Economical heating for a private house. Electric heating of a private house: types of heating, which electric boiler to choose

Due to the permanent rise in fuel prices, homeowners are trying to minimize their heating costs. A natural question arises, which heating is the most economical in a private house, and how can the burden on the family budget be reduced? At the same time, it is necessary to provide comfortable living conditions in the cold season.

Residents of urban apartment buildings, which are heated from centralized networks, as a rule, cannot choose and are content with the proposed heating method.

Owners of private cottages have more opportunities in this regard and can provide themselves with the most suitable heating method by installing an efficient and easy-to-maintain heating system. At the same time, some of the latter can be assembled with your own hands, without involving specialists.

Comparative analysis of costs for different types of heating systems

When choosing a heating method for a country house, most of our fellow citizens confuse two obvious things. We are talking about the cost of purchasing and installing a heating system and the cost of maintaining a comfortable temperature regime. An inverse relationship is observed between them: the cheaper the equipment, the more expensive the heat generated by it will cost.

Any competent specialist in the field of heating technology will confirm that the so-called "economical heating" is in most cases a trick of marketers.

The efficiency of a particular system depends on a number of factors, including external ones that are independent of a person, for example, climatic conditions and the dynamics of growth in fuel prices. To estimate the cost of heating buildings, special methods are used to determine the cost of one gigacalorie (Gcal) of thermal energy.

The above calculation methods are, in fact, quite complex and therefore usually boil down to simplified calculations based on statistical data over a fairly long period of time. This interval can be five or ten years. This is the only way to get more or less reliable information about the efficiency of this or that heating equipment.

At the moment, the most profitable and efficient device for heating residential buildings is a heat pump. In use, it will cost 4 times less than equipment operating on traditional gas or coal. However, that operation, but the purchase of a heat pump and the costs of its installation are very expensive and pay off even not in the first few years of its use.

Heating system classification

Choosing a way to heat a private house, the owner is faced with a huge variety of heating systems offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter are classified according to three criteria:

  • by the type of fuel used: solid fuel, electric, gas, universal;
  • by heating method: traditional water and air ducts;
  • according to the principle of action: chemical reaction of combustion, conversion of electricity into heat energy, etc.

Today, alternative methods of generating heat are being actively studied and proposed. So, solar collectors are used for heating and heating water. However, a significant part of our country is located in such latitudes where the level of insolation is insufficient for the use of such systems to be truly effective.

Let's take a closer look at the most traditional methods of heating private houses.

Gas boilers

For heating housing, methane is mainly used, which is supplied through the systems of trunk pipelines and distribution networks. At the moment, this is the most economical way to heat a private house.

In areas where gasification has not yet been carried out, gas tanks with liquefied propane-butane mixture can be used.

A modern gas boiler is fully automated and ensures the maintenance of a given temperature regime in the house, depending on weather conditions. This allows you to reduce fuel consumption during warming, contributing to savings in the family budget.

At the same time, gas prices are growing, which, together with the high costs of purchasing and installing the appropriate equipment and obtaining a permit for its operation, makes the use of this type of fuel not so profitable.

Electric heating

In recent years, the popularity of electric boilers has been gaining momentum. Choosing the most economical heating, our compatriots increasingly prefer electricity. This method of space heating has a number of advantages:

  • Low prices for convectors and components for underfloor heating.
  • Relative ease of installation - even a layman can lay the power wiring in any room and install the boiler there.
  • Autonomy and efficiency - the system turns on with the onset of cold weather and does not require attention until the end of winter. At the same time, the automation maintains the set temperature.

Of course, gas will cost several times cheaper than electricity, but, nevertheless, the use of the latter is justified, first of all, in rural areas. Here, the tariffs are lower, and with subsidies and the installation of a two-zone meter, electric heating becomes a rather profitable option.

Solid fuel boilers

Classic solid fuel boilers are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. In fact, this is a slightly improved version of a conventional stove with all its disadvantages: low efficiency and the need for regular tossing of wood or coal.

The most economical heating systems for a private house at the moment can be considered solid fuel boilers - pyrolysis and. When completing a solid fuel boiler with a pellet or gas burner, you can save a decent amount of money during operation. The use of pellets is several times cheaper than burning ordinary firewood, and the system itself is completely automated. With regard to the presence of a gas burner, the ability to switch to an alternative type of fuel, if necessary, is a rather useful option.

Recently, omnivorous waste heat boilers that consume any combustible materials have appeared on the market. They burn not only traditional types of solid fuels, but also all kinds of solid household waste. We do not recommend this type of heating equipment due to its dubious environmental friendliness.

Heating system types by heating method

Maintaining a normal temperature in rooms is provided in a variety of ways. Experts distinguish between the following types of heating systems by the method of heat transfer:

  • Water. Heating of the coolant is carried out by a gas, solid fuel or electric boiler, circulation can be natural or forced.
  • Air. Heating of premises is provided by electric or gas convectors, as well as heated surfaces of ovens.
  • Heating with open fire. We are talking about classic wood-burning fireplaces, which, by the way, have extremely low efficiency and can be considered exclusively as an additional source of heat and interior decoration.

Recently, warm floors have become widespread, which can hardly be called the most economical type of home heating - they are quite expensive to install. However, this is a real find for those who do not like radiators hanging on the walls. In addition, underfloor heating provides stable and uniform heating of all rooms.

Alternative and hybrid heating systems

Taking into account the regular rise in fuel prices, it is logical to assume that the most economical way to heat a home is one in which the latter will not be needed at all. Such heating systems exist - these are solar collectors and heat pumps.

The effectiveness of the first option seems to be highly questionable - taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian climate, it can only be considered as an addition to the main equipment.

Heat pumps are truly innovative technology. Residential and other premises in a private house are heated by the low-temperature energy of the earth's interior. The main disadvantage of a heat pump is the high cost of purchasing and installing equipment; its payback period in our country is up to 10 years.

If you are forced to choose which heating is the most economical, it makes sense to think about the most efficient systems. The use of equipment installed in parallel will reduce your heating costs by using cheaper fuel as appropriate. You can also buy a solid fuel boiler with built-in heating elements and equip it with a gas burner.

Most have an impressive area and due to the fact that Russia is a non-resort country in which summer reigns all year round, this very area needs to be somehow heated in winter. For these purposes, there is a whole arsenal of variety, but due to the large volumes, many options are very expensive. If you approach this issue correctly, it turns out that electricity is the most economical way.

Read in the article

Types of electric heating of a private house

Heating by electricity can be divided into several categories: point, general, combined. Below, the varieties and principles of operation of electrical appliances of such a plan are described in detail.

Spot heating with heaters

The domestic market can offer a huge assortment in the segment. The pricing policy will allow you to choose models of both economy class and premium units. In order not to get confused in the options, they are divided into subgroups:

  • . Based on the work of needle or x-shaped heating elements.

The body of these devices is mainly made of stainless steel, but there are models that are made of glass or stone. The geometry of the box assumes the presence of openings for air intake at the bottom and a grill for the release of hot flow at the top.

Such devices are equipped with all kinds of regulators. That provides full protection against overheating, overturning, short circuits, etc. Some copies have additional privileges: electronic control, touch display, remote control, moisture protection, dust protection, and more.

Installation can be done on walls or with castors.

  • Thermal fans. They are very convenient and easy to use, have small dimensions and low weight. The standard power that most fan heaters have 2 kW, they are quite enough to heat a small room in just 10 minutes.

The device works thanks to a fan that drives air onto a heated spiral, which, in turn, heats the flow and transfers it to the room. Such devices have a number of disadvantages, such as: it heats while it blows, high power consumption.

In stores you can find devices with additions in the form of an ionizer, sleep timer,. Such electric heating is the most economical without.

  • . They have a lot of advantages that provide comfort during their operation. The excellent guided heat dissipation generated by the infrared emitter will be able to fully warm you not only indoors, but also outdoors.

The design is a concave aluminum reflector with a special heat-repellent coating that concentrates and directs all heat energy in a certain direction. There are models that have a moving base that provides heating at 90, 180 or 360 degrees.

  • Oil heaters. An old acquaintance who managed to warm more than one generation of families. Its ability to heat up more than 100 degrees, while using up an acceptable amount of energy, has won many fans. Mineral oil, which is inside the heater, does not expand when heated strongly with the help of the heating element, which increases the operating temperature.

Description of popular models and systems for heating

To fully determine the most profitable models, you need to analyze a whole ton of material on characteristics and performance indicators. Of course, there are a large number of TOPs on the Internet describing the most popular models of heaters in their segment (one of the best TOP 10 electric heaters is presented here), but in fact, the choice can be limited. This is done according to the following criteria:

  • Required power;
  • Installation method;
  • Safety protection class;
  • Required additional functions;
  • Body dimensions;
  • Design;
  • The size of the budget for the purchase;

Having compiled a list, you can easily choose the appropriate option.

Review of electric boilers for heating private houses: prices for the most popular models

Here is a list of the most popular manufacturers that have distinguished themselves by excellent quality and excellent performance. Heating in a private house with an electric boiler (cost in the table below) is considered an alternative in the absence of a gas main.

Electric boilers table

Image Manufacturer Number of contours power, kWt Area, m2 price, rub.

EVAN-C1-3one3 25 7 500
RUSNIT 204one4 30 9 600

Ferroli Zews (Zeus) 6two6 60 29 500

Protherm SKAT 9KRtwo9 90 31 000

Wespe Heizung WH. Foreman 8one8 80 15 000

Zota - Econom 7.5one7.5 70 10 000

Vaillant eloBLOCK VE 6two6 65 33 000

Heating the house with electricity. The most economical way for you

All explanations about savings will be considered using an example that has an area of ​​100 m2.

What happened in the end? The total cost without solar panels is 70,000 rubles. Power consumption is 14 kW / h, for a day of operation of two boilers at an outdoor temperature of -10, consumption will be about 90 kW / day. The cost of a kilowatt of light is 5.38 rubles, which means 90 × 5.38 × 30 = 14,526 rubles per month. If we count with the installed solar panels, then the amount of expenses will be 11,500 rubles.

This is one of hundreds of options that you decide to choose.

Note! To understand how to economically heat a house with electricity, you need to know some tricks. One of them is the installation of a three-tariff meter.

Overview of the latest solutions in electrical heating systems

It can be noted right away that all the latest developments are very expensive, but they have a good tendency, they quickly pay off.

  • Solar collectors that heat the water. Such panels are placed on the roofs of houses on the sunny side. They show themselves very effectively in sunny regions. They have a fairly high efficiency and the maximum level of environmental friendliness. And the disadvantage is the impossibility of operation in the dark. In most cases they are set as.

  • Gel systems. Heat pumps that suck heat from the environment (air, earth and water) and transfer it to the heat carrier. An excellent heating option, but very expensive at the initial stage. The equipment takes up a lot of space. The payback period is from 2 years.

  • Electrode boilers, intended for (owner reviews and approximate prices are on many forums and sites). A small device in the form of a pipe, heats up the water by letting it pass through itself. The heating medium must contain salt. The charged particles are accelerated to a tremendous speed inside the pipe and heat the water with their friction. A very efficient technology. A negative nuance is the power discrepancy with the heating area declared by the manufacturer.


Heating a house with electricity is the most economical way only if you approach it wisely. By investing more money in the installation of units, you will save a tidy sum in the future. Moreover, in today's world, where the level of pollution is off scale, the use of environmentally friendly technologies is a very important point both for you and for future generations. Remember this.

Heating a house with electricity is an effective and convenient way to ensure a comfortable stay in a private house, as well as the possibility of a significant reduction in utility bills. If previously electric heating systems were not fuel efficient, and that is why they were not popular in the market, today, with the improvement of technology, an increasing number of homeowners prefer such cheap home heating with electricity, which is both safe, efficient and easy to use. Let's talk in more detail about how to inexpensively heat a house with electricity.

Modern technologies of electric heating in comparison with gas and water systems are practical and economical ... When it comes to the benefits of heating a private house or apartment using electrical technology, the following can be noted:

Undoubtedly, the electrical heating systems of a private house cannot be called ideal, since they have there are certain disadvantages... For example, in some regions the cost of electricity will be so high that it is much easier and cheaper to heat a house with gas or solid fuel. And in old apartments, it is often difficult to use such electric heating, since it will be impossible to disconnect from the central heating.

In recent years, economical heating of a private house with electricity has become more and more in demand, and an increasing number of owners of private houses and modern apartments are choosing this technology, preferring it to gas and other methods of heating the house.

Varieties of heating systems

Today, there are several common types of heating systems that are suitable for a private house or apartment in a high-rise. Each of these technologies has its own specific advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at each of these popular today electric heating systems.

Electrically heated floor

Such technologies appeared in the middle of the last century and today they are successfully used both by residents of high-rise buildings and by owners of private houses. The only nuance of such heating at home is that the power of the system is often not enough to consider it as the main method of heating the house. The efficiency of using such structures of an electric underfloor heating will largely depend on the observance of the technology when laying the material, as well as the correct choice of floor coverings, which should transfer heat well, performing efficient heating of the room.

Underfloor heating system will be fully controlled by the automation, receiving the necessary data from the room temperature sensors, turning the heating on and off at the command of the automation. This provides significant savings in electricity, increases the comfort of living in an apartment and a private house. Such underfloor heating is very popular in kitchens, bathrooms and corridors, where ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware are laid, which perfectly transfer heat, ensuring correct and efficient heating of the room.

Organization of economical heating

To the homeowner, if he wishes to ensure the maximum comfort of living in the house, it is necessary to approach the solution of the task in a comprehensive manner.

Self-contained solar-powered systems

In recent years, alternative energy technology has been developing by leaps and bounds. using solar panels, which generate electricity from light, which is used for the life support of the house, including for heating. A few years ago, such systems on solar panels seemed to us to be something from the category of fantasy, but today, with a significant increase in efficiency and a decrease in the cost of such equipment, such an economical method of heating a house is becoming more and more relevant and popular on the market.

There are many different low-cost electric home heating systems that use electricity generated by solar panels... Today, technology allows not only the optimal use of the resources obtained from sunlight, but also allows you to accumulate them, using them later to heat the room. Such a house, subject to the correct choice of power and the number of solar panels, will not require a connection to hot water supply, electricity and central heating.

The homeowner will need to properly plan the entire autonomous solar-powered system, determine the energy consumption in the future, select high-quality solar panels, batteries and other equipment that will be required to organize the life support of a private house. Such systems may still have a rather high cost today, however, given the constant increase in electricity prices, solar energy and autonomous heating systems quickly pay off, making the house completely independent of the presence or absence of available energy resources in the form of gas and electricity.

Such heating systems on solar panels are especially popular with owners of private houses who install the receiving equipment on the roof of the house, which allows them, due to the use of high-quality panels, to fully cover all the needs of homeownership in heat due to solar energy. Experts note that it is precisely this technology and the use of solar panels and electrical heating systems for the future, since homeowners in this case get the opportunity to save significantly and at the same time ensure the comfort of living in a private house, regardless of whether the building is connected to utilities.

Ecology of consumption. Homestead: Is it possible to heat a house with electricity cheaply? When using autonomous systems, the problem of monetary costs is especially relevant. When building a house, the question of the financial feasibility of using electric heating systems in comparison with other types of heating devices is sharply discussed. Let's understand this issue.

Is it possible to heat a house with electricity cheaply? When using autonomous systems, the problem of monetary costs is especially relevant. When building a house, the question of the financial feasibility of using electric heating systems in comparison with other types of heating devices is sharply discussed. Let's understand this issue.

Expensive heating with direct heating systems

Heating systems using electrical energy are divided into two main groups according to the principle of operation - direct and indirect heating. The first includes devices that, using heating elements, directly raise the temperature of the air in the premises.

Direct heating systems include:

  • convectors;
  • warm floor;
  • oil radiators;
  • infrared panels.

In most cases, electric heaters with a direct system of operation consume a large amount of energy, which does not allow them to be classified as economical heaters. The only exceptions are infrared panels, but their installation and operation are associated with a number of stringent requirements, including safety issues, which significantly limit the use of these devices.

The advantage of direct type heaters, in addition to their low price, is that there is no need to install a boiler, heating system pipelines and radiators.

The advantages of heaters include the ability to flexibly regulate the temperature in different rooms, and the autonomous connection of such systems to the power grid. Nevertheless, against the background of the high cost of operation, the advantages of these devices are leveled out when it comes to the need for constant heating of housing.

Benefits and cost of boiler heating

Indirect heating systems increase the temperature of the coolant (in most cases, water plays its role). The air is then heated by the battery radiator components. To put it simply, the system is an electric boiler through which a coolant is passed, which then flows through pipelines to heating radiators. By the way, any other boiler can be replaced with an electric one - gas, coal or liquid fuel.

Installing an indirectly heated system is the cheapest option for heating a house using electricity. The most economical, but currently the most expensive, are induction boilers, which are heated using electromagnetic waves.

In addition to such systems, there are other options - boilers with electrodes or a tubular electric heater (TEN). Heating devices equipped with heating elements consume more electrical energy than all the types of boilers mentioned. At the same time, boilers with heating elements are much cheaper.

The advantages of boilers, in addition to the low cost of operation, include such qualities as small dimensions and simple installation, provided that there is an existing heating pipeline system in the house. In addition, the boilers are environmentally safe and operate absolutely silently.

Consider the consumption indicator of heating boilers. So, for one residential building with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters during the heating season, the level of heat consumption is 10 kWh, the production of which accounts for 10.3 kWh of electric energy (the efficiency of boilers is approaching one hundred percent). If the boiler works continuously, then the electricity consumption per day will be about 247 kilowatts, which is equivalent to 7410 kilowatts per month.

In fact, the operating mode of the boiler is not continuous - after the coolant heats up to a certain temperature, the device turns off, energy consumption stops. On average, one hour of boiler operation is an hour of downtime. Consequently, energy costs per month will be half as much as calculated - that is, 3700 kilowatts.

The average electricity tariff in Russia now fluctuates around 4.5 rubles per 1 kWh. Thus, the monthly costs for boiler heating of a house with an area of ​​100 "squares" will amount to 16.5 thousand rubles, but they can be much higher or lower, depending on the specific region.

How to make heating your home with electricity cheaper

There are different ways to achieve savings when using electric home heating systems, but they all boil down to one thing - to reduce the amount of heat generated. First of all, this result can be achieved by eliminating heat losses in the house.

It is necessary to eliminate gaps, cracks, to insulate the room with a heater. It is guaranteed that metal-plastic windows and doors will help to reduce heat losses, laying the walls of balconies and loggias with heat-insulating material.

An important factor in saving thermal energy is the correct choice of heating format. For example, if a house or apartment is well insulated, and the number of rooms is small, then the use of boilers will be justified, since the energy costs for heating the coolant in this case will be small. If we are talking about a house with a large number of premises, including non-residential ones, then their heating can be partially "idle".

In the case of a large number of rooms, it would be more expedient to use a combined heating scheme. For example, an infrared heater installed in a bathroom can quickly heat a room, therefore, at a time when this room is not actively used, it can be turned off.

As for the kitchen, it would be logical to use a combined scheme, which provides for two heat sources - an infrared panel and a convector. When the owners are not at home, the convector can work at minimum power. If you need to quickly heat the room, the infrared panel turns on and the air temperature rises quickly.

The flexibility of electrical heating systems allows you to create different "profiles" of heating, using the automation of changing the temperature regime. In the absence of the owners of the house, the temperature drops to acceptable minimums - this allows you to minimize the "idle" energy consumption.

An hour before the owners return to the apartment, the controller automatically starts heating the premises and, thus, creates a comfortable temperature for the residents. When setting the "smart" heating mode, both the power and the location of specific heating points are taken into account.

Obviously, the cheapest heating scheme is to connect to a centralized system. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consider all possible options for autonomous heating, both in terms of efficiency and ease of operation, and the cost of purchasing, installing and operating equipment. published by

If you have any questions on this topic, ask the experts and readers of our project.

Owners of private houses choose heating with electricity for various reasons. Unfortunately, of all the existing methods, it is considered the most costly. Therefore, the question of how to reduce the cost of heating a house with electricity is more relevant than ever. We will consider the most economical way in more detail by comparing some types of heating systems.

Read in the article:

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with electricity

Often, houses built on private plots are not connected to energy networks: gas, solid fuels. In such cases, the organization of heating with electricity becomes the only way out.

For example, many people install all kinds of heaters and stoves in the house if the main system is not yet working. Do such methods have obvious advantages and significant disadvantages? Let's take a closer look at this.

Heating private houses with electricity: undeniable advantages

  1. Ease of installation of electrical heat sources.
  2. The ability to quickly adjust the temperature to the desired level.
  3. Saving energy consumption.
  4. Mobility of heating sources (in the case of using mobile radiators).
  5. Possibility to choose the type of convector for the interior of the house.
  6. Environmental friendliness - oxygen is not removed (not burned) from the space of the room, there is no danger of harmful emissions.

Undeniable benefits

Cons of heating from the mains

  1. The high cost of services for the provision of electricity.
  2. If it is necessary to create a high voltage, the purchase and installation of an energy distributor will be required.

Related article:


  1. Such devices are compact.
  2. Light in weight, affordable, but they have a high heating power. They can be grouped, included only one, or all at once.
  3. And one of its main advantages is resistance to voltage surges, which is especially important for houses with old wiring.

But at the same time, the electrode system has disadvantages:

  1. unstable power level;
  2. extreme dependence on the composition of the conductive substance and its temperature;
  3. requires strict adherence to the proportions of the solution and its purity;
  4. incorrect "reaction" to regulation and automatic control.

Russian electrode boilers for heating a private house, price range:

Models "Galan Ochag"power, kWtCost, rub.
2- N2 3650
3- N3 3800
5- N5 3850
6- N6 3900
Models "Galan"Cost, rub.

User reviews about electrode boilers:

Sergey, Perm: Each heating season requires new electrodes, which is considered a very time consuming task. The manufacturer assures that if you adhere to all operational characteristics, the device will last a long time.

Natalia, Riga: Acquired the Vulcan-25 model. We are forced to disassemble and clean the boiler frequently. If the plates are not cleaned in a timely manner, the thermal conductivity decreases. The manufacturer recommends that first of all pay attention to the quality of the coolant.

Induction heating boilers

If the question arises of how to economically heat a house with electricity, then this is one of the best options. Today it is the most popular and technically advanced type of electric boiler.

It works like this: a primary winding is installed in the center of the apparatus, capable of passing an electric current, which provokes a voltage in the secondary winding section. It, in turn, consists of a pipe loop with a coolant. Due to the fact that there are no vulnerable nodes in such a device, the conductors of electricity do not come into contact with the heat-conducting carrier in any way.

An induction boiler can work stably for several decades! This is an economical device - with its help it is possible to reduce energy consumption by up to 40%, when compared with a heating element or electrode "brother".

Note! The device has only three conditional drawbacks - the noise from small vibration, the massiveness of the structure itself and its relatively high price.

Simple electric boilers for heating private houses: average prices

Heating a house with electricity: the most economical way is infrared

Along with the boiler heating system, the infrared method is especially popular today. Special heating plates are installed in the house, in which the emitter draws in electricity and converts it into an infrared wave, and then transmits it. The waves from the heater are in continuous motion until they "collide" with some opaque object.

Plates are usually fixed to the ceiling or walls. However, it should be understood that it rarely acts as the main heating system for a large private house and is more often used as an addition.

Infrared waves quickly fill the room with heat, and then turn off automatically - this is possible thanks to a special independent automatic control system.

Note! This type of home heating with electricity is the most economical way, since it does not consume more electricity than is needed.

This option has only 2 disadvantages:

  1. Expensive equipment (but at the same time it is energy efficient!).
  2. Strict direction of heating from the plates to the nearest areas of the room.

Convector heaters

These heating devices are similar in function to conventional radiators - convectors heat up by themselves and transfer heat through the air. However, there is no coolant inside them, therefore, pipes are not required for them. Instead of a coolant, heating elements are built into the convectors (the advantages and disadvantages of this element were mentioned above), and cold air is taken through the bottom of the device.

One of the significant advantages of the equipment is its quiet operation, which is especially important for those who spend most of their time at home. But convectors also have a drawback - they are low efficiency. Electric convectors absorb a significant amount of electricity.

Warm floor

These electrical systems work on the basis of conductors with a resistor, through which an electric current passes, due to which they are heated.
