When the garlic is removed from the garden. When to remove winter and summer garlic from the garden

Garlic is one of the most valuable and beloved vegetable crops. At the same time, its presence is useful not only for our health, but also for many garden crops. Therefore, almost every gardener grows it on his site. It is quite easy to do this, because, knowing some of the nuances of cultivation, you can get a good harvest of this garden crop. In addition to planting and care, one of the important stages of the cultivation process garlic is timely cleaning.

Approximate terms

In the definition garlic harvest time consider landing time. The term for harvesting garlic planted for the winter begins in mid-late July and runs until early August. Spring garlic fully ripens and is harvested two weeks later than winter garlic, in late August - mid-September. However, if the summer is cold and rainy, these dates can be pushed back by one to two weeks.

So, the approximate time when you need to remove the garlic from the garden:

  • winter (winter) garlic is time to harvest in late July - early August.
  • spring garlic is harvested two weeks later, at the end of August.

In each individual region, the harvest time may vary slightly.

How to determine that the garlic is ripe?

By the cloves and feather, you can easily determine that it's time to remove the garlic:

  • Arrows with a seed pod left behind are signs of maturity and readiness for harvesting garlic. If the folded rings with arrows straighten out, the boxes with bulbs open and crack at the same time, which means that the bulbs are ready to be dug up.
  • In addition, if the lower leaves of the plant turn yellow, and the upper ones lie down, then this is also a sign of the maturity of the garlic.
  • If there are still doubts, then you will have to dig up a couple of garlic bulbs and check by touch. Ready garlic will be firm, its cloves are easily separated, and the outer film is dry, leaves well and has a color characteristic of the planted species.

Many factors influence the timing of ripening and readiness of garlic:

  • planting crop quality,
  • care,
  • soil condition,
  • top dressing in spring and summer,
  • weather.

But in any case, it need to clean up in time. If you dig out the garlic cloves prematurely, they will begin to dry out early, losing their nutrients. A when the garlic“sitting” in the ground for too long, the bulb may become overripe, begin to crack and break up into individual teeth. Such a crop will not be stored for long.

It is important to remember that it is better to remove the garlic from the garden immature than overripe.

Moon calendar

Some gardeners start harvesting garlic according to the lunar calendar. In accordance with it, in 2017, the following days of July are considered favorable dates for collecting winter garlic:

  • from 5 to 7, from 15 to 16, from 19 to 20, from 23 to 34.

Spring garlic will be harvested in August, the best days of which will be:

  • 1st to 3rd, 11th to 12th, 15th to 16th, 29th to 30th.

The nuances of cleaning

You need to dig garlic only in sunny weather, preferably before the rains. Then the bulbs dry well and do not lose their beneficial properties. It is undesirable to roughly pull the plants out of the ground, in order to avoid the destruction of the bulbs and the scattering of cloves. This should be done carefully, with a special shovel or small forks. Small heads should be used first, as they do not store well. Given the simple rules for harvesting garlic, you can extend the period of its winter storage and get the maximum benefit from this crop.

Personal experience

Just the other day, on July 26, we decided to check whether our garlic, planted before winter, should be removed from the garden. It is worth noting that this is not winter garlic, but ordinary, just planted before winter. The tips of his feathers by this time had dried up and turned yellow.

Pulled out a couple of heads. They were not too large, with a thin skin. They made a verdict: it's too early to harvest the garlic.

According to approximate dates, garlic planted before winter comes time to harvest at the end of July. And here (Middle lane, Yaroslavl region) on July 26 it turned out to be too early to do this. Probably influenced by the climatic features of this summer: it turned out to be damp and cold in our area. Everything is in time with a noticeable delay.

Baba Tanya tied the feathers so that there were no arrows and left the garlic to grow further.

When do you remove garlic from the garden? Share your experience in the comments 😉 We will be glad!

This healthy vegetable is easy to grow, relatively unpretentious and very useful in cooking and traditional medicine. The date of harvest of garlic is extremely important, as it largely determines its quality and shelf life. Therefore, it is important to know how to determine when it is better to harvest (dig up) garlic planted before winter or spring.

The growing season for garlic is quite long, on average it lasts 4 months. Harvesting usually takes place in July-September. Cleaning times may vary by region. On average, the following terms are optimal when harvesting garlic:

  • winter, which was planted in the fall, is dug up in July;
  • spring garlic, planted in spring, is delayed by 3-4 weeks in relation to winter.

Dates may vary depending on weather and climate conditions. On average, a vegetable is grown for 100-120 days, late varieties - a little longer. Cleaning times vary by region:

  • in the south, harvesting of winter garlic occurs at the end of June-beginning of July, spring - in July;
  • in the Moscow region, harvesting takes place in July-early August;
  • in Siberia, in the Urals, ripening dates are shifted to mid-August - early September, so agronomists advise growing early varieties.

How can you tell if the garlic is ripe?

Collection can be carried out sequentially, depending on the stage of maturity of the plant. To find out that it is time to dig out the garlic, a visual inspection of the aerial part is carried out. First of all, plants with green leaves are dug up for direct consumption. Plants do not yet have well-formed heads. Green tops can also be used in salads, harvested for the winter, however, after cutting it, the formation of the head stops and it needs to be dug up.

Garlic intended for storage for the winter is dug up differently.

Signs of ripe garlic:

  1. Plants that have not given rise to inflorescences are dug up when about 50% of the leaves fall down.
  2. The stage when garlic, planted before winter, fully ripens - when it shoots inflorescences, is accompanied by yellowing and drying of the lower leaves, the stem withers.
  3. The husk, under which garlic cloves clearly appear, resembles parchment.
  4. The first outer shell on the heads cracks, the head is hard.

It is time to store the garlic when the heads are covered with 3-5 scales after digging. When the harvest is delayed, the scales crack and the heads begin to open, the crop is lost.

If you violate the terms of collection?

  • Cleaning delay. When harvest times are delayed, the heads may open and fall apart in the soil, and individual cloves begin to take root. In a rainy summer, the heads can rot, and then they are poorly stored.
  • Premature collection. Heads dug too early are still soft, which will lead to yield loss during long storage.

What weather to dig, how to dry?

Harvesting is carried out on sunny, dry days, it is better that there are several days without rain before harvesting. The collection is usually done manually, the heads are carefully, trying not to damage, dig in with a shovel or fork.

Attention! It is not recommended to dig up garlic for storage from the garden in rainy weather. If there are prolonged rains and there is no other way out, you need to harvest the crop until it rotted, dry the heads thoroughly, then clean them from the ground.

After harvesting, preparation for storage is carried out:

  1. The heads should be pre-dried in a well-ventilated, bright place.
  2. Subsequent drying is carried out in a room, in a place without access to sunlight.
  3. Then you need to shorten the ends of the leaves, cut off the roots. If you plan to weave braids, the stems are left longer.
  4. Thoroughly clean the heads with a hand (in a glove), getting rid of any dirt, possible remnants of the earth.

How to store?

This vegetable keeps well. Some varieties in good condition can be stored for up to a year. Winter garlic that has not produced inflorescences is suitable for long-term storage and requires a temperature of 0-1°C and a relative humidity of 65-70%.

It is better to store the crop in a dry, dark room. The ideal container is a basket or box that allows air to circulate freely. You can also hang the crop from the ceiling, braiding the stems or tying them in bunches.

Heads must be carefully sorted. Heads damaged by digging, suspicious, are placed in a separate box, leaving them for quick use - this crop should be eaten first or used for summer canning.

It is possible to store unscaled garlic heads in the refrigerator, this is not a good method in the long run. At low temperatures, the vegetable loses its characteristic taste and aroma. The same applies to freezing, however, many people choose this method when they need to save a large crop in an apartment. To freeze, the peeled heads are wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in the freezer. Such a vegetable is suitable for cooking frying, sauces in winter. In the freezer, you can store finely chopped garlic feathers, packaged in bags, using them later for soups, borscht.

Garlic, thanks to many active ingredients, is of great importance for health, contains oils, allin and allicin. These compounds mainly have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. Knowing when to remove summer garlic from the garden planted in spring or winter garlic planted in autumn, and how to store it correctly, you can preserve the crop and its valuable properties for a long time.

Garlic in our country is planted both before winter and in spring. At the same time, most of the plantings are traditionally done in the fall. Accordingly, in the summer, in July and August, it is time to harvest. However, in different regions, depending on the climate and natural conditions, the timing of the harvesting campaign is somewhat different.

In our article today, we will tell you when to dig up garlic and how to properly store it in winter. You will also learn how to determine that the crop is ready for harvest, what features winter and spring varieties have.

How to determine that the garlic is ripe and it's time to dig it out

To start harvesting, first of all, you need to make sure that the garlic is ripe. The fact is that unripe heads are not suitable for long-term storage. They have too thin scales, and they simply deteriorate ahead of time.

garlic harvest

REFERENCE. If you like the taste of "young" garlic, you can dig it out a little earlier and use it in cooking various dishes.

There are several main signs by which you can determine whether the garlic is ripe or if it is too early to dig it. Usually, when determining the degree of maturation, they are guided by at least 2 of them.

  • The lower leaves have dried up and turned yellow. The garlic is ripe and ready to be dug up when the lower leaves dry out. At the same time, the upper shoots also turn yellow and become a little lethargic. Please note that if the leaves completely wilted and died, it means that you were delayed with the harvest. In this case, it is urgent to dig the heads out of the ground.

Yellowing of lower leaves
  • Straightened "arrow". Arrows in winter varieties in the process of plant development twist and straighten only when fully ripe. Many summer residents remove them back in June during agricultural work. But it is much more logical to leave a few arrows on the plants in order to determine the harvesting date from them.
Straightened arrows
  • Inflorescences burst. It's time to harvest if the seeds growing on the tips of the leaves of the inflorescences become visible. By the way, these seeds can not be thrown away, but left and used as a seed.

Mature "bulbs"
  • The bulb is dense with easily separated cloves. A ripe garlic bulb is quite dense. It is covered with several layers of husk. The teeth are easily separated from each other. To determine the degree of ripening by the bulbs, it is enough to dig 2-3 heads from the garden. Do not keep garlic in the ground longer than necessary. Overripe, it cracks and becomes unsuitable for long-term winter storage.

The teeth are easy to separate

How to choose the time according to the lunar calendar?

If you are guided by the lunar calendar when harvesting, then the favorable days for work are as follows:

  • July: 5 – 8, 15 – 30.
  • August: 1, 3, 11, 12, 14 – 17, 26, 29, 30.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a cleaning date according to the lunar calendar, do not forget to take into account the climatic features of your region and the weather conditions on a particular day. If it rains on a favorable day, then it is better to transfer the work to another number.

When to harvest garlic planted for the winter

Winter garlic

Winter varieties ripen in about 90 - 110 days from the moment the first shoots appear. Early ripe and small-toothed plants mature in about 90 to 95 days. Late varieties - in 110 days.

On average, garlic harvesting begins in July. The reference point is the church holiday, the day of Peter and Paul. In more southern regions, the maturation process is faster than in the North-West, the Urals or Siberia. Therefore, the work is carried out earlier

REFERENCE. The ripening period in each year depends on the time of the onset of spring and the weather in summer. For example, due to heat and dry weather, garlic ripens more slowly.

Harvesting from a bed of spring garlic

Spring varieties are planted in spring and ripen much later than winter ones. Harvest usually takes place in August. And in the northern regions, work begins at all in the first ten days of September.

INTERESTING. Spring varieties are stored longer and do not dry out, but winter varieties have more heads, and they are better cleaned.

There is one little trick to harvesting spring garlic. If you dig it out a little earlier than the due date, then it will ripen already during drying.

Spring garlic

How to choose the time of digging depending on the area

Garlic harvesting in our country begins in July. Winter varieties are dug up this month, and spring varieties are harvested in August.

In cold or, conversely, too dry and hot summers, the ripening time of garlic shifts slightly. But usually not much, 5-7 days.

In Belarus

In Belarus, garlic harvesting begins in the second decade of July (usually from the day of Peter and Paul) and continues until the end of the month.

In outskirts of Moscow

In the capital region, winter garlic begins to be dug up in the second decade of July. Harvesting in Tver, Vladimir, Kostroma is similar in terms of timing. Spring varieties begin to be harvested at the end of August. The harvest campaign continues until mid-September.

in the southern regions

In the Kuban, the Caucasus and the Crimea, garlic is dug up first of all. The harvesting campaign in these regions usually starts at the very beginning of July. And "for food" garlic is dug up here at the end of June.

In Siberia

Beyond the Urals, harvesting of winter varieties begins in the 20th of July. In cold summers, dates may move closer to the beginning of August.

In the middle lane

In the regions of Central Russia, they begin to harvest winter garlic on July 8-10 and continue harvesting the flesh until the end of the month. Harvesting of spring crops starts from mid-August.

IMPORTANT! If precipitation is predicted for the second half of July, it is better to hurry up with the harvest. So you save the heads from moisture, which increases the drying time and negatively affects the shelf life.

harvesting garlic

Harvesting garlic is the simplest task that anyone can handle. But even here there are a few tricks.

  1. Reduce watering. From about mid-June, it is necessary to water the beds less often and not so plentifully. 7-10 days before digging, watering is generally stopped. This is done so that the dug garlic is dry and rotting processes do not occur.
  2. Loosen the ground 2-3 days before harvesting. This is necessary to ensure air access to the garlic head.
  3. Accelerate maturation. A week before the expected harvest date, rake a little of the top layer of earth from the head. Another way to speed up ripening is to tie the leaves into a knot.
  4. Harvest in dry weather. So the heads do not get wet and will not rot. In addition, raw garlic will take longer to dry.
  5. Dig with a pitchfork, not a shovel. For harvesting, it is best to use a pitchfork or any other similar tool. This way you won't damage the heads. In addition, garlic beds are usually planted quite often, and it will be simply inconvenient to dig with a shovel.
  6. Do not store damaged heads. If in the process of digging you accidentally hit the head, then you can not leave it for storage. Just use it for cooking. Rotten garlic is best discarded.
  7. Remove loose soil carefully with your hands. If the earth sticks to the heads, then you need to clean them with your hands. You can not shake and hit each other. So the teeth are damaged and the husk crumbles.
  8. Do the sorting. Large heads can be used as seed for the next summer season.

Tying garlic leaves

How to store harvested garlic

The harvested crop must be prepared for long-term storage. First of all, the heads must be dried for 1.5 weeks. There is nothing complicated in this procedure. You just need to place all assembled heads in a dry place protected from rain.

In arid regions, garlic is left to dry directly on the beds, but in this case there is always a chance of precipitation. Therefore, for drying, it is best to choose a place under the roof. For example, a barn, a summer veranda or an enclosed balcony.

After the garlic has dried well, it needs to cut off the tops and roots. If this is not done, then it is highly likely that garlic will sprout in a warm room in winter. The optimal length of the left roots is 3-5 mm.

ADVICE. Pruning is done with garden shears or secateurs so as not to damage the garlic bulbs.

There are many ways to store garlic. Consider the most popular of them.

  • In jars and clay pots. The jar or pot must be washed and dried. After laying the garlic, the jars are not rolled up, but simply covered with a lid and placed in a dry place. Also now in stores you can buy special clay pots for storing onions and garlic.
  • In nylon tights. This method is not very aesthetic in appearance, but very effective. Heads of garlic are folded into stockings and tights and then hung from the ceiling. A very efficient and inexpensive storage method.
  • In nets and bags. This is a more cultural variation of the previous method. Bags and nets can be bought at any hardware store.
  • In cardboard or wooden boxes and boxes. One of the most popular ways to store garlic is to put it in a cardboard box and put it under the table or in the pantry.
  • In "braids". This is the old way of storing garlic. But for its use it is impossible to cut off the tops from the heads. The essence of the method is that you weave garlic leaves into braids and hang them on the walls or ceiling.

Storing garlic in braids

In addition to the above, there are other storage methods. For example, in paraffin, in oil, in crushed alcohol.

Garlic keeps well in almost any conditions, but it is best to keep it cool with an air humidity of 60 - 80%. If the room is too dry, the heads will dry out quickly, and if it is too wet, they will rot.

At high air humidity, the shelf life is reduced to 60 - 90 days.


When harvesting garlic, it is best to focus not on a specific date, but on the appearance of the plant itself. In different years, climatic conditions may be different. If the summer is cold and rainy, then ripening will occur later. If hot and dry, then a little earlier.

But in any case, by external signs, you can easily determine the correct time for harvesting garlic.

There are several signs when to harvest winter garlic. Terms largely depend on weather conditions and on the peculiarities of caring for vegetables. Most often, harvest begins in mid-July, but no later than the first days of August. You should not keep a ripe vegetable for a long time in the beds, as all useful properties and taste are lost.

When to harvest a spicy vegetable

There is no specific time and date for harvesting winter garlic. Winter garlic should be planted in the fall, most often in late September, early October. Their cloves are much larger than those of spring garlic.

The best days for harvesting winter garlic also depend on the variety chosen. It will be possible to dig up garlic with early ripening terms already after 85 days from the moment of germination. Late-ripening varieties are dug out a little later, after 100 days. Even if the variety is unknown, it is possible to determine by appearance that the vegetable is ripening.

Tip: before harvesting, find out how ripe it is. How to determine that you can start cleaning? There are signs of ripening winter garlic. It was at this time that the harvesting of winter garlic is considered the most favorable and successful.

  • The main sign of maturity is the yellowing of the upper leaves of the tops and the drying of the lower leaves. The leaves are falling down.
  • Gardeners are advised to remove not all arrows from each bush. It is by the remaining arrows that you can determine the maturity of the vegetable. Dig out when the remaining arrows become elastic, and the inflorescences begin to crack.
  • To understand that it is time to start harvesting, you can by the head of garlic. It becomes dense, the teeth are easily separated from each other.
  • When the vegetable finally ripens, the husk is easily separated from the slices.
  • You can determine the ripeness by cracking the soil in the beds where the vegetable grows.

Some gardeners who have planted winter garlic prefer to remove arrowheads from each root. It is noticed that this technique accelerates the ripening process, and increases productivity. But not all varieties of winter garlic feel good after removing the arrows.

The quality of the crop and the duration of storage will depend on the degree of maturity. Before harvesting, you need to try 2-3 heads to the touch, consider the condition of the husk and study the taste. Garlic is well stored, the cloves of which are covered with three layers of husks.

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If you overexpose the ripened crop in the ground, then the heads will take root even more, compact. Those who harvest ahead of time will notice that the slices are loose, soft, without aroma and juicy taste. The harvested vegetable will not be stored for a long time.

If the care was correct, the weather pleased with warm days and moderate rains, then the harvesting dates fall on the second half of summer (July 20th). If the weather was hot and without rain, then the harvesting time shifts slightly. It is recommended to collect garlic planted in the fall before August 2.

So, if three layers of dense scales have formed on the cloves, the leaves have turned yellow and dried up, you can start digging. There are recommendations on how to properly dig vegetables.

  • Before removing garlic from the garden, arrows are removed a few days before the procedure.
  • Then each bulb is dug up a little and pulled out by hand. Do not pull out a vegetable without the help of a shovel or pitchfork. The rhizomes are very powerful and you can simply pluck the tops. It is necessary to dig carefully, deepening the shovel to avoid damaging the head, otherwise it will not be stored.
  • From each head, you need to shake off excess soil and distribute the entire crop on a flat surface to dry. You can also dry in a shelter, but the first days are best left to dry by wind and sun. It will take about two weeks for the vegetables to dry completely.
  • Then, leaves and tops are cut from each head, leaving a stump of about 10 mm. The roots are cut, you need to leave about 4 mm. You can weave braids from the tops and tie them up in a shed for further storage.
  • When harvesting, it is recommended to sort the heads. For storage, you need to choose large, healthy bulbs. Small garlic does not keep well, so it should be chosen for cooking in the first place. Damaged and diseased heads are also selected. At the same stage, seed material is separated for the next year.
  • The harvest of winter garlic is stacked in containers with holes so that air can freely pass inside from all sides. The harvested crop is well stored in wicker baskets.

There are no difficulties how to harvest a ripe crop. The procedure must be carried out in dry, warm weather. If the bulbs are wet, the drying time of the vegetables will increase and the shelf life may be reduced.

There are rules that relate to the storage of crops. You can store the harvested crop at room temperature, but it is better in a basement or cellar with good ventilation. At the same time, air humidity should not be higher than 80%, otherwise the vegetables will rot and germinate. The crop does not tolerate high temperatures, it is better to be cool (air temperature 3-4 degrees). You need to store in a dark place.

See also
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It is better to dig up garlic a few days earlier than to be late with the deadlines. Ripening is possible even if you leave the dug out bulbs in the garden under the sun. All the nutrients that are stored in the tops will get into the garlic head for several more days. “Due to heavy rains, they harvested the crop earlier and left it to ripen in the barn, hanging it by the tops. As a result, the heads turned out to be dense and stored for a long time.

When to harvest based on the phases of the moon

Timely planting of garlic affects its quality, and the correct date of harvest affects the storage of the harvested crop. Some vegetable growers prefer to focus not only on external signs, but also on certain lunar phases. From the reviews: “In recent years, we have been planting garlic only according to the phases of the moon. The harvest is good, we also dig it according to the lucky days in the calendar. Vegetables keep for a long time.

Garlic according to the lunar calendar in 2019 is advised to collect in the following terms.

  • In July, you should clean on the following successful days: from the 5th to the 7th, from 18 to 21, 23-24.
  • It is better to harvest garlic in August at such favorable times: from 1-4, from 11-13, from 15-17, from 29-30 of the month.

Before you dig up a spicy vegetable, you need to perform a number of actions.

  • 25 days before harvest, the soil around each bulb must be loosened. The best days for these works according to the lunar calendar in July will be the 3rd, 4th, 8th, 30th and 31st.
  • A useful procedure is tying arrows. Good days in July will be the 19th and 20th. After that, all the forces and nutrients from the soil will be directed to the development of the bulb. The growth of the tops stops, and it stops growing.
  • A month before the expected harvest, the arrows break off, leaving a couple of pieces. The following actions include reducing watering to prevent rotting heads. In July 2019, the best days for the procedure are the 1st, 2nd, 10th.

After harvesting the garlic, begin preparing the beds for a new planting. All necessary fertilizers are applied to the soil and dug up. Tomatoes and root crops are considered good predecessors.

Whatever you say, you can’t do without garlic in the kitchen, after all, it is a plus for any dish, except compote. That is why it is so important to always have it on hand and in reserve. As you know, it is the winter variety of garlic that is immediately used for food and for preservation, and spring garlic, although it is much smaller and more delicate in taste, is used for storage. It is quite clear that it is more expedient to grow both varieties, because while one, more precisely winter, is already ready for use, the other, of course, spring is only gaining strength. Naturally, the timing of harvesting winter and spring garlic is different. As a rule, they largely depend on the weather conditions of the current season: how quickly the earth warmed up, what was the temperature. However, if you dig up the garlic too sooner or later, then various negative processes will begin to occur with it, which will adversely affect its storage in the winter, so you need to choose the right time to harvest the spicy crop from the garden. All these summer problems will be discussed in our article.

When to harvest winter garlic and how to properly dig it out to store

The decision of the summer resident to start harvesting garlic should be quite mature and well thought out. It will be necessary to correctly take into account not only the signs of the readiness of the crop, but also correctly determine the time and methods of harvesting.

Harvest time: signs of readiness

The timing of harvesting winter garlic, as a rule, falls early-second half of July and continue until the beginning of August.

However, there are different varieties of winter garlic that differ in terms of ripening - early (ready in 3 months after germination) and late (a little less than 4 months).

Also, the timing of harvesting winter garlic may also depend on which garlic was planted in the fall, in other words, on the number of its fractions. So, single-toothed heads ripen much earlier, and even faster than early-ripening varieties. Next, garlic ripens, which were planted with small cloves, then medium and larger.

  • In the last month, significantly reduce watering, and stop completely 1-2 weeks before collection. This is done to prevent decay processes in the soil.

You can determine whether winter garlic is ripe and whether it is necessary to harvest, by its appearance:

Advice! If you planted the same variety (same maturity), then you can always dig up one head to check.

Note! Winter garlic is arrowing and non-shooting.

Thus, when you notice that the leaves of the garlic have noticeably turned yellow, and the arrows have straightened, the scales have begun to crack slightly and bulbs appear, then it's time to start harvesting, and it is advisable to do this within a week.

If you do not hurry up or linger with the harvesting of a spicy vegetable, then it will overripe, the bulb will crack and begin to fall apart into separate slices. It is extremely significant here that the shelf life in this case will decrease (although not fatally).

Video: harvesting garlic on time

How to properly harvest

Advice! Like many other garden manipulations, garlic harvesting is best done in the early morning or late afternoon, in dry, clear and warm weather.

Direct cleaning, more precisely, digging up garlic must also be done correctly:

Video: when and how to remove garlic

Preparing the crop for long storage

Once you've dug up all the garlic, it will need to be properly prepared for storage. Here are some rules and tips, in other words, what will need to be done before putting the heads into storage:

By the way! After you harvest, you will have free space in the garden, which would be nice to take something. If you have not decided yet, then read our article about how to free up the bed.

Video: how to properly prepare garlic for storage

When to Harvest Spring Garlic

It is not difficult to guess that the harvest of garlic planted in spring (spring) is harvested later than that planted in autumn before winter (winter). As a rule, the term for digging up spring heads is in mid-August and ends somewhere in mid-September.

Determining that spring garlic is ripe and ready to be harvested is also not difficult, since the signs are the same (with one exception):

By the way! If you are guided by the lunar calendar, then you need to choose a dry sign, preferably on a waning moon.

If spring garlic is allowed to overripe, then due to autumn rains, its young roots may begin to grow, which will necessarily negatively affect its keeping quality and the usefulness of spicy heads.

Video: when and how to harvest spring garlic

How to store garlic at home in winter

It is important not only to determine the timing of collection, to properly dig the plants from the garden, but also to be able to store garlic heads for a long time.

Thus, the algorithm of action is clear, and now a lot depends on knowing the correct harvest time for garlic, on the methods you have chosen for direct harvesting and competent preparation of the crop for storage. In short, get to work!

Video: how to dig and store garlic

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