few hours after watering). Instead of manure, you can use chicken or pigeon droppings - the result will not be worse.
  2. Ash. This element is rich in potassium, phosphorus, therefore it often acts as a fertilizer for garden strawberries. To prepare the solution, you need to pour two tablespoons of ash with a liter of water, leave for one day. Fertilize garden strawberries by watering. Feeding strawberries during ash flowering will provide the grower with an increase in yield.
  3. Yeast. Plant care can provide a common food item with ease. A pack of this product (1 kg) must be diluted in five liters of water. To feed the present day, the solution (0.5 liters) is stirred with liquid (10 liters). It is applied twice a season.

How to feed strawberries from spring to autumn

The use of fertilizers differs at different stages of the entire summer cottage season (from May to September). In the spring, the first feeding is done (including before planting), which is aimed at activating the growth of shoots and leaves. In summer, strawberries are fertilized immediately after harvest, when the process of forming new buds and root systems starts. Winter feeding is needed so that the plant can prepare for the cold, live until spring. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones or are used together - it all depends on the wishes of the gardener.

How to feed strawberries in spring

This period is very important for the plant. One should seriously approach such an issue as feeding strawberries before flowering, planting and fruiting. For the growth of leaves and buds, nitrogen is simply needed, which should prevail in the fertilizers of the spring stage. How to feed strawberries in spring (use 0.5-1 liter of any of the products under each bush, depending on the size of the plant):

  • ammonium sulfate (1 tablespoon), mullein (2 cups) per 10 liters of liquid;
  • nitroammofoska (1 tablespoon) for 10 liters of water;
  • mullein (one part), urea (two parts) in 10 parts of water;

How to fertilize strawberries in summer

The second feeding of the plant is carried out closer to the last days of July, when the crop has already been harvested. During this period, the fruits especially need potassium and trace elements. Recipes (applied in the amount of 0.5 liters of any of the fertilizers for the plant):

  • nitrophoska (two tablespoons), potassium sulfate (one teaspoon) for 12 liters of water;
  • potassium nitrate (1 tablespoon) for 5 liters of water;
  • vermicompost (200 g) per 10 liters of water (infused for a day, then dismounted with water in half).

Feeding strawberries in autumn

The last application is made at the end of September, and especially young plants before winter need such care. All funds can be used to transplant garden strawberries into greenhouses. Recipes (process 250-500 ml per 1 sq.m.):

  • mullein (one part), 0.5 cups of ash per 10 parts of water;
  • mullein (one part), superphosphate (one tablespoon), ash (one glass) for 12 hours of water;
  • nitroammofoska (150 g), potassium sulfate (200 g), ash (one glass) for 5 liters of water.

Fragrant, tasty and healthy strawberries are a favorite of children and adults. How to grow such a wonderful berry in your garden and get a good harvest?

Top dressing of young bushes planted last year can be skipped in the spring or done with the following solution: dissolve 0.5 liters of chicken manure or cow dung in a bucket of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium sulfate. Water the plants with this mixture - 1 liter for each bush.

You can not overdo it with fertilizers (in the photo there are Victoria strawberry bushes)

Fertilizing adult strawberries

After 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes not fertile and the plant has nowhere to take useful substances. Therefore, in order to harvest a good harvest, you need to know when and how to feed strawberries. In the spring, feeding is done 3 times:

  • When the first 2-3 leaves appear
  • Before the color starts
  • During fruit formation

The first fertilization is applied in mid to late April, depending on the region. Organic fertilizers are ideal for such feeding: mullein or chicken droppings. They need to be scattered under the roots of the bushes, and a little earth should be put on top (about 2-3 cm). You can also make a liquid solution. Take a bucket of water and dissolve not 1 liter of manure. Water each bush with the resulting slurry (1 liter for a plant).

Ordinary yeast is an excellent fertilizer. They contain a large number of useful substances: amino acids, proteins, minerals. Feeding with yeast will ensure good growth and strengthening of the root system. It is necessary to dilute 200 g of live baker's yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water, let them stand for 20 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a container with 9 liters of water. Water each bush abundantly with this solution.

The second feeding should be done during the strawberry season. For this, it is better to take mineral fertilizers. They have a positive effect on the flavor and size of the berries. The strawberries will be large, beautiful and sweet.

Strawberry fruit on a bush

For feeding, you need to prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of nitrophosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium and 10 liters of water. Each bush should be watered with such a solution under the root system. Enough 0.5 l of the mixture for each plant.

Now there is a huge selection of mineral fertilizers that can be purchased in specialized stores. But they must be used strictly according to the instructions on the package. The wrong dosage will harm the plant.

A good remedy for the third feeding will be an infusion of weeds. After weeding, you need to collect the weeds, chop them up and fill them with water. Let it brew for about a week in a warm room, and then pour over the strawberries. Such feeding is absolutely harmless for both plants and people. But it will help increase the number of fruits and have a positive effect on the taste. Weed fertilization will protect plants from some harmful insects. An excellent top dressing is nettle infusion.

We would like to note that for the correct feeding of garden strawberries, you need to know exactly how old the bushes are growing where. It is best if they are located in different beds, this will simplify maintenance. So, young plants can not be fed only when a sufficient amount of nutrients is laid during planting. In the second and fourth year of life of strawberries, you can take both organic matter and mineral mixtures. But three-year-old bushes will like mineral fertilizers more.

During the first season of the season, we recommend using mixtures with a high nitrogen content so that the bushes can gain green mass. You can trim at the same time. Then it will reduce the amount of stressful situations for your strawberry. Instead of manure, you can take a nitroammophoska.

You can also use ash. It is useful for plants primarily with a significant content of potassium and phosphorus, accelerates the decomposition of organic matter, and also helps in the fight against fungal diseases and root rot. You can put a small pile under each bush. In addition, when planting young annual plants, it is recommended to mix some ash into the soil.

One of the most important nutrients during flowering is potassium. Its lack may be indicated by the browning of the leaves. This is a symptom of a serious problem that can lead to crop loss. To make up for the lack of nutrients, we recommend using potassium nitrate. Usually it is diluted at the rate of one teaspoon per bucket of liquid. Pour about half a liter under each bush.

Foliar feeding of strawberries

With spring feeding, not only the root system is often fertilized, but also the bush itself, in order to obtain a better harvest and a healthy plant.

Strawberries are sprayed with nitrogen-containing solutions or organic matter. Top dressing promotes good growth and enlargement of the ovary. When spraying, nutrients are absorbed directly into the foliage. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in dry and calm weather, in the evening.

Abundant fruiting

There are two types of mineral compositions of fertilizers: highly mobile and low mobile. The former, which include phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen, are distinguished by their rapid absorption. They instantly enter the roots, buds and foliage. The second - this is iron, boron, copper and manganese, act more slowly.

Therefore, it is important to spray the plant with special care so that the nutrients get to the right place.

Which fertilizers to choose - mineral or organic?

Many gardeners have a question: what is the best way to feed strawberries in spring - organics or minerals?

Mineral mixes are quite effective and give good results. But they must be used correctly and with extreme care. The instructions should be followed and overdose should be avoided. This can have a detrimental effect not only on the harvest, but also on human health. Do not feed with minerals later than 12-14 days before the first fruits ripen.

Feeding with organic matter will not provide the ovary of very large berries. But on the other hand, it is safe for the human body. In addition, manure and chicken droppings can be applied in any amount. Plants will take from them as many nutrients as required, not more.

It is very good to saturate the soil with wood ash. It can be used for root nutrition, as well as foliar feeding. For this, an ash extract is used.

Post-harvest strawberry care

The fruiting period of strawberries is rather short. Plants stop bearing fruit in mid-July.

Garden strawberry harvest

And it is from the end of July to September that the foundation is laid for the next year's harvest. Therefore, during this period, strawberries also require proper care:

July and August is the time when plants begin to form new leaves, old leaves that have fulfilled their function die off. And also the intensive growth of the mustache begins. It is necessary to carefully cut off the old foliage, leaving only the young and the hearts. The mustache should also be trimmed.

After the beds are in order, the soil needs to be fed. It is good to use organic fertilizers - cow or horse manure. This will improve the structure of the soil and help the plants overwinter.

It is very important to remember to water the strawberries after harvesting. The soil must be protected from drying out. Water it abundantly, but not too often.

Regularly remove the mustache from the plants so that the bushes do not spend all their energy on forming new rosettes. Trimming the mustache promotes the formation of new buds.

Watch the video to learn how to care for strawberries in spring.

If by autumn the bushes have healthy overgrown leaves, this will provide a good wintering and a high yield for the next year.

Horticultural crops give a high-quality harvest only if the requirements of agricultural technology are observed. Fragrant strawberries are no exception, and require competent action on the part of the gardener. The responsiveness of strawberries to care is high, but in order to enjoy delicious berries to your fullest, you need to make an effort. One of the important points of berry care is timely spring feeding.

Preparing for the season

In the spring, the schedule and nutritional composition of strawberries varies depending on the age of the bushes. Plants in the first year of life provide nutrition when planted. If the culture is planned to be planted in early spring, then the soil is prepared in the fall. But, when it is not possible to fertilize the ridges in the fall, this event is postponed to early spring and combined with planting seedlings.

When planting strawberries in spring, organic matter is introduced into the garden - humus, rotted manure or ready-made compost. Enough 7 kg of substance per 1 sq. m area. The fertilizer is spread on the surface of the ground and dug deeply. Such a nutritious top dressing of the soil is done no later than 7 days before planting strawberry seedlings.

The second option for preparing the beds for planting is more economical in terms of time and fertilizer consumption. On the ridges along the future rows, depressions are dug and the necessary top dressing is introduced into them. Component rates:

  • compost or humus - 1 bucket;
  • potassium salt - 20 g;
  • urea - 25 g;
  • simple superphosphate - 40 g.

The substances are mixed immediately in the depressions or in a separate place, and then added with a mixture. The grooves are plentifully spilled with water, at least one bucket per 1 sq. square meter.

If strawberry bushes were planted last season, then after the snow melts, the beds are completely cleared of debris, winter shelter, and remaining foliage. Dry leaves and whiskers are cut off from plants, dead bushes are removed. Gently loosen the soil and mulch the strawberries with humus.

Until the leaves have blossomed, you need to carry out the first feeding.

What to use?

Plants during the growing season are attacked by pests and fungal infections, so it is more rational to combine top dressing with protective spraying.

For feeding strawberries, organic substances, mineral additives and trace elements are used.

The listed components are needed by strawberries at a certain period of development, so let's dwell on the meaning of each of them.


  1. Bird or horse manure. Only rotted manure is used. The fresh substance contains pathogenic microorganisms that can cause diseases in strawberries and weed seeds.
  2. Humus. Fully decomposed manure containing nutrients in the most absorbable form for strawberries.
  3. Compost. A mixture of organic matter, soil and various garden residues. Used when ripe.
  4. Bird droppings (chicken). Fertilize strawberries with a weak solution of droppings. Otherwise, the caustic substance can burn the plants. An important nitrogen source for strawberries.
  5. Wood ash. Supplier of potassium and phosphorus for strawberries.

When calculating the need for organic matter, the fertility and composition of the soil are taken into account.


Mineral components are used more often due to their availability.

Nitrogen. The element is necessary for all garden plants and is responsible for the condition of the aboveground green part of the bush. However, feeding strawberries with nitrogen is recommended taking into account the growing season, and accurately observing the dosage. Most often, urea or ammonium nitrate is used on the sites. To prepare top dressing, take 10 liters of pure water, in which 1 tbsp is dissolved. spoon of urea. The composition is introduced in the spring after cleaning and loosening the ridges in the amount of 0.5 liters under one root.

At air temperatures below 16 ° C, nitrogen fertilization is impractical.

Phosphorus. Without phosphorus, it is difficult for bushes to assimilate nitrogen. The second meaning of the element is participation in the development of the root system. Therefore, phosphorus is necessary for seedlings during the rooting period. For phosphorus nutrition of strawberries, simple or double superphosphate and ammophos are used. These substances easily transform into a soluble form. For 1 sq. m of area, 30 g of superphosphate is usually applied a week before planting seedlings.

Potassium. Increases the resistance of berry crops to frost, heat, temperature extremes and pests. Potassium nitrate, potassium magnesium and potassium sulfate are suitable for strawberry bushes. Try to avoid potassium chloride because the crop reacts negatively to the chlorine content of the feed.

To achieve the maximum effect of the nutrient formulations, it is necessary to correctly distribute the dressing during the growing season of the strawberry.

Feeding process

The schedule and composition of food varies depending on the age of the bushes. Plants of the first year of life provide food when planting, in the 2nd and 4th year they alternate organic matter and mineral components, but it is recommended to feed strawberries of the 3rd year of life only with mineral compositions.

When landing

Competent feeding during planting increases the yield by 30-35% of the usual indicators.

Before planting seedlings, the ridges are prepared - they are cleaned of weeds, debris, loosened and leveled.

The prepared wells are filled with a nutrient mixture, which is prepared according to one of the proposed options. Mix:

  • one bucket of sod land, rotted manure or compost with two glasses of wood ash;
  • a bucket of compost with mineral components - potassium salt and urea (25 g each), superphosphate 40 g;
  • a bucket of humus with 1 glass of wood ash and 30 g of superphosphate.

At the end, the ridges are shed with water.

After landing

It is not necessary to additionally feed the bushes planted on fertilized soil in the first year of life. For plants, the supply of nutrients that was introduced before planting is enough. The next full dressing is done in the fall. For this:

  • potassium humate is introduced into the soil, superphosphate can be added;
  • watering the aisles with infusion of chicken droppings diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • the ridges are mulched with peat, straw, hay.

By the spring, nutrients will be converted to a form that can be assimilated by plants.

For adult strawberries

As soon as the snow melts on the site, you need to carry out the first feeding until the leaves have blossomed. Usually this event is combined with spring pruning. Bushes need to gain weight, so nitrogen is the first element for spring nutrition:

  1. Add 2 cups of mature mullein or compost, 1 tablespoon of ammonium sulfate to a container with 10 liters of water. Stir thoroughly and water the bushes, spending 1 liter of solution for each.
  2. You can replace mineral components with 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska, and leave the volume of water the same. For one plant, 0.5 liters of solution is enough.
  3. From organic compounds, an infusion of chicken manure or mullein is used. The proportion of organic matter and water is kept in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 4 days, then the bushes are watered with 0.5 liters of infusion.

At the time of feeding, avoid getting the solution on the green parts of the plant. Water the beds around the plants.

Before and during flowering

During the flowering period of strawberries, the plant needs potassium. For convenient absorption of the element by the roots, gardeners use compositions of mineral fertilizers. For example, potassium nitrate (1 teaspoon in a bucket of clean water). A good alternative to chemical complexes are folk recipes with wood ash or humus. Ash is used dry - plants are pollinated and brought into the aisles. Or prepare an infusion (1:10) and water the strawberries.

Foliar dressing

When foliar spraying with the composition, the aerial part of the plant is irrigated. Nutrients are best absorbed by the bottom of the leaf blades. This must be taken into account when spraying. Foliar treatments are shown at the time of mass flowering of strawberries. It is good to use a garden sprayer for high-quality spraying of the solution.

Usually, solutions of ready-made fertilizers for garden strawberries are used. They can add for one procedure 2 g of potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate and 1 g of boric acid.

Repair strawberry

The feeding schedule of remontant strawberry varieties at the beginning of the growing season completely coincides with the nutrition of ordinary varieties. The only important difference is the mandatory feeding after the end of fruiting. Indeed, remontant varieties yield crops more than once a season, and in the fall they lay fruit buds. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied in order not to stimulate the growth of shoots. Plants need potassium supplements. Therefore, for autumn feeding, potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate is used. From folk remedies, the best option is considered to be an infusion of wood ash or dry application of ash powder to the root zone.

Popular wisdom advises the use of ecological solutions.

  1. Well nourishes strawberries with nitrogen herbal infusion. The nettle is tightly placed in a bucket and poured over with warm water. Insist for at least 3 days, then apply in accordance with the type of feeding. Root feeding is carried out with diluted water infusion 1:10. For foliar spraying, the infusion is first filtered, and then diluted with water 1:20. Straining allows you to use a spray bottle and saves the leaves from burns.
  2. Baker's yeast in an amount of 1 kg is diluted in 10 liters of pure water, infused for 24 hours. Then they add water to 20 liters and feed the bushes by 0.5 liters for one.

In addition to the listed compositions, micronutrient fertilizers are used to feed the bushes of garden strawberries. They contain elements important for the plant - boron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and iodine. Such spray formulations are used to make the elements more accessible to plants. The dose is maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


Feeding strawberries has its own rules. The main thing is reasonable expediency. It implies the preparation of high-quality formulations and the absence of undue zeal. Do not increase the amount of dressing or dosage. This will negatively affect the condition of the strawberries and the yield.

Garden strawberries are a favorite delicacy of children and adults, which is popularly called simply strawberries. It is not a capricious crop, so it can be grown in a vegetable garden or even in pots on the balcony. If you know how to feed strawberries, then in return you will receive a bountiful and tasty harvest. We will look at a few fertilizers that will help you get the most of your berries without harming your health.

No crop can give you a rich harvest if it is not fertilized on time. Today, there are many substances that were created in laboratory conditions and protect fruits from pests. However, do not forget about folk methods, which are often no less effective.

Organic fertilizer for strawberries

What they just do not come up with in chemical laboratories, but nothing can replace manure and humus. Manure is a mixture of pet droppings and stall bedding, which are necessary to fertilize the soil. It is possible to use such fertilizer for strawberries only in rotted form, because fresh manure can contain a large amount of seeds of various herbs. Trust that it will be very difficult for you to get rid of the weeds later.

Humus is the same manure that has long decomposed and turned into a dark mass. This fertilizer is considered the best because it contains a lot of nutrients.

Chicken droppings are also classified as organic fertilizers. Every gardener knows that this is an invaluable source of nitrogen. A small solution of chicken droppings is enough and you will be pleasantly surprised by the abundant strawberry harvest. Remember that when preparing the solution, do not spare the water.

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Mineral strawberry dressing also promotes active and healthy strawberry growth. Fertilizers such as potassium 27%, nitrogen 14%, magnesium 0.5% and phosphorus 7% prevent the occurrence of various diseases. Fertilizing strawberries with complex mineral fertilizers gives the greatest effect. These can be purchased at any gardening supply store.


In order for your berries to be large, red and have excellent taste, you need to fertilize them with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate and urea are rich in this substance. Urea dissolves very easily, so one tablespoon will be enough for 10 liters of water. Fertilize strawberries in early spring. Only half a liter of solution can be poured under each bush. However, in any case, do not increase the dose, because the berry can grow unsweetened.


Every experienced gardener knows that such a fertilizer for strawberries, like potassium, helps to increase the shelf life of the berries, the amount of sugar and improve the taste. If the tips of the leaves turn brown, then this is the first sign of a lack of potassium. Potash fertilizers are poured under the bush in early spring.

Dairy products

Fertilizing strawberries with fermented milk products is considered a folk method, but not everyone knows it. Milk contains nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, minerals and many amino acids, which contribute to the rapid growth of the berry. It is recommended to mix fermented milk products with manure, ash or humus.

Preparing the garden

You already know how to feed strawberries so that they grow healthy and tasty, but preparing the garden plays an equally important role in growing strawberries. You can plant garden strawberries in autumn and spring, but the planting site must be prepared in advance. This garden culture is very fond of moisture, but the beds should be made 30-50 cm higher.

First you need to make a drainage hole and fill it with sand. This is usually a difficult procedure, but the sand will absorb excess moisture and thus provide a comfortable environment for the strawberries.

The soil that has accumulated as a result of digging a hole must be mixed with compost or manure and mineral fertilizers added. For 1 sq. the soil is enough for 10 g of calcium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate. Optionally, you can add 0.5 liters of ash per 1 sq. soil. And in conclusion, we fill the hole with prepared nutrient soil.

We have listed all the possible fertilizers for strawberries, however, it is important to know how to use them correctly. As previously noted, strawberry fertilization begins in the fall or spring along with digging a hole. The second feeding of the berry must be done after the first harvest. It is during this period that complex mineral fertilizers should be used. If you have light soil, you should fertilize your strawberries in the spring. In the presence of clay soil, autumn is ideal. During the period of abundant flowering and fruiting, it is not recommended to feed strawberries.

For the formation of new roots, you need to fertilize the strawberries even after harvest. And the final feeding of the berries is necessary in mid-September. In early autumn, you can fertilize with fermented mullein and wood ash (half a glass for each bucket).

In the middle of the month, it is recommended to use such a solution: a glass of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Then add two tablespoons of nitrophoska and 20-30 grams of potassium fertilizers. Using such a system, you will get a big and healthy harvest next year.

If you decide to transplant strawberries to a new place, then you should add 30 g of mineral and 8 kg of organic fertilizers to the ground.

Fertilizers can greatly affect the yield of your crop. However, the amount of fertilizer applied and the timing must be observed.

Comment on the article "How to fertilize strawberries correctly"

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One of the most popular berry crops, in each garden there are several beds with fruitful varieties, giving ruddy fragrant berries from spring to autumn. In order to collect a rich harvest of delicious berries, it is worth carefully looking after the plantings of strawberries, carefully performing all agrotechnical measures. It is especially important to carry out timely feeding of berry bushes, otherwise the harvest of ruby ​​berries may not impress with its abundance.

Spring: time to feed the strawberries

In strawberry beds, gardeners grow two types of strawberries:

  1. Disposable varieties - fruiting occurs in late spring or early summer, bushes massively yield fragrant berries in a short period of time.
  2. - ripening of berries continues from spring to autumn in pronounced waves.

Depending on the varietal accessory, the required fertilizer dose, application time and high-quality chemical composition are selected. Incorrectly selected formulations for feeding berry bushes can affect a decrease in yield and an increase in the ripening period of fragrant strawberries.

For all types of strawberries, the following fertilization scheme is optimal:

Usually, after 4 years, planting strawberries is updated, so the scheme is repeated when growing new berry bushes.

Feeding strawberries in early spring

Immediately after the snow melts, it is necessary to carry out the first feeding of the strawberry bushes; it is very important to carry out this work before the appearance of new leaves. In different regions, depending on the climate, this period falls on different months. In the south, the first feeding of strawberries can be carried out at the end of March; in the middle lane, the timing of the introduction of nutrients for plants is shifted to April.

It is very convenient to combine the first feeding of strawberries with trimming old leaves and whiskers, removing the mulch layer and debris from the berry beds. The compositions are introduced into the soil immediately after putting things in order in the berry. The purpose of early spring feeding is to provide nutrients to strawberry bushes, which are preparing for an intensive build-up of green mass. At this time, plants need additional fertilizing with an increased proportion of nitrogen, which stimulates the regrowth of new leaves.

Fertilizers for early spring feeding of strawberries can have a different composition; feeding with nitrate or urea is especially popular.

Feeding strawberries with saltpeter-based formulations in spring is necessary for the rapid formation of new leaves, as well as for increasing the size of the berries and saturating the color. With a lack of nitrogen, plants form not only a frail bush, but also yield small, tasteless berries.

For the first feeding of berries, you need to prepare an aqueous solution of ammonium nitrate, dissolving 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of dry matter. The bushes are watered at the root, the consumption rate of the nutrient solution is from 0.5 to 1 liter for each plant.

Important!You cannot prepare more saturated solutions and water the plants with a large amount of fertilizers, an overdose will not lead to anything good, the berries will become sour, having lost a significant proportion of sugar in their composition.

Carbamide (urea) is ideal for proper fertilization of strawberries on soils of any composition. In case of an overdose of the nutrient solution, the taste of the berries will deteriorate, they will become tasteless and sour.

In addition to urea and nitrate, the following compositions can be used for feeding berry bushes:


Mode of application

Stir mullein (2 cups) and ammonium sulfate (1 tablespoon), dilute with water (10 liters).

Add 1 liter of nutrient solution to the root of each strawberry bush.

Dissolve one tablespoon of nitroammophoska in a bucket of water (10 l).

Up to 0.5 l of solution is added under the strawberry bush.

Chicken droppings are poured with water at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for 3-4 days.

Under the bush, the solution is poured in an amount of 0.5 - 1 liter, it depends on the size and age of the plant.

Mullein - soak 1 kg of raw materials in 10 liters of water, leave for up to 4 days. For root feeding, it is not required to filter the solution.

Pour the composition over each bush in the garden bed at the root. For adult plants, 1 liter of infusion is required for 1 plant, for young plants - 0.5 liters.

Nettle infusion is used when fresh grass can already be collected in the garden. Fill a bucket with raw materials, pour warm water, leave for 3-4 days.

Foliar dressing is carried out with a solution diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, when watering under the root, dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1:10. To feed the bush, you will need to water the plants at the root, using 0.5-1 liters of diluted nettle infusion.

Ash or ash extraction

A handful of ash from the burnt tops of garden plants is added under each bush, a good result is obtained when using the ash of coniferous plants.

Folk remedies for spring fertilization of strawberry bushes

In addition to these nutrients, strawberries are fertilized in the spring with nonspecific agents, including iodine and yeast.

To prepare the nutrient solution, a common alcoholic solution of medical iodine is used - this drug suppresses the development of rot and bacterial diseases on strawberry bushes. Before treatment with iodine solution, the beds are well spilled with water. Spraying young strawberry leaves with an iodine solution is carried out in the morning or in the evening, the composition is prepared sparingly, 15 drops of iodine are diluted in 15-20 liters of water. Treatment of plants with iodine reduces the risk of dangerous diseases of strawberries (gray mold and powdery mildew).

The yeast treatment allows nourishing the overwintered plants with a mass of useful substances, especially useful for the formation of the future harvest. Plants receive a complex of essential substances, including B vitamins, after fertilization with yeast, the content of copper, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and iron in plants increases, which contributes to an increase in the yield of berries and an improvement in their quality.

The nutritional composition is prepared as follows: 1 kg of fresh yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water, 0.5 liters of the mixture is poured under each berry bush. Dry yeast can also be used to prepare top dressing, for which one pack is mixed with two tbsp. l. sugar, dilute the mixture with warm water and add to a bucket of warm water. Apply the composition after two hours of infusion.

The next time, root dressing of strawberries is carried out at the time of the appearance of the first flowers, potassium compounds are introduced under the plants, dark (brown) leaf tips indicate a lack of potassium.

Strawberries are carried out three times per season:

  1. At the stage of emergence of young leaves.
  2. During the flowering period.
  3. At the time of the formation of the ovaries.

Early spring feeding of strawberries allows you to stimulate the growth of berry bushes, strengthen them and increase yields.