What kind of professional sheet is needed for the fence. Decking for a fence: selection criteria

A fence made of corrugated board is the most common type of fencing not only for private, but also for industrial and construction projects. Such a fence can be either temporary or permanent. But depending on the place of application of the fence made of corrugated board and the duration of operation, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the thickness of the corrugated sheet itself. We will tell you what thickness corrugated board to choose for the fence.

The thinner the profiled sheet, the less the guarantee for it, other things being equal (the amount of zinc, material and thickness of the coating). It is clear that you want to make a fence for yourself once every 20-30 years. Therefore, the thicker the profiled sheet, the longer it will last, and the cheaper it will be to service the fence.
On the other hand, initially you will have to shell out more money for the device of a fence made of a thick profiled sheet. And if there is no such money? From the point of view of the durability of the fence, a compromise must be found between the thickness of the sheet and its coating. 275 grams of zinc, high quality coating with a maximum warranty period, for example, Quarzit gives a 30-35 year warranty. This means that with proper installation for 30 years, you can be sure that nothing will happen to the fence. But there is an important nuance - the price. The price of corrugated board with such a coating is about 550-570 rubles per square meter of corrugated board with a thickness of 0.5 mm. Not everyone is willing to pay that price. But, having decided, you will receive a high-quality fence from a professional sheet and a 30-year warranty.

Decking is available in different thicknesses. The minimum encountered sheet thickness is 0.28 mm, the maximum is 0.8 mm. Somewhere in the middle is the optimal thickness for the fence.

  1. Decking 0.35 mm thick, application: temporary fences of construction sites, fences of areas protected from the wind. The most rare case.
  2. Decking with a thickness of 0.4 - 0.45 mm, application: fencing of private territories and industrial facilities, surrounded by other buildings or trees, in lowlands. The most common corrugated board.
  3. Decking with a thickness of 0.5 mm, application: fences of private areas and industrial facilities without protection from the wind, in areas with strong winds, on elevations.

It is impossible to consider the thickness of the corrugated board not in conjunction with the type of sheet. The higher the profile, the less you can choose the thickness. For example, the resistance to wind of a C8 sheet with a thickness of 0.5 mm and a C21 sheet with a thickness of 0.4 - 0.45 mm will be approximately equal. On the other hand, the C8 sheet has a larger usable area. And from the point of view of aesthetics, it looks more attractive.

In addition, the choice of thickness is influenced by the number of attachment points: the more fence crossbars, the more wind-resistant the profiled sheet will be. Most companies offer two-leg mounting. If a C8 profiled sheet with a thickness of 0.4 mm is used with a fence height of 2 meters, it is better to put 3 crossbeams.

As standard (in most cases):

  • sheet C8 with a thickness of 0.5 mm on two logs with a fence height of up to two meters;
  • sheet С21 with a thickness of 0.45 mm on two logs with a fence height of up to two meters.

And do not forget that it is not only the profile and thickness of the sheet that are important, but also the coating, so make sure that the zinc is at least 180 g / sq. m and preferably a double-sided coating (soil + color).

Decking is a building material that can be used for various purposes. Profiled sheeting is used both for roofing work and for the construction of individual structures, for example, fences. What are the types and types, sizes of corrugated board? What kind of corrugated board is best for building a fence?

Advantages of corrugated board for a fence

Before deciding on the type of material used, you need to know what advantages it has. So, corrugated board for fences has the following advantages:

  • Material availability. Decking can be easily purchased in any city due to the widespread use of this material.
  • Convenient transportation. Due to technical features, the corrugated board is easy to transport in large quantities and over long distances.
  • Ease of installation. In order to build a fence made of corrugated board, no special knowledge or specialized tools are required.
  • Excellent strength and resistance to corrosion and fire
  • Long service life. Decking will serve its owner for at least 20 years
  • Variety of designs. All kinds of color schemes will allow the builder to build an unusual one that will perfectly complement the appearance of the site
  • Low cost

None of the existing materials for the construction of a fence combines so many of the above characteristics. That is why many builders choose corrugated board to install fences.

What kind of corrugated fence is better?

It is customary to distinguish between two main types of corrugated board:

  • Galvanized material. The main advantage is ubiquity and availability. So, when creating sheets of corrugated board, expensive materials are not used, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the price
  • Coated material. A more expensive version of corrugated board with increased stability and durability characteristics

Galvanized sheeting is often used as formwork or to create temporary fencing. They are not suitable for installing fences - not those characteristics, and the lack of a variety of colors does not allow creating a unique design.

Let's take a closer look at what materials are used to create the top layer of coated corrugated board:

  • Plastisol is a chemical composition that includes modified polyvinyl chloride. Depending on the manufacturer, the plastisol thickness can be in the range of 175-200 microns. Despite the high-quality surface protection, the material will fade over time under the influence of UV rays
  • Polyester is a versatile polymer that is used as a coating. Due to the fact that its layer on the corrugated board is about 25 microns, it does not withstand severe mechanical damage
  • Polyurethane. One of the best coatings that can withstand all kinds of impacts. Coating thickness up to 50 microns
  • PVDF. A versatile polymer that is resistant to various types of mechanical and weathering. Coating thickness - up to 27 microns, the service life of corrugated board with such a coating is about 40-45 years

Among the whole variety of types of corrugated board, it is necessary to choose the brand that is best suited for installing a fence. This necessitates a detailed consideration of the most common brands and their advantages.

Colors and brands of corrugated board for a fence

Colored corrugated board - RAL, RR, NCS palettes and their differences

When choosing and color is an important factor. The hedge should be in harmony with the surrounding atmosphere. The offered colors differ according to the following standard systems:

RR palette colors

Colored corrugated board at a price slightly more expensive than usual. However, thanks to him, designers and architects can bring any solutions to life.

Recently, it has become more commonly used. Double-sided such a corrugated board is named due to the application of a special coating on it on both sides. Thanks to this processing, the practical properties of the corrugated board are improved.

How can you make a fence from a professional sheet with your own hands? this issue is considered in detail.

Profiled sheeting brands and their advantages

The most common brands of corrugated board for a fence are C10, C18, C21 and HC44. Markings and designations indicate that these decking can be used to install fences.

The following code is often found: С18-0.55-1150-12000. What is this designation?

  • The letter in the name defines the type of corrugated board. If there is a letter "C" - this is wall corrugated board, which can be used to install fences, partitions and facades. "NS" is a universal type that is used for both roofing and walls. "N" - decking that can be used for roofing or formwork
  • The second indicator is the height of the corrugation (waves)
  • The third number is the width of the corrugated board in millimeters
  • The last number is the length of the corrugated sheet

Each brand has its own specific code by which you can determine the type and type of corrugated board.

Now let's briefly consider the main advantages of popular brands of corrugated board for a fence:

  • C10. Manufactured from galvanized sheet steel. It is used as a material for the construction of facade and wall systems. The main advantages are strength and high bearing capacity, allowing you to make tall and strong fences
  • C18. It is used as a wall profile, but can also be used for roofing work. The main advantages are tightness and versatility. Developed on the basis of the Finnish profile RAN-19N
  • C21. The prevalence and popularity is due to the rigidity of the profile, which is the main advantage of this corrugated board. Another advantage is the ease of docking when installing the fence due to the design of the wave
  • HC44. Universal corrugated sheet made of rolled sheet steel with 7 mm deep stiffeners. High strength makes installation work easy

The indicated grades of corrugated board are successfully used to create fences and partitions.

Characteristics of popular brands of corrugated board for a fence

Once again, we note that the indicated markings (C and HC) are recommended to be used when installing the fence, while the “H” marking is suitable exclusively for roofing work.

The best corrugated board in terms of price-quality ratio

The best brands of corrugated board for a fence in terms of price-quality ratio are brands of domestic manufacturers. So, at numerous forums, experts recommend not to purchase decking from China and Kazakhstan, while at the same time suggesting to use materials from Ukraine, Russia and Europe.

Experts advise paying attention to metal. A high-quality rolled profile can be used to create fences, regardless of the brand or country of manufacture.

In order for the quality and price to justify the functional purpose, it is recommended to use only corrugated board to install the fence, which is marked with the letters "C" and "HC".

The best corrugated board in appearance

We will not name the manufacturers, since the choice of corrugated board in appearance depends on the preferences of the builder himself. We only note that to create fences it is better to use not ordinary galvanized profiles, but coated profiled sheets.

The type of coating may vary depending on the specific manufacturer. You can choose the colors of the corrugated board for the fence - for example, some manufacturers produce sheets with drawings stylized as stone, wood, etc.

In order to choose the best corrugated board in appearance, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the offers on the market that are engaged in the production of corrugated board.

Choosing a professional sheet

Summing up, the following points can be noted that should be followed when choosing corrugated board for fences:

  • Dimensions of the profiled sheet (width, height, type and size of the wave)
  • Cover type
  • Raw material brand and manufacturing company
  • Material price

The best corrugated board is the one that best suits the goals of the builder. Paying attention to all of the above nuances, you can choose excellent material.

Video on how to choose a corrugated board for a fence and the effect of the price on it

How does the price of corrugated board affect? How to choose the right one? Tips and tricks from the pros in video data.

The abundance of building material has led to the fact that even the construction of a high-quality fence is impossible without assessing all the characteristics of the profiled sheet, corrugated board and other sheet material for work.

Types of professional sheet

A profile sheet is understood as a material intended for cladding, roofing and other construction needs. Without it, external fences and roofs cannot be erected.

The classification of the profiled sheet is the difference in thickness, height of stiffeners and the difference between them.

But it is better to describe the types of professional sheet in more detail:

  • Scope of application (facades, fences, walls, roofing or supporting structure);
  • Corrugation (wave or trapezoid);
  • Corrugation height. There are limitations here as well. Stiffeners up to 21 mm are for walls, up to 44 mm are fences and gates. Corrugation of more than 5 cm goes to those parts of the structures where there will definitely be a load on the material. For example, permanent formwork, various building floors, roof decking and other types of construction.
  • Profile width;
  • The thickness of the sheet itself;
  • Full and useful sheet width.

Profiled sheet is also distinguished by coatings, because "bare steel" must be protected with polymers or paint, or rather:

  • Acrylic coated;
  • Polyester;
  • Plastisol (polyvinyl chloride);
  • Polyvinylidene fluoride;
  • Polyurethane.

Is there a difference between a professional sheet and a professional flooring

There is a difference - this is the purpose of the universal sheet metal. The above views are created for a specific task. In more detail, the professional sheet is taken during construction:

  • Fence;
  • Walls;
  • Roofs;
  • Some overlaps.

The material is practically the same, but!

Naturally, for each of the works, it is sorted according to its characteristics, which makes it different.

Let's take an example. For the construction of the fence, you will need a profile sheet with the "shallow" wave (up to 21 mm), because the load on the material in the future is not expected (or used galvanized C 10). But the roofing type is also suitable for this work, however, at a price it is higher due to the characteristics of rigidity.

We come to the conclusion: corrugated board is a material for roofing works and for those construction sites where the load is provided. A professional sheet is a sheet metal with a weak edge, invented specifically for the construction of fences, house cladding. This is the difference.

comparison table

Now, when buying a professional sheet, they are guided by two proposed types:

  • Wall;
  • Roofing.

But it is better to choose the "fence" version of the material according to the following criteria:

  1. Operational nuances... You should always take into account the option of fastening the material, its type of installation (vertically or horizontally). Are there any additional crossbars for fasteners.
  2. Thickness. A thin sheet along the total length of the fence with a large distance between the supports can bend, "make noise" during a strong wind. Excessive weight of the profiled sheets is the load on the beams and posts. Sometimes it is because of the ill-conceived mass that the already finished fence is skewed.
  3. The rigidity of the material. Without stiffeners, there will be no structural density. They are necessary even in those places where there will be no load on part of the fence.
  4. Exterior decor. These are aesthetic preferences of an individual nature. You can select by color or shade, focusing on the general color scheme of the surrounding buildings. Sometimes, when choosing, they choose those colors that will not "fade" in the sun in a short time.
  5. Zinc is cheaper. The galvanized surface of the sheet without a decorative component is an excellent option for a budget and high-quality fence for a long time. Such sheets do not lend themselves to moisture, do not fade over time. And outwardly they always look neutral. What else do you need for an iron fence?
  6. More about galvanizing. It is imperative to check the zinc or aluminum top coat. The manufacturer always indicates this characteristic. For example, for a profiled sheet thickness of up to 0.5 mm, there should be a value of 200 g / m2. Galvanizing above 200 g / m2 indicates the best quality of the sheet. But when even the thinnest type of profile sheet has some 70-80 g / m2, then it is recommended to refuse the purchase, even if the material goes to partitions or the simplest type of fence.

Fences made of corrugated board and profiled sheet

Even without work experience, building a good fence from a profiled sheet or flooring with your own hands is a feasible task.

Important! When buying, we do not save on material, consumables and delivery. Otherwise, the service life will be halved.

Installation work will require:

  1. Decking or profiled sheet of the desired color. How thick? 0.5 to 1.3 mm;
  2. Pipe or profile for posts. It is possible and used. Smaller diameter profile for logs;
  3. Mortar: sand, cement (300-400), crushed stone;
  4. Measuring tool: level, rope stretched along the horizon;
  5. Welding;
  6. Screwdriver (drill). If the fasteners cannot cope with the thickness of the iron, then holes are drilled in advance;
  7. The fastener itself. Ideal: self-tapping screws of the required length and rivets (installed with a rivet). It so happens that the sheets sometimes disappear from areas where there is no constant presence of the owner. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to equip the profiled sheet with rivets over the entire area. And this type of fastener is the most reliable.

Working moments

  1. We mark the area, for example, in the country. This applies to gates, wickets, pillars and planned objects in the future. Advice! The distance between the posts is from 2 to 2.5 meters. No more!
  2. We start with the pillars. It is best to buy a 50 mm square profile. But let's say a round version of the pillar. Before installation in the ground and pouring, it is advisable to weld any kind of pillar on top so that there is no accumulation of moisture.
  3. The depth of the pit for the support pillars is 1/3 of their length. It turns out that if the post is 3 meters, then the pit is 1 meter. This is the norm, proven over the years. It is better to dig holes as narrow as possible.
  4. The fence posts poured into the soil are fixed with mortar. At this time, you need to deal with lags. Their fastening always starts with a plumb line.
  5. We attach the profile sheet to the frame. We start with self-tapping screws, where we take into account the distance (step) of no more than 50 cm. Moreover, the sheets must be fastened together only with an overlap, leaving 10-15 cm for the next part of the fence. So the overall structure will only get stronger.

What is the best fence

A steel sheet fence can be called the best if:

  • Construction was carried out by hand or under the guidance of the customer;
  • Desired sheet thickness. But what thickness of the corrugated sheet for the fence to order? No more than 1.3 mm.
  • The features of the soil are taken into account. Soft soil will definitely shrink after 2-3 years. In this situation, it is better to arrange a small strip foundation along the entire length for reliability;
  • We didn’t save on professional sheet. High-quality material with the required level of galvanizing was selected;
  • When sheets with paint are selected for work, scratches are a matter of time. It is better to buy this material spray with the same paint, and the pristine appearance is guaranteed for a lifetime.
  • There is a combination of or. Now sold everywhere profiled sheet under the stone. Sometimes the front of the fence, closer to the gate, is decorated with wrought iron elements. It will look very expensive and rich. And in the neighborhood, such a fence will be recognized as the best!

A fence made of corrugated board for a brick can be seen in the title photo.


What is the best fence to put in a private house? One of the best options is made of iron on a square profile with capital fastening.

Modern corrugated board is deservedly considered one of the most convenient and durable building materials. Its qualities such as light weight, ease of installation and transportation, attractive appearance and, which is far from unimportant, low cost, have long been appreciated by both professional builders and architects, and most individual developers.

Most often, a metal profiled sheet in the construction of individual and suburban areas is used as a roof covering and a material for fencing. In order to decide which corrugated sheet for the fence is better to choose, you need to understand what types of corrugated sheet are presented on the building materials market, and how they differ from each other.

Fence corrugated board brands

A profiled metal sheet, as can be seen from its very name, is made from thin sheet steel by rolling it on special roll-bending machines.

As a result of such processing, the original workpiece from a flat metal sheet acquires a corrugated or corrugated surface. Each of the corrugations acts as a stiffener, which greatly increases the strength and bearing capacity of the metal sheet.

Accordingly, the larger the trapezoid or profile wave, the better the mechanical characteristics of the corrugated board. Therefore, this is the first thing to consider when choosing a profile for a fence from corrugated board.

Depending on the shape of the profile, there are the following main types of profiled metal sheet:

  1. Bearing corrugated board, marked with the letter N.
  2. Wall, designated by the letter C.
  3. Universal profiled sheet, marked with the letters НС.

The corrugated board of the first group is used, most often, for the installation of roofing, the second group - for the installation of wall fences and fences.

In addition to the surface profile, various types of corrugated board differ from each other in the width of the sheet and the thickness of the metal of the original workpiece. In order to make it easier to understand all this variety, the standard provides for a special marking of the corrugated board for the fence.

So, for example, the brand of a corrugated sheet for a fence C20-1150 -0.8 is deciphered as follows: wall corrugated board with a profile trapezoid height of 20 mm, a useful sheet width of 1150 mm and a thickness of 0.8 mm.

What professional sheet for a fence is optimal in terms of price-quality ratio?

The choice of corrugated board for the fence is determined, first of all, by the conditions of its operation. Unlike the roof, the fence must not withstand the weight of snow that has fallen in winter; high requirements for tightness are not imposed on it. Therefore, the answer to the question: "Which professional sheet is better for the fence?" - usually a profile with a low corrugation and a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm. Most often, the choice falls on wall sheeting C8, C10 and C20. The exceptions are areas with very high wind loads.

With all its small thickness, the wall sheeting is exactly what is needed for the fence. It is durable and reliable, and fences from such a profile look light and elegant. The wall profiled sheet will reliably protect the area from foreign penetration, wind, dust and noise. Indeed, besides all other advantages, the corrugated board has very good soundproofing characteristics.

When deciding which professional sheet to choose for the fence, you need to ask the seller about such an important characteristic as its service life. Any modern profiled sheet has a protective anti-corrosion coating.

Types of corrugated sheets for the fence: wall profile C20-1150-0.6. One of the best options

The most inexpensive corrugated board for fences is made of galvanized steel. It has a fairly high resistance to corrosion and its service life can reach 10-15 years. However, this option can hardly be called optimal - rather, the cheapest one.

That is why now galvanized corrugated board is used less and less - it was replaced by a much more durable profiled sheet with a polymer protective and decorative coating.

The best corrugated board for a fence - a profile with a colored polymer coating

In addition to the fact that polymer painting serves for the profiled sheet as additional protection against corrosion and mechanical stress, such a profiled sheeting looks very aesthetically pleasing from the outside. The impeccably strict lines of the corrugated board fence look elegant and modern. In this case, a colored polymer coating can be applied both from the front side and from both sides of the profile. In the second case, the fence will look the same both from the inside and from the outside.

Therefore, many owners of individual plots prefer to choose exactly double-sided corrugated board for the fence. Both sides of it fit perfectly into the landscape design of the site, turning the fence into an important architectural element of the entire development. Moreover, such a fence not only looks many times better than simple galvanizing, but also lasts several times longer - up to 45 years, and costs - not much more.

Which corrugated board is best for a fence based on the criterion of durability?

The most inexpensive and least durable is a zinc protective coating. More reliable is the "aluzinc" coating, which consists of 45% zinc, 55% aluminum and 1.6% silicon.

However, most developers, when choosing which profiled sheet to make a fence, prefer a profiled sheet with a colored polymer coating, which is applied for additional protection of the profile over a layer of zinc or aluzinc.

There are several types of polymeric coatings for corrugated board:

  • polyester paint (this coating is called polyester);
  • plastisol (a mixture of polyvinyl chloride and various plasticizers);
  • polyurethane-polyamide paint (so-called "pural");
  • polyvinyl difluoride acrylic paint (PVDF).

All polymer coatings differ from each other in their properties and cost. Therefore, what kind of corrugated board to use for the fence must be decided depending on the operating conditions of the fence. So, for example, for residents of the coasts of the southern seas, corrugated board painted with polyvinyl difluoride-acrylic paint is well suited. This coating is extremely resistant to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive chemical aerosols.

At the same time, when deciding which brand of corrugated board is best suited for the fence, one must not forget that a corrugated board with a coating of plastisol, pural and PVDF is more expensive than a similar corrugated board with a polyester paint.

What kind of corrugated board to choose for a fence from an aesthetic point of view?

In the building materials market today, not only corrugated board with a colored polymer coating is presented. Several years ago, specialists from a South Korean company developed a technology for applying various images to the surface of a profiled sheet. For this, the method of photo-offset printing is used.

Thanks to this technology, a metal profiled sheet has appeared, ideally imitating the appearance of natural wood, as well as brickwork or natural stone. These colors are ideal for those who love natural textures. Moreover, such a professional sheet is exactly the one that is needed for the fence, if your house is made of logs or trimmed with stone or boards.

In addition to a colored profile with a polymer protective coating imitating natural wood, masonry or brickwork, manufacturers of profiled metal sheets can offer other options. Before choosing a professional sheet for a fence, it is better to take an interest in existing novelties on the market, since the number of varieties of this material is increasing every year. These can be both new approaches to the application of decorative and protective coatings, and constructive innovations and features.

In particular, not so long ago, a picket fence made of profiled metal sheet appeared on the market. Some types of corrugated board are specially produced with a sharpened upper edge of the sheets to be used specifically for the construction of fences.

In this case, a metal picket fence can even consist of individual elements that repeat the shape of a classic wooden fence.

Professional sheet for the fence: which one to choose and why

Summing up, we can briefly formulate the main approaches to what is corrugated board for a fence and how to choose it so that the fence of your site is reliable, visually attractive and harmoniously fits into the style and concept of the entire development.

  • First check the quality and thickness of the profiled sheet. Remember that a profile with a thickness of 0.5 - 0.7 mm is quite enough for a fence device.
  • Make sure that the profiled flooring is made in accordance with all technical conditions and standards, has all the necessary manufacturer's certificates confirming its quality.
  • Remember that the wall profiled sheet has a large usable area and is cheaper than the bearing corrugated board. If your region is not characterized by increased wind loads, the use of a wall profile will fully satisfy all the requirements for the quality and strength of the fence.
  • Do not forget that choosing the cheapest option - you are sure to lose in durability. Try to find a balance between your costs and the protection of the material from the harmful effects of the environment.
  • And, of course, do not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue - try to familiarize yourself with all the options for textures and designs before making your choice.

An ideal corrugated board for a fence should have not only galvanized on both sides, but also a polymer coating, at least from the front. This, of course, will increase the cost of the sheet itself, but it will give an aesthetic appearance to the fence and additional protection of the front part of the structure. You can consider an unusual professional sheet for installation, but with imitations of stone and brick masonry, or with a pattern of a wooden surface.

Fence corrugated board brands

  • H (bearing) - for roofs and ceilings;
  • C (wall) - for a fence and small metal buildings;
  • NS (universal) - both for the roof and for the installation of fences.

Therefore, the corrugated board for the fence can be marked with C and HC. But for the construction of metal fences, brands are usually chosen: C8, C10, C18, C20. The higher the wind load in the area where the fence is installed, the higher the profile numbering will be required. For fences above 2 meters, it is better to take the C20 and C21 markings.

Parameters of the profiled sheet for the fence

Coiled steel is used for the manufacture of corrugated board, which allows you to set any required length. In the design, this indicator can serve as both the height and the width of the structure. But the width of the rolled steel is usually standard - from 1 meter to 1.8 meters. Much more attention is paid to the thickness of the corrugated board when buying. For a fence, it makes no sense to take a very dense and heavy profile, but it should not be thin either - this increases the chances of its damage. The optimal thickness of the profiled sheet for the fence is 0.45-0.5 mm.

A sheet of 0.4 mm is also permissible for the design, but it is already considered from the category of budget products, slightly below the ideal. Another important indicator is the height of the wave (or corrugation). For a fence, its high value is not acceptable, otherwise it will look like an accordion: such a sheet is more suitable for the roof. The appropriate height of the corrugation for a two-meter fence is not more than 21 mm. All important parameters of the profiled sheet are indicated in the marking in order:

  • Profile height;
  • Sheet thickness;
  • Profile width;
  • Leaf length.

Color palette of corrugated board

Colored corrugated board makes the metal fencing of the private sector nicer. But the decorative layer can be made using powder coating, or with polymer coating technology. Only the latter guarantees a rich and long-lasting color. Colored polymers are found in about 30 color variations from the RAL or RR table, which allows you to choose the desired shade for fencing around a residential or industrial building. The polymer layer can be applied on both sides or only on one. There is also an innovation in decorating a fence profile - a print imitation of various surfaces. Such a decorative layer is also reliable in long-term use.

Prices for corrugated board

A good profiled sheet with optimal thickness and polymer coating costs around 400-500 rubles per sheet. For 700 rubles or a little higher with a standard thickness, sheets are sold that have a decorative coating like wood, stone or brick. Ordinary galvanized corrugated board with an acceptable thickness of 0.4 mm can be bought for 350 rubles, but it is possible that after a couple of seasons, some segments of the fence made of such material will have to be replaced.

Installation of corrugated board on the frame of the fence

What is most remarkable about the construction of a fence made of corrugated board is that the work is done in a short time and does not require any special skills or any special tools. To mount the sheet on the frame, a drill is enough (take a drill about 3.9 mm), a screwdriver and galvanized self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket. No additional hands are needed - the corrugated board is not heavy, so you can hold it and screw in the screws at the same time. You may also need a plastic profile to help secure the screws at the same level.