How to lay a fireplace. Do-it-yourself brick fireplace ordering and preparatory work

A real fireplace equipped in the house is a whole architectural composition. Indeed, in order to ensure its functioning, it is necessary to comply with certain construction technologies, and if this fireplace provides an opportunity to cook food, then its size increases dramatically. But such a device is not suitable for every home. You need to choose a model not only according to its technical characteristics, but also according to the dimensions it occupies. In small living rooms or in country houses, the installation of the described fireplace is not possible.

But there is a way out of this situation. Thanks to the developed models of compact devices, each owner can acquire a source of living hearth in any room. In terms of its functions, a mini fireplace is not inferior to a real one, but its size puts it in a favorable light among home owners who cannot boast of spacious rooms.

Brick building in the country

Some Distinguishing Features

By its design small fireplace has a number of differences that are not limited to size.

  • Its scheme is simplified as much as possible, and if certain technologies are used in real fireplaces to increase heat transfer, remove smoke, strengthen and adjust draft, then here you can literally describe the device with a couple of phrases: an ash pan, a firebox, a chimney.
  • Despite the fact that small dimensions imply low productivity, such a fireplace still copes with the task of local heating of the room, but most importantly, it gives everyone the opportunity to arrange a small cozy corner for themselves.

When talking about miniature fireplaces, one cannot fail to mention ready-made options that can be used not only in private homes, but also where the construction of a brick fireplace would be prohibited. It's about about steel free-standing structures. They can get off on the outside in different styles, imitating the brickwork of a classic fireplace.

Gas version of the finished device

  • Gas, as an inexpensive type of fuel, has sufficient heat of combustion, so such models can be used for heating.
  • are self-contained devices that can be built into a wall, furniture or ready-made portal. They do not need a chimney, so in terms of space savings, these options have become unbeatable.
  • A real flame, enclosed in small dimensions, is realized in a biofireplace. In the furnace of such an apparatus, fuel is burned, which practically does not leave harmful substances. Such a fireplace also does not require a chimney and serves as a portable option.

Determine the size and location

To build a small fireplace with your own hands, you need to carefully consider its size and fix it all on a piece of paper. The resulting project will allow you to correctly calculate right amount material and avoid mistakes during laying.

It should be noted that there are standard blanks that are suitable for various areas of the room. These blanks were created by professional craftsmen and tested in action. Therefore, we will mention optimal performance for an average room area of ​​​​15-20 m 2.

Oddly enough, but all calculations begin with the size of the firebox. It is they who determine the further dimensions of our fireplace. Before you make a project, you should calculate the volume of the room by multiplying its linear dimensions. For the parameters we set, the area of ​​​​the firebox is calculated as 1/50 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The dimensions of the back wall of the fireplace will be approximately 30x40 cm. So, taking into account all the details, the total height of the fireplace before the formation of the chimney will be 60 cm.

Corner option will save room space

The question of choosing the dimensions of the furnace is two-sided.

  1. A large chamber will allow you to give more heat, but leads to an increase in all dimensions of the fireplace.
  2. If you make the firebox smaller than in the calculations, then it will not be able to heat the room of the declared area.

The place for installation is selected based on the purpose of the device. You can look at the fire flame for a long time, but save yourself from the constant presence in the fireplace area. This can lead to headaches and high fatigue. In addition, restrictions exclude children's rooms. It is best to install a fireplace in the living room. When country house there is not much choice, so you should be guided by the possibility of installing a chimney.


It is much easier to build a small fireplace with your own hands than a full-fledged, massive one. Thanks to the simplified design, it will not be difficult to figure it out, and if you still make a mistake, you can always dismantle the element and reassemble it. In this regard, novice craftsmen are provided with everything necessary to build a structure.

Start building a fireplace

To make a mini fireplace, you will have to create its drawing. This drawing shows all dimensions, design features, mutual arrangement of convection channels, grate, door. Such detail is needed in order to competently draw up a scheme of orderly construction, where everything is indicated to the smallest detail.

Each row describes how many bricks will be needed and how they should be laid. Although the size of the fireplace is small, following the technology guarantees its correct and safe operation.

Even for a mini fireplace, it is necessary to construct a foundation. Only the depth of the pit can be only 40 cm. Sand and gravel are poured into the bottom of the pit. The foundation is poured to the very level of the field. If it has to be lifted, then the shape of the fill is given with the help of formwork. The area of ​​the foundation should be several more area fireplace base.

Nowadays, the fireplace has already ceased to be a vital heating structure and in most cases serves only as an original element of the interior. However, the fireplace can still be considered as additional source heat, but only while it is heating. This is what determines, basically, the place of its placement - cottages and country houses, in which it is customary to install a fireplace in a large hall.

The device and masonry of the fireplace is a little simpler than that of other hearths (for example, stoves) and therefore it is quite possible to make a small fireplace yourself. In the article we will tell you how to fold the fireplace yourself out of brick.

Preparation for masonry

Before you start laying out the fireplace, it is worth deciding in which room you will do it. The minimum area of ​​the room required to provide normal operation fireplace (without cold drafts or excessive heating) is 20 square meters. meters. In this case, the ratio of the area of ​​​​the opening of the firebox of the fireplace to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be in the range from 1:70 to 1:80.

The most popular option is to install a fireplace in a wall opening so that its back wall goes into an adjacent room.

If you lay out a fireplace near a partition of combustible materials, you must pay attention to compliance with the standards fire safety, that is, perform the mandatory vertical fire cutting.

The next step is the selection of fireplace drawings, which indicate all the rows of masonry (if you are a beginner, then choose a simplified version that does not require complicated fitting of bricks or laying them out at an angle).

Now to prepare necessary materials to fold the fireplace yourself:


Since the fireplace must necessarily have its own foundation (not in contact with the foundation of the walls of the house), it must be done in advance, at least two weeks before the start of laying the fireplace. This will allow the foundation (the material of which can be not only reinforced concrete, but also rubble stone or brick) to gain the necessary strength. For a rubble, brick or rubble concrete foundation, cement-lime or cement mortar must have a mark of at least 50.

The depth of the foundation for the fireplace must be at least the depth of soil freezing in your area, and the geometric dimensions of the foundation in terms of the plan must strictly correspond to the shape of the fireplace, taking into account the "allowance" of 50-100 mm on all sides.

Before you make a foundation for a fireplace, you should make sure that when laying the chimney, it will not rest against the beams of the attic or truss system.

We proceed to the device of the foundation for the fireplace:

  1. We dig a pit of the size you need, taking into account the fact that formwork will either be installed in it (if the foundation is reinforced concrete), or work will be carried out on laying bricks or large stones. The depth of the pit should be approximately 10 cm more than the depth of the foundation.
  2. We carefully tamp the bottom of the pit.
  3. We fall asleep at the bottom of the pit small stones (gravel, crushed stone) about 10 cm thick and tamp again.
  4. Further, the work process depends on the material from which the foundation will be made:
  • for reinforced concrete - we install the formwork, then lower it into the pit reinforcing cages and pour concrete
  • for rubble concrete - we fill the bottom of the pit with a solution (20-25 cm in height), we sink stones into it (with a gap of 3 cm), we put a smaller stone in between, then we similarly perform the following rows of foundation under the fireplace.

When making the upper part of the foundation (protruding above ground level), large stones laid around the perimeter of the foundation can be used as formwork.

The foundation should not reach 14-15 centimeters to the level of the clean floor. The top surface of the foundation for the fireplace must be flat and strictly horizontal.


After making sure that the foundation mortar has completely hardened, you can start laying the fireplace:

  • On top of the foundation, apply a cement-sand mortar with a layer of about 2 cm and lay a layer of brick on it. Check the levelness of the surface.

  • Since it is difficult to fold the fireplace for the first time, and sometimes the masonry does not look beautiful, the finished fireplace can be plastered.
  • The chimney should be laid out on a clay-sand mortar, followed by plastering. In places of intersection with combustible floor elements, fire-prevention cutting is performed.


In the following video you will see how the fireplace construction process takes place:

After watching the following video, you will learn what are the features of air circulation in the fireplace and how to optimize heating with a fireplace:

Making a brick fireplace is quite difficult. To create a high-quality and productively working structure, first of all, you need a well-organized order or project. Equally important are the design features of the equipment and the materials used for assembly.

A do-it-yourself fireplace can be placed both in a private country cottage, as well as in country house. First of all, this variation of heating is suitable for those rooms in which there is no other source of obtaining and generating thermal energy. Such a stove can be installed in a house made of brick, wood. It is also possible to install in a building made of logs or gas silicate block. A properly designed fireplace scheme allows you to qualitatively heat not only a small area, but also a fairly large one, and even two-storey house. The efficiency of such a design can reach about 80-90 percent. This is considered high and good.

Choosing the dimensions of the structure

A fireplace, the laying of which is carried out according to an order previously selected on the Internet or compiled by a professional stove-maker, can have not only a certain placement method, but also a size. The choice of this option depends on certain parameters and features:

  1. An important role is played by the size of the room chosen for the installation of the heating unit;
  2. Pay attention to the way the fireplace is located in the interior of the living room;
  3. Pay attention to the choice of equipment type;
  4. Consider what material the frame of the house itself, the foundation, walls, floor, ceilings are made of;
  5. What matters is the functionality of the stove.

Before you build a stove with your own hands, remember that the order must correctly display not only the amount of materials, key features heating device, but not less important details. For example, dimensions fireboxes should be made on the basis of a proportion of 1/90 in relation to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe selected room.

It is necessary to choose the height and width of the furnace hole using the proportion 1.5 / 1. Also, the fireplace scheme is not complete without revealing the depth, which will be less than the width parameter by an average of two times. The chimney must also have a properly selected section. It can be determined by reducing the area of ​​the furnace hole by 14-21 times.

For example, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 30 square meters, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bare suitable for such a unit:

  • The furnace hole will have a size of 0.30 square meters;
  • The firebox will have a width of 45 centimeters;
  • With a height of 65 centimeters;
  • Depth 25 centimeters;
  • The round section of the chimney will be equal to 0.030 square meters or 300 square centimeters.

Choose a location method

Ordering the fireplace plays a key role in the assembly and successful operation of the heater. However, it is no less important what way the stove will be located in the interior.

Main placement methods:

  1. Wall fireplaces are massive. To assemble such a structure, you will need a sufficiently large amount of materials and cladding. This option is convenient to place, has a good viewing angle, several people can sit near it at once. The advantages also include high efficiency and good, productive work. The portal is symmetrical, the front part is most often assembled precisely in U-shaped outlines. The fireplace, for which both standard and refractory bricks are used, has a chimney in the wall location, which is closed with bricks up to the ceiling;
  2. If the room selected for installation does not have large area, we recommend installing a corner fireplace in it. This option with a fairly good viewing angle has a small size. The ordering of the corner-type furnace does not require a large amount of bricks. At the same time, only the front part will need to be clad, since the walls themselves or the partitions of the room play the role of sidewalls directly. With a small size, the corner hearth has a sufficiently high power and is suitable for heating rooms whose area is 15-35 square meters;
  3. The scheme of the island-type furnace is characterized by the complexity of construction. To build such a structure will require a lot of time, large cash investments and experience. The island fireplace is installed in the center of the room and is not adjacent to walls and other ceilings. The portal can be equipped with small walls and firewood. To remove smoke and combustion products from the room, the stove is supplemented with a hanging exhaust system or in other words - a chimney. The base usually has a classic square or rectangular shape (profile). More complex constructions in the construction of rounded, triangular, polyhedral shapes. Particularly popular are structures consisting of several levels. For additional functionality, you can equip the portal with a countertop or a mantelpiece.

The fireplace, the dimensions of which are chosen individually, can be installed not only in the house, but also on the street, in the gazebo. Such street and garden barbecues, barbecues can be located both completely apart and built into gazebos and verandas. The advantages of such structures include the ability to make them quite large and bulky. This way you can add many various elements barbecue.

Outdoor and garden stoves, due to their large dimensions, are heavy and require the construction of a concrete solid foundation. This will not allow the structure to sink underground over time or lose its stability.

A brazier or barbecue oven project also requires an individual approach, careful selection of placement and functionality. If you are planning to combine outdoor fireplace with a gazebo or veranda, you should not use only brick for construction, as it is very expensive. For the gazebo, materials such as plastic, metal profiles, wood, refractory plastic are most often chosen. The stove itself, columns are assembled from bricks, various partitions, small walls, area near the furnace compartment.

Equipment classification

Before you build a Swede stove or any other structure, you need to remember that any heating equipment consists of a portal that acts as a protection for the firebox and its decorative design. Most often, this element is assembled from brick. Can be lined with any heat-resistant materials. To accommodate the logs and burn them through, the structure is equipped with a firebox or a furnace compartment. In order for the smoke not to be immediately taken out into the street and form heat, the stove is supplemented with a smoke box. To remove smoke and combustion products, wood-burning stoves are equipped with a chimney.

An open firebox design implies the absence of a door. In this case, special attention must be paid to the inner walls of the combustion chamber, to make them as thick, durable and airtight as possible. For laying the walls, only fireclay bricks and an adhesive composition based on fireclay clay are used. Also, the fireplace insert can be closed type.

A closed firebox is safer to use. It does not allow sparks and flames to enter the room. However, an open firebox looks more harmonious and allows you to contemplate a bright flame, enjoy its crackling and warmth to the fullest. Moreover, giving preference open design you save your cash, which could go to buy a steel or cast iron chamber with a door.

In order to protect the room from fire, the space next to the firebox must be insulated with any refractory material.

If you want to equip a stone portal with a purchased firebox, the walls of the stove can be assembled from simple brick, since additional protection will be formed due to the cast-iron sidewalls.

A closed firebox is most often equipped with a transparent tempered glass door, which allows you to see the fire burning in the hearth in as much detail as possible. The way to open such a door can be either a classic side or top. Many modern fireboxes are equipped with a self-cleaning system - this does not allow soot and soot to form on the glass.

Wall and corner fireplaces are equipped with steel pipes who have not very presentable appearance. In order to hide and at the same time decorate such a chimney, it is enclosed in a box that is built of brick. The laying of the chimney is also carried out according to a pre-compiled order. Such a box not only improves the appearance of the structure, but also strengthens, additionally insulates and accumulates accumulated heat.

Included with the island fireplace most often buy stylish steel hoods that are suspended directly above the hearth itself.

Making calculations

The size of the fireplace directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, as well as on your personal needs and preferences. The dimensions of the structure are detailed in the diagram. The order of the fireplace indicates how much material is needed for construction. It is important to know how much cladding, standard and refractory bricks you will need and to purchase all materials with a small margin.

It is equally important to know how much masonry mortar you will need. It is important to consider not only the main masonry, but also the construction of an additional foundation. Cement marked M 200 is mainly used as a masonry mortar. To obtain the required mass, it is necessary to displace cement and sand between themselves based on a proportion of 1/3. Next, gradually mix in water until a thick, homogeneous composition is formed, without lumps and dirt. In order to lay one cubic meter of brick, an average of 0.2-0.3 cubic meters of composition is required.

To calculate the dimensions of the fireplace in more detail, you can use your order. In order to find out how many bricks are needed, you need to multiply the volume of one unit by the total number of bricks in the scheme.

A professional and well-designed project has not only a frontal, but also a horizontal projection. This allows you to make all the calculations as simply and in detail as possible, to see the shape and outlines of the fireplace on both sides. If the design of the furnace is more complex, you can separately calculate and draw an arch, a shelf and others. structural elements. This will allow you to determine the location and location of the smoke box, ash pan, chimney, to identify the angle of inclination of the walls and niches.

In our online store you can buy a ready firebox for corner, island or wall portal, domestic and foreign brands.

Execution of works

After you have chosen a place for a fireplace, calculated the amount of materials, designed and compiled a detailed order, you will need to purchase the following materials and tool:

  1. The tank in which the adhesive base will be kneaded. It should be large enough, at least 40 liters. For better mixing, it is best to get electric mixer;
  2. In order to sift the sand, you will need to buy a special sieve;
  3. Masonry is carried out using a trowel;
  4. To check the evenness of the corners, a building level is required;
  5. Get a tape measure, square and ruler;
  6. Marks are made with a simple pencil or construction marker.

Additionally, items such as a hammer, rags, a knife, sandpaper and others may be required.

Before you start work, prepare the room, cover all the furniture, interior items that are in it. Use an extension cord to make it easier to connect the instrument.

Do-it-yourself installation of a brick fireplace is carried out according to the following stages:

  • Any massive construction begins to be built only after the foundation is built. It can have both tape and concrete, block, brick base. If you are going to pour the mortar into the pit, formwork is required. In this case, the construction of the furnace occurs only after the foundation is completely dry;
  • Next, we begin laying rows. Each row is preliminarily laid dry, the evenness and thickness of the seams between the bricks are checked. Periodically, to strengthen the structure, the rows are ligated. All adjustments are made before the adhesive dries;
  • After the firebox and the fireplace portal are erected, we proceed to the laying of the chimney. the hood is fixed to a horizontally located partition. We produce surface insulation. If the pipe is metal, it is best to enclose it in a brick box;
  • At the last stage, the facing works, a damper, a shelf, a grill, a tabletop are being equipped.

Kuznetsov oven or any other heater cannot be immediately melted after erection. It is necessary to let it shrink, dry well for 10-15 days. After that, the furnace gradually begins to be operated. The laying of firewood in the firebox is carried out exactly half, gradually increasing.

From this video you can learn how to make a brick fireplace with your own hands at home or in the country:

Fireplaces create a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the room.

A few decades ago, their owners could be wealthy foreigners or very wealthy compatriots. AT last years in dachas, in private houses and apartments of ordinary citizens, such an attractive and extraordinary element of the interior appeared.


The Russian stove has always been an indispensable attribute in a residential building. Later it was replaced by brick fireplaces. At first glance, it may seem that there is no difference between them, but in fact these are devices that have significant differences in performance characteristics(each has its own advantages and disadvantages).

A stove is a building that serves to heat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The fire in the stove is covered with a damper. According to special technology, the chimney is complicated. This makes it impossible to accumulate carbon monoxide indoors and contributes to a higher heat transfer of stoves in comparison with fireplaces. The air supply to the stove is controlled by a blower, which is not in the design of the fireplace. It also provides fuel economy.

The fireplace does not provide as much heat as is possible with a stove. It takes much more time to melt and warm up the stove, but a heated stove evenly heats the entire room and the heat in the house remains for 10-15 hours.

The fireplace is a unit that has a more simplified design than a stove. Its hearth is open and a chimney is concentrated above it. According to its design, the fireplace ventilates more warm air than heats it up. A firebox is located in the wall or in the territory attached to it. A door or damper is not provided, but instead an open large opening is made. Through it, the rays of heat fall on people warming themselves by the fireplace.

Good draft through a flue provides access of oxygen to the room. Air supports the combustion of fuel. The smoke collector is designed in such a way that the smoke from the furnace immediately enters the chimney, without lingering in the room.

To prevent smoke from accumulating in the room, the chimney is made with a large diameter. A fireplace, unlike a stove, can be heated up quickly, but it is always necessary to put firewood on the fire to keep it warm.

The space that is heated with its help is the place right in front of the firebox. Unlike a stove, a fireplace consumes much more fuel.

Heat enters the room immediately after the fireplace is flooded.

This device is most often installed to create an attractive and unusual atmosphere in the home. The romantic atmosphere in the room with the flickering of fire in the firebox is conducive to liberation and relaxation.

When the house is not inhabited, but visited from time to time, then the use of a fireplace is suitable the best way for such cases.


Brick fireplaces include three main parts. This is a portal, a chimney and a firebox.

The firebox is a niche for making a fire. The portal is the outer part of the fireplace, which is decorated various materials(stone, molding, wood and others). The device through which smoke escapes from a room is called a chimney.

There are fireplace structures according to the method of their construction - they are open, closed and semi-open. When the firebox and chimney of a brick fireplace are not separated from the wall of the room, but built into it, then heating device called closed.

The chimney and firebox are made recessed into the wall of the room. They are also called closed (English) structures. Their advantage is in size. They are compact and can be installed in very small rooms.

However, walls in buildings where a fireplace is planned to be laid should be made thicker, as their strength decreases.

They are erected immediately with the construction of the building. Their design is taken into account in the overall project documentation on the residential complex initially.

A structure laid out along the wall and adjoining it is called a wall-mounted or semi-open fireplace. In such designs, the firebox and chimney are not built into the wall. The construction of a semi-open fireplace is possible in a room that was built a long time ago. Its redevelopment is not required in this case. wall fireplace considered the most common type. It can be the same size, full length or tapering at the top. It is not connected to the structure of the wall itself in any way.

Fireplace devices located at a distance from the walls of the room are called open (island). They are one of the most unpopular species. The installation of such structures is welcomed in large rooms, because they take up most of the space of the room where they are installed with their area. Island (open) structures do not touch the wall, the flame can be seen from anywhere in the room.

Corner fireplaces are located in the corner of the premises, hence their name. With their help, empty corners of rooms are conveniently used, adjacent rooms are heated.

The chimney of corner fireplaces is concentrated in the wall of the room. It is impossible to lay it out with hollow bricks. The open part of the smoke chamber is made of metal. It can be made of iron or concrete. The surface is covered with brick, stone, plastered.

Fireplaces, in which the flame is not fenced off from the common room, are called open-hearth designs. A firebox is made of fireclay bricks. It can also be an iron or cast iron opening.

A decorative lattice serves as a barrier (obstacle).

The efficiency of such structures is low and they serve more as a decoration than as a heating device.

Fireplaces of the closed type, on the contrary, are equipped with heat-resistant glass (door with glass). It is concentrated between the furnace and the room. At the bottom of the closed firebox there is an additional chamber for the ash pan. From it air is supplied to the chamber where combustion takes place. On the fireboxes of this type of fireplaces, a mechanism is installed that allows you to control the damper. All the nuances of the device and the functioning of the fireplace are skillfully hidden under the cladding. It is made of stone, decorative brick, tile. There may be wooden frames.

Wood-burning brick fireplaces have found wide application for their installation in summer cottages. The function performed by them is cooking and heating with a water circuit.

Such units are lower in cost than stationary ones. The fuel consumption of fireplaces with stove elements is high. However, their advantage lies in the ability to use thermal energy regardless of external media. For example, electric boilers often do not function due to problems in the supply of electricity to holiday villages. There is also no need to supply gas communications (in the case of a gas boiler).

The fireplace stove can be equipped with an oven, which makes it possible to cook dishes using the same technologies as in Russian stoves.

Stove - a fireplace for a bath is equipped with a tank for heating water. Tanks vary in size and models. The presence of a closed or open portal distinguishes bath structures from other species. Brick fireplaces for baths very quickly heat up the room, the heat is retained for a long time. In the country, a barbecue can be attached to a brick fireplace.

To install wood-burning brick fireplaces, a thorough engineering analysis must be carried out. Special attention given to the location of the chimney.

Style and design

The fireplace in the house is a hearth. It has always symbolized peace and comfort. Therefore, the space near the fire became a favorite place for the whole family.

FROM long time ago nobles and rich people tried to emphasize the importance of the fireplace. They tried to decorate its facade precious metals and stones. Over time, styles and designs of fireplaces emerged. Depending on the design of the heating device, its dimensions, the masonry material is also chosen. The cladding is made with red bricks or refractory white bricks are used.

You can cover the fireplace decorative stone. In the room where it is located, important role plays design. The style of the interior will depend on how all the decor elements (furniture, curtains, tapestries, carpets, vases and other accessories) are combined with each other.

There are several architectural styles fireplaces. The most famous of them are the following: country and Russian, baroque (rococo) and classicism, empire and modern, high-tech.

Classicism style is characterized by very strict forms and symmetry of lines. The design of the fireplace for the living room should be noble. Often, painting is used for decoration. Delicate pastoral figurines often complement the ensemble. The marble fireplace looks very nice. Appropriate decorative elements are selected for it. Pictures are placed nearby or stucco moldings are made with embossed complex ornaments. Available in bronze or gold finish.

Country-style fireplaces are the complete opposite of classic designs. Country or "rustic" in translation means rough or chipped. Fireplaces are made from natural materials(roughly processed stones or wood). The feeling of contact with wild nature comes when you look at the open hearth of the fireplace. This style is suitable for lovers of natural stone.

Baroque style (rococo, renaissance) reflects curvaceous forms. Fireplaces in this style are laid low, covered with marble tiles. Usually the room where the fireplace is located is decorated with paintings in expensive frames, as well as heavy falling curtains and inlaid cornices. Often a mirror in a carved frame is hung over the fireplace.

At the end of the 18th century, the Empire style appeared. It belongs to the royal type. Its main characteristic is dominance over everything. Design items are distinguished by their monumental forms. Furniture is selected with expensive upholstery, hung on the walls large mirrors. Fireplaces are decorated with sphinxes, lion heads. Strict symmetry in everything distinguishes Empire from other styles.

Art Nouveau fireplaces are placed slightly elongated. The decor reflects the freshness of ideas and images. Stone and metal are combined into one ensemble. The firebox is made round or given a new one. unusual shape. Such a fireplace is completely individual and becomes the center of attraction in the home.

Hi-tech expresses maximalism in the use of space. Around the fireplace, furniture with metal and glass inserts is usually concentrated. The decor is characterized by restraint of forms. This style is considered cold and discreet. Fireplaces are decorated with materials such as granite, marble. Also use ceramic tiles.

Russian style involves the use of tiles as a decoration for a fireplace. Such structures are extraordinarily beautiful, because the tiles have a different shape and color. When the fireplace is flooded, a void remains between the brick and the tiled surface according to the masonry technology. Fill it in the process of installation with sand or crushed stone from bricks. As a result of heating, this material gives off heat for a long time. Voids balance the heating temperature of tiles and bricks, due to this, fireplaces are not subject to destruction and can serve for many years.

Drawings and diagrams

The most common type is the corner fireplace. It organically fits into the space of even a small room. The chimney and its portal are in the corner, due to this the room is not cluttered up.

The firebox at the corner fireplace can be closed or open, depending on the desire.

In order to fold the fireplace correctly, you first need to make drawings and diagrams as a whole structure as well as individual parts. Careful calculations will make it possible to avoid mistakes when laying. First of all, you need to know the dimensions country house, make projects for the chimney and firebox, clarify what material the masonry will be made of. On the drawings, you need to display the fireplace in different projections: top view, side view, straight.

A well-built fireplace must meet the following characteristics:

  • warm up the room;
  • not have cracks or defects to avoid smoke;
  • its appearance should be combined with the interior of the room.

For example, a fireplace installation is planned in a room of 20 square meters with a ceiling height of 3.5 meters. The volume of the premises of the house will be 70 cubic meters (20x3.5). The ratio of the height of the fireplace and the depth of the firebox is 1/2 or 1/3. In case of non-compliance with the dimensions and mounting of the furnace of increased depth, the heat in the room will decrease. When its depth is less, there may be smoke. Therefore, compliance with dimensions is the main criterion for successful work.

Smoke openings depend on the area of ​​​​the firebox. The standard dimensions of the chimney are 14x14 cm. With a round chimney, it can be from 8 to 14 centimeters. The chimney scheme must be worked out to the smallest detail. It is best to make it out of brick. The construction of the chimney begins with the laying of the foundation, then the installation of orders (rails) for marking the rows of masonry, after which the welding is done (grouting the inner surface of the chimney), the head (upper part of the chimney) and the chimney (hood) are installed.

The most initial and important element in laying a fireplace is the calculation and construction of the foundation. It must be reliable and durable. We must not forget that it is impossible to make the foundation for the walls and the fireplace as one. These bases must be different, since their weight load is not the same and shrinkage will also be different over time. After the size of the foundation is calculated, they draw up a plan for the fireplace at the basement level. The width of the foundation should be five to seven centimeters more than the width of the basement row.

After the calculations, they proceed directly to pouring the foundation and laying the fireplace.

Fireplaces with a water heating circuit are very popular. To install them in suburban buildings resort to the help of welding machines.

By external characteristics such a fireplace is similar to a stove on legs with an exhaust outer pipe.

The heat exchanger is made at least 5 mm thick. It heats up quickly and distributes heat throughout the room. The fireplace and the water supply system are connected to it, depending on how the whole thing is done. heating system in the house. The volume of coolant, in which the entire circuit will work efficiently, is 55-85 liters. Maximum area, which can be heated using a fireplace with a water circuit, is 230 cubic meters. Expansion tank set within 7-11% of the total volume of the heating circuit.

A firebox in a metal fireplace is made in two ways. It is made separately from the entire structure. A coil is inserted, and then connected to a common fireplace.

The second way is that the fireplace is made without a top cover. A fireplace base (shirt) is inserted inside and fastened, and then the coil is fixed.

You can regulate the temperature in the fireplace with the help of fuel (increase or decrease it) and with the help of a blower damper.

If the fireplace insert is located on the same level as the radiators, then an additional circulation pump is installed. It helps the movement of cold and hot water and prevents the process of boiling the coil. The efficiency of the fireplace when using a circulation pump increases significantly. The pump is placed in the basement of the house or utility rooms.

How to do it yourself?

For everyone who wants to make a fireplace in the house with their own hands, you should use the masonry instructions. The construction of such a structure must be carried out on a prepared foundation.

At the very beginning, they prepare a pit for pouring the foundation, it should be 15-20 centimeters wider than the foundation. Its depth should not be less than 50 centimeters. The foundation can be made from both concrete and brick. Crushed stone is poured on the bottom by 10-12 cm and rammed. After they make a timber formwork and put it on the base. Next, pour the foundation and wait for it to dry. Level check the corners and smooth out all the bumps, leveling the horizontal surface.

The poured foundation for reliable fixation is left for 5-7 days. The finished foundation should be 7-8 centimeters below the floor level.

Project heating facility- this is a drawing of a fireplace of a future design on paper. Before starting masonry, it is necessary to correctly think through all the points and draw up a sketch correctly.

Studying the projects of houses with a fireplace, you should know the following parameters:

  • Under this brick structure, it is required to fill separate base so as not to disturb the main foundation, since the heater has its own shrinkage.
  • It is required to attach a special heat-insulating material between the wall and the future fireplace or lay the masonry in a quarter of a brick, that is, on the edge (it is advisable to lay wire through two rows, for the strength of the structure).

Its masonry is made according to the project, performing dressing of the seams. Work is done without haste clay mortar has the ability to float.

It is desirable to observe the level of the horizon, the vertical surface and equal points of the diagonal. With this observance of the rules, the quality of the output of combustion products to the outside depends.

Diagram of a rectangular fireplace and drawing

Its size is 5 × 2.5 orders brickwork consists of 33 rows

This structure is used without a door on the firebox. The designer, when creating this drawing, used a flue duct that provides good traction. In this regard, its heat capacity is reduced in order to increase the efficiency of this structure. To do this, use standard methods, such as laying empty channels along the firebox and chimney.

  • The inside of the firebox should be laid out from refractory bricks that can withstand 1100 degrees.

The main massive part of the fireplace is laid out with solid ceramic bricks. High Quality, it must correspond to the brand 125 and above, its temperature heating is 750 degrees.

You should remember that fireproof and ceramic brick it is forbidden to bandage, but they can be connected thanks to a wire with a cross section of 3 mm, laid in the seam between the bricks.

Ordinal diagram of a rectangular fireplace 5 × 2.5 brick

When laying out this structure, it is necessary to maintain the same thickness between the bricks, equal to 5-7 mm.
If the material contains flaws, let's say oblique corners, then they should be cut off from each other, so you will achieve the desired seam thickness.

The rows should be checked with a level or plumb to achieve the correct geometric shape of the structure.

This drawing is used by master stove-makers, even with vast experience, they consult it.

Drawing of a mini fireplace

This heater is recommended to be installed in a room of at least 16 m 2. It is built into a partition for heating two rooms. To increase heat transfer, the firebox is laid out without refractory bricks. Thus, the ceramic brick heats up much faster, because it retains the heat capacity of the array less than the refractory brick.

  • In this case, in order to protect the furnace from high temperatures instead of a stone tooth, the master stove-maker uses a metal sheet 3 mm thick.

A drawing of a brick fireplace is attached below in the description. If the master has little qualification in this direction, then instead of the arch of the portal, you can build a horizontal ceiling. To do this, you will need 2 metal corners of the desired length.

A positive characteristic of this fireplace is that when purchasing materials for its construction, you spend your money minimally.

To build you will need:

  • ceramic bricks 235 pieces;
  • clay - 0.12 m 3;
  • sand - 0, 3m 3;
  • cleaning door - 1 piece;
  • furnace valve - 1 piece;
  • - 1 piece;
  • airbags - 2 pieces;
  • steel sheet thickness - 3 mm and a size of 0.25 m 2;
  • roofing material - 1.5 m 2;
  • cement - 15 kilograms.

Fireplace "mini" and its ordinal masonry scheme

To maximize efficiency efficiency of this structure, the side walls of the firebox are laid out at an angle of 25 degrees.

The back wall is laid out in 10 rows in the usual way, that is, horizontally. Starting from the 11th row, the brick extends a quarter at an angle of 30 degrees into the inside of the firebox. This action forms the pass of the chimney tooth, metal pins are inserted into the seams between the bricks further, a sheet of metal will be attached to them.

Below is a metal drawing for the firebox.

Thanks to the absence fireclay bricks in this building, the space in the room heats up much faster, as the side air channels are laid out.

In the lower part there are holes through which cold air enters, and heated from the fireplace hot air through the "suffocators" located in the 13th and 14th rows, they go inside the room with already hot air. Thus, its efficiency increases by 15, 20%

medium sized english fireplace

An English do-it-yourself brick fireplace is one of the oldest built in general. Also its open type.

The parameters include the following features:

  • protruding tooth;
  • open firebox;
  • posterior wall of the oblique fracture.

The inner recess of the firebox or hearth is laid out from refractory bricks on a mortar, which includes clay and fireclay chips, as well as a little cement. The outer contour of the structure is created from ceramic, full-bodied material.

Elements and diagram of an English type fireplace

This scheme is relevant for most models of the English type.

This English type circuit is complex, but pays off in that it has stable traction and good efficiency. Drawing 5×3 and its ordinal scheme.

To build it you will need:

  • solid ceramic bricks - 350 pieces;
  • fireclay bricks - 125 pieces;
  • sand-clay mortar - 215 kg;
  • refractory mortar - 155 kg.

Below is a detailed drawing of an English 5 × 3 brick heater

The first four rows of the base are laid out of ceramic brick grade 100, then more quality material brand 150 and above.

This building is installed in a room of at least 80 m 3 of total space. Having studied its order, the following points should be noted, note that there is no blower and grate.

If a small room has hermetically sealed windows on all sides, you should install an oxygen supply from the street to the firebox for better combustion.

To create an overlap for the firebox on the twelfth row, a corner of steel and 2 strips of the same material are laid.

In this design, a cleaning door is provided on the 16th - 17th row, which is installed on the rear wall. This hole limits the placement of the fireplace adjacent to bearing wall, or to the wall. In this case, this heater will not be able to warm the second room.

To preserve the elasticity of the mortar and its natural setting, ceramic bricks should be soaked in a container of water for 5 minutes before erecting the masonry structure. Heat-resistant brick is wiped with a damp cloth in order to get rid of dust.

After the completion of the construction of the English fireplace, it should be gradually heated for 3 weeks - to dry it, and only after this time has passed, you can lay the firebox up to half. After another month, you can flood the heater at full power.

By following this rule, you will allow the mortar to naturally set, if it is violated, then you expose your structure to a service life limit. The decision is yours.

Masonry of a three-level fireplace with a grate

This design is the Russian version, but the main elements are taken from the themes of English and Swedish modeling.

photo of a fireplace consisting of three levels

The draft in the chimney of this building is consistently good, even at a height of three meters, thanks to the large cross section of the inside of the chimney.

It should be remembered that this structure is used in those rooms where there is high humidity.

Drawing diagram of a three-level fireplace with a grate

For laying you will need the following materials:

  • ceramic brick - 620 pieces;
  • fireclay brick (refractory) - 220 pcs;
  • grate 420x200mm - 2 pieces;
  • smoke damper 260x260 mm - 1 pc;
  • steel corner No. 40 - 150cm;
  • steel corner No. 60 - 100 cm;
  • steel strip 4x60 mm - 300 cm;
  • clay mortar - 750 kg.

Having studied the above orders and drawings of brick fireplaces for DIY construction, you should know how to calculate all the dimensions of this structure.

Be patient for self construction or find a well-qualified stove maker to install this heating equipment.