What family do carrots and beets belong to? We classify vegetables

Everyone knows such a plant as carrots. The family to which it belongs is very diverse. Parsnips, dill, celery, fennel... You can't list them all. From our article you will learn about the features of the structure and growth of carrots, its useful properties and application.

Characteristics of dicot plants

Let's start with the classification. Carrots are dicotyledonous plants. characteristic features of this systematic group are the presence of two cotyledons in the seed embryo, reticulate venation of the leaves, rod root system, the presence of lateral educational tissue in the stem. Dicotyledons are a large and widespread group, including several dozen families.

What family do carrots belong to?

Dicotyledons also include such a name they acquired by the characteristic inflorescence, which is called a complex umbrella. What is its feature? From the top of the common axis of such a structure, simple umbrellas diverge. The bases of each of them are surrounded by bracts.

parsley, celery, carrots... What family do they represent? Of course, Umbrellas. All of them have regular small bisexual flowers. Most often, their petals are painted white. But there are blue and yellow cups. The number of petals is five, the pistil is one. The calyx looks like teeth or is not developed at all.

Leaves with pinnate venation, plates of a dissected form. The fruit of the Umbelliferae is a bipartite achene. After maturation, it splits into two parts.

Close relatives

In terms of structural features, Pink and Legumes are very similar to Umbelliferae. All of them have five-membered flowers. no exception and carrot. The cruciferous family, unlike them, has four petals in a flower. Otherwise, their characteristic features are very different. This applies primarily to the flower. So, at the Pinks it is correct, with big amount stamens, while in Legumes it looks like a moth or a boat with a sail and oars.

Variety of Celery

In addition to the well-known carrots, the Umbrella family is represented by a wide range of medicinal, food and aromatic plants. The first group includes fennel and anise. These plants contain aroma oils, which are widely used in the pharmaceutical, perfumery and soap industries. The cake left over from their processing is rich in proteins. Therefore, this product is used to feed livestock.

Parsley, parsnip, cumin, dill, coriander should be attributed to spicy-aromatic Umbrella. Moreover, different parts of such plants have valuable properties: leaves, roots, fruits and seeds.

Among the Umbelliferae there are also poisonous representatives. For example, hemlock. This property is due to the presence of a number of alkaloids. Back in the days Ancient Greece this substance was used as an official poison, which was used to kill those who were condemned to death. But since the time of Hippocrates, hemlock has been used as medicinal plant.

Obvious benefit

Carrots, family which are also Umbrella, has not only pleasant taste. Chemical composition this product makes it even more useful. Carrots are rich in vitamins of groups B, C, E. Of the trace elements, sodium, potassium, magnesium and chlorine can be called, and of the micro - iodine, copper, manganese and cobalt.

But this product is especially rich in vitamin A. Its deficiency causes a disease such as hemeralopia, or night blindness. A person suffering from it, poorly distinguishes the outlines of objects at dusk. And if he goes out of the light into the darkness, he will get used to it for a long time.

Vitamin A is also of great importance for the mucous membrane of the eye. Its deficiency leads to atrophy of the lacrimal glands. The consequence of this is the dryness of the cornea, its injury and decrease protective functions. In turn, this can lead to the development of eye infections.

Economic importance

Carrots have long occupied a leading position in terms of sown area among vegetable crops. For example, in Russia, out of 20% allocated for these plants, a useful root crop takes 15. Carrots are stored until the next harvest, which is also its advantage.

Valuable nutritional qualities are due to the high content of carbohydrates, in particular sucrose and glucose. Therefore, root crops are used in cooking both as an independent dish and as an additive to salads and vegetable stews.

Forage species serve as food for cattle, piglets and poultry. Carrots are also grown as a technical crop in order to obtain carotene in industry.

Biological features

Carrots are biennial plants. This means that in the first year it does not produce fruits and seeds. In summer, only root crops with rosettes of leaves appear. Thanks to the modified main root, the plant tolerates unfavorable cold period, but new spring forms a seed bush. Thus, the root crop is a storage organ. The aerial part is represented by hollow stems of a rounded or ribbed shape, reaching a length of about 1.5 m. The leaves are compound, with a dissected plate.

In the spring of the second year of development, inflorescences develop - complex umbrellas. The outer flowers are larger. The fruits ripen closer to autumn. Each of them consists of two seeds that are freely separated.

So, Carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family. Characteristic features This systematic group is a five-membered flower, complex umbel inflorescence and fruit, which, after maturation, splits into two parts. This family includes valuable food, medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants.

It belongs to the Umbelliferae family and is called a biennial plant - that is, in the first year only the root crop and leaves sprout from the seeds, and the bush with seeds can only be expected in the second year.

What is a carrot? It consists of a leafy rosette, located on the surface of the earth, and a long root crop, hiding in the ground - this is what we eat.

Varieties of carrots.

There are several of the most popular varieties of carrots that can be seen in stores. First of all, this red carrot- succulent plant, unpretentious in the choice of soil.

There is also white carrot How easy it is to understand white color, very sweet, rich in starch and sugar.

yellow carrot, which came from Asia, also has a sweet taste and is much wider and thicker than ordinary carrots.

Everything carrot varieties are good in their own way, and the choice depends only on what dishes you are going to use it in.

You can learn more about growing carrots here.

Carrots: benefits and harms.

Useful properties of carrots.

Carrots are incredibly rich in a wide variety of vitamins.- and C, and B, and K, and E. It contains a large amount of carotene substance - which means that vitamin A can also be added to the list of vitamins.

Iron, cobalt, copper, magnesium and potassium, phosphorus - the content of all these (and not only these) substances can also boast carrot.

Eating carrots is useful for many diseases. These are visual impairments, kidney and liver ailments, anemia and heart disease. It has been proven that carrots have a good effect on the color and health of the skin.

Carrot juice perfectly fights high cholesterol levels, and a decoction of carrots is used as a natural diuretic.

Why are carrots harmful?

Despite all its usefulness, carrots can also harm the body. As already mentioned, carrots contain a lot of carotene. If you eat carrots too often and in large quantities, the body will no longer cope with the processing of this substance into vitamin A - and the skin will turn yellow-orange, and the liver will begin to malfunction.

Carrots also have a slight laxative effect. Therefore, it is useful for constipation, but if you have an upset stomach, then it is worth temporarily removing carrots from the diet.

Introduction to the quiz

Today we will talk about carrots. Everyone knows the orange princess of our gardens and orchards. Carrot - healthy vegetable having high taste qualities. Now guess the riddle: "What favorite dish in hares and rabbits? Well, of course, it's a carrot.

Quiz "Carrot" contains 10 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. What is a carrot?
Answer: carrot is a vegetable, garden plant, root crop with an orange sweetish root

2. What riddles do you know about carrots?
Answer: The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.
The red maiden sits in the chamber, and the scythe is in the yard.

3. What is the Snowman's nose?
Answer: carrot

4. What useful material found in carrots?
Answer: carotene, vitamins, ascorbic acid

5. What dishes can be prepared from carrots?
Answer: carrot juice, fresh and boiled carrot salad, carrot casserole, Ginger carrot cake, jelly, soufflé, caviar, puree soup

6. What proverbs about carrots do you know?
Answer:“Eat a carrot, if there is no apple”
"Carrots thin the blood"

7. What verses about carrots do you know?
Answer: poem "Carrot Juice" by Agnia Barto

"Suppresses the weeds
pea bushes,
And the carrots are barely visible -
All in all, it's bad."

8. What family of plants does carrot belong to?
Answer: to the umbrella family

9. Is the holiday of carrots celebrated in Russia?
Answer: no. But in a number of cities in Russia, Carrot Festivals are held in autumn, at which competitions are organized for the most original carrot dish.

10. Did ancient people know such a culture as carrots?
Answer: yes, the ancient Greeks and Romans knew how to cultivate carrots

History of carrots

Afghanistan is the birthplace of carrots. In ancient times, the color of carrots was very diverse: red, white, purple, yellow. In ancient Greece and Rome, carrots were held in high esteem. The Greeks gave her the name "bringing love", believing that she softens human hearts and teaches people to be loving and patient.

In India, Japan and China, carrots have been cultivated as a garden plant since the 13th century. The orange carrot familiar to us appeared only in the 16th century. thanks to the efforts of Dutch breeders who brought the new kind in honor of the Dutch royal family.

Orange carrots appeared in England during the time of Elizabeth I. After some time, this crop became one of the most consumed vegetables. Secular ladies made accessories from it to decorate their hats and dresses.

Carrots were brought to North America in 1607, and in 1814 Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, who was fond of growing plants, brought out 18 varieties of carrots.

❧ In medieval Germany, there was a belief according to which a bowl with parena and carrots should be taken to the forest. Allegedly, the gnomes were very fond of this dish and instead of carrots they left an ingot of gold.

❧ At the excavation site of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, archaeologists found images of bunches of carrots on the walls of houses. And in ancient buildings near Bern in Switzerland, fossilized remains of carrots were found, it is assumed that they had lain there for about 3-4 thousand years.

In Russia carrots have been cultivated since time immemorial. The ancient Slavs brought carrots as a gift to the dead. Carrots were placed in the boat with the dead, then the boat was set on fire. It was believed that carrots would serve as food for the deceased in the next world. The mention of carrots is found in many ancient Russian monuments, for example, in Domostroy. Not only in the villages there were vegetable gardens where carrots were grown. Such landings also existed in Moscow itself. Foreign guests wrote that there were many gardens with carrots around the capital.

Currently, China is the largest producer of carrots, Russia is in second place, and the United States is in third place.

Useful properties of carrots

Carrots have long been one of the favorite vegetables on our table. It has very few calories, but it brings significant benefits to the human body. Carrots are 87% water. Orange color Beta-carotene is an enzyme that gives this vegetable, which is processed in our body and converted into vitamin A, which is extremely useful for vision.

For better absorption of vitamin A, it is recommended to use fresh grated carrots by adding sour cream or vegetable oil. Carrots also increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers, so they need it. Carrots also aid in digestion.


Carrot is a biennial plant (rarely one or perennial), in the first year of life it forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop, in the second year of life - a seed bush and seeds.

Widely distributed, including in Mediterranean countries, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and America.

IN agriculture carrots are grown (cultivated carrots, considered or as independent view Daucus sativus, or as a subspecies of wild carrot - Daucus carota subsp. sativus) is a biennial plant with a rough woody whitish or orange root. Cultivated carrots are divided into table and fodder.


Word carrot goes back to praslav. *marky, genus. case *mъrkъve, and its Latin generic name Daucus comes from the Greek word δαῦκος denoting different umbrella plants. This word is raised to the verb δαίω (daio) spark off, which is probably due to the pungent taste of the fruit.

Botanical description

Significance and application

In cooking

Cultivated carrot roots are used as food in raw and boiled form for the preparation of first and second courses, pies, marinades, canned food, etc. Food additive E160a and carrot juice are obtained from carrots.

In medicine and cosmetology

In medicine, carrots are used for hypo- and beriberi. Promotes epithelization, activates intracellular redox processes, regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Seeds are used to obtain medicines, for example, daucarine, which has an antispasmodic effect similar to the action of papaverine and kellin, dilates the coronary vessels; used for atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris. Extracts and an essential oil for cosmetics and aromatherapy are obtained from the seeds.

Long time It was believed that eating carrots improves vision. Despite the fact that carrots do contain vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal development of the visual system, the fact of improving impaired vision by eating carrots has not been confirmed. The reason for this misconception was the rumors spread by the British during World War II that they fed their RAF pilots carrots, and it is allegedly because of this that the British Air Force is so successful in its night flights and in hitting targets. In fact, the British government thus sought to hide the fact that radar was used for this purpose.



Genus Carrot belongs to the Umbrella family ( Apiaceae) order Umbelliferae ( Apiales).

8 more families (according to the APG II System)
about 60 kinds
order Umbelliferae genus Carrot
department Flowering, or Angiosperms family Umbelliferae
44 more orders of flowering plants (according to the APG II System) more than 300 births


According to the database The Plant List, the genus includes 28 species:

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  1. For the conditionality of indicating the class of dicotyledons as a parent taxon for the group of plants described in this article, see the section "APG Systems" of the article "Dicotyledons".
  2. in the database Index Nominum Genericorum International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT). (English)
  3. Beketov A. N., Klyuss G. A.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  4. In accordance with the EU directive, carrots are both a fruit and a vegetable, which allows, for example, Portugal to legally produce and export carrot jam, which, according to EU rules, can only be made from fruits.
  5. Etymological dictionary Slavic languages// Ed. O. N. Trubacheva. - Issue. 20. - S. 247: *mъrky.
  6. Frisk H. Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Band I. - Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung. - 1960. - S. 352.
  7. Blinova K.F. and others./ Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovlev. - M .: Higher. school, 1990. - S. 212. - ISBN 5-06-000085-0.
  8. (English) . The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Retrieved October 1, 2016.


  • Carrot // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Galeev N. A. Industrial cultivation of carrots. - Ufa: Bashk. book. publishing house, 1985. - 136 p.


An excerpt characterizing carrots

- Do you remember me? Boris said calmly, with a pleasant smile. - I came with my mother to the count, but it seems that he is not completely healthy.
Yes, it looks unhealthy. Everything disturbs him, - Pierre answered, trying to remember who this young man was.
Boris felt that Pierre did not recognize him, but did not consider it necessary to identify himself and, without experiencing the slightest embarrassment, looked into his eyes.
“Count Rostov asked you to come and dine with him today,” he said after a rather long and awkward silence for Pierre.
- BUT! Count Rostov! Pierre spoke happily. “So you are his son, Ilya. You can imagine, I didn't recognize you at first. Remember how we went to Sparrow Hills with m me Jacquot ... [Madame Jaco ...] a long time ago.
“You are mistaken,” Boris said slowly, with a bold and somewhat mocking smile. - I am Boris, the son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya. Rostov's father's name is Ilya, and his son's name is Nikolai. And I m me Jacquot didn't know any.
Pierre waved his arms and head as if mosquitoes or bees had attacked him.
- Oh, what is it! I confused everything. There are so many relatives in Moscow! You are Boris...yes. Well, here we are with you and agreed. Well, what do you think of the Boulogne expedition? Surely the English will have a hard time if only Napoleon crosses the canal? I think the expedition is very possible. Villeneuve would not have blundered!
Boris did not know anything about the Boulogne expedition, he did not read the newspapers and heard about Villeneuve for the first time.
“We are more busy here in Moscow with dinners and gossip than with politics,” he said in his calm, mocking tone. I don't know anything about it and don't think so. Moscow is busy with gossip the most,” he continued. “Now they are talking about you and the count.
Pierre smiled his kind smile, as if afraid for his interlocutor, lest he say something that he would begin to repent of. But Boris spoke distinctly, clearly and dryly, looking directly into Pierre's eyes.
“Moscow has nothing else to do but gossip,” he continued. “Everyone is busy with who the count will leave his fortune to, although perhaps he will outlive us all, which I sincerely wish ...
- Yes, it's all very hard, - Pierre picked up, - very hard. - Pierre was still afraid that this officer would inadvertently get into an awkward conversation for himself.
“But it must seem to you,” Boris said, blushing slightly, but without changing his voice and posture, “it must seem to you that everyone is only busy getting something from the rich man.
"So it is," thought Pierre.
- And I just want to tell you, to avoid misunderstandings, that you will be very mistaken if you count me and my mother among these people. We are very poor, but I, at least, speak for myself: precisely because your father is rich, I do not consider myself his relative, and neither I nor my mother will ever ask for anything and will not accept anything from him.
Pierre could not understand for a long time, but when he understood, he jumped up from the sofa, grabbed Boris by the arm from below with his characteristic speed and awkwardness, and, blushing much more than Boris, began to speak with a mixed feeling of shame and annoyance.
– This is strange! I really ... and who could have thought ... I know very well ...
But Boris interrupted him again:
- I'm glad I said it all. Maybe it’s unpleasant for you, you’ll excuse me, ”he said, reassuring Pierre, instead of being reassured by him,“ but I hope that I didn’t offend you. I have a rule to say everything directly ... How can I convey it? Are you coming to dine at the Rostovs?
And Boris, apparently having shifted from himself a heavy duty, himself getting out of an awkward position and putting another in it, became again completely pleasant.
“No, listen,” said Pierre, calming down. - You amazing person. What you just said is very good, very good. Of course you don't know me. We haven’t seen each other for so long… children yet… You can assume in me… I understand you, I understand you very much. I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't have the spirit, but it's wonderful. I am very glad that I got to know you. Strange,” he added, after a pause and smiling, “what you supposed in me! He laughed. - Well, so what? We will get to know you better. Please. He shook hands with Boris. “You know, I have never been to the Count. He didn't call me... I feel sorry for him as a person... But what can I do?
- And you think that Napoleon will have time to transport the army? Boris asked smiling.
Pierre realized that Boris wanted to change the conversation, and, agreeing with him, began to outline the advantages and disadvantages of the Boulogne enterprise.
The footman came to summon Boris to the princess. The princess was leaving. Pierre promised to come to dinner in order to get closer to Boris, firmly pressed his hand, affectionately looking into his eyes through his glasses ... After his departure, Pierre walked around the room for a long time, no longer piercing invisible enemy with a sword, but smiling at the memory of this sweet, intelligent and firm young man.
As happens in early youth, and especially in a lonely position, he felt an unreasonable tenderness for this young man and promised himself to make friends with him without fail.
Prince Vasily saw off the princess. The princess held a handkerchief to her eyes, and her face was in tears.
- It's horrible! terrible! she said, “but whatever the cost, I will do my duty. I will come to spend the night. You can't leave him like this. Every minute is precious. I do not understand what the princesses are delaying. Maybe God will help me find a way to prepare it!… Adieu, mon prince, que le bon Dieu vous soutienne… [Farewell, prince, may God support you.]
- Adieu, ma bonne, [Farewell, my dear,] - answered Prince Vasily, turning away from her.
“Ah, he is in a terrible position,” said the mother to her son, as they got back into the carriage. He barely recognizes anyone.
- I don’t understand, mother, what is his relationship with Pierre? the son asked.
“The testament will say everything, my friend; our destiny depends on it...
“But why do you think he would leave anything for us?”
- Ah, my friend! He is so rich and we are so poor!
“Well, that’s not enough reason, mother.
- Oh my god! My God! How bad he is! mother exclaimed.

When Anna Mikhailovna went with her son to Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhy, Countess Rostova sat alone for a long time, putting a handkerchief to her eyes. Finally, she called.
“What are you, dear,” she said angrily to the girl, who kept herself waiting for several minutes. You don't want to serve, do you? So I will find a place for you.
The countess was upset by the grief and humiliating poverty of her friend and therefore was not in a good mood, which was always expressed in her by the name of the maid "dear" and "you".
“Guilty with,” said the maid.
“Ask the Count for me.
The count, waddling, approached his wife with a somewhat guilty look, as always.
- Well, Countess! What a saute au madere [saute in Madeira] of grouse will be, ma chere! I tried; I gave a thousand rubles for Taraska not for nothing. Costs!
He sat down beside his wife, valiantly leaning his hands on his knees and ruffling his gray hair.
- What do you want, countess?
- Here's what, my friend - what do you have dirty here? she said, pointing to the vest. "That's sauté, right," she added, smiling. - Here's the thing, Count: I need money.
Her face became sad.
- Oh, Countess! ...
And the count began to fuss, taking out his wallet.
- I need a lot, count, I need five hundred rubles.
And she, taking out a cambric handkerchief, rubbed her husband's waistcoat with it.