Why is silver dreaming? Dreams about precious metal, or what silver is dreaming of.

Silver is a metal that has long been attributed not only to healing, but also magical properties... It evokes associations with health, cleanliness, strength. What is the dream of silver, if you believe the dream books, modern and compiled in the distant past? The answer will surely be found if the owner of the dream remembers all its details, including seemingly insignificant ones.

What is silver dreaming about: Miller's dream book

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller suggests taking night dreams, in which this noble metal appears, as a warning. Why is silver dreaming, if you believe its interpretation? It is possible that the dreamer attaches excessive importance to money, forgetting that, unfortunately, they do not guarantee happiness.

Miller also attaches great importance to what form the metal takes in a dream. If the sleeping person dreams of silverware, such a vision does not bode well. It is likely that the dreamer has goals, the achievement of which is not possible, and empty experiences in the near future are also possible. If his owner appears in a dream, he may soon face serious financial problems. How soon they will be resolved depends on him.

Decorations, trinkets

And silver, if jewelry created from these metals appears in a dream? Majority Compilers famous dream books recommend to regard their appearance in night dreams as a good sign. Most likely, the dreamer has a streak of luck, prosperity awaits him in the professional and personal spheres.

It is also important what kind of decoration dreamed of during a night's rest. If it comes a pleasant conversation awaits the master of sleep, communication with an interesting interlocutor. For entrepreneurs, such a dream can promise unexpected support, finding sponsors for a new project. Why is silver dreaming about a bracelet made of this metal? Such a dream, on the contrary, does not bode well, since the bracelet is associated with fetters, obstacles.

The appearance of silver earrings in night dreams is good. For lovers, a dream predicts reciprocity, careerists can safely count on a good deal. A silver ring promises the power that a person will soon gain over his chosen one, it is important to use this power for good purposes. If we are talking about wedding ring seen in a dream, his appearance can promise the dreamer not only a family idyll, but also financial profit, friendly help.

Jewelry manipulation

If a person in a dream not only sees, but also wears earrings, bracelets and chains, why is silver dreaming? Jewelry worn on the body warns that the owner of the dream is different, which can harm him. Men should pay special attention to such dreams. Male representatives who wear silver jewelry (any) in their nightly dreams are threatened by conflicts in real life... A quarrel can happen with colleagues or bosses, as well as with the woman you love. Avoiding conflict is easy, as long as you choose your words carefully.

A dream in which a person loses silver jewelry is also considered a bad omen. In real life, the owner of the dream will have to lose something important, to part with a dear person. Seeing a product in the mud, dropping it into the mud - such stories inform about the presence of enemies that can harm. If a person is holding a piece of jewelry in his hands, why is silver dreaming about? The ring in his hands suggests that the owner of the dream should not count on the return of the old debt. Keeping other silver jewelry in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will be drawn into a lawsuit as a plaintiff or defendant.

There are other explanations for what silver is dreaming of. The chain that a person receives as a gift in his dream can promise illness. If the owner of the dream knows the donor, it is possible that he will be seriously ill. However, the disease does not necessarily turn out to be serious, and a slight malaise is possible.

Crockery, cutlery

Why is silver dreaming if dishes made of this material appear in a dream? The compilers of the dream books did not come to a consensus on this score. Some of them are convinced that a person who dreamed of dishes made of silver and gold will soon be cured of a serious illness. Others believe that such dreams come as a prediction It is possible that a spousal quarrel will lead to assault. There is also an opinion that silver dishes that appear in night dreams promise wealth and honor in real life.

Silverware placed on the table may dream of guests, the visit may be unexpected or long-awaited, and will bring a lot of joy.


Why dream of finding silver in chests? The famous predictor Nostradamus attaches global significance to this vision. If you believe his words, chests filled to the brim with silver or gold coins predict a monetary reform that will lead to upheavals in the state.

Many dream books regard silver in the form of money, which appears in night dreams, as a good omen. The master of the dream will soon be able to taste the glory, and his reputation will improve. Other changes are also possible, thanks to which a person's standard of living will increase. Victory, a big win - such events await people who, in their dreams, consider silver coins... Interestingly, the improvement in the financial situation will happen by itself, no effort is required for this.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Why is silver dreaming if you focus on Hasse's predictions? A person should remember the size that silver coins had in his nightly dreams. If they were large, you can safely hope for the imminent arrival of happy times. Little ones, on the contrary, predict disappointment, a person will not be able to achieve the set goal.

A dream in which the dreamer observes molten silver coins also has a negative meaning. According to Hasse, the owner of such a dream should prepare for significant losses, which may turn out to be not only monetary.

Successful find

Why dream of finding silver? Many compilers of dream books are sure that finding silver objects in a dream promises a promotion in real life. The man's efforts will finally be appreciated by his superiors. However, finding a lonely coin is not worth rejoicing. It is possible that in reality you will have to say goodbye to a significant amount of money as a result of unforeseen incidents.

It is excellent if the dreamer discovers deposits of silver in his dreams. Such a plot promises him happy marriage that will not be marred by quarrels. can hope for a romantic adventure, great love.

Muslim dream book

Why does a woman dream of silver:

To see silver is to receive property that is permissible.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Seeing silver in a dream means:

See Money.

Small dream book

A dream with silver in the dream book is interpreted as:

Silver seen in a dream warns you that you can become heavily dependent on money, and this will be an obstacle to happiness. The dream in which you found silver coins means that in reality you will pay too much attention to the shortcomings of other people, forgetting about yours. Silver jewelry symbolizes anxiety and unfulfilled desires.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Sleeping with silver means:

Silver is a symbol of the good, the Moon.
Seeing a piece of silver that is being taken out of the ground means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income.
Seeing a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of dubious luck, a union bought for money.
Seeing silver coins with the image of the Moon is a harbinger of the visit of creatures that no one knew anything about, but who have been sending signals to Earth for a long time.
Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that portends a multi-level reform of banknotes.
Seeing a huge boa constrictor guarding a pile of silver is a symbol that an archaeological discovery will be made in 2001 or 2013 of great importance and the consequences, it will have international significance and will make changes to the textbooks of the history of ancient civilizations.
To see the silver bayonets with which the front garden is fenced is a harbinger of an increase in aggression among underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

French dream book

Sleep Silver Meaning:

If in a dream you saw silver, then in reality you will be in trouble. Counting silver in a dream is a sign big win, which awaits you in reality. Collecting silver is a dream foreshadowing the vicissitudes of fate that will overwhelm you, but will not break your spirit.

Dream interpretation of Zhou-Gong

What does it mean if a woman dreams of silver:

Seeing is a great success; silver cup - the birth of a noble offspring.

Esoteric dream book

What can silver dream about:

In the dishes - to the disease. To clean up - you yourself will call this disease. In jewelry - the illness of loved ones, specifically those who give or those whom you recognize in a dream. In other cases, silver is a physical ailment.

Miller's dream book

Silver, in a dream means:

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money for genuine happiness and satisfaction.
Finding a silver coin is evidence of a lack of other money. It is possible that you too often jump to conclusions for the sake of your own reassurance.
Silverware in a dream portends excitement and unfulfilled desires.

Miller's dream book

If a girl dreams of silver, then this means:

Seeing - in order to achieve true happiness, you should not rely only on money;
to find a silver coin - money difficulties;
table silver-ro - unfulfilled desires.
Also see Coin, Cutlery.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Why does a woman dream of silver:

In large coins - happy times; in small ones - hope will not be fulfilled; molten - loss

English dream book

Silver in a dream from English dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream as a collector of small silver coins portends some kind of suffering; if the coins are large, then you have to complete a very profitable business. Paying for something in silver or getting paid for the goods you have sold yourself is a dream that promises a prosperous trade. Owning silver vessels in a dream is a harbinger of poverty. In reality, you will have to come to terms with pottery, if you can get it at all. In a dream, discovering that your silver turns out to be a fake is a sign warning you about the hypocrisy of the person you truly love.

Slavic dream book

Silver in a dream from Slavic dream book

To hold in hands - litigation with debtors; to throw is contempt.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

Silver in a dream from Dream interpretation alphabetically

Finding a silver coin in a dream portends luck and all kinds of changes for the better.

Lose silver chain with a pendant - to a lack of money, to receive it as a gift - you will be loved and adored. A silver bracelet means a lot of fans and everything is not to your taste.

Seeing silver dishes in a dream - wealth in the house, carrying it to a pawnshop - you will lose a heartfelt friend. To eat from table silver - to unsatisfied passions, to give it - you will render service after service, to buy - happy changes.


See the interpretation of the SMOKING symbol in the dream book

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Silver in a dream from Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To dream of silver in any form is exclusively happy dream... Silver coins, collected in large numbers, portend respect for colleagues and good luck in any endeavor. Seeing a chest filled with silver coins - get a profitable place. Paying with silver for purchases - your word will be the main one in solving a complex financial problem. Getting silver for change is unexpected luck. You might win the lottery or receive an unplanned bonus. Using silver appliances at lunch - such a dream promises family well-being and prosperity in the house. Cleaning the silverware - Influential friends can help solve your problems. Silver jewelry - for the arrival of long-awaited guests who will bring you many amazing gifts. Putting on a belt made of silver or a thing that has silver details (buttons, buckles) - you will soon receive a gift that you have dreamed of for a long time. Silver bars dream of a long and strong friendship with a rich and generous person.

Imagine that you have a lot of silver - and silver dishes, and jewelry, and coins, and ingots.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Silver in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Symbolizes money and spending money. This is a passing joy or sadness.

Seeing things made of silver in your dream: often says that some kind of purchase or acquisition will cost you a pretty penny.

At the same time, buying beautiful silver items is a sign of a good investment.

It is possible that you will have some kind of opportunity to preserve and increase your personal savings.

Silver mine in a dream: portends a profitable business.

It has been known since ancient times that silver is a virgin and pure metal. This precious material is associated with the Moon, which has secret powers and knowledge. Wearing silver jewelry promotes the development of natural intuition and paranormal abilities.

Silver merges with human energy and purifies it. It also promotes spiritual development... Things and jewelry made of this metal absorb external negative and destroy it. That is why silver objects become natural talismans for many people.

Some people often dream of a silver pendant or pendant. So what is the dream of silver and objects made of precious metal, if even in reality they are credited with extraordinary and, to some extent, mystical properties?

Dream interpretation - silver

The most common meanings are:

  • Inner Light;
  • spiritual connection;
  • joy;
  • friendly relations;
  • occasionally tears.

Mystical metal portends illness and family troubles. Therefore, if in a dream you saw silver, you must do everything possible in reality to exclude the implementation of the omen. The precious metal is a kind of warning.

A table set in a dream means the emergence of excitement, unrealizable desires. If the dreamer has found a silver piece in a dream, then financial difficulties await him. Also, such a dream can be a kind of warning for the sleeping person: in real life, you cannot make hasty conclusions or solve matters in a hurry.

The chain, as well as silver figures, can dream of a friendly conversation in reality. Silver jewelry is dreaming - get a gorgeous gift.

If the dreamer in a dream, and not in reality, acquires silver, then betrayal awaits him. The metal in question is dreamed of in large coins - happy times will come. Small coins are impossible hopes, molten metal is a loss. To polish dishes of silver, rubbing it on something - to the disease.

To melt precious material in a dream on your own is slander against you. Finding silver and gold is a sign of rapid career advancement. A sick person dreams of a jewel for a speedy recovery.

A ring made of the metal in question is an extremely auspicious omen. The dreamer expects a stable life period, as well as a lot happy moments. « White stripe”Will not be overshadowed by problems and worries.

To see a ring on your finger in a dream is in reality the strengthening of love or friendship. Silver wedding ring - joyful and prosperous living together, full apartment obedient and healthy children. Seeing a bracelet is not the most favorable omen, beware of a dirty trick from others.

Unfavorable signs of silver in a dream: what should you watch out for?

  • Losing a ring of precious metal in a dream - in reality you should be more careful and more careful. The loss of something more valuable is possible.
  • Receive a gift of a chain of silver. This dream is a kind of warning. You must stop doubting the feelings of the person closest to you: he loves you with all his soul. Losing the decoration in question - the dreamer stubbornly does not notice the events taking place behind his back.
  • Mine metal in a dream - beware in real life strange people: you could get hurt.

Silver is a lunar symbol, a sign of prosperity. That is why almost all dreams in which silver objects are found are often interpreted in a positive way. Dream Interpretations believe that this symbol helps to gain wisdom and inner insight.

Since ancient times, silver has been considered a magical, magical metal. It is silver bullets that kill vampires and werewolves on the spot, silver dishes disinfect a significant number of bacteria, water in a silver flask retains freshness for a long time without a musty aroma. In many houses drinking water kept in jars and jugs with a silver spoon.

This water is considered good for the stomach. Silver jewelry helps to maintain health and darkens in case of problems. Silver is believed to protect against envy and evil eye... These qualities are possessed by pure silver, but not fakes, the so-called sterling or Chinese. Let's look at what silver is dreaming of in the main dream books.

The main meanings of silver in a dream

This metal symbolizes selflessness. Consumable material against evil spirits. If you are afraid of vampires or you are tortured bad dreams- order a chain made of real silver with simple decoration- a silver bullet or quatrefoil. Silver jewelry is affordable even for a high school student who is saving on breakfast. But this does not mean that silver dreams of poverty. Rather, to moderation. Silver is merciless to greed, envy and destroys them with the same enthusiasm as other evil spirits.

Silver paths, moon bridge, city with silver spiers - in these dreams general interpretation deception that you follow, not wanting to see anything but false reality. In fairy tales, silver bridges and paths were arranged by elves. For greedy people, paths were organized, strewn with counterfeit coins, along which a person confidently and joyfully walked to his death, choking with happiness and delight. Be careful if you see such signs in a dream, do not enter into unearthly feelings or untold riches.

Silver is considered a lunar metal. At the same time, the moon has two meanings - exposure of dastardly tricks and sweet deception. A gross lie will be exposed, but only in order to be replaced by a beautiful and destructive mirage. Seeing the moon and something silver in a dream at the same time - beware of refined deceit.

Crockery, cutlery - beware of poison. This refers to verbal poison, lies, flattery, slander. Buy yourself a silver spoon. You can even have a small coffee shop. Such an amulet will to some extent protect against evil tongues. It is believed that the spoon will darken from poison, or if there is a person nearby who hates you. Remember the expression “to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth”? it is associated with the tradition of giving a silver spoon for the birth of a child in wealthy families of the nobility. Indulge yourself in reality.

Chains, jewelry - you have faithful friends... Perhaps you are not paying enough attention to them, the dream reminds of this.

Cleaning silver objects in a dream is possibly a disease. If in a dream you touch a piece of jewelry or a household item, and it immediately shines with pure light - fate smiles slyly at you, use it. Any enemies will be powerless and, quite possibly, they themselves will choke on bile with envy.

What does silver mean in the dream book

Seeing silver in a dream is the beginning of a new business, in which you will be incredibly lucky. But don't rely too much on luck and charm. Check the ground under your feet constantly. The moment you lose control of reality, everything can fly to dust.

Miller's dream book calls not to trust too much the feeling of omnipotence, which often appears as a result of dreams with silver. This feeling is deceiving. Evaluate your strength realistically.

The female dream book pays Special attention paired jewelry - bracelets, earrings, cufflinks. Paired objects imply mutual deep feelings. On the other hand, if loneliness attracts you - in a dream you will see pendants, single magic items, silver mirrors.

Double cups, pressure of dishes for a dozen persons mean the possibility of a large and strong family... Lose a spoon or other cutlery- lose or weaken family ties... During a period of quarrels, the loss of spoons and forks in a dream is especially relevant. If you dream that knives are missing, even fruit knives, someone has planned something unkind.

Medea's dream book also pays special attention to dishes made of noble metal. In her opinion, boilers, ladles, bowls and cutlery symbolize reliability. family hearth... What the British say "my home is my fortress." Medea draws attention to jewelry in the form of thin chains, chains and bracelets. Perhaps this is not only protection, but also fetters. Almost all silver objects have a double meaning in a dream. What meaning applies to your life is entirely up to you.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, discovering a treasure of coins means monetary reform and a revision of finance. To find a silver vein is to find an inexhaustible source of joy.


Seeing silver in a dream - compound sign... You are probably under the protection of light forces. You are not afraid of rude attacks, slander, flattery. In this case, you will need endurance and sanity in order not to succumb to the spell of deception. Be careful not to believe in mirages, flattery, too glittering prospects. Don't lose your sense of reality.

The test is not easy, but you need this test to truly believe in yourself. Interesting and exciting adventures await you. You don't have to sit still and wait for mirages to unfold in front of you. Act on your own, make your wildest dreams come true. Travel to the ends of the world or start your own business. Start your own game in which you will set the rules yourself.

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For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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Big dream book by Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Silver

Why Silver Dreams - Silver in a dream warns against excessive worship of the "golden calf". Don't rely too much on money if you want to achieve true happiness and fulfillment. To dream that they found a silver ring is clear evidence of a lack of money. You too often jump to conclusions for the sake of your own peace of mind. Silverware in a dream portends excitement and unfulfilled desires.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To have a dream about Silver, what does it mean?

Silver - dreamed silver objects (except money) are identified with the mind and sparkling thought. Money is associated with deception and disappointment. Seeing silver dishes is a sign of honor and wealth. Silver figures, chains - for a friendly conversation, smart conversation.

Freud's dream book

Analysis of the dream in which Silver dreamed

Silver - If you dreamed of any silver items, it means that soon you will receive a gift that you have dreamed of for a long time.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Silver in a dream why dream

Silver - Silver in a dream is a symbol of great, but passing joy. Silver dishes dream of power and influence, a silver chain - to find friends, silver money to tears.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpreting Silver from your dream

Silver - Transient joy or sadness, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is dreaming.

Old French dream book

Silver - interpretation of the dream

Silver - If you dream of silver in a dream, in reality you will be in trouble. Counting silver in a dream is a sign of a big win that awaits you in reality. Collecting silver is a dream that foreshadows the vicissitudes of fate that will overwhelm you, but will not break your spirit.

Miller's dream book

Why does Silver dream in a dream

Silver - Silver in a dream serves as a warning not to rely too much on money for true happiness and satisfaction. Finding a silver coin is evidence of a lack of other money. It is possible that you too often jump to conclusions for the sake of your own reassurance. Silverware in a dream portends excitement and unfulfilled desires.

The meaning of sleep about Cutlery (Muslim dream book)

Silver - To see silver in a dream - to receive property that is permissible.

Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

Silver as an image in a dream

Silverware - Good material conditions; buy - experience a big change; receive as a gift - to render a great service to a person; to have for sale - to count on good earnings.

Silver - Big coins - happy times; in small ones - hope will not be fulfilled; molten - loss.

The meaning of the dream about the Noble metal (according to Nostradamus)

Silver - Symbol of the good, the moon. To see a piece of silver that is being taken out of the ground - this dream means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income. Seeing a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of dubious luck, a union bought for money. Seeing silver coins with the image of the moon is a harbinger of the visit of creatures that no one knew anything about, but who have long been giving signals to the earth. Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that portends a multi-level reform of banknotes. Seeing a huge boa constrictor guarding a pile of silver is a symbol of the fact that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequences will be made, it will have international significance and will change the history books of ancient civilizations. To see the silver bayonets with which the front garden is fenced is a harbinger of an increase in aggression among underdeveloped countries, associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Esoteric dream book

Silver in night dreams

Silver - In a dish for disease. You will get rid of this disease yourself. In jewelry, the illness of loved ones, specifically those who give or those whom you recognize in a dream. In other cases, silver is a physical ailment, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Silver - To melt it in a dream - to slander in your address. Finding silver at the same time as gold is a sign of imminent promotion. When you dreamed of whole deposits of silver, you are destined for a profitable marriage. For a man, such a dream promises matchmaking to a person whose parents are high-ranking people.

Silver according to Maly Velesov dream book

Silver (see Money) - Tears, sadness; to hold in hands - litigation with the debtor; trade - win; to throw is contempt.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Silver in a dream why dream

Silver - In large coins - happy times - in small ones - hope will not come true - molten - loss

Silver dishes - Good material conditions - to buy - to experience a big change - to receive a gift - to provide a great service - to have for sale - to expect a good income.

The meaning of a dream about Ancient dishes (Gypsy dream book)

Silver dishes - To see in a dream means sorrow and misfortune; trading it portends a recovery of the state; see article money.

Explanatory dream book

What to expect if you've seen Silver

Dreaming Hold silver in hands - Litigation with debtors; to lose or give up is contempt.

Siberian healer dream interpreter

What does a dream with Silver mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of eating on silver in a dream - to receive unexpected news about a loved one.

If in the summer in a dream you dreamed of eating on silver - to condemnation from the outside; buying silver is a betrayal - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

In the fall, why did you dream of silver things - to betrayal.

In winter, why dream of buying silver means that you will betray someone. Eating from silver dishes - to unexpected profits.