How to lay tiles on a plank floor. How to lay tiles on a wooden floor: installation methods and process description

Tile is widely used as a laying material in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Therefore, its installation is one of the most frequent types of installation work. Most often, the tiles are installed on a concrete base, but there are non-standard situations in life and it becomes necessary to lay tiles on wooden surfaces... How to put tiles on a wooden floor and whether it is possible we will analyze in the article.

Wood and ceramics are practically incompatible with each other. Their operating conditions and characteristics are too different. Therefore, if you want to combine these two materials, you will have to puzzle additional work to create a comfortable environment for each material.
The tree reacts sharply to changes in temperature and humidity. In cold weather, it swells. And in the summer, on the contrary, it dries up. Those. it turns out that the floor is constantly "walking". Such movements can affect the tiles. The glue will begin to loosen, and with it she, which will lead to the fact that it can rise or even crack.
The weight of the tiles is quite heavy. The tree may simply not be able to withstand it.

In addition, the facing coating does not allow air permeability, which is so necessary for a wooden base, this will lead to the formation of microflora and, as a result, decay, which will also result in tile movement and loss of appearance.

Another criterion in favor of stacking is the service life. Tiles will live much longer than wood, and the latter needs constant renewal.
If, despite all the difficulties, you are still tormented by the question of whether it is possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor, then the answer is yes. But it will take careful preparation wooden base, and this is a waste of your time, effort and Money.
Therefore, think carefully before starting work if you need it. The only option when such an option is not possible is the wooden covering no more than three years old. In this case, she has not yet had time to fully adapt to all conditions, and in addition, she can still sit down. In this case, any renovation work with the floor are not possible.

Tiling technology

If you still stand your ground and want to lay the tiles, then get to work. The installation process will consist of several stages, the largest of which is the preparation of the base.
Laying tiles is not an easy process that requires careful measurements and some knowledge. In principle, anyone can cope with the preparation of the base, but in terms of labor intensity, this process takes much more time.

Required tools and materials

Before starting directly to work, it would be nice to stock up on everything you need. First of all, take care of buying tiles. Depending on the permeability of the room, its wear resistance class is selected. The hallway has the highest traffic, so the class needs the most durable - 4. For the rest of the rooms it is possible to have a smaller one.
The tile is laid on glue, which means you need to purchase it as well. The modern market offers many different options, but the most important criterion is dry and ready mix... If you have repeatedly encountered kneading, then you can save money and buy a dry one, but if you are dealing with this type of work for the first time, then we advise you to buy a ready-made composition.

A lot depends on the glue, and if the dosage is incorrect, you can ruin everything.

What else is needed during the installation process

Floor preparation

Above, it was said that the preparation of the base also depends on how the facing coating will lie. Therefore, you should not neglect any of the points of this stage.

Remember that installation is only possible if the age of the wooden base is three years old. First you need to inspect the base for defects. It is necessary to inspect not only the boards themselves, but also the logs under them. This means that the floor will have to be opened.
After you have lifted the boards, carefully inspect the logs and beams. If there are places of decay somewhere, then these elements must be removed and replaced with new ones. Rotting must not be allowed. This will make the floor even less durable and there is a risk that after the tiles are laid, the entire floor will simply collapse.
Lags should be installed in increments of no more than 50 cm.If the distance is greater, then you will have to install additional elements... The distance between the lags affects the strength of the structure. The wood flooring may simply not be able to support the weight of the tiles.
Check the evenness of the structure with a level, all the logs must be at the same height. If there is a discrepancy somewhere, you can put a wedge or a piece of plywood.

When everything is in order, process wooden elements antiseptic composition against the formation of rot and mold, which will increase the service life.

The free space must be covered with expanded clay. If one already exists, then it is quite possible to leave it. They used to love to lay glass wool. Here it is necessary to get rid of it in any case and replace it with expanded clay. The expanded clay layer is leveled by the rule, it should be two centimeters below the lag level.
After that, proceed to inspect the boards. If they were painted, then the paint must be removed without fail, you can heat the paint construction hairdryer or remove with a special solvent. Examine the planks for rot. If the lesion is small, then you can get rid of rot with sandpaper, and then treat it with a primer. If the percentage of defeat is very high, then the board needs to be replaced.
After that, all boards are covered with a soil composition on both sides. After the composition has dried, you need to fix the boards on the logs. This can be done using self-tapping screws. The hat should sink a little, and not protrude on the surface. After that, the tree is treated with linseed oil or latex impregnation.

Deck leveling

Before placing ceramic tiles on a wooden floor, the base must be leveled. This can be done in two ways: dry and wet. The dry method is a more common solution. Sheets of moisture-resistant plywood are simply laid on the flooring. The lightness of the structure does not put pressure on the base. Plywood sheets can be laid on logs or fixed with self-tapping screws. Then the joints between the sheets are treated with a sealant and the entire area is primed. The wet method consists in pouring a cement screed. The layer thickness should be significantly less than when poured onto a concrete base. No more than 3 cm. Wood flooring may simply not be able to support the weight. At the same time, it makes no sense to make a smaller thickness, since then the screed will not be strong. After the screed is poured and dried, the surface is treated with a soil composition.

Laying tiles on a wooden floor

After all preparatory activities completed, you can finally proceed to the installation of the tile itself. How do I lay tiles on a wooden floor? First, the markup is done. Even an experienced specialist will not dare to lay the tiles "by eye". Find the center point of the room and draw two lines through it: horizontal and vertical.
Then try on the tiles. Lay it out in exactly the same sequence as the drawing goes. The layout goes from the center to the edges. At this stage, you need to cut the tiles for the required areas. If everything fits together, then the tiles can be removed.
Knead the glue if you have a dry mixture or open a ready-made one.

You need to mix the composition clearly according to the instructions. Much depends on its quality: no lumps and bubbles.

The glue sets quickly enough, so do not spread too much at once. Rinse the nozzle each time, otherwise you will not wash it off of the glue. The adhesive is applied to the substrate with a notched trowel and leveled. The tile is laid on the glue, press it lightly, but not hard. Keep a sponge handy to immediately remove excess glue. Check the first tile in level so that it is even, and level the rest on it.

This fills the entire room. Insert crosses at the joints between the tiles so that the seams are even. It is not necessary to completely drown them; only one end can be inserted. This will make them easier to reach.

After the entire perimeter of the floor is covered with tiles, it must be left to dry completely. You cannot walk on the surface. When the glue has dried, crosses are taken out and the seams are filled with putty. Then the tiles are cleaned of excess putty.

Things to Remember

  • Laying tiles on wooden base who is less than three years old is impossible;
  • If you are pouring a concrete screed, its thickness should be exactly 3 mm;
  • Repair wood covering required. If you do not check the joists and beams, this can lead to the destruction of the floor;
  • The primer is needed not only as a better adhesion, but also as an antiseptic. Processing boards, logs, beams, concrete base, plywood sheets are required.

On a wooden floor will require significant effort in the preparation phase

How to lay tiles on a wooden floor yourself: difficulties and features of the process

Generally speaking, ceramics are far from the best way for combination with wood. It's connected with different characteristics these two materials:

  • wood tends to change its size as a result of exposure external factors: with an increase in humidity, the tree expands, with a decrease, on the contrary, it can dry out. In many cases, this leads to deformation of the tile covering and the appearance of cracks;
  • unlike tiles, wood is highly susceptible to all sorts of destructive processes and is much inferior to the service life of ceramics. Therefore, it is often possible to face a situation when, due to the destruction of the wooden substrate, it is necessary to dismantle the tile;
  • the tile covering, together with the water-repellent glue, blocks the oxygen access to the wood, which is necessary for the full service of the wood. As a result - a significant reduction in the duration of the base's service life;
  • only the lightest tiles can be used for laying on top. Otherwise, its weight will be too heavy for the wooden base and over time the tiles will fail.

So, can you lay tiles on wood floors? Can. But this is a rather complicated process. If you are still confident in your decision to put ceramic tiles on top of a wooden floor, be prepared that you will need to put in a lot of effort. But the result is worth it, so let's move on to preparing the foundation. Let's consider step by step how to lay tiles on a wooden floor.

Useful advice! It is strongly discouraged to lay tiles on top of a wooden floor that has not been installed at least two years ago. This is fraught with cracking during shrinkage.

The main requirements for the conduct of data construction works look like this:

  • provide oxygen access to the lower layers of the coating (wood);
  • evenly distribute the permissible loads over the entire surface;
  • ensure the immobility of the base.

In order for all these points to be observed, it is necessary to plan the order of work and follow the outlined plan. It will also be useful to watch various videos on how to put tile on the wooden floor.

Assessment of the condition of the coating: can the tiles be laid on the wooden floor?

The first stage involves a thorough examination and assessment of the condition of the wooden base. To do this, it is best to remove the top boards and carefully examine all structural elements: beams, logs, each board on both sides, insulation, etc.

For any signs of damage, it is imperative to replace or repair the base area. What you should pay special attention to:

  • the presence of rotting. There are many types of rot, so you need to carefully inspect the surface. Regardless of the type of fungi that give rise to this process, the wood softens, changing its color or texture. The check for the presence of rotting elements is carried out as follows: an awl must be inserted into any fragment that arouses suspicion in you. Easy penetration is a reliable indicator of destructive processes in wood. All affected elements must be eliminated, and the adjacent parts must be treated with special antiseptic agents for wood;
  • carpenter beetle larvae. These insects destroy wood, gnawing through many passages in it. To solve the problem, the same approach is used as in the first case - replacement of the damaged area and careful treatment with a special compound.

Most of the destructive processes for wood develop as a result of high humidity. Therefore, installing tiles on a wooden bathroom floor requires special attention. In dry rooms, the development of fungi can occur as a result of a violation of the integrity of the insulating layer. Given these factors, it is worth carefully checking the waterproofing materials for damage. You may need to add an extra layer.

Useful advice! Fungal spores are found in almost any wood. The only way to prevent them from spoiling the floor is to carry out high-quality treatment with antiseptics and create the most unsuitable living conditions for them.

If none of the above deficiencies were found on your floor, or you have already eliminated all existing defects, then you can lay the tiles on the wooden floor.

How to lay tiles on plywood: preparatory stages of work

Before you start preparing for styling ceramic tiles on a wooden floor, you must make sure that the distance between the joists does not exceed 50 cm. Otherwise, additional supports must be installed, since otherwise the structure may not support the weight of the coating and fall through. As a useful source of information, you can use the videos presented on the network: how to put tiles on a wooden floor is discussed in them in sufficient detail.

Useful advice! Do not forget to treat all new wooden elements with antiseptics.

Next, you need to check how smooth the lags are, what is used for building level... As a rule, in the process of shrinkage, irregularities appear due to uneven subsidence wooden parts... All these defects must be eliminated by cutting off unnecessary elements with a plane, or vice versa - additional lining of small pieces of bricks or any other material. If it is not possible to push the missing element under the bottom, you can fill an additional board from above, trimming it to the required height.

After leveling, it is necessary to treat the coating against fungus and bacteria. To do this, use the product with the longest possible interval between repeated treatments and follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions.

The most common surface treatment before ceramic tiles is laid on wooden floors is hot drying oil. For high-quality protection, it must be reapplied several times (up to five). The product is a completely natural, environmentally friendly impregnation. Each next layer of drying oil is applied after the previous one has completely dried. You can make sure that it is dry by touching the surface - it should not be sticky.

The main thing in the process of processing linseed oil is not to let it cool down, because its antiseptic effect directly depends on the temperature: the hotter it is, the better it destroys larvae, spores and bacteria. In addition, in a hot state, drying oil is more liquid and can penetrate deeper into micro-crevices.

Useful advice! Heating drying oil is an unsafe process. Its vapors can be flammable, therefore it is strictly forbidden to place the container on the stove. While heating the septic tank, hold it over the stove and, just in case, prepare a piece of tarpaulin that can be used to extinguish the ignition source.

How to Lay Tiles on Wood Floors: Cleaning the Planks Needed

If all previously removed boards are in satisfactory condition, they can be reinstalled, after having previously cleaned of the old varnish or paint with which they were covered. This can be done while you are waiting for the antiseptic solution to dry completely.

The following methods can be used to remove varnish and paint residues from the surface of the boards:

  • construction hair dryer, set to a temperature of 200-250 ° C. A stream of hot air must be directed at the paint, as a result of which it will begin to bubble up. Use a spatula, knife or scraper to remove it. In some sources you can find recommendations for using blowtorches but this is not very good idea... There is a high probability of overheating of wood, and, as a result, deterioration of its technical characteristics;
  • chemical washes are gel-like mass and are sold in almost all hardware stores. Such a remover must be evenly applied to the surface and after a while removed with a spatula along with softened paint. The only drawback of this method is the considerable cost of the material, if it comes about processing large area floor;
  • mechanical cleaning involves peeling paint off the surface with a spatula or sandpaper without the use of auxiliary materials. It is cheap but very time consuming. A grinder will help speed up the process at times.

If, after removing the coating, you find any defects that were not noticed before, it is better to replace the damaged areas. In addition, all boards are subject to an antibacterial treatment. After the impregnation is completely absorbed, you can start laying the sub-floor under the tiles.

How to lay ceramic tiles on wood floors: sub-flooring

The process of sub-flooring begins with the laying of an insulating layer. The material you choose must be non-absorbent. This will keep the tiles dry and prevent bacteria and fungi from growing there. Also, the material should have a minimum weight in order to create as little stress as possible.

Extruded polypropylene foam can be considered a suitable option. Due to its synthetic origin, it prevents the development of any living organisms on its surface. True, this material also has disadvantages: it does not allow air to pass through well and has a considerable cost.

Alternatively, you can use expanded clay. It is natural and conducts air perfectly. However, it has more weight and a more hygroscopic structure.

Whatever insulation you prefer, it must be laid out on top of the layer

Mineral wool was used as insulation for the flooring.

If you want a warm floor under tiles on a wooden floor, then in this case it is better to seek professional help. The installation of the system is quite complex and requires a certain level of skill.

When all boards are laid and secured, they can be putty and then leveled using grinder... All gaps must be repaired polyurethane foam... It is resilient enough to allow the wood to expand, while also supporting the weight of the tiles and glue.

Ceramic tiles have long been one of the most practical and beloved floor coverings, and their current availability and variety are increasingly pushing the boundaries of using this environmentally friendly finishing material.
The ideal base for laying tiles on the floor is concrete or at least a cement screed. But what about people who have a wooden floor in their house?

There are two options for the development of events:

  • There is a need to put tiles on a wooden floor in a house with concrete slabs.
  • The same question needs to be resolved by a person living in an old house, where all the floors are wooden (and not only the attic, but also the interfloor ones).

As for the second option, the answer is unequivocal - you shouldn't do this.

Tile is a rather heavy material, and in old houses with wooden floors load-bearing beams do not overload.

In 75% of cases, they are already in emergency condition by now. Therefore, a tiled floor is allowed here only if the house has passed overhaul and the floors were replaced with new ones. Nowadays, load-bearing beams in such houses are often changed to metal ones.
If the floors are concrete and the floor is wooden, then this possibility is allowed.

But here, too, some research will have to be done. Having made the decision to install a tiled floor over a wooden one, you need to be fully aware of how such an undertaking can end in case of poor preparation of the base and improper performance of work.

  • The tiles are laid on glue. This creates a sealed surface that does not allow air to pass through. And for wood it is critical good ventilation, which prevents it from moisturizing and rotting.
  • Wood itself is an unstable material that changes its state and size under the influence environment... Time is also not good for her. Therefore, sooner or later, in conditions of high humidity or changes in temperature, the wooden base can acquire mobility, which will cause cracking of the adhesive layer (and, possibly, tiles) and peeling of the ceramic coating.

Therefore, before deciding to install a tiled floor over a wooden one, you will have to investigate the condition of the floor and the log.

Examination of the condition of the floor

Start your survey in the most in a simple way- walk along it, gradually covering the entire surface. Your task is to find the places where the boards "play".

This could mean the following:

  • boards are poorly fixed to the lags;
  • the boards have already been damaged and may be rotting;
  • the logs sagged due to damage to the wood or simply the linings fell out from under them.

Any of these options means that the floor in these places will have to be opened and the necessary repairs carried out. If the floor seems to be strong - it does not creak or "breathe", then you still need to open it in some corner. This is to make sure that there are no signs of rot or wood-boring insects on the boards and logs.

If you find even the slightest traces of damage, tiles cannot be laid on such a base.

In this situation, it is easier to remove the entire wooden floor in general and arrange the tiled floor as usual - directly on the concrete, having previously leveled it. If the floorboards are cracked but not rotten or wobbly, then they can be used.

Depending on the condition of the floor, the preparation of the surface for the tile must be performed in different ways.

There are several options for the development of events:

  • quick preparation of the base;
  • device wet screed over a wooden floor;
  • leveling the surface without moisture and dirt.

The quick preparation of a wood floor can only be used when the wood floor is in near-perfect condition: it is strong, dry and reasonably level.

To complete the preparation, you will need moisture resistant drywall and polyurethane glue with high elasticity, which will subsequently level the possible movement of the wooden base.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • The floor must be carefully examined for the conformity of its level to the horizontal. If there are differences, then they must be leveled with fiberboard or cardboard of a suitable thickness.
  • On a flat wooden base, two layers of gypsum plasterboard are mounted in the same way so that the joints of the sheets in the upper and lower rows do not coincide. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a technological gap of 10 mm between the wall and the floor surface.
  • Joints drywall sheets must be filled with sealant.
  • Then the surface is primed.
  • After the primer has dried, the tiles can be laid in the usual way.
  • After carrying out all the work, the gap between the floor and the wall is closed with a plinth.

This method is not used in rooms with high humidity- bathrooms and kitchens. Its advantage is the high speed of work and the relatively low cost of preparing the base.

The "wet" method is practically no different from the usual filling cement-sand screed... But here it is necessary that the wooden base is strong enough, since the screed is heavy. If the floor is assembled from boards less than 40 mm thick, and even the joists are located far enough from each other (more than 400 mm), then this method will not work.

For screed device can be used as cement-sand mortar, laid with a thickness of not more than 30 mm, and self-leveling mixtures on cement or polymer base... Their use makes it possible to obtain a screed with a thickness of no more than 10 mm, which is important for small apartments with low ceilings.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • The condition of the floor is carefully assessed.
  • If the boards are thick enough and the support joists are in a small state, then the existing floor can be used. If the logs are rare, then it is necessary to strengthen the floor structure with additional bars installed between the logs.
  • In such a situation, it is necessary that the subfloor boards are located at a distance of 8-10 mm from each other. This will provide better ventilation. So the floor will have to be opened anyway.
  • On the floor with gaps, chipboard or plywood with a thickness of at least 12 mm must be laid. The sheets are fastened with "bandaging" the seams at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.
  • Next, you need to waterproof the surface by flooring plastic film or others waterproofing materials... The waterproofing should extend onto the walls to a height of 7-10 cm.
  • Next, the screed is poured.
  • After the screed has gained strength, tiles can be laid.

As you can see, this method requires a lot of labor, but the foundation will be strong and reliable.

The dry method is widely used by both professionals and when carrying out work on their own. This will require chipboard or plywood. If the leveling material is to be installed on the surface of the boards, then its thickness must be at least 22 mm. If the floor is bad and the material will be attached to the joists, then its thickness should be at least 30 mm.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  • Plywood sheets are cut into 4 squares - this will relieve internal stresses in the material.
  • If plywood is attached to logs, then the distance between them should be no more than 400 mm. If it is larger, then additional supports should be installed - this will increase the rigidity of the base, and the plywood will not bend.
  • Plywood is mounted in a checkerboard pattern - with the sheets shifted in adjacent rows. Self-tapping screws for wood are used for fastening.
  • During the installation of the base, you need to constantly check its horizontalness - this will allow you to lay the tiles without any problems.

In the event that it was not possible to purchase a sufficiently thick plywood, you can use a thinner material, but it will have to be laid in 2 layers, gluing them together. The seams of these layers must not match. Leave a 2-3 mm gap between the sheets. A technological gap of 10-12 mm is also observed between the wall and the floor structure. At the end of the work, it is filled with sealant or polyurethane foam, and then covered with a plinth.

Before tiling the surface, plywood or chipboard must be cleaned of dirt, sanded and all dust removed.

After that, the base is treated with an antiseptic and waterproofing is arranged. To improve the adhesion of the tile to the base, you can fix a serpyanka or a masking net on it, and then prime it.

Since the device of a tiled floor on a wooden base is already a rather controversial method, it is not worth saving to achieve a good result.

  • Purchase only quality materials from trusted suppliers.
  • Do not use materials such as liquid nails, liquid glass, a mixture of foam plastic with nitrocellulose varnish (such recommendations can be found). At the same time, a high-quality result is not at all guaranteed.
  • Buy a good adhesive that works with the substrate you are installing. Not every tile adhesive is suitable for gluing tiles to plywood or chipboard.
  • Do not prepare a lot of solution at once - it sets quickly, and you may not have time to develop it. Observe the technology for performing the work - haste can be expensive.

The process of laying tiles on wood floors has changed a lot in recent decades. If earlier tiles were laid on top of wood on cement mixed with sand, and such a mixture heavily loaded the wood base, today everything has become easier. Here step by step sequence works at different options conditions of the foundation. The amount of work and, of course, their cost depends on the quality of the foundation.

Laying tiles on a wooden floor - scheme

Case 1. If the wood floor is in good condition

We inspect and process the surface for the tiles - the base must be rigid. We check the boards, fix the floor, eliminating the creak. We treat the surface with a sanitary compound against mold.

We lay a waterproofing layer: PVC foil or roofing material with bitumen.

The prepared surface is covered with sheets of gypsum fiber. They are screwed to the floor with self-tapping screws. Further, directly laying the ceramics on the gypsum fiber board. Drywall must be moisture resistant. You need to lay it apart, then squeeze it with self-tapping screws around the perimeter, step 15 cm.

We glue the GVL at the joints with special glue, drill arbitrary holes for ventilation, prime the GVL (deep penetration primer) and let it dry.

On the finished surface Apply adhesive suitable for working with drywall and lay the tiles as on a regular surface.

Laying tiles: preparing tools, diluting dry adhesive mixture... Now you need to choose the most illuminated corner and apply on small area glue. Lay the tiles on top, not forgetting about the crosses, press it tightly to the surface. Tap the tiles with a rubber mallet to release excess glue. Check the horizontal laying level with the level. Wipe clean after completion of work ceramic coating from the glue. The seams are rubbed after a couple of days, when the solution dries. The crosses are first removed.

Case 2. How to lay tiles, if there are only logs, and the floor is rotten

If the floor is rotten or the boards are worn out, you need to replace them and then put the ceramics.

We remove the old top layer (linoleum, parquet board etc.), remove the middle layer - chipboard (there may be DSP / plywood, meaning any coating), then we remove the plank surface with a nail puller, which is attached directly to the logs.

We check the load-bearing bars for integrity, cover them with a moisture-proof compound, set them according to the level. Between the lags we lay a waterproofing layer (film, coating), leaving allowances.

We pour expanded clay onto the cover between the logs, with a layer equal to the height of the log, fasten it on top of the board. This guarantees warmth and good sound insulation.

We attach the boards to self-tapping screws across the bars, be sure to remember about the gaps, on average, 5-10mm. Then we foame the cracks at the joints. We cover the base with a hydraulic support, lay the GVL, and then everything, as in the first case.

Case 3. A screed instead of an old wooden floor

This is the most expensive option for preparing the base for the tiles - read more here - floor screed with expanded clay. If it is possible to make a screed instead of the previous coating that has become unusable, then the sequence of actions is as follows:

we dismantle old materials down to the cement itself. We coat the joints of the walls and floors, covering them with sand-cement mortar.

we mark the space by placing "beacons", we prime the concrete.

we fill the space to the very top of the beacons with a screed (it can be pure concrete, they are also used sand-cement mixture in proportion: 1 to 3). One batch from 15 liters.

in the case when the screed is planned to be thick, the expanded clay is backfilled between the layers (the height can be up to two-thirds at the level indicated by the beacons). After a day and a half, clean the base so that the expanded clay on the surface does not interfere, and pour it again.

after 3 days, you need to prime the screed or use a self-leveling solution.

Case 4. There is a chipboard on a board base, the floor surface can be used

Particleboard can become the basis for tiles if processed. For this:

The joint moments, where the wall and the DC-plate meet, are foamed.

The top of the slab must be wetted or soaked with a special compound twice.

We treat the DC-plate with latex sealant, fixing the masking net there, and let it dry. Then we fix the mesh with self-tapping screws, ensuring a snug fit to the DC-plate.

It is necessary to cover the mesh with the composition: a part of water + a pair of parts of sand and a pair of parts of liquid glass.

This is followed by the usual laying of ceramics.

Previously, the floors of many residential buildings were made of wood. Such coatings are environmentally friendly, but not always comfortable. Therefore, sometimes the owners decide to use a wooden base as a frame for ceramic tiles.

Can I be placed on a tree?

Ceramic tiles are one of the most durable and quality materials suitable for flooring. She easily resists high humidity and temperature extremes. Therefore, it is used in almost any home where you need to create comfortable conditions stay.

Sometimes the tiles are laid on wooden substrates. But it should be understood that these materials are not compatible.

This is due to several technical characteristics.

  • Wood quickly absorbs moisture and also releases it. This leads to constant changes in the dimensions of the structure. The tiled surface must be static, since the fragile material does not tolerate dynamic vibrations. Therefore, cracks and other defects may appear on the floor surface over time. This effect can be minimized by laying an additional layer of gypsum fiber board, PVC or DSP.

  • Wooden structures are characterized by minimal resistance to external influences... The material quickly rots under the influence of high humidity, and can also be destroyed by various microorganisms. Therefore, such structures should be coated with protective paints that exclude negative effects. Ceramics are durable, but cracks can also appear on the surface of the tiles if the wood coating breaks or subsides. Spoil appearance coverage and significant elevation differences.

  • The wooden floor is not very durable. Such surfaces are combined only with relatively light types of tiles (vinyl and others). If you plan to use porcelain stoneware, it is best to form a concrete screed that can support the weight of the material.

It is technically okay to lay tiles on wood floors, but this is not always the case. rational decision... To extend the service life of such a connection, it is important to follow the exact installation technology and the recommendations of experienced specialists.

Process features

The technology for installing tiles on a wooden floor is quite complicated. It is important here not only to securely fix the material on the base, but also to preserve the durability of the wood frame.

To lay the tiles correctly, there are a few simple rules to follow.

  • The wooden base must have access to oxygen. If the floor is insulated on both sides with tiles, then it will quickly become unusable and begin to rot. Therefore, it is important that the wood is ventilated from below. The wooden frame should be located on the joists, which will provide adequate ventilation floor.

  • The load must be evenly distributed. This also applies to the subfloor of a wooden floor. All logs under it should be at a distance of up to 50 cm from each other. This will make it possible to qualitatively perceive all loads, without leading to the appearance of curvatures of the plane. Often this problem is solved by using plywood boards that are evenly distributed over the entire floor area.
  • Lay the tiles only on a fixed base. If the structure flexes or moves when a person walks, these deficiencies should be eliminated. This approach will eliminate the formation of cracks in the future, as well as extend the service life of the entire monolithic system.

To obtain solid construction, it is important to follow all the advice of experts. Therefore, before laying tiles on a wooden floor, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the technology, as well as choose the right materials for work.

How to assess the surface condition?

The quality of the subfloor is one of the factors that determines the durability of the tiles laid on top of the wood. Therefore, almost all experts recommend starting assembly work precisely from the inspection of the condition of the wooden floor.

To analyze the condition of the existing structure, it should be completely dismantled.

The inspection algorithm can be broken down into several sequential steps.

  • Assessment of the condition of the support boards. To do this, they are dismantled and inspected for any damage. If such have been identified, it is advisable to completely change the element to a product made from fresh wood.

  • Inspection of the support lags. You should be especially careful here, since it is these structures that take the entire load. The logs must be strong and well protected from decay.
  • Replacement of insulation. If there is another layer under the floor additional material which affects thermal insulation characteristics, it is also important to check it and find out if mold, rodents, etc. have gotten inside.

Special attention There are two main factors to consider when examining wood floors.

  • Rotting. If the wood starts to rot, it should be replaced immediately. You can check the level of damage with an ordinary awl. It should be stuck into the structure of the tree and watched if it has become soft. It is also possible to identify rot visually, since in this case spots of fungi appear on the surface. Damaged parts are completely replaced. If this place was docked with another wood product, the structure should be treated with a special antifungal compound. Although experts advise covering the entire floor with such a solution before laying the tiles.

  • The presence of bark beetles. These pests start in the very structure of the tree, disrupting its integrity and reducing its strength. Bark beetles form peculiar passages in the boards, which can spread over large areas. Parts damaged by them should be removed, and clean areas should be treated with a special protective compound.

The technology for assessing the condition of the floor assumes, in most cases, the complete dismantling of floor coverings with their subsequent installation.

Therefore, if possible, it is better to replace them. concrete screed that will withstand almost any kind of tile.

Adhesive selection

Installation of tiles is carried out using special compounds. However, often on wood floors form an additional layer of screed, which can be made from special products.

  • Cement mortars. Such funds are the cheapest and most popular. You can prepare them yourself from pre-prepared components.
  • Polymer mixtures. Screeds made from such substances are relatively rare, since their cost is quite high. The advantage of such bases is that they are distinguished by high plasticity, allowing to level the vibrations of the tree without transferring them to the tile layer.

As for mixtures for ceramics, you can use different products to glue them to wooden substrates. Many of them also contain cement and additional polymer additives. There are no specialized mixtures for wood, since tiles are in most cases mounted on rigid concrete bases.

Before gluing the product to the surface, it is important to clarify the type of composition that is suitable for the materials available. Glue the tiles to the base of gypsum plasterboards, for example, you can use mixtures that are intended to work with gypsum. Therefore, many experts recommend consulting with sellers who can suggest the best option suitable for solving the problem.


The quality of the preparation of the wooden base is the key to a long and reliable service. flooring... Today, experts use several methods for preparing the surface of a wooden floor.

One of the simplest approaches is express technology, which involves performing several sequential steps.

  • First of all, the wooden floor is checked for strength and leveled horizontally.
  • Then on top timber frame 2 layers of plasterboard sheets are laid in succession. For these purposes, only moisture-resistant types of material are used. During installation, the joints of the upper and lower layers should not coincide. Therefore, experts recommend stacking them in a checkerboard pattern. A small technological gap must be left between the sheets and the wall. It is advisable to fill the joints with a special sealant, and the entire surface of the sheets is primed using special primers.

The described preparation method is simple and fast. Moreover, this technology does not need serious financial costs. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the installation of drywall sheets should not be carried out in a bathroom or other rooms with high level humidity. This is due to the fact that gypsum very quickly absorbs moisture, which is why it subsequently loses its original properties.

An alternative to the first option is to form a wet screed. This process also involves several specific steps.

  • First of all, you should examine the floor for strength. It has to withstand high loads. It is desirable that the logs under the boards are located at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other.
  • When the frame is prepared, an additional layer of boards is laid on top of it. It will be used as a sub-floor. The thickness of such a board can reach 4 cm. It is advisable to leave small gaps between adjacent elements.

  • On top of the subfloor, sheets of moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 12 mm are laid. The material is attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Please note that the joints of both layers must not match. Plywood sheets are recommended to be staggered.
  • When the base is ready, waterproofing films are spread over it. Suitable for this purpose different kinds similar materials presented on construction market in a wide range. The sheets are laid with a slight overlap to prevent leakage of the solution.

  • The procedure ends with the formation of a cement layer. In this case, the thickness of the screed should not exceed 3 cm. If you need a thicker layer, then the wooden floor should be additionally strengthened. The pouring technology assumes an even distribution of the mixture around the entire perimeter of the room. It is advisable to install damper tapes near the walls, which neutralize the expansion of the composition when it dries.

note that cement screeds Is one of the most reliable floor preparation methods. Such a surface will not deform noticeably and will create solid foundation for any floor covering.

There is also a "dry" method for preparing the sub-floor. This approach is also carried out according to the established algorithm.

  • First, the rough base is strengthened. It is advisable to align it as much as possible in order to minimize possible drops.

  • Sheets of moisture-resistant plywood are laid on top of the wooden frame. The thickness of this material must be at least 22 mm. It is advisable to use small elements that must also be staggered. Each element is attached to the tree maximum number self-tapping screws. This is due to the need to create a strong and durable grip. When laying plywood, always check the levelness. If there are significant differences, they should be leveled.
  • Before direct installation of ceramic tiles, the plywood base is sanded and cleaned of dirt.

Almost all technologies involve the removal of the paint and varnish layer by laying the upper protective layers... This will allow you to avoid swelling or flaking.

Another prerequisite for preparation is the processing of wood with protective compounds.

They are needed to prevent rotting or the development of harmful insects in the structure of the tree.

Laying technology

The technology of laying ceramic tiles on a wooden base is practically no different from the classical method.

The process itself is quite simple, which allows you to do all the actions with your own hands, even without a lot of experience.

  • First, you should make the layout of the room. This point of the plan cannot be ignored if you want to get a nice and even drawing. You can start laying both from the center and from the corner of the room farthest from the doors. It is only necessary to choose the right direction in order to minimize the amount of waste.

  • Installation begins with the application of the solution to the floor. For his uniform distribution use special notched trowels. This method is the most reliable, since the tiles lay flat and optimally distribute their weight over the surface. Please note that it is advisable to cover with a solution only the area that will be occupied by one tile.
  • The tiles are placed on top of the mix and aligned with the guide lines. Here use laser level which simplifies the task.