Why did Croton's leaves droop? Lack of nutrients

1. I was presented with a croton, I don’t know what to do with it, what habits it has.

Answer: It is advisable to transplant Croton into special ground. It's called Codiaum. Or ask the land most suitable for him at a flower shop. Good watering so that the soil does not dry out too much. Bright enough light for the variegation of leaves (but not direct sunlight), spray every day, you can wash it once a week under a lukewarm shower. Croton loves warmth and wet air, so it is advisable to buy another pallet, put drainage in it and pour water, it is important that the roots do not have water. The pot should be large enough, but not too large. Croton's roots are quite powerful, and when transplanting, it is still advisable to look at the state of the root system and the earthen coma, because it is customary to increase the capacity slightly so that there is no more than 3-4 cm between the old lump and the walls of the pot.Well, you should not bury it, make good drainage.
Croton carisulka! As what is wrong, leaves down and mortal resentment against the owner. "... Give me a drink, I am cold, I am hot, it blows and shines for me, and in general you do not love me ..." This is not full list his grudges. Give him a real resort. Everything should be normal, and humidity and watering, indirect sun, washing of leaves, and of course love and markets with him during the procedures.

2. Croton motley throws out new leaves, but does not want to change their color.

Answer: If he began to throw out green leaves with the onset of autumn, then he clearly does not have enough light.

3. My croton sheds leaves. Almost the entire stem is already bare - except for the top.

Answer: Check the plant for spider mites. Very often crotons shed their leaves precisely because of this pest (provided, of course, the temperature and watering regime is observed). In addition, if this is the first wintering for your croton, then it is not surprising that he sheds leaves. I did not have time to adapt, it is bad for him, there is not enough light and humidity. Under the lamp and closer to the sink. If it is on the windowsill, then the problem is in the temperature, Croton does not tolerate overcooling of the roots and the slightest drafts. Cutting the top is not worth it, because croton is not easy to root at all, in the middle of winter it is almost impossible.

4. My Croton has crumbled lower leaves, he became like a "palm tree".

Answer: Place it under the lamp on a pallet of damp expanded clay. You can't do anything with a bare stick, but the remaining leaves can still be saved. While the plant is adapting, it may shed a few more leaves. In summer, Croton will grow up and the bare trunk will not be so conspicuous. If it does not branch, you can pinch the crown in late February - early March.

5. How best to root the top of the croton - in water or in the ground. And what conditions to create (do you need bottom heating and lighting?). And do I need to keep in Epin?

Method 1: rinse the cut, dip it in the root, put it in the water on the battery, carefully wrapping it in a plastic bag. Ventilate every 2 days, then spray the leaves with water and back into the bag on the battery.
Method 2: just keep in water until the roots have given up. You just need the stalk to be freshened.

6. I transplanted croton, and after a while he hung up all the leaves. What to do???

Answer: Place it under the bag - the leaves will "stand up" again. Only you don't need to fill in, it's just a reaction to the transplant - perhaps the roots were washed or part of them was damaged. After a week, remove the package and spray it often the first time. Although such capricious as croton, it is better to transfer it without breaking the earthen coma and sprinkle it with epin 2 times. And then he can throw off the leaves. And as it comes to life, accustom to life without a package gradually.

7. Rooting of the Croton leaf.

Answer: This is, in principle, possible - if you need a croton leaf with roots. He will never become a tree, it is necessary to root a leaf with a handle and a bud.

8. There are kidneys on the stem, but they have not woken up for about a year. What should be done to wake up the kidneys?

Answer: Any removal of the growth point stimulates branching - that is, if you remove the growth point at the top, the buds should wake up. And it is better to hold it under the film, it is more likely that you will still wake up. If still not, the second option is to root the top.

Plant croton (Latin Croton), it is codiaeum (lat.Codiaeum) or "Cloak of Joseph", belongs to the genus of the Euphorbia family. What the name "Croton" means, which gardeners liked more than the scientific "codiaum", translated from Greek means "head", no one knows for sure. Maybe this name comes from the name of a city in southern Italy, in which Pythagoras once founded his school, or maybe in some dialect this word means "bush" ... The native land of wild crotons is the islands The Pacific and Northern Australia, India, and Southeast Asia.

The number of species in the genus varies from 17 to 1200, but in indoor culture croton flowers are represented only by variegated croton and its hybrids. Croton flower is one of the most beautiful decorative deciduous indoor plants, which serves wonderful decoration interior and, as a rule, does not take up too much space. In some countries indoor plant Croton is considered the keeper of the hearth, protecting the house from bad energy.

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Planting and caring for croton (in short)

  • Bloom: the plant belongs to decorative deciduous.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight before noon, and after - bright diffused light or light partial shade.
  • Temperature: in summer 20-22 ˚C, in winter not lower than 16 ˚C.
  • Watering: persistent but moderate.
  • Air humidity: high. The plant needs constant spraying and washing of the leaves, as well as regular shower procedures (once or twice a month).
  • Top dressing: solution of complex mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants twice a month from April to November, the rest of the time - once a month.
  • Rest period: in winter.
  • Transfer: young plants - 2 times a year, adults - 1 time in two years.
  • Reproduction: seeds, leaf and stem cuttings.
  • Pests: mealybugs, scale insects, nematodes, spider mites.
  • Diseases: sooty mushroom, gray rot,
  • Properties: the sap of the plant is poisonous.

Read more about growing croton below.

Croton flower - features of cultivation

The indoor flower croton is a bush with leathery leaves of various forms: asymmetric, oblong-lanceolate, pointed or obtuse, whole-edged, three-lobed, notched, broadly ovate, etc. Young leaves, usually lighter yellow-green hues, take on richer greens and burgundy colors over time, so your home flower Croton is colored like an elegant autumn forest. Common feature for leaves of all sorts and varieties- pronounced venation. The bloom of croton will not delight you, since it is a hanging axillary carpal inflorescence of nondescript cream flowers.

In the photo: Croton growing on the street

The home croton flower has earned the fame of one of the most capricious plants. What are the features of croton care?

  • Croton juice is poisonous. It causes diarrhea, vomiting, contact dermatitis, so all work with Croton must be carried out with gloves.
  • Croton at home needs not only spraying the leaves from a spray bottle, but also wiping them with a damp sponge. Give Croton a warm shower every month in the summer.
  • Croton does not tolerate watering cold water and drafts!
  • Sometimes at the beginning of the growing season, croton leaves take on strange shapes. How this is explained, no one knows, but Croton possesses high degree mutability, and therefore it became possible to breed many varieties and hybrid forms of this plant, and they differ only in how the leaf of a particular croton variety looks.
  • The inconspicuous bloom of croton takes a lot of energy from the plant, and if you are not going to engage in breeding experiments, it is better to remove flower buds or flower stalks immediately.

Croton care at home

How to care for croton

He loves bright light, but he can take baths from direct sunlight only in the morning or before sunset, so in the summer the sill of the northern window will suit him, and in winter, when the sun shines but does not warm, the southern one. If you have the opportunity to take out Croton in the summer on Fresh air and bright diffused light, do not neglect it. The most comfortable temperature for croton in summer is 20-22 ºC, in winter - at least 16 ºC.

In the photo: Handsome Croton

Watering croton it is necessary that the earthen lump is always slightly moist, but at the same time, so that moisture does not stagnate in the roots and does not cause the danger of their decay. Water for irrigation should not be cold, and most importantly, it needs to be filtered or at least defended. Air humidity for croton is of great importance, therefore, you will have to regularly spray or wipe the leaves with a damp washcloth, and in the summer season, once a month, arrange for him a warm shower, but so that the water does not flow into the pot.

Hello! My croton's leaves dry and fall. I follow the watering, there is enough light. What could be the reason? What to do with it?

Hello! I would like to receive more information about your houseplant, so you can give more accurate advice. Leaves can turn yellow in different ways (at the tips, spots, evenly, etc.), fall off at different rates. Of so general question some general recommendations can be made.

Croton (the second name is codiaum) is a whimsical and demanding plant. Any violation of light, temperature or water conditions can lead to problems, in particular, falling foliage.

There are several main reasons why Croton's leaves dry and fall off:

  • various diseases;
  • pests;
  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • too dry indoor air;
  • violation of the light regime;
  • during the period of adaptation to new conditions;
  • too hot or cold in the room;
  • natural leaf replacement process.

We will not dwell on the last point for a long time. It is worth noting that in this case the process proceeds gradually, smoothly, 1-2 leaves fall off. At the same time, new shoots always appear on the upper part of the plant, and the growth outstrips the fall, that is, the codiaum does not look "shabby". Symptoms indicating that something is wrong with Croton may include the following:

  • few leaves remain on the stems, and this can be seen with the naked eye;
  • weak growth of young foliage;
  • young leaves turn yellow;
  • the tips of the leaves dry up;
  • yellowness appears in spots.

If you have recently acquired a plant, then it is quite possible that this is just a period of adaptation to new conditions. Even moving to another room is difficult. The flower acclimates and gets sick because of this. If suitable conditions are created for the culture, then in 1-2 weeks it will return to normal, the foliage will stop falling off, it will become bright.

In most cases, errors in the maintenance of the flower are to blame for the fact that croton sheds leaves.


The soil in the pot should be slightly damp at all times. In the summer you have to take a watering can every 2-3 days. Croton loves moist soil. At the same time, it should not only be wet upper layer, but the whole lump, to the bottom. Codiaum has a developed root system that extends deep into the earth. If the roots do not have enough water, then this will immediately be noticeable by outward appearance plants: the leaves will begin to dry out. A prolonged lack of water is the reason why the leaves of croton fall off.

Excess water is no less dangerous. Usually the danger of "flooding" the plant arises in winter period... At this time, the need for water decreases in almost all crops, since they pass into a dormant period: the intensity of growth decreases, flowering and fruiting stops. However, the owners continue to water in the same amount as in the summer. With an excess of moisture, the roots rot, which is the cause of the death of the plant. Therefore, in winter they water it 2 less often: once every 4-6 days.

In order not to "pour" the codiaum, it is necessary to drain the excess water from the cup under the pot. A thick layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom. This will prevent root rot. With a decrease in the air temperature in the room, the irrigation intensity must be reduced.

Dry air

Dry air in the apartment - frequent problem during heating season... Croton does not like dryness. Because of this, the edges of the leaves dry out. You can save a flower with a few simple measures.

  1. Place the pot with codiaum on a pallet with damp peat, moss or expanded clay. Add water regularly. Then it will constantly evaporate, creating a more favorable microclimate.
  2. Sprinkle regularly. For the procedure, it is advisable to use warm water, settled for several days. It is desirable that she was room temperature or 1-2 degrees warmer. Before sprinkling, it is advisable to wrap the pot with foil to avoid washing out the soil.
  3. Wipe the deciduous part with a damp cloth, napkin, sponge. This will not only moisten the croton itself and the air next to it, but will be an excellent means of combating dust that accumulates on the sheet plates.
  4. Use special devices - humidifiers, air purifier.

At high level moisture culture leaves do not wither for a long time, remain bright, do not lose turgor.

Dry air, a large amount of dust provoke various diseases, become the reason for the attack of pests - spider mites. Due to the unfavorable microclimate, the natural immunity of the codiaum is greatly reduced.

Temperature regime

The flower is very picky about temperature regime... When the temperature is too low, almost all life processes stop in it, it stops growing. The codiaeum practically goes into hibernation. As a result, the leaves at the tips dry out and then fall off. The process starts at +14 ° C. If Croton has thrown off all "plumage", it is likely that he is already on the verge of death.

The reason why the croton has dropped the leaves may be too high a temperature. If the thermometer is above +24 ° C, and the air is dry, then it is likely that the flower feels uncomfortable precisely because of the heat.


The lighting mode plays a big role. Croton also drops leaves in direct sunlight. If this behavior is noticed, it is necessary to rearrange the flower in a different place, more shady and cooler. If the exposure to sunlight was short-lived, then the culture will quickly recover: the leaves will rise again, become elastic, strong. If the codiaum has stood for a long time under the scorching rays, then the process becomes irreversible, the plant will only have to throw off the burnt foliage. Due to the regular oversupply of the sun indoor flower may die.

Deficiency of any substances

Another 1 reason why the tips of the leaf plates dry in croton. Over time, nutrients are removed from the soil. If the flower does not have enough of them, it will begin to wither. In this case, the leaves can dry out in different ways: they can go in spots, like a small rash or large foci, turn yellow evenly or just take from the edges, become thin and brittle, like parchment. It depends on what elements the plant lacks. If all the conditions meet the requirements of Croton, then it is likely that the problem lies precisely in the deficiency of any substances; top dressing or transplantation into fresh soil is required.

Where is the codiaum

There are several requirements that must be met in order for the indoor culture to feel comfortable. It is not recommended to place it in a draft, near radiators or heaters, in direct sunlight or completely in the shade, completely depriving natural light, next to window glass... If you want to keep a flower on the windowsill, then only the western or eastern side will do.


Sometimes codiaum is attacked by various pests: scale insects, spider mites, etc. They literally draw sap from the plant. What to do in this case? Fight insects. First, henchmen, folk methods... If they do not help, then resort to insecticides.

Croton foliage is an indicator of its condition. On it, the attentive owner always finds out in what state the plant is, what suits him, what is missing, etc. Therefore, always carefully consider this whimsical handsome man.

A week later, the procedure was repeated. Now I watch how home plant slowly comes to his senses and builds up the green mass. In this article, I will tell you why croton leaves can dry out, what to do in this case.

The people call this beautiful indoor croton flower codiaum. It has incredibly beautiful fleshy leaves. different forms... A characteristic feature of these leaves is their multi-colored color from light green to black, depending on the variety.

If you take proper care of it, replant it on time, feed it, then it can easily grow up to one meter in height.

This flower is one of the most demanding plants to care for. Its juice is quite poisonous, so it is undesirable to let animals and small children come to it. And transplanting and pruning should be done only with protective rubber gloves.

Usually croton grows without problems, if its lower leaves fall off, then you do not need to worry - this is a natural process of any plant. The alarm should only be raised if:

  • Leaves fall in large numbers.
  • The tips of both young and old leaves dry out.
  • The greenery began to be covered with spots of different colors.

The main reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • A sharp change in air temperature.
  • Untimely watering.
  • Infection with pests and diseases.
  • Decrease of air humidity in the room.
  • Getting used to a new pot and soil after transplanting.
  • Frequent movement of the flower pot around the room.
  • Lack of lighting.

If the codiaum has just been purchased from a gardening store, then there is no need to worry, since all purchased flowers first lose their green mass. Here you just need to water it in a timely manner and monitor its condition for two weeks. Usually, after such a time, the flower fully adapts.


Fleshy and glossy leaves are most often moisture-loving, so these flowers must be watered regularly. But overflow is also fraught with consequences in the form of black root rot.

Before watering again, you need to poke your finger into the soil, if it is wet at a depth of 1 centimeter, then you do not need to water yet, if it is already dry, then you should not delay this procedure. Always watered with settled water at room temperature.

If in the summer it is watered every three days, then in the autumn-winter period, watering is usually reduced to once every five days. But spraying the leaves is done more often than in summer, since the air in the room becomes very dry due to heating.

If you water it as often in winter as in summer, then excess moisture will accumulate in the lower part of the pot, which will lead to root disease, from which the leaves can dry out. Therefore, during transplantation, it is imperative to take care of a thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot.


Since codiaum belongs to tropical plants, the best air temperature for it is:

  • In the summer, +24 o C.
  • In winter +20 o C.

If the air temperature in the room has dropped slightly below + 15 ° C, then the codiaum almost stops growing, its leaves dry up, starting from the tips, until they completely fall off, and the roots begin to rot. In very hot weather with dry air, when the temperature exceeds + 25 ° C, the leaves become lethargic.

For the same reason, it is undesirable to expose Croton to direct sunlight. Partial shade is most suitable for him. And be sure to protect from drafts.


This problem is especially relevant in winter, when heating is switched on in the premises, which greatly dries the air. During this period, many plants begin to suffer from a lack of moisture, so they are sprayed more often in winter than in summer.

If the owner of the codiaum often disappears at work, then you should purchase an automatic air humidifier or put any container with liquid next to the pot and refill it periodically.

Sprayed with a liquid always at room temperature, in no case cold. And it is undesirable to carry out this procedure in direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves may get burned, since the drops on them will work like a magnifying glass. Once a month, wipe the leaves from accumulated dust with a damp cloth.

Another reason why you need to maintain the right air humidity is insect pests. Dry air is the most comfortable atmosphere for them. Especially for spider mite... It is he who is one of the main reasons for the drying and falling of greenery.


This home flower loves light, but not direct sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on its greenery. Therefore, the most the best place penumbra is for him.

In winter, it is not necessary to install artificial lighting over Croton; ordinary light from a window is enough for it. It is undesirable to put it completely in a dark place, since the leaves will lose their bright color and become lethargic.


The newly purchased codiaum is necessarily transplanted into another pot with soil consisting of leafy soil, peat, sand, charcoal, humus. They must be in equal parts. The transplant is usually done after the flower has acclimatized. This usually happens one month after purchase.

Acclimatization should take place in a room where there are no other flowers besides this flower, as it may contain hidden diseases or insect pests.

A young plant is first transplanted every year. This is usually done in the spring. The older the plant, the less often the transplant is carried out.

After transplanting, any crop often sheds its foliage. Here you just need to be patient, water and feed on time, soon the greens will grow back again.

If flowers have grown on it, and the greens have thinned out, then this is a normal phenomenon. So experienced florists it is recommended to cut the flowers so that the croton does not have to spend a lot of energy on growing them to the detriment of its growth.

Lack of nutrients

Like any plant, codiaum cannot grow properly without beneficial minerals. Due to the lack of these substances in the soil, the leaves become thinner, dry up, and then fall off. Therefore, the flower must be fed regularly. In spring and summer, it is fed every two to three weeks with any complex fertilizer for ornamental deciduous plants.

In winter, it is enough to give feeding once a month, and then it should be more diluted than in summer. Before fertilization, the soil is watered abundantly so that the roots do not burn.

Insect pests and diseases

This houseplant rarely gets sick, as it is poisonous. But if you don't take good care of him, he can get sick. The most common diseases are:

  • Anthracnose - fungal disease which occurs after frequent watering cold water. Leaves appear red or gray spots, after which the fungus penetrates even deeper, thereby completely destroying the flower. When these signs of the disease are detected, the croton pot is urgently taken to another room where there are no home flowers. Then, not only him, but also the rest of the greens in the room is treated with an antifungal drug.
  • Root Rot - Soft and yellowed leaves indicate infection with this fungal disease. To save the croton, it is transplanted into a new container with fresh soil and mandatory drainage at the bottom. During this procedure, the damaged parts of the roots are cut off and the wounds are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then everything is treated with an antifungal agent.
  • Spider mite - Its appearance is evidenced by the presence of a thin web and white bloom on stems and leaves. To get rid of it, the leaves are washed with soapy water and every week they are thoroughly treated with any insecticide, for example: Fitoverm, Aktellik. After that, the percentage of humidity is increased and the house flower is regularly watered.
  • Mealybug - Fluffy bloom is a sign of its presence on the leaves light color on the leaves. All greens are washed well with soapy water, after which all parts are greased vegetable oil... If this does not help, then they treat it with Karbofos.
  • Scabbard - She rarely affects him. Brown spots on greenery indicate the presence of this pest. They are removed with a sponge dipped in soapy water. Usually, this treatment is enough to get rid of this pest.


Caring for codiaum is quite difficult, as it requires:

  • Sufficient air humidity.
  • A certain temperature.
  • Regular watering and feeding.
  • Correct lighting.

Most importantly, it is poisonous. When caring for him, it is always recommended to remember about protective gloves so that the poisonous juice does not get on the skin, especially on the wounds and mucous membranes. If juice does get on your skin, mouth or eyes, see your doctor immediately. Fortunately, the poison from it is not released into the air.

Supervise the children so that they do not put the torn-off piece of greenery into their mouths. The same applies to animals. If the child just stroked the plant, then just wash their hands with soap and water.