Combat efficiency calculator wot. What is efficiency in World of Tanks? How to find out the efficiency of a player in World of Tanks


Now tankers have become very spoiled for all kinds of ratings. Everyone wants to know how well they played the battle and for this a lot of different efficiency ratings were invented, as well as mods that calculate them. Until that time, it was possible to find out your effectiveness rating in battle only after it in the statistics for the session. Now, with the help of the battle efficiency calculator mod for WOT, you can find out your skill rating right in the battle, in real time.

By installing it, you will be able to see your performance in the form of EFF or WN8 ratings in battle. In addition, it will be able to replace your hit log from XVM. The archive contains various options fashion:

  • Advanced - will show you your dealt, average and last damage, as well as efficiency ratings for WN8 and EFF;
  • Simple - shows EFF and WN8 in battle, as well as the damage you caused;

For lovers of minimalism and for those who want to have only a WN6 or WN8 counter, a minimalistic version of the efficiency calculator has been developed, it includes the following options:

  • WN8 only
  • only EFF (RE)
  • two ratings together

Using the mod you can notice a minus damage number (-1428). It shows the average server damage on your tank. This is one of the main parameters for calculating your effectiveness in combat. This can be seen in the old version of the efficiency calculator from the well-known multipack from Pro Tanks. We revived it and redid it a bit.

As you can see, we tried to collect everything possible options efficiency calculator in one place so everyone can find what they need. The mod is suitable for all tankers who like to keep track of their statistics.

And as a bonus, we would like to show you a very cool and unique version of NooBool's Combat Efficiency Rating Calculator using badges. It all starts with an empty field, then the horns go, then the 3 badge of class, 2, 1 and finally the master. It looks very cool, by default it is located under the left ears, you can move it wherever you want.

Option 1:

Option 2:

New version from ____P_H_A_R_A_O_N____:


Copy the mods folder to the folder with the World_Of_Tanks game installed.

To change the config, copy the configs folder from the desired archive to the World_Of_Tanks/mods folder

Hold down the right CTRL and move the mouse to the desired location.

You can configure the mod, increase the font, change its color in the settings file \World_of_Tanks\mods\configs\ekspoint\mod_calculator_rankings_battle.json.

The game "not in displeasure" or what you need to do to become a "zoo director" World of Tanks

Let's talk today about statistics, or rather about the ratings that form it in World of Tanks. About how the WoT players determine the length of the horns, the width of the claws and the level of their “bending-folder-management”. Let's consider all the variety of criteria for personal ratings, try to determine their dependence on the main indicators in the game, and give the opinion of people who are seriously involved in the creation and analysis of ratings. By the way, I’ll make a reservation right away, I won’t give rating calculation formulas in the review, you can see them on the forums in the relevant topics or learn about them from video reviews.

The article will contain the opinion of two World of Tanks "ratings professionals": the creator of the efficiency rating (EFP), the administrator of the website Edrard (in my opinion, absolutely all the most important things happen on this site with his participation), and also a player and reviewer of BMDer - the author of a series of video reviews about the main WoT gaming ratings and a similar topic on the official forum. His video reviews are available on wot-news and on his personal youtube channel.

Thank you both for your input and comments.

I propose to proceed with the review. To date, any WoT player (from the master of the "bottom" to the "purple extra" even with 100 battles in the asset) has the opportunity to check the assessment of his tank activity according to the following ratings:

Where to look: "achievements" tab in the game client or on the official WoT portal

Borders and ranks of the rating:
class marks:
Virtuoso - Rated higher than 99% of players
Master tanker - 95%
Tankman 1st class - 80%
Tankman 2nd class - 60%
Tankman 3rd class - 45%
Reindeer breeder 3rd class - 30%
Reindeer breeder 2nd class - 20%
Reindeer breeder 1st class - 10%
Master reindeer breeder - below 10%

The badge of the player's class is assigned depending on the percentage of players higher than the player according to the rating of the Brone-site.
A note on the rating site itself: "It should be understood that at low game levels, a high rating cannot be earned."

Edward's opinion: The armor rating is perhaps the most unique rating, original development, as well as the structure of the formula, unlike any other rating. It is very difficult to say something about his objectivity, since I have never really analyzed him.

BMDer's opinion: The rating from the armor site has a more complex calculation formula than RE and WN6/7. Parameters involved in the calculation: number of battles, damage, frags, exposure, base defense, percentage of wins. As well as capture and average account experience. Damage + capture + protection - the perfect recipe for cheating.

It’s time to move on to tabular data, here are tables created by BMDer that clearly show the dependence of ratings on key game parameters and his opinion on them (table No. 2 - the degree of influence of game parameters on the rating, that is, "how strong is the dependence of the rating, for example, on the average damage per battle, the average amount of destroyed equipment, etc."):

*Note to Table 2: This scale does not allow comparison of ratings with each other. The numerical values ​​of the scale indicate quality rather than the quantitative superiority of one parameter over another.
1 - minimal influence on the rating, 2 - stronger influence than "1".
Further on increasing.

Table No. 1

Table number 2

Edrard's opinion and conclusions: All the ratings that now exist are trying to assess the level of the player's game. As for me, if Wargaming initially showed an average level of experience without taking into account the premium account, then the ratings would not be needed. In any case, for a complete analysis of the player, more A complex approach, which will take into account not only numbers, but also behavior in battle, the ability to play as a team, knowledge of cards and technical characteristics, the ability to think and respond to circumstances. What are ratings for then, you ask? Everything is simple in order to assemble a company or platoon from strangers, also for many clans, these parameters will be useful for the selection of candidates, and, in the end, so that you can brag to your friends.

Opinion and conclusions of BMDer: in the first place in terms of influence on ALL ratings was damage. On the second frags. The third was divided by protection and light. The percentage of wins in the table number 2 fourth place.
Efficiency rating: the most significant parameters are frags and damage, while base defense points can sometimes significantly increase your performance.
WN6 and WN7: again damage and frags, in the second most important place in table No. 2 is the detection of opponents.
Rating from the Armor site: the combination of high damage, capture and defense has the greatest impact. A little less frags, then light.
Bending Rating: Obviously damage and win percentage, nothing else.
Personal rating of the player: first place is damage, second - damage "by assist", third - percentage of wins.
WN8 - damage, frags and glare - parameters in descending order of influence on the rating. For WN8, the importance of indicators may vary depending on the tank you are playing.

At the end of the review, I want to remind once again that it did not provide and disclose the formulas for calculating ratings (for those who are interested, look in the topics on the WG forums, wot-news, etc., BMDer video reviews) or read about all this on the ones I mentioned in the review sites.
It should be noted that the wot-news website has a special section "performance rating calculator" (, where you can see all your statistics for all popular ratings.
Also catch a link to a site where you can quickly check your performance in the game, and they will be on the screen in the color scheme
And another link from BMDer:
Read, analyze, draw conclusions, this is not such a simple thing - statistics ...

Efficiency in World of Tanks is the ratio useful action player, the benefit that you brought to the team for the battle. The calculation of efficiency includes the damage done, the killed equipment, the light, the help to the team.

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?
In this article we will talk about tactics, choice of technique and much more. small details which are simply unknown to beginners. To begin with, let's dwell on which tank is better to choose for raising the efficiency and percentage of victories in the game. We advise you to look in the achievements on which tank you have the most battles and the most victories, damage. To see more detailed statistics, you will need the Olenemer mod for World of Tanks. See also average damage and efficiency in general. Based on these statistics, choose the tank that you play best on. If you have few fights on your account, the statistics rise faster and easier. For example, if less than 5000 statistics grows by leaps and bounds. It is very quick and easy to understand the percentage of wins and the coefficient of efficiency (COP) provided that you play well and are in a platoon on elite tanks. But with the same success bad game it can fall quickly. But if you have 15,000 battles or more, the stats go up very slowly. You will have to spend a lot of fights, try to always play well. Of course, over time it will rise. Many players, who first played for fun, are now thinking about increasing their statistics. They make new accounts, the so-called twinks. They invest real money in the game, transfer experience and play for statistics. Due to the experience from scratch, they create an account with excellent statistics.

Some players are raising their win percentage in companies. But due to this, the damage on the tank and the efficiency in general are greatly reduced. Which is not good for everyone. For beginners, it will be comfortable in the company, there will be an opportunity to study tactics, try company gameplay. He's completely different there. This is a separate issue. It is possible to get into a bad company of beginners and squander not only damage, but also the percentage of victories. Be careful with your choice. If you have a good commander, but you can’t increase the percentage of victories in a random house, then we advise you to play in a company.

Does weak computer and low fps per game?
If the fps is less than 20 in such conditions it is very difficult to drag, it is almost impossible to play. You should set the graphics to a minimum, we advise you to also install the WoT Tweaker program and remove all effects in the game. This will definitely increase your fps. You can set compressed textures, for example by 25%, the largest compression is up to 3% of the original size. The game loses beautiful picture, but it becomes comfortable to play. We advise you to turn off effects in sniper mode, track marks, etc. in the graphics settings. Because of this, it is seriously buggy. To see opponents even from afar, set the draw distance to the maximum. Try to keep the game fps 50 or more. The lower the fps, the worse your efficiency in battle.

Some players, in order to increase the percentage of victories, create a platoon of experienced tankers to play at tiers 1-2 of tanks. Such platoons most often fall on newcomers. Having a pumped crew, modules and everything you need, you can easily increase efficiency and statistics. But not everyone will like this. If you are not a very experienced player, you may well try this option. Get a good percentage of wins per session. But you shouldn't play a lot in the "sandbox", otherwise you will get the nickname "pedobear" and such statistics will not impress, but only look bad. If you are already an experienced player - choose 7,8,9,10 tank levels.

Another tip - always play to the maximum. Even if you don't like the team or the map, don't hang your nose and try to hit more, survive the fight, do more good for the team. In general, the best way to play.

Many players try to get through the tank as quickly as possible, upgrade to the next level, play a lot of battles, but the quality of the battles is poor. Because of this, the efficiency drops and the percentage of wins is not high. Remember, in World of Tanks it's not the number of battles that matters, but their quality! It is worth playing when you are in the mood and desire, and not when you need to quickly upgrade the tank or shoot down the stars, but you absolutely do not want to. If you play without desire and enthusiasm, then most likely your statistics will hardly grow. You need to play when you want, play on the technique that you like, with equipment and consumables. This is how maximum efficiency in combat is achieved. Take the same people to the platoon.

Another important point. Don't do too many fights a day, because you get tired and your efficiency decreases.

The use of shells for gold to increase efficiency. How effective are they?
On certain vehicles, due to gold shells, you can get very good damage. Of course, this is expensive and everyone decides for himself whether it is necessary. You can alternate BB with HEATs and act from combat setups. Let's say you play Isuna - you can shoot only AP shells on it, play calmly and not worry. On it, gold shells are not particularly needed, but getting to level 10 they can be used. We advise you to take gold shells on any tank in order to difficult situation you were able to penetrate more or less armored targets. If you are more likely to pierce the target, normal projectiles can be used. But if the chance of penetration is less than 70%, then it is worth loading a gold projectile. Classic example an excellent Soviet tank is6, he is a farmer and many people use him to earn credits. IS6 is great for improving efficiency and winning percentage.

The calculator allows you to recalculation of indicators both existing players, after loading their statistics, and a "virtual" player, if no player's statistics are loaded.

Sequence of using the "Conversion Calculator".

1. Adding tank data to the "Calculator ..." is carried out in two ways:
– click on the name of the tank in the table " Vehicle statistics";
- click on the "Select tank" button or change the value of the "level of technology" selection element. In the "Tank Selection" panel that opens, click on the button with the name of the tank.
approx. The "Tank Selection" panel displays all tanks of a given level. Tanks are divided into two groups: tanks available to the player and missing.

2. Changing the statistics of the selected tank is carried out in three ways.
a) Place courses in the parameter value entry field, enter a new value using the keyboard, confirm the changes by pressing the "Enter" key or by clicking anywhere on the screen.
b) Click on the buttons: - increase, - decrease.
c) Click on the button to open the panel " Additions to the statistics of tank battles". In the panel, change the tank's statistics in the ways "a" or "b". Click on the button " Add to tank statistics".
approx. When changing the value of any parameter of the tank, the WN8 values ​​of the tank and the contribution of the parameter to WN8 are recalculated.

3. Adding the selected tank to the table "Changed statistics of vehicles involved in the recalculation of indicators" performed by clicking on the button.

4. If necessary, re-change the statistics of the tank added to the table "" click on the button.

5. From table " Changed vehicle statistics…"You can delete the tank by clicking on the button.

6. If necessary add more tanks for their participation in the recalculation of indicators, complete steps 1-3.

7. Recalculation of indicators launched by clicking on the button " Recalculate the player's WN8, taking into account changes in statistics".

8. After recalculation the main panel will display changes in indicators " General statistics ", and in the table " Changed statistics of vehicles involved in the recalculation of indicators" - changes in the parameters of tanks.

approx. After recalculation of indicators, the data display format: new value (±delta). The delta parameter is the difference between the new parameter value and the original (real) value.

Click on the button " Clear Calculator"- clears all fields of the "Calculator ..."

Click on the button " Reset Changes"- restores the original values ​​of the parameters of the selected tank in the table" Selected tank statistics". If the player has the selected tank, then the real values ​​of the parameters are written to the table, and if not, then the "Expected" parameter values ​​are written.

To check the efficiency in the computer game world of tanks, you need to be a registered player and have a certain number of fights. During the game, the efficiency constantly changes depending on your performance on the battlefield.

The efficiency of an individual player is determined by the performance rating formula, which takes into account the average indicators of the total number of fights and your losses. Points earned by defending your base and capturing enemy points are taken into account, as well as the average level of equipment used and your percentage of victories. Efficiency is calculated online on this site. To calculate, you will need to enter the name under which you play. You can find out your nickname in this way: go to the site using the link, enter your registration data - email address and password. In the upper right corner we find<Мои игровые профили>, choose the option<Личный кабинет>.

A window will open that will highlight the names you use in the game. We remember them. Now you can follow the link and use the online calculator to calculate the efficiency:
  • Enter the name of the player, click calculate.
  • Information about your personal data and the calculated efficiency will be displayed.
The information that the calculator calculates makes it possible to determine the level of acquired skills during the game:
  • If your efficiency or efficiency rating is less than 600, this is bad indicator, is still far from perfection.
  • A total of 600 to 900 means you are an average player.
  • The results lie in the range from 900 to 1500 - highest level, such players are legendary.
  • A number from 1500 to 1800 indicates that you are a master who knows all the intricacies of the game, such efficiency is a rather rare occurrence.
There are many types of programs for calculating the efficiency of a player in World of tanks: some can calculate not only the efficiency rating, but also the number of victories left to reach to the next level. Moreover, the calculation is carried out taking into account your individual style of play. Of the varieties of programs, applications that calculate your efficiency during the game and at the same time provide information about opponents are popular. One of these user programs can be found at the link. These efficiency calculation systems are also called<оленеметрами>: a program that will allow you to see in numbers with whom you are fighting - a beginner or an experienced player. Many gamers successfully use these utilities to improve their performance rating. The meter shows the following data:
  • Efficiency indicators of the participants in the game in battle and when loading the battle.
  • The number of fights.
  • Total number of wins.
  • Analysis of possible victories, considering all the data above.

It is also possible to set up different configurations: for example, you can set the percentage of victories only for a specific tank. This program is very flexible to change the parameters displayed on the screen, and each user can easily and quickly customize it according to their interests.

The game interface completely changes when installing such modifications, and you can constantly see a mini-map on the screen with the necessary data: for example, the log of damage received, other markers above the vehicle, the base capture indicator (how soon the base will be captured and how many invaders are on it), tank light indicator on the base and much more.