Temperature fuse in the rinnai boiler. Rinnai boilers: types of designs and causes of breakdowns

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Start-up and adjustment of wall-mounted gas boilers Rinnai SMF

The installation of the Rinnai boiler is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the installation of Rinnai boilers and the current regulatory documents.

Before starting up the Rinnai boiler, do the following:

  • Flushing the heating and water supply pipelines connected to the Rinnai boiler.
  • Open the heating and water supply valves of the Rinnai boiler.
  • Fill the heating circuit with heat carrier up to an operating pressure of 1.0 kgf / cm2 (1 Bar) (at 20 ° C).
  • Open the air vent on the Rinnai boiler. and in the heating system, remove air from the heating system.
  • If necessary, charge the system up to operating pressure.
  • Check the tightness in the heating system, water supply, gas supply of the Rinnai boiler.
  • Check the supply voltage of the Rinnai boiler (~ 50 Hz, 220V ± 10%). It is recommended to use a voltage stabilizer to protect the Rinnai boiler from voltage surges.
  • Check the gas pressure at the inlet to the Rinnai boiler. The gas pressure is measured with a special pressure gauge (pressure gauge) at the fitting located on the gas inlet of the boiler.

The Rinnai boiler operates with a nominal output at a dynamic pressure of natural gas from 110 to 250 mmH2O. Art .; liquefied gas from 250 to 300 mm of water. Art.

1. Before starting up the Rinnai boiler, check that the SW2 switch is correctly set according to the picture:

2. Set the eight-position switch SW1 according to table. No. 3

Purpose of flags of the eight-position switch SW1:

Checkbox 1: "OFF" (natural gas LNG); "ON" (LPG LPG).

Checkbox 2: "OFF" for open system heating; "ON" - for closed system heating.

Checkbox 3 "OFF" if air is taken from the room where the Rinnai boiler is installed (FE pipe), "ON" if the chimney is coaxial and air is taken from the street (FF).

Flags 4, 5, 6, depending on the boiler model, are set to "OFF" or "ON".

Checkbox 7 is used when adjusting the maximum secondary gas pressure (at the injectors).

Checkbox 8 is used when adjusting the minimum secondary gas pressure (at the injectors).

Adjustment of the secondary gas pressure (pressure at the burner nozzles of the Rinnai boiler).

Wall hung gas boilers Rinnai have power modulation devices from 25 to 100%.

The minimum gas pressure of the Rinnai boiler is regulated by the adjusting screw at the bottom of the gas valve. The gas pressure is determined by a pressure gauge on the gas manifold connection. When adjusting the minimum gas pressure, open the gas cock, turn on the boiler to DHW mode with the button (6) on the control panel, open the cock hot water to the maximum, set the checkbox 8 on the SW1 switch to the "ON" position. Set the minimum gas pressure with the adjusting screw to the value indicated in table # 2.

Maximum gas pressure gas boiler Rinnai it is regulated when the flag 7 is in the "ON" position by the maximum pressure regulator on the control unit. The maximum gas pressure values ​​for Rinnai wall-hung boilers are shown in table 2.

After adjusting the minimum and maximum pressure, set flags 7, 8 to the "OFF" position, close the gas valve and hot water tap, disconnect the pressure gauge, close the gas manifold union with a plug.

Table no. 2 Table of parameters for setting up the RINNAI SMF boiler


Liquefied gas (LPG)

All flags, except for flag # 1, are located in the same way as for natural gas.

Move the checkbox # 1 to the "ON" position.

Starting the Rinnai boiler in heating and DHW mode.

Press buttons (6) and (10) on the remote control.

Visually check the color and intensity of the flame.

Check the pressure in the heating system (1.5 - 2 Bar).

Check if the burner of the Rinnai boiler goes out when the set temperature is reached.

Check the post-circulation of the pump (the pump should work 5-7 minutes after the boiler is turned off).

After ignition, the temperature of the coolant is sensed by a thermistor. When the temperature of the heating medium is lower than the set one, the combustion state is maintained at full (nominal) power, when the temperature of the heating medium reaches the set temperature, then proportional control starts.

Turn off the start button, check the blanking state. Check if there is any remaining flame.

Set the mode "Hot water".

Open the hot water tap.

Make sure that when the set hot water temperature and flow rate changes, the combustion rate changes proportionally.

Close the hot water tap.

Check if the burner has gone out completely.


1. Turn off the gas to the Rinnai boiler.

2. Disconnect the power supply to the boiler.

3. Remove the front cover of the boiler.

4. Remove the combustion chamber cover by unscrewing 12 screws.

5. Remove the gas manifold by unscrewing 6 screws.

6. Install the nozzles appropriate for the type of gas that the Rinnai boiler will operate on. Attention! On Rinnai GMF boilers, the gas manifold is completely changed.

7. Install or remove the burner damper (according to table 2).

8. Assemble the burner in reverse order.

9. Open the gas upstream of the Rinnai boiler.

10. Switch on the power supply.

11. Adjust the secondary gas pressure (according to table 2).

12. Close the boiler lid.

Gas heating boilers Vaillant
Models: floor-standing Atmovit exclusiv, wall-mounted condensing Ecotec plus. Service, maintenance, settings of functional components. Hydraulic diagrams.
Gas wall boilers Ariston
Clas, Clas Evo, Genus models. Recommendations for repair, maintenance and service. Elimination of errors and malfunctions. Setting and adjustment methods.
Gas boilers Immergaz
Models Eolo Star, Eolo Mini, Nike Star, Nike Mini, Metos. Repairs and adjustments. Installation, assembly and connection. Settings for operating modes and additional equipment.
Kentatsu Furst boilers
Wall models Nobby Smart. Condensing Smart Condens. Floor standing Sigma, Kobold. Solid fuel Elegant, Vulkan. Malfunctions and error codes. Description and characteristics.


Repair and operation of Rinnai boilers

Installed a wall mounted gas boiler Rinnai 207 RMF. Transferred to propane / butane, inlet pressure 334 mm H2O, DHW pressure 2 - 3.5 kgf / cm2, pressure in the heating circuit 1 kgf / cm2. Moved sw1 to the position of operation from propane-butane (dip # 1,2,4,5 incl.), Feeding through the stabilizer. At any attempt to turn on the unit in operation (it does not matter, heating or DHW), after about 30 seconds, error 43 32 lights up, a sound signal goes off. When you turn it off and on again, the error disappears, but I turn on the hot water supply on the remote control, open the water, and it appears. The same without turning on the DHW, but only for heating (the blowdown turns on, it works, and an error occurs). Where to see? The instructions contain two errors 43 and 32 - all parameters are normal here.

The error should light up only one. The second number is not a mistake. The error on your model is the first number. Raise the pressure to 1.3-1.5.

The Rinnai RB-367 gas boiler does not start in DHW mode and only works for 3-4 minutes when the heating is turned on. The batteries do not have time to heat up. How much will such a repair be?

It looks like the flow sensor is not working or there is not enough water pressure to open it. It is necessary to check if the heat exchanger is clogged and see how the 3-way valve works. Also, the reason may lie in the failure of the board.

Wall mounted boiler RB-107 emf 12 kW. At startup, it displays error 99 every time. How much does maintenance cost, and is repair included in this amount?

Annual service maintenance implies a complete cleaning, adjustment and diagnostics of it technical condition... The detected faults are removed if spare parts or labor-intensive repairs are not needed for this. Error 99 means that the exhaust is closed and requires checking the chimney and fan, the passage of the heat exchanger.

Boiler RB 207 RMF. Tell me about the pressure, what should be in the expansion tank, and what should be in the additional one? Now in add. a 1.3 tank in a 1.5 system, heats three floors, the pressure does not drop, but air is blown on the top floor, no leaks were found, it is dry everywhere, I don’t understand what the reason is.

Everywhere the pressure should be the same, if the 3rd floor is airborne, it means that somewhere there is an air leak, or there is air in the coolant. Make sure that the system has a pressure of 1.8 bar, and then check.

Boiler from the rb 107-167 emf series. Recently, the problem with the DHW temperature, often the maximum gives out 38 degrees, or even less, sometimes 42. I noticed that the temperature drops when the pressure is stronger, and he walks constantly. You have to reduce the pressure, and then it becomes 45, if you add a little, then 34-36 degrees. But this was not the case before, although the pressure was also not stable. The feeling that the unit has ceased to cope with the pressure. Is it a heat exchanger?

Check (clean) the burner. You may need to rinse. And in general, on low-power models this problem is often in the spring. They are weak.

The Rinnai gas double-circuit boiler did not work all summer, now they tried to start it, but it only gives an error 14. What can we do without calling the wizard?

The error code indicates that there is no circulation of the heating medium in the heating system. First of all, make sure that the gas is supplied, the pressure is normal, the coolant is filled in full. Check if all valves on radiators are open. If all this is in order, then, most likely, the circulation pump has jammed during the downtime. Unscrew the back plug of the pump and turn the armature with a screwdriver. This is often enough to start the unit.

The boiler does not turn on the heating system: soon after starting it fades out and shows alternately errors 12 and 15. I have already flushed all the batteries, but it did not help. How can I act on my own?

Error codes indicate system malfunctions of the device, and find the cause of the malfunction to an unprepared person hard. The first step is to check the integrity and cleanliness of the heat exchanger. It is necessary to measure the gas pressure at the inlet and inspect the chimney for the correct design, check the operation of the fan.

Rinnai's gas wall-hung boiler recent times when hot water was turned on, it hummed strongly, and now it does not start at all - there is no heating or water heating. How can you fix this on your own?

If the heat exchanger is clogged, then you can rinse it yourself with a strong solution. citric acid... It is necessary to withstand the poured solution for a long time so that all mineral deposits on the walls dissolve. There is also a variant of the cause of the problem - the flow sensor is clogged. It is necessary to check the condition of the sensor and replace it if necessary.

There is a Rinnai 107 boiler. It is quite enough for heating in my area, but in terms of DHW performance it is very depressing. Is it possible to improve it by installing a heat exchanger and / or burner from older models?

Boiler indirect heating put. Or change the unit to a more powerful one.

18 kW model, RB 166 GMF. The problem is as follows: 1. Heating, if it turns on at low degrees (40 C), then after working for a minute, it turns off. I turn it off from the remote control and turn it on again - the same story. I turn it on again and slowly add the temperature, it starts up to 60-70 degrees, but it does not start to work smoothly, that is, the fan catches up, the burner is fully operational, then the failure and the burner at half heat and so on in a circle, then it goes out, then will go out. The same is with DHW. And if you turn on the hot water supply while the heating is running, then it gives error 16. House in the countryside 56 sq.m. The master came, washed, it seemed like he went, but after a short time at the beginning of using the hot water supply, he went into error 16. It turns out that heating and hot water supply work separately, but together, it goes into error. The master says that there is a temperature sensor or a three-way valve.

It looks like there is no coolant flow, the boiler goes into overheating. Take a look at the mud sump. But where there is no duct, you need to figure it out, I would start with a secondary DHW heat exchanger. Rinse the unit thoroughly so that the pipes in it shine.

Nowhere can I find a clear explanation of the logic of the so-called "absence mode". Model EMF107. I would like to understand what is happening in this mode. Maybe it was just made to provide +5. Control over the air temperature in the room is good, of course, but apparently the logic of work is such that if the temperature drops even by one degree from the set one, the unit starts to work at its full maximum, the meter goes off scale, and the radiators literally heat up to red. I heard about the absence mode, that supposedly 20 degrees maintains the temperature of the coolant. I also read that if you read the instructions, it says that in this mode it works for 10 minutes and rests for 4 hours. I re-read the entire instruction - there are no such words there. But even if this is so, then the question remains - in what mode does the device work? Does it fry for 10 minutes for all its maximum, or is it somehow guided by the custom settings of the remote control?

I would not experiment with this mode. Moreover, when it is -15 and even less outside. It is better to take care that in any room of the house there is at least +5 so that the radiators do not freeze.

Error 16. Overheating of water when the tap is open to hot. What to do? Rinse?

Flush the heating circuit so that the DHW heat exchanger is flushed out. This is the reason.

Rinnai gas boilers error codes

Error 11- It indicates the absence of flame due to a malfunction of the ignition system. The flame is not recognized, it may come on and go out immediately. It is necessary to check the presence of gas in the gas pipeline, the serviceability of the connection and the location of the ionization sensor. Turn off and then turn on the device again. A possible cause is fouling of the main heat exchanger plates.

Error 12- This fault indicates that the unit goes out more than 20 times after firing up. It is necessary to check the cleanliness of the radiator fins, the performance of the fan and the proportional valve.

Error 14- Overheating or faulty temperature sensor is present. The sensor terminal may have broken or there may be a problem in the electrical safety circuit. Replace the control unit or check the wire connection in the terminal.

Error 15- Faults in the water circulation. To solve this problem, check for normal water flow, damaged piping, or power up the unit. If the issue is not resolved, restart it.

Error 16- It appears when the coolant overheats and boils. It occurs if the heating thermistor detects a temperature above 95 degrees for more than three seconds. Elimination of the breakdown consists in removing air from the pipeline, cleaning the heating filter. It is also worth checking the operation of the three-way valve, finding out if there is a breakdown in the heating thermistor, for which measure the resistance of both terminals.

Error 20- This malfunction occurs when the DIP switch is incorrectly set. It is necessary to check the correctness of the parameters of the DIP switches.

Error 34- Indicates a problem with the thermistor at the DHW outlet. To understand how to fix this breakdown, check that the resistance of the thermistor matches the indicators in the diagnostic table. If not, replace the thermistor.

Error 43- This fault indicates a low level of the coolant. Lights up when recognized by the sensors low level water for 43 seconds. Check for a short circuit in the water level sensor and for damage to the make-up valve. Then feed the unit with coolant, turn off and turn on the device.

Error 61- Means that the fan motor is defective. Namely, it is impossible to regulate the speed of rotation, or it does not work at all. It is necessary to check the voltage and resistance of the fan windings and, if necessary, replace it with a new one.

Error 62- It appears when the temperature fuse is blown. It is also possible that the combustion chamber is clogged.

Error 89- Occurs with complete freezing. Check if the ceramic heater and thermistor are working properly. After thawing, it is important to inspect all components of the device and replace if destroyed.

Error 90- Indicates a problem with the fan automation. It is necessary to inspect the correct installation of the chimney and air supply pipe. Also inspect for clogged heat exchanger fins.

Error 99- Lights up in the event of a malfunction with the output of combustion products. We check the cleanliness and tightness of the chimney and air supply pipe.

The cap on the air vent of the pump of the wall-mounted boiler Rinnai 307 has burst. Can it be changed separately?

The main thing is to know that only the spool cap is damaged, and the diverter mechanism itself is in good order and can hold pressure. You should also understand if the heat exchanger needs cleaning. If circulation pump ok, change the cap.

The Rinnai 207 RMF boiler was installed and connected. I found the CN16 connector on the board, but there is a similar CN20 connector. Isn't that he? I found a service manual for GMF. There really is a CN16 connector. But the RMF board has a different arrangement of connectors and components. I tried to turn on the unit by shorting pins 1 and 4 on connector 20, but no effect. I need to forcibly turn it on by an external thermostat, regardless of the settings of the native remote control. Can anyone tell me what is wrong and what needs to be done to do this?

Factory settings - when opened, 1-4 works, when closed, it turns off. Switch 5 DIPs to SW2 and on your own remote control set the temperature to more than extra. thermostat, or turn on the work on the temperature of the heating system.

The RB 307 RMF boiler does not work due to errors 43 and 52. What is the fault?

These errors mean serious irregularities in the operation of the unit: a drop in the coolant level below the permissible level and problems with the modulated gas valve. You will need to disassemble and clean the gas valve, filter, check the sensors.

On a double-circuit boiler Rinnai 207, when the pressure of the coolant decreases, two errors pop up simultaneously: 32 and 43. If it is clear from the 43rd. Then why does the 32nd error come out - a problem with the freezing thermistor? When the pressure in the heating system is normal, the 32nd error has not yet come out separately. The device is new. I just started it.

The error on the display is only the first number.

The Rinnai boiler goes out immediately after starting due to error 11 - gas allegedly does not flow. But in fact, it comes in: the pressure on the gas tank is unchanged 3.5. What's happening?

This can be a failure of the flame control sensor, the solenoid valve that controls the gas valve or the combustion of the board.
Perhaps the pressure reducer is sticking and does not provide enough gas to start.

The boiler has recently begun to hiss, but now it has stopped and issued an error 15 - something with the modulation valve. What can be done?

The gas valve needs to be changed.

Malfunction of the Rinnai RB 307 RMF boiler - after washing the heat exchanger, it worked for half a day and stopped with error 14. What can be done?

The error signals a defective thermal fuse. First you need to make sure that it didn't happen there. short circuit if there are any open circuits. Find out if there is a potential between zero and ground: this also gives malfunctioning sensors and automation. The STB button could have worked on the signal from the sensor. It is necessary to check all sensors according to the instructions for service for compliance with the resistance of the sensor to the temperature parameters. If the values ​​differ, replace the faulty sensor.

Malfunction in the RB-207 RMF boiler, gives error 14, circulation problems. You turn it on, the pump starts, then the turbine, the burner does not ignite. It immediately rises to error 14, the same on hot water supply.

Check the overheating fuse on the combustion chamber (two black wires).

Wall mounted gas boiler RB-107 EMF in operation since November 2014 On the control panel the last days errors pop up after using DHW: 11 - No flame and 15 - Water circulation problem. It is possible to start it after the indicated errors appear only by disconnecting it from the network for a few minutes. I checked the possible reasons, which are indicated in the instructions, everything is normal and the presence of gas and pressure in the system (1 according to the pressure gauge) and there are no damages or leaks. As a result, I was forced to turn off the hot water supply on the remote control. Please tell me what to do what parts to buy?

The burner must be cleaned. It is dirty and does not allow it to enter the combustion chamber. required amount combustion air. Because of this, after firing up there is little heat, and if after 5 sec. the heating sensor did not see the temperature rise. The device understands there is no circulation. And it gives error 15. Error 11 for the same reason. During ignition, due to lack of air, the flame height is low and the combustion sensor does not have time to heat up. Remove the cover and everything will work.

Rinnai 367 began to supply hot water intermittently - hot water for 2 minutes, then cold and hot again. What is the reason for this failure?

First of all, you should check the serviceability of the flow sensor - look if it is a stepper or an impeller, provoke it to work. Then make sure that the primary and secondary heat exchangers are not clogged.

The boiler began to leak slightly. We opened the front cover, and there is corrosion everywhere. What can be done?

If it comes to the corrosion of the lid, then the leak has existed for a long time. It is necessary to replace the gaskets or clean the contacts and assemblies.

When hot water was turned on, the unit began to frequently issue error 16, although this does not happen when only the heating circuit is operating. What does this mean?

This error means overheating of the heat exchanger. It is necessary to periodically carry out maintenance of the unit, which includes cleaning the heat exchanger, checking the operation of the pump and 3-way valve, cleaning the contacts and checking the sensors, adjusting the electronics, tightening the connections.

The Rinnai double-circuit boiler does not work in hot water supply mode, and the heating system is already turned off. Shows error 16. What can be done?

In this case, the error means overheating. It looks like the 3-way changeover valve is defective, since the automation does not see that the heating circuit is no longer active.

The Rinnai 307 unit stopped showing error 14. What caused this and how can I fix it myself?

The error indicates circulation safety problems. Most likely, the mud filter is clogged or the pump is wedged. This happens when the unit has not been started for a long time. Yet possible reason- malfunction of temperature sensors.

The boiler has stopped with an error indication 14. What should be done in this case?

The error code indicates that the automation knocks out the fuse for the coolant, that is, overheating has been allowed. The fuse can be returned to its place by yourself using the button under the cover on the outside of the case. The procedure is described in the instruction manual.

The Rinnai boiler has stopped with error code 16. What does this mean and how can I fix it?

The error indicates overheating (boiling) of the coolant. First of all, it is necessary to check whether all heating distribution valves are open and whether the pipeline is clogged or there is air in the pipes. It may be a pump or a clogged filter, or the three-way valve may be faulty. The boil sensor could be damaged.

Gas boiler Renai stopped with error code 99. Alleged draft problems. But the chimney is clean. What could be?

The error code indicates a dirty chimney. But if you claim that the chimney is free, then the reason is in the clogged heat exchanger. The presence of a potential between 0 and ground can also interfere - it "deceives" the sensor, and it gives an error signal. The sensor itself rarely fails.

At the dacha, the Rinnai 167 boiler stopped. Gives error 14. What can you advise?

Error 14 means problems with the safety of fluid circulation, that is, either the mud filter is clogged, or the temperature sensor of the coolant is faulty.

I have a Rinnai rb 367 rmf boiler for the second year in operation, and before that it lay for a long time. After setting the pressure of 1.5 atm in 3 places, the gaskets immediately began to flow. I had to turn it off. Why didn't the valve work?

Since the valve did not work, it means that there was no critical pressure for this. And rubber gaskets have their own service life, apparently, they need to be changed.

The 40 kW Rinai gas boiler works for no more than 15 minutes and turns off. It gives error code 99. How to fix it?

According to the error code, the tightness of the exhaust system is broken. There may be several reasons: problems with the chimney, the heat exchanger is clogged, the fan does not work, the traction relay is out of order.

The Rinnai rb 367 emf boiler was installed in the heating system. Operation since 2009. In the summer, I carried out full maintenance, replaced the three-way valve, dispenser, emergency reset valve, mud filter, circulation pump, flushed the hot water heat exchanger. Now there is a problem: when hot water is turned on, the pressure in the heating system is released to 0 after a couple of seconds. You have to turn off the boiler every time to use hot water, then turn on the make-up and turn on the boiler. Cut off the hot water supply accordingly. Tell me what is the problem? I suspect a 3-way valve?

The valve has nothing to do with it. The DHW heat exchanger is poisoning. The DHW and CO circuit is mixed, therefore, when turned on DHW mode the pressure in the heating circuit drops. In short, a DHW heat exchanger for replacement.

Malfunction of the RB-367 RMF boiler. Error 18 appears when DHW is turned on, but it may not always work for several days, then it appears, turn it off, wait further, everything works again. I noticed that if it is turned off for half an hour, approximately, then the error appears faster than if it is turned off, say, all night. And yet, the error appears only at the moment of switching on, if the gas catches fire, everything works fine.

Error 18 is a ground fault detection. In case of displacement of a certain voltage (more than 5 V) in the line electronic module- Check the voltage between the third pin CN3 of the electronics module and the ground line. Check the cable cover (especially the control panel cable).

The following malfunction of the Rinnai 207 boiler occurred - strong pressure drops in the heating system during intermittent operation, that is, when a break (30 minutes) the pressure drops to 0.5, during start-up and heating, the pressure reaches 1.5. This is fine? I didn’t notice such a difference before. In operation for 5 years.

It is necessary to check the pressure in the expansion tank.

Please tell me about the settings of the boiler 207 rmf. What water pressure should be supplied to it? The instructions say about the pressure reducer, but there is not a word about the pressure itself. Question to users: There are absence functions and a programmable heating function. Do you use them and under what circumstances under permanent residence... What is the difference between setting the heating mode, which is controlled from the remote control? It seems to me that it is more economical to simply maintain a constant temperature than to reheat the room.

The remote control has 2 modes - control of the temperature of the coolant and control of the temperature in the room. It is up to you to decide which mode to use. Many users have a room temperature control mode set, they do not fit the boiler and it is comfortable in the house.

Rinnai gas boilers, like a number of others, are prone to malfunctions. Therefore, manufacturers have provided a self-diagnosis system. In the event of a malfunction, a code appears on the display indicating the cause. To help you get rid of the problem faster, we will present all the errors of the Rinnai boiler, their decoding and solutions.

The device and features of the boiler

Japanese-made boilers "Rinnai" belong to the technique closed type... These are turbocharged units in which a fan works for the forced removal of combustion products. The coaxial flue gas vent supplies combustion air and removes smoke.

The ignition block is located in the center of the structure. The burner cuts the flame into three parts, so the heat exchanger heats up evenly. At the same time, the flame can be modulated in three modes. For example, in the summer you can only turn on one part, saving on fuel.

The product includes two copper heat exchangers: one for heating, the other for hot water supply (DHW). A three-way valve switches heating from one system to another. An 8.5 liter expansion tank is located inside.

A circulation pump is located below. Its rotor is dry, which contributes to long work node. It circulates the coolant through the system. Remote control or keyboard. In the presence of a display, which reflects the temperature and other indicators.

Fault codes

What to do if an error appears on the display of the device? First of all, restart the boiler, possibly a system failure has occurred. If after rebooting the symbols have not disappeared, then proceed to troubleshooting.

Error code Meaning How to fix the problem yourself
7 Long-term use of hot water (more than 8 hours). Make sure the water valve and flow switch are working properly. Check for voltage at the ends of CN 9 ​​of the main module.
11 Ignition problems. There is no flame in the burner, or it is not recognized, it goes out immediately. How to fix the situation:
  • Unscrew gas valve to end. Make sure there is a fuel supply.
  • Diagnostics of the ionization sensor, its contacts.
  • Inspect the radiator for blockages. Use a brush to remove dust and grime from the plates.
  • Unclog the chimney.
12 The fire goes out after 20 ignition attempts. Things to check:
  • Gas pressure in the system.
  • The heat exchanger is clogged.
  • Chimney shaft. She could get clogged with soot, garbage from the street, which leads to extinguishing. Please contact your utilities for a complete cleaning.
  • Fan, wiring and contact tightness.
14 Broken thermal fuse. Inspect the terminals and fuse wires, check the sensor for a short circuit. Replace the control module.
15 The overheating sensor is out of order. The presence of a flame when there is no water in the radiator. Elimination:
  • Leaks in connections.
  • Freezing of the heat exchanger.
  • Faulty thermostat. Call his contacts (normally 10 kOhm).

Reboot the boiler. Try the water temperature at shutdown and at startup.

16 Overheating of water. Breakage of the sensor when the temperature is more than 95 degrees in three seconds. Bleed excess air from the system. Is the three-way valve, pump working properly? Clean the water filter or pipes.
17 Flow. The make-up signal is triggered more than 3 times in 64 hours. Inspect assemblies, pipes and connections for leaks. Make sure air is being vented from the system.
18 Grounding has worked. The line voltage of the main unit has shifted by 5 W. Wires are damaged, insulation is broken. Replacement or repair required. Measures voltage between CN3 on board and earth line.
20 The location of the DIP switch is incorrect. Change location.
28 The remote control is defective. Replace batteries.
31 Damage to the heating thermostat. Diagnose the thermistor for a short circuit. Install a new item.
32 Air thermistor problems. Check the sensor contacts, replace the faulty wiring or the sensor itself.
33 Fault in water flow temperature thermistor.
34 The DHW thermistor is damaged.
35 Incorrect operation of the external thermistor.
36 Low temperature thermostat malfunction.
43 Low water level in the system. Diagnostics of the level sensor for serviceability, make-up valve for serviceability. If everything is in order, add the required amount of water.
52 Proportional valve not working. Measuring the voltage across the valve coil.
56/71 Electronic valve problems. Valve and water level sensor diagnostics.
59 The equipment is overheated. Replacing the fuse.
61 The fan motor is broken or the rotation speed is not controlled. Disassemble the device and measure the voltage of the windings. A new fan is being installed.
72 The ionization sensor is out of order. The presence of a flame is detected, although no fuel is supplied. Inspection of the main unit.
89 The system has detected complete freezing. Check how the air is supplied from the chimney, whether the heat exchanger is clogged. Replace defective thermistor.
90 The fan check was not performed correctly. Fan inspection and replacement. Cleaning the chimney, radiator from soot and dirt.
96 Problems with the first start of DHW. Make sure the water is supplying normally.
97 Malfunctions when starting the heating of the gas boiler.
Error code 99 Combustion products are poorly discharged.

Inspection of the tightness of the chimney, cleaning from blockages, repair of the fan.

If you notice that the burner operation indicator is flashing on the panel, it means that hot and cold water... When the heating indication blinks, it is necessary to clean the filter from the clogging.

Stopping boiler equipment in cold winter- the situation is unpleasant. The room is cooling down, people are freezing, equipment is also freezing. As a result, it may need to be completely replaced. Therefore, carry out a routine inspection of the boiler every year. Clean units from scale and dirt. Install water filters to prevent blockages. They reduce the concentration of salts, so deposits do not accumulate on the walls of the parts.

Any happy owner of his own suburban housing or who wants to build a house must solve the problem of heating his home. Since the heating system is based on a heating boiler, you should start with its selection. Here we will consider the Rinnai wall-mounted gas boiler, as the most popular and economical of a large list of heating equipment for private houses and large public or industrial premises.

The list of such devices for heating today is quite large, heating units are offered on the market, various firms manufacturers that differ in power, functionality and type of fuel used for heating. The choice of a boiler should be based on your needs, the area of ​​the heated housing and the air temperature outside the walls of the house. Heating systems based on autonomous heating units will provide warmth to your home in the cold season, in the most severe climatic conditions.

Rice. 1

Boiler selection

One of the important differences between heating boilers is the fuel used:

  • Solid fuel devices require firewood, pellets or coal to operate;
  • Oil-fueled diesel-fueled;
  • Gas - respectively on natural or liquefied gas;
  • Electric use electricity.

Depending on the availability and fuel economy, you should opt for the appropriate heating unit. Of course, the first requirement is the presence of a supply line with natural gas. And, since natural gas is still the most inexpensive fuel, gas units are the most practical and economical at the moment.

The big advantage of gas heating systems is the operation of natural gas, which allows you not to have various difficulties with the purchase and delivery of fuel, simplicity in the operation and maintenance of equipment. And from electrical systems heating gas installations is distinguished by low fuel cost.

In addition, you should decide on required power boiler, which is indicated in the instructions. Depending on the volume and area of ​​the heated premises, the appropriate model of the heating unit is selected.

Rinnai equipment

The Japanese company RINNAI ("Rinnai"), which produces heating equipment, is known all over the world and has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of economical and reliable equipment that does not require repairs. Rinnai gas boilers are compact and very easy to use.

They have an elegant design that does not spoil the interior of the premises, and functionally satisfy all the needs for heating and hot water supply of small houses. These devices are easily placed in small spaces and cope with creating a warm atmosphere and coziness in the home.

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The main difference between Rinnai heating equipment is the automatic adjustment of the gas-air mixture. The control and regulation of the combustion process is based on advanced technologies using touch sensors and electronic processors. Automation allows Rinnai wall-mounted gas boilers of the DMF, GMF and SMF series to operate stably even at critically low gas pressure.

Such important feature is fundamental for Russian conditions because gas supply interruptions are not uncommon. It also affects the efficiency, since the change in the volume of the supplied gas, controlled by the sensors, changes the power of the boiler. Thereby, gas boilers Rinnai are great for the domestic climate and the consumer.

Generally positive sides Rinnai wall-mounted gas boilers describe the following characteristics, which are indicated in the instructions:

  • Protection of the electronic control unit;
  • Normal operation under reduced water pressure;
  • Compact dimensions to fit the unit in small room;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Economic efficiency;
  • Electronic control flame level and combustion process;
  • Elegant design;
  • Adaptation to Russian conditions, reliability that does not require repair.

Rinnai gas boilers have gained immense popularity in Russia, also because they combine functionality and aesthetic quality, do not require constant repair. In order for Rinnai's products to find their consumers in Russia, the company has a number of representative offices designed not only to increase the sale of equipment, but also to provide technical and information support.

Now the purchase of Rinnai wall-mounted gas boilers becomes a convenient and profitable solution for creating heat in your home. All equipment is detailed in the accompanying instructions.

Hot water supply

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In Russia, Rinnai supplies mainly devices that allow hot water to be produced for domestic needs. These are the so-called double-circuit units.

It is possible, of course, in the case of using a single-circuit boiler, equip it with an external boiler, but taking into account installation works, it will come out slightly more expensive than purchasing a Rinnai wall-mounted gas boiler with two circuits.

When choosing a similar model, pay attention to the technical characteristics, in terms of the amount of heated water per minute. The need for hot water can be calculated based on the availability of plumbing in the house on the basis that a washbasin consumes up to 5 liters of hot water per minute, and a shower more than 7. Summing up all the available washing devices, you can calculate the maximum load for heating device.

The lineup

Rice. 4 Wall mounting
equipment "Rinnai"

The leading types of units - Rinnai DMF, Rinnai RB 106GMF and Rinnai RB 366 GMF - are in special demand in Russia. Their interest in them is explained by their technical characteristics and reliability, almost no repairs are required. The compact size, however, allows you to place inside all the necessary electronics and automation for trouble-free operation.

An important advantage of Rinnai gas boilers is the most environmentally friendly level of emission of nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. The presence of a digital control panel provides convenience and ease of control of the unit.

The system includes sensors for the temperature of the coolant and heated air, which automatically maintains comfort in heated rooms in all weather conditions. The optimum temperature in the house is also ensured by ultra-precise control of the flame and the combustion process, which also allows economical use of gas.

Model Rinnai RB-166 DMF

Wall-mounted double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber. Ideal for heating and hot water supply in living spaces up to 185 sqm and can even be installed in the kitchen. Power - 4.6-18.5 kW. Combustion products and air supply are forced through a coaxial chimney. The efficiency is 93-96.9%.


  • Natural, liquefied gas;
  • Placement - wall-mounted;
  • The presence of a closed combustion chamber;
  • DHW capacity, heating up to 25 degrees C - 12 l / min.
  • Heating circuit pressure 3 bar;
  • Tank volume 8.5 l;
  • Automatic system diagnostics of malfunctions;
  • Main gas consumption at maximum capacity - 1.8 m3 / h;
  • Dimensions 600 * 440 * 266 mm;
  • Weight - 28 kg.

Rinnai RB-307 RMF Series

The hit of sales can be called the wall-mounted gas boiler model RinnaiRB-307RMF. Its power is 34.9 kW. This device copes with heating and hot water supply of premises with an area of ​​up to 350sq.m.

  • Dimensions, mm - 600x440x250;
  • Productivity for hot water supply at t = 40 ° C, l / min - 15.0;
  • Expansion tank- 8.5 l;
  • Weight - 29.5 kg;
  • Placement - wall-mounted.

The boiler, like many other models, has protection against an emergency, the gas supply is stopped automatically, the boiler is turned off and it should be started manually after repair and correction of the malfunction. Control can be carried out using three types of remotes: "Standard", "Deluxe" and "WiFi".

The last two, if desired, can be purchased additionally. The consoles are equipped with an easy-to-read LCD display with an intuitive graphical interface and detailed instructions.

Rinnai RB-367 RMF Series

Wall-mounted multifunctional double-circuit gas boiler RinnaiRB-367RMF belongs to a new line of high-tech heating equipment... Possesses the necessary safety certificates, is approved by Rostechnadzor for use in Russia, as indicated in the instructions.

This unit is able to maintain heat and provide hot water supply to premises up to 430 sq.m. The double-circuit wall-mounted boiler "Rinnai" has a modern design and will organically fit into any interior of an apartment or house. Thanks to its compact body and closed combustion chamber, it is well mounted on the walls of rooms with natural circulation air.

  • Power, kW - 41.8;
  • Size, mm -600x440x250;
  • DHW capacity at t = 40 ° C, l / min. - 15.0;
  • Placement - wall-mounted;
  • Weight, kg - 31.6;
  • Modulating burner type;
  • Automatic fault diagnosis system;

Rinnai RB-206DMF

Wall-mounted double-circuit boiler RinnaiRB-206 DMF, equipped with an accelerated heater running water... This model is equipped with a closed-type silent modulating fan burner. Automation allows you to smoothly regulate the combustion of gas depending on its pressure. Therefore, the 206 DMF unit can successfully operate at low gas pressure, while maintaining the boiler output from 25 to 100%.

The microprocessor controls the air-fuel ratio, saving fuel consumption by up to 20%. The equipment has 13 patents. Due to the complete combustion of the gas, it has a high efficiency - from 93 to 97.5%

  • Power, kW - 23.4;
  • Heated area, m2 - 233;
  • dimensions, mm - 600x440x266;
  • Productivity for hot water supply, at t = 40 ° C l / min - 10.3
  • Automatic fault diagnosis system;
  • Placement - wall-mounted.


For the convenience of consumers, it is possible to purchase Japanese gas boilers Rinnai in Russia not only in Moscow, where the head office of the company is located, but also in other large Russian cities, as well as on the website of the online store.

Rinnai equipment is reliable and environmentally friendly, efficient and economical. Warranty for gas equipment- 2 years. Choosing Rinnai products, you not only provide your home with warmth, but also make a profitable purchase, embodied in quality and modern technology.

Japanese heating devices Rinnai have long received high marks from consumers all over the world due to their efficiency, which is achieved by introducing original technical solutions. These heating units noticeably differ from their counterparts in their increased efficiency and a minimum amount of emissions. harmful substances into the environment.


Rinnai is one of the most famous Japanese corporations that produce equipment high level at affordable prices. She appeared back in 1920. In the process of releasing their products, the specialists of the concern apply the most interesting author's ideas and Newest technologies, which allows you to create the most productive and economical devices for heating systems.

Characteristic features of devices from the eminent Japanese brand:

  • heat exchangers are made of high quality copper;
  • high environmental parameters;
  • the ability to control the unit remotely from a mobile phone;
  • convenient control panels;
  • compact size;
  • efficient performance even at a reduced gas pressure level;
  • regulation of the fuel combustion process;
  • increased efficiency;
  • quietness of work and absence of vibration.

It should be noted that the price of gas units from Rinnai will be available to any average man in the street, which favorably distinguishes these devices from analogues produced by other well-known companies.

Any product from the Rinnai brand will be distinguished by excellent functionality, 100% reliability, and simplified management. If a sudden power failure occurs or the fuel pressure drops, the device's sensor will be immediately alerted to this and the device will automatically be put into economy mode to avoid further problems. Rinnai products can easily operate on any type of gas - it doesn't matter if it is natural or liquefied. Heat will be generated by burning gas through burners with a special technical design, during their operation, a small amount of nitrogen oxide will be formed.

At the same time, consumers should know that despite the fact that Japanese units have the most outstanding characteristics, their design and operation are quite simple. The body of the products is made of durable steel, which is coated with a special powder paint. The main elements of the devices are protected from various influences by filling them with foam. All popular models of the manufacturer have an automatic flame control system.

All processes occurring in the device are controlled by electronic sensors. In these devices, you will never see soot due to the fact that the fuel in them will burn without residue. New burner ventilation type It will itself regulate the required proportions of air and gas, which will significantly increase the efficiency of a particular device even at a low level of fuel pressure.

Types and series

Today the manufacturer offers 4 series of devices to choose from under the abbreviations "RMF" and "EMF", "GMF" and "SMF". Each of these series is intended for use under strictly defined conditions.

Products from the RMF series will be able to heat spaces ranging from 180 to 420 m2.

Their main characteristic features include:

  • the ability to program the start of the required temperature for heating the dwelling for 7 days in advance;
  • just before starting work, the coolant in the product will be preheated, which, in turn, will accelerate the heating rate of the room;
  • Availability remote control device.

The "RMF" series is supplied with one of 2 types (Standard and DeLuxe versions) of control panels. Using a standard remote control, you can program the operation of the unit for 12 hours in advance, which is extremely convenient. With the help of the DeLuxe version, it will be possible to enter into the memory of the remote control already as many as 5 modes (with the expectation of working 24 hours in advance).

Rinnai also produces a very specific series of EMF units with two circuits. All of them are suitable for heating spaces ranging from 110 to 410 m2, which will allow them to be used for heating sufficiently large and even multi-storey buildings. This series of devices is complemented by a special type of burner, with the help of which it is possible to minimize the emissions of toxic components during the combustion of fuel in the system. In addition, Rinnai EMF is completely safe for daily use. They have built-in fuel and electricity auto-cut-off systems. There is also a voltage stabilizing device.

GMF devices are endowed with the most interesting performance characteristics... They can heat large areas- from 100 to 400 m2, which is quite suitable for private houses.

"GMF" series has such characteristic features, how:

  • frost protection (that is why, even due to a sufficiently low temperature, the boiler will not be damaged and will continue to work);
  • electric spark ignition system;
  • self-diagnosis - with its help, the user can independently quickly find a breakdown and easily eliminate its cause;
  • certain models are complemented by a circulation pump.

Boilers are installed where the pressure level of the coolant will not be very significant. For this reason, they are most often purchased for use in rural areas and in summer cottages. It should be noted that it is quite easy to repair all models of the manufacturer, if necessary. Spare parts for the product "Rinnai RB-GMF" and others like it are easily found in specialized stores, and the consumer himself will be able to repair the breakdown of the boiler without contacting specialists.

The main advantage of this series is environmental friendliness due to the minimum emission of toxic waste into the atmosphere. The automation unit here has 3 levels, the flame regulation and the level of heating of the coolant can be determined depending on the seasonality and climatic characteristics. Diagnostics of all possible mistakes displayed on the screen in text and (or) in the form of a digital code. Correcting the fan operation will prevent a lack of oxygen for purging. The power of this kind of unit will be 12-42 kW. The most popular models from this series are RB-166, as well as 206 and 256, 306 and 366.

The SMF series has many interesting features. The most important of them can be considered the ability to easily switch from natural gas to liquefied fuel, just by replacing the nozzles in the device. The amount of CO2 received during fuel combustion is no more than 5.72%. Units of this series are produced for heating spaces from 100 m2. Thanks to automatic regulation, the operation of the products will be carried out even at a low fuel pressure level.

The boilers of the series have 2 heat exchangers, one of them is copper, the other is steel and quite efficient, it guarantees heating of the coolant up to 14 liters per minute. The combustion chamber regulates the fuel and air mixture, which is proportional to the volume of fuel used. This can be achieved with a turbocharged burner. The functionality of the products will not depend on the climate. The emission of harmful substances is minimal, so you will not see any soot or limescale traces.

Using innovation in the production of its units, the Rinnai concern manufactures and sells condensing products as well. Units of this series have increased environmental safety indicators in terms of the number of emissions of carbon monoxide into the environment. This is one of the features of the fuel supply to the burner. Homogeneous mixing of fuel and oxygen is carried out, then they go together to the burner. Carbon monoxide will certainly pass through special holes in the heat exchanger, therefore, in this case, carbon monoxide will also give up its heat to the system.

Most popular models


The convection device has a power of about 18.6 kW. It is compact in parameters, includes a closed-type fuel combustion chamber in its structure. With the help of a special burner, the liquid in the coolant heats up to 85 degrees, and in the DHW circuit - up to 60 degrees. The efficiency of the 2nd circuit is up to 10-12 liters per minute. The “warm floor” system can be easily connected to the product. In addition to the device, a room thermostat is included.

Positive aspects of using the product:

  • the combustion system will extend the service life and reduce the number of harmful emissions;
  • Regulation of the circuit according to the parameters of the air temperature in the room;
  • increased efficiency - 93-94%;
  • excellent work even with significant fluctuations in the fuel pressure level in the main networks;
  • there is a pump for circulation, a tank of 8 liters, a mud filter

Rinnai RB-327CMF

This unit is also a condensing unit. Its main advantage is its high efficiency. The thermal power of the device reaches 35.5 kW, the largest heating area is 372 m2. The product is in a strictly designed case, on which you will not find a control panel - all controls will be located on the thermostat. You can also connect external control modules operating via a GSM channel to control work at a distance.


The original unit is supplemented with a control unit with a color screen. The device has a circuit with a closed fuel combustion chamber, which takes oxygen both from the outside and from the room.

Characteristic features of this model:

  • remote control using a mobile phone;
  • DHW temperature control program;
  • weather-dependent automatic system;
  • the possibility of regulating the heating circuit according to the temperature in all rooms.
  • self-diagnosis;
  • connection of a thermostat with voice control.

Rinnai engineers have supplemented the boiler with a combustion system that burns 100% fuel with a significant reduction in the amount of toxic substances emitted into the atmosphere. The first heat exchanger is made of copper, the second is made of steel. On board the unit there is the piping necessary for the operation of the system - from the tank to the security system.

User manual

For your own home or an ordinary apartment, Rinnai products can be considered just an ideal option, therefore domestic consumers are increasingly choosing them. Almost all settings are made in auto mode. The control unit has a screen on which you can find all the necessary indicators: the pressure level in the tank, the heating temperature, the operating mode of a particular device.

With a reduced fuel pressure level, a special signal is also sent to the display, and the unit automatically switches to economy mode.

The product can be controlled remotely using a portable controller, which is usually installed in any of the premises of the dwelling, or is controlled using a remote control. A number of sensors that measure the room temperature are connected to the controller.

From time to time it may be necessary to adjust the gas valve. This will help to reduce the consumption of gas in cylinders or main fuel.

In the event of a power outage, all settings are stored in the processor's memory and automatically restored after troubleshooting.


Intelligent control of Japanese boilers allows you to display information about a failure in operation or a malfunction of the product on the display in the form of a specific code.

The Rinnai boiler may be extinguished immediately after starting operation due to errors "11"- this is a signal from the product that no fuel is entering the system. The flame level sensor may be out of order, does not work solenoid valve, on which the performance of the gas valve depends, or the board simply burned out. This can also include the sticking of the pressure reducer and the lack of the fuel level required to start the system.

Code "12" appears on the display when the flame is extinguished more than 15-20 times. This happens due to a low level of fuel pressure in the system or due to the presence of debris on the burner itself.

Code "14" means that there are certain breakdowns in the boiler control power supply network, which can be solved independently.

Code "15" shows that the course of circulation of the coolant was disturbed. The product circulation pump is in a single copy. If, in hot water supply or heating mode, this pump does not drive water through the heat exchanger, then this will be the main cause of the failure. It is necessary to slightly open the plug of the pump itself and see if the rotor is running or not. To set it up, you can gently push it with a screwdriver to make it move. You can also clean the fluid sump filter.

Error "18" Is a ground fault transition. Most often it occurs when a specific voltage is displaced (more than 5 V) in the line of the electrical module. To eliminate given error, it is necessary to check the voltage level between the 3rd pin CN3 of the electrical module and the line with ground. You will need to make sure the quality of the cable cover.

Error "43"- a critically lowered temperature level of the coolant and a decrease in pressure to almost 0. You can try to power the product through the water tap until the required pressure level is obtained and try to turn on the boiler again.

Error "16"- lack of coolant. To correct this problem, check for water in the system.

Error "99"- the impossibility of removing the exhaust gases. Most often this happens due to a breakdown of the hood fan. To fix this problem, it is best to contact the service immediately. There, specialists will clean the fan itself, as well as the entire heat exchanger.

Gas units of the Rinnai brand are the equipment of the most High Quality with excellent performance for residential and industrial buildings. When replacing nozzles, you can use liquefied gas, which is very much in demand by many owners of country houses, next to which there is no main gas. Original system control will allow you to adjust the necessary modes and set required programs in a matter of seconds. The feedback from the boiler owners is overwhelmingly positive. Product repair and service is best done only in service centers, spare parts can be ordered there without any problems.

For the features and characteristics of Rinnai boilers, see the video below.