Sauna stoves design and dimensions. How to choose a sauna stove depending on different criteria? Metal stove-heater, is it suitable for a bath

Bath procedures cleanse not only the body, but also maintain good spirits, improve health and mood. The right stove is the basis for good steam and heat. varied, they differ:

  • by the types of material used in their construction;
  • by type of fuel used.

A high-quality sauna stove has a number of mandatory properties:

  1. It quickly produces heat, warming up the room in a short time.
  2. It has temperature stability, keeping the required temperature for a long time.
  3. Heated air enters the steam room from all sides evenly.
  4. The furnace is safe in operation, does not give soot, smoke, burning, fireproof.
  5. Able to heat a sufficient amount of water at least 200 liters.

Any type of Russian-style bath stoves must meet these requirements, giving during operation an air temperature of no more than 700C with a humidity of 60-70%. Finnish sauna stoves should produce hotter air without moisture.

Types of sauna stoves according to the materials used

The materials used in construction determine the types of sauna stoves, which are brick and metal.

Brick stoves are traditionally used in Russian baths, as they have a number of undeniable advantages that have been tested by time:

  • quickly and efficiently warm up;
  • retain heat for a long time - up to 8 hours.

However, in modern bath complexes it is rare to find a real heater, because. its construction requires the skills of excellent stove-makers, the cost of work and material is significant, and the whole structure is massive and heavy. It may take up to 5 hours to heat a bath with a real brick heater.

Metal furnaces are more in demand in the modern market, the proposed designs are diverse in price and shape. Bath stoves made of metal warm up quickly, already half an hour after the start of the firebox, you can start bathing procedures. For a bath of any size, you can choose the appropriate metal stove. They are produced in different sizes. In addition, metal furnaces are mobile, they can be transferred. They require little fuel to operate.

In the production of metal sauna stoves, sheet metal is used, the thickness should be at least 4-5 mm. If the furnace is made of steel, then it must be an alloyed metal with a chromium content of at least 10-12% so that the furnace does not burn out in a couple of years of operation. Cast iron has proven itself well, which, due to its properties, warms up well and retains heat for a long time.

However, metal furnaces are also not without drawbacks:

  • cooling down quickly, after half an hour or an hour they do not give heat well;
  • in order to retain heat and steam, fuel in furnaces must be constantly maintained in a state of combustion;
  • they do not heat large rooms well;
  • there is a risk of getting burned on the hot oven walls during the combustion process.

Types of stoves for a separate bath do not differ from stoves for a common bath; experts define bath complexes as cold and hot, depending on the quality of heating the outer wall.

Cold ones are used in those rooms that require constant heating, they warm up for a long time, and their maximum heating does not exceed 500C. Hot ones quickly warm up to 1000C, but there is a risk of overheating.

Fuel variety for sauna stoves

When building a modern bath, various are used:

  • wood;
  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • combined.

When choosing the type of stove, it is necessary to proceed from the size of the bath and steam room, the quality of thermal insulation, the maximum number of visitors and the duration of the steam room.

According to the type of construction, types of stoves for a bath are conditionally divided into:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • combined.

For a more aesthetic appearance, increasing safety and improving the quality of heat transfer, they often make a lining of a metal stove, be sure to keep space for an air gap.

The following types of furnace finishes are used in the bath:

  1. The most common tiles. Clinker and marble tiles, majolica, terracotta are used.
  2. The tiles are very beautiful, original, besides they have the maximum level of heat transfer in comparison with other materials, but they are very expensive.
  3. The most economical type of finish is brick. Even a home craftsman can handle it.
  4. Man-made or natural stone such as marble, serpentine, granite and porcelain stoneware.
  5. Installing a steel case on the furnace body that maintains the heat level, however, this finish is not safe, because when heated, the case can cause burns.
  6. Plastering the walls of the oven is a classic solution in the old style.

Each finish is beautiful in its own way, if made from high quality materials.

Combination of metal stoves with bricks

In modern bath complexes, metal stoves are most often lined with brick or stone in order to improve the heat transfer and convection properties of the stove, eliminate the possibility that visitors can get burned, and also reduce fuel costs.

For lining, you can use the following types of bricks:

  • silicate, but is used less frequently, because. it does not tolerate high temperature and high humidity, moreover, it has an unattractive appearance;
  • fireclay in its characteristics is excellent for lining, but requires additional lining to improve the appearance of the furnace;
  • red (hollow or ceramic solid) is the preferred option.

Specialists use the following types of brick lining, an iron stove in a bath can be:

  • surround with lattice masonry when the bricks are stacked at intervals in a checkerboard pattern;
  • completely overlay with a brick, making a screen.

If a metal stove is very hot, then it is usually completely covered with bricks.

If there is not enough space around the furnace, then the lattice laying method is used. Brick of standard sizes 250x120x65 mm is used for cladding, masonry is made in half of one brick. Be sure to leave a small gap between the furnace wall and the lining for air circulation.

If the bath implies the presence of a rest room, then the furnace firebox can be taken out there. The stove for a bath in the form of a fireplace in a dressing room or a relaxation room looks beautiful, it makes it possible to relax by an open fire.

Humidity and air temperature, comfort and benefits for the body depend on the stove in the bath. The sauna stove must be equipped with a tank for heating water, a chimney and a heater pocket for stones.

If you have a great desire to fold the sauna stove with your own hands, and not hire specialists, be sure to read this article several times, you can even print it on a piece of paper and use it directly as a cheat sheet. At the same time, you will save a lot and get invaluable experience, which in the future you will fold similar structures for money. External decoration plays an important role, because a bath is a place of rest, both physical and moral, and the appearance of the stove plays an important role in this! After the exterior finish, the stove in your bath should become its “highlight”, an exclusive decoration that is just nice to look at, like a picture.

The sauna stove is located either with a furnace door to the adjacent room, or directly to the steam room, where the firewood is laid. Naturally, it is better that firewood be laid from the next room, if dimensions allow you - do just that.

Water tanks are mounted either behind the furnace body on supports (floor or wall mounting), or they are mounted directly above the furnace firebox. At the same time, a stationary floor tank mount is safer than a wall mount.

Calculation of the tank volume for a sauna stove

The volume of the water tank is calculated by taking from seven to ten liters of water per person with a temperature of at least fifty degrees. So, if you plan to visit a pair of 3-4 people at the same time, you should choose a tank with a volume of at least 40 liters.

How to calculate the volume of the steam room and the firebox of the furnace?

It is not enough to measure the dimensions of the room. It is also necessary to take into account the material of the surfaces. If the room has windows, a glass door, surfaces made of tiles, bricks, concrete, their area should be measured. For each square meter of such surfaces, add one and a half cubic meters to the volume of the room, which will be taken into account when choosing the size of the oven. The minimum power of the sauna stove is 8-10 kW.

Furnace Requirements

The sauna stove must be safe (both in terms of fires and for human health - not cause burns if accidentally touched and exclude smoke from entering the room), the temperature regime must be regulated, and the dimensions must correspond to the volume of the room.

Metal stove-heater, is it suitable for a bath?

This furnace design is the simplest. For work, you will need steel sheets with a thickness of at least 5 mm, a welding machine and a grinder (or gas cutter), pipes for supplying and discharging water, refractory bricks, a solution of furnace clay, stones, chimney pipes, a faucet, stove doors with valves and hinges, metal profile for mounting the stove support.

The design itself consists of a water tank with pipes connected to it and a tap. The tank is heated from the rear wall of the stove, the interior of which, in turn, is zoned into a firebox and an open-type heater. Flue gases are disposed of through a chimney that exits the furnace through the heater and sauna walls.

First of all, it is necessary to cut the bottom and side walls of the future stove from steel sheets and connect them by welding. We weld the corners inside the furnace - they will support a sheet of metal on which we will lay the stones.

On the front wall we cut a rectangular hole for the door, and from the cut out rectangle we make a door. Along the perimeter, you can scald it with strips of steel for a greater fit. In the lower part of the door or the front wall of the firebox, we drill several holes for air to enter the furnace. By welding we fix the door hinges and the hinge under the valve.

To make a chimney, we will prepare a pipe and make a hole in a sheet of metal on which there will be a heater. We weld the pipe to the steel sheet.

We proceed to the installation of the water tank. It consists of three walls and a bottom, hermetically welded between themselves and the rear wall of the furnace. We weld the inlet and outlet pipes for water to one of the side walls of the tank. Then we weld the tap at the bottom of the tank. We install the entire structure on a frame made of steel profiles or on a brick base 20-30 cm high. We cover the metal parts of the furnace with refractory paint. On top we lay out stones (soapstone, porphyrite, basalt, etc.) ranging in size from 5 to 12 cm. We mount the chimney and chimney, pour water into the tank, cover it with a lid and ignite the finished stove, checking the design for draft and no smoke in room.

To modernize a potbelly stove for a bath, you can equip it with an ash chamber with a grate and an ash collection box. This will greatly simplify the cleaning of the stove, and the blower door will help to better regulate the draft, and, accordingly, the temperature and speed of fuel combustion. For the same purpose (controlling the heating temperature of the furnace), as well as to reduce heat loss through the chimney, it is equipped with a valve. It can be of the slide type or any other.

Gate valve - view 2

Stove for a bath from a pipe or an old cylinder

The difference between this design and the previous one is that the water tank is located directly above the firebox. For work you will need: a pipe for the furnace and tank (wall thickness 1 cm, diameter 50 cm, height 150 cm); pipe for the heater (the wall thickness is the same, and the diameter is 35 cm); mortise crane; metal fittings; door hinges; steel sheets with a thickness similar to pipes; tools for welding, metal cutting.

Stove for a bath from a pipe

  • We divide the pipe of a larger diameter in two, using a grinder. From one part (length 60 cm) we will mount a water tank, from the second (90 cm) we will design a heater for a bath.
  • We make markings on a sheet of steel to cut out a circle equal in diameter to the pipe - the furnace body. To do this, it is convenient to use a can of paint or a marker. This circle will serve as the bottom of the structure. Hermetically weld it to the pipe.
  • We immediately make the legs of the structure. To do this, we strengthen the bottom of the sauna stove with a metal frame made of profiles. Frame height 10-15 cm.
  • After the stove stands firmly on its legs, draw a 25x7 cm rectangle on the body. This piece of metal will be the blower door. We cut it out with a grinder, equip it with hinges, a handle bracket and a latch.
  • We make a grate. Its task is to pass air from the blower into the combustion zone, retain fuel and not prevent ash and ash from entering the lower chamber of the furnace. Such a lattice can be made from pieces of reinforcement or a sheet of metal with holes cut into it. The grate must be fixed by welding in the inner part of the pipe at a height of 12-15 cm from the bottom.
  • Above the grate there will be a firebox. We cut out the door for it with a size of 25x30 cm, departing from the level of the grate by about 20 cm. We install the door in the same way as a blower.
  • We will build a heater from reinforcement. Bending it in different directions, we give the reinforcement bars the shape of a basket, fasten them together with plastic wire. Here we will lay stones for the furnace. We install the "basket" on the top of the pipe. Here we cut through the door of any shape and again equip it with hinges, a valve.
  • Next up is the water tank. The tank body is a pipe, 60 cm long. For this pipe, we cut out the bottom, in which, in turn, we cut a hole and pass the chimney pipe through this hole. We fix the parts by welding. Closer to the bottom of the tank we cut in the crane.
  • Now we assemble the two parts of the furnace together so that the tank is located strictly above the firebox. We produce a welded seam.
  • It is convenient to make a double-leaf lid for the tank. We cut out a circle, divide it into two equal parts, one of which is tightly welded to the tank, the other is fastened with the first half with loops. To make it more convenient to open the tank, we equip the lid with a handle-bracket made of fittings.

Thus, from the simplest materials, you can quickly and cheaply build a sauna stove with your own hands, while it will not functionally differ from the purchased counterpart! By doing the work efficiently and slowly, you will get a result that will delight you and your guests for many years!

Do-it-yourself ordinal masonry stove for a bath - photo report

Everything is very simple, just look at the photos and do the same, of course, you need to use the right materials and mixtures!

Zero row of the furnace base: The second row of the furnace base: Second row and blower chamber Fourth row - block the blower We put the grate Third and fourth row of fireclay bricks We cover fireclay bricks with ordinary We put the fifth row of fireclay bricks We put the furnace door Finished furnace door The appearance of the furnace at this stage We make a lattice on which stones will have to lie

Only the best stoves for baths and saunas will provide the steam room with the necessary heat and good steam, create an optimal microclimate here and organize access to hot water for vacationers. It can be both cast-iron models and steel products, but they must have good reviews. It was on their basis that we compiled this rating, selecting the most worthy options, taking into account their pros and cons. Check them out and choose the design that suits you best!

This rating presents the products of the 6 largest and most famous manufacturers of the best sauna stoves. They are chosen for both commercial use and home use. Each company in the TOP has a good reputation and many positive reviews.

The list of 6 best sauna stove companies includes:

  • Hephaestus– the company is engaged in the production, sale and installation of stoves and fireplaces for baths and houses. In its assortment there are fireplace inserts and cast iron, cheaper and designer models, premium class. Basically, here are devices that require firewood to work. Its products perfectly retain heat in the premises, are easy to maintain, and save on raw materials. Products create an ideal microclimate in the bath and maintain an optimal level of humidity.
  • Harvia- each heater from this brand is a handmade design masterpiece. She creates wood-burning and electric stoves for heating saunas. Its designs heat up quickly and retain heat for a long time, making visiting the steam room comfortable. There are options both with a transparent glass door and closed models. Products are made of cast iron or steel.
  • TMF- the basis of the assortment of this company is made up of heaters, gas and wood-burning stoves for the steam room. On average, their power is 16 kW, which allows you to heat a bath area up to 20-25 square meters. m. They have a well-thought-out system of vaporization, which makes their use efficient and comfortable for humans. Products are compact in size, do not take up much space in the room and are affordable.
  • Feringer- one of the products of this company are stoves for baths and saunas. Basically, we are talking about wood-burning models that are environmentally friendly. They are absolutely easy to operate and maintain, and also have a long service life, because they are made from quality materials. There are options both with a deep firebox and with a not very roomy one, which allows the air to warm up faster.
  • Vesuvius- the company offers the best wood-burning stoves for baths and saunas in terms of price and quality. They are designed to produce warm water, comfortable steam and keep the room warm. Most models are made of steel, withstand high humidity and are resistant to corrosion. The minimum number of welds eliminates heat loss and makes these sauna stoves the best on the market.
  • Volcano kit. When developing stoves for a steam room, the company pays attention primarily to the needs of customers. There are options for commercial use, with a large capacity of stones and high power, as well as simpler models for home use. The manufacturer provides products that have been thoroughly tested. Some designs are suitable for installation in areas up to 30 square meters. m. On average, their weight is 100 kg.

Rating of the best stoves for a bath

  • Production material - metal or cast iron;
  • Product weight;
  • The presence of a water tank and its volume;
  • Is there a chimney and its parameters;
  • Installation method;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Duration of heat retention;
  • Wall thickness;
  • Door type - transparent or regular;
  • Type of raw materials used - firewood, gas, etc.;
  • The capacity of the firebox and the possibility of its removal;
  • Economy of consumption of raw materials;
  • The volume of the ash drawer;
  • The amount of steam generated.

A special parameter for selecting the best stoves for wood-fired saunas was the ratio of price and quality, and indeed the cost of such products.

The best cast iron sauna stoves

Cast iron products are interesting in that they can hold high temperatures for a long time. At the same time, for such purposes, you do not need to burn more firewood. They are also relevant because of their heat resistance, and also because of their resistance to corrosion. The case made of such material does not rust and easily tolerates moisture. Due to this, such structures do not need special care. Let's name further two best furnaces for a cast-iron bath.

According to customer reviews, this model makes this model the best stove for a bath because it warms up the air well for an effective visit to this room. To do this, you need to load firewood into it, with the purchase of which there are usually no problems. This design is suitable for heating an area up to 28 sq. m., which is quite good for the low price of the product. The firebox has sufficient depth so that it is not often filled with raw materials. The cast iron from which the stove is made has excellent corrosion resistance, which increases the shelf life of the stove.


  • Remote firebox;
  • Fast heating of the steam room;
  • Keeps warm for a long time;
  • Gives fine, "light" steam;
  • The walls do not burn through, being cast iron;
  • Easy flame arrester replacement.


  • Weight in 190 kg;
  • Difficult installation.

In the reviews, buyers focus on the capacity of the heater, where you can load firewood with a length of more than 50 cm.

Like Hephaestus PB-03, this is a cast-iron sauna stove with a transparent door that opens up a view of the blazing fire. The design has a well-thought-out combustion system, which makes it possible to increase the temperature of the walls. Thus, its efficiency increases and fuel consumption is reduced. The chimney provides good heat dissipation, allowing you to warm up the room well and maintain the desired temperature of steam in the air for a long time. Of particular note is the excellent anti-corrosion properties of the material.


  • After the wood burns out, the high air temperature remains in the bath for a long time;
  • Beautiful design;
  • Thick walls;
  • Going elementary;
  • Service life more than 30 years;
  • Good joint sealing.


  • Weight 178 kg;
  • Not low price.

The best steel sauna stoves

The advantage of such structures is their resistance to high temperatures, which are mandatory in the steam room. They do not melt as a result of heating, do not become rusty and do not get very hot. But if all this affects them for a long time, then it becomes possible to oxidize the material and weaken the seams. Metal stoves are cheaper, so they are often considered better than cast iron ones.

One of the main advantages of this model is the lower weight, compared to other sauna stoves in the ranking of the best, which is 95 kg. The power of the product is 10 kW, which allows you to create good steam in a room up to 20-25 square meters. m. The depth of the firebox is 67 cm, so it can accommodate even large logs. It is possible to save on their consumption due to the optimization of the combustion process due to the thickness of the turbo furnace of 10 mm. The cast-iron grate makes it possible to load even wet firewood here.


  • Convenient form;
  • There is a tank for heating water for 25 liters;
  • Reliable protection against infrared radiation;
  • Stable burning even of damp firewood;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Increased heat capacity;
  • High quality steam.


  • Not a low price;
  • There is no glass on the door.

Despite the good preservation of the temperature in the bath with the help of the Elbrus Volcano 20 furnace model, its walls do not become unbearably hot, and it is impossible to burn yourself on them.

This stylish heater is designed to heat small saunas and baths up to 13 sq. m. It contributes to the uniform distribution of heat in the room and provides excellent air circulation, due to which it becomes comfortable to bathe. The product creates a good atmosphere, as it has transparent doors through which the flame can be seen. An additional argument for including this stove in the rating was its small weight of 45 kg and high thermal power of 16.5 kW.


  • High speed heating of the bath;
  • Economical consumption of firewood;
  • It is not difficult to maintain a high temperature in the steam room;
  • Quality assembly;
  • Good materials;
  • The walls don't get very hot.


  • The ash removal scheme is not very well thought out;
  • There are gaps near the door, which can increase heat loss.

Outwardly, this one of the best sauna stoves resembles a fireplace, which creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. This is facilitated by transparent glass in the doors, which, by the way, is protected from the formation of soot, which makes it easier to care for the product. The ash box is quite large, so there is no need to clean it very often. The firebox is made of steel and with quality connections that minimize heat loss. The product weighs 100 kg, so it is inconvenient to install it yourself.


  • Ease of connection to the chimney;
  • Quality materials;
  • Thick walls, up to 1.2 cm;
  • transparent door;
  • Long-term maintenance of high temperature in the bath;
  • Creation of soft steam, comfortable for the person.


  • The maximum heating area is 22 sq. m.

The stove for the bath "Vesuvius Skif 22" has the best value for money according to reviews. Due to the additional thickness, the walls are not burned through, which increases its service life.

In the rating of the best stoves for a bath, this model should be included primarily because of the good heating of the air in the room. To do this, it is enough to load firewood once into the firebox, which is very spacious here, 34 liters, and after the raw material has burned out, the heat lasts for a long time. If necessary, if it becomes hot or there is not enough steam, you can adjust the strength of the flame. The presence of a wide chimney ensures reliable removal of carbon monoxide and does not spoil the air quality. The product is made of corrosion resistant steel.


  • Upper, fairly simple connection to the chimney;
  • The width of the loaded firewood can reach 50 cm;
  • Does not take up much space in the room;
  • Spacious ash drawer;
  • Economical consumption of firewood;
  • Fast removal of products of combustion.


  • Do not use in a bath with an area of ​​​​more than 18 square meters. m.;
  • The wall thickness of the furnace is 0.3 cm.

In terms of power, this is one of the best wood-burning sauna stoves in our rating, as it generates up to 16 kW. With such parameters, it can heat a room up to 20 square meters in size. m., which is an average. The body of the structure is made of steel, which can withstand the negative effects of high moisture and is protected from corrosion. The product is very compact and in wall mounting does not stand out from the overall design. A reliable chimney allows combustion products to leave the room on time.


  • Glass, transparent doors through which you can see the fire;
  • No heat loss;
  • Long-term high temperature support;
  • Large chimney;
  • Durable materials;
  • Creates an excellent microclimate.


  • Weight in 100 kg;
  • The stones heat up more slowly than other models in the ranking.

Which stove for a bath is better to buy

For those who are looking for an option with a cheap coolant, it is best to choose a wood-burning stove, which are described in this rating. They are environmentally friendly and therefore safe even with frequent use. But at the same time, if they are installed, it will be necessary to equip a chimney to remove combustion products.

The budget models include steel, and the premium products are cast iron, and it is they who keep the heat the longest. Just such furnaces are recommended to be installed in large rooms. In terms of power, the best option is an indicator in the region of 10-16 kW. If firewood will be laid from another room, then the product must have an elongated firebox.

  • Hephaestus PB-03 is ideal for a sauna, which produces soft, healthy steam.
  • In large rooms, up to 30 sq. m., it will not be a mistake to buy a stove from the Vesuvius brand called Legend.
  • In a Russian bath, you can safely put the Elbrus product from the Volcano brand, which gives a pleasant steam and good heat.
  • For small rooms up to 13 sq. m. The best choice would be Harvia M3, which allows you to quickly heat the stones and, accordingly, in a short time to achieve the desired steam.
  • Those who are looking for a good option for a Finnish bath should pay attention to Vesuvius Skiff 22.
  • If the priority is the economy of firewood consumption, then TMF Geyser 2014 will be the best choice.
  • For small steam rooms, the size of which does not exceed 16 sq. m., you should choose the product "Fehringer mini".

When selecting the best stoves for baths and saunas, we focused on customer reviews, so this rating can be called the most objective and useful.

The stove is the heart of any bath. Wood, electric or gas, home-made or factory-made, budget or expensive - a person who decides to get his own bath opens up an almost limitless range of stoves. We decided to simplify the task of choosing and systematized the main requirements for such installations, trying to take into account all the significant points.

The furnace can be sustained in any overall dimensions, operate on different fuels and have the most diverse design, but first of all, 2 key requirements are imposed on it:

  • optimal power for a particular steam room;
  • installation in compliance with approved rules and regulations.

Power is the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a furnace. It is pointless to give any specific universal figures - it is basically impossible. The main thing is that this indicator be optimal for a particular case.

Already at this stage, many developers make a big mistake by purchasing a furnace unit with a large power reserve, hoping that this will reduce the time spent on heating the steam room. Yes, the room will heat up faster, but then the oven will switch to the minimum operating mode. There is only one result - the air will be hot, the stones will be cold. It is pointless to pour water on insufficiently heated stones - steam under such conditions either does not form at all, or will go in clubs, like from a kettle. And in the bath, as you know, the steam must be transparent and light, otherwise it will become extremely unpleasant or simply impossible to be in the steam room.

Kamenka in the bath - photo

The other extreme is also a mistake - the installation of a low-power unit in order to simply reduce the total cost of arranging a steam room. Even if a stove with low power heats up the room to the required level, it will have to “work hard” to the maximum for this. What do you think happens to a system that is constantly working for wear and tear? That's right, it breaks very quickly.

Important note! It is possible to ignore such an indicator as the power of the heat source only in the case of the construction of a hammam (), in which there is no oven in its classical sense. But we are talking specifically about the bath, so we are considering units designed for operation in its conditions.

  • power, usually measured in kW;
  • the volume of the steam room, which can qualitatively serve the furnace of the declared capacity.

To save ourselves from complicated long-term calculations, let's go in the simplest way: determine the volume of the steam room and, starting from it, set the required power.

First step. We calculate the volume of the steam room. To do this, we need to measure its length, width, and height. After we multiply the obtained numbers, thus finding the volume indicator. If the project documentation has been preserved, we turn to it and save ourselves from this stage of calculation. Let's say the length of our steam room is 2 m, the width is 1.5 m, and the height is 2.2 m. The volume of this room will be 6.6 m3.

Second step. Carefully inspect the walls and ceiling. Here we need to determine whether they have non-insulated areas, for example, masonry, tiled lining, double-glazed windows, etc. We consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach such section (multiply the length and width). We summarize the obtained values. For example, we have a window measuring 60x60 cm and a tiled lining 100x100 cm. The calculation is as follows:

(0.6x0.6) + (1x1) = 1.36 m2.

We multiply the resulting number by a factor of 1.2 - this gives us a new value equal to 1.632. We add to the volume of the steam room and get 8.232.

Third step. If the door to the steam room is made of glass, increase the final number from the previous step by 1.5. The result is 9.732.

If there is a glass door, we increase the design coefficient

Thus, the stove should be designed for heating 9.732 m3. Here is a very important note: in the accompanying instructions for the furnaces, working volumes are indicated in intervals, for example, 4-9 m3. In our example, it is reasonable to purchase a stove with some margin, for example, a 7-12 m3 unit will work well, while a 5-10 m3 stove resource will not be enough.

When determining the required optimal power in kW, it is customary to adhere to the pattern, according to which 1 kW of power is consumed per 1 m3 of space.

Important! In order for the heater to successfully cope with the maintenance of the space declared by the manufacturer, load it with exactly the number of stones recommended in the accompanying instructions.

Additional selection criteria

Having determined the required indicators of power and displacement, we can give ourselves a "roam" in relation to the accompanying selection criteria.

Production material

Most often, furnaces are made from such materials: cast iron, steel, brick. The service life of the structure directly depends on their quality.

The most durable are currently considered modern stoves made of chromium steel. Such installations produce "clean air", which eliminates the risk of burning oxygen in the room. The best steel stoves are produced by Finnish companies Helo and Harvia.

To meet a sauna stove with a cast-iron firebox today is a curiosity, although this material, in principle, is very good. Among factory furnaces with a cast-iron firebox, one can only pay attention to the Sudarushka M model produced by the domestic company Inzhkomtsentr.

Brick stoves are a tribute to history and reverence for ancestors. If you find a good stove-maker, you will be satisfied for many decades to come. But such units also have their drawbacks:

  • comparative complexity of kindling with many nuances;
  • relatively long warm-up;
  • the need for an individual powerful foundation, which leads to a significant increase in total costs.

Features of the location of the firebox

Two types of furnaces are available for sale:

  • extended for wall mounting;
  • ordinary.

The first ones allow you to organize the furnace of the stove from the room adjacent to the steam room, due to which the fire safety indicators and the overall microclimate increase, but such models are more expensive.

Steam source

In a traditional Russian bath, the steam should be dry and light. However, not every modern furnace is capable of producing just such steam. For maximum comfort, it is wise to buy a separate electric steam generator - this way it will be possible to solve all the problems associated with this moment.

Steam generator for a bath - wiring diagram

Video - Steam generators for baths and saunas

Design requirements

A good oven should be able to:

  • warm the air to 40-50 degrees at the bottom of the room with a gradual increase to 80 degrees under the ceiling;
  • relatively quickly heat the stones and maintain their temperature at the required level;
  • exclude the possibility of penetration of smoke and carbon monoxide into the steam room.

Additional requirements are at the discretion of the owner. For example, it may be important for someone that the stove can not only heat the room, but also prepare hot water.

Video - Hot water in the bath, water heater + piping

Heater type

Most private stoves are equipped with open or closed heaters.

Duration of work on one tab of fuel

Ideally, if the furnace will give heat for the maximum possible time without the need to add a new portion of fuel. This criterion is determined by the user individually.

Sauna furnace firebox - photo

There is little choice here.

The oven can be:

  • hot. Heat is given off through the outer walls of the furnace, heated to 100 degrees or more. A very good option for a private steam room. But there are also disadvantages: it is difficult to regulate the heating temperature and you can get burned. To eliminate unpleasant consequences, the heating parts of the stove must be carefully isolated, for example, using a brick screen;
  • cold. The walls of such a unit will not heat up more than 40-45 degrees. Direct heating is carried out by means of circulation channels. Such furnaces are safer and more convenient to operate.

Type of fuel used

Type of fuel usedDescription
The most traditional and popular option. Guarantees uniform and fast heating of the room with the creation of the most favorable microclimate. Wood stoves can be fired "on black" and "on white". In the first case, the chimney is usually not made - the cinder is removed through an outlet in the wall or ceiling, or simply through an open door. The firebox "in black" is almost never found today - it is not aesthetically pleasing and difficult. The stove "on white" is a traditional version of a modern wood-burning stove. Be sure to include a chimney. Among the shortcomings can only be attributed to the need to monitor the combustion process and periodically replenish the fuel.
Good, safe and modern option. Electric heaters provide fast warming up of the steam room, while the user gets the opportunity to control the temperature and humidity conditions in the room as accurately as possible. In order for the oven to work correctly and reliably, a stable supply of electricity must be present at the place of its installation. The main disadvantage is a rather significant cost of electricity, the cost of which in many regions is high.
If preference is given to this type of fuel, there can be no talk of any amateur performance - only high-quality factory-made certified units installed by qualified craftsmen. The gas furnace is very convenient in operation, it can be automated. Along with this, it is recommended to consider this option only for residents of those regions where low gas tariffs are set, and there is no possibility of regular replenishment of firewood supplies. Under other circumstances, the heating costs will be more significant compared to the costs of operating a traditional solid fuel stove.

In general, the knowledge gained is already enough to choose a good stove for a bath. The only thing we would like to dwell on in more detail is the issue of choosing a furnace unit in accordance with the type of fuel used for its operation.

Features of choosing a wood stove

Traditional wood-burning stoves have a fairly simple design, the list of main elements of which includes: an ash pan, a firebox, flues, a heater and a chimney. Additionally, the composition includes related elements that increase the functionality, safety and ease of use of the furnace.

For example, the oven can be equipped with a tank for heating water. It is very convenient if it is placed on the chimney - the heat of the exhaust gases will not only fly away through the pipe, but will heat the water in the tank. The space of the steam room is heated by stones and walls of the furnace body.

The order of laying firewood may vary depending on the features of a particular model. There are few options.

  1. Internal bookmark. Fuel is loaded into the stove directly in the steam room.
  2. Outdoor bookmark. Fuel loading is carried out from adjacent rooms.

Existing varieties of wood-burning stoves can be classified according to several main indicators. About them further.

Design features

Wood stoves can vary significantly in terms of their design features. The classification is given in the table.

Table. Structural variations of wood-burning sauna stoves

Stones are placed exclusively on top. The fire chamber is completed with either glass, or an ordinary deaf metal door.
A feature of the furnaces of this category is that the casing in them has the form of a grid assembled from metal rods.
Such furnaces are equipped with a special container. The user can pour water into it for the purpose of further use to create steam.
It does not need a separate introduction - the design is completed with a container for preparing hot water.

Principle of operation

In accordance with the features of functioning, wood-burning sauna stoves can be classified into the following groups:

  • long heating ovens. They work using a relatively small number of stones separated from the firebox with a metal sheet. Stones in most cases do not heat up more than 350 degrees. Professionals do not advise watering them with water - there is a high risk of soot particles being released into the surrounding air;
  • batch heating furnaces. These aggregates are loaded with a large number of stones. The partition mentioned in the previous paragraph is missing - the stones are heated by the forces of an open flame. You can safely give water - soot will not be thrown out. The best option for a private steam room.


A truly impressive range of sauna stoves is presented on the modern market - there are plenty to choose from. Yes, and instructions for self-laying / welding stoves allow you to make the unit on your own, saving money. What to do - everyone has the right to decide independently, focusing on the available budget and personal preferences.

We, based on the feedback of real users, can offer to pay attention to the products of the two industry leaders.

Firstly, these are Harvia ovens.

A huge range of models, a lot of stoves with different functionality and design - you can easily choose the option that fully meets your needs and expectations without any problems.

Harvia ovens – high quality and stylish design

The manufacturer offers both traditional floor units and designer wall and corner variations. Harvia products are characterized by very high quality, trouble-free operation and a long service life. For the manufacture of fireboxes of such stoves, modern high-strength steel is used, the thickness of the upper part of which is 1 cm or more, which is a guarantee of the highest strength of the heater and a long service life.

For the outer coating of the body of branded stoves, a patented fire-resistant paint is used, which retains its original quality characteristics at a high level for a long time. The assortment of the same manufacturer includes many additional elements that are ideally combined with branded ovens and contribute to a significant increase in their functionality.

Prices for Harvia wood stoves

Harvia wood burning stoves

Secondly, these are Helo solid fuel stoves.

The assortment of the company includes both budget options and luxury models for true connoisseurs. The best stainless steel is traditionally used for the manufacture of the outer walls of branded ovens.

The highlight of many models is a door with a heat-resistant glass insert - you can follow the combustion process, enjoying the view of the flame, which creates a wonderful relaxing atmosphere. For the furnace of most stoves of this brand, not only firewood, but also peat briquettes are suitable. You can choose a stove with a water tank installed either above the stove or using remote technology.

In more detail, as well as solid fuel bath stoves have already been discussed in the relevant publications of our website.

Features of choosing an electric furnace

Electric heaters - photo

Advantages of electric heaters

Electric sauna stoves have many advantages.

  1. Firstly, they are compact - an average electric heater under any circumstances will take up less usable area than a gas and, especially, a solid fuel unit.
  2. Secondly, they are very convenient to use. As noted, the user has access not only to the ability to control temperature and humidity indicators, but also to organize full-fledged automation.
  3. Thirdly, they do not involve the arrangement of the chimney. In view of this, the direct installation of the furnace will require much more modest financial investments compared to other possible types of units.
  4. Fourthly, in a steam room with an electric stove it will always be clean: you can forget about ash, smoke and dust.
  5. Fifthly, modern electric heaters from trusted manufacturers last longer when compared with simple solid fuel devices of a similar price category.
  6. Sixth, the electric stove is extremely easy to operate. The user only needs to turn on the device and wait a bit.

And there are no significant restrictions regarding the choice of the installation location of the furnace - it can be placed even near the wall, even in the center of the room.

Electric sauna heaters also win with regard to safety issues: a well-thought-out and well-organized cyclical operation, the presence of sensitive automation and protective shutdown devices make it possible to minimize the likelihood of various kinds of troubles inherent in devices operating on the principle of fuel combustion.

For maximum ease of use, many models of electric bath stoves are equipped with built-in or, even better, remote controls.

It takes relatively little time to warm up the steam room with an electric heater, and the resulting heat is characterized by softness and uniformity.

Prices for different models of electric heaters

electric heater

Main selection criteria

The main parameters to be taken into account when choosing an electric sauna stove are listed below.

  1. The volume of the serviced premises and the required power of the system. Recommendations for calculating this moment were considered earlier.
  2. Elements of control and regulation. As noted, the remote control of the electric furnace can be built-in or remote. Here everyone must decide for himself what is more convenient for him.
  3. Heater characteristics. One of the most important points. Modern sauna electric heaters are equipped with heating elements, tape and combined heating devices.
    A heating element (tubular) can be heated to very high temperatures, but it serves relatively little. If you decide to buy a stove with a heating element heater, make sure that it is made of stainless steel.

    Tape devices are characterized by higher heating rates, environmental friendliness and economy, while they do not burn air as much as heating elements "brothers", and they last much longer.

    Combined options combine the heaters of the two mentioned types. For the price they are the most expensive, but they provide the fastest indicators of the speed and temperature of heating the serviced premises.

  4. Design. Electric ovens can have a wide variety of sizes, shapes and design features. With regard to these points, the decision remains with the buyer.
  5. External material. The stove can be either dressed in a beautiful metal case or decorated with natural stone, for example, soapstone or soapstone.

    The use of lining not only improves the external qualities of the stove, but also has important practical functions, namely: it increases the protection of the user from the effects of IF radiation, promotes heat accumulation, eliminates convection temperature fluctuations, ensures the creation of an ideal uniform thermal background, and has a positive effect on the human body.

Important! When planning to purchase an electric sauna stove, ask the seller to show a certificate of compliance with the requirements for such systems and fire safety parameters. In the absence of such, it is strongly recommended to refrain from buying a stove.

In more detail, the nuances of choosing an electric furnace for a bath and recommendations for its installation were in the corresponding publication of our website.

Features of choosing a gas furnace

Gas sauna stoves are becoming more and more popular - the desire for maximum convenience prevails over the love for the aroma and smell of burning wood.

Gas-burning units have a number of advantages, including:

  • profitability;
  • high rate of heating of the room;
  • no need to monitor the remaining amount of fuel and its addition.

Along with this, before giving preference to a gas unit, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules and features of its installation and subsequent operation.

Advantages and design features

A traditional wood-fired sauna stove is excellent in every way - that's why it's traditional. But what if the extraction of firewood is more difficult? Use gas!

In the photo - a gas oven with a remote temperature controller

Such a solution has many advantages.

  1. Compact installation. The gas stove, unlike its wood-burning "brother", does not have a large firebox and a massive ash pan - here they are very compact, which makes it possible to install this kind of equipment even in the cramped steam rooms.
  2. Optimal temperature. Gas stoves are extremely easy to operate - you set the desired mode and enjoy your vacation, forgetting about going for new portions of firewood and cleaning unburned coals.
  3. Features of the internal device. The classic structure of a gas sauna stove is as follows: there is a body, it contains a gas burner, a fuel source is connected to the burner. Additionally, a water tank may be present. Above is a pallet for laying stones. In the same area there is a device responsible for the removal of combustion products.

Separately, it is worth stopping at the stones. In combination with a gas stove, it is best to use round-shaped cobblestones mined from the sea or river bottom. Due to the peculiarities of their origin, they are best suited for use in extreme conditions of the steam room.

In addition to the above elements, the design of each gas bath oven necessarily includes a thermostat to control the temperature and a fuse that cuts off the fuel supply in the event of a sudden extinction of the flame.

Among the people, gas stoves are jokingly and, at the same time, cautiously called "bombs". The problem is that many people, again, in their desire to save money, go too far and either buy non-certified equipment or assemble it on their own, without having the appropriate skills and qualifications. As a result - burns or, much worse, fires and explosions.

Video - Gas burner for a carob-type brick sauna stove

In practice, many buyers managed to personally get acquainted with all the advantages of gas sauna stoves. You, too, can join their number if you follow the relevant rules for the selection, subsequent installation and operation of such equipment.

First, pay attention to the gas burner. Each burner is designed for a specific gas flow rate. In accordance with this indicator, such important characteristics as the power of the stove and its efficiency are determined. Regarding the choice of a burner for a specific area, the seller will advise you - these points may vary depending on the design features of the equipment, the characteristics of the steam room and other related points.

Secondly, the oven must have appropriate quality and safety certificates. In the absence of such, leave the dubious seller, even if he offers you a significant discount and will do his best to convince you that the equipment is safe.

Of course, the furnace as a whole and any of its components in particular must not have any external defects in the form of damage, cracks, leaks, etc. In addition, even the most impeccable gas stove must undergo a regular routine inspection. It is strictly forbidden to neglect this - the safety and lives of bath users are at stake.

A few words about gas-wood stoves

The assortment of many manufacturers includes gas-wood stoves - this is a modern universal solution that can work using different types of fuel: firewood, as well as liquid hydrocarbon gas and its natural variety.

This became possible due to the simultaneous presence of devices for burning solid fuels and special gas burner equipment. Additionally, a fuel receiver is included in the design - without it, the use of firewood as fuel would be impossible.

The big advantage of gas-wood stoves is their relatively low cost with wide functional and operational capabilities.

Requirements for the installation of gas sauna stoves

Important! Installation of such equipment should only be carried out by a qualified technician. By doing the installation on your own, you are at great risk. Along with this, you should remember a few important recommendations - knowledge of these will allow you to monitor the correct performance of the work by the installer.

  1. A minimum distance of 50 cm must be maintained between the oven and the nearest walls. Combustible surfaces must be covered with non-combustible materials.

    The layout of the furnace - one of the possible options

  2. The furnace is mounted on a refractory base of such dimensions that it protrudes at least 100 mm from each side of the furnace.

  3. The requirements regarding the dimensions of the opening for the gas burner must be met - they are specified in the instructions for the specific unit.
  4. Stainless pipes should be used to connect the gas sauna stove to the chimney. The structure is composite. The pipe is pushed into the pipe by at least 50% of its diameter.

  5. Doors leading out of the steam room should open outwards.
  6. The height of the flue pipe is calculated so that it rises at least 500 cm above the burner. In relation to the roof, the traditional half-meter elevation (minimum) is maintained.

  7. The junction of the gas sauna stove with the chimney must be perfectly sealed.

All the details for the bath were studied earlier in the corresponding publication of our site.

Now you have all the necessary information regarding the existing varieties of sauna stoves and the features of their functioning. Good luck choosing!

Video - How to choose a stove for a bath

The most important element of the bath, of course, is the oven. In fact, without this device, a bath, as such, is impossible in principle, and the quality of the procedures taken depends on how efficiently the stove will work.

So, a logical question is brewing: what are and which oven for a bath is better to choose so as not to return to this problem for many years? And the choice, paradoxically, is complicated by the fact that there is a very wide range of such heating devices on the market, which have different designs and use different energy sources. To understand the rich variety of sauna stoves, it is necessary to consider different options and highlight their advantages and disadvantages. Only in this way will it be possible to make an informed choice both according to the model and in relation to the specific volume of the bath room.

The main criteria for choosing a sauna stove

The first thing to do is to decide on the qualities that a bath heater should have.

  • The safety of a sauna stove can be put, perhaps, in the first place when choosing it. However, this quality depends not only on the design of the unit, but also on its correct installation. In the very cramped conditions of the steam room, no one should even accidentally get burned.
  • High heat dissipation. The stove should quickly and fully warm up the bath rooms. This criterion will be discussed in more detail below.
  • Maintaining the required temperature for the entire period of taking bath procedures.
  • The stove must be equipped with a good reliable chimney, that is, the smoke during its combustion should not enter the dressing room, washing room or steam room.
  • It is highly desirable to provide for the possibility of heating the required amount of water.
  • For a traditional Russian bath, the stove must be able to heat the air in the steam room to 60-70 degrees with a humidity of 85-90%.
  • When organizing a dry Finnish sauna, the stove should heat the air up to 80÷90 degrees.

The basic criterion is the thermal power of the furnace

All of the above items may seem like just a list of "good intentions". But how to actually choose a stove for an existing steam room?

Each heating device is characterized by thermal power - the amount of generated thermal energy that it is able to transfer to the room. This parameter is usually measured in kilowatts. And there is a common opinion that for every cubic meter of steam room volume there should be at least 1 kW of furnace power.

That is, everything seems to be simple. But in reality, real conditions often make very significant adjustments.

Manufacturers of sauna stoves, in addition, usually indicate in the passport data how much steam room this model is designed for. For example - for a room with a volume of 8÷12 m³. Typically, a suitable appliance is chosen so that the available volume of the steam room is approximately in the middle of this range.

It would seem, what is the problem? - any student who is familiar with the basic rules of geometry can calculate the volume. But it happens that, to their surprise (and, of course, disappointment), the owners notice that the stove selected according to this principle does not adequately cope with its tasks. And why can this be? Is the manufacturer cheating? No, just the volume of the steam room itself is not yet an “absolute” value. Agree that in different baths with approximately the same size of the premises, the conditions can be very different.

The volume indicated by the manufacturer can be conditionally attributed to some “ideal conditions”. Therefore, the task seems to be the following - to bring the existing (or planned to create) conditions to a certain “virtual volume of the steam room”, which will take into account all the specifics of this room. And to select a sauna stove already under the obtained indicator.

This algorithm probably looks somewhat abstruse, but the online calculator below will help you quickly and with a sufficient degree of accuracy to carry out such calculations. Under the calculator are the necessary explanations for the calculation.