Brick wall fireplace. How to fold a brick fireplace stove with your own hands

The fireplace is one of the oldest heating units that have not lost their popularity to this day. The constant development of the market has led to the emergence of more modern decorative models. They not only decorate the room, but are also able to warm it. Fireplaces can operate on a variety of fuels, from classic wood to natural gas.

Photos with examples of brick fireplaces in the interior (click to enlarge)

However, lovers of the classics give preference to versions built from natural stone and brick for a long time. For an inexperienced person who first encounters such a construction process as masonry, the work may seem very difficult. However, everyone can build a brick fireplace with their own hands, with patience and finding enough time.

Starting preparation for laborious work, many pay more attention to the appearance of the structure, not paying due attention to one of the most important elements - the firebox. For many, it appears as a metal box or brick niche, intended only for storing firewood. But apparent simplicity can only be misleading.

Fireplace insert

Structurally, the firebox consists of the following elements:

  • Base
  • Walls
  • Smoke collector
  • Grate
  • Door
  • Gate damper
  • Ash pan


It is customary to make the base of the firebox made of stone or brick, but for metal models it is usually cast iron. Unlike steel, these materials do not deform under the influence of gravity and high temperature.

The walls can be made of steel, cast iron, fireclay bricks, or absent altogether (for example, in open models). Each of the materials has its own pros and cons; a decision must be made based on preferences or after the advice of a specialist.

In a brick firebox, the back wall must be tilted, the side ones must be expanded. Sometimes they give a more complex rounded shape to surfaces in order to increase heat transfer.

We have already described many aspects of masonry in the article about, go and find out more

Smoke collector

Designed to remove carbon monoxide and fumes outside. It can be a separate element or be a direct part of the firebox. The material he has is similar to her. In this case, the vault must be located above the furnace window.


Through it, the hall enters the ash pan, oxygen is supplied to the coal or wood for combustion. In gas or liquid fireplaces, a grate separates the firebox and the burner. It is made from refractory ceramics or cast iron and must withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The door can be one of two types: open or closed. The greatest preference is given to glass models that allow you to visually observe the combustion process.

Gate damper

The gate damper closes the chimney. Reducing the draft, the wood smolders slowly inside the firebox, continuing to emit heat.

The ash pan is designed to collect combustion products and in traditional models serves as a blower. Sometimes it is made in the form of a drawer, which is freely removed and shaken off. The blower hole must be equipped with a draft control damper.

Calculating the size of the fireplace and the required materials

When building a brick fireplace with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate all of its parameters so that it performs not only a decorative, but also a practical function, heating the room. First of all, the dimensions of the furnace hole or portal are determined:

  1. The ratio of its area should be approximately 1:50 to a similar characteristic of the room. If the room is 20 square meters, then the firebox is 0.4 square meters
  2. The height and width should be 2: 3. By making a simple equation, you can get the following aspect ratio - 51x77 cm
  3. An equally important indicator is the depth of the portal, on which the thrust will depend. It should be 70% of the height, in this case 34 cm. An increase will lead to an unreasonable loss of heat, a decrease will lead to the appearance of smoke inside the room
  4. The chimney is 10-15 times smaller in area than a similar characteristic of the portal
  5. A podium with a width of 45-50 cm must be placed in front of the furnace hole.
  6. Podiums from the sides of the portal - up to 30 cm
  7. The transfer sheet extends beyond the limit of the combustion area to a distance of 30 cm

If we talk about the required amount of bricks and various consumables that will be required for work, it is not possible to name certain numbers. In each specific case, the values ​​obtained will be different and directly depend on the size of the fireplace being built.

Everyone can make approximate calculations himself, choosing the most suitable ordering option.

Other ordering options

Step-by-step video masonry guide:

Order of a corner fireplace with a semicircular arch:

Arrangement of the fireplace with an arch in the form of a rectangle:

Podium fireplaces:

A Few Tips

When choosing the location of the fireplace in any particular room, you need to take into account the presence and path of drafts. The optimal solution is to locate the structure away from window openings and doors, as well as from the intersection of air flows between them.

Refractory mortar is used for laying fireclay bricks, ceramic bricks are placed on an ordinary sand-clay mixture. It is prepared according to the instructions on the package. Preparation of the solution is a long process. It is necessary to use clean and well-softened clay, soaked in water for up to 2-3 days.

If the adhesive solution is prepared incorrectly, soon the brickwork will begin to collapse and crack under the influence of high temperatures. Whether external surface finishing is necessary or not - everyone decides for himself. Many people prefer to leave everything as it is, carefully processing the seams.

Video instruction

Summing up

If you approach the work with all responsibility and thoroughly prepare, everyone can lay out a brick fireplace with their own hands. But even small mistakes can negatively affect the final result. As a result, you can get a short-lived design that does not live up to expectations.

Doubting your abilities, you need to contact a specialist. Having visually assessed the situation, he will help with the most difficult stages and give some valuable advice.

Making a brick fireplace is quite difficult. To create a high-quality and efficiently working structure, first of all, you need a well-designed order or project. An equally important role is played by the design features of the equipment and the materials used for assembly.

A do-it-yourself fireplace can be placed both in a private country cottage and in a country house. First of all, such a variation of heating is suitable for those premises in which there is no other source of obtaining and generating heat energy. Such a stove can be installed in a house made of brick and wood. Installation in a building made of logs or a gas silicate block is also possible. A properly designed fireplace scheme allows high-quality heating not only for a small area, but also for a fairly large and even a two-story house. The efficiency of such a design can reach about 80-90 percent. This is considered a high and good indicator.

Choosing the dimensions of the structure

A fireplace, the laying of which is carried out according to an order pre-selected on the Internet or compiled by a professional stove-maker, may have not only a certain way of placement, but also a size. The choice of this parameter depends on certain parameters and features:

  1. An important role is played by the size of the room chosen for the installation of the heating unit;
  2. Pay attention to the way the fireplace is located in the living room interior;
  3. Pay attention to the choice of the type of equipment;
  4. Consider what material the frame of the house itself is made of, the foundation, walls, floor, floors;
  5. What is important is what functionality the stove has.

Before you build a stove with your own hands, remember that the order should correctly display not only the amount of materials, key features of the heating device, but also no less important details. For example, the overall dimensions of the firebox should be based on the proportion of 1/90 in relation to the total area of ​​the selected room.

It is necessary to choose the height and width of the combustion hole using a ratio of 1.5 / 1. Also, the fireplace scheme is not complete without identifying the depth, which will be twice less than the width parameter on average. The chimney must also have a properly sized cross-section. It can be determined by reducing the area of ​​the combustion hole by 14-21 times.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is 30 square meters, the following values ​​will be suitable for such an aggregate:

  • The combustion hole will have a size of 0.30 square meters;
  • The firebox will be 45 centimeters wide;
  • At a height of 65 centimeters;
  • Depth 25 centimeters;
  • The circular cross-section of the chimney will be equal to 0.030 square meters or 300 square centimeters.

Choosing a location method

The order of the fireplace plays a key role in the assembly and successful operation of the heater. However, it is equally important what method of arrangement in the interior the stove will have.

Basic placement methods:

  1. Wall-mounted fireplaces are massive. To assemble such a structure, you will need a fairly large amount of materials and cladding. This option is convenient in placement, has a good viewing angle, several people can sit near it at once. The benefits also include high efficiency and good, productive performance. The portal is symmetrical, the front part is most often assembled with U-shaped outlines. A fireplace, for which both standard and fireproof bricks are used, has a chimney in the wall arrangement, which is closed with bricks up to the ceiling;
  2. If the room chosen for installation does not have a large area, we recommend installing a corner fireplace in it. This option has a small size with a fairly good viewing angle. The ordering of the corner-type furnace does not require a large amount of bricks. In this case, only the front part will need to be revetted, since the role of the sidewalls is played directly by the walls or partitions of the room themselves. With a small size, the corner hearth has a sufficiently high power and is suitable for heating rooms with an area of ​​15-35 square meters;
  3. The scheme of the island-type furnace is distinguished by the complexity of its construction. It will take a lot of time, money and experience to build such a structure. The island fireplace is installed in the center of the room and does not adjoin walls and other ceilings. The portal can be equipped with small walls and a firebox. To remove smoke and combustion products from the room, the stove is supplemented with a suspended exhaust system, or, in other words, a chimney. The base usually has a classic square or rectangular shape (profile). More complex structures in the construction of rounded, triangular, multifaceted shapes. Structures consisting of several levels are especially popular. For additional functionality, the portal can be equipped with a worktop or a mantel.

The fireplace, the dimensions of which are selected individually, can be installed not only in the house, but also outdoors, in the gazebo. Such outdoor and garden barbecues, barbecues can be located either completely apart or built into gazebos and verandas. The advantages of such structures include the ability to make them rather large and cumbersome. Thus, you can add many different elements to the barbecue.

Outside and garden stoves, due to their large dimensions, are heavy and require the construction of a solid concrete foundation. This will prevent the structure from sinking underground over time or losing its stability.

A grill or barbecue oven project also requires an individual approach, careful selection of placement and functionality. If you plan to combine an outdoor fireplace with a gazebo or veranda, you should not use only brick for construction, as it is very expensive. For the gazebo, the most often chosen materials are: plastic, metal profiles, wood, refractory plastic. The stove itself, columns, various partitions, small walls, an area near the combustion compartment are assembled from bricks.

Equipment classification

Before you build a Swedish stove or any other structure, you need to remember that any heating equipment consists of a portal, which acts as a protection for the firebox and its decorative design. Most often, this element is assembled from bricks. Can be faced with any heat-resistant materials. To accommodate logs and burn them out, the structure is equipped with a firebox or combustion compartment. In order for the smoke not to be immediately taken out into the street and generate heat, the stove is supplemented with a smoke collector. To remove smoke and combustion products, wood stoves are equipped with a chimney.

An open firebox of the structure implies the absence of a door. In this case, special attention must be paid to the inner walls of the combustion compartment, to make them as thick, durable and airtight as possible. For masonry walls, only fireclay bricks and a bonding composition based on fireclay clay are used. Also, the fireplace insert can be of a closed type.

A closed firebox is safer to use. It prevents sparks and flames from entering the room. However, an open firebox looks more harmonious and allows you to contemplate the bright flame, enjoy its crackling and warmth to the fullest. In addition, by opting for an open design, you save your money, which could have gone into buying a steel or cast iron chamber with a door.

In order to protect the room from fire, the space next to the firebox must be insulated with any refractory material.

If you want to equip a portal made of stone with a purchased firebox, the walls of the stove can be assembled from simple bricks, since additional protection will be formed due to the cast-iron sides.

A closed firebox is most often equipped with a transparent tempered glass door, which allows you to see the fire burning in the hearth in as much detail as possible. The way of opening such a door can be either the classic side or the top one. Many modern furnaces are equipped with a self-cleaning system - this does not allow soot and soot to form on the glass.

Wall-mounted and corner-type fireplaces are equipped with steel pipes, which do not have a very presentable appearance. In order to hide and at the same time decorate such a chimney, it is enclosed in a box that is erected from bricks. The chimney is also laid according to a pre-arranged order. Such a box not only improves the appearance of the structure, but also strengthens, additionally insulates and accumulates the accumulated heat.

In a set for an island fireplace, stylish steel hoods are most often bought, which are hung directly above the hearth itself.

Making calculations

The size of the fireplace directly depends on the area of ​​the room, as well as on your personal needs and preferences. The dimensions of the structure are indicated in detail in the diagram. The order of the fireplace indicates how much material is needed for the construction. It is important to know how much cladding, standard and refractory bricks you need and purchase all materials with a small margin.

It is equally important to know how much masonry mortar you need. It is important to consider not only the main masonry, but also the construction of an additional foundation. Mainly cement marked M 200 is used as a masonry mortar. To obtain the required mass, it is necessary to displace cement and sand between themselves based on a ratio of 1/3. Next, gradually stir in the water, until a thick, homogeneous composition is formed, without lumps and dirt. In order to lay one cubic meter of brick, an average of 0.2-0.3 cubic meters of composition is required.

You can calculate the dimensions of the fireplace in more detail using your own order. In order to find out how many bricks are needed, you need to multiply the volume of one unit by the total number of bricks in the circuit.

A professional and well-designed project has not only a frontal, but also a horizontal projection. This allows you to make all the calculations as simply and in detail as possible, to see the shape and outlines of the fireplace from both sides. If the design of the furnace is more complex, you can separately calculate and draw an arch, shelf and other structural elements. This will allow you to determine the method of location and the place of fixing the smoke collector, ash pan, chimney, to reveal the angle of inclination of the walls and niches.

In our online store you can buy a ready-made firebox for corner, island or wall portal, domestic and foreign brands.

Execution of works

After you have chosen a place for the fireplace, calculated the amount of materials, designed and drawn up a detailed order, you will need to purchase the following materials and tools:

  1. The reservoir in which the adhesion base will be mixed. It must be large enough, at least 40 liters. For better mixing, it is best to get an electric mixer;
  2. In order to sift the sand, you will need to buy a special sieve;
  3. Laying is carried out using a trowel;
  4. To check the evenness of the corners, a building level is required;
  5. Get yourself a tape measure, square and ruler;
  6. Marks are made using a simple pencil or construction marker.

Additionally, you may need items such as: hammer, rags, knife, sandpaper and others.

Before starting work, prepare the room, cover all the furniture, interior items that are in it. For the convenience of connecting the instrument, take an extension cord.

Do-it-yourself installation of a brick fireplace is carried out according to the following stages:

  • Any massive structure begins to be erected only after the foundation is built. It can have both a tape and a concrete, block, brick base. If you are going to pour mortar into the pit, formwork is necessary. In this case, the construction of the furnace occurs only after the foundation is completely dry;
  • Next, we begin laying the rows. Each row is pre-laid dry, the evenness and thickness of the joints between the bricks are checked. Periodically, to strengthen the structure, the rows are bandaged. All adjustments are made even before the adhesive dries;
  • After the firebox and fireplace portal are erected, we proceed to laying the chimney. the hood is fixed to a horizontally located partition. We produce surface insulation. If the pipe is metal, it is best to enclose it in a brick box;
  • At the last stage, facing work is performed, a damper, shelf, grate, tabletop are equipped.

Kuznetsov's stove or any other heating device cannot be immediately melted after erection. It is necessary to let it shrink, dry well for 10-15 days. After that, the oven gradually begins to operate. The laying of firewood in the firebox is carried out exactly by half, gradually increasing.

From this video you can learn how to make a brick fireplace with your own hands at home or in the country:

Making a brick fireplace is quite difficult. To create a high-quality and efficiently working structure, first of all, you need a well-designed order or project. An equally important role is played by the design features of the equipment and the materials used for assembly.

A do-it-yourself fireplace can be placed both in a private country cottage and in a country house. First of all, such a variation of heating is suitable for those premises in which there is no other source of obtaining and generating heat energy. Such a stove can be installed in a house made of brick and wood. Installation in a building made of logs or a gas silicate block is also possible. A properly designed fireplace scheme allows high-quality heating not only for a small area, but also for a fairly large and even a two-story house. The efficiency of such a design can reach about 80-90 percent. This is considered a high and good indicator.

Choosing the dimensions of the structure

A fireplace, the laying of which is carried out according to an order pre-selected on the Internet or compiled by a professional stove-maker, may have not only a certain way of placement, but also a size. The choice of this parameter depends on certain parameters and features:

  1. An important role is played by the size of the room chosen for the installation of the heating unit;
  2. Pay attention to the way the fireplace is located in the living room interior;
  3. Pay attention to the choice of the type of equipment;
  4. Consider what material the frame of the house itself is made of, the foundation, walls, floor, floors;
  5. What is important is what functionality the stove has.

Before you build a stove with your own hands, remember that the order should correctly display not only the amount of materials, key features of the heating device, but also no less important details. For example, the overall dimensions of the firebox should be based on the proportion of 1/90 in relation to the total area of ​​the selected room.

It is necessary to choose the height and width of the combustion hole using a ratio of 1.5 / 1. Also, the fireplace scheme is not complete without identifying the depth, which will be twice less than the width parameter on average. The chimney must also have a properly sized cross-section. It can be determined by reducing the area of ​​the combustion hole by 14-21 times.

For example, if the area of ​​the room is 30 square meters, the following values ​​will be suitable for such an aggregate:

  • The combustion hole will have a size of 0.30 square meters;
  • The firebox will be 45 centimeters wide;
  • At a height of 65 centimeters;
  • Depth 25 centimeters;
  • The circular cross-section of the chimney will be equal to 0.030 square meters or 300 square centimeters.

Choosing a location method

The order of the fireplace plays a key role in the assembly and successful operation of the heater. However, it is equally important what method of arrangement in the interior the stove will have.

Basic placement methods:

  1. Wall-mounted fireplaces are massive. To assemble such a structure, you will need a fairly large amount of materials and cladding. This option is convenient in placement, has a good viewing angle, several people can sit near it at once. The benefits also include high efficiency and good, productive performance. The portal is symmetrical, the front part is most often assembled with U-shaped outlines. A fireplace, for which both standard and fireproof bricks are used, has a chimney in the wall arrangement, which is closed with bricks up to the ceiling;
  2. If the room chosen for installation does not have a large area, we recommend installing a corner fireplace in it. This option has a small size with a fairly good viewing angle. The ordering of the corner-type furnace does not require a large amount of bricks. In this case, only the front part will need to be revetted, since the role of the sidewalls is played directly by the walls or partitions of the room themselves. With a small size, the corner hearth has a sufficiently high power and is suitable for heating rooms with an area of ​​15-35 square meters;
  3. The scheme of the island-type furnace is distinguished by the complexity of its construction. It will take a lot of time, money and experience to build such a structure. The island fireplace is installed in the center of the room and does not adjoin walls and other ceilings. The portal can be equipped with small walls and a firebox. To remove smoke and combustion products from the room, the stove is supplemented with a suspended exhaust system, or, in other words, a chimney. The base usually has a classic square or rectangular shape (profile). More complex structures in the construction of rounded, triangular, multifaceted shapes. Structures consisting of several levels are especially popular. For additional functionality, the portal can be equipped with a worktop or a mantel.

The fireplace, the dimensions of which are selected individually, can be installed not only in the house, but also outdoors, in the gazebo. Such outdoor and garden barbecues, barbecues can be located either completely apart or built into gazebos and verandas. The advantages of such structures include the ability to make them rather large and cumbersome. Thus, you can add many different elements to the barbecue.

Outside and garden stoves, due to their large dimensions, are heavy and require the construction of a solid concrete foundation. This will prevent the structure from sinking underground over time or losing its stability.

A grill or barbecue oven project also requires an individual approach, careful selection of placement and functionality. If you plan to combine an outdoor fireplace with a gazebo or veranda, you should not use only brick for construction, as it is very expensive. For the gazebo, the most often chosen materials are: plastic, metal profiles, wood, refractory plastic. The stove itself, columns, various partitions, small walls, an area near the combustion compartment are assembled from bricks.

Equipment classification

Before you build a Swedish stove or any other structure, you need to remember that any heating equipment consists of a portal, which acts as a protection for the firebox and its decorative design. Most often, this element is assembled from bricks. Can be faced with any heat-resistant materials. To accommodate logs and burn them out, the structure is equipped with a firebox or combustion compartment. In order for the smoke not to be immediately taken out into the street and generate heat, the stove is supplemented with a smoke collector. To remove smoke and combustion products, wood stoves are equipped with a chimney.

An open firebox of the structure implies the absence of a door. In this case, special attention must be paid to the inner walls of the combustion compartment, to make them as thick, durable and airtight as possible. For masonry walls, only fireclay bricks and a bonding composition based on fireclay clay are used. Also, the fireplace insert can be of a closed type.

A closed firebox is safer to use. It prevents sparks and flames from entering the room. However, an open firebox looks more harmonious and allows you to contemplate the bright flame, enjoy its crackling and warmth to the fullest. In addition, by opting for an open design, you save your money, which could have gone into buying a steel or cast iron chamber with a door.

In order to protect the room from fire, the space next to the firebox must be insulated with any refractory material.

If you want to equip a portal made of stone with a purchased firebox, the walls of the stove can be assembled from simple bricks, since additional protection will be formed due to the cast-iron sides.

A closed firebox is most often equipped with a transparent tempered glass door, which allows you to see the fire burning in the hearth in as much detail as possible. The way of opening such a door can be either the classic side or the top one. Many modern furnaces are equipped with a self-cleaning system - this does not allow soot and soot to form on the glass.

Wall-mounted and corner-type fireplaces are equipped with steel pipes, which do not have a very presentable appearance. In order to hide and at the same time decorate such a chimney, it is enclosed in a box that is erected from bricks. The chimney is also laid according to a pre-arranged order. Such a box not only improves the appearance of the structure, but also strengthens, additionally insulates and accumulates the accumulated heat.

In a set for an island fireplace, stylish steel hoods are most often bought, which are hung directly above the hearth itself.

Making calculations

The size of the fireplace directly depends on the area of ​​the room, as well as on your personal needs and preferences. The dimensions of the structure are indicated in detail in the diagram. The order of the fireplace indicates how much material is needed for the construction. It is important to know how much cladding, standard and refractory bricks you need and purchase all materials with a small margin.

It is equally important to know how much masonry mortar you need. It is important to consider not only the main masonry, but also the construction of an additional foundation. Mainly cement marked M 200 is used as a masonry mortar. To obtain the required mass, it is necessary to displace cement and sand between themselves based on a ratio of 1/3. Next, gradually stir in the water, until a thick, homogeneous composition is formed, without lumps and dirt. In order to lay one cubic meter of brick, an average of 0.2-0.3 cubic meters of composition is required.

You can calculate the dimensions of the fireplace in more detail using your own order. In order to find out how many bricks are needed, you need to multiply the volume of one unit by the total number of bricks in the circuit.

A professional and well-designed project has not only a frontal, but also a horizontal projection. This allows you to make all the calculations as simply and in detail as possible, to see the shape and outlines of the fireplace from both sides. If the design of the furnace is more complex, you can separately calculate and draw an arch, shelf and other structural elements. This will allow you to determine the method of location and the place of fixing the smoke collector, ash pan, chimney, to reveal the angle of inclination of the walls and niches.

In our online store you can buy a ready-made firebox for corner, island or wall portal, domestic and foreign brands.

Execution of works

After you have chosen a place for the fireplace, calculated the amount of materials, designed and drawn up a detailed order, you will need to purchase the following materials and tools:

  1. The reservoir in which the adhesion base will be mixed. It must be large enough, at least 40 liters. For better mixing, it is best to get an electric mixer;
  2. In order to sift the sand, you will need to buy a special sieve;
  3. Laying is carried out using a trowel;
  4. To check the evenness of the corners, a building level is required;
  5. Get yourself a tape measure, square and ruler;
  6. Marks are made using a simple pencil or construction marker.

Additionally, you may need items such as: hammer, rags, knife, sandpaper and others.

Before starting work, prepare the room, cover all the furniture, interior items that are in it. For the convenience of connecting the instrument, take an extension cord.

Do-it-yourself installation of a brick fireplace is carried out according to the following stages:

  • Any massive structure begins to be erected only after the foundation is built. It can have both a tape and a concrete, block, brick base. If you are going to pour mortar into the pit, formwork is necessary. In this case, the construction of the furnace occurs only after the foundation is completely dry;
  • Next, we begin laying the rows. Each row is pre-laid dry, the evenness and thickness of the joints between the bricks are checked. Periodically, to strengthen the structure, the rows are bandaged. All adjustments are made even before the adhesive dries;
  • After the firebox and fireplace portal are erected, we proceed to laying the chimney. the hood is fixed to a horizontally located partition. We produce surface insulation. If the pipe is metal, it is best to enclose it in a brick box;
  • At the last stage, facing work is performed, a damper, shelf, grate, tabletop are equipped.

Kuznetsov's stove or any other heating device cannot be immediately melted after erection. It is necessary to let it shrink, dry well for 10-15 days. After that, the oven gradually begins to operate. The laying of firewood in the firebox is carried out exactly by half, gradually increasing.

From this video you can learn how to make a brick fireplace with your own hands at home or in the country:

Pechnik (Moscow)

Make a brick fireplace with your own hands, the order of which is quite simple and standard, if desired, everyone can. However, in order for all the conditions and quality criteria of the work done to be met, we recommend using only proven schemes and not skipping the preparatory stage.

You can learn more about this and much more by watching the video in this article.

Preparatory stage of work

Ordering a brick fireplace requires careful preparation and adherence to a number of useful tips, which you can find in this table:

Detailed explanations

Determination of the dimensions of the heating unit

DIY brick fireplaces can have both standard dimensions and assembled according to individual calculations, which is preferable.

In order to calculate the size of the furnace hole, you will need to know the exact area of ​​the room in which it will be installed. After that, we note the size of the firebox, which is determined by a ratio of 1 to 50 in relation to the dimensions of the room.

For safety reasons, any structure is equipped with a podium that has a ledge on all sides of at least 40 centimeters.

A brick fireplace, the order of which is carried out according to the instructions attached to the article, must have obligatory projections in the form of finishing with refractory materials on all sides, ranging from 20 to 30 centimeters. This is necessary to protect and safe the home from accidental fire and sparks on flammable surfaces.

Seat selection

The ordering of fireplaces requires correct placement and selection of a suitable room in terms of area. The installation room should be as bright and spacious as possible with good ventilation and a footage of at least 30-40 square meters.

Do not install stoves near doors or close to window openings - this will deteriorate its efficiency and thereby the speed and quality of warming up the house.

If the device has a back-to-wall or corner arrangement, do not install it close to a wall, even if there is good insulation and sealing. Leave a small gap between the wall and the oven.

Functional selection

The procedure for laying a fireplace includes a preliminary drawing up of a diagram, with an in-person indication of all the design features of the unit.

Thus, you can assemble on your own, both a standard device and a fireplace with a stove bench, the order of which is more complicated, and the dimensions are quite large. It is also worth remembering that for a comfortable and correct placement of such a furnace, the room must have dimensions of 50 squares or more.

Purchase of materials and accessories

The orders of brick fireplaces can include both a standard set of materials, such as bricks and various fasteners, and a more extensive list of additional fittings.

For example, in order to simplify the work, you can buy in a specialized store or make a custom-made metal or cast-iron hearth, grate, ash pan, door.

Advice: one of the most difficult and responsible actions in this process is carrying out and assembling the chimney. If you do not have relevant experience in carrying out such installation activities, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist or entrust the progress of this work to him personally.

Several ready-made and proven schemes

Do-it-yourself brick fireplace, the order of which is presented below, is a ready-made and proven scheme that you can use in your work right now. The schemes presented in the article are completely universal and are suitable for implementation in rooms with an area of ​​40 squares or more, which allows them to be assembled both in a large, spacious and multi-storey private cottage, and in a small wooden country house.

Important: regardless of what material your house is made of and what finish the floor and wall coverings have, before you order the fireplace yourself, you must insulate these elements. For this, any refractory materials (tile, stone, brick, insulation) are used.

Advice: since brick ovens, as a rule, regardless of their functions, location and other design features, have a sufficiently high mass, at the first stage of the work carried out, it is required to prepare and create an additional foundation, which should be located completely apart and not be tied to the foundation of the building itself.

Option one: miniature wall-mounted fireplace

Do-it-yourself brick fireplaces assembled in this order, as a rule, are located near the walls and are characterized by small dimensions and average weight.

Assembly instruction and technology:

  1. Such a fireplace has an English style, is characterized by small dimensions, direct location of the chimney and wall location;
  2. Before starting the laying, we need to lay an additional foundation, build a small protective pedestal and seal the wall covering with a special heat-reflecting foil;
  3. In order to fold the base itself, you can use partially deformed and slightly damaged bricks with small cracks and chips. For laying out the firebox itself, a material is selected without such defects, with an ideal surface and structure;

  1. The first two rows are laid out with simple red solid bricks. The dimensions of the base are 114 by 127 centimeters;
  2. At each stage of work, using a building level and a plumb line, the evenness of the corners is checked, and the first two rows are performed with dressing;
  3. The fourth row is laid out only with refractory bricks, since it will be the bottom of the combustion chamber. For work, a solution is used, which is based on cement and sand;
  4. In the fourth to eleventh rows, the laying of the combustion chamber is performed. For the assembly of the inner walls, exclusively refractory bricks are used, while the outer sides can be folded from ceramic, the price of which is more affordable. For adhesion of ceramics, a standard solution based on sand and cement is used, while for a refractory one, a composition based on clay is needed;
  5. Further, the ordering of brick fireplaces in places where the rear corners are formed requires a mandatory cut (the cut is made in a diagonal direction). For this, a grinder with a special nozzle is used;

  1. On the 12th row, we form a vault, which is formed due to the bonded masonry mechanism. At this stage, a steel fixing strip and supporting metal corners are also installed;
  2. Do-it-yourself brick fireplace from the thirteenth to the sixteenth rows is characterized by the formation of a vault and a gas tooth. This prevents smoke and other combustion products from entering the interior of the room during work;
  3. On the 15th row, we make a slight narrowing of the chimney, after which we sharply slightly increase its diameter (sixteenth row);
  4. Also at 16 we are installing the cleaning door and continue laying the chimney (inner walls are refractory bricks, outer walls are ceramics);
  5. From the 17th to the 20th row, we continue to lay out the chimney with a gradual narrowing as indicated in the diagram attached to the article. To create tightness, all seams are well rubbed, and the excess is promptly removed with a rag;
  6. From 21 to 26 rows, the assembly of the chimney continues, until the clearance is only one brick. On the twenty-fifth, a complete overlap of the chimney is made using a pre-prepared metal shutter.

Important: further, depending on the dimensions and design features of the house, the typical laying of the chimney continues until the required height is reached. After that, the structure should dry out for several weeks. In order to increase the efficiency and at the same time give the installation a more effective appearance, the surface can be finished with any heat-resistant materials and elements.

The order of the fireplace masonry, a video about which you can watch in this article, will help you organize all the work correctly and ensure the correct sequence.

Option two: corner brick oven

A brick fireplace with your own hands assembled according to the following scheme is an excellent and most profitable solution for rooms and houses with a limited and small area of ​​30-50 squares. The advantages of this design include small dimensions, with a good, complete and advantageous view of the burning flame in the hearth.

DIY assembly guide:

  • Assembling a fireplace with your own hands, the order of which begins with the preparation of the foundation and sealing, which will improve the quality and safety of using such a heating unit;
  • The first and second rows are laid out according to the standard scheme;
  • Each row begins with laying bricks on the extreme sides, and the thickness of the seams should vary between 4-6 millimeters;
  • On the sixth row, it is necessary to leave space for the subsequent installation and installation of a retractable grate, in which all the remains of coal and other formations will subsequently accumulate;
  • On the sixth row, one of the bricks should slide out. And the ash pan itself is installed on the seventh, after which it is gradually overlapped with a brick;

Advice: not knowing how to make a fireplace with your own hands, ordering will help you with this and make this process as easy as possible. However, before applying this or that manual found on the Internet, it is recommended to clarify its accuracy and correctness with a specialist and only then proceed with the work.

  • From the eighth to the twelfth row, a furnace hole is formed, for this the first row is simply not laid out, and only the side and rear walls are formed;
  • On the ninth, eleventh and thirteenth rows, the gaps between the bricks can be filled in by force;
  • On rows 14 and 15, we begin to lay out the firebox, which runs at a slight slope. And on the sixteenth, a metal corner is installed for fixing as indicated in the instructions;
  • On the nineteenth, a pillow is laid, which is necessary for the subsequent installation of such an element as a tooth;
  • Next, we assemble the surface of the chimney, which will have a slight slope;
  • At the thirty-fourth, the formation of the chimney begins, and the metal damper is mounted after the thirty-fifth row;
  • An important element is the so-called fluff. It is installed individually, depending on the height and features of the structure of the house, ceiling. In this scheme, the installation of this element is carried out on the thirty-eighth row.

Now you know how to fold a brick fireplace with your own hands, the order of which is presented in several variations in this article. Anyone can assemble such a structure, even without experience and knowledge in this area. However, the consultation of a specialist in any case will not be superfluous, since each house has its own unique characteristics and design features that require an individual approach to the situation.

A fireplace is usually placed in the living room. Where else to admire the fire, if not in the room for relaxation and reception of guests. It is not possible to use it as the main source of heat with all structures, but as an additional one, in the autumn-spring period it is very comfortable. The fireplace will also help in especially severe cold weather, when the main heating power is insufficient. You can fold a simple fireplace with your own hands. It is far from easy, but possible.

Although the construction of a fireplace requires much less bricks, it is very important to lay out all the elements correctly. Due to design errors, the fireplace may work ineffectively or not work at all. In addition to the heating function, the fireplace also performs in many ways aesthetic functions, therefore, it is often chosen also in appearance, not forgetting about the technical features.

Dutch fireplaces

This heating device, although it has a wide-format firebox traditional for fireplaces, is in fact a stove - it has a multi-turn chimney. So it is a heavy, difficult to execute massive structure. It has only two key differences from the stove - the size of the firebox portal and the absence of a blower. If you know how to fold a Dutch stove, making simple adjustments, you can turn it into a fireplace. Moreover, if there is an old Dutch woman in the house, even requiring major repairs, she easily turns into a fireplace. It is only required to disassemble the front furnace part, insert a ready-made metal furnace of a suitable size, connect it to the smoke circuits and decorate it.

This is the type of open-hearth units that can be used as the main heating device. The Dutch have long been forced to save on fuel and do not allow themselves to release heat into the pipe.

Open or Alpine (Swiss)

This type of fireplace has only recently become popular. In fact, this is also not a pure fireplace, but for a different reason. Rather, it is just an open or semi-closed hearth, over which a bell is made, which turns into a chimney.

It fits perfectly into the chalet-style interiors, because it was from there that he came to us. The device, in general, is simple, but also not very efficient in terms of heating. But it is very decorative.

The option that you see in the photo above is made in the rustic style - from natural processed stone. This kind of work costs a lot of money: you have to adjust, hew up hard rocks, which requires a high level of skill.

Classic english

A traditional looking fireplace as we imagine it. Open wide portal of the firebox in which the wood is burning. Moreover, its decoration can be any, both pretentious for the corresponding interiors, and restrained, which fits into high-tech and minimalism.

Despite the fact that it does not seem to take much space, it will take about 800 bricks to make a classic fireplace together with an average chimney length. The total mass of such a structure is in the region of a ton. For the smallest classic fireplace, a solid separate foundation is required, such as the one that is arranged for the stove - to the same depth as the foundation of the house, and in size it should be at least 15 cm larger on all sides. with the floor.

Device and how it works

If you look at the photo, it seems that nothing is complicated: a box with a pipe and that's it. But what looks simple is actually far from simple. First, there is a smoke tooth in the upper part of the firebox. And not just some kind of protrusion, but with a reflective surface. It narrows the cross-section of the pipe, twisting the flame into the firebox.

Secondly, the hearth part of the fireplace insert does not have a blower, and the front wall is made with a slope inward. These two components make it possible to ensure that the flame spins for a long time in the firebox, giving off heat as much as possible.

Thirdly, there is a damper in the pipe, which effectively and, which is very important, safely regulates the intensity of combustion. Safe - because a properly built fireplace does not under any circumstances generate carbon monoxide in quantities hazardous to health. After all, it is formed when there is a lack of oxygen, and when the portal of a classic fireplace is open, there is always enough air and oxygen.

Another point of the chimney view is that a hole is cut out in it, like in a gate damper, equal in area to 10% of the chimney cross section. This gap is necessary for the minimum draft, which in any case will not allow the flame and smoke to "fall out" from the firebox. Even with the damper closed, the fire spins inside, and the smoke goes into the chimney.

This design allows efficient use of heat even when burning high-calorific fuel. A long spinning flame heats up the walls of the firebox as much as possible, and they perfectly heat the room.

If we talk about the possibility of heating water, then it is not possible to put anything in the firebox: the whole dynamics is disturbed. But above the tooth on the pipe, you can put a heat exchanger. Another question is that the temperatures there are far from being so high and it will not work to heat water for heating, but for hot water supply in a small volume (storage type boiler), there will be enough heat.

In the earliest English fireplaces, there was no grate, with an outward slope. At the same time, the slightest inaccuracy in performance led to the fact that the flame began to rotate in the other direction. At the same time, coals could fly out of the furnace, which is not at all good. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, they began to make small grates and a blower, which was opened only when kindling. When the wood burns up, the blower is closed, which gives an impetus to the formation of a fiery whirlwind in the firebox.

Modern English fireplaces are made both with a solid hearth and with grates. When firing up deaf models when firing up, use a kindling liquid. They themselves provide a sufficient impulse for the formation of a vortex.

Ordering a classic fireplace

Traditional English fireplaces are structurally different from each other in the shape of the smoke tooth. For its accurate reproduction, only "straight arms" are not enough. Experience is required and considerable. But there are models that are not so critical to this detail. Such a fireplace with your own hands can be folded if you know how to handle a trowel and a level.

In this version, the grate is small and is located at the very end of the firebox. This made it possible not to be smart with the tooth, but to make it an ordinary, stepped one. But in this fireplace, during kindling, the blower must not be closed. The fire "spins" precisely due to the flow of air into the rear part of the firebox.

Rumford fireplace

One of the varieties of the classic is called the Rumford fireplace. The principle of operation is the same, only it is not the smoke tooth that provides the swirl, but the narrowed neck of the chimney, the shape of which repeats one of the branches of the hyperbola.

Rumford's fireplace. Key node - pipe neck

Structurally, it is simpler and requires less space - the firebox can be shallower. All the problems are that the neck has to be made with very high precision. A deviation of only 5% from the required shape leads to inoperability. This is the main difficulty, therefore we do not recommend making this fireplace with your own hands.

With a factory firebox

If there are metal stoves, why not metal fireplaces? And they are. Fireplace inserts are made of complex alloys - organosilicon, composite and special. The processes taking place in the fireplace insert are modeled by special programs, therefore the efficiency of these heating devices is high, the complexity of the installation is average. Another advantage is that you can connect an ordinary metal chimney.

Another pleasant moment: the weight of the furnace is about 100 kg. If the finish will weigh a little, you can put such a fireplace on a reinforced concrete slab. If you want natural stone, then you will have to make a foundation for the fireplace.

When installing a fireplace with a firebox, a number of requirements must be observed:

  • walls near which the heating device will be mounted must be covered with non-combustible materials and thermal insulation with a reflective layer;
  • the distance from the firebox to the wall is at least 10 cm, to the insulation - by less than 5 cm;
  • the ash pan should facilitate cleaning, and its inlet should be as close to the firebox as possible;
  • the chimney must correspond to the parameters of the firebox;
  • chimney joints are sealed with high-temperature sealant;
  • the gap between the wall of the firebox and the lining must be at least 1 cm;

See the video for the principle and procedure for installing a fireplace insert.

Getting permission

A little about ordering the installation of a fireplace in a company or doing it yourself. The point here is not only the technical side of the issue. Usually, difficulties arise long before that - even during the paperwork. Firefighters do not like to give permission for fireplaces. And permits are required when installing a fireplace in any living space. The difficulty is that there is no legal framework that would prescribe the installation rules. There is a similar document for stoves, but not for fireplaces. But there is in SNiP 2.04.05-91 (on the device of heating and cooking stoves) a phrase that it is forbidden to install heating devices with an open firebox in any living room. From this point of view, it is lucky if you plan to make a fireplace in a country house located in a summer cottage village - it is not considered a living quarters.

As is often the case, there is another document (MGSN 3.01-96), which in Moscow permits the installation of fireplaces on the last floors if the owner is alone. So in the capital, there is a chance to get permission, though not all of them.

There is also a loophole for the residents of old brick stalinkas and Khrushchev buildings, in which, in addition to ventilation ducts, each apartment also has chimneys. Houses of modern construction, which also have smoke channels, fall into the same category. In all these buildings, it is allowed to put heating equipment on a flame. In general, a stove is meant, but this fact is not prescribed anywhere.

One of the possible options for decorating a fireplace in a modern style

It is possible to "push through" the permission by drawing up papers and a complex redevelopment with the transfer of heating devices. An example is the transfer of walls, piers, integration with a balcony or loggia. Do not write about registers or central heating batteries in your papers. It is in this general formulation that heating devices are. In the same document, you enter that you are going to put the heating device on a flame, attaching a project made in the design organization. In this case, homemade papers do not pass. There is a chance. But in general, the owners of houses and apartments will be driven long and hard. And do not try to argue, otherwise you will never get permission. Redo whatever they require. There is no other way. Home owners will have a little easier. The logic is clear - if problems arise, you will burn yourself. They talk harshly with apartment owners, but permission can still be obtained.

Now, if you do not want to get involved with all this, you can order the installation of the same fireplace with a firebox in a specialized organization. They usually provide paperwork services. They have already trodden paths, the chances are much greater. In addition, upon acceptance of your heater, they may (and most likely will) require certificates for all materials, including bolts, screws and stove fittings. It is also necessary to know and remember about this. And with such a task, the purchase of materials turns into a difficult quest.

Corner fireplace - ordering and video

Very often fireplaces are made in the corner. It is convenient and practical: this way it takes up the most difficult area to decorate and itself serves as an excellent decoration. When choosing a place for a fireplace, take into account such a nuance as the height of the chimney. When laying a fireplace, almost half of the material and time is spent on forming the chimney. On the one hand, a high pipe is good - there will be good draft. On the other hand, there are high costs. To reduce them, the fireplace can be placed in the corner where the roof slope is located, and not its ridge. The height of the pipe should still be sufficient to provide traction, and the costs will be lower.

How to make a protective screen

If the fireplace will be located in a wooden house, the walls must be protected. Optimally, it should look like this:

  • wooden walls are sheathed with thermal insulation (you can use basalt wool cardboard with an operating temperature of up to 800 ° C with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm);
  • on top of it, on ceramic insulators with a height of 3 cm or more, attach a metal screen.

The walls of the fireplace can be located 5-7 cm from the screen. The dimensions of the metal sheet are 15-20 cm larger than the dimensions of the firebox. Such a multi-layer system will prevent the wooden walls from heating up to any significant temperatures.

Materials, ordering, comments

This fireplace has dimensions of 890 * 890 * 1610 mm (excluding the pipe). To make it you will need:

  • red oven bricks 356 pcs (without pipe);
  • refractory bricks ША-8 - 55 pcs;
  • smoke damper 250 * 130 mm;
  • steel corner with a wall thickness of 5 mm: 50 * 600 mm - 1 piece; 50 * 800 mm - 2 pieces;
  • steel sheet with a thickness of 3 mm 400 * 600 mm.

The above layout is one type of classic fireplace for installing in a corner. The scheme is quite simple, but a large number of bricks in it require trimming. To lay this brick fireplace, you definitely need a good grinder and a large number of stone discs.

When forming a tooth in the firebox (10-13 rows), fireclay refractory bricks are suspended. The upper edge of the brick of each subsequent row should protrude 30 mm above the previous one. This edge is suspended so that it is inclined and even. As a result of laying all 4 rows that form the tooth, the surface should be flat and smooth. It will "spin" the flame and reflect heat into the room, so pay maximum attention to this moment.

Quite detailed instructions for laying this fireplace are given in the video.

Masonry conditions and materials

It is necessary to start laying the fireplace with your own hands in the autumn-spring period, when the temperature is kept within 15-20 ° C. Under other conditions, it is difficult to work and a solid experience is required.

The brick is taken from the stove, red, corpulent. Facial and smooth does not fit - it will not withstand temperature extremes and will crumble. When choosing oven bricks, pay attention to geometry and color. Burnt "iron ore" does not suit us, as well as swollen and warped bricks. Only smooth, of the same color, emitting a clear sound when tapped.

The masonry is carried out on a clay-sand mortar. Clay - purchased construction, as well as sand - river, not quarry. The clay soaked to a pasty state is mixed with sand in a ratio of 1: 3, water is added until a solution of medium plasticity is obtained. Be sure to check the fat content of the solution: take the solution on a trowel, tilt it. The solution should fall, leaving a layer of 1.5-3 mm on the metal. If the layer is thinner, metal is visible, clay is added, if the residue is lumpy and thick, sand and a little water are added. As a result, a solution with the specified conditions should be obtained.

You can mix it all at once. At night, the container with the solution is covered with wet sacking, and before work it is stirred several times.

When laying, the thickness of the seams is 6-13 mm. Ideally 8-10 mm. If you are putting a fireplace with your own hands for the first time, always use a level and a plumb line. Check every row and even every stone. Fireplaces are tall and narrow devices with a high center of gravity. Such structures do not forgive even the slightest deviations. Therefore, the level should be of good quality, ideally if you have a calibrated one.

Drying and accelerating furnace

The finished fireplace must be dried for at least 20 days in a well-ventilated area. You can arrange a draft, but the sun's rays should not fall on the walls. For shading on windows and doors, you can hang sheets or tighten the openings with gauze.

After three weeks of drying, an accelerating furnace can be carried out. Take slowly burning fuel (coal-seed, blacksmith coal). If the oven was dried in good conditions, melt it, add fuel in small portions, heat it for a while. After three days, you can use it "to the full". If the conditions were "not very", start with 3/4 of the bookmark, gradually bringing it to full in a few days.